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CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL JOB TITLE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains) W. 0. NO. PWSI0-22ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD I SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR ALL CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS, INCLUDING SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, CALCULATIONS, DATA, OR OTHER May 17, 2010 DATE ity TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. 1953 Almanor St. Oxnard CA 93036 Ph. (805) 844-5023 Fx: (805) 278-1872 Attn: Tony Montes SPEC./DRAW. REFERENCE CONTRACTOR SUBMITTAL NO. 0914046-001 FROM: Jose M. Del Rio ReP ipe-Cal ifornia 5525 E. Gibraltar Street Ontario, Ca 91764 CHECK ONE T-IIS IS: an original submittal a 2nd submittal of (ongunal Sub, no.) a submittal of 0 & M submittal (ongunal suo. no.) Subject of Submittal I Equipment Supplier Equipment Designation(s): I Specification Sections(s): Felt Liner Information & Specifications (Applied Felts) COMPLETE EITHER (a) OR (b) FOLLOWING: We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown (no exceptions). We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations (list deviations): SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Jose M. Del Rio, Project Manager w IW-ThAr'q 41"- WSubmittal Transmittal Letters\TRANSMITTAL 1.doc Certificate Of Registration ' .. .9 . This is to certify that .APPLIED FELTS, INC. .' 450 COLLEGE DRIVE MARTINSVILLE . VIRGINIA 24112 USA . . hold Certificate No. FM 55735 and operate a quality hianageinent system which complies with the requirements of 138 EN ISO 9002:1994 fbr'the activities detailed in tli scope of regisiration. Originally registered 15 August 2000 This ccnht1aW docs not cxpirc.. To check Its %IIdit,v tolcphone (703) 437 9000. Reg Blake (Director) t=nff~ WNW 09`~Vclz Cm G BS1 Inc. a 12110 Sunset hills Road • Suite 140i Reston1 VA 20190-3231 Nate: this L att a kçat flovilftnt pril cInIint be ucd III silldt. 4 A t'lVRLD OF FIBRES APPLIED FELTS Applied Felts Inc. 450 Cullcje Drive MariFnvthe, Virolnia 24112 Telephone (276) 656-1004 Fd (276) 656-1909 - F-mail: appiiedfeli@klrnbanet corn Product Information AquaCureTm Inversion Tube DESCRIPTION A multiple layer felt liner with impermeable coating conforming to ASTM-12 16. APPLICATION Installation Method: Impregnation Method: CURING METHODS: Roita The Cooling Polycftez Polyurethane Ye - PVC Yes Vinyl l.stcr Poiyu(trne Wilt - eve N/A inversion Vacuum impregnation and pressure rollers Yes Not applicable Not Recommended DIAMETER RANGE Generally (' to 80") THICKNESS RANGE 1.51nm to 100mm AVAILABLE MANUFACTURED LENGTHS Any length made to order This Product Information sheet gives general Information. Exact coating type and thickness will depend on the specific types of resin being used. Please contact our Technical Team for specific advice. 1707 North Frecway. Suite 592 Houston, Texas 77060 281.874-0111 800-547.1235 mal En iøTeh Group, LJ.C. 281.874-0333 Fax January 20, 2006 Re: National LinerTh Certitication/Qualifleation To Whom It May Concern: The following isto. certify compLiance with the project specification requirements for the installation of Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) utilizing the National Liner CIPP rehabilitation process The National Liner CIPP product is designed via the requirements of ASTM F- 1216 and the installed product fully exceeds all the requirements of ASTM F- 1216 National EnviroTech Group L.L.c.., licensor of the National Liner CIPP process, is one of the major installers of CIPP in the U.S. and Canada through its approved network of licensees,' . icensees The National Liner process has been used to install over 8,000,000 feet since we began operations in 1994 Our projects have ranged from SIX- inch (6) diameter linings to eighty-four inch (84) diameter linings including reservicing thousatids of laterals. rePipe-CA, Inc., as Our authorized licensed installer, has flulfihled all necessary training requirements to be proficient in the installation of National Liner CIPP product, In summary, National EnviroTech Group L.L.C. looks forward to supplying a commercially acceptable CIPP rehabilitation technology we are very proud of. ............ CF ..ARLtAD SHCP ORAVvIN( REVIEW R The approval by Err y shop Or working rtrawinp (r of ony drawing of egat , Th of O' the ContracIor. oni :aii no ony 'w.' oo :orn . ;':C'3- : UC Confractor from !j Al ly on rio a'ii nrf '>(LOflCO of O ie C Work in accordance hh th 'Ontrci )o n:: Nwher shot! so:o opproval re;ease the Contractor hcrn wy iaoty ptac&d upon him Dy any provi- Pavlic on n the Form of Contract. Ra . Director of Marketing 0........REJECTED/RESUBMIT 0 ........ AMEND AND RESUBMIT 0 ........ MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED .NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN ... Cate National cLiner® Houston, Texas 77060 281-874-0111 800-547-1235 National Er;v1roIech Group.,, L .L.G. .. 281-874-0333 Fax June 21, 2006 Mr. Mark Neumann rePipe - California, Inc. 5757 West Century Blvd, Suite 812 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Re: National Liner Recommended Curing Schedules For Hot Water and Hot Air Curing of CIPP Dear MrYNetimann, Per your request, the standard curing schedules for all National Liner CIPP are given below. These procedures are being sent to you as an extension of the more detailed processing information contained in the National Liner Instal- lation and Training Manual Site specific project parameters may warrant deviating from these standard recommen- dations. if you feel your project has unique parameters requiring such deviations, please feel free to contact its and we shall revise the recommended curing schedule for the method of curing you are proposing to use to be consistent with those parameters. Hot Water Curing-- 45 —10min 103-18 mm. 1924 mm 244.5.— 33 mm HeatupTime 15-45min 30-60mm >90min >210min Curing Time 180 min 180 min 180 min 180 mm Curing Temperature 185°F 185°F 185°F 1,851 Post-Curing Time N/A 60 mini 60 mm' 60 mlii' Cool-down Rate 60"F /hr 30°F! hr 200F /hr 20F /hr Hot Air Curing-- 4.5 —10 nun 104 18mm 19 —24 miii 24.5 -_33 mm Heat-up Time 10— 20 min 20— 35 min >90 nun >210 miii Curing Time 30 min 60 min .90 min .90 mm Curing Air Temp 195°F 195°F 185°F 185°F Post-Curing Time 60 mlii 9.0 mlii 90 mlii 90 mlii Post-Curing Air Temp 260°P, max 26°F, max 260°F, max 260°F, max Interface Temp (PC) 140°F 125°F 125°F 125°F Cool-down Rate 60°F /1w 30°F / hr 20°F / hr 20°F! hr * If required per the stated parameters found in the National Liner Installation and Training Manual Sincerely, Ed Kanipbcll Technical consultant National 0 Liner STEAM CURING PROCEDURE 6-INCH THRU 24-INCH DIAMETERS 12.28.06 This procedure involves using low-pressure air. Proper safety precautions should be adopted and practiced by the installation personnel. National Liner® recommends using end fittings and other devices that the Installer has confidence will provide reasonable safety against separating during curing of the liner. Components that could become pro- jectilesshould be tethered to control the reach of their flight. This procedure invOlves using steam to heat the air to temperatures tip to 260°F. Proper safety precautions should be adopted and practiced by the installation personnel to avoid burn injuries. Steam is hotter than heated water and can burn personnel more quickly. Potential areas of steam escaping the system during curing should be respected And adequately restricted. THE PROCEDURE Invert the. resin-impregnated tube into the pipeline using air pressure .at approximately the same recommended heads for. installing the impregnated tube with water (Lei, de- pending on length of the inversion 8" at 10 to 15ps1). On longer installation lengths it might be necessary to add a small amount of water to facilitate the inversion process Thermocouples should be installed during the inversion process at the host pipe-liner pipe interface (top and bottom) at all access points. Once in place and properly inflated, continue discharging air at the downstream end while maintaining the recommended expansion pressure (Installation note If the pipeline is below the water table, ipsi must be added to the recommended expansion pressure for each 2.3 feet of external hydrostatic head on the host pipe (measured from the flowlme of the host pipe)). Start the steam generator and, when ready, begin to discharge steam until an air temperature of 190°F (88°C) is obtained entering the liner. Maintain this tempera- ture until an exotherm is observed at the downstream end (or the liner is hardened at all observable points); typically this will be achieved in 10-45 minutes depending upon the diameter and length of reach being renewed. While continuing to maintain the recommended expansion pressure, increase the flow of steam allowing the temperature to rise to its maximum value. This will typically ne- cessitate the operator throttling back the air supply to achieve this maximum temperature. Do not, however, allow the air temperature measured at the inlet to the liner to exceed 260°F (1270C). This will begin the liner's post-curing phase. Observe the temperatures at the various interfaces and begin timing. PLEASE NOTE. THE APPLIED FELTS PU COATING HAS A MAXIMUM TEM- PERATURE CAPABILITY OF 400°F (204°C); DO NOT ALLOW THE STEAM TO This pi'ocedure Is confidential and proprietaiy to the National Liner® network Its disiri- hut/on should be handled in strict accordance with the terms of the installer 's.agreement to maintain Its confidentiality. NEK REACH THIS TEMPERATURE OR MELTING OF THE PU COATING CAN OC- CUR. Continue post-curing at the ábove conditions until the temperatures measured .at all points along the host pipe-liner pipe interface have read at or above 140°F (60°C) for at least 60 minutes for liners 4 5mm to 9 0mm in thickness and 126°F (52°C) for at least 90 minutes for liners 9.5mm to 13,5mm in thickness. Once the post-curing portion of the process is complete, discontinue the addition of steam, continue, to maintain the curing pressure, and allow maximum ventilation to occur using the air flow only. Continue this cool down process until the temperature at the thermocouples placed hi the interface(s) report a value below 100°F (380C). Water may be intioduced into the liner during this process to facilitate the cooling process You may also deploy a chiller on the air. In any event, the cool down rate of the liner (NOT THE AIR) should be no greater than that specified in the National Liner Manual for the thick- nesses being processed which are repeated below: 4.5 - 9.0mm -- 20.0°F /15 minutes 9.5 - 13.5mm -- 10.0°F /15 minutes 'PLEASE NOTE.— COOLING THE LINER TOO QUICKLY OR UNEVENLY WILL. RESULT IN THERMAL SHOCK TO THE NEW LINER AND COULD. RESULT IN A CIRCUMFERENTIAL SEPARATION (A CRACK) OF THE NEW LINER AT ONE OR MORE POINTS ALONG ITS LENGTH. IN THE EVENT THAT THE RATE OF COOLING IS OBSERVED TO BE FASTER THAN SHOWN ABOVE, STEAM MUST BE ADDED TO THE COOLING AIR IN AN AMOUNT THAT BRINGS THE RATE OF COOLING INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE STATED RATES. Once cool down is complete,, the ends of liner can be opened. Inspect finished line for defects, correct any identified deficiencies Re-instate the laterals. This pro cedure Is confidential and proprietary to the National Liner network its distri- bution should be handled In strict accordance with the terms of the installer's agreement to maintain its confidentiality. NEK fcAwvp On, OF Los ANGELES CALIFORNIA flCAFJJJA Woolly F11.01"n. JAMeS K. iA1 - 17 ,Li'41 O O1.ALCE EiRQ ALY . TROYM, RE LOS AF A T:1.g• CScsrtt ri ZZ Lire 225 W. ThIrd Ste, Suit-s- -.otg Sear-S, CA 03O2 DMY :i:Ew SY( QeE Mr. Ssrrtt: NATIONAL LINER CIFF FQLD. 1TH AOC L010PPA VINYLE5TER CHEMICAL W,O. BQOO1O This surnmsrzs $$VIC 210-a3 .tats £tcrl n cccy or Le Rpo4 N yr,ur use. The c ir.peê pe pr reentin of hrdñe, retention of téiis to be sallsfadwy. rris rnat2' cs' mriufarer-reofnrr1ended necl rvcs Testing Lboraoy. W ci July 26 2C01 B rd Aust , 20G1 f:r tegiiê à the test (weight change, nll6h of e ra1or) and Is drrnIne t City of Log krl~06:0,s projects after sign v8trec Is submit. Tfada Name: Ntøfil LMV•.CIP - Approved Use; Star Swr ari oir , m 0min,rip, Rehaniktadon ltlst8IIa1 SSPWC Skilol, 50,1.4 as rofhd by Strider pt me Range; 4o60' Res'r Alphe Owens aorv,.Mn L01016AvinyIeet Felt ti.rne eter fcC' cotd with 15 mis poSyu1clharie on -te face exposed to flo' manufactured at Ni lraI Ervfrctóth Group tic, 12707 Ncth Frewy, !uit 545, Houston. TX 77060 F,eu? M.Mjs To be sthsvted by r8 ,awr ps soon as pos.ibe TtisIe .Sfrsrtn: To be !whrnite& by as posh1i there w* eny quIc, tt m at (2 3)77 $frrty ; lu9h S. Lc En9nsr of Dimlgn $50 $ ping $tiOt, "S uite 400 1.6i Ares,cA 90014. i3 ,chrnnt (Lab No. 2001-3142) Err p;rr • A1b' *qjçff "National EJh&Vitwlester-veiion 1 Aithive Lab Repoñ:#2000- 14-17, dated 8/16/99 City of Los Ange1es.PuEIic Works Approval.: 8/23/99 ;AppIOvcd diameter range: 100 mm .Lo 2000 mm (4"to $0") Apptoed resin: Cherniron 13-9220NL vinyleswr -'Approved tube supplier: Applied Felts pt1yetcr 11i from Martinsville. VA isscm1led at National lThvirotechGroup Lie. 12707 N. Freeway. Suite 545. 1-louston. TX 77060 Field-cured Composite pipe properties Initial Flexumi Modulus: 171-4.1 MPa (250.000 psi) minimtu'n initial Tensile Strength: MPa '333.1 (4.800 psi) iiiinhmun FlexümiModutlLs tbr50-yertr Design: 431.0 \lPa (62.500 psi) ***s*Ngtioifll "National line( Vinvkster-version 2 Am-hive Lab Repoii: 2000-5 14-19. dated 8/16/99 City ofLos Angeles Public Works Approval: 8/23199 Approved diameter riuge: 100 mm to .2000 mm (4" to 80") .-Approvcd resin: lntcrpla.stics VEX-200-5 18 vi lester -Approved tube supplier Applied Febs polyester lèlt Iimn X'1a1iitsvi1!e. VA assembled at National Envirotecli Group Lie. 12707 N. Freeway. Suite 545. Houston. l'X 77060 Field-cured composite pipe properties Initial Flexural Modulus: 1 724. 1 MPa (250.000 psi) mliiImin Initial Tensile Strenuth: 46.9 MPa (6.800 psi) minimum Flexural Modulus for 50-year Design: 431.0 ?vlPa (62.500) psi ' * 1Niiioinil "NajnnaI I iner VinvIeter-vciion Atrhive Lab Report: 2001-514-293. dated 7/26/01 _City of 'Los Angeles Public Works Approval: 9/17101 Approved diameter range: 100 mm to 2000 mm (4" to 80") .-Approvcd resin: Alpha Ownes Corning LO 10-PPA vinylester _-Appived tube supplier: Appi led Felts polyester 0 11Dm \4art1nsv111e. \'A assembled at National EnviroteeliGioup Lie. 12707 N. Freeway. Suite 545. Houston. TX 7706() Field-cured composite pipe properties Initial Flexural Modulus: 2069.0 MPa (300.000 psi) minlimun Initial Tensile Strength: 27.6 MPa (4.000 psi) mium Plexumi Modulus for 50-year 11-sign: 517.2 MPa (75.000) psi CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL JOB TITLE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains W. 0. NO. PWSI0-22ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD I SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR ALL CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS, INCLUDING SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, CALCULATIONS, DATA, OR OTHER DATE May 17, 2010 (k— tyofcrIsd ___________ TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. - 1953 Almanor St. Oxnard CA 93036 Ph. (805) 844-5023 Fx: (805) 278-1872 Attn: Tony Montes SPEC/DRAW. REFERENCE CONTRACTOR SUBMITTAL NO• 091404q- 01 PROM: Jose M. Del Rio RePipe-California 5525 E. Gibraltar Street Ontario, Ca 91 764 CHECK ONE THIS IS an original submittal a 2' submittal of El (onglnal sub, no.) a submittal of (original Sub, no.) O&M submittal Subject of Submittal I Equipment Supplier EquipmentDesignation(s): _/SpecificationSections(s): Felt Liner Information & Specifications (AppliedFelts) COMPLETE EITHER (a) OR (b) FOLLOWING: We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown (no exceptions). We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations (list deviations): I SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I Jo M. Del Rio, Project Manager MNQ U:\Submittal Transmittal Letters\TRANSMITTAL 1.doc certificate Of Registration This is to certify that APPLIED FELTS, INC. 450 COLLEGE DRIVE MARTINS YULE VIRGINIA 24112. USA hold Certificate No FM 55735 and operate Aqualityhi4luageniiellt system which complies with the requirements of US EN ISO 9002:1.94 for 'the activities detailed in the scope 01' registration, Originally registered IS August 2000 This icninc-me does not cxpirc. To chock its lldiyikphonc (703) 437 9000. Reg Blake (Director) — i3S1 Inc. 12110 Sunsetllills RQad • Suite 140' Reston, VA20190-3231 1t( this l not a 11cmiliftnt AM QIJiIWt he used AtosCthA) A WORLD OF FIBRES A"L'IED.FELTS : t Applied Felts Inc. 450 College Drive Martinsville, Virginia 24112 Telephone (276) 656-1904 Fax (276) 6561909 E-mail: applledfeIKkIrnbanetcorn Product Information AquaCureTm Inversion Tube DESCRIPTION A multiple layer felt liner with impermeable coating conforming to ASTM-1216. APPLICATION Installation Method: Impregnation Method: CURING METHODS: Rciin Typt ColIn Polyc*Wz Polyurethaii PVC Vinyl 1-.ste N/A= Not applicable N/R= Not Recommended Inversion Vàctmrn impregnation and pressure rollers DIAMETER RANGE Generally (6U to 80) THICKNESS RANGE 1.5mm to 100mm AVAILABLE MANUFACTURED LENGTHS Any length made to order ThIs Product huformiulon sheet gives general Information. Exact coating type and thickness will depend on the specific types of resin being used. Please contact our Technical Team for specific advice. 12707 North Freeway. Suite $92 HoustOn, Texas 77060 281-874-0111 800-547-1235 ø.iii• ieh j1 LL.C. 281.4740333 Fax January 20, 2006 Re: National LinefT4 CertiticationiQualification To Whom It May Concern: The following is'to. certify eompliance with the project specification requirements for the installation of CuredIn-Place Pipe (CIPP) utilizing the National Liner CIPP rehabilitation process. The National Liner CIPP product is designed via the requirements of AM. F- 1216 and the installed product filly exceeds all the requirements of ASTM F- 1216 National EnvlroTech Group L.L.., licensor of the National Liner C1PP process, is one of the major installers of CIPP in the U.S. and Canada, through its approved network of licensees The National Liner process has been used to install over 8,000,000 feet since we began operations in 1994 Our projects have ranged from six- inch (6) diameter linings to eighty-four inch (84) diameter linings including reservicing thousatids f laterals. rePipe-CA inc., as our authorized licensed installer, has fulfilled all necessary training requirements to be proficient in the installation of Tational Liner CIPP product. In summary, National EnviroTech Group L.LC. looks forward to supplying a commercially acceptable CIPP rehabilitation technology we are very proud of. Regards Ray4I. Pavilo Director of Marketing UITY OF CARLSBAD SHOP DRAWING REVIEW The approval by the Engineer of any shop or working drawing (or of any drawing of the Contractors plant or equipment) shall not in any way be deemed to release the Contractor from full responsibifily for complete and accurate performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Drawings and Specifications Neither shall such approval release the Contractor from any liability placed upon him by any provi-sion in the Form of Contract. O ........ REJECTED/RESUBMIT 0........AMEND AND RESUBMIT o.........MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN National .Liner® Houston, Texas 77060 281-874-0111 National EiM'rthTech iii 800-547-1235 p, iL .LC. 281-874-0333 Fax rune 21, 2006 Mr. Mark Neumann rePipe - California, Inc. $757 West Century Blvd, Suite 812 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Re National Liner Recommended Curing Schedules For Hot Water and Hot Air Curing of CIP? Dear Mr. Netunaun, Per your request, the standard curing schedules foraliNàtional.Liner CIPP are given below. These procedures are being-sent to you as an extension of the more detailed processing information contained in the National Liner Instal- lation and Training Manual Site specific project parameters may warrant deviating from these standard recommen- dations. if you feel your project has unique parameters requiring such deviations, please feel free to contact its and we shall revise the recommended curing schedule for the method of curing you are proposing to use to be consistent with those parameters. Hot Water Curing-- .4.5-10mm 1013 —.IS mm. 19-24mm 24.5 —33 mm Heat up Time 15-45min 30-60mm >90mm >210mm CurmgTlme 180mm 180, min 180 mm 180 min Curing Temperature 185°F 185°F 185°F 1,851 Post-Curing Time N/A 60 mine 60 fl j* 60. min* Cool-down Rate 600F/hr 30°F] hr 20°F / hr 20°F / hr- Hot Air Curing -- I0.5.— 18 min 19-24 On 244-13 mm 20-35 min >90min >210 mm 60 rain .90 rain 90 min 4.5-10mm Heat-up Time 10-20 mm Curing Time 30 mm Curing Air Temp 195°F Post-Curing Time 60 mm Post-Curing Air Temp Interface Temp (P Cool-down Rate 60°F /hr 195F 185°F 185°F 9.0 raIn 90 min 93 mm 260°F, max 260°F, max 260°F, max 26011F, max 140°F 125°F 125°F 125°F 30°F /hr 20°F/hr . 20°F/hr * If required per the stated parameters found in the National Liner Installation and Training ManmaI Sincerely, V'- A t4u-~ Ed Kampbell Technical Consultant National Liner STEAM CURING PROCEDURE 6-INCH THRU 24-INCH DIAMETERS 12.28.06 SAFETY CONCERNS .1. This procedure involves using low-pressure air. Proper safety precautions should be adopted and practiced by the installation personnel National Lrnel® recommends using end fittings and other devices that the Installer has confidence will provide reasonable safety against separating during curing of the liner. Components that could become pro- jeetiles•should be tethered to control the reach of their: flight. 2. This procedure involves: using steam to heat:the air to temperatures up to 260°F. Proper safety precautions should be adopted and practiced by the installation personnel to avoid burn injuries. Steam is hotter than heated 'water and can burn personnel more quickly. Potential areas of steam escaping the system during curing should be respected and adequately restricted. THE PROCEDURE 1.. Invert the resin-impregnated tube into the pipeline using air pressure .at approximately the same recommended heads for. installing the impregnated tube with water (i.c.,:de- pending on length of the inversion 8" at 10 to 1 5psi) On longer installation lengths it might be necessary to add a small amount of water to facilitate the inversion process Thermocouples should be installed during the inversion process at the host pipe-liner pipe interface (top and bottom) at all access points. Once in place and properly inflated, continue discharging air at the downstream end while maintaining the recommended expansion pressure (Installation note If the pipeline is below the water table, ipsi must be added to the recommended expansion pressure for each 2.3 feet of external hydrostatic head on the host pipe (measured from the flowline of the host pipe)). Start the steam generator and, when ready, begin to discharge steam until an air temperature of 190°F (88°C) is obtained entering the liner. Maintain this tempera- ture until an exotherm is observed at the downstream end (or the liner is hardened at all observable points); typically this will be achieved in 10-45 minutes depending upon the diameter and length of reach being renewed. While continuing to maintain the recommended expansion pressure, increase the flow of steam allowing the temperature to rise to its maximum value This will typically ne- cessitate the operator throttling back the air supply to achieve this maximum temperature. Do not, however, allow the air temperature measured at the inlet to the liner to exceed 260°F (1270C). This will begin the liner's post-curing phase. Observe the temperatures at the various interfaces and begin timing. PLEASE NOTE. THE APPLIED FELTS PU COATING HAS A MAXIMUM TEM- PERATURE CAPABILITY OF 400°F 204°C); DO NOT ALLOW THE STEAM TO This procedure is confidential and proprietary to the National Liner® network Its distri- bution should be handled in strict accordance with the terms of the installer's agreement to maintain its confidentiality. NEK REACH .S TEMPERATURE OR MELTING OF THE PU COATING CAN OC- CUR. Continue post-curing at the above conditions until the temperatures measured at all points along the host pipe-liner pipe interface, have read at or above 140°F (60°C) for at least 60 minutes for liners 4 5mm to 9 0mm in thickness and 126°F (52°C) for at least 90 minutes for liners 93mm to 13.5mm in thickness. Once the post-curing portion of the process is complete, discontinue the addition of steam, c.ontiiiue..to maintain the curing pressure, and allow maximum ventilation to occur using the air flow only. Continue this cool down process until the temperature at the thermocouples placed iñthe interface(s) report a value below 100°F (38'C). Water may be introduced into the liner during this process to facilitate the cooling process. You.may also deploy a chiller on the air, In any event, the cool down rate of the liner (NOT THE AIR) should be ñó greater than that specified in the National Liner Manual for the thick- nesses being processed which are repeated below: 4.5 - 9.:omm -. 20.0°F /15 minutes 9.5 * 13.5mm -- 10.0°F /15 minutes PLEASE NOTE— COOLING THE LINER TOO QUICKLY OR UNEVENLY WILL RESULT IN THERMAL SHOCK TO THENEW LINER AND COULD RESULT IN A CIRCUMFERENTIAL SEPARATION (A CRACK) OF THE NEW LINER AT ONE OR MORE POINTS ALONG ITS LENGTH. IN THE EVENT THAT THE RATE OF COOLING IS OBSERVED TO BE FASTER THAN SHOWN ABOVE, STEAM MUST BE ADDED: TO THE COOLING AIR IN AN AMOUNT THAT BRINGS THE RATE OF COOLING INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE STATED RATES. Once cool down is complete, the ends of liner can be opened. Inspect finished line for defects, correct any identified deficiencies Re-instate the laterals.. This procedure Is confidential and proprietary to the National Liner network Its distri- bution should be handled In strict accordance with the terms of the installer agreement to maintain its confidentiality. NEK Cn-Y OF Los AaLEs dum C.1FCA JAMES C. tmbr 17; 200 f Sfl.41 8.MAUCF atmFERING TALv S TROYAN, RE ;rrfGtE LOSFJ.ES ASCI1.-' ci $ccrtt ZZ Lh'a' 22 W. Third StrEe Suite ! og Beach, CA 080-2 er. Mr. Srtt RATIO) LINER CIPF FQL4rb. 'TH AOC L0i.PPA VINYLE5TFP CHFM(CAL RS1STANC TE11G 'N. O. EO00'59 Thi3 summrzes SWC 210-2.3 e.ts ced edb' Sr Thsng Laboratory. W rt¼chnccc cLcRp CIA W. 20,4 dJuly .th 201 c'r.t' 2.Ii vr _ur use, The ci.. e 'r p'ac pca prfrrcd i'fo't cegcis c l t ( reenin of hrdRes, retention ai ts! I rpt~.'hudh of MmngaL to e s' sf r y 1 nia e' 62'.1.1on City of I cc vrocs air mriuictrer-recommended candjonø t2rr desi.n vLis is subrnite. Trad Name: Na1oa LrCIR1:f. Approved Use: Snitar Sawer and cm Ifie RantitJn IistUr SSPWC Sp $00-1 4 as rlorted ty Stridaro PIi S-6 0 Size Range; 4' to 60 Owens CO-mmo L010" Felt tuoe Feter C ccat with 15 ms pyu.etharie on tie lace exposed to flo' manufactured t NiiIci'aI Ervfrctch Group L!c, 1207 North Feway 545, Houston. TX 7706 F,eut Maikis To b s'bi,td by rnsnufac&ir s soon as pos.ib e Tonsle Sttefn: To he 5uhrnited by i'negath&urr e' cn as pocs1bi there ore any qu icti, p'at cntat me at (211 34)8.17-878 S%rty. /t 1ugh r Ei ? 650 . ing $tót, Suite 400 L A tes'CA 90014- 11ratIrr chrn&it (Lab No. 2001-51-11-203) AN jrrr oF;T4rf. i1MAf'r/ tl "National I Vinvlter_veioh1 I Athive Lab Report:?I2000-5 14-17. dated .8/16/99 City of Los Angeles .Public Works Approval: 8/23/99 :Approved diameter range: 100 mm.to 2000 nun (4"to 80") .._Approved resin: Cherniron B-9220NL vinylester - Approved tube supplier: Applied Felts polyester Mt from Martinsville. \'A assembled at National EnvirotecltGroup LIe. 12707 N. Freeway. Suite 545. Houston. TX 77060 Field-cured composite pipe properties Initial Flexural Modulus: 1724.1 MPct (250.000 psi) minimtun Initial Tensile SInngth: MPa 33.1 (4.800 psi) minum Flexural Modulus for 50-year Design: 431 .0 \l Pa (62.500 psi) National 'National line( Vinvkstcr-version 2 Anhivc Lab Report: 2000-514-19. dated 8/1 6/99 City oftos Angeles Public Works Approval: 8123/99 Approved diameter range: 100 mm to .2000 mm (4" to 80) .-Approvcd resin: interplastics VEX-200-5 18 vitiykster Appmed tube supp1kiAppIied Felts polyester lèlt thth Martinsville. VA assembled at National EnvirotcchGroup Lie. 12707 N. Freeway. Suite 545. HOUSLOU. IX 77060 Field-cured composite pipe properties Initial Flexural Modulus: 1724.1 MPa (250.000 psi) mhmiuu Initial Tensile SLrength: 46.9 MPa (6.800 psi) minimum Flexural .Modulus tbr 50-year Dcsin: 431.0 MPa (62.500) psi ****)lNflhj()tnl "\nnI I .ifli Viflvkstcr-vcNinn #3 Atrhive I .nh Report: 2001-514-293. dated 7/26/1)1 .City of Los Angeles Public Works Approval: 9/17/01 Approved diameter range: 100 mm to 2000 mm (4" to $0") ..Approved resin: Alpha Ownes Corning LO I 0-PPA vinytester .._Apprnved tube supplier: Applied Felts polyester 1k lIoinMartinsville. VA assembled at National EtwirotecliGroup Lie. 12707 N. Freeway. Suite 545. Houston. TX 7706() Field-cured composite pipe properties Initial Flexural MxhlkLs: 2069.0 MPa (30.0.000 psi) minlimun Initial Tensile Strength: 27.6 MPa (4.000 psi) mum Flexural Modulus for 50-year DesIgn: 517.2 MPa (75.000) psi CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL JOB TITLE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains) W. 0. NO. PWSI0-22ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD I SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR ALL CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS, INCLUDING SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, CALCULATIONS, DATA, OR OTHER DATE May 17, 2010 ~Carlsbd TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. 1953 Almanor St. Oxnard CA 93036 Ph. (805) 844-5023 Fx: (805) 278-1872 Attn: Tony Montes SPEC./DRAW. REFERENCE CONTRACTOR sUBMrr5O. FROM: Jose M. Del Rio RePipe-California 5525 E. Gibraltar Street Ontario, Ca 91 764 CHECK ONE THIS IS: - an original submittal — a 2 submittal of El (Onglnal sub, no.) a submittal of (Ongunal SUD. no.) 0 & M submittal Subject of Submittal I Equipment Supplier Equipment Designation(s): I Specification Sections(s): Resin Product Information (AOC Vinylester Resin) COMPLETE EITHER (a) OR (b) FOLLOWING: We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown (no exceptions). We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations (list deviations): SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I M. Del Rio, Project Manager U:\Submittal Transmittal Lettërs\TRANSMITTAL 2.doc CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL JOB TITLE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains) W. 0. NO. PWSIO-22ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD I SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR ALL CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS, INCLUDING SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, CALCULATIONS, DATA, OR OTHER DATE May 17, 2010 ity nf CrIsb d TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. 1953 Almanor St. Oxnard CA 93036 Ph. (805) 844-5023 Fx: (805) 278-1872 Attn: Tony Montes SPEC./DRAW. REFERENCE CONTRACTOR SUBMIT 0. 091404 FROM: Jose M. Del Rio RePipe-California 5525 E. Gibraltar Street Ontario, Ca 91764 CHECK ONE THIS IS: - an original submittal — a 2 submittal of El (Onglnal sub. no.) a submittal of (Oflglflal Sub, no.) O&M submittal Subject of Submittal I Equipment Supplier Equipment Designation(s): 1 Specification Sections(s): Resin Product Information (AOC Vinylester Resin) COMPLETE EITHER (a) OR (b) FOLLOWING: We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown (no exceptions). We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations (list deviations): SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Jose M. Del Rio, Project Manag L U:\Submittal Transmittal Letters\TRANSMITTAL 2.doc DESCRIPTION The Vipel L010-PPA series is a bisphenol- A epoxy-based resin vinyl ester resin dissolved in styrene. AOC'sVipel®LOlO- PPA Series provides the corrosion resis- tançe, durability and toughness that is required for cured in place pipe applica- tions. Refer to the AOC Corrosion Resistant Resin Guide for corrosion resis- tance information listed under Vipe1 FO1O FEATURES Excellent catalyzed pot life Superior mechanical properties BENEFITS ADC WqridXeiWinResn mnoloy Vipel LO 1O-PPASeries Vinyl Ester Resin Product Information Vipel Vinyl Ester Based Resin for Underground Sewer Pipe Liners TYPICAL LIQUID 'RESIN PROPERTIES (I) vpeiLO10PPA-313 see back Viscosity @77°F/25°C,kVFBrookfield Spindle #4 @ 20 RPM, cpsi 5000 Thix1ndex2/20 43 Color Opaque Specific Gravity©77°F/25°C 1.07 Non-Volatiles, % 58 GelTime@ 140°Fwith (1.0%Di-(4-tert-butyl-cyclohexyl) :peroxy4icarbonate and 0.5% :tert-butylperoxybenzoate, minutes 25 PotLifc@770F/250C (l%Di.(4.tert-butyl-cyclohecy1) peroxydicarbonate and + 0.5% tert-butyl peroxybenzoate, hours 20 TenSile Strength,psl/MPa Tensile Modulus,psilGPa Tensile Elongation, % Flexural Strength9pslIMPa FlexuralModuLus,psiIGPa Heat Distortion Temperature, °F/°C@ 264ps1 Barcol Hardness 13800/95 ASTMD 638 540,000/3.7 ASTMD 638 4,6 ASTMD 638 22,000/151 ASTMD 790 570,000/3.9 ASTM D 790 OCS c OiöKi ASTMD 648 t.t "' ' 1e1 f?re provides an ex- •ASTMD2583 SHOP DRAMW 15Mã1JE1 corrosion and Physical properties. The approval by the Engineer of any shop or working drawing (or of any drawing of the Contractors ptant or equipment) shaH rot in any way bo deemcd o release the whiol for complete arid accucati :rirformance of the Wrirk in accordance with the Contract Ora.ns atd Spedficauons. Neither shaH such approval release the Contractor from any hability pi upon him by any provi. rt the Form of Contract. O ........ REJECTED/RESUBMIT O ........ .AMEND AND RESUBMIT 9 ........ MME CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN ': ____________ _____ TYPICAL CAST MECHANICAL PROPEUTtES 1(2Lce back pge Test Method 234/112 >40 Typttatproprttes are not to be coastned as speotficotlons. AM a VipelTm LO1O—PPA Series WoridLewkrinResin Technology Vinyl Ester Resin ASTM F1216 TEST RESULTS ON 6mm FELT LAMINATE MADE WITH Lob PPA-38 VINYL ESTER RESIN ONE MONTH RESULTS AT 77°F Fhru2rv13. 2001 • - .REQUIREMENTS PASS OR FAIL CONTROL SAMPLE FLEXURAL STRENGTH, psi 8,331 STANDARD DEVIATION 392 FLEXURAL MODULUS, psi 503,608 STANDARD DEVIATION 483 TAP WATER FLEXURAL STRENGH, psi 7,580 STANDARD DEVIATION 699 % FLEXURAL STRENGTH, psi RETENTION 9.1 >80 PASS FLEXURAL MODULUS, psi 481,862 STAND DEVIATION 19,013 % FLEXUARAL MODULUS RETENTION 96 >80 PASS 5% NITRIC ACID FLEXURAL STRENGH, psi 7,049 _______ STANDARD DEVIATION 572 % FLEXURAL STRENGTH, psi RETENTION 85 >80 PASS FLEXURAL MODULUS, psi - 497,305 STANDARD DEVIATION 18,329 th FLEXUARAL MODULUS RETENTION 99 >80 PASS 10% PHOSPHORIC ACID FLEXURAL STRENGH, psi 7,997 STANDARD DEVIATION 506 % FLEXURAL STRENGTH, psi RETENTION 96 >80 PASS FLEXURAL MODULUS, psi 490,216 STANDARD DEVIATION 13,666 _____ % FLEXUAL MODULUS RETENTION RA 97 >80 PASS T/o SULFURIC ACID FLEXURAL STRENGH, psi 7,474 STANDARD DEVIATION 718 % FLEXURAL:STRENGTFI, psi RETENTION 90 - 580 PASS FLEXURAL MODULUS, psi 498,191 STANDARD DEVIATION 24,292 % PLEXUARAL MODULUS RETENTION 99 >80 PASS AMOCO GASOLINE PLEXURAL STRENGH, psi 9,061 STANDARD DEVIATION — 649 % FLEXURAL STRENGTH, psi RETENTION 100 >80 PASS FLEXURAL MODULUS, psi 500,498 STANDARD DEVIATION 11,527 %FLEXIJRALMODULUS RETENTION 99 >80 PASS ADCO World Leader in Resin Technology 950 Highway 57 East Collierville, TN 38017 L010 Series Vinyl Ester February 6, 2001 TEST UNITS ASTM 6MM FELT LAM Flexural Strength (psi) D-790 11297 Flexural Modulus xI0A6psI) P-7190 0 50 Tensile Strength (psi) D-638 6439 Tensile Modulus (xW60) D-638 0.50 Elongation (%) D-838 1.55 Heat Distortion (°Ci°F) D-648 109/228 Barcol (934.1) D-2583 45 Based on 1% Perkadx 16+ 0.5%Trigonox C Laminate post cured 5 hours @ 180°F `Typical properties are not to be construed as specifications The Information contained in this data sheet is based on laboratory data and fIdid experiehce. We believe this Information to be reliable, but do not guarantee Its applicability to the user's process or assume any liability for occurrences arising out of its use The user, by accepting the products described herein agrees to be responsible for thoroughly testing any epplIcaon before committing to production. Our recommendation should riot be taken as Inducements to Infringe any Patent or violate any law, afety code or Insurance rag iilatlon AOC R&D. ANALYTICAL Thu..Ag 0916:00:11 2001 1010 Without Strrene S-10099. 12- 1.o... 0.8 o.7H 06 . 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers (cm-1) AOC R&D ANALYTICAL Thu Mg 0915:5815 2001 L01D• with Styrene S-10099. 100- . go- I 60- 40- 30- 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 4000 500 Wavenumbers (cm-1.) 'DC. World Leader in Resin Technology ASTM C581 CORROSION TESTING ONLOIOPPA GLASS LAMINATE IN 0.5 pH SOLUTION (60/4 SULFURIC ACID) AT AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONTROL 30 DAYS "DAYS 180 DAYS IYEAR 2-21-01 3-21-01 5-21-01. S-2101 2-20-02 FLEXURAL 20,221 .18652 17,567 18,871 17,360 STRENGTh, pi FLEXURAL 92 87 93 86 STREN.T1 RENTENTION.% FLEXAL 849,175 770,908 976,154 814,995 806,566 MODULUS, psi FLEXURAL . :91: 100 96 .95 MODULUS REN'I.NTION% BARcOL 50 RB 47 BB 48 HR 45 HR 46 HR HARDNESS . . BARCOL . . 94 96 90 92 HARDNESS RETENTIQN % THIKNESSiuch 0.132 0.135 0.135 0.118 es) ogjna1 _____ _________ TBIKNESS( 0 133 0.136 0.132 0.120 TffliKNBSinch +015 +034 -22 +1.06 WEIGNT(grams) 5635 5619 5609 5249 ,original WEIGHT (gfanls 5611 56.63 5635 52.90 exposed WEIGHT % + 0.63 +0.78 +0.82 +0.78 Februaiy 28,2002 [ nfeinatiou In"data s6eet is based on Iabosetoydala and ieTde,çeeienc Wcbeve.Ihis:iflfonnationlebe eebabls but do not gumnieo its applibytothe user's procesa orasswneanyhbihtyfor o unences arising out of its use The uwj byac th products descnbedhezem. ogress to be responsible for thoroughly testing any application before coenrmthngto producilorL Our recommendation should net betoken as lnducemantslo infeinge any patent or violate any law, safety code or insuranceregulation I! S April 8, 2002 HTS Report #: Ii .AOCO2FI7.00IB.doc Revised Mr. David Treadwell Csromer Project Name: ACC P.O. #: 6732 950 Highway 57 Eat Dare Sample Received: 3/15/02 Collierville, TN 33027 Date Sample Tested.. 3118102 1 Plate sample was delivered to. FITS' Ibo:atory for testilpo. The sample was tested in accordance vith ASTM 0638 Type 11, ASTM 02583 Barcol Impreasor Model No, 934.1, and ASIM 0790 Method! Procedure A. A Support Span-to-Depth Ratio of 16 to I was used as specified in the test standard ASTM 0790 Tensile Strength, tiuckness measurements, Hardness, flexural stress and flcxurái modulus of elasticity tests were performed on the sample. Five (5) specimens were cut and tested from the sample. The results summarized and reported below are averages of the five (5) specimens. A tesi report for the sample is attached. iEtI4UUIU UL1 STRENGTH" SAMPLE MANHOLE FLEXURAL \1O1)1JLUS OF BR&K TO SffiSS ELASTICITY MAOLE (psi) (PA) ASTM 1) 633 ASTM D 790 .ASTM D 790 L010-PPA Series 1 1 11439.6 I 465.643 6528 AOCO2FI.7.O01B.doc—Page 1.o'2 MEAStREMENT OFTFILCKNESS FOR CURED IN PLACE PIPE LINER ASTMD 2122 Combined Total 1 iro mm ID Manhole L01O.PPASrie. -- 247 I 248 248 257 I _256 I 249 250 29 021 64 The following table contains the hardness measurements for each inividua] specimen tested. MEASUREMENT OF HARDNESS FOR CURED IN PLACE PIPE L Sample I ° No.1 No, .2 N3• .$o.4 No.5 6 No.7 No,S Average LOIO.PPA Senes 33 I 33 1 3 i 33 32 33 32 33 L_Tochnician K. Phouangsavanh j Time I 2hrs Sincerely, i JV' LarcMichael \4 Vice President This test report relates only to the items tested and shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of MTS, Inc. A00O2F17.001.doc—Page2of2 CITY OF LOS ANGELES eOMDQWaKE DEPARTMEXrOF 'uUC'NOP CALIFORNIA 45; VALER3HAW • BUREAU OF ENGINSMWG ELLEN STEIN CEIENT vrry a TOyi, P.E. Cif5NOI4R STEVEN CARMONA O SOUTH S I sr. $UITEIOO os ANGaUS.NG W000Y FLEMING ...JASK.HAHN MAYOA JAMES A. GIBSON ArKWARY September 17, 2001 Chris $carrafl 4 • •• •.. Ov ZZ Liner ',tJf y 225 W. Third. Street, $ulte • Long Seach, CA 9080 r i -r 9/4•c I Deer Mr. oarrett Re NATIONAL LINER CIPP FORMULATED WITH AOC LOIOPPA VINYLESTER CKEMCL RESISTANCE TESTING W.0 ED001595 This summarizes SSPWC:21.0-2.3testsperfomied by our General Services Testing Laboratory.We are attaching a copy of Lab Report No 2001-514-293, dated July 28, 2001 and August 9, 2001 for your use. The cured-In-place pipe performed well for all categories of the test(Weight change, retention of hardness, retention of tensile strength and retention of elongation) and is determined to be satisfactory. This material can only be specified on City of LOS An9elee projects after manufacturer-recommended desjgn date and longterm da519nva1ues Is submitted. Trade Name: National Liner CIPP Approved Use; Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Pipe Rehb{ittatlOn installation, SSPWC Seotlon 500-1.4 as modified by Standard Plan S610 SIZG Range: 4" to 80" Resin: Alpha Owens Coming L010PPA vinylester Felt tube: Polyester felt coated with 15 mile polyurethane anthe faceexposed to flow, manufactured at National Envirotech Group Lic, 12707 North Freeway, Suite 545, Houston,, TX 7100 Fiexura! Modulus: To be submitted by manufacturer as soon th possible Ter?s!Ie Sfrerifh: To be submitted by manufacturer as soon as possible If there are any questions, please eontot rn's at (21S)847-7e1 Hugh S. Lee, Engineer of Design 650 .S. Spring Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 9001419t3 Attachment (Lab No. 2001414-293) .N EOURL. .EMPLoY4aNrOFP0WrUNr7? ffIaMA'flVa AOflbN 4LtR 1 b.; 2iS 4.2 CITY LOS ANGELES 4:1 dcewcd dare i-i_p DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES pntc1Or—F/I STANDARDS DIVISION To: 319 bOaRls PLACE .OS ANGfl$ CA 90031 4ijgn - (its) 404242 Attn: iVkJrry Ei1iso FAX (213) 415478 page Iof4 otto At the request à.f the Bureu of Engineering, ructuraJ. Diviaion and N1ao Sewer Enneering Division., chemcai resistance and physical properties tests were conducted on a .Gt Of National .Liner C'9 eeer pipe lining .system samples Zoect TLele: National Liner P.cjct 1k.: BQOl5 95 ULi.ne es.t kitgh .Le / Jerry Ellison The 'sanip1e5, were tested or weight chans and physical properties before and afterexposre, to cheLcaJ. solutions In accordance with the Standard Specifications lor Public works Construction -1097 .editi&nr SOtion$ 210-2r3.1. TESt rSUlte :eheats are attached. 0. apkn L orsspian1 ñ p.i2;3i!i * azterai Se rvj.cesJStan Z. (S: MCG Lab No; 2001-514.23 Rev.: $/9/2001 .ChrniCaIes{stanc&Tcst oj National LneLcIPE PojactTltia: National UnerCIPP' Project.Numbei BDOOI596 EnIrlear; Jerry Olson SOurc: Alpha Owens Coming Late RGOaIVad 10/1 912000 Spadtication: SSPWG 2W2.a,3 1991 DeerIptIon: Vinylaster LOIO-PPA Resin page 2 of 4 RECEIVED SEP O5OO1 ENGENEER Off DESiGN AlE CansullinO Sordcas soLLmO) - - -; - -- RcwIREMENT CONDITIONED s Gym ac WEIGRT GAN3E -.--- _______________ Sulfuric AcId,. 20% 0.0864. 0,0194 0.1685 0.1731 All $oluffons . and Parto1s . ± 1.5% max " Sodium K,droxidea 5% 40701 .0.146d ---.. 031 63 "5921 Athrnoflium.Hydroxldè,8 b.1002 _________________ ..i474 - -- .-.-- . 02507 0.2404 .- ___________________ MrIdAdId .. j2 OW 0.27AO O.288G PcnIâ Chloride 1% 0.1240 O.1625 0.2675 0,2956 0.1176 0.1696 02840 --r ... '0:2800 Dar#ern,0M4 . -- :0.4053 0.1567 .: 0.2625 0.279 SDI '700rn' - O,1280. 013 ' 0,2588 - 0.284 EIeh 1% -- - 0 '1184 04297 02393 02468 Leb No: .20014514.23 Page 3 of 4 Rev.: 09/2001 -off atignal LinaLMP RECEIVED SEP 052001 EN1NiERCFDEGN Project Tit!,: NaUonei UnrCiFP Projdct Number: 80001595 Enlneer; JeryE!iison Sourca Alpha Owens Corning Otte ReceIved: 10119/2000 SpeCfflotlon: .$SPWC 210-2,3.3 1997 .D.rIptioii: V?nylesterLOI 0-PPA Resin SOLUTION - - UL.'r -__- U1REME1T *f1 . 4 5 5 .5 Wc i_diiun - SuJfiiricAc(d2O% - - 3 ;odium Hj,drôxWe,% 1L .4 Ainmonium Hdmxt4e 5% ' S__i_S J- 3 -. -- - NiftApid, 1% -- .3 PFcCJ,1affde 1% 45 lnfontiairoa • Sap, M•% .4 0.1% ____ -afl - -- ______________ - Only BOb, a 7OOpm '_ ... .,• B1escJi1 is . -- _- .-_'- ----- ------ __5 - • 86 • For Information 4$?M 02240 Only page 4of4 RECEIVED SEP 05 Z001 NG1t4EEROFOES1$N ECUna WON Ub No: 2001 514-23 Rev.: 81912001 it Project Title: NaUorl Liner CIP Project Number 1000`1865 Englnaatt Jerry Ellison Source: Aphe.0wens COmifl Date Received: 10/1912000 Specification: S8PWC2102.3.31 1997 Description: Vlnytester 04OPPA Resin SOLUTION EJnf tre jgh QUIREMNTS S!thirIc Actd 20 S typat ___________ 1:4 FOI' on btfiri Only .•.1.•Info' !dtUm 1ydroxke s, rjpc't _ - 61024 kfln!Um I drxl 1: Pfi L LWIc4cfd 1% Type! FePrry _ - fiO,1%1 Typoi 61214 tergofltO,1%, 7 pol.61780 1.3 a a 7ooppm,!y1 .-JL- _-_!.L__ Bleach, 6,638 1.4 PW*'SICAL.PROPERTIES IT1A ,.i rensit. st?engtpol Par Information only InitIal Ekngaticn,% 1.3 AD.C. Woriti Leader in Resin Tschith!ogy Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS No. 32950 WIThflS (Canada) .® NFPA (USA) Fire Health iii1J:>Rtactivity HMIS (USA) Protective Clothing Reactivity Personal Protection Section L Chemical Product and CompanyIdentlfIcation Product Type Vinyl Ester Resin CASE Not applicable. DSL All ingredientc are on DSL list. Product.Name/ LO1O-FPA-38 TSCA NI ingredients are on TSCA list. Synonym None. Inenseof Emergency CHEMTREC (US): 24 hoursl7 days (800) 424.9300 Manufacturer 8am 5pm (CST) Mon Fri (901) 854-2800 cANUTEC(Canda): 24 hOurs/i days (813) 9966666 - Chemical Name Not applicable Chemical Family Not ayailable. Chemical Formula Not applicable. Manufacturer AC,LLC. Materlajl3ses Industrial Applications: Used in the manufacture Of 950 Hlghway57 East I thermoset plastic parts. C!flervlUe. Tennessee V.$.A. 38017 Phone Number: (901) 854-2800 Section It. Information on Hazardous Ingredients Name CAS # % by Weight Styrene Amorphous Fumed Silica 100-.425 11294542-5 40-43 1-5 Section III. Hazards Identification. Potential Acute Inhalation of spray mist or liquid vapors may cause upper respiratory irritation and possible central nervous Health Efficti system effects including headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of coordination, Impaired judgement and general weakness. Severe eye Irritant which may result in redness burning, tearing and blurred vision. Skin Irritant which may result In burning sensation. Ingestion may result in mouth, throat and gastrointestinal Irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Potential ChronIc CarcInogenIc Effects: Ronith Effects Styrerie: Classified A4 (Not classifiable for human or animal.) by.ACGIH. Classified 2B (Possible for human.) by .IARC. An increased Incidence of lung tumors was observed In mica from a recent inhalation study. The relevonce of this finding is uncertain since date from other long-term animal studies and from epidemiology studies of workers exposed to styrene do not provide a basis to conclude that styrene Is carcinogenic. Lung Owe have been observed in mouse studiesfoiiowing repeated exposure. Amorphous fumed silica: Classified 3 (Not classifiable for human.) by IARC. Mutagenic effects: Not available. Teratcgenic effects: Not available. Skin. Prolonged exposure may cause dermatitis. Effective Data: 8/9/2000, Supersedes Date: 06/26/2000 Page: 1 L0I0-PPA48 MSDS No. 3295v1 Section IV. First Aid Measures Eye Contact Flush with. a continuous flow of water for at least 15 minutes occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Seek medical attention. Skin Contact Gently and thoroughly wash the contaminated skinwith running Weterand non-abrasive soap. If irnitatipn persists, seek medical. attention. HazardousSkin Contact No additional Information.. Inhalation Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Allow the victim to rest in a well ventilated area. Hazardous Inhalation Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. If breathing is. difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim Is not breathing, perform nouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek immediate medical attention. Ingestion Do, not Induce vonñitirig. Seek imriédJate medical attention. Hazardous Ingestion Na additional Information. Section V. Fire and Explosion Data The Product Is: Flammable liquid. Auto-IgultionTemperature 914 T(490 ?C) Styrene Flab Points 87.6°F (31°C) Styrene FlathmableLinilts LOWER: 1.1% UPPER: 6.1% Styrene Products of Combustion Mayproduce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and irritating or toxic vapors; gases or particulate. Fire Hazards Flammabléia the presence Of open flames, sparks, or heat. Explosion Hazards Can react-with oxidizing materials. Explosive in the form of vapor when exposed to heat or flame. Material may polymerize when container Is exposed to heat (fire) and polymerization will increase pressure in a closed container which may cause the container to rupture violently. Fire FiglitingMedia SMALL FIRE: Use carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical pr water fog to extinguish. and Instructions LARGE FIRE Evacuate surrounding areas Use carbon dioxide foam dry chemical or water fog to extinguish Wear self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and full fire fighting protective clothing Cool containing vessels with water spray in order to prevent pressure build-up, autoignition or explosion Prevent run off to sewers or other water ways. I Section VI. Accidental Release Measures Small Spill Absorb with an inert material and place in an appropriate waste dispps,al container. Large Spill Stop leak If without risk. Eliminate all sources of Ignition. Contain with an inert material, recover as much as possible and place the remainder in an appropriate waste disposal container Wam unauthonzed personnel to moveaway. Prevent entry Into sewers or confined areas. I Section VII. Handling and Storage I Precautions WARNING! Use only in well ventilated areas. 'Aoidiihalatipn and contact With, eyes, skin, and clothing. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment for your task Ground and bond all containers when transferring the material. Empty containers may retain product and product vapor. Do not expose to heat, flame sparks or other ignition sources such as cutting welding drilling grinding or static electncity. Do not pressurize. Provide adequate safety showers and eyewashes in the area of use. Storage Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Keep container tightly closed. Keep in a cool. - well ventilated place Ground all equipment containing material. Effective Date 8/9/2000. Supersedes Date: 06/26/2000 Page: 2 L010-PPA.38 MSDS No. 3295v1 Section VIII Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Expèsure Limits Styrene PEL TWA:: 100 (ppm) from OSHA PEL TWA:426 (mg/rn3) from OSHA TLV TWA: 20 (ppm) from ACGIH TLV TWA: 85 (mg/M3) from ACGIH Amorphous fumed silica TLV TWA:. 10 (mg/m3) from ACGIH Engineering Controls Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their respective threshold limit value Provide adequate safety showers and eyewashes in the area of use. Personal Protection Personal Protective Equipment PPE may vary depending on the job being performed Eye/Face Wear eye protection such as safety glasses with side shields splash goggles or face shield with safety glasses Skin Avoid skin contact Impervious gloves should be worn Other Items may include long sleeves lab coats, or impervious jackets. Respiratory: Determine if airborne concentrations are below the recommended exposure limits in accordance your company's PPE program and regulatory requirements If they are not select a NIOSH approved respirator that provides adequate protection from the concentration level encountered Air purifying respirators are generally adequate for organic vapors Use positive press . ure, supplied-air respiralors if there is potential for anuncontrolled release, if-exposure levels are unknown or under circumstances where air-purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection Reference OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 Personñi Protection In Case Chemical resistant gloves,.full protective suit, and boots. Respiratory protection in accordance with OSHA ofaLargeSplil regulation 29 CFR 1910 134 A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product vapors. Section IX, Physical and Chemical Properties Physical State and Appearance Liquid. -. - Odor Aromatic. Color - Clear t Amber. M W olecular eight (g/rnoi) - 1000.10 1560.0 . p11(1% soIu/water) Not applicable. BolllugPoint 23°F (145°C) Styrene Melting Point Not applicable. Specific Gravity 1.1 (Water 1) Vapor Pressure 4.6 mm of Hg @ 681F (20°C) Styrene Vapor Density -3.69 Styrerié (Air = 1) Odor Threshold 0.14 ppm Styrene Evaporation rate Not available. Water/Oil 01st. Coeff. Not available. Dispersion Properties Not dispersed In water. Solubility - Soluble in acetone,styrene, -toluene, methanol, carbon tetrachloride. and methylene chloride. Section .X Stability and Reactivity Data Stability The product Is stable. Instability Temperature >170°F (77°C) Conditions, of Instability Heat, incompatibility with various Polymerizes In the presence of organIc peroxides, oxidizin,g materials, or -heat. substances Corrosivity No specific Information is available In our database. I -Effective Date: 8/9/2000. Supersedes Date: 06/26/2000 Page: 3 . L0I0-PPA-38 MSDS No. 3295v1 Section Xl Toxicological Information Routes of Entry Inhalation. ingestion. Skin contact Eye contact Toxicity to. Animals Styrene ORAL (LD5I0): Mute: 2650 mg/kg (Rat). VAPOR (LC50): Acute: .5634.2 ppm 4 hour(s) (Rat). Amorphous Fumed Silica ORAL (LD50): Acute: 31.60 mg/kg (Rat). Special Remarks. on Lung effects have been observed in mouse studies following repeated ex p o s u r e . Toxicity to Animals Special Remarks on No additional remark Chronic Effects on Humans Special Remarks on Amorphous Fumed Silica: Other Toelc Effects on No known acute health effects other than those associated with nuisanc e d u s t Humans Section A. Ecological information Ecotoxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms. Should not be released to sewage sy s t e m o r o t h e r b o d i e s o f w a t e r a t - concentrations above limits established In regulations or permits. Section XIII. Disposal Considerations WasteDispOsal Recycle, It possible. Consult your local or regional authorities. Ignitable c h a r a c t e r i s t i c . SectIon XIV Transport Information Proper Slipping Name Resin Solution, Class 3, UN1866. P!ll. (DOT) . . DOT (Labels) 4... ProperSliippingNaine Resin Solution Class 3 UNI866, PGill, (TDG) TDG (Labels) Other Regulations IMD.G Classification: Resin solution (styrene), UN1866, PG lU, MarinePollutant, Flash point 31 °C, EMS No, 3-05, MFAG Table 310 IATA Classification: Resin solution, 3,UN1866, PG iii, Pkg Inst passenger 309; cargo 310 I Section XV Other Regulatory Information Other Regulations This section does not reference all applicable regulatory compliance* lists. OSHA Hazardous by definition otHazard Communication Standard ( 2 9 C F R 1 9 1 0 . 1 2 0 0 ) . For the following states; Hazardous and Extraordinarily Hazardous Substances on the Material Sub s t a n c e L i s t (MSL).which exceed the states criterion level, must be identffied w h e n , p r e s e n t i n p r o d u c t s . Florida: Styrene, Amorphous. fumed sIlica. Massachusetts: Styrene, Amorphous fumed silica. Effective Date: 8/9/2000. . Supersedes Date: 06/2612000 Page: 4 L0I0-PPA-38 MSDS No, 3295v1 New Jersey: Styrene. Penrsylvania:.Styrene, Amorphous fumed silica. SARA 3.02 component(s): None. SARA 313 component(s): Styrene. CERCLA.RQ(s): Styrene-1000 Lbs. 4536 kg) Proposition 65 Warning: This product cohtäins a chemical(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer. Other NVIDIIS(Canada) •WNMIS CLASS B2: Flamrnaleliquid wiIha flash point lower than 37.8"C (100"F). CIassIf1ct1ons WHMIS CLASS D-213: Material causing other toxic effects (TOXIC). HCS(U.S.A.) HCS CLASS: Flammable liquid having a flash point, lower than 37,8"C (100F). HCS CLASS: Toxic. $ecIiOhXVI. Other Information References - - -Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act - Regulations respecting the handling, offering for transport and transporting of dangerous goods." Extract from ths.Canada Gazette Part II Canada Gazette Part U Hazardous Products Act Ingredient Disclosure List Manufacturer'sMaterlal Safety Data Sheet. -29 CFR 1910.1000Z - Tables -ACGIH 2000 'TLVs for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents -Registry Of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) -California Code of Regulation Proposition 65 Prepared by: Corporate Regulatory Affairs. Preparation Date: 8/912000. LEGALDISCLAIMER The ii/'or,nai1on contained in tills data sheet is furnished in good faith and without warranty, representation, oiinducement or license of any Iciml e.eept that it is accurate to the best ofA OC, LLC's knowledge, or was obtained from sources believed by AOc, LLC to be reliable. The accuracy, adequacy or completeness of health and safely precautions selforth herein cannot be guar an teed, and She buyer is solely responsible for ensuring that thepi aduet is used, handled, stored, and disposed of safely and in compliance with applicable federal, state orpi ovincral, and local laws AO, LLC disciawis liability for any loss, damage or personal injury that arises fiom, or is in any nay related to, use of the information contained In this data sheet. CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL JOB TITLE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains)Secondary Sewer Renewal Program W. 0. NO. PWSI0-22ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD I SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR ALL CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS, INCLUDING SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, CALCULATIONS, DATA, OR OTHER DATE May 17, 2010 Dq yofCarlsb d TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. 1953AImanorSt. Oxnard CA 93036 Ph. (805) 844-5023 Fx: (805) 278-1872 Attn: Tony Montes SPEC./DRAW. REFERENCE CONTRACTOR SUBMIT,Th1 NO. 09140466 FROM: Jose M. Del Rio RePipe-California 5525 E. Gibraltar Street Ontario, Ca 91764 CHECK ONE THIS IS: 0 an original submittal a2 n submittal of (onginal Sub, no.) a submittal of (onginal Sub, no.) O&M submittal Subject of Submittal / Equipment Supplier Equipment Designation(s): I Specification Sections(s): Pipe Liner Installation Procedure (RePipe-California) COMPLETE EITHER (a) OR (b) FOLLOWING: We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown (no exceptions). We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations (list deviations): SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Jos M. Del Rio, Project Manager U:\Submittal Transmittal Letters\TRANSMITTAL 4.doc $-* D!1 3 tI) VM I? RUM M-70 REVIRAZ U907M P!PE-cALIFoRN!A t.I4fl: 1tt h; ftt;tI1.)tj3 L316 13, ITNIP 1)1 T0111IEII3II.3 rnjIifr u c LARL&3AD I SHc, RAVVING REVIEW The approval by The shop Or worklinqdr.iw tc My of tCr he o!int r •nail not it OP'i W; W:rk in accoance it e Cnotr; Dr th such appg release the Confrjctor from any habiy P(ace Upon him Nr h ;I by any prow. si n the Form of Contract. 0........REJECTED/RESUBMIT 0 ........ AMEND AND RESUBMIT 0....... MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN By Cats Top griller W Pange1ward Amwwbly IN tuba supoty Ott, I Cleats (2) Rrçtack Clamp jIaoip for enc.h 010 Viler) Truck hitch raulver phi LIPs Flange I TDq ' - Asernbie Shooter: mount legs and wheels as required, insert uprights into base and mount body to uprights, mount roller as- sembly. Select UPs, adjust, and mount Into Shooter, Control Valve Select hookup fl0221e And ring-Jock clamp Into place. Thread Liner tube over flange roller and between the two rollers, through the LiPs and band onto the hookup noz- 21e. Dump Valve Put at least 2 quarts of lubricant in51de shooter, and spray onto liner as It enters the LIPs using a spray Pump. Mount regulator manifold to upright, Mount regulator to 1-inch outlet. Cap the alternate outlet Connect 1-Inch hose to regulator outlet and to Shooter body. 11 Open dump valve, Close control valve. o Adjust regulator to full Out-no flow, Connect other hoses to regulator as desired. Connect air supply hose to base of manifold. Securely tic all connections. Turn on air compressor, Open control valve. Close dump valve, Slowly adjust regulator to Increase air flow to the Shooter.. Monitor pressure gage on front of Shooter. Adjust pressure upward to begin in- ve?510n. ; For street Work. It Is advised to remount Shooter to the reefer or other unit for Increased productivity, Use the undercarriage for easements—or mount Shooter to a tractor. LIPS Adjustments t Set "A to approximately your pinch roller gap set- Lino olus 20-mm. Tighten gp Irups tetid to flutter or re- verse during inversion. Loosen if sides or LIPs: are too tight against flats of the Liner, Factory Setting is. 157mm 2-mm. Use tender washers to lift studs tight "B" away from flange part of UPs. Zv Wathers must be trimmed to At into the $hOtor for i-Irich UPs. Or 'C" can be trimmed shorter with a pair of scissors, Shorter equals less drag—longer equals. better seal. Try to dish them so that the-flats CD") are shorter and the ends are longer to get a better seal at the folds of the laid flat liner, '" length will effect seal, when inverting • I 10-inch with a 10/12 combo UPS or 4— inch and 6-Inch with a 8/6/4 combo LIPs, I Shorter allows the LIPS to seal better at the ends. Use a Silicone spray lubricant on the slip Ell • surfaces. A o P Lubricate! Lubricate! Lubricate! Use a Spray novie to constintly lubricate the tube as It feeds Into the LIPs, *M0 ShOOTER'" htilaclo In the USA fJJ 7 Designation: F 1216-03 An M-rertcan, Naflonal Standard iNrIRNATIONAL Standard Practice for Rehabilitation of Existing Pipelines and Conduits by the Inversion and Curing of a Resin-Impregnated Tube12 ThiS standard IS. issued under the :fixdd designation F 12I.6 the number immediately following the designation itdiçates the year of original adoption or, in the case Of tcisi'on, the year of last revision. A dumber- in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an cdi(otii change since, the lent revision or reapproval. 1. Scope 1.1 This practice describes the procedures for the recon- stmction .of pipelines and conduits (4 to 1084n. diameter) by the installation of a resin impregnated, flexible tube which is inverted into the existing conduit by use of a hydrostatic head or air pressure The resin is cured by circulating hot water or introducing controlled steam within the tube When cured, the finished pipe will be continuous aud'tight-fitting. This recon- struction process can be used in a -variety of gravity and pressure applications such as sanitary sewers, storm sewei:s, process piping, electrical conduits, and ventilation systems. 1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only. I .3 This -standa,d does not purport to address all of the safety concerns if any, associated with its use It is the sponsibility -of Wig user of this standard to establish appro- plate--safety aizd health practices and determine the applica- bility of iegulatoiy limitations przoi to use For specific precautionary statements, see 7.4.2. A. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTMStandard: ID 543 Test Method for Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents3 D 638 Test Method- for Tensile Properties of Plastics3 D 790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unrëinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materi als3 'This practice is under the jurisdiction of AST!Sf Committee F17 on Plastic Piping Systems and is the dire'et responsibility .f Subcommittee F17.67 on Trenchiess Plastic Pipeline Technology. Currdnt edition, approved April 10,2003.- Published May 2003, Originally approved 1989. Last previous 'edition approved 1998 as F 1216-98. The following report has been published on one of the processes: Driver, P 1., and Olson, M. R., "Demonstration of Sewer Relining by the Insituform Process. Northbrook, Illinois," PA.600/243.064, Environmental Protection Agency, 1983. Interested parties can obtain copies from the Environmental Protection Agency or from a local technical library. 3Ann,wl Book of AST/ii Siwickprj.r, Vol 0801. ID 903 Test Method for Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhe- sive Bonds4 ID 1600- Terminology fOr Abbreviated Thrnis Relating to Plastics3 ID 3839 Practice for Underground Installation of Fiberglass (Glass—Fiber—Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Pipe5 F 412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems' 2.2 AMA Standard: Manual on Cleaning and Lining Water Mains, M 286 23 NA-SSCO Standard.- Recommended Specifications for Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation7 Nose 1—An ASTM -specification for cured-in-place pipe materials Appropriate for use in this standard is under preparation and will be referenced in this practice wken published. 3. TerniinolOgy 3.1 Definitions are in accordance with Terminology F 412 .and abbreviations are in acordance with Terminology ID 1600, unless otherwise specified. 3.2 Definitions of 2er,ns Specfic'to This Standard: Descrip- tions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1 cured-in-place pipe (CJPP)—a hollow cylinder con- taining a nonwoven or a woven material, or a combination of nonwoven and woven material surrounded by a cured thermo- setting resin. Plastic coatings may be included. This pipe is formed withinan existing pipe. Therefore, it takes the shape of and fits tightly to the existing pipe. 3.2.2 inversion—,the process of turning the resin- impregnated tube inside out by the use of water pressure or air pressure. - 3.2.3 ljfi—a portion of the COPthat has-cured in a position such that it has pulled away from the existing pipe wall. 4 Annual Book ,,f ASTM Stondard.c, Vol 15.06. Awzuut Book of ASTMStandonls, Vol 08.04. ° Available from theAmerican Waterworks Association, 6666 \V. Quinccy Ave, Denver, CO 80235. Available from the National Association of Sewer service Companies, 101 W'nrore Rd., Suite 501, Altamonte, FL 3271.4. CopWtght GASW Internsdonet, bOBs?, Harbor Otis., 'P0 8qx 0700, West Conenaekon, PA 19428.2959, United States. Copyright by ASTMJnt'l (all rights reserved); Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Bryan B Hughes PPR); Tue Aug.31 19:32:26 EDT 2004 F 1216— 03 4• Significance and Use 4.1 This practice is for use by designers. and specifiers, regulatory agencies owners and Inspection oigamzations who arc involved in the rehabilitation of conduits through the use of a resin impregnated tube inverted through the existing conduit As for any practice, modifications may be required for specific job conditions. 5. Materials 5.1 lIthe—The tube should consist Of one or more layers of flexible needled felt or an equivalent nonwoven or woven 'material, or a combination of nonwoven and woven materials, capable of carrying resin, withstanding -installation pressures and, curing temperatures. The tube should be compatible with the resin system used The material should be able to stretch to fit irregular pipe sections and negotiate bends The outside layer of the tube should be plastic coated with a material that is compatible with the resin system used The tube should be fabricated to a size that when installed, - will tightly fit the internal circumference: and the length of the original conduit Allowance should be made for circumferential stretching during hwersiOn 5.2 Resin—A general purpose, unsaturated, styrene based, thermoset resin and catalyst system or an epoxy resin and hardener that is compatible with the inversion process should be used. The resin must be ábleto cure in the presence of water and the initiation temperature for cure should be less than 180°F (82.2°c. The CIPP system can be expected to have as a minimum the initial structural properties given in Table 1. These physical strength properties should be determined in :cordance with Section 8. 6, Design Considerations 6.1 General Guidelines—The design thickness 'of the CIPP is largely a function of the condition of the existing pipe Design equations and details are given in Appendix XI. -7. Installation 7.1 CleanIng and Inspection- 7.1.1 Prior to entering access areas such as manholes, and performing inspection or cleaning operations, an evaluation of the atmosphere to determine the presence of toxic or flammable vapors or lack of oxygen must be undertaken 'in accordance with local) state, or federal safety regulations. .7.1.2 cleaning of Pipeline—All internal debris should be removed from the original pipeline. Gravity pipes should be cleaned with hydraulically powered equipment, high-velocity TABLE I CIPP initial Structural Propei'tiés' Minimum. Value Property Test Method ' pst - , (MPe) Flexural strength 0790 4590 (31) Flexural modulus 0790 250 000 (1 724) Tanoile strength (for 0838 3-000 (21) pressure pipes only) AThÔ values lniblo I are for field inspection. The purchaser should consult the manufacturer for the long-term structural properties, jet cleaners, or mechanically powered equipment (see NASSCO Recommended Specifications for Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation).. Pressure pipelines, should be cleaned with cable-attached 'devices or fluid-propelled devices as shown in AWWA Manual on. Cleaning and Lining Water Mains, M 28. 7.1.3 Inspection of Pipelines—inspection of pipelines should 'be performed by experienced 'personnel trained in locating breaks, obstacles, and..service connections by, closed- circuit television or man entry. The interior of the pipeline should be carefully inspected to deternune the location of any conditions that may prevent proper installation of the inipieg nated tube,, such as protruding service taps, collapsed or crushed pipe, and reductions in the cross-sectional area of more than 40 %'. These conditions should be noted so that they can be corrected 7.1.4 Line Obstruct-ions—The original pipeline should be clear of obstructions such as solids,: dropped joints, protruding service connections, crushed or collapsed pipe, and reductions in the cross sectional area of more than 40 % that will prevent the insertion of the resin-impregnated tube. If inspection reveals an obstruction that cannot be removed by conventional Sewer cleaning equipment, then a point repair excavation should be made to uncover and remove or repair the obstruc- tion. 7.2 Resin Impregnation--The tube should be vacuum- impregnated with resin (wet-out) under controlled conditions. The volume of resin used should be sufficient to fill all voids in the tube material at, nominal thickness and diameter. The volume should be adjusted by adding 5 to 10 % excess resin for the change in resin volume due to polymerization and to allow for any migration of resin into, the cracks and joints in the original pipe. 73 Bypassing—libypassing of'the flow is required around the sections of pipe designated for reconstruction, the bypass should be made by plugging the line at a point upstream of the pipe. to be reconstrLctec1 and pumping the flow to a downstream point or adjacent systm. The pump and bypass lines should be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow, Services within this reach will be temporarily out of service. 7.3.1 Public advisory services will be required to notify all parties whose service laterals will be out of commission and.to advise against water usage until the mainline is back in service. 7.4 Inversion; 7.4.1 Using Hycirosthtic Head—The wet-out tube should be inserted through an existing manhole or other approved access by means of an inversion process and the application of a hydrostatic head sufficient to fully extend it to the next designated manhole or termination point. The tube should be inserted into the vertical inversion standpipe with the imper- meable plastic membrane side out. At the lower end of the inversion standpipe, the tube should be turned inside out and attached to the standpipe so that 'a leakproof seal is created. The inversion head should be adjusted to be of sufficient height to cause the impregnated tube to invert from point of inversion to point of termination and hold the tube tight to the pipe wall, producing dimples at side connections. Care should be taken during the inversion so as not to over-stress the felt fiber. Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Bryan B Hughes cPPR; Tue Aug 31 I932:26 EDT 2004 F1216-03 An alternative method of installation is. a top inver- sion. In this case, the tube is attached to. a top ring and is. inverted to form a standpipe from the tube itself or another method accepted by the engineer. NOTA 2—The tube manufacturer should: provide inforniation.oft the maxiiiiutn allowable tensile Stress for the tube. 7.42 Using Air Pressure—The wet-out tube should be inserted through an existing manhole or other approved access by means of an inversion process and the application of an pressure sufficient to fully extend it to the next designated 'inanhole or termination point. The tube should be connected by an attachment: at the upper. end of the guide chute so that a leakproof seal is created and with the impenneable plastic membranes side out As the tube enters the guide chute, the tube should be turned inside out The inversion air pressuce should be adjusted to be of sufficient pressure to cause the impregnated tube to invert from point of inversion to point of termination and hold the tube tight to the pipe wall, producing dimples at side connections. Care should be taken during the inversion so as .not to overstress the woven and nonwoven materials. Nois .3—Warning: Suitable precautions should be taken' to eliminate' hazards to personnel in the prolitnuty of the construction when pressurized nir,is being use. 7.4.3 Required Pressures—Before the inversion begins, the tube matiufacturer shall provide the minimum.. pressure re- quired to hold the tube tight against the existing: conduit, and the maximum allowable pressure so as not to damage the tube. Once the inversion has started, the pi essure shall be maintained between the minimum and rnaxmium pressures until the uiveision has been completed Should the pressure deviate from within the range of the minimum and maximum pres- .sures,. the installed tube shall be removed from the existing conduit. 7.5 Lubz ,cant—The use of a lubi icant during inversion is recommended to reduce friction during inversiorfe This lubri- cant should be poured into the inversion water in the dowittube or applied directly to the tube. The lubricant used should be a nontoxic, oil-based product. that has no detrimental effects on the tube or boiler and pump system, will not support the growth of bacteria, and will not adversely affect the fluid to be transported. 7.6 cw'iug: 7.6.1 Using Circulating Heated Waler— After inversion is completed, a suitable heat source and water recirculation equipment are required to circulate heated water throughout the pipe. The equipment should be capable of delivering hot water 'throughout the section to uniformly .raise 'the water temperature above the temperature required to effect a cure of the resin. Water temperaturo in the line during the cure period should be as recommended by the resin manufacturer. 76.1,1. The heat source should be fitted with suitable monitors to gage the temperature of the incoming and outgoing water supply. Another such gage should be placed between the impregnated tube and the pipe invert at the termination to determine the temperatures during cure. 7,6.1.2 Initial cure will occur during temperature heat-up and is. completed when exposed portions of the new pipe appear to be hard and sound and the remote temperature sensor indicates that the teinpetature is of a magnitude to realize an exotherm or cure in the reSiti. After initial cure is reached, the temperature should be raised to the post-cure temperature recommended by the resin manufacturen The post-cure tem- perature should be held for a period as recommended by the resin manufacturer, during which time the recirculation of the water and cycling of the boiler to muntamn the temperature continues. The curing of the CIPP must take into account the existing pipe material, the resin system, and ground conditions (temperature, moisture level, and thermal conductivity of soil). 7.6.2 Using Steain—Afer inversion is completed, suitable steam-generating equipment is required to distribute steam throughout the pipe. The equipment should be capable of delivering steam throughout the section to uniformly raise the temperature within the pipe above the temperature required to effect a cure of the resin The temperature in the line during the cure period should be as recommended by the resin manufac- turer. The steam-generating equipment should be fitted, with a suitable monitor to gage the temperature of the outgoing steam The tempeiature of the resin being cured should be monitored by placing. gages between the impregnated tube and the existing pipe at both ends, to determine the temperature 'during cure. Initial cure will occur during temperature heat-up and is completed when exposed portions of the new pipe appear to be hard and sound and the remote temperature semor indicates that the temperatUre is of 4 magnitude to realize an exotherm or cure in the resin After initial cure is reached, the temperatui'e should be raised to post-cure temperatures recom- mended by the resin manufacturer. The post-cure temperature should be held for a period, as, recommended by the resin manufacturer, during which time the distribution and control of steam to maintain the temperature continues. The curing of the CIPP must take into account the existing pipe material, the resin system, and ground conditions (temperature, moisture level, and thermal conductivity of soil). 7.6.3 Required Prassures—Bfore the curing begins, the pressuref required to hold the flexible tube tight against the existing conduit shall be provided by the tube manufacturer. Once the cure has started and dimpling for laterals is com- pleted, the required pressure shall be maintained until the cure has been completed. Should the pressure deviate more than 2.3' ft of water (1 psi) from the required pressure, the installed tube shall be removed from the existing conduit. If required by the owner, a continuous log of pressure during cure shall be maintained. 7.7 Cool-Down: 7.7.1 Wing Cool Water After Heated Water Cure—The new pipe should be cooled to a temperature below 100°F (38°C) before relieving the static head in the inversion standpipe. Cool-down may be accomplished by the introduction of cool water into the inversion standpipe to replace water being drained from a small hole made in the downstream end. Care should be taken in the release of the static head so that a vacuum will not be developed that could damage the newly installed pipe Copyright by ASTM Intl (all rights reserved); Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Bryan B Hughes (PPR); Tue Aug 31 19:32:26 EDT 2004 F. 1216-03 73.2 Using Cool. Water After Siedm Cure— The new pipe should be cooled to a temperature below 113°F (45°C) before relieving the internal pressure within the. section. Cool-down maybe -accomplished by the introduction of cool. water into the section to replace the mixture of air and steam being drained from a small hole made in the downstream end Care should be taken in the release of the air pressure so that a vacuum will not be developed that could damage the newly installed pipe 7.8 Workmanship—The finished pipe:should be continuous over the entire length of an inversion run and be. free. of dry spots, lifts, and delammations If these conditions are present remove and replace the CIPP in these areas 7.8.1 If the CIPP does not fit tightly against the onginal pipe at its termination pomt(s, the space between the pipes should be sealed by filling with a resin mixture compatible with the CIPP. 7.9 Service connections—After the new pipe has bean cured in place, the existing active service connections should be reconnected This should generally be done without exca- vation, and in the case of non man entry pipes, from the interior of the pipeline by means of a television camera and a remote-control cutting device. 8. Inspection Practices 81 For each inversion length designated by the owner in the contract documents or purchase order,. the preparation of two CIPP samples is required, one from each of:the following. two methods: 8.1.1 The sainple should be cut from a section of cured CIPP At an intennediate manhole or at the termination point that has been inverted through a like diameter pipe which has been held in place by a suitable heat sink %as sandbags. 8.1.2 The sample should be fabricated from material taken from the tube and the resinkatalyst system used and cured in A clamped mold placed in the downtube when circulating heated water is used and in the silencer when steam is used 8.1.3 The Samples for each of these. cases should be large enough to provide a minimum of three. specimens and a recommended live specimens for flexural testing and also for tensile testing, if applicable. The following test procedures should be followed afler the sample is cured and removed. Slwvt-Tenn Flexural (Bending) Properties—The ini- tial tangent flexural modulus of elasticity and flexural stress should be measured for gravity and pressure pipe applications in accordance with Test Methods D 790 and should meet the requirements of Table 1. Tensile Properties—The tensile strength should be measured for pressure pipe applications in accordance with Test Method D 638 and must meet the requirements of Table I. 8.2 Gravity Pipe Leakage Teszing—lf required by the owner in the contract documents or purchase order, gravity pipes should be tested using an e,filtration test method Where the CIPP is plugged at both ends and filled with water. This test should take place after the CIPP has cooled down to ambient temperature. This test is limited to pipe lengths with no service laterals and diameters of 36 in. or less. The allowable water exftltration for any length of pipe between termination points should not exceed 50 U.S. gallons per inch of internal pipe diameter per mile per day, providing that all air has been bled from the line. During exfiltration testing, the maximum internal pipe pressure at the lowest end should not exceed 10 ft (3.0 m) of water 01 4.3. psi (29,7 kPA) and the water level inside of the inversion standpipe should be 2 ft (06 in) higher than the top of the pipe or 2 ft higher than the groundwater level, whichever is greater. The leakage quantity should be gaged by the water level in a temporary standpipe placed in the upstream plug. The test should be conducted fOr a.minimum of one hour. Nm-a 4—It is impractical to test pipes abo'ie 36-in, diameter for leakage due to the technology available in the pipe rehabilitation indusiry. Post inspection of larger pipes will detect major leaks or blockages. 8.3 Pressure: Pipe Testing—if required by the owner in the contiict documents or purchase order, pressure pipes should be Subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test. A recommended pressure and leakage test wouLd be at twice the known working pressure or at the working pressre plus 50 psi, whichever is less 1-bId this pressure for a period of two to three hours to allow for stabilization of the CIPP. After this period, the pressure test will begin for a minimum of one hour. The allOwable leakage during the pressure test should be 20 U.S. gallons per inch of internal pipe diameter per mile per day, providing that all air has been evacuated from the line prior to testing and the. CIPP has cooled down to ambient temperature. Nota 5—The allowabk leakage for gravity and pressure pipe testing is a function of water lass at the end seals and trapped air in the pipe. 8.4 Delamination Test—If required by the owner in the contract documents or purchase order, a delamination test should be performed on each inversion length specified The CIPP samples should be prepared in Accordance with 8.1.2, except that a portion of the tube material in the sample should be dry and isolated from the resin in order to separate tube layers for testing (Consult the tube manufacturer for further information.) Delamination testing shall be in accordance with Test Method D 903, with the following exceptions- 8.4.1 The rate of travel of the power-actuated grip shall be 1 in. (25 mm)/min. 8.4.2 Five test specimens shall be tested for each. inversion specified. 8.4:3 The thickness of the. test specimen shall be minimized, but should be sufficient to adequately test delamination of nonhomogeneous. CIPP layers. 8.5 The peel or stripping strength between any nonhomo .geneous layers of the CIPP laminate should be a minimum of 10 lb/in. (178.60 g/mm) of width for typical CIPP applications. NOTE 6—The purchaser may designate the dissimilar layers between which the delamination test will be conducted. NOTE 7—For additional details on conducting the delamination test, contact the CIPP contractor. 8.6 Inspection and Acceptance—The installation may be inspected visually if appropriate, or by closed-circuit television if visual inspection cannot be accomplished. Variations from :true line and grade may be inherent because of the conditions of the original piping. No infiltration, of groundwater should be observed. All service entrances should be accounted for and be unobstructed. Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Bryan B Hughes PPR; Ttie Aug 3119:32:26 EDT 2004 01 F 1.216 - 03 APPENDIXES (Nonniandatory Information) XL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Xl.! Dei7ninolOgy: Xl, Li partially deteriorated pipe—the original pipe can support the soil and surcharge loads throughout the design life of the rehabilitated pipe. The soil adjacent to the existing pipe must provide adequate side support. The pipe may have longitudinal cracks and up to 10.0%. distortion of the diameter. If the distortion of the diameter is greater than 10,0%, alternative design methods are required see. Note 2). Xl 1 2 filly deteriorated pipe—the original pipe is not structurally sound and cannot support soil and live loads not is expected to reach this condition over the design life of the rehabilitated pipe This condition is evident when sections of the original pipe are, missing, the pipe has lost its.. original shape, or the pipe has corroded due to the effects of the fluid, atmosphere, soil, or applied loads, X.1,2 Grat'ity Pipe: Xl,2.i Partially Deteriorated qraviy Pipe condition—The CIPP is.designed to support the hydraulic loads due to groundwater, since the soil and suicharge loads can be sup ported by the original pipe The groundwater level should be determined by the purchaser and the thickness of the CIPP should be sufficient to withstand this hydrostatic pressure without collapsing The following equation may be used to determine the thickness required P. 2KE I C (1 _v2)sDR_l)*371 (Xi.l) where: P = groundwater load, psi (MPa, = enhancement factor of the soil and existing pipe adjacent to the new pipe (a minimum value of 7.0 is recommended where there is fill support of the existing pipe), E. = long-term (time corrected) modulus of elasticity for CIPP, psi (MPa) (see Note Xl.l), V = Poisson's ratio (0.3 average), SDR = standard dimension ratio of CIPP, C = ovality reduction factor = (1 q r q 1i 4' I.1 i'L'r ) = percentage ovality of original pipe = (lvfcein hm'ide Diameter - Mii,ii,ium Inside Dia,netim) 100.3< . Afean InsideDianieler (A'lari,mun I.nckliD!a,nefr,' - Mean Inside Diameter) 100X . Mea;irnsida Diameter and N = factor of safety. XI.i—The chOice Of value .(from manufacturer's literature) of E1 will depend on the estimated durtton of the application of the load, P in relation to the design life of the structure For example if the total duration of the load, P. is estimated: to be 50 years, either continuously applied, or the sum of intermittent periods of loading the appropriately conervatie choice 01 value for EL will be that given for 50 years of continuous loading at the niaximuni ground or fluid temperature expected to be reached over. the life of the siructu& Note XI,2—Ifthere is no rOumidwter abOve the pipe invert, the CIPP should typically have a. maximum SDR of 100, dependent upon design conditions. X1.2.1.1 If the original pipe is oval, the CIP? design froni Eq )(1 .1 shall have a mmunutn thickness as calculated by the following forri.ttla: 1.5( +100)sDR2 - o.s(i + ).SD = - 100 PN (XI.2) where: = long-term(time corrected) flexural strength for CIPP, psi MPa) (se Note X1.5). X1.2.1.2 See Table Xl.1 for typical design calculations. X1..2.2 Fully Deteriorated Gravity. Pipe Condition—The CIPP is designed to support hydraulic, soil and live loads The groundwater level, soil type and depth, and live load should be determined by the purchaser,. and the following equation should be used to calculate the CIPP thickness required to withstand these loads without collapsing: TABLE XI,1 Maximum GrOundwater LOads for Partially Deteriorated Gravity. Pipe Condition Diameter, in. Maximum Allowable Ground- (lnlde Nominal CIPP CIPP water Load' (above invert) Diameter of ThicknesS, Thickness Original Pipe) mm I. In. It rn 8 6 0.236 400 12.2 10 6 0.236 20.1 6.1 12 6 0.236 115 3.5 15 9 0.354 20.1 6.1 18 9 0354 11.5 3.5 18 12 0.472 27.8 8.5 24 12 .0.472 11.5 3.5. 24 15 0.5.91 22.8 6.9 30 15 0.591 11.5 3.6 30 18 0.709 20.1 6.1 or 'Assumes K-7O., E= 125.000 psi (862 MPa) (50-year strength), 1 = 0.30, C 0.64 (5% ovality), and N= 2.0 Copyright by ASTM Intl (nil rights reserved); Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Bryan B Hughes (PPR); TuS Aug 31 1932:26 EDT 2004 F1216—O3 (Xi.3) where: ei;= total external pressure on pipe,psi (MPa), 04 33I4+ wHRl144 + W, (English Units), 0.00981H,,+ w}IRjI000 + W3 (Metric Units) Rw =. water buoyancy factor (0.67 miii). = I - 0.33 ( Hrn), Ilk = soil density, lb ft3(KN/n), = live load, psi (Mpa), Ii= height of water above top of pipe, ft (iii) H height of soil above top of pipe, ft (m), B = coefficient of elastic support = 1/(1 + 4-O.065H) inch pound units, (11(1 + 4076-11311) SI units I moment of Inertia of CIPP, in 4/in (nun4/rnnl) = Pill, 1 thickness of CIPP, in (mm), C = .ovality reduction factor (see 1.2.1)) N = factor of safety, = modulus of soil reaction, PSI (MPa) (see Note Xl 4), = long-tennmodu[us ofelasticity for cJPP, psi MPa), and D = mean inside diameter of on' pipe, in (mm) XL2.2.1 The CIPP design lIoin Eq X1.3 should have minimum thickness as calculated by the following formula: El E I2(SDR) 0.093 (inch pwici units), Xl..4) or i2(SDR) 000064(S7units) where: E initial modulus of elasticity, psi (MPa) NOTE X.13—Piüite element analysis is an alternative design method for noneircular pipes. Nota XI A.—For definition of modulus of soil reaction, sac Practice D3839. X1.2, 2;2 The ntinimuni CIPP design thicknesS for a fully deteriorated condition should also meet the requirements of Eq Xl..l and XI.2. X1.1 Pressure Pipe: X1.11 Partially DeterloratedPressure condition—A C!PP installed in an existing.undergrounct pipe is designed to support external hydrostatic loads due to groundwater as well as withstand the Internal pressure in spanning across any holes in the original pipe wall. The results of Eq XI 1 are compared to those from Eq Xl.6 or Eq X1.7, as directed by Eq Xl.5, and the largest of the thicknesses is selected. In an above-ground design condition, the CIPP is designed.to withstand the internal pressure only by using Eq Xl.5.Xl.7 as applicable. X1,3. 1.1 If the ratio of the hole in the original pipe wall to the pipe diameter does not exceed the quantity shown in Eq Xl 5, then the CIPP Is assumed to be a circular flat plate fixed at the edge and subjected to transverse, pressure only. In this cases .Eq X1.6 is used for design. For holes 'larger than the d/D value in Eq X1.5, the liner cannot be considered in flat plate loading, but rather in ring tension or hoop stress, and Eq X is used. 1.83 (f)Ir2 where: d = diameter of hole or opening in original pipe. wall, in. (mm), D mean inside diameter of original pipe, in (mm), and =. thickness of CIPP, in. (mm).. - 5.33. (D\ 1, OIL 1 - /)2t J) N (Xl.6) where: SDR = standard dimension ratio of CIPP, D = mean inside diameter of ougmal pipe, in (mm), d = diameter of hole or opening in original pipe wall, in. = long-term (time corrected) flexural strength for CP, psi ()MPa) (see Note X1.5), and N = factor of safety. NOTE Xi.5—The choice of value (from manufacturer's literature) of TL will depend on the estimated duration of the application of the load P in relation to the design life of the structure. For examples if the total duration of the load & is estimated to be 50 years either continuously applied or the sum of intermittent periods of loadmg the appropriately conservative choice of'value of o L will be that given for 50 years of continuous loading At. the n3aximuln ground or fluid temperature expected to be reached over the life of the Structure, XI.3.2 Fully Deteriorated Pressure Pipe Condition—A. CIP? to be installed in an underground condition is designed to withstand all external loads and the full internal pressure. The design thicknesses are calculated from Eq Xl I, Eq X13, Eq X1.4, and Eq X1.7, and the largest thickness is selected. If the pipe is abOve ground, the CIPP is designed to withstand internal pressure only by using Eq X1.7. 2 - (SDR - 2) N (XI.7) where: P = internal pressure, psi (MPa, arL = long-term (time corrected) tensile strength for CIPP, pi (MPa) (see Note 12), OR = standard dimension ratio of CIPP, and N = factor of safety. NoTa X 6—The choice of value(.from manufacturer's literature) of TL ill depend on the estimated duration of the application of the load, F, in relation to the design life of the structure. For example, if the total duration of the load, F, is estimated to be 50 years, either continuously applied, Or the sum of intermittent periods of loading, the Appropriately conservative choice of value of or TL will be that given for 50 years of coiftinuOus, loading at the maximum ground or fluid temperature expected to be reached over the life of the structure. Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Bryan B Hughes (PPR);. Tue Aug 31 19:32:26 EDT 2004 F 1216-03 .X1.4 - Negative Pressure—Where the pipe is subject to a Nra X1.7—Table Xli presents maximum groundwater loads for vacuum, the CIPP should be designed as a gravity pipe with the partially deteriorated pipes for selected typical nominal pipe sizes CIPP is external hydrostatic pressure increased by an amount equal to ctistom made to fit the original pipe and cm be fabricated to i variety of the nogative pressure. sizes from 4 to 96-in, diameter which would be impractical to list here. X2. CHEMICAL-RESISTANCE TESTS X2. 1, Scope. X2l I This appendix covers the test procedures for chemical-resistance properties of clPP. Minimum standards Are, presented for standard domestic. sewer. applications. X2.2 Procedure for Cizentical-Resisiance Testing: X2.2.1 Chemical . resistance tests • should be completed in accordance with Test Method D 543, Exposure should be for a :nhinimum of one month at .73.4°F 230C).. During this period, the CIPP test specimens should lose no more than 20 % of their initial flexural strength and flexural modulus when tested in accordance with Section 8 of this practice. X2.22 Table X2.1 presents a list of chemical solutions that, serve as a recommended minimum requirement for the chemical resistant IMopertles of CIPP in standard domestic sanitary sewer applications. X2.2.3 For applications other than standard domestic sew- age, it is recommended that chemical-resistance tests be. conducted with actual samples of the fluid flowing in the pipe. These tests can also be accomplished by depositing CIPP test specimens in the active pipe. TABLE X2.1 MinImum Chemical Résistance Requlremehts.for Domestic Sa.Itary Sewer Appllcatlotis ChSmical SolutIon concentration, % Tap water (pH 6-9) 100 Nitric acid 6 Phosphoricacld 10 Sulfuric—acid 10 Gasoline IOQ Veget5bte oil 100 Detergent 0.1 Soap ASTM lnternmmtloriei takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights assertad in connection with any Item mentioned In this standard Users of this standard are expressly advised that delarrnination of the validity of any such patent fights and the risk of infringement of such tights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard Jr subject to revision Wary time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed e very five years and ffnaffewsedi ellherreapprevedorwtiuidrswn Your comments 8re invited either forte vision of this standard or for additional standards and shoU!dbe addressed to ASTMlnternationsi Headquarters. Your comments wit rbce!vb careful consideration eta meeting. of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend Ifyou feel That your comments have not received a fair heating you should make your views known to the A$TM Commnhttee.on StEedards,: at the address shown below. This standard is copyrlghtedbyASTM InternatIonal, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, Pb Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States. individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9586 (phone) 610.832.9555 (fax) or servica@asim.org (e mall) or through the ASTM website Copyright by ASTM Intl (all rights reserved); .eprodtictlon authorized per License Agreement with Bryan B Hughes (PPR); Tue Aug 3119:32:26 EDT 2004 CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL JOB TITLE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains) W. 0. NO. PWSI0-22ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD I SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR ALL CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS, INCLUDING SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, CALCULATIONS, DATA, OR OTHER DATE May 17, 2010 ____________ TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. 1953 Almanor St. Oxnard CA 93036 Ph. (805) 844-5023 Fx: (805) 278-1872 Attn: Tony Montes SPEC./DRAW. REFERENCE CONTRACTOR SUBMIITAL NO. 1595 FROM: Jose M. Del Rio RePipe-California 5525 E. Gibraltar Street Ontario, Ca 91764 CHECK ONE THIS 0 an original submittal El a2 na submittal of (onginal Sub, no.) a submittal of (ongunat Sub, no.) O&M submittal Subject of Submittal I Equipment Supplier Equipment Designation(s): I Specification Sections(s): Pipe Liner Thickness Per Segment COMPLETE EITHER (a) OR (b) FOLLOWING: (a) We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown (no exceptions). LII (b) We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations (list deviations): I SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Jose M. Del Rio, Project Manager U:\Submittal Transmittal Letters\TRANSMITTAL 3.doc CeiallfenZ Disirthulmi t.oud Area - Ten 1420 Trucks Passing CoIId0IsB..3 oislckedod Lend Area -A'lernala Loads in Pasuhug Mode 0esdiJ. Olntrlbe4nd Load Area -Sinuie Dual Wheel National 0 Liner Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) Wail Thickness Design and Hydraulic Capacity Calculations Project: CMP Replacement Program Location: Carlsbad, CA Owner: City of Carlsbad Line Segment(s): 12nth Design Assumptions: I Shaded cells are user-defined Condition of host pipe FD PD = partially deteriorated. FO fully deteriorated Inside diameter of host pipe n) D 12 Ovalltyof host pipe (%) q 2.0 Default value Is 2%; range 0%.10% Slopeof host pipe (ftm) So 0.190 Host pipe MannIng's roughness (dimensionless) n o 0.016 varies from 0.013-0.030 (dependent an existing pipe material, geometry, diameter and condition) CIPP MannIng's roughness (dimensionless) varies from Constrained soil modulus of native soil In the pipe zone (psi) bl' rro_0.010 1,000 See table below for recommended vahrgs From Table 5.6 Of AI.WA Manual of Wa/rn' Pie cllcm l4ti SacotidEdlo Oracular Native Sells Cohesive Nutty tella hi.,, Unconfined compressive strength (e.,) Description Blown/ft (per ASTM Oeecrlplisn tonalef kPe pal kPa sO-I very, very loose >0-0.125 iT very, very soft so 0.3 I-a vary loose 0,125-0i5 13-25 very soft 200 14 2-4 025-050 26-50 soft 700 4.8 4-8 loose 1 0.50-1.0 50-1001 medium I j Iwo 103 8-15 sIinlrllycompact 1.0-2.0 100-200 soft 207 15-30 compact 000-40n very aWl 345 30-50 dense 4.0-OS 1400-6001 hard 1 19,0 69.0 >50 1 very dense '6.0 1 '600 1 very hard 1380 Flaxuraj modulus of Eelasticlty of CIPP, initial (psi) Long-termretention of mechanical properties (%) Flexural modulus of elasticity of CIPP, long-term (psi) Design safety factor Unit weight of soil (pd) Unit weight of water (0et) Depth otcover(ft) Height of groundwater (it) Internet vacuum pressure (psi) Internal pressure (psi) Diameter of bee or opening in original pipe losS (In) Poisson's ratio of CIPP Flexural strength of Cl PP. lelltal(pSl) Flexural strength of Cl PP, long-terse (psi) Tensile strength of CIPP, Initial (psi) Tensile strength of CIPP, long-term (pal) Enhancement factor (dimensionless) Surface One tending condition 1-129 Calculations (Highway Loads) Impact luster for traffic load (dimenslønless) Distributed bad area nine at depth H 11121 Total applied surface wheel load (lb) 1-120 I1v5 load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) 'n estee Is 260,000 psi per ASTM P1216 value Is 59% ned from long-term retention % value Is 2.0 to laity deteriorated designs only wed from ground surface to top of pipe ured from top of pipe; lfgtj If water table Is below top of pipe, Input a negative numberl it value Is 0 tire pipe applications onlyt If no pressure, input 0 ste pipe applications onlyl If no pressure, Input ge value for CIPP per ASTM P1216 urn value Is 4,500 psi per ASTM F 12 18 mined from long-term retention % ure pipe applications errlyl nrined from long-term retention 1'. lure value recommended perASTM P1216 EaOorairport ho 1.0 From MSHTO Standard Speriilcetionsfotfl)gteeuy &Wges. 12111 Edition L'_517.4 _Seetableandtiguresbelow PL W" 48,000 Bused on critical loading configuration (see table below) w,,,"_0.6 (Ply(144•A,) Critical Loading Configurations for 1429 loads (per AASHTO) Condition H, ft P,lbs A,.,ft' 11<1.30 1 16,000 (0.63 + l.75HXI.67 + 1.7511) 2 1 1.334 H <4.10 1 32,000 (0.83 + 1.75X5.87+ 1,7511) 3 1 4.104 H 1 48,000 (4.83 + 1,75HX5,67 + 1.76H 880 Calculations (Railway Loadsil E80 Eve toad transferred to pipe at depth H (pal) w 0.00 Itrom graph below 880 Live Loads on Pipe Installed Under Railroads (From Concrete Pipe Handbook, 6th EditIon) 10 6 IN h_ r________ 0 10 20 30 Unit Load (pal) o ca gg ns iqsec8,000tb per . 000(1 nrr nn .v (2(200 rues rues ,-. 8' 5'5'5' 9'5'6'5'8' .B'5'5'5' 9' 5' 8'5'5' Figure 4.30. Spacing of Wheel LoaddPer Axle Jon e Cooper E 80 Design Loading. CIPP Design Template 61912010 NEI( Airport Loads Modulus of elasticity of concrete (psi) Er 4,000,000 idefault value Is 4,000,000 Poisson's ratio of concrete (dimensionless) p 0.15 default value Is 0.15 Modulus of subgreda reaction (lb/tn) k 260 see aracent6gure Thickness of concrete pavement (in) Pt 12 Depth of cover, lop of pipe to bottom of slab (it) H Horizontal distance from pipe centerline (S) X 0 (assumed a 0 (worst case) Radius ofsttffnessof the rigid pavement (ft) R,4 3.27 i R. ET- Wheel load (lbs) p.-j 90,000 Worst-case, loading scenario Is for toads spaced 0,8R. apart and Is calculated below. For alternate loading conditions, see Concrete Pipe Handbook 511; EditIon Preastir, Coefficient (C) for )URs • 0 02 Al 0.11 0246810 fURs HIm.. 2.756 C 0.074 CALIFORNIA aflAflhilti RATIO, (68 L3 4 0 a s eerti in sa as 30 40 Ott 807586 leo ONll _az::iudIIIIIi !!IriraiiI -a---. NiI!I1flPflWi memo iEiiiIN fl!I'.11M Airport One load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) 0.00 te., CP/R 2 Watt Thickness Design Partially Deteriorated Gravity Pipe Condition i-qitoo Ovelity reduction (actor (dimensionless) C-) 0.64 C=( [i i. q/lOo) External hydrostatic pressure from groundwater (psi) P0 [ 2.60 1 F. = y.(I4, + D112Y144 Mjnlmomthtctrness required, hydrostatic buckling t,: 0.17 lb 0 ' ..,j ASTM P1216, Equation XI.1 2KE.0 444 (nun f MinImum thickness required, onailtlircheck 12 in a1O ASfl.t F1216, Eqv000a X1.2 100 100 100 P-N 60R2 120 IfP,,0, default SDR:100 Oararkaflc factors foti Eq. X1.2 a- 0.0306 used to solve for S0R2 and t b- .0.510 c- .432.692 Fully Deteriorated Gravity Pipe Condition Total Ore load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi)- W. 0.64 From live load calculations Water buoyancy factor (dimensionless) 15,,: 0.64 15:l - O.33(HJH) (min. value :0.87) M, If H.rrli, use H :0 In this calculation Total external pressure on pipe (psI) lb 10.40 , 0.433H. + 8j1RJ144 + W.Note: 1(14_co. use K. 0 In this calculation Coefficient of elastic support on-4b) B'- 0.304 0' = t,(1+46nso1) Minimum thickness required, Lusctra?s buckling equation t in _(Nq,)' 'D'12 ] ASTM P1216, Equation XI,3 5.61 _mm 1.32'R. .8'.M_.E5.Cj Minimum thlctrness required, pipe stiffness 0.20 14 - _In I_5.02 non t=Dl(EIO.O93'l2)° ASTM FI2IO,EquatiorXlA Partially Detentorated Pressure Pipe Condition Minlnrum thickness required to withstand Internal pressure tu, 0.00 In 1w DI(L(0/d)s.(5.33.o,JPN)Ion+1) ASTM P1216, Equation X1.6 In spanning across any holes In the original pf pi wall d/D 0,00 If d/D 83•(lr,)54 ASTMf 1216, Equation X1.5, then liner Is In ring tension or hoop stress 1.83(14,JD)'° =r_0.00 and fully deteriorated pressure pipe condition applies (ASTM P1216, Equation Xl.7) Minimum thickness required by design check I, ,,,,0.00 _In -(_0.00 _mm FulfyDetesfornfedPressuim Pipe Crir'rdltlen Minimum thickness required to withstand all external I,a:0.00 t D/((2or,JPN) +2) ASTM F1216. Equation XI.7 loads andthe M internal F_0.00 _aipressure mm _In CIPP Well Thickness Design Summer..' Host pipe condition Fully Deteriorated CIPP end use application Gravity Flow CIPP outside diameter (hoot pipe Inside diameter) 0 .::.:..12 In Minimum CIPP thickness calculated t,. 0.22 Greatestvaluu calculated from ASTM F1218 Equations X1.1, Xl.2.XI3 and XI 4(grodty flow) orprestest of XII, M.2. X`1.3, Xl.4 and Xl.? (pressure pipe) Mi nimum CIPP thickness recommended 0.22 _ In Based one maidmum SDR: 100 o_5.6t _In _mm 8.01 mm Nominal CIPP thickness to be supplied lCpp :l•6,O mm Rounded up to the nearest 1.5 mm to reflect standard CIPP thicknesses supplied SDRC,n, 51 SDR: D/t Martimurn recommended SDR for CIPP is 100 per ASTM F1216 CIPP Design Template 6/9/2010 NEI( Hydraulic CalaulaUpns CIPP Inside diameter (In) Flow area of host pipe (ft) Flow reaQf CIPP (ft') Capacity efhostpfpe(th) Capacity of CIPP(cfs) % lncreaseldecrease In Flow Capacity D, 11.5 A= 0.79 A, 0.72 0j.13.46 0l.488AR4S°2 (Mannlngs Equation) Q _18.14 where Nhydraulic ratfius =014 for pipe 00ni149 tiji £Q' C'y OF QARLSAD SHOP DRAVVING REVIEW The approval by the Engineer of any shop or working drawing (or of any drawing of the Contractor's pftnt or equipment) shall not in any way be deemed fo release the Contractor from f respoiistbiiiiy for comptote and accurate pert ormance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Drewin's ad Specifications. Neither thaii such approval release the Contractor from any IdWity placed upon him by any provi- sion in the Form of Contract. O........REJECTED/RESUBMIT o ....AMEND AND RESUBMIT O ........ MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN _Cate (o/4JCO '. CIPP Deulgn Template 619/2010 FIEI( National 0 Liner Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) Wall Thickness Design and Hydraulic Capacity Calculations Project: CMI' Replacement Program Location: Carlsbad, CA Owner: City of Carlsbad Line Segment(s): 154nch Deslarr Asspmptlons: I IShaded cells are user-deitned Condition of host pipe Inside diameter ol host pipe (ln) D Ovally of host pipe (%) q Slope oi host pipe (ftift) S. Host pipe Manning's roughness (dimensionless) 11, . CIPP Manning's roughness (dimensionless) n'. Constrained a03 modulus of native $oS in the pipe zone (psi) II,,, • PD PD = partially deteriorated, FO = filly deteriorated Default YamS is 2% range varies from 0.013-0.030 (dependent on edsUng pipe material, geometry, diameter and condition) varies from 0.009-0.013 See table below for recommended values 16 2.0 0.190 0.015 0.010 13000 From Table 8.0 of .iIAWA_blanuai of Waler Practicer M45, Second EditS" Granular Native Soils CohesiveNattvr oils Unconfined compressive strength ((6) Description 8iowaift (per A$TM Description (oasis? liPa - PSI - IrPa >0-I very, veryloose >0-0.125 very, very soft '•'" 3•' 1-2 very toose 0.125 - 0.26 very soft QQ_ j_ 2-4 0.25-0,60 26-60 soft -B loose 0.60 -1.0 QjQQ medium afghttycoenpacf JJQL8-16 1.0-2.0 100-200 aS? compact 70014.8d 4 gp15-30 2.0-4.0 200-400 vary stiff dense ,gQQ 30-50 4.0-6.0 400-600 hard very dense jQ,Q9,>60 >6.0 >600 very herd 20,000 Flexural modulus of Eetssiiduty of CIPP, Initial (psi) Long-tens retention of mechanical properties (ii.) Flexural modulus of elasticity of CIPP. long-term (psi) Design safety factor Unit weight at soil (pci) Unit weight of water (PCI) Depth of cover (ft) Height of groundwater (8) Internal vacuum pressure (pal) Internal pressure (psi) Diameter of h018 or opening in original pipe was Ca) PoIsson's ratio of CIPP Rexeed strength of CIPP Initial (psi) Flexure) strength of CIPP, long-term (psi) Tensile strength of CIPP, Initial (psi) Tensile strength ofCIPP, long-tens (psi) Enhancement factor (dimensionless) Surface Ova loading condition H20 Calculations lHlahway_Lepdsl Impact factor For traffic load (dimensionless) Dishiberted load area suer vice at deoth H 06 Toter applied surface street load (Ib) 1420 One toad transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) E - 360.000 Mntrnum value is 250,000 psi per ASTM F1218 60% Defeuttvuluetstlo% EL° 125,000 Determined from tang-term retention % N 2 Default value Is 2.0 5. 125 Applies to hilly deteriorated designs only 8° 62.4 H.— tOM Measured from ground surface to top of pipe H- LO Measured from top of pipe; igoff: If water tablets below top of pipe, Input a negative aumbert ,o 0,0 Default value tsO P • 0,6 Pressure pipe applications ontyt tine pressure, Input d - SM Pressure pipe applications onlyt If no pressure, Input 0 v= 0.30 Average value for CIPP per ASTMF12tO or= 4,500 ?,00hnum value Is 4,500 psi per ASTM F1218 0L 2,250 Determined from long-tens retention % or. 3,000 Pressure pipe applications only! o= 1,500 Determined from long-term retention % Ic = 7.0 Mrnlmrrm value recommended perASTM F1216 1420 I 1420, 830 or airport Frnm MSHTO Standard Speotfcsilions rorHig?rwaysrldges, 12thEdition A1 See I,I Woe table and figures below PLW°L Bused en critical loading configuration (see table below) wth=I w,P'i'(l44'A,,5) Critical Loafing Configurations for H20 toads (par AASI-ITO) Condition 11 P lbs A, ft° 1 14<1,33 15,000 I0.83+1.75HX1.87+ 1.75H1 2 1 1.33S14<4.10 32,000 (0.83 + 1.75)(5.87+17514) 3 1 4.10% H 1 48,000 (4.83 + 1I.75HX5.67 + 1.7514) >. Lo.1M en.e1esi Cliii Lu*.lA,,.,. 44, <, Whir Lord of5IsaJ, DistrIbuted Load Area. Strgle Duet Wheel esd!imsZ Dlstjtriod Lead Area -Tao 1420 Trucks Pausing Carerden3 Diutrlbirtad Load Area -Akomate Lends In PasshV Mode seq Calculations _lRattwav_Loads) 580 One load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) w)_0.00 from graph below COO Live Loads on Pipe Installed Under Railroads (From Concrete Pipe Handbook 5th Edition) __ x I 20 i o 0 lo 20 30 sinit Load (pul) 8,000 lb per &()(iinft (')OOC) r.—.rn.w.we.—r=w. W' .10' '00- 0I0'tH' 10'l 100*10 8' 5'5'6' 5' 51616, 8' 8' 515'5' S'S 6'5'5' Figure 4.30. Spacing or Wheel Loads Per Axle (or a Cooper COO Design Loading. CIPP Design Template 61012010 NEI( __ NN !!IIFiiiii1ulI MM MMMMI _____ IUII Thickness of cancrete pavement (hi) Ii = 12 Depth of cover, top of pipe to bottom of slab (ft) H 9.0 Horizontal distance from pipe centstllno (6) X 0 assumed = 0 (worst case) Radius of stiffness of the rlgld pavement (ft) a-( 327 I R =1 E1t y12(1-p')t Wheel load (ibs) pu-I 90,000 I Waist-case loadIng scenarIo is for2 loads spaced 0.8R. apart and Is calculated below. For alternate loading conditions. see Concrete Pipe Handbook 51h EdWon L 2IoadiO,8Fi oparl aIon axis olpipe H1R 2.766 C 1 0.074 Alrpoit Loads Moduluool elasticity nf concrete (PuI) E 4.000,O04efalilt value Is4,OOO.000 poIsson's ratio of Concrete (danenslollless) p 0.16 Jdefault value Is 015 CeLIFOSIJIA GEARING RATIO. CBS modulus of u.v.nrxdx reaction (thIinl k 250 (sOB a4acentfiur0 2 3 A 0 0 1 B BID IN 30 2510 40_NO 60i085_100 Airport live load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) v&I 0,00 CP/R,° Wail Thickness Design Partially Deteriorated Gravity Pipe Condition 'i—qiloo Overly re4uc6onfactor (dlmenSloniess) C. 0.84 I C= lji+q,iooiai External hydrostatic pressure from groundwater (psi) P..3.58 Py(l4,+ 0112)1144 i" Mnlmum thlchnesa required, hydrostatic buckling t 0.24 In ASTM P1218, Equation Xli 6.16mm F[2-K- E.-C F .1 P,Nntmum thldcness requIred, ovalitycliecic 12 51(1+4]0 _C5.(1+).SDR..O ASTM P1210, Equation X1.2 m SDR1 102 If P. 0, default 6CR = 100 Quadratic factors tot Eq. X1 a = 0.0306 used to salvo for S062 and t b = -0.510 cx 314.685 Fully Deteriorated Ora i'll).' Pipe Condition Total live load transferred to pipe at depth II (pal) W, -From lea load calculations Waler buoyancy factor (dImensIonless) R ' 6,, 1 . 0.3.3(HJ}f) (mb. value 0.67) Q(j: If K,,CO3 uae H,,, = 0 In this calculation Total external pressure on pipe (pal) ct." M304 q, 0.43311,, + 8,HR.,J144 + W, (gth: If I4,,<O, use H,, 0 In this calculation Coefficient of elastic support (hr-lb) B' 9x 11(1 +4a0) IdirrImem thldrrres$ required, Luather's budding equation 'a =I 0.29 In [_(we,)' D' 12 ASTM F1218, Equation XI.3 I 7.38 mm tPnlmum thltlrnesu required, pipe stiffness • 0.26 In 6.27 Imm I 0/(6/0,09312)ui ASTM F1218, Equation Xt.4 Partially Deteriorated Pressure Pipe Condition P,Oolniam thIckness required In withstand Internal pressure I,,, =hi l, 0/(F(0td)2 5.33qjPN)I"2+1) ASTM Fl2i6. Equation Xl.8 In spanning arSoasany holes to lire original pipe wall dID ifd/D' l.83(JD), ASTM F1216, Equation Xl.5, then metlain ring tension or hoop stress MOOO and hilly detedoraled pressure pipe condItion appnes (ASTM P1216, EquaSon XI.7) Minboum thickness required by denign check I -hi =mm Fully 0e1e,!omtec! Pressure Pipe Condition Mlninnrm thickness required towlthstand all external 62 0.00 In t.2 0 D/((2orrJPN) +2) ASTM F1218, Equation XIJ loads and the hill internal pressure - 0.00 mm CIPP Wail Thickness Design Summary Host pipe condition Fully Deteriorated CIPP and use application GravftyFlow CIPP outside diameter (host pipe Inside diameter) Mnlrnsrn CIPP thickness calculated t 0.29 Greatest value calculated from ASTM P1216 Equations X1. 1, X1.2, XI.3 and X1,4 (gravIty - 7.38 mm flow) or greatest of Xli, XIS, XI.3, Xf:4 and X1.7 (pressure pipe) MinImum CIPP tirldcnesa recommended 0 :45______:. __In t,,,: 0.29 in Based on a munirnem 506 100 _In 7M rrvm Nominal CIPP thickness to be supplied _ mm Rounded up to the nearest 1.6 mm 10 rdllect Standard CIPP thicknesses supplied Moe, 506 DII tllarrtmum recommended dIOR torClPP Is 100 per ASTM F1216 CIPP DesIgn Template 65/2010 NEi< Hydraulic Calcuiadlons ClPPtnslde diameter (In) O 14.4 Flow areaof host ptpa(ftZ) 123 I Flow area ofClPP(ft') . 1.13 I Capacity of host pipe (do) (3, 24.40 (3 = I.486AR0S'5 (Mannings Equation) Capacity of CIPF (do) (3, 32.89 where Ru hydraulic radius 0(4 for pipe 1l0w109 full % Increase/decrease In Flow Capacity Aq. ........... .a.......t.TC tr' L' (Lr ARLSt3AD SHOP DRAWING REVIEW The approval by the Enqin ear of any shoo or working drawing (or of any drawing of h9 Contracors aat equipment) shall riot in anyway be deemod to release the Oontracor from 1ullroponeibiy fc;r complete and accurate performunce of the in accordance w4h toe onlract Dranins nU Specifications. Neither shall wch approval release the Contractor from any iiauility placed upon him by any pro-A- n the Form of Contract. 0..... REJECTED/RESUBMIT O........ AMEND AND RESUBMIT 0........ MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED . k..,... ... NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN - Date (cjLD - ClPP0eslgn.Template 6/9/2010 . NEK National Liner Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) Wall Thickness Design and Hydraulic Capacity Calculations project: CM? Replacement Program Location: Carlsbad, CA Owner: City of Carlsbad Line Segment(s): 184nch Design Assumptions: F JShaded calls are user-defined Condition of host pipe ED PD> partially deteriorated, ED 'sty deteriorated Inside diameter ofhoslplpe(ln) D 18 Ovalty or host pipe (%) q> 2.0 nutria Is 2%; range - 0%.I0% Stopeof host pipe OR) S 0.180 Host pipe MannIng's roughness (dtxnerrtcnless) _Default n 0.016 from 0,013-0.030 (dependent on existing pipe material, geometry, diameter and condition) GtE? Manning's roughness (dmenslonlesa) _varIes n 0.010 from 0.009-0.013 Constrained soil modulus of native soil In the pipe nose (psi) _varies M,> 1,000 _See table below for recommended values From Table 5.6 of AWWA Manuel of Meter Practices M4ft Second Edition Granular Native Soils CohesiveNative Soils M. Unconfined compressive strength (q1 Description Blowalft(perASTM Description tonslof bPs pal - - kPa >0-1 very, very loose >0-0.126 very, very soft 60 0.3 1-2 very loose 0.125-026 13-25 very soft 200 14 2-4 028-0.50 25-50 -soft 100 4.6 4-8 loose 0.50• 1.0 60-100 medium 199 10.3 8-15 alighflycompact 1.0 .2.0 100-200 stiff 3.11,00 20.1 16.30 compact 2.0-4.0 260-400 vetystiff :r 30-50 dense tO. as 400.600 bard 10,000 69.0 >60 very dense >6.0 >600 very hard 20,000 138.0 Flexural modulus of Eelasidty of Cl??, Initial (psi) Long-term retention of mechanical properties (%) Flexural modulus of elastidty of CIPP, long-leon (psi) Design safety factor Unit weight of soil (pci) Unit weight of W5teu (pci) Depth of cover (fl) Height of groundwater (it) Internal vacuum pressure (psi) Internal pressure (psi) Diameter of We or opening in original pipe wail (In) Poluaon's redo of CIPP Flexural strength of CIPP, Initial (psi) Flexural strength of CIPP, long-torte (psi) Tensile strength of DIP?, Initial Cost) Tensile strength of CIPP. long-term (p4) Enhancement factor (dimensionless) Surface Ova loading condition 1120 Calculations (Hlohwav Loadsl Impact (actor for tretfic load (dimensionless) DiattOsuted toed area over aloe atdeoth H tll Total applied surface e.heel load b) 1120 live load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) E 250,000 MinImum value Is 250,000 psi per ASTM F1218 50% Default vales Is 60% 6L> 125,000 Determined from bog-term retention % N 2 Default value ls2.Q ;> 125 Was to fully deteriorated designs oeiy 3>> 62.4 H 10.0 Measured from ground surface to lap of pipe H- 1.5 Measured from top of pipe; Hgl2: if water labia is below top of pipe, input a negative Cumbenl P.> 0.0 Default value lao P 0.0 Pressure pipe applications onlyl If no pressure. Input d 0.0 Pressure pipe applications onlyl If no pressure. Input y= 0.30 Average vatuefor CIPP per ASTME12l6 o> 4,600 f,0n1rnum value Is 4,500 psi perAslM F1210 0L 2,250 Determined from long-term retention % CT. 3.000 Pressure pipe applications antyl 1,500 Deternrlaed from long-term retention % 1<> 7.0 MinImum value recommended per ASTM F1216 720 1(20, ESO or airport From AASHTO SfandwdSpeortcatiansforEEghaayerkigas, 12th EditIon I,> Woe Aei>Sealableendflguresbelow Based on citilcal load'uig configuration (see table below) WI.e> WL(Pi)/(144'A4J) Critical Loading Configurations for H20 loads (per AASHTO) Condition H. ft P, lbs A,L, it> I I Ha 1.33 16,000 (0.83 + 1.75HX1.67 + 1.7511) I 2 l.33uHa4.10 32,000 1 (0.83+i.761(0.67+1.75H) l 3 1 4.10 C H 48,000 (4.63 + 1.7511X5.67 + 1.758' Mal r.,.SA,,a ?'> : Hit - .....u,;ivr>I i>.a e,e> Condition a Diul,ileMd Load Area Two 1-120 Trucks Pausing w>I 0.00 Jfrom graph betow od5lusi. cilsbtsted Lead Area- SIngle Duel Wheel 060 Calculations (Railway Loads) 080 five load transferred Is pipe at depth ii (psi) catalsino.3 Otnarliaderi teal Area -Alternate Lasla In Pausing Mode 060 Usa Loads on Pipe Installed Under Railroads (From Concrete Pipe Handbook Silt Edition) - 30 26 20 10 16 a 10 20 30 Unit Load (pal) 0 0000 00000 0000 00 g 8,000 lb per Ilnft CXXx-) Cl Cl d C)000 rs n L.LL4+.J1LL LIIJ 8' 55.6'S' 6'6'6' 8' 8'6'5'5' 0' 5' S'5'5' Figure 4.30. Spacing 01 Wheel Loads Per rindS br a Cooper 080 Design Loading. CIPP Design Template 61912010 NEK Thickness of concrete pavement (In) It 12 Depth of cover, top of pipe to bottom of Slab (0) H 9.0 Hoitzonlal distance from pipe centerlIne (It) X 0 assumed 0 (worst case) Radius of stiffness of the rigid pavement (It) R 3.27 I Fl = it _Eh' Wheal load Qbs) PIA 90.000 Worst-case loading scenario Is for 2 loads spaced 0.80, apart and Is calculated below. Foraltemale loading conditions, see Concrete Pipe Handbook 0th Edition Pressure Coefficient (C) for XIRS 0 025 015 0.1 0.05 02 4 6 6 10 toRe 2Iuade0.8R (1'\ epart dung acts of pipe H x FUR,=2.700 C _0.074 Atroort Loads orioles of elastIcIty Of concrete (psi) E, 4,000.000 default value to 4000000 PoIsson's ratio of concrete (dunensloniesa) p 0.15 default value Is 0.15 CALIFORNIA REARING RATIO, COIl Modulus oIsubgrede reaction (ibis3) It 260 See adJacent figure L.a 4 5 6 1 0 910 15 00 25 30_40SO901000_tall oil Mill I .U~mmiomI!IIiPIlIHI OEM ----..I.-------.u.. Airport We load transferred to pipe at depth H (pal) w W, CP/R,2 Wall Thickness Destion Partially Deteriorated Gravity Pipe Condition - q 1100 Ovally reduction factor (dimensionless) C I 0.84 I ji+ q1100J5 External hydrostatic pressure from grotindwatar(psl) P.. 3.68 Pr, y,,(H., + D(12)/144 Ltnlorum thickness required, hydrostatic budding t • 1 0.29 Is 0 . ASTM F1210, Equation X1.1 2'K-8.0 7,47 mm l-1).N,+)j J Minimum thickness required, ovality check 1.5 _0.6.(1 r. ) . $0R- -0 ASTM F1210, Equation X1.2 Ia:_ SDR2 101 if Pr, 0,defuuttS0Rl00 Quadratic factor, for Eq. X1.2 a 0.0308 used to solve for SDR5 and ti. b -0.610 C: -305.43 Fu/lyveteñorafed Gravity Pipe Condition Total live load transferred to pIpe at depth If (psi) - bY, -From Sue loud calculations Water buoyancy factor (dimensionless) 0, M3O4 N, I - 0.33(HJH) (mi value 0.67) lio10 If H.e0, one Hr, :0 In thIs calculation Total external pressure srI pipe (PSI) q, q = 0,43311,, + 6,I1RJl44 + W, 1: If H.rco, uae H, e 0 In this calculation Coefltclentofelasticsupport(ln-lb) B' B' 11(I+4e °°) llixbnum tlilcicrrass required, Lusctrer's buckling equation 0,35 in =r (Nq,)' _D'_12 1 ASTM P1216, Equation Xt,3 mm -M.-E, 32RB 'CJ LOsbuarn thickness required, pipe stiffness t _0.30 7.53 jmm _iv I D/(E/009312)" ASTM P1216, Equation 1(1.4 PartialtyQeledOraled Pressure Pipe Condition I.tnlmum Ihicirnets required to withstand Internal pressure l,Is across any holes In the otfginat pipe wafl 1r. Oi(((old?(5.33aJPN)lm+t) ASTM P1218, Equation XI.6 brspssnlng dID If dID> l.83(lID)' ASTM P1216, Equation X1.5, then Otter Is In ring tension or hoop stress 1.83(L)D)es MOOO sad filly deterIorated pressure pipe condition apples (ASTM P5256, Equation Xl.7) Minimum thickness required by design check tv,,, =In russ Fully DelerioretedPressure Pipe Condition MinImum thickness required In willisfsnd 60 external 0.00 In Di((2ar,JPN) + 2) ASTM F216, Equation XS.7 loads and the full intemaIpressure 0.00 mrs CIPP Wall Thloknes&Døsln Summary Host pipe condition Fully Deteriorated CIPP end use eppscslton Gravity Flow CIPP outside diameter (heat pipe Inside diameter) 0: :::j 18 In Minimum CIPP thickness calculated Lr 0.35 Greatest value calculated from ASTM F1210 Equations XI.1, X12, XI.3 and XIA (greatly 8.92 fore) orgresteot of Xli, X1.2. X1.3, XS.4 undX1J (pressure pipe) t,0nbnum CIPP thickness recommended 0.35 _to Based one maximum SOR" 100 8.92 _mm Nominal CIPP thickness to be supplied _hi _mm Rounded up to the nearest 1.5 mm to reflect standard CIPP thicknesses supplied SDR- _mm 51 SDR= DII Maximum recommended SDR for CIPP Is tOO per ASTM F5216 CIPP Design Template 8/9/2010 HEI( Hvdreullc CoIcutIIons _____________ CIPP inside diameter(In) D1 17.3 Flow areaof host pip (h1) A 1.77 Floai area ofCiPP(55) A,. 1.63 Capacity of host pipe (c(s) 01 39.68 0 I.486AR.SW (Mannlngn Equation) Capacity of CIPP (ds) 0 whore R1 = hydraufa radius 0/4 (or pipe flowing full % tweaseldecrease in now Capacity :35% Cm' OF CARLSBAD SHOP DRAWING REVIEW The approval by the Engineer of ary shop or working drawing (or of any drawing of the Contractors plant or equiprent) shall not in any way be ben1d in release the Contractor from lull responsibility for complete and accurate iance of toe Work in accordance with the Contract Dra;ns i;d Soecitcions. Neither shall auch approval release the Contractor from any lability placed upon him by any provi- sico in the Form of Contract. O ........ REJECTED/RESUBMIT O........AMEND AND RESUBMIT o........MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN CIPP Design Template 6/9/2010 NEK CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL JOB TITLE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains) W. 0. NO. PWSI0-22ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD I SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR ALL CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS, INCLUDING SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, CALCULATIONS, DATA, OR OTHER DATE May 17, 2010 TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. 1953 Almanor St. Oxnard CA 93036 Ph. (805) 844-5023 Fx: (805) 278-1872 Attn: Tony Montes SPEC./DRAW. REFERENCE CONTRACTOR SUBFQJ11AL NO 15954O/ FROM: Jose M. Del Rio RePipe-California 5525 E. Gibraltar Street Ontario, Ca 91764 CHECK ONE TH IS IS. 0 an original submittal 0 a 2I0 submittal of (onginal Sub, no.) a submittal of 0 & M submittal (onginal Sub, no.) Subject of Submittal I Equipment Supplier Equipment Designation(s): I Specification Sections(s): Pipe Liner Thickness Per Segment COMPLETE EITHER (a) OR (b) FOLLOWING: We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown (no exceptions). We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations (list deviations): I SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Jose M. Del Rio, Project Manager -Q U:\Submittal Transmittal Letters\TRANSMITTAL 3.doc National 0 Liner Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) Wail Thickness Design and Hydraulic Capacity Calculations Project: CMP Replacement Program Location: Carlsbad, CA Owner: City of Carlsbad Line Segment(s): 124nch Design AssumedIons: I Shaded cells are user-defined Condition of host pipe PD PD = partially deterferetod. FO fully deteriorated 1051de diameter of host pipe (in) 0 12 Ovality othost pipe (%) q • 2.0 Default value Is 2%: range 0%-10% Slope of host pipe (MI) S 0.190 Host pipe Manning's roughness (dimensionless) is, x 0.016 Codes from 0.013-0.030 (dependent on existing pipe material, geometry, diameter and condition) CIPP Manning's roughness (dimensionless) Constrained sell modulus of native soil In the pipe zone (psi) n,a_0.010 vanes from K. x 1,000 See table below for recommended values From Table 5.6 cdA"WA Manual of Water Pro cUres M45, Second Edition Granular Native Soils Cohesive Native Soils M. Unconfined compressive strength (c6) Description Stews/ft (per ASTM Description tonsfuf - kPa - psi - kPa '0-I very, vary loose '0-0.125 ''• very,very soft "E" ''•'T" 1-2 vesyloose 0.125-0.25 13.25 very soft 026.0.50 25.50 soft loose 100 4-8 60-l0O medium s0qhtlycoinpact 200J142-4 J9Q8-16 1.0-2.0 100.200 stiff compact Q15-30 20'4.0 200.400 verysitif tQQQ30-60 &0.60 400.601' hard J9,Q '50 very dense >6.0 '600 very hard 61 Flexural modulus of Eetasticlly of CIPP. initial (psi) Long-term relenlion of mechanical properties (ll,) Flexural modulus of elasticity of CIPP, longterm (pet) Design safety factor Unit weight of aol (put) Unit weight of water (per) Depth of cover(ft) Height of groundwater (S) internal vacuum pressure (psi) internal pressure (psi) Diameter of bee or opening In original pipe wag On) Poisson's roSa of CIPP Flexural strength of CIPP, Initial (psi) Flexural strength of CIPP, long -term (psi) Tenslia strength of CIPP. initial (psi) Tensile strength of CIPP, long-term (psi) Enhancement factor (dimensionless) Surface lye loading condition 1120 Celvuladens iHlolrwev_Loadsi Impact factor for traffic load (dimensiordesa) Dlnttlbutod load area over pipe atdeoth H (li) Total applied surface wheel toad Oh) H20 eve load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) B 250.000 Ltstfl,um noise is 250,000 psi per ASTM P1216 50% Default value in 50% E,rr 125,000 Determined from long-term retention % N 2 Default value Is 2.0 5, 125 Applies to fully deteriorated designs on(p &,e 62.4 H • 10.0 Measured from ground surface to top of pipe 11,a 6.0 Measured (torn top of pipe; RgIr. If water labia Is below top of pipe, Input a negative numberl P, • 0.0 Default value Is P 0,0 Pressure pipe applications oniyt if no pressure, input 0 dx 0.0 Pressure pipe applications oniyt if no pressure, input 0 0.30 Average value for Cl PP per ASTM P1216 a,- 4,600 Minimum value Is 4.500 psi per ASTM P1216 ç,x 2.280 Determined from long-term retention % ax 3,000 Pressure pipe app5cations enlyt ft 1,600 Detemrined from lung-term retention % K-1 1.0 Minimum vatue recommended per ASTM F12l6 H20 H20, 680 or airport I"l_1.0 From USHTO Standard Specifications for Hlghwsy Bridges, 021/7 Ed/San 511.4 table and figures below Pce -L_48,000 _See on critical loading configuration (see labia below) Wua "I_os _Based (P'I,Y(144'A,j Critical Loading Configurations for 1120 bode (per AASHTO) Condition Hit P,lbs Au fe 1 H 1.33 10,000 (0.834 1.75HXl.87 + 1.7511) 2 1.33 OH <4.10 32,000 (0.53 + 1.75e.81+ lioN) 3 1 4.10OH 1 48,000 1 (4.83+1.75HX5.67+ l.78H) nsil]Sas1. Distributed 1.004 Area -Single Dual 00reei E80_ Calculations (Railway _Loads ) 680 five toad transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) >.. I '-: • tOw' CendiSaaZ Distributed Lead Area - Twa 1120 Trunks Pausing wss1_0.00lfroirr graph below m<rl LurdArru wad Lad Dlrt,0,ljled Laud Arm- Alternate Leeds in Passing Mode 000 Live Leads on Pips installed Under Railroads (From Concrete PIpe Handbook, 6th EditIon) 35 30 10 0. 0 10 20 3D Unit Load (psi) 0000000cc 000 = 000= lR'R9=_L 0 0000= eeoc 0000 - en_s a a.8,0O0Ibper &t(1Iinft 0((Y) n C1 fl .v',. (20(10 r,rr err) **- *5*-+'tH 45 8' 5'5'5' 9' 5'8'5' 8' 8'6'5'5' 9' 5' 6'5'5' Figure 4,30. Spacing of Wheel Loade'Per Axle for a Cooper S 80 Design Loading. CIPP Design Template 819/2010 NEK CALIFORHIABEAHIPIIl RATIO. 088 L 3 e a ears is as as as en an enaste sea , i.u1..uII.uiiu I _::iudIIIIII I -IuIflhI-...-.I NOR! __a.. IIi&'.Ull Airport Loads Modulus of elastIcity of concrete (psi) default value Is 4,000,000 Poisson's roSe of concrete (dimensionless) p default value Is 0.15 Modulus of subgrude reaction (1b0n3) It (see aacenISgure Thickness of concrete pavement (in) E " mmurned ft a Depth of cover, top ofpipe to bottom of slob (It) HHodzontal distance from pipe centerline(S) X 0 (worst case) Radius of stiffness of the rfgid pavement (It) R. ' 3.27 I R,= 4 Ett3 Wheel load Qbs) P1,1-) 90,000 Worst-case, loading scenario to for 2 loads spaced 0.8R, apart and Is calculated below. For alternate loading conditions. see Concrete Pipe Handbook 5th EdiSon preasurC Coeftictent (C) for XIRS 0 025 .-= .......... ' : TIT 1 IIT WEe 210 0.8 H apart along axis of pipe H x H110._2.756 I Cu_0.0741 Airport live load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) sv. = r----O -00 CP/R Wail Thickness Daslon Partially Deteriorated Gravity Pipe Condition - g Ovetity reduction (actor (dimensionless) C. 0.84 Cr1 ),[1,qi10o External hydrostatic pressure from groundwater (psi) Pu J 2.60 j P. lc,.(Hu + D/12y144 _____________ 0 Minimum thickness required, hydrostatic buckling t1 0.17 in . 444 , ASTM P1216, Equation XI.1 2.1(6C 1 +1 f.linbnium thickness required, ovafty check ta: In 1.6..(1+}So_o5.(1+J.SoR_=o ASTM F1216, Equation XI.2 SORu 120 lfPaO, default SDR100 Quadratic factors for EX1.2 a 0.0306 used in solve for SDRj and t bu 0.510 cu .432.692 Putty Detaolorate4 Ore vity Pipe Condition Total tine toad transferred In pipe at depth H (psi) = ____________ W 0.64 From Sue loud calculations Water buoyancy (actor (dimensionless) Ru I . 0.33(-IJtl) (min. noise = 0.67) oie; If H.aQ use H. = On this calculation Total external pressure on pipe (psi) se r_0.84 q 10.49 0.433l1, + 8.HRJ144 + W ((plo if I4uO, use H. 0 In this calculation CoeffxtenlofelastIo support (in-lb) 8= 0.304 B' Minimum thickness required, Lusdrer's buckling equation t 0.22 In , { (ts'q, ) _1)'_12 ASTM F12t6, Equation Xt.3 5.61 _mm Minimum thickness required, pipe stiffness t, r_0.2oJbi 5.02 mm I = 0/(6/009312)m ASTM F1210, Equation X1.4 Partially Deta,f orated Pressure Pipe Condition Minimum thickness requIred to wIthstand Internal pressure tn.,in t1, DI(((Dld)2 (5.33mjPN)(112+1) ASTM P1216, Equsdon XI.6 In spanning across any holes In the original pipe wall diD Ifd/D> t.63(ta/D)v., ASTM Ft2t8, Equation X1.6, then liner Is in rIng tension or hoop stress MUDO and to0y deterIorated pressure pipe condition applIes (ASTIt P1210. Equation X1.7) Mietmurn thickness required by desIgn check u In mm Fully oetedorefedPreasUm Pipe Condition Minimum thickness required to wIthstand all external ta ej_0.00la ton Di((2onJPN) + 2) ASTM F1 216, Equation XI.7 toads and the full Internal pressure r_0.00 Irom CIPP Wall Thickness Design .Summary Host pipe condition Folly Dele4orated CIPP end use application GravIty Flow CIPP outside diameter (heat pipe inside diameter) 0 .,.::In Minimum CIPP thickness csicutated L.,. 0.22 In Greatest value calculated frnn ASTM P1216 Equations Xt.1. Xt.2, X1.3 and XI .4 (gravity 5.61 Sew) or greatest of XI I, XI.2, X1.3. XI.4 and Xi.? (pressure pipe) Minimum CIPP llnldulesarecommended t.01 022 Ill Based ona maximum SDR= 100 _mm 6.61 mm Nominal CIPP thickness lobesupplied Rounded uptothe nearest l.5mmt0 reflect standard CIPP thicknesses supplied t= ::ii:..I.:.6,o _________mm SORe,,, 51 SORu Dlt Maximum recommended SOR for CIPP Is 100 per ASTM P1216 CIPP Design Template 619/2010 . NEi( Hwlraufle Cafoulatlpns CIPP Inside diametet (In) o 11.5 Flow area of host pipe (51) A 0.79 Flow area of CIPP (it') on Capacity of host pipe (cfs) Qj. 13A6 a 1.486AFS'° (Mannings Equation) Capacity of CIPP (Cr) Q 18.14 where RM =hydraulic tatiws = 014 for pipe fowing MI %lnueaoe/decreasehr FlowCepacily £Q _ I i • SHOP DRAWING REViEW The anPp rovil by the Engineer at soy shop or working drawing (or of any drang of the Contractos plant or equipment) shall not in any way be deemed to reace the Contractor from lull responsibility for complete and accurate performance at the Work in accordance with the Contract Drwins and Specifications. Neither shail such approval release the Contractor from any haUlity placed upon him by any provi- sion in the Form at Contract. O........REJECTED/RESUBMIT O........ AMEND AND RESUBMIT o.........MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN Cate (OR?no CIPP Design Template 8/9/2010 140K National 0 Liner Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) Wail Thickness Design and Hydraulic Capacity Calculations Project: CMPReplacerneni Program Location: Carlsbad, CA Owner: City of Carlsbad Line Segment(s): 15-Inch Design Assumptions, Ishadud coils are user-defined Condition of host pipe PD PD = partially deteriorated, PD = raty deteriorated Inside diameter of host pipe (in) 0 16 ovarrty, of host pipe (%) q 2.0 Default name Is 2%; range = 0%-10% Slope of host pipe (PA) S 0.180 Host pipe Manning's roughness (dimensionless) 's CIPP Manning roughness (dimensionless) s =_0.015 varIes from 0,013-0.030 (dependent on existing pipe material, geometry, diameter and condition) n = 0.010 varies from 0.009-0.013 Constrained toil modulus of native soil In the pp. zone (psi) M.., logo Sea table below for recommended values From Table 5.8of ,IWWA Manual ofl%IsterFioctJces- (45,Secorrd rfdifl" Granular Native Soils Cohesive ItIve b1olls Unconfined Compressive strength (aj Description Blows/ft (per A8TM D16861 >0 - kPa - psi bPs -I very, very l000e T very, very soft 60 0.3 1-2 DescriptionE _:_:_:2T0- very loose 5 j, very soft QQ_ 1.4 2-4 25-60 soft 700 4.8 4-8 loose 50-100 medium JJQ 102 8-15 slightly compact 100-200 stiff 207 15-30 compact 200-400 veryutlif 6,000 34.5 30-50 dense 4.0-6.0 400-500 hard 59.0 >50 verydense >6.0 1 >600 1 veryhard 20,000 138.0 Flexural modulus of Eelustdty of CIPP, initial (psi) Long-term retention of mechanical properties (10) Flexural modulus of elasticity, of CIPP, long-term (psi) Design safety factor Unit weIght of soil (put) Unit weight of water (pd) Depth of cover (ft) Height of groundwater(S) Internal vacuum pressure (psi) Internal pressure (psi) Diameter of hole or opening in original pipe wall (irS) PoIsson's ratio of CIPP Flexural strength of CIPP, initial (psi) Flexural strength of CIPP, long-term (psi) Tensile strength of CIPP, initial (psi) Tensile strength of CIPP, long-term (psi) Enhancement factor (dimensionless) Surface five loading condition 1420 Calculations lHiohway_ Loads ) Impact factor for traffic load (dimensionless) Distributed load area orerclpe at deoth H OtI Total applied surface %beel load (ib) H20 live load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) 0 250.000 tMhnum value Is 260,000 psi per ASTM F1216 60% Default value lstio% EL= 125,000 Determined from long-term retention it 14 2 Default value Is 2.0 8, 128 Applies to My deteriorated designs only 8,,= 024 14 10.0 Measured from ground surface to top of pipe 14..= 7.0 Measured from top of pipe; j4g): If water labia is below top of pipe, Inputs negauvo numbert P 0.0 Default value iso P = 0.0 Pressure pipe applications ontyt if no pressure, Input 0 do 00 Pressure pipe applications onlyt if no pressure, Input 0 = 0.30 Average value for CIPP per ASIM P1215 o= 4,600 1,00lmum value Is 4,500 psi per ASTM F1218 =L= 2,250 Determined from long-term retention % 0T a= 3,000 Pressure Pipe applications nrrlyl 1,600 Determined from long-term retention it 7.0 bcnirnum value recommended perASTM P1215 HOO - H20, 660 or airport From MSHTO Slanders! Spedffcalions far Highway Bmlrlgeu, l2trrEdmliorr Ito Woe A=See table airdfigures below PLW Based on critical loading configuration (sue table below) Critical Loading Configurations for 1420 toads (per AASHTO) Condition 8, ft P, lbs Au,, ftZ He 1.33 16,000 10.83 + 1.75HXI $7 + 1.75141 2 1.335H <4.10 32,050 4.10~ H (0.83 + 1.751)507 + 1.76H) 3 48,000 (4.83 + 1.76141)5.67 + 1.7511) 0,msloloaj, Dlatribsled Lead Area- Single Dual Wheel >-.... :v•' utadteea -iu/ left - ono.,rs i.ar M r4 ,- —,.•- Cazd0lun DhbOrsid Load Area - Two H20 Trucks Passing; anad Lad Ceedilteo2 Distributed Lund Area -Mernete Loads in Passing Med. 085 Calculations fRaitway Loadsil 080 We load trensllomrad to pipe at depth H (pal) w ) 0.00 graph below 580 Use Loads on Pipe Installed UnderRallroada (From Concrete Pipe Handbook 51k Eduuion) h 27459 30 Unit Lead (psi) 0 00=0 =000 0 0000 00CC 0 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 S sSs 55555 ssss So.8,000lbpnr &(linit 000() rs r, rr n r.. ('X)fl nn (In - 1. 8' 6'5'5' 9' 5'6'6' 8' 8'5'5'5' 95' 6'5'5' Figure 4.30. Spacing of Wheel Loads Per Axle for a Cooper 080 Design Loading. CIPP Design Template 6/°/2010 NEK 2 loadt 0.8 P5 apart .iar,g eats of pipe Hip, 2.756 C 0.014 CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO. CSR i I 1l'"•' 'l I 15'i 1!.uuiiidI 1Iriiii1I nos AiroortLoada duiuso?eiasticltyct concrete (PSI) Eo 4,000,000 efaufl value ls4,000,000 Poisson's ratio of concrete (dirsensiorriess) p 0.16 defaUltvalue is 0.15 Modulus of subgrade reaction (lb/in') kxL 260 see adjacent figure h x 12 Thickness of concrete pavement (in) Depth of cover, top of pIpe to bottom of slab (li) Horizontal distance from pipe ceetedine (6) Xx) 0 assumed =0 (worst case) Radius of stiffness of the rigid pavement (it) 41 R. " 321 R 12 FI- slteet load (tbs) PL. CI 90,000 Worst-case loading scenario Is for loads spaced 0.8R, apart and is caindsted below. t6n1rnum thickness required, 0va51y, Cheers w14 [ 0.00 WLAx CPIR,2 c=I_1-qiloO C-I 0.84 I Ui+qnooF) P- 3.58 J P=(Et,,+D/l2y144 024 in II 2.KE.,•C 'iL1 ASIMFIZI8.EquatlonXl.i e.io nun -nPJ.N.uR)j J 0.16 In 1.5._1.(1+__).so _o5.(l+). PH SGRS. =0 ASTM FI2tO, Equation Xl.2 100.. 100 SDRa C 3.73 102 mm if P. =0 default SDR= 100 Quadratic factors for Eq.X1i a = 0.0306 used toseiveforSDR5undi b= -0.010 c = -314.685 Airport Ova toad transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) Wall Thkkneas Desfon Partially Deteriorated Gravity Pipe Condition Ovatty reduction factor (dimensionless) External hydrostatic pressure from groundwater (psi) Minimum thickness required, hydrostatic budding Fully Detedorated Gravity Pipe Condition Total Sue toad transferred to pipe at depth H (pot) = W, -From live toad calculations Water buoyancy lacier (dimensionless) Rv - R,,, I . 0.33(HJ)l) (rein, value = 0.67) (jQj: If 14,t°Q, use H 0 In this calculation Total external pressure an pIpe (psi) q= M304 q = 0.43311.. + PHRJ144 + 6/, j(g)tt: if l4j5O, use K,, 0 iii this calculation CoetficientotetasecsupportQn4b) B' 9'r 1/(1+4e mer) Mniniem thickness required, Lnsther'ubuckilngequation t 0.29 In ,=[ (wg,D 'I2 AS1MF1218,EquationXl .3 • 7.38 met I,32.R..B'.)11 ..e0.cj fArtirnum thickness required, pipe uirffness It, 0.25 in 6.27 turn 1 Q/(0/009312)t3 ASTM P1216, Equation XI .4 Partially Deteriorated Pressure Pipe Condition P,6nlmurn thickness equifed Inwithstand interrrui pressure thi = DJWOJd)(5.33.wjPN)fv+1) ASTM P1216, Equation Xl.6 In spanning ticuossunyhotes in the original prpewali diD lId/C l.83(yo)5, ASTM F1216, Equetion xis. then erieris In ring tension or hoopslress MOOO and kitty deteriorated pressure pipe cued/lion appses (ASIM F1216 Equation Xl.?) Minksnm thickness required by design chects t ri man Fully Daiertorated Pfesaure Pipe Condition ertuirnum thickness required to withstand as external tç,s In t O1((2orjPN) + 2) ASTM F1216, Equation X1.7 in loads and the funternal pressure =_0.00 _mm C/PP Wag Thlchneas Destan Summary Host pIpe condition EaSy Deteriorated CiPP and use application 1revity Flow CIPP outside diameter (host pipe inside diameter) D = -i-15 in Melnism CIPP thickness calculated L,es 0.29 in Greatest value calculated from ASTM F1218 Equations X1.1, XI.2, Xt.3 and X1.4 (gravity - 7.36 mm flow) or greatest o?Xl .1, X1.2, XI.3, xl 4 and Xl.? (pressure pipe) MinImum CiPP thickness recommended i, 0.29 in Based on a maximum SOR = 100 = 7.38 mm Nominal CiPP thIckness to be suppled icex >•7,5_mm Rounded up to the nearest 1.5 rent to rQfteet standard CIPP thicknesses supplied SDR0 , 51 SOR 06 MaxImum recommended OR forCiPP Is 100 per ASTM P1218 CiPP Design Template 6/9/2010 NEI< Hydraulic Calculations CiPF inside diameter (In) D, 14.4 Flow. area of host pipe (it1) A 123 Flow area ofClPP(ft) . 1.13 Capaty of host pipe (do) 24.40 C = 1.486AR14.5tO (Manning's Equation) Capacity of CIPP (cIa) or. 32.89 where P. = hydraulic radius 014 for pipe lowing full % Inereane/deesease to Flow Capacity sQ :.:'.7:.35% ...........'ttJ(t..i #'. . .- -,, LT7 VF LARLSBAD SHOP DRAWING REVIEW The approve! by the Engineer of any shop or working drawing (or of any drawing of the Cotitrectorn plant cr oruipir-ora) shall not in anyway be deemed to release the Contractor from Iw r penwttiiy fnr complete and accucatc- perfurrnence of the r,r( in accordance with toe Contract Drarjins rd Specicotions. Neither shall uoh approval release the Contractor from any iiability placed upon him by any provi- n the Form of Contract. . . O......REJECTED/RESUBMIT C1 ..AMEND AND RESUBMIT , 0........ MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN -Cate __________ CtPPDestgnTemptate 8/9/2010 NEK 9-- :r-- vtrin, V. eI L.0 Aim ansmsve. L.al en, tiu4icesZ Oivt,5rs1ed bed Area - Two H20Tnmchs Punning Cauullliois.2 Dlsfr5aled Leal Area- Menials loots in Panning Mode National Liner Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) Wall Thickness Design and Hydraulic Capacity Calculations Project: CM? Replacement Program Location: Carlsbad CA Owner; City of Carlsbad Line Segment(s): 184nch Des(qn Assumptions: I Shaded cefrs are user-defined Condition of host pipe PD _JPD = partially deteriorated, co fully deteriorated Inside diameter of host pipe (In) 0 18 Ovafty of host pipe (%) q 2.0 Default value Is 2%; range 0%•10% Slope of host pipe (rt/tt) Be 0.190 Host pipe Manning's roughness (dimensionless) n 0.016 from 0.013-0.030 (dependent on existing pipe material, geometry, diameter and condition) CIPP MannIng's roughness (dimensionless) _vailea it1 0.010 from 0.009-0.013 Constrained eon modulus of native soil in the pipe cotta (psi) _vatles M,,, 1,000 _See table below for recommended values From Table 5.6 of AWWA Manuel of wwef Practices U45, Second Edition Granular Native Soils CohesiveNative soils P.1,,, Unconfined compressive strength (e..I Description Biowslft (per ASTM 011686) Description tonslut We - psi - bPs >O-I vote, _very loose >0-0.126 'T vpty.very, soft Th .. 0.3 1-2 yarn loose 0.125-0.26 13-25 very soft 200 1 4 2-4 0.25-6.50 25-50 soft 700 4.8 4-8 loose 0.50-1.0 60.100 medium 199 jg 8-15 vsghtlycompact 100.200 stiff 20.1 16-30 compact 2.0-4.0 P2.:4P(' veryatiff .iL. 30-80 dense 400.600 hard jgQg 69.0 >50 very dense >6.0 '-600 veryltard 138.0 Flexural modulus of Eelastldty of CIPP, Initial (psI) 0° Long-term retention of mechanIcal properties (It) Flexural modulus of elastidiyof CIPP, long-term (pal) EL- Design safety factor N° Unit weight of soS (pcI) 04 Unit weight of water (pcl) 4. Depth of cover (It) H Height of groundwater (It) It.. Internal vacuum pressure (psi) N. Internal pressure (pal) P ° Diameter of hole or opening In original pipe wail (in) d PoIsson's ratio ofCIPP v = Flexural strength of CIPP. Initial (psi) a. Flexural strength of CI??, long-term (951) 0L° Tensile strength of CI??, initial (pal) Cr.3,000 Tensile strength of CIPP, long-term (pal) ar,. Enhancement factor (dimensionless) Ks Surface Ova loading condition H20Coiculutiona_ (Highway _Leads) f rector for traffic toad (dImensIonless) im fl_1.0 DIstributed load area onor ripe at deotfir Il (fL) Total app0ed aurfacewlre& load (Ih) Pw 1420 Pee load transfemved to pipe at depth H (psi) wu _______________ Impact 250,000 f,0n1m5m value Is 260,000 psi per ASTM P1218 Default value Is 50% Determined from long-term retention P. Default value 1s2.0 Appiles to tally deteriorated designs only Measured from ground surface is top of pipe Measured from top of pipe; t(ta: If water tablets below top of pipe, Input a negative numberl Default value IsO Pressure pipe applications onlyl If no pressure. Input 0 Pressure pipe applications Ont)l If no pressure. Input Average value for CIPP per ASTM F1218 t,tnlmum value ls 4,500 psi per ASTM F1218 Determined from lung-term retention % Pressure pipe applications urmlyl Determined from long-term retention It MinImum value recommended per ASTM F1218 FGO, E80 or airport _Front A4.SHTO Sfendwd Speclficalionu thrP ghivey&*mes, 12th EditIon _ andrea bb0' _Sased on crItical loading configuration (see table below) WL (PW(144AJ 50% 125.000 2 120 62.4 10.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.30 4,500 2,200 1,500 7.0 H20 _4 _48,000 _so Critics l Loading Configurations for H20 loads (per AASH'rO) L_CondItion H, it 1 2 _l-l'cl.33 L_16,000 a 14o 4i0L_32,000 _P,lbs _Aft° _(0.83+l.75Hg1.67+1.75141 + 1.755.O74_1.7514) 3 _1.23 _4.l0tIIi _48,000 _(0.83 _(4.03s1.7514X5.87+i,1511) Qmulde_aJ. Distributed LsadArea - SIngle Dual Wheel 580_Celcuintlons lRallwav Loads) EOO live load transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) ESO Live Loads on Pipe Installed Under Railroads (Prom Concrete Pipe Handbook, Sin Edition) 35 26 20 16 a 10 20 30 Unit Load (psi) w sl_0.00 _from graph below 0 000 = 0000 8 0000 0 0 8,OOOIbpe (ijnft 5'5' 9' 5' $'5'6' FIgure 4.30. Spacing ol Wheel Coeds Per Pate br s Cooper E 50 Design Loading. CIPP Design Template 61912010 HEX At mart Loads Modulus of elasticity of concrete (psi) E.: 4,000,000 default value is 4,000.000 Potasons ratio of concrete (dimensionless) p 0.15 default value Is 0.16 Modulus of subgrade reaction (thAn5) k 250 see adjacent figure Thlckneus of concrete pavement (In) h 12 Depth of cover, top of pipe to bottom of slab (ft) H 9.0 Horizontal distance from pipe centerene (II) X 0 1 assumed 0 (worst case) Radius ofstiffnesof the rigid pavement (fl) R.."I 3.27 I R =1!_Eh3 yTheel load (Ibs) PLA90.000 I Worst-case loading scenario Is for 2 loads spaced CI.SR, apart and Is calculated below. For alternate loading conditions, sea Conasia Pipe Handbook Sib Edsk.'n Pressure Coefficient (C) for X/Rs 0 025 0.15 0.1 0.06 WRs 2 loads 0.8 R epart along asia of pipe H x HIR. 2.756 Cc 0.074 CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO. CBS Ii.!uiiiiiIII y,71 I SO I INS WI-1=111111111 mills UIUIiPIIIHi ~ 0 1-1-1 liff" Pill Airport We toed transferred to pipe at depth H (psi) A ci 0.00 WLA CPiR,2 Wall Thicknsss.Desiwr Partially Deteriorated Gravity Pipe Condition (1- q!100 Ovally reduction factor(dlmennioniess) C 0.84 I C j1+q/100J°J External hydrostatic Pressure from groundwater (psi) P. 'j 3.66 P0 y,.(H 4 0112)1144 Minimum thickness required, hydrostatic budding 11 0.29 In 0 ASTM P1216, Equation XI.1 7,47 mm _________ Minimum thickness required, ovar1tyctieck m -o ASTM F1216, Equation X-1.2 90R2° 101 lfP0cO,defaultSOR=l0O Quadratic faders for Eq. X12 a = 0.0306 used to solve (arSDR2 and t b° -0.510 C .305.43 Fufiybeteilorafed Ore vity Pipe Condition Total live load transferred Is pipe at depth H (psi) WFrom tue loud ealcoiotiena Water buoyancy factor (dimensionless) R,, M3O4 R, 1 - 0.33(ftJH) (ada. value 0.07) jjg): If H,'ro, coo It 0 In thIn calcutelion Total external pressure an pipe (psi) q,° q1= 0.43311. + o,HftJ144 + W. (tigLe: If 14,,,°Q, use H,, o 9 In Uris calculation coelficlantofelaulcsapport(ie-lb) B'° 8= li(l+4au) Minimum Itilcirnress required, Luschar's buckling equation t,§ ---0.3-5 -11n (Nq,)' LI' 12 1 ASTM P1216, Equation Xl.3 6.92 mm 32R.-B•M,,.E, .Cj Minimum thickness required, pipe stiffness 0.30 o 1.53 _hi mm I = (E/0.09312)t° ASTM P1216, Equation XI .4 Partially DeterIorated Pressure Pipe Condition I,, D/(((Did)2(5.33ojPN)lm+1) ASTM P1216. Equation Xt.6 in spanning across any holes In the original pipe wet d,0.00 ltd/Os 1.83-(t/0)" ASTM 11216, Equation X1.5, then liner IS In slag tension Or hoop stress Minimum thickness required In withstand Internal pressure _In 1.83(l,1D)t0 2010-10 and fnllyduterlorated pressure pIpe condition applies (ASTM F12t6, Equation XI.7) Minimum thickness required by design thesis t,, =__jln. 0.0111mm Fully Dnledoraluri Presswe Pipe Condition Minimum thickness required to withstand all external to: 0.00 In tO D/((2ajPN) + 2) ASTM 11218, Equation Xl.? loads and the fun internal pressure 0.00 Imm CIPP Wail Thickness Design Summer,, most pipe condition Fully Deteriorated CIPP end one application Gravity Flsw CIPP outsIde diameter (heat pipe Inside diameter) Do ;iia In Minimum CIPP thickness calculated t >. 0.36 In Greatest value calculated from ASTM 11216 Equations XI.1, XiS, XI,3 and X1.4 (graft mm flow) orgruatost of XII, X1.2, XI.3, X1.4 and X1.7 (pressure pipe) Minimum CIPP thickness recoriumonded 0.35 in Based on a meolmum SOR tOO mm Nominal CIPP thickness to be supplied t0pp t+:_8.92 ..9.0 men Rounded up to the nearest 1.6 mm to refiectstandard CIPP thicknesses supplied SDRPP 51 SOR 0/I Maximum recommended SOR for CIPP Is 100 per ASTM P1216 CIPP Design Template 619/2010 f4EK Hvdr8ullc Calculations CiPP Inside dlamete(in) D1 17.3 Flow area of host pipo(ft) 1.77 Fiow area otClPP(ft) 1.63 capacity Of host pipe (cfs) 39.68 0 t.486•ARS ( annbigs Equation) CSPSCftyOICIPP(C1S) Q, 53.48 % ioceassIdecrease In Row Capacity AD :.::35% CI'r'I UF CARLSBAD SHOP DRAWING REVIEW The approval by the Engineer of any shop or working drawing (cc of any drawing of I it the Contractors plant or equipn-nt) shall not in any way be aernd to release the Contractor from lull responsibPity for complete and accurate oric r,ce of tre Work in accordance with the Contract Orawns oi;d Soeciticons. Neither shall such approval release the Contractor from any lability placed upon him by any provi- .siiri in the Form of Contract. 0 ........ REJECTED/RESUBMIT O ........ AMEND AND RESUBMIT 0 ........ MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN CIPP Design Template 618/2010 NEK CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL JOB TITLE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains) W. 0. NO. PWSI0-22ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD I SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR ALL CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS, INCLUDING SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, CALCULATIONS, DATA, OR OTHER DATE 1-9-09 ity of Carlsb d TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. 1953 Almanor St. - Oxnard CA 93036 Ph. (805) 844-5023 Fx: (805) 278-1872 Attn: Tony Montes SPEC./DRAW. REFERENCE CONTRACTOR SUBMITTAL NO. 0914046-009 FROM: Jose M. Del Rio RePipe-California 5525 E. Gibraltar Street Ontario, Ca 91764 CHECK ONE THIS IS: 0 an original submittal El a2 nd submittal of (original Sub, no.) a submittal of (original Sub, no.) O&M submittal Subject of Submittal I Equipment Supplier Equipment Designation(s): I Specification Sections(s): Standard Traffic Control Plans (Repi pe-Californ ia) COMPLETE EITHER (a) OR (b) FOLLOWING: We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown (no exceptions). We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations (list deviations): SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Jose M. Del Rio, Project Manager dsg~ M. 4z' WSubmittal Transmittal Letters\TRANSMITTAL 9.doc DETAIL 4- Lj L3 L -p 050-2!. 1000 MARY owj00r I TYPICAL SIDEWALK CLOSURE 59-No!. R*X //'/A 40 WE 1rir-- 911 TA/SIP I. lADED IENJGTT.IC I. IVPT10AO1 SPEED (U.PJR) MINIMUM TAPED LOLIG1H L1 1001/I/U NULINU NE C/A/ES FOR TAPIR • UI/SAL/LI SPOONS CE WIGS C TAPE) (FEET)± 441/S/B/SI 0)11010 CE CONES 0)10/C TMIWNT (FEET)± 25 125 6 25 50 __.SA _.IRL. 7 o No 35 245 0 35 70 40 320 s 40 60 SE 540 13 45 60 i ....._.RRL....... 13 50 TOO - 55 600 13 55 iio so .......200_........ 13 60 Im IL)'ROAQI I LCBLIDTUCI.NAL SPEED MUTTER SPACE Lulls) b(FEE/Sf' 10131 E 3. C/OF.) 000911MG I . IPPN0H0I BE/MOO 0/51411(7/ IN FEET Lo SPEED (MPH.) 61/10001 50)15' TRIAL LAST NON TO TAPER LESS THAN 25 00 IRE 251040 350 300 EARlE) THAN 40 500 500 OVA/EEWAR/4NC SONS (WE YAOIE3) LEGEND - DIRECTION OF TRAWL . PORTHOLE 5/101 TRAFFIC c000/UEUHEATOR lIRE 11 80000/CASE flAGGER '( FLAG TREE 044 PLANING 11010W SIGN * PORTABLE FLASHING BEACON 100900) K-RIO. (M. -O) (] OAIILGEA&E MESSAGE 0911 TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES 6. HE/RN HOURS TO BE RESTRICTED TO TO UNLESS APPROVED 0010RHTSE. 2. PEDESTRIAN CONTROLS HILL BE FITS/ROOD AS 9404W. S PEDESTRIANS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM ENTERING THE ES/CA VATON BY PHYSICAL BARRIERS DESIGNED, INSTALLED. AND MAINTAINED TO THE SAITSEACTIGN OF THE CITY EN/SNEER. 4. TEMPORARY 960 PARKING/TOW AWAY- SI/SOS STATING THE DATE AND TIME OF PROM/COON BILL BE POSTED 72 HOURS PR/OR TO COMMENCING MEIRK. CALL CARLSBAD FOUCE DISPATCH AT (760)931-2)97 TO VALIDATE POST/NIL N ACCESS HILL RE MAINTAINED TO ALL 09W/HATS UNLESS DINER ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE TRENCHES MOST BE BACXPILLED ON PLATED 00/RING NON-WORKING HOURS UNLESS K-RAIL BARRIERS ARE PRO/ROOD. K-RAIL IS APP/TONED ONLY WEN SPECIFICALLY 1010094 ON THE APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. PLATES SHALL HAVE EATS AND COLD MIX AT THE EDGES AS APPROVED BE THE CITY INSPECTOR. SIN/PING BILL BE REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR 06TH/N 24 HOURS IF REMOVED DR DAMAGED. B NE/RN THAT DISTURBS NORMAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING OPERATIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED 06TH THE arr OF CARLSBAD. CONTACT STREETS 01W/SON AT (760) 434-2037 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING LIE/RE. B. TRAFFIC SIGNALS 51110.1 REMAIN TULLE ACTUATED AT ALL TIMES. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY EN/SNEER OR HIS REPRESENTATI/TE IF TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP DETECTORS ARE RENDERED INOPERATIVE BE THE PROPOSED HTJRIE, OWED DETECTION SHALL BE USED TO PRO/ROE ACTUATION. TO. PL.AOGERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED 09TH A WHITE HARD HAT. AN ORANGE VEST. AND A STOP/SLOW`- PADDLE ON A 5 FOOT STAFF. TT. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUSE ME MAINTAINED 24 HOURS A DAY. 7 OATS PEN I/CELL. BY THE CONTRACTOR 12. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE 0601 THE CALIFORNIA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL EEOTCEO (RE/AS/OH T AS AMOT100D FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA). TS TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SUBMITTALS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH PHASE OR THE /6000 IN THE DETAIL. FORMAL. AND OOALJ( ILLUSTRATED ON THIS SHEET. TA. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROl. DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM VIEW OR COLORED I4HEN NOT IN USE TN THE CITY ER/SNEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE HAS THE AUTHORITY TO 100 TATE FIELD CHANGES TO INSURE PUBLIC SAFETY TB. ALL 0/S/TO AFFECTING BUS STOPS SHALL BE COORDINATED 0101 NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL 96(10 AT (100) 967-2028 AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE OR STARTING (10011 T7. CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS SHALL BE USED IN ADVANCE OF TRAFFIC CONTROL ON MAJOR AND PRIME ARTERIAL/S UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED . THESE S/SEAS SHALL BE SHOWN OR THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. SIGNAGE NOTES AT LEAST ONE PERSON SHALL BE ASS//DIED TO FULL TIME MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ON ALL MIGHT LANE a0SAJHEE ALL WARNING Sf10/S FOR NO/NT LANE CEOSURES SHALL BE ILLUMINATED OR REFIECTORZED AS SPECIFIED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS .7/ ALL ADVANCE WARN/NO SITAR INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH P1.405 FOR DAYTIME CLOSURES OF ALL MAJOR AND PRIME ARTERIALS FLASHING BEACONS SHALL BE USED DURING H//OlE LANE CEO/SIRES 4. A 020-2 'END ROAM LIE/RN SIGN SHALL BE PLACED AT THE ENO OF THE LANE 15050/RE UT/LESS THE END OF THE PORK AREA IS OBLIGE//S OR ENDS ((ITT/IN A LARGER PR/SECT LIMITS S ALL CONES USED FOR H/CANT LANE CLOSURES SHALL BE ILLUMINATED TRAFFIC CONES ON FInED HI/TA TA' REFLECTIVE SLOE//EG O. FLASHING ARROW SIGNS SHALL BE RSOO PER THE CALIFORNIA MUTED. SILENT TYPE SHALL BE USED IN RESIDENTIAL AREA/P 7. THE MAXIMUM SPACING BETIIEEN COP/ES IN A TAPER OR A TANGENT SHALL BE APPROXIMATGEY AS S/LOAN IN TABLE I. & ADO/TONAL ADVANCE FL400ENS SHALL BE RE/AL/RED MIEN TRAFFIC QUEUES OELELOI°. P0.400/SR OTA 17940 FOR WORK AT MONT SHALE BE ILLUMINATED AS NOTED IN SECT/ON 6/520 OF THE MUTED. H. PLACE CAD (CA) LANE CLOSED' SON AT 500-TOO/P INTERVALS THROUISHOUF EXLEN000 WORK AREAS TO ALL REQUIRED 0/ORG THAT ARE ED BE LEFT IN P0.4CC OVER A lEE/OUTED OR HOLIDAY SHALL BE POST MOUNTED. IT. CONSTRUCTION AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHILL MEET THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 12 OF THE MOST RECENT (0/TOOL OF THE CAL TRANS STANDARD EHECIFICATIONIL L3 €:I W20-2 W20-5(RT) W20-5(LT) W20-1 L01410ES W20-4 W21-5 W3-4 SIGNS W4-2(RT) R9—lla <s> W1-4(LT) ME R9-10 W1-4(RT) R4-7a <s> W1-3(LT) II W13-1 C30(CA) G20-2 I:1I;H/, C30A(CA) ti R9-9 I[!!I CITY _OF CARLSBADI[1I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD APIMOVIEB I For TRAFFIC El/CR/PER LATE - - 0-0-B /SE % L IL - - - - - - .•L40 ADY i' - - 020-2!. cviiiiiI 01QI, RD-t E'/////I oo9 lit -- mwVP A4FF7 I -- Ill ID F 0)/TOTE LU/P IS A PARLTOIO LU/P Of/H IU0EY NO P1091/0/TOW AwA SITHS ARE 10 NE 1000)0 P0) 1041170 NEW ION HOlE N HOT TO SS4LE TYPICAL LANE AND SHOULDER CLOSURE N-N.M LIE - - —j-IDID10ON6Rr0) PAMIE/MOAr - - - an M?° F' P19)01000 BEE LAKE IF U0t ,Lo€o — - 1 - - - - 4 r - 4— TME TAPER E BJR —p - - _IL/INOGE WABIANE 95)&LSE.EIOLEJ0.___L(SIT )j --- •----• - - - —p - Lj Ls I LT (Rio wzo-!. HOB-5(RTTI. w4-AIUTi(. 1 . PA/AWE 00 00/P LU/P 010-2 WOWAIO Nor TO SCA _________ - W LIE - 701 /UflMTr 140 P109144)100 AW.Ir £40. ISLE CRONE LANE TO A lARD/C LANE TI/C) IflIFO610P Tjo PAIFo,/GJTOW AWAY' 9/00510(10 NE 100110 PER 1011110 WA/RE 1/OlE 4. TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE WITH REVERSIBLE CONTROL U Y C UAR LSD AO SHOP DRAWiNG REViEW The approvel by the Er!gk;er of ery shop or working drawing (or of any drawing of the Contractor's am or CUii uhaf not in an' way Le 1 c, release the Comractor from lull reapuir ty for comptete and accurate perfo;inance of the Work in accordance wili the otract Drw...s nd Specificuons. Neither shall such approval release the Contractor from any liability pced upon him by any provi- ;kn in the Form of Contract. 0........REJECTED/RESUBMIT O...... ..AMEND AND RESUBMIT 0........MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL JOB TITLE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains) W. 0. NO. PWSI0-22ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD I SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR ALL CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS, INCLUDING SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, CALCULATIONS, DATA, OR OTHER DATE May 17, 2010 Zitv of Carlsb d TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. 1953 Almanor St. Oxnard CA 93036 Ph. (805) 844-5023 Fx: (805) 278-1872 Attn: Tony Montes SPEC/DRAW. REFERENCE CONTRACTOR SUBMITTAL NO. 0914046-014 FROM: Jose M. Del Rio RePipe-California 5525 E. Gibraltar Street Ontario, Ca 91764 CHECK ONE THIS IS: 0 an original submittal El a 2 submittal of (onginal SUD. no.) a submittal of (onginal SUD. no.) 0 & M submittal Subject of Submittal / Equipment Supplier Equipment Designation(s): I Specification Sections(s): Key Personnel & Emergency Contacts (Repipe-California) COMPLETE EITHER (a) OR (b) FOLLOWING: We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown (no exceptions). We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations (list deviations): SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Jose M. Del Rio, Project Manager u:\submittal Transmittal Letters\TRANSMITTAL 14.doc Project: Corrugates Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains) Location: City of Carlsbad, CA Mark Neumann - General Manager Daytime Office: (909) 291-4050 Mobil Phone: (714) 715-5722 Jose M. Del Rio - Project Manager Daytime Office: (909) 291-4050 Mobil Phone: (714) 719-3482 Frank Durazo - Operations Manager Mobil Phone: (714) 715-5824 Daytime Office: (909) 291-4050 Thomas Lyon - Estimator Daytime Office: (909) 291-4050 Mobil Phone: (714) 552-0108 REPiPE -CALIFORNIA Key Personnel & Emergency Contact Jorge Beltran - Project Superintendent Mobil Phone: (714) 715-5847 Onsite Contact Truncated Reference List REPIPE Name and Address of Owner Project Name Pipe Size Lengths Liner System Completed City of Los Angeles Various ASRP Projects 8, 10, 12, 15, 18 276,531 National Liner CIPP 2003-7 1149 S. Broadway SSRP S02A & S02B 8.10 21,486 National Liner CIPP 2007 Los Angeles, CA 90014 SSRP C04A Rose Ave 8, 10, 12 4,665 National Liner CIPP 2008 Contact: lftekhar Ahmed SSRP U04A Beverlywood 8 9,053 National Liner CIPP 2008 Phone: (213) 485-5875 SSRP H27B Melrose Ave 8, 10,12 1,287 National Liner CIPP 2008 CSRP Harbor Area Unit 4 8 7,055 National Liner CIPP 2008 SSRP HOI Olympic Blvd 8.10 13,247 National Liner CIPP 2008 SSRP H28A Willow Glen 8 8,818 National Liner CIPP 2008 SSRP H28B Franklin 8,10 8,168 National Liner CIPP 2008 SSRP H28C Sunset 8, 10, 12, 15 10,011 National Liner CIPP 2008 SSRP S09 Imerial Hwy 8, 10, 12 20,119 National Liner CIPP 2008 SSRP H32A Canyon & Spring 8 4,913 National Liner CIPP 2008 SSRP H29A Laurel & Mulholland 8 13,691 National Liner CIPP 2008 SSRP U1 9A Rochester Ave 8 18,997 National Liner CIPP 2009 SSRP U18B Verteran Ave 8.10 11,075 National Liner CIPP 2009 SSRP U1 8A Roscomare Rd 8 16,410 National Liner CIPP 2009 SSRP U 24 Robertson Blvd 8,12 7,887 National Liner CIPP 2010 Total Footage Installed 453,413 LA County Sanitation Dist South Park Trunk Swr. 18 713 Novapipe CIPP 2003 1755 Workman Mill Road Artesia Blvd. Trunk Swr. 18 332 Novapipe CIPP 2003 Whittier, CA 90601 Joint Outfall "C Unit 3F 18 490 Masterliner CIPP 2005 Contact: Rich Julio District 29 Phase II 8, 10, 12 6,572 Masterliner CIPP 2006 Phone: (562) 699-7411 ext. 1607 Storm Drain Rehab at WIN Plant 18 540 Masterliner CIPP 2006 Belvedere Trunk Sewer 10, 12, 15 864 Masterliner CIPP 2006 Lincoln Ave Trunk Sewer 8 1,305 Masterliner CIPP 2006 Western Ave Trunk Sewer 10 3,180 Masterliner CIPP 2006 Inglewood Trunk Sewer 8,10, 12,15, 18 22,443 National Liner CIPP 2007 Total Footage Installed 36,439 City of Moses Lake Sewer Lining Project 2006 8, 10, 12 30,829 National Liner CIPP 2006 321 South Balsam St Sewer Lining Project 2008 8 37,300 Ribloc EX 2008 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Contact: Shawn O'Brian Phone: (509) 766-9217 Total Footage Installed 68,129 Goleta West Sanitary District Phase II Sewer Rehab. 6 7,719 Novapipe CIPP 2004 P.O. Box 4 Phase II Sewer Rehab. 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 10,413 Ribloc EX 2004 Goleta, CA 93116 Phase III Sewer Rehab. 8 5,212 Masterliner CIPP 2005 Contact: Mark Nation Phase Ill Sewer Rehab. 6, 8, 10 12,993 Ribloc EX 2005 Phone: (805) 968-2617 Phase IV Sewer Rehab 6,8, 10, 12, 15, 18 22,053 National Liner CIPP 2010 Total Footage Installed 58,390 City of Burbank City of Burbank Sewer Rehab 8.12 36,955 Ribloc EX 2001 275 East Olive Ave Phase 6- Rehab of EQ Damaged Sewer 8,10 3,560 Ribloc EX 2002 Burbank, CA 91510 Sanitary Sewer Hazard Mitigation Prg. 8,10 4,060 Ribloc EX 2004 Contact: Mall Rutowski Phone: (818) 238-3930 Total Footage Installed 44,575 LA County Dept. of Public Works Kern Ave. 8 6,345 Ribloc EX 2000 900 S. Fremont Ave. Ford Ave. 8 6,677 Ribloc EX 2000 Alhambra, CA 91803 Poplar Place 8.12 15,601 Ribloc EX 2001 Contact: Keith Lehto 89th Street 8 17,268 Ribloc EX 2001 Phone: (626) 300-3304 Lanfranco St. 8 10,398 Ribloc EX 2002 Contact: Harry Cong lOith St. 8 8,018 Ribloc EX 2002 Phone: (626) 458-3157 Triggs St. 8 9,577 Ribloc EX 2003 Service St 8 17,208 Ribloc E)( 2003 Herbert Ave. 8 14,218 Ribloc EX 2004 Arizona Ave. 8 17,658 Ribloc EX 2004 Walnut Drive 8 12,199 Ribloc E)( 2005 Los Angeles River Side Inlets 12,18,21,24,27,30,36 3,467 National Liner CIPP 2006 First Street 8 16,862 Ribloc EX 2007 Flower Street 8 8,069 Ribloc EX 2007 Hammel Street 8 9,970 Ribloc EX 2007 McBride Street 8 15,846 Ribloc EX 2007 Marina Del Rey 8, 10, 12,15, 18 17,242 Ribloc EX 2008 Michigan Ave 8 15,197 Ribloc EX 2008 Clela Ave 8 14,203 Ribloc EX 2008 Olympic Ave 8,10 9,368 Ribloc EX 2008 CDR Phase 1C 12,15,18,21,24,36 9,092 National Liner CIPP 2008 Amelia Ave 8,10 10,277 Ribloc EX 2008 Fisher Street 8 13,200 Ribloc EX 2009 Dozier Street 8 23,461 Ribloc EX 2009 CDR 438 Phase II 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 2,265 National Liner CIPP 2009 Total Footage Installed 303,686 City of San Diego Wastewater Div. Sewer Group 90 6.8 5,891 Ribloc EX 2003 Contact: Jon Cady ROW & Easement Phase B 6,10 40,215 Ribloc EX 2004 Phone: (619) 482-2076 ROW & Easement Phase C 6,8 61,052 Ribloc EX 2006 Contact: Margaret Llagas ROW & Easement Phase F 8 44439 Ribloc EX 2009 Phone: (858) 6544494 Total Footage Installed 151,597 Transmittal Letter 5525 E. Gibraltar Street PiPE-CALIFORNIA Ontario, CA 91764 Phone: (909) 291-4054 • Fax: (909) 291-4070 TO: TERRA Pipe Line Inc. DATE: RC JOB ID NUMBER: 1953 Almanor St. 511712010 Oxnard CA 93036 0914046 Ph. (805) 844-5023 ATTN: Fx: (805) 278-1872 Tony Montes RE: Corrugated Metal Pipe Replacement Program (Alder Ave. & Marron Rd. Storm Drains) ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND: 11 Certified Payroll Prints Under separate cover via please find: Copy of Letter Change Orders D Plans III Samples El Specifications LI Shop Drawings LI Submittals X ubmittals] Copies Date Number Description , 6 5/17/2010 1,2,3,4,9,14 Submittals TRANSMITTED ITEMS ARE CHECKED BELOW: 0 For Approval LI Approved as submitted LI Resubmit copies for approval LI For your use LI Approved as noted LI Submit copies for distribution LI As requested LI Returned for corrections LI Return corrected prints 0 For review LI LI As for bids due 20 LI Prints returned after your loan to us REMARKS Please find submittals for the above referenced project. Please fax transmittal to (909) 291-4070 upon your receipt. Please sign original copies and send back to my attention A.S.A.P. Thank You, Jose M. Del Rio opy to: Signed: % If enclosures are not as noted, please notify us immediately. Thank you.