HomeMy WebLinkAbout69-16; EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5; ITERIM REPORT; 1970-08-134
3467 Kurtz Street August 13 1970 San Diego.. . . .. . . .
California 92110 Project No 66-230
(714) 2242911
Kamar Construction Company, Inc JIECEIVEJJ P.O. Box 71 . .. - •. S . :.
Carlsbad, California AUG 171970
Attention Mr Jerry L Rombotis
ngIneerIng Department
In accordance with your request, we have provided soil engineering
services in conjunction nth the grading of the subject lots These
services included the following
Engineering observation of the grading operation
Taking of field density tests in the fill placed and compacted
on the subject site
Site preparation, compaction and testing were done between June 22 and
August 7, 1970 in accordance with the "Specifications for Controlled
Fill" in our report entitled, "Soil Investigation for the Proposed
Subdivision El Camino Mesa, Unit No 5, Carlsbad, California," dated
January 17, 1967
Fill was placed, compacted and tested on Lots 1 through 10
As the site grading progressed, the compaction procedures were ob-
served and field density tests were made to determine the relative
compaction of the fill in place Field observations and field den-
sity test results indicate that the fill has been compacted to 90
percent or more of maximum laboratory density The results of field
density tests and of relative compaction, expressed as a percent of
maximum laboratory density will be submitted with our final report
Laboratory tests to determine moisture-density relationships, maximum
dry density, optimum moisture content, grain size distribution, plas-
ticity characteristics and strength and swell characteristics were
performed on representative samples of the material used for fill
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Kamar Construction Company
Project No. 66-230 'f
August 13, 1970
Page 2
The results of laboratory tests will be submitted in our final report
Laboratory tests indicate that nonexpansive fill was placed within 2
feet of rough grade on all fill lots noted above
During grading of Lots £1, 5 and 6, potentially expansive soil was
replaced with nonexpansive fill to a depth of 2 feet within the limits
of the entire level lot pad
A visual, inspection of the 'subject site at the completion of grading
indicates that potentially expansive soil is not evident at finish
grade on either cut or fill lots
Foundations for structures placed on nonexpansive undisturbed soil or
nonexpansive properly compacted till may be designed for a bearing
pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot at a depth of 8 inches, or
2,000 pounds per square foot at a depth of 12 inches below compacted
f'll or undisturbed cut lot grade-..Footings should have a minimum
width of 12 inches
The elevations of compaction tests shown as finished grade (FG) tests
correspond. to the elevations shown, on .the 'grading plans for El Camino: '
Mesa Unit 5 datee June 8, 1970 preparea by Roy L Iciema, San Diego,
Cali forni a
This report covers the fill placed under our observation during the
dates specified above..'. Additional, fill placed.-after these dates, as.".
well as the backfill in utility trenches located within 5 feet of a
building and greater than 12 inches deep,, or any trench 5 feet or
more from a buildinq and in excess of 5 feet in depth, should be com-
pacted under the observation of this office and tested to assure com-
pliance with the earthwork specifications of the project This
office should be contacted at least 24 hours prior to backfilling
operations Utility service trenches within 5 feet of a building
that are DerDfldicular to the building footinas and are less than 12
inches wide and less than 3 feet deep are not subject to this recom-
mendation .
Structures that will not tolerate differential settlements (such as
foundations, swimming pools, concrete decks, walls, etc Y should not
be located within 5 feet of the top of a slope Footings located
closer than 5 feet from the top of a slope should be extended in
depth until the'outer.bottom'edge' of the•footing is 5 'feet horizon- ' .•• '
tally from the outside face of the slope
The inspections and tests of compaction made during the period of our
services on the subject site were in accordance with the local accep-
table standards for this period The conclusions or opinions drawn
Consulting Soil and Foundation Engineers and Geologists