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1 i/h Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants #4AYI[ji(f/A I .June 24, 2008 - Project No. 106285001 I ., I Mr. Jason P. Hubbard Don Hubbard Contracting . 1015 A Linda Vista Drive I San Marcos, California 92078 - r Subject: Geotechnical Observation and Compaction Testing Report I Crib Wall Reconstruction West Side of Tamarack Avenue, South of Kirkwall Avenue Carlsbad, California I , Dear Mr. Hubbard: In accordance with your request, we are providing this letter documenting the earthwork opera- tions that were performed during reconstruction of the subject crib wall in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The purpose of our services was to provide geotechnical design recommendations for wall reconstruction and to observe, document, and test materials used during the earthwork operations. Our recommendations for the geotechnical design parameters for the wall recon- struction were presented previously (Ninyo & Moore, 2008a). The project site is located on the west side of Tamarack Avenue approximately 700 feet south of the intersection with Kirkwall Avenue in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The project area consists of a widened, asphalt concrete (AC) paved driveway that provides access to an aban- doned water treatment plant and an RV storage facility. The widened, western portion of the driveway is supported by backfill soils that are retained by a crib wall. The crib wall generally ranges in height from approximately 10 to 25 feet and is approximately 200 feet long. The base of the wall is situated on a westerly facing slope that descends at an approximate inclination of 2:1 (horizontal: vertical) down towards a concrete channel. On January 8, 2008 a portion of the existing crib wall collapsed and a nearby water line was broken. As a result, a portion of the existing AC driveway collapsed and an approximately 5710 Ruffin Road • San Diego, California 92123 • Phone (858) 576-1000 Fax (858) 576-9600 San Diego • Irvine - Ontario • Los Angeles • Oakland • Las Vegas • Carson City - Phoenix • Denver West Side of Tamarack Avenue, South of Kirkwall Avenue June 24, 2008 Carlsbad, California Project No. 106285001 I 15-foot-deep washout was created in the descending slope at the front of the failed crib wall. During the reconstruction efforts, it was observed that the crib wall failure and water line break I occurred along the pathway defined by the underground storm drain system. The existing storm I drain system that was underlying the failed portion of the wall and driveway, began at an inlet along the western side of Tamarack Avenue and drained westerly to an outlet in a nearby con- crete channel. Due to soils depositing in the concrete channel and the growth of vegetation, the storm drain outlet became blocked and the storm drain system was clogged. The reconstruction efforts generally began on January 29, 2008 with the demolition of the failed portion of the crib wall and the removal of AC and concrete debris. Subsequent to this I work, a construction ramp was created within the work area to provide equipment access to the base of the crib wall and the concrete channel. The contractor then began to clean out the vege- tation and soil that had deposited into the concrete channel. I Once the channel had been cleaned out, the earthwork operations at the site began with the par- tial removal and partial abandonment of the existing storm drain system. The portion of the I storm drain pipe that extended from the channel outlet east to approximately 20 feet behind the face of the crib wall was removed. The resultant excavation was then backfilled with com- pacted fill consisting. of soils derived from on-site excavations. The remaining portion of the storm drain pipe that extended east towards the inlet on Tamarack Avenue and the storm drain box at the inlet were backfilled with a sand-cement slurry mix. I After the channel had been cleaned out and the storm drain was removed/abandoned, the rebuilding of the crib wall began. The first stage included the rebuilding of the washed out I slope in front of the failed portion of the crib wall. The loose material was removed to competent materials and the slope was rebuilt with compacted fill derived from on-site I excavations. Once the slope was rebuilt, an overexcavation and recompaction of the crib wall foundation subgrade materials was performed. This overexcavation was extended to competent I formational materials at depths that generally ranged from approximately 4 to 6 feet below the crib wall foundation elevation. The overexcavation was then replaced with compacted fill to I I 106285001 CR.doc 2 West Side of Tamarack Avenue, South of Kirkwall Avenue June 24, 2008 Carlsbad, California Project No. 106285001 I I foundation elevation. The overexcavation was then replaced with compacted fill to the crib wall foundation subgrade elevation. The reconstruction of the crib wall consisted of the replacement of an approximately I 60-foot-wide by 25-foot-tall section of the wall. During the beginning of the crib wall con- struction, a drain was installed at the base of the crib wall and tied into the existing wall drain. This new crib wall drain was directed such that it outlets the front of the crib wall. The wall contractor generally constructed the new portion of the crib wall in 4-foot-high vertical incre- ments. As the cells for the crib wall were placed, the contractor would place 3/4-inch gravel into the cells and then vibrate the gravel with a walk behind vibratory plate. The cells utilized I within the upper 6 feet of the wall were filled with soils that were compacted with a wacker. The backfill soils were separated from the gravel infill by a geosynthetic filter fabric. During this wall backfill process, once the water line was reinstalled and the sewer line was realigned, the corresponding utility trenches were backfilled. Soils utilized as wall and trench backfill I consisted of a combination of on-site and imported soils. In addition to these reconstruction efforts, small sections of sidewalk and curb-and-gutter along the western and eastern sides of I Tamarack Avenue were replaced. During replacement, the subgrade soils were processed and I .recompacted prior to concrete placement. These earthwork operations were generally performed using various types of equipment. This I equipment included an excavator with a bucket and sheeps-foot roller attachment, a front-end loader, a side-dump loader, skid steers, a backhoe with a bucket and sheepsfoot attachment, I wackers, vibratory plates, and haul trucks. The excavator and backhoe with their bucket at- tachments generally performed the removals and excavations associated with the project. I Processing and conditioning of on-site and fill soils was performed through a combination of the excavator, the loaders, and the backhoe. Transport and placing of the on-site and import I soils was performed by the excavator, the loaders, the skid steers, the backhoe, and the haul I trucks. Compactive effort was applied to the soils using the excavator, backhoe, wackers, vi- bratory plates, and wheel rolling the soils with the front-end loader. 1 106285001 CR.doc 3 West Side of Tamarack Avenue, South of Kirkwall Avenue June 24, 2008 Carlsbad, California Project No. 106285001 After the crib wall had been reconstructed, the driveway was repaved. To prepare the subgrade and place the aggregate base materials the contractor used a combination of haul trucks, a wa- ter hose, a skip loader, a backhoe, a steel-drum vibratory roller, and a vibratory plate. The subgrade and base materials were generally placed and processed using the haul trucks, the wa- ter hose, the skip loader, and the backhoe. Compactive effort was applied using the steel-drum vibratory roller and the vibratory plates. To perform the paving operations the contractor util- ized haul trucks, a paver, a steel-drum vibratory roller, and a vibratory plate. The AC materials were generally transferred to the site by haul trucks and placed by the paver. Compactive effort was applied using the steel-drum vibratory roller and the vibratory plates. Laboratory tests were performed on representative samples of the soils utilized by the contractor to evaluate the modified Proctor dry density and moisture content, gradation (sieve) analysis, and ex- pansion index. The modified Proctor dry density and moisture content were evaluated in general accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 1557, and the results are presented in Table 1. When necessary, due to the presence of gravel in the sample, the results of the modified Proctor density and optimum moisture content tests were corrected in general accor- dance with the applicable method of the current version of ASTM D1557. Soil Type No. 11 was corrected in general accordance with the current version of ASTM D1557 Method C. Both the cor- rected and uncorrected values of Soil Type No. 111 were used in the field, thus both the corrected and uncorrected values are presented in Table 1. Table 2 presents the supplier provided results of the Hveem density tests. The sieve analysis tests were evaluated in general accordance with ASTM D 422, and the results are presented in Table 3. The expansion index tests were evaluated in general accordance with UBC 18-2 and the results are presented in Table 4. I Reconstruction efforts at the site generally took place between January 29 and April 28, 2008. Our field representative was generally on-site periodically from January 29 to February 12, 2008 to observe the demolition and channel clean-out operations. Our field representative was gener- ally on-site full-time for geotechnical observation and compaction testing services during the I earthwork operations for the project from February 13 to April 28, 2008. The observed earthwork operations included the rebuilding of the slope in front of the crib wall, overexcavation of the I 106285001 CR.doc 4 #IJ7/O&4AOUV West Side of Tamarack Avenue, South of Kirkwall Avenue June 24, 2008 Carlsbad, California Project No. 106285001 I crib wall foundation subgrade, crib wall reconstruction, crib wall drain installation, utility trench backfill, sidewalk subgrade preparation, and paving. In-place density and moisture content test- ing was performed by our field representative in accordance with ASTM D 6938 (Nuclear Gauge Method). The specified relative compaction for fill, utility trench backfill, sidewalk subgrade, and wall backfill was 90 percent as evaluated by ASTM D 1557. The specified relative compac- tion for crib wall foundation subgrade, curb-and-gutter subgrade, street subgrade, and base I materials was 95 percent as evaluated by ASTM D 1557. The specified relative compaction for I AC was 95 percent of the material's Hveem density. During fill placement operations, when a field density test was performed that resulted in less than the specified allowable relative com- paction, the area was reworked and a retest was performed with two exceptions. Subgrade tests 2 and 3 did not meet the specified relative compactions, but these areas were accepted by the city I inspector. A summary of the results of the field density tests are presented in Tables 5 through 11. The results of the crib wall foundation subgrade test results are presented in Table 5. The ap- proximate locations of the field density tests are presented on Figure 2. Subgrade tests I through 5 and aggregate base tests I through 9 were performed off site. These tests were performed as 1 part of the curb-and-gutter and sidewalk replacement that occurred across the street from the crib wall along the east side of Tamarack Avenue. I The field density tests performed during these operations indicated the specified relative compac- tion, after testing the reworked areas, with the exceptions noted. Based on our observations and the results of our field and laboratory tests, it is our opinion that the observed earthwork opera- tions associated with the project were performed in general accordance with the project geotechnical recommendations and Ninyo & Moore' geotechnical field recommendations. The geotechnical services outlined in this report have been conducted in accordance with cur- rent practice and the standard of care exercised by geotechnical consultants performing similar tasks in this area. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the observations and I conclusions expressed in this report. The reported test results represent the relative compaction and moisture content at the' locations tested. It is important to note that the precision of field density tests and the modified Proctor dry density tests are not exact and variations should be I 106285001 CR.doc 5 ffft I West Side of Tamarack Avenue, South of Kirkwall Avenue June 24, 2008 Carlsbad, California Project No. 106285001 I 1 expected. The reported locations and elevations of the density tests are estimated based on cor- relations with the site staking. Further accuracy is not implied. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. I Respectfully submitted, f - NINYO & MOORE 4 ,$4Lr4CLc\ Jeffrey T. Kent, P.E. Senior Project Engineer Principal Engineer Avram Ninyo, G.E. CM- \' BTM/JTKIAN/kh VES I IVy Attachments: References Figure 1 - Site Location Map No. GE 0006421 Figure 2— Field Density Test Location Map Up.31IOD Table I - Modified Proctor Density Test Results Table 2 - Hveem Density Test Results OF I Table 3 - Sieve Analysis Test Results Table 4 - Expansion Index Test Results I Table 5 through 11 - Summary of Field Density Tests Distribution: (4) Addressee 1 I I ri 1 106285001 CR.doc 6 I4l/17(O&4ltWM West Side of Tamarack Avenue, South of Kirkwall Avenue June 24, 2008 Carlsbad, California Project No. 106285001 REFERENCES Ninyo & Moore, 2008a, Criblock Retaining Wall Recommendations, Tamarack Avenue Sinkhole Repair, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 106285001: dated February 20. Ninyo & Moore, 2008b, Criblock Retaining Wall Plan Review, Tamarack Avenue Sinkhole Re- pair, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 106285001: dated March 5. Retaining Walls Company North, 2008a, Cribwall Details & Notes - Tamarack Avenue Sinkhole Repair - Carlsbad, CA, Sheet S-i and S-2: dated February28. Retaining Walls Company North, 2008b, Cribwall Stability Calculations, Tamarack Avenue Sink- hole Repair, Carlsbad, CA, Sheets I through 23: dated February28. I 1 I I I I I I I Ii 1 I 106285001 CR.doc so ot to vAlume cAsm AKa if py OR Z'IVISTA MY RD rl 16 PIMA r - I•, MVu MA \VISTA VERS !' 32 AAFA swm iu - k - MUD Av ooR ..'\oumv . . / ,: tA AD ss \'17 A 7 p EL kscl If alim jA rl-1 r1I , d Ai REFERENCE: 2005 THOMAS GUIDE FOR SAN DIEGO COUNTY, STREET GUIDE AND DIRECTORY, 0 2400 4800 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS, DIRECTIONS AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. Map © Rand McNally, R.L07-S-129 4Ino&/floo SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE PROJECT NO. DATE WEST SIDE OF CRIB WALL RECONSTRUCTION TAMARACK AVENUE, SOUTH OF KIRKWALL AVENUE S CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 106285001 6/08 I I I I I I I I I I I ABANDONED STORM DRAIN -70 INLET F-8 LEGEND F-19 • APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FILL FIELD DENSITY TEST AB-22 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF AGGREGATE BASE FIELD DENSITY TEST AC-8 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE FIELD DENSITY TEST S-6 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SEWER BACKFILL FIELD DENSITY TEST SG-13 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SUBGRADE FIELD DENSITY TEST W-8 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF WATER BACFILL FIELD DENSITY TEST WB-76 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF WALL BACKFILL FIELD DENSITY TEST F-11 WATERLINE SEWER LINE CRIB II / WALL II -J WD I ABll,l3\1 AB-14 - 6 WB-32 B30/ WB-73 I AB-10 WB-42\ •F-15.16 111WB- ,WB-47/ WB-50 I /w- 48 WB-49 WB-45 S-2 \X)( \*o-i - - -27 /\A • • •WB-13 AB 19 WEI-9wB 19 SG-8 - Y/\'• • WB-33 WB-6 WB-2,3 -J L- -,ii3 •—ö ,WB-23 -- WB-16 • AB-15 WB-59 WB-5 WB-53 j!- &B25 WB-22 •WB-10 0 •WB-63 s- /\ F-14 WB-37 -1 • • WB-17 •WB-4 •WB-65 1\ 'SG-6 1SG-9 WB-12 •SG WB 21 26 AB-18? •WB-76 WB-667----- AB-22 SG-121 / WB-57 WB77 WB-62 • f •WB5c5• • 54WB V8 / I AB-17-- T\ / / / 8 B(6 / 7 / \ WB-18 /AC-2 I -34 4 /WB-15 WB-64 //.7 WB-60 1 I I WB-56 WB-14/ WB20\ WB-61 WB 72 WB-55 . AC-4 SG-10 SG-11 S AC-6 F-9 F-7 . F-13 w F-12 F-19 <I F-45 - •F-2 F-3 -•-- F10/1 - ctf — F-6 WB 35 3_- o I AB-12-t1 oI APPROXIMATE SCALE 20 40 FEET NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS, DIRECTIONS AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE /.frn1qo &44uiw PROJECT NO. DATE 106285001 6/08 CRIB WALL FIELD DENSITY TEST LOCATION MAP WEST SIDE OF CRIB WALL RECONSTRUCTION TAMARACK AVENUE, SOUTH OF KIRKWALL AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I West Side of Tamarack Avenue, South of Kirkwall Avenue June 24, 2008 I Carlsbad, California Project No. 106285001 Table 1 - Modified Proctor Density Test Results Soil Type No. Description Proctor Density (pci) Optimum Moisture Content (/o) I Clayey SAND with Gravel (Import - Not Used) 123.0 9.0 2 Silty SAND (Import - Not Used)) 127.0 10.5 3 Clayey SAND 118.0 12.5 4 Clayey SAND (Not Used) 121.5 11.5 5 Silty SAND with Gravel (Import - Not Used) 132.0 8.0 10 Sandy CLAY(Not Used) 120.0 11.5 11 Clayey SAND with Gravel 123.0 12.5 IIC Oversize Corrected Values 129.0 10.5 12 Silty SAND (Import) 126.0 10.5 13 Aggregate Base (Import) 141.5 6.0 14 Clayey SAND 118.0 12.0 15 Clayey SAND (Import) 126.0 9.5 16 Silty SAND (Import) 135.5 7.5 17 Silty SAND (Import - Not Used) 125.0 10.0 18 Recycled Aggregate Base (Import) 120.0 10.0 19* Aggregate Base* (Import) 135.0* 6.0* - I SL resuns proviuca Dy tne supplier. Table 2 - Hveem Density Test Results Material No. I Description Wet Density* I I (PC) 101 1/2-inch Mix from Vulcan I 147.0 - I UNL resuits pruviueu ay me Supplier. 4 106285001 CR.doc I of West Side of Tamarack Avenue, South of Kirkwall Avenue June 24, 2008 Carlsbad, California Project No. 106285001 Table 3 - Sieve Analysis Test Results Sieve Size Soil Type No. 1 Soil Type No. 6 Soil Type No. 7 Soil Type No. 8 1-Y2" 100 100 100 100 1" 100 97 99 97 3/4" 100 94 97 83 V2 bO 98 90 96 72 97 89 94 66 #4 96 83 89 56 #8 89 78 80 49 #16 80 73 69 42 #30 71 66 58 34 #50 59 42 46 25 #100 46 27 36 17 36 20 29 12 Table 4 - Expansion Index Test Results Soil Type Description Expansion Expansion No. Index Potential 7 Silty SAND (Not Used) I Very Low 15 Clayey SAND (Import) 8 Very Low I I I I I I0628500 CR.doc 2 of 2 I I I I I I I F] I I I I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS TABLE 5 PROJECT NO. 106285001 TEST OF: FILL Test No. Date Test of Test Location Elevation (ft) Soil Type No. Field Laboratory Relative Compaction Specified Relative Compaction (%) Remarks Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pci) Proctor Density (pci) Optimum Moisture Content I # 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 103.0 3 15.2 110.9 118.0 12.5 94 90 2 # 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 101.0 3 13.8 109.4 118.0 12.5 93 90 3 4 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 97.0 3 16.3 110.0 118.0 12.5 93 90 4 # 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 92.0 3 19.1 103.0 118.0 12.5 87 90 Retest on 5# 5 4 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 92.0 3 15.6 106.9 118.0 12.5 91 90 6 4 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 95.0 3 14.2 108.8 118.0 12.5 92 90 7 4 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 93.0 3 16.0 108.4 118.0 12.5 92 90 8 4 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 93.0 3 16.2 107.3 118.0 12.5 91 90 9 4 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 101.0 3 15.9 106.7 118.0 12.5 90 90 10 # 2/13/08 CF Wall Reconstruction *Beneath Driveway 105.0 3 13.6 105.8 118.0 12.5 90 90 11 # 2/14/08 CF Crib Wall Foundation Subgrade 103.0 11 10.6 120.5 123.0 12.5 98 95 12 # 2/14/08 CF Crib Wall Foundation Subgrade 104.0 11 10.1 120.3 123.0 12.5 98 95 13 4 2/14/08 CF Crib Wall Foundation Subgrade 105.0 11 9.9 120.3 123.0 12.5 98 95 14 4 2/14/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 107.0 11 14.6 110.5 123.0 12.5 90 90 15 # 3/3/08 CF Crib Wall Foundation Subgrade 108.0 Il 11.2 111.9 123.0 12.5 91 95 Retest on 164 16 4 3/3/08 CF Crib Wall Foundation Subgrade 108.0 11 10.2 119.5 123.0 12.5 97 95 17 4 3/3/08 CF Crib Wall Foundation Subgrade 108.0 11 14.9 116.3 123.0 12.5 95 95 18 4 3/5/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 110.0 3 12.5 108.4 118.0 12.5 92 90 19 4 3/5/08 CF Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 1 110.0 3 11.3 110.9 1 118.0 1 12.5 1 94 90 Notes: I est No.: () - Nuclear (Jauge lest Method; () - Sand Cone lest Method; (+) - 12-inch Sand Cone Method; () - Drive-Cylinder Method Test of: CF - Compacted Fill; FG - Finished Grade; SF - Slope Face 106285001 FDT.xls I of I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS PROJECT NO. 106285001 TEST OF: WALL BACKFILL Test No. Date Test of Test Location Elevation (ft) Soil Type No. Field Laboratory Relative Compaction 0/ ( o) Specified Relative Compaction (%) Remarks Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pci) Proctor Density (pci) Optimum Moisture Content (/0) I # 3/4/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 110.0 11 13.4 114.7 123.0 12.5 93 90 2 # 3/5/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 112.0 3 14.0 104.1 118.0 12.5 88 90 Retest on 3# 3 # 3/5/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 112.0 3 15.3 114.0 118.0 12.5 97 90 4 # 3/5/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 114.0 3 15.5 109.6 118.0 12.5 93 90 5 # 3/5/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 114.0 3 14.0 113.0 118.0 12.5 96 90 6 1 3/5/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 114.0 3 14.8 110.5 118.0 12.5 94 90 7 I 3/5/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 116.0 3 13.5 111.5 118.0 12.5 94 90 8 # 3/5/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 117.5 II 11.9 116.3 123.0 12.5 95 90 9 # 3/5/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 116.5 11 13.3 113.7 123.0 12.5 92 90 10 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 108.0 I IC 7.9 115.7 129.0 10.5 90 90 II # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 108.0 1 IC 9.8 116.6 129.0 10.5 90 90 12 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 110.0 1 IC 6.9 121.2 129.0 10.5 94 90 13 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 110.0 tic 6.9 122.0 129.0 10.5 95 90 14 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 112.0 IIC 9.1 117.5 129.0 10.5 91 90 IS # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 112.0 1 IC 9.0 120.6 129.0 10.5 93 90 16 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 114.0 I IC 8.6 123.6 129.0 10.5 96 90 17 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 114.0 1 IC 9.4 120.3 129.0 10.5 93 90 18 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 116.0 . tic 7.6 125.4 129.0 10.5 97 90 19 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 116.0 I IC 7.6 126.9 129.0 10.5 98 90 20 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 118.0 tic 8.7 117.4 129.0 10.5 91 90 21 ii 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 120.0 1 IC 10.5 122.8 129.0 10.5 95 90 22 # 3/7/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 120.0 tic 8.3 117.8 129.0 10.5 91 90 23 # 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 122.0 I IC 8.9 123.9 129.0 10.5 96 90 24 # 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 122.0 tic 8.9 116.7 129.0 10.5 90 90 25 # 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 122.0 1 IC 10.2 124.4 1 129.0 10.5 96 90 106285001 FDT.xls I of 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - FVij7ffv&ffiuur TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS PROJECT NO. 106285001 TEST OF: WALL BACKFILL Test No. Date Test of Test Location Elevation (ft) Soil Type N Field Laboratory Relative Compaction ° Specified Relative Compaction (%) Remarks Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pci) Proctor Density (pci) Optimum Moisture (°/) Content 26 # 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 124.0 15 9.5 113.0 126.0 9.5 90 90 27 1 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 124.0 15 11.3 121.3 126.0 9.5 96 90 28 # 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 125.0 15 9.0 119.1 126.0 9.5 95 90 29 # 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 125.0 15 12.1 113.1 126.0 9.5 90 90 30 # 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 124.0 12 14.2 117.7 126.0 10.5 93 90 31 # 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 16 9.9 124.3 135.5 7.5 92 90 32 # 3/10/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 11 12.5 115.6 123.0 12.5 94 90 33 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 II 13.1 114.4 123.0 12.5 93 90 34 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 127.0 16 9.5 121.5 135.5 7.5 90 90 35 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 127.0 16 10.9 119.8 135.5 7.5 88 90 Retest on 36# 36 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 127.0 16 10.7 122.6 135.5 7.5 90 90 37 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 128.0 16 9.7 126.3 135.5 7.5 93 90 38 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 128.0 16 9.1 116.9 135.5 7.5 86 90 Retest on 39# 39 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 128.0 16 9.0 121.7 135.5 7.5 90 90 40 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 129.0 16 11.3 121.3 135.5 7.5 90 90 41 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 129.0 16 10.0 125.9 135.5 7.5 93 90 42 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 130.0 16 9.8 127.7 135.5 7.5 94 90 43 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 131.0 16 9.0 127.8 135.5 7.5 94 90 44 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 131.0 16 8.6 129.2 135.5 7.5 95 90 45 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 120.0 16 9.8 125.0 135.5 7.5 92 90 46 # 3/11/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 122.0 16 10.7 123.3 135.5 7.5 91 90 47 # 3/12/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 124.0 16 10.2 123.0 135.5 7.5 91 90 48 # 3/12/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 16 10.8 124.5 135.5 7.5 92 90 49 # 3/12/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 128.0 16 9.1 125.6 135.5 7.5 93 90 50 # 3/12/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 122.0 15 12.9 119.0 1 126.0 9.5 94 90 106285001 FDT.xls 2 of 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 11750 &4/L1()()T2 TABLE 6 PROJECT NO. 106285001 TESTS /0/ 0 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY V TEST OF: WALL BACKFILL Test No. Date Test of Test Location Elevation Type Soil N Field Laboratory Relative Compaction 0/ Content Specified Relative Compaction Remarks Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pci) Proctor Density (pci) Optimum Moisture 51 # 3/12/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 124.0 15 13.6 119.3 126.0 9.5 95 90 52 # 3/13/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 120.0 16 11.0 124.0 135.5 7.5 91 90 53 # 3/13/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 122.0 16 8.6 123.0 135.5 7.5 91 90 54 # 3/13/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 124.0 16 10.3 124.0 135.5 7.5 92 90 55 /I 3/13/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 120.0 16 8.7 125.6 135.5 7.5 93 90 56 # 3/13/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 122.0 16 8.6 128.5 135.5 7.5 95 90 57 # 3/13/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 125.0 16 11.2 125.9 135.5 7.5 93 90 58 # 3/13/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 127.0 16 8.9 123.6 135.5 7.5 91 90 59 # 3/13/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 120.0 15 10.4 119.5 126.0 9.5 95 90 60 # 3/13/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 129.0 16 10.1 123.7 135.5 7.5 91 90 61 # 3/14/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 122.0 12 9.9 122.4 126.0 10.5 97 90 62 # 3/14/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 124.0 12 11.4 119.7 126.0 10.5 95 90 63 4 3/14/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 124.0 16 10.4 125.1 135.5 7.5 92 90 64 4 3/14/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 12 10.3 122.1 126.0 10.5 97 90 65 4 3/17/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 125.0 16 10.6 127.4 135.5 7.5 94 90 66 4 3/17/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 2 15.8 108.6 127.0 10.5 86 90 Retest on 674 67 4 3/17/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 16 10.4 129.3 135.5 7.5 95 90 68 i/ 3/17/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 IIC 11.3 119.1 129.0 10.5 92 90 69 # 1 3/17/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 128.0 13 5.3 133.0 141.5 6.0 94 90 70 # 3/17/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 130.0 12 9.3 117.5 126.0 10.5 93 90 71 4 3/18/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 12 10.6 122.8 126.0 10.5 97 90 72 4 3/18/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 128.0 12 10.3 123.1 126.0 10.5 98 90 73 4 3/18/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 128.0 12 14.0 115.7 126.0 10.5 92 90 74 # 3/18/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 129.0 12 10.6 117.7 126.0 10.5 93 90 75 # 3/18/08 WB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 129.0 12 10.9 120.9 126.0 10.5 96 90 106285001 FDT.xls 3 of 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS TABLE 6 PROJECT NO. 106285001 TEST OF: WALL BACKFILL Field Laboratory Test No. Date Test of Test Location Elevation Soil Type Relative Compaction Specified Relative Remarks Moisture Dry Proctor Optimum Moisture No. Content Density Density Content (%) Compaction (%) (pci) (pci) (%) (%) 76 # 3/18/08 LJwali Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 129.0 12 _____ 10.2 120.9 [ 126.0 10.5 [ 96 90 - ~JaUgV ICSL IVICUIVU, -) - 0n0 tone I est lvleLnoo; (-I-) - 11-inch Sand Lone Method; (") - Drive-Cylinder Method Test of: WB - Wall Backfill 106285001 FOT.xls 4 of 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - = 4T/,,,qjJ &fljjy SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS TABLE 7 PROJECT NO. 106285001 TEST OF: SEWER TRENCH BACKFILL Field Laboratory Test Date Test Test Location Elevation Soil Type Relative Compaction Specified Relative Remarks Moisture . Dry Proctor Optimum No. of (ft) No. Content Density Density Moisture Compaction (%) (pci) (pci) Content (%) (%) I # 2/21/08 SL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 11 14.5 112.0 123.0 12.5 91 90 2 # 2/21/08 SL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 126.0 11 13.6 115.1 123.0 12.5 94 90 3 # 2/21/08 SL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 127.0 11 14.2 114.4 123.0 12.5 93 90 4 # 2/21/08 SL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 127.0 11 12.8 116.8 123.0 12.5 95 90 5 # 2/21/08 SL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 128.0 11 12.9 115.3 123.0 12.5 94 90 6 # 2/21/08 SL I Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 129.0 11 13.0 115.0 123.0 12.5 93 90 rotcs. I CS( '40.: 7) - uciear uauge test Method; () - Sand Lone I est Method; (+) - 12-inch Sand Cone Method; () - Drive-Cylinder Method Test of: SL - Sewer Lateral Trench Backfill; SM - Sewer Main Trench Backfill 106285001 FDT.xls I of I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pfl44rO SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS TABLE 8 PROJECT NO. 106285001 TEST OF: WATER TRENCH BACKFILL Field Laboratory Test Date Test Test Location Elevation Soil Type Relative Compaction Specified Relative Remarks Moisture Dry Proctor Optimum No. of (ft) No. Content Density Density Moisture (°"°) Compaction (%) (pci) (pci) Content (%) (%) I # 3/19/08 WL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 130.0 11 11.5 115.2 123.0 12.5 94 90 2 # 3/19/08 WL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 132.0 12 10.0 123.6 126.0 10.5 98 90 3 # 3/19/08 WL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 130.0 12 9.4 118.6 126.0 10.5 94 90 4 # 3/19/08 WL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 129.0 12 10.6 116.5 126.0 10.5 92 90 5 # 3/19/08 WL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 132.0 12 11.1 116.1 126.0 10.5 92 90 6 4 3/19/08 WL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 131.0 12 9.8 115.8 126.0 10.5 92 90 7 4 3/19/08 WL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 132.0 12 10.1 115.8 126.0 10.5 92 90 8 4 3/20/08 WL Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 131.0 12 10.1 115.3 126.0 10.5 91 90 - IcL lvleuluu, ) - 411u t-one test vletnoa; ti-) - 12-men ano Lone method; (") - L)rmve-cylinder Method Test of: WL -Water Lateral Trench Backfill; WM -Water Main Trench Backfill; WR -Reclaimed Water Trench Backfill 106285001 FDT,xls I of I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PiI!,çio &.4L%IInr SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS TABLE 9 PROJECT NO. 106285001 TEST OF: SUBRADE Field Laboratory Specified Moisture Dry Proctor Optimum Moisture Test Date Test Test Location Elevation Soil Type Relative Compaction Relative Remarks No. of (ft) No. Content Density Density Compaction (%) (pcf) (pcf) Content (%) (%) I # 2/25/08 CO East Tamarack Avenue, South End 131.5 3 14.4 111.6 118.0 12.5 95 95 2 # 2/25/08 CO East Tamarack Avenue, North End 131.5 14 21.4 103.7 118.0 12.0 88 95 City Approved 3 # 2/26/08 CO East Tamarack Avenue, North End 131.0 14 25.5 104.0 118.0 12.0 88 95 City Approved 4 # 2/28/08 SW East Tamarack Avenue, South End 132.0 3 16.0 112.8 118.0 12.5 96 90 5 # 2/28/08 SW East Tamarack Avenue, North End 132.0 3 20.1 105.7 118.0 12.5 90 90 6 # 3/24/08 CO Turnaround, Driveway 132.0 12 10.2 122.2 126.0 10.5 97 95 7 # 3/24/08 CO Turnaround, Driveway 132.0 12 10.4 120.4 126.0 10.5 96 95 8 # 4/16/08 ST west Side Turn Around 132.0 12 7.4 124.0 126.0 10.5 98 95 9 # 4/16/08 ST Turnaround, Driveway off Tamarack 132.0 12 7.7 120.2 126.0 10.5 95 95 Avenue 10 # 4/16/08 ST Turnaround, Driveway off Tamarack 132.0 12 8.0 122.1 * 126.0 10.5 97 95 Avenue 11 # 4/22/08 ST East Side of Driveway 132.0 12 9.0 121.1 126.0 10.5 96 95 12 # 4/22/08 ST East Side of Driveway 132.0 12 9.5 122.1 126.0 10.5 97 95 13 # 4/22/08 ST East Side of Driveway 132.0 12 11.4 119.7 126.0 10.5 95 95 Notes: Test No.: (#) - Nuclear Gauge Test Method; (*) - Sand Cone Test Method; (+) - 12-inch Sand Cone Method; () - Drive-Cylinder Method Test of: CO -Curb and Gutter Subgrade; PD - Pad Subgrade; ST -Street Subgrade; SW - Sidewalk Subgrade; PL -Parking Lot Subgrade 106285001 FDT.xls I of I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I/infO &MflflV TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS PROJECT NO. 106285001 TEST OF: AGGREGATE BASE Test No. Date Test of Test Location Depth 1t) Soil Type No. Field Laboratory Relative Compaction (%) Specified Relative Compaction Remarks Moisture Content Dry Density (pci) Proctor Density (pci) Optimum Moisture Content I # 2/26/08 AB East Tamarack Avenue, C&G North 134.0 13 6.2 137.2 141.5 6.0 97 95 2 4 2/26/08 AB East Tamarack Avenue, C&G North 134.0 13 7.2 136.7 141.5 6.0 97 95 3 4 2/26/08 AB East Tamarack Avenue, C&G South 137.3 13 6.0 140.5 141.5 6.0 99 95 4 4 2/26/08 AB East Tamarack Avenue, C&G South 134.3 13 6.2 138.3 141.5 6.0 98 95 54 2/26/08 AB East Tamarack Avenue, C&G North 134.5 13 6.6 135.2 141.5 6.0 96 95 6 4 2/26/08 AB East Tamarack Avenue, C&G North 134.5 13 7.2 139.0 141.5 6.0 98 95 74 2/27/08 AB East Tamarack Avenue, S.W. South 134.0 13 4.7 133.2 141.5 6.0 94 90 8 4 2/28/08 AB East Tamarack Avenue, S.W. North 135.0 13 6.2 137.9 141.5 6.0 97 90 91/ 2/28/08 AB East Tamarack Avenue, S.W. South 135.0 13 5.3 134.7 141.5 6.0 95 90 10 1/ 3/20/08 AB West Tamarack Avenue, C&G Center 134.3 18 12.3 113.8 120.0 10.0 95 95 11 # 3/24/08 AB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 134.3 18 14.1 103.7 120.0 10.0 86 95 Retest on 134 12 1/ 3/24/08 AB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 134.3 18 12.3 113.5 120.0 10.0 95 95 13 1/ 3/24/08 AB Wall Reconstruction Beneath Driveway 134.3 18 11.8 114.1 120.0 10.0 95 95 14 # 4/17/08 AB Sinkhole Turnaround, West, South End 134.4 18 11.2 116.1 120.0 10.0 97 95 15 1/ 4/17/08 AB Sinkhole Turnaround, Center 134.5 18 11.4 116.3 120.0 10.0 97 95 16 1/ 4/17/08 AB Sinkhole Turnaround, East, North End 134.5 18 10.7 117.4 120.0 10.0 98 95 17 1/ 4/18/08 AB Turnaround, Northeast 134.7 18 9.7 117.9 120.0 10.0 98 95 18 1/ 4/18/08 AB Turnaround, Northwest 134.7 18 9.5 115.6 120.0 10.0 96 95 19 1/ 4/21/08 AB Turnaround, Southwest 134.7 19 5.5 128.3 135.0 6.0 95 95 20 1/ 4/21/08 AB Turnaround, Southeast 134.7 19 6.0 130.5 135.0 6.0 97 95 21 1/ 4/22/08 AB East Side Driveway 134.7 18 10.0 115.5 120.0 10.0 96 95 22 1/ 4/22/08 AB jEast Side Driveway 134.7 18 11.3 116.7 120.0 10.0 97 95 ,... . .........., - 4lIU 1-U11r, IvLeL[lou; ) - urlve-Lyllnoer MetnOu Test of: AB - Aggregate Base 06285001 FDT.xls I of I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - &jy SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Vij ~yv TABLE 11 PROJECT NO. 106285001 TEST OF: ASPHALT CONCRETE Test No. Date Test of Test Location Elevation (in) Material Type No. Field Laboratory Relative Compaction (%) Specified Relative Compaction (%) Remarks Wet Density (pcf) Hveem Density (pcf) I 4 4/21/08 AC West Side Driveway, North End 134.7 101 142.7 147.0 97 95 2 # 4/21/08 AC West Side Driveway, South End 134.7 101 144 147.0 98 95 3 4 4/23/08 AC East Side Driveway, North End 134.7 101 140.9 147.0 96 95 4 4 4/23/08 AC East Side Driveway, South End 134.7 101 142.4 147.0 97 95 5 4 4/28/08 AC Southeast Driveway 135.0 101 139.7 147.0 95 95 6 4 4/28/08 AC Southwest Driveway 135.0 101 139.6 147.0 95 95 7 4 4/28/08 AC Northeast Driveway 135.0 101 140.1 147.0 95 95 8 4 4/28/08 AC Northwest Driveway 1350 101 141.2 147.0 96 95 •.. • •v.. I.) - Iu.Icd1 J4Ugv t sL lvtcwou; - ana tone iesE Iv1etnoa; t+) - I Z-incn Sand Lone Method; (") - Drive-Cylinder Method Test of: AC - Asphalt Concrete I of I