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AT362; 3971 Jefferson Street UST Removal-Site Closure; 3971 Jefferson Street UST Removal-Site Closure; 1997-02-01
NuT€CH enterprises, Inc. REPORT OF UST REMOVAL AND REQUEST FOR SITE CLOSURE FOR: PERACHINO TRUST 3971 JEFFERSON STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PLAN CHECK # AT362 EST# H21823 RECEIVED JAN 2 9 1998 CITY OF CARLSBAD February, 1997 PLANNIMG DEPT. 4749 Oceanside Blvd., Ste. J, Oceanside, Cfi 92056 (619)631-0631 • (800)722-8896 • FflX: (619)631-0636 CONTENTS Page I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 II. BACKGROUND 2 III. TANK REMOVAL/SOIL SAMPLING ACTIVITIES 2 IV. GEOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF SOIL TYPE 8 V. CONCLUSIONS 9 VI. SUBMITTAL STATEMENT 10 TABLES ONE - TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS 6 TWO - TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON (DIESEL) 7 FIGURES 1. Site Location Map 3 2. Plan View Of Site 4 3. Plan View Of Current Excavation With Soil Sampling Locations 5 4. Geological Sectional Diagram 8 APPENDICES A. PRODUCT/WATER/RINSEATE MANIFESTS B. LABORATORY DATA SHEETS/ CHAIN OF CUSTODY/ QA/QC C. SITE PHOTOS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Report summarizes recently completed efforts to remove an underground storage tank (UST) for the Perachino Trust, 3971 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008, PLAN CHECK # AT 362, EST# H21823. In January/February of this year, a >30,000 gallon underground, fuel oil tank was removed from this site. The tank was made of concrete and its dimensions were approximately 34' x 14' and 10' deep. Asbury Environmental services was hired to remove the existing product and triple rinse the tank before removal/recycle. A copy of a manifests indicate 9,000 gallons of liquid (70% water and 30% fuel oil) and 500 gallons of rinseate were transported to DeMenno Kerdoon, 2000 N. Alameda Street, Compton, CA, 90222. Soil samples were taken from the tank excavation, at the bottom as well as from three of the four sidewalls. The laboratory results, provided by Sierra Laboratories, indicate the absence of hydrocarbon contamination (TRPH by EPA 418.1 and Diesel by EPA 8015M). We are requesting a letter of Site Closure ... No Further Action Required, for this site. II. BACKGROUND The property is located at 3971 Jefferson Street in Carlsbad, CA (Figure One, Page 3). In January/February, 1997 a 30,000 gallon, concrete, underground, fuel oil tank (LIST) was removed. Soil samples taken from the excavation at the time of the tank removal indicated no hydrocarbon contamination at the bottom of the excavation. No groundwater was encountered. III. TANK REMOVAL/SOIL SAMPLING ACTIVITIES Current Site Conditions A scaled Plan view was prepared after visiting the site (Figure Two, Page 4). The site is located on Jefferson Street, just north of Chinquapin Avenue in Carlsbad. The site includes a private residence and several greenhouses. The surface area surrounding the tank was cleared of greenhouses/buildings prior to NuTECH's arrival. Excavation Activities On January 10 and 14, 1997, NuTECH contracted to have the tank emptied and triple rinsed by Asbury Environmental Services. They are a State licensed transporter, EPA #CAD028277036. The liquid was transported as non-hazardous and delivered for recycling to DeMenno-Kerdoon in Compton (EPA #CAT080013352). Approximately 9,000 gallons of liquid (70% water and 30% fuel oil) and 500 gallons of rinseate were transported (Appendix A). NuTECH constructed a ramp and proceeded to demolish and excavate the concrete tank (vault). When the last of the tank was removed (1-31-97), ten soil samples were removed from the excavation bottom and sidewalls to confirm the removal of the contamination to below action levels. A few days later (2-4-97), nine more bottom samples were obtained under the guidance of the San Diego Hazardous Materials Department (HMMD). Figure Three, Page 5 is a plan view of the excavation with the soil sampling locations displayed. The soil sampling containers were sealed, packed on ice and transported to Sierra Labs for analysis. Sierra Labs is a California DHS certified laboratory #1539. Each of the first ten samples was tested for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons, TRPH using EPA 418.1. The second set of nine samples was tested for the presence of diesel using EPA 8015M. The results are non-detect (see Tables One and Two below). Appendix B contains the Laboratory Data Sheets, Chain of Custody forms and QA/QC data. N * ONE MILE : Perachino Trust. 3971 Jefferson Street Carlson, C& 92008 Title:Location Map Figure No.: 1 NU TECH Enterprises, Inc. •f 9 1m Property Limits Shed Greenhouses House ,-T Undergro rnd ICO .Line 3 I House i I Greenhouses 4-1 Chinquapin Avenue Note: Electrical is aboveground Scale 1" = 40' N Site: perching Ttust 3971 Jefferson Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 plan view of Site Figure No.: 2 NUTECHEnterprises, Inc. North Wall West Wall Bottom East Wall • (Q) Note: Scale 1" = 10 N • : Samples tested for TRPH by EPA 418.1©: Samples tested for Diesel by EPA 8015M Siteiperachino Trust 3971 Jefferson Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Title: Plan View of Current Excavation with Soil Sampling Locations Figure No.: 3 NU TECH Enterprises, Inc. TABLE ONE LABORATORY RESULTS mg/Kg (ppm) Sample ID TRPH EPA 418.1 North Bottom <10 Middle Bottom <10 South Bottom <10 West Wall/North <10 West Wall/Middle <10 West Wall/South <10 East Wall/North <10 East Wall/Middle <10 East Wall/South <10 North Wall <10 Method Detection Limit For TRPH = 10 mg/Kg 6 TABLE TWO LABORATORY RESULTS mg/Kg (ppm) Sample ID TPH EPA 8015M North East/Bottom ND North West/Bottom ND East Bottom/Middle ND West Bottom/Middle ND East Bottom/South ND West Bottom/South ND North Wall ND West Wall ND East Wall ND Method Detection Limit For TPH = 0.01 mg/Kg IV. GEOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF SOIL TYPE There were essentially three types of soil encountered in the excavation; 1) surface, 2) upper sand, 3) lower sand (Figure 4, Page 8). NuTECH's geologist logged the excavation as described below. » The surface material was silty fine grained sand, friable with no dry strength. There were scattered glass chips, shells and common plant roots. The sand was a moderate brown color and extended approximately one foot below the surface. » The upper sand layer consisted of fine quartz sand with about 5% dark mineral grains, low dry strength and no silt or clay. It had a uniform texture, dark reddish brown color and extended from approximately one to seven feet below the surface. » The lower sand layer also consisted of fine sand with about 5% dark mineral grains, low dry strength and no silt or clay. It had a uniform texture, moderate yel- lowish brown to moderate brown color and extended from approximately seven to twelve feet below the surface. SAMPLE NO. 1 TopsoiP: SM (silty sand), Moderate Brown (5 YR 3/4) Sand grains are fine, subangular to angular quartz; micaceous very friable, non-plastic, no dry strength. Scattered fragments of charcoal, ash, glass chips and shells (Chione SP.). Roots common. SAMPLE NO. 2 "Upper Sand": SP (poorly graded sand), Dark Reddish Brown (10 R 3/4) Sand grains are fine, subangular to subrounded quartz; about 5% dark mineral grains. Friable, non-plastic, low dry strength, uniform texture, clean (no silt or clay). SAMPLE NO. 3 "Lower Sand": SP (poorly graded sand). Moderate Brown (5 Y 4/4) when wet. Moderate yellowish brown (10 YR 5/4) when dry. Sand grains are fine, subangular to subrounded quartz; about 5% dark mineral grains. Friable, non-plastic, low dry strength, uniform texture, clean (no silt or clay). 9- 10- 11- 12 wm-•.•o-.--.---P Note: Horizontal Scale: 1" = 20' Vertical Scale : 1" = 2' Site: perachino Trust 3971 Jefferson Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mile; Geological Sectional Diagram Figure No.: 4 NU TECH Enterprises, Inc. V. CONCLUSIONS The following criteria were combined in an effort to assess the status of the excavation after the tank removal: * There was no visual evidence of soil contamination and the concrete storage tank has been properly rinsed and removed for recycling (Appendix C). » The laboratory data for soil samples taken from the bottom and sidewalls of the excavation confirm that no hydrocarbon contamination is present. * The concrete and reinforcing steel from the tank will be recycled. Based on the field observations and the laboratory test results, NuTECH requests a Letter of Final Site Closure — No Further Action Required. VI. SUBMITTAL STATEMENT This Report of LIST Removal and Request for Site Closure has been completed with the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable Engineers, Geologists, Chemists and other Scientific Professionals practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the conclusions and professional advice included in this Report. The recommendations for activities in this Report are valid as of the present date. Due to natural processes or works of man on this or adjacent properties, however, changes in the conditions of a property can occur. The interpretations and recommendations in this Report are based in part on data supplied by others (County, State and Federal Agencies as well as private technical firms). Such information is presumed correct and representative. We disclaim any responsibility for any inaccuracy of information supplied by others in the preparation of this Report. Changes in applicable or appropriate standards may also occur as a result of legislation or broadening of knowledge. As a consequence, the findings of this Report may be partially or entirely invalidated by changes outside of NuTECH's control. The opportunity to be of service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please call NuTECH at (619) 631-0631. Sincerely, Rita M. Lavelle President Bill LaVefle, Project Manager Senior Chemist, REANo.04119 Robert Q. Gutzler, Senior Geologist 10 c c c c c c r L -C- h. r* •-- '.^s* *\V^;V >• vs. s-'X>T»¥*^:5l;.-L-" ' »» 9otm '. . i, ..' ; ---';..on acoTpag 8. US EPA ID Number - I r I-.M-. i i i i i i i C|AfTp|R|OlO| 1 :?l| 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name.; Hazard Oass. and ID: Numfaer)^;>-..__No.- '-Type" LIQUTH -i-jl^r^gi^^:-;' ^ MO" PUCARffi-REQUIRED(WATER ;OIL> 15. Sp»dai' HondBngr kg>rvdioh» «itfX Oinm- IN. sno Hu< »• <: | ^1 Tl! ri- )igili06iHr7tgid4-r-a iori J.^G.n.r.-or', Nan-^ndMainng. A^^J^J^jj^ ,/^Q ^T^^nX•^nx ..lej:^^^^;^!^r •';v1 - -<-^:-^•:''•&£+^\T-^^-^f-- ^-- ^L,^^K^^^xv;- --v'^^^^v^f 5i a.ft 3. Transporter 1 Company Nome . ''.'-'f_ ASBURY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 9. Designated FocilHy Nome and She Address^, v DEMEHNO KERBOQNJi; ^ ^ -2tH nm luim stim, aavx, a H:I: 74- CtNHtATOlfS' CBtTlRCftTIONr'f hereby deciamhorthe cmneiiu of Ihit consignment ore fully ond occuraleiy-bescrioedraoovg pocked, marked, and labeled, and are in afl respeas n proper condition fui limisporr by highway according to If I am a large- quantity generator,-1 certify that I have a program in place to reauor the voiume and lujjaly _ economicalK/ practicable and that-L have/ leteUeU the practicabie metnod of neuinieiil,. storage, or dbposal cuiieiUiy available to me wh£^i niinifnmBX.tn*' present andj^ threat to human health and the emiionmenti OR, 3 I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good faifc-sfTort to minimae ,m/*was>»- generanon-and select the bejt^^.' waste monoueinent method that it ovcajgble to me and that I con afford. - ':' ' "f~'''.~^i?S ---»••••«;:-.. -~ - rJanmy f "" IX Tranoorter 1 Acknowledgement of Recafct of Materials XI 18- T Month Day '-Ye Signature MonhS:-:-v-Day- •-.£ -jYeorr; 19. Discrepancy Indicanon Spaa <*:••" -»•> &? 20. roefleyOwner or Oueiulur Centfieonort nf recetpi of hamioom.iiiami«sl» covered by mis.monHesI S«e Instructions on bock of page j6.Depoilimn of Toxic Subetancei G 5opuni«ii»u. CoRfomio Mormahan in me riraded is not required by Federal lowUNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST .M S» O O I 3. Generator-. Norn, ond Moiling Address 5. Transporter ! Company Nam ASBURY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES hlA|nni2IRi2!7l7|O|aifi 7. Transporter 2 Company NORM 8. US EPA ID Number 9. Designated Facility Nome and Site Address DEMENNO KEROOONwin iuffli snot, awffli, a I - 12. Conoinen -| 13. Total No. j -Type I Quantity11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard NON-RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE, t IQUIH .. " (WATER,OTL) " - NO PLACARD RFDUTRFH SpecioJ Handling limiudium and Additional Information /^ '< G-OOGLES DOT539 Zf Ar, EMCRGEHCT CONTACT: MFI. HAUPTP 16. GO4HA TOR'S CaTIRCATlON: I hereby declare mar Ihe eormsntj o* ma eo«ionm«rt ore fuily ond accurate^ oeaeribed above by proper shipping name and ore dauined. packed, marked, and loi»i»d, and an in aH retpecn in proper condition for transport by highway according to apoeeable iiiieiiiuiiuiiul and national government legulanons. If I am a large quantify generator, I certify mat I have a program in place to reduce the vokmx and toxkity or waste geiiei UIB J to the degree I have deter me'ted to be economically practicable and that I have selected the procncobte nietfiod of heoln*e»l, uoruge. or disposal curranm/ available to me which minimizes me present and future waste management method mot is available to me and mot I con afford. _ ' • s""^^ 17. Tronipmiei 1 AcxnowleTfg»lie»<of Receipt of Materials Month Day -"YearS\/\/\0\9tf 18. Trompener 2 Admewtedoement of Receipt of MoWfe Printed/Typed Name Month Day 19. Discrepancy Indication Space .^C B032A (T/95) PA §700—22 c C C L C C C c c c c c !.•* ', :'«>; ' • } - -•• <r Vr, "™ *s f L*f = ' >.3-*~i -»•' -' J* ? •%•*; : ' ' i-.H,.J« •i,",>»v -,;. t .-H- -.**''"' ' ^V*c," . «(- ^'«f-j4#(t% # * X J frJjH %' -•• , rv^^l' • J^jfe"'^r.'- \ \ '..•,..Vs.f?3fs?\;--> - o /,.• '•"iis^R^.1"^- •: -/>-"';\ff' ;, - ' ••\% -v>Jf^>rf- A ^',V>>. .V-^^rH^, SITE ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION DIVISION UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM CLOSURE REPORT ESTABLISHMENT NO. \*7 \ &Z3 PLAN CHECK NO. AT 36? Z."^ OITC MAMC < L-^^Z—'^j, '\'~^J\l-1 i^TC»Cf34i4O!jS£.6 PHONE SITE ADDRESS 3 ' /j Utl-pf't-ElSO-/ *ST- CITY CJ^-L^f^O Z\P '~~\Z-O O% CONTRACTOR Ki^ ^SCH PHONE .'^3' -f>>3 / Number of tanks to be removed '1/2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Decontamination bv Manifest No. 1 O '*3t- Isu'o-''-'1 ; >' <^O Tank rinsate/(amount & destine Tank ID No. Capacity Tank Construction Materials stored % LE.L Dry ice/other (amt.) Tank condition Backfill soil type Backfill condition Native soil type Native condition Excavation odors? Stockpile odors? Water present? Ponded product? Piping removed? ition) IcTP! 35f£. c^>^cz &j&- ^/L. ^ /'\ <jC^ ~%* <??iO€T . vzr^? — rp; :^> j-sE" Z^^' ^.(^KI^£ N-k^x"Nj ' ^o S- -^ s^>>^: W 1 \^a* D'(- 'A-?/^£<: — _. * /* — ^ ' "*^ ^ i*N * ^-^K'btC " ^<^T-^. " <vr--rT: >.^£ v.-. 5 :" •' ,- sr.'ivK. vn .i^"-i C-"O ;^ '£^: --^T__ -;, - ." f~- ~ FIRE AGENCY PRESENT YES /NO^; Dept. Permit No. Inspector ;' _ -If *•• ,vVv'-REMARKS?Mf^ ^iS ' .' O-^>C^~.^^. <-Cv^5 ^*<^£€^ L& -*-~Sg:rtO\f€.'', -~^^ C'^- T2D ^r^S^E<^~.'oi "~^^r€.- 1^ ^jrp o j-5'*=o'Ui/\=rr' •- O-^-T-^O oui't<i^ .j.cuvpL.- •^>/x" S-^.^-^L.C_; T>LC'T>. ' -S- o -^i. ^to-r-rr -^N_ •C-jrv^r'."^^' :^-O'^-.'" TC .-J ,. i "T— o;- .!~- '~ '•' :oT"/— ^-"•i RE1NSPECTION REQUIRED YES NO If yes. explain NOTICE: You are hereby notif Of O'Ns* ^ '• ' D An unauthorized re hereby required to ir J3v A determination of tl analytical results for SAM within 30 days ied that on "~^ i — 1 ~~ r lazaraous substance unde lease of a hazardous subs litiate Corrective Action n iis site's status is pending the samples taken from th Please request that the the address provided belc . a Hazardous Materials Sp rgrcuna storage tank(s). A >tanca has been observed neasures (see Page 4 for c he Site Assessment and IV 3 tank and/or piping closure aboratory send a copy of tt w. ecialist conducted an inspection for the closure Summary of the conditions follows: DV "he Hazardous Materials Specialist. You are etails). litigation (SAM) Division's receipt and review of ; site. A laboratory report must^be submitted to ie analytical report directly to *£c€£Ipir; It is the responsibility of the tank owner/operator or their agent to maintain the tank closure site in a safe and secure manner. • Notify the local Fire Department and the SAM Division immediately whenever a fire or explosion hazard is present. • Authorization to backfill the tank excavation for safety purposes does not indicate that a suspect or known unauthorized ^release has been mitigated to the satisfaction of SAM or any other regulatory agency. • '" J ' -'J * ~ ^ / t /-> ' ; ,\RECEIVED BY V, ///V~X<< •'' •"';>/> —^l .4. / '/• ^-^- '-^ PRINTED NAME ^7< / - ^ ' ^ ' •- r / £ PHONE NUMBER / ,. t L^'^ _"':-/' - / i (i- i . ' «- • " " ' ' ' ' Hazardous^MaTenals Specialist A ^ V \J SAM - P'O.'Box 85261 / V / San Diego, CA 92186-5261 (619) 338-2222 YELLOW-BUSINESS RETAINS DEH:SAM-916 (8/95) NCR Page 3 of 4 County of San Die' Department of Environmental He:.*; SIERRA LABORATORIES Date: 2/5/97 NuTech Enterprises 4749 Oceanside Blvd., #J Oceanside, CA 92056 Attention: Mr. Bill LaVelle Client Project Number: Date Sampled: Date Samples Received: Sierra Project No.: Perachino Trust 1/31/97 1/31/97 9701-267 Attached are the results of the chemo-physical analysis of the sample(s) from the project identified above. The samples were received by Sierra Laboratories. Inc. with a chain of custody record attached or completed at the submittai of the samples. The analysis were performed according to the prescribed method as outlined by EPA. Standard Methods, and A.S.T.M. The remaining portions of the samples will be disposed of within 30 days from the date of this report. If you require additional retaining time, please advise us. Richard K. Forsyth/ Laboratory Director This rcpon is applicable only 10 the simple received bv the laboratory. The liability of the laboratory is limited to the imoum paid for this recon This report a for the exclusive use of the ciiermo whom it is addressed and upon the condition that the client assumes allhabiiiry for the further distribution of the report or its contents 26O52 MERIT CIRCLE, SUITE 1O5. LACUNA HILLS. CALIFORNIA 92653 TELEPHONE: (714) 348-9389 FAX: (714) 348-9115 SIERRA LABORATORIES INC NuTech Enterprises 4749 Oceanside Blvd., #J Oceanside, CA 92056 Sierra Project No.: 9701-267 Client Project ID: Perachino Trust Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Analyst: Report Date: 1/31/97 1/31/97 2/3/97 2/3/97 GW 2/5/97 TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EPA METHOD 418.1 Sierra Sample No. 01279 01280 01281 01282 01283 01284 01285 01286 01287 01288 Client Sample No. 1 North Bon 2 MidBott 3 South Bott 4 North/Westwall 5 Mid/Westwall 6 South/Westwall 7 North/Eastwall 8 Mid/Eastwall 9 South/Eastwall lONorthwail 1 Concentration (mg/kg) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MDL (mg/kg) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Quality Assurance/Quality- Control Data QC Sample ID: Blank Compound TPH LCS % Rec. 84 gc Limits 80- 1:0 Spike % Rec. 87 Spike Uup % Rec. 86 QC Limits 50-150 RPD 2.8 QC Limits 0-30 ND means Not Detected Reporting Limit (RL) = Method Detection Limit (MDL) x Dilution Factor SIKKKA LABORATORIES CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD m^ TEL: 714 • 348 • 9389 M^L FAX: 714-348.9115 mLSSSL. 26052 Merit Circle • Suite 105 • Lagima Client: A/ Li 7^£ f // Client Address: »»«•: /._^/.'.?y !•»«« /.._ "T .._ /..__ Hills. CA • 92653 i.uhiv«je>-i NIL: A~7o\^ -X^o / Client Tel. No.: Client Kai No.: Client PtoJ. Mgr.: Client Sample No. / fdairrff I3c07f ^ MiD T*>oTT 3 Sculff BcfT H flJMr/f /nevfrcdf~ . j- ^ a.,:>/*?//>/ bx>iri*/rtiL C? **ttrj/ve*f k//lil~ J ASoflTIt /£/TJ5/"/f/:?/^ % /fib / *' " ? *ouinl " " /O flJctfCTH MftLL, Sierra Sample No. \y\ ci \afet u^\xj \rJ 'i ' _1^1 ' '"A v/ ^ I**A LAS' |a£7 I I^A "\ j Daterilmt /-3/y// 1 1 1 V,/ (3 PiUUdNarai: _ __ ?-«..« .,: &, "0 &?&///$$ C-M.,: A/ 14 f£Cfr Bril^ukbrd If: f«.p..,: QRf«iq»lih«l I;: Cmpa.;: i/fcr^/ Tine I..I. lllIK llaU: li.i.t Special Instructions: >.. MX»< Matrix - s 1\ ; / <]/ Client I'ruj. Nnmhi-r/l'roj. Name: PEftftCH/Vu TtfCtjT Turn Around 'I'inie ( J ImmvOuic Ait«niion 1 | Rush M 4)1 h»ur> | | Rush 72 »6 houtl II Normal 1 | Molille Preservatives tc / ^ \ 4> Container Type £/?/£"> s Naof Containers / 1 V I (t.'arrkr/WiiyUII rjo ) Hc«iv i\ .d»,: lUt}^jiCCo Lll\C\b c....,: <UUHT\ L-A|M M«tl»d B; CuntpMny: R«el'id 8>: ,--W! „.,, i-ii-r Tim,: J^. | t. Dale: linn: l)»l«: Hint: Analyses Requested 1013-Modjfirt .TPH u O»olmc - CADHS LUFT)vkd EPA S020 lAimnuic VoUiilM • BTEX i in Senrt| 4 e is EPA 41* 1 rnU>HiX T /o Tkt dtllr try o( umpta and aulhocU»Uoii lo |xilu<m Ih. Conditlonc, unUM olhnwli Total NuinlKi ol 'Containers Submitted to Laboratory lh« ttanalur* on thb) chain of custody form coiutllutM i analyto tprcllMd aboy. und<i Sll RH A'l t»rou and aa/nd upon n mlllng nelwttn SltkHA and Cl IEN T. Total Number of Containers Received by Laboratory FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY - Sample Receipt Condltio Q Chllbd rj Apprt QlnlKt (_j Apprt Q Simpk Seals Q Other Q Properly Libekd Q Samp i^^C ^.9 Comments P ) Hriurn lo Client (I 1 ab Utpoal P^i^. Afchlv« / nuts U l)lh« us: »prlale Sample Container e Location DISTRIBUTION: Vt'hllt • To Accompany SanpUi, Yullow . l.abortlof > ( opx. PinV FirkJ l'.j>,»nH C,T) SIERRA Date: 2/7/97 NuTech Enterprises 4749 Oceanside Blvd.. #J Oceanside, CA 92056 Attention: Mr. Bill LaVelle Client Project Number: Date Sampled: Date Samples Received: Sierra Project No.: Carlsbad Greenhouse 2/4/97 2/4/97 9702-017 Attached are the results of the chemo-physical analysis of the sample(s) from the project identified above. The samples were received by Sierra Laboratories. Inc. with a chain of custody record attached or completed at the submittai of the samples. The analysis were performed according to the prescribed method as outlined by EPA. Standard Methods, and A.S.T.M. The remaining portions of the samples will be disposed of within 30 days from the cate of this report. If you require additional retaining time, please advise us. Richard K. Forsyth / Laboratory Director This rroon is applicable only to the sample recctvea by the laboratory The liability of the :anoratorv is limited to the amount paid for -Jus re-on This report is for the Mciuave use of the ciienrto whom it is addressed ana upon the condition that me client assume ail liability for ir.e further distribution of ae report or its contents 26O52 MERIT CIRCLE. SUITE 1O5. LACUNA HILLS. CALIFORNIA 92653 TELEPHONE: (714) 348-9389 FAX: (714) 348-9115 SIERRA LABORATORIES INC NuTech Enterprises 4749 Oceanside Blvd., #J Oceanside, CA 92056 Sierra Project No.: 9702-017 Client Project ID: Carlsbad Greenhouse Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sampled: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Analyst: Report Date: 2/4/97 2/4/97 2/5/97 2/5/97 LT 2/7/97 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EPA 8015 MODIFIED - DIESEL FUEL Sierra Sample No. 01430 01431 01432 01433 01434 01435 01436 01437 01438 Client Sample No. S15-151 S16-15' S17-15' S18-151 S19-15' S20-15' S21-10' S22-101 S23-10' Concentration (mg/kg) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 % Surrogate Recovery 74 62 62 75 105 95 86 80 65 MDL (mg/kg) 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Data QC Sample ID: 9702-017 Compound TPH LCb % Rec. 85 gc Limits 50-120 bpike % Rec. :' J bpike Dup % Rec. 86 gc Limits 50-150 RPD 13 gc Limits 0-30 ND means Not Detected Reporting Limit (.R.L) = Method Detection Limit (MDL) x Dilution Factor l) A/JTC6H Project Name (• Reference Address ^AIZ.( :v=av~l Sampler's Signatur Lab Jo Be Used SAMPLE NO. ^ ~ (*$ ' *4to- 1*$ > 5H-/S SIS' -K' c^*zo - (^ ^2J -~ |c?' SZ2.-1O' $Z"V /cr S~J fis> SAM Chain-of-Custody Record D ^aC jEK^-VDuse ."^jSlfci. • •*• >££$&^ccwj ^ r- . /3v. ^t<rJOLr^r /Ty'/^v^r^ "?/ i£=>(SW''') rf-^ldr* { DATE ^Hhi• / \V TIME [&^ * LO^ ta&*J lo.2<=> &IL, 10 "2p /033 ^3U jj RELINQUISHED BY Signature Printed Name Company RECEIVED BYVis•XjJ**r\ ~^ — - Signature Printed Name Company LOCATION ***£^is 3$ *° ^ ^^^^^ j^f£>^r\™~ ( Cx*^ t^ Z-- ~i^'O'Tf^r^Cil/^~* *^"^*-* L- Lot^QV-*ti^ f^-\s 7^Tt^l^^^«-A, -£r^? ^ (S T^T^r11"^6**^' /Vx 10' ^yfOt/TtAlAO^" Jj~ *^JPfc *L> C>v^V ^^^ ( O (S J N er^/-S<5>& ^'L^ Date Time Date Time ANALYSIS REQUESTED ii H Q V 'X ^>C A x> ^X] ^o ^J RELINQUISHED BY Skjiicjluro Printed Name Company RECEIVED BY Signature Printed Name Company CO 0. <cr Q-H UJ Date Time Date Time rjo(O UJ o HALOGENATED(8010/601)SAMPLE TYPE Q O CO X X X>c ^ X \- X X 13 _J 3 | RELINQUISHED BY Siynutiiro Printed Name Company RECEIVED BY (LAB) Signature Printed Name Company m ocO \ V X )c io X >Q A V COMPOSITEDate Time Date Time ate2-A//-n COcrUJz 10o LL O C) / / / I ;/ rl\ Paqe ' of • COPY OF LAB RESULTS MUST BE SENT TO: Dept. of Environmental Health Site Assessment and Mitigation Division P.O. Box 85261 San Diego. CA 92186-5261 COMMENTS £(£ ^ns OlS^^^To ^ TOTAL NO. Sample Received On Ice Tape Seal Intact /«» /fu ^« J4W iwj<; /v?t /^^7 V iW OF CONTAINERS Conditions l/YocVMr> Special Shipment/Handling Or Storage Requirements: Split Sample Location Site Identificajion H1 SA / 1 T^ / ? M ^$r£ K\W'*~}W~[^>] 57?0— i — ^i DEH:SAM-999 (8/95) NCR Distribution: White - Laboratory Yellow - Contractor/Responsible Party Pink - SAM County of San Diego Department of Environmental Healt*- c c c c c c c rL r r» r r L r r •^'oV. Looking North Top partially removed Looking Northeast Top partially removed Looking Northwest Top being broken in Looking Northwest *£• -. jf_LJl£y* "r^?2ft. ••&'• -T» .?:.! k : ''••*' Top View Lookinq Northwest Top being broken in Looking North Top Removed & wall Looking South Second Sampling Locations Looking South