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SGC South/and Geotechnical Consultants
Project No. 106E61
Novennber 21, 2001
Prepared for: ^ fj
KRIS AND NANCY NAYUDU r7^t,„«l^ - /^l^
320 Walnut Avenue V-t^oV^
Carlsbad, California 92008
(619)442-8022 • FAX (619)442-7859
SGC South/and Geotechnical Consultants
November 21, 2001 Project No. 106E61
To: Kris and Nancy Nayudu
320 Walnut Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Subject: Soils Investigation, Proposed Two-Story, Single-Family Residence, 3286
Lincoln Street, Carlsbad, California
Southland Geotechnical Consultants has performed a soils investigation for the
proposed two-story, single-family residence at 3286 Lincoln Street in Carlsbad. This
report presents the results of our soils investigation and provides our conclusions and
recommendations, from a geotechnical standpoint, relative to the proposed
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of our soils investigation was to evaluate the soil conditions at the
property and provide recommendations, from a geotechnical standpoint, relative to the
proposed development. The scope of our investigation included the following:
Review of geologic maps and literature pertaining to the site and general
vicinity. A list of the documents reviewed is presented in Appendix A.
Review of preliminary project plans indicating proposed site improvements
(Appendix A).
Field reconnaissance to observe the existing surficial soil conditions at the
subject property and nearby vicinity.
Investigation of the subsurface soil conditions by manually excavating, logging
and sampling three exploratory borings at the site.
Laboratory sulfate content testing of a representative sample of the onsite soils.
Geotechnical analysis of the data obtained.
(619)442-8022 • FAX (619)442-7859
Project No. 106E61
Preparation of this report summarizing the results of our soils investigation and
presenting recommendations, from a geotechnical standpoint, forthe proposed
Proiect Description
The subject property is located on the northeast corner of Lincoln Street and Walnut
Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, California (see Figure 1). The site is bounded by an
existing residential development to the north and a bed and breakfast commercial
development to the east. The relatively flat lot is currently developed with a single-
story residence and detached garage. The site is vegetated with a variety of bushes,
trees, and grass.
Based on our review of preliminary project plans (Appendix A), we understand that the
existing residence will be razed and a two-story residence will be constructed on the
central portion of the lot. Retaining walls, sidewalks, curb and gutter and street
improvements are also proposed. Site grading is anticipated to prepare the building
area and attain design finished grades. Building loads are assumed to be typical for
residential construction.
Subsurface Investigation
On October 29, 2001, three exploratory borings were manually excavated at the site.
The exploratory borings were excavated to a maximum depth of approximately 4 feet
below the existing ground surface. The borings were logged by a geologist from our
firm and samples of the soils encountered were obtained for visual soils classification
and laboratory testing. Subsequent to logging and sampling, the borings were
backfilled. The approximate locations of the exploratory borings are shown on
Figure 2 (Exploratory Boring Location Map). Logs of the exploratory borings are
presented in Appendix B.
Soil/Geologic Units
As encountered in our soils investigation, the subject property appears to be underlain
by topsoil and Quaternary-aged terrace deposits. Brief descriptions of these units
Topsoil - A natural topsoil, developed on and gradational with the underlying
terrace deposits, was encountered in all of our exploratory borings. As
Project No. 106E61
encountered, the topsoil generally consisted of dark brown, silty fine sand. The
topsoil was encountered to a maximum depth of approximately 1 foot.
Localized thicker accumulations of these soils may exist at the site. The topsoil
is considered potentially compressible and should not be relied upon for support
of fill and/or structural loads. These soils are similar to soils in the general site
vicinity found to have a very low to low expansion potential when tested in
general accordance with UBC test standard 18-2.
Terrace Deposits - Quaternary-aged terrace deposits were encountered
underlying the topsoil in all of our exploratory borings. As encountered, the
terrace deposits generally consisted of gray-brown and orange-brown, silty fine
to medium sand. The terrace deposits generally exhibit favorable bearing
characteristics. These soils are similar to soils in the general site vicinity found
to have a very low to low expansion potential when tested in general
accordance with UBC test standard 18-2.
Groundwater and Surface Water
Indications of a near-surface groundwater table were not encountered in our
exploratory borings. Although groundwater is not expected to be a significant
constraint to the proposed development, our experience indicates that near-surface
groundwater conditions can develop in areas where no such groundwater conditions
previously existed, especially in areas where a substantial increase in surface water
infiltration results from landscape irrigation or unusually heavy precipitation. It is
anticipated that site development will include appropriate drainage provisions for
control and discharge of surface water runoff.
Project No. 106E61
Conclusions and Recommendations
Based on the results of our soils investigation, it is our opinion that construction of the
residential development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The following
sections provide recommendations, from a geotechnical standpoint, which should be
considered for design and construction of the proposed project.
From our understanding of the project, some site grading may be performed to prepare
the site and attain finished design grades. Site earthwork should be performed in
accordance with the following recommendations and the general recommendations
included in Appendix C (Recommended Earthwork Specifications).
Site Preparation - Prior to grading and construction activities, the site should be
cleared of vegetation, debris and loose soils. Vegetation and debris should be
properly disposed of off site. Holes resulting from removal of buried
obstructions which extend below finished site grades should be filled with
properly compacted fill soils.
Removal/Recompaction of Potentiallv Compressible Soils - The topsoil is
considered potentially compressible and unsuitable for the support of fill and/or
structural loads in its present condition. We recommend that these soils be
removed in areas planned for structures, surface improvements or fill placement.
As encountered in our exploratory borings, the topsoil apparently underlies the
majority of the site and was encountered to a maximum depth of approximately
1 foot below the existing ground surface. The thickness and extent of these
soils may vary and should be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant during
removal of these unsuitable soils. These soils are considered suitable for re-use
as compacted, structural fill provided they are free of organic material,
deleterious debris and oversized materials (rocks with a maximum dimension
greater than 6 inches).
Excavations - It is anticipated that excavation of the onsite soils can be
accomplished by conventional grading equipment in good operating condition.
Structural Fill Placement - Areas to receive fill and/or other surface
improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches, brought to
near-optimum moisture conditions, and recompacted to at least 90 percent
relative compaction, based on laboratory standard ASTM D1557. Fill soils
should be brought to near-optimum moisture conditions and compacted in
uniform lifts to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D1557). The
Project No. 106E61
optimum lift thickness to produce a uniformly compacted fill will depend on the
size and type of construction equipment used. In general, fill should be placed
in loose lift thicknesses not exceeding 8 inches. Placement and compaction of
fill should be observed and tested by the geotechnical consultant. In general,
placement and compaction of fill should be performed in accordance with local
grading ordinances, sound construction practices, and the Recommended
Earthwork Specifications included in Appendix C.
Transition (Cut/Fill) Condition - The potential for a transition (cut-fill) condition
underlying the area of proposed structures should be checked when project
plans are finalized and in the field during grading so that appropriate
recommendations can be provided to reduce the potential damage due to
differential settlement of the structure across the transition. Typically, we
recommend that the cut (or natural) portion of the building area be
overexcavated to a minimum depth of 3 feet and replaced with moisture-
conditioned fill soils compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction
(ASTM Dl 557). The overexcavation and recompaction typically extends for a
distance of at least 5 feet beyond the perimeters of the proposed structures.
Trench Backfill - The onsite soils are generally suitable as trench backfill
provided they are screened of organic matter and clasts over 6 inches in
diameter. Trench backfill should be compacted by mechanical means to at least
90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D1557).
Graded Slopes - We recommend that graded slopes be constructed at a slope
gradient of 2 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. The outer portions of fill
slopes should be compacted in increments by a sheepsfoot roller as the fill is
raised or overbuilt and trimmed back to finished grade.
Imported Fill Soils - Imported fill soils should have a very low expansion index
(expansion index less than 20) and should be tested by the geotechnical
consultant for suitability prior to hauling on site. The imported fill soils should
be brought to near-optimum moisture conditions and uniformly compacted to
at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D1557).
Foundations should be designed in accordance with structural considerations and the
following recommendations. These recommendations assume that the footings will
be excavated entirely into properiy compacted fill soils or entirely into dense natural
soils with very low to low expansion potential. If the expansion potential of the
Project No. 106E61
finished building pad soils differ from that assumed herein, appropriate corresponding
modifications to the foundation recommendations may be necessary.
The proposed two-story structure may be supported by continuous or spread footings
bearing at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent. Continuous
footings should have a minimum width of 15 inches and be reinforced, at a minimum,
with two No. 4 rebars (one near the top and one near the bottom). Spread footings
should be designed in accordance with structural considerations and have a minimum
width of 24 inches.
For footings designed in accordance with the above recommendations, an allowable
soil-bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square foot may be assumed. This value
may be increased by one-third for loads of short duration such as wind and seismic
Concrete slab-on-grade floors should be designed in accordance with structural
considerations and the following recommendations. Slab-on-grade floors underlain
entirely by properly compacted fill soils or entirely by dense natural soils with a very
low to low expansion potential should have a minimum thickness of 4 inches and be
reinforced at midheight with No. 3 rebars at 18 inches on center each way (or No. 4
at 24 inches on center each way). Care should be taken by the contractor to insure
that the reinforcement is placed at slab midheight.
Slabs should be designed with crack control joints at appropriate spacings. Nuisance
cracking may be reduced by careful control of water/cement ratios. The slabs should
be underlain by a 4-inch layer of clean sand (sand equivalent greater than 30). In
moisture-sensitive areas or if floor coverings are planned, a 10-mil moisture barrier is
recommended midheight within the sand blanket. The soils beneath the floor slabs
should be moistened prior to placement of the sand blanket, moisture barrier and
concrete. We recommend that a slip-sheet (or equivalent) be utilized if grouted tile or
other crack-sensitive flooring is planned directly on the concrete slabs.
Please note that the recommendations provided for slabs are minimums. They do not
represent an adequate lesser substitute for those that may be recommended by the
structural consultant. In addition, our recommendations are not intended to eliminate
the possibility of cracks due to concrete shrinkage. Shrinkage cracks develop in nearly
all slabs which are not specifically designed to prevent them. We recommend that a
structural consultant or qualified concrete contractor be consulted to provide
appropriate design and workmanship requirements for mitigation of shrinkage cracks.
Project No. 106E61
Lateral Resistance and Retaining Wall Design Parameters
Footings and slabs founded in properly compacted fill soils may be designed for a
passive lateral bearing pressure of 300 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. A
coefficient of friction against sliding between concrete and soil of 0.3 may be
assumed. These values may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short
duration, such as wind or seismic forces.
Cantilever (yielding) retaining walls may be designed for "active" equivalent fluid
pressure of 3.5 pounds per cubic foot. Retaining walls which are rigid or restrained at
their upper ends (non-yielding) may be designed for an "at-rest" equivalent fluid
pressure of 50 pounds per cubic foot. Walls subject to surcharge loading of vehicular
traffic within a distance behind the wall equal to the wall height should be designed
for an additional uniform pressure of 75 psf. If walls are surcharged by adjacent
structures, the wall design should take into account the surcharge load. These values
assume horizontal, nonexpansive granular backfill and free-draining conditions.
Retaining wall footings should be designed in accordance with the previous foundation
We recommend that retaining walls be provided with appropriate drainage provisions.
Appendix C contains a typical detail for drainage of retaining walls. The walls should
also be appropriately waterproofed. Waterproofing treatments and alternative, suitable
wall drainage products are available commercially. Design of waterproofing and its
protection during construction should be provided by the project architect. Wall backfill
should be compacted by mechanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction
(ASTM D1557). Care should be taken when using compaction equipment in close
proximity to retaining walls so that the walls are not damaged by excessive loading.
Seismic Considerations
The principal seismic considerations for most structures in southern California are
damage caused by surface rupturing of fault traces, ground shaking, seismically-
induced ground settlement or liquefaction. The seismic hazard most likely to impact
the site is ground shaking resulting from an earthquake on one of the major active
regional faults. The possibility of damage due to ground rupture is considered minimal
since no active faults are known to cross the site. The potential for liquefaction or
seismically-induced ground settlement due to an earthquake is considered low because
of the dense nature of the underlying terrace deposits and anticipated lack of a static,
near-surface groundwater table.
Project No. 106E61
The effects of seismic shaking can be reduced by adhering to the most recent edition
of the Uniform Building Code and current design parameters of the Structural Engineers
Association of California. Based on our understanding of the onsite geotechnical
conditions, the seismic design parameters from the 1 997 Uniform Building Code,
Section 1636, Tables 16-J, 16-S, 16-T and 16-U are provided below.
UBC Table 16-J - Based on our understanding of the onsite geotechnical
conditions and our review of UBC Table 16-J, the soil profile type for the
subject property is Sp ("Stiff Soil Profile").
UBC Table 16-U - Based on our review of the Active Fault Near-Source Zones
maps (0-36) prepared by the California Division of Mines and Geology, the
nearest known active fault is the Rose Canyon fault zone located offshore to the
west of the site. The site is located within approximately 7 kilometers of the
Rose Canyon fault. The fault is considered a seismic source type B based on
UBC Table 16-U.
UBC Table 16-S - Based on our understanding of the onsite geotechnical
conditions and minimum distance to the nearest known active fault (Rose
Canyon fault zone), the Near-Source Factor (Ng) is 1.0.
UBC Table 16-T - Based on our understanding of the onsite geotechnical
conditions and minimum distance to the nearest known active fault (Rose
Canyon fault zone), the Near-Source Factor (N^) is 1.1.
Sulfate Content
A sample (Boring 1, sample at 1 to 3 feet) of the onsite soils was tested to assist in
an evaluation of the degree of sulfate attack on ordinary (Type 11) concrete. The test
was performed in general accordance with California Test Method No. 41 7 and yielded
a soluble sulfate content of 80 ppm. The test result indicates a "negligible" degree of
sulfate attack based on UBC Table 19-A-4 criteria. The type of concrete specified and
used should be determined by the structural engineer.
Project No. 106E61
Site Drainage
Drainage at the site should be directed away from foundations, collected and tightlined
to appropriate discharge points. Consideration may be given to collecting roof drainage
by eave gutters and directing it away from foundations via non-erosive devices.
Water, either natural or from irrigation, should not be permitted to pond, saturate the
surface soils or flow over the tops of slopes. Landscape requiring a heavy irrigation
schedule should not be planted adjacent to foundations or paved areas.
Plan Review/Construction Observation and Testing
The recommendations provided in this report are based on our understanding of the
project and subsurface conditions disclosed in our widely-spaced exploratory borings.
Final project drawings for the proposed development should by reviewed by Southland
Geotechnical Consultants prior to construction to check that the recommendations
contained in this report are incorporated into the project plans. Subsurface conditions
should be checked in the field during construction. Geotechnical observation during site
grading and field density testing of compacted fill should be performed by Southland
Geotechnical Consultants. Geotechnical observation of footing excavations should
also be performed by the geotechnical consultant to check that construction is in
accordance with the recommendations of this report.
Project No. 106E61
If you have any questions regarding our report, please contact our office,
appreciate the opportunity to be of service.
Gene Custenborder, CEG 1319
Principal Engineering G<
Charles R. Corbin, RCE 36302
Project Engineer
Figure 1 - Site Location Map
Figure 2 - Exploratory Boring Location Map
Appendix A - References
Appendix B - Logs of Exploratory Borings
Appendix C - Recommended Earthwork Specifications
Distribution: (1) Addressee
(3) Edward M. Eginton, Inc.
Project No. 106E61
3286 Lincoln Street
Carlsbad, California
Scale (approxinnate): 1 inch = 2,000 feet
Base Map:
Recent Slope Failures, Ancient Landslides, and
Related Geology of the North-Central Coastal Area,
San Diego County, California
by F. Harold Weber, Jr., 1982. FIGURE 1
Project No. 106E61
Proposed Nayudu Residence
3286 Lincoln Street
Carlsbad, California
Scale (approximate): 1 inch = 20 feet
Base Map: Site Plan prepared by
Edward M. Eginton, Architect, Inc.,
dated December 1998
« Approximate location of
B-3 exploratory boring
Project No. 106E61
1. California Division of Mines and Geology, 1 994, Fault activity map of California
and adjacent areas: CDMG Geologic Data Map No. 6.
2. Hart, E.W., 1997, Fault-rupture hazard zones in California: California Division
of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42, revised.
3. Tan, S.S., 1995, Landslide hazards in the northern part of the San Diego
metropolitan area, San Diego County, California: California Division of Mines and
Geology, Open-File Report 95-04.
4. Southland Geotechnical Consultants, in-house geologic/geotechnical
5. Weber, F.H., Jr., 1982, Recent slope failures, ancient landslides, and related
geology of the north-central coastal area, San Diego County, California:
California Division of Mines and Geology, Open-file Report 82-12LA.
Pasco Engineering, undated. Site Development Study.
Edward M. Eginton, Architect, Inc., 1998, Single Family Residence for Mr. and Mrs.
Kris Nayudu, 3286 Lincoln St., Carlsbad, dated December.
'7/-7'777$7^7( 777-77777
Project No, 106E61
B-1 0-1' Topsoil - Dark brown, dry, loose, silty fine sand (SM); with
abundant roots in upper 4", gradational with:
1-4' Terrace Deposits - Dark orange-brown, moist, medium dense,
siity fine sand (SM)
Total depth = 4 feet
No refusal
No groundwater encountered
Bulk sample at 1 to 3 feet
Excavated and backfilled 10-29-01
B-2 0-1' Topsoil - Dark brown, dry, loose, silty fine sand (SM); with
roots, gradational with:
1-3' Terrace Deposits - Dark orange-brown, moist, medium dense,
silty fine sand (SM); with roots
Total depth = 3 feet
No refusal
No groundwater encountered
Bulk sample at 0 to 1 foot
Excavated and backfilled 10-29-01
Project No. 106E61
B-3 0-1' Topsoil - Dark brown, dry, loose, silty fine sand (SM); with
roots, gradational with:
1-3' Terrace Deposits - Dark orange-brown, moist, medium dense,
silty fine sand (SM)
Total depth = 3 feet
No refusal
No groundwater encountered
Bulk sample at 1 to 3'
Excavated and backfilled 10-29-01