HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 03-07; Thompson Residence; UPDATE TO GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION; 2006-09-08GEOCON
I N C O R P 0' R A T .E D
Project No. 06716-32-01
September 8, 2006
SeaBourne Development Company
Post Office Box 4659
Carlsbad, California 92018-4659
Attention: Mr. Ken Cablay
OCT 13 2006
References: 1. Geotechnical Investigation, Thompson Property, Carlsbad, California, prepared by
Geocon Incorporated, dated June 28, 2001 (Project No. 06716-32-01).
2. · Grading Plans For: 70.66 Crystalline Drive, Lot 242, CT 98-14, Carlsbad,
California, prepared by Buccola Engineering, Inc., Sheet 2 of 4, sent via e-mail,
dated August 30, 2006 (Project No. CDP 03-07).
In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the referenced plans for the proposed residential
development in Carlsbad, California.
The purpose of our review was to determine whether the plans and details have been prepared in
substantial conformance with the recommendations presented in the referenced geote:;chnical report
and provide additional and/ or revised recommendations, if necessary.
The referenced grading plan shows a 6-foot high (maximum), mechanically stabilizea. earth (MSE)
retaining wall and an approximately 20 foot high, 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope to create a relatively
level surface in the rear yard of the existing residence. Import material will be necessary to achieve
finish grade elevation.
In accordance With the recommendations provide~ the referenced geotechnical report, remedial
grading will be performed to remove and compact unsuitable surficial soils prior to placing new fill.
The maximum depth of removal is approximately 8 feet. the temporary excavation should begin at
the property boundary and be sloped back. into the property in accordance with current OSHA
guidelines. Building restrictions or setbacks are not anticipated based on the proposed remedial
6960 flanders.Drive • San Diego, California 92121-2974 • Telephone (858) 558-6900 • Fox {858) 558-6159
grading. The wall foundation should be excavated such that the bottom outside edge of footing is at
least 7 feet horizontally from the face of slope, i.e., for a 2:1 slope, the wall footing would need to
extend approximately 3.5 feet below existing grade.
Based upon our review of the referenced plans and the information contained within the referenced
geotechnical report, it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the plans and details have been
prepared in substantial conformance with recommendations presented in the referenced documents.
In addition, the recommendations provided in the referenced report remain applicable for the project.
MSE Retaining Walls
Based on information obtained from the referenced geotechnical investigation, we recommend the
following geotechnical parameters be used for design of the MSE retaining wall:
Parameter Reinforced Zone Retained Zone Foundation Zone
Angle of internal Friction 30 degrees 30 degrees 30 degrees
Cohesion 200 psf 200 psf 200 psf
Wet Unit Weight 125 pcf 125 pcf 125 pcf
The above soil parameters are based on direct shear-strength tests performed during the referenced
investigation ·our experience at the subject site.
Geocon has no way of knowing whether these materials will actually be used as backfill behind the
wall during construction. It is up to the wall designer to use his judgment in selection of design
parameters. As such, once backfill materials have been selected and/or stockpiled, sufficient shear
tests should be conducted on samples of the proposed backfill materials to verify they conform to
actual design values. Results should be provided to the designer to re-evaluate stability of the walls.
Dependent upon test results, the designer may require modifications to the original wall design (e.g.,
longer geogrid embedment lengths).
Backfill. materials within the reinforced zone Should_ be compacted to a dry density of at least
90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density at or slightly above optimum moisture content in
accordance with ASTM D 1557-02. This is applicable to the entire embedment length of the geogrid
reinforcement. Typically, wall designers specify that heavy compaction equipment be excluded from . ' '
within 3 feet of the face of the wall; however, smaller equipment ( e.g., walk-behind, self-driven
compactors or hand whackers) should be used to compact the materials without causing deformation
of the wall. If the designer specifies no compactive effort for this zone, the ~terials are essentially
Project No. 06716-32-01 -2-September 8, 2006
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not properly compacted and the geogrid withiJ:1 the uncompacted zone should not be relied upon for
reinforcement and overall embedment lengths should be increased to account for the difference.
The wall ~esigner should con~ider providing a drainage system sufficient to dissipate hydrostatic
pressure behind the wall and to mitigate seepagetbrqugh and beneath the wall.
Geosynthetic-reinforceme_nt must elongate to develop full tensile resistance. This elongation generally
results m movement at the top.-of the wall. The amour1t of movement is dependent upon the height of
the wall (e.g., hi-gher walls rotate more), construction, c:llld the cype of geosynthetic used. In addition,
over time reinforced-earth retaining walls have been known to exhibit creep and can undergo
additional movement. Given this condition, the owner should be aware that structures and pave:r;nent
placed within the !einforced and retained zones of the wall may undergo movement and should be
designed to accommodate this movement.
If you have any questions regarding this review, or ifwe may be of further service, please contac;t the-
undersigned at your convenience.
Very truly -yours,
(2) Addressee
(3) Buccola Engineering _
Attention: Mr: Phil Buccloa
Project No. 0(i716-32-0i -3-September 8, 2006