HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 08-13; GREEN DRAGON COLONIAL VILLAGE; COMPACTION REPORT OF GRADING; 2013-09-09:-' H t t , "ell Geotechnical •Geologuc • Coastal • Environmental oo • ..- ;:' • ': - :'-:. - 4 ';, • '•• ,1 • ' • ' COMPACTION REPORT OF GRADING UNDERGROUND UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL AND PAftKINGLOT PAVME*T-CONStRIJC-1LON GREENIÔRAGON TAkERN' 6115 PASEO(DEL NOTE CARLSBAD, SAN DIEGO,COUftTYCALtFORNI A . Z ....3 -. - CITY OEc'ARLSBADPROJECT NO COP O8-1 * - - GRADING PERMITGR 0,9-0024 \. BUhDiNGPiRMIT'Nà)CBO9i499 FOR GREEN DRAGON TAVERN, INC. P.O. BOX 927065 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92192 W.O. 5892-B/C/E-SC SEPTEMBER 9, 2013 Geotechnical' Geologic. Coastal • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92010 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 • www.geosoilsinc.com September 9, 2012 W.O. 5892-B/C/E-SC Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. P.O. Box 927065 San Diego, California 92192 Attention: Mr. Bruce Bartlett Subject: Compaction Report of Grading, Underground Utility Trench Backfill, and Parking Lot Pavement, Green Dragon Tavern, 6115 Paseo del Norte, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, City of Carlsbad Project No.: 08-13, Grading Permit GR 09-0024, Building Permit No. CB091499 Dear Mr. Bartlett: In accordance with your request and authorization, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) is presenting this compaction report of grading, underground utility trench backfill, and parking lot pavement construction that occurred at the subject site. Site work under purview of this report commenced during October, 2012 and was substantially completed in August, 2013. Observations and field density testing were provided on an as-needed, part-time basis, as solely determined by representatives of TFW Construction, Inc. GRADING GSI observations and testing performed during grading are summarized in the following sections. Purpose of Grading The primary purpose of grading was perform the necessary cuts and fills per the grading plan for this project (O'Day Consultants, Inc. [OCI], 2010). The majority of grading was completed within the southern portion of the site, where an approximately 5-foot high or less, 2:1 (horizontal: vertical [h:v]) fill slope was constructed along the southerly property line. Grading associated with the in-filling of existing loading docks at the rear of the existing building was also performed. The grading plan (OCI, 2010) indicates several cut/fill daylight lines throughout the site. However, as a result of demolition work, undercut depths needed for the new pavement sections, and the relatively shallow depth to suitable formational soil, as-built fills where generally placed as previously noted. Engineering Geology The geologic conditions exposed in excavations during the process of grading were observed on a part-time basis by a geologist from our firm. The earth materials and general subsurface conditions encountered during remedial grading excavations were generally similar to those reported in GSI (2009b). Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in any of the excavations completed during grading. As previously discussed in GSI (2009b), perched groundwater was encountered at approximate depth of ±31 feet belowthe existing grade (approximate elevation = ±43 feet Mean Sea Level [MSL]). Provided our recommendations are properly incorporated into the balance of construction and the life of the project, groundwater is not expected to significantly influence the performance of the new improvements. However, based on the permeability contrasts between the newly placed engineered fill and the surrounding soils, shallow perched groundwater conditions may develop in the future due to excess irrigation, poor drainage, or damaged utilities both occurring onsite and offsite. This potential for near-surface perched water to occur should be anticipated and disclosed to all interested/affected parties. Should manifestations of perched water (i.e., seepage) develop in the future, this office could evaluate the conditions and provide mitigative recommendations, as necessary. Preparation of Existing Ground Prior to grading, existing improvements, surf icial vegetation, and deleterious debris were removed and hauled offsite. In areas of planned grading as shown on the project grading plans (O'Day Consultants, Inc. [OCI], 2010), near-surface, compressible soils (i.e., existing, artificial fill and weathered Quaternary-age terrace deposits), were removed to expose suitable, unweathered terrace deposits (map symbol Qt). The removal of unsuitable soils was completed below a 1:1 (h:v) projection down from the toe of the planned southerly fill slope, except where restricted by the southerly property line. In other areas of the site where new underground utilities and pavement improvements are shown on OCI (2010), the removal of unsuitable soils was performed during the planned excavations for such. Prior to fill placement, bottoms of remedial grading excavations were scarified, moisture conditioned to at least optimum moisture content, and then recompacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557). Bottoms/undercuts within 8 to 12 inches of finish subgrade were compacted to at Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/CE -Sc Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 9, 2013 File: e:\wpl2\6200\6256be.fcr GeoSoils, Inc. Page 2 least 95 percent of the laboratory standard in accordance with the recommendations of the GSl report. Engineered Fill Placement Southerly Fill Slope Engineered fill, consisting of onsite soils, was placed in approximately 6- to 8-inch thick lifts, moisture conditioned and mixed to achieve near optimum moisture conditions, and then mechanically compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557), where tested. The thickness of engineered fill placed under purview of this report ranged between approximately 3 to 5 feet, in the vicinity of an approximately 5-foot high or less, 2:1 (h orizo ntal: vertical [h:vj) fill slope, located along the south side of the project. Existing Loading Docks The existing loading docks were concrete-lined depressions at the rear of the existing building. Ratherthan removing the loading docks and backfilling the resultant excavations, the concrete was left in place and the depressions were backfilled with 3/4-inch gravel to approximately 1 foot below the planned finish grade. Following backfill, the gravel was covered with filter fabric and approximately 1 foot of onsite soils was placed above the filter fabric, moisture conditioned to at least optimum moisture content, and then compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM 0 1557). In order to mitigate the potential for accumulation of groundwater within buried docks, holes were completed through the concrete slabs to promote drainage. UNDERGROUND UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL Underground utilities, consisting of storm drain, sanitary sewer, water (domestic and fire line), joint trench, electrical, and interior plumbing were backfilled using the onsite and import soils. The required compaction was 90 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557) for onsite utility trenches, and 95 percent within the City right of way (Paseo Del Norte). Backfill within the pavement subgrade portion onsite trench backfill (upper portion of utility trench backfill) was compacted to at least 95 percent. PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION Pavement Section Pavement section design and construction recommendations are presented in GSI (2013, 2009b), and are based on the use of a Caltrans Class II aggregate base. During pavement construction, the contractor elected to use a recycled aggregate base. Our evaluation of Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/CIE -Sc Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 9, 2013 File:e:\wpl2\6200\6256be.fcr GeoSods, Inc. Page 3 testing data from the plant (Sipp Consulting Group, 2013) and additional engineering analysis indicate that the recycled aggregate base material is generally suitable for the intended use. Curb and Gutter Subgrade and Aggregate Base GSI performed random testing of curb and subgrade and aggregate base materials. The required compaction for curb and gutter subgrade was 90 percent of the laboratory standard. The minimum required compaction for curb and gutter subgrade and aggregate base materials was respectively 90 and 95 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557). Asphaltic Concrete Parking and Drive Areas Compaction testing was performed on new parking and drive area subgrade (upper 8 to 12 inches), aggregate base, and asphaltic concrete, in general accordance with the City of Carlsbad guidelines. The minimum required compaction for all three components was 95 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557). Sidewalk Subgrade Compaction testing of sidewalk subgrade materials was performed during construction. The minimum required compaction was 90 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557). BIO-RETENTION SWALE CONSTRUCTION GSI provided observations during bio-retention swale construction. This included observing the under-drain gravel and perforated pipe, and filter fabric (Mirafi 140N, or equivalent) placement. In addition, GSI observed drilled excavations for 8 and 12 inch diameter piers intended to support curbs and gutters, and site walls where bio-retention swales were located below a 1:1 (h:v) projection down from the bottom, outside edge of said improvements. Pier embedments were completed to depths ranging from at least 4 feet, to as much as 8 feet below surface subgrades per OCI, and GSI recommendations. Based on our observations, the bio-retention swales and pier excavations were constructed in general accordance with the requirements on OCI (2010) and the recommendations of this firm. FIELD TESTING Field density tests were performed using nuclear methods in general accordance with ASTM test methods D 6938-10 (Procedure A). Field density tests were also performed using the sand cone method in general accordance with ASTM test Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/CE -Sc Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 9, 2013 File: e:\wpl2\6200\6256be.fcr GeoSoils, Inc. Page 4 method D 1556. The compaction test results are presented in the attached Table 1. The approximate locations of the field density tests performed during grading are presented on Plate 1. The field dry densities of the engineered fill were evaluated as a percentage of the maximum dry density attained in the laboratory for the representative soil types encountered during earthwork construction. Where field density testing indicated inadequate compaction, the failure area was reworked until the required compaction was achieved. Field density tests were taken at periodic intervals and random locations to check the compaction effort of the engineered fill placed by the contractor. Laboratory Testing- Maximum Density Testing The laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for the major soil types, encountered during earthwork construction, were evaluated in general accordance with test method ASTM D 1557 and ASTM D 558-11. The following table presents the results: SOIL TYPE MAXIMUM bENSITY (PCF) MOISTURE I .CONTENT (PERCENT:) A - Grayish Brown, Silty Sand 130.0 9.0 B - Class III Decomposed Granite Base 141.5 6.5 C - Brownish Gray, Clay with Sand 119.0 14.0 D - Dark Brown, Clayey Sand 124.0 11.0 E - Bio-Retention Swale Filter Media 99.5 20.0 F - Recycled Aggregate Base* 120.5 12.5 G - Recycled Aggregate Base* 124.5 11.0 H - Asphaltic Concrete 146.0** N/A ** - Materials provided by Escondido Sand and Gravel, Min. R-value = 78 (Sipp Consulting Group, 2013) * - Maximum density provided by supplier's testing laboratory. Sand Equivalent Testing Sand Equivalent (SE) testing was performed on a representative sample of bio-retention swale filter media in general accordance with California Test Method (CTM) 217. Testing indicated an SE of 44. This exceeds the SE for filter media recommended in GSI (2009a). Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/E -SC Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 9, 2013 File:e:\wpl2\6200\6256be.fcr GeoSods, Inc. Page 5 Conclusions and Recommendations GSI observations and testing indicate that tills meet the minimum compaction recommended by this office, where tested and therefore, are considered suitable for their intended use. Unless specifically superceded herein, the conclusions and recommendations provided in previous approved GSI reports for this project (see the Appendix) remain valid and applicable. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE The soil engineering and engineering geologic aspects of the construction are in general compliance with approved geotechnical report and geotechnical aspects of the construction. Furthermore, with respect to the grading plans, GSI will certify' that the soil engineering and engineering geologic aspects of the grading are in general compliance with the approved geotechnical report and the grading plan (Drawing No. 464-7A). LIMITATIONS The materials encountered on the project site and utilized for our analysis are believed representative of the area; however, soil and bedrock materials vary in character between excavations and natural outcrops or conditions exposed during mass grading. Site conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors. Inasmuch as our study is based upon our review and engineering analyses and laboratory data, the conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty, either express or implied, is given. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their inaction; or work performed when GSI is not requested to be onsite, to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly implemented. Use of this report constitutes an agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above, notwithstanding any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may be subject to review by the controlling authorities. Thus, this report brings to completion our scope of services for this portion of the project. All samples will be disposed of after 30 days, unless specifically requested by the client, in writing. 1 A defined in the California Business and Professions Code, Division 3, Chapter 15, Article 5, Section 8770.6. Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/E -SC Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 9, 2013 File:e:\wpl2\6200\6256be.fcr GeoSods, Inc. Page 6 The opportunity to be of service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of the undersigned. Respectfully su GeoSoils, Inc. No 1934 —I Engineering Geologist Ro ert Crisman OP Engineering Geologist C RB/ATG/J PF/jh j /'orEcH\c Andrew T. Guatelli Geotechnical Engineer, GE 2320 Attachments: Table 1 - Field Density Test Results Appendix - References Plate 1 - Field Density Test Location Map Distribution: (1) Addressee (via email) (2) City of Carlsbad, Building Dept. (wet signed) (2) TFW Construction, Inc. (wet signed) Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/CE -Sc Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 9, 2013 File:e:\wpl2\6200\6256be.fcr GeoSoUs, Inc. Page 7 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. UTILITY TYPE DATE TEST LOCATION ELEV OR DEPTH (ft)1 'MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pci) REL COMP (%) TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE GRADING 1 G 10/29/12 SOUTH FILL SLOPE 66.0 9.5 _117.5 90.4 ND A 2 G 10/29/12 SOUTH FILL SLOPE 68.0 10.4 117.2 90.2 ND A 3* G 10/29/12 SOUTH FILL SLOPE 69.0 6.5 1122 863 ND A 3A G 10/29/12 SOUTH FILL SLOPE 69.0 9.9 116 91.2 ND A 4 G 11/13/12 SOUTH FILL SLOPE 72.0 11.1 112.1 904 ND C 5* G 11/13/12 SOUTH FILL SLOPE 71.0 11.0 107.9 87.0 ND C 5A G 11/13/12 SOUTH FILL SLOPE 71.0 11.2 112.1 90.4 ND C 6* G 11/13/12 SOUTH FILL SLOPE 70.0 11.5 106.5 85.9 SC C 6A G 11/13/12 SOUTH FILL SLOPE 70.0 11.1 111.9 90.2 ND C 7 G 1/24/13 LOADING DOCK -1.5 10.2 121.5 935 ND A 8 G 1/24/13 LOADING DOCK -1.5 10.0 122.3 94.1 ND A 9 G 1/31/13 SOUTH SLOPE 72.0 10.8 119.4 91.8 ND A 10 G 1/31/13 SOUTH SLOPE 70.0 9.7 118.7 91.3 ND A 11 G 1/31/13 SOUTH SLOPE 68.0 11.0 120.0 92.3 ND A 12 G 1/31/13 SOUTH SLOPE 68.0 11.3 118.0 908 ND A 11 WATER 1 W 10/16/12 PASEO DEL NORTE -3.0 9.1 119.6 92.0 ND A 2 W 10/16/12 PASEO DEL NORTE -1.5 9.0 1189 91.5 ND A 3 W 10/16/12 PASEO DEL NORTE -1.5 9.3 1188 91.4 ND A 4* W 10/17/12 PASEO DEL NORTE STA 7+34 -2.0 9.1 1153 887 ND A 4A W 10/17/12 PASEO DEL NORTE STA 7+34 -2.0 9.2 118 91.2 ND A 5 W 10/17/12 PASEO DEL NORTE STA 7+34 -2.0 9.3 1 117.5 90.3 ND A 6 W 10/18/12 PASEO DEL NORTE SUBGRADE @7+34 SG 6.6 132.7 931 ND B 7* W 10/18/12 FIRE SERVICE @STA 5+21 -3.5 10.6 115.2 88.6 ND A 7A W 10/18/12 FIRE SERVICE @STA 5+21 -3.5 10.3 117.3 90.2 ND A 8 W 10/18/12 FIRE SERVICE @ STA 5+21 -2.0 11.7 118.1 90.8 ND A 9 W 10/18/12 FIRE SERVICE @ STA 5+21 SG 11.4 123.6 950 ND A 10 W 10/18/12 1 RECL WATER @STA 6+21 -3.5 12.2 119.5 91.9 ND A 11 W 10/18/12 1 RECL WATER @ STA 6 + 21 -2.0 11.7 118.8 91.4 ND A 12 W 10/18/12 FIRE SERVICE @ STA 5+21 BG 6.5 135.6 958 ND B 13* W 10/18/12 FIRE SERVICE @STA 5+21 BG 4.8 131.4 99 ND B 13A W 10/18/12 FIRE SERVICE @ STA 5+21 BG 6.6 134.6 95.1 ND B 14 W 10/18/12 1 RECLWATER @ STA 6+21 SG 9.0 124.4 95 ND A 15 W 10/19/12 111 RECL @ STA 6+21 BG 7.9 135.0 954 ND B 16 W 10/19/12 1 RECL @ STA 6+21 BG 8.4 136.8 966 ND B 17 W 10/19/12 ABANDONMENT@ STA 6+90 -3.0 12.6 117.4 903 ND A 18 W 10/19/12 ABANDONMENT @ STA 6+90 -2.0 12.1 119.6 92.0 ND A 19 W 10/19/12 ABANDONMENT @ STA 6+90 -1.5 11.6 123.8 95.2 ND A 20 W 10/19/12 ABANDONMENT @ STA 6+90 BG 6.5 135.2 955 ND B 21 W 10/19/12 ABANDONMENT @ STA 6+90 BG 6.6 135.2 95 ND B 22 W 10/19/12 811 PVC WATER @ STA 7+34 -2.5 12.4 117.2 90.1 ND A 23 W 10/19/12 811 PVC WATER @STA 7+34 -1.5 12.1 123.7 95.1 ND A 24 W 10/19/12 811 PVC WATER @ STA 7+34 BG 6.5 136.7 966 ND B 25* W 10/23/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+21 72.5 9.3 113.4 872 ND A 25A W 10/23/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+21 72.5 9.0 123.7 95.2 ND A 26 W 10/23/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+21 74.5 9.0 124.4 957 ND A 27 W 10/23/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+21 (NOT STREET) 71.5 9.7 117.4 1 90.3 ND A 28 TEST NUMBER NOT USED 29 W 11/19/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+21 -4.0 9.4 123.4 1 94.9 ND A Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad File: C:\excel\tables\5800\5892bcde.cro GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/DIE-SC September 2013 Page 1 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. UTILITY TYPE DATE TEST LOCATION ELEV OR DEPTH (it) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pcf) R E L COMP (%) TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE 30 W 11/19/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+21 -2.0 9.6 124.3 95.6 ND A 31 W 11/19/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+21 -1.0 10.0 123.6 95.1 ND A 32 1 W 11/19/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+21 FG 6.8 135.8 96.0 ND B 33 W 11/20/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 7+34 -4.0 9.0 123.4 94.9 ND A 34 W 11/20/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 7+34 -2.0 9.2 124.3 956 ND A 35 W 11/20/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 7+34 -1.0 9.3 123.6 95.1 ND A 36 W 11/20/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 7+34 FG 7.1 135.8 96 ND B 37* W 12/17/12 FIRE LINE EAST SIDE JOB -1.0 17.3 99.4 80.2 ND C 37A W 12/20/12 FIRE LINE EAST SIDE JOB -1.0 13.8 115.3 930 ND C 38* W 12/17/12 FIRE LINE EAST SIDE JOB -1.5 17.5 93.7 75.6 ND C 38A W 12/20/12 FIRE LINE EAST SIDE JOB -1.5 13.6 112.2 905 ND C 39 W 12/20/12 FIRE LINE EAST SIDE JOB -2.0 14.1 111.7 90.1 ND C 40 W 12/20/12 FIRE LINE EAST SIDE JOB -1.0 14.3 112.4 90.6 ND C 41* W 12/20/12 FIRE LINE SOUTHEAST -2.0 15.8 103.6 83.5 ND C 41A W 12/20/12 FIRE LINE SOUTHEAST -2.0 12.5 112.6 908 ND C 42 W 12/21/12 FIRE LINE PLUG 1 -2.0 12.4 112.5 90.7 ND C 43 W 12/21/13 FIRE LINE PLUG 2 -1.5 13.9 103.5 83.5 ND C 44 W 12/21/13 FIRE LINE PLUG 3 -1.0 14.5 105.0 87.7 ND C 45 W 1/2/13 CENTER MAIN -2.0 12.8 113.7 91.7 ND C 46 W 1/2/13 CENTER MAIN -2.0 12.4 112.5 90.7 ND C 47 W 1/2/13 CENTER MAIN -2.0 13.6 111.6 900 ND C 48 W 1/3/13 CENTER MAIN -1.0 12.1 113.7 91.7 1 ND C 49 W 1/3/13 CENTER MAIN -1.0 1 11.6 1 112.5 90.7 ND C 45 W 6/3/13 RECL WATER N ENTRY -1.5 11.5 113.4 91.5 ND C 46 W 6/3/13 RECL WATER N ENTRY FG 11.7 112.7 909 ND C INTERIOR PLUMBING 1_ IP 10/15/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -2.5 11.2 119.5 91.9 ND A 2 IP 10/15/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -1.5 12.3 120.3 92.5 ND A 3 IP 10/15/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -1.0 11.8 118.4 91.1 ND A 4 IP 10/15/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -1.0 11.5 119.1 91.6 ND A 5 IP 10/15/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -1.5 117 119.8 92.2 ND A 6 IP 10/16/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -1.0 11.9 1 118.4 91.1 ND A 7 IP 10/16/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -0.5 12.0 117.8 90 ND A 8 IP 10/16/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -0.5 11.3 118.0 908 ND A 9 IP 10/16/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -1.0 11.6 117.9 90.7 ND A 10 IP 10/16/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -2.0 11.3 = 182 909 ND A 11 IP 10/23/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING FG 9.7 17.0 90.0 ND A 12 IP 10/23/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING -0.5 10.0 17.3 90.2 ND A 13 P 10/23/12 INTERIOR PLUMBING --+---1.0 9.9 = 171 905 ND A 01 4 STORM DRAIN - 1* _____ SD _______ 11/5/12 PARKING LOT S.SIDE 6 PVC 70.0 12.1 112.8 868 ND A 1A SD 11/5/12 PARKING LOT S.SIDE 6 PVC 70.0 10.8 124.1 95.4 ND A 2* SD 11/5/12 PARKING LOT S.SIDE 6 PVC 71.5 13.5 111.7 859 ND A 2A SD 11/5/12 PARKING LOT S.SIDE 6" PVC 71.5 11.3 120.9 93.0 ND A 3 SD 11/7/12 6PVC DRAIN #6 71.5 10.9 118.1 90 ND A 4 SD 11/7/12 6PVC DRAIN #6 74.5 11.1 119.3 91.7 ND A 5 SD 11/7/12 6PVC DRAIN #6 73.0 10.3 118.0 90.7 ND A 6 SD 11/8/12 6PVC DRAIN #6 72.5 12.1 117.2 91.5 ND D 7 SD 11/8/12 6PVC DRAIN #6 74.0 12.4 118.1 92.2 ND D 8 SD 11/8/12 6PVC DRAIN #6 72.0 11.1 116.8 91.2 ND D 9 SD 11/8/12 6PVC DRAIN #6 74.0 11.6 117.1 1 91.4 1 ND D Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad File: C:\excel\tables\5800\5892bcde.cro GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/DIE-SC September 2013 Page 2 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. UTILITY TYPE DATE TEST LOCATION ELEV OR DEPTH (It) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pcf) REL COMP (%) TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE 12 SD 41:13 SOUTH DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE -1.0 105 117.9 907 ND A 13 SD 4/1/13 SOUTH DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE -1.0 11.0 118.6 91.2 ND A _____ SEWER 1* S 10/26/12 OUTFLOW LINE -3.0 5.3 113.2 87.1 ND A 1A S 10/26/12 OUTFLOW LINE -3.0 9.0 117.3 90.2 ND A 2 S 10/26/12 OUTFLOW LINE -3.0 9.8 - 117.9 90.7 ND A 3 S 10/26/12 OUTFLOW LINE -1.5 11.3 117.1 90.1 ND A 4 S 10/26/12 GREASE PIT -4.0 11.8 117.5 90.4 ND A 5 S 10/29/12 GREASE PIT 75.0 _9.2 118.4 91.1 ND A 6* S 11/13/12 SEWER LINE 1 72.0 11.4 109.2 88.1 ND C 6A S 11/13/12 SEWER LINE 1 72.0 11.2 113.2 91.3 ND C 7 S 11/13/12 SEWER LINE 1 70.0 11.8 112.8 91.0 ND C 8 S 11/13/12 SEWER LINE 1 68.0 12.0 112.1 904 ND C 9 S 11/14/12 SEWER LINE 1 69.0 11.9 112.5 97 ND C 10 5 11/14/12 SEWER LINE 1 71.0 11.2 113.2 91.3 ND C 11 5 11/14/12 SEWER LINE 1 73.0 11.8 112.8 91.0 ND C 12 5 11/14/12 SEWER LINE 1 MANHOLE 71.5 11.4 111.7 90.1 ND C 13* 5 11/14/12 SEWER LINE 1 CLEANOUT 70.0 95 - 105.4 850 ND C 13A 5 11/15/12 SEWER LINE 1 70.0 11.9 112.5 90.7 ND C 14 S 11/15/12 SEWER LINE 1 72.0 11.2 113.2 91.3 ND C 15 S 11/15/12 SEWER LINE 1 67.0 11.1 111.8 902 ND C 16 S 11/15/12 SEWER LINE 1 69.0 11.0 111.7 90.1 ND C ELECTRIC/JOINT IJTILITYTRENCH BACKFILL 1 E 5/3/13 NW SIDE BLDG -1.0 12.5 113.6 91.6 ND C 2 E 5/3/13 N SIDE BLDG -2.0 13.0 114.2 92.1 ND C 3 E 5/3/13 N SIDE BLDG FG 11.8 113.1 91.2 ND C 4 E 5/18/13 N SIDE BLDG -1.0 13.6 1128 91.1 ND C 5 E 5/18/13 N SIDE BLDG FG 14.0 113.0 91.1 ND C 6 E 6/6/13 NE SIDE ENTRY -2.5 11.5 111.7 90.1 ND C 7 E 6/6/13 NE SIDE ENTRY -2.5 11.9 112.1 90.4 ND C 8 E 8/15/13 EAST PARKING BAY BG 13.1 120.7 96.9 ND G 8 JT 6/11/13 E SIDE BLDG -1.0 11.8 114.7 92.5 ND C 9 JT 6/11/13 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+00± -1.0 13.0 118.9 959 ND F 10 JT 6/11/13 E SIDE BLDG -1.5 12.0 113.8 91.8 ND C 11 JT 6/11/13 PASEO DEL NORTE 5+00± BG 12.0 119.2 96.2 ND F - WALL BACKFILL/FOOTINGS 1* F 11/27/12 EAST SITE WALL -1.5 105 114.0 87.7 ND A 1A F 11/28/12 EAST SITE WALL -1.5 11.0 117.7 90.5 ND A 2* F 11/27/12 EAST SITE WALL -1.5 11.0 113.2 87.1 ND A 2A F 11/28/12 EAST SITE WALL -1.5 10.9 118.2 909 ND A 3* F 11/27/12 EAST SITE WALL -1.5 10.7 113.5 87.3 ND A 3A F 11/28/12 EAST SITE WALL -1.5 11.4 117.3 90.2 ND A 4 FTG 11/29/12 TRASH ENCLOSURE FOOTING -1.5 10.2 117.3 902 ND A 5 FTG 11/29/12 TRASH ENCLOSURE FOOTING -1.5 10.5 118.4 91.1 ND A ____ SUBGRADE 1* SG 1/15/13 E. PARKING LOT/FIRE ACCESS SG 11.1 112.6 90.8 ND C 1A SG 1/15/13 E. PARKING LOT/FIRE ACCESS SG 11.0 117.9 1 95.1 ND C 2 SG 1/15/13 E. PARKING LOT/FIRE ACCESS SG 12.2 122.0 98.4 ND C 3 SG 1/15/13 E. PARKING LOT/FIRE ACCESS SG 11.9 120.2 96 ND C 4 SG 1/15/13 E. PARKING LOT/FIRE ACCESS SG 11.4 120.5 972 ND C 5 SG 1/15/13 E. PARKING LOT/FIRE ACCESS SG 11.2 118.2 953 ND C Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/DIE-SC Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 2013 File: C:\excel\tables\5800\5892bcde.cro GeoSoils, Inc. Page 3 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. UTILITY TYPE DATE TEST LOCATION ELEV OR DEPTH (ft) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pci) REL COMP (%) TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE 6 CSG 2/1/13 WEST SIDE BLDG CURB SG 9.9 118.4 91.1 ND A 7 CSG 2/1/13 WEST SIDE BLDG CURB SG 10.2 117.5 904 ND A 8* CSG 2/1/13 WEST SIDE BLDG CURB SG 11.6 1156 889 ND A BA CSG 2/4/13 WEST SIDE BLDG CURB SG 9.2 117.6 905 ND A 9 CSG 2/1/13 SOUTH SIDE SITE CURB SG 12.5 1177 95 ND A 10 CSG 2/1/13 SOUTH SIDE SITE CURB SG 12.4 117.5 904 ND A 11* CSG 2/1/13 SOUTH SIDE SITE CURB SG 14.0 1105 89.1 ND C hA CSG 2/4/13 SOUTH SIDE SITE CURB SG 12.8 112.5 901 ND C 12 CSG 2/1/13 SOUTH SIDE SITE CURB SG 13.8 111.6 900 ND C 12 CSG 2/14/13 NW CURB SG 9.6 120.4 926 ND A 13 CSG 2/14/13 NW CURB SG 9.1 119.4 91.8 ND A 14 CSG 2/14/13 NW CURB SG 9.2 121.5 935 ND A 15 CSG 2/14/13 NW CURB SG 9.0 118.6 91.2 ND A 16 SG 6/3/13 N ENTRY SIDEWALK SG 9.7 124.5 958 ND A 17 SG 6/3/13 N ENTRY SIDEWALK SG 9.5 125.6 966 ND A 6 SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE DRIVE AREA SG 14.0 114.4 922 ND C 6A SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE PARKING SG 14.6 118.0 952 ND C 7" SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE PARKING SG 11.2 119.7 96.1 ND C 8. SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE DRIVE SG 11.3 121.5 980 ND C 9*. SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE PARKING SG 12.1 116.0 935 ND C 9P/ SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE PARKING SG 11.7 119.9 966 ND C 10 SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE PARKING SG 11.6 120.2 969 ND C ill SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE PARKING SG 9.1 127.4 980 ND A 12 SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE DRIVE SG 9.3 124.1 954 ND A 1 SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE PARKING SG 11.3 120.3 970 ND C 14 SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE DRIVE SG 9.4 128.6 989 ND A 15 SG 7/29/13 NORTH SIDE PARKING SG 9.6 127.9 983 ND A 16' SG 7/29/13 EAST SIDE PARKING SG 12.3 115.7 933 ND C 16A SG 7/30/13 EAST SIDE PARKING SG 11.4 118.5 955 ND C 17* SG 7/29/13 EAST SIDE PARKING SG 10.1 114.9 926 ND C 17k SG 7/30/13 EAST SIDE PARKING SG 11.1 119.1 90 ND C 18* SG 7/29/13 EAST SIDE PARKING SG 8.6 1153 929 ND C 18A SG 7/30/13 EAST SIDE PARKING SG 11.9 _118.2 953 ND C 19 SG 7/29/13 EAST SIDE PARKING SG 9.6 123.7 95.1 ND A 20 SG 7/29/13 EAST SIDE PARKING ADJ BLDG SG 11.3 120.4 97.1 ND C 21 SG 7/29/13 EAST SIDE PARKING ADJ BLDG SG 12.1 118.5 955 ND C 22 SG 7/30/13 EAST SIDE PARKING SG 11.0 123.6 95.1 ND C 23 SG 7/30/13 BUS LOADING AREA SG 11.7 123.6 95.1 ND C 24 SG 7/30/13 EAST SIDE DRIVE SG 11.3 118.9 95.8 ND C 25 SG 7/30/13 NORTH SIDE DRIVE SG 12.0 119.6 965 ND C 26 SG 7/30/13 NORTH SIDE PARKING SG 10.1 122.4 95.6 ND D 27 SG 7/30/13 NORTH SIDE DRIVE SG 11.3 118.8 958 ND C 28 SG 7/30/13 WEST SIDE DRIVE SG 11.8 119.3 962 ND C 29 SG 7/30/13 WEST SIDE DRIVE SG 10.0 126.1 970 ND A 30 SG 7/30/13 EAST SIDE DRIVE SG 9.9 125.4 96.4 ND A 31 SG 8/2/13 SOUTH SIDE PARKING BAY SG 9.1 122.2 97.1 ND A 32 SG 8/2/13 SOUTH SIDE DRIVE SG 9.2 123.7 95.1 ND A 33 SG 8/2/13 SOUTH SIDE PARKING BAY SG 12.2 118.0 95.1 ND C 34 SG 8/2/13 SOUTH PERIMETER PARKING BAY SG 12.1 1197 965 ND C 35* SG 8/2/13 SOUTH SIDE PARKING BAY SG 10.1 111.9 902 ND C 35A SG 8/2/13 SOUTH SIDE PARKING BAY SG 11.8 118.3 95.4 ND C Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/DIE-SC Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 2013 File: C:\excel\tables\5800\5892bcde.cro GeoSoils, Inc. Page 4 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. UTILITY TYPE DATE TEST LOCATION ELEV OR DEPTH (it) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pci) REL COMP (%) TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE 36 SG 8/2/13 SOUTH PERIMETER PARKING BAY SG 9.3 128.2 96 ND A 37 SG 8/2113 SOUTH PERIMETER PARKING BAY SG 9.1 124.2 955 ND A 38 SG 8/2/13 WEST/SOUTH PARKING BAY SG 9.8 123.6 95.1 ND A 39 SG 8/2/13 WEST/SOUTH DRIVE SG 11.7 119.8 966 ND C 40* SG 8/2/13 SOUTH DRIVE SG 10.9 116.8 94.2 ND C 40A SG 8/2/13 SOUTH DRIVE SG 11.1 120.2 969 ND C 41 SG 8/2/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY SG 9.3 123.5 95.0 ND A 42 SG 8/2/13 SOUTH SIDE PARKING BAY SG 10.1 121.8 951 ND D 43 SG 8/2/13 DRIVE ATSOUTH ENTRY SG 11.3 118.6 95.6 ND C 44 SG 8/2/13 DRIVE AT EAST SIDE SG 11.1 120.4 97 ND C 45 SG 8/6/13 SOUTH ENTRY SG _1_ 118.1 952 ND C 46 SG 8/6/13 SOUTH ENTRY SG 11.4 119.3 96.2 ND C BASE GRADE 1 B 10/23/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 6+21 SG 6.6 135.6 958 ND B 2 B 10/23/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 6+21 SG 6.5 135.2 95 ND B 3 B 10/31/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 6+90 BG 6.6 136.3 963 ND B 4 B 10/31/12 PASEO DEL NORTE 6+90 BG 6.5 135.7 95.9 ND B 1 BG 1/16/13 E. PARKING LOT FIRE ACCESS BG 12.6 115.6 959 ND F 2 BG 1/16/13 E. PARKING LOT FIRE ACCESS BG 14.8 115.7 96.1 ND F 3 BG 1/16/13 E. PARKING LOT FIRE ACCESS BG 12.9 118.0 97 ND F 4 BG 1/16/13 E. PARKING LOT FIRE ACCESS BG 12.8 116.4 966 ND F 5* BG 7/31/13 BUS PARKING @ NWC BG 8.7 113.9 91.5 ND G 5A BG 7/31/13 BUS PARKING @ NWC BG 11.0 120.1 964 ND G 6 BG 7/31/13 BUS PARKING @ SEC BG 11.1 1 118.6 952 ND G 7 BG 7/31/13 RAMP OUTSIDE TRASH ENCLOSURE BG 11.3 1198 96.2 ND G 8* BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 10.9 114.3 91.5 ND G 8A BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.2 1189 955 ND G 9 BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.7 119.4 959 ND G 10* BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 9.1 113.8 91.4 ND G 10A BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.1 1191 96 ND G 11* BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.6 1158 90 ND G hA BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.2 119.7 96.1 ND G 12 BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.2 123.0 98.8 ND G 13* BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 10.9 1129 906 ND G 13A BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.3 118.7 95.3 ND G 14 BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.2 119.7 96.1 ND G 15* BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 1.6 - 1164 935 ND G 15A BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.3 118.9 95.5 ND G 16 BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.0 121.8 97.8 ND G 17* BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 109 116.3 934 ND G 17A BG 8/1/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.1 118.8 95.4 ND G 18 BG 8/1/13 DRIVE AREA NORTH END BG 11.3 118.0 962 ND G 19 BG 8/1/13 DRIVE AREA NORTH END BG 11.2 119.1 956 ND G 20 BG 8/1/13 DRIVE AREA NORTH END BG 11.0 123.5 99.2 ND G 21 BG 8/1/13 NORTH DRIVE APPROACH BG 11.1 1 118.6 95.3 ND G 22 BG 8/5/13 PARKING BAY EAST SIDE BG 12.7 118.6 952 ND G 23 BG 8/5/13 PARKING BAY EAST SIDE BG 11.1 118.3 950 ND G 24* BG 8/5/13 DRIVE WEST SIDE BG 10.9 116.6 93.7 ND G 24A BG 8/5/13 DRIVE WEST SIDE BG 11.0 118.7 953 ND G 25 BG 8/5/13 DRIVE WEST SIDE BG 11.3 1199 962 ND G 26* BG 8/5/13 DRIVE WEST SIDE BG 11.1 1153 98 ND G Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad File: C:\excel\tables\5800\5892bcde.cro GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/DIE-SC September 2013 Page 5 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. UTILITY TYPE DATE TEST LOCATION ELEV OR DEPTH (It) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pci) REL COMP (%) TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE 26A BG 8/5/13 DRIVE WEST SIDE BG 11.1 1185 951 ND G 27* BG 8/5/13 PARKING BAY NORTH SIDE BG 10.7 115 93.0 NO G 27A BG 8/5/13 PARKING BAY NORTH SIDE BG 11.2 1183 95 NO G 28* BG 8/5/13 PARKING BAY NORTH SIDE BG 11.2 1168 93.8 NO G 28A BG 8/5/13 PARKING BAY NORTH SIDE BG 11.3 118.8 95.4 NO G 29 BG 8/5/13 DRIVE NORTH SIDE BG 1.0 - 118.8 95.4 ND G 30 BG 8/5/13 PARKING EAST SIDE BG 11.3 118.4 95.1 ND G 31 BG 8/5/13 DRIVE NORTH SIDE BG 11.2 1 118.9 955 NO G 32 BG 8/5/13 EAST PARKING BG 11.4 123.1 989 NO G 33 BG 8/5/13 EAST PARKING BG 11.1 118.4 95.1 NO G 34 BG 8/5/13 EAST DRIVE BG 11.3 1186 95.2 ND G 35 BG 8/5/13 EAST PARKING BG 11.0 118.7 953 ND G 36 BG 8/6/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY BG 11.1 1185 95.1 NO G 37 BG 8/6/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY BG 11.4 118.6 95.2 NO G 38 BG 8/6/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY BG 11.1 1185 951 NO G 39* BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END PARKING BAY BG 10.1 116.5 93.5 NO G 39A BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END PARKING BAY BG 11.3 119.8 962 NO G 40 BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END DRIVE BG 11.1 118.5 95.2 NO G 41 BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END PARKING BAY BG 11.5 120 963 NO G 42 BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END PARKING BAY BG 11.4 118.7 95.3 NO G 43 BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END DRIVE BG 12.0 118.3 95.0 NO G 44* BG 8/6/13 WEST SIDE PARKING BAY BG 10.6 113 907 NO G 44A BG 8/6/13 WEST SIDE PARKING BAY BG 11.1 118.6 952 NO G 45* BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END PARKING BAY BG 11.9 112.3 902 NO G 45A BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END PARKING BAY BG 11.1 120.1 964 NO G 46 BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END DRIVE BG 11.2 1 118.4 951 NO G 47 BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END PARKING BAY BG 11.0 123.1 98 NO G 48 BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END PARKING BAY BG 12.0 118.8 95.4 NO G 49 BG 8/6/13 SOUTH END PARKING BAY BG 11.1 121.8 97.8 ND G 50 BG 8/14/13 WEST SIDE OF BLDG BG 12.3 119 95.6 NO G 51 BG 8/14/13 EAST OF BUS PARKING PAD BG 11.8 1198 96.2 NO G 52* BG 8/14/13 NEC/FRONT PARKING BG 7.6 1 1123 902 NO G 52A BG 8/14/13 NEC/FRONT PARKING BG 12.5 1189 955 NO G 53 BG 8/14/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 11.3 120.5 968 NO G 54 BG 8/14/13 PARKING BAYS NORTH END BG 12.1 119.1 95.7 ND G 55 BG 8/14/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY BG = 1.2 120.3 966 NO G 56 BG 8/14/13 E. OF BLDG/WEST OF NEW TRANSFORMER BG 1.5 - 119.9 963 NO G 57 BG 8/15/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY BG 1.1 120.0 96.3 ND G 58 BG 8/15/13 EAST SIDE DRIVE BG = 1.3 118.8 94 NO G 59 BG 8/15/13 EAST SIDE DRIVE BG 11.0 119.1 956 NO G 60 BG 8/15/13 EAST SIDE DRIVE BG 11.1 118.8 95.4 ND G 61 BG 8/15/13 EAST SIDE DRIVE BG 11.8 119.7 1 96.1 ND G 62 BG 8/15/13 SOUTH SIDE PARKING BAY BG 11.0 1198 962 ND G 63 BG 8/15/13 SOUTH SIDE PARKING BAY BG 11.8 119.5 95.9 ND G 64 BG 8/15/13 SOUTH SIDE DRIVE BG 11.3 1189 95 NO G 65 BG 8/15/13 WEST DRIVE BG 11.1 1185 95.1 NO G 66 BG 8/15/13 SOUTHWEST DRIVE BG 11.8 1 119.3 958 NO G 67 BG 8/15/13 SOUTH DRIVE BG 12.1 118.8 1 95.4 NO G 68 BG 8/15/13 SOUTH ENTRY BG 11.9 119.9 96.3 NO G 69 BG 8/16/13 SOUTH ENTRY CONCRETE BG 11.3 118.9 95.5 NO G Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/DIE-SC Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 2013 File: C:\excel\tables\5800\5892bcde.cro GeoSoils, Inc. Page 6 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. - UTILITY TYPE DATE TEST LOCATION EL V;: OR DEPTH (tt) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (PO) REL COMP TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE WET DENSITY 1 AC 1/18/13 E. PARKING LOT FIRE ACCESS AC N/A 139.9 95.8 ND AC 2 AC 1/18/13 E. PARKING LOT FIRE ACCESS AC N/A 140.4 962 ND AC 3 - AC 1/18/13 E. PARKING LOT FIRE ACCESS AC N/A 141.0 966 ND AC - 4 AC 8/15/13 NORTHWEST PARKING BAY FS N/A 144.3 98.9 ND AC - 5 AC 8/15/13 NORTH PARKING BAY FS N/A 143.9 96 ND AC - 6 AC 8/15/13 NORTH PARKING BAY FS N/A 145.4 96 ND AC 7 AC 8/15/13 NORTH PARKING BAY FS N/A 143.6 98.4 ND AC 8 AC 8/15/13 NORTH DRIVE FS N/A 141.7 97.1 ND AC 9 AC 8/15/13 NORTH DRIVE FS N/A 141.6 97.0 ND AC 10 AC 8/15/13 NORTH PARKING BAY FS N/A 140.0 959 ND AC 11 AC 8/15/13 NORTH PARKING BAY FS N/A 139.8 958 ND AC 12 AC 8/15/13 NORTH PARKING BAY FS N/A 141.6 970 ND AC 13 AC 8/15/13 NORTH DRIVE FS N/A 140.8 965 ND AC 14 AC 8/15/13 NORTH BAY FS N/A 139.8 958 ND AC 15 AC 8/15/13 NORTH DRIVE FS N/A 145.8 999 ND AC 16 AC 8/15/13 NORTH BAY FS N/A 139.9 958 ND AC 17 AC 8/15/13 NORTH DRIVE FS N/A 138.8 958 ND AC 18 AC 8/15/13 NORTHEAST PARKING BAY FS N/A 144.6 99.1 ND AC 19 AC 8/15/13 NORTHEAST DRIVE FS N/A 140.0 960 ND AC 20 AC 8/15/13 NORTHEAST PARKING BAY FS N/A 138.9 952 ND AC 21 AC 8/15/13 EAST PARKING BAY FS N/A 138.6 95.0 ND AC 22 AC 8/15/13 EAST DRIVE FS N/A 143.3 982 ND AC 23 AC 8/15/13 EAST BAY FS N/A 143.6 984 ND AC 24 AC 8/15/13 NORTH ENTRY FS N/A 138.8 95.1 ND AC 25 AC 8/15/13 EAST PARKING BAY FS N/A 142.9 97.9 ND AC 26 AC 8/15/13 EAST PARKING BAY FS N/A 141.1 96.7 ND AC 27 AC 8/15/13 EAST DRIVE OVERLAY FS N/A 140.3 96.1 ND AC 28 AC 8/15/13 EAST DRIVE OVERLAY FS N/A 140.9 96.5 ND AC 29 AC 8/15/13 PARKING EAST SIDE BLDG FS N/A 144.4 989 ND AC 30 AC 8/15/13 PARKING EAST SIDE BLDG FS N/A 144.1 98.8 ND AC 31 AC 8/15/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY FS N/A 141.9 972 ND AC 32 AC 8/15/13 EAST SIDE DRIVE FS N/A 144.1 988 ND AC 33 AC 8/15/13 EAST SIDE DRIVE OVERLAY FS N/A 139.9 95.8 ND AC 34 AC 8/15/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY FS N/A 143.8 985 ND AC 35 AC 8/15/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY FS N/A 139.1 953 ND AC 36 AC 8/15/13 EAST SIDE PARKING BAY FS N/A 142.8 978 ND AC 37 AC 8/15/13 SOUTHEAST DRIVE FS N/A 141.9 972 ND AC 38 AC 8/15/13 SOUTHEAST BAY FS N/A 139.3 956 ND AC 39 AC 8/15/13 EAST DRIVE FS N/A 193.4 982 ND AC 40 AC 8/15/13 SOUTH BAY FS N/A 142.8 97.8 ND AC 41 AC 8/16/13 NORTH PARKING ADJ BLDG FS N/A 140.5 962 ND AC 42 AC 8/16/13 NORTH DRIVE FS N/A 141.7 97.1 ND AC 43 AC 8/16/13 NORTH PARKING ADJ BLDG FS N/A 141.9 972 ND AC 44 AC 8/16/13 WEST PARKING FS N/A 143.5 98.4 ND AC 45 AC 8/16/13 WEST DRIVE FS N/A 139.6 95 ND AC 46 AC 8/16/13 WEST PARKING FS N/A 143.4 983 ND AC 47 AC 8/16/13 WEST DRIVE FS N/A 141.0 96.6 ND AC 48 AC 8/16/13 WEST DRIVE FS N/A 140.3 962 ND AC 49 AC 8/16/13 WEST DRIVE FS N/A 138.9 952 ND AC 50 AC 8/16/13 WEST DRIVE FS N/A 140.1 960 ND AC Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/DIE-SC Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 2013 File: C:\excel\tables\5800\5592bcde.cro Geosoils, Inc. Page 7 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. UTILITY TYPE DATE TEST LOCATION ELEV OR DEPTH (ft) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pcf) REL COMP (%) TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE 51 AC 8/16/13 SOUTH PARKING ADJ BLDG FS N/A 139.3 95.4 ND AC 52 AC 8/16/13 SOUTH DRIVE FS N/A 140.0 959 ND AC 53 AC 8/16/13 SOUTH PARKING FS N/A 143.9 986 ND AC 54 AC 8/16/13 WEST DRIVE FS N/A 143.1 980 ND AC 55 AC 8/16/13 WEST DRIVE FS N/A 141.1 969 ND AC 56 AC 8/16/13 WEST DRIVE FS N/A 142.8 97.8 ND AC 57 AC 8/16/13 SOUTHWEST DRIVE ES N/A 144.6 99.1 ND AC 58 AC 8/16/13 SOUTHWEST DRIVE FS N/A 140.1 960 ND AC 59 AC 8/16/13 SOUTHWEST PARKING ES N/A 143.3 982 ND AC 60 AC 8/16/13 SOUTH DRIVE ES N/A 141.9 972 ND AC 61 AC 8/16/13 SOUTH DRIVE ES N/A 142.2 97.4 ND AC 62 AC 8/16/13 SOUTH PARKING ES N/A 140.1 96.0 ND AC 63 AC 8/16/13 SOUTH DRIVE ES N/A 139.9 958 ND AC 64 AC 8/16/13 SOUTHEAST PARKING ES N/A 142.2 974 ND AC 65 AC 8/16/13 SOUTHEAST DRIVE ES N/A 144.6 99.1 ND AC 66 AC 8/16/13 SOUTHEAST DRIVE ES N/A 1 138.9 1 952 ND AC LEGEND: = REPEATED TEST NUMBER * = FAILED TEST A = RETEST AC = ASPHALTIC CONCRETE B = BASE BG = BASE GRADE CSG = CURB SUBGRADE E = ELECTRICAL F = BACKEILL EG = FINISH GRADE FS = FINISH SLOPE ETG = FOOTING G = GRADING IP = INTERIOR PLUMBLING JT = JOINT TRENCH N/A = NOT APPLICABLE ND = NUCLEAR DENSOMETER NWC = NORTHWEST CORNER S = SEWER SC = SAND CONE SD = STORM DRAIN SEC = SOUTHEAST CORNER SG = SUBGRADE W = WATER Green Dragon Tavern, Inc. W.O. 5892-B/C/DIE-SC Green Dragon Tavern, Carlsbad September 2013 File: C:\excel\tables\5800\5892bcde.cro GeoSolls, Inc. Page 8 APPENDIX REFERENCES California Building Standards Commission, 2010, California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 of 2, Based on the 2009 International Building Code, 2010 California Historical Building Code, Title 24, Part 8; 2010 California Existing Building Code, Title 24, Part 10. GeoSoils, Inc., 2013, Evaluation of pavement sections, Green Dragon Tavern and Museum, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, W.O. 5892-E-SC, revision dated July 1. 2009a, Geotechnical plan review, Green Dragon Tavern and Museum, 6115 Paseo Del Norte, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, W.O. 5892-A-SC, dated October 23. 2009b, Preliminary geotechnical investigation, proposed Green Dragon Colonial Village (formerly Hadley's), Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, W.O. 5892-A-SC, dated June 30 O'Day Consultants, Inc., 2010, Grading plans for: Green Dragon Colonial Village, 5 sheets, Scales: 1 inch = 20 feet, 1 inch = 40 feet, and 1 inch = 4 feet, City ol Carlsbad Drawing No.: 464-7A, City of Carlsbad Project No.: CDP 08-13, dated August. Sipp Consulting Group, 2013, Physical Properties of Aggregates, Escondido Sand and Gravel, recycled aggregate base, dated April 15. GeoSoils, Inc.