HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 16-09; Tabata Ranch Steven & Carey SFR; CULTURAL RESOURCES; 2016-03-105rian F: Smith and Associates, Inc.
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March 10, 2016
Tabata Ranch Trust
c/o Douglas E. Logan, P.E.
Rancho Coastal Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
310 Via Vera Cruz #205
San Marcos, California 92078
,APR 2 5 2016
RE: Cultural Resources Monitoring Report for the Tabata Ranch Project, Carlsbad, San Diego
County, California (Project No. 06-15)
Dear Mr. Logan:
The following letter report describes the results of the cultural resources monitoring program
conducted by Brian F. Smith and Associates, Inc. (BFSA) for the Tabata Ranch Project in
Carlsbad, California. This letter report was prepared for submission to the City of Carlsbad as
documentation of the completion of the monitoring program conditioned as part of the
development approval process.
Introduction and Site Location: The 2.89-acre Tabata Ranch Project site (Assessor's Parcel
Numbers 214-630-20, 214-631-20, and 214-631-21) is located at the terminus of Lemon Leaf
Drive in Carlsbad, San Diego County, California (Figure 1, attached). Specifically, the project is
located in the southwest quarter of Section 28 of the USGS 7.5-minute Encinitas, California
topographic map, Township 12 South, Range 4 West (Figure 2, attached). The Area of Potential
Effect (APE) is a westward sloping project site consisting of three parcels with a maximum
elevation of 308 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) in the northeast corner and a minimum
elevation of249 feet AMSL on the western end of Strawberry Place.
The construction activities monitored for the project consisted of grading processes covering the
majority of the 2.89-acre parcel (Figure 3, attached). This phase of development was approved
by the City of Carlsbad with a condition of approval to provide archaeological and Native
American monitoring during grading.
Archaeological Monitoring Program: The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
1+010 Powa.:J Road, Suite A, Powa.:J, CA 9206+; Phone (85$) 679-$218 or (951) 681-9950; fax (858) 679-9896; www.bfsa-ca.corn
Business Office, J+678lbex Court, San Diego, CA 92129; Phone (858) +8+-0915; Fax (858) +M-0.988
Brian F. Smith and Associates, Inc. -Page 2
(MMRP) for the Tabata Ranch Project was implemented in accordance with City of Carlsbad
archaeological guidelines and in compliance with the mitigation monitoring requirements for this
project. These requirements included the attendance of the archaeological consultant and Native
American representatives at the preconstruction meeting, and subsequently, an archaeologist and
Native American monitor on-site during all soil disturbance to watch for any discoveries of
cultural artifacts, features, or deposits. Mr. Brian F. Smith of BFSA and a Native American
Luisefio representative from Saving Sacred Sites attended the preconstruction meeting on March
During the monitoring program, careful attention was paid to the excavation process and the
excavated soils. The monitoring program did not result in the discovery of any new prehistoric
or historic resources anywhere within the project APE. Construction monitoring for the project
was conducted from March 31 through July 15, 2014 by BFSA staff in cooperation with Native
American representatives from Saving Sacred Sites. The BFSA monitoring team included
Principal Investigator Brian F. Smith, who supervised archaeological monitors Claire Allen,
Charles Callahan, Jason Collins, Kyle Coulter, David Grabski, Jeffrey Henry, Cheryle Hunt,
Mary Klinger, Mary Lenich, James Shrieve, and Todd Wirths.
This letter report has been provided to document the completion of the mitigation monitoring
program for the Tabata Ranch Project. No discoveries were made during the monitoring of
grading, and therefore, no curation of cultural materials will be required. Submittal of this letter
to the City of Carlsbad will complete the mitigation monitoring program for the project. If you
have any questions regarding this monitoring program, please contact our office.
Brian F. Smith
Principal Investigator
Attachments: General Location Map, Project Location Map, and Project Development Map
Figure 1
General Location Map
The Tabata Ranch Project
DeLorme (1:250,000)
Figure 2
Project Location Map
The Tabata Ranch Project
USGS Encinitas Quadrangle (7.5-minute series)
0 40
0 10
Figure 3
Project Development Map
The Tabata Ranch Project