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r - • WALL NOTES: 1. BLOCKS, GRIDS AN ALL OTHER MATERIALS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER SPEC/FICA TIONS O[v?A TION FROM MANUFACTURER SPEC/FICA TIONS WILL R[SUL T IN TH[ /NOEMN!f/CA TION or TH[ DESIGNER ANO MANUFACTURER. 2. TH[ TOTAL WALL HDCHT FROM FOOTING/LEVELING PAD TO TH[ TOP or KEYSTONE WALL SHALL NOT EXCEED SP[Clfl[O HDCHT (NOT INCLUDING FINISHING/CAP BLOCK}. LEVELING PAO/FOOTING SHALL 8[ PLACED A MINIMUM or 6 INCHES BELOW TH[ ADJACENT FINISH GRAD£ 3 FOOTING OR LEVELING PAD MAO 8[ CONSTRUCTED or CONCRETE (520-C-2500} OR CLASS II BASE MATERIAL OR WELL GRADED ROCK SIZED BETWEEN 025" -1.5''. 4. PLACEMENT or ALL INFILL SOIL OR SUITABLE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL 8[ AT 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION ANO IN ACCORDANCE WITH CEO TECHNICAL CONSULTANT RECOMM[NOA TIONS. 5. SUB-GRADE SHALL BE OVER-EXCA VAT[O TO THE DEPTH BELOW FOUNDATION AS PRESCRIBED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 6. SPECIAL DETAILING SHALL BE R[OUIRED SHOULD THE DEVELOPER/OWNER DECIDE TO PLACE A FENCE OR OTHER GROUND PENETRATION ALONG TH[ [DC[ or TH[ WALL. SHOULD A FENCE OR RAILING 8£ PLACED ALONG SUCH IT SHALL BE ASSUMED THAT SUCH WILL BE NO WIND BEARING (I.£ CABLE, OR CHAIN LING SO AS NOT TO INTRODUCE ADDITIONAL LATERAL FORCES}. 1 SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS UNDERGO MINOR SETTLEMENT POST CONSTRUCTION UNTIL THE WALL REACHES [OU/LIBRIUM ANO THIS MAY EFFECT IMPROVEMENTS DIRECTLY AOJACENr WALL BACKFILL & SUB-DRAIN NOTES: 1. RETAINING WALL SHALL INCLUDE A 1.0' 'MO[ LAYER or ORA/NAG[ AGGREGATE PLACED AGAINST TH[ REAR FACE or TH[ RETAINING WALL [XT[NOINC FROM TH[ SUB-DRAIN TO WITHIN A FOOT or TH[ SURFACE ORA/NAG[ ACCR[CA TE SHALL CONSIST or WELL GRADED ROCK SIZED BETWEEN 025" -1.5" WITH LESS THAN 10% Of TH[ MATERIAL PASSING No. 200 S/[1/E. 2. RETAINING WALL SHALL INCLUDE A PERFORATED WALL DRAINAGE SYSTEM 'MTH A 4" HOPE CONDUIT PLACED BEHIND TH[ WALL AT A MINIMUM 0.5% SLOPE TOWARD OUTL[T/S. SPACING or SUCH OUTLETS SHALL DEPEND UPON TH[ FINAL ADJACENT FINISH GRAD£ 3 4" DIA. PERFORATED TRIPLE WALL HOP[ CONDUIT SHALL BE INSTALLED BEHIND THE WALL 'MTHIN TH[ 1.0 FT TH/CH SECTION or ORA/NAG[ AGGREGATE OUTLETS SHALL DRAIN TO ADJACENT FINISH GRAD£ 4. AT TH[ [NO or TH[ WALL FOOTING OR OUTLET SECTIONS TH[ CONDUIT SHALL 8[ or TH[ SOLID-WALL TYPE INSTALLED TO PROl//0[ POSITIVE ORA/NAG[ TO TH[ ADJACENT GRADE OR DAYLIGHT INTO AVAILABLE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 5. IF TH[ ADJACENT GRADE HAS AD[OUATE DROP TO AVAILABLE OUTLET POINT THE DRAIN MAY 8[ PLACED AT THE LEVELING PAO BAS[ ELEVATION ANO CONVEYED THROUGH THE LEVELING PAO TOWARD THE OUTLET LOCATION. SEGMENTAL RE I 'AININQ WALL DETAIL ESPOSITO -CARLSBAD RESIDENCE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE NON-WOVEN FILTER FABRIC BETWEEN ROCK AND BACKFILL SOIL (MIRAFI 140N OR EOU/1//LENT) RANKINE( 59.0'} FINISH GRAD[ ASSUMED SURCHARGE L=250 psi 0=50 psi TYP. KESTON[ BLOCK (Standard} __ _j,,__ ~~~/ 1 _1/ fl lffSET PER BLOCK: 1. 0" / / BATTER ANG· 113' C[OCR/0 ~'i0/JI 1 ,/ DIM.· U8"xW8x018" LA YE~ Nq J 1 / BLOCK wr 105/ ( L-9.2 ) ~~, /. // I / WELL -GRADED GRANULAR WALL ROCK (025" TO 1.5; 'MTH LESS THAN 10% FINES PRESENT 4" DRAIN PIP[@ SOUTH [ND or THE WALL W/ 1/4" GALVANIZED WIRE MESH SCREEN AT OUTLET CEOCR/0 LAYER NO. 2 ( L=16') I . / . I .1 , 1/ ,/'----FAILURE PLANE 1 -/ .·· (COULOMB -52.J') I / I I / . 1 / 1 /,. c_ RDNFORCED FILL 7. I / I / . C[OCR/0 ~~~/,/ / . STRATACR/0 550 OR [OU/1//LENT LAYER NO. 1 / ( L=60') ~~I / ----------~~~<'[------------ I APPROX. EXCAVATION LIMIT APPROX. [XCAVA TION LIMIT IMPERVIOUS FILL W/ GRANULAR MA T[RIAL PLACED 0/R[CTL Y 125' B[N[A TH DRAINAGE COARSE ANO RDNF OR CEO FILL MATERIALS NOTE: WALL OVER-EXCAVATION SHALL BE PER THE CEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS. -r.--,£IV~ ii.PR O 1 ZO\<l L1 ' ~,;•-• .....,.-\,-LOPM_N. ,....., . • ..,, _ -I C:.I r • ,,....\N,.... ·-R\NG t: •'• _;; L ~ SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 4/m:/~ {MY RECISTT?ATION EXPIRES 9-30-11} ~MIEG A , ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 9517 GROSSMONT SUMMIT DRIVE U MESA, CALIFORNIA 91941 PH:(6/9) 74/-9456 FAX:(619) 664-4291 JOB NO: 0127.00 DATE: 06.2-i.2011 PREPARED BY: S.M.S. CHECKED BY: A.J.K. · .. • Title : Esposito Residence • Keystone Wall OMEGA Job# : 0127.00 Dsgnr: SMS Date: Page:_l_ JUL 7,2011 9517 Grossmont Summit Dr. La Mesa, CA 91941 Description .... ENGINEER/NG CONSULTANTS Off: 619.741.9456, Fax: 619.664.4291 This Wall in FIie: c:\documents and settlngs\sean\my docu1 Retain Pro 9 © 1989 • 2011 Ver: 9.24 8165 Registration#: RP-11&0195 RP9.24 Seamental Retaining Wall Design with Geogrids Licensed to: Omega Engineering Consulfants, Inc. I Criteria • Wall height (retained height). ft 7.33 Backfill slope Level Backfill angle 0.0 Embedment 0.8 !Soll data • External Soil, Phi_e 28 External soil density (In situ), pcf 125 Internal Soil, Phi_i 28 Internal soil density, pcf 125 Wall Soil Friction Angle 19 K_a(Horiz) 0.27 K_AE(Horiz) 0.60 !stability • Overturning ratio 4.24 Sliding ratio 1.68 Overturning moment, ft-lbs 10,381 Resisting moment, ft-lbs 44,004 Total lateral/sliding force, lbs 3,035 Sliding Resistance, ft 5,100.87 Total vertical force, lbs 9,593 Base length, ft 8.30 Eccentricity on base, ft 0.65 Effective base length, ft 7.01 Soil bearing pressure, psf 1,368.59 Allowable soil bearing, psf 8,843.54 Soil Bearing Ratio 6.46 If seismic included the min. OTM and sliding ratios may be 1.1 per IBC '09, 1807.2.3. !Loading Dead load, psf Live load, psf Seismic Design Kh Wall Analysis Table: • 50 250 0.25 Block t;.ayer l:leigfit above base Tenifon· 1·' f.t In De~ Statlp 11 7' 4" 7.33 9 3 6' 0" 6.00 208 6 2 4' 0" 4.00 384 3 1 2' 0" 2.00 518 Base o· 0" 0.00 Retain Pro Software© 2009 HBA Pltblications Inc All Rights Reserved Seismic 427 412 312 I Segmental block data Vendor selection Vendor web address Block selection type Block height, in Block depth, in Offset per block, in Batter angle Wall weight, psf Hinge height, ft I Geogrld material Vendor Selection Vendor web address Geogrid type LTDS Factor of safety LTADS Peak connection equation Peak connection maximum Serviceability connection equation Serviceability connection maximum Connection Embed Vert S.F. Peak Sen, le .. N .. . 1090.3 1245.6 2.83 240 1.72 1356.7 1314.0 2.49 600 1.65 1623.1 1382.4 2.15 960 1.67 1,320 Licensed to. Omega Engineering Consultants, Inc Valley Center. CA 92082 / / Thumbnail Keystone Retaining Wall Systems www.keystonewalls.com Standard 18" 8.00 18.00 1.00 7.13 180.00 12.00 Strata Systems, Inc. www.geogrid.com Slratagrid SG550 3983.38 1.50 2655.59 1369 + 1.11 N 3368 1200 + 0.19N 1965 / / Code: NCMA • • www RetainPro com t Title : Esposito Residence • Keystone Wall OMEGA Job# : 0127.00 Dsgnr: SMS Date: Page:~ JUL 7,2011 9517 Grossmont Summit Dr. La Mesa, CA 91941 Description .... ENGINl:ERING CONSULTANTS Off: 619.741.9456, Fax: 619.664.4291 This Wall in FIie: c:\documents and settings\sean\my docu1 Retain Pro 9 © 1989 • 2011 Ver: 9.24 8165 Registration#: RP-11&019s RP9.24 Seamental Retaining Wall Design with Geogrids Licensed to: Omega Engineering Consulfants, Inc. I Summary: Resisting / Overturning Resisting Moments Item Wall Reinf. earth Sloped Dead load Live load Total Overturning Moments Item Earth Surcharge, DL Surcharge, LL Seismic, Wall Seismic, Reinf. Seismic, Sloped soil Seismic, Exterior Total Overturning Ratio I ASSUMPTIONS AND CRITERIA USED Force, lbs Distance, ft 1,320 1.21 6,233 4.90 0 6.97 340 5.82 1,700 5.82 9,593 Force, lbs Distance, ft 946 2.44 117 3.67 585 3.67 330 3.67 497 3.67 0 7.33 560 4.40 3,035 4.24 • Moment, ft-lbs 1,595 30,543 0 1,978 9,888 44,004 Moment, ft-lbs 2,313 429 2,144 1,210 1,821 0 2,465 10,381 Code: NCMA • 1. References used include Design Manual for Segments/ Retaining Walls, 2"" Edition, and Segmental Retaining Walls -Seismic Design Manual, 1st Edition, both by NCMA. 2. Blocks are all same size and uniform offsets (batter) for full wall height. 3. Coulomb earth pressure theory used for earth pressures and failure plane angle. 4. Refer to geotechnlcal report for backfill material, compaction, and other design data and recommendations. 5. Cap blocks If used are above the retained height and are neglected In this design. 6. Geogrid L TDS and connection values for block vendors obtained from ICC Evaluation Service (ES Legacy Reports) or as provided by vendors. Since these may change or be updated, verification of values Is recommended. 7. Block sizes obtained from vendors' literature and may vary with locality. B. Geogrld layers are equally spaced vertically, all same length, and laid horizontally. 9. Average weight of block and cell infill assumed to be 120 pcf. 1 o. See vendor web sites (on input screen) for more lnfonnation and specifications. 11. Design height is limited to 16 feet or 24 blocks, whichever is less. Contact vendor for higher designs or special conditions. 12. Seismic design Is per Seismic Design Manual cited above. Also see Methodology/Seismic Design In User's Manual. 13. Vendor specifications or project specifications, whichever is most restrictive, to be followed for construction procedures. 14. Add notes and details for proper drainage. 15. See User's Manual Design Example #10 for methodology and sample verification calculations. 16. Final design responsibility Is with the project Engineer-of-Record. Retain Pro Sortware@ 2009 HBA Publications Inc All Rights Reserved Licensed to: Omega Engineering Consultants. Inc Valley Center, CA 92082 www RetainPro com Title : Esposito Residence -Keystone Wall OMEGA Job# : 0127.00 Dsgnr: SMS Date: Page:_3_ JUL 7,2011 9517 Grossmont Summit Or. La Mesa, CA 91941 Description .... ENGINEERING CONSVL TANTS Off: 619.741.9456, Fax: 619.664.4291 This Wall In FIie: c:\documents and settlngs\sean\my docuI Retain Pro 9 <Cl 1989 • 2011 Ver: 9.24 8165 Registration#: RP-11&0195 RP9.24 Seamental Retaining Wall Design with Geogrids Licensed to: Omega Engineering Consultants, Inc. Block Vendor: Keystone Retaining Wall Systems Block Type: Standard 18" Geogrid Vendor: Strata Systems, Inc. Geogrid Type: Stratagrid SG550 Offset per Block: 1" 18.00" 1---\ 8.00"I ____ _ Layer 3 7.33' 0.50' Layer 2 /,/ // ,.,-[_.____-+--,!/ 3.00" I , I 24.00" I I Rankine / 59.0deg/ I I I I I , I , I I , / /c~ulomb ,' 52.1 de . I , I , 8.30' I , I I , , I I I I , I I , I I Retain Pro Software~, 2009 HBA Publications. Inc. All Rights Reserved Licensed to Omega Engineering Consultants Inc Valley Center. CA 92082 I , I I I , , , , I , , , , Code: CBC 2010 www.RetainPro com