Geotechnical Geologic. Environmental
5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915
November 15, 2005
W.O. 4029-DIE-SC
Calavera Hills II, LLC
2727 Hoover Avenue
National City, California 91950
Attention: Mr. Don Mitchell
Subject: Compaction Report of Geotechnical Observation and Testing Services,
Offsite Improvements Reach B, Calavera Hills II, Carlsbad Tract 01-02,
Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
References: 1. "Pavement Design Report, Collegeboulevard Stations 101 to 1182, Reach B, Calavera
Hills II, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California," W.O. 4029-E-SC, dated March 17, 2004,
by GeoSoils, Inc.
"Review of Grading and Trench Backfill Recommendations, Calavera Hills II, Carlsbad
Tract 00-02; Drawing 39090, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California,"
W.O. 2863-A-SC, dated August 16, 2002, by GeoSoils, Inc.
"'Greenbook' Standard Specifications for Public Work Construction, BNI Building News,
dated 2003, by Joint Cooperative Committee of the Souther California Chapter American
Public Works Association (JCCSCCAPW) and Southern California Districts Associated
General Contractors of California (SCDAGCC).
Dear Mr. Mitchell:
This report presents a summary of the geotechnical engineering observation and testing
services provided by GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) during the part-time observation and testing of
trench backfill operations for joint, sewer, and storm drain; subgrade testing for street
pavements and curb/gutter; base testing for street pavements and curb/gutter; and
asphaltic concrete testing for street pavements for the subject site. This report covers only
the geotechnical services provided by GSI from December, 2003, through September,
Backfill operations were observed by GSI personnel on a part-time basis as solely
requested and directed by the contractor/client.: Select native onsite soils and import soils
were used as backfill for the utility trenches and placed in general accordance with
standards of practice and GSI (Reference No. 2). The required compaction was achieved
by mechanical means. The minimum compaction required was 90 percent of the
laboratory standard (ASTM D-1557).
Our tests indicate that compaction to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard
(ASTM D-1 557) has been achieved in the areas where testing was requested. Test results
are presented in the Table 1 (Field Density Test Results).
Testing of subgrade and base for street and curb/gutter were also only performed on a
part-time basis as solely requested and directed by the contractor/client. Our tests
indicate that the compaction of the subgrade and aggregate base materials for street and
curb/gutter meets or exceeds the minimum requirement of 95 percent relative compaction
of the laboratory standard (ASTM D-1 557).
Testing of asphaltic concrete pavement was also performed. Test results indicate that the
asphalt appears to have been compacted to a minimum relative compaction of at least
95 percent of the Hveem maximum density (Cal Test 304).
Representative samples of asphalt material were obtained during paving operations, and
tested in order to verify that the asphalt meets, or exceeds, the minimum- specifications per
Section 203-6.4 of the "Green Book" (Reference No. 3) with respect to gradation and
extraction testing (ASTM D-2172). Testing indicates that the asphalt generally meets,
and/or exceeds, the minimum requirements in general accordance with Section 203-6.4.
Recommendations for pavement design and construction were provided in our pavement
design report (Reference No. 1).
Field density tests were performed using the sand cone method (ASTM D-1 556) and
nuclear densometer method (ASTM D-2922 and ASTM D-3017). The test results are
presented in the attached Table 1.
Field density tests were taken at periodic intervals and random locations to check
the compactive efforts provided by the contractor. Where test results indicated a
less than the required minimum compaction, the contractor was notified and the
area was reworked until the required minimum relative compaction was achieved
for each respective area. Testing was provided on a part-time basis, as solely
determined and requested by the contractor/client.
Calavera Hills H, LLC W.O. 4029-DIE-SC
Calavera Hills II, Reach B November 15, 2005
FiIe:e:\wp94000\4029de.cro GeoSoils, Inc. Page 2
3. Visual classification of the soil in the field was the basis for determining the
maximum density value to use for a given density test.
The laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for each of the major
soil types was determined according to test method ASTM D-1 557. Corrected values for
the percentage of rock in a given sample were used (when necessary) in the determination
of relative compaction. The following table presents the results:
B - Silty Sand, Yellowish Brown 128.0 10.0
J - Crushed Rock, Gray 134.0 8.0
N - Crushed Rock, Gray 136.0 8.0
U - Sand, Brown 128.5 10.5
Base 1 - Aggregate Base 135.0 8.5
Base 2 - Aggregate Base 137.0 7.5
Base 3 - Aggregate Base 132.0 7.5
Base 4 - Aggregate Base 136.0 8.0
AC1 - Asphaltic Concrete 146.2* n/a
AC2 - Asphaltic Concrete 1 145.5* n/a
* Hveem maximum density per Cat Test 304
Placement of compacted backfllls, under the purview of this report, have been completed
using the observation and selective testing services provided by representatives of GSI.
Backfill operations were performed in general compliance with the requirements of the
Our findings were made in conformance with generally accepted professional engineering
practices, and no further warranty is implied or made. GSI assumes no responsibility or
liability for work, testing, or recommendations performed or provided by others. This report
is subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project.
Calavera Hills II, LLC W.O. 4029-D/E-SC
Calavera Hills II, Reach B November 15, 2005
FiIe:e:\wp9\4000\4029de.ci-o Page 3 GeoSosis, Inc.
Civil Er1uu evul -, ui..,,
We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions pertaining to this
report, please contact us at (760) 438-3155.
Inc. No. 1 934 I I Certified / Engineering I ( Geologist J
Robert G. Crisman\'°''/
Engineering Geologist, 34
Attachment: Table 1 - Field Density Test Results
Distribution: (4) Addressee
Calavera Hills II, LLC W.O. 4029-DIE-SC
Calavera Hills II, Reach B November 15, 2005
Fi!e:e:\wp9\4000\4029de.cro Page 4 GeoSoils, Inc.
Table 1
j bArE:
I tR1.i
1 JT 6/2/04 101 +50 College Reach B -2.0 10.7 115.8 90.1 SC U
2 JT 6/2/04 102+50 College Reach B -2.0 10.5 116.2 90.4 SC U
1 Test # Not Used
2 Test# Not Used
3 Test# Not Used
4 Test # Not Used
5 Test # Not Used
6 Test # Not Used
7 SM 3/15/04 114+20 College Reach B 78.0 10.2 118.1 92.2 . ND B
8 SM 3/15/04 113+50 College . Reach B 82.0 11.0 116.3 90.8 ND B
9 SM 3/15/04 115+00 College Reach B 78.0 10.6 117.0 91.4 ND B
10 SM 3/15104 112+75 College MH 4 Reach B 85.0 10.0 118.8 92.8 ND B
11 SM 3/15/04 111+20 College Reach B 94.0 10.0 120.3 93.9 ND B
12 SM 3/15/04 110+00 College Reach B 103.0 10.6 119.6 93.4 ND B
13 SM 3/15/04 109+25 College MH 5 Reach B 110.0 10.3 119.4 93.2 ND B
14 SM 3/16/04 108+25 College Reach B 116.0 8.3 121.8 90.8 ND J
15 SM 3/16/04 106+60 College Reach B 128.0 9.6 123.3 92.0 ND J
16 SM 3/16/04 105+50 College Reach B 135.0 8.1 122.0 91.0 ND J
17 SM 3/16/04 104+50 College Reach B 142.0 9.6 123.5 92.1 ND J
IQR1W11RAIN r - r
1 SD 12/23/03 10+66 College SD-Line AA Reach B 90.0 8.6 121.9 91.0 ND J
2 SD 12/23/03 10+66 College SD-Line AA Reach B 98.0 9.2 121.4 90.6 ND J
3 SD 12/23/03 10+40 College Reach B 102.0 10.0 121.0 90.3 ND J
4* SD 12/23/03 109+50 College Reach B 104.0 8.9 117.0 87.3 ND J
4A SD 12/23/03 109+50 College Reach B 104.0 9.0 122.0 91.0 Sc J
5 SD 12/23/03 108+65 College Reach B 112.0 8.6 122.9 91.7 ND J
6 SD 12/24/03 107+75 College Reach B 118.0 8.9 123.4 92.1 ND J
7 SD 12/24/03 107+60 College Reach B 122.0 9.0 121.8 90.9 ND J
8 SD 12/24/03 106+75 College . Reach B 127.0 9.2 121.2 90.4 ND J
9 SD 12/29/03 106+00 College Reach B 130.0 8.6 122.8 91.6 ND J
10 SD 12/29/03 105+50 College Reach B 136.0 9.0 121.4 90.6 ND J
11 SD 12/29/03 105+00 College Reach B 132.0 9.2 122.6 91.5 ND J
12 SD 12/29/03 104+50 College Reach B 139.0 8.5 124.1 92.6 ND J
13 SD 1/7/04 103+50 College Reach B 140.0 8.9 124.0 92.5 ND J
14 SD 1/7/04 103+25 College SD-Line (0) Reach B 150.0 9.0 123.9 92.5 ND J
15 SD 1/7/04 102+50 College SD-Line (0) Reach B 154.0 8.6 123.6 92.2 ND J
16 SD 117/04 101 +50 College SD-Line (Y) Reach B 160.0 9.0 122.9 91.7 ND J
17 SD 4/1/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 150.0 8.4 128.1 94.2 ND N
18 SD 1/8/04 101 +00 College Reach B 164:0 8.9 129.0 96.3 ND J
18 SD 4/1/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 147.0 8.2 121.8 90.9 ND J
19 SD 1/8/04 100+00 College Reach B 170.0 8.6 123.2 91.9 ND J
19 SD 4/1/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 149.0 9.4 126.8 93.2 ND N
20 SD 4/1/04 102+78 College Animal Xing . Reach B 152.0 8.6 127.7 93.9 ND N
21 SD 4/1/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 147.0 9.1 128.9 94.8 ND N
22 SD 4/1/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 152.0 9.3 128.0 94.1 ND N
23 SD 4/5/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 155.0 9.6 126.2 92.8 ND N
24 SD 4/5/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 152.0 9.4 125.4 92.2 ND N
25 SD 4/5/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 150.0 9.8 128.5 94.5 ND N
26 SD 4/5/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 154.0 8.4 126.8 93.2 ND N
Calavera Hills II, LLC . . W.O. 4029D/E-SC
Calavera Hills II, Reach B
. GeoSoils, inc. November 2005
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Table 1
1RAi1 r,IOlSlJRE
Reach BE
27 SD 4/6/04 102+78 College Animal Xing Reach B 8.9 125.8 92.5 ND j N
28 SD 4/6/04 102+78 College Animal Xing 9.3 130.4 95.9 ND j N
29 SD 4/6/04 102+78 college Animal Xing Reach B 157.0 9.0 130.7 96.1 ND J N
1 SG • 5/25/04 102+00 College SB Reach B SG 8.9 130.4 95.9 ND N
2 SG 5/25/04 103+00 College SB Reach B SG 7.6 132.9 977 ND N
3 SG 5/25/04 105+00 College SB Reach B SG 7.3 131.0 96.3 ND N
4 SG 5/25/04 06+25 College SB Reach B SG 8.2 131.8 96.9 ND N
5 SG 5/25/04 07+00 College SB Reach B SG 8.1 129.2 950 ND N
6 SG 5/25/04 08+00 College SB Reach B SG 8.4 133.7 98.3 ND N
7 SG 5/25/04 09+50 College SB Reach B SG 8.0 133.6 98.2 ND N
8 SG 5/25/04 10r00 College SB Reach 8 SG 8.2 130.7 96.1 ND N -
9 SG 5/27/04 111+00 College Reach B SG 8.0 129.0 96.3' ND J -
10 SG 5/27/04 112+00 College Reach B SG 8.5 130.0 97.0 ND J
11 SG '5/27/04 113+00 College Reach B SG 8.6 128.0 95.5 ND J
12 SG 5/27/04 114+00 College Reach B SG 8.8 129.0 96.3 ND J
13 SG 5/27/04 115+00 College Reach B SG 8.0 128.0 95.5 ND J
14 SG 5/27/04 116+00 College Reach B SG 8.2 130.0 97.0 ND J
15 SG 5/27/04 117+00 College Reach B SG 8.5 129.0 96.3 ND J
16 CSG 6/9/04 102+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.4 130.0 95.6 ND N
11 CSG 6/9/04 ' 103+50 College NB Reach B SG 8.0 131.0 96.3 ND ' N
18 CSG 6/9/04 109+50 College NB Reach B SG 8.2 130.0 95.6 ND N
19 CSG 6/9/04 106+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.0 129.6 95.3 ND N
20 CSG 6/9/04 108+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.4 132.0 97.1 ND N
21 CSG 6/10/04 109+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.0 130.0 95.6 ND N
22 CSG 6/10/04 110+50 College NB Reach B SG 8.2 131.0 96.3 ND N
23 CSG 6/10/04 112+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.4 130.0 95.6 ND N
24 CSG 6/10/04 113+50 College NB Reach B SG 8.0 129.5 95.2 ND N
25 CSG 6/10/04 114+50 College NB Reach B SG 8.2 132.0 97.1 ND N
26 CSG 6/10/04 116+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.0 131.0 96.3 ND N
27 CSG 6/10/04 117+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.4 133.0 97.8 ND N
28 SWSG 6/10/04 102+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.2 132.0 97.1 ND N
29 SWSG 6/10/04 103+50 College NB Reach B SG 8.0 131.0 96.3 ND N
30 SWSG 6/10/04 104+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.4 132.0 97.1 ND N
31 SWSG 6/10/04 105+50 College NB Reach B SG 8.6 133.0 97.8 ND N
32 SWSG 6/10/04 107+00 College NB Reach B SG 9.0 134.0 98.5 ND N
33 SWSG 6/10/04 108+Oo College NB Reach B SG 8.4 131.0 96.3 ND N
34 SWSG '6/10/04 109+75 College NB Reach B SG 8.0 132.0 97.1 ND N
35 SWSG 6/10/04 111+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.2 130.0 95.6 ND N
36 SWSG 6/10/04 112+50 College NB' Reach B SG 8.0 129.5 95.2 ND N
37 SWSG 6/10/04 113+75 College NB Reach B SG 8.3 133.0 97.8 ND N
38 SWSG 6/10/04 115+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.4 134.0 98.5 ND N
39 SWSG 6/10/04 116+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.2 132.0 97.1 ND N
40 SWSG 6/10/04 117+00 College NB Reach B SG 8.0 131.0 96.3 ND N
41 SG 6/22104 College Cannon Intersection Reach B SG 10.4 123.3 96.3 ND B
42 SG 6/22104 College Cannon Intersection Reach B SG 10.2 122.6 95.8 ND B
43 SG 9/7/04 Access Rd College NB Reach B SG 10.2 123.3 96.3 ND B
iJ B 3/24/04 113+00 Access Rd College Reach B BG 8.6 129.0 95.6_ ND Base 1
2j B 3/24/04 113+00 Access Rd College Reach B BG 8.8 128.3 95.0 ND Base 1
B 3/24/04 113+00 Access Rd College Reach B BG 8.5 128.6 95.3 ND I Base 1
Calavera Hills II, LLC ' W.O. 4029D/ESC
Calavera Hills II, Reach B GeoSoils, Inc. November 2005
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Table 1
4* GB 6/1/04 102+00 College SB Reach B BG 7.6 122.0 89.1 ND Base2
4A GB 6/1/04 102+00 College SB Reach B BG 7.5 132.0 96.4 ND Base2
5 GB 6/1/04 102+50 College SB Reach B BG 8.0 130.9 95.5 ND Base2
6 GB 6/1/04 104+00 College SB Reach B BG 7.7 131.0 95.6 ND Base 2
7 GB 6/1/04 105+50 College SB Reach B BG 7.5 130.9 95.5 ND Base 2
8 GB 6/1/04 102+00 College SB Reach B BG 7.8 132.0 96.4 ND Base 2
9 B 6/1/04 109+00 College SB Reach B BG 8.2 130.0 95.6 ND Base
10 B 6/1/04 111 +50 College SB Reach B BG 8.0 131.0 96.3 ND Base
11 B 6/1/04 113+50 College SB Reach B BG 8.3 132.0 97.0 ND Base 4
12 B 6/1/04 115+50 College SB Reach B BG 8.0 131.0 96.3 ND Base
13 B 6/1/04 117+00 College SB Reach B BG 8.2 130.0 95.6 ND Base 4
14 B 6/1/04 116+25 College SBW.Side Reach B BG 8.3 132.0 97.0 ND Base-4
15 BG 6/7/04 102+00 College SB Reach B BG 8.4 130.0 95.6 ND Base 4
16 BG 6/7/04 103+00 College SB Reach B BG 8.0 129.5 95.2 ND Base 4
17 BG 6/7/04 104+50 College SB Reach B BG 8.2 131.0 96.3 ND Base 4
18 BG 6/7/04 106+00 College SB Reach B BG 8.3 132.0 97.1 ND Base
19 BG 6/7/04 107+50 College SB Reach B BG 9.0 132.0 97.1 ND Base 4
20 BG 6/7/04 109+00 College SB Reach B BG 9.3 131.0 96.3 ND Base 4
21 BG 6/7/04 11O+00 College SB Reach BG 9.0 130.4 95.9 ND Base
22 BG 6/7/04 11 !° College SB - Reach B BG 8.2 129.6 95.3 ND Base 4
23 BG 6/7/04 112+75 College SB Reach B BG 8.0 131.0 96.3 ND Base 4
24 BG 6/7/04 114+00 College SB Reach B BG 8.8 132.0 97.1 ND Base 4
25 BG 6/7/04 116+00 College SB Reach B BG 9.4 129.8 95.4 ND Base 4
26 BG 6/7/04 117+00 College SB Reach B BG 8.2 132.0 97.1 ND Base 4
27 BG 6/17/04 102+00 College NB Reach B BG 7.6 130.2 95.0 ND Base 2
28 BG 6/17/04 104+00 College NB Reach B BG 7.5 130.9 95.5 ND Base 2
29 BG 6/17/04 106+50 College NB Reach B BG 7.8 130.4 95.2 ND Base 2
30 BG 6/17/04 107+75 College NB Reach B BG 7.5 131.0 95.6 ND Base 2
31 BG 6/17/04 109+00 College NB Reach B BG 7.6 132.0 96.4 ND Base 2
32 BG 6/17/04 111 +00 College NB Reach BG 7.8 130.4 95.2 ND Base
33 BG 6/17/04 113+00 College NB Reach B BG 8.0 132.0 96.4 ND Base 2
34 BG 6/17/04 114+00 College NB Reach BG 7.5 131.4 95.9 ND Base
35 BG 6/17/04 115+00 College NB Reach BG 7.6 132.0 96.4 ND Base
36 BG 6/17/04 116+00 College NB Reach BG 7.5 133.0 97.1 ND Base
37 1 BG 6/17/04 117+00 College NB Reach B BG 8.0 130.2 95.0 ND Base
38 B 7/8/04 103+00 College NB Reach B BG 7.8 131.0 95.6 ND Base 2
39 B 7/8/04 107+00 College NB Reach B BG 7.6 131.5 96.0 ND Base 2
40 B 7/8/04 109+00 College NB Reach B BG 7.5 131.2 95.8 ND Base 2
41 B 7/8/04 112+00 College NB Reach B BG 7.8 130.8 95.5 ND Base 2
42 B 7/8/04 114+00 College NB Reach B BG 8.0 131.0 95.6 ND Base 2
43 B 7/8/04 117+00 College NB Reach B BG 7.5 132.0 96.4 ND Base 2
44 B 7/8/04 College Cannon Intersection Reach B BG 7.6 131.0 95.6 ND Base 2
45 B 8/17/04 Access Rd College Cannon Intersection Reach B BG 7.8 131.4 95.9 F ND Base 2
46 B 917/04 Access Rd College NB Reach B BG 13.0 131.0 95.6 1 ND Base 2
1 AC 3/31/04 113+00 Access Rd College Reach B AC 140.2 95.9 ND AC 1
2 AC 3/31/04 113+00 Access Rd College Reach B AC 142.4 97.4 ND AC 1
3 AC 3/31/04 113+00 Access Rd College Reach B AC 140.8 96.3 ND AC 1
4 AG 6/10/04 101 +50 College SB Reach B AC 140.2 96.0 ND AC 1
5 AC 6/10/04 103+00 College SB Reach B AC 139.3 95.3 ND AC 1
6 AC 1 6/10/04 104+50 College SB Reach B AC 139.8 95.6 ND AC 1
Calavera Hills II, LLC W.O. 4029D/ESC
Calavera Hills II, Reach B November 2005
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Table 1
DEPTH (ffl
7 AC 6/10/04 106+00 College SB Reach B AC 140.5 96.1 ND AC
8 AC 6/10/04 107+50 College SB Reach B AC 139.6 95.5 ND AC 1 9 AC 6/10/04 109+50 College SB Reach B AC 139.8 95.6 ND AC
10 AC 6/10/04 111 +00 College SB Reach B AC 139.0 95.1 ND AC
11 AC 6/10/04 112+50 College SB Reach B AC 140.2 95.9 ND AC
12 AC 6/10/04 114+00 College SB Reach B AC 139.9 95.7 ND AC
13 AC 6/10/04 115+50 College SB Reach B AC 139.8 95.6 ND AC 1 14 AC 6/10/04 117+25 College SB Reach B AC 140.2 95.9 ND AC 1
15 AC 6/10/04 116+75 College SB Reach B AC 140.0 95.8 ND AC 1 16 AC 6/10/04 116+00 College SB Reach B AC 139.9 95.7 ND AC 1
17 AC 6/10/04 117+00 College SB Reach B AC 140.1 95.8 ND AC 1 18 AC 6/25/04 112+50 College NB Reach B FG 140.0 95.8 ND AC 1
19 AC 6/25/04 . 1 1+00 College NB Reach B FG 141.0 96.4 ND AC 20 AC 6/25/04 109+00 College NB Reach B FG 140.0 95.8 ND
AC 21 AC 6/25/04 108+00 College NB Reach B FG 142.0 97.1 ND AC
22 AC 6/25/04 106+50 College NB Reach B FG 141.0 96.4 ND
AC 23 AC 6/25/04 105+00 College NB Reach B FG 140.0 95.8 ND
24 AC 6/25/04 104+00 College NB Reach B FG 140.0 95.8 ND AC 25 AC 6/25/04 103-r00 College NB Reach B FG 141.0 96.4 ND
AC 26* AC 6/25/04 102+00 College NB Reach.B FG 136.8 93.6 ND AC 1
26A AC 6/25/04 102+00 College NB Reach B FG 141.8 97.0 ND AC 1 27 AC 7/9/04 114+00 College NB Reach B FG 140.1 95.8 ND AC 1
28 AC 7/9/04 College Cannon Intersection Reach B FG 141.1 96.5 ND AC 1 29 AC 7/9/04 College Cannon Intersection Reach B FG 140.9 96.4 ND AC 1 30 AC 7/12/04 102+00 College SB Reach B FG 139.0 95.5 ND AC 2 31 AC 7/12/04 104+00 College SB Reach B FG 140.0 96.2 ND AC 2 32 AC 7/12/04 106+00 College SB Reach B FG 138.9 95.5 ND AC 2
33 AC 7/12/04 108+00 College SB Reach B FG 140.1 96.3 ND AC 34 AC 7/12/04 112+00 College SB Reach B FG 140.0 96.2 ND AC 2 35 AC 7/12/04 114+00 College SB Reach B FG 139.0 95.5 ND AC 2
36 AC 7/12/04 117+00 College SB Reach B FG 141.0 96.9 ND AC 2 37 AC 7/14/04 103+00 College NB Reach B FG 140.0 96.2 ND AC 2 38 AC 7/14/04 106+00 College NB Reach B FG 141.0 96.9 ND AC
39 AC 7/14/04 109+00 College NB Reach B FG 140.9 96.8 ND AC 2 40 AC 7/14/04 112+00 College NB Reach B FG 141.2 97.0 ND AC 2
41 AC 7/14/04 115+00 College NB Reach B FG 140.0 96.2 ND AC 2 42 AC 7/14/04 117+00 College NB. Reach B FG 140.0 96.2 ND AC 2
* = Failed Test
A = Retest
AC = Asphaltic Concrete
B = Base
BG = Base Grade
CB = Curb Base
CSG = Curb Subgrade
EB = East Bound
JT = Joint Trench
MH = Man Hole
NB = North Bound
ND = Nuclear Densometer
SB = South Bound
SC = Sand Cone
SD = Storm Drain
SG = Subgrade
SM = Sewer Main
SWSG = Sidewalk Subgrade
WB = West Bound
Calavera Hills II, LLC
Calavera Hills II, Reach B
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W.O. 4029-D/E-SC
November 2005
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