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Coisform Tolal (" 11) Co/ilers Parameter c.hh'rins Residual Coliforrn. E. Cull. Total Coliform Tcst 'Parameters Parameter - Plate Cuunl S!i1!1 .&t B 2.3 mgdt. 0.1 Absent None 0 Absent None 0 Result JL <I cfulml I Recipient. PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST. 204 GREENFIELD DR., SUITE 0 EL CAJON, CA 92020 Re(cr,ncc; 0122716 Source Code: 0422746-002 Sample Al: Frojcct#: Comment: Coisform Toval ( 11) Calitert Pdruinctcr sth Kaii. Chlorine Rcidul 2.1 rng/L 0.1 Colitorm. E. Call. Absent None 0 Total Clifurrn Absent None 0 Teat Pararne1ej' Plate Count 2 cfWml ENLIRONMENTR1. ENG. I .B Fx :6 tq-298-6131 May 5 '04 15:20 P.01 Recipient: PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST. 204 GREENFIELD DR., SUITE J) EL CAJON, CA 92020 Rerenrr: 0422746 Source Cadc 0422746-001 Sample U: Proj ect#; Comment: FAX: 4444958 Environmental Engineering Laboratory t F 3538 Hancock Street 73 4.4 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 1 Matrix: WATER Sampled: (903/2004" 13:51 Received: 05103/2004 16:50 Collection AddtTM Simple location: Vcacnpti: Pate Started: 05103/2004 Date Completed; g510512004 PS Codr Dilution Date Method AnIyzad Ajy 0 I SM41006 05/03/2004 RH 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH o i SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH Dilution Date 1Øod. Analyzed Analyst I 9215B 05103/2004 MEH Matrix; WATER Sampled: 0$/03/2004 13:58 Rtçrlved; 05/03/2004 1650 Collection Addrcau; Simple Location: Fire Hydrant #1 Description; Pate Started: 0510312004 Date Completed: 05/05/2004 PS Code: Dilution Date ML Factor J40hod 4jLyzed &jyst 0 I SM45000 05/03/2004 RH 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH Dilution Date MeJhd Analyged Malyst I 9215 05/03/2004 MEN RL Repoilinglinait MCi.. = Maximum Contaminant Level MDL = Method Detection Limit N/A ;m Nt Applicable Page I of S nvfranmenro1 Engineering Lab 3538 Hancock Street, San Dico CA 92110 Ph: 619298-6131 C9O 4 d. 'OL b3- 90 EVd .LSMH.LflOS DIJIDd 868t'I't'6I9 OE:t1 t'0/I/90 EN1JIRONMENTFIL ENG. LAB Fx:59-298-13i May 5 '04 5:20 P.02 Recipient; Mitria WATER PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST, Sampled; 03I2004 14:04 204 GREENFIEL(.) DR.. SUITE 1) ReceIved: 16.50 Collection Addrese: EL CAJON, CA 92020 Smote l.ocation: FEHdránt2. Reference 0422146 Description: Source Code; 0422746-003 Data Started: 05/03/2004 Sample $: Dale completed: 05/05/2004 ProjecTP PS Code: Cesnmeiw Coliforn, 3'oioi (> 11) Colllert Dilution Date —Parameter - MCL Effqgl .Mn13ood AnJd Anlyt Chlorine Residual 2.0 mg/L 0.1 0 SM45000 05/03/2004 RB ColiIo(m1 E. Cali. Absent None 0 0 1 SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH Total Coliform Absent None 0 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 MET-i Teat Parameters Dilution Date Parameter ga!'ii Factor Method Analyzed Anityt Plate Count 3 efu/ml 11 I 92158 05/03/2004 MEW Recipient: Matrix: WATER PACIFIC SOLJT2IWESTCONST. Sampled: 0510312004 14:12 204 GRF.P.NFIP.LI) DR., SUITE D Received: 05/03/2004 16:50 EL CAJON, CA 92020 Collection Address: Sample Location: Reference: 0422746 Description: Sotirct Code: 0422746004 Date Started: 05/03/2004 Sample P; Data Completed; 05105(2004 Project#: PS Code; Comment: Co4:form Total ('- Ii) Colilert Dilution Date Parameter BIWA X_dM EL MCL Ellatu Method AIIJJ.YsaII Analyst Chlorine Retidut 2.5 mg/L 0.1 0 I SM45000 05103/2004 RN Coliform, E. Coil. Absent None 0 (I I SM 0223 05/0312004 MEW Total Coliform Absent Nçnc 0 0 I SM 922.3 05103/2004 MEW Teat Parwneieis Dilution Date Parameter - jg gL NX.1 fjLLnr Method AoJyzed Analyst Piece Count <1 elm/mI 1 I 921$8 05/03/2004 MEI Recipicot: - - Matrix: WATER PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST. Sampled: 05/03/2004 14:40 204 DRENI9ELD DR., SUITE, D Received: 05/03/2004 16:50 EL CAJON, CA 92020 Collection Address; Rererence; 0422746 Sample Location: S'rA64+SO BenginCnn Source Code; 0422746-005 Ducr:plioa: Sample N. Date Started: 05/03/2004 Date Completed: 05/05/2004 ProjccW PS Code: Comment; Colform Toto.! S- 11) CoLilert Dilution Date Parameter Rtsult jjj E ML !i Method Anatyzad_ An.Iya1 Chlorine Recidual 2.2 mg/L 0.1 0 I SM4S000 04/03/2004 RB Colirorm, E Coil. Abtent None 0 0 1 SM 9223 05/0312004 MEH Total Coliform Absent None 0 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEW RI.. - Kepomumig Limit MCI, A Maximum Contaminant Level MDL e Method Dcvnninn Limit N/A =NQt Applicable Pt 2 of 5 - - Envlron,nen& Engineering Lab 3538 Hancock Stmt, Son Diego, CA 92110 Ph: 619-298-6131 9 .3Vd IS3MH±fl0S 31.dlDvd 868Pt6I9 E:t'T 1'00/t/90 ENVIRONMENTAL ENG. LiB Fax ,.619-298-6131 - May 5 '04 15:21 P.03 Recipietti: Mairti: WATER Saniled: ç:,2O04j 14;40 PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONET. 4Cci%e41 05/03/2004 1650 204 O41 DR., !Jflt, D Collection Address: EL CAJON, CA 92020 Sample Localloir STA 164P50 SngiüConn Rc(crcnci 0422746 Dcvription: ,Source CoLIc: Data Started: 05/03/2004 Sample #: Date Completed: 05/07,2004 Projcr#: 5 Code; Conuflefli: Teat ramir.v Dilution Date Farmeter Result J;iEit L McJ Method J1ZJJ_ Analyst PI lite CouUt 74 çfJ 1 1 9215B 05103/2004 hE11 Recip.nt; Matrix; WATEP. S PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST. SuPid 007004 14:52 204 OREENFIELD DR., SUITE D Received- 05/03/2004 16:50 Colleccioti Address: EL CA.ION. CA 92020 Sampic Lucstgon: (FH STA163 Coon' Refeteoce: 0422746 DccrIption; Source (a4i: 0422746.006 Date Started; 05/03/2004 Sample 10-- Date Completed: 05/05/2004 rrojctt#: PS codr. Comment: Coliforin To1a (>11) Co/lIen Dilution Date - Parameter upiY RLMCL Factor nd Analyzad.. 4JtaIY4t Chlorine Residual 0.45 ntg/L 0.1 0 1 SM45000 05/03(2004 P.14 Caliform, E. Ccli, Absent None 0 0 1 SM 9223 05/03/2004 ME)4 Total Coliform Absent Non; 0 0 1 SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEN Test Poramelera Dilution Date Parameter ReuIt Unita RL MCL Factor Method Atialyzad Analyst PlceeCouflt 26 cfuilml 1 . I 92155 05/03/2004 MElt Recipient: Matti: WATER PACIFIC SOUTHWEST coNsT. Sampled; 05/03/2004 15:00 204 OREENHELD DR., SUITE U Received: 05/03/2004 I650 Collection Address: Cl- CAJON, CA 92020 Sample Location: $TA'149+50 Corn $cftrencc: 0422746 Descriptiou: .7. Source Code; 0422746-007 Date Started: 05/03/2004 Sample O fete Completed 05/0$/2004 Project#: . PS Code: Cornmeal: Cot(f0rr6 Total (>11) Co/jIm Dilution Date Parameter .1/ii!s L MCL Fact 1.ctltod 4tflttlyL!44. Analyst Chlorine Kssidual 1.05 m)I. 0.1 0 I SM45000 05103/2004 P.14 Cølifortn, E. Coil, Ab5nL None 0 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH Total Colitonn Absent None 0 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH Test fI1nPUfrJ5 . Dilution Date Parameter j,g RT ctor Method AniIytd Analyst Platt: Count 122 cfu/,nt I I 9715B 05/03/2004 MEH P..!. —Reporting Limit MCL Maxrjium Contaminant Level MDL Method Detection t,,uniii N/A =Notpplhcabl Page 3 urS Envjronmndnglheethlg Lob 3538 Hancock Street, San Dicgo, CA 92110 PIt; 619-298-6131 L E)Vd 1S3MH1flOS DIdIDVd 868t'l7t'619 ØE:l,I t'GOZ/St/SO ENVIRONMENTPL_ENG. LRB Fax :619-28-6j3 May 5 '04 5:21 P.04 Recipient: Matrix: WATER PACWLC SOUTHWEST CONST. Sampled: C~5?0/1004 —15:12 204 GREENFLELD L)tt., St..)JTE I) RcCe1'd 05103/2004 130 EL CAJOI'l, CA 92020 Collection Add vcas Sample Loca(ion: SFd4+20Conn ferunce: 0422746 Description: Source Code; 0422744-008 flaic Started: 05/03/2004 Sample a: Elate Cunspletcd; 05/05/2004 rrojecpr PS Code: Comment: Coilforni Total (> II) Co/lien Dilution Date Parameter Result Units fl= Method AntIyt *nplyst Chlorine Rcsidual 1)13 rneJ1 0.1 0 1 SM450OG 05)03/2004 RH Coliform, E. Coll. Absent None 0 0 1 SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH Total Coliform Absent Non; 0 0 1 SM 9723 05103/2004 MEH Test Parameter:, Dilution Date Result Units BL rck ro! Mith0/L Analyzed AflJY51 Plate Count 2 cfu/rnl I I 92I5 05/03/2004 MEA Recipient. MIrlc: WATER PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST. Sampled; 05/03/2004 IS: 15 204 GREENFIELD DR.. SUITE D Received: 05/03/2004 16:50 EL CMON, CA 92020 Collection Address: Sample Location: STA 135+90 Cann Rc(crcscc: 0422746 Description-. Source Code: 0422746-009 Date Started: 05/03/2004 - Sample # . Date Completed: 05/05/2004 Project#: - yS Code: Cointuent; Coilform Total (5. ii) Co/lien Dilution Date Parameter --Rua .JJJIjL ffl, DLCk P'actor Method AuaJvd AnIYst Chlorine Residual 2.05 mg/i. 0.11 0 I SM450OG 05/03/2004 RH Coliform, S. Call AbSent Non; 0 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 ME Total Coliform Absent None 0 LI I SM 9223 05103/2004 MEH Test Pa,a,met era Dilution Date Paremeter - &W11 ILHAL 3J, MCL Factor Method Aly7,iJ[ Anyst Mate Count 'l 1 1 921513 05/0312004 MEH Recipient: Matrix: WATER PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST. Sampled; . 05(03/2004 15:28 204 GR.NFIELD DR.. SUITE D Received: 0$/03,2004 16:50 L CA)ON CA 92020 Collection Address: - - STA ECR End&p Rthrr.ce: 0422746 Sample Location; Sourcc Code: 0422746-010 Description. Date Started: 05/03/2004 Sample 4: Date Completed: 05/05i2004 Projcei4: PS Code: Comment: C'ollfurni TuOzl ( 11) Collie,? Dilution Date Parameter Unit,U MCL M( An;Jjj kn$Jysl Chlorine Residual 2.05 m/1. 01 0 I .SM45000 05/03/2004 RH Ciiioun, C. Cab. Absent Nan; 0 0 I SM 9223 05/0312004 MEN rntal Calitorns Absent None 0 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH RL = Rcportipg Urnit MCL= Maximum Contaminant Level MDL Method Detention Limit N/A = Not Applicable Page 4 of Eltvfronmeaslai Engineering Lab 35.38 Hancock Street, San Diea, CA 92310 Ph: 619-298-6131 80 3E1Vd IS3MHIflOS DIdIDd 868Pt'EIS E:t'E /T/9 May 5 04 15:22 I'.05 Matrix: WATER Sampled! L 103/20o4 1528 Received- 05/03/2004 16:50 COIIIetion Address: Senipic I.ocation: STA ECK $id C.*p erpton: Date Started: 05/03/2004 Date Completed: 05105/2004 PS Code: Dilution Date L MQL Factor Method Analyzed &ti*k' 48 Clu/ml I I 9215B 05/02/2004 MElt Matrix, WATER Sampled: 05/03/2004 15:55 Received: 05/03/2004 16;50 Collection Address: Sample Location: Source Description: Date Started. 05/03/2004 Date Completed, 05/05/2004 PS Code: Tess Parameters _Parameter PIazCOunL Recipient: PACIFIC SOUThWEST CONsT. 204 GREENFIELD DR., SUITE D EL CAJON, CA 92020 gercrcncc 0422746 Source Cudc 042746.01i Sample : Projccti: Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL ENG, LAB Fax:619-298-6131 Ri.-vipiCflt! PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST 204 (KENFIELD DR. SUITE I) El. CAJON, CA 92020 Reference: 0422746 Source Code: 042274e,-0I0 Sample H: ProjcetTh C,mni,t: Coisform Total (. 11) Coiulerr Dilution Date Parmitøy ft JINM 81!( JL !ai1iu: Method Arnulvzrd Aoalvat Chlorine Residual 2.02 mg/L 0,1 0 1 SM450OC 05/0312004 RH Coliforni. E. Ccli. Absent None 0 0 1 SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH Total Coliform Absent None 0 0 I SM 9223 05/03/2004 MEH Texi Paametetc Dilution Date Parsneter R&WI J J, Factor Mchod AnAtyzød Plate Count <1 cfu/ml 004 Approva Director RI. = Reporting Uinit MCL = Maximum Coimumrzn Level MDL Method Detection Limit N/A = NOL Applicable Pi S of Environmental Enlneerzog Lah 3538 Hacock Street, San Dico, CA 92110 Ph: 619.298-6131 60 39Vd 1S3MH1flOS 3IJIDVd 8968W'17619 oc:t,'r l'00?/61/90