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06/15/2004 14:45 6154448958 DiLIfl APR 2 6 Z004 Coilform Total (2-5) Coliterl .F.cnie.ter Chlorine Residual Coliform, E. Coil, Total Coliform Test Parameiert Parameter Plate Count Recipient; Result Units RL 1.26 mg/L 0.1 Absent Nonc 0 Absent None 0 Result J2i'ts.. 7.0 cfti/mi I CoIforni Total (2-5) Colilert Parameter Chlorine Residual Coliform, E. Coil, Total Coliform Test Parameters Parameter Plate Count &Lit UnRs. RL 0.22 mg/L 0.1 Absent None 0 Absent None 0 BD_u It Units 7.0 ofu/ml I (X00 02 PAGE 03 PACIFIC SOUTHWEST Env'onmcntal Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 Recipient: PACIPIC SOUTHWEST CONST. 204 GREENFIELD DR., SUITE D EL C&ION, CA 92020 Reference: 0422502 Source Code: 0422502-001 Sample #: Proj ect#: Coal men PACIF1C. SOUTJEWEST CONST, 204 GREENFIELD DR., SuITE 0 EL CAJON, CA 92020 Reference: 0422502 Source Code: 0422502-002 Snmple #: Projcct#: Comment: Matrix: WATER Sampled: /Th4/16/2004 11:10 Received: 04/16/2004 1300 Collection Address: Sample Location: 1310, UI Description: Calavara Hills Date Started: 04/16/2004 Date Completed: 04/19/2004 PS Code: Dilution Date MCL KjLtg.[ Method .Analyzed Analyst 0 1 SM4500G 04/16/2004 EB 0 I SM 9223 04/16/2004 EB 0 1 SM 9223 04/16/2004 F,13 Dilution Date MCL Factor Method Analyzed jnalyst 1 92158 04/16/2004 EB Matrix: WATER Sampled: 04/16/2004 11:28 Received: 04/16/2004 13;0() Collection Address: Sample Location: Ste 155 1' 00 Description: Calavara Hills Date Started: 04/16/2004 Date Completed: 04/19/2004 PS Code: Dilution Date MQL Factor ..MUthod Analyzed Analyst I SM45000 04/16/2004 E13 0 I SM 9223 04/16/2004 E8 0 1 SM 9223 04/11,/2004 ER Dilution . Date NICL Factor .,Method Analyzed Analyst 92158 04/16/2004 LB Ri., = Reporting Limit MCL = Maximum Contaminant Lcvct MDL = Method Detection Limit N/A -Not Applicable Page 1 of 3 EnViPonrnfMtal Engineering Lab 3538 Hancock Street, San Diego, CA 92110 Ph: 619-298-6131 ct CZ-9 40, PAGE @6 ' 08/15/2884 14:45 6194448958 PACIFIC SOUTHWEST t CEIVED 9 ZO03 y' .LVY A . Environmental Engineering Laboratory ( 3538 Hancock Street L: San Diego, CA 92110 SO DI CtI4 (i1o\ 702-41 11 ee t: ct'D r Recipient: KELLY Matrix; WATER PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST. Sampled: 12/02/2003 1335 204 GREENFWW DR., SUITE I) RCttiVCd 12/0212003 16:04 El. CAJON, CA 92020 Collection Address: Reference: 0320721 STA 73+00 Sample Location: Description: Calavorn Hills Source Code: 0220721-001 Date Started: 12/02/2003 Sample 4; Date Completed: 12/05/2003 Project#: PS Code; Comment: Coliform Total (2-5) Cohen Dilution Date Paraneter Result .Units RL MQL Factor Method Analyzed Aiiiyst Chlorine Residual 2.15 mg/L 0.1 I SM45000 2/02/2003 EB Coliform, F. CoIL Absent None 0 0 1 $M 9222 12/0312003 ER Total Coliform Ab,cnt None 0 0 I Sm 9222 12/03/2003 LB Thct Parameters Dilution Date jara meter Result Units RL Mk Facto, Method tnaiyst Plate Count <I cfu/ml I I 9215R 12/04/2003 LB Recipient- TFLLY . Matrix: WATER PACIFIC SOUTI-3WE5TCONST. Sampled: . 12/02/2003 13:51 204 OREENFIELt) DR., surr Received: 12/02/2003 16:04 EL CAJON, CA 92020 . Collection Address: Reference: 0320721 Sample Location: .S'rA 70+00 Source Code: 0320721-002 Description: Calavera I-tills Date Started: 12/02/2003 Sample 4: Date Completed: 12/05/2003 Projeet4: . PS Code: Comment: CoI?fotm Total (2-5) Colrkrt Dilution Date fameter !t jJnits RL Factor Method Analyzed Analyt Chlorine Residual 2.17 mg/L 0.1 1 SM45000 12/02/2003 FF1 Coliform, E Coli. . Absent None 0 0 1 SM 9222 12/03/2003 013 Total Coliform Absent None 0 0 I Sm 9222 12/03/2003 ER Test Parameters Dilution Date Parameter - Result Units RL MCL Factor Method Analy7od Analyst Plate Count <I cfu/ml 1 I 921513 12/04/2003 813 RL - lkcpoiting Limit. MCL = Maximum Cmtaminaiit Level MDL = Method Detection Limit N/A =Not Applicable Page I of 2 Environmental Engineering Lab 3538 Hancock Street, San Diego, CA 92110 Ph: 619-298-6131 06/15/2004 14:45 6194448958 Recipient'. KELLY PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST. 204 OREEN1HtU) DR., SUITE 1) FL CAJON, CA 92020 Reference: 0320721 Source Code: 0320721.003 Sample 4: Project#: Comment: Colform Total -5) Cohen Parameter Rciilt Chlorine Residual 2.03 Colifrm, C. Coil. Absent Total Coilform Abscnt PACIFIC SOUTHWEST PAGE 07 Matrix: V Sampled: /2003 14:00 Received: 12/02J2003 16:04 Collection Address: Sample Location: '-S-TA 63i19 Description: Calaveru Hills Date Started: 12/02/2003 Date Completed: 12/05/2003 PS Code: Dilution Date VInJts. RL M Factor Method Analyzed A*st mg/L 0.1 I SM4500G C120/2003 El) None 0 0 I SM 9222 12/03/2003 1313 None 0 0 1 Sm 9222 12/03/2003 IB Dilution Date ML Factor Method Analyzed Analyst 92158 12/04/2003 ED Matrix: WATER Sampled' 12/02/2003 14:15 Received: 12/02/2003 16:04 Collection Addrc.q.c: Sample Location: STA 79+20 Description: Cala'era Hills Date Started: 12/02/2003 Date Completed: 12/05/2003 PS Code: Tect Fara,neier,c Parameter Result k Plate Count <1 cfu/ml Recipient: KISLLY PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONST. 204 OREENFIELD DR., SUITE LI EL CAJON, CA 92020 Reference: 0320721 Source Code: 0320721-004 Sample M. Projcc: Comment: Dilution Date Result Units RL ' Pactor jçpj naiyzed Anast 2.2 mg/L 0.1 I SM41000 12/02/2003 68 Absent None 0 1) 1 SM 9222 12/0312003 1313 -Absent None 0 0 I Sm 9222 12/03/2003 68 ISB 12104/ Dilution Date Appro Eldor Director Col?forni Total (2-5) Colilen Parameter Chlorine Residual Coliform, E. Coil. Total Colifona Test Parameters _Parameter Plate Count Result UIS RL <1 efulml 1 RL =Rcporting Limit MCL = Maximum Contaminant Level MDL =Method Detection Limit N/A =Not Applicable Pane 2 of 2 Environmental Engineering Lab 3538 Hancock Street, San Diego, CA 92110 Ph: 619-298-6131