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3-6-05; 8:51AM;Tbe Brckmefl Group ;6192802973 # 2/ 4 c-rOoo2.' IURF DiIAGNOS flCS & DEIGN "Managing the Elcrne,it,c Thr0ug Science" March 7, 2005 Ruben Nunez The Brickman Group 6218 Fairmount Ave.. San Diego, CA 92120 RE: College Boulevard - File #05030017 Dear Mr. Nunez: Enólosed are the laboratory results of the #1 Upper Layer and #2 Lower Layer samples. These samples were tested for particle size and organic matter 10 content to estimate the amount of Stabilizer. The particle size results Indicate the two samples are very similar. Both are classified as a Sandy Loam per the USDA textural classification. The organic matter results of the two samples are also very similar. We estimate there is 4.8 lbs of Stabilizer per ton for the #1 Upper Layer sample and 4.4 lbs of Stabilizer per ton for the #2 Lower Layer sample. If you have any questions or are in need of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Samples are generally kept on the premises for 45 days after report date. Thank you for using Turf Diagnostics and Design, Inc. Sincerely, Duane K. Otto - Vice President DKO:dko File: College Boulevard Page 1 of 3 613 E. Ist ia Linwood, Kansas 66052 a Phone (913) 723-3700.. Fax (913) 723-3701 E-mail: ti.irfdiag@turldiag.com • Web site: http://www.turfdiag.com 'IFURIF D1AGNOSVUCS DES\IGN "Managing the E1eJnL'ilts flirough Science" The Brlckman Group Ruben Nunez 6218 Fairmaount Ave. San Diego, CA 92120 PHONE: 619-281-8887 FAX:619-280-2973 Particle Size Evaluation* - USDA / Date received Mar-03-2005 Account No. 03056190 lccij1 Date reported Mar-07-2005 Facility College Boulevard % Retained on USGAmm (US sieve) - Lab ID# 1 Sample Name ~ Sand % Silt % Clay Grave) V. Coarse Coarse Medium Fine V. Fine 2.0 -0.05 mm 0.05-0.002mm <0.002mm 1--2-0(10) 1.0 (18) 0.5 (35) 1 0.25 (60) 0.10 (140) 0.05 (270) 5030017-1 #1 Upper Ly 71.1 15.0 14.0 I 11.4 18.1 18.0 115.1 12.8 7.2_ q317-2#2 Lower Layer - 69.1 ;16.2 1 14.7 11.2 18.1 1 16.8. 15.0 L_12.2. 7.2 - USDA Uniformity No. 100 No. 140 %Organic Lab ID# Sample Name Textural Coefficient 050 % of Total 'Y of Total Fines Fines Matter Classification Cu - mm <0.15 mm <0.25 mm 0.15 (100) 0.10 (140) D r y W t . 05030017-1 #1 Upper Layer SanyLoam It 328.2 0.36 40.3 48.7 8.4 4.3 05030017-2j#2LbwerLayer SandyLoam 1 323.5 I 0.33 42.3 50.1 [_'7.9 4.3 A2LA Certificate Numner I!1(-U1 -Azi I IVI memoo r1iZ **ASTM F1647 Method B Samples were tested as received and comments pertain only to the samples shown. This report may not be reproduced in part, but only in full. Sample condition upon receipt was normal. ' ' - Samples were received with a transmittal letter. Reviewed by-/ Page 2 of 3 613 E. 1st w Linwood, Kansas 66052 . Phone (913) 723-3700 Fax (913) 723-3701 E-mail: turfdiag@tiufdiag.corn • Web site: http://www.turfdiag.com 'C \ ian Group Ruben Nunez 6218 Fairmaount Ave. San Diego, CA 92120 PHONE: 619-281-8887 FAX:619-280-2973 Date received Mar-03-2005 Account No. 03056190 Date reported Mar-07-2005 Facility College Boulevard Organic Matter Analysis Stabilizer Rate 0' ¶'!vla;zuging the Elements 'Through Science" a' -.4 0 1 0 x 3 0 0 C 0 TURF DIAGNOSTICS & DS1GN 4 Organic Unadjusted % Stabilizer J Matter Stabilizer Rate by weight Lab ID# 1 Sample Name I % lbs/ton (dry basis) 05030017-1 '#1 Upper Layer 0.21 4.8 —0.24- 05030017-2 1#2 Lower Layer 020 4.4 0.22 -- -- A2LA Certificate Number 797-01 * ASTM Fl 647 Method B Estimated using Stabilizer organic matter conten t o f 9 0 . 2 % . Samples were tested as received and comments p e r t a i n o n l y t o t h e s a m p l e s s h o w n . This report may not be reproduced in part, but only in full. Samples were received with a transmittal letter. .••-. \\ .- Reviewed by:, Page 3 or 3 613 E. '[st a Linwood, Kansas 66052 u Phone (913) 723-37 0 0 * Fax (913) 723-3701 E-mail: turfdiag©tuTfdiag.com • Web site:'.bttp://www.turidiag.com 4'