Leighton and Associates, Inc.
May 24, 2005
Project No. 971009-016
To: Sares Regis Group
18802 Bardeen Avenue
Irvine, California 92612
Attention: Mr. Patrick Russell
Subject: Pavement Section Design Recommendations for a Portion of Gateway Road,
Between Station No. 11+00 and 20+65, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California
References: Carlsbad, City of, 2004, Engineering Standards, Volumes I and 3, City of Carlsbad,
California, dated June 2004
Project Design Consultants (PDC), 2004, Plans for the Improvement of Bressi
Ranch Industrial, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 400-813, 25 Sheets, dated April
14, 2003, revised August 11, 2004
In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, this letter presents our pavement
design recommendations for a portion of Gateway Road (between Station No. 11+00 and 20+65)
that is directly south of Palomar Airport Road and east of El Fuerte Street in Carlsbad, California.
Two representative subgrade soil samples were obtained along the roadway alignment. The samples
were transported to our laboratory and R-value testing (in accordance with Caltrans Test Method
301) was performed. The test results indicated the subgrade soils have R-values ranging from 7 to
9. The approximate sample locations and results of the laboratory testing are presented in
Appendix A.
Based on the project Improvement Plans (Project Design Consultants, 2004), we understand that
Gateway Road has a Traffic Index (TI) of 7.0. According to the City of Carlsbad requirements
(Carlsbad, 2004), the minimum pavement section for a street having a TI of 7.0 is 4 inches of
Asphalt Concrete (AC) over 6 inches of Aggregate Base (AB) regardless of the R-Value.
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base Material
Based on the above information, the recommended Class 2 Aggregate Base pavement section
was calculated using the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared with the City
of CarlsbadTs minimum section thickness requirements. The recommended pavement sections are
presented on Table 1.
Table 1
Recommended Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base
Asphalt Class 2
Location Traffic Design R-Value Concrete Aggregate Base
Index Thickness Thickness
(in inches) (in inches)
Gateway Road 7.0 7 4.0 16.0 (Station No. 11+00 to 20+65)
Prior to placement of the street aggregate base material, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils in the
street (including beneath the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-conditioned (or dried
back) as necessary to at least optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum 95 percent
relative compaction based on American Standard of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Method
Class 2 Aggregate Base shall then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative
compaction in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate base material shall be a
maximum of 6 inches thick below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the
back of the curb. The Class 2 Aggregate Base shall conform to and be placed in accordance with
the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (Section
26), the Greenbook specifications, and/or the City of Carlsbad requirements. Asphalt Concrete shall
conform to and be placed in accordance with the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public
Works Construction and the City of Carlsbad requirements.
Pavement Section Utilizing Lime-Treated Subgrade Soils
The following pavement section utilizes a lime-treated subgrade in accordance with the City of
Carlsbad requirements. A representative R-value sample having a value of less than 12 was tested
for optimum lime content (per ASTM Test Method C977) and soluble sulfate content (in
accordance with Caltrans Test No. 417). The test results indicated the optimum lime content was
determined to be 6-percent quick lime while the soluble sulfate content was found to be
approximately 0.09 percent. After the lime was added to the sample and allowed to cure a
minimum of 24 hours, testing of the lime treated sample resulted in a minimum R-value of 68.
Based on the proposed street information, the lime-treated pavement section was calculated using
the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared with the City of Carlsbad's minimum
section thickness requirements. The pavement section is presented on Table 2.
Table 2
Pavement Section Utilizing Lime Treated Subgrade Soils
Class 2 Lime Treated
Traffic Design AC Base Subgrade
Location Index R-Value Thickness Thickness Layer
(inches) (inches) (inches)
Gateway Road 7.0 68 4.0 6.0 (Station No. 11+00 to 20+65)
Prior to placement of the asphalt concrete and Class 2 Aggregate Base, the uppeches of the
subgrade soils (including beneath the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-conditioned to at
least optimum moisture content, and thoroughly mixed with 6-percent quick lime (or equivalent
percentage of hydrated lime-slurry). After setting for a minimum of 24 hours, the thoroughly mixed
lime-treated subgrade soils shall be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction based
on ASTM Test Method D1557. After the lime-treated subgrade soils are compacted, we
recommend that a curing compound be applied to the surface of the lime-treated subgrade soils and
the materials allowed to cure.
After the completion of the curing period, a minimum of 6 inches of Class 2 Aggregate Base shall
then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative compaction in accordance with
ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate base material shall be a maximum of 6 inches thick
below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the back of the curb. After the
placement and compaction of the aggregate base material, a minimum of 4.0 inches of asphalt
concrete shall be placed.
Asphalt Concrete, Aggregate Base, and lime-treated subgrade soils shall conform to and be placed
in accordance with: 1) the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard
Specifications; 2) in accordance with State of the Art Report 5, Lime Stabilization of the
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council; 3) the "Greenbook" Standard
Specifications for Public Works Construction (Sections 203 and/or 400); and/or 4) the City of
Carlsbad requirements.
Recommended Pavement Section
Based on our experience with similar soils on the subject site, we recommend that the pavement
sections for Gateway Road (between Station No. 11+00 to 20+65) utilize the Class 2 Aggregate
Base Material with no lime treatment of the subgrade, as discussed above. In summary, it has been
our professional experience that relatively thin lime-treated subgrade soil sections are very sensitive
to moisture variations during the curing process and ultimately may be susceptible to minor
cracking. In addition, it has been our experience that relatively thin lime-treated lean silty clays and
sandy clays (which are present on the Bressi Ranch project) are also susceptible to heaving
conditions that can result in asphalt concrete cracking and distress. Therefore, it is our opinion that
utilizing the Class 2 Aggregate Base Material pavement design, as presented on Table 1, will
result in a better performing pavement section.
If pavement is planned adjacent to landscaped areas, we recommend that appropriate measures be
taken (such as keeping the amount of landscape irrigation to a minimum, installing area drains or
other devices, etc.) to reduce the possible adverse effects of water on the pavement subgrade.
If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall K. Wagner, CEG 1612 N o. 1612
OEATIFIED Senior Associate Geologist ENGINEERING I
Attachments: Appendix A - Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
Distribution: (2) Addressee
(2) City of Carlsbad, Public Works Department, Attention: Casey Arndt
J. T. Kruer, Attention: Chuck Knight
Hazard Construction, Attention: Lantz Gibson
Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
"R"-Value: The resistance "R"-value Was determined by the California Materials Method No. 301
for subgrade soils. Three samples were prepared and exudation pressure and "R"-value determined
on each one. The graphically determined 'R"-value exudation pressure of 300 psi is summarized in
the table below:
Sample Number Sample Location Sample Description R-Value
R-171 Gateway Road, Station No. 13+00 Brown sandy lean 7 CLAY
R-157 Gateway Road, Station No. 17+00 Brown sandy lean 9 CLAY
c1i-,o .o,
Leighton and Associates, Inc.
May 11, 2005
To: Sares Regis Group
18802 Bardeen Avenue
Irvine, California 92612
Attention: Mr. Patrick Russell
Project No. 971009-016
Subject: Pavement Section Design Recommendations for Metropolitan Street, Campbell
Place, Colt Place, Slater Place, and a Portion of Gateway Road Between Station No.
10+60 and 31+00 and Alicante Road Between Station No. 113+15 and 120+00,
Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California
References: Carlsbad, City of, 2004, Engineering Standards, Volumes 1 and 3, City of Carlsbad,
California, dated June 2004
Project Design Consultants (PDC), 2004a, Plans for the Improvement of Bressi
Ranch Industrial, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 400-813, 25 Sheets, dated April
14, 2003, revised August 11, 2004
2004b, Plans for the Improvement of Bressi Ranch Industrial,
Carlsbad, California Tract No. 02-15, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 421-3, 20
Sheets, dated October 13, 2004
In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, this letter presents our pavement
design recommendations for Metropolitan Street (between Station No. 1+30 and 3+85); Campbell
Place (between Station No. 0+50 and 7+85); Colt Place (between Station No. 1+25 and 5+60);
Slater Place (between Station No. 0+45 and 3+80); and a portion of Gateway Road (between
Station No. 10+60 and 31+00) and Alicante Road (between Station No. 113+15 and 120+00) in
Carlsbad, California. Eleven representative subgrade soil samples were obtained along the roadway
alignments. The samples were transported to our laboratory and R-value testing (in accordance with
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205. San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
Caltrans Test Method 301) was performed. The test results indicated the subgrade soils have R-
values ranging from 5 to 33. The approximate sample locations and results of the laboratory testing
are presented in Appendix A.
Based on the project Improvement Plans (referenced above), we understand that the streets have a
Traffic Index (TI) of 7.0. According to the City of Carlsbad requirements (Carlsbad, 2004), the
minimum pavement section for streets having a TI of 7.0 is 4 inches of Asphalt Concrete (AC) over
6 inches of Aggregate Base (AB) regardless of the R-Value.
Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base Material
Based on the above information, the recommended Class 2 Aggregate Base pavement sections
were calculated using the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared with the City
of Carlsbad's minimum section thickness requirements. The recommended pavement sections are
presented on Table 1. The Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method calculations for
Metropolitan Street and Colt Place are presented in Appendix B.
Table 1
Recommended Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base
Traffic Design R- Asphalt Concrete Class 2 Aggregate
Location Index Value Thickness Base Thickness
(in inches) (in inches)
Gateway Road (Station 7.0 15 4.0 14.0 No. 10+60t031+00)
Alicante Road (Station 7.0 12 4.0 14.0 No. 113+15 to 120+00)
Metropolitan Street 7.0 9 4.0 15.0
Campbell Place 7.0 27 4.0 11.0
Colt Place 7.0 6 4.0 16.0
Slater Place 7.0 14 4.0 14.0
Prior to placement of the street aggregate base material, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils in the
street (including beneath the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-conditioned (or dried
back) as necessary to at least optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum 95 percent
relative compaction based on American Standard of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Method
Class 2 Aggregate Base shall then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative
compaction in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate base material shall be a
maximum of 6 inches thick below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the
back of the curb. The Class 2 Aggregate Base shall conform to and be placed in accordance with
the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (Section
26), the Greenbook specifications, and/or the City of Carlsbad requirements. Asphalt Concrete shall
conform to and be placed in accordance with the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public
Works Construction and the City of Carlsbad requirements.
Pavement Section Utilizing Lime-Treated Subgrade Soils
The following pavement section utilizes a lime-treated subgrade in accordance with the City of
Carlsbad requirements. The R-value sample on Metropolitan Street having a value of less than 12
was tested for optimum lime content (per ASTM Test Method C977) and soluble sulfate content (in
accordance with Caltrans Test No. 417). The test results indicated the optimum lime content was
determined to be 5-percent quick lime while the soluble sulfate content was found to be
approximately 0.10 percent. After the lime was added to the sample and allowed to cure a
minimum of 24 hours, testing of the lime treated sample resulted in a minimum R-value of 60.
Based on the proposed street information, the lime-treated pavement section for Metropolitan Street
and Colt Place was calculated using the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared
with the City of Carlsbad's minimum section thickness requirements. The pavement section is
presented on Table 2.
Table 2
Pavement Section Utilizing Lime Treated Subgrade Soils
Class 2 Lime Treated
Traffic Design AC Base Subgrade Location
Index R-Value Thickness Thickness Layer
(inches) (inches) (inches)
Metropolitan Street and 7.0 60 4.0 Colt Place
-3- Leighton
Prior to placement of the asphalt concrete and Class 2 Aggregate Base, the upper,Yinches of the
subgrade soils (including beneath the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-conditioned to at
least optimum moisture content, and thoroughly mixed with 5-percent quick lime (or equivalent
percentage of hydrated lime-slurry). After setting for a minimum of 24 hours, the thoroughly mixed
lime-treated subgrade soils shall be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction based
on ASTM Test Method D1557. After the lime-treated subgrade soils are compacted, we
recommend that a curing compound be applied to the surface of the lime-treated subgrade soils and
the materials allowed to cure.
After the completion of the curing period, a minimum of 6 inches of Class 2 Aggregate Base shall
then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative compaction in accordance with
ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate base material shall be a maximum of 6 inches thick
below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the back of the curb. After the
placement and compaction of the aggregate base material, a minimum of 4.0 inches of asphalt
concrete shall be placed.
Asphalt Concrete, Aggregate Base, and lime-treated subgrade soils shall conform to and be placed
in accordance with: I) the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard
Specifications; 2) in accordance with State of the Art Report 5, Lime Stabilization of the
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council; 3) the "Greenbook" Standard
Specifications for Public Works Construction (Sections 203 and/or 400); and/or 4) the City of
Carlsbad requirements.
Recommended Pavement Section
Based on our experience with similar soils on the subject site, we recommend that the pavement
section for Metropolitan Street and Colt Place utilize the Class 2 Aggregate Base Material with no
lime treatment of the subgrade, as discussed above. In summary, it has been our professional
experience that relatively thin lime-treated subgrade soil sections are very sensitive to moisture
variations during the curing process and ultimately may be susceptible to minor cracking. In
addition, it has been our experience that relatively thin lime-treated lean silty clays and sandy clays
(which are present on the Bressi Ranch project) are also susceptible to heaving conditions that can
result in asphalt concrete cracking and distress. Therefore, it is our opinion that utilizing the Class 2
Aggregate Base Material pavement design, as presented on Table 1, will result in a better
performing pavement section.
If pavement is planned adjacent to landscaped areas, we recommend that appropriate measures be
taken (such as keeping the amount of landscape irrigation to a minimum, installing area drains or
other devices, etc.) to reduce the possible adverse effects of water on the pavement subgrade.
-4- Leighton
If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
of ES S/0
C')( No. 283
Exp._ii3 /O J
Respectfully submitted,
William D. Olson, RCE 45283
Senior Project Engineer
KLJ Randall K. Wagner, EG 161
Senior Associate Geologist
No. 1612 i'i
Attachments: Appendix A - Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
Appendix B - Asphalt Pavement Section Design Calculations Utilizing Caltrans
Class 2 Aggregate Base
Distribution: (2) Addressee
(2) City of Carlsbad, Public Works Department, Attention: Casey Arndt
J. T. Kruer, Attention: Chuck Knight
Hazard Construction, Attention: Lantz Gibson
-5- Leighton
Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
"R"-Value: The resistance "R"-value was determined by the California Materials Method No. 301
for subgrade soils. Three samples were prepared and exudation pressure and "R"-value determined
on each one. The graphically determined "R"-value exudation pressure of 300 psi is summarized in
the table below:
Sample Number [ Sample Location Sample Description R-Value
R-158 Colt Place, Station No. 2+75 Yellow-brown lean
R-160 Gateway Road, Station No. 13+00 Yellow-brown lean 15 CLAY _with _sand
R-161 Gateway Road, Station No. 18+50 Yellow-brown clayey 32 SAND
R-162 Gateway Road, Station No. 23+75 Yellow-brown lean 17 CLAY
R- 163 Gateway Road, Station No. 28+25 Yellow-brown clayey 29 SAND
R-164 Alicante Road, Station No. 115+00 Yellow-brown lean 12 CLAY
R-165 Alicante Road, Station No. 118+00 Yellow-brown lean 17 CLAY
R-166 Metropolitan Street, Station No. Yellow-brown lean 9 2+50 CLAY
R-168 Campbell Place, Station No. 2+50 Yellow-brown clayey 33 SAND
R-169 Campbell Place, Station No. 6+50 Yellow-brown clayey 27
R-170 Slater Place, Station No. 2+25 Yellow-brown lean 14 CLAY
97 1009-0 16
Asphalt Pavement Section Design Calculations Utilizing Caltrans Class 2 Aggregate Base
1) Metropolitan Street (Station No. 1+30 to 3+85)
I-i = Th"knecc
GE = Gravel Equivalent
Design Traffic Index = 7.0
Design Subgrade R-Value = 9
Class 2 Aggregate Base R-Value = 78, (based on Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26)
Asphalt Concrete (AC) Layer
GE,,, = (0.0032) (7.0) (100-78) + 0.20 = 0.70 feet
Gfac 2.14
Hac = 0.70 feet x 12 in/ft = 3.9 inches
Use 4.0 inches of Asphalt Concrete (City of Carlsbad minimum)
Actual GE of asphalt concrete layer = (4/12 feet) 2.14 = 0.71 feet
Aggregate Base (AB) Layer
GEotai = (0.0032) (7.0) (100-9) = 2.04 feet
GEAB = 2.04 feet - 0.71 feet = 1.33 feet
GFAn= 1.1
HAB= 1.33 feet 12 in/ft= 14.5 inches
Use 15.0 inches of Aggregate Base material
Recommended Pavement Section
4.0 inches of asphalt concrete over 15.0 inches of Class 2, Recycled Class 2 or Crushed
Miscellaneous Aggregate Base material (based on the City of Carlsbad Standards for Design and
Construction of Public Works Improvements)
APPENDIX B (Continued)
2) Colt Place (Station No. 1+25 to 5+60)
H = Thickness
GE = Gravel Equivalent
Design Traffic Index = 7.0
Design Subgrade R-Value = 5
Class 2 Aggregate Base R-Value = 78. (based on Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26)
Asphalt Concrete (AC) Layer
GEac = (0.0032) (7.0) (100-78) + 0.20 = 0.70 feet
Hac = 0.70 feet x 12 in/ft = 3.9 inches
Use 4.0 inches of Asphalt Concrete (City of Carlsbad minimum)
Actual GE of asphalt concrete layer = (4/12 feet) 2.14 = 0.71 feet
Aggregate Base (AB) Layer
GEotai = (0.0032) (7.0) (100-5) = 2.13 feet
GEAn = 2.13 feet - 0.71 feet = 1.42 feet
GFAn= 1.1
HAB 1.42 feet 12 in/ft= 15.5 inches
Use 16.0 inches of Aggregate Base material
Recommended Pavement Section
4.0 inches of asphalt concrete over 16.0 inches of Class 2, Recycled Class 2 or Crushed
Miscellaneous Aggregate Base material (based on the City of Carlsbad Standards for Design and
Construction of Public Works Improvements)
Leighton and Associates, Inc.
May 11, 2005
To: Greystone Homes iJI!i I
1 525 Faraday Avenue, Suite 300 WITH ADDITIONS
Carlsbad, California 92008
Attention: Mr. Keith Randhahn
Subject: Pavement Section Design Recommendations for Alley 'NN', Planning Area PA-8,
Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California
References: Carlsbad, City of, 1996, Standards for Design and Construction of Public Works
Improvements in the City of Carlsbad, California, Project No. 05332-12-01, dated
April 20, 1993, revised December 10, 1996
Project Design Consultants (PDC), 2004, Plans for the Improvement of Bressi
Ranch Planning Area 8, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 413-8, 16 Sheets, dated
April 22, 2004
In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, this letter presents our pavement
design recommendations for Alley 'NN' within Planning Area PA-8 of the Bressi Ranch project
located in Carlsbad, California. One representative subgrade soil sample was obtained along the
alley alignment. The sample was transported to our laboratory and R-value testing (in accordance
with Caltrans Test Method 301) was performed. The test results indicated the subgrade soils have a
representative R-value of 19. The approximate sample location and results of the laboratory testing
are presented in Appendix A.
Based on the project Improvement Plans (Project Design Consultants, 2004), we understand that
Alley 'NN' has a Traffic Index (TI) of 5.0. According to the city requirements (Carlsbad, 1996), the
minimum pavement section for streets having a TI of 5.0 is 4 inches of Asphalt Concrete (AC) over
4 inches of Aggregate Base (AB) regardless of the R-Value.
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base Material
Based on the above information, the recommended Class 2 Aggregate Base pavement section
was calculated using the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared with the City
of Carlsbad's minimum section thickness requirements. The recommended pavement section is
presented on Table 1.
Table 1
Recommended Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base
Asphalt Concrete Class 2
Location Traffic Design Thickness Aggregate Base
Index R-Value (in inches) Thickness
(in inches)
Alley 'NN' L5.0 19 4.0 5.0
Prior to placement of the street aggregate base material, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils in the
street (including 6 inches behind the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-conditioned (or
dried back) as necessary to at least optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum 95
percent relative compaction based on American Standard of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test
Method D1557.
Class 2 Aggregate Base shall then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative
compaction in accordance with ASTM Test Method Dl 557. The aggregate base material shall be a
maximum of 6 inches thick below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the
back of the curb. The Class 2 Aggregate Base shall conform to and be placed in accordance with
the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (Section
26), the Greenbook specifications, and/or the City of Carlsbad requirements. Asphalt Concrete shall
conform to and be placed in accordance with the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public
Works Construction and the City of Carlsbad requirements.
-2- Leighton
If pavement is planned adjacent to landscaped areas, we recommend that appropriate measures be
taken (such as keeping the amount of landscape irrigation to a minimum, installing area drains or
other devices, etc.) to reduce the possible adverse effects of water on the pavement subgrade.
If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
(No. 1612 "
Randall K.
'. ENGINEERING 1 II Wagner, C 1612
Senior Associate Geologist
Attachments: Appendix A - Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
Distribution: (4) Addressee
(2) City of Carlsbad, Public Works Department, Attention: Mr. Casey Arndt
-3- Leighton
LaboratoU Testing Procedures and Test Results
"R"-Value: The resistance 'W'-value was determined by the California Materials Method No. 301
for subgrade soils. Three samples were prepared and exudation pressure and "R"-value determined
on each one. The graphically determined "R'-value exudation pressure of 300 psi is summarized in
the table below:
Sample Number Sample Location Sample Description R-Value
R-167 Alley, '', Station No. 3+00
Yellow brown sandy 19 lean CLAY
Cq-eO O(
Leighton and Associates, Inc.
May 5, 2005
To: Sares Regis Group
18802 Bardeen Avenue
Irvine, California 92612
Attention: Mr. Patrick Russell
ect No. 9/IUU9-U!
Subject: Pavement Section Design Recommendations for a Portion of Gateway Road (East
of El Fuerte Street) Between Station No. 1+50 and 11+00, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad,
References: Carlsbad, City of, 2004, Engineering Standards, Volumes I and 3, City of Carlsbad,
California, dated June 2004
Project Design Consultants (PDC), 2004, Plans for the Improvement of Bressi
Ranch Industrial, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 400-813, 25 Sheets, dated April
14, 2003, revised August 11, 2004
In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, this letter presents our pavement
design recommendations for a portion of Gateway Road (between Station No. 1+50 and 11+00)
that is east of El Fuerte Street in Carlsbad, California. Two representative subgrade soil samples
were obtained along the roadway alignment. The samples were transported to our laboratory and R-
value testing (in accordance with Caltrans Test • Method 301) was performed. The test results
indicated the subgrade soils have R-values ranging from 13 to 18. The approximate sample
locations and results of the laboratory testing are presented in Appendix A.
Based on the project Improvement Plans (Project Design Consultants, 2004), we understand that
Gateway Road has a Traffic Index (TI) of 7.0. According to the City of Carlsbad requirements
(Carlsbad, 2004), the minimum pavement section for a street having a TI of 7.0 is 4 inches of
Asphalt Concrete (AC) over 6 inches of Aggregate Base (AB) regardless of the R-Válue.
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base Material
Based on the above information, the recommended Class 2 Aggregate Base pavement section
was calculated using the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared with the City
of Carlsbad's minimum section thickness requirements. The recommended pavement sections are
presented on Table 1.
Table 1
Recommended Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base
Traffic Design R- Asphalt Concrete Class 2 Aggregate
Location Index Value Thickness Base Thickness
(in inches) (in inches)
Gateway Road (Station No. 7.0 13 4.0 14.0 1+50 to 11+00)
Prior to placement of the street aggregate base material, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils in the
street (including beneath the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-conditioned (or dried
back) as necessary to at least optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum 95 percent
relative compaction based on American Standard of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Method
Di 557.
Class 2 Aggregate Base shall then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative
compaction in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate base material shall be a
maximum of 6 inches thick below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the
back of the curb. The Class 2 Aggregate Base shall conform to and be placed in accordance with
the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (Section
26), the Greenbook specifications, and/or the City of Carlsbad requirements. Asphalt Concrete shall
conform to and be placed in accordance with the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public
Works Construction and the City of Carlsbad requirements.
If pavement is planned adjacent to landscaped areas, we recommend that appropriate measures be
taken (such as keeping the amount of landscape irrigation to a minimum, installing area drains or
other devices, etc.) to reduce the possible adverse effects of water on the pavement subgrade.
-2- Leighton
If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall K. Wagner, CEG 1612
Senior Associate Geologist
Attachments: Appendix A - Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
Distribution: (2) Addressee
(2) City of Carlsbad, Public Works Department, Attention: Casey Arndt
J. T. Kruer, Attention: Chuck Knight
Hazard Construction, Attention: Lantz Gibson
I. No. 1612 •i * 1 CERTIFIED J *
-3- Leighton
Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
"R"-Value: The resistance "R"-value was determined by the California Materials Method No. 301
for subgrade soils. Three samples were prepared and exudation pressure and "R"-value determined
on each one. The graphically determined "R"-value exudation pressure of 300 psi is summarized in
the table below:
Sample Number Sample Location Sample Description R-Value
R-156 Gateway Road, Station No. 3+00 Yellow-brown lean 18 CLAY
Gateway Road, Station -No. 10+00 Yellow-brown lean R-157 CLAY 13
Leighton and Associates, Inc.
April 12, 2005
Project D09-016
To: Sares Regis Group
18802 Bardeen Avenue
Irvine, California 92612
Attention: Mr. Patrick Russell
el L2 f/Q
Subject: Pavement Section Design Recommendations for Innovation Way and a Portion of
Gateway Road Between Station No. 31+00 and 53+25, Bressi Ranch, Oceanside,
References: Carlsbad, City of, 2004, Engineering Standards, Volumes 1 and 3, City of Carlsbad,
California, dated June 2004
Project Design Consultants (PDC), 2004, Plans for the Improvement of Bressi
Ranch Industrial, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 400-813, 25 Sheets, dated April
14, 2003, revised August 11, 2004
In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, this letter presents our pavement
design recommendations for Innovation Way (between Station No. 1+25 and 11+20) and a portion
of Gateway Road (between Station No. 31+00 and 53+25) in Carlsbad, California. Seven
representative subgrade soil samples were obtained along the roadway alignments. The samples
were transported to our laboratory and R-value testing (in accordance with Caltrans Test Method
301) was performed. The test results indicated the subgrade soils have R-values ranging from less
than 5 to 12. The approximate sample locations and results of the laboratory testing are presented in
Appendix A.
Based on the project Improvement Plans (Project Design Consultants, 2004), we understand that
Innovation Way and Gateway Road have a Traffic Index (TI) of 7.0. According to the City of
Carlsbad requirements (Carlsbad, 2004), the minimum pavement section for streets having a TI of
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
7.0 is 4 inches of Asphalt Concrete (AC) over 6 inches of Aggregate Base (AB) regardless of the R-
Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base Material
Based on the above information, the recommended Class 2 Aggregate Base pavement section
was calculated using the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared with the City
of Carlsbad's minimum section thickness requirements. The recommended pavement sections are
presented on Table 1. The Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method calculations are presented
in Appendix B.
Table 1
Recommended Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base
Traffic Design R- Asphalt Concrete Class 2 Aggregate
Location Index Value Thickness Base Thickness
(in inches) (in inches)
Innovation Way (Station 17.6 No. 5+50 to 11+20) and 7.0 5 4.0 Gateway Road (Station No.
35+50 to 53+25)
Innovation Way (Station
No. 1+25 to 5+50) and 7.0 10 4.0 15.0 Gateway Road (Station No.
3 1+00 to 35+50)
Prior to placement of the street aggregate base material, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils in the
street (including beneath the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-conditioned (or dried
back) as necessary to at least optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum 95 percent
relative compaction based on American Standard of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Method
Class 2 Aggregate Base shall then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative
compaction in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate base material shall be a
maximum of 6 inches thick below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the
back of the curb. The Class 2 Aggregate Base shall conform to and be placed in accordance with
the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (Section
26), the Greenbook specifications, and/or the City of Carlsbad requirements. Asphalt Concrete shall
conform to and be placed in accordance with the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public
Works Construction and the City of Carlsbad requirements.
Pavement Section Utilizing Lime-Treated Subgrade Soils
The following pavement section utilizes a lime-treated subgrade in accordance with the City of
Carlsbad requirements. One of the R-value samples having a value of less than 12 was tested for
optimum lime content (per ASTM Test Method C977) and soluble sulfate content (in accordance
with Caltrans Test No. 417). The test results indicated the optimum lime content was determined to
be 6-percent quick lime while the soluble sulfate content was found to be approximately 0.09
percent. After the lime was added to the sample and allowed to cure a minimum of 24 hours, testing
of the lime treated sample resulted in a minimum R-value of 68.
Based on the proposed street information, the lime-treated pavement section was calculated using
the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared with the City of Carlsbad's minimum
section thickness requirements. The pavement section is presented on Table 2.
Table 2
Pavement Section Utilizing Lime Treated Subgrade Soils
Class 2 Lime Treated
Location Traffic
(inches) (inches) (inches)
Innovation Way and
Gateway Road (Station No. 7.0 68 4.0 6.0 8.0
31+00 to 53+25)
Prior to placement of the asphalt concrete and Class 2 Aggregate Base, the upper 8 inches of the
subgrade soils (including beneath the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-conditioned to at
least optimum moisture content, and thoroughly mixed with 6-percent quick lime (or equivalent
percentage of hydrated lime-slurry). After setting for a minimum of 24 hours, the thoroughly mixed
lime-treated subgrade soils shall be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction based
on ASTM Test Method D1557. After the lime-treated subgrade soils are compacted, we
recommend that a curing compound be applied to the surface of the lime-treated subgrade soils and
the materials allowed to cure.
After the completion of the curing period, a minimum of 6 inches of Class 2 Aggregate Base shall
then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative compaction in accordance with
ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate base material shall be a maximum of 6 inches thick
-3. 4
below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the back of the curb. After the
placement and compaction of the aggregate base material, a minimum of 4.0 inches of asphalt
concrete shall be placed.
Asphalt Concrete, Aggregate Base, and lime-treated subgrade soils shall conform to and be placed
in accordance with: 1) the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard
Specifications; 2) in accordance with State of the Art Report 5, Lime Stabilization of the
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council; 3) the "Greenbook" Standard
Specifications for Public Works Construction (Sections 203 and/or 400); and/or 4) the City of
Carlsbad requirements.
Recommended Pavement Section
Based on our experience with similar soils on the subject site, we recommend that the pavement
sections for Innovation Way and Gateway Road (between Station No. 3 1+00 to 53+25) utilize the
Class 2 Aggregate Base Material with no lime treatment of the subgrade, as discussed above. In
summary, it has been our professional experience that relatively thin lime-treated subgrade soil
sections are very sensitive to moisture variations during the curing process and ultimately may be
susceptible to minor cracking. In addition, it has been our experience that relatively thin lime-
treated lean silty clays and sandy clays (which are present on the Bressi Ranch project) are also
susceptible to heaving conditions that can result in asphalt concrete cracking and distress.
Therefore, it is our opinion that utilizing the Class 2 Aggregate Base Material pavement design, as
presented on Table 1, will result in a better performing pavement section.
If pavement is planned adjacent to landscaped areas, we recommend that appropriate measures be
taken (such as keeping the amount of landscape irrigation to a minimum, installing area drains or
other devices, etc.) to reduce the possible adverse effects of water on the pavement subgrade.
-4- of
If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
( K.
No. 1612 T
dGEoLoei:T Randall K. WagnerC G 1612
OF CAL%f Senior Associate
Attachments: Appendix A - Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
Appendix B - Asphalt Pavement Section Design Calculations Utilizing Caltrans
Class 2 Aggregate Base
Distribution: (2) Addressee
(2) City of Carlsbad, Public Works Department, Attention: Casey Arndt
J. T. Kruer, Attention: Chuck Knight
Hazard Construction, Attention: Lantz Gibson
Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
"R"-Value: The resistance 'R"-value was determined by the California Materials Method No. 301
for subgrade soils. Three samples were prepared and exudation pressure and "R"-value determined
on each one. The graphically determined "R"-value exudation pressure of 300 psi is summarized in
the table below:
Sample Number Sample Location Sample Description_j R-Value
R-148 Innovation Way, Station No. 8+25 Pale brown lean Less than 5 CLAY
Gateway Road, Station Dark gray lean R-149
No. 46+00 CLAY Less than 5
Gateway Road, Station Dark gray lean R-150 5 No. 50+50 CLAY
R-151 Gateway Road, Station No. 33+10 Yellow-brown lean 10 CLAY
R-152 Gateway Road, Station No. 37+50 Yellow-brown lean 8 CLAY
R-153 Gateway Road, Station No. 42+00 Yellow-brown lean 7 CLAY
R-154 Innovation Way, Station No. 3+10 Yellow-brown lean 12 CLAY
Asphalt Pavement Section Design Calculations Utilizing Caltrans Class 2 Aggregate Base
1) Innovation Way (Station No. 5+50 to 11+20) and Gateway Road (Station No. 35+50 to 53+25)
H = Thickness
GE = Gravel Equivalent
Design Traffic Index = 7.0
Design Subgrade R-Value = 5
Class 2 Aggregate Base R-Value = 78, (based on Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26)
Asphalt Concrete (AC) Layer
GEac = (0.0032) (7.0) (100-78) + 0.20 = 0.70 feet
Hac = 0.70 feet x 12 in/ft = 3.9 inches
Use 4.0 inches of Asphalt Concrete (City of Carlsbad minimum)
Actual GE of asphalt concrete layer = (4/12 feet) 2.14 = 0.71 feet
Aggregate Base (AB) Layer
GEtotai = (0.0032) (7.0) (100-5) = 2.13 feet
GE= 2.13 feet-0.71 feet= 1.42 feet
GFAB= 1.1
HAB = 1.42 feet x 12 in/ft = 15.5 inches
Use 16.0 inches of Aggregate Base material
Recommended Pavement Section
4.0 inches of asphalt concrete over 16.0 inches of Class 2, Recycled Class 2 or Crushed
Miscellaneous Aggregate Base material (based on the City of Carlsbad Standards for Design and
Construction of Public Works Improvements)
APPENDIX B (continued)
2) Innovation Way (Station No. 1+25 to 5+50) and Gateway Road (Station No. 31+00 to 35+50)
H = Thickness
GE = Gravel Equivalent
Design Traffic Index = 7.0
Design Subgrade R-Value = 10
Class 2 Aggregate Base R-Value = 78, (based on Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26)
Asphalt Concrete (AC) Layer
GEac = (0.0032) (7.0) (100-78) + 0.20 = 0.70 feet
Gfac = 2.14
Hac0.70_ feet x 12 in/ft =3.9 inches
Use 4.0 inches of Asphalt Concrete (City of Carlsbad minimum)
Actual GE of asphalt concrete layer = (4/12 feet) 2.14 = 0.71 feet
Aggregate Base (AB) Layer
GEtotat = (0.0032) (7.0) (100-10) = 2.02 feet
GEAB = 2.02 feet - 0.71 feet = 1.31 feet
GFAB = 1.1
HAB 1.31 feet 12 in/ft = 14.3 inches
Use 15.0 inches of Aggregate Base material
Recommended Pavement Section
4.0 inches of asphalt concrete over 15.0 inches of Class 2, Recycled Class 2 or Crushed
Miscellaneous Aggregate Base material (based on the City of Carlsbad Standards for Design and
Construction of Public Works Improvements)
Leighton and Associates, Inc.
January 6, 2005
To: Lennar Communities I APPROVED
1525 Faraday Avenue, Suite 300 I 0 WITH ADDITIONS Carlsbad, California 92008
Attention: Mr. Sean Scholey
Subject: Pavement Section Design Recommendations for the RV Parking Facility, Planning
Area PA-13, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California
References: Carlsbad, City of, 1996, Standards for Design and Construction of Public Works
Improvements in the City of Carlsbad, California, Project No. 05332-12-01, dated
April 20, 1993, revised December 10, 1996
Project Design Consultants (PDC), 2004, Bressi Ranch PA-13 RV Parking Plans,
Conditional Use Permit CUP-04-20, 2 Sheets, dated September 27, 2004
In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, this letter presents our pavement
design recommendations for the proposed RV parking area within Planning Area 13 of the Bressi
Ranch project located in Carlsbad, California. Based on the project plans (PDC, 2004), a RV
parking area and associated entry road for the future church site is proposed at the northern end of
Planning Area PA-13 and west of El Fuerte Street. One representative subgrade soil sample was
obtained within the proposed parking area. The sample was transported to our laboratory and R-
value testing (in accordance with Caltrans Test Method 301) was performed. The test result
indicates the subgrade soils have an R-value of 9. The approximate sample location and result of
the laboratory testing is presented in Appendix A. It should be noted that for subgrade samples with
an R-value less that is less than 12, the City of Carlsbad requires further testing and an engineering
evaluation for the possible implementation of a lime treated subgrade pavement section.
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
Based on the project plans (PDC, 2004), we have assumed that the RV parking area and associated
entry road have a Traffic Index (TI) of 6. According to the city requirements (Carlsbad, 1996), the
minimum pavement section for streets having a TI of 6 is 4 inches of Asphalt Concrete (AC) over 6
inches of Aggregate Base (AB) regardless of the R-Value. The minimum lime-treated subgrade soil
thickness is 8 inches regardless of the R-Value. In summary, the following sections address the
City's requirements and present the recommended or preferred pavement design sections.
Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base Material
Based on the above information, a Class 2 Aggregate Base material pavement section was
calculated using the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared with the City of
Carlsbad's minimum section thickness requirements. The calculated pavement section is
presented on Table 1.
Table 1
Recommended Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base
Asphalt Class 2 Location
Traffic Index Design R- Concrete Aggregate
Value Thickness Base Thickness
(inches) (inches)
PA- I 3 RV Parking Area 6 9 and Entry Road 4 13
Prior to placement of the aggregate base material, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils (including
beneath the curb and gutter and 6-inches behind the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-
conditioned (or dried back) as necessary to at least optimum moisture content and compacted to a
minimum 95 percent relative compaction based on American Standard of Testing and Materials
(ASTM) Test Method D1557.
Class 2 Aggregate Base shall then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative
compaction in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1 557. The aggregate base material shall be a
maximum of 6 inches thick below the curb and gutters and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind
the back of the curb. The Class 2 Aggregate Base shall conform to and be placed in accordance
with the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications
(Section 26), the Greenbook specifications, and/or the City of Carlsbad requirements. Asphalt
Concrete shall conform to and be placed in accordance with the "Greenbook" Standard
Specifications for Public Works Construction and the City of Carlsbad requirements.
-2- 4
Pavement Section Utilizina Lime-Treated Subarade Soils
The following pavement section utilizes a lime-treated subgrade in accordance with the City of
Carlsbad requirements. The R-Value was retested for optimum lime content (per American
Standard of Testing and Materials [ASTM] Test Method C977) and soluble sulfate content (in
accordance with Caltrans Test No. 417). The optimum lime content was determined to be 4-percent
quick lime while the soluble sulfate content was found to be 0.22 percent. After the lime was added
to the sample and the sample allowed to cure, a minimum of 24 hours, testing of the lime treated
sample resulted in a minimum R-value of 74.
Based on the proposed street information, the lime-treated pavement section was calculated using
the Caltrans Highway Design Manual Method and compared with the City of Carlsbad's minimum
section thickness requirements. The lime-treated subgrade pavement section is presented on
Table 2.
Table 2
Pavement Section Utilizing Lime Treated Subgrade Soils
Traffic Design R- AC Class 2 Base Lime Treated
Location Index Value Thickness Thickness Subgrade
(inches) (inches) Layer (inches)
PA- 13 RV Parking Area 6 74 4 6 8 and Entry Road
Prior to placement of the asphalt concrete and Class 2 Aggregate Base, the upper 8 inches of the
subgrade soils (including beneath the curb and gutter and 6-inches behind the curb and gutter) shall
be scarified, moisture-conditioned to at least optimum moisture content, and thoroughly mixed with
4-percent quick lime (or equivalent percentage of hydrated lime-slurry). After setting for a
minimum of 24 hours, the thoroughly mixed lime-treated subgrade soils shall be compacted to a
minimum 95 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1557. After the lime-
treated subgrade soils are compacted, a curing compound should be applied to the surface of the
lime-treated subgrade soils and the materials allowed to cure.
After the completion of the curing period, a minimum of 6 inches of Class 2 Aggregate Base shall
then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative compaction in accordance with
ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate base material shall be a maximum of 6 inches thick
below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the back of the curb. After the
placement and compaction of the aggregate base material, a minimum of 4 inches of asphalt
concrete shall be placed.
Asphalt Concrete, Aggregate Base, and lime-treated subgrade soils shall conform to and be placed
in accordance with: 1) the latest revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard
Specifications; 2) in accordance with State of the Art Report 5, Lime Stabilization of the
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council; 3) the "Greenbook" Standard
Specifications for Public Works Construction (Sections 203 and/or 400); and/or 4) the City of
Carlsbad requirements.
Recommended Pavement Section
Based on our experience with similar soils in the vicinity of the site, we recommend that the
pavement section for the PA-13 RV parking area and entry road utilize the Class 2 Aggregate
Base Material design with no lime treatment of the subgrade soils, as discussed above. In summary,
we have found that the relatively thin layers lime treatment subgrade soils, consisting of lean silty
clays and sandy clays, are very sensitive to moisture changes in the soil, and ultimately susceptible
to potentially minor cracking during the curing process. Therefore, it is our opinion that utilizing
the Class 2 Aggregate Base Material pavement design, as presented Table 1, will result in a better
performing pavement section.
In addition, where pavement is planned adjacent to landscaped areas, we recommend that
appropriate measures be taken (such as keeping the amount of landscape irrigation to a minimum,
installing area drains or other devices, etc.) to reduce the possible adverse effects of water on the
pavement subgrade.
If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
v( No. 4283, Z
Exp._gIif 0(0 J m
William D. Olson, RCE 45283
Senior Project Engineer
-_9,Randall K. CEG 1612
Senior Associate No. 1612
Attachments: Appendix A - Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results OF
Distribution: (2) Addressee
(2) City of Carlsbad, Public Works Department, Attention: Mr. Rick Wotipka
(1) Lennar Communities, Attention: Mr. Jim Urbina
(1) Hofman Planning, Attention: Mr. Tony Sanfihippo
Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
"R"-Value: The resistance "R"-value was determined by the California Materials Method No. 301
for subgrade soils. The samples were prepared and exudation pressure and "R"-value determined on
each one. The graphically determined 'R'-value exudation pressure of 300 psi is summarized in the
table below:
Sample Location Sample Description R-Value
PA- 13 RV Parking Area and Olive-brown lean CLAY 9 Entry Road
PA- 13 RV Parking Area and Olive-brown lean CLAY 74 Entry Road with 4% Lime