HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 00-06; BRESSI RANCH; AS-GRADED COMPLETION LETTER; 2004-02-09c1-oo-'x-
Leighton and Associates, Inc.
February 9, 2004
Project No. 971009-009
To: Lennar Communities
1525 Faraday Avenue, Suite 300
Carlsbad, California 92008
Attention: Mr. Jim Urbina
Subject: As-Graded Completion Letter, a Portion of Poinsettia Lane Between Station No.
68+70 and 93+65, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad Tract No. 00-06, Carlsbad, California
References: Leighton and Associates, 2001, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation for Mass
Grading, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-005, dated
March 14, 2001
2003, Summary of Settlement Monitoring, Poinsettia Lane Between
Station No. 68+72 and 73+50, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No.
971009-009, dated November 20, 2003
Kimley-Horn, 2003, Grading and Erosion Control Plans for Poinsettia Lane at
Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 397-2J, dated January 24, 2003
In accordance with the request of representatives of Lennar Communities, we have been performing
geotechnical observation and testing services during the rough and fine grading of the Bressi Ranch
project located in Carlsbad, California. This letter summarizes our geotechnical observation and
testing services during the rough and fine grading operations for Poinsettia Lane (between Station
No. 68+70 and 93+65) at the subject property. As of this date, the grading operations are
essentially complete for the subject street.
The rough and fine grading operations for the subject street were performed between June 2003
and January 2004. The grading operations were performed by Nelson and Belding while
Leighton and Associates performed the geotechnical observation and testing services. Our field
technicians were on site full-time during the grading operations while our field and project
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
geologists were on site on a periodic basis. Grading of the subject street included: 1) the removal
of potentially compressible existing fill soils, topsoil, alluvium, colluvium, landslide deposits and
weathered formational material; 2) the partial removal of saturated alluvium, installation of wick
drains, and the placement of a surcharge fill along Poinsettia Lane Station No. 68+70 to
approximately 73+50; 3) preparation of areas to receive fill; 4) excavation of formational
material; and 5) the placement of compacted fill soils.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The rough and fine grading operations for a portion of Poinsettia Lane between Station No. 68+70
and 93+65 were performed in general accordance with the project geotechnical reports,
geotechnical recommendations made during the rough and fine grading, and the City of Carlsbad
requirements. It is our professional opinion that the subject street is suitable for its intended use
provided the recommendations included in the project geotechnical report and the City of
Carlsbad requirements are incorporated into the design and construction of the streets and
associated improvements. The following is a summary of our conclusions:
Geotechnical and geologic conditions encountered during the rough and fine grading were
generally as anticipated. A comprehensive summary of the geotechnical and geologic
conditions (including field density and laboratory testing, geologic units, geologic structure and
faulting) will be summarized in the final as-graded report for the project.
. Site preparation and removals were geotechnically observed.
Fill soils were derived from onsite soils. Field density testing indicated that the fill soils were
placed and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on American Standard
of Testing and Materials [ASTM] Test Method D1557) and near-optimum moisture content in
accordance with the project recommendations.
It is our professional opinion that the primary settlement of the fill soils is essentially complete
including the area where the wick drains were placed (Leighton, 2003).
The presence of our field representatives at the site was intended to provide the owner with
professional advice, opinions, and recommendations based on observations of the contractor's
work. Although the observations did not reveal obvious deficiencies or deviations from project
specifications, we do not guarantee the contractor's work, nor do our services relieve the contractor
or his subcontractor's work, nor do our services relieve the contractor or his subcontractors of their
responsibility if defects are subsequently discovered in their work. Our responsibilities did not
include any supervision or direction of the actual work procedures of the contractor, his personnel,
or subcontractors. The conclusions in this report are based on test results and observations of the
grading and earthwork procedures used and represent our engineering opinion as to the compliance
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of the results with the project specifications.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
edaJII K. Wagne , CEG 1612
Director of Geology
Distribution: (2) Addressee
(2) Lennar Comminutes, Attention: Mr. Michael Ugar
(4) JT Kruer, Attention: Mr. Steve Lobaugh