I Prepared For:
18802 Bardeen Avenue
Irvine, California 92612
I Project No. 971009-016
i February 17, 2006
Leighton and Associates, Inc.
Leighton and Associates, Inc.
February 17, 2006
Project No. 971009-016
To: Sares Regis Group
18802 Bardeen Avenue
Irvine, California 92612
Attention: Mr. Patrick Russell
Subject: As-Graded Geotecimical Report of Fine- and Post-Grading, Gateway Road,
Innovation Way, Metropolitan Street, Campbell Place, Colt Place, Slater Place and a
Portion of Alicante Road, Bressi Ranch Commercial Center, Planning Areas PA-1
through PA-5, Carlsbad, California
In accordance with the request and authorization of representatives of Sares Regis Group, we have
I performed geotechnical observation and testing services during the fine- and post-grading
operations for the Bressi Ranch Commercial Center (Planning Areas PA-1 through PA-5 at Bressi
Ranch) located in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The purpose of our geotechnical observation and
I testing services was to document that the geotechnical aspects of the fine- and post-grading
operations for the site were performed in general accordance with the project geotechnical reports
(Appendix A), geotechnical recommendations made during the course of grading, and City of
I Carlsbad requirements. This as-graded report summarizes our geotechnical observations, field and
laboratory test results, and conclusions concerning the post-grading operations of the development.
The Bressi Ranch Commercial Center (Planning Areas PA-1 through PA-5) includes Gateway
Road, Innovation Way, Metropolitan Street, Campbell Place, Colt Place, Slater Place, and a portion
of Alicante Road (between Station No. 113+15 and 120+00).
1 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
0 z
-J w
Project No. 971009-016
Scale Not to scale 401,
Bressi Commercial Center Drafted By KAM
Carlsbad, California Date February 2006
Leighton and Associates,Inc. Figure No. 1
I 971009-016
Summary of Fine Grading Operations
I As part of the development of the Bressi Ranch Commercial Center, the eastern end of Gateway
Road (approximate Station No. 11+60 to 20+60) and three small cul-de-sacs (including Campbell,
Colt, and Slater Places) were constructed. Other fine grading operations include the in-filling of a
I number of temporary desilting basins adjacent to the streets, and fill placement in the borrow site
on Lot 15 of Planning Area PA-3.
The fine grading operations for this phase of site development were performed between December
2004 and October 2005. The grading operations were performed by Hazard Construction, while
Leighton and Associates performed the geotechnical observation and testing services. Our field
technician was on-site on a full-time basis while our field geologist and office personal were on-site
on an as-needed basis during the grading operations. Operations performed during fine grading of
I the site included: 1) construction of the new streets; 2) preparation of areas to receive fill; 3)
construction of fill slope keys; and 4) placement of compacted fill. Based on our observation and
testing during the fine grading operations, the following items were noted:
I . Site Preparation
I Due to the relatively short time span between the completion of the mass or rough grading
operations and the re-initiation of fine grading at the site, significant site preparation was not
required. However, during the fine grading operations at the site, all areas to receive additional
I fill were scarified to a depth of approximately 6 to 12 inches and moisture conditioned to near
optimum moisture content prior to the placement of fill in accordance with the
recommendations of the project geotechnical report (Leighton, 2004).
I . Fill Slope Keys
I . Prior to the placement of fill slopes that were placed above cut areas on the site, a fill slope key
was constructed. The fill slope keys were excavated at least 2 feet into competent soil along the
toe-of-slope and constructed approximately 15 feet wide with the key bottom angled a
I minimum of 2 percent into-the-slope. The fill slope keys constructed included the west side of
Campbell Place Station No. 1+00 to 7+00; the east side of Campbell Place (i.e. Station No.
4+50 to 7+00); both sides of Slater Place (i.e. Station No. 1+25 to 3+50), and the west, side of
I Colt Place (i.e. Station No. 1+50 to 5+50).
. Fill Placement and Compaction
I After the processing of the areas to receive additional fill, native soil was spread in 4- to 8-inch
loose lifts; moisture conditioned as needed to attain a near-optimum moisture content, and
I compacted. Field density test results performed during the grading operations indicated the fill
soils were compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with
ASTM Test Method D1557.
1 -3- Leighton
Compaction of the fill soils was achieved by use of heavy-duty construction equipment
(including rubber-tire compactors and 627 scrapers). Areas of fill in which field density tests
indicated compactions less than the recommended relative compaction or where the soils
exhibited nonuniformity or had field moisture contents less than approximately I to 2 percent
below the laboratory optimum moisture content, were reworked. The reworked areas were
recompacted, and re-tested until the recommended minimum 90 percent relative compaction
and near-optimum moisture content was achieved.
Summary of Post-Grading Operations
The post-grading operations were generally performed between October 2004 and January 2006
within the streets and easements of the site. Post-grading operations observed and/or tested by
Leighton and Associates, Inc. (Leighton) during the development of the project included: I) trench
excavation and backfill compaction of storm drain, sewer, water, reclaimed water, irrigation, gas,
electric, and joint utility lines in the streets and easements; 2) sidewalk and curb/gutter subgrade
soil preparation and compaction adjacent to the streets; 3) placement and compaction of native
subgrade soils and import Class 2 aggregate base (AB) material in the streets and beneath the
curb/gutter, and 4) placement and compaction of asphalt concrete (AC) in the streets.
Geotechnical observations and compaction testing were performed by representatives of our firm
who were on-site on an as-needed/on-call basis during the post-grading operations. Specific
observation and testing services conducted during the post-grading operations are discussed below.
. Trench Excavations and Backfill
Underground utilities, including storm drain, sewer, water, reclaimed water, irrigation, gas,
electric, and joint utility lines were placed in the subject streets and easements of the site during
site development. Prior to backfilling of the utility trenches, the excavations were observed by a
representative from our firm. During the trench backfill operations, native and import soils
where placed in 4- to 8-inch thick loose lifts, moisture-conditioned, as needed, to obtain a near-
optimum moisture content (moisture conditioning also occurred prior to fill placement), and
compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method
D1557). Compaction of the trench backfill soils was accomplished by hand tampers, sheep's-
foot roller and/or wheel rolling with heavy-duty construction equipment. Testing frequency and
locations were performed in general conformance with the County of San Diego criteria. The
results and approximate location of the backfill tests are summarized in Appendix B.
Structural Pavement Sections
Minimum structural pavement sections were provided for the streets within the subject
development based on laboratory R-value testing of representative samples of the subgrade soils
(Appendix A). Prior to placement of the aggregate base material, the subgrade soils were
scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches and moisture-conditioned to near-optimum moisture
-4- Leighton
content. The subgrade soils were then compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction
(based on ASTM Test Method D1557). The Class 2 aggiegate base material placed beneath the
curb/gutter and on the streets was compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry
density (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). The results and approximate location of the
street subgrade soil and base material density tests are summarized in Appendix B.
Observations and density testing during the placement of the asphalt concrete for the streets
were performed by representatives of Leighton and Associates. Field density tests were
obtained by the nuclear-gauge method during the paving operations and the results are
presented in Appendix B. The test results indicate that the AC placed on the subject streets has
a minimum relative compaction of at least 95 percent (per the Hveem Method - California Test
Method 304).
Field and Laboratory Density Testing
Field density tests were performed during the placement and compaction of the trench backfill,
subgrade soil preparation, aggregate base material, and asphalt concrete placement during the post-
grading operations at the site. Density tests were performed in general accordance with the Nuclear-
Gauge Method ASTM Test Methods D2922 and D3017. The results and approximate locations of
the field density tests performed are summarized in Appendix B. The field density testing was
performed in general accordance with the applicable ASTM standards, the current standard of
care in the industry, and the precision of the testing method itself. Variations in relative
compaction should be expected from the results documented herein.
I As indicated in Appendix B, areas in which field density test results were less than the required
minimum relative compaction were reworked, recompacted, and re-tested until the minimum
percent relative compaction was achieved. In accordance with the County of San Diego criteria,
I trench backfill and of the sidewalk subgrade soils were compacted to a minimum 90 percent
relative compaction while the subgrade soils and aggregate base material for the streets and
curb/gutter of the tract were compacted to a minimum 95 percent of the maximum dry density (as
I determined by ASTM Test Method D1557). Field density testing also indicated that the AC was
compacted to a minimum relative compaction of at least 95 percent (based on the Hveem Method
- California Test No. 308).
Laboratory Aggregate Base and Asphalt Concrete Testing
In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, laboratory testing of representative
samples of the imported Class 2 Aggregate Base (AB) material and asphalt concrete (AC) were
I performed. Representative samples of the Class 2 AB and AC were obtained and transported to our
laboratory. Laboratory tests performed on the representative Class 2 AB samples included sand
equivalent (in accordance with ASTM Test Method D2419), sieve analysis (in accordance with
I ASTM Test Method C136) and maximum dry density (in accordance with ASTM D1557).
1 Leighton
Laboratory tests performed on the representative AC samples included gradation (or sieve
analysis) and oil content (in accordance with ASTM D2172 and California Test Nos. 202); and
maximum density (per the Hveem Method-California Test Method No. 308). The results of the
laboratory tests are presented in Appendix C.
Based on the City of Carlsbad requirements and the Caltrans and "Greenbook" specifications
indicated on the tables, the representative Class 2 aggregate base and AC samples generally met the
Summary of Conclusions
The following is a summary of our conclusions based on our site observations and field and
laboratory test results during the fine- and post-grading operations:
Geotechnical conditions encountered during the grading operations were generally as
The areas of the proposed new streets were scarified, moisture-conditioned, and recompacted
and fill slope keys constructed along the toe of slopes of the proposed new streets prior to the
placement of fill.
Based on our observations and testing, the fine- and post-grading operations were performed in
general accordance with the project geotechnical recommendations and the City of Carlsbad
requirements. In our professional opinion, the geotechnical aspects of the development have
been evaluated and properly treated during the post-grading operations.
Field density testing indicated that the street fill soils, trench backfill soils, and the subgrade
soils beneath the sidewalks were compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction
(based on ASTM Test Method D1557). Field density testing also indicated that the street and
curb/gutter subgrade soils and base materials were compacted to a minimum of 95 percent
relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557).
Field density testing during the paving operations of the subject streets indicates the asphalt
I concrete was compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction (per California Test
No. 308).
Laboratory testing of representative samples of the import Class 2 Aggregate Base and Asphalt
Concrete materials placed on the subject streets generally met the City of Carlsbad
requirements, Caltrans, and/or "Greenbook" Standard Specifications, although limited samples
were slightly out of specification (as indicated in Appendix Q.
1 -6- Leighton
The presence of our field representative at the site was intended to provide the owner with
professional advice, opinions, and recommendations based on observations of the contractor's
work. Although the observations did not reveal obvious deficiencies or deviations from project
specifications, we do not guarantee the contractor's work, nor do our services relieve the contractor
or his subcontractor's work, nor do our services relieve the contractor or his subcontractors of their
responsibility if defects are subsequently discovered in their work. Our responsibilities did not
include any supervision or direction of the actual work procedures of the contractor, his personnel,
or subcontractors. The conclusions in this report are based on test results and observations of the
grading and earthwork procedures used and represent our engineering opinion as to the compliance
of the results with the project specifications.
If you have any questions regarding our report, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
rr7 /w 6
I \ Cvit William D. Olson, RCE 45283
OF Cpj0 Senior Project Engineer
ack/Y —
I Randall K. Wagn , CEG 16
Senior Associate Geologist
Attachments: Figure 1 - Site Location Map
I. Appendix A - References
Appendix B - Summary of Field Density Tests
Appendix C - Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
Distribution: (8) Addressee
1 -7- Leighton
Caltrans, 1992, Standard Specifications, dated July 1992.
Carlsbad, City of, 2004, Engineering Standards, Volumes 1 and 3, City of Carlsbad, California,
I dated June 2004.
"Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2003 Edition with 2005
I Supplement.
International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), 1997, Uniform Building Code, Volume I
I Administrative, Fire- and Life-Safety, and Field Inspection Provisions, Volume II
Structural Engineering Design Provisions, and Volume III - Material, Testing and
Installation Provision, ICBO.
Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1997, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Bressi Ranch,
Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4971009-002, dated July 29, 1997.
2001, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation for Mass Grading, Bressi Ranch,
- Carlsbad, California. Project No. 971009-0015, dated March 14, 2001.
2002, Geotechnical Conclusions Concerning the Mass Grading Recommendations
Relative to Proposed Fine Grading and Review of the 40-Scale Tentative Maps, Bressi
I Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-067, dated September 12, 2002.
2003a, Geotechnical Grading Plan Review of the Mass Grading Plans, Bressi Ranch,
I Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-007, dated January 17, 2003.
I , 2003b, Possible Remedial Grading Within the Open Space/Environmental Fence
Line, Southeast Side of Planning Area PA-5, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project
No. 971009-007, dated January 29, 2003.
I , 2003c, Preliminary Residential and Commercial Foundation Design
Recommendations, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-007, dated
a February 5, 2003.
2003d, Geotechnical Recommendations Concerning 95 Percent Relative Compaction
I of Fills Deeper than 40 Feet, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-007,
dated February 13, 2003.
I A-i
I APPENDIX A (Continued)
I , 2003e, Recommended Type of Pipe for Proposed Subdrains, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad,
California, Project No. 971009-007, dated April 17, 2003.
I , 2003f Advanced Preliminary Street Pavement Sections Based on Assumed Street
Subgrade Soil R-Values and Traffic Indexes, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project
I No. 971009-014, dated August 8, 2003.
2004a, Summary of the As-Graded Geotechnical Conditions and Partial Completion
I of Rough and Fine Grading, Planning Areas PA-i Through PA-5, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad,
California, Project No. 971009-014, dated January 20, 2004.
2004b, Deep Fill Area Settlement Monitoring Recommendations, Bressi Ranch,
Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-014, dated February 13, 2004, revised February
i 16, 2004.
, 2004c, Deep Fill Area Settlement Monitoring Recommendations, Bressi Ranch,
Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-006, dated February 13, 2004 revised February
1 16, 2004.
2004d, As-Graded Report of Mass Grading, Planning Areas PA-1, PA-2, and PA-3, I Metropolitan Street, and a Portion of Town Garden Road, Gateway Road, and Alicante
Road, Carlsbad Tract No. 00-06, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California Project No. 971009-
0 14, dated April 15, 2004.
2004e, Geotechnical Maps, Planning Areas PA-4 and PA-5, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad,
I California, Project No. 971009-014, dated April 15, 2004.
2004f, As-Graded Report of Mass Grading, Planning Areas PA-4 and PA-5,
I Innovation Way and a Portion of Gateway Road, Carlsbad Tract No. 00-06, Bressi Ranch,
Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-014, dated May 25, 2004.
I , 2004g, Status of Deep Fill Settlement Monitoring, Planning Areas PA-1 through
PA-5, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-014, dated August 24, 2004.
I , 2004h, Addendum to the As-Graded Report of Mass Grading Concerning the Completion of Settlement Monitoring, Planning Area PA-3, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad,
California, Project No. 971009-014, dated August 26, 2004.
I APPENDIX A (Continued)
I , 2004i, Addendum to the As-Graded Reports of Mass Grading Concerning the
Completion of Settlement Monitoring, Planning Areas PA-i through PA-5, Bressi Ranch,
Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-014, dated October 11, 2004.
2005a, Pavement Section Design Recommendations for a Portion of Gateway Road
I (East of El Fuerte Street) Between Station No. 1+50 and 11+00, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad,
California, Project No. 971009-016, dated May 5, 2005.
I , 2005b, Pavement Section Design Recommendations for Metropolitan Street,
Campbell Place, Colt Place, Slater Place, and a Portion of Gateway Road Between Station
No. 10+60 and 3 1+00 and Alicante Road Between Station No. 113 + 15 and 120+00, Bressi
I Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-016, dated May 11, 2005.
2005c, Pavement Section Design Recommendations for a Portion of Gateway Road, I Between Station No. 11+00 and 20+65, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No.
971009-016, dated May 24, 2005.
I , 2005d, Geotechnical Recommendations Concerning Saturated and Yielding Street
Subgrade Soils within Gateway Road, Innovation Way, and Alicante Road, Bressi Ranch,
I Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-016, dated May 27, 2005.
2005e, Laboratory Test Results of Class 2 Aggregate Base Samples Obtained on
I June 20, 21, 22, and 23, 2005 during the Pavement Operations on a Portion of Gateway
Road, Innovation Way, Slater Place, and Colt Place, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California,
Project No. 971009-016, dated July 6, 2005.
I Project Design Consultants, 2003, Mass Grading and Erosion Control Plans for: Bressi Ranch,
Carlsbad, California, Carlsbad Tract No. 00-06, Drawing No. 400-8A; dated January 7,
I 2003, revised November 24, 2003.
2004a, Plans for the Improvement of Bressi Ranch Industrial Storm Drain, Carlsbad,
California, Drawing No. 400-81), 17 Sheets, dated April 23, 2003, revised June 18, 2004.
2004b, Plans for the Improvement of Bressi Ranch Industrial, Carlsbad, California,
I Drawing No. 400-8B, 25 Sheets, dated April 14, 2003, revised July 29, 2004.
2004c, Grading and Erosion Control Plans for: Bressi Ranch Industrial, Carlsbad,
I California, Carlsbad Tract No. 02-15, Drawing No. 421-3A; dated October 5, 2004.
APPENDIX A (Continued)
I , 2005, Plans for the Improvement of Bresi Ranch Industrial, Carlsbad, California
Tract No. 02-15, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 421-3, 20 Sheets, dated January 26,
I 2005.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - =so man - - SUMMARY. OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
1 12/15/04 CF Gateway E Rt of Way Station 16+00 426.0 27 108.2 117.0 15.8 14.5 92 2 12/15/04 CF Gateway E Rt of Way Station 17+20 428.0 27 105.8 117.0 17.1 14.5 90 3 12/15/04 CF Gateway E Rt of Way Station 18+00 430.0 27 107.3 117.0 14.7 14.5 92 4 12/22/04 CF Gateway NE Rt of Way Station 20+30 430.0 20 104.5 116.0 14.3 14.0 90 5 12/22/04 CF Gateway NE Rt of Way Station 20+40 430.0 20 106.7 116.0 16.0 14.0 92 6 4/7/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 3+50 398.0 18 102.4 113.0 20.5 16.0 91 7 4/7/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 4+00 399.0 18 104.5 113.0 18.6 16.0 92 8 4/7/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 4+90 397.0 18 101.2 113.0 20.4 16.0 90 9 4/8/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 3+90 398.0 21 108.3 118.0 14.5 13.0 92 10 4/8/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 2+00 396.5 21 106.4 118.0 14.1 13.0 90 11 4/8/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 5+00 399.0 21 107.7 118.0 16.1 13.0 91 12 4/8/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 5+45 400.0 21 109.6 118.0 15.7 13.0 93 13 4/11/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 1+60 401.1 18 103.8 113.0 16.4 16.0 92 14 4/11/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 3+10 401.5 18 104.5 113.0 15.2 16.0 92 15 4/11/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 4+55 402.0 21 110.5 118.0 16.2 13.0 94 16 4/12/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 1+55 403.0 19 110.0 118.0 18.0 15.0 93 17 4/14/05 CF Colt R. Side Station 1+75 399.0 19 106.9 118.0 15.5 15.0 91 18 4/14/05 CF Colt Center Station 4+80 402.0 19 107.7 118.0 15.8 15.0 91 19 4/15/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 2+90 403.0 13 104.4 115.0 18.6 16.5 91 20 4/18/05 CF Desilt Basin PA-3 Station 3+90 295.5 16 105.7 117.0 16.8 14.0 90 21 4/18/05 CF Desilt Basin PA-3 Station 3+65 295.5 16 105.1 117.0 13.3 14.0 90 22 4/18/05 CF Desilt Basin PA-3 Station 4+00 297.0 17 102.9 114.0 15.1 14.5 90 23 4/18/05 CF Desilt Basin PA-3 Station 3+75 297.0 17 103.9 114.0 14.2 14.5 91 24 4/18/05 CF Desilt Basin PA-3 Station 3+60 298.0 17 102.3 114.0 14.5 14.5 90 25 4/18/05 CF Desilt Basin PA-3 Station 3+70 299.0 17 103.1 114.0 16.7 14.5 90 26 4/18/05 CF Desilt Basin PA-3 Station 4+05 299.0 17 103.5 114.0 15.9 14.5 91 27 4/18/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 3+15 367.0 07 110.2 122.0 15.9 13.0 90 28 4/18/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 2+50 365.0 20 104.0 116.0 17.0 14.0 90 29 4/18/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 3+00 368.0 04 108.5 120.5 16.9 12.5 90 30 4/18/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 2+30 402.0 16 105.1 117.0 16.9 14.0 90 31 4/18/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 3+20 403.0 16 105.2 117.0 16.4 14.0 90 32 4/18/05 CF Colt L.Side Station 3+95 404.0 16 106.0 117.0 15.4 14.0 91
Project Number: 971009016
$ Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
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Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
33 4/18/05 CF Colt Center Station 4+95 404.5 16 105.9 117.0 17.0 14.0 91 34 4/19/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 5+20 405.0 20 104.5 116.0 19.2 14.0 90 35 4/19/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 3+65 404.5 13 103.0 115.0 19.0 16.5 90 36 4/19/05 CF Colt L. Side Station 2+75 403.5 13 103.7 115.0 14.6 16.5 90 37 4/19/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 3+25 369.0 16 106.0 117.0 17.8 14.0 91 38 4/19/05 CF Slater Center Station 3+10 371.0 16 105.3 117.0 15.5 14.0 90 39 4/19/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 2+15 366.0 16 106.0 117.0 16.5 14.0 91 40 4/19/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 2+35 367.0 16 107.4 117.0 16.2 14.0 92 41 4/19/05 CF Slater L. Side Station 3+50 . 369.0 16 109.1 117.0 15.2 14.0 .93 42 4/20/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 7+20 308.0 04 108.5 120.5 17.1 12.5 90 43 4/20/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 6+95 308.0 04 110.0 120.5 15.4 12.5 91 44 4/21/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 7+05 310.0 16 106.1 117.0 16.3 14.0 91 45 4/21/05 CF Campbell Center Station 7+10 310.0 16 105.7 117.0 18.4 14.0 90 46 4/21/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 6+75 314.0 10 101.3 112.5 14.7 16.0 90 47 4/21/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 4+50 . 317.0 04 110.0 120.5 15.6 12.5 91 48 4/21/05 CF Campbell L. Side Station 4+85 316.0 04 108.0 120.5 14.1 12.5 90 49 4/21/05 CF Campbell L. Side Station 4+50 320.0 05 111.6 124.0 13.9 12.0 90 50 4/21/05 CF Campbell Center Station 5+90 319.0 16 105.1 117.0 15.7 14.0 90 51 4/21/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 7+15 316.0 16 110.4 117.0 14.0 14.0 94 52 4/22/05 CF Campbell L. Side Station 4+81 320.5 08 106.4 117.5 17.5 14.0 91 53 4/22/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 5+50 320.0 10 101.6 112.5 11.6 16.0 90 RI ON 53A 53A 4/26/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 5+50 320.0 10 104.9 112.5 16.7 16.0 93 54 4/22/05 CF Campbell L. Side Station 6+50 318.0 04 107.9 120.5 14.4 12.5 90 55 4/22/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 7+40 315.0 10 101.6 112.5 14.6 16.0 90 56 4/25/05 CF Lot 15 317.0 08 108.9 117.5 16.4 14.0 93 57 4/25/05 CF Lot 15 317.0 08 109.4 117.5 15.5 14.0 93 58 4/25/05 CF Lot 15 317.0 08 110.4 117.5 15.3 14.0 94 59 4/25/05 CF Lot 15 317.0 08 106.7 117.5 14.9 14.0 91 60 4/25/05 CF Lot 15 318.0 08 108.9 117.5 13.5 14.0 93 61 4/25/05 CF Lot 15 320.0 08 109.3 117.5 16.8 14.0 93 62 4/25/05 CF Campbell Station 2+00 320.5 08 107.2 117.5 14.2 14.0 91 63 4/26/05 CF Lot 15W. Side 318.0 08 110.3 117.5 14.3 14.0 94
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Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0 . Client: 0 Page 2of4 - -. - - - -M 2/j06 :05:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
64 4/26/05 CF Lot 15 W. Side 318.5 08 110.6 117.5 15,4 14.0 94 65 4/26/05 CF Lot 15 W. Side 318.5 08 109.9 117.5 15.0 14.0 94 66 4/26/05 CF Lot 15 E. Side 319.0 08 110.9 117.5 15.5 14.0 94 67 4/26/05 CF Lot 15 E. Side 320.0 08 109.9 117.5 13.9 14.0 94 68 4/26/05 CF Lot 15 E. Side 320.0 08 110.6 117.5 14.8 14.0 94 69 4/27/05 CF Lot 15 319.0 08 109.3 117.5 15.5 14.0 93 70 4/27/05 CF Lot 15 320.0 08 108.2 117.5 14.8 14.0 92 71 4/27/05 CF Lot 15 320.0 08 107.3 117.5 14.3 14.0 91 72 4/27/05 CF Lot 15 320.0 08 109.3 117.5 14.9 14.0 93 73 4/27/05 CF Lot 15 321.0 08 109.0 117.5 15.6 14.0 93 74 4/27/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 3+22 374.0 08 110.2 117.5 15.4 14.0 94 75 4/27/05 CF Slater L. Side Station 2+61 373.0 08 109.2 117.5 15.2 14.0 93 76 5/3/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 1+68 364.0 08 107.1 117.5 15.0 14.0 91 77 5/3/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 4+25 324.0 08 109.7 117.5 15.8 14.0 93 78 5/3/05 CF Campbell L. Side Station 4+68 323.0 08 110.2 117.5 15.9 14.0 94 79 5/3/05 CF Lot 15N. Side 317.0 08 107.9 117.5 15.4 14,0 92 80 5/3/05 CF Lot 15 N. Side 3.18.0 08 109.1 117.5 15.1 14.0 93 81 5/3/05 CF Lot 15N. Side 319.0 08 108.6 117.5 14.4 14.0 92 82 5/4/05 CF Campbell L. Side Station 0+85 314.0 08 110.1 117.5 15.7 14.0 94 83 5/4/05 CF Campbell R. Side Station 0+90 314.0 08 109.6 117.5 16.0 14.0 93 84 5/4/05 CF Campbell L. Side Station 1+50 . 316.0 08 110.5 117.5 14.7 14.0 94 85 5/6/05 SF Campbell L. Side Station 4+75 322.0 08 106.1 117.5 15.8 14.0 90 86 5/6/05 SF Campbell R. Side Station 4+60 323.0 08 105.2 117.5 15.9 14.0 90 87 5/6/05 SF Campbell R. Side Station 3+00 322.0 08 105.6 117.5 15.2 14.0 90 88 5/6/05 SF Lot 15 W. Side . 320.0 08 105.5 117.5 15.3 14.0 90 89 5/6/05 SF Lot 15 W. Side 322.0 08 106.7 117.5 15.9 14.0 91 90 5/6/05 SF Slater R. Side Station 2+90 371.0 08 106.5 117.5 15.5 14.0 91 91 5/6/05 SF Slater L. Side Station 3+10 371.0 08 107.3 117.5 15.5 14.0 91 .92 5/6/05 SF Colt L. Side Station 2+50 400.0 08 105.8 117.5 18.3 14.0 90 93 5/6/05 SF Colt L. Side Station 4+00 403.0 08 106.9 117.5 15.0 14.0 91 94 5/6/05 SF Colt L. Side Station 5+05 404.0 08 107.4 117.5 15.2 14.0 91 95 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 105.9 117.5 13.1 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 3of4
2/17/2006 11:05:46AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
96 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 106.0 117.5 16.9 14.0 90 97 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 108.6 117.5 13.5 14.0 92 98 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 111.1 117.5 10.2 14.0 95 99 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 107.2 117.5 11.4 14.0 91 100 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 107.3 117.5 16.3 14.0 91 101 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 106.5 117.5 14.3 14.0 91 102 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 105.6 117.5 18.8 14.0 90 103 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 107.4 117.5 17.8 14.0 91 104 5/9/05 FG Lot 15 0.0 08 105.6 117.5 17.7 14.0 90 105 5/10/05 CF Gateway L. Side Station 19+20 428.5 20 104.1 116.0 16.2 14.0 90 106 5/10/05 CF Gateway R. Side Station 18+90 428.0 08 106.8 117.5 16.0 14.0 91 107 5/10/05 CF Gateway L. Side Station 18+60 427.5 08 107.9 117.5 14.0 14.0 92 108 5/10/05 CF Gateway R. Side Station 18+25 428.5 08 106.7 117.5 14.6 14.0 91 109 5/10/05 CF Gateway L. Side Station 18+00 428.0 08 108.1 117.5 14.4 14.0 92 110 5/10/05 CF Gateway R. Side Station 18+00 428.0 08 106.2 117.5 13.8 14.0 90 111 5/10/05 CF Gateway Center Station 17+75 427.5 08 107.5 117.5 14.9 14.0 91 112 5/10/05 CF Gateway L. Side Station 17+70 427.0 08 107.1 117.5 14.4 14.0 91 113 8/12/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 2+20 364.0 19 106.0 118.0 9.1 15.0 90 114 8/12/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 2+22 367.0 19 106.3 118.0 14.8 15.0 90 115 8/12/05 CF Slater R. Side Station 2+23 370.0 19 106.3 118.0 14.1 15.0 90 116 9/30/05 CF Metropolitan Desilt Basin Sta. 3+00 286.6 18 101.5 113.0 18.5 16.0 90 117 10/3/05 CF Metropolitan Desilt Basin Sta. 2+50 288.0 18 101.7 113.0 16.2 16.0 90 118 10/3/05 CF Metropolitan Desilt Basin Sta. 3+20 290.0 18 101.8 113.0 15.6 16.0 90 119 10/3/05 CF Metropolitan Desilt Basin Sta. 3+00 289.5 18 101.9 113.0 13.8 16.0 90 120 10/3/05 CF Metropolitan Desilt Basin Sta. 2+90 292.5 18 101.5 113.0 18.0 16.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 4of4
MM - MM MM - mm MMM 2/06
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SD 1 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 2+60 366.0 08 106.0 117.5 14.4 14.0 90 SD 2 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 3+00 368.0 08 108.4 117.5 14.3 14.0 92 SD 3 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 4+00 369.0 08 106.2 117.5 15.1 14.0 90 SD 4 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 4+25 371.0 08 108.1 117.5 14.2 14.0 92 SD 5 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 6+00• 373.0 08 105.6 117.5 15.8 14.0 90 SD 6 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 6+25 375.0 08 107.0 117.5 17.0 14.0 91 SD 7 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 5+30 371.0 08 105.5 117.5 18.0 14.0 90 SD 8 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 5+40 373.0 08 108.0 117.5 17.7 14.0 92 SD 9 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 7+50 376.0 08 106.1 117.5 18.7 14.0 90 SD 10 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 7+30 378.0 08 110.2 117.5 16.3 14.0 94 SD 11 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 6+90 379.0 08 107.3 117.5 16.3 14.0 91 SD 12 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 6+60 377.5 08 106.9 117.5 17.5 14.0 91 SD 13 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 8+50 377.0 08 105.6 117.5 17.0 14.0 90 SD 14 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 8+30 379.0 08 107.7 117.5 16.5 14.0 92 SD 15 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 9+00 378.0 19 106.2 118.0 16.3 15.0 90 SD 16 12/4/04 M Innovation Station 9+80 379.0 19 107.3 118.0 15.0 15.0 91 SD 17 3/7/05 L Gateway Station 7+00 413.0 13 98.0 115.0 18.8 16.5 85 RI ON 17A SD 17A 3/7/05 L Gateway Station 7+00 413.0 13 103.5 115.0 17.5 16.5 90 SD 18 3/7/05 L Gateway ' Station 7+95 414.0 13 98.9 115.0 20.1 16.5 86 RT ON 18A SD 18A 3/7/05 L Gateway Station 7+95 414.0 13 103.5 115.0 18.5 16.5 90 SD 19 3/7/05 L Gateway Station 10+60 416.0 13 99.1 115.0 21.0 16.5 86 RT ON 19A SD 19A 3/7/05 L Gateway Station 10+60 416.0 13 103.2 115.0 18.3 16.5 90 SD 20 3/7/05 L Gateway Station 10+63 418.0 13 103.1 115.0 17.2 16.5 90 SD 21 3/7/05 L Gateway Station 11+00 416.5 13 103.3 115.0 17.0 16.5 90 SD 22 3/7/05 L Gateway Station 11+05 419.0 13 104.2 115.0 16.9 16.5 91 SD 23 3/11/05 L Gateway Station 2+04 398.0 16, 104.9 117.0 15.8 14.0 90 SD 24 3/12/05 MH Gateway Station 7+02 410.0 08 108.9 117.5 17.6 14.0 93 SD 25 3/12/05 MH Gateway Station 7+02 411.0 08 107.5 117.5 17.1 14.0 91 SD 26 3/12/05 MH Gateway Station 4+05 402.0 08 95.2 117.5 18.0 14.0 81 RI ON 26A SD 26A 3/12/05 MH Gateway Station 4+05 402.0 08 105.8 117.5 17.7 14.0 90 SD 27 3/12/05 MH Gateway Station 4+05 403.0 08 105.9 117.5 17.6 14.0 90 SD 29 3/17/05 MH Gateway Station 20+50 209.0 16 106.5 117.0 13.6 14.0 91
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0 Client: 0 Page 1 of 9
2/17/2006 11:06:14AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SD 30 3/17/05 L Gateway Station 20+56 310.0 16 100.5 117.0 13.6 14.0 86 RTON3OA SD 30A 3/17/05 L Gateway Station 20+56 310.0 16 104.9 117.0 13.9 14.0 90 SD 31 3/18/05 MH Gateway Station 20+65 314.0 16 106.7 117.0 18.0 14.0 91 SD 32 3/18/05 L Gateway Station 20+57 314.5 16 105.9 117.0 18.5 14.0 91 SD 33 3/18/05 L Gateway Station 25+50 342.0 13 97.4 115.0 22.0 16.5 85 RTON33A SD 33A 3/18/05 L Gateway Station 25+50 342.0 13 103.5 115.0 19.0 16.5 90 SD 34 3/21/05 L Gateway Station 19+85 308.0 21 107.5 118.0 14,5 13.0 91 SD 35 3/21/05 MH Gateway Station 19+85 309.0 21 106.2 118.0 16.0 13.0 90 SD 36 3/21/05 MH Gateway Station 19+85 311.0 21 108.9 118.0 15.2 13.0 92 SD 37 3/21/05 L Gateway Station 19+85 314.0 21 106.7 118.0 15.1 13.0 90 SD 38 3/22/05 L Alicante L. Side Station 118+00 295.0 19 107.4 118.0 14.7 15.0 91 SD 39 3/22/05 L Alicante L. Side Station 117+85 300.0 19 110.2 118.0 17.2 15.0 93 SD 40 3/22/05 L Alicante L. Side Station 115+42 303.0 19 105.8 118.0 15.2 15.0 90 SD 41 3/22/05 L Alicante L. Side Station 115+42 305.0 19 105.7 118.0 14.3 15.0 90 SD 42 3/22/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 1+45 342.0 08 105.5 117.5 16.8 14.0 90 SD 43 3/22/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 1+60 348.5 08 108.5 117.5 16.5 14.0 92 SD 44 3/29/05 I Innovation Station 1+90 364.0 16 104.8 117.0 17.8 14.0 90 SD 45 3/29/05 I Innovation Station 2+05 364.5 16 105.3 117.0 14.9 14.0 90 SD 46 3/29/05 I Innovation Station 1+95 367.0 16 107.6 117.0 13.9 14.0 92 SD 47 3/29/05 I Innovation Station 2+00 367.0 16 105.9 117.0 15.5 14.0 91 SD 48 4/1/05 L Gateway Station 35+54 380.0 09 108.5 118.0 16.3 15.0 92 SD 49 4/1/05 L Gateway Station 38+70 386.5 17 102.8 114.0 18.0 14.5 90 SD 50 4/5/05 M Gateway Station 44+59 407.0 19 110.1 118.0 17.2 15.0 93 SD 51 4/5/05 M Gateway Station 44+60 409.0 19 108.5 118.0 15.7 15.0 92 SD 52 4/5/05 M Gateway Station 44+62 411.0 19 106.7 118.0 17.5 15.0 90 SD 53 4/14/05 L Gateway Station 48+15 412.5 27 95.9 117.0 18.1 14.5 82 RI ON 53A SD 53A 4/14/05 L Gateway Station 48+15 412.5 27 106.5 117.0 16.0 14.5 91 SD 54 4/14/05 L Gateway Station 48+20 413.5 27 105.3 117.0 12.7 14.5 90 SD 55 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 3+00 350.5 13 89.7 115.0 18.0 16.5 78 RI ON 55A SD 55A 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 3+00 350.5 13 103.3 115.0 17.0 16.5 90 SD 56 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 3+10 353.0 13 103.5 115.0 16.7 16.5 90 SD 57 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 2+60 350.5 13 103.1 115.0 17.0 16.5 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
ki Client: 0 Page 2of9 - - - - -. - - - - - 206 :06:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SD 58 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line Station 2+50 353.0 13 103.5 115.0 18.1 16.5 90 SD 59 4/14/05 M Gateway Station 23+70 315.0 08 106.4 117.5 16.6 14.0 91 SD 60 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 2+10 351.0 13 104.7 115.0 15.8 16.5 91 SD 61 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 5+30 353.0 16 105.1 117.0 17.2 14.0 90 SD 62 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 5+50 356.0 16 104.9 117.0 16.9 14.0 90 SD 63 4/1 5/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 5+90 353.0 09 109.2 118.0 14.3 15.0 93 SD 64 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 6+05 355.5 09 106.3 118.0 16.2 15.0 90 SD 65 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line Station 6+60 353.0 09 105.9 118.0 15.2 15.0 90 SD 66 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 6+70 356.5 09 100.3 118.0 15.8 15.0 85 RT ON 66A SD 66A 4/15/05 M PA-3 Line Station 6+70 356.5 09 105.9 118.0 15.3 15.0 90 SD 67 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 3+25 354.0 04 110.0 120.5 15.2 12.5 91 SD 68 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 3+05 356.0 13 103.1 115.0 17.2 16.5 90 SD 69 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+80 357.0 17 104.1 114.0 17.9 14.5 91 SD 70 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+65 353.0 16 105.3 117.0 16.1 14.0 90 SD 71 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+45 357.0 16 104.9 117.0 18.7 14.0 90 SD 72 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+35 354.0 09 106.5 118.0 14.0 15.0 90 SD 73 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+20 356.0 04 108.3 120.5 16.3 12.5 90 SD 74 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+05 352.0 13 103.7 115.0 19.1 16.5 90 SD 75 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+85 354.0 16 105.2 117.0 17.4 14.0 90 SD 76 4/18/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+80 356.0 09 106.8 118.0 18.1 15.0 91 SD 77 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 3+90 381.5 16 105.4 117.0 13.1 14.0 90 SD 78 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 3+30 380.5 16 105.6 117.0 14.1 14.0 90 SD 79 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 4+30 383.0 18 96.0 113.0 18.9 16.0 85 RTON79A SD 79A 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 4+30 383.0 18 101.4 113.0 15.6 16.0 90 SD 80 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line Station 4+90 384.5 18 101.8 113.0 14.7 16.0 90 SD 81 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 5+50 385.5 18 96.1 113.0 13.9 16.0 85 RTON81A SD 81A 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 5+50 385.5 18 101.9 113.0 14.2 16.0 90 SD 82 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 6+40 387.5 18 95.6 113.0 13.9 16.0 85 RT ON 82A SD 82A 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 6+40 387.5 18 101.5 113.0 14.0 16.0 90 SD 83 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 2+00 375.5 16 104.9 117.0 17.0 14.0 90 SD 84 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 2+10 377.5 16 105.0 117.0 18.2 14.0 90 SD 85 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 2+60 377.0 16 105.1 117.0 17.8 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 3of9
2/17/2006 11:06:14AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SD 86 4/19/05 M PA4 Line Station 3+20 379.0 16 105.6 117.0 15.6 14.0 90 SD 87 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 3+70 380.0 16 105.3 117.0 18.1 14.0 90 SD 88 4/19/05 M PA4 Line Station 4+20 380.5 18 101.5 113.0 19.0 16.0 90 SD 89 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 4+80 381.5 18 101.8 113.0 19.4 16.0 90 SD 90 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line Station 5+40 382.5 18 101.8 113.0 20.1 16.0 90 SD 91 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 6+20 384.0 18 101.4 113.0 15.5 16.0 90 SD 92 4/19/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 2+70 379.0 16 105.1 117.0 11.8 14.0 90 SD 93 4/19/05 M PA-3 Line Station 2+70 354.0 20 104.5 116.0 19.2 14.0 90 SD 94 4/19/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+65 352.0 13 103.0 115.0 19.0 16.5 90 SD 95 4/19/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+40 351.0 13 103.7 115.0 14.6 16.5 90 SD 96 4/19/05 M PA-3 Line Station 1+20 353.0 20 104.1 116.0 14.7 14.0 90 SD 97 4/19/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 1+45 355.5 20 104.2 116.0 15.1 14.0 90 SD 98 4/19/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 3+70 355.5 20 104.2 116.0 17.6 14.0 90 SD 99 4/19/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 4+25 357.0 20 104.5 116.0 17.4 14.0 90 SD 100 4/19/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 3+80 359.5 20 106.5 116.0 14.5 14.0 92 SD 101 4/19/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 4+35 360.0 20 104.7 116.0 13.8 14.0 90 SD 102 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 1+90 305.0 16 106.5 117.0 16.0 14.0 91 SD 103 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 2+00 303.0 16 104.9 117.0 16.1 14.0 90 SD 104 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 2+15 301.0 16 107.6 117.0 15.0 . 14.0 92 SD 105 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 2+80 307.0 16 106.8 117.0 16.2 14.0 91 SD 106 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 3+00 304.0 16 108.5 117.0 14.4 14.0 93 SD 107 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 3+20 302.0 16 105.5 117.0 14.5 14.0 90 SD 108 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 3+50 305.0 16 99.5 117.0 12.7 14.0 85 RT ON 108A SD 108A 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 3+50 305.0 16 105.5 117.0 12.9 14.0 90 SD 109 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 3+65 302.0 16 106.4 117.0 12.5 14.0 91 SD 110 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 4+30 302.0 16 87.8 117.0 13.0 14.0 75 RI ON 1 10A SD 110A 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 4+30 302.0 16 105.5 117.0 14.1 14.0 90 SD 111 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 3+60 308.0 16 107.2 117.0 13.6 14.0 92 SD 112 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 4+20 305.5 16 106.5 117.0 13.9 14.0 91 SD 113 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 5+50 311.0 16 107.6 117.0 16.0 14.0 92 SD 114 4/20/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 5+40 309.0 16 105.1 117.0 14.8 14.0 90 SD 115 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 5+43 311.0 16 109.6 117.0 17.1 14.0 94
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 4of9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2100606
- - - - - MM M- - - - - MM - -, - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SD 116 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 5+86 311.0 16 106.6 117.0 18.4 14.0 91 SD 117 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 5+43 313.0 16 106.0 117.0 18.2 14.0 91 SD 118 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 5+11 305.0 16 105.7 117.0 18.9 14.0 90 SD 119 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line Station 2+50 309.0 16 106.5 117.0 13.1 14.0 91 SD 120 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 2+90 305.0 16 106.6 117.0 13.3 14.0 91 SD 121 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line Station 3+10 308.0 16 105.1 117.0 13.4 14.0 90 SD 122 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 3+60 307.0 16 105.2 117.0 14.6 14.0 90 SD 123 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 3+40 308.5 16 105.8 117.0 14.7 14.0 90 SD 124 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 2+80 308.5 16 105.9 117.0 14.9 14.0 91 SD 125 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 5+00 305.0 16 97.1 117.0 16.7 14.0 83 RT ON 125A SD 125A 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 5+00 305.0 16 105.3 117.0 16.9 14.0 90 SD 126 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 4+80 308.5 16 99.5 117.0 16.0 14.0 85 RI ON 126A SD 126A 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 4+80 308.5 16 105.8 117.0 16.0 14.0 90 SD 127 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line Station 1+50 304.0 16 105.3 117.0 13.7 14.0 90 SD 128 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 2+10 305.0 16 105.7 117.0 14.5 14.0 90 SD 129 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 3+65 305.0 17 96.9 114.0 21.0 14.5 85 RT ON 129A SD 129A 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 3+65 305.0 17 102.7 114.0 19.5 14.5 90 SD 130 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 3+20 306.0 17 102.1 114.0 18.0 14.5 90 SD 131 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 2+60 305.0 17 103.7 114.0 14.0 14.5 91 SD 132 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line Station 1+40 307.0 16 105.1 117.0 12.5 14.0 90 SD 133 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line Station 1+60 310.0 16 105.5 117.0 13.7 14.0 90 SD 134 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 1+90 308.0 16 105.8 117.0 13.8 14.0 90 SD 135 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 2+20 310.0 16 106.3 117.0 14.5 14.0 91 SD 136 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 5+20 311.0 16 106.6 117.0 17.5 14.0 91 SD 137 4/21/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 4+23 352.0 13 103.5 115.0 19.0 16.5 90 SD 138 4/21/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 4+33 352.5 13 106.5 115.0 17.5 16.5 93 SD 139 4/22/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 1+60 349.0 27 99.5 117.0 18.7 14.5 85 RI ON 139A SD 139A 4/22/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 1+60 349.0 27 105.4 117.0 18.5 14.5 90 SD 140 4/22/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 1+75 349.5 27 107.6 117.0 14.3 14.5 92 SD 141 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line Station 1+90 310.5 08 105.6 117.5 13.3 14.0 90 SD 142 4/21/05 M PA-3 Line Station 3+30 309.5 08 105.5 117.5 13.7 14.0 90 SD 143 4/22/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 1+70 352.0 13 103.5 115.0 18.0 16.5 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 5of9
2/17/2006 11:06:14AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SD 144 4/22/05 M PA-3 Line D Station 1+65 352.5 13 103.8 115.0 14.8 16.5 90 SD 145 4/22/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 4+50 353.0 16 105.7 117.0 18.2 14.0 90 SD 146 4/22/05 MI-I PA-3 Line Station 4+30 354.0 16 105.9 117.0 18.6 14.0 91 SD 147 4/22/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 4+34 352.0 16 109.3 117.0 16.8 14.0 93 SD 148 4/22/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 6+75 355.0 16 105.9 117.0 17.0 14.0 91 SD 149 4/22/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 6+85 354.0 16 106.5 117.0 16.0 14.0 91 SD 150 4/22/05 MR PA-3 Line E Station 6+90 3,56.0 16 106.9 117.0 16.5 14.0 91 SD 151 4/22/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 6+75 357.0 16 106.7 117.0 17.1 14.0 91 SD 152 4/22/05 MR PA-3 Line Station 6+88 356.0 16 108.0 117.0 18.0 14.0 92 SD 153 4/22/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 6+90 358.0 16 106.4 117.0 .19.1 14.0 91 SD 154 4/22/05 L PA-3 Line Station 7+20 357.0 16 111.0 117.0 18.5 14.0 95 SD 155 4/22/05 L PA-3 Line E Station 7+20 358.0 16 106.6 117.0 18.6 14.0 91 SD 156 4/22/05 L PA-3 Line E Station 4+90 355.0 16 108.0 117.0 17.7 14.0 92 SD 157 4/25/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 3+45 355.5 16 105.3 117.0 14.8 14.0 90 SD 158 4/25/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 3+60 357.0 16 105.5 117.0 14.5 14.0 90 SD 159 4/26/05 L PA-3 Line F ' Station 1+55 352.0 19 105.9 118.0 18.2 15.0 90 SD 160 4/26/05 L PA-3 Line F Station 1+65 354.0 19 106.1 118.0 17.0 15.0 90 SD 161 4/26/05 L PA-3 Line F Station 1+10 356.5 19 106.5 118.0 15.7 15.0 90 SD 162 4/26/05 L PA-3 Line A Station 0+10 300.0 20 98.6 116.0 16.1 14.0 85 RT ON 162A SD 162A 4/26/05 L PA-3 Line A Station 0+10 300.0 20 104.2 116.0 15.5 14.0 90 SD 163 4/26/05 L PA-3 Line A Station 0+15 303.0 20 104.1 116.0 18.0 14.0 90 SD 164 4/26/05 L PA-3 Line A Station 0+15 306.0 20 104.5 116.0 17.8 14.0 90 SD 165 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line B Station 1+00 290.0 16 106.0 117.0 18.4 14.0 91 SD 166 4/27/05 M Colt Station 2+80 402.5 18 101.4 113.0 17.4 16.0 90 SD 167 4/27/05 L PA-3 Line B Station 1+20 296.0 13 103.3 115.0 19.0 16.5 90 SD 168 .4/27/05 L PA-3 Line B Station 1+20 301.0 13 103.6 115.0 14.7 16.5 90 SD 169 4/27/05 L PA-3 Line B Station 1+40 299.0 13 103.6 115.0 18.0 16.5 90 SD 170 4/27/05 L PA-3 Line C Station 1+65 302.0 16 105.1 117.0 14.1 14.0 90 SD 171 4/27/05 L PA-3 Line C Station 1+70 303.0 16 105.2 117.0 13.0 14.0 90 SD 172 4/27/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 1+55 300.0 16 106.5 117.0 14.1 14.0 91 SD 173 4/27/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 1+50 304.0 19 106.2 118.0 14.1 15.0 90 SD 175 4/27/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 1+15 292.0 19 105.9 118.0 14.8 15.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 6of9 - - = - -W M- - - - -M M M 2/06 :06:_
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SD 176 4/27/05 M Colt Station 2+25 399.0 18 96.1 113.0 19.4 16.0 85 RTON 176A SD 176A 4/27/05 M Colt Station 2+25 399.0 18 101.7 113.0 18.0 16.0 90 SD 177 4/27/05 M Colt Station 2+60 400.0 18 101.4 113.0 18.0 16.0 90 SD 178 4/27/05 M Colt Station 3+00 401.0 18 96.1 113.0 18.5 16.0 85 RTON 178A SD 178A 4/27/05 M Colt Station 3+00 401.0 18 101.9 113.0 17.8 16.0 90 SD 179 4/27/05 M Colt Station 3+50 401.5 18 101.7 113.0 17.5 16.0 90 SD 180 4/27/05 M Colt Station 4+40 402.0 18 101.8 113.0 17.4 16.0 90 SD 181 4/27/05 M Colt Station 4+80 403.0 18 102.1 113.0 16.9 16.0 90 SD 182 4/27/05 M Colt Station 5+20 404.0 18 101.9 113.0 16.8 16.0 90 SD 183 4/27/05 M Colt Station 4+00 404.0 18 102.3 113.0 17.2 16.0 91 SD 184 4/27/05 MH PA-3 Line C Station 4+60 305.0 04 114.4 120.5 13.1 12.5 95 SD 185 4/27/05 MH PA-3 Line C Station 4+60 305.0 04 109.6 120.5 14.1 12.5 91 SD 186 4/27/05 MH PA-3 Line C Station 4+62 305.0 04 112.1 120.5 14.0 12.5 93 SD 187 4/27/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 4+62 305.0 04 113.6 120.5 11.3 12.5 94 SD 188 4/27/05 MH PA-3 Line C Station 4+63 308.0 16 105.8 117.0 13.9 14.0 90 SD 189 4/27/05 MH PA-3 Line C Station 4+70 308.0 16 106.6 117.0 15.8 14.0 91 SD 190 5/2/05 L Alicante Station 115+50 301.0 16 104.9 117.0 17.0 14.0 90 SD 191 5/2/05 L Alicante Station 115+55 304.5 16 105.1 117.0 17.0 14.0 90 SD 192 5/4/05 L PA-3 Line Station 1+15 307.0 08 110.4 117.5 15.3 14.0 94 SD 193 5/4/05 L PA-3 Line J Station 1+00 303.0 08 109.8 117.5 15.2 14.0 93 SD 194 5/4/05 L PA-3 Line J Station 1+25 310.0 08 107.4 117.5 15.8 14.0 91 SD 195 5/4/05 L PA-3 Line J Station 1+45 313.0 08 111.5 117.5 13.8 14.0 95 SD 196 5/4/05 L PA-3 Line J Station 1+68 318.0 08 111.1 117.5 15.8 14.0 95 SD 197 5/4/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 4+00 300.0 08 106.4 117.5 16.7 14.0 91 SD 198 5/4/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 3+50 298.0 08 108.1 117.5 15.0 14.0 92 SD 199 5/4/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 1+75 294.0 08 107.5 117.5 16.0 14.0 91 SD 200 5/4/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 2+35 294.0 08 106.5 117.5 16.7 14.0 91 SD 201 5/4/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 3+05 298.0 08 107.5 117.5 16.3 14.0 91 SD 202 5/5/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 2+55 298.0 08 110.5 117.5 14.2 14.0 94 SD 203 5/5/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 3+90 303.0 08 110.0 117.5 15.1 14.0 94 SD 204 5/5/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 4+50 304.0 08 107.7 117.5 15.2 14.0 92 SD 205 5/5/05 MH Colt Station 4+70 403.0 16 105.3 117.0 16.5 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 7 of 9
2/17/2006 11:06:14AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SD 206 5/5/05 MH Colt Station 4+64 403.0 16 106.6 117.0 15.9 14.0 91 SD 207 5/5/05 MH Colt Station 4+66 403.0 16 106.4 117.0 15.4 14.0 91 SD 208 5/6/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 1+60 375.5 16 106.2 117.0 16.2 14.0 91 SD 209 5/6/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 1+80 375.5 16 106.1 117.0 16.1 14.0 91 SD 210 5/6/05 L PA-4 Line G Station 1+90 376.0 16 105.5 117.0 12.9 14.0 90 SD 211 5/10/05 M Campbell Station 7+90 311.0 20 105.8 116.0 15.9 14.0 91 SD 212 5/10/05 M Campbell Station 7+30 311.0 20 104.2 116.0 15.5 14.0 90 SD 213 5/10/05 M Campbell Station 6+75 310.0 20 106.3 116.0 14.0 14.0 92 SD 214 5/10/05 M Campbell Station 7+10 314.0 20 107.1 116.0 15.2 14.0 92 SD 215 5/10/05 M Campbell Station 6+90 312.5 20 103.9 116.0 14.7 14.0 90 SD 216 5/10/05 M Campbell Station 6+50 311.5 20 98.6 116.0 14.4 14.0 85 RTON216A SD 216A 5/10/05 M Campbell Station 6+50 311.5 20 104.1 116.0 14.8 14.0 90 SD 217 5/11/05 M Campbell Station 6+00 315.0 08 105.9 117.5 16.5 14.0 90 SD 218 5/11/05 M Campbell Station 5+80 313.0 08 106.1 117.5 14.3 14.0 90 SD 219 5/11/05 M Campbell Station 6+05 317.0 08 106.3 117.5 15.2 14.0 90 SD 220 5/12/05 M Campbell Station 5+25 315.0 20 105.8 116.0 15.0 14.0 91 SD 221 5/13/05 M Campbell Station 5+20 319.5 09 106.3 118.0 13.2 15.0 90 SD 222 5/13/05 M Campbell Station 4+60 320.0 09 100.3 118.0 13.1 15.0 85 RI ON 222A SD 222A 5/13/05 M Campbell Station 4+60 320.0 09 106.1 118.0 13.5 15.0 90 SD 223 5/13/05 M Campbell Station 4+50 316.0 09 106.4 118.0 13.4 15.0 90 SD 224 5/13/05 L Campbell Station 4+40 319.0 09 106.3 118.0 13.9 15.0 90 SD 225 5/13/05 L Campbell Station 4+60 322.0 09 106.4 118.0 16.0 15.0 90 SD 226 5/13/05 L Campbell Station 4+30 325.0 09 106.5 118.0 12.8 15.0 90 SD 227 5/13/05 L Campbell Station 4+80 325.0 09 108.5 118.0 14.5 15.0 92 SD 228 5/13/05 L Campbell Station 3+50 320.0 09 109.5 118.0 13.6 15.0 93 SD 229 5/16/05 M Campbell Station 3+20 318.5 16 105.4 117.0 14.5 14.0 90 SD 230 5/16/05 M Campbell Station 3+40 322.0 16 106.1 117.0 12.5 14.0 91 SD 231 5/19/05 L Gateway Station 25+70 335.0 09 107.4 118.0 13.4 15.0 91 SD 232 5/19/05 MH Campbell Station 7+50 310.0 20 105.6 116.0 14.1 14.0 91 SD 233 5/19/05 MH Campbell Station 7+65 313.0 20 106.8 116.0 13.1 14.0 92 SD 234 5/20/05 MH Campbell Station 5+45 315.0 08 111.3 117.5 12.3 14.0 95 SD 235 5/20/05 MH Campbell Station 5+55 315.0 08 109.6 117.5 13.5 14.0 93
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 8 of 9 - - - = - M M M - M - M = - 21j06 :06:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -.
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SD 236 5/20/05 MH Campbell Station 5+45 319.0 08 109.5 117.5 12.1 14.0 93 SD 237 5/20/05 MH Campbell Station 5+56 318.0 08 107.3 117.5 12.7 14.0 91 SD 238 5/24/05 MH Campbell Station 4+26 314.0 16 105.7 117.0 14.5 14.0 90 SD 239 5/24/05 MH Campbell Station 4+32 314.0 16 105.6 117.0 16.0 14.0 90 SD 240 5/24/05 MH Campbell Station 4+30 316.0 16 107.7 117.0 15.5 14.0 92 SD 241 5/24/05 MH Campbell Station 4+31 316.0 16 109.0 117.0 16.5 14.0 93 SD 242 5/24/05 MH Campbell Station 4+35 319.0 16 109.1 117.0 15.0 14.0 93 SD 243 5/24/05 MH Campbell Station 4+32 319.0 16 110.2 117.0 14.5 14.0 94 SD 244 5/24/05 MH Campbell Station 4+30 321.0 16 108.0 117.0 14.9 14.0 92 SD 245 5/24/05 MH Campbell Station 4+25 321.0 16 108.8 117.0 15.0 14.0 93 SD 246 6/2/05 MH PA-2 Line K Station 2+75 298.0 08 105.8 117.5 14.8 14.0 90 SD 247 6/3/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 1+70 287.0 17 104.7 114.0 14.8 14.5 92 SD 248 6/3/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 1+90 289.0 19 109.2 118.0 15.6 15.0 93 SD 249 6/3/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 1+80 291.0 19 107.5 118.0 17.1 15.0 91 SD 250 6/3/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 2+00 293.0 17 103.0 114.0 17.3 14.5 90 SD 251 6/6/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 2+10 296.0 19 108.7 118.0 14.5 15.0 92 SD 252 6/6/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 2+15 298.0 19 110.2 118.0 16.3 15.0 93 SD 253 6/6/05 M PA-2 Line K Station 1+60 290.0 19 106.4 118.0 15.3 15.0 90 SD 254 6/30/05 M Campbell Station 4+61 303.0 16 107.5 117.0 13.7 14.0 92 SD 255 6/30/05 M Campbell Station 4+63 303.0 16 107.7 117.0 13.6 14.0 92 SD 256 6/30/05 M Campbell Station 4+61 305.0 16 105.8 117.0 14.2 14.0 90 SD 257 6/30/05 M Campbell Station 4+61 305.0 16 105.6 117.0 12.5 14.0 90 SD 258 7/1/05 M Campbell Station 4+63 307.0 16 110.7 117.0 15.3 14.0 95 SD 259 7/1/05 M Campbell Station 4+62 307.0 16 111.1 117.0 13.3 14.0 95 SD 260 7/1/05 M Campbell Station 4+61 308.0 16 106.3 117.0 14.0 14.0 91
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 9of9
2/17/2006 11:06:14AM
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
S 1 9/17/04 M Gateway Station 1+35 293.5 09 106.5 118.0 14.5 15.0 90 S 2 9/17/04 M Gateway Station 1+80 294.5 09 106.6 118.0 15.2 15.0 90 S 3 9/18/04 M Gateway Station 3+25 401.5 18 104.2 113.0 18.4 16.0 92 S .4 9/18/04 M Gateway Station 4+21 402.0 18 105.4 113.0 16.8 16.0 93 S 5 9/18/04 M Gateway Station 4+50 401.0 18 103.5 113.0 18.1 16.0 92 S 6 9/18/04 M Gateway Station 5+50 402.0 18 106.3 113.0 18.3 16.0 94 5 7 9/18/04 M Gateway Station 5+75 403.0 18 102.7 113.0 18.5 16.0 91 S 8 9/18/04 M Gateway Station 6+50 405.0 18 103.8 113.0 18.2 16.0 92 S 9 9/18/04 M PA-2 Easement Station 4+50 293.0 08 105.9 117.5 16.8 14.0 90 S 10 9/18/04 M PA-2 Easement Station 4+55 295.0 08 106.9 117.5 15.2 14.0 91 S 11 9/18/04 M PA-2 Easement Station 5+40 . 293.0 08 107.2 117.5 14.5 14.0 91 S 12 9/18/04 M PA-2 Easement Station 5+50 295.0 08 107.3 117.5 14.8 14.0 91 S 13 9/18/04 M PA-2 Easement Station 6+00 294.0 08 108.1 117.5 15.8 14.0 92 S 14 9/18/04 M PA-2 Easement Station 6+19 295.0 08 105.8 117.5 15.2 14.0 90 S 15 9/20/04 M Gateway Station 15+80 299.0 15 101.1 112.0 17.6 15.5 90 S 16 9/20/04 M Gateway Station 15+38 299.5 15 103.2 112.0 18.3 15.5 92 S 17 9/20/04 M Gateway Station 14+97 300.5 15 103.1 112.0 16.3 15.5 92 S 18 9/20/04 M Gateway Station 14+48 298.5 15 102.8 112.0 16.0 15.5 92 S 19 9/20/04 .M Gateway Station 14+18 298.0 15 102.5 112.0 16.7 15.5 92 S 20 9/20/04 M Gateway Station 13+15 298.5 15 101.4 112.0 15.6 15.5 91 5 21 9/20/04 M Gateway Station 17+00 299.0 15 104.5 112.0 14.3 15.5 93 5 22 9/20/04 M Gateway Station 16+30 297.0 15 100.6 112.0 16.7 15.5 90 5 23 9/20/04 M Gateway Station 16+80 304.0 15 101.0 112.0 15.6 15.5 90 S 24 9/20/04 M Gateway Station 17+35 299.5 15 105.3 112.0 15.6 15.5 94 S 25 9/21/04 MH Gateway Station 4+45 298.5 09 107.0 118.0 14.9 15.0 91 S 26 9/21/04 MH Gateway Station 4+85 301.5 09 106.8 118.0 15.3 15.0 91 S 27 9/21/04 MH Gateway Station 4+45 304.5 09 107.3 118.0 15.2 15.0 91 5 28 9/21/04 MH Gateway Station 3+95 299.5 09 106.2 118.0 16.4 .15.0 90 S 29 9/21/04 MH Gateway Station 3+85 301.5 09 106.9 118.0 15.1 15.0 91 S 30 9/21/04 MH Gateway Station 3+75 303.5 09 106.5 118.0 15.7 15.0 90 5 31 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 4+50 404.0 21 106.4 118.0 14.4 13.0 90 S 32 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 5+50 406.0 21 108.9 118.0 12.0 13.0 92
I Project Number: 971009016 I Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16 I Project Location: 0
Client: 0 . Page! of 14 - M .
-M M M M M
M -M M - 2106 06
- - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 33 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 6+40 408.0 21 106.2 118.0 14.3 13.0 90 S 34 9/21/04 MH Gateway Station 2+65 296.5 09 105.9 118.0 16.3 15.0 90 5 35 9/21/04 MH Gateway Station 2+45 298.5 09 106.9 118.0 15.4 15.0 91 S 36 9/21/04 MH Gateway Station 2+35 301.5 09 106.2 118.0 17.0 15.0 90 S 37 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 14+10 301.0 15 102.0 112.0. 14.6 15.5 91 S 38 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 15+05 303.5 15 104.1 112.0 16.2 15.5 93 S 39 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 15+88 304.0 15 101.9 112.0 15.1 15.5 91 S 40 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 16+80 307.0 15 100.8 112.0 15.8 15.5 90 S 41 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 17+86 306.0 15 101.2 112.0 15.6 15.5 90 S 42 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 18+90 309.0 15 103.7 112.0 15.3 15.5 93 S 43 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 17+95 309.0 15 101.5 112.0 17.3 15.5 91 S 44 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 18+65 312.0 15 95.4 112.0 21.0 15.5 85 RT ON 44A S 44A 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 18+65 312.0 15 97.9 112.0 16.4 15.5 87 RI ON 44B S 44B 9/22/04 M Gateway Station 18+65 312.0 15 101.6 112.0 14.8 15.5 91 S 45 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 19+25 308.5 15 101.8 112.0 17.3 15.5 91 S 46 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 19+38 313.0 15 103.6 112.0 15.5 15.5 93 S 47 9/23/04 L Gateway Station 19+50 312.0 15 101.4 112.0 16.2 15.5 91 5 48 9/23/04 L Gateway Station 19+50 314.0 15 102.0 112.0 16.3 15.5 91 S 49 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 20+15 313.5 15 101.1 112.0 13.1 15.5 90 S 50 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 21+20 315.0 15 101.2 112.0 14.0 15.5 90 S 51 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 21+65 318.0 15 101.1 112.0 12.8 15.5 90 S 52 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 3+25 400.0 10 102.8 112.5 18.3 16.0 91 S 53 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 2+75 401.0 10 101.8 112.5 16.5 16.0 90 S 54 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 2+25 401.0 10 105.1 112.5 19.0 16.0 93 5 55 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 4+00 401.0 10 103.5 112.5 17.0 16.0 92 S 56 9/23/04 M Gateway Station 7+00 409.0 10 103.2 112.5 15.2 16.0 92 S 57 9/23/04 L Gateway Station 7+20 407.0 10 101.9 112.5 17.1 16.0 91 S 58 9/23/04 MH Gateway Station 7+18 409.0 20 105.7 116.0 14.7 14.0 91 S 59 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 7+30 404.0 20 104.4 116.0 18.6 14.0 90 S 60 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 7+70 406.0 20 105.5 116.0 17.7 14.0 91 5 61 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 7+85 408.0 20 105.7 116.0 14.5 14.0 91 S 62 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 7+76 410.0 20 108.1 116.0 14.3 14.0 93
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 2of14
2/17/2006 11:06:39AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 63 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 8+00 411.0 20 104.7 116.0 16.1 14.0 90 S 64 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 8+25 407.0 20 105.8 116.0 15.8 14.0 91 S 65 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 8+75 408.0 20 104.7 116.0 18.0 14.0 90 5 66 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 8+50 411.0 20 103.9 116.0 18.4 14.0 90 S 67 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 9+10 409.0 20 104.4 116.0 16.0 14.0 90 S 68 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 9+25 410.0 20 103.9 116.0 17.5 14.0 90 S 69 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 9+45 411.0 20 106.9 116.0 16.3 14.0 92 S 70 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 9+00 413.0 20 106.4 116.0 17.1 14.0 92 5 71 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 9+75 411.0 10 102.5 112.5 17.6 16.0 91 S 72 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 10+00 410.0 10 101.6 112.5 17.5 16.0 90 S 73 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 10+00 414.0 20 106.7 116.0 15.2 14.0 92 S 74 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 10+50 411.0 20 106.4 116.0 15.9 14.0 92 S 75 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 10+75 414.0 20 105.8 116.0 17.0 14.0 91 S 76 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 20+35 315.5 15 101.1 112.0 16.3 15.5 90 S 77 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 21+15 318.0 15 100.9 112.0 15.4 15.5 90 S 78 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 21+75 320.0 15 101.6 112.0 15.8 15.5 91 5 79 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 1+50 297.0 15 98.2 112.0 18.0 15.5 88 RTON79A S 79A 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 1+50 297.0 15 100.7 112.0 16.0 15.5 90 S 80 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 3+42 302.0 15 101.9 112.0 16.3 15.5 91 S 81 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 5+20 303.0 15 103.7 112.0 15.5 15.5 93 S 82 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 6+05 299.0 15 102.5 112.0 16.1 15.5 92 5 83 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 6+22 304.0 15 102.4 112.0 16.7 15.5 91 S 84 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 5+58 306.0 15 101.8 112.0 15.9 15.5 91 S 85 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 13+70 296.5 15 102.3 112.0 16.1 15.5 91 S 86 9/24/04 MH Gateway Station 13+50 298.0 15 103.1 112.0 17.0 15.5 92 S 87 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 10+75 414.0 20 105.6 116.0 16.5 14.0 91 S 88 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 11+10 413.0 20 104.2 116.0 15.5 14.0 90 5 89 9/24/04 M Gateway Station 11+28 411.0 20 105.1 116.0 15.6 14.0 91 S 90 9/27/04 L Gateway Station 11+50 416.0 20 108.3 116.0 169 14.0 93 S 91 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 11+55 417.0 20 104.1 116.0 15.7 14.0 90 S 92 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 12+50 417.0 20 106.6 116.0 14.0 14.0 92 S 93 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 13+00 417.0 20 105.3 116.0 16.5 14.0 91
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16 2
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 3of14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M 206 06:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 94 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 13+50 416.0 20 104.3 116.0 15.2 14.0 90 S 95 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 13+55 418.0 20 105.2 116.0 17.0 14.0 91 S 96 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 14+00 416.0 20 106.4 116.0 16.5 14.0 92 S 97 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 14+10 418.0 20 105.4 116.0 16.2 14.0 91 S 98 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 14+55 416.0 10 102.4 112.5 17.0 16.0 91 S 99 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 14+55 418.0 10 103.2 112.5 17.2 16.0 92 5 100 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 15+00 414.0 10 103.5 112.5 18.3 16.0 92 S 101 9/27/04 M Gateway Station 15+05 416.0 10 102.2 112.5 17.5 16.0 91 5 102 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 15+10 418.0 10 103.2 112.5 18.0 16.0 92 S 103 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 15+50 418.0 10 104.0 112.5 18.5 16.0 92 S 104 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 14+25 416.0 10 102.5 112.5 17.2 16.0 91 S 105 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 14+25 418.0 10 104.2 112.5 16.1 16.0 93 5 106 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 28+60 347.0 15 100.7 112.0 14.4 15.5 90 S 107 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 29+00 354.0 15 101.3 112.0 16.6 15.5 90 S 108 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 29+45 354.0 15 101.7 112.0 16.1 15.5 91 S 109 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 30+65 358.0 15 102.5 112.0 13.7 15.5 92 5 110 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 30+90 364.0 15 100.6 112.0 14.1 15.5 90 S 111 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 28+80 351.0 15 101.6 112.0 13.7 15.5 91 S 112 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 29+25 357.0 15 104.3 112.0 10.5 15.5 93 5 113 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 30+75 362.0 15 103.4 112.0 12.2 15.5 92 S 114 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 31+30 359.0 15 103.1 112.0 13.5 15.5 92 S 115 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 14+35 416.0 10 103.4 112.5 18.6 16.0 92 S 116 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 14+35 418.0 10 104.5 112.5 17.2 16.0 93 S 117 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 14+30 416.0 10 103.3 112.5 18.5 16.0 92 5 118 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 14+30 298.0 10 105.2 112.5 16.5 16.0 94 S 119 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 14+50 416.0 10 97.6 112.5 17.2 16.0 87 RTON 119A S 119A 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 14+50 416.0 10 103.3 112.5 17.0 16.0 92 S 120 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 14+55 418.0 10 104.0 112.5 17.1 16.0 92 S 121 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 15+55 420.0 10 105.6 112.5 18.5 16.0 94 S 122 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 16+00 416.0 10 98.1 112.5 18.2 16.0 87 RTON 122A S 122A 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 16+00 416.0 10 103.3 112.5 17.5 16.0 92 5 123 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 16+00 418.0 20 105.9 116.0 16.0 14.0 91
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 4of14
2/17/2006 11:06:39AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 124 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 16+50 418.0 20 108.4 116.0 15.2 14.0 93 S 125 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 16+50 420.0 20 106.4 116.0 16.6 14.0 92 S 126 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 17+00 419.0 20 107.4 116.0 14.8 14.0 93 S 127 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 17+00 421.0 20 106.0 116.0 15.2 14.0 91 S 128 9/28/04 M Gateway Station 17+35 419.0 20 108.6 116.0 12.8 14.0 94 S 129 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 17+35 421.0 20 107.7 116.0 14.6 14.0 93 S 130 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 53+00 396.0 27 98.9 117.0 16.7 14.5 85 RT ON 130A S 130A 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 53+00 396.0 27 107.6 117.0 15.2 14.5 92 S 131 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 53+00 398.0 27 109.3 117.0 13.1 14.5 93 S 132 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 52+50 398.0 27 106.2 117.0 15.2 14.5 91 S 133 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 52+50 400.0 27 105.5 117.0 15.4 14.5 90 S 134 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 52+00 398.0 27 109.2 117.0 14.7 14.5 93 S 135 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 52+00 400.0 27 108.2 117.0 13.8 14.5 92 S 136 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 51+50 399.0 27 110.7 117.0 16.0 14.5 95 S 137 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 51+50 401.0 27 108.4 117.0 14.3 14.5 93 S 138 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 50+75 401.0 27 110.7 117.0 13.5 14.5 95 S 139 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 50+80 401.0 27 109.4 117.0 14.3 14.5 94 S 140 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 50±75 401.0 27 107.2 117.0 16.5 14.5 92 S 141 9/29/04 M Gateway Station 50+75 401.0 27 108.5 117.0 15.3 14.5 93 S 142 9/26/04 MH Gateway Station 28+35 346.0 15 100.8 112.0 17.8 15.5 90 S 143 9/26/04 L Gateway Station 28+35 349.0 15 101.9 112.0 17.1 15.5 91 S 144 9/26/04 M Gateway Station 36+50 384.0 15 103.8 112.0 18.2 15,5 93 S 145 9/26/04 M Gateway Station 36+20 382.0 15 102.3 112.0 16.2 15.5 91 S 146 9/26/04 M Gateway Station 36+90 386.0 15 101.1 112.0 17.4 15.5 90 S 147 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 36+08 383.0 15 103.0 112.0 16.1 15.5 92 S 148 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 36+58 382.0 15 102.4 112.0 16.8 155 91 S 149 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 31+96 366.0 15 100.9 112.0 15.9 15.5 90 S 150 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 32+40 369.0 15 102.0 112.0 18.1 15.5 91 S 151 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 33+05 373.0 15 101.7 112.0 17.3 15.5 91 S 152 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 33+45 378.0 15 101.5 112.0 17.6 15.5 91 S 153 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 33+65 380.0 15 102.8 112.0 17.7 15.5 92 S 154 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 34+30 380.0 15 103.1 112.0 16.4 15.5 92
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 5of14 - - - - - - - - 2/06 _
- - - - - - - - - - - - M - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 155 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 34+66 376.0 15 102.6 112.0 16.0 15.5 92 S 156 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 35+00 380.0 15 102.1 112.0 15.4 15.5 91 S 157 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 35+55 383.0 15 101.5 112.0 15.8 15.5 91 S 158 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 35+84 381.0 15 101.4 112.0 15.2 15.5 91 S 159 9/30/04 MH Gateway Station 35+24 379.0 15 103.2 112.0 17.2 15.5 92 S 160 9/30/04 MH Gateway Station 16+00 298.0 15 102.9 112.0 16.4 15.5 92 S 161 9/30/04 MH Gateway Station 15+90 301.0 15 101.7 112.0 17.6 15.5 91 S 162 9/30/04 MH Gateway Station 16+10 302.0 15 102.5 112.0 17.0 15.5 92 S 163 9/30/04 MH Gateway Station 15+95 304.0 15 103.1 112.0 16.1 15.5 92 5 164 9/30/04 MH Gateway Station 16+00 305.0 15 103.8 112.0 16.3 15.5 93 S 165 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 37+25 383.0 15 102.9 112.0 16.0 15.5 92 S 166 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 37+44 386.0 15 104.0 112.0 16.1 15.5 93 S 167 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 37+58 388.0 15 103.6 112.0 15.8 15.5 93 S 168 9/30/04 M Gateway Station 37+92 387.0 15 101.5 112.0 15.1 15.5 91 S 169 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 39+05 386.0 17 103.4 114.0 15.1 14.5 91 S 170 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 39+30 390.0 17 104.8 114.0 15.0 14.5 92 S 171 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 39+60 393.0 17 103.1 114.0 16.2 14.5 90 S 172 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 40+15 391.0 17 102.9 114.0 14.8 14.5 90 S 173 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 40+55 394.0 17 103.3 114.0 15.3 14.5 91 S 174 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 40+92 399.0 17 103.6 114.0 15.4 14.5 91 S 175 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 42+25 397.0 17 102.9 114.0 15.9 14.5 90 S 176 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 42+65 402.0 17 106.3 114.0 17.0 14.5 93 S 177 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 42+90 407.0 17 105.9 114.0 16.1 14.5 93 S 178 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 43+20 405.0 17 106.0 114.0 15.0 14.5 93 S 179 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 43+42 404.0 19 106.1 118.0 16.5 15.0 90 5 180 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 43+62 408.0 04 108.0 120.5 13.0 12.5 90 S 181 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 43+85 412.0 19 107.5 118.0 15.9 15.0 91 S 182 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 44+02 409.0 17 102.1 114.0 16.0 14.5 90 S 183 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 44+20 413.0 18 102.4 113.0 16.3 16.0 91 S 184 10/1/04 M Gateway Station 44+35 408.0 18 102.9 113.0 15.7 16.0 91 5 185 10/7/04 M Innovation Station 1+34 360.0 15 101.0 112.0 12.7 15.5 90 S 186 10/7/04 M Innovation Station 1+90 359.0 15 102.5 112.0 14.9 15.5 92
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressá Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 6of14
2/17/2006 11:06:39AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 187 10/7/04 M Innovation Station 2+43 362.0 15 103.0 112.0 13.7 15.5 92 S 188 10/7/04 M Innovation Station 3+22 363.0 15 106.6 112.0 13.4 15.5 95 S 189 10/7/04 M Innovation Station 3+74 366.0 15 103.5 112.0 14.7 15.5 92 S 190 10/7/04 M Innovation Station 4+12 365.0 15 102.7 112.0 13.2 15.5 92 S 191 10/7/04 M Innovation Station 4+51 369.0 15 105.1 112.0 13.7 15.5 94 5 192 10/7/04 M Innovation Station 4+94 371.0 15 102.4 112.0 14.4 15.5 91 S 193 10/13/04 L Gateway Station 17+65 417.0 23 107.8 119.0 17.2 13.0 91 S 194 10/13/04 MR Gateway Station 17+65 418.0 08 105.4 117.5 13.1 14.0 90 S 195 10/13/04 L Gateway Station 17+65 420.0 08 105.9 117.5 12.8 14.0 90 S 196 10/13/04 MH Gateway Station 17+65 422.0 23 110.0 119.0 18.6 13.0 92 S 197 10/13/04 MH Gateway Station 17+65 424.0 08 106.1 117.5 13.6 14.0, 90 S 198 10/25/04 MR Gateway Station 31+50 365.0 17 104.9 114.0 16.3 14.5 . 92 S 199 10/25/04 MH Innovation Station 1+10 361.0 17 105.5 114.0 14.9 14.5 93 5 200 10/25/04 MH Innovation Station 1+20 364.0 17 103.6 114.0 15.1 14.5 91 S 201 10/25/04 MH Innovation Station 1+15 367.0 17 102.7 114.0 17.6 14.5 90 S 202 12/18/04 M Gateway Station 28+00 347.0 16 106.4 117.0 15.3 14.0 91 S 203 12/18/04 M Gateway Station 28+35 346.0 16 105.3 117.0 15.9 14.0 90 S 204 12/18/04 M Gateway Station 26+50 336.0 16 105.4 117.0 14.9 14.0 90 S 205 12/18/04 M Gateway Station 27+50 342.0 16 . 105.6 117.0 17.0 14.0 90 S 206 12/18/04 M Gateway . Station 27+00 339.0 16 105.9 117.0 17.0 14.0 91 S 207 3/8/05 M Gateway Station 28+10 342.0 09 106.1 118.0 16.2 15.0 90 S 208 3/8/05 M Gateway Station 28+15 345.0 09 107.9 118.0 15.3 15.0 91 S 209 3/8/05 M Gateway Station 28+20 349.0 09 107.5 118.0 14.6 15.0 91 S 210 3/8/05 M Gateway Station 27+50 338.0 09 106.1 118.0 15.8 15.0 90 S 211 3/8/05 M Gateway Station 24+80 325.0 13 103.1 115.0 17.9 16.5 90 S 212 3/8/05 M Gateway Station 23+90 323.0 13 103.5 115.0 16.7 16.5 90 5 213 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 23+00 320.5 13 103.8 115.0 17.3 16.5 90 5 214 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 23+30 321.0 13 104.7 115.0 15.6 16.5 91 S 215 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 25+00 330.0 09 106.2 118.0 17.9 15.0 90 5 216 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 27+60 342.0 09 105.7 118.0 12.5 15.0 90 S 217 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 27+00 336.0 09 101.5 118.0 17.6 15.0 86 RTON217A S 217A 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 27+00 . 336.0 09 106.2 118.0 17.2 15.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
. Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 7of14 - - - - 2/06 06:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 218 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 27+10 339.5 09 100.5 118.0 18.0 15.0 85 RTON218A S 218A 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 27+10 339.5 09 106.1 118.0 17.3 15.0 90 S 219 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 26+90 341.5 09 106.5 118.0 16.1 15.0 90 S 220 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 26+50 335.0 09 106.6 118.0 17.3 15.0 90 S 221 3/9/05 M Gateway Station 26+20 337.0 09 107.2 118.0 15.9 15.0 91 S 222 3/10/05 M Gateway Station 25+70 330.0 09 107.4 118.0 12.9 15.0 91 S 223 3/10/05 M Gateway Station 25+55 333.0 09 100.5 118.0 14.5 15.0 85 RI ON 223A S 223A 3/10/05 M Gateway Station 25+55 333.0 09 106.3 118.0 15.5 15.0 90 5 224 3/10/05 MH Gateway Station 25+45 331.0 09 106.5 118.0 16.5 15.0 90 S 225 3/10/05 MH Gateway Station 25+35 330.5 09 101.3 118.0 17.5 15.0 86 RTON22SA S 225A 3/10/05 MH Gateway Station 25+35 330.5 09 106.6 118.0 17.0 15.0 90 S 226 3/10/05 L Gateway Station 25+38 331.5 19 107.4 118.0 15.9 15.0 91 S 227 3/10/05 MH Gateway Station 25+35 332.0 17 102.5 114.0 16.6 14.5 90 S 228 3/10/05 L PA-3 Line E Station 1+55 335.0 19 106.5 118.0 17.0 15.0 90 S 229 3/10/05 L PA-3 Line E Station 1+65 344.0 27 105.2 117.0 14.8 14.5 90 S 230 3/11/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 1+83 343.0 27 106.8 117.0 15.7 14.5 91 S 231 3/11/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 1+75 347.0 27 107.5 117.0 17.5 14.5 92 S 232 3/11/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 1+82 347.0 27 106.9 117.0 17.8 14.5 91 S 233 3/11/05 MH Gateway Station 23+40 321.0 09 105.7 118.0 15.3 15.0 90 5 234 3/11/05 MH Gateway Station 23+20 320.0 09 107.1 118.0 14.3 15.0 91 S 235 3/14/05 L Gateway Station 23+31 322.5 09 106.3 118.0 14.5 15.0 90 S 236 3/18/05 L PA-3 Line E Station 1+90 349.0 27 104.9 117.0 18.7 14.5 90 5 237 3/18/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 1+85 351.0 27 99.5 117.0 24.5 14.5 85 RTON237A S 237A 3/18/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 1+85 351.0 27 105.1 117.0 18.0 14.5 90 S 238 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 2+10 346.0 27 99.5 117.0 19.5 14.5 85 RT ON 238A S 238A 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 2+10 346.0 27 104.8 117.0 18.5 14.5 90 S 239 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line Station 2+30 349.5 27 100.6 117.0 17.9 14.5 . 86 RTON239A S 239A 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 2+30 349.5 27 105.5 117.0 17.5 14.5 90 S 240 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line Station 2+50 351.5 27 93.6 117.0 16.0 14.5 80 RI ON 240A S 240A .4/5/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 2+50 351.5 27 104.9 117.0 14.8 14.5 90 S 241 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 3+00 347.0 20 99.7 116.0 18.1 14.0 86 RT ON 241A S 241A 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 3+00 347.0 20 104.2 116.0 17.2 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 8of14
2/17/2006 11:06:39AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 242 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 3+70 347.0 15 100.4 112.0 16.0 15.5 90 S 243 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 3+10 351.0 19 100.3 118.0 15.1 15.0 85 RT ON 243A S 243A 4/5/05 M PA-3 Line Station 3+10 351.0 19 106.2 118.0 16.5 15.0 90 S 244 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 3+60 351.5 19 105.7 118.0 18.5 15.0 90 S 245 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line Station 6+60 354.0 19 105.8 118.0 14.9 15.0 90 S 246 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 6+00 352.5 19 105.7 118.0 18.2 15.0 90 S 247 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 5+30 350.5 19 106.2 118.0 17.5 15.0 90 S 248 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line Station 4+75 348.5 19 106.6 118.0 15.4 15.0 90 5 249 4/6/05 M Slater Station 1+00 358.0 18 101.2 113.0 18.0 16.0 90 S 250 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 3+75 358.0 18 101.4 113.0 16.9 16.0 90 5 251 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line Station 3+00 354.5 17 96.9 114.0 19.5 14.5 85 RTON251A S 251A 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 3+00 354.5 17 102.6 114.0 17.5 14.5 90 S 252 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+30 . 353.0 17 96.9 114.0 16.9 14.5 85 RTON2S2A S 252A 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+30 353.0 17 102.6 114.0 15.5 14.5 90 S 253 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 1+40 350.0 17 102.3 114.0 17.5 14.5 90 S 254 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 2+50 356.0 19 105.8 118.0 18.0 15.0 90 S 255 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 1+50 353.5 19 100.3 118.0 20.0 15.0 85 RT ON 255A S 255A 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line P Station 1+50 353.5 19 106.2 118.0 18.0 15.0 90 S 256 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 2+40 352.5 19 109.4 118.0 18.4 15.0 93 5 257 4/6/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 3+50 353.5 19 107.0 118.0 18.2 15.0 91 S 258 4/7/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 6+10 354.5 19 106.5 118.0 14.4 15.0 90 5 259 4/7/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 5+10 352.5 19 108.2 118.0 15.5 15.0 92 5 260 4/7/05 M PA4 Line G Station 4+00 377.5 23 108.4 119.0 17.0 13.0 91 S 261 4/7/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 4+05 380.0 23 106.9 119.0 15.1 13.0 90 S 262 4/7/05 M PA4 Line G Station 3+25 375.5 23 106.7 119.0 12.3 13.0 90 5 263 4/7/05 M PA4 Line G Station 3+30 378.5 23 106.9 119.0 16.1 13.0 90 S 264 4/7/05 M PA-4 Line Station 3+80 381.5 23 106.8 119.0 14.6 13.0 90 5 265 4/7/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 2+40 372.0 17 102.3 114.0 18.0 14.5 90 S 266 4/7/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 2+50 376.0 17 96.9 114.0 16.5 14.5 85 RTON266A S 266A 4/7/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 2+50 376.0 17 102.6 114.0 15.5 14.5 90 S 267 4/7/05 M PA-3 Line Station 4+23 348.0 17 95.8 114.0 16.0 14.5 84 RTON267A S 267A 4/7/05 M PA-3 Line E Station 4+23 348.0 17 102.6 114.0 17.0 14.5 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 9of14 - - - - - - - - - 206 :06:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
,NI o.
Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
S 268 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 4+40 349.0 17 97.1 114.0 18.8 14.5 85 RI ON 268A S 268A 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 4+40 349.0 17 102.6 114.0 16.8 14.5 90 S 269 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 4+15 348.5 17 103.0 114.0 18.1 14.5 90 S 270 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 6+80 355.0 19 109.9 118.0 17.0 15.0 93 S 271 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 7+20 358.0 19 108.1 '118.0 15.6 15.0 92 S 272 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line Station 4+10 354.0 19 105.9 118.0 17.3 15.0 90 S 273 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line P Station 1+10 354.5 19 106.2 118.0 18.0 15.0 90 S 274 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 4+60 348.0 19 106.4 118.0 16.3 15.0 90 S 275 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 4+45 350.0 19 106.5 118.0 16.9 15.0 90 S 276 4/7/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 4+53 352.0 19 107.1 118.0 17.1 15.0 91 S 277 4/8/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 4+65 354.0 19 105.8 118.0 18.0 15.0 90 5 278 4/8/05 MH PA-3 Line P Station 3+75 359.0, 16 105.9 117.0 17.3 14.0 91 S 279 4/8/05 MH Slater Station 1+00 360.5 16 106.1 117.0 15.7 14.0 91 5 280 4/8/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 5+80 383.0 20 96.3 116.0 16.6 14.0 83 RTON28OA S 280A 4/8/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 5+80 383.0 20 104.4 116.0 16.5 14.0 90 S 281 4/8/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 5+70 385.0 20 104.2 116.0 16.7 14.0 90 S 282 4/8/05 M PA4 Line G Station 5+00 384.0 20 104.6 116.0 17.0 14.0 90 S 283 4/8/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 5+10 382.0 20 88.0 116.0 21.7 14.0 76 RTON283A S 283A 4/8/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 5+10 382.0 20 104.5 116.0 16.4 14.0 90 5 284 4/8/05 L PA-3 Line Station 4+60 349.0 19 106.5 118.0 15.9 15.0 90 S 285 4/8/05 L PA-3 Line Station 4+70 353.0 19 109.1 118.0 16.1 15.0 92 5 286 4/8/05 M ' PA-3 Line Station 7+30 364.0 19 107.2 118:0 15.1 15.0 91 S 287 4/8/05 MH PA-3 Line E Station 6+90 356.0 19 107.5 118.0 16.9 15.0 91 5 288 4/8/05 MH PA-2 Easement Station 6+00 300.0 09 106.3 118.0 11.5 15.0 90 S 289 4/8/05 L Gateway Station 13+50 298.0 16 104.9 117.0 14.1 14.0 90 S 290 4/8/05 M Gateway Station 13+55 297.0 16 105.1 117.0 14.9 14.0 90 S 291 4/11/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 1+60 369.0 16 95.9 117.0 22.0 14.0 82 RTON291A S 291A 4/11/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 1+60 369.0 16 104.9 117.0 20.4 14.0 90 S 292 4/11/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 1+80 370.5, 16 105.1 ' 117.0 17.5 14.0 90 5 293 4/11/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 1+90 371.5 16 105.0 117.0 15.1 14.0 90 S 294 4/11/05 L PA-4 Line G Station 1+85 ' 371.5 16 105.5 117.0 16.9 14.0 90 S 295 4/11/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 1+75 374.0 16 98.3 117.0 19.8 14.0 84 RI ON 295A
Project Number: 971009016
0 Project Name Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 10of14
2/17/2006 11:06:39AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 295A 4/11/05 MH PA4 Line G Station 1+75 374.0 16 105.4 117.0 17.8 14.0 90 S 296 4/12/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 2+00 376.5 16 104.9 117.0 16.7 14.0 90 S 297 4/12/05 MR PA4 Line G Station 1+95 376.0 16 108.4 117.0 17.7 14.0 93 5 298 4/12/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 6+05 383.5 19 109.1 118.0 16.8 15.0 92 S 299 4/12/05 MH PA4 Line G Station 6+20 384.0 19 108.1 118.0 15.4 15.0 92 5 300 4/12/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 6+15 .386.0 19 105.8 118.0 15.8 15.0 90 S 301 4/12/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 6+20 386.0 19 107.4 118.0 14.7 15.0 91 5 302 4/12/05 MH PA-4 Line G Station 4+65 380.0 15 100.4 112.0 16.7 15.5 90 S 303 4/12/05 MI-I PA-4 Line G Station 4+70 380.5 15 94.1 112.0 20.6 15.5 84 RI ON 303A S 303A 4/12/05 MI-! PA-4 Line G Station 4+70 380.5 15 101.2 112.0 18.5 15.5 90 S 304 4/12/05 M PA-4 Line G Station 4+50 382.5 15 101.3 112.0 19.2 15.5 90 S 305 4/12/05 MN PA-4 Line G Station 4+80 383.0 15 100.8 112.0 19.1 15.5 90 S 306 4/25/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 7+20 300.5 20 98.6 116.0 13.5 14.0 85 RI ON 306A S 306A 4/25/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 7+20 300.5 20 104.5 116.0 13.8 14.0 90 S 307 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 4+05 298.0 16 107.7 117.0 14.8 14.0 92 5 308 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 3+50 298.0 18 103.1 113.0 16.8 16.0 91 5 309 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 3+05 297.0 18 104.1 113.0 17.1 16.0 92 S 310 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 2+50 296.0 18 103.0 113.0 18.6 16.0 91 S 311 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 2+05 295.0 18 102.3 113.0 18.3 16.0 91 S 312 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 2+05 298.0 18 104.1 113.0 17.0 16.0 92 5 313 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 1+50 295.0 18 102.7 113.0 19.7 16.0 91 S 314 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 1+50 298.0 18 100.1 113.0 19.8 16.0 89 RI ON 314A S 314A 4/26/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 1+50 298.0 18 104.0 113.0 18.5 16.0 92 S 315 4/25/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 6+75 300.0 20 105.1 116.0 14.5 14.0 91 5 316 4/25/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 6+25 299.5 20 104.8 116.0 16.0 14.0 90 5 317 4/25/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 7+00 301,5 20 103.9 116.0 14.2 14.0 90 S 318 4/25/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 6+40 301.0 20 104.6 116.0 14.3 14.0 90 5 319 4/25/05 M PA-3 Line Station 5+75 298.5 20 98.6 116.0 15.8 14.0 85 RTON3I9A S 319A 4/25/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 5+75 2985 20 104.2 116.0 15.2 14.0 90 S 320 4/25/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 5+25 298.0 20 103.9 116.0 14.5 14.0 90 S 321 4/27/05 MH PA-3 Line A Station 1+15 296.5 13 97.8 115.0 21.0 16.5 85 RTON321A S 321A 4/27/05 MH . PA-3 Line A Station 1+15 296.5 13 103.3 115.0 19.3 16.5 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page Ilof 14 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
- - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 322 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 4+10 398.0 15 100.5 112.0 18.7 15.5 90 S 323 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 4+30 405.0 15 101.5 112.0 19.9 15.5 91 S 324 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line Station 4+50 402.0 15 100.7 112.0 18.9 15.5 90 S 325 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 4+70 404.0 15 100.6 112.0 18.9 15.5 90 S 326 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 4+90 400.0 15 100.8 112.0 18.9 15.5 90 S 327 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 3+10 403.0 15 101.7 112.0 18.3 15.5 91 S 328 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 3+20 396.0 15 101.8 112.0 18.1 15.5 91 S 329 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 3+40 399.0 15 103.9 112.0 19.7 15.5 93 S 330 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 3+60 404.0 15 101.9 112.0 20.0 15.5 91 S 331 5/7/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 3+70 397.0 15 101.8 112.0 18.1 15.5 91 S 332 5/7/05 M Colt Station 3+90 401.0 15 103.3 112.0 18.7 15.5 92 5 333 5/7/05 M Colt Station 2+20 393.0 15 103.9 112.0 17.9 15.5 93 5 334 5/7/05 M Colt Station 2+40 397.0 15 103.7 112.0 18.2 15.5 93 S 335 5/7/05 M Colt Station 2+65 395.0 15 101.2 112.0 19.3 15.5 90 5 336 5/7/05 M Colt Station 2+65 401.0 15 100.7 112.0 18.9 15.5 90 S 337 5/7/05 M Colt Station 2+90 399.0 15 102.2 112.0 18.5 15.5 91 S 338 5/7/05 M Colt Station 1+50 392.0 15 100.4 112.0 19.5 15.5 90 5 339 5/7/05 M Colt Station 1+50 398.0 15 100.5 112.0 19.1 15.5 90 S 340 5/7/05 M Colt Station 1+70 394.0 15 100.5 112.0 19.2. 15.5 90 5 341 5/10/05 L Colt Station 1+86 402.5 09 107.9 118.0 18.7 15.0 91 S 342 5/12/05 MH Colt Station 1+85 396.0 09 106.3 118.0 14.7 15.0 90 S 343 5/12/05 L Colt Station 1+86 399.0 09 107.1 118.0 14.8 15.0 91 5 344 5/12/05 MI-I Colt Station 1+85 401.0 09 109.2 118.0 15.7 15.0 93 S 345 5/12/05 MH Colt Station 5+05 401.0 09 110.7 118.0 15.1 15.0 94 S 346 5/12/05 MH Colt Station 5+10 403.0 09 107.3 118.0 14.4 15.0 91 S 347 5/12/05 L Colt Station 5+10 . 405.0 16 106.3 117.0 16.2 14.0 91 S 348 5/12/05 L Colt Station 5+50 404.0 16 106.7 117.0 17.3 14.0 91 S 349 5/12/05 L Colt Station 1+86 394.0 16 108.2 117.0 15.8 14.0 92 S 350 5/12/05 L Colt Station 1+85 397.0 16 106.2 117.0 15.5 14.0 91 5 351 5/13/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 9+50 305.0 16 111.0 117.0 12.8 14.0 95 S 352 5/13/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 8+25 304.0 16 107.1 117.0 16.9 14.0 92 S 353 5/13/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 7+75 297.0 16 105.6 117.0 15.9 -. 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 12of14
2/17/2006 11:06:39AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
S 354 5/13/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 7+70 299.0 16 105.3 117.0 13.7 14.0 90 S 355 5/13/05 M PA-3 Line A Station 1+50 306.0 16 105.7 117.0 14.6 14.0 90 S 356 5/13/05 M PA-3 Line Station 2+30 297.0 16 107.2 117.0 15.0 14.0 92 S 357 5/16/05 M PA-3 Line C Station 4+10 309.0 19 106.3 118.0 13.7 15.0 90 S 358 5/16/05 M Campbell Station 0+60 313.0 19 106.4 118.0 14.5 15.0 90 S 359 5/17/05 L Campbell Station 1+07 311.0 12 111.8 120.0 11.9 12.5 93 S 360 5/17/05 MH Campbell Station 1+07 312.0 12 109.0 120.0 13.4 12.5 91 S 361 5/17/05 L Campbell Station 1+15 311.0 20 104.7 116.0 15.6 14.0 90 S 362 5/17/05 L Campbell Station 1+30 313.0 20 106.5 116.0 14.3 14.0 92 5 363 5/17/05 MH Campbell Station 3+75 308.0 12 109.2 120.0 11.5 12.5 91 S 364 5/18/05 MH Campbell Station 3+70 309.0 12 111.2 120.0 13.2 12.5 93 5 365 5/18/05 MH Campbell Station 9+90 302.0 12 110.6 120.0 11.6 12.5 92 S 366 5/18/05 MH Campbell Station 9+95 305.0 12 111.0 120.0 12.3 12.5 93 S 367 5/18/05 MI-I Campbell Station 7+45 301.0 12 110.0 120.0 11.6 12.5 92 S 368 5/26/05 M Campbell Station 7+60 312.0 20 104.5 116.0 14.2 14.0 90 5 369 5/26/05 M Campbell Station 6+40 315.0 20 104.1 116.0 12.8 14.0 90 S 370 5/26/05 M Campbell Station 5+40 316.0 20 104.3 116.0 13.5 14.0 90 S 371 5/26/05 M Campbell Station 5+50 313.0 20 106.5 116.0 13.6 14.0 92 S 372 5/26/05 M Campbell Station 5+10 315.0 20 106.3 116.0 14.8 14.0 92 S 373 5/26/05 M Campbell Station 4+85 317.0 20 105.6 116.0 15.2 14.0 91 S 374 5/26/05 L Campbell Station 4+10 324.0 20 105.5 116.0 14.3 14.0 91 S 375 6/2/05 MH PA-2 Line K Station 2+60 294.0 08 105.4 117.5 13.8 14.0 90 S 376 6/2/05 MH PA-2 Line K Station 2+66 298.0 08 105.5 117.5 15.2 14.0 90 S 377 6/7/05 MH PA-2 Line K Station 4+89 293.0 08 108.6 117.5 12.0 14.0 92 S 378 6/7/05 MH PA-2 Line K Station 4+89 293.0 08 105.9 117.5 17.2 14.0 90 5 379 6/7/05 MH PA-2 Line K Station 4+95 296.0 08 105.7 117.5 15.6 14.0 90 S 380 6/7/05 MH PA-2 Line K Station 4+80 298.0 08 106.3 117.5 17.0 14.0 90 5 381 6/7/05 MH PA-2 Line K Station 4+95 301.0 08 106.1 117.5 16.8 14.0 90 S 382 6/7/05 MH PA-2 Line Station 4+90 304.0 08 105.8 117.5 14.1 14.0 90 S 383 10/13/05 L E. Gateway Station 2+15 398.0 39 129.6 136.5 5.1 7.0 95 S 384 10/13/05 L E. Gateway Station 2+10 400.0 39 129.8 136.5 5.3 7.0 95 5 385 10/13/05 L E. Gateway Station 2+15 399.0 39 129.5 136.5 6.0 7.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 13 of 14 - - - - -: - - - -
- - - 2/06
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Test Test Location Test Soil .Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
S 386 11/9/05 M PA-1 Station 2+50 302.0 10 101.3 112.5 19.0 16.0 90 S 387 11/9/05 M PA-i Station 1+50 298.0 10 101.5 112.5 17.8 16.0 90 S 388 11/16/05 MH PA-i Station 1+10 304.0 20 109.8 116.0 16.7 14.0 95 S 389 11/16/05 MH PA-i Station1+10 305.5 20 105.7 116.0 17.2 14.0 91 S 390 12/1/05 M Town Garden Station 2+10 287.0 10 102.5 112.5 16.2 16.0 91 S 391 12/1/05 M Town Garden Station 2+20 289.0 10 107.8 112.5 15.2 16.0 96 S 392 12/1/05 M Town Garden Station 2+30 290.0 32 132.0 137.0 5.8 7.0 96 S 393 12/1/05 M PA-1 Station 2+50 300.0 10 103.8 112.5 15.3 16.0 92 S 394 12/1/05 M PA-I Station 3+00 302.0 10 102.6 112.5 14.2 16.0 91
I Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0 I Client: 0 Page 14 of 14
2/17/2006 11:06:39AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
W 1 2/4/05 M Metropolitan Station 2+10 280.5 20 104.4 116.0 16.0 14.0 90 W 2 2/4/05 M Metropolitan Station 2+75 281.0 20 104.7 116.0 15.6 14.0 90 W 3 2/4/05 M Metropolitan Station 3+25 281.5 20 98.6 116.0 16.4 14.0 85 RI ON 3A W 3A 2/4/05 M Metropolitan Station 3+25 281.5 20 104.9 116.0 16.7 14.0 90 W 4 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 2+75 367.5 19 109.5 118.0 13.7 15.0 93 W 5 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 3+50 369.0 19 109.6 118.0 10.3 15.0 93 W 6 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 4+10 370.5 19 108.4 118.0 16.9 15.0 92 W 7 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 4+90 373.5 19 107.4 118.0 16.8 15.0 91 W 8 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 5+50 375.0 19 101.5 118.0 15.9 15.0 86 RT ON 8A W 8A 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 5+50 375.0 19 105.8 118.0 15.8 15.0 90 W 9 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 6+00 376.0 19 102.5 118.0 11.6 15.0 87 RI ON 9A W 9A 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 6+00 376.0 19 105.9 118.0 17.5 15.0 90 W 10 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 8+80 381.5 09 98.4 118.0 20.7 15.0 83 RI ON 10A W 10A 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 8+80 381.5 09 105.8 118.0 18.1 15.0 90 W 11 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 9+20 382.0 09 106.4 118.0 15.5 15.0 90 W 12 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 9+80 383.0 09 107.6 118.0 15.5 15.0 91 W 13 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 6+60 377.0 09 105.8 118.0 17.7 15.0 90 W 14 3/14/05 M Innovation Station 7+10 378.5 09 108.2 118.0 17.6 15.0 92 W 15 3/16/05 L Innovation Station 4+47 373.0 19 107.9 118.0 15.5 15.0 91 W 16 3/16/05 L Innovation Station 4+76 374.0 19 105.8 118.0 19.1 15.0 90 W 17 3/16/05 L Innovation Station 6+35 376.0 19 105.9 118.0 15.6 15.0 90 W 18 3/16/05 L Innovation Station 8+19 379.5 19 107.7 118.0 17.2 15.0 91 W 19 3/16/05 M Gateway Station 42+30 404.5 19 107.4 118.0 11.9 15.0 91 W 20 3/16/05 M Gateway Station 42+85 406.0 19 108.2 118.0 12.1 15.0 92 W 21 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 41+80 402.0 19 108.2 118.0 13.8 15.0 92 W 22 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 40+75 396.0 19 105.8 118.0 11.8 15.0 90 W 23 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 40+25 394.5 19 106.1 118.0 13.6 15.0 90 W 24 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 39+75 392.0 19 107.5 118.0 11.8 15.0 91 W 25 3/17/05 L Innovation Station 7+85 377.0 09 107.1 118.0 13.2 15.0 91 W 26 3/17/05 L Innovation Station 10+40 382.0 09 108.5 118.0 14.8 15.0 92 W 27 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 37+75 . 387.5 20 104.1 116.0 18.1 14.0 90 W 28 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 36+85 386.5 20 104.9 116.0 16.3 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 1 of 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2/jjj16 07:0j
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Etev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
W 29 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 36+00 384.5 20 104.3 116.0 15.5 14.0 90 W 30 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 34+50 380.5 20 107.1 116.0 15.8 14.0 92 W 31 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 33+75 378.5 20 104.5 116.0 16.2 14.0 90 W 32 3/17/05 M Gateway Station 33+00 376.5 20 105.6 116.0 14.8 14.0 91 W 33 3/22/05 M Gateway Station 41+52 400.0 19 108.5 118.0 17.8 15.0 92 W 34 3/18/05 M Innovation Station 8+40 380.5 18 101.7 113.0 20.1 16.0 90 W 35 3/18/05 M Innovation Station 7+70 379.5 18 101.4 113.0 18.8 16.0 90 W 36 3/18/05 M Innovation Station 10+40 381.5 18 101.9 113.0 17.5 16.0 90 W 37 3/18/05 M Innovation Station 1+30 367.0 19 108.8 118.0 15.9 15.0 92 W 38 3/22/05 L Gateway Station 32+70 374.5 09 108.1 118.0 12.4 15.0 92 W 39 3/22/05 M Gateway Station 32+25 372.5 09 108.7 118.0 12.7 15.0 92 W 40 3/22/05 M Innovation Station 35+07 381.5 09 109.0 118.0 16.1 15.0 92 W 41 3/21/05 L Gateway Station 42+07 405.0 21 106.4 118.0 15.1 13.0 90 W 42 3/22/05 L Gateway Station 35+42 382.0 09 108.5 118.0 13.8 15.0 92 W 43 3/28/05 M Gateway Station 31+30 365.5 17 96.9 114.0 13.0 14.5 85 RI ON 43A W 43A 3/28/05 M Gateway Station 31+30 365.5 17 102.6 114.0 13.2 14.5 90 W 44 3/28/05 M Gateway Station 30+60 362.5 17 102.4 114.0 13.8 14.5 90 W 45 3/28/05 M Gateway Station 30+10 359.5 17 102.8 114.0 13.8 14.5 90 W 46 3/28/05 M Gateway Station 43+10 408.5 19 107.3 118.0 13.2 15.0 91 W 47 3/28/05 M Gateway Station 43+73 409.5 19 107.5 118.0 11.9 15.0 91 W 48 3/30/05 M Innovation Station 1+20 368.0 19 105.8 118.0 15.3 15.0 90 W 49 3/30/05 M Innovation Station 1+75 368.0 16 99.5 117.0 13.6 14.0 85 RT ON 49A W 49A 3/30/05 M Innovation Station 1+75 368.0 16 106.3 117.0 14.9 14.0 91 W 50 3/30/05 M Gateway Station 31+90 370.5 09 105.9 118.0 12.3, 15.0 90 W 51 3/30/05 HL Gateway Station 32+10 371.5 09 106.1 118.0 12.8 15.0 90 W 52 3/30/05 M Gateway Station 44+25 411.5 09 106.2 118.0 11.4 15.0 90 W 53 3/31/05 L Gateway Station 42+07 403.0 17 102.7 114.0 15.0 14.5 90 W 54 3/31/05 L Gateway Station 41+52 400.0 17 102.9 114.0 14.9 14.5 90 W 55 4/1/05 W Innovation Station 2+20 367.0 16 105.6 117.0 13.9 14.0 90 W 56 4/4/05 HL Gateway Station 32+70 376.0 15 95.2 112.0 8.8 15.5 85 RI ON 56A W 56A 4/4/05 HL Gateway Station 32+70 376.0 15 100.5 112.0 11.0 15.5 90 W 57 4/11/05 M Gateway Station 5+85 410.0 08 109.5 117.5 13.2 14.0 93
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 2of7
2/17/2006 11:07:03AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
W 58 4/11/05 M Gateway Station 4+90 408.0 08 111.0 117.5 14.5 14.0 94 W 59 4/11/05 M Gateway Station 3+65 404.0 08 105.6 117.5 15.5 14.0 90 W 60 4/11/05 M Gateway Station 10+00 417.0 08 106.8 117.5 16.1 14.0 91 W 61 4/12/05 M Gateway Station 12+01 420.0 08 105.5 117.5 16.1 14.0 90 W 62 4/12/05 M Gateway Station 13+06 422.0 08 108.0 117.5 16.8 14.0 92 W 63 4/12/05 M Gateway Station 14+16 425.0 08 105.8 117.5 17.6 14.0 90 W 64 4/12/05 M Gateway Station 14+91 426.0 08 106.3 117.5 15.0 14.0 90 W 65 4/4/05 HL Innovation Station 2+20 366.0 09 106.2 118.0 13.5 15.0 90 W 66 4/4/05 HL Innovation Station 2+40 367.0 09 108.1 118.0 13.3 15.0 92 W 67 4/4/05 HL Innovation Station 1+95 367.0 09 107.5 118.0 13.2 15.0 91 W 68 4/11/05 HL Gateway Station 38+40 388.5 15 100.7 112.0 12.5 15.5 90 W 69 4/11/05 HL Innovation Station 10+50 382.0 09 109.5 118.0 14.9 15.0 93 W 70 4/13/05 M Gateway Station 2+41 398.5 18 101.7 113.0 19.1 16.0 90 W 71 4/14/05 M Gateway Station 21+80 319.0 20 95.1 116.0 15.7 14.0 82 RT ON 71A W 71A 4/14/05 M Gateway Station 21+80 319.0 20 104.5 116.0 13.2 14.0 90 W 72 4/14/05 M Gateway Station 21+20 317.0 20 104.2 116.0 16.0 14.0 90 W 73 4/14/05 L Gateway Station 21+96 317.0 20 97.4 116.0 14.5 14.0 84 RT ON 73A W 73A 4/14/05 L Gateway Station 20+96 317.0 20 104.5 116.0 14.2 14.0 90 W 74 4/14/05 HL Gateway Station 20+31 314.0 20 105.6 116.0 13.1 14.0 91 W 75 4/14/05 M Gateway Station 20+70 316.0 20 104.7 116.0 14.9 14.0 90 W 76 4/14/05 L Gateway Station 19+94 314.0 20 105.2 116.0 15.3 14.0 91 W 77 4/14/05 M Gateway Station 19+70 312.5 20 104.8 116.0 15.4 14.0 90 W 78 4/14/05 M Gateway Station 18+50 310.0 20 106.7 116.0 11.1 14.0 92 W 79 4/14/05 M Gateway Station 17+50 307.0 20 104.9 116.0 18.1 14.0 90 W 80 4/14/05 M Gateway Station 16+50 305.0 20 104.3 116.0 17.1 14.0 90 W 81 4/20/05 M Gateway Station 23+30 323.0 20 104.5 116.0 13.5 14.0 90 W 82 4/20/05 M Gateway Station 24+40 327.0 20 98.6 116.0 12.2 14.0 85 RT ON 82A W 82A 4/20/05 M Gateway Station 24+40 327.0 20 104.4 116.0 11.8 14.0 90 W 83 4/20/05 M Alicante Station 111+90 322.5 20 105.6 116.0 12.3 14.0 91 W 84 4/22/05 M Gateway Station 29+40 357.0 17 102.5 114.0 13.5 14.5 90 W 85 4/22/05 M Gateway Station 28+35 351.0 17 103.7 114.0 12.2 14.5 91 W 86 4/22/05 M Gateway Station 27+00 342.0 17 104.9 114.0 13.0 14.5 92
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 3of7 - - - - - - - - 2/6 07:1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
W 87 4/22/05 M Gateway Station 26+00 337.0 17 102.7 114.0 12.8 14.5 90 W 88 4/22/05 M Gateway Station 24+90 330.0 17 97.2 114.0 14.6 14.5 85 RT ON 88A W 88A 4/22/05 M Gateway Station 24+90 330.0 17 102.8 114.0 12.1 14.5 90 W 89 4/22/05 M Alicante Station 119+00 321.0 16 105.0 117.0 12.5 14.0 90 W 90 4/22/05 M Alicante Station 117+80 315.0 16 105.0 117.0 12.1 14.0 90 W 91 4/22/05 M Alicante Station 116+00 307.0 16 104.8 117.0 15.2 14.0 90 W 92 4/22/05 M Alicante Station 114+50 303.0 20 103.9 116.0 14.4 14.0 90 W 93 5/2/05 HL Gateway Station 43+30 410.5 16 105.3 117.0 16.0 14.0 90 W 94 5/6/05 HL Gateway Station 29+10 355.0 16 99.5 117.0 11.6 14.0 85 RI ON 94A W 94A 5/6/05 HL Gateway Station 29+10 355.0 16 105.1 117.0 14.5 14.0 90 W 95 5/16/05 M Gateway Station 19+95 314.5 20 96.0 116.0 21.0 14.0 83 RI ON 95A W 95A 5/16/05 M Gateway Station 19+95 314.5 20 104.5 116.0 16.5 14.0 90 W 96 5/16/05 M Gateway Station 18+10 309.0 20 92.8 116.0 16.7 14.0 80 RI ON 96A W 96A 5/16/05 M Gateway Station 18+10 309.0 20 104.5 116.0 14.5 14.0 90 W 97 5/17/05 M Gateway Station 15+70 303.5 18 101.6 113.0 16.1 16.0 90 W 98 5/17/05 M Gateway Station 14+00 300.0 18 92.7 113.0 19.3 16.0 82 RTON98A W 98A 5/17/05 M Gateway Station 14+00 300.0 18 101.8 113.0 18.5 16.0 90 W 99 5/17/05 M Alicante Station 118+42 318.0 18 101.4 113.0 13.8 16.0 90 W 100 5/17/05 M Alicante Station 117+20 312.5 18 101.2 113.0 11.5 16.0 90 W 101 5/18/05 M Slater Station 2+35 357.5 20 98.6 116.0 8.5 14.0 85 RTON 101A W 101A 5/18/05 M Slater Station 2+35 357.5 20 104.5 116.0 11.5 14.0 90 W 102 5/18/05 M Slater Station 3+05 359.0 20 104.7 116.0 13.5 14.0 90 W 103 5/23/05 M Slater Station 0+85 359.0 16 105.7 117.0 15.4 14.0 90 W 104 5/23/05 L Slater Station 1+30 360.0 16 106.3 117.0 15.6 14.0 91 W 105 5/23/05 M Slater Station 1+70 364.0 16 107.4 117.0 13.3 14.0 92 W 106 5/23/05 M Slater Station 2+85 370.0 16 105.8 117.0 15.3 14.0 90 W 107 5/23/05 M Slater Station 3+55 371.0 16 108.6 117.0 14.0 14.0 93 W 108 5/24/05 M Colt Station 5+15 407.0 18 105.9 113.0 17.3 16.0 94 W 109 5/31/05 M Gateway Station 18+50 422.5 16 105.4 117.0 13.6 14.0 90 W 110 5/31/05 M Gateway Station 19+50 429.0 16 104.9 117.0 12.8 14.0 90 W 111 6/6/05 X Colt Station 2+00 398.0 17 102.5 114.0 14.3 14.5 90 W 112 6/6/05 X Colt Station 4+50 403.0 17 102.1 114.0 13.8 14.5 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 4of7
2/17/2006 11:07:03AM
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
W 113 6/6/05 L Gateway Station 17+80 427.0 17 95.8 114.0 9.0 14.5 84 RI ON 113A W 113A 6/7/05 L Gateway Station 17+80 427.0 17 104.2 114.0 11.3 14.5 91 W 114 6/7/04 L Gateway Station 11+90 419.0 16 104.9 117.0 11.9 14.0 90. W 115 6/7/04 HL Gateway Station 20+19 432.0 16 104.9 117.0 14.5 14.0 90 W 116 6/7/04 HL Gateway Station .12+01 420.0 16 105.1 117.0 14.9 14.0 90 W 117 6/13/04 M Campbell Station 4+60 322.5 21 105.8 118.0 12.2 13.0 90 W 118 6/13/04 M Campbell Station 5+40 320.5 21 105.9 118.0 12.4 13.0 90 W 119 6/13/04 M Campbell Station 6+40 317.5 21 105.8 118.0 12.1 13.0 90 W 120 6/13/04 M Campbell Station 7+30 314.5 21 106.1 118.0 12.5 13.0 90 W 121 6/14/04 M Gateway Station 29+65 358.5 16 105.3 117.0 14.1 14.0 90 W 122 6/14/04 L Gateway Station 39+00 391.0 16 104.9 117.0 13,9 14.0 90 W 123 6/14/04 L Gateway Station 44+60 414.0 16 104.8 117.0 11.9 14.0 90 W 124 6/14/04 M Campbell Station 2+70 322.0 08 110.6 117.5 13.2 14.0 94 W 125 6/14/04 M Campbell Station 3+50 324.0 08 107.5 117.5 14.2 14.0 91 W 126 6/16/04 M Campbell Station 1+48 318.0 08 107.6 117.5 12.9 14.0 92 W 127 .6/16/04 L Colt Station 5+22 404.0 18 102.5 113.0 18.9 16.0 91 W 128 6/16/04 HL Colt Station 5+22 404.0 18 102.7 113.0 17.5 16.0 91 W 129 6/16/04 L Colt Station 4+50 403.0 18 101.8 113.0 17.1 16.0 90 W 130 6/16/04 M Alicante Station 113+18 304.0 16 108.4 117.0 16.1 14.0 93 W 131 6/17/04 L Town Garden Station 4+00 287.0 08 106.8 117.5 13.5 14.0 91 W 132 6/20/04 L Town Garden Station 14+90 287.0 17 95.8 114.0 20.0 14.5 84 RI ON 132A W 132A 6/20/04 L Town Garden Station 14+90 287.0 17 108.3 114.0 14.9 14.5 95 W 133 6/20/04 L Town Garden Station 14+88 288.5 33 131.1 138.0 3.9 6.5 95 W 134 6/21/05 L Palomor Airport Station 122+20 381.0 28 124.3 134.0 7.8 8.0 93 W 135 6/21/05 L Palomor Airport Station 122+15 383.0 32 130.1 137.0 5.1 7.0 95 W 136 6/21/05 L Town Garden Station 4+00 286.5 16 111.2 117.0 11.6 14.0 95 W 137 6/21/05 L Town Garden Station 4+00 288.0 32 130.1 137.0 3.7 7.0 95 W 138 6/22/05 L Town Garden Station 14+88 288.0 21 106.5 118.0 10.9 13.0 90 W 139 6/22/05 L Town Garden Station 4+00 288.5 21 106.4 118.0 12.1 13.0 90 W 140 6/24/05 L Campbell Station 5+90 319.0 19 105.8 118.0 12.1 15.0 90 W 141 6/27/05 HL Campbell Station 5+00 . 323.0 16 106.0 117.0 11.0 14.0 91 W 142 6/27/05 L . Campbell Station 4+30 323.0 16 105.7 117.0 13.0 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 . Page 5of7 - - - - 2/'6 WWTOM
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
W 143 6/27/05 L Campbell Station 4+33 323.0 16 106.9 117.0 11.4 14.0 91 W 144 6/27/05 L Campbell Station 4+35 323.0 16 106.6 117.0 12.0 14.0 91 W 145 6/28/05 L Alicante Station 113+15 304.0 16 108.4 117.0 13.7 14.0 93 W 146 6/28/05 L Alicante Station 115+56 306.0 16 109.0 117.0 14.6 14.0 93 W 147 6/28/05 L Alicante Station 117+17 311.0 16 108.0 117.0 15.4 14.0 92 W 148 6/28/05 L Town Garden Station 11+50 280.0 32 130.9 137.0 5.9 7.0 96 W 149 6/28/05 L Town Garden Station 11+50 281.0 32 130.6 137.0 5.8 7.0 95 W 150 6/29/05 L Campbell Station 0+97 313.0 21 106.2 118.0 10.1 13.0 90 W 151 6/29/05 L Campbell Station 0+79 312.5 21 105.9 118.0 10.5 13.0 90 W 152 6/29/05 L Campbell Station 1+57 315.0 21 105.9 118.0 10.9 13.0 90 W 153 6/30/05 L Town Garden Station 11+50 378.0 16 111.1 117.0 16.5 14.0 95 W 154 6/30/05 L Town Garden Station 11+50 379.5 32 130.0 137.0 4.8 7.0 95 W 155 7/5/05 L Gateway Station 20+50 431.0 32 130.3 137.0 4.1 7.0 95 W 156 7/5/05 L Gateway Station 20+50 432.0 32 133.0 137.0 4.5 7.0 97 W 157 7/12/05 M Colt Station 1+50 388.0 22 114.1 124.0 7.5 12.0 92 W 158 7/13/05 M Gateway Station 11+20 416.0 21 106.3 118.0 16.5 13.0 90 W 159 7/15/05 L Town Garden Station 2+60 293.0 21 108.5 118.0 13.5 13.0 92 W 160 7/15/05 L Town Garden Station 2+65 294.5 21 111.6 118.0 12.6 13.0 95 W 161 7/15/05 L Town Garden Station 2+62 296.0 39 129.7 136.5 3.9 7.0 95 W 162 7/15/05 L Town Garden Station 2+63 295.0 21 106.5 118.0 10.0 13.0 90 W 163 7/20/05 M Gateway Station 19+75 311.0 19 106.2 118.0 11.8 15.0 90 W 164 8/2/05 M Innovation Station 2+20 369.0 41 130.1 137.0 5.3 7.0 95 W 165 8/2/05 M Innovation Station 4+47 375.0 41 131.5 137.0 4.4 7.0 96 W 166 8/2/05 M Innovation Station 6+35 379.0 41 131.6 137.0 3.7 7.0 96 W 167 8/2/05 M Innovation Station 0+87 361.5 41 130.2 137.0 3.2 7.0 95 W 168 8/18/05 L Palomar Station 156+10 427.0 28 121.9 134.0 7.6 8.0 91 W 169 8/18/05 L Gateway Station 20+30 428.0 18 94.9 113.0 11.5 16.0 84 RTON 169A W 169A 8/18/05 L Gateway Station 20+30 428.0 18 101.7 113.0 13.0 16.0 90 W 170 8/18/05 L Palomar Station 156+15 431.0 29 130.5 136.0 4.1 7.0 96 W 171 8/18/05 L Gateway Station 20+20 431.5 16 105.3 117.0 12.5 14.0 90 W 172 8/18/05 L Palomar Station 156+17 433.5 29 121.0 136.0 3.1 7.0 89 RTON172A W 172A 8/18/05 L Palomar Station 156+17 433.5 29 129.2 136.0 2.9 7.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 6of7
2/17/2006 11:07:03AM
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
W 173 8/18/05 L Gateway Station 20+50 433.0 16 105.3 117.0 11.9 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 7of7 - M M M = M = = = = - - 2/6 NNOTOM
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
RC 1 11/22/04 M Gateway Station 51+45 400.5 27 102.4 117,0 16.2 14.5 88 RTON 1A RC IA 11/22/04 M Gateway Station 51+45 400.5 27 105.6 117.0 19.0 14.5 90 RC 2 11/22/04 M Gateway Station 51+65 399.5 27 110.7 117.0 13.9 14.5 95 RC 3 11/22/04 M Gateway Station 50+15 405.0 27 107.5 117.0 15.4 14.5 92 RC 4 11/22/04 M Gateway Station 49+50 406.5 27 107.6 117.0 14.8 14.5 92 RC 5 11/22/04 M Gateway Station 48+70 408.5 27 105.9 117.0 15.6 14.5 91 RC 6 11/22/04 M Gateway Station 47+75 410.0 27 104.9 117.0 15.8 14.5 90 RC 7 2/3/05 M Innovation Station 6+30 376.0 09 106.2 118.0 13.6 15.0 90 RC 8 2/3/05 M Innovation Station 7+00 379.0 09 106.1 118.0 16.7 15.0 90 RC 9 2/3/05 M Innovation Station 7+70 379.5 09 107.8 118.0 17.3 15.0 91 RC 10 2/3/05 M Innovation Station 6+50 378.0 13 103.5 115.0 18.0 16.5 90 RC 11 2/3/05 M Innovation Station 7+50 380.5 13 104.5 115.0 16.1 16.5 91 RC 12 2/3/05 M Innovation Station 5+75 374.0 13 104.1 115.0 20.6 16.5 91 RC 13 2/3/05 M Innovation Station 4+10 370.0 18 101.8 113.0 19.0 16.0 90 RC 14 2/3/05 M Innovation Station 3+50 363.5 09 106.5 118.0 19.1 15.0 90 RC 15 2/3/05 M Innovation Station 2+60 362.5 19 106.9 118.0 19.4 15.0 91 RC 16 2/4/05 M Innovation Station 2+10 366.0 18 101.9 113.0 17.6 16.0 90 RC 17 2/4/05 M Innovation Station 1+60 366.5 18 102.0 113.0 19.9 16.0 90 RC 18 2/7/05 M Innovation Station 4+30 371.0 16 105.6 117.0 16.9 14.0 90 RC 19 2/7/05 M Innovation Station 4+50 372.5 16 99.5 117.0 19.5 14.0 85 RTON I9A RC 19A 2/7/05 M Innovation Station 4+50 372.5 16 105.3 117.0 18.0 14.0 90 RC 20 2/7/05 M Innovation Station 4+75 373.0 16 97.1 117.0 20.0 14.0 83 RT ON 20A RC 20A 2/7/05 M Innovation Station 4+75 373.0 16 105.6 117.0 19.0 14.0 90 RC 21 2/7/05 M Innovation Station 2+30 367.0 15 91.8 112.0 21.0 15.5 82 RI ON 21A RC 21A 2/7/05 M Innovation Station 2+30 367.0 15 100.8 112.0 19.0 15.5 90 RC 22 2/7/05 M Innovation Station 2+20 366.5 15 94.1 112.0 19.0 15.5 84 RTON22A RC 22A 2/7/05 M Innovation Station 2+20 366.5 15 101.0 112.0 18.0 15.5 90 RC 23 3/22/05 L Gateway Station 41+32 396.5 19 110.9 118.0 13.7 15.0 94 RC 24 4/13/05 M Gateway Station 4+21 405.0 09 106.5 118.0 11.5 15.0 90 RC 25 4/13/05 M Gateway Station 6+00 408.0 09 107.3 118.0 12.4 15.0 91 RC 26 4/13/05 M Gateway Station 2+30 398.5 08 105.4 117.5 15.0 14.0 90 RC 27 4/13/05 L Gateway Station 18+70 309.0 20 104.4 116.0 15.2 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Pagel of 3
2/17/2006 11:07:25AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
RC 28 4/14/05 L Gateway Station 18+70 310.5 20 104.1 116.0 15.3 14.0 90 RC 29 4/14/05 L Gateway Station 19+50 310.0 20 104.7 116.0 15.6 14.0 90 RC 30 4/14/05 L Gateway Station 19+70 311.0 20 104.8 116.0 15.5 14.0 90 RC 31 4/26/05 M Alicante Station 119+30 320.0 16 105.1 117.0 13.8 14.0 90 RC 32 4/26/05 , M Alicante Station 116+50 308.0 16 105.2 117.0 13.5 14.0 90 RC 33 4/26/05 M Alicante Station 116+00 305.0 16 99.2 117.0 9.6 14.0 85 RI ON 33A RC 33A 4/26/05 M Alicante Station 116+00 305.0 16 105.4 117.0 14.6 14.0 90 RC 34 , 4/26/05 M Alicante ' Station 115+11 303.5 16 105.7 117.0 14.3 14.0 90 RC 35 4/26/05 M Alicante Station 114+58 302.0 16 105.2 117.0 18.0 14.0 90 RC 36 4/26/05 M Alicante Station 113+75 301.5' 16 105.6 117.0 .14.4 14.0 90 RC 37 5/16/05 M Gateway Station 19+70 313.5 20 95.2 116.0 18.6 14.0 82 RI ON 37A RC 37A 5/16/05 M Gateway Station 19+70 313.5 20 103.9 116.0 16.7 14.0 90 RC 38 5/12/05 M Slater Station 3+00 374.0 09 105.9 118.0 18.3 15.0 90 RC' 39 5/12/05 M Slater Station 2+10 368.5 09 106.2 118.0 14.9 15.0 90 RC 40 5/12/05 M Slater Station 1+10 361.5 09 106.5 118.0 13.5 15.0 90 RC 41 5/20/05 M Colt Station 2+25 402.5 18 103.9 113.0 16.9 16.0 92 RC 42 5/20/05 M Colt Station 2+85 403.0 18 102.7 113.0 17.7 16.0 91 RC 43 5/20/05 M Colt Station 3+35 404.0 18 103.3 113.0 16.6 16.0 91 RC 44 5/20/05 M Colt Station 3+96 405.0 18 103.1 113.0 19.1 16.0 91 RC 45 5/20/05 M Colt Station 4+40 405.0 18 105.6 113.0 18.2 16.0 93 RC 46 5/23/05 M Slater Station 3+60 371.0 16 108.8 117.0 14.6 14.0 93 RC 47 5/24/05 M Colt Station 1+65 402.0 18 102,7 113.0 17.2 16.0 91 RC 48 5/24/05 M Colt Station 2+35 403.0 18 ' 102.9 113.0 16.6 16.0 91 RC 49 5/24/05 M Colt Station 3+30 404.0 18 101.7 113.0 19.0 16.0 90 RC 50 5/24/05 M Colt Station 4+20 405.0 18 103.4 113.0 18.1 16.0 92 RC 51 6/9/05 M Alicante Station 118+65 319.0 08 105.9 117.5 14.5 14.0 90 RC 52 6/9/05 M Alicante Station 118+80 320.0 08 106.3 117.5 14.2 14.0 90 RC 53 6/9/05 M Alicante Station 119+45 322.0 08 106.0 117.5 15.3 14.0 90 RC 54 6/9/05 M Gateway Station 7+15 411.0 16 105.3 117.0 14.9 14.0 90 RC 55 6/9/05 L Gateway Station 7+10 411.5 16 105.5 117.0 16.0 14.0 90 RC 56 6/9/05 M Campbell Station 7+20 315.0 15 100.3 112.0 15.0 15.5 90 RC 57 6/9/05 M Campbell Station 6+50 317.0 15 100.3 112.0 14,1 15.5 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 2of3 - . - - - - 2/)6 072
- - - - - - - - - - - - - MM Mao MM, SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
RC 58 6/9/05 M Campbell Station 5+80 319.5 15 94.1 112.0 10.8 15.5 84 RTONS8A RC 58A 6/9/05 M Campbell Station 5+80 319.5 15 100.6 112.0 11.5 15.5 90 RC 59 6/9/05 M Campbell Station 5+00 320.0 15 95.1 112.0 10.9 15.5 85 RT ON 59A RC 59A 6/9/05 M Campbell Station 5+00 320.0 15 100.5 112.0 12.1 15.5 90 RC 60 6/13/05 M Campbell Station 4+20 323.0 21 105.9 118.0 14.0 13.0 90 RC 61 6/14/05 M Campbell Station 2+75 322.0 08 109.3 117.5 12.1 14.0 93 RC 62 6/14/05 M Campbell Station 3+42 324.0 08 105.9 117.5 12.0 14.0 90 RC 63 6/15/05 M Campbell Station 1+50 318.0 08 107.0 117.5 13.2 14.0 91 RC 64 6/14/05 L Gateway Station 6+40 412.0 20 97.4 116.0 10.1 14.0 84 RTON64A RC 64A 6/14/05 L Gateway Station 6+40 412.0 20 103.9 116.0 11.5 14.0 90 RC 65 6/24/05 L Alicante Station 113+16 303.0 16 111.0 117.0 13.3 14.0 95 RC 66 6/24/05 L Alicante Station 119+90 323.0 16 107.9 117.0 12.1 14.0 92 RC 67 6/7/05 L Colt Station 1+55 401.0 16 110.6 117.0 15.1 14.0 95 RC 68 7/7/05 L Innovation Station 7+68 379.0 21 108.6 118.0 10.0 13.0 92 RC 69 7/7/05 L Innovation Station 7+69 380.5 31 117.9 124.0 8.5 11.0 95 RC 70 7/8/05 L Slater Station 0+50 358.5 16 105.3 117.0 10.0 14.0 90 RC 71 7/8/05 L Slater Station 0+51 360.0 31 117.8 124.0 5.0 11.0 95 RC 72 7/8/05 L Innovation Station 2+33 368.0 31 117.9 124.0 5.5 11.0 95 RC 73 7/8/05 L Alicante Station 119+25 318.5 16 104.9 117.0 12.8 14.0 90 RC 74 7/8/05 L Alicante Station 113+75 302.0 19 106.2 118.0 14.6 15.0 90 RC 75 7/11/05 L Slater Station 0+80 359.5 16 111.1 117.0 11.5 14.0 95 RC 76 7/11/05 L Slater Station 0+60 360.0 28 127.3 134.0 3.5 8.0 95 RC 77 7/13/05 L Alicante Station 119+73 321.0 21 106.2 118.0 11.3 13.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
4>1 Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
•• Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 3of3
2/17/2006 11:07:25AM
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
I 1 7/11/05 L East Gateway Station 15+39 424.0 20 98.6 116.0 14.5 14.0 85 RT ON 1A I IA 7/11/05 L East Gateway Station 15+39 424.0 20 104.4 116.0 14.9 14.0 90 1 2 7/12/05 M Gateway Station 51+75 400.0 28 127.8 134.0 4.0 8.0 95 I 3 7/18/05 X Campbell Station 3+00 320.0 21 105.9 118.0 10.5 13.0 90 I 4 7/18/05 X Campbell Station 5+10 321.0 16 105.4 117.0 11.5 14.0 90 1 5 11/8/05 M Campbell R. Side Station 5+75 319.0 20 110.2 116.0 12.7 14.0 95 I 6 11/8/05 M Campbell R. Side Station 5+75 320.5 29 133.0 136.0 6.1 7.0 98 I 7 11/8/05 M Campbell R. Side Station 1+09 313.0 20 110.3 116.0 13.8 14.0 95 1 8 11/8/05 M Campbell R. Side Station 1+09 314.5 29 133.0 136.0 5.6 7.0 98 1 9 11/9/05 M Campbell L. Side Station 5+75 328.5 29 133.3 136.0 4.8 7.0 98 I 10 11/9/05 M Campbell L. Side Station 3+84 324.0 29 129.5 136.0 4.5 7.0 95 I 11 11/9/05 M Campbell L. Side Station 3+36 323.0 29 132.3 136.0 5.2 7.0 97 I 12 11/9/05 M Campbell R. Side Station 3+46 323.5 29 122.4 136.0 2.9 7.0 90 RI ON 12A 12A 11/9/05 M Campbell R. Side Station 3+46 323.5 29 129.2 136.0 3.1 7.0 95 I 13 11/9/05 M Campbell Center Station 3+46 233.5 29 121.0 136.0 4.4 7.0 89 RI ON 13A I 13A 11/9/05 M Campbell Center Station 3+46 233.5 29 129.2 136.0 4.5 7.0 95 I 14 11/9/05 M Gateway R. Side Station 23+17 322.0 09 112.1 118.0 12.9 15.0 95 1 15 11/9/05 M Gateway R. Side Station 23+17 323.0 29 130.6 136.0 3.6 7.0 96 I 16 .11/9/05 M Gateway L. Side Station 23+17 323.0 29 129.2 136.0 4.8 7.0 95 1 17 12/7/05 M Town Garden Station 4+50 0.0 20 110.2 116.0 13.8 14.0 95 I 18 12/7/05 M Town Garden Station 4+50 0.0 39 129.6 136.5 5.1 7.0 95
Project Number: • 971009016
. Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16 4 Project Location: 0
Client: 0
•. Page 1 of I - . - -M M- - - - -M M- - 2/ )6 M07AM
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
J 1 5/6/05 M
J 2 5/6/05 M
J 2A 5/6/05 M
J 3 5/6/05 M
J 3A 5/6/05 M
J 4 5/6/05 M
J 5 5/6/05 M
J 5A 5/6/05 M
J 6 5/7/05 M
J 6A 5/7/05 M
J 7 5/7/05 M
J 8 5/7/05 M
J 9 5/9/05 M
J 10 5/9/05 M
J 10A 5/9/05 M
J 11 5/9/05 M
J 12 5/9/05 M
J 13 5/9/05 M
J 14 5/9/05 M
J 14A 5/9/05 M
J 15 5/14/05 M
J 16 5/14/05 M
J 17 5/14/05 X
J 18 5/14/05 X
J 19 5/14/05 M
J 20 5/14/05 M
J 21 5/17/05 M
J 22 5/17/05 M
J 23 5/11/05 X
J 24 5/18/05 M
J 25 5/18/05 M
J 26 5/18/05 M
Project Number:
Project Name:
Project Location:
971 009016
Bressi Ranch 16
Station 2+10 367.5 20 104.2 116.0 14.9 14.0 90
Station 3+00 369.0 20 98.6 116.0 13.9 14.0 85 RTON2A Station 3+00 369.0 20 104.3 116.0 14.1 14.0 90
Station 3+80 371.5 20 97.5 116.0 15.0 14.0 84 RTON3A
Station 3+80 371.5 20 104.4 116.0 14.8 14.0 90
Station 4+40 373.5 20 104.5 116.0 14.5 14.0 90 Station 5+00 375.0 20 97.4 116.0 16.5 14.0 84 RTONSA Station 5+00 375.0 20 104.8 116.0 14.9 14.0 90 Station 5+70 376.0 20 95.1 116.0 17.0 14.0 82 RT ON 6A Station 5+70 376.0 20 104.2 116.0 16.8 14.0 90
Station 6+40 378.0 20 104.2 116.0 17.2 14.0 90
Station 31+00 366.0 15 100.6 112.0 12.5 15.5 90
Station 7+10 381.0 16 105.2 117.0 14.2 14.0 90
Station 8+00 381.0 16 98.3 117.0 17.0 14.0 84 RTON IOA Station 8+00 381.0 16 105.3 117.0 16.5 14.0 90
Station 8+90 383.5 16 106.2 117.0 13.7 14.0 91
Station 9+90 384.0 16 105.2 117.0 16.7 14.0 90 Station 1+80 366.5 16 105.5 117.0 14.1 14.0 90 Station 1+40 367.0 16 99.4 117.0 13.1 14.0 85 RTON 14A Station 1+40 367.0 16 105.4 117.0 13.8 14.0 90 Station 10+40 385.0 16 105.9 117.0 16.0 14.0 91
Station 10+85 385.0 16 108.8 117.0 15.8 14.0 93 Station 7+53 378.0 16 105.5 117.0 17.1 14.0 90 Station 4+05 375.0 16 107.2 117.0 16.1 14.0 92 Station 31+90 372.0 16 106.6 117.0 13.7 14.0 91
Station 32+60 375.0 16 106.7 117.0 13.6 14.0 91
Station 25+00 0.0 08 109.0 117.5 13.3 14.0 93 Station 37+00 0.0 08 108.6 117.5 14.4 14.0 92
Station 39+25 391.0 17 102.2 114.0 15.8 14.5 90 Station 37+20 387.5 20 105.6 116.0 17.6 14.0 91 Station 38+00 389.0 20 104.6 116.0 16.5 14.0 90 Station 39+00 391.5 20 104.5 116.0 17.0 14.0 90
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2/17/2006 11:07:59AM
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
J 27 5/19/05 M Gateway Station 40+00 393.5 20 104.3 116.0 11.5 14.0 90 J 28 5/19/05 M Gateway Station 41+30 400.0 20 106.7 116.0 14.3 14.0 92 J 29 5/19/05 M Gateway Station 36+00 384.5 20 106.5 116.0 14.8 14.0 92 J 30 5/19/05 M Gateway Station 35+00 382.5 20 105.9 116.0 15.1 14.0 91 J 31 5/19/05 M Gateway Station 34+00 380.5 20 105.7 116.0 15.0 14.0 91 J 32 5/20/05 M Gateway Station 39+20 392.0 16 105.3 117.0 15.0 14.0 90 J 33 5/20/05 M Innovation Station 5+50 336.5 13 103.6 115.0 17.5 16.5 90 J 34 5/25/05 M Gateway Station 42+60 407.0 17 102.6 114.0 12.5 14.5 90 J 35 5/25/05 M Gateway Station 43+50 411.5 17 103.7 114.0 15.3 14.5 91 J 36 5/25/05 M Gateway Station 42+00 404.0 17 102.9 114.0 16.5 14.5 90 J 37 5/26/05 M Gateway Station 44+50 413.5 17 102.6 114.0 13.6 14.5 90 J 38 5/26/05 M Gateway Station 45+70 413.0 17 102.8 114.0 15.0 14.5 90 J 39 5/26/05 M Gateway Station 46+80 410.5 27 105.3 117.0 17.2 14.5 90 J 40 6/4/05 M Slater Station 3+43 374.0 17 102.7 114.0 12.8 14.5 90 J 41 6/4/05 M Slater Station 2+50 371.0 17 102.2 114.0 13.5 14.5 90 J 42 6/4/05 M Slater Station 1+70 365.5 17 102.4 114.0 15.0 14.5 90 J 43 6/4/05 M Slater Station 1+50 364.5 17 102.7 114.0 13.8 14.5 90 J 44 6/4/05 M Gateway Station 30+70 363.5 18 101.5 113.0 13.9 16.0 90 J 45 6/4/05 M Gateway Station 29+50 357.0 18 101.7 113.0 14.5 16.0 90 J 46 6/4/05 M Slater Station 0+60 359.0 17 95.6 114.0 13.5 14.5 84 RTON46A J 46A 6/4/05 M Slater Station 0+60 359.0 17 102.7 114.0 14.0 14.5 90 J 47 6/4/05 M Slater Station 0+50 359.5 17 102.9 114.0 14.2 14.5 90 J 48 6/4/05 M Gateway Station 3+11 401.0 16 105.2 117.0 15.0 14.0 90 J 49 6/6/05 M Gateway Station 6+90 411.0 18 94.9 113.0 19.0 16.0 84 RT ON 49A J 49A 6/6/05 M Gateway Station 6+90 411.0 18 101.4 113.0 17.8 16.0 90 J 50 6/6/05 M Gateway Station 10+20 417.0 18 93.8 113.0 18.0 16.0 83 RT ON SOA J 50A 6/6/05 M Gateway Station 10+20 417.0 18 101.5 113.0 17.5 16.0 90 J 51 6/7/05 M Gateway Station 10+90 418.0 20 104.4 116.0 14.7 14.0 90 J 52 6/7/05 M Gateway Station 9+50 416.0 20 104.2 116.0 15.0 14.0 90 J 53 6/9/05 M Colt Station 4+60 404.0 15 100.4 112.0 16.5 15.5 90 J 54 6/13/05 M Gateway Station 27+80 347.5 16 104.9 117.0 13.5 14.0 90 J 55 6/14/05 M Gateway Station 28+20 350.0 16 105.1 117.0 13.9 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 2of5
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- - - mom= - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%).
Compaction Remarks
J 56 6/11/05 M Colt Station 1+75 403.0 24 100.9 112.0 16.6 17.0 90 J 57 6/11/05 M Colt Station 2+35 404.0 24 101.0 112.0 16.8 17.0 90 J 58 6/11/05 M Colt Station 3+25 404.0 24 101.3 112.0 17.0 17.0 90 J 59 6/11/05 M Colt Station 3+80 404.0 16 106.4 117.0 13.0 14.0 91 J 60 6/11/05 M Colt Station 4+55 405.0 16 105.7 117.0 15.2 14.0 90 J 61 6/11/05 M Colt Station 23+65 326.0 16 106.2 117.0 14.0 14.0 91 J 62 6/11/05 M Colt Station 24+45 328.0 16 106.4 117.0 15.8 14.0 91 J 63 6/11/05 M Colt Station 25+05 333.0 16 107.6 117.0 14.3 14.0 92 J 64 6/11/05 M Colt Station 26+25 342.0 16 107.4 117.0 15.4 14.0 92 J 65 6/11/05 M Colt Station 27+10 347.0 16 106.3 117.0 13.5 14.0 91 J 66 6/11/05 M Gateway Station 28+90 357.0 16 106.9 117.0 15.8 14.0 91 J 67 6/14/05 M Colt Station 4+43 405.0 18 101.2 113.0 19.0 16.0 90 J 68 6/14/05 M Colt Station 5+30 406.0 18 101.4 113.0 18.2 16.0 90 J 69 6/15/05 M Colt Station 5+60 406.5 18 94.9 113.0 12.0 16.0 84 RI ON 69A J 69A 6/15/05 M Colt Station 5+60 406.5 18 101.7 113.0 14.2 16.0 90 J 70 6/16/05 M Gateway Station 7+10 412.5 18 101.7 113.0 14.5 16.0 90 J 71 6/16/05 X Gateway Station 23+50 323.0 16 106.5 117.0 13.5 14.0 91 J 72 6/17/05 M Gateway Station 23+00 319.0 16 107.6 117.0 12.8 14.0 92 J 73 6/22/05 M Gateway Station 17+90 310.0 16 104.9 117.0 12.1 14.0 90 J 74 6/22/05 M Gateway Station 16+80 306.0 16 105.4 117.0 11.8 14.0 90 J 75 6/22/05 M Gateway Station 15+90 304.0 16 105.7 117.0 12.9 14.0 90 J 76 6/18/05 M Gateway Station 22+75 322.0 16 110.1 117.0 13.0 14.0 94 J 77 6/18/05 M Gateway Station 22+10 321.5 16 108.8 117.0 13.3 14.0 93 J 78 6/22/05 M Gateway Station 14+90 302.0 16 104.8 117.0 15.0 14.0 90 J 79 6/22/05 M Gateway Station 13+45 301.0 16 105.2 117.0 14.7 14.0 90 J 80 6/25/05 M Alicante Station 114+50 304.0 16 108.0 117.0 14.4 14.0 92 J 81 6/25/05 M Alicante Station 115+20 305.0 16 105.6 117.0 15.4 14.0 90 J 82 6/25/05 M Alicante Station 116+10 308.0 16 105.7 117.0 14.0 14.0 90 J 83 6/25/05 X Gateway Station 17+09 308.0 16 105.6 117.0 15.7 14.0 90 J 84 6/25/05 X Gateway Station 13+88 309.0 16 106.1 117.0 14.3 14.0 91 J 85 6/23/05 M Gateway Station 12+60 298.0 16 105.3 117.0 13.1 14.0 90 J 86 6/23/05 M Gateway Station 11+60 297.0 16 105.1 117.0 12.9 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 3 of 5
2/17/2006 11:07:59AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
J 87 6/24/05 M Alicante Station 118+90 315.0 20 104.1 116.0 12.5 14.0 90 J 88 6/24/05 M Alicante Station 117+90 314.0 20 104.2 116.0 13.1 14.0 90 J 89 6/24/05 M Alicante Station 117+00 309.0 20 104.7 116.0 11.9 14.0 90 J 90 6/27/05 M East Gateway Station 12+00 419.5 16 105.3 117.0 14.3 14.0 90 J 91 6/27/05 M East Gateway Station 13+00 422.0 16 105.3 117.0 14.4 14.0 90 J 92 6/27/05 M East Gateway Station 14+00 424.0 16 104.9 117.0 15.1 14.0 90 J 93 6/27/05 M East Gateway Station 15+00 425.0 16 105.1 117.0 11.5 14.0 90 J 94 6/27/05 M East Gateway Station 11+20 418.0 16 104.9 117.0 12.5 14.0 90 J 95 6/27/05 M Gateway Station 16+10 427.5 16 105.1 117.0 11.8 14.0 90 J 96 6/29/05 M Gateway Station 10+90 373.0 35 104.2 116.0 10.0 10.0 90 J 97 7/2/05 X East Gateway Station 16+00 426.0 21 106.3 118.0 11.4 13.0 90 J 98 7/2/05 M East Gateway Station 17+00 428.0 21 106.5 118.0 9.9 13.0 90 J 99 7/2/05 M East Gateway Station 18+00 429.0 22 111.6 124.0 9.5 12.0 90 J 100 7/2/05 X East Gateway Station 19+00 430.5 21 106.4 118.0 11.6 13.0 90 J 101 7/2/05 M Gateway Station 21+60 318.5 20 104.4 116.0 11.3 14.0 90 J 102 7/2/05 M Gateway Station 20+50 315.5 20 104.6 116.0 11.2 14.0 90 J 103 7/2/05 M Gateway Station 19+50 313.5 20 97.5 116.0 11.9 14.0 84 RT ON 103A J 103A 7/2/05 M Gateway Station 19+50 313.5 20 104.2 116.0 12.0 14.0 90 J 104 7/2/05 M Gateway Station 18+70 311.0 21 106.3 118.0 11.7 13.0 90 J 105 7/2/05 M East Gateway Station 19+80 431.5 21 106.6 118.0 11.6 13.0 90 J 106 7/2/05 X Gateway Station 18+00 308.5 18 101.4 113.0 13.5 16.0 90 J 107 7/2/05 X Gateway Station 18+90 311.0 18 101.5 113.0 14.0 16.0 90 J 108 7/6/05 M East Gateway Station 20+10 432.0 21 106.2 118.0 10.5 13.0 99 J 109 7/6/05 X Gateway Station 20+50 315.0 19 106.6 118.0 11.9 15.0 90 J 110 7/9/05 M Gateway Station 49+50 408.0 27 105.3 117.0 11.8 14.5 90 J 111 . 7/9/05 M Gateway Station 50+60 405.0 27 104.9 117.0 12.0 14.5 90 J 112 7/9/05 M Gateway Station 50+00 406.0 19 112.1 118.0 12.9 15.0 95 J 113 7/9/05 M Gateway Station 50+10 405.5 19 111.7 118.0 13.0 15.0 95 J 114 7/9/05 M Gateway Station 50+15 407.0 28 127.3 134.0 5.5 8.0 95 J 115 7/12/05 X Campbell Station 5+10 321.5 19 106.5 118.0 14.5 15.0 90 J 116 7/12/05 X East .Gateway Station 5+60 408.0 19 106.3 118.0 16.5 15.0 90 J 117 7/12/05 L Campbell Station 4+18 326.0 19 106.6 118.0 12.9 15.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 4of5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Test
No. Date
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
J 118 7/14/05 M Campbell Station 7+40 314.5 16 104.9 117.0 11.2 14.0 90 J 119 7/14/05 M Campbell Station 6+50 317.0 16 105.1 117.0 10.9 14.0 90 J 120 7/14/05 M Campbell Station 5+80 318.0 19 106.3 118.0 12.9 15.0 90 J 121 7/15/05 M Campbell Station 4+50 322.0 21 106.1 118.0 13.2 13.0 90 J 122 7/15/05 M Campbell Station 3+00 320.0 21 105.9 118.0 10.7 13.0 90 J 123 7/15/05 M Campbell Station 2+00 317.0 21 106.2 118.0 11.2 13.0 90 J 124 7/15/05 M Campbell Station 1+10 314.0 21 107.4 118.0 10.9 13.0 91 J 125 7/15/05 M Campbell Station 0+40 313.0 21 105.9 118.0 11.0 13.0 90 J 126 7/15/05 M Campbell Station 1+20 314.5 21 108.5 118.0 11.5 13.0 92 J 127 10/28/05 M Metropolitan Station 1+80 278.5 18 96.1 113.0 16.6 16.0 85 RT ON 127A J 127A 10/28/05 M Metropolitan Station 1+80 278.5 18 101.8 113.0 16.5 16.0 90 J 128 10/28/05 M Metropolitan Station 3+20 282.0 18 101.5 113.0 16.7 16.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
4401 Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 5 of 5
2/17/2006 11:07:59AM
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
G 1 7/12/05 M Gateway Station 41+30 399.0 28 127.3 134.0 5.7 8.0 95 G 2 8/22/05 M Gateway Station 1+80 399.0 37 117.0 128.0 4.5 8.0 91 G 3 8/22/05 M Alicante Station 113+00 301.0 37 117.2 128.0 4.7 8.0 92 G 4 8/23/05 M Gateway Station 10+80 307.0 19 106.2 118.0 14.9 15.0 90 G 5 8/23/05 M Gateway• Station 39+20. 390.0 16 105.3 117.0 14.5 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016 . Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0 ..
Client: 0 Page! of 1 — M M — a= — — M, 2I'6 08:
- - Mao - - M" - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
E 1 5/10/05 X Innovation Station 7+68 396.0 19 106.2 118.0 14.5 15.0 90 E 2 5/21/05 X Gateway Station 30+50 363.5 16 105.3 117.0 14.5 14.0 90 E 3 5/21/05 X Gateway Station 42+50 406.5 16 104.8 117.0 13.5 14.0 90 E 4 5/24/05 X Innovation Station 4+70 374.0 16 104.9 117.0 13.9 14.0 90 E 5 6/28/05 X Gateway Station 23+27 321.5 21 106.2 118.0 11.5 13.0 90 E 6 6/29/05 X West Gateway Station 12+00 309.0 16 106.5 117.0 16.0 14.0 91 E 7 7/5/05 X East Gateway Station 11+42 317.5 19 106.2 118.0 16.2 15.0 90 E 8 7/12/05 X East Gateway Station 11+00 383.5 33 131.1 138.0 3.5 6.5 95 E 9 10/25/05 X E. Gateway Station 13+56 0.0 29 124.2 136.0 4.1 7.0 91
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 1 of 1
2/17/2006 11:08:33AM
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
SG 1 5/31/05 ST Gateway Station 52+00 0.0 17 109.0 114.0 8.7 14.5 96
SO 2 5/31/05 ST Gateway Station 52+00 0.0 20 110.3 116.0 10.7 14.0 95
SO 3 5/31/05 ST Gateway Station 52+00 0.0 19 112.8 118.0 15.3 15.0 96
SG 4 5/31/05 ST Gateway Station 50+75 0.0 04 114.4 120.5 10.7 12.5 95
SG 5 5/31/05 ST Gateway Station 50+75 0.0 03 116.8 122.0 11.0 11.0 96 SG 6 5/31/05 ST Gateway Station 50+75 0.0 20 111.4 116.0 15.5 14.0 96
SG 7 6/7/05 CO Innovation R. Side Station 10+10 0.0 08 111.8 117.5 12.8 14.0 95 SG 8 6/7/05 CO Innovation R. Side Station 9+00 0.0 08 111.6 117.5 12.4 14.0 95 SG 9 6/7/05 CG Innovation R. Side Station 8+00 0.0 08 111.9 117.5 12.7 14.0 95 SO 10 6/7/05 CG Innovation R. Side Station 7+00 0.0 08 111.4 117.5 12.0 14.0 95 SO 11 6/7/05 CO Innovation R. Side Station 6+00 0.0 08 111.3 117.5 12.6 14.0 95 SO 12 6/7/05 CO Innovation R. Side Station 5+00 0.0 08 111.8 117.5 12.2 14.0 95 SG 13 6/7/05 CO Innovation R. Side Station 4+00 0.0 08 115.9 117.5 12.2 14.0 99 SG 14 6/7/05 CO Innovation R. Side Station 2+75 0.0 08 115.0 117.5 12.2 14.0 98 50 15 6/7/05 CO Innovation R. Side Station 1+60 0.0 08 115.6 117.5 12.3 14.0 98 SO 16 6/7/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 10+50 0.0 08 111.4 117.5 12.5 14.0 95 SO 17 6/7/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 9+50 0.0 08 111.7 117.5 13.0 14.0 95 SO 18 6/7/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 8+50 . 0.0 08 111.2 117.5 12.8 14.0 95 SO 19 6/7/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 7+50 0.0 08 111.8 117.5 12.1 14.0 95 SO 20 6/7/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 6+50 0.0 08 112.1 117.5 14.2 14.0 95 SO 21 6/7/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 5+50 0.0 08 111.1 117.5 13.6 14.0 95 SO 22 6/7/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 4+00 0.0 08 111.7 117.5 13.3 14.0 95 SO 23 6/7/05 CG Innovation L. Side Station 2+75 0.0 08 113.1 117.5 13.7 14.0 96 SO 24 6/7/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 1±75 0.0 08 112.9 117.5 12.0 14.0 96 SG 25 6/7/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 50+00 0.0 17 107.8 114.0 13.7 14.5 95 SO 26 6/7/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 50+75 0.0 17 108.8 114.0 13.6 14.5 95 SO 27 6/7/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 52+00 0.0 17 109.5 114.0 13.5 14.5 96 SO 28. 6/7/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 32+60 0.0 17 109.0 114.0 12.7 14.5 96 SO 29 6/7/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 34+10 0.0 17 109.2 114.0 13.3 14.5 96 SO 30 6/7/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 35+60 0.0 20 110.1 116.0 11.5 14.0 95 50 31 6/7/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 37+90 0.0 17 108.0 114.0 12.6 14.5 95 SO 32 6/7/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 39+75 0.0 20 110.0 116.0 12.3 14.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 . Page 1 of 11 - - - M - - - - -- - - M M M 2/06
- - Mae - - MM - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SO 33 6/7/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 42+00 0.0 20 109.7 116.0 12.6 14.0 95 SG 34 6/7/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 43+50 0.0 20 113.0 116.0 13.7 14.0 97 SG 35 6/7/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 45+00 0.0 20 110.9 116.0 13.5 14.0 96 SG 36 6/7/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 47+00 0.0 17 108.8 114.0 13.1 14.5 95 SG 37 6/7/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 48+50 0.0 17 108.1 114.0 12.9 14.5 95 SG 38 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 52+00 0.0 20 112.8 116.0 15.3 14.0 97 SG 39 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 52+75 0.0 20 111.4 116.0 15.5 14.0 96 SG 40 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 48+50 0.0 17 108.9 114.0 13.1 14.5 96 SG 41 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 46+50 0.0 17 109.1 114.0 12.8 14.5 96 SO 42 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 44+50 0.0 20 112.6 116.0 12.3 14.0 97 SO 43 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 43+50 0.0 20 110.5 116.0 12.9 14.0 95 SG 44 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 42+50 0.0 17 109.6 114.0 12.9 14.5 96 SG 45 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 40+00 0.0 20 110.2 116.0 12.9 14.0 95 SG 46 6/8/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 38+00 0.0 17 108.9 114.0 13.4 14.5 96 SG 47 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 36+50 0.0 17 108.2 114.0 12.5 14.5 95 SG 48 6/8/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 35+00 0.0 20 111.6 116.0 12.0 14.0 96 SG 49 6/8/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 34+00 0.0 20 111.3 116.0 12.6 14.0 96 SG 50 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 9+75 0.0 17 108.6 114.0 13.8 14.5 95 SG 51 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 9+00 0.0 08 111.4 117.5 12.5 14.0 95 SO 52 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 8+50 0.0 08 113.6 117.5 14.1 14.0 97 SO 53 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 7+75 0.0 08 115.0 117.5 12.9 14.0 98 SG 54 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 6+40 0.0 17 109.2 114.0 12.6 14.5 96 SO 55 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 5+20 0.0 17 108.6 114.0 11.4 14.5 95 SO 56 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 4+35 0.0 17 110.7 114.0 11.9 14.5 97 SO 57 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 3+50 0.0 08 112.7 117.5 11.7 14.0 96 SO 58 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 2+20 0.0 08 113.0 117.5 10.8 14.0 96 SO 59 6/9/05 ST Innovation Station 1+40 0.0 17 109.9 114.0 13.2 14.5 96 SO 60 6/14/05 ST Slater Station 1+00 0.0 08 111.9 117.5 13.1 14.0 95 SO 61 6/14/05 ST Slater Station 1+15 0.0 08 112.5 117.5 14.2 14.0 96 SO 62 6/14/05 ST Slater Station 2+30 0.0 08 112.6 117.5 13.6 14.0 96 SG 63 6/14/05 ST Slater Station 2+10 0.0 08 112.0 117.5 13.6 14.0 95 SO 64 6/14/05 ST Slater Station 3+15 0.0 08 113.7 117.5 13.8 14.0 97
Project Number: 971009016
40,1 Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 2ofll
2/17/2006 11:08:52AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SO 65 6/14/05 ST Slater Station 3+40 0.0 08 113.4 117.5 12.5 14.0 97 SO 66 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 44+30 0.0 08 113.4 117.5 13.6 14.0 97 SG 67 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 45+75 0.0 08 113.9 117.5 12.3 14,0 97 SG 68 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 47+25 0.0 08 111.6 117.5 12.7 14.0 95 SG 69 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 48+75 0.0 08 112.3 117.5 12.1 14.0 96 SG 70 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 50+25 0.0 17 108.1 114.0 12.1 14.5 95 SG 71 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 51+50 0.0 17 108.7 114.0 13.6 14.5 95 SG 72 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 50+75 0.0 17 109.5 114.0 13.2 14.5 96 SG 73 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 49+25 0.0 17 109.2 114.0 13.2 14.5 96 SO 74 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 47+75 0.0 17 108.6 114.0 14.8 14.5 95 SO 75 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 45+25 0.0 08 114.6 117.5 14.0 14.0 98 SO 76 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 31+00 0.0 08 111.6 117.5 12.1 14.0 95 50 77 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 32+50 0.0 08 112.5 117.5 12.6 14.0 96 50 78 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 33+75 0.0 08 111.8 117.5 13.2 14.0 95 SG 79 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 35+00 0.0 08 111.3 117.5 14.7 14.0 95 SO 80 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 36+50 0.0 08 112.7 117.5 12.0 14.0 96 SO 81 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 38+40 0.0 08 112.4 117.5 12.5 14.0 96 SO 82 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 39+55 0.0 08 114.2 117.5 13.1 14.0 97 SG 83 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 41+00 0.0 08 114.0 117.5 14.6 14.0 97 SG 84 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 42+00 0.0 08 113.1 117.5 13.5 14.0 96 SO 85 6/14/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 43+25 0.0 08 112.9 117.5 12.8 14.0 96 50 86 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 43+75 0.0 08 111.1 117.5 13.7 14.0 95 SO 87 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 42+30 0.0 08 112.0 117.5 13.6 14.0 95 SO 88 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 41+20 0.0 08 111.6 117.5 14.3 14.0 95 SG 89 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 39+50 0.0 08 111.9 117.5 12.5 14.0 95 SO 90 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 37+90 0.0 08 112.1 117.5 12.5 14.0 95 SO 91 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 36+00 0.0 08 112.4 117.5 12.1 14.0 96 SO 92 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 34+55 0.0 08 112.2 117.5 12.2 14.0 95 SO 93 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 32+90 0.0 08 112.7 117.5 13.6 14.0 96 SO 94 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 31+70 0.0 08 113.1 117.5 13.5 14.0 96 SO 95 6/14/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 31+50 0.0 08 112.2 117.5 13.5 14.0 95 SO 96 6/15/05 ST Town Garden Station 11+18 0.0 20 110.0 116.0 13.5 14.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 3ofll -MMOMMOMMOM an M - - 2/6 08:5
- - - - - - MW - - - - - -, - - - M. - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
SG 97 6/15/05 ST Slater Station 1+15 0.0 08 111.4 117.5 12.9 14.0 95 SG 98 6/15/05 ST Slater Station 1+15 0.0 08 112.9 117.5 13.9 14.0 96 50 99 6/15/05 ST Slater Station 1+90 0.0 08 112.4 117.5 13.3 14.0 96 SG 100 6/15/05 ST Slater Station 2+70 0.0 08 111.8 117.5 13.6 14.0 95 50 101 6/15/05 ST Slater Station 3+40 0.0 08 111.5 117.5 14.3 14.0 95 SG 102 6/17/05 CO Colt R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 15 108.7 112.0 16.8 15.5 97 SO 103 6/17/05 CO Colt R. Side Station 3+90 0.0 18 107.5 113.0 17.4 16.0 95 SG 104 6/17/05 CO Colt R. Side Station 5+05 0.0 18 107.3 113.0 17.0 16.0 95 SO 105 6/17/05 CO Colt L. Side Station 2+50 0.0 15 106.8 112.0 15.4 15.5 95 SO 106 6/17/05 CO Colt L. Side Station 3+70 0.0 18 108.4 113.0 16.5 16.0 96 SO 107 6/17/05 CO Colt L. Side Station 4+90 0.0 18 107.2 113.0 18.2 16.0 95 SO 108 6/18/05 ST Gateway Station 52+80 0.0 18 109.1 113.0 14.4 16.0 97 SO 109 6/28/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 25+50 0.0 16 115.4 117.0 14.1 14.0 99 SG 110 6/28/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 25+50 0.0 16 112.5 117.0 13.5 14.0 96 SO 111 6/28/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 26+50 0.0 16 113.1 117.0 12.8 14.0 97 SG 112 6/28/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 27+50 0.0 16 113.5 117.0 11.7 14.0 97 SG 113 6/28/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 28+50 0.0 18 108.7 113.0 15.3 16.0 96 SO 114 6/28/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 29+50 0.0 18 109.7 113.0 15.8 16.0 97 SO 115 6/28/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 29+50 0.0 18 108.7 113.0 14.3 16.0 96 SO 116 6/30/05 CO Alicante L. Side Station 113+40 0.0 16 111.6 117.0 11.4 14.0 95 SO 117 6/30/05 CO Alicante R. Side Station 114+50 0.0 16 114.3 117.0 14.4 14.0 98 SO 118 6/30/05 CO Alicante L. Side Station 115+50 0.0 16 112.7 117.0 15.6 14.0 96 SG 119 6/30/05 CO Alicante L. Side Station 116+50 0.0 16 114.4 117.0 14.7 14.0 98 SO 120 6/30/05 CO Alicante R. Side Station 117+50 0.0 18 109.0 113.0 16.4 16.0 96 SO 121 6/30/05 CO Alicante L. Side Station 117+50 0.0 18 107.4 113.0 15.8 16.0 95 SO 122 6/30/05 CO Alicante L. Side Station 118+50 0.0 18 108.4 113.0 16.4 16.0 96 SO 123 6/30/05 CO Alicante R. Side Station 119+57 0.0 18 109.7 113.0 15.4 16.0 97 SO 124 6/30/05 CO Alicante L. Side Station 119+57 0.0 18 109.0 113.0 12.8 16.0 96 SO 126 7/21/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 15+30 0.0 21 115.4 118.0 13.9 13.0 98 SO 127 7/21/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 16+50 0.0 21 114.5 118.0 12.0 13.0 97 SO 128 7/21/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 17+75 0.0 21 111.8 118.0 11.6 13.0 95 SO 129 7/21/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 19+00 0.0 22 117.4 124.0 13.4 12.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
4ft Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 4ofll
2/17/2006 11:08:52AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SO 130 7/21/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 18+50 0.0 21 112.2 118.0 10.7 13.0 95 SO 131 7/21/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 17+25 0.0 21 114.9 1180 11.5 13.0 97 SG 132 7/21/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 16+00 0.0 21 112.9 118.0 10.0 13.0 96 50 133 7/21/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 23+50 0.0 21 112.2 118.0 11.5 13.0 95 50 134 7/21/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 23+20 0.0 21 113.3 118.0 11.4 13.0 96 SO 135 7/21/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 22+25 0.0 21 112.1 118.0 12.6 13.0 95 SG 136 7/21/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 21 113.5 118.0 12.5 13.0 96 SO 137 7/21/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 21+10 0.0 21 112.7 118.0 12.6 13.0 96 SO 138 7/21/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 19+75 0.0 21 113.2 118.0 13.2 13.0 96 SG 139 7/21/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 19+90 0.0 21 112.6 118.0 13.8 13.0 95 50 140 7/21/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 18+50 0.0 21 113.6 118.0 13.7 13.0 96 SG 141 7/21/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 18+25 0.0 21 114.2 118.0 13.1 13.0 97 SG 142 7/21/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 19+25 0.0 21 112.4 118.0 11.9 13.0 95 SO 143 7/21/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 118+75 0.0 21 111.8 118.0 13.2 13.0 95 SO 144 7/21/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 118+00 0.0 21 113.8 118.0 12.1 13.0 96 SO 145 7/21/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 117+45 0.0 21 112.3 118.0 13.6 13.0 95 50 146 7/21/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 116+95 0.0 21 111.8 118.0 13.7 13.0 95 SO 147 7/21/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 115+80 0.0 21 112.5 118.0 12.7 13.0 95 50 148 7/21/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 114+75 0.0 21 114.0 118.0 11.2 13.0 97 SO 149 7/21/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 113+45 0.0 21 112.1 118.0 11.4 13.0 95 SO 150 7/25/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 15+50 0.0 22 118.9 124.0 11.8 12.0 96 SO 151 7/25/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 16+60 0.0 21 116.6 118.0 13.0 13.0 99 SO 152 7/25/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 17+50 0.0 22 118.5 124.0 11.5 12.0 96 SO 153 7/25/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 18+72 0.0 20 113.1 116.0 12.9 14.0 97 SO 154 7/25/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 18+60 0.0 21 114.8 118.0 11.8 13.0 97 SO 155 7/25/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 30+50 0.0 21 113.1 118.0 10.9 13.0 96 SO 156 7/25/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 29+50 0.0 21 115.2 118.0 11.1 13.0 98 SO 157 7/25/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 28+70 0.0 21 113.0 118.0 13.4 13.0 96 SO 158 7/25/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 27+20 0.0 21 114.9 118.0 10.0 13.0 97 SG 159 7/25/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 26+00 0.0 21 113.4 118.0 10.8 13.0 96 50 160 7/25/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 25+00 0.0 21 112.0 118.0 11.4 13.0 95 SO 161 7/25/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 23+40 0.0 21 115.5 118.0 10.7 13.0 98
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page sofll - M M W M M W M M M M M, - M 2/06 :08:_
Mao - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SG 162 7/25/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 22+50 0.0 22 117.9 124.0 10.3 12.0 95 SG 163 7/25/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 21+00 0.0 20 112.7 116.0 12.8 14.0 97 SG 164 7/25/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 20+00 0.0 20 114.4 116.0 13.0 14.0 99 SG 165 7/28/05 CG Campbell R. Side Station 0+60 0.0 21 114.7 118.0 13.7 13.0 97 SG 166 7/28/05 CG Campbell L. Side Station 1+70 0.0 21 115.1 118.0 14.1 13.0 98 SG 167 7/28/05 CG Campbell R. Side Station 2+90 0.0 21 113.4 118.0 13.4 13.0 96 SG 168 7/28/05 CG Campbell R. Side Station 5+40 0.0 21 113.8 118.0 14.5 13.0 96 SG 169 7/28/05 CG Campbell L. Side Station 4+00 0.0 20 110.6 116.0 14.7 14.0 95 SG 170 7/28/05 CG Campbell L. Side Station 6+30 0.0 20 111.7 116.0 12.1 14.0 96 SG 171 7/28/05 CG Campbell R. Side Station 7+00 0.0 17 109.4 114.0 13.8 14.5 96 SG 172 7/28/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 0+80 0.0 17 110.2 114.0 10.4 14.5 97 SG 173 7/28/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 2+20 0.0 20 110.9 116.0 13.3 14.0 96 SG 174 7/28/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 3+70 0.0 21 112.5 118.0 14.0 13.0 95 SG 175 7/27/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 4+70 0.0 20 110.3 116.0 13.8 14.0 95 SG 176 7/27/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 5+60 0.0 21 114.6 118.0 14.3 13.0 97 SG 177 7/27/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 6+65 0.0 20 111.0 116.0 12.7 14.0 96 SG 178 7/27/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 7+20 0.0 17 109.2 114.0 15.2 14.5 96 SG 179 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 32+50 0.0 17 105.2 114.0 15.8 14.5 92 SG 180 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 33+80 0.0 17 103.8 114.0 16.2 14.5 91 SG 181 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 35+20 0.0 19 107.0 118.0 18.7 15.0 91 SG 182 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 36+40 0.0 19 108.5 118.0 17.5 15.0 92 SG 183 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 37+90 0.0 19 106.5 118.0 17.8 15.0 90 SG 184 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 39+10 0.0 20 104.7 116.0 16.5 14.0 90 SG 185 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 41+00 0.0 17 103.3 114.0 18.3 14.5 91 SG 186 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 42+30 0.0 17 105.1 114.0 16.9 14.5 92 SG 187 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 43+60 0.0 19 107.5 118.0 17.7 15.0 91 SG 188 8/9/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 45+10 0.0 19 106.4 118.0 17.3 15.0 90 SG 189 8/9/05 SW Slater R. Side Station 3+20 0.0 19 108.5 118.0 14.8 15.0 92 SG 190 8/9/05 SW Slater R. Side Station 1+50 0.0 19 105.9 118.0 14.9 15.0 90 SG 191 8/9/05 SW Slater L. Side Station 0+50 0.0 19 109.7 118.0 13.2 15.0 93 SG 192 8/9/05 SW Slater L. Side Station 2+80 0.0 19 107.7 118.0 16.8 15.0 91 SG 193 8/9/05 SW Colt R. Side Station 1+50 0.0 18 104.5 113.0 18.7 16.0 92
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 6 of 11
2/17/2006 11:08:52AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SG 194 8/9/05 SW Colt R. Side Station 3+25 0.0 18 103.8 113.0 19,5 16.0 92 SO 195 8/9/05 SW Colt R. Side Station 5+10 0.0 18 101.7 113.0 18.2 16.0 90 SG 196 8/9/05 SW Colt L. Side Station 4+50 0.0 20 105.2 116.0 17.5 14.0 91 SO 197 8/9/05 SW Colt L. Side Station 2+30 0.0 20 106.3 116.0 18.1 14.0 92 SG 198 8/9/05 SW Colt L. Side Station 1+40 0.0 20 105.0 116.0 16.5 14.0 91 SG 199 8/9/05 SW Innovation R. Side Station 1+50 0.0 09 106.3 118.0 10.1 15.0 90 SG 200 8/9/05 SW Innovation R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 09 106.5 118.0 9.9 15.0 90 SG 201 8/9/05 SW Innovation R. Side Station 5+50 0.0 09 105.9 118.0 10.3 15.0 90 SG 202 8/9/05 SW Innovation R. Side Station 8+00 0.0 09 106.7 118.0 13.1 15.0 90 SO 203 8/9/05 SW Innovation R. Side Station 9+80 0.0 09 106.9 118.0 10,7 15,0 91 SO 204 8/9/05 SW Innovation L. Side Station 10+50 0.0 09 109.1 118.0 14,3 15.0 92 SO 205 8/9/05 SW Innovation L. Side Station 8+50 0.0 09 105.8 118.0 17.8 15.0 90 SO 206 8/9/05 SW Innovation L. Side Station 6+00 0.0 09 108.9 118.0 14.1 15.0 92 SG 207 8/9/05 SW Innovation L. Side Station 4+50 0.0 09 106.2 118.0 18.8 15.0 90 SO 208 8/9/05 SW Innovation L. Side Station 2+00 0.0 09 109.1 118.0 15.9 15.0 92 SG 209 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 32+20 0.0 03 109.9 122.0 11.9 11.0 90 50 210 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 33+20 0.0 03 109.5 122.0 16.3 11.0 90 SG 211 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 34+20 0.0 03 111.8 122.0 12.8 11.0 92 SG 212 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 35+20 0.0 03 114.0 122.0 11.2 11.0 93 SG 213 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 36+20 0.0 09 106.1 118.0 16.6 15.0 90 SO 214 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 37+20 0.0 09 107.2 118.0 15.8 15.0 91 SG 215 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 38+20 0.0 03 110.9 122.0 12.7 11.0 91 SO 216 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 38+60 0.0 03 110.9 122.0 11.6 11.0 91 SG 217 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 52+50 0.0 20 104.2 116.0 14,8 14.0 90 SG 218 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 51+10 0.0 20 104,5 116.0 14.7 14.0 90 SG 219 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 49+80 0.0 23 108.2 119.0 14.8 13.0 91 SG 220 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 48+70 0.0 16 105.3 117.0 15.5 14.0 90 SO 221 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 47+00 0.0 23 107.2 119.0 10.9 13.0 90 SO 222 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 45+80 0.0 23 108.3 119.0 12.3 13.0 91 SO 223 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 44+50 0.0 23 108.1 119.0 12.2 13.0 91 SO 224 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 43+00 0.0 21 105.9 118.0 10.5 13.0 90 SO 225 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 41+70 0.0 21 106.2 118.0 11.0 13.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 7ofll - - - - - - 271A°6 8& 08:
- - - - - mm - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SG 226 8/12/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 40+00 0.0 21 106.3 118.0 10.8 13.0 90 SO 227 8/18/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 24+20 0.0 20 105.8 116.0 16.7 14.0 91 SG 228 8/18/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 25+50 0.0 20 106.4 116.0 16.8 14.0 92 SO 229 8/18/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 26+00 0.0 18 103.7 113.0 17.9 16.0 92 SG 230 8/18/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 26+80 0.0 20 107.8 116.0 15.3 14.0 93 SO 231 8/18/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 27+50 0.0 18 102.5 113.0 18.5 16.0 91 SO 232 8/18/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 28+10 0.0 18 104.8 113.0 19.3 16.0 93 SG 233 8/18/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 29+00 0,0 17 102.8 114.0 16.7 14.5 90 SG 234 8/18/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 29+50 0.0 17 104.6 114.0 17.5 14.5 92 SG 235 8/18/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 30+30 0.0 18 105.1 113.0 18.0 16.0 93 SG 236 8/18/05 SW Alicante R. Side Station 115+20 0.0 19 107.8 118.0 18.7 15.0 91 SO 237 8/18/05 SW Alicante R. Side Station 116+00 0.0 19 109.3 118.0 17.3 15.0 93 SO 238 8/18/05 SW Alicante R. Side Station 116+80 0.0 20 105.5 116.0 17.7 14.0 91 SO 239 8/18/05 SW Alicante R. Side Station 117+50 0.0 21 106.3 118.0 15.6 13.0 90 SG 240 8/18/05 SW Alicante R. Side Station 118+40 0.0 21 108.2 118.0 15.0 13.0 92 SO 241 8/24/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 23+00 0.0 21 107.4 118.0 14.5 13.0 91 SO 242 8/24/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 21+30. 0.0 21 105.7 118.0 18.0 13.0 90 SG 244 8/24/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 18+50 0.0 20 103.9 116.0 15.5 14.0 90 SO 245 8/24/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 16+60 0.0 20 104.1 116.0 14.9 14.0 90 SG 246 8/24/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 14+50 0.0 20 104.4 116.0 16.5 14.0 90 SG 247 8/24/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 12+80 0.0 16 105.3 117.0 17.7 14.0 90 SG 248 8/24/05 SW Gateway R. Side Station 11+50 0.0 16 105.1 117.0 14.4 14.0 90 SG 249 8/24/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 11+30 0.0 16 104.8 117.0 14.9 14.0 90 SG 250 8/24/05 SW Gateway L.Side Station 12+50 0.0 16 105.2 117.0 18.5 14.0 90 50 251 8/24/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 13+80 0.0 16 105.3 117.0 15.5 14.0 90 SO 252 8/24/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 15+00 0.0 16 105.5 117.0 16.3 14.0 90 SG 253 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 16+00 0.0 16 104.8 117.0 12.1 14.0 90 SG 254 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 17+50 0.0 16 104.9 117.0 11.9 14.0 90 50 255 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 18+30 0.0 16 104.8 117.0 11.8 14.0 90 SG 256 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 20+20 0.0 21 106.2 118.0 11.4 13.0 90 SO 257 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 21+50 0.0 16 105.1 117.0 11.5 14.0 90 SG 258 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 23+00 0.0 22 111.6 124.0 11.5 12.0 90
Project Number: 971009016 .,
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 8ofll
2/17/2006 11:08:52AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SG 259 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 24+50 0.0 16 105.1 117.0 11.5 14.0 90 SG 260 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 25+60 0.0 19 106.3 118.0 15.5 15.0 90 SG 261 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 27+00 0.0 16 105.5 117.0 14.7 14.0 90 50 262 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 28+00 0.0 16 106.4 117.0 15.5 14.0 91 SG 263 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 29+10 0.0 16 106.6 117.0 15.2 14.0 91 SG 264 8/25/05 SW Gateway L. Side Station 30+50 0.0 16 105.0 117.0 10.2 14.0 90 SG 265 8/25/05 SW Campbell R. Side Station 7+30 0.0 17 102.6 114.0 15.5 14.5 90 SG 266 8/25/05 SW Campbell R. Side Station 6+20 0.0 17 102.5 114.0 11.7 14.5 90 SG 267 8/25/05 SW Campbell R. Side Station 4+60 0.0 17 102.7 114.0 11.5 14.5 90 SG 268 8/25/05 SW Campbell R. Side Station 3+00 0.0 19 106.3 118.0 13.4 15.0 90 SG 269 8/25/05 SW Campbell R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 21 106.3 118.0 10.5 13.0 90 SG 270 8/25/05 SW Campbell R. Side Station 0+80 0.0 21 105.9 118.0 10.0 13.0 90 SG 271 8/26/05 ST E. Gateway Station 19+20 0.0 21 112.1 118.0 10.0 13.0 95 SG 272 8/26/05 ST E. Gateway Station 20+00 0.0 21 113.2 118.0 9.9 13.0 96 SG 273 8/26/05 ST E. Gateway Station 20+45 0.0 21 111.9 118.0 12.0 13.0 95 SG 274 8/26/05 ST E. Gateway Station 20+50 0.0 17 108.3 114.0 17.0 14.5 95 50 275 8/26/05 CG E. Gateway R. Side Station 19+80 0.0 21 112.1 118.0 10.0 13.0 95 SG 276 8/26/05 CG E. Gateway L. Side Station 19+50 0.0 21 112.2 118.0 11.1 13.0 95 SO 277 8/26/05 SW Campbell L. Side Station 1+20 0.0 21 106.2 118.0 10.1 13.0 90 SG 278 8/26/05 SW Campbell L. Side Station 2+50 0.0 07 109.8 122.0 11.2 13.0 90 SO 279 8/26/05 SW Campbell L. Side Station 3+80 0.0 21 107.3 118.0 13.6 13.0 91 SG 280 8/26/05 SW Campbell L. Side Station 4+80 0.0 16 105.3 117.0 12.0 14.0 90 SG 281 8/26/05 SW Campbell L. Side Station 5+80 0.0 16 105.1 117.0 14.0 14.0 90 SG 282 8/26/05 SW Campbell L. Side Station 6+80 0.0 07 111.1 122.0 11.4 13.0 91 SG 283 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 3+50 0.0 17 102.3 114.0 11.7 14.5 90 SG 284 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 5+00 0.0 17 102.6 114.0 13.1 14.5 90 50 285 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 6+50 0.0 19 107.3 118.0 12.1 15.0 91 SG 286 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 8+00 0.0 17 102.4 114.0 14.7 14.5 90 50 287 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 16+00 0.0 20 104.4 116.0 8.5 14.0 90 SG 288 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 14+50 0.0 20 104.6 116.0 12.1 14.0 90 SG 289 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 13+00 0.0 16 105.1 117.0 10.6 14.0 90 SG 290 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 11+50 0.0 16 105.2 117.0 10.5 14.0 90
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name:. Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 . Page 9ofll - - - 2/)6 08:5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mom - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
SG 292 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 8+70 0.0 09 106.3 118.0 12.7 15.0 90 SG 293 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 7+00 0.0 09 105.9 118.0 11.9 15.0 90 SG 294 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 5+50 0.0 20 104.2 116.0 10.2 14.0 90 SG 295 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 4+00 0.0 20 104.3 116.0 12.5 14.0 90 SG 296 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 2+50 0.0 20 104.3 116.0 9.5 14.0 90 SG 297 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 9+50 0.0 21 107.3 118.0 10.8 13.0 91 SG 298 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 11+00 0.0 21 107.5 118.0 11.4 13.0 91 SG 299 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 12+50 0.0 17 102.3 114.0 12.9 14.5 90 SG 300 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 14+00 0.0 17 102.5 114.0 11.1 14.5 90 SG 301 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 15+50 0.0 09 107.4 118.0 15.2 15.0 91 SG 302 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 17+00 0.0 11 108.5 120.0 9.0 13.0 90 SG 303 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 18+50 0.0 21 106.3 118.0 8.0 13.0 90 SG 304 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 19+70 0.0 21 108.6 118.0 7.0 13.0 92 SG 305 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 19+00 0.0 21 106.2 118.0 8.0 13.0 90 SG 306 8/27/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 17+50 0.0 21 106.5 118.0 9.8 13.0 90 SG 307 8/29/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 1+50 0.0 20 106.5 116.0 15.1 14.0 92 SG 308 8/29/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 0+85 0.0 20 105.9 116.0 16.4 14.0 91 SG 309 9/6/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 19+20 0.0 09 99.1 118.0 15.1 15.0 84 RI ON 309A SO 309A 9/6/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 19+20 0.0 09 106.2 118.0 15.3 15.0 90 SG 310 9/6/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 16+00 0.0 22 111.6 124.0 10.9 12.0 90 SG 311 9/7/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 18+50 0.0 09 107.3 118.0 10.4 15.0 91 SG 312 9/7/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 20+50 0.0 09 107.5 118.0 11.9 15.0 91 SG 313 9/7/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 1+70 0.0 16 94.1 117.0 9.5 14.0 80 RT ON 313A SG 313A 9/7/05 SW E. Gateway R. Side Station 1+70 0.0 16 105.3 117.0 10.5 14.0 90 50 314 9/7/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 1+60 0.0 08 97.5 117.5 10.5 14.0 83 RI ON 314A SG 314A 9/7/05 SW E. Gateway L. Side Station 1+60 0.0 08 105.7 117.5 11.0 14.0 90 50 315 10/5/05 SW Alicante R. Side Station 113+80 0.0 16 105.5 117.0 14.5 14.0 90 SG 316 10/5/05 SW Town Garden N. Side Station 19+80 0.0 16 105.7 117.0 13.9 14.0 90 SG 317 11/3/05 CG Metropolitan L Side Station 1+50 0.0 09 112.1 118.0 17.0 15.0 95 SG 318 11/3/05 CG Metropolitan L Side Station 2+40 0.0 09 99.1 118.0 11.5 15.0 84 RI ON 318A SG 318A 11/3/05 CG Metropolitan L Side Station 2+40 0.0 09 111.9 118.0 14.9 15.0 95 SG 319 11/3/05 CG Metropolitan L Side Station 3+40 0.0 09 100.3 118.0 14.5 15.0 85 RI ON 319A
I Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0 I Client: 0 Page lOofli
2/17/2006 11:08:52AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
SO 319A 11/3/05 CO Metropolitan L Side Station 3+40 00 09 111.8 118.0 14.8 15.0 95 SG 320 11/4/05 ST Metropolitan Station 1+60 0.0 09 102.7 118.0 18.8 15.0 87 Soil Removed SG 321 11/4/05 ST Metropolitan Station 2+60 0.0 09 105.7 118.0 19.5 15.0 90 Soil Removed 50 322 11/4/05 ST Metropolitan Station 3+70 0.0 09 103.8 118.0 19.6 15.0 88 Soil Removed SG 323 11/4/05 ST Metropolitan Station 3+20 0.0 09 105.6 118.0 19.3 15.0 89 Soil Removed 50 324 11/9/05 ST Metropolitan Station 1+80 0.0 17 108.3 114.0 15.2 14.5 95 V SG 325 11/9/05 ST Metropolitan Station 3+00 0.0 21 112.1 118.0 9.9 13.0 95 SG 326 11/16/05 ST Campbell Station 1+15 0.0 20 114.8 116.0 14.9 14.0 99 SO 327 11/16/05 ST Campbell Station 1+10 0.0 20 113.2 116.0 13.9 14.0 98 SO 328 11/30/05 SW Metropolitan R. Side Station 1+80 0.0 08 108.3 117.5 15.9 14.0 92 SG 329 11/30/05 SW Metropolitan R. Side Station 2+50 0.0 08 108.8 117.5 13.7 14.0 93 SO 330 11/30/05 SW Metropolitan R. Side Station 3+30 0.0 08 109.0 117.5 13.5 14.0 93 SG 331 11/30/05 SW Metropolitan Center Station 3+80 0.0 08 106.3 117.5 16.7 14.0 90 V
V SO 332 11/30/05 SW Metropolitan L. Side Station 2+85 0.0 08 108.1 117.5 16.2 14.0 92 SO 333 11/30/05 SW Metropolitan L. Side Station 2+35 0.0 08 107.4 117.5 13.0 14.0 91 SG 334 11/30/05 SW Metropolitan L. Side Station 1+45 0.0 08 109.6 117.5 14.4 14.0 93 SO 335 V 12/16/05 ST Campbell Station 6+45 0.0 09 112.1 118.0 11.5 15.0 95
Project Number: 971009016 V
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16 V
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 11 of 11
V - - - - - 2/06 08:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AB 1 11/24/04 ST Alicante Station 113+00 303.5 31 120.2 124.0 7.5 11.0 97 AB 2 11/24/04 ST Alicante Station 112+90 304.0 31 118.6 124.0 10.0 11.0 96 AB 3 6/24/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 32+00 0.0 32 133.0 137.0 6.2 7.0 97 AB 4 6/24/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 33+20 0.0 32 131.0 137.0 5.2 7.0 96 AB 5 6/24/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 34+50 0.0 32 130.5 137.0 5.6 7.0 95 AB 6 6/24/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 35+75 0.0 32 130.7 137.0 6.5 7.0 95 AB 7 6/24/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 37+00 0.0 32 134.6 137.0 6.0 7.0 98 AB 8 6/24/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 38+30 0.0 32 130.5 137.0 6.5 7.0 95 AB 9 6/24/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 39+20 0.0 32 133.3 137.0 6.7 7.0 97 AB 10 6/24/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 40+75 0.0 32 132.4 137.0 7.1 7.0 97 AB 11 6/24/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 42+00 0.0 32 131.0 137.0 6.2 7.0 96 AB 12 6/24/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 43+25 0.0 32 130.6 137.0 6.8 7.0 95 AB 13 6/24/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 44+50 0.0 32 132.9 137.0 6.8 7.0 97 AB 14 6/24/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 45+50 0.0 32 131.2 137.0 6.3 7.0 96 AB 15 6/24/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 46+75 0.0 32 131.1 137.0 7.0 7.0 96 AB 16 6/24/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 47+75 0.0 32 131.3 137.0 5.9 7.0 96 AB 17 6/24/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 48+75 0.0 32 131.4 137.0 6.5 7.0 96 AB 18 6/24/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 49+80 0.0 32 130.9 137.0 6.2 7.0 96 AB 19 6/24/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 51+50 0.0 32 131.9 137.0 6.4 7.0 96 AB 20 6/24/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 52+50 0.0 32 130.6 137.0 5.4 7.0 95 AB 21 6/24/05 CG Colt R. Side Station 6+33 0.0 32 133.2 137.0 6.4 7.0 97 AB 22 6/24/05 CG Colt L. Side Station 4+90 0.0 32 134.4 137.0 6.3 7.0 98 AB 23 6/24/05 CG Colt R. Side Station 4+30 0.0 32 133.1 137.0 6.8 7.0 97 AB 24 6/24/05 CG Colt L. Side Station 3+50 0.0 32 133.5 137.0 6.6 7.0 97 AB 25 6/24/05 CG Colt R. Side Station 2+50 0.0 32 131.3 137.0 6.9 7.0 96 AB 26 6/24/05 CG Colt L. Side Station 1+80 0.0 32 134.4 137.0 6.1 7.0 98 AB 27 6/24/05 CG Colt R. Side Station 3+44 0.0 32 130.6 137.0 6.6 7.0 95 AB 28 6/24/05 CG Colt L. Side Station 2+90 0.0 32 130.9 137.0 5.8 7.0 96 AB 29 6/24/05 CG Colt R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 32 131.6 137.0 6.6 7.0 96 AB 30 6/24/05 CO Colt L. Side Station 1+30 0.0 32 130.6 137.0 6.1 7.0 95 AB 31 6/24/05 CG Colt R. Side Station 1+85 0.0 32 130.7 137.0 7.1 7.0 95 AB 32 6/24/05 CG Innovation L. Side Station 10+79 0.0 32 132.5 137.0 6.6 7.0 97
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 1 of 9
2/17/2006 11:09:15AM
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
AB 33 6/24/05 CO Innovation R. Side Station 9+75 0.0 32 133.8 137.0 7.1 7.0 98 AB 34 6/24/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 8+50 0.0 32 134.7 137.0 6.4 7.0 98 AB 35 6/24/05 CG Innovation R. Side Station 7+50 0.0 32 134.4 137.0 6.8 7.0 98 AB 36 6/24/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 6+50 0.0 32 132.2 137.0 6.1 7.0 96 AB 37 6/24/05 CG Innovation R. Side Station 5+50 0.0 32 133.0 137.0 6.9 7.0 97 AB 38 6/24/05 CG Innovation L. Side Station 4+75 0.0 32 131.0 137.0 7.1 7.0 96 AB 39 6/24/05 CO Innovation R. Side Station 3+50 0.0 32 131.4 137.0 5.6 7.0 96 AB 40 6/24/05 CO Innovation L. Side Station 2+50 0.0 32 130.7 137.0 6.2 7.0 95 AB 41 6/24/05 CG Innovation R. Side Station 1+50 0.0 32 132.8 137.0 6.7 7.0 97 AB 42 7/14/05 ST Colt R. Side Station 1+50 0.0 43 136.7 140.5 5.0 6.5 97 AB 43 7/14/05 ST Colt L. Side Station 1+75 0.0 43 134.5 140.5 5.1 6.5 96 AB 44 7/14/05 ST Colt R. Side Station 2+25 0.0 43 136.9 140.5 4.3 6.5 97 AB 45 7/14/05 ST Colt L. Side Station 3+00 0.0 41 129.7 137.0 5.5 7.0 95 AB 46 7/14/05 ST Colt R. Side Station 3+50 0.0 43 133.2 140.5 4.6 6.5 95 AB 47 7/14/05 ST Colt L. Side Station 4+25 0.0 42 132.6 139.5 6.1 7.0 95 AB 48 7/14/05 ST Colt R. Side Station 4+50 0.0 42 133.8 139.5 4.7 7.0 96 AB 49 7/14/05 ST Colt L. Side Station 5+25 0.0 43 134.8 140.5 5.6 6.5 96 AB 50 7/14/05 ST Colt R. Side Station 5+00 0.0 42 132.5 139.5. 5.0 7.0 95 AB 51 7/14/05 ST Slater L. Side Station 0+50 0.0 43 135.6 140.5 6.2 6.5 97 AB 52 7/14/05 ST Slater R. Side Station 0+50 0.0 43 135.8 140.5 5.2 6.5 97 AB 53 7/14/05 ST Slater L. Side Station 1+25 . 0.0 43 136.2 140.5 5.1 6.5 97 AB 54 7/14/05 ST Slater L. Side Station 1+50 0.0 43 136.8 140.5 7.1 6.5 97 AB 55 7/14/05 ST Slater L. Side Station 2+25 0.0 43 139.2 140.5 4.3 6.5 99 AB 56 7/14/05 ST Slater R. Side Station 2+75 0.0 43 137.4 140.5 5.6 6.5 98 AB 57 7/14/05 ST Slater L. Side Station 3+10 0.0 43 135.9 140.5 6.5 6.5 97 AB 58 7/14/05 ST Slater L. Side Station 3+55 0.0 43 136.5 140.5 6.5 6.5 97 AB 59 7/14/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 1+50 . 0.0 41 129.8 137.0 7.0 . 7.0 95 AB 60 7/14/05 ST Innovation R Side Station 2+20 0.0 41 130.5 137.0 7.0 7.0 95 AB 61 7/14/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 2+30 0.0 42 132.0 139.5 5.1 7.0 95 AB 62 7/14/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 3+50 0.0 42 133.6 139.5 4.9 7.0 96 AB 63 7/14/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 3+85 0.0 42 132.4 139.5 6.1 7.0 95 AB 64 7/14/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 5+00 0.0 42 135.0 139.5 5.5 7.0 97
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16 -
Project Location: 0 .
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AB 65 7/14/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 4+15 0.0 42 134.7 139.5 5.6 7.0 97 AB 66 7/14/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 6+40 0.0 42 133.4 139.5 5.9 7.0 96 AB 67 7/14/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 5+80 0.0 43 135.0 140.5 4.8 6.5 96 AB 68 7/14/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 7+75 0.0 43 134.2 140.5 5.1 6.5 96 AB 69 7/14/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 7+25 0.0 43 136.1 140.5 4.7 6.5 97 AB 70 7/14/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 9+50 0.0 43 134.0 140.5 5.0 6.5 95 AB 71 7/14/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 8+50 0.0 43 135.3 140.5 4.1 6.5 96 AB 72 7/14/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 11+00 0.0 43 133.5 140.5 6.1 6.5 95 AB 73 7/14/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 10+35 0.0 41 131.0 137.0 5.4 7.0 96 AB 74 7/15/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 31+50 0.0 43 136.1 140.5 5.5 6.5 97 AB 75 7/15/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 32+30 0.0 43 136.4 140.5 5.4 6.5 97 AB 76 7/15/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 33+75 0.0 43 133.9 140.5 5.7 6.5 95 AB 77 7/15/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 35+00 0.0 41 129.5 137.0 5.8 7.0 95 AB 78 7/15/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 35+50 0.0 41 130.3 137.0 7.2 7.0 95 AB 79 7/15/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 36+70 0.0 41 130.2 137.0 5.8 7.0 95 AB 80 7/15/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 38+04 0.0 43 135.8 140.5 6.1 6.5 97 AB 81 7/15/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 39+00 0.0 43 135.7 140.5 5.2 6.5 97 AB 82 7/15/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 39+80 0.0 43 135.7 140.5 6.0 6.5 97 AB 83 7/15/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 42+00 0.0 43 134.0 140.5 6.3 6.5 95 AB 84 7/15/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 43+40 0.0 43 134.8 140.5 5.0 6.5 96 AB 85 7/15/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 44+60 0.0 43 135.2 140.5 4.4 6.5 96 AB 86 7/15/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 45+50 0.0 43 135.4 140.5 4.6 6.5 96 AB 87 7/15/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 47+00 0.0 41 129.8 137.0 5.1 7.0 95 AB 88 7/15/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 48+25 0.0 41 131.3 137.0 5.1 7.0 96 AB 89 7/15/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 50+00 0.0 41 131.3 137.0 5.1 7.0 96. AB 90 7/15/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 51+00 0.0 41 130.0 137.0 5.0 7.0 95 AB 91 7/15/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 52+60 0.0 43 133.3 140.5 6.0 6.5 95 AB 92 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 2+25 0.0 41 129.8 137.0 5.1 7.0 95 AB 93 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 3+55 0.0 41 131.4 137.0 4.8 7.0 96 AB 94 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 4+75 .0.0 41 129.5 137.0 4.7 7.0 95 AB 95 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 6+00 0.0 41 134.4 137.0 4.3 7.0 98 AB 96 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 7+50 0.0 41 130.1 137.0 4.4 7.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0 Client: 0 Page 3of9
2/17/2006 11:09:15AM
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
AB 97 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 8+30 0.0 41 130.1 137.0 3.3 7.0 95 AB 98 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 9+50 0.0 41 131.2 137.0 4.1 7.0 96 AB 99 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 10+75 0.0 41 132.2 137.0 5.7 7.0 96 AB 100 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 12+00 0.0 41 132.4 137.0 6.3 7.0 97 AB 101 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 13+50 0.0 41 132.7 137.0 3.8 7.0 . 97 AB 102 8/2/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 9+50 0.0 41 134.3 137.0 4.0 7.0 98 AB 103 8/2/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 8+25 0.0 41 132.6 137.0 3.1 7.0 97 AB 104 8/2/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 5+00 0.0 41 130.4 137.0 3.4 7.0 95 AB 105 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 15+00 0.0 41 133.0 137.0 6.4 7.0 97 AB 106 8/2/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 16+50 0.0 41 129.7 137.0 4.6 .7.0 95 AB 107 8/2/05 CO Gateway L. Side Station 18+50 0.0 41 130.2 137.0 3.6 7.0 95 AB 108 8/2/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 18+25 0.0 41 131.0 137.0 6.6 7.0 96 AB 109 8/2/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 15+75 0.0 41 130.5 137.0 3.6 7.0 95 AB 110 8/2/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 13+25 0.0 41 134.4 137.0 5.1 7.0 98 AB 111 8/2/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 11+75 0.0 41 133.7 137.0 4.3 7.0 98 AB 112 8/3/04 CG Gateway R. Side Station 23+80 0.0 41 135.8 137.0 6.8 7.0 99 AB 113 8/3/04 CO Gateway R. Side Station 26+50 0.0 41 132.9 137.0 7.1 7.0 97 AB 114 8/3/04 CO Gateway R. Side Station 29+40 0.0 41 132.5 137.0 5.3 7.0 97 AB 115 8/3/04 CG Gateway L. Side Station 25+00 0.0 41 133.8 137.0 5.5 7.0 98 AB 116 8/3/04 CG Gateway L. Side Station 27+80 0.0 41 123.6 137.0 6.9 7.0 90 AB 116A 8/3/04 CG Gateway L. Side Station 27+80 0.0 41 131.4 137.0 6.6 7.0 96 AB 117 8/3/04 CO Gateway R. Side Station 21+50 . 0.0 41 132.7 137.0 7.7 7.0 97 AB 118 8/3/04 CG Gateway R. Side Station 19+80 0.0 41 125.1 137.0 4.4 7.0 91 AB 118A 8/3/04 CO Gateway R. Side Station 19+80 0.0 41 132.0 137.0 5.3 7.0 96 AB 119 8/3/04 CO Gateway L. Side Station 18+50 0.0 41 129.6 137.0 5.8 7.0 95 AB 120 8/3/04 CO Alicante L. Side Station 113+70 0.0 41 131.6 137.0 5.5 7.0 96 AB 121 8/3/04 CO Alicante R. Side Station 114+60 0.0 41 132.8 137.0 6.8 7.0 97 AB 122 8/3/04 CO Alicante R. Side Station 116+30 0.0 41 127.3 137.0 6.2 7.0 93 AB 122A 8/3/04 CO Alicante R. Side Station 116+30 0.0 41 131.8 137.0 6.0 7.0 96 AB 123 8/3/04 CO Alicante L. Side Station 115+60 0.0 41 130.8 137.0 5.7 7.0 95 AB 124 8/3/04 CO Alicante L. Side Station 117+50 0.0 41 133.5 137.0 5.3 7.0 97 AB 125 8/3/04 CO Alicante R. Side Station 119+10 0.0 41 133.1 137.0 7.1 7.0 97
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 4of9
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AB 126 8/3/04 CG Alicante L. Side Station 119+60 0.0 41 134.7 137.0 7.2 7.0 98 AB 127 8/3/04 CG Alicante R. Side Station 119+70 0.0 41 130.5 137.0 6.5 7.0 95 AB 128 8/4/04 CG Gateway L. Side Station 10+75 0.0 41 129.9 137.0 7.2 7.0 95 AB 129 8/4/04 CG Gateway L. Side Station 13+50 0.0 41 124.7 137.0 6.5 7.0 91 RTON 129A AB 129A 8/4/04 CG Gateway L. Side Station 13+50 0.0 41 132.5 137.0 6.7 7.0 97 AB 130 8/4/04 CG Gateway R. Side Station 12+00 0.0 41 130.8 137.0 7.1 7.0 95 AB 131 8/4/04 CG Gateway R. Side Station 15+40 0.0 41 130.4 137.0 5.4 7.0 95 AB 132 8/4/04 CG Gateway L. Side Station 16+00 0.0 41 133.9 137.0 5.8 7.0 98 AB 133 8/4/04 CG Gateway R. Side Station 17+20 0.0 41 126.1 137.0 4.3 7.0 92 RTON 133A AB 133A 8/4/04 CG Gateway R. Side Station 17+20 0.0 41 130.2 137.0 5.0 7.0 95 AB 134 8/4/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 17+50 0.0 41 127.5 137.0 5.7 7.0 93 RTON 134A AB 134A 8/4/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 17+50 0.0 41 131.4 137.0 6.2 7.0 96 AB 135 8/4/05 CG Campbell L. Side Station 0+50 0.0 41 130.8 137.0 5.8 7.0 95 AB 136 8/4/05 CG Campbell R. Side Station 1+10 0.0 41 133.5 137.0 5.2 7.0 97 AB 137 8/4/05 CG Campbell R. Side Station 2+50 0.0 41 134.2 137.0 5.5 7.0 98 AB 138 8/4/05 CG Campbell L. Side Station 2+20 0.0 41 125.2 137.0 6.1 7.0 91 RTON 138A AB 138A 8/4/05 CG Campbell L. Side Station 2+20 0.0 41 129.8 137.0 6.3 7.0 95 AB 139 8/4/05 CG Campbell L. Side Station 3+80 0.0 41 134.1 137.0 6.7 7.0 98 AB 140 8/4/05 CG Campbell R. Side Station 4+70 0.0 41 130.6 137.0 5.2 7.0 95 AB 141 8/4/05 CG Campbell R. Side Station 6+00 0.0 41 132.4 137.0 7.7 7.0 97 AB 142 8/4/05 CG Campbell L. Side Station 6+80 0.0 41 130.7 137.0 7.1 7.0 95 AB 143 8/4/05 CO Campbell R. Side Station 7+40 0.0 41 131.0 137.0 6.5 7.0 96 AB 144 8/10/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 16+50 0.0 41 132.3 137.0 3.0 7.0 97 AB 145 8/10/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 14+50 0.0 41 129.8 137.0 3.0 7.0 95 AB 146 8/10/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 10+80 0.0 41 133.1 137.0 3.0 7.0 97 AB 147 8/10/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 7+75 0.0 41 130.1 137.0 3.0 7.0 95 AB 148 8/10/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 6+50 0.0 41 129.6 137.0 3.0 7.0 95 AB 149 8/10/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 3+50 0.0 41 132.6 137.0 3.0 7.0 97 AB 150 8/10/05 CO Gateway R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 41 129.8 137.0 3.0 7.0 95 AB 151 8/10/05 CO Alicante R. Side Station 113+50 0.0 41 129.6 137.0 3.1 7.0 95 AB 152 8/11/05 XO Campbell Ctr Station 7+90 0.0 41 131.0 137.0 3.5 7.0 96 AB 153 8/11/05 XG Campbell R. Side Station 7+90 0.0 41 129.8 137.0 4.5 7.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 5of9
2/17/2006 11:09:15AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AB 154 8/15/05 XG Gateway Station 19+60 0.0 41 132.5 137.0 5.6 7.0 97 AB 155 8/15/05 XG Gateway Station 19+95 0.0 41 130.8 137.0 6.2 7.0 95 AB 156 8/29/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 1+00 0.0 42 133.6 139.5 8.1 7.0 96 AB 157 8/29/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 1+90 0.0 43 138.5 140.5 5.9 6.5 99 AB 158 8/29/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 2+75 0.0 43 137.9 140.5 6.1 6.5 98 AB 159 8/29/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 3+60 0.0 43 138.8 140.5 6.8 6.5 99 AB 160 8/29/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 4+85 0.0 43 .139.0 140.5 6.4 6.5 99 AB 161 8/29/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 5+50 0.0 43 138.7 140.5 6.3 6.5 99 AB 162 8/29/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 6+75 0.0 43 137.5 140.5 6.3 6.5 98 AB 163 8/29/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 7+50 0.0 43 136.5 140.5 6.1 6.5 97 AB 164 8/29/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 19+25 0.0 41 131.0 137.0 5.6 7.0 96 AB 165 8/29/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 19+50 0.0 41 130.0 137.0 6.5 7.0 95 AB 166 8/29/05 CG Gateway R. Side Station 19+75 0.0 41 130.9 137.0 6.4 7.0 96 AB 167 8/29/05 CG Gateway L. Side Station 20+00 0.0 41 129.9 137.0 6.5 7.0 95 AB 168 8/30/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 111+75 0.0 43 135.1 140.5 4.8 6.5 96 AB 169 8/30/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 114+60 0.0 43 133.1 140.5 3.7 6.5 95 AB 170 8/30/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 115+50 0.0 43 134.1 140.5 5.6 6.5 95 AB 171 8/30/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 116+25 0.0 43 134.3 140.5 5.0 6.5 96 AB 172 8/30/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 116+80 0.0 43 133.5 140.5 5.4 6.5 95 AB 173 8/30/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 117+50 0.0 43 134.0 140.5 5.7 6.5 95 AB 174 8/30/05 ST - Alicante L. Side Station 118+25 0.0 43 133.5 140.5 4.5 6.5 95 AB 175 8/30/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 118+85 0.0 43 133.4 140.5 3.9 6.5 95 AB 176 8/30/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 119+30 0.0 43 133.6 140.5 3.6 6.5 95 AB 177 8/30/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 119+75 0.0 43 134.1 140.5 4.1 6.5 95 AB 178 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 11+00 0.0 42 132.8 139.5 2.9 7.0 95 AB 179 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 12+00 0.0 42 135.6 139.5 2.5 7.0 97 AB 180 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 13+00 0.0 42 132.8 139.5 3.5 7.0 95 AB 181 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 14+00 0.0 42 134.1 139.5 2.4 7.0 96 AB 182 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 15+00 0.0 42 135.4 139.5 2.5 7.0 97 AB 183 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 16+00 0.0 42 133.4 139.5 2.9 7.0 96 AB 184 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 17+00 0.0 42 134.9 139.5 3.5 7.0 97 AB 185 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 18+00 0,0 42 135.7 139.5 3.5 7.0 97
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 6of9 - . - - 2/06 09:1_
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AB 186 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 19+00 0.0 42 132.9 139.5 2.8 7.0 95 AB 187 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 20+00 0.0 42 134.5 139.5 2.6 7.0 96 AB 188 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 21+00 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 2.5 7.0 96 AB 189 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 22+00 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 2.7 7.0 96 AB 190 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 23+00 0.0 42 136.7 139.5 2.8 7.0 98 AB 191 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 24+00 0.0 42 135.3 139.5 2.2 7.0 97 AB 192 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 25+00 0.0 42 136.0 139.5 2.6 7.0 97 AB 193 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 26+00 0.0 42 132.5 139.5 2.5 7.0 95 AB 194 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 27+00 0.0 42 135.4 139.5 2.9 7.0 97 AB 195 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 28+00 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 3.3 7.0 96 AB 196 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 29+00 0.0 42 1353 139.5 2.9 7.0 97 AB 197 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 30+00 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 3.1 7.0 96 AB 198 8/31/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 31+00 0.0 42 132.5 139.5 2.8 7.0 95 AB 199 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 11+50 0.0 42 132.4 139.5 2.4 7.0 95 AB 200 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 12+50 0.0 42 135.4 139.5 3.7 7.0 97 AB 201 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 13+50 0.0 42 135.5 139.5 3.6 7.0 97 AB 202 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 14+50 0.0 42 136.1 139.5 2.7 7.0 98 AB 203 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 15+50 0.0 42 135.0 139.5 3.1 7.0 97 AB 204 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 16+50 0.0 42 135.1 139.5 2.8 7.0 97 AB 205 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 17+50 0.0 42 135.3 139.5 2.9 7.0 97 AB 206 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 18+50 0.0 42 136.7 139.5 2.2 7.0 98 AB 207 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 19+50 0.0 42 135.2 139.5 2.7 7.0 97 AB 208 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 20+50 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 2.7 7.0 96 AB 209 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 21+50 0.0 42 135.4 139.5 3.1 7.0 97 AB 210 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 22+50 0.0 42 133.8 139.5 2.4 7.0 96 AB 211 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 23+50 0.0 42 133.5 139.5 3.0 7.0 96 AB 212 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 24+50 0.0 42 132.2 139.5 2.8 7.0 95 AB 213 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 25+50 0.0 42 132.5 139.5 3.1 7.0 95 AB 214 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 26+50 0.0 42 132.8 139.5 3.2 7.0 95 AB 215 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 27+50 0.0 42 133.5 139.5 2.3 7.0 96 AB 216 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 28+50 0.0 42 134.4 139.5 3.3 7.0 96 AB 217 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 29+50 0.0 42 133.4 139.5 3.4 7.0 96
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 7of9
2/17/2006 11:09:15AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AB 218 8/31/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 30+50 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 2.3 7.0 96 AB 219 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 1+50 0.0 42 132.6 139.5 2.7 7.0 95 AB 220 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 2+50 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 2.4 7.0 96 AB 221 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 3+50 0.0 42 133.8 139.5 2.3 7.0 96 AB 222 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 4+50 0.0 42 135.2 139.5 2.1 7.0 97 AB 223 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 5+50 0.0 42 134.1 139.5 2.8 7.0 96 AB 224 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 6+50 0.0 42 135.4 139.5 3.3 7.0 97 AB 225 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 7+50 0.0 42 133.4 139.5 2.7 7.0 96 AB 226 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 8+50 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 3.5 7.0 96 AB 227 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 9+50 0.0 42 134.3 139.5 3.4 7.0 96 AB 228 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 10+50 0.0 42 132.2 139.5 3.3 7.0 95 AB 229 9/1/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 11+50 0.0 42 133.6 139.5 3.5 7.0 96 AB 230 9/1/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 12+50 0.0 42 135.3 139.5 2.9 7.0 97 AB 231 9/1/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 13+50 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 3.2 7.0 96 AB 232 9/1/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 14+50 0.0 42 132.3 139.5 3.2 7.0 95 AB 233 9/1/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 15+50 0.0 42 131.9 139.5 2.3 7.0 95 AB 234 9/1/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 16+50 0.0 42 132.0 139.5 3.8 7.0 95 AB 235 9/1/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 17+50 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 3.6 7.0 96 AB 236 9/1/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 18+50 0.0 42 134.3 139.5 4.7 7.0 96 AB 237 9/1/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 2+00 0.0 42 132.5 139.5 3.2 7.0 95 AB 238 9/1/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 3+00 0.0 42 134.2 139.5 3.4 7.0 96 AB 239 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 4+00 0.0 42 133.7 139.5 2.7 7.0 96 AB 240 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 5+00 0.0 42 132.5 139.5 2.8 7.0 95 AB 241 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 6+00 0.0 42 135.3 139.5 2.6 7.0 97 AB 242 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 7+00 0.0 42 134.1 139.5 3.2 7.0 96 AB 243 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 8+00 0.0 42 135.4 139.5 2.2 7.0 97 AB 244 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 9+00 0.0 42 133.1 139.5 2.8 7.0 95 AB 245 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 10+00 0.0 42 135.4 139.5 3.3 7.0 97 AB 246 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 11+00 0.0 42 134.2 139.5 3.2 7.0 96 AB 247 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 12+00 0.0 42 132.9 139.5 2.8 7.0 95 AB 248 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 13+00 0.0 42 132.6 139.5 3.3 7.0 95 AB 249 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 14+00 0.0 42 134.1 139.5 2.7 7.0 96
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 8of9 - - - - - - - - - - 2/6 MM09AM
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
AB 250 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 15+00 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 3.1 7.0 96 AB 251 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 16+00 0.0 42 136.5 139.5 2.6 7.0 98 AB 252 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 17+00 0.0 42 136.0 139.5 3.4 7.0 97 AB 253 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 18+00 0.0 42 134.2 139.5 3.3 7.0 96 AB 254 9/1/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 18+50 0.0 42 134.1 139.5 3.2 7.0 96 AB 255 9/2/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 19+00 0.0 42 132.6 139.5 2.9 7.0 95 AB 256 9/2/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 20+00 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 3.1 7.0 96 AB 257 9/2/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 20+50 0.0 42 135.3 139.5 4.6 7.0 97 AB 258 9/2/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 19+50 0.0 42 133.9 139.5 2.9 7.0 96 AB 259 9/2/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 20+55 0.0 42 133.8 139.5 3.8 7.0 96 AB 260 9/2/05 ST E. Gateway Center Station 20+40 0.0 42 134.1 139.5 4.2 7.0 96 AB 261 9/2/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 20+50 0.0 42 125.6 139.5 3.2 7.0 90 AB 261A 9/2/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 20+50 0.0 42 132.2 139.5 3.5 7.0 95 AB 262 9/7/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 1+40 0.0 42 132.5 139.5 3.9 7.0 95 AB 263 9/7/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 1+50 0.0 42 132.8 139.5 4.1 7.0 95 AB 264 11/14/05 CG Metropolitan L Side Station 1+76 0.0 42 137.3 139.5 4.6 7.0 98 AB 265 11/14/05 CG Metropolitan R Side Station 2+65 0.0 42 137.2 139.5 3.7 7.0 98 AB 266 11/14/05 CG Metropolitan L Side Station 3+45 0.0 42 138.3 139.5 4.3 7.0 99 AB 267 11/14/05 CG Metropolitan Center Station 3+82 0.0 42 138.0 139.5 5.7 7.0 99 AB 268 11/14/05 CG Metropolitan L Side Station 2+45 0.0 42 135.5 139.5 4.9 7.0 97 AB 269 11/16/05 ST Campbell Station 0+90 0.0 41 132.4 137.0 6.8 7.0 97 AB 270 11/16/05 ST Campbell Station 1+12 0.0 41 130.8 137.0 7.4 7.0 95 AB 271 11/16/05 XG Metropolitan Station 1+00 0.0 31 119.2 124.0 12.5 11.0 96 AB 272 11/16/05 XG Metropolitan Station 1+10 0.0 31 118.7 124.0 13.1 11.0 96 AB 273 11/29/05 ST Metropolitan Station 3+55 0.0 42 133.4 139.5 7.3 7.0 96 AB 274 11/29/05 ST Metropolitan Station 2+50 0.0 42 132.8 139.5 7.6 7.0 95 AB 275 11/29/05 ST Metropolitan Station 1+60 0.0 42 135.5 139.5 7.2 7.0 97 AB 276 12/16/05 ST Campbell Station 6+45 0.0 41 130.2 137.0 5.5 7.0 95
RT ON 261A
Project Number: 971099016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0 Client: 0 Page 9of9
2/17/2006 11:09:15AM
Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
AC 1 7/18/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 3 1+10 0.0 109 141.4 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 2 7/18/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 32+00 0.0 109 139.0 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 3 7/18/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 32+75 0.0 109 138.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 4 7/18/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 33+50 0.0 109 138.8 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 5 7/18/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 34+25 0.0 109 138.4 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 6 7/18/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 34+90 0.0 109 141.9 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 7 7/18/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 35+60 0.0 109 143.7 146.2 0.0 0.0 98 AC 8 7/18/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 36+35 0.0 109 138.6 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 9 7/18/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 37+15 0.0 109 138.4 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 10 7/18/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 37+95 0.0 109 139.6 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 11 7/18/05 ST Slater L. Side Station 0+90 0.0 109 142.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 12 7/18/05 ST Slater Center Station 1+10 0.0 109 142.1 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 13 7/18/05 ST Slater R. Side Station 0+80 0.0 109 141.6 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 14 7/18/05 ST Slater L. Side Station 2+00 0.0 109 144.4 146.2 0.0 0.0 99 AC 15 7/18/05 ST Slater R. Side Station 2+80 0.0 109 141.9 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 16 7/18/05 ST Slater L. Side Station 3+50 0.0 109 142.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 17 7/18/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 10+75 0.0 109 138.9 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 18 7/18/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 9+80 0.0 109 142.1 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 19 7/18/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 9+25 0.0 109 140.0 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 20 7/18/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 8+90 0.0 109 138.8 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 21 7/18/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 8+30 0.0 109 '140.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 22 7/18/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 7+70 0.0 109 138.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 23 7/18/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 7+05 0.0 109 140.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 24 7/18/05 ST Innovation R: Side Station 6+50 0.0 109 140.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 25 7/18/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 5+90 0.0 109 139.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 26 7/18/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 5+10 0.0 109 138.4 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 27 7/18/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 4+35 0.0 109. 138.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 28 7/18/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 3+35 0.0 109 139.6 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 29 7/18/05 ST Innovation L. Side Station 2+55 0.0 109 141.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 30 7/18/05 ST Innovation R. Side Station 1+60 0.0 109 138.3 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 31 7/18/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 38+50 0.0 109 138.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 32 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 39+50 0.0 109 139.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 1 of 11 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 2/60009:VM
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Location
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Comnaction Remarks
AC 33 7/19/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 40+40 0.0 109 138,3 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 34 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 41+00 0.0 109 139.6 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 35 7/19/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 41+75 0.0 109 140.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 36 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 42+50 0.0 109 138.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 37 7/19/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 43+40 0.0 109 140.9 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 38 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 44+00 0.0 109 142.9 146.2 0.0 0.0 98 AC 39 7/19/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 44+75 0.0 109 140.4 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 40 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 45+50 0.0 109 141.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 41 7/19/05 ST Colt L. Side Station 1+75 0.0 109 138.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 42 7/19/05 ST Colt R. Side Station 2+65 0.0 109 139.0 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 43 7/19/05 ST Colt L. Side Station 3+50 0.0 109 138.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 44 7/19/05 ST Colt R. Side Station 4+25 0.0 109 138.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 45 7/19/05 ST Colt L. Side Station 5+10 0.0 109 138.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 46 7/19/05 ST Colt Center Station 5+35 0.0 109 138.9 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 47 7/19/05 ST Colt R. Side Station 5+05 0.0 109 140.8 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 48 7/19/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 46+50 0.0 109 141.4 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 49 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 47+00 0.0 109 140.1 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 50 7/19/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 47+65 0.0 109 142.7 146.2 0.0 0.0 98 AC 51 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 48+20 0.0 109 140.1 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 52 7/19/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 49+20 0.0 109 138.4 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 53 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 50+00 0.0 109 139.6 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 54 7/19/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 5 1+00 0.0 109 138.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 55 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 51+50 0.0 109 140.1 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 56 7/19/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 52+35 0.0 109 140.5 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 57 7/19/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 53+00 0.0 109 141.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 58 7/20/05 ST Town Garden R. Side Station 2+76 0.0 109 142.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 59 7/20/05 ST Town Garden R. Side Station 4+00 0.0 109 140.6 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 60 7/20/05 ST Town Garden R. Side Station 11+10 0.0 109 138.9 146.2 0.0 0.0 95 AC 61 7/20/05 ST Town Garden R. Side Station 11+50 0.0 109 140.2 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 62 7/20/05 ST Town Garden R. Side Station 14+83 0.0 109 143.6 146.2 0.0 0.0 98 AC 63 7/20/05 ST Town Garden L. Side Station 4+00 0.0 109 142.9 146.2 0.0 0.0 98 AC 64 7/20/05 ST Town Garden L. Side Station 11+00 0.0 109 140.8 146.2 0.0 0.0 96
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 2of1l
2/17/2006 11:09:37AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AC 65 7/20/05 ST Town Garden L. Side Station 11+50 0.0 109 140.4 146.2 0.0 0.0 96 AC 66 7/20/05 ST Town Garden L. Side Station 14+83 0.0 109 142.1 146.2 0.0 0.0 97 AC 67 9/8/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 118+50 0.0 110 139.8 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 68 9/8/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 119+10 0.0 110 143.4 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 69 9/8/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 113+20 0.0 110 139.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 70 9/8/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 114+00 0.0 110 139.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 71 9/8/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 115+00 0.0 110 139.6 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 72 9/8/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 116+00 0.0 110 143.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 73 9/8/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 117+00 0.0 110 143.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 74 9/8/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 118+00 0.0 110 139.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 75 9/8/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 119+00 0.0 110 139.8 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 76 9/8/05 ST Alicante R. Side Station 120+00 0.0 110 139.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 77 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 27+00 0.0 110 140.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 78 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 28+00 0.0 110 142.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 79 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 29+00 0.0 110 139.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 80 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 30+00 0.0 110 139.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 81 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 31+00 0.0 110 138.8 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 82 9/8/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 113+50 0.0 110 143.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 99 AC 83 9/8/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 114+50 0.0 110 143.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 84 9/8/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 115+50 0.0 110 139.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 85 9/8/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 116+50 0.0 110 139.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 86 9/8/05 ST Alicante L. Side Station 117+50 0.0 110 140.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 87 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 23+50 0.0 110 141.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 88 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 24+50 0.0 110 142.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 89 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 25+50 0.0 110 139.4 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 90 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 26+50 0.0 110 139.6 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 91 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 27+50 0.0 110 142.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 92 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 28+50 0.0 110 142.8 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 93 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 29+50 0.0 110 138.4 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 94 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 30+50 0.0 110 138.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 95 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 25+00 0.0 110 143.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 96 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 26+00 0.0 110 141.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 97
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 3ofll - - - - - - - - - 2/1 6 9:3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - mm - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AC 97 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 13+50 0.0 110 138.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 98 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 14+50 0.0 110 139.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 99 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 15+50 0.0 110 139.8 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 100 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 16+50 0.0 110 140.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 101 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 17+50 0.0 110 140.6 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 102 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 18+50 0.0 110 139.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 103 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 19+50 0.0 110 139.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 104 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 20+50 0.0 110 142.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 105 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 21+50 0.0 110 139.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 106 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 22+50 0.0 110 140.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 107 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 16+00 0.0 110 144.6 146.0 0.0 0.0 99 AC 108 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 17+00 0.0 110 139.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 109 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 18+00 0.0 110 142.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 110 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 19+00 0.0 110 143.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 111 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 20+00 0.0 110 140.6 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 112 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 21+00 0.0 110 139.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 113 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 22+00 0.0 110 143.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 99 AC 114 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 23+00 0.0 110 140.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 115 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 11+50 0.0 110 142.4 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 116 9/8/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 12+50 0.0 110 138.4 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 117 9/8/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 3+00 0.0 110 139.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 118 9/8/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 4+00 0.0 110 139.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 119 9/8/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 5+00 0.0 110 141.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 120 9/8/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 6+00 0.0 110 141.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 121 9/8/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 7+00 0.0 110 138.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 122 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 11+00 0.0 110 139.2 146.0 .0.0 0.0 95 AC 123 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 12+00 0.0 110 139.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 124 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 13+00 0.0 110 139.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 125 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 14+00 0.0 110 139.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 126 9/8/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 15+00 0.0 110 143.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 127 9/8/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 0+50 0.0 110 144.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 99 AC 128 9/8/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 1+50 0.0 110 138.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 4ofll
2/17/2006 11:09:37AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AC 129 9/8/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 2+50 0.0 110 138.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 130 9/8/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 3+50 0.0 110 139.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 131 9/8/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 4+50 0.0 110 138.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 132 9/8/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 5+50 0.0 110 139.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 133 9/8/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 6+50 0.0 110 139.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 134 9/8/05 ST Campbell L. Side Station 7+50 0.0 110 139.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 135 9/8/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 1+00 0.0 110 138.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 136 9/8/05 ST Campbell R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 110 140.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 137 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 12+00 0.0 110 139.6 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 138 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 13+00 0.0 110 139.6 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 139 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 14+00 0.0 110 139.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 140 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 15+00 0.0 110 141.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 141 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 16+00 0.0 110 141.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 142 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 17+00 0.0 110 144.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 99 AC 143 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 18+00 0.0 110 144.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 99 AC 144 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 19+00 0.0 110 140.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 145 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 20+00 0.0 110 140.8 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 146 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 110 141.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 147 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 3+00 0.0 110 141.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 148 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 4+00 0.0 110 139.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 149 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 5+00 0.0 110 142.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 150 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 6+00 0.0 110 140.4 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 151 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 7+00 0.0 110 139.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 152 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 8+00 0.0 110 140.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 153 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 9+00 0.0 110 140.4 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 154 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 10+00 0.0 110 138.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 155 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 11+00 0.0 110 138.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 156 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 11+50 0.0 110 139.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 157 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 12+50 0.0 110 139.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 158 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 13+50 0.0 110 139.6 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 159 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 14+50 0.0 110 138.9 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 160 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 15+50 0.0 110 140.4 146.0 0.0 0.0 96
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name:. Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 5ofll - - - . - - - - - - - 2 /6 gW093M
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AC 161 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 16+50 0.0 110 140.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 162 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 17+50 0.0 110 141.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 163 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 18+50 0.0 110 138.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 164 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 19+50 0.0 110 140.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 165 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 20+50 0.0 110 144.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 99 AC 166 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 1+50 0.0 110 139.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 167 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 2+50 0.0 110 139.2 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 168 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 3+50 0.0 110 139.3 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 169 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 4+50 0.0 110 141.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 170 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 5+50 0.0 110 139.1 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 171 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 6+50 0.0 110 138.8 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 172 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 7+50 0.0 110 138.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 173 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 8+50 0.0 110 138.4 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 174 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 9+50 0.0 110 138.5 146.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 175 9/9/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 10+50 0.0 110 143.7 146.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 176 11/29/05 ST Metropolitan Station 1+45 0.0 111 139.3 145.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 177 11/29/05 ST Metropolitan Station 1+90 0.0 111 139.7 145.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 178 11/29/05 ST Metropolitan Station 2+60 0.0 111 140.2 145.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 179 11/29/05 ST Metropolitan Station 3+60 0.0 111 140.5 145.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 180 12/16/05 ST Campbell Station 6+45 0.0 111 140.1 145.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 181 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 1+75 0.0 112 132.6 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 182 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 2+80 0.0 112 133.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 183 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 3+20 0.0 112 133.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 184 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 4+80 0.0 112 132.6 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 185 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 5+85 0.0 112 132.9 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 186 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 6+80 0.0 112 134.9 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 187 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 7+20 0.0 112 135.0 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 188 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 8+80 0.0 112 133.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 189 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 9+90 0.0 112 134.8 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 190 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 10+90 0.0 112 134.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 191 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 12+00 0.0 112 134.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 192 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 13+00 0.0 112 135.3 140.0 0.0 0.0 97
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 6ofll
2/17/2006 11:09:37AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AC 193 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 14+00 0.0 112 136.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 194 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 15+00 0.0 112 132.6 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 195 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 16+00 0.0 112 133.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 196 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 17+00 0.0 112 133.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 197 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 18+00 0.0 112 134.8 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 198 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 19+00 0.0 112 136.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 199 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway L. Side Station 20+00 0.0 112 136.5 140.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 200 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 1+50 0.0 112 136.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 201 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 2+75 0.0 112 133.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 202 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 3+80 0.0 112 132.5 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 203 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 4+90 0.0 112 132.6 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 204 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 5+80 0.0 112 132.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 205 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 6+90 0.0 112 133.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 206 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 7+80 0.0 112 133.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 207 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 8+90 0.0 112 134.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 208 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 9+90 0.0 112 134.0 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 209 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 11+00 0.0 112 133.8 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 210 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 11+90 0.0 112 132.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 211 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 13+20 0.0 112 132.8 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 212 12/30/05 .ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 14+30 0.0 112 134.9 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 213 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 15+50 0.0 112 135.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 214 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 16+70 0.0 112 136.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 215 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 18+80 0.0 112 132.6 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 216 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 19+80 0.0 112 132.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 217 12/30/05 ST E. Gateway R. Side Station 20+50 0.0 112 132.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 218 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 53+00 0.0 112 134.9 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 219 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 52+00 0.0 112 133.4 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 220 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 5 1+00 0.0 112 133.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 221 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 50+00 0.0 112 132.6 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 222 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 49+00 0.0 112 132.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 223 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 48+00 0.0 112 132.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 224 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 47+00 0.0 112 132.6 140.0 0.0 0.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 7ofll - - - - - - - - - 2/)6 09:3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AC 225 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 46+00 0.0 112 133.5 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 226 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 45+00 0.0 112 135.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 227 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 44+00 0.0 112 135.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 228 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 43+00 0.0 112 133.8 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 229 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 42+00 0.0 112 133.3 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 230 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 41+00 0.0 112 133.4 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 231 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 40+00 0.0 112 133.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 232 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 39+00 0.0 112 132.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 233 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 38+00 0.0 112 136.3 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 234 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 37+00 0.0 112 135.5 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 235 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 36+00 0.0 112 135.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 236 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 35+00 0.0 112 132.4 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 237 12/30/05 ST Gateway R. Side Station 34+00 0.0 112 133.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 238 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 53+50 0.0 112 134.7 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 239 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 52+50 0.0 112 134.9 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 240 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 51+50 0.0 112 133.2 140.0. 0.0 0.0 95 AC 241 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 50+50 0.0 112 133.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 242 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 49+50 0.0 112 136.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 243 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 48+50 0.0 112 133.5 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 244 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 47+50 0.0 112 135.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 245 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 46+50 0.0 112 135.3 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 246 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 45+50 0.0 112 136.4 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 247 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 44+50 0.0 112 133.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 248 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 43+50 0.0 112 132.7 . 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 249 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 42+50 0.0 112 132.8 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 250 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 41+50 0.0 112 134.9 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 251 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 40+50 0.0 112 135.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 252 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 39+50 0.0 112 135.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 253 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 38+50 0.0 112 136.3 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 254 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 37+50 0.0 112 136.5 140.0 0.0 0.0 98 AC 255 12/30/05 ST Gateway L. Side Station 36+50 0.0 112 132.8 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 256 12/30/05 ST Colt Station 1+50 0.0 112 133.8 140.0 0.0 0.0 96
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 8ofll
2/17/2006 11:09:37AM
Location Test
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AC 257 12/30/05 ST Colt Station 2+00 0.0 112 134.9 140.0 0.0 0.0 96 AC 258 12/30/05 ST Colt Station 3+00 0.0 112 136.2 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 259 12/30/05 ST Colt Station 4+00 0.0 112 136.1 140.0 0.0 0.0 97 AC 260 12/30/05 ST Colt Station 5+00 0.0 112 133.5 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 261 12/30/05 ST Colt Station 5+50 0.0 112 132.8 140.0 0.0 0.0 95 AC 262 1/4/06 ST Campbell L. Side Station 6+00 0.0 113 133.6 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 263 1/4/06 ST Campbell L. Side Station 7+50 0.0 113 133.7 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 264 1/4/06 ST Slater Place R. Side Station 0+60 0.0 113 134.0 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 265 1/4/06 ST Slater Place R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 113 135.1 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 266 1/4/06 ST Slater Place R. Side Station 3+50 0.0 113 134.9 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 267 1/4/06 ST Slater Place L. Side Station 0+70 0.0 113 133.4 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 268 1/4/06 ST Slater Place L. Side Station 1+50 0.0 113 133.8 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 269 1/4/06 ST Slater Place L. Side Station 2+50 0.0 113 134.5 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 270 1/4/06 ST Slater Place L. Side Station 3+80 0.0 113 135.4 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 271 1/4/06 ST Campbell R. Side Station 0+50 0.0 113 133.6 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 272 1/4/06 ST Campbell R. Side Station 2+00 0.0 113 133.9 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 273 1/4/06 ST Campbell R. Side Station 3+50 0.0 113 134.1 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 274 1/4/06 ST Campbell R. Side Station 5+10 0.0 113 134.0 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 275 1/4/06 ST Campbell R. Side Station 6+50 0.0 113 133.7 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 276 1/4/06 ST Campbell R. Side Station 7+80 0.0 113 135.1 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 277 1/4/06 ST Campbell L. Side Station 0+60 0.0 113 134.1 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 278 1/4/06 ST Campbell L. Side Station 1+50 0.0 113 133.9 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 279 1/4/06 ST Campbell L. Side Station 3+00 0.0 113 133.4 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 280 1/4/06 ST Campbell L. Side Station 4+50 0.0 113 133.6 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 281 1/4/06 ST Alicante L. Side Station 114+80 0.0 113 133.6 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 282 1/4/06 ST Alicante L. Side Station 116+80 0.0 113 134.1 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 283 1/4/06 ST Alicante L. Side Station 118+20 0.0 113 134.0 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 284 1/4/06 ST Alicante L. Side Station 119+80 0.0 113 133.9 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 285 1/4/06 ST Metropolitan R. Side Station 1+30 0.0 113 134.0 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 286 1/4/06 ST Metropolitan R. Side Station 2+50 0.0 113 134.1 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 287 1/4/06 ST Metropolitan R. Side Station 3+60 0.0 113 133.7 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 288 1/4/06 ST Metropolitan L. Side Station 1+40 0.0 113 136.5 140.5 0.0 0.0 97
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 9ofll - - - - - - - 2/)6 gft09:3ift
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test Location
Lot # Elev (ft)
Dry Density
Field Max
Moisture (%)
Field Opt.
Relative (%)
Compaction Remarks
AC 289 1/4/06 ST Metropolitan L. Side Station 2+50 0.0 113 133.7 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 290 1/4/06 ST Metropolitan L. Side Station 3+40 0.0 113 133.5 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 291 1/4/06 ST Innovation L. Side Station 6+50 0.0 113 133.7 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 292 1/4/06 ST Innovation L. Side Station 8+00 0.0 113 133.9 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 293 1/4/06 ST Innovation L. Side Station 9+50 0.0 113 135.3 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 294 1/4/06 ST Innovation L. Side Station 11+00 0.0 113 135.2 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 295 1/4/06 ST Alicante R. Side Station 113+50 0.0 113 133.8 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 296 1/4/06 ST Alicante R. Side Station 114+80 0.0 113 133.9 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 297. 1/4/06 ST Alicante R. Side Station 116+50 0.0 113 135.5 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 298 1/4/06 ST Alicante R. Side Station 117+80 0.0 113 135.7 140.5 0.0 0.0 97 AC 299 1/4/06 ST Alicante R. Side Station 119+80 0.0 113 136.0 140.5 0.0 0.0 97 AC 300 1/4/06 ST Alicante L. Side Station 113+70 0.0 113 133.9 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 301 1/4/06 ST Innovation R. Side Station 1+50 0.0 113 133.3 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 302 1/4/06 ST Innovation R. Side Station 3+00 0.0 113 134.3 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 303 1/4/06 ST Innovation R. Side Station 4+50 0.0 113 133.5 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 304 1/4/06 ST . Innovation R. Side Station 6+00 0.0 113 134.2 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 305 1/4/06 ST Innovation R. Side Station 7+50 0.0 113 134.1 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 306 1/4/06 ST Innovation R. Side Station 9+00 0.0 113 135.2 140.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 307 1/4/06 ST Innovation R. Side Station 10+50 0.0 113 133.4 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 308 1/4/06 ST Innovation L. Side Station 2+00 0.0 113 134.0 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 309 1/4/06 ST Innovation L. Side Station 3+50 0.0 113 134.1 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 310 1/4/06 ST Innovation L. Side Station 5+00 0.0 113 133.6 140.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 311 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 10+70 0.0 114 134.6 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 312 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 12+30 0.0 114 136.1 141.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 313 1/5106 ST Gateway R. Side Station 13+70 0.0 114 135.9 141.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 314 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 14+90 0.0 114 136.2 141.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 315 1/5/06 ST . Gateway R. Side Station 16+70 0.0 114 134.6 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 316 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 18+40 0.0 114 134.7 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 317 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 20+00 0.0 114 134.9 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 318 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 21+30 0.0 114 135.0 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 319 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 22+90 0.0 114 135.0 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 320 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 24+30 0.0 114 134.5 141.5 0.0 0.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page lOofli
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Test Test Test Location Test Soil Dry Density Moisture (%) Relative (%) No. Date Of Lot # Elev (ft) Type Field Max Field Opt. Compaction Remarks
AC 321 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 25+80 0.0 114 134.5 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 322 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 27+00 0.0 114 134.7 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 323 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 29+00 0.0 114 134.9 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 324 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 30+30 0.0 114 134.8 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 325 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 31+50 0.0 114 135.0 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 326 1/5/06 ST Gateway R. Side Station 33+00 0.0 114 134.7, 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 327 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 34+50 0.0 114 135.0 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 328 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 33+20 0.0 114 135.1 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 329 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 31+80 0.0 114 134.8 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 330 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 30+60 0.0 114 134.7 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 331 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 28+60 0.0 114 134.6 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 332 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 27+30 0.0 114 135.0 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 333 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 25+70 0.0 114 136.0 141.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 334 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side ' Station 23+40 0.0 114 136.1 141.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 335 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 21+80 0.0 114 134.8 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 336 1/5/06 ST ' Gateway L. Side Station 20+70 0.0 114 134.7 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 337 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 19+00 , 0.0 114 134.6 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 338 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 17+20 0.0 114 136.2 141.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 339 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 15+50 0.0 114 135.8 141.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 340 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side ' Station 14+20
, 0.0 114 135.3 141.5 0.0 0.0 96 AC 341 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side 'Station 12+80 0.0 114 134.4 141.5 0.0 0.0 95 AC 342 1/5/06 ST Gateway L. Side Station 11+30 0.0 114 134.4 141.5 0.0 0.0 95
Project Number: 971009016
Project Name: , Bressi Ranch 16
Project Location: 0
Client: 0 Page 11 of 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2/j6 09:3
Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
Maximum Density Tests: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical soils
were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The results of these tests are
I presented in the table below:
Number Sample Description Maximum Dry
Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture
Content (%)
1 Light-brown clayey SAND 125.0 11.0
2 Brown sandy silty CLAY 122.5 11.5
3 Light-brown silty clayey SAND 122.0 11.0
4 Olive-brown clayey SAND 120.5 12.5
5 Olive brown sandy CLAY 124.0 12.0
6 Red-brown sandy CLAY 122.5 11.5
7 Olive light brown silty fine SAND 122.0 13.0
8 Gray Brown to Olive Brown clayey silty fine SAND 117.5 14.0
9 Light Olive-gray clayey silty SAND 118.0 15.0
10 Light brown Clayey very fine SAND 112.5 16.0
11 Brown clayey SAND (fill mix) 120.0 13.0
12 Brown clayey SAND (fill mix) 120.0 12.5
13 Dark brown sandy CLAY 115.0 16.5
14 Light brown olive brown 124.0 12.0
15 Light gray brown silty very fine to fine SAND 112.0 15.5
16 Light gray fine SAND 117.0 14.0
17 Light yellow-brown clayey silty SAND 114.0 14.5
18 Light olive brown silty clayey SAND 113.0 16.0
19 Yellow brown clayey silty SAND 118.0 15.0
20 Pale Olive light brown clayey silty SAND 116.0 14.0
21 Pale Olive light brown clayey silty SAND 118.0 13.0 11
I C-i
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Maximum Density Tests (continued):
Number Sample Description Maximum
Density (pcf)
Moisture content
22 Pale olive to gray brown silty sand 124.0 12.0
23 Pale Olive to Gray brown clayey silty SAND 119.0 13.0
24 Yellow-Brown Clayey SAND 116.0 13.5
25 Brown CLAY 104.0 19.0
26 Olive Gray CLAY 112.0 17.0
27 Yellow-Brown Clayey SAND 117.0 14.5
28 Brown Silty SAND 134.0 8.0
29 Brown Silty to Clayey SAND 136.0 7.0
30 Recycled Class 2 Aggregate Base 120.0 11.0
31 Recycled Class 2 Aggregate Base 124.0 11.0
32 Class 2 Aggregate Base 137.0 7.0
33 Class 2 Aggregate Base 138.0 6.5
34 Gray Sandy SILT 134.5 8.5
35 Light Brown SAND 116.0 10.0
36 Recycled Class 2 Base 116.0 10.0
37 Recycled Class 2 Base 128.0 8.0
38 Recycled Class 2 Base 126.0 9.5
39 Class 2 Base 136.5 7.0
40 Recycled Class 2 Base 126.0 9.0
41 Class 2 Base 137.0 7.0
42 Class 2Base 139.5 7.0
43 Class 2 Base 140.5 6.5
APPENDIX C (Continued)
AC Laboratory Maximum Density Tests: The laboratory maximum density of the asphalt concrete
samples was determined by the Hveem Method, California Test Method Nos. 304 and 308. The
results of the tests are presented in the table below:
Sample Number Sample Description Laboratory Density (pcf)
109 3/4 - inch AC 146.2
110 3/4-inch AC 146.0
111 3/4-inch AC 145.0
112 1/2-inch AC 140.0
113 1/2- *inch AC 140.5
114 1/2- inch AC 141.5
Aggregate Base Sieve Analysis and Sand Equivalent: Analysis of representative samples of the
import Class 2 aggregate base included sand equivalent (in accordance with ASTM Test Method
D2419) and sieve analysis (in accordance with ASTM Test Method C136). The results of the
laboratory tests are presented below.
Sample No. 60-20-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 33+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 90 Yes
No. 4 35-60 46 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 33 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 6-20-05 (2) - Gateway Road Station 48+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 96 Yes
No. 4 35-60 46 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 27 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 6-20-05 (3) - Gateway Road Station 48+25
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 95 Yes
No.4 35-60 56 Yes
No. 30 10-30 22 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 25 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 6-20-05 (4) - Gateway Road Station 47+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 94 Yes
No. 4 35-60 45 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 31 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 6-20-05 (5) Gateway Road Station 50+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 95 Yes
No. 4 35-60 48 Yes
No. 30 10-30 22 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
L- 25 28 Yes * Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
H 17
I C-5
I C-6
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 6-21-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 39+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size
Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 95 Yes
No.4 35-60 51 Yes
No. 30 10-30 23 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
- -
25 26 Yes
Per (2altrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 6-21-05 (2) - Gateway Road Station 36+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size
Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 96 Yes
No.4 35-60 51 Yes
No. 30 10-30 20 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 28 Yes
' Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 6-21-05 (3) - Gateway Road Station 41+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 92 Yes
No.4 35-60 44 Yes
No. 30 10-30 19 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 26 Yes * Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 6-21-05 (4) - Innovation Way Station 2+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C1)
Sieve Size
Required Percentage
Passing* [
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 94 Yes
No. 4 35-60 44 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 25 Yes * Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
I C-7
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 6-21-05 (5) - Innovation Way Station 4+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 93 Yes
No. 4 35-60 39 Yes
No. 30 10-30 18 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
11 25 24 No+
Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
+ Does not meet Operating Range but does meet Contract Compliance Range
Sample No. 6-22-05 (1) - Innovation Way Station 7+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 94 Yes
No. 4 35-60 38 Yes
No. 30 10-30 11 Yes
No. 200 2-9 5 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419) -
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 30 Yes
' Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 6-22-05 (2) - Slater Place Station 1+15
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 93 Yes
No.4 35-60 35 Yes
No. 30 10-30 14 Yes
No. 200 2-9 6 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 26 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 6-22-05 (3) - Gateway Road Station 38+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 97 Yes
No. 4 35-60 54 Yes
No. 30 10-30 19 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 27 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
971009-016 I
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 6-22-05 (4) - Gateway Road Station 43+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 97 Yes
No. 4 35-60 60 Yes
No. 30 10-30 24 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance? F - 25 28 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 6-22-05 (5) - Gateway Road Station 48+25
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 97 Yes
No. 4 35-60 56 Yes
No. 30 10-30 26 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 29 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 6-23-05 (1) - Innovation Way Station 6+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 90 Yes
No. 4 35-60 35 Yes
No. 30 10-30 16 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 28 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 6-23-05 (2) - Innovation Way Station 10+25
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 92 Yes
No.4 35-60 38 Yes
No. 30 10-30 16 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 29 Yes * Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 6-23-05 (3) - Innovation Way Station 5+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 89 No+
No.4 35-60 14 No
No. 30 10-30 7 No+
No. 200 2-9 3 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 27 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
+ Does not meet Operating Range but does meet Contract Compliance Range
Sample No. 6-23-05 (4) - Colt Place Station 3+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Pass,ng* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch A 90-100 95 Yes
No.4 35-60 36 Yes
No. 30 10-30 13 Yes
No. 200 2-9 5 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 37 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-11-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 50+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 91 Yes
No.4 35-60 39 Yes
No. 30 10-30 19 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 28 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-11-05 (2) - Gateway Road Station 48+25
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 92 Yes
No.4 35-60 35 Yes
No. 30 10-30 16 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 29 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-12-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 45+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 94 Yes
No. 4 35-60 40 Yes
No. 30 10-30 18 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 23 No+
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
+ Does not meet Operating Range but does meet Contract Compliance Range
Sample No. 7-12-05 (2) Gateway Road Station Not Listed
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 93 Yes
No. 4 35-60 45 Yes
No. 30 10-30 20 Yes'
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 26 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-13-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 50+25
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 90 Yes
No. 4 35-60 35 Yes
No. 30 10-30 15 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 37 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-13-05 (2) - Gateway Road Station 44+75
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 93 Yes
No.4 35-60 36 Yes
No. 30 10-30 16 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 35 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-13-05 (3) Gateway Road Station Not Listed
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 94 Yes
No. 4 35-60 42 Yes
No. 30 10-30 20 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 32 Yes
" Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-13-05 (4) - Gateway Road Station 39+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 94 Yes
No. 4 35-60 38 Yes
No. 30 10-30 16 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 27 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992 11
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-13-05 (5) - Gateway Road Station 35+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 94 Yes
No. 4 35-60 45 Yes
No. 30 10-30 20 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 28 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-13-05 (6)- Gateway Road Station 27+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 90 Yes
No.4 35-60 35 Yes
No. 30 10-30 13 Yes
No. 200 2-9 6 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 32 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-19-05 (1),- Gateway Road Station 8+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentagef
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 95 Yes
No. 4 35-60 52 Yes
No. 30 10-30 20 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 31 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-20-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 3+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 91 Yes
No. 4 35-60 39 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result Conformance?
25 30
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-20-05 (2) - Gateway Road Station 6+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 99 Yes
No. 4 35-60 37 Yes
No. 30 10-30 13 Yes
No. 200 2-9 6 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 40 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-20-05 (3) - Gateway Road Station 9+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100. 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 95 Yes
No. 4 35-60 43 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 32 Yes * Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
- APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-20-05 (4) - Alicante Station 118+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136
Sieve Size
Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 97 Yes
No. 4 35-60 52 Yes
No. 30 10-30 22 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 31 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-22-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 11+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 100 Yes
No. 4 35-60 35 Yes
No. 30 10-30 14 Yes
No. 200 2-9 6 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 31 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-22-05 (2) - Alicante Station 116+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 100 Yes
No. 4 35-60 41 Yes
No. 30 10-30 16 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 29 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-22-05 (3) - Gateway Road Station 14+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 98 Yes
No.4 35-60 42 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 27 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-26-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 16+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with. ASTM C136)
Sieve Size
Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 99 Yes
No. 4 35-60 46 Yes
No. 30 10-30 15 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 29 Yes * Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-26-05 (2) - Gateway Road Station 20+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 95 Yes
No.4 35-60 38 Yes
No. 30 10-30 16 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 27 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-26-05 (3) - Gateway Road Station 24+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 98 Yes
No.4 35-60 37 Yes
No. 30 10-30 18 Yes
No. 200 2-9 f 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 29 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-26-05 (4) - Gateway Road East Side Station 14+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size
Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 90 Yes
No.4 35-60 19 No
No. 30 10-30 5 No+
No. 200 2-9 2 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 58 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
+ Does not meet Operating Range but does meet Contract Compliance Range
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-26-05 (5) - Gateway Road East Side Station 17+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 94 Yes
No: 4 35-60 44 Yes
No. 30 10-30 24 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 23 No+
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
+ Does not meet Operating Range but does meet Contract Compliance Range
Sample No. 7-27-05 (1)- Gateway Road East Side Station 3+70
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 97 Yes
No. 4 35-60 51 Yes
No. 30 10-30 21 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 33 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-27-05 (2) - Gateway Road East Side Station 13+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size
Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 99 Yes
No. 4 35-60 48 Yes
No. 30 10-30 23 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 25 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-27-05 (3) - Gateway Road East Side Station 16+20
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 100 Yes
No. 4 35-60 43 Yes
No. 30 10-30 14 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 41 Yes
" Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-27-05 (4) - Gateway Road East Side Station 18+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 98 Yes
No.4 35-60 58 Yes
No. 30 10-30 30 Yes
No. 200 2-9 L 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result • In Conformance?
25 25 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-27-05 (5) - Gateway Road East Side Station 5+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 95 Yes
No. 4 35-60 41 Yes
No. 30 10-30 18 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 36 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-28-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 28+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 98 Yes
No. 4 35-60 47 Yes
No. 30 10-30 23 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 32 Yes
In Conformance?
971009-016 1
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-28-05 (3) - Gateway Road Station 16+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 99 Yes
No. 4 35-60 49 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 Yes
No. 200 2-9 6 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 29 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-28-05 (4) - Alicante Station 115+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 94 Yes
No. 4 35-60 48 Yes
No. 30 10-30 18 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 31 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
C-28 I
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 7-29-05 (1)- Campbell Place Station 1+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 92 Yes
No. 4 35-60 36 Yes
No. 30 10-30 16 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 30 Yes
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 7-29-05 (2) - Gateway Road Station 6+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 96 Yes
No. 4 35-60 44 Yes
No. 30 10-30 Yes
No. 200 2-9
9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 25 Yes - j * Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 8-1-05 (1) Gateway Road Station Not Listed
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 96 Yes
No. 4 35-60 42 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 . Yes
No. 200 2-9 5 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* . Sample Result In Conformance?
25 29 Yes
" Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
Sample No. 8-10-05 (1)- Gateway Road Station 13+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 99 Yes
No. 4 35-60 54 Yes
No. 30 10-30 17 Yes
No. 200 2-9 8 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 37 Yes---
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. 8-10-05 (2)- Gateway Road Station 15+00
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 99 Yes
No. 4 35-60 48 Yes
No. 30 10-30 24 Yes
No. 200 2-9 9 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 24 No+
* Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
+ Does not meet Operating Range but does meet Contract Compliance Range
Sample No. 8-10-05 (3)-Gateway Road Station 15+50
Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM C136)
Sieve Size
Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 90-100 98 Yes
No.4 35-60 45 Yes
No. 30 10-30 15 Yes
No. 200 2-9 7 Yes
Sand Equivalent (in accordance with ASTM D2419)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
25 34 Yes * Per Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 26, dated July 1992
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Asphalt Concrete Gradation and Oil Content: Representative samples of the Asphalt Concrete were
obtained and transported to our laboratory. Laboratory tests performed on the representative
samples included gradation and oil content (in accordance with ASTM D2172 and California
Test No. 202). The results of the laboratory tests are presented below.
Sample No. AC - 3/4-inch AC - 7-8-05 (1) - Innovation Way Station 6+50
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM 02172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
} Sample Result In conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 82 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 65 Yes
No.4. 35-52 44 Yes
No. 8 22-40 30 Yes
No. 30 8-24 14 Yes
No. 50 5-18 8 Yes
No. 200 0-7 - 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 5.6 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. AC - 3/4-inch AC - 7-18-05 (2) - Gateway Road Station 33+50
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 96 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 78 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 62 Yes
No. 4 35-52 44 Yes
No. 8 22-40 30 Yes
No. 30 8-24 - 15 Yes
No. 50 5-18 9 Yes
No. 200 0-7 1 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 6.0 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
Sample No. AC - 3/4-inch AC - 7-19-05 (1) - Colt Place Station 3+00
Gradation(inaccordancewithASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Pass!Ej~. Sample Result t In Conformance?
1inch 100 100 Yes
3/4inch 87-100 97 Yes
1/2inch 70-87 80 Yes
3/8inch 55-76 63 Yes
No.4 35-52 43 Yes
No.8 22-40 31 Yes
No.30 8-24 15 Yes
No. 50 5-18 1 9 Yes
No.200 0-7 1 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 6.2 Yes * Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
971009-016 1
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. AC1 - 3/4-inch AC - 7-19-05 (2) - Gateway Station 38+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 86 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 76 Yes
No. 4 35-52 52 Yes
No. 8 2240 37 Yes
No. 30 8-24 17 Yes
No. 50 5-18 10 Yes
No. 200 0-7 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 6.3 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
Sample No. AC! - 3/4-inch AC - 7-19-05 (3) - Gateway Road Station 44+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Steve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 98 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 71 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 56 Yes
No. 4 35-52 35 Yes
No. 8 2240 23 Yes
No. 30 8-24 12 Yes
No. 50 5-18 8 Yes
No. 200 0-7 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 5.4 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. ACI - 3/4-inch AC - 7-19-05 (4) -Gateway Road Station 51+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 84 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 68 Yes
No. 4 35-52 45 Yes
No. 8 22-40 33 Yes
No. 30 8-24 16 Yes
No. 50 5-18 10 Yes
No. 200 0-7 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% ::± 6.1 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
Sample No. AC1 - 3/4-inch AC - 9-8-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 12+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage Sample Result In Conformance?
1 100 . 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 98 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 81 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 65 Yes
No. 4 35-52 45 Yes
No. 8 22-40 34 Yes
No. 30 8-24 18 Yes
No. 50 5-18 11 Yes
No. 200 0-7 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 4.6 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
971009-016 1
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. AC - 3/4-inch AC - 9-8-05 (2) - Gateway Station 18+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 87 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 73 Yes
No. 4 35-52 50 Yes
No. 8 22-40 36 Yes
No. 30 8-24 18 Yes
No. 50 5-18 11 Yes
No. 200 0-7 3 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 5.2 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
Sample No. AC1 - 3/4-inch AC - 9-8-05 (3) - Alicante Station 115+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 97 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 84 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 68 Yes
No. 4 35-52 46 Yes
No. 8 2240 33 Yes
No. 30 8-24 17 Yes
No. 50 5-18 10 Yes
No. 200 0-7 3 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 4.7 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
C-36 I
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. AC - 3/4-inch AC - 9-9-05 (1) - Gateway Road East Side Station 10+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 96 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 87 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 73 Yes
No. 4 35-52 49 Yes
No. 8 22-40 38 Yes
No. 30 8-24 18 Yes
No. 50 5-18 11 Yes
No. 200 0-7 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 4.8 Yes
rer UUi (revised 2UU) Ureenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
Sample No. AC - 3/4-inch AC - 9-9-05 (2) - Gateway Road East Side Station 15+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Pa ing* SS
Sample Result
In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 86 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 70 Yes
No. 4 35-52 46 Yes
No. 8 2240 29 Yes
No. 30 8-24 12 Yes
No. 50 5-18 6 Yes
No. 200 0-7 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
- -
4.5-6.3% 4.6 Yes
I . rer LUUj reviseo LOUD)) ureenDook' Standard Specthcations for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. AC - 3/4-inch AC - 11-2-05 (1) - Metropolitan
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 87 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 70 Yes
No. 4 35-52 52 Yes
No. 8 2240 36 Yes
No. 30 8-24 20 Yes
No. 50 5-18 10 Yes
No. 200 0-7 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5-6.3% 6.3 Yes * Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 203-
6.4.3 for 3/4-inch AC (Type B).
C-38 I
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. AC - 1/2-inch AC - 12-30-05 (1) - Gateway Road Station 2+50
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing Sample Result In Conformance?
3/4 inch 100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 89-100 98 Yes
3/8 inch 70-94 93 Yes
No. 4 44-72 68 Yes
No. 8 30-54 48 . Yes
No. 30 10-34 23 Yes
No. 200 2-10 4 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.8-6.5% 6.7 No
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 400-
4.3(C) for 1/2-inch AC (Type C2).
Sample No. AC - 1/2-inch AC - 12-30-05 (2) - Gateway Road Station 20+50
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing Sample Result In Conformance?
3/4 inch 100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 89-100 95 Yes
3/8 inch 70-94 83 Yes
No. 4 44-72 50 Yes
No. 8 30-54 36 Yes
No. 30 10-34 19 Yes
No. 200 2-10 3 1 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.8-6.5% 6.5 Yes * Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 400-
4.3(C) for 1/2-inch AC (Type C2).
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. AC - 1/2-inch AC - 12-30-05 (3) - Gateway Station 5 1+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASIM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing Sample Result
In Conformance?
3/4 inch 100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 89-100 95 Yes
3/8 inch 70-94 85 Yes
No. 4 44-72 50 Yes
No. 8 . 30:54 35 Yes
No. 30 10-34 18 Yes
No. 200 2-10 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.8-6.5% 6.7 No
rer LtJUi trevisea ZUUD) ureen000lc' Standard Specitications tor Public Works Construction -Table 400-
4.3(C) for 1/2-inch AC (Type C2).
Sample No. AC - 1/2-inch AC - 1-4-06 (1) - Campbell Place Station 1±00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing Sample Result In Conformance?
3/4 inch 100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 89-100 97 Yes
3/8 inch 70-94 86 Yes
No. 4 44-72 59 Yes
No. 8 30-54 44 Yes
No. 30 10-34 22 Yes
No. 200 2-10 4 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.8-6.5% 6.5 Yes.
- rer zuui krevisea IOU)) 'UreenbooK' Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 400-
4.3(C) for 1/2-inch AC (Type C2).
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. AC - 1/2-inch AC - 1-4-06 (2) - Metropolitan Station 1+50
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing [
Sample Result In Conformance?
3/4 inch 100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 89-100 95 Yes
3/8 inch 70-94 81 Yes
No. 4 44-72 60 Yes
No. 8 30-54 32 Yes
No. 30 10-34 15 Yes
No. 200 2-10 1 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.8-6.5% 6.1 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 400-
4.3(C) for 1/2-inch AC (Type C2).
Sample No. AC - 1/2-inch AC - 1-5-06 (1) - Gateway Road Station 34+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size Required Percentage
Passing Sample Result In Conformance?
3/4 inch 100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 89-100 93 Yes
3/8 inch 70-94 76 Yes
No. 4 44-72 52 Yes
No. 8 30-54 35 Yes
No. 30 10-34 17 1 Yes
No. 200 2-10 2 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
r— 4.8-6.5% 6.5 Yes
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 400-
4.3(C) for 1/2-inch AC (Type C2).
971009-016 I
APPENDIX C (Continued)
Sample No. AC - 1/2-inch AC - 1-5-06 - Gateway Station 15+00
Gradation (in accordance with ASTM D2172)
Sieve Size
Required Percentage
Passing Sample Result
IF In Conformance?
3/4 inch 100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 89-100 96 Yes
3/8 inch 70-94 82 Yes
No. 4 44-72 50 Yes
No.8 30-54 34 Yes
No. 30 10-34 15 Yes
No. 200 2-10 3 Yes
Oil Content (in accordance with California Test No. 202)
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.8-6.5% 6.6 No
* Per 2003 (revised 2005) "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction -Table 400-
4.3(C) for 1/2-inch AC (Type C2).