Leighton and Associates, Inc.
November 26, 2003
Project No. 971009-009
To: Leimar Communities
5780 Fleet Street, Suite 320
Carlsbad, California 92008-4700
San Diego, California 92108
Attention: Ms. Kristine Zortman
Subject: Geotechnical Review of Mechanically Stabilized Retaining Wall, South side of
Poinsettia Lane Between Station Nos. 84+25 and 85+44; Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad,
In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, we have performed a geotechnical
review of the proposed Mechanically Stabilized Retaining Wall along the south side of Poinsettia
Lane between Station Nos. 84+25 and 85+44 within the Bressi Ranch development located in
Carlsbad, California. The reviewed plans and calculations, entitled Verdura 40 Wall Design,
Station 84+25 to 85+44, were designed and prepared by Southern California Geotechnical (SCG)
for Soil Retention Systems, Inc., (SCG, 2003). The results our or geotechnical review of the
proposed retaining wall is presented below.
Retaining Wall Plan Review Findings
The purpose of our review is to review the plans and geotechnical soil parameters utilized in the
design calculations for conformance with the recommendations provided in the referenced
geotechnical documents (Appendix A). Geotechnical review of. the Verdura retaining wall design
methodology was not performed as part of our review. However, we did perform a global stability
analysis of the slope containing the proposed Verdura retaining wall. Based on our review, we have
prepared the following comments that should incorporated into the design and construction of the
proposed retaining wall:
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Sue B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 . www.leightongeo.com
Supporting Calculations: The supporting calculations for the proposed reinforced retaining
wall does not include a surcharge for the vehicular traffic on Poinsettia Lane as recommended
in the segmental retaining wall recommendations (Leighton, 2003). An appropriate surcharge
should be included in the calculations.
Supporting Calculations: The interaction factors for pullout used in the calculations appear
applicable to a well-graded sand and gravel backfill material. If the existing on-site soil is
planned to be used as backfill, should be noted that geotechnical observation and testing
during the current grading operations indicates that the majority of the on-site soils consist of
silty fine sands or silty clay to clayey silts. Therefore, according to the technical notes on
Mirafi's web site (Mirafi, 2002), the appropriate factors for a Miragrid 5XT are presented
below if the on-site soil is used as backfill. The reinforced wall engineer should verify the
assumptions associated with the determination of these parameters.
Cds=O.8 (not O.9t0 0.94)
Verdura Wall Plans Sheets 1 through 3: Construction Note No. 8 under "Subsurface
Drainage System Installation" states "extend non-perforated piping to drainage piping as
shown on drawings". However, the drawings (Sheets 2 and 3) do not show the proposed
locations of the non-perforated pipe, or state a maximum horizontal spacing for the non-
perforated pipe. The drawings should be revised to show the locations of the proposed non-
perforated pipes on Sheet 2.
. Verdura Wall Plans Sheet 1. Materials. Geocirid and Geosvnthetic Reinforcina Notes: The
Long Term Design Strength (LTDS) for the Miragrid 5XT is shown as 1,733 lbs/fl, however
in the supporting calculations the allowable tensile strength is calculated as 1,729 lbs/ft. The
reinforced retaining wall engineer should verify the LTDS for the Miragrid 5XT and revise
the plans or calculations, accordingly.
. Verdura Wall Plans Sheet 2. Profile: Poinsettia Lane. and Surmortina Calculations: The
supporting calculations do not include a calculation for the portion of proposed retaining wall
between Station Nos.. 84+25 and 84+62, where the plans show only two layers of
reinforcement. A calculation supporting the reduction of reinforcement should be included
with the supporting calculations.
Global Slope Stability Findings
Based on the current design of the Verdura Retaining Wall (SCG, 2003) and the anticipated
geotechnical conditions, it is our professional opinion that the proposed slope in the vicinity of
the proposed retaining wall will have a factor-of-safety of 1.50 or greater following the
completion of the project provided the site is graded and constructed in accordance with the
project geotechnical recommendations and that unforeseen geotechnical conditions are not
encountered. The results of our global or overall slope stability analysis are presented in
Appendix B of this letter. If unforeseen geotechnical conditions are encountered, the project
geotechnical consultant should evaluate the conditions and provide appropriate recommendations
to ensure that the global stability of the slope and retaining wall have a factor-of-safety of at least
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
2 45283 . ( WA Exp.
No )rn
William D. Olson, RCE 45283
Senior Project Engineer
n KW
Randall K. Wagner, C!E 1612
Director of Geology
Attachment: Appendix A - References ,*YkED GE
K. Appendix B - Global Slope Stability Analysis
.No. 161-2i
Distribution: (4) Addressee ENGINEERING
(2) Lennar Communities, Attention: Mr. Jim Urbina
OF CAOf (2) City of Carlsbad, Attention: Mr. Casey Arndt
(1) Soil Retention Systems, Attention: Mr. Bob Edwards
Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1997, Preliminary Geoteclmical Investigation, Bressi Ranch,
Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4971009-002, July 29, 1997.
, 2003, Geotechnical Recommendations Concerning Revised Grading and Placement
of a Segmental Retaining Wall along the Existing 24-Inch Forced Sewer Main,
Poinsettia Lane Station No. 84+00 to 85+50, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California,
Project No. 971009-009, August 11, 2001
Mirafi, 2002, Technical Note, Determination of the Long Term Properties for Miragrid
Reinforcement Geogrids by NCMA Guidelines, dated January 1, 2000, revised
September 1, 2002
Southern California Geotecimical (SCG), 2003, Verdura 40 Wall Design, Station 84+25 to
85+44, Poinsettia Lane at Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No.
03G236-1, dated September 25, 2003.
Bressi Ranch
Poinsettia Lane Sta. 84+25.11 to 85+44.17
File Name: Nov. wall static lb.slz
Analysis Method: Bishop
Direction of Slip Movement: Right to Left
Factor of Safety: 1.61
Surcharge = 250 psf
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Horizontal Distance (ft)