Leighton and Associates, Inc.
May 11, 2004
Project No. 971009-017
To: Lennar Communities
1525 Faraday Avenue, Suite 300
Carlsbad, California 92008
Attention: Ms. Kristine Zortman
Subject: Results of Laboratory Tests of the Base Course Asphalt Concrete Placed on April
28 and 29, 2004 for a Portion of Town Garden and Alicante Roads, Bressi Ranch,
Carlsbad, California
References: Carlsbad, City of, 1996, Standards for Design and Construction of Public Works
Improvements in the City of Carlsbad, California, Project No. 05332-12-01, dated
April 20, 1993, revised December 10, 1996
"Green Book" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2000 Edition
with 2001 Supplement
In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, we have performed laboratory tests of
the Base Course Asphalt Concrete (AC) placed on April 28 and 29,, 2004 within the Bressi Ranch
project located in Carlsbad, California. The AC was placed on a portion of Town Garden and
Alicante Roads. Three representative samples of the "Greenbook" Type B-AR-4000 AC were
obtained each day (for a total of six) samples and transported to our laboratory. Laboratory tests
performed on the representative samples included gradation and oil content (in accordance with
ASTM D2172 and California Test Nos. 202) and laboratory maximum density tests (by the
Hveem Method - California Test Nos. 304 and 308). In addition, a stabilometer value test (in
accordance with California Test No 304 and 366) was performed on Sample No. 6. The results
of the laboratory tests are presented on Tables 1 through 6.
Based on the City of Carlsbad requirements and the "Greenbook" specifications presented on
Table 203-6.3.2(A), the representative AC samples generally met the city requirements as indicated
on the tables. However, Sample No. 6 (at Alicante Road Station No. 111+50) was slightly out of
specification with respect to the percent passing the '/2-inch, No. 4 and No. 8 sieves (i.e. the
percent passing for each of the sieves was 1- to 5-percent over the maximum value). In
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
accordance with the City of Carlsbad requirements, a stabilometer value test was performed on
the sample. The stabilometer value test results indicated the sample met the minimum
stabilometer value of 35.
In addition to the laboratory testing, field density testing of the AC (utilizing the Hveem
laboratory maximum density test results) was performed during the street pavement section
grading operations. The results of the field density testing performed during the placement and
compaction of the AC indicate the AC was compacted to a minimum relative compaction of at
least 95 percent (based on the Hveem Method - California Test No. 308). The test results will be
presented in the final as-grade report of post grading operations, which is currently being
If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
A21' fSWMr-
Randall K. Wagner, (G 1612
Senior Associate J
Distribution: (2) Addressee
(1) Lennar Communities, Attention: Mr. Jim Urbina
V (2) City of Carlsbad, Public Works Department, Attention: Mr. Casey Arndt
(1) J. T. Kruer, Attention: Mr. Chuck Knight
Table 1
Laboratory Test Results of Asphalt Concrete
Sample No 1 - Town Garden Road Station No. 5+50 (April 28, 2004)
Sieve Size Percent Passing Sieves* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 97 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 79 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 63 Yes
N. 4 35-52 45 Yes
No. 8 22-40 32 Yes
No. 30 8-24 18 Yes
No. 50 5-18 12 Yes
No. 200 0-7 5.4 Yes
Oil Content:
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5 to 5.8 percent 4.5 Yes
Hveem Density: 1 144.8
*per "Greenbook" Standard Specifications Table 203-6.3.2(A) and the City of Carlsbad Standard
Special Provisions for Construction.
-3- Leighton
Table 2
Laboratory Test Results of Asphalt Concrete
Sample No 2 - Town Garden Road Station No. 3+00 (April 28, 2004)
Sieve Size Percent Passing Sieves* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
~ inch 87-100 100 Yes
1/2 inch 70-87 83 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 68 Yes
No. 4 35-52 49 Yes
No. 8 22-40 36 Yes
No. 30 8-24 20 Yes
No 5-18 14 Yes
No. 200 0-7 5.9 Yes
Oil Content:
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5 to 5.8 percent 4.8 Yes
Hveem Density: 144.4
*per "Greenbook" Standard Specifications Table 203-6.3.2(A) and the City of Carlsbad Standard
Special Provisions for Construction.
-4- Leighton
Table 3
Laboratory Test Results of Asphalt Concrete
Sample No 3 - Town Garden Road Station No. 32+00 (April 28, 2004)
Sieve Size Percent Passing Sieves* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 97 Yes
V2 inch 70-87 81 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 65 Yes
No. 4 35-52 47 Yes
No. 8 22-40 33 Yes
No. 30 8-24 17 Yes
No. 50 5-8 12 Yes
No. 200 0-7 5.4 Yes
Oil Content:
Required Minimum* Sample Result n.Conformance?
4.5 to 5.8 percent 4.9 Yes
Hveem Density: 1 145.3
*per "Greenbook" Standard Specifications Table 203-6.3.2(A) and the City of Carlsbad Standard
Special Provisions for Construction.
-5- Leighton
Table 4
Laboratory Test Results of Asphalt Concrete
Sample No 4 - Alicante Road Station No. 105+50 (April 29, 2004)
Sieve Size Percent Passing Sieves* Sample Result In Conformance?
I inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 98 Yes
V2 inch 70-87 83 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 65 Yes
No. 4 35-52 47 Yes
No. 8 22-40 33 Yes
No. 30 8-24 17 Yes
No 50 5-18 12 Yes
No. 200 0-7 5.4 1 Yes
Oil Content:
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5 to 5.8 percent 4.9 Yes
Hveem Density: 144.7
*per "Greenbook" Standard Specifications Table 203-6.3.2(A) and the City of Carlsbad Standard
Special Provisions for Construction.
IM Leighton
Table 5
Laboratory Test Results of Asphalt Concrete
Sample No 5 - Alicante Road Station No. 111+75 (April 29, 2004)
Sieve Size Percent Passing Sieves* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 100 Yes
V2 inch 70-87 82 Yes
3/8 inch 55-76 65 Yes
No. 4 35-52 47 Yes
No. 8 22-40 34 Yes
No. 30 8-24 19 Yes
No. 50 5-18 13 Yes
No. 200 0-7 5.7 Yes
Oil Content:
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5 to 5.8 percent 4.7 Yes
Hveem Density: 1 144.8
*per "Greenbook" Standard Specifications Table 203-6.3.2(A) and the City of Carlsbad Standard
Special Provisions for Construction.
-7- Leighton
Table 6
Laboratory Test Results of Asphalt Concrete
Sample No 6 - Alicante Road Station No. 111+50 (April 29, 2004)
Sieve Size Percent Passing Sieves* Sample Result In Conformance?
1 inch 100 100 Yes
3/4 inch 87-100 98 Yes
V2 inch 70-87 88 No
3/8 inch 55-76 74 Yes
No. 35-52 57 No
No. 8 22-40 43 No
No. 30 8-24 23 Yes
No. 50; 5-18 15 Yes
No. 200 0-7 6.4 1 Yes
Oil Content:
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
4.5t05.8percent 5.3 Yes
Stabilometer Value:
Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance?
35 44 Yes
Hveem Density: 1 144.7
*per "Greenbook" Standard Specifications Table 203-6.3.2(A) and the City of Carlsbad Standard
Special Provisions for Construction.