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FINAL REPORT OF TESTING ND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING CONSTRUCTION "OF. SITE IMPROVEM'ENIS ' . TABATA PR:OP ERTY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR LUCAS &MERCIER' DEVELOPMENT \nslA, CALIFORNIA. r M 3 2005 4. GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Project No. 06542-52-03 May 24, 2004 Lucas & Mercier Development 630 Alta Vista Drive, Suite 203 Vista, California 92084 Attention: Mr. Alex Mercier Subject: TABATA PROPERTY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING CONSTRUCTION OF SITE IMPROVEMENTS Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have provided testing and observation services during the construction of site improvements. The scope of our services consisted of performing in-place density and moisture content tests during backfihling operations on an "on-call" basis for sewer main, sewer lateral, water main, water lateral, plumbing trench, abandoned footing backfill on the north boundary, finish grade lot testing, and joint trench backfill. Additionally, laboratory and in-place density and moisture content tests were performed during the preparation of subgrade soils for sidewalk, curb and gutter, and roadway, and during the placement of Class 2 aggregate base and asphalt concrete pavement. The project improvement plans were prepared by O'Day Consultants and are entitled Improvement Plans For: Carlsbad Tract 00-13, Carlsbad, California, Sheets I through 6, dated August 26, 2002. In-place density tests were performed using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with ASTM Test Procedure D 2922-96. Laboratory tests on soil and aggregate base samples were performed in accordance with ASTM Test Procedures D 1557-02, Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content and D 422-63, Sieve Analysis. Laboratory tests on asphalt concrete samples were performed in accordance with ASTM Test Procedures D 2726-96a, Hveem Density; D 2041-95, Theoretical Maximum Density; D 1560-92Stability; D 6307-98, Asphalt Content; and C 136-01, Sieve Analysis. The results of the field tests are summarized on Table I, and the results of the laboratory tests are summarized on Tables fi through VI. Results of the in-place density tests indicate that the utility trench, finish gtade, and abandoned footing backfill materials possess a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry 6960 Flanders Drive M San Diego, California 92121-2974 H Telephone (858) 558.6900 12 Fax ( 8 5 8 ) 5 5 8 - 6 1 5 9 - -f density near to m slightly above optimum oisture content at the locations tested Similarly, dry densities of at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content were achieved on subgrade for the roadway and curb and gutter and on Class 2 aggregate base matenals at the locations tested with the following exception in place density test for the curb and gutter at location CG8 did not achieve the required density due to excessive moisture at base gradeelevatiori. No additional testing of the curb arcI gutter was requested. Densities of at least 95 percent of the laboratory Hveèm density were achieved 'oh, asphalt concrete at the locations tested Laboratory tests on sárnple'ôf Class 2 aggregate base and asphalt concrete were performed to verify conformance with the Standard SA6écfications.for Public Works Construction (Greeñbôok). The results of the laboratory test&.indicate that the samples are in general conformance with Greenbôok specifications. Should there be any questions regarding this répoft, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly. yours, - GEOCON INCORPORATED OFES OZ JOHN 41j. HC obs CERTIF ED =l;0e3ed0n :,CEG, 15.24, tp GEOLOGIST LP 12"31-04 CML (6) Addressee : Project No. 06542-52-03 -2 - • May 24, 2004 • ••:.• - • .,: • Project No. 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus' Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test ' Depth Curve, Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) () (%) FG 1 09/24/03 LOT 11 373 2 ' 0 128.9 9.1 124.6 5.9 97 90 FG , 2 09/24/03 LOT 10 373 2 0 128.9 9.1 125.2 11 5:8 97 90 FG , 3 09/24/03 LOT 9 372 2 0 128.9 9.1' 118.9 4.9 92 90 FG 4 09/24/03 LOT 8 361 2 0 128.9 9.1 123.9 6.2 96 90 FG 5 09/24/03 LOT 7 362 2 0 128.9 9.1 124.9 5.7 97 90 FG 6 09/24/03 LOT 6 362 2 0 128.9 9.1 120.2 5.3 93 '90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 06542-52-03(1) TABLE I - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field ReqI'd or Ti/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. e]. Rel.'. Rèl. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. :Cont Côrnp.. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (,%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) SM 1 12/11/02 SONGBIRD.AVE LOT 80 -1 - 1 0 120.3 13.7 110.2 13.8 92 90 SM 2 12/11/02 SONG BIRD AVE 16+00 -2 1 0 120.3 13;7 105.5 17.7 88 90 SM 2A 12/12/02 SONGBIRD AVE 16+00 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 114.2 12.7 95. 90 SM 3 12/11/02 ELEGANT TERN 10+45 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 109.8 12.6 911. .90.; SM 4 12/11/02 ELEGANT TERN 10+90 -3 1 0 120.3 13.7- 11I.6 13.4 .93 90 SM 5 12/11/02 ELEGANT TERN 11+50 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 112.9 13.9 94 90-1. SM 6 . 12/12/02 ELEGANT TERN 10+10 -3 1 0 120.3 13.7 113.6 12.0 94 90 7 12/12/02 SONG BIRD AVE 15+15 3 1 0 ,120-.3 13.7 113.8 130 95 90 SM 8 12/12/02 ELEGANT TERN 10+00 -3 3 0 125 3 11.6 119.1 12,4 95 90 SM 9 12/12/02 ELEGANT TERN-12+13 -2 1 0 120 3 13 7 108 5 15 9 90 90 SM 10 12/12/02 ELEGANT TERN 12+39 -3 1 0 ..120.3 1a.7 , 111.2 15.6 92 90 SM 11 12/18/02 THRASHER PL 12+70.5 -3 1 0 120.3.':13.7 110.1 13 8 92A 90 SM 12 12/18/02 THRASHER PL 12+20 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 113 6 13.7 94 90 SM 13 12/18/02 THRASHER PL 11+43 -3 1 0 120.3 13.7 109.4 14.5 91 90 SM 14 12/18/02. THRASHER PL 10-+55 : -3 1 0 . 120.3 13.7 112.9 13.3 94 90 SM 15 12/18/02 THRASHER PL 10+00 -3 1 0 120-:3 13.7. 110-0 14.0 91 90 SM 16 12/19/02 SONG BIRD AVE 10+91 -2 .1 .. 0 . 13.7 112.5 13.4 94 90 -SM 17 12/19./.02 SONG BIRD AVE 11+68 73 1 0 120.-3 13.7 109.8 14.1 91 90 SM- - . 18 12/23/02 SONG BIRD AVE 10+40. 3 1 . 0. - 1-20.3 137' 110.0 13.5 91 90 SM 19 12/24/02 SONG BIRD AVE 10+40 -3 1 0 120.3 13 7 110 0 13.5 91 90 Note See last page of table for explanation of coded terms S S S . .__ _ . - . S Project No. 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf.) (%) SL 1 12/11/02 LOT 9 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 110.7 13.8 92 90 SL 2 12/11/02 LOT 15 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 112.3 14.7 93 90 SL 3 12/12/02 LOT 11 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 113.0 16.9 94 90 SL 4 12/12/02 LOT 11 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 114.0 12.2 95 90 SL 5 12/12/02 LOT 14 -3 1 0 120.3 13.7 108.4 15.5 90 90 SL 6 12/12/02 LOT 12 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 109.6 13.9 91 90 SL 7 12/12/02 LOT 13 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 112.9 15.2 94 90 SL 8 12/18/02 LOT 4 -3 1 0 120.3 13.7 113.4 13.9 94 90 SL 9 12/18/02 LOT 6 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 11.2.0 13.5 93 90 SL 10 12/18/02 LOT 2 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 110.7 14.2 92 90 EL 11 12/18/02 LOT 8 -3 1 0 120.3 13.7 108.0 14.5 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded ternis Project No. 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) WM 1 01/15/03 SONG BIRD AVE 11+10 -1 1 0 120.3 13.7 109.4 14.0 91 90 WM 2 01/15/03 THRASHER PL 10+60 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.8 12.3 92 90 NM 3 01/15/03 THRASHER PL 11+35 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 113.8 12.7 91 90 NM 4 01/15/03 THRASHER PL 12+35 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.0 12.9 91 90 NM 5 01/16/03 SONG BIRD AVE 12+45 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.7 12.3 92 90 NM 6 01/16/03 SONG BIRD AVE 13+45 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 112.9 12.8 90 90 NM 7 01/16/03 SONG BIRD AVE 16+55 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 115.8 1-1.9 92 90 WM 8 01/16/03 SONG BIRD AVE 15+35 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.2 11.4 91 90 NM 9 01/16/03 SONG,BIRD AVE 14+45 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 113.2 12.8 90 90 NM 10 01/21/03 ELEGANT TERN 10+55 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 115.4 11.2 92 90 NM 11 01/21/03 ELEGANT TERN 11+30 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.8 12.3 92 90 NM 12 01/21/03 ELEGANT TERN 12+00 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 116.0 11.7 93 90 WM 13 01/28/03 SONG BIRD AVE 10+30 -6 3 0 125.3 11.6 115.7 11.9 92 90 NM 14 01/29/03 SONG BIRD AVE 10+20 -2 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.6 11.8 96 90 NM 15 02/05/03 SONG BIRD AVE 10+00 -3 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.7 12.0 96 90 NM 16 02/05/03 SONG BIRD AVE 10+00 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.1 12.2 96 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location WL 1 01/15/03 LOT 8 WL 2 01/15/03 LOT 6 WL 3 01/15/03 LOT 1 WL 4 01/16/03 LOT 5 WL 5 01/21/03 LOT 9 WL 6 01/21/03 LOT 15 WL 7 01/21/03 LOT 11 WL 8 01/21/03 LOT 13 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.4 13.5 91 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 115.7 12.8 92 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 113.0 13.9 90 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.0 13.3 91 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 115.6 12.7 92 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 113.9 13.0 91 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.7 13.0 92 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.6 iis:o 12.4 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location JT 1 02/04/03 SONG BIRD AVE LOT 30 JT 2 02/04/03 SONG BIRD AVE LOT 30 JT 3 02/22/03 SONG BIRD AVE 12+70 JT 4 02/22/03 SONG BIRD AVE 14+55 JT 5 02/22/03 ELEGANT TERN 10+60 JT 6 02/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 16+00 JT 7 02/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 17+00 JT 8 02/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 11+00 JT 9 03/03/03 THRASHER PL 12+95 JT 10 03/03/03 ELEGANT TERN 12+40 JT 11 03/03/03 THRASHER PL 10+70 JT hA 63/18/03 THRASHER PL 10+70 Elev. P us Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or . 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) -2 3 0 125.3 11.3 115.6 12.8 92 * 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 117.8 12.4 94 90 -1 3 0 125.3 V 11.3 115.8 13.6 92 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 116.8 13.7 93 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 117.2 13.0 94 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 116.2 13.3 93 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 115.6 13.9 92 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 117.0 13.4 93 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 116.4 12.8 93 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 115.9 13.0 92 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 107.9 15.2 86 90 -1 3 0 125.3 11.3 117.2 12.2 94 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation, of coded terms Project No. 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (pcf) (%) (cf) (%) (%) (%) PT 1 10/22/03 LOT 147 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 111.4. 14.2 93 90 PT 2 10/22/03 LOT 148 -2 1. 0 120.3 13.7 110.1 13.5 92 90 PT 3 10/22/03 LOT 144 -2 1 0 120.3 13.7 109.8 12.7 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location AF 1 12/13/02 LOT 35 AF 2 12/13/02 LOT 36 AF 3 12/13/02 LOT 34 AF 4 12/13/02 LOT 37 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) -2 3 0 125.3 11.6 113.9 14.6 91 90 -2 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.7 13.7 92 90 -2 3 0 125.3 116 116.4 12.5 93 90 -2 3 0 125.3 11.6 115.6 13.0 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) Sw 1 06/10/03 SONGBIRD AVE 11+15 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 113.3 11.7 94 90 SW 2 06/10/03 SONGBIRD AVE 10+40 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 110.3 10.4 92 90 SW 3 06/10/03 BLACK RAIL RD 25+50 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 109.7 10.9 91 90 Sw 4 06/10/03 ELEGANT TERN 12+50 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 112.9 9.6 90 90 Sw 5 06/10/03 ELEGANT TERN 12+50 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 110.2 10.8 92 90 Sw 6 06/10/03 ELEGANT TERN 12+10 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 107.8 11.6 90 90 SW 7 06/10/03 ELEGANT TERN 11+00 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 109.7 10.8 91 90 SW 8 06/10/03 SONGBIRD AVE 15+40 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 107.9 10.3 90 90 Sw 9 06/10/03 SONGBIRD AVE 16+25 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 109.1 10.5 '91 90 Sw 10 06/10/03 SONGBIRD AVE 16+95 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 110.5 11.3 92 90 SW 11 06/10/03. SONGBIRD AVE 17+00 , 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 114.4 9.2 91 90 SW 12 06/10/03 BLACK RAIL RD 26+05 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 108.6 11.2 90 90 SW 13 06/10/03 BLACK RAIL RD 26+90 0 1 0 1203 13.7 108.2 10.6 90 90 SW 14 06/10/03 BLACK RAIL RD 27+50 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 112.7 9.8 90 90 Sw 15 06/10/03 BLACK RAIL RD 28+05 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 112.0 10.6 93 90 SW' 16 06/10/03 SONGBIRD AVE 12+15 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 110.2 10.3 92 90 SW 17 06/10/03 SONGBIRD AVE 12+95 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 110.8 10.1 92 90 SW 18 06/10/03 SONGBIRD AVE 13+90 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 111.7 10.7 93 90 SW 19 06/10/03 SONGBIRD AVE 14+60 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 112.8 11.7 94 90 SW 20 02/09/04 THRASHER PL 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.4 10.3 96 90 Sw 21 02/09/04 THRASHER PL 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 122.0 10.5 97 90 Sw 22 '02/09/04 THRASHER PL 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 117.0 9.1 93 90 SW 23 02/09/04 THRASHER PL 0. 3 0 125.3 11.6 115.0 - 9.6 92 90 SW 24 02/09/04 THRASHER PL 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 118.8 10.4 95 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max Opt Field Field Field Req'd • . . or 3/4" Dry Moist. 'Dry Moist. Rel. Rel, Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. -Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date . Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) M (%) (%) SW 25 02/0-9/04..,THRASHER PL 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 117.8 10'.1 94 90 SW 26 02/09/04 THRASHER PL 0 3 0 125.3- 11 6 116.2--9 9 93 90 SW 27 02/09/04 THRASHER PL 0 3 0 125 3"* 11.6. 119,-`2 10 9 95 90 SW 28 03/08/04 ELEGANT TERN 0 2 0 128.9 9.1 122.7 7.6 95 90 SW 29 03/08/04 ELEGANT TERN 0 2 . 0 128.9 9.1 113.1 12.6 . 88 90 SW . 29A 03/09/04 . ELEGANT TERN 0 2 0 128.9 9.1 115.7 10.7 90 90 SW 30 03/08/04 ELEGANT TERN 0 2 0 128'.9 9.1 112.7 10.2 87 90 30A 03/09/4 ELEGANT TERN : 0 2 • 0 128.9 9.1 116.5. 1O8 90 90. ; SW. 31 03/O8/0.1 CABERA PL • 0 2 0 .128.9 9.1 115.9;. 10.6 90 ''.90 SW 32 03/08./04 CABERA-PL 0' ' 2. 0 128.9 9.1 115.3,' ia.8 . 89 " 901. SW 32A 03/09/04 CABERA PL 0 2 0 128.9 9-.1 116 0 9.6 90 90 SW 33 03/08/04 CABERA PL,0 2 0 128.9 9.1 114 4 10 4 89 90 SW 33A 03/09/04 CABERA PL 0 2 0 _129.9 9 1 116.9 .9 .2 91 90,11 'SW 34 03/08/04 CABERA PL • 0 2 0' 128.9 ., :9'' 114.7 '12.0 . 89'. ' 90' ' SW 34A 03/09;/04. CABERA PL • 0 2 0 • , 128.9 " 9.1117.2 8.7 91 90 ' SW 35 03/08/04 CABERA PL , 0 2, 0' 128.9 9.1 ' 116.,8 '9.5 91 ' ' 90 'Note: See last page of 'table for explanation of coded terns •. • • Project No. 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) CG 1 03/19/03 BLACK RAIL 27+85 0 3 0 125.3 11.3 120.2 11.8 96 95 CG 2 03/19/03. BLACK RAIL 26+75 0 3 0 125.3 11.3 120.2 11.8 96 95 CG 3 03/19/03 BLACK RAIL 25+85 0 3 0 125.3 11.3 119.5 12.0 95 95 CG 4 03/20/03 BLACK RAIL 28+00 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 142.1 5.7 97 95 CG 5 03/20/03 BLACK RAIL 27+00 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 144.0 , 5.6 98 95 CG 6 03/20/03 BLACK RAIL 26+00 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 142.5 6.0 97 95 CG 7 03/20/03 BLACK RAIL 25+00 ' 0 4 , 0 146.2 4.9 140.3 6.2 96 95 CG 8 03/20/03 BLACK RAIL 28+35 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 131.0 9.5 90 95 CG 9 04/22/03 ELGNT TERN PL 12+30E 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.1 9.8 96 95 CG 10 04/22/03- ELGNT TERN PL 11+75W 0 2 0 128.9 9.1 126.2 8.7 98 95 CG 11 04/22/03 ELGNT TERN PL 11+00E 0 2 0 128.9 9.1 127.5 9.9 99 95 CG 12 04/22/03 ELGNT TERN PL 10+30W 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 121.1 9.2 97 95 CG 13 04/23/03 THRASHER PL 12+75W 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.3 13.7 96 95 CG 14 04/23/03 THRASHER PL 12+OOE 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.0 12.5 96 95 CG 15 04/23/03 THRASHER PL 11+40W 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 115.9 14.7 96 95 CG 16 04/23/03 THRASHER PL 10+50E 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 116.2 13.7 97 95 CG 17 '04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 16+OON 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 119.8 12.1 96 95 CG 18 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 15+OOS 0 3 0 •, 125.3 11.6 121.1 10.2 97 95 CG 19 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 13+75N 0 2 0 128.9 9.1 125.4 9.3 97 95 CG 20 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 13+OOS 0 3 0 , 125.3 11.6 120.4 11.6 96 95 CG 21 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 11+30S 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 119.5 12.2 95 95 CC 22 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 10+90N 0 1 0 120.3 13-.T7 114.6 14.6 95 95 CG 23 04/24/03 GUT THRASH & SONGBD 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 - 121.3 11.0 97 95 CG 24 04/24/03 GUT SONGBD/ELEG TERN 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 119.4 10.9 95 95 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded t e r m s Project No. 06542-52--03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location CG 25 05/01/03 THRASHER PL 11+00 CG 26 05/01/03 THRASHER PL 12+00 CG 27 05/01/03 THRASHER PL 13+00 CG 28 05/01/03 SONG BIRD AVE 16+50 CG 29 05/01/03 SONG BIRD AVE 15+70 CG 30 05/01/03 SONG BIRD AVE 14+30 CG 31 05/01/03 SONG BIRD AVE 13+00 CG 32 05/01/03 SONG BIRD AVE 11+25 CG 33 05/01/03 SONG BIRD AVE. 10+70 CG 34 05/01/03 SONG BIRD AVE 12+50 CG 35 05/01/03 GUT THRASH & SONGBD CG 36 05/01/03 GUT SONGBD/ELEG TERN CG 37 05/01/03 ELEGANT TERN 11+00 CG 37A 05/01/03 ELEGANT TERN 11+00 CG 38 05/01/03 ELEGANT TERN.12+25 CG 39 05/01/03 ELEGANT TERN 10+50 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 139.6 4.6 95 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 140.9 4.2 96 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 139.5 5.9 . 95 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 141.7 4.5 97 95 0 . 4 0 146.2 4.9 139.2 5.2 95 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 140.5 3.9 96 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 144.4 4.8 99 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 142.4 4.0 97 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 143.3 4.3 98 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 142.0 4.1 97 95 0 .4 0 146.2 4.9 138.6 5.2 95 95 0 4 . 0 146.2 4.9 138.9 4.5 95 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 135.9 4.2 93 95 0 4 0- 146.2 4..9 138.9 5.5 95 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 140.3 5.5 96 95 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 139.0 4.6 95 95 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 0654252-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS - Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Rec'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Eel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) SG 1 04/22/03 ELEGANT TN PL 12+00 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.3 11.1 96 95 SG 2 04/22/03 ELEGANT TN PL 10+75 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 116.5 13.5 97 95 SG 3 04/23/03 THRASHER PL 12+75 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 121.6 10.6 97 95 SG .4 04/23/03 THRASHER PL 11+50 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 122.4 10.5 98 95 SG 5 04/23/03 THRASHER PL 10+40. 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.1 10.2 96 95 SG 6 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 16+50 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 118.8 13.2 95 95 SG 7 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 15+00 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 120.0 12.2 96 95 SG 8 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 13+75 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 119.6 12.4 95 95 SG 9 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 12+10 0 1 0 120.3 13.7 115.6 13.2 96 95 SG 10 04/24/03 SONG BIRD AVE 10+50 0 3 0 125.3 11.6 1189 11.6 95 95 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No 06542-52-03 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. .." Plus Max. Opt Field Field Field Req'd or 3/41 Dry Moist. Dry - Moist. Rel. R1; Test . Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. . Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location .(ft) 'No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) . (%) . (%)" (%) B 1 05/13/03 THRASHER PL 11+00 0 4 0 146.'2 4.9 141.6 5'.1 97 95 : B 2 05/13/03 THRASHER PL 12+50 . 0 -4 0 146.2 4.9 141.0 6.5 96'. 95 B. 3 05/13/03 ELEGANT TERN ll'+00 0- 4 0 146.2 -' '4.9 139.5 5.3 .",95 . .. 95 4 05/13/03 ELEGANTTERN12'i-OO .-' 0 4 0 .146.2 4.9 140.3 5.5-' 96 95-.. B 5 05/13/03 SONG BIRD AVE 11+50 - 0 4 0 146.2 4.9 145.3 4.999 - 95 B 05/13/03 SONG BIRD -,AVE 13+50 0 - 4 - 0 .146.2 4.9 142.1 .5.0 97 '-95 B 7 05/13/03 SONG BIRD AVE 15+50 0 4 0 146 2 4-9 143.2 5.0 98 95 - 8 05/13/03 SONG.:BIRD.AVE'1650', - 0 4 0 - - 146.2 4.9 .142.5 5.4 97 95 Note See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 06542-52-03 (1) TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY/ASPHALT TESTS HVEEM SIZE BRICK FIELD RELATIVE RELATIVE TEST TEST OF AC CURVE DENSITY DENSITY COMPACTION COMPACTION PREFIX NO. DATE LOCATION (in.) NO. (pcf) (pcf) FIELD SPECIFIED AC 1 05/14/03 THRASHER PL 13+00 3/4 AC-1 149.2 145.2 97 95 AC 2 05/14/03 THRASHER PL 12+00 3/4 AC-1 149.2 146.8 98 95 AC 3 05/14/03 THRASHER PL 11+00 3/4 AC-i 149.2 147.6 99 95 AC 4 05/14/03 ELEGANT TERN PL 12+00 3/4 AC-1 149.2 145.3 97 95 AC . 5 05/14/03 ELEGANT TERN PL 11+50 3/4 AC-1 149.2 147.3 99 95 AC 6 05/14/03 ELEGANT TERN PL 11+00 3/4 AC-1 149.2 146.9 98 95 AC 7 05/14/03 SONG BIRD AVE 16+50 3/4 AC-2 152.5 148.0 97 95 AC 8 05/14/03 SONG BIRD AVE 15+5 3/4 AC-2 152.5 147.1 .96 95 AC 9 05/14/03 SONGBIRD AVE 14+50 . 3/4 AC-2 152.5 148.9 98 95 AC 10 05/14/03. SONG BIRD AVE 13+50 0 3/4 AC-2 152.5 147.3 97 95 AC ii 05/14/03 SONGBIRD AVE 12+50 3/4 AC-2 152.5 147.1 96 95 AC 12 05/14/03 SONGBIRD AVE 11+50 3/4 AC-2 152.5 150.8 99 95 AC 13 05/11/04 THRASHER PL 1/2 AC-3 149.6 143.4 96 95 AC 14 05/11/04 TRRASHERPL 1/2 AC-3 149.6 141.4 95 95 AC 15 05/11/04 THRASHERPL 1/2 AC-3 149.6 141.5 95 95 AC 16 05/11/04 ELEGANT TERN PL 1/2 AC-3 149.6 141.6 95 95 AC 17 05/11/04 ELEGANT TERN PL 1/2 AC-3 . 149.6 141.9 95 95 AC 18 05/11/04 ELEGANT TERN PL 1/2 AC-3 149.6 143.5 96 95 AC 19 05/11/04 SONUBIRDAVE - . 1/2 AC-3 149.6 141.6 95 95 AC 20 05/11/04 SONG BIRD AVE 1/2 AC-3 149.6 142.6 95 . 95 AC 21 05/11/04 SONG BIRD AVE - 1/2 AC-3 149.6 141.8 95 95 AC 22 05/11/04 SONGRIRDAVE . 1/2 AC-3 149.6 142.3 95 95 Project No 06542-52-03 (I) TABLET - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY/ASPHALT TESTS HVEEM SIZE BRICK.. FIELD RELATIVE RELATIYE., TEST TEST. . :. OF AC CURVE DENSITY DENSITY COMPACTION COMPACTION PREFIX NO DATE LOCATION (m) NO.'(pcf) (pcf) FIELD SPECIFIED AC 23 05/11/04 SONG BIRD AVE 1/2 AC-3 149.6 141.i8'95 95 AC. 24 05/11/04 SONG BIRD AVE 1/2 AC-3 1496 141.6 95 .95 AC 25 05/11/04 SONG BIRD AVE 1/2 AC -3 149.6 141 4 95 95 AC .26. 05/11/04 CABELAPL . 1/2. AC-3 14916 .. 143.1 96 . 95.: AC 27 05/11/04 CABELAPL 1/2 AC -3 149.6 .,141.8. 95 95 AC 28..05/11/04 CABELA PL 1/2 AC -3 .149.6 142.6 95 95 AC 29 05/11/04 CABELAPL 1/2 AC-3 1496 1415 95 95 Project No. 06542-52-03 (1) EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMS - PREFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS AC - Asphalt Concrete CW - Crib Wall PT - Plumbing Trench SL - Sewer Lateral SZ - - Slope Zone AF - Abandon Footing PG - Finish Grade RW - Retaining Wall SM - Sewer Main WB - Wall Backfill B - Base IT - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain ST - Slope Test- WL - Water Lateral CG - Curb & Gutter JT - Joint Trench SG - Subgrade SW - Sidewalk WM - Water Main - SUFFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS A, B, C,... : Retest of previous density test failure, following moisture conditioning and/or recompaction. R : Fill in area of density test failure was removed and replaced with properly compacted fill soil. - TEST LOCATION ABBREVIATIONSt M - Adjacent to, or in, Median Strip N - North Side of Street V - Joint or Electrical Trench Vault S - South Side of Street X - Joint or Electrical Trench Crossing E - East Side of Street GUT - Gutter W - West Side of Street For Example: "M-E" would describe a density test taken on the East Side of the Median Strip at the specified street and station number (i.e., MILLER RD 10+00 M-E) - CURVE NO. Corresponds to curve numbers listed in Table II, representing the laboratory maximum dry density/optimum moisture content data for selected fill soil samples encountered during testing and observations. - ROCK CORRECTION For density tests with rock percentage greater thanzero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content were adjusted for rock content. For tests with rock content equal to zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content values are then unadjusted values. - ELEVATION/DEPTH Test elevations/depths have been rounded to the nearest whole foot. - TYPE OF TEST SC: -Sand Cone Test NU: Nuclear Density Test DC: Drive Cylinder Test Sample No Caltrans Class 2 Aggregate Base Test Type • Specificatióis Sëction.6-1.02B • 4A 4B Sieve Analysis ASTM D 422-63 (% Passing) (% Passing) (% Passing) (Sieve Size) S . .1 inch 100 • 100 100 3/4 inch 96 . 95 87-100 NO.4 60 60 30-60, No. 30 32 32 • 5 5-35 No. 200 11 • 10 0-12 Sand Equivalent 44 38 : • 30 minimum ASTM D 24 19-95 • • Sample Maximum Optimum Description Dry Density, Moisture Content (pcf) (% dry weight) Orange-brown, Silty, fine SAND 120.3.1 .13 .7 2 Reddish brown, Clayey, fine to medium SAND, 128.9 91 with silt Reddish brown3., Silty, fine to medium SAND, 125.3 11:6 with trace clay 4 Class 2 aggregate base 146.2 4 9 Test 0 .SampIe No Greenbook Spécthcafioiis Stability'(Stability) Aggregate Size(inches) Theoretical Maximum . Density (pci) Hveem Maximum .. Density (pci) Percent Air Voids AC-'l 3/4 1567 1492 4 38 >35 AC -'2 3/ 156.9 .152..5 3 35 ~35 AC 3 V2 155.1 149'16 4 44 ~35 TABLE V SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE GRADATION AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASrM C 136-01 AND AST(D6307-98 3h-Inch Aggregate Greenbook Test Type Section 4004.3 Specifications Sample No.o. Sample No. 0 AC-1 AC-2 Class B2 Sieve Analysis ASTM C 136-01 (S ieve_Size), (% passing) (% passing) (% passing) 1 inch 0 160 100 100 %inch 96 96 87400 % inch 63 57 50-80 No ..,4 48 39 30-60- No-.-'8 0 37 29 22-44 •0 No 30 19 17 8-26 N 200 4 5 1-8 Oil Coritent (%)* 4.8 4.7 4.6-6.0 TABLE VI SUMMARY OF LABORATORY G ASPHALT CONCRETE RADATION AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM C 136-0f AND: 1D 6307-98 %-Inch Aggregate.' Greezibook. '.Test Type Section 400-43 Specifications. SãmpieNo. Aç4 Class 'C3 SieyeAna1ysis ' ASTM c 136-01 ' (o passing) ' (%pasing) (Siève Size) • 3/4 inch , •100 ' 100: ½ inch 0 97 89-10 %inch. •• • 78 ., 74400 No. 4'. .' 51' ' ' 50-78 No. 8 • . .'•• 38 ' 32-60 No. 30 21 ': : 14-38- No. 200 .. 4. 0 210. Oil Content (%)* .,5 .2 4.6-7.'0