HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 00-13; TABATA PROPERTY; SOIL AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL EVALUATION; 2000-11-10I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL EVALUATION GEOCON iCHNKtAl IRCpNMBNIIAU TB 5-ACRE FORMER TABATA PROPERTY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR THE BREHM COMPANIES SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 10, 2000 GEOCON CONSULTANTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL Project No. 09017-06-01 November 10, 2000 GEOTECHNICAL MATERIALS HA^^r)-nFT ryfRFP The Brehm Companies 5770 Oberiin Drive San Diego, Califomia 92121-1723 Attention: Mr. Bill Kennedy Subject: 5-ACRE FORMER TABATA PROPERTY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL EVALUATION Dear Mr. Kennedy: At your request, Geocon Consultants, Inc. (Geocon) has conducted activities at the site. The approximately 5-acre property is located adjacent to the east of Black Rail Road in Carlsbad, Califomia. The scope of services for the assessment included limited soil sampling and analyses to evaluate the potential presence of organochlorine pesticides, organophosphate pesticides, and organochlorine herbicides in near-surface soil on-site. Geocon also performed a preliminary health risk screening evaluation to evaluate the potential risk to human health posed by the presence of organochlorine pesticide residues detected in soil samples collected from the site. This report presents the details of the assessment and our conclusions and recommendations with respect to the presence of detectable pesticide residues on the site. Please call us if you have any questions. Sincerely, GEOCON CONSULTANTS, INC. Christopher S. King Senior Staff Engineer CSK:RJK:lek (3) Addressee 6970 Flanders Drive • San Diego, California 92121-2974 • Telephone (858) 558-6100 • Fax (858) 558-8437 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL EVALUATION Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Site Description 1.2 Existing Conditions and Improvements 1.3 Background 1.4 Purpose and Scope of Services 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE FIELD ACTIVITIES 2 2.1 Agricultural Chemical Evaluation 2 2.1.1 Purpose 2 2.1.2 Soil Sampling Activities 2 2.1.3 Laboratory Testing 3 2.1.4 Results of Laboratory Analyses 3 3. PRELIMINARY HEALTH RISK EVALUATION 4 3.1 Introduction 4 3.2 Site-Specific Exposure Point Concentration for DDT, DDE, DDD, and Dieldrin 4 3.3. Environmental Fate of Organochlorine Pesticides 4 3.4 Routes of Exposure 5 3.5 Potential Human Receptors 5 3.5.1 Residential Land Use 5 3.6 Risk Characterization 5 3.6.1 Soil Pathway 6 3.6.2 Air Pathway 6 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8 4.1 Agricultural Chemical Assessment 8 4.2 Human Health Risk Screening Assessment 8 5. LIMITATIONS 10 Figiire.s: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan Tables: I. Analytical Data Summary - Organochlorine Pesticides n. Analytical Data Summary - Organochlorine Herbicides in. Analytical Data Summary - Organophosphate Pesticides Appendices: A. Proposal dated September 8, 2000 (revised October 6, 2000) B. Laboratory Report and Chain-of-Custody Documentation LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL EVALUATION 1. INTRODUCTION Geocon Consultants, Inc. (Geocon) has prepared this report at the request of Mr. Bill Kennedy of the Brehm Companies (Client). The report presents the results of soil sampling activities conducted for the 5-acre portion of the Tabata property, located adjacent to the east of Black Rail Road in Carlsbad, Califomia. The report also presents the findings of a preliminary health risk screening evaluation based on the presence of organochlorine pesticides concentrations detected in surficial soil on-site. 1.1 Site Description The site consists of approximately 5 acres of former commercial agricultural property. The site is bounded by former agricultural property to the north and south, a graded property to the east and by Black Rail Road to the west. The approximate location of the site is depicted on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1). The approximate limits of the site are shown on the Site Plan (Figure 2). 1.2 Existing Conditions and Improvements The site consisted of a plowed fallow farm field at the time of the site assessment. A contractor was watering the on-site soil during the soil sampling activities. Earthwork equipment was observed on the property to the north of the site. 1.3 Background Geocon reviewed portions of the following documents, relevant to adjacent property previously farmed by the Tabata brothers, provided to us by the client: • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, GeoSoils Inc., October 6, 1998; • Agricultural Chemical Residue Survey, Hadley Property, APN 215-080-04, GeoSoils Inc., October 8, 1999; • Carlsbad Zone 20 Specific Plan, Pages III-97 to III-102. 1.4 Purpose and Scope of Services The purpose of these activities was to assess the potential presence of pesticide residues in soil at the site and to evaluate possible mitigation action pursuant to current regulatory guidelines. The guidelines used for the definition of hazardous materials/hazardous wastes are referenced in the Project No. 09017-06-01 - 1 - November 10, 2000 LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL EVALUATION 1. INTRODUCTION Geocon Consultants, Inc. (Geocon) has prepared this report at the request of Mr. Bill Kennedy of the Brehm Companies (Client). The report presents the results of soil sampling activities conducted for the 5-acre portion of the Tabata property, located adjacent to the east of Black Rail Road in Carlsbad, Califomia. The report also presents the findings of a preliminary health risk screening evaluation based on the presence of organochlorine pesticides concentrations detected in surficial soil on-site. 1.1 Site Description The site consists of approximately 5 acres of former commercial agricultural property. The site is bounded by former agricultural property to the north and south, a graded property to the east and by Black Rail Road to the west. The approximate location of the site is depicted on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1). The approximate limits of the site are shown on the Site Plan (Figure 2). 1.2 Existing Conditions and Improvements The site consisted of a plowed fallow farm field at the time of the site assessment. A confractor was watering the on-site soil during the soil sampling activities. Earthwork equipment was observed on the property to the north of the site. 1.3 Background Geocon reviewed portions of the following documents, relevant to adjacent property previously farmed by the Tabata brothers, provided to us by the client: • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, GeoSoils Inc., October 6, 1998; • Agricultural Chemical Residue Survey, Hadley Property, APN 215-080-04, GeoSoils Inc^, October 8, 1999; • Carlsbad Zone 20 Specific Plan, Pages m-97 to m-102. 1.4 Purpose and Scope of Services The purpose of these activities was to assess the potential presence of pesticide residues in soil at the site and to evaluate warrant mitigation action pursuant to current regulatory guidelines. The guidelines used for the definition of hazardous materials/hazardous wastes are referenced in the California Code Project No. 09017-06-01 - 1 - November 10, 2000 of Regulations (CCR), Title 22, Division 4.5 and the Zone 20 Specific Plan for Carlsbad. Geocon performed a scope of services as described in the Geocon proposal dated September 8, 2000 (revised October 6, 2000), which is included as Appendix A. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE FIELD ACTIVITIES The field activities were performed on October 13, 2000, and consisted of collecting soil samples from five random locations. 2.1 Agricultural Chemical Evaluation 2.1.1 Purpose The site and surrounding properties have been historically used for agricultural purposes. Previous studies conducted by others have detected the presence of pesticide residues in soil on neighboring properties. Based on this experience, the City of Carlsbad Zone 20 Specific Plan requires evaluation and mitigation for former agricultural sites within their jurisdiction. According to the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health (DEH), soil containing residues resulting from the legal application of pesticides/herbicides is not considered a hazardous waste, assuming that the soil will not be fransported off-site, will not be freated on-site, and will not pose a threat to public health of the environment. However, substances including pesticides, determined by the State of Califomia to be known or suspected carcinogens or to cause reproductive toxicity, are regulated in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, also known as Proposition 65. Since the Client has knowledge that pesticides were applied to the neighboring properties and probably to the site (albeit through their legal, registered application) according to Proposition 65, the Client is required to evaluate the extent of potential human exposure to these pesticides. 2.1.2 Soil Sampling Activities The sampling activities were performed by Geocon on October 13, 2000. Five exploratory borings (B1-B5) were drilled using a stainless steel hand auger at random locations in formerly cultivated areas (Figure 2). Three soil samples were collected from each boring at depths of approximately 0 to 6 inches, 1 to 1 Vi feet, and 2 to lYi feet below the ground surface. The soil samples were placed in 4- ounce glass jars and labeled with an identification number. Project No. 09017-06-01 - 2 - November 10, 2000 2.1.3 Laboratory Testing The five soil samples collected from borings B1 through B5 from approximately 0 to 6 inches below the ground were analyzed by a state-certified analytical laboratory for the presence of organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides following EPA Test Methods 8081 and 8141 and for organochlorine herbicides following EPA Test Method 8151. Based on the laboratory results from the first sampling depth and on the apparent depth of mixing of the soil, samples collected from the 2 to 2 'A foot depth interval from borings Bl through B5 were also analyzed for the same compounds. Samples collected from the 1 to 1 I/2 foot depth interval were not analyzed. The laboratory report and chain-of-custody documentation are included as Appendix B. A summary of the analytical laboratory test results for the detected compounds is presented in Tables I, n, and HI. 2.1.4 Results of Laboratory Analyses Organochlorine Pesticides The pesticides dieldrin and 4,4'-DDT and its natiu-al degradafion products 4,4'-DDD and 4,4'-DDE were detected in each of the soil samples collected from borings Bl through B5. As indicated in Table I, detectable concenfrations of 4,4'-DDT in the samples analyzed ranged from 12.3 micrograms per kilogram (|j,g/kg) to 318.0 |ig/kg. Detectable concenfrations of 4,4'-DDD in the samples analyzed ranged from 3.4 \ig/kg to 94 jig/kg. Detectable concenfrations of 4,4'-DDE in the samples analyzed ranged from 12.8 (a,g/kg to 429 [igfkg. Detectable concenfrations of dieldrin ranged from 1.92 (ig/kg to 37 )j.g/kg. Organochlorine Herbicides Organochlorine herbicides were not detected in the samples analyzed at concentrations greater than the respective method detection limits. Organophosphate Pesticides Organophosphate pesticides were not detected in the samples analyzed at concenfrations greater than the respective method detection limits. Project No. 09017-06-01 -3 - November 10, 2000 3. PRELIMINARY HEALTH RISK EVALUATION 3.1 Introduction A preliminary health risk evaluation was performed in order to evaluate the potential carcinogenic risk to future residents, assuming exposure to the maximum concenfrations detected. The risk assessment was performed to satisfy the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65), promulgated m Califomia Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22, Section 12000. Screening-level equations from the Califomia Department of Toxic Substances Confrol Preliminary Endangerment Assessment Guidance Manual, 1994, were used for the preliminary health risk evaluation. Proposition 65 prohibits a person in the course of doing business from knowingly and intentionally exposing an individual to a chemical, known to the State of Califomia to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity, at a concenfration of toxicological significance, without first giving that individual clear and reasonable waming. An estimated potential individual intake of DDT, DDE, DDD, and dieldrin at a level less than that calculated to result in greater than one excess cancer risk in an exposed population of 100,000, assuming lifetime exposure at the level in question, would waive disclosure requirements, according to Proposition 65. 3.2 Site-Specific Exposure Point Concentration for DDT, DDE, DDD, and Dieldrin The exposure point concenfrations used in the health risk screening are based on the maximum concenfration detected in any one ofthe five samples collected. Use of the maximum value rather than an average value will result in a conservative overestimate ofthe calculated risk. 3.3. Environmental Fate of Organochlorine Pesticides Organochlorine pesticides, including DDD, DDE, DDT, and dieldrin possess a low water solubility and a relatively high organic carbon partition coefficient (EPPD, 1994). Consequentiy, these compounds do not readily dissolve in water and adsorb to soil. The adsorption is sfronger in humic soil containing high organic carbon content, which is frequently encountered in agricultural land such as the site. In addition, organochlorine pesticides may become airborne as the particulates onto which they are adsorbed are emitted into the atmosphere as fugitive dust. Due to the high adsorption potential, they are very persistent in soil under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Project No. 09017-06-01 - 4 - November 10, 2000 3.4 Routes of Exposure An exposure pathway is a mechanism by which an individual is exposed to a chemical. Exposure pathways are determined based on chemical and physical characteristics of the chemical and the potential for human contact to the chemical or to media that contain the chemical. Potential routes of exposure to organochlorine pesticides addressed in this preliminary health risk evaluation include inadvertent ingestion of soil and dust, inhalation of dust particles containing adsorbed chemicals, and direct dermal (skin) contact with soil. 3.5 Potential Human Receptors Persons may potentially be exposed to pesticides existing in on-site soil prior to development, during constmction activities and subsequent to development as residents. For the purpose of the preliminary human health risk evaluation, focus is placed on the most sensitive target populations. The most sensitive target populations are those persons who may be exposed for the longest duration and/or at the highest level. Others considered less sensitive would be adequately addressed through focus on the most sensitive potential receptors. 3.5.1 Residential Land Use The most sensitive target population, subsequent to development, would be an occupant ofa future on- site residence, in consideration of the amount of time that person would be potentially exposed, including aduhs as well as children. For both the child and adult target populations, they may inadvertenfiy ingest soil and dust, have direct dermal contact with the soil, and inhale volatiles. Children considered to be most sensitive receptors are those below the age of seven; children age seven or greater would spend a significant portion of the day at school and would not be exposed during this time away from the site. Persons who may work on-site or others who may be exposed for short durations are considered to be relatively less sensitive. 3.6 Risk Characterization The screening evaluation calculates a risk for soil and air pathways. Because ofthe expected depth to groundwater and the absence of existing or planned groundwater use at the site, risk from ingestion of groundwater is not considered significant and is excluded from this evaluation. Project No. 09017-06-01 - 5 - November 10, 2000 3.6.1 Soil Pathway The carcinogenic risk from ingestion of and dermal contact with DDE in soil is calculated from the equation in Figure 2.3 of the PEA Guidance Manual: Risk. soil (SFo xCs X (1.57 X 10'*) +(SFo xCs x (1.87 x 10"^) x ABS Where: SFo Cs ABS Oral cancer slope factor (mg/kg-day)"' (Reference: US EPA PRGs, 1998) Concenfration of compound in soil, mg/kg (maximum detected value) Absorption Factor (no units) (Reference: PEA Guidance Manual, 1994) The risk calculated is a summation of the incidental soil ingestion exposure for a child and an adult and the dermal exposure for an adult and a child. Organochlorine Pesticide Cs SFo ABS Estimated Risk DDD 0.094 2.4 X 10'' 0.05 5.65 x 10'^ DDE 0.429 3.4 X 10'' 0.05 3.65 x 10'^ DDT 0.318 3.4 X 10'' 0.05 2.70 X 10'' Dieldrin 0.037 1.6 X lO' 0.05 1.48x10'* This screening evaluation indicates that the risk from ingesting soil containing these compounds at the maximum concenfration detected onsite over a 70 year averaging time is approximately one to two orders of magnitude less than the current acceptable risk threshold of 1 x 10'*. No further evaluation of risk at this site is warranted. 3.6.2 Air Pathway The carcinogenic risk from inhalation of soil particles containing DDE is calculated from the equation in Figure 2.4 of the PEA Guidance Manual: Riska SFi xCax 0.149 Project No. 09017-06-01 -6 November 10, 2000 Where: SF, Ca Ca inhalation cancer slope factor, (mg/kg-day)'' Concenfration of compound in air, mg/rn Cs X (5 X 10'* kg/rn) Organochlorine Pesticide Cs Ca SFi Estimated Risk DDD 0.094 4.7 X 10'' 2.4 X 10"' 1.68 X 10''" DDE 0.429 2.15 X 10'* 3.4 X 10'' 1.09x10'' DDT 0.318 1.59 X 10'* 3.4 X 10'' 8.05 X 10''° Dieldrin 0.037 1.85 X 10'' 1.6x10' 4.41 X 10'" Project No. 09017-06-01 November 10, 2000 4.1 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Agricultural Chemical Assessment Soil samples collected and analyzed for agricultural chemicals exhibited detectable concentrations of DDD, DDE, DDT, and dieldrin. A document issued by the EPA entitled Region 9 Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs), 1998 was reviewed to compare the concenfrations of pesticides detected in on-site soil to the respective PRGs for soil in a residential setting. The EPA has also established generic soil screening levels (SSLs) for the protection of groundwater. Two different SSLs are listed by the EPA depending on the degree of dilution and attenuation between the source and a receptor well. The PRGs and SSLs listed by the EPA for DDD, DDE, and DDT, and dieldrin are presented in the table below. Organochlorine Pesticide PRGs (jig/kg) Maximum Concentration Detected at Site (^g/kg) SSLs (ug/kg) Organochlorine Pesticide PRGs (jig/kg) Maximum Concentration Detected at Site (^g/kg) DAF20 DAFl DDD 1,900 94 16,000 800 DDE 1,300 429 54,000 3,000 DDT 1,300 318 32,000 2,000 Dieldrin 28 37 4 0.2 Note: DAP 20 = Soil screening level considering natural degradation and breakdown processes DAP 1 = Soil screening level assuming no dilution or attenuation Based on a comparison of DDD, DDE, and DDT, concentrations detected in the soil samples collected with the PRGs and SSLs established by the EPA, a significant threat to public health or underlying groundwater does not appear to exist at the site. The maximum dieldrin concenfration detected on-site exceeds the PRG and SSLs, however, the estimated risk to human health is substantially less than 1 X 10-6. 4.2 Human Health Risk Screening Assessment The risk assessment indicates that the incremental risks of cancer in the most sensitive target populations from exposure to DDD, DDE, DDT and dieldrin present in on-site soil are estimated to be less than one in 100,000 persons potentially exposed. According to the State of Califomia, it is not necessary to provide notice of the presence of these compounds in order to comply with Proposition Project No. 09017-06-01 November 10, 2000 65 legislation (CCR, Title 22, Section 12000) and additional measures to protect human health from carcinogenic effects are not warranted. Based on these findings, mitigative measures as described in the Carlsbad Zone 20 Specific Plan do not appear to be warranted. However, a review of the map provided to Geocon indicates that areas of cut and fill are planned for the grading of the site. Common grading practices likely to be employed at the site include the removal of topsoil and recompacting it as fill. This will further reduce the potential for exposure of these compounds in soil to future residents. Project No. 09017-06-01 - 9 - November 10, 2000 5. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared solely for the Client, in consideration of the Client's requirements. Other parties may rely on the findings and conclusions of the report for informational purposes only. However, the Client and other parties who may rely on the findings and conclusions of the report should recognize that this report is not a comprehensive site characterization and should not be construed as such. The findings and conclusions in this report are predicated on the services provided. Therefore, the report should only be deemed conclusive with respect to the information obtained. No guarantee ofthe results of the study is implied within the intent of this report or any subsequent report, correspondence or consultation, either express or implied. The services performed were conducted in accordance with the local standard of care in the geographic region at the time the services were rendered. Project No. 09017-06-01 -10- November 10, 2000 COSMOS SOURCE : 2000 THOMAS BROTHERS MAP SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA REPRODUCED WITH PERMISSION GRANTED BY THOMAS BROTHERS MAPS. THIS MAP IS COPYRIGHTED BY THOMAS BROS. MAPS. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COPY OR REPRODUCE ALL OR ANY PART THEREOF, WHETHER FOR PERSONAL USE OR RESALE, WITHOUT PERMISSION 4 M NO SCALE GEOCON CONSULTANTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 6970 FLANDERS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 - 2974 PHONE 858 558-6100 - FAX 858 558-8437 CSK / JMW DSK/EOOOO VICINITY MAP TABATA FARMS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE PROJECT NO. 09017 - 06 - 01 FIG. 1 X/H14'lDRAnTNa.llMW/tli:'lABAIAl I LJ- B4 DEPTH (FT) DDD DDE DDT DIELDRIN 0-0.5 10.20 54.00 38.00 4.11 2-2.5 3.40 12.80 12.30 2.44 / •. 'r 1 1 • 'A » i •< .1 .i B2 DEPTH (FT) DDD DDE DDT DIELDRIN 0-0.5 60.00 230.00 178.00 32.00 2-2.5 9.60 30.70 31.70 6.37 f; i ! ) 1 t I . / / 1 > ; 7 -1 B5 DEPTH (FT) DDD DDE DDT DIELDRIN 0-0.5 19.00 45.50 45.80 4.48 2-2.5 5.00 28.40 17.20 1.92 'I II STUDY NO. 12 ipn '7( • w V. SITE PLAN WITH RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLING (OaOBER 13, 2000) TABATA FARMS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA • M scale: 1" = 80' LEGEND .APPROX. LOCATION OF BORING ALL UNITS ARE MICROGRAMS PER KILOGRAM (ug/kg) ONLY ANALYTES WITH CONCENTRATIONS ABOVE REPORTING LIMITS ARE INCLUDED. ALL OTHER ANALYTES WERE BELOW DETECTION LIMITS AS STATED IN OFFICIAL LABORATORY REPORTS GEOCON CONSULTANTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL • MATERIALS 6970 FLANDKS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CAUFORNIA 92121 - 2974 PHONE 858 558-6100 - FAX 858 558-8437 PROJECT NO. 09017-06-01 FIGURE 2 DATE X/R14/1 DRAFTING/JIMWni 12/TABATA2 TABLE I ANALYTICAL DATA SUMMARY - ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES Sample Identification DL Bl-S Bl-2 B2-S B2-2 B3-S B3-2 B4-S B4-2 B5-S B5-2 4,4'-DDD 0.5 94.0 8.76 60.0 9.6 66.0 5.3 10.2 3.40 19.0 5.0 4,4'-DDE 2.0 429.0 34.5 230.0 30.7 298.0 24.0 54.0 12.8 45.5 28.4 4,4'-DDT 1.6 318.0 30.0 178.0 31.7 249.0 16.0 38.0 12.3 45.8 17.2 Aldrin 0.2 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Alpha-BHC 0.6 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Beta-BHC 0.6 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Gamma-BHC 0.3 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Delta-BHC 0.6 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Gamma-chlordane 0.5 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Dieldrin 0.3 37.0 6.36 32.0 6.37 14.0 2.38 4.11 2.44 4.48 1.92 Endosulfan I 0.3 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Endosulfan II 0.5 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.5 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Endrin 0.4 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Methoxychlor 10.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL All concentrations presented in DL = Detection Limit <DL = Concentration is below micrograms per kilogram, the detection limit. Project No. 09017-06-01 November 10, 2000 TABLE li ANALYTICAL DATA SUMMARY - ORGANOCHLORINE HERBICIDES Sample Identification DL Bl-S Bl-2 B2-S B2-2 B3-S B3-2 B4-S B4-2 B5-S B5-2 2,4,5-T 1.2 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL 2,4, DB 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL 2,4-D 1.1 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL 4-Nifrophenol 1.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Dalapon 0.5 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Dicamba 0.6 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Dichloroprop 0.8 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Dinoseb 1.1 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL MCPA 200.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL MCPP 150.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Pentachlorophenol 1.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Picloram 1.1 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Silvex 1.2 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL All concentrations in micrograms per kilogram. DL = Detection Limit. <DL = Concentration is below the detection limit. Project No. 09017-06-01 November 10, 2000 TABLE Mi ANALYTICAL DATA SUMMARY - ORGANOPHOSPHATE PESTICIDES Sample Identification DL Bl-S Bl-S B2-S B2-2 B3-S B3-2 B4-S B4-2 B5-S B5-2 Azinphos Methyl 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Bolstar 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Coumaphos 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Demeton 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Diazinon 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Dichlorvos 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Disulfoton 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Ethylprop 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Fensulfothion 10.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Fenthion 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Gardon (Stirophos) 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Merphos 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Methyl Parathion 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Mevinphos 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Naled 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Phorate 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Ronnel 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Tokuthion 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL Trichloronate 5.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL .<DL <DL <DL <DL All concentrations presented in micrograms per kilogram. DL = Detection Limit. <DL = Concentration is below the detection limit. Project No. 09017-06-01 November 10, 2000 APPENDIX GEOCON CONSULTANTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL • MATERIALS Proposal No. LE-2000-128 September 8, 2000 Second Revision October 6, 2000 VIA FACSIMILE AND U. S. MAIL Mr. Bill Kennedy The Brehm Companies 5770 Oberlin Drive San Diego, Califomia 92121 -1723 Subject: TABATA PROPERTY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROPOSAL - AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL RESIDUE SURVEY Dear Mr. Kennedy: Geocon Consultants, Inc. has prepared this revised proposal to perform limited soil sampling at the site. Based upon information obtained from the City of Carlsbad, the subject site may have been used for commercial agricultural purposes, and is therefore requiring that an Agricultural Chemical Residue Survey be performed. The site is approximately 5 acres located adjacent to the east of Black Rail Road, Carlsbad, Califomia. The County of San Diego Assessor's Parcel Number is 215-040-04. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES Based on a review of a portion of the City of Carlsbad's Zone 20 Plan, the following scope of work will be performed to evaluate the potential presence of organochlorine pesticides, organophosphate pesticides, and chlorinated herbicides in near-surface soil at the subject site: Task I - Pre-Field Activities Prepare a Health and Safety Plan for the use of Geocon employees during the field activities. The Heahh and Safety Plan would recommend levels of personal protective equipment during the field activities and would outline general health and safety considerations. 6970 Flanders Drive • San Diego, California 92121-2974 • Telephone (858) 558-6100 • Fox |858) 558-8437 Task II - Field Activities • Collect soil samples at five random locations on the site. The samples would be collected at depths of approximately 0 to 6 inches, 1 to VA feet, and 2 to lYi feet below the existing ground surface. The samples would be collected using a hand auger, fransferred to laboratory-supplied glass jars, capped with Teflon-lined lids, labeled, placed in a cooler with ice, and transported to a Califomia Department of Health Services (CDOHS)-certified analytical laboratory. • Subject the 5 soil samples collected from approximately 0 to 6 inches feet below the existing ground surface to analyses for organochlorine pesticides following United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Method 8081, for organochlorine herbicides following EPA Test Method 8151, and for organophosphate pesticides by EPA Test Method 8141. Samples collected from approximately 1 to VA and 2 to IVz feet below the ground surface will be held for potential future testing, pending the results of the initial analyses. • Backfill the resulting hand-augered borings with the soil cuttings generated. Task III - Report Preparation Prepare a report summarizing the findings of the soil sampling and laboratory testing. A figure showing the locations of the samples, the results of the laboratory analyses, and the resuhs of the quality assurance/quality control procedures will be included in the report. PROPOSED FEE Geocon proposes to perform the scope of services outlined herein on a "lump sum" basis for a fee of . The fee is based on the anticipated conditions presented herein. The fee also assumes the laboratory test results would be provided on a standard tiirn-around-time basis of approximately seven to ten working days. If different conditions are identified or as additional information is obtamed, it may become necessary to revise the scope of services and associated fee. The fee is valid for a period of 60 days from the date of this proposal. The fee includes the submittal of two copies of the final report. Drafts or additional copies may be requested for an additional administrative fee. Geocon anticipates that a fmal report would be completed and submitted whhin approximately three weeks of authorization to proceed. One invoice would be submitted with the final report. Consuhation services rendered after the issuance ofthe report would be billed on a "time and materials" basis and would be additive to the "lump sum" fee. Proposal No. LE-2000-128 -2- September 8, 2000 Second Revision October 6, 2000 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT Please carefully review the contents of this proposal, the enclosed Schedule of Fees for Environmental Services, and the enclosed Terms for Environmental Engineering Services. If they meet with your approval, execute both copies of the Terms for Environmental Engineering Services and retum both copies to our office. We will then sign the documents and retum one fully executed copy to you. Please note that it is necessary to initial each page, indicate your project representative or designated agent on the first sheet of the Terms for Environmental Engineering Services, and indicate the address where all notices and communications should be sent. Please call us if you have any questions. Sincerely, GEOCON CONSULTANTS, INC. ofrqh,CEG 1527 logi^t RJK:lek (2) Addressee Enclosures: TEES; Schedule of Fees Proposal No. LE-2000-128 -3- September 8, 2000 Second Revision October 6, 2000 APPENDIX D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858)566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Project Name: Log Number: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/13,16,17/00 October 16 and 18,2000 EA Soil 09017-06-01 00-4324 to 00-4338 The sample(s) were analyzed with EPA methodology or equivalent methods as specified on the attached "Analyses Results" report. The symbol for "less than" indicates a value below the reportable detection limit. The results of these analyses and the quality control data are enclosed. Ellen Atienza Operations Manager D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Method: Units: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Project Name: Log Number: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/16/00 October 16,2000 EPA 3550/3620/8081 Ug/kg EA Soil 09017-06-01 00-4324 Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4324 Bl-S ANALVSIS *DF 4,4' - DDD 5.0 94 10 4,4' - DDE 20 429 40 4,4' - DDT 16 318 40 Aldrin 0.2 <DL Alpha- BHC 0.6 <DL Beta - BHC 0.6 <DL Gamma -BHC 0.3 <DL Delta - BHC 0.6 <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL Gamma-chlordane 0.5 <DL Dieldrin 3.0 37 10 Endosulfan I 0.3 <DL Endosulfan II 0.5 <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.4 <DL Endrin 0.4 <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL Methoxychlor 10 <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL Ellen Atienza Operations Manager • DF= Dilution Factor. The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. D-TEK Analytical Laboratones, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Method: Units: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Project Name: Log Number: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/16/00 October 16, 2000 EPA 3550/3620/8081 lig/kg EA Soil 09017-06-01 00-4327 Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4327 B2-S ANALYSIS *DF 4,4' - DDD 5.0 60 10 4,4' - DDE 5.0 230 10 4,4' - DDT 4.0 178 10 Aldrin 0.2 <DL Alpha- BHC 0.6 <DL Beta - BHC 0.6 <DL Gamma -BHC 0.3 <DL Delta - BHC 0.6 <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL Gamma-chlordane 0.5 <DL Dieldrin 3.0 32 10 Endosulfan I 0.3 <DL Endosulfan II 0.5 <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.4 <DL Endrin 0.4 <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL Methoxychlor 10 <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL Ellen Atienza Operations Manager • DF= Dilution Factor. The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Method: Units: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Project Name: Log Number: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/16/00 October 16,2000 EPA 3550/3620/8081 Ug/kg EA Soil 09017-06-01 00-4330 Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4330 B3-S ANALYSIS *DF 4,4' - DDD 5.0 66.0 10 4,4' - DDE 10.0 298 20 4,4' - DDT 8.0 249 20 Aldrin 0.2 <DL Alpha- BHC 0.6 <DL Beta - BHC 0.6 <DL Gamma -BHC 0.3 <DL Delta - BHC 0.6 <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL Gamma-chlordane 0.5 <DL Dieldrin 0.3 14.0 Endosulfan 1 0.3 <DL Endosulfan 11 0.5 <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.4 <DL Endrin 0.4 <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL Methoxychlor 10 <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL Ellen Atienza Operations Manager * DF= Dilution Factor. The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Method: Units: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Project Name: Log Number: ANALYSIS Detection Limit 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/16/00 October 16, 2000 EPA 3550/3620/8081 lig/kg EA Soil 09017-06-01 00-4333 Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4333 B4-S "DF 4,4' - DDD 0.5 4,4' - DDE 2.5 4,4' - DDT 2.0 Aldrin 0.2 Alpha- BHC 0.6 Beta - BHC 0.6 Gamma - BHC 0.3 Delta - BHC 0.6 Alpha-chlordane 0.5 Gainma-chlordane 0.5 Dieldrin 0.3 Endosulfan I 0.3 Endosulfan II 0.5 Endosulfan Sulfate 0.4 Endrin 0.4 Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 Endrin Ketone 0.5 Heptachlor 0.2 Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 Methoxychlor 10 Toxaphene 25 10.2 54.0 38.0 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL 4.11 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL 5 5 Ellen Atienza — ' Operations Manager * DF= Dilution Factor. The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Method: Units: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Project Name: Log Number: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/16/00 October 16,2000 EPA 3550/3620/8081 Pg/kg EA Soil 09017-06-01 00-4336 Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4336 B5-S ANALYSIS *DF 4,4' - DDD 2.5 19.0 5 4,4' - DDE 2.5 45.5 5 4,4' - DDT 2.0 45.8 5 Aldrin 0.2 <DL Alpha- BHC 0.6 <DL Beta - BHC 0.6 <DL Gamma - BHC 0.3 <DL Delta - BHC 0.6 <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL Gamma-chlordane 0.5 <DL Dieldrin 0.3 4.48 Endosulfan 1 0.3 <DL Endosulfan 11 0.5 <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.4 <DL Endrin 0.4 <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL Methoxychlor 10 <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL Ellen Atienza Operations Manager * DF= Dilution Factor . The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Method: Units: Analyzed By: Sample Type: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/17/00 October 18,2000 EPA 8151/8151 >g/kg EA Soil Project Name: 09017-06-01 Log Number: 00-4324, 00-4327 and 00-4330 Detection Log Number: 00-4324 00-4327 00-4330 ANALYSIS Limit Sample ID: Bl-S B2-S B3-S 2,4,5 - T 1.2 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. 2,4, DB 5.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. 2,4, - D 1.1 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. 4 - Nitrophenol 1.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Dalapon 0.5 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Dicamba 0.6 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Dichloroprop 0.8 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Dinoseb 1.1 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. MCPA 200.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. MCPP 150.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Pentachlorophenol 1.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Picloram 1.1 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. ' Silvex 1.2 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Ellen Atienza Operations Manager D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/17/00 Date Analyzed: October 18,2000 Method: EPA 8151/8151 Units: >g/kg Analyzed By: EA Sample Type: Soil Project Name: 09017-06-01 Log Number: 00-4333 and 00-4336 Detection Log Number: 00-4333 00-433( ANALYSIS Limit Sample ID: B4-S B5-S 2,4,5 - T 1.2 <D.L. <D.L. 2,4, DB 5.0 <D.L. <D.L. 2,4, - D 1.1 <D.L. <D.L. 4 - Nitrophenol 1.0 <D.L. <D.L. Dalapon 0.5 <D.L. <D.L. Dicamba 0.6 <D.L. <D.L. Dichloroprop 0.8 <D.L. <D.L. Dinoseb 1.1 <D.L. <D.L. MCPA 200.0 <D.L. <D.L. MCPP 150.0 <D.L. <D.L. Pentachlorophenol 1.0 <D.L. <D.L. Picloram 1.1 <D.L. <D.L. Silvex 1.2 <D.L. <D.L. Ellen Atienza Operations Man'ager D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858)566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT Date: Attn: Log# Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Extraction Method: Analysis Method: 10/20/00 Mr. Ron Kofron 00-4324, 00-4327, 00-4330, 00-4333 and 00-4336 10/17/00 October 18,2000 EPA 8151 EPA 8151 Method Blank NO TARGET ANALYTES WERE DETECTED IN THE METHOD BLANK. LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD COMPOUND % RECOVERY DUP % RECOVERY % RPD 2,4-D 2,4,5 - TP (SILVEX) 2,4,5 - T 80 113 94 78 105 85 3 7 10 DUALITY CONTROL TERIVIINOLOGY LCS - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE. Reported as % recovery of an independent standard carried through all sample preparation procedures to verify method performance. Acceptable range is based on historical laboratory control data and EPA requirements. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. SPIKE- environmental sample is matrix spiked with method compounds and % recovery of concentration spiked into sample is calculated. Reported as % recovery. Acceptable range for "Normal Matrix Sample" is based on historical laboratory control data. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. SURROGATES- Compounds representative of a group of compounds. Surrogates are spiked into environmental samples and % recovery of concentration spiked is calculated and reported. Acceptable range varies depending on sample matrix and analysis method. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. 1 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 SURROGATE RECOVERIES (DCAA) Log # Percent Recovery: Method Blank 93% 00-4324 106% 00-4327 128% 00-4330 108% 00-4333 64% 00-4336 68% LCS 103% LCS DUP 103% QC Limits: 50 to 170% Ellen Atienza Operations Manager QUALITY CONTROL TERMINOLOGY LCS - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE. Reported as % recovery of an independent standard carried through all sample preparation procedures to verify method performance. Acceptable range is based on historical laboratory control data and EPA requirements. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. SPIKE- environmental sample is matrix spiked with method compounds and % recovery of concentration spiked into sample is calculated. Reported as % recovery. Acceptable range for "Normal Matrix Sample" is based on historical laboratory control data. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. SURROGATES- Compounds representative of a group of compounds. Surrogates are spiked into environmental samples and % recovery of concentration spiked is calculated and reported. Acceptable range varies depending on sample matrix and analysis method. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. 2 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Method: Units: Sample Type: Project Name: Log Number: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 October 18, 2000 EA EPA 8141/8141 Mg/kg Soil 09017-06-01 00-4324 and 00-4327 ANALYSES RESULTS Analysis Detection Limit Log Number: 00-4324 00-4327 Sample ID: Bl-S *DF B2-S Azinphos Methyl 5.0 <DL <DL Bolstar 5.0 <DL <DL Coumaphos 5.0 <DL <DL Demeton 5.0 <DL <DL Diazinon 5.0 <DL <DL Dichlorvos 5.0 <DL <DL Disulfoton 5.0 <DL <DL Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) 5.0 <DL <DL Ethoprop 5.0 <DL <DL Fensulfothion 10.0 <DL <DL Fenthion 5.0 <DL <DL Gardona (Stirophos) 5.0 <DL <DL Merphos 5.0 <DL <DL Methyl Parathion 5.0 <DL <DL Mevinphos 5.0 <DL <DL Naled 5.0 <DL <DL Phorate 5.0 <DL <DL Ronnel 5.0 <DL <DL Tokuthion 5.0 <DL <DL Trichloronate 5.0 <DL <DL *DF Ellen Atienza Operations Manager * DF= Dilution Factor. The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Method: Units: Sample Type: Project Name: Log Number: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 October 18, 2000 EA EPA 8141/8141 • Ug/kg Soil 09017-06-01 00-4330 and 00-4333 ANALYSES RESULTS Analysis Detection Limit Log Number: 00-4330 00-4333 Analysis Sample ID: B3-S *DF B4-S Azinphos Methyl 5.0 <DL <DL Bolstar 5.0 <DL <DL Coumaphos 5.0 <DL <DL Demeton 5.0 <DL <DL Diazinon 5.0 <DL <DL Dichlorvos 5.0 <DL <DL Disulfoton 5.0 <DL <DL Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) 5.0 <DL <DL Ethoprop 5.0 <DL <DL Fensulfothion 10.0 <DL <DL Fenthion 5.0 <DL <DL Gardona (Stirophos) 5.0 <DL <DL Merphos 5.0 <DL <DL Methyl Parathion 5.0 <DL <DL Mevinphos 5.0 <DL <DL Naled 5.0 <DL <DL Phorate 5.0 <DL <DL Ronnel 5.0 <DL <DL Tokuthion 5.0 <DL <DL Trichloronate 5.0 <DL <DL "DF Ellen Atienz; Operations Manager * DF= Dilution Factor. The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Method: Units: Sample Type: Project Name: Log Number: 10/20/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 October 18, 2000 EA EPA 8141/8141 •Ug/kg Soil 09017-06-01 00-4336 ANALYSES RESULTS Analysis Detection Limit Log Number Sample ID: 00-4336 B5-S "DF Azinphos Methyl Bolstar Coumaphos Demeton Diazinon Dichlorvos Disulfoton Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) Ethoprop Fensulfothion Fenthion Gardona (Stirophos) Merphos Methyl Parathion Mevinphos Naled Phorate Ronnel Tokuthion Trichloronate 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 10.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL Ellen Atienza Operations Manager * DF= Dilution Factor. The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. I I D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 Date: Attn: Log#: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Extraction Method: Analysis Method: Method Blank QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT 10/20/00 Mr. Ron Kofron 00-4324,00-4327,00-4330, 00-4333 and 00-4336 10/13/00 October 18,2000 EPA 8141 EPA 8141 No target analytes were detected in the method blank. Laboratory Control Sample Compound Diazinon Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) Gardona (Stirophos) Methyl Parathion % Recovery 98 93 104 DUP % Recovery 91 101 100 107 %RPD 3 3 7 3 SURROGATE RECOVERIES (Tributylphosphate) Log# Percent Recovery: Method Blank 00-4324 00-4327 00-4330 00-4333 00-4336 92% 73% 104% 103% 90% 113% QC Limits: 50 to 170% Ellen Atienza Operations Manager QUALITY CONTROL TERMINOLOGY LCS - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE. Reported as % recovery of an independent standard carried through all sample preparation procedures to verify method performance. Acceptable range is based on historical laboratory control data and EPA requirements. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Spike- environmental sample is matrix spiked with method compounds and % recovery of concentration spiked into sample is calculated. Reported as % recovery. Acceptable range for "Normal Matrix Sample" is based on historical laboratory control data. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Surrogates- Compounds representative of a group of compounds. Surrogates are spiked into environmental samples and % recovery of concentration spiked is calculated and reported. Acceptable range varies depending on sample matrix and analysis method. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Pase 1 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT Date: 10/20/00 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Log#: 00-4324, 00-4327,00-4330,00-4333 and 00-4336 Date Extracted: 10/16/00 Date Analyzed: October 16,2000 Extraction Method: EPA 3550 / 3620 Analysis Method: EPA 8081 METHOD BLANK No target analytes were detected in the method blank. LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD Compound % Recovery DUP % Recovery % RPD QC Limits % G-BHC(Lindane) 109 111 2 32-127 Heptachlor 101 104 3 34-111 Aldrin 108 no 2 42-122 Dieldrin 99 101 2 36-146 Endrin 103 104 1 30-147 4,4' DDT 75 77 3 25-160 PCB(1260) 108 108 0 29-131 SURROGATE RECOVERIES (Tetrachloro-M-Xylene) Log# Percent Recovery: 00-4324 92% 00-4327 88% 00-4330 110% 00-4333 104% 00-4336 112% LCS 112% LCS DUP 114% QC Limits: 43 to 169% Ellen Atienza ^— Operations Manager QUALITY CONTROL TERMINOLOGY LCS - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE. Reported as % recovery of an independent standard carried through all sample preparation procedures to verify method performance. Acceptable range is based on historical laboratory control data and EPA requirements. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Spike- environmental sample is matrix spiked with method compounds and % recovery of concentration spiked into sample is calculated. Reported as % recovery. Acceptable range for "Normal Matrix Sample" is based on historical laboratory control data. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Surrogates- Compounds representative of a group of compounds. Surrogates are spiked into environmental samples and % recovery of concentration spiked is calculated and reported. Acceptable range varies depending on sample matrix and analysis method. Any out-of- control QC data is clearly indicated. ^.T^IPI^naipiial LHVirat 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 "CITAIN'O'FGUISTODY " D-TEK LOG #: 13 TO #: - ALL SAMPLES ARE SUBJECT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE Ch4tnofCustodyFonn.xls 2IW% 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540, FAX (858) 566-4542 at^ CHAIN OF CUSTODY DATE D-TEK LOG #: PAGE TO CUSTOMER INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION ANALYSIS REQUEST ANY CONTACWERSON: PROJECT NAME/NUMBER PROJECT MANAGER: BILLING INFORMATION >: J ^ . CITY, ZIP D-TEK LOG # SAMPLE # / SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE TIME SAMPLE MATRIX CONTAIN TYPE OF C O N T A N E R S I ol 3^ SAMPLE INTEGRITY 1. RELINQUISHED BY MEETS HOLDING TIME 7 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N CORRECT CONTAINERS 7 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N 2. RELINQUISHED BY 3. RELINQUISHED BY SAMPLE RECEIPT SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DATE AND TIME: DATE AND TIME: DATE AND TIME: RECEIVED IN ICE? YES^JO SIGNATUR SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: TAPE SEAL INTACT Y/N NA PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME: PRINTED NAME PRESERVATIVE YESflJONA 1. RECEIVED BY DATE AND TIME: SIGNATURE 2. RECEIVED BY 3. RECEIVED BY PRECAUTIONS: DATE AND TIME: DATE AND TIME PRINTED HM, SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE, PRINTED NAME: PRINTED NAME - ALL SAMPLES ARE SUBJECT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE - Ch4in of Custody Form,xls W%% Nov 03 00 12:56p P-2 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log#: 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/27/00 and 10/31/00 October 27 and November 1,2000 EA Soil EPA 3550/3620/8081, EPA 3550/8141 and EPA 8151/8151 [ig/kg 09017-06-01 00-4326,00-4329,00-4332,00-4335 and 00-4338 The sample(s) were analyzed with EPA methodology or equivalent methods as specified on the attached "Analyses Results" report. The symbol for "less than" indicates a value below the reportable detection limit The results of these analyses and the quality control data are enclosed. Ellen Atienza Operations Manager Mov 03 00 12:5Gp p. 3 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log #: 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/31/00 November 1,2000 EA Soil EPA 8151/8151 Ug/kg 09017-06-01 00-4326, 00-4329 and 00-4332 ANALYSIS Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4326 Bl-2 00-4329 B2-2 Ellen Atienza Operations Manager 7^ 00-4332 B3-2 2,4,5-T 1.2 O.L. <D.L. <D.L. 2,4, DB 5.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. 2,4, - D 1.1 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. 4 - Nitrophenol 1.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Dalapon 0.5 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Dicamba 0.6 <D,L. <D.L. <D.L. Dichloroprop 0.8 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Dinoseb l.l <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. MCPA 200.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. MCPP 150.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Pentachlorophenol 1.0 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Picloram 1.1 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Silvex 1.2 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Mov 03 00 12:5Gp p.4 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Dicgo, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Dicgo, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log #: 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/31/00 November 1,2000 EA Soil EPA 8151/8151 }j,g/kg 09017-06-01 00-4335 and 00-4338 ANALYSIS Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4335 B4-2 2,4,5-T 2,4, DB 2,4, - D 4 - Nitrophenol Dalapon Dicamba Dichloroprop Dinoseb MCPA MCPP Pentachlorophenol Picloram Silvex 1.2 5.0 1.1 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.1 200.0 150.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Ellen Atienza Operations Manager 00-4338 B5-2 <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. <D.L. Mov 03 00 12:57p p.5 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SanDiegcCA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT Date: 11/3/00 Attn- Mr. Ron Kofron Log '# 00-4326, 00-4329, 00-4332, 00-4335 and 00-4338 Date Extracted: 10/31/00 Date Analyzed: November 1,2000 Extraction Method: EPA 8151 Analysis Method: EPA 8151 Method Blank NO TARGET ANALYTES WERE DETECTED IN THE METHOD BLANK. LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD ^ COMPOUND % RECOVERY DUP % RECOVERY % RPD 2,4-U I 2,4,5 - TP (SILVEX) 130 HI » 2,4,5-T 118 ^29 9 9TIA1.1TY CONTROL TERMINOLOGY irs I ABORATORV CONTROL SAMPLE. Reported as % recovery of an independent standard carried through nil sample preparation procedures to verity method performance. Acceptable range is based on historical laboratory control data and EPA requirements. Any out-of-conirolQC data is clearly mdicated. •,. •.„ o„..i.-lc SPIKE- environmental sample is matrix spiked with method compounds and % recovery ot concentrafor, spiked into samp c ,s cSSed Reported as % recove^,^ Acceptable range for "NoTT>al Matrix Sample" .s based on h>stor>cal laboratory control data Any oiit-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. o„„„i„, „,H SURROGATES- Compounds representative ofa group of compounds. Surrogates are spiked into environmental samples and % recovery of concentration spiked is calculated and reported. Acceplable range vanes depending on sample matrix and ana!ysi.s method. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Mov 03 00 12:57p P-G D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 SURl^OGATE RECOVERIES (DCAA) Log # Percent Recovery: Method Blank 116% 00-4326 94% 00-4329 78% 00-4332 88% 00-4335 66% 00-4338 88% LCS 124% LCS DUP 128% QC Limits: 50 to 170% Ellen Atienza Operations Manager QUALITY CONTROL TERMINOLOGY LCS - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE. Reported as % recovery of an independent standai d can ied through all sample preparation procedures to verily method performance. Acceptable range is based on historical laboratoo' control data and EPA requirements. Any out-ot-contrcl QC data is clearly indicated. SPIKE- environmental sample is matrix spiked with method compounds and % recovery of concentration spiked inlo sample is calculated, Reported as % recovery. Acceptable range for "Normal Matrix Sample" is based on historical laboratory contiol data. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. SURROGA TES- Compounds representative of a group of compounds. Surrogates are spiked into environmental samples and % recovery of concentration spiked is calculated and reported. Acceptable range varies depending on sample matrix and analysis method. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. 2 Mov 03 00 12:57p p.7 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SanDiegcCA 92121 (858)566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log#: 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/27/00 November 1,2000 EA Soil EPA 3550/8141 (ig/kg 09017-06-01 00-4326 and 00-4329 ANALYSES RESULTS Analysis Detection Limit Log Number : 00-4326 00-4329 Sample ID: Bl-2 *DF B2-2 *DF Azinphos Methyl 5.0 <DL <DL Bolstar 5.0 <DL <DL Coumaphos 5.0 <DL <DL Demeton 5.0 <DL <DL Diazinon 5.0 <DL <DL Dichlorvos 5.0 <DL <DL Disulfoton 5.0 <DL <DL Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) 5.0 <DL <DL Ethoprop 5.0 <DL <DL Fensulfothion 10.0 <DL <DL Fenthion 5.0 <DL <DL Gardona (Stirophos) 5.0 <DL <DL Merphos 5.0 <DL <DL Methyl Parathion 5.0 <DL <DL Mevinphos 5.0 <DL <DL Naled 5.0 <DL <DL Phorate 5.0 <DL <DL Ronnel 5.0 <DL <DL Tokuthion 5.0 <DL <DL Trichloronate 5.0 <DL <DL Ellen Atienza c^^ Operations Manager * D1-- Dilution l-'actor. The delccfion limits and analyses results were coiTected accordingly. Mov 03 00 12:57p p. a D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SanDiegcCA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diegc CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log#: Analysis 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/27/00 November 1,2000 EA Soil EPA 3550/8141 Hg/kg 09017-06-01 00-4332 and 00-4335 ANALYSES RESULTS Azinphos Methyl Bolstar Coumaphos Demeton Diazinon Dichlorvos Disulfoton Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) Ethoprop Fensulfothion Fenthion Gardona (Stirophos) Merphos Methyl Parathion Mevinphos Naled Phorate Ronnel Tokuthion Trichloronate tion Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4332 B3-2 *DF 00-4335 B4-2 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 10.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL 5.0 <DL <DL "DF Ellen Atienza ^Jy^ Operations Manager * DP- Dilution Factor. Thc detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly, Mov 03 00 12:5ap p.9 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SanDiegcCA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log#: Analysis 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/27/00 November 1,2000 EA Soil EPA 3550/8141 Ug/kg 09017-06-01 00-4338 ANALYSES RESULTS Azinphos Methyl Bolstar Coumaphos Demeton Diazinon Dichlorvos Disulfoton Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) Ethoprop Fensulfothion Fenthion Gardona (Stirophos) Merphos Methyl Parathion Mevinphos Naled Phorate Ronnel Tokuthion Trichloronate tion Limit Log Number: 00-4338 Sample ID: B5-2 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 10.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL 5.0 <DL *DF Ellen Atienza Operations Manager •DF= Dilution Factor. The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. Mov 03 00 12:58p p. 10 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SanDiego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 Date: Attn: Log#: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Extraction Method: Analysis Method: Method Blank QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT 11/3/00 Mr. Ron Kofron 00-4326, 00-4329, 00-4332,00-4335 and 00-4338 10/27/00 November 1,2000 EPA 8141 EPA 8141 No target Laboratory Control Sample analytes were detected in the method blank. Compound % Recovery DUP % Recovery %RPD Diazinon 92 117 24 Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) 104 124 18 Gardona (Stirophos) 82 98 18 Methyl Parathion 112 138 21 SURROGATE RECOVERIES Log# (Tributylphosphate) Percent Recovery: Method Blank 00-4326 00-4329 00-4332 00-4335 00-4338 QC Limits: 50 to 170% 88% 108% 110% 132% 120% 106% Ellen Atienz^ Operations Manager QUAUTY CONTROL TERMINOLOGY LCS - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE, Reported as % recovery of an independent standard carried through all sample«preparation procedures to verify method performance. Acceptable range is based on historical laboratory conlrol data and EPA requirements. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Spike- environmental sample is matrix spiked with method compounds and % recovery of concentration spiked into sample is calculated. Reported as % recover^'. Acceptable range for "Normal Matrix Sample" is based on historical laboratory control data. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Surrogates- Compounds representative of a group of compounds. Surrogates are spiked into environmental samples and % recoveo' of concentration spiked is calculated and reported. Acceptable range varies depending on sample matrix and analysis method. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Page I Nov 03 00 12:58p p. 1 1 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SanDiegcCA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diegc CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log#: 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/27/00 October 27,2000 EA Soil EPA 3550/3620/8081 ktg/kg 09017-06-01 00-4326 Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4326 Bl-2 ANALYSIS 4,4' - DDD 0.5 8.76 4,4' - DDE 2.0 34.5 4,4' - DDT 1.6 30.0 Aldrin 0,2 <DL Alpha- BHC 0.6 <DL Beta - BHC 0.6 <UL Gamma -BHC 0.3 <DL Delta - BHC 0.6 <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL Gamma-chlordane 0.5 <DL Dieldrin 0.3 6.36 Endosulfan 1 0.3 <DL Endosulfan II 0.5 <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.5 <DL Endrin 04 <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL Methoxychlor 10 <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL 'DF Ellen Atienza Operations Manager • DK= Dilution Factor, The detection liinits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. Mov 03 00 12:5gp p. 12 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diegc CA 92121 (858)566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log#: 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/27/00 October 27,2000 EA Soil EPA 3550/3620/8081 ^g/kg 09017-06-01 00-4329 Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4329 B2-2 ANALYSIS 4,4' - DDD 0.5 9.6 4,4' - DDE 2.0 30.7 4,4' - DDT 1.6 31.7 Aldrin 0.2 <DL Alpha- BHC 0.6 <DL Beta - BHC 0.6 <DL Gamma - BHC 0.3 <DL Delta - BHC 0.6 <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL Gamma-chlordane 0.5 <DL Dieldrin 0.3 6.37 Endosulfan 1 0.3 <DL Endosulfan 11 0.5 <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.5 <DL Endrin 0.4 <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL Methoxychlor 10 <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL Ellen Atienza Operations Manager * DF= Dilution Factor, The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. Mov 03 00 12:59p p. 13 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SanDiegcCA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log #: 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/27/00 October 27,2000 EA Soil EPA 3550/3620/8081 tig/kg 09017-06-01 00-4332 Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4332 B3-2 ANALYSIS 4,4' - DDD 0.5 5.3 4,4' - DDE 1.0 24.0 4,4' - DDT 0.8 16.0 Aldrin 0.2 <DL Alpha- BHC 0.6 <DL Beta - BHC 0.6 <DL Gamma - BHC 0.3 <DL Delta - BHC 0.6 <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL Gamma-chlordane 0.5 <DL Dieldrin 3.0 2.38 Endosulfan 1 0.3 <DL Endosulfan 11 0.5 <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.5 <DL Endrin 0.4 <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL Methoxychlor 10 <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL Ellen Atienza Operations Manager • DI-= Dilution Factor, The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. Mov 03 00 12:59p p. 14 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SanDiegcCA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log#: 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/27/00 October 27,2000 EA Soil EPA 3550/3620/8081 ^ig/kg 09017-06-01 00-4335 Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4335 B4-2 ANALYSIS 4,4' - DDD 0.5 3.40 4,4' - DDE 2.0 12.8 4,4' - DDT 1.6 12.3 Aldrin 0.2 <DL Alpha- BHC 0.6 <DL Beta - BHC 0.6 <DL Gamma - BHC 0.3 <DL Delta - BHC 0.6 <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL Gamma-chlordane 0.5 <DL Dieldrin 0.3 2.44 Endosulfan 1 0.3 <DL Endosulfan 11 0.5 <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.5 <DL Endrin 0.4 <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL Methoxychlor 10 <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL *DF Ellen Atienza Operations Manager * DF- Dilution Factor, The detection limits and analyses resulls were corrected accordingly. Mov 03 00 12:53p p. 15 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 6970 Flanders Drive SanDiego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Date of Report: Sampling Date: Date Sample Received: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Sample Type: Method: Units: Project Number: Log#: 11/3/00 10/13/00 10/13/00 10/27/00 October 27,2000 EA Soil EPA 3550/3620/8081 09017-06-01 00-4338 Detection Limit Log Number: Sample ID: 00-4338 B5-2 ANALYSIS 4,4' - DDD 0.5 5.0 4,4' - DDE 2.0 28.4 4,4' - DDT 1.6 17.2 Aldrin 0.2 <DL Alpha- BHC 0.6 <DL Beta - BHC 0.6 <DL Gamma - BHC 0.3 <DL Delta - BHC 0.6 <DL Alpha-chlordane 0.5 <DL Gamma-ch 1 ordane 0.5 <DL Dieldrin 0.3 1.92 Endosulfan 1 0.3 <DL Endosulfan 11 0.5 <DL Endosulfan Sulfate 0.5 <DL Endrin 04 <DL Endrin Aldehyde 0.5 <DL Endrin Ketone 0.5 <DL Heptachlor 0.2 <DL Heptachlor Epoxide 0.3 <DL Methoxychlor 10 <DL Toxaphene 25 <DL Ellen Atienza / Operations Manager * DF= Dilution Factor, The detection limits and analyses results were corrected accordingly. Mov 03 00 01:00p p. 16 D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 San Diegc CA 92121 (858) 566-4540 FAX (858) 566-4542 QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT Date: 11/3/00 Attn: Mr. Ron Kofron Log #: 00-4326, 00-4329,00-4332, 00-4335 and 00-4338 Date Extracted: 10/27/00 Date Analyzed: October 27,2000 Extraction Method: EPA 3550 / 3620 Analysis Method: EPA 8081 METHOD BLANK No target analytes were detected in the method blank. LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD Compound % Recovery DUP % Recovery % RPD QC Limits % G-BHC(Liiidane) 98 100 2 32-127 Heptachlor 109 110 1 34-111 Aldrin 86 88 2 42-122 Dieldrin 77 82 6 36-146 Endrin 99 104 5 30-147 4,4' DDT 86 90 5 25-160 SURROGATE RECOVERIES (Tetrachloro-M-Xylene) Log# Percent Recovery: Method Blank 112% 00-4326 74% 00-4329 79% 00-4332 85% 00-4335 89% 00-4338 85% LCS 124% - LCS DUP 125% QC Limits: 43 to 169% Ellen Atienza Operations Manager QUALITY CON TROL TERMINOLOGY LCS-LABORATORV^CONTROL SAMPLE. Reported as % recovery of an independent standard carried through all sample preparation procedures to verify method perfomiance. Acceptable range is based on historical laboratory control data and EPA requirements. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Spike- environmental sample is matrix spiked with metiiod compounds and % recoveo' of concentration spiked into sample is calculated. Reported as % recovery. Acceptable range for "Normal Matrix Sample" is based on historical laboratory control data. Any out-of-control QC data is clearly indicated. Surrogates- Compounds representative of a group of compounds. Surrogates ore spiked into environmental samples and % recovery of concentration spiked is calculated and reported. Acceptable range varies depending on sample matrix and analysis method. Any out-of- contrul QC dala is clearly indicated. D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 SAN DIEGO, CA S»;ili1 (858) 566-4540, FAX (8bB) 566-4542 CUSTOMER INFORMATION CHAIN OF CUSTODY DATE:/^-t? <X3 PAGE_]__OF 1^ D-TEK LOG #: - ALL SAMPLES ARE SUBJECT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE Chain ot Cudody Form jl» 2/lW CO D-TEK Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite 205 Q- SAN DIEGO. CA 92121 CHAIN OF CUSTODY