Project No. 5628
Prepared By:
Moffatt & Nichol
1660 Hotel Circle North, Suite 200
San Diego CA 92108
(619) 220-6050
O~ .. 2.1~l
Fox-Miller Property • e-
,MN File No. 5628
Provide the soil nail retaining wall structure for the Fox-Miller Property development project,
including appurtenant architectural treatment, wall drainage and chain link fence.
Design and construct the soil nail retaining wall structure in accordance with the latest and best
industry standards for soil nail retaining wall structures. In general, the soil nail retaining wali
structure is as shown on the Drawings and includes the incremental construction of the following:
a. Excavation and disposal of surplus soils materials.
b. Installation ~d proof testing of sacrifici!ll test soil nail assemblies.
c. Subsurface preparation.
d. Installation of wall drainage system.
e. Installation of production soil nail assemblies.
f Placement of reinforced concrete base wall structure.
g. Place and tension soil nail end anchor assemblies.
h. Placement of reinforced concrete outer wall structure.
i. Complete concrete wall surface texture and fInish (architecturaltreatinent).
j. Placement of reinforced concrete cap structure.
k. Installation of chain link fence top of wall.
1. Incidental and related work.
1.2.1 Engineer of Record
The Contractor shall provide the services of a stluctural engineer, registered in the state of California,
to serve in the position of Engineer of Record for the soil nail retaining wall structure. The Engineer of
Record shall be given full authority to act relative .to the project design and compliance verification. '
1.3,1 Governing Codes and Standards
In addition to conformance to the specific requirements, to the extent referenced in this section, the
design shall meet all applicable requirements set forth in the following documents:
/' . Fox-Miller Property .-MN File No'. 5628
A 615 / A 615M
A 706/ A 706M ,
(2004b) Defonned and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete
(2004b) Low-Alloy Steel Defonned and Plain Bars for Concrete
EM 385-1-1
(2003) "GREENBOOK" Standard Specifications for Public Works
(2003) Safety and Health Requirements
1.3.2 Geocon Recommendations
The Geocon letter dated March 16, 2005 (Project No. 07238-42-01) addressed to H.G. Fenton
Company, Inco~orated; contains recommendations for a soil nail retaining wall that are specific to the
project site and the wall design and the construction that is contemplated herein. As a minimum, the
Contractor's design, construction and testing program shall at least meet the requirements of these
recommendations. Additionally, the Contractor shall determine for itself the a4equacy of these
recommendations and provide all additional soils investigations as may be necessary for adequate
design, construction and testing of the work.
1.3.3 Life Cycle
The Contractor shall provide design and construction techniques and practices as may be necessa,ry to
insure that the soil nail retaining wall structure will be able to sustain a functional life, with a minimum
of maintenance, of no less than 75 years. Toward this end the Contractor shall give special attention to
design and construction features relative to durability, including but not limited to, concrete mix
designs, soil corrosive properties, concrete cover dimensions, concrete placement densities, concrete
strengths and properties of structure flexibility.
Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the owner, through design and construction
submittals, supplemental studies, tests, quality control reports and inspections conducted by
Contractor, that the soil nail retaining wall system meets the requirements of the Contract Documents
and in particular paragraph 1.3 of this Section.
Provide submittals as specified herein. Design submittals shall be submitted to the Owner for review
and approval.
1.5.1 Engineer of Record
Prior to beginning any work, submit a copy of the letter of appointment to the proposed Engineer of
Record establishing his/her authority to act in this role.
1.5.2 Concept Design
Provide design documents and calculations detailing a basis of design.
, '/-
/ . Fox-Miller Property • MN File No. 5628
1.5.3 Design Development
Submit preliminary plans and design details including materials, dimensioned plans and draft
construc~ion specifications.
1.5.4 }. 00% design
100% Design Analysis
The 100% design analysis for the soil nail retaining wall structure system shall be in accordance with
the specified design criteria and in accordance with the Contract Documents. The calculations shall be
legible, orderly and easily understandable. All assumptions and references to codes, standards, criteria,
drawings, and computer outputs shall be noted as necessary. At9pmplete set 'of c·a1cb.lafio~ perfom1ed
by a structural engineer shall be submitted for review by the Owner. .
100% Design Drawings
Provi.de 100% soil mtjl retaiiring:'\y.an:;,system'pllins (1'''=30' scale, minimum). Provide structure
sections and details (l/2"=F::O;'sc~l'e;·ininimiIm). Show all details of preparation and construction .
100% Specifications
Provide 100% specification sections to specify the quality, characteristics, performance factors,
efficiency, installation procedures, testing and certification requirements for all aspects of the soil nail
retaining wall system.
1.5.5 Final Design
Final design drawings and specifications
Provide fmal design analyses, drawings and specifications in accordance with the review of the 100%
design submittals. Design analyses, Drawings and Specifications shall be stamped and signed by the
Engineer of Record.
1.5.6 Construction Submittals
Provide construction submittals as specified in the approved final design submittals. Construction
submittals shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer of Record and submitted to the Owner for
review. , ,
1.6.1 Permits and Licenses
The Contractor shall obtain all permits and licenses incidental to the work,2r made necessary by its
operations, and pay a:ll costs incurred by permit and license requirements except as follows:
a. The.owm:;r willipitiate the ,~l:lildingPermit applicf!,tion and process tl1e app~ication'th;rough·'the
city Of Ca:r'lsoa(t~iiirdirig Inspetfion D6paitmeilf up, to; .but not inchiding,' t11~ 'subriilttal' onhe
Final DesignAnaiyses, Drawings and'Specificationswhich aCre the'te'sponsibility ofthe
b. The Contractor shall submit the Final Design Analyses, Drawings and Specifications to the City
Building Inspection Department and provide additional processing as ma.y be necessary to obtain
the Building Permit for the Soil Nail Retaining WalL '
/ .-Fox-Miller Property MN File No. 5628
c. The Contractor shall pay the balance due on the Building Permit fee for the Soil Nail Retaining
Wall, and upon issue of the Building Permit·, the Owner will reimburse the Contractor the cost of
the balance due on the Building Permit fee.
1.6.2 Regulatow and Safety Requirements
Comply with Federal, State, and local regulations and the requirements of the Contract Documents.
1.6.3 Dust and Debris Control
Prevent the spread of dust and debris ap.d avoid the creation of a nuisance or hazard in the sUrrounding
areas. Control the use of water as may be necessary to avoid hazardous or objectionable conditions,
such as, but not limited to, flooding, or pollution.
1.6.4 Debris Containment
Provide positive means to contain debris from removals and waste from construction. Remove and
transport debris and ~aste materials in a manner that will prevent spillage onto adjacent pavements and
1.6.5 Facilities Protection
Protect all existing work including mechanical and electrical facilities and provide approved barricades
and temporary coverings where needed.
Except as otherwise indicated., the design and construction of the soil nail retaipin"g wall structure and
associated appurtenances shall meet the requirements ofthe Standard Specifications for Public Works
Construction (SSPWC).
2.1.1 Soil Nail Assemblies
Provide soil nail assemblies consisting of drilling holes in natural foundation materials, installing av.d
grouting steel bars in drilled holes, anchorage systems, and testing ors'oil nail assemblies in '.
conformance with the Plans and Specifications. The Contractor's Drawings and Specifications shall
contain all information required for construction and quality control offue soil nail retaining wall
system including at least the following:
a. The proposed schedule and construction sequence of the installation and grouting of soil nails and
constmction of reinforced concrete.
b. Complete details and specifications of the soil nail and the test soil nail, including encapSUlation
materials and methods of grouting the encapsulation, anchorage system, and type of packers or
other appropriate devices to be used to insure grouting oftest soil nails.
c. Grout mix designs and procedures involved in testing grout.
d. Grout placement procedures and equipment including minimum cure time.
e, Detafls of the equipment proposed for testing soil nails, including jacking frame and appurtenant
bracing, and method and equipment for'determining any displacement oftest soil nail relative to
the grout during application of test loads.
Fo?,-Miller Property MN File No. 5628
f. Infoffi'mtion on space requirements for instaUanon equipment with verification of its suitability for
the subject site.
g. Drill,ing methods and equipment.
2.1.2 Soil Nail Wall Earthwork
Provide earthwork consisting of excavating for soil nail wall and backfilling around completed soil nail
wall in conformance with the Plans and Specifications. The Contractor's Drawings and Specifications
shall contain all information required for construction and quality control of the soilnailretain:ing wall
system including at least the following:
a. The proposed scheduie and detailed construction sequence. Construction sequence shall include
measures to ensure wall and slope stability during all stages Of wall construction including
discontinuous rows of soil nails.
b. Methods of excavatio~ to the staged lifts indicated and types of excavation equipment.
c. Temporary shori~g plans.
d. Drilling methods and equipment including proposed drill hole size and any variation along the
e. Information on space requirements for excavation and installation equipment.
f. A detailed construction dewatering plan addressing all elements necessary to divert, control and
dispose of surface water and ground water.
g. Infonllation 011 provisions for working in the proximity of underground facilities.
2.1.3 Reinforced Concrete
Provide reinforced concrete consisting of base wall structure and outer wall structure, that along with
soil nail assemblies, will form an integrated 'soil nail retaining wall structure 'in conformance with the
Plans and Specifications. The Contractor's drawings and specifications shall·contain information
required for construction and quality control of the soil nail retaining wall system including at least the
a. The proposed methode s) of placing concrete, including equipment, application rates, details of
proposed construction joints and their iocations, and methods for achieving required thicknesses
and surface finishes.
b. Concrete mix designs and procedures involved in testing co~crete.
c. The procedures and materials for curing concrete.
d. In the case of shotcrete placement, require that nozzle operators have a mininmm of 3,000 hours
experience as nozzle operators on projects with a similar applicatiqn.
e. In the case of shotcrete placement, list the number and qualifications of nozzle operators available
to place shotcrete, the number of nozzle operators on site at all times during shotcrete placement,
description of their work schedule, and procedures for avoiding fatigue of any nozzle operator.
Fox-Miller Property MN File No. 5628
f. Require that all reinforcing steel and ferrous metal items have a clear conc.rete cover relative to
earth of no less than 3 inches and relative to outside surface of no less than 2 inches plus the
thickness of any surface texture or finish allowance.
g. Require that no less thap. 2 reinforced concrete test panels simulating the pr()posed constructiolJ. be
cOfiS'tru~ted and tested to demonstrate the efficacy of proposed matetials and placement methods.
These pap.els shall be made to be suitable to serve the function of verifying compliance with
Contract requirements including structural properties and architectural treatments.
h. Require an inspection and testing program for production c~ncrete to confirm concrete strengths
and other qualities for compliance with Contract Documents. Require no less than 3 core .samples
for each 300 square feet or portion thereof placed each day. .
. 2.1.4 Reinforcing Steel
Provide reinforcing steel bars meeting requirements of ASTM A 615 / A 615M Grades 60 and 75 or
ASTM A 706 / A706 Grade 60. Bars for soil nails shall be galvanized or epoxy co~ted.
2.1.5 Testing and Inspec~ion
The Contractor sliall provide all testing and inspection as may be necessary' to insure that the work is in
fhll compliance with Contract Documents. These tests and inspections shall be documented in reports
issued no less than weekly and submitted to the :engineer of Record for review and approval as well as
submitted to the owner for review.
Whenever these Specifications do not include or specify the method of measurement and payment for
work included in the Drawings andlor Specifications, and the Proposal and.Bid does not include pay
item( s) for such wQrk, payment for the work will be considered as included in the various pay items of
work involved, and no additional payment will be allowed therefor.
3.1 Measurement
a. Design Analyses, Drawings, Specifications and Bu~lding Permit procurement will be a lun'lp sum
item and will not be measured.
b. The area of the Reinforced Concrete Base Wall shall be the calculated area bounded by the fmish
grade and the top of the base wall, ;:lnd from the.beginning station to the ending station.
c. The area of the Concrete Outer Wall shall be the calculated area bounded by the finish grade and
the bottom of the concrete cap, and from the beginning station to the ending station.
d. The length of the Reinforced Concrete Cap shall be the calculated length of the vertical projection
of the cap from the beginning station to the ending station.
e. The length of the Chain Link Fence shall be the calculated length of the vertical projection of the
chain link fence from the beginning station to the endillg station.
3.2 Payment
a. The contract lump sum price paid for Design Analyses, Drawings, Specifications and Building
Permit procurement shall include full compel}Sation for furnishing all design, labor, materials,
tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in providing Design
Analyses, Drawings, Specifications and Building Permit procurement, complete as shown on the
plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and as specified herein.
/ Fox-Miller Property MN File No. 5628
b. The contract price paid per square foot for Reinforced Concrete Base Wall shall include full
compensation for furnishing all design, labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for
doing all the work involved in constructing the Reinforced Concrete Base Wall, complete in place
including earthwork, soil nail assemblies, test soil nail assemblies, concrete reinforcing steel,
concre~e base wall, and drainage system as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard
Specifications and as specified herein.
c. The contract price paid per square foot for Reinforced Concrete Outer Wall shall include full
compensation for furnishing all design, labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for
doing all the work involved in constructing the Reinforced Concrete Outer Wall, complete in place
including earthwork, concrete reinforcing steel, concrete outer wall, and architectural tre;atment as
shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and as specified herein.
d. The contract price paid per linear foot for Reinforced Concrete Cap shall include full
compensation for furnishing all design, labor, materials, tools, equip,ment, and incidentals and for
doing all the work involved in constructing the Concrete Cap, complete in place including
concrete reinforcing steel, and concrete cap as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard
, Specifications a~d as specified herein.
e. The contract.price paid per linear foot for Chain Link Fence shall include full compensation for
furnishing all design, labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work
involved in constructing the Chain Link Fen~e, complete in place as shown on the plans, as
specified in the Standard Specifications and as specified herein.
--End of Section --
List of items for inclusion in the project bid schedule are as follows:
1. Provide the Design Analyses, Drawings, Specifications and Building Permit
procurement for the soil nail retaining wall as indicated, for the lump sum price
Lump Sum Lump Sum = $ ___ _
2. Provide the Reinforced Concrete Base Wall Structure in the soil nail retaining
wall as indica~ed, fifteen thousand six hundred fifteen (15,615) squru;e feet for the
unit price of:
15,615 SF x $_, ___ $/Sf = $ ___ _
3. Provide the Reinforced Concrete Outer Wall Structure in the soil nail retaining
wall as indicated, fifteen thousand eight hundred seventy-five (15,875) square feet
for the unit price of:
15,875 SF x $ ____ $/Sf = $ ___ _
4. Provide the Reinforced Concrete Cap Structure on the soil nail retaining wall as
indicated~ five hundred twenty-fIve (525) linear fe~t for the unit price of:
525 LF x $ ____ $/LF = $ __ --'-_
5. Provide the Chain Link Fence on the soil nail retaining wall as indicated, five
hundred twenty-five (525) linear feet for the unit price of: '
525 LF x $ ____ $/LF = $_----'-__