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:0tech Geologic Environmental
5741 Palmer Way, • Carlsbad California 92008 • (760) 438-3155',,o FAX (760) 931-0915 1
April 13'-2004
W.0. 3459-B1-SC
Calavera Hills II, LLC '1
2727 Hoover Avenue.-`
National City, California 91950
Attention Mr. Dori-Mitchell
Subject Interim Report of Rough (Mass) Grading, Model Lots 43, 44, and 45,
Calavera Hills II, Village X, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Dear Mr..Mitchell * I
In accordance with your request and authorization, GeoSoils, Inc (GSI) is presenting this
interim report of rough grading Grading and processing of original ground within the
subject lots was observed and selectively tested byá representative of GSI during the L
earthwork phase of development for the subject-proper ty: The scope of our services
includes geotechnical observations during site ,grading, field density, and léboratory
testing, and preparation of this summary letter Unless specifically superceded in the text
'of this report,-the conclusions and recommendations presented in the referenáed reports
prepared by this office remain valid and applicable
The work performed to date is in general cOnformance with the recommendations
contained in our referenced report (GSI, 1999), and with the grading ordinance of the City
of Carlsbad, California. Field testing indicates -that fills "placed under the purview of this-
report have been cothpacted to a' minimum 90 percent relative compaction. Laboratory
testing performed to date indicates that the sübjèct lotshave a very low to low expansion
potential (Expansion index [E.l.] less than 50), in accordance with Table '18-I-B of the
Uniform Building Code ([UBC], International• Confereñäe of. Building Officials [ICBO],.
1997). Testing also indicates that ulfate exposure onall lotsis negligible, in accordance
with Table 1 9-A-4 of the UBC (ICBO, 1997) Based on the as-built conditions, foundation
systems may be designed and 'constructed in accordance with recommendations provided ,
in Table 1 and Table 2 of GSI (1999) for Category I orI(PT) rSoil conditions and GSI,
(2003b). 'A' final compaction report of rough grading and improvements construction,
including observations and testing resültsfor rough grading, utilities, and driveway/parking -
areas, and final 'foundation is recommendatiOns, iforthcorning.
- -
I' - '.•
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'• 4--
The conclusions and recommendations presented herein are professional opinions These
. : opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no
warranty is expressed or implied Standards of practice are subject to change with time
GSl assumes no responsibility or liability for work, testing, or recommendations performed
or provided by others, their inaction, or work performed without the benefit of geotechnical
observation and testing services by GSI 4
The opportunity to be of service is greatly appreciated If you have any questi ons, please
do not hesitate to contact any of the undersigned
4 Respectfully submifted
GeoSouls, Inc Reviewed by UCE 4I .di
d 4L
Engineering Geologist, CE • • Civil Engineer, RCE 4785 •
Distribution (4) Addressee
• . •.
. • .• •• • L, • .
. • •1'
• . . •
Caiavera Hills, LLC • • • .. ':.W.O. 3459-B-SC •
Village X,Caiavera Hills ii . • . . • • . . April 13, 2004 W
File: e:\wp9\34OO\345b1 .iro.x . . • • • Page 2 •
GeoSoils, Inc.
California Building Standards Commission, 2001, California Building Code, California Code
of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2, Adopted November 1, 2002
GeoSoils, Inc.,. 2.004a, Development criteria for Calavera Hills II, City of Carlsbad, San
Diego County, California, W.O. 3459-B1-SC, dated March 29;
2004b, Geotechnical review of documents, Village X of Calavera Hills II, Carlsbad,
San, Diego County, California, W.O. 3459-B1-SC, dated January 7.
2003a, Geotechnical plan review, wall construction plans for Calavera Hills II,
: Village X, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, W.O. 3459-Bi -SC, dated
December 23. .
. . .
2003b, Supplemental evaluation of allowable bearing value, Calavera Hills II, City
of Carlsbad,'San Diego County, California, W.O. 3459-B1-SC, .dated July. 1.
2002, Preliminary segmental retaining wall soil parameters andwall design criteria,
Calavera Hills II, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, W.O. 3459-Bi -SC,
dated November-27. . . . .
1999, Update of geotechnical report, Calavera Hills, Village X, City of Carlsbad,
California, W.O. 2751 -A-SC, dated October 22.
International Conference of Building Officials, 1997, Uniform building code
O'Day Consultants, 2003, Grading plans for: Calavera., Hills II, Village X, Carlsbad
Tract C.T..01-06, Job No. 9820, Drawing No. 405-4A, print date August 22.
Southern California Soil: and Testing, Inc., 1990i Interim report of geotedhnical
S investigation, Calavera Heights, Village W-X-Y, Tamarack Avenue and College
'. : Boulevard, Carlsbad, California, W.O.. 9021049, dated May 15.
: _____, 1984, Summary of geotechnical investigation for Lake Calavera Hills, Villages E-1,. •.
S ..
• E-2, H, K, L-2, L-3, 0, R, S, T, Uand W-X, Carlsbad, California, W.O. 14112, report
no. 6., dated August 6.
:. S S • S ••
GeoSoils, Inc.