HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 01-09; LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE COMMERCIAL; REVIEW OF SCALE MASS GRADING PLANS; 1990-12-17.4.' C-rQI•O' eotechnical 'Geologic • EnvironentaI 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad California 92006 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 9811-0915 / -December 17, 1990 W.O. 1047-SD M.A.G PROPERTIES 7690 El Camjnb Real, Suite 20 9 Carlsbad, California 92009 Attention:. Mr. Fred Morey Subject: Review of l"=40' Scale Mass G r a d i n g P l a n La Costa Town Center La Costa" Avenue and Rancho S a n t a F e R o a d Carlsbad,'California. Reference: "Prelimirary Geotechnical Stud y U p d a t e Parcels S.E. 13, and 25 Acres E a s t e r l y o f L a C o s t a Avenue' and Mission Esjancia, Là Costa City of', Carlsbad, California", by Ge o S o i l s , I n c . , d a t e d June 6, 1990. Dear Mr. Morey: As requested. by Rick Engin e e r i n g C o m p a n y , G e o S o i l s , I n c . h a s reviewed the 111=401 scale mass grading plans fo r t h e L a C o s t a Town Center. The purpose of this', review was to evaluate t h e e f f e c t s o f geologic and soil "engineer i n g c o n d i t i o n s o n t h e p r o p e r t y a n d proposed development; hs re v i e w i s b a s e d u p o n i n f o r m a t i o n presented in our referenced r e p o r t a n d t h e m a s s g r a d i n g p l a n s f o r La Costa Town Center, prepa r e d b y ' F i c k E n g i n e e r i n g C o m p a n y . Pertinent geotechnical data is p r e s e n t e d i n t h e r e f e r e n c e d r e p o r t and not included herein; t h e r e f o r e , t h a t r e p o r t s h o u l d b e RECEIVED .1 . 0CT 02 1097 1. N.A.G PROPERTIES DECEMBER 17, 1990 W.O. 1047-SD PAGE 2 utilized in conjunction with this review.-' Specific recommendations provided in this report supersede those presented in and referenced report. Other' rèco&inendations, not specifically discussed in this review are considered applicable. The sheet numbers related to herein are consistent with the numbering of the 12 sheets of the grading plans PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The subject site, roughly 75(±) acres in area, is proposed to be sheet graded for future commercial, development. : Mass grading plans indicate that the proposed development would consist of cut and fill sheet grading. to construct level building sites for further commercial development. All slopes are proposed :;.at .gradients of 2:1 or flatter. The basic grading concepts are similar to those indicated in our referenced :report. In the event that any significant changes in the design (as noted above) are planned, conclusions and recommendation contained in this review shall not be considered valid unless changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this report verified or modified in writing by this office. 4)S?ilc. Inc. M.A.G PROPERTIES DECEMBER 17, 1990 W.O. 1047-SD PAGE 3 CONCLUSIONS-AND RECOMMENDATIONS The, following-.items are significant actors' effeáting site development. As suggested in the previous report, these items are further discussed below. 1'. Claystones present in the southern portion of the site (near La Costa Avenue), •exhibit west and southerly bedding orientations which' would require stabilization in western and southern facing slopes. 2. 'The' need for subdrains in canyons, stabilization/buttress fill slopes and along 'the. clàystone/sandstOne 'bedrock contacts where buried by fill. Fill Slopes ' The highest proposed fill slope is approximately 40 (±) foot high and planned at a gradient of 2:1. This slope shown on Sheet 3 of the grading plans, as' well as other 'large fill slopes ranging from 15 to 4,0 (±) feet in height are to be constructed along the perimeter areas of the property. Typical keyways for interior slopes less 'than 20.. feet in height, are anticipated to be on the order of 12(±) feet wide-and 2 feet when excavated into sandstone or volcanic rock. Typical keyways for interior slopes less than 20 feet in height, are anticipated to be roughly 15(±) feet wide and 4 feet when excavated into GeóSoiis, Inc. M.'A.G PROPERTIES ' I DECEMBER 17, 1990 W.O. 1047-SD ' PAGE 4 claystone bedrock. Keys for perimeter gill slopes along 'La Costa Avenue,, would require larger (deepe'rj and, wider) keys due to proposed heights and claystones that 'are anticipated to be encountered in the keys. For example, perimeter fill slopes will require a key roughly 25 feet wide and 7 feet in depth for slope t heights over 20 feet. Perimeter slope keys, exposing volcanic rock a imo3 Perimeter slope keys for fill slopes on Sheets 6 and 9 are anticipated to expose volcanic rock. Typical stabilization type backdrains would be recommended for all perimeter fill slope keys. Cut Slopes Cut slopes are designed at gradients of 2:1 or flatter. The highest cut slope is approximately 30 (±) •foot high (see Sheet 7 of' the grading plans). Cut slopes • from '15 to 30 (±)' feet' in are proposed in the north and east portion of the development.. • Generally, the sedimentary' bedrock' units exhibit gentle (2 to' 5 (±) degree) dips to the west, and southwest. Stabilization of westerly and southwesterly facing cut slopes exposing sedimentary rock is anticipated. Specifically, the slopes on Sheets 3 and 4 of the grading plans are anticipated to require stabilization due to adverse bedding planes and exposure of a sandstone/claystone contact. • ffDn.cn;1 M.A.G PROPERTIES ' ' DECEMBER17, 1990. W.O. 1047-SD ' '' PAGE,' 5' Cut slopes 'exposing the contact between sedimentary." and volcanic bedrock may also require stabilization. The slope descending from the, proposed alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road "(Sheets 7 and 8)' is anticipated to require stabilization.. The cut portion of. the slope on' Sheet 6 is anticipated to, require stabilization as dlaystone bedrock may be exposed. from' Stations 151±. to .155±. Typically, 'stabilization fills should'$e a consistent width of at least 15 feet from tap to,bottoin. Stabilization fills' should. be provided with backdrainage as presented in the referenced report. Cut slopes exposing volcanic bedrock are not anticipated to require' buttressing 'r stabilization unless continuous .fractures or shears are 'encountered'.' 'Also, overb]iasting can weaken the rock material, necessitating stabilization. All cut slopes should be mapped by a geologist from this office during grading to 'allow for amendments to recommendations, should exposed conditions warrant alteration of the 'design on stabilization. Subdrainage Placement of subdrá.i'nsshou1d ,be evaluated during grading; however subdrains should.,-.be anticipated in all canyon cleanouts and stabilization/buttress' fills slpes exceeding 8 feet' in height prior 'to placing fill. Drains are also anticipated in all perimeter fill'slope keyways. All drains should be observed by a GeoSoils, Inc. M.A..G PROPERTIES ( DECEMBER 17, 1990 W.O. 1047-SD PAGE 6 geologist from this office during grading to allow for amendments to recommendations, should exposed çonditions warrant alteration of the design •on stabilization. / Due to the potential for groundwater accumulation and migration along sandstone/claystone contacts, drains are also anticipated along this.contact to drain the impermeable claystone. Subdrains should be constructed in accordance with designs presented in Appendix II of the referenced report. Detentiàn/Desilting Basins Review of the mass grading plans indicate that the basins will be constructed in close proximity •to fill slopes. It is our • understanding that these basins are permanent structures. We recommend therefore, that the detentiorjdesi1ting basins be lined with either concrete or other impermeable material to hinder the migration of water in the subsurface. • CeóSoIls, inc. M.A.G PROPERTIES DECEMBER 17, 1990 W.O. 1047-SD PAGE.7 If you should have, any questions regarding this review or if we may' be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, ' GeoSoils, Inc. NA 104 p ' /' Vit'hya SJ4-ighane, .GE 782 st. ' Geothchnial Eng'ineer' V/i=J 1142 Princiál Geoiogi ' EPL/ VS/TEN/inc / cc: (2) Addressee ' (l) Rick Engineering, Mr. Ray Martin (1) Rick Engineering, Mr. Norm Arandt '(1) Rick Engineering,,.Mr. Dennis Bawling GeoSoils, Inc. GeoSoils, Inc. TABLE. OF CONTESTS SITE DESCRIPTION PROPOSED DEVELOP4ENT.. ....................... FIELD EXPLORATION 0 EARTH MATERIALS Dump Fill ........................... Artificial Pill ......................... Topsoil .. ....................... - Alluvium •. ....................... Bedrock - Delmar Formation.................. Bedrock - Lusardi. Formation ........... Bedrock -. Santiago Peak Volcanics .............. GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE .......................... GROUNDWATER FAULTING AND REGIONAL .SEISI4ICITY LABORATORY TESTING .. . Field Moisture and Density Laboratory Standard Expansion Tests .. . Shear Test .......- Sulfates CONCLUSIONS EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS.......... . ......... Rock Hardness •. ... Claystones . . .. . . ................ Fill Suitability :.• .................. Natural Slopes Cut Slopes Fill Slopes ........................ Existing Fills Perimeter Fill Slope Keys ................ Removals Shrinkage - Bulking ......................... Su.bdrainage ........................ Fill Placement . ................. Piping Potential and Filter Blankets . ....... LotCapping .......................... Foundation Recommendations PlanReview ...................... LIMITATIONS . . . . . ................... GeoSoils, Inc. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 13. 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 25 26 27 27 28