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• eTO/-II HYDROLOGY & HYDRALIC CALCULATIONS PREPARED FOR: GARmELDCONDOMllaUMS 3416 GARFIELD ST. .", CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 PREPARED BY: LA COSTA ENGINEERING 2382 Camino Vida Roble, Ste.L Carlsbad, CA 92009 · , , : h I; r I 'I, i . ! f RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS (RATIONAL ~1ETHOD) LAND USE Coefficient, C Soil Group (1) A B) C 0 -Undeveloped .30 .35 .40 ·15 Residential: Rural .30 .35 .40 .45 Single Family .40 ,4~ .50' .55 ~lulti-Units .45 .50 .60 @. Mobile Homes (2) .45 '.50 .55 .65 Commercial (2) .70 .75 -:' .80 .85 80% Impervious I-ndustrial (2) .80 .85 .90 .95 90% Impervious NOTES: (1) Obtain soil group from }Ilaps on file with the Depart;men-t of Sanitation and Flood Control. (2) Where actual conditions deviate signifiqantly from the tabulated imperviousness values C?f 80% or 9'0%, the values given for coefficient C, may be revised by multiplying 80% or 90% by 'the ratio of actual imperviousness to the tabula~ed imperviousness. However, in no case shall the final coefficient be less than 0.50. For example: Conslder commercial property on D soil group. Actual imperviousness = 50% Tabulated impervious,ness = 80~~ Revised C = jg. X 0.85 ='O,~53 APPENDIX IX ::: ", '/ I ____ A=~ __ -------- f'·.:~" t .• ..: .. ·~..:..c ~~.~.~~ :; ~: .... :':,J \ ">':~Wi2tmti&&¥#jj bi 'E'~ ". ·COUNTY OF SAN UAhYV ·DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION & FLOOD CONTROL' . . . . ··lOO-YEAR .. 24~~IOUfl' pnEGIPITATIOr~ :d\ ~\ t;'j ~.: P-ol ..... i -..., (Xl. V1', : ~ : ': I . ;, . r20J ISOPLUVIALS 45 1 . PRECIPITATION IN 30' 151 33· , . 45' P ........ d by U.S. DEP ~ . NATIONAL OCEA~IC AND AT:.iOSPtl£RIC AO,.UN1STRATlON ~ I SPECIAL STUOI.ES BRANCH, OFFICE Of" IItOROLOOV, NATlONAL' WEATHER SERVICE '"(j: tttl @\ 30' I-\! x: , :~: I.. ., nU- I: v.J ::C' 115' 30· .. · .. 151 100 -YEAR 24-HOUR IS Of. AN INCH 117· li!i • )0·'· . 15' .. · 116" -------.-.-~-..... -' -----.-- . Revise.d 1/85. APPENDIX XI-! :.:'~~' .. ,;. ."') ~I c! ~., H-! (II: c: p..! .... : ........ 00; til: . " i ?d: DEPARTMENT. OF SANITATION 6- F.l.O~D. C?W.R.0~.. ..: '. "..':' 45 1 33°: ! .. 4~ 1 I a,r ~ r" "MV~ [I -V' ...... II ,,, I . I , \ 'I' " \ f' =1-;J _ -J ~ Ii DIEGO 7~ ~n. 1. ,."""\:. , T '( , \ ( U.S~ DEPARTMENtr OF COMMERCE NATrONAL OCEANrc AND AT:.iOSPHERrc ADr.UNrSTRATlON - "'d: tIl Z SPECJAL STUDrES BRANCH, OFFJ~E OF JltOROLOOY, NATJONAL WEATHER SERVICE; S >< ><.'" ..... ',. I . . tr:\ .. ··'1 ........ 30' i _. . I .t.u -4.UrVwwvv.",. vt------·...J-I -----4---~ 118' 45 1 30 1 15' 117° '45 1 30 1 151 116° . R~vised 1/.85 .' "..... . ."," -...... .. . '" ..... APPENDIX XI-E z. .• ~4&"'~:~J:':''''''''''''~~':.¥'-'J.Il:~'~ "'!"'U-... ,· •• '.n .• ~. ~:''';''l''''lUJ._ = Du!~tion (Min.) m Directions for Application: 1) From precipitation maps detennine 6 hr. and . ·2) 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These'maps are printed in. the County Hydrology Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in the Design and Procedure Manual). . Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not applicable to Desert). e ± 13) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side Draw a line through the point parallel to the NI i'J' ~-Tl--,-T~I~~'I'I g pf the chart. ··.I.::I-T.': ~ ... ::'q'l:t: '1'11 WII' . tm~~I.'i'l;II!f1II.U'llnHI1~I'i:~ -N:i-..: .. ~:r:I:·: .... 1' if' 11;1 "1 "_.," -.. " . fN-. . t~ 'io. t I'! II J ~~I[~I . ~Irs o~. I· .,. R .... .... II !II '"0 14) -. ~--}' t-·· 4 iii ~. '1 IS' I H ~ 11 1 '----....;! !" . . . 'I-'l.. "1 .' .--'1'1' -. -... . r\ . I'l" I iW l II . .. -.... ~ .. , ill ~ f -=~".:~~.~r-'" '." .·I.~. I I .·~11I ~ \..L."I·:"I~ :~;:,:~II tjp~· .. . . ' j I ~"" J 11M Il· ~J I IIII m IIJ I ftfi-!-I I Nt:::·,:; :!II •. ;;:, . <5.1. Th; .s,l.ln.e <.is th~ 1 ~tens i ty~du:at1 O~ •• c.u.:~~, ~or .. 1. ,,-~-:-.. ~L . 1-', . .1,1.. <11 )II'! [ ,tj\li li 11'~~I-::;~: .L-!; .. -',.'; . '~';~:'I'" 'I.~,,~ •• _~i .. O,.! .. DI~i\'i rit·~·~kt.:the+lo.catlon,:·b"el ng~:ian~a;Y,7.ed·~f.-\~{'/it'>ii:;~tN~~'~a~'·'ll~·,<o(':~~.'·.>" I i II 0 . ·1' i~1~11!1 tIl" .. IIII~-' :'~"'.'j 0':--,' [ tJN!"!I···~'d"IJ;Tf£f0'!"f .. :~!1h.,~." .. ~":\I!""":~'0'~?"""~"":"'·''f ... l:.'':;-llf~~",:.,.w~~.ry~~t.r:ii:f.'~:rfi:{~·"" ~'~~loi>~~~ plotted lines. 9 ._ ...... _.,,-_. 'm~"!' .--. 11,_:OOts;--'·""",.:rI· 'r"~ .,:).;> .' '" •... .•.• ·'·· ... 1··" ·.01·.· ... ,'.·,· .. " •. ·,.·,'_., ') , • .,. I.' ". .I·I~ ~.1.1N'J11'~1.5 0 0 , ,8 1-0--:-.--:--F "..' . t 1· . . t-=:-·:-t: t-.J-:.. 1~.""~·~, 'LI'II N'.' "I!~! • ::s · :. ".:.... .I.'. .... l':o I • • . '~"'. :I.~~ ·l~ I.. ,·I,.'1't4 5 .7,,':. :';;:'.~:':,,:.::':: ',' . :. . ql't~~'§f:"~~<'~lsrrI4~mu"~i'~4:0~ Application Form: 6 .• . ...... ., . . • •••• •. "r I J I I I 3 5 n - --. 1-' ... . • . .. . -.. . . . . . . ... _.. . i' . ,. II' :::r . 00 -::-':. :: ':'.' ::::.'.~:' .. :' ..... ::: . ~":':::.:,:",~~,,: ~I/Il~" ~ 0) Selected Frequency / yr • .s -:.-_.' . ....... _.. . . . . ,-' I.... -. --•. • • • I ~3 • 0 \n . · . ._,,, '" .. .' . __ .-:.-.. -... ,T' -", r:" * · ..... ,,,. • ••••• .", •. • •• :-. _.,--' -. • .. • -c..;:) ,; ~ :; ~I~~~ :~~;:::::' '. ;:: :'; . . ~~~~:~~~~, ;~;,~Ij \lm~.5 1) P6 - . in •• P24= 4.0 ':6 = '=>3 %*. ~ =::: .::t::.:: :-: -. ~ .;:-.;: .. : .... : '. :; ,-.' :. '. .::: '~Poo.." -:. :-:..-• , ~'::: •. ~. I [I 2 0 ) . ~ ~4 ..... --'''' ---.. -. .. . .••. .. -. . .. . __ I~~-1::.:" •• !'oJI· I •. 2 AdJusted *p = "2..::J 1n './I ,3 ~~: -'::: :. ~ : -~~. " -. ~: .: .. . . 1=':' -.... -' -_ .. :. ~. . . -rft' 6" CD' .-., -." --I-. . .. .. . . • '. -f-,-I--I:'~" . ... 11- ........ ~-I-1--. "'. •• ., • . ___ .. , " I 0.. '= -= ..:.,~ .: ::.:.::.:::. .... '. . -..... . . . . t: 1-'" -\0-:. :1'-... --''-:":.l 1 • 5 3 ) t = I 0 mi n • 1 ..... - . -•.• _. ~. ....:. . 1-1-1--' . -" . .' _. I c . c;.e:E l#J'bI\l'!>OJ'r1... ~,2 1-'1-1--"1-•• . .. ,,-•. . _ • . . '. t' 4) I = 4, 'Z.. i n/hr. . AICl.EA O\w:..s I> " " 11 ~f-I-' " . . ""'. . :ID 1.0 *Not Applica.ble to Desert Region l-f-t:t=i+J:r. -H-H-H+H++H·· 3 -1 >< I-f-t-t--H-I--f-H-I 111111 I I I I I II I I I H+H'" 1I1111111-H I I I I I I I II H-H+H+1+1tt1l Itlllfllt-t-1-1 I I I I I I III 1-1 ....... .. j .1 I .I I "'I' ""111'11'11'1'111 11"1'L.III'lI~III!!I!III!III'I ! II '! "#,'1'1/1"'11 j,. 10 15 20 Mi'mtp~ 30 40 50 1 2 Hours 3 4 5 6' ",. Revised 1/8S' APPENDIX' XI-A IAI 1M AIL Wa p ILA <CO~A ENGliNIEERllrNl(G; 1950 KelLOGG AVE. CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 TEL760-931·0290 FAX 438·5251 EMAIL: Icen~r@connectnet.com CIVIL -STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL-PETROLEUM IA'-~ ~ ~( n~ J ~""- ti. .. ". ~ tz: ! / ......... c~\" r5'A-'~ . {f-- ~d6 PA-I~: A b .... ' ~'> r ~L. op.. .l>v... ~\~ r§ ~~ I t ~I IJt I..{~ '" "- t\. I:)'tt . ~ ;c,,," ~ . t(t.,o ~t-lc; ClIENT ____________ --=:!:=--_________________ _ JOB ______________________________________ __ CALCULATED By ________________ DATE _________ ~_ CHECKED By _________ DATE ____________ _ SCALE ____________________ SHEET NO ~ OF __ _ .-0 ( ~ eli ~ ( III I~ h.0, ).5; o. bs-A-c I .... 4. l!-e... :::. ~.! 0 ~ 1(. 10 l(~ .c\ r o. os:\ ,.. O. \~ .... c, ~ - (9 .\'G \4-(, J: -::..4 ."t t.~ O. ~5' le'M p~ lJ.\ 1(. , ~\ [, t\( b.," ~ .. cD .~( " ..... 4-. Cf'. £; .0 ~Ik .. :r:: :.4 .Z C O. 7'0 19= 1[. 10\ /4 ,,\1 0.0 1}= ' {10.J ~Ci f;s b.D !S'/rl. ..., ...... fk~ '::0 O. ~ " "'1M PSI'I . ~\ - ,f\ .. ( rn~\ 1 ILl. 1.,\ I 0.0 ~\ F L ,'7.;( L..f'" '"' r'v v ~ ~ "'~ W ~I: f\..~ " 'pJ3 ~() ~ ~ f..~ 1€e1 ~ ~ I> )-~ ( J~ filS Il-~ n. \~( ~ re"l ~ IN ~ .~. ",u ~ 'tG" l' 0 M ~Pl ~~j J. , '" r. ~ QAt fJlt( llf" .,. ,f, """u Jl-i.Jl.S tA ( £) 't<:: ,\fIl. ~:t" .. \{ 1)..0 "-on.A-tJl+ ill1 V /W~ .:t-A Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel -Uniform flow Worksheet Name: GARFIELD TM Comment: 4" PVC FLOW TO VAULT Solve For Actual Depth Given Input Data: Diameter ......... . Slope ............ . Manning's n ...... . Discharge ........ . Computed Results: Depth ............ . Velocity ......... . Flow Area ........ . Critical Depth ... . Critical Slope ... . Percent Full ..... . Full Capacity .... . QMAX @.94D ....... . Froude Number .... . 0.33 ft 0.0200 ft/ft 0.012 0.20 cfs 0.20 ft 3.60 fps 0.06 sf 0.25 ft 0.0114 ft/ft 61. 92 % 0.28 cfs 0.31 cfs 1.52 (flow is Supercritical) Open Channel Flow Module r Version 3.12 (c) 1990 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 1 Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel -Uniform flow Worksheet Name: GARFIELD REAR YARD Comment: 411 PVC FLOW AT REAR YARD Solve For Actual Depth Given Input Data: Diameter ......... . Slope ............ . Manning's n ...... . Discharge ........ . computed Results: Depth ............ . Velocity ......... . Flow Area ........ . Critical Depth ... . Critical Slope ... . Percent Full ..... . Full Capacity .... . QMAX @.94D ....... . Froude Number .... . 0.33 ft 0.0100 ft/ft 0.012 0.15 cfs 0.21 ft 2.57 fps 0.06 sf 0.22 ft 0.0092 ft/ft 64.45 % 0.20 cfs 0.22 cfs 1.06 (flow is Supercritical) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.12 (c) 1990 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 / \ \ \ \ ,,?:i ,/ / ~ / ,/ / ~ '5' .... / \ ~ <::-~ \ // ."# ~ / / / / ~\\\\ / / G ~~'~~A ~ ,,<6 <;'~.z, -? \ ~ -\ \ 1. -0 \\ , ~~\\ 0; \,. <0 0 \, 0' >. \ ~\ .~ \ (,\, 5. ASS[SSOR PAK< G. PROJeCT DATA. ReSIDeNTIAL' ~ 05' .... 7. UTILITIES' W, '9"~ SE EL ~ TE ~ 8. SCHOOLS' Ct q. THE SeWeR srs AND RICHT -OF-\ \ CONSTRUCTE:D I~ SPeCIFICATIONS THe SAN DleCO CONSTRUCTION 10. DATE OF PREPA 11. CRADINC' A~/ A/\\i5'~~~O~ \ e / / / / / / / /~ '" / .~ <::-~ / /(1)") SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY TOP06RAPfIY 5/IOi'lN ON mESE PLANS HAS GENERATED BY STD. SECTION B - B ..9 Tva Q"r"k'VAon c.~r