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Prepared for:
Wavecrest Resorts II, L.L.C.
829 Second Str~ Suite A
Encinitas,. CA 9Z024
"" i
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Construction Site Description
Responsible Party
. Implementation Schedule
Availability ..
Required Changes
Source Identification fA. ~'\ _____ ~,~e-\ oil-f:>..'\"\hc..~ Go
(flGUiUi"i~ITE MAP c!0lYtft'ANr co~~n:;:;"tO!!"!"L~~~RA~·~~:~~C~ES~>-
. (i)
Known Toxic Materials
Practices to Minimize Contact of Construction with Stonn Water
COnstnlction Material Loading, Unloading and Access
Preconstruction Control Practices
Equipment'Stotage, Cleaning and Maintenance Areas
Methods of'On-site Storage and Disposal of Construction Material
Nature ofFill Material and Existing Soils
POLLUTANTS OTHER THAN SEDIMENT ON CONSTRUCTION SITES /JrtO Be~T Ml'flllt6"CMIDIi t>~I'r<-'\lt.~) ~\""' ~~, ItMf"\~ POI< ~H ()D..,"-Lii"",r,.
(i) Solvents
(ii) "Metals
(iii) Petroleum Products
(iv) Plated Products
(v) Asphalt/Concrete
(vi) Hazardous Substances
(vii). Paints
(viii) Treated Wood Products
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4. Required Changes
a. The disc~arger shall ~end ~e Swppp whenevCt: there is a c~~e in
construction or operations which may affect the discharge of Significant
quantities of pollutants to surface waters, ground waters, or ~ muni~ipal
'separate storm sewer system. The SWPPP should also be ameilded if it is
in violation of any conOition of this general penirlt or has not achieved the
general objective of reducing pollutants in storm water discharges.
b. The Regjonal Water Boar~ or local ~ency with the concurrence of the
Region81 Water Boar~ may require tlie discharger to amend the SWPPP.
5. Source Identification
'.flie'SWPPP s~: provide a d~cription of potential sources which are lpcelY to add sl~ficant quanti~es of pollutants to ~orm water ~ discharges or .wbi~h max. result m non-stopn water discl¥1rges from cQ.~~ ~ the co:pstruction site. The SWPPP shall mclude, at anurumum, the ~ \) ~ ~€'" following items: .
f ~:~.) ___ ------==~~~~~~7~_~---,----------------------__ _
Q A map ~endin& ippt:oximately one-<i!Jarter mile b~yon~the property boun . ~~ ~ qf the ~nstruction sl~e showmg: tlte construptlon Site, sUrface. water ~es ~ , 1 (inC?ludmg known S}?pI1gs anet wetlanas~l1, kn9wn !{ells" an outlme of off-Site
>c_\ ¥~ ,tol Y I,) " drainag~ .areas. ,~t (Jj~bar..ge I~O the constru~on Site, g~~ tdpography, and
"I'" I the anpclp.ated', dischatge"IOcatlOn(S) where the construtiion site's storm water
/..-(-.,,, , di~cbatge~ to a municip8} storm s~W.er or 9ther water b,?~y. The requirement~ of ~ , ' this par~lWh may. he lDcluded m ~the site map reqwroo un4~· the foUowm paragrwli uJippropnate. ' " '~'
The det~rmination of whether wetlands exist' shall be made by the person who
prepares,the SWPPP and shall not be binding upon any other persO,n. ~-_~.
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N~~:~'::e;ttY-~:ignated for soil and waste stor:;;:> W~~
\fJrlfrT \ ~ ~.\) -RE;S'PCNS c:
iii. Areas of cut and fill I
/ W~1 ~' gG' 1"b 0 \
, ~ ~~\o-~O lL-M"S '
\Teas of cut and fill aa shown on the Gradin resion ControI,4,sftciscape Plans for ' I'\~
aguna Point, ~~, 9'~a,llilbad dramiA8 AlIAWili ~~. I w\-tA-'i ~ (;t;)IJ'MrJ-<..~
~(....·('\L'S r.b~ tiJ 'i /,.., '-"" '? \JJ . ,
" \ IV. Drainage patterns and slopes anticipated after major 'gr~ding activities
, are completed; . I ~"
, ,
Drainage patterns and slopes anticipated after major gra<Ung activities are completed,
are shown on the Gradin~~sion Controll:btRtl8e8p8All8B~ for Laguna Point,
.€it)o "H'.rlobad dmving mnnbsa: T!l.0:'-~"'6\"1'\. '"MI) . S"e<-,.,.,.. "'.,.. NJ~
[C) Nt (t1lV P"~"i' t~ r ~ ~ ifjp.,~,~ '2:: &1 H G ''t Q,J)'Tf. .. Jc.J',.r;,J' ? )
Areas of soil disturbance; /' v.
Areas of soil disturbance are shown as the areas of cut and fill on the GradinglErosion
, ControlJLaftdseape PIGS for Laguna Point, City..9fCadioad QJ;awiRg Ba,ma,et . Tru:> CZljJf\~4 v 7 " ,',
'C:\My Docinm:nts\lS2.10SWP.doc
SUlface water locations are shown on the SWPPP Site Plan (See attached)
vii. Areas of potential soil erosion where control practices will be used during construction;
Areas of potential soil erosion where control practices will be used during construction are sJtown on
. the 'Gradin~rosion Contr0Ift.:s"seaf'e :WmtS"for Laguna Point, €i*, of €atlsbad thawing Immber.
p3;Q. .. -: .
viii. Existing and planned paved areas and buildings;
The Improvements at Laguna Point will include the construction of multiple IndustriaVOipce '.. '}:~ ~
bui1dings with the associated parkin~ lots. . 'pi:> ~ ~
i Locations of post-construction control practices.
~"\M ~~~
Post coDstruction practices shall include revegetation of erodible slopes and ~s~il fii~
" ;. -; . ~_T"''''''''
x. outline of the drainage area for each on-site storm water discharge point;
:\My Documeots\lS2.10SWP.doc
The drainage area for the on-site stonn water discharge points are shown on'the
GradinglErosion Contro1/I ,apdfQ&J98 Plans for Laguna Point, ~f
Carlsbad chawtfig Qilmher .'l'YD. ,
I f· Vebicle storage and service areas; and
\ '
fere will be ~eas designa~ed for vehicle storage or service. These areas must be identified by' the
ntractor dunng constructIOn. ' '
I r· Area of existing vegetation. .. . I
' ',oft..
,osting vegetation arid landscaping will be either protected in place ~temoved and replaced per the
adinglErosion ControV .l",msseal'e ~~ for Laguna Point, ~ gf Car1sh&.g.gn~.4ftg lla~~ JiID.
ToXic material,S that are known to have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled, or l~aked in
significant quantities'onto the construction site;
Neither Partners Planning and Engineering, Juc or Laguna Point are
aware of any significant quantities of toxic materials known to have been treated,
stored; disposed, spilled or leaked at thiS"'construction site.
. "
ii. Prictices to minimize contact of construction materials, equipment, and vehicles with stOrin .
, .
. . The following practices will minimize contact of construction ~ateriil1s, equipment,
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and vehicles with storm water:
• .All contractors will be provided with a storage yard in which to park vehicles
at night and on non.:.working days.
• Co~ction ~at~als ~Ibe stored in the storage area 'proVlde<fWiiil such'
materials are needed on-site.
• Storage areas willbe ~~closed V{ith t~porary fenci~g:whm:e.pr~cal.
Runoff From s1;(>rage areas will be controlled to prevent silt and debris from
entering the storm dram system. .' ~" .. .
• Good housekeeping practi:ces, will b~ employed to:
• cover and store materials; where practical
• minimize contact with rainfall Qr runoff
• minimize waste
• dispose of waste properly and recycle, where possib.le
iii. Construction materialloading~ unloading, and access areas;
Construction material should be loaded and unloaded-as needed at the construction. site in areas
wJpch' have minimal storm run.,on. Any spillage which.occurs during transfer will be cleaned up
immediately. Each contractor and subcontractor is encouraged to bring to the job site only the .
material to be used that day. Large material items Will be placed adjacent to their installation' points
so as to. minimize handling. '. ' ..
v. . Preconstruction practices. (if any) to reduce sediment and other pollutants in storm
water disch~ges;
"Entry to, and exit from the site will be restricted to proposed accesses. Vehlcle wheels will ~e GO..!) V \ .
. washed as they exjt the s~te and street surfaces will be cleaned·. of visible dust and sand. . .'" $rPte\~'''fl) t.orJOOIt(.."t\~~ ~ll~ "-J\l,..v '* It'~~ /'f'f '~r Of ~tI(JW ,/oICft-C})
Detail drainage drawings·have.been prepared by Partners" Planning and Engineering, Inc. ~ Eo ,AiSJ.
to meet local agent requirements. The City of Carlsbad is the lopa! agency responsible for the
administration of grading and erosion control plans through their land development pemiit
process. The basic requirement and recommendations of the local land development ordinance
are considered a part of the proyisio~s of this SWPPP.
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• I
v. Equipment storage, cleaning, and maintenance areas;
I quipment storage, cleaning, and maintenance areas will be designated for the duration of
opnstruction. Equipment used for the gra~ and construction operations may be stored on-site.
Elach contractor and subcontractor will be provided with a yard for, material and equipment storage.
)JI debris and waste from the contractors'cleaning and,maintenance operations will tie properly
d sposed of. Good housekeeping practices will be employed at these sites ~d the ~ites will be
iJ spooted regularly using the checklists mcluded in this SWP~P.
E outine and emergency vehicle maintenance is expected to occur on-site when necessary; ,
I quipment storage, cleaning, and maintenance operations will be limited to a designated aiea,
v fu.en possible.
As mentioned above, each contractor and subcontraCtor should be pr<?vided with a yard for material
and equipment storage. All paints and solvents are'required to be, stored inside a roofed and
lockable'storage container. The contractor or subcontractor is responsible for following
maIWfacturer's directions for the disposal of unused products. '
vi. Methods of on-site stotage and disposal of construction materials; and
Construction materials to be disposed of will be placed in dumpsters or other'receptaCles; or
designated storage areas ~ppropriate for the waste matePal at the' end of each working day .
The contractor and' Subcontractor will take all necessary and proper precautions to protect adjacent
property owners ftom any' or all damage that may occur from stom water ru:noff and/or deposition
of debris resulting from any and all work in, conjunction with conStruCtion acCording to the grading
vii. The nature of fill material and existing d~ describing the soil on the construction site .
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. '., . c po')'(". .
. Se.\\.,.rI (..,U1') ~~ ftv\l . ." pOJ;"'\V>r~wo' 11:f1~ ~~st ofpo~ut:mt~ (othertban .~ity§t)~t are likely to be p~esent,in.Storm Wtter . . -+ a~,..~{1c."-)
dIScharges m &gIlifittni 111I&II.tltleS. Descqb~~e control practices~niOiii IteM, (J . .
below) appropriate to reduce these pollutants in the storm water di,scharges, . ,
Potential pollutants othertban sedi:q1ent.associated wi~ 9on~cti.on activity, as'
specified on tbeNOI incl~de solvents, m~ ~l~m.prQ<bi~, .plated
products, asphalticoncrete.,ha:zardQus '~bstan~, paints, treated woOd products
and other products typically associated with construction sites. These materials
can be classified into ~do~s, solid,. and liquid wastes.lIazafflQUS wastes
&.--r-include, S91vents, m., petrQChemicals (oils, gasoline, asphalt degreaser, ~c.)
pesticides, (insecticides, fungicide~ herbicides, rodenticides, etc .. ), and other
construction chemicals such as concrete products, sealer, paints, and wash water
associated with these products. Other wastes include paper, wood, garbage,
sanitary wastes, and fertilizer. " . '" .
~ ~. -,
Practices must be used to pr~vent these'potet¢i.al pollqtants,;fi:oro leaYi:ng ~e .. construction
site and;'developed site .. Pollutants such as oU$;.waxes, andw~~~-W~lubI~ .
. ' :pesticides, form 'surface films on water and"solid p~cle$. "M~, oil film~;,serve .
c.---r as' a medium for concentr~g water-soluble . insecticides. Other than by use of
very costly water-treatment facilities oJ; long rwioffwater detention periods;
these ·pollutants become nearly i~possible ~o .controlonce preseIrt,in ~e runoff.
, ' ~.,. -::.,~ .t':.'" .
The inost economical and effective controls fOI;,~ll~ts other than sediment generated
~ o~ construction sites, ~ the' exercise of good "ho~ekeeping" practices, and an
awareness' by construction workers,·. planners,. engtneers, and dev~lopers of the .
need and purpose of complianCe with federal, state,. and l~regul~ions.
Procedures must be.established to protect .ponds, wetlands, ]ak~ streams. from qamage
~y sediment. and other pOllutants· generated during construction actiVities. The
variety of pollutants and the severity of the damage caused depend upOn a' .
number of factors, including: . .
• The nature of'the 'construction activity.
.. The physiCal characteristics of the construction site, including weather, time' of .
year for construction, topography, soil conditions, drainage systems, etc.
• . The proximity, quantity, and quality of the receiving waters (i.e. the amount and
purity of the water receiving the contaminated ru:noft).
The physical characteristics of the construction site have a.significant impact on the . . .
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I, "
I f
potential discharge of pollu~ts from construction activities. As with sediment,
the vast majority of all pollutants are earned into the r~ving waters Via storm
runoff. The amount of runoff coming from a.construction ·site is dependent upon
hydrologic factOTS. These include the amount, intensity, and frequency of
rai:pfall; the infiltration rate of the soil; surface roughness; and the length and'
steepness of the groUnd slope. Large areas which have been denuded or stripped
of vegetation, long slopes, steep slopes, compacted solls, and high intensity
"-#.~. _an are all factors conducive to increased runoff.
The following information summarizes the nature and control of various construction-
relating pollutants, other than sediment. JtJ-t..t.v()Z po')r' Cy"jv~~IJ,J ( ,
Construction activity often uses solvents for de-greasing and cleaning machinery and
machinery parts. For roofing activity, residual tars and sealing compoUnds, spent
solvents, kerosene, and soap cleaners may be produced. for sheet metal activity, small
quantities of acid and solvent 'cleaners such as .kerosene, metal shavings, adhesive
residues md enamel coatings may be produced. Solvents which .become waste material
are classified as dangerous waste. . .
Recommended Control Best.Management Practices (BMPs): Solvents. and solvent-
associated wastes will: 'be stored in containers. The following practices:apply to
containers which are(stored'outside in a temporary storage areaJ~tJo ~ v}£(t) o? '1).(€
jo\,.. ... €NT~ ~
• Dumpsters used to store items avoiding transfer to a landfill should be·placed in a
lean-to structure. Dumpsters should· be in good . condition Without corrosion or
. leaking ~eams.
• . If waste container drums are kept outside, they must be, Stored in a lean-to type
structure to prevent;rainfall contact with the.drums. " .
• Garbage dumpsters.should be replaced if they are,·deteriorating to th~ point where
leakage is occurring and should be c()vered to prevent stOflll water, entering ..
• Use noncaustic detergents for parts cleaning.
• Use detergent-based or water-based cleaning systems in place of orgaruc solvent
de greasers. Wash water may ,require treatment before it can he discharged to the
sewer. '
• Replace ~hlorinated organic solvents (l,l,l~trichloroet:haJle, methylene chloride,
etc,) with nonchlorinated splvents. Nonchlormated solv;ents, such as kerosene or
niliteral spirits, are less toxic and less e~nsive to dispose' of. Check the list of
active ingredients to see whether it contains ~hlorinated solvents. (The "chlor"
tel'ID; indicated that the solvent 'is chlorinated.)
• Choose cleaning agents that can be recycled
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, . (viii)
'0, "
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• ~"
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. ' ;::"".,.'.
Painting contractors will generate paint and other finishing residues, spent th4mets;' at:J.d
pan"t cOntainers. Paint is a chemical pollutant containing hazardous metallic plgthents or
biocides and is carried by sediment and runoff from construction sites. .
Recommended Control BMPS: A large percentage' ofthispallutant can be etfeQtively
Controlled through implementation of source control soil erosion and se4ime~tation
control practices. As in the case of other pollutants, good housekeeping is the most
important means of controlling pollution.
The correct method of' waste disposal varies with the material. Wash-up wastes from
water .. based paints may go into a sanitary sewer" but wastes from oil-based' paints,
cleaning solvents, thinners, and mineral spirits must be disposed of,through a licensed
waste management firm. Other source control BMPs include:
Use tarps and vacuums to collect solid wastes produced by sanding or painting .
Tarps, drip pans or other spill collection devices should. be used to collect spills
of paints, solvents or other liquid materials. These wastes should be disposed of
properly to keep them from contaminating stOnD. water. .
As little as 30 percent of the pamt may reach ,the target from conventional airless
spray guns; tl\e rest is lost as overspray. Paint solids from overSpray ~e deposited
on the ground where they can contaminate storm water. Other ~pray equipment
that delivers more paint to the target and less overspray should be used such as:
Electrostatic spray equipment, air-atomized spray guns, high-volume/low-
pressure spray guns, amid gravity-feed guns.
Treated Wood Products
This group includes wood products such as cut wood, treated wood, and where cutting
equipment is employed where the by-products are chips and sawdust. The timber is
typically moved by hand after being deposited by truck
Other wastes include wood and paper from packaging and building materials.
Recommended Control BMPs: The major control mechanism for these pollutants is to ,
provide adequate disposal facilities. Collected wood waste should be removed and
disposed of at authorized disposal areas. Frequent garbage removal helps maintain
construction sites in a clean and attractive manner. Source control BMPs, sUch as good
housekeeping , should always be used to control storm water pollution. Outside areas
where treated wood products are stored should be located where storm runofftbrough the
area is minimal.
• Where possible, store material on a paved area, which is sloped, so that pooling
.'~' . "
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6. Erosion and Sediment Control ~ S ~
. ~~!inc~~'" \~
a. A description of soil stabilization practices .. These practic~s ?s~fbe"d~signed to preserVe
existing vegetation where feasible and to revegetate open areas as soon as feasible after
gradmg or construction. In developing these practices, the discharger shall consider: .
temporary seeding, permanent seeding, mulching, sod stabilization, vegetative buffer strips,
protecti~n of trees, or other soil stabilization practices. At a minimum, the operator must
implement these practices on all disturbed areas during ~he rainy season. .
Erosion control measures will be installed and functioiling prior to the rainy season.
The contractor is required to take precautionary measures to protect the native
vegetation within all open space areas. Where certain areas become vulnerable to
potential erosion, the use of sandbag check dams, 'hay bales, and siltation fences are
recognized methods of sediment control. All slopes shall be planted and irrigated in
accordance with plans approved by the City of Carlsbad, according to the· local
ordinance and manual. .
b. A description or illustration of control practices which, to the extent' feasible, will
prevent a net increase of sediment load in storm water discharge. In developing control
practices, the discharger shall consider a :full range of erosion and sediment controls such as.
detention basins, straw bale dikes, silt fences, earth dikes, brush ,barriers, velocity. dissipation
devices, drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drain, pipe slope drain,. level spreaders,
storm drain inlet protection, rock outlet protection, sediment traps, temporary sediment basins,
or other controls. At a minimum, sandbag dikes, sih fences, straw bale dikes, or equivalent
. controls practices are required for all significant sideslope and downslope boundaries of the
construction area. The discharger must consider site-specific and seasonal conditioI1.s. when
designing the control practices.
The contractor will take the necessary precautions to protect the construction site and
.,..."_ .... v.,.,, r.doc
The adjacent properties from any erosion and siltation that results frQnl the
,construction activities for Laguna Point. Appropriate practices include,
but not limited to, sandbags, temporary desilting basins, and berms: After
completion of construction, maintenance will ultimat~ly be the responsibility of the .
owner, agency or association as accepted.
c .. Control practices to reduce the tracking of sediment onto .public or private
roads shall be inspected and cleaned as necessary.
The primary impacts ofwWd erosion.will be'C9ntrolled thr9ugh water app1i~ion .
on main driving areas, construction of gravel~ access road entrances, and . ,
limitation of off-road driving. :
~ l > ' S' rttrF&..-~
C:\My I>oaunezU\lSl.lOSWP.doc
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e. An estimate of the size of the construction site (in acres or' s~UI.a'te,: feet)~ an :,,; .. ).:., ~ '. ,.:,.:::: ... : ..... ~ ... ~, .. : ... : . : ... ;~.'.r,~ .. ~.r:~,:,~ . estimate of the runoff coefficient of the "~'. ','.' '.!.~:'. ,_-"~::':
construction site before and after construction, and an estjmate·.Qf,liJie"p~c~tage:. ':: .. ,
ofilie -area ofthe oonstiucliriii site that is impervious (e.g:~ paveih~;1:~UiJ:4ings, .. ,'
etc.) before and after construction. . . ~: .. '. '. .
," ~.;.':
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The tracking of sediment onto, public streets is no~y attIjbuted tp:'epnStructiqp"
vehicles driving through unpaved areas. Prior to street 'pavin& consh,:tiCtion site eXits .
should be protected with a gravel roadbed. The grav~led areas should;bejnstai1~(l:,. ,
With a minimum length .of 50 feet. The ,public roads shall beim~peded ,aild cleaned;
,0 ... ~:;.;~;
. ' '.' ,,: ~ :'
'1 ... ", ;:.: . • • 1-'
d. Control practices to reduce Wind erosion.
Before Constru~on After.CQ1l$truCtion
Runoff Coefficient 0.70 0.95
%Im ious <1 9,0
·' ~~'
I' ~~
, ~'~ OTHER I'~' ~lI..
: ~j on-Storm Water Management I'~ ~~
, ~ ~: The SWPPP shall include provisio~ which eltmliuite ,or tedu~e to the'eXtept
~ feasible the discharge of materials other than storm water to the storm sewer system
1--J-and/or receiving waters. Such provisions shall ensure, to the extent feasible~ that no
-:' ~ ~ materials are discharged in quantities which will have an adverse effect on'
1,'-~ ~ receiving waters. Materials other ~an stonn-water that are discharged shall'be
i..!I listed along with the estimated quantity of the discharged material.
," '" '--.~ 1 ')' flus~ed and streets are ,washed, efforis Will, ~emade to control these flows to ~
~: I-, _ ~ m8X1mum extent practica~ ""A"'~~ t. &;)jtiJ)L..c"'1fT, , )~4JJS', ,
I % Q..l :,,-~ tit
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8. Post-Construction Storm Water Management,
The SwPPP shall describe the Control practices to reduce pollutants i~ storin water
discharges after all construCtipn phases have been completed_aUhe site. n.e~:must
be consistent with all local post-construction stOrln water;managementrequirements,
policie$, and guidelines. The discharger,'must consider-site-specific, and seasonal
conditions when designing the control 'practices. Operation and maintenance of
control practices' after constnIctio~ i$·CQtp.pJ~ed shall be addressed, in~luding short-
and long-term funding sourc,es-andthe re$pOn~il;'lepaity. ~. '~ ,
..... ~ ..............",..... ,
1-' v~>, .' ·I .... ::!) . Post-oonstructi~ stmm water control practices for Laguna Point .,;.,ulbe therespoosibility I ~ t ~ of Laguna Point These practices will be a part-of the City' of CarlsBad's Street sweeping
,;;_: j' ~ and maintenance programs, and public info~ation,education, r~yclin&_aPd other If -.I programs. . ~;--Y J t Good housekeeping pr~ctices will also be inlplemented-for Laguna Point. These p~actices
-, Ji.... ~ , include the<:<>ntro~led application ~f carefully selected fertilizer.s and pesti~ides, and a .
~ 3 1: "general on-slte mamtenance and disposal ,program to keep-the site free oflitter and debns.
. £ ~ i All waste material generatedwill be properly disposed of at an approVed disPOsal site. Trash
~ ~ ~ should be sep.med by type of~ling reqwed, as described ~;;,~~ .
~"":t~~ ,'It ~ ,t~~ c> \
\ ,P
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I " ~:
, I(
@ sLrce Controls
B Landscaping
D Maintenance
ID' , .7.. Tra~ning
-------,-, .. , '-, '-.. --------·--'-·-----"----~-..",,_:_if.'f"~tE~;;;g
Source controls are measures ai!11ed at reducing the
amount of sediment, and other pollutant$ that become
available for transport by storm water or ,noh-storm water
runoff. They include procedures to prevent pollutants from
ever being deposited onsite, ar)d-to prevent soil ,from being
exposed to the elements any longer than is necessary.
Land\s~p'ing wni' "play a k~y, p~rt in reduCing. and
eliminating erosion and sediment leaving the site. ,
, La~ds~pe~~y --~i~P~~-~~'dirt~~~~~'-i'~-;~~;~d~~-~~' ~ith" "
the, approved, Ipndscape plan.
Maintain landscaping.: Remove 'all vegetative waste
'and dispose of by', comp'C)sting in an' appropriate
location, by recyclirig iri an approved facility, or by
disposal in a landfill.
Use only fertilizers, herbicides and pe$ticides ,approved
by the USEPA. Use minimum amounts necessary,
applied in manner to minimize runoff.
Fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides shall be stored in
dedicated, covered, properly labeled storage
containers in accordance with -City Fire Code
Inspect all landscape irrigation on a weekly basis, to
make sure that there are no broken sprinkler heads or
pipes which are creating runoff and erosion.
Proper maintenance procedures _,
is essential-to prevent polltJtants' from entering storm water.
Comply with Gity and" County, regulations concerning
the storage., use and disposal of vehicle fuels,
lubricants and waste oils. .
Clear a''-litter from the--area'pn a regular baSis .•
Implement regular street sweeping in the. project area
in accordance with City's street sweeping maintenance
A key part of reducing pollutants in storm water runoff from
the project area on a permanent ,basis is to educate the
personnel who are in a position to make a difference.
7.2 Treatment Controls
7.2.1 First Flush
Provide a section in' mlten~mce traIning manual
dealing with non-point source pollution and reviewing
the best management practices applicabl.e to the job
Treatment controls are measures applied to remove soil
and other. pollutants from storm water before it leaves the
, .
The "first flush" (approxiry'lately. the first"~" of water falling
l on an area) often ·contains a high concentration of
: ... ___ .. ' ... _ ._. _________________ . ______ .... _____ ... ____ p_oJtlttants. thaLhave been' accum!Jiaifng~~~iit~~..:::1hfi;~las.t-:.:: __ :~. ____ ._ .
~~~~ .
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rovide' (reatment of first flush from project parking 0
either through a filtration or oil/water separator basin in
accordance with conceptual design shown on' the
lans.· .
• I
I :; ..
J i I, p,
9. Waste Mg.nagement and Disposal
All wastes (including equipment maintenance waste) dispo~ed 'at the site or
, removed from the site for disposal shall be disposed of in Compliance with
Federal; State, and local laws, regulations, and ordinance. '
10. Maintenance. Inspectiol1 and Repair
, ',~ \, • • • • ~< I ,
The SWPPP shall include maintenance" inspectipns, and repair,procedures to
ensure that all grade surfaces, walls, dam~ and structures, veg~tio~ e,t()~ion and
sediment control measures, and other protective devices identified'in the site plan
are maintained in good and effective condition and are promptly repaired or
f... " ~f(J" ,
. The ~ important aspec(s of~ inspecti~ ~ repair are rej>:~nllreeping,· ~~" ~
~~tion practices. ~on~d opCuf prior to ~~~ery raintiill eW!¢. ~~~~~~ .
A be ObI .c. 0 0 0' 0' din ,0 ~ contact'persen'to' r~,spQpsl e :foor 8:IlSWenng,vanous,m~enancequestlons r:~~. ,g "
this . been identified from tbeFieid ~~~ Person Fotm Iocaied . fo" \
t ndix. ' ';s preferred that this person be th siDSiillT ite manager, liar with '1~ ~¥ -1 '
the site and charged with compliance and oversight of the SWPPP. .' ~-'.0' ~~~. ~~{)~ Sa.-ll"N\ $1> 1\I\/rf' ~. f~ H~O ,~\S ,9Ej.)oJJ" '4, . ~~
The project' area will be regularly inspected to ensure, ·tfu.rt. it . is maintained in g~ .an,.d ~~ f .
effective condition. v... t.I
Also ~cIude.d in the Appendix i~ a tab\e which, 4~s~bes th~ protective devjc~s, w~t to
look for, typ~s of maintenance measures for sedim~nt ~ntrol;;~d example-,phecldist,s to be ~ " .
used to cheek areas fQr sediment and other, potential pollutants and pr9vide documentary
evidence that.inspection procedures are adhered to. These checklists include:
• visual inspection checklist
• good housekeePing practices cheCklist
• site assessment checklist
C:\My Documems\lS2.10SWP.doc
The SWPPP shall include procedures-to ensure that all.inspections requjred in
Section B.4 of the Monitoring Program and Reporting Requirements of the general
permit ·and maintenance and repair required in Paragraph 10 of this Section are done by
trained personnel.
The goal of the storm water pollution prevention tiail\ingprogr8JIt is to inform
employees, contractors, and subcontractors of their level~, of responsibility for
compo~nts and goals of the SWPPP. 'This training program is a preventative
mlPnteJ;lance technique, because when properly informed, employees, contractors,
and subcontractors have increased awareness and are more capable of preventing
spills, responding safely and effectively to accidents, and recognizing sitUations that
could, lead to storm water contamination.
~~~.r.7" . '" .
Sto~ater polluti9nprevention training should be provided regularly by Laguna
PQint. ~~ tr~ning $ession should· be presented just-prior to the start '
of the wet ,se8$On. Topics can include,.bllt are not limited to: spill prevention and '
r.esponse, inspection records~ annual reporting, locations and functions of sediment
control c;levices, food hQUsekeeping, and material management practices.. .
Attend~c~ records should be kept for each training session. Inspection logs and
checklists should be distributed to all personnel who will ,be performing the
monitoring and reporting. , ..',' .
I '
Records generated :from all inspections, maintelimee operations, compliance
certification, and noncompliance reporting shollld be retained for a ~o4 of at least
three years after the termination of coverage under the Permit. These records do not
have to be submitted ~ the exception. of noncompliance reporting. The project
.records for monito~ ~~::~~!>;~dance with the'SWPPP will be •
maintained aAliH8;;:; .. . e compliance certification, which' is
located ~ the Appendix, is ~o be COt$leted on July 1 of every year throughout
construction. ,'--~ . to. .. $?..~ ...., , \Jt...\ AA f'("-'''''-' '\\ ;a,.J t'
C~ CotJSfR~t.. I' Jr?
pQ\T. . \ vJ ~Al" L~ • Ir 1r\\' -M-~ rr \ S fit (. r: ~ utJ . \~ r -. ~\) I~I..-
C:\My l>tx:umab\lS2.10SWP.doc
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12. List of ContractorsiSubcontnictors " ..... , ~; ~ ( .' , .
The SWPPP shall include a list <?f all contractors (or subcontractors) responSibi~ fi~' ,-:. ---/ -:
for implementing the SWPPP. ' , ;,;i':--,'. '
" . ~ : ".;
~I\h' •
L..-___ ---,_-----------------.,...-----~...,_;._....J.'<' .;'
13. Other Plans
This SWPPP may incorporate, by reference, the appropriate elements of other plans
required by local, State, or Federal agencies. A copy ,of any requirements
incorporated by reference shall be kept at the construction site.
14. PublicAccess
, .
The SWPPP is considered a report that shall b~ ~vai1able to the'public Und~r'Section
308 (b) of the CWA Upon request by members 'ofihe pribl~c, th~ disch8rger shall
make available for review a copy of the SWPJ.iP either to the Regional Water Board or
directly to ,the requestor. ' ,
This SWPPP will be made available for review by the RWQCB or any reque~or.
C:\My Docummts\lS2.1 OSWP.doc
;. >, .~ ,:1 ~
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If; ,
Inspection of the implemeritat.ion of the SWPPP must be
done by trained personnel. " In addition, training of
contractors and subcOntractors can be an important BMP.
To accomplish thi!? ow,vt;-f.l is pn~pared to hold a training,
seminar for des,ighat~d owner representatives, contractors
and subcontractors: "At this 3:npur sem.inar, the following
topicS will be covered: . '
. Background of the NPDES .program. I' J #" Viewing of "Pointle~s 'Pollution" video on non-point .
. 1· .. ·· .. ~.~-.. ~. -~~ ... ~=~:~~~-.;~-.~~.-~~.-.. _.=-P::_:~~~::::-_-.-:-__ ===.~:.~OUfee-~~~~~A~._ ;~~-:==;.==~---~=~--.-:::--~~~~::~=:--~.::.:---.-~~-:.
i ." -~<t In~ormation on potential.fin~s,. citi~en-Iawsuits .. "
c· ..:fI .; ,.$::-"/~ f) Review of the SWPPP'section by section. . I .'(' "~v" ,. Common· probJem areas in implementation. ~ \f! J:' Review of'moniloringchecklists. I !::J<fj Construclio~ detaiis of protective measures ..
• I
• ..
J '\>.~
Monitoring Requirements
Monitoring and inspection of the SWPPP is the
responsibility of the d.lscharger..; ..
The' goal of monitoring is to
evaluate the effectiveness of the BMPs, as specified and
installed. The Regional Board may require the diScharger
to cpnduct additional si.t~.)nspectiol}s, to submit reports and
certifi~tions.· or perform' sampling, and analysis. ' .
Inspection reports will contain as a minimum the' date of the
inspection, the individual performing .the inspection, and
the observations of that individual. Forms contained in
Section 9 provide a customized checklist for performing
inspections. . •
Inspections. must be performed prior to anti,cipated ,storm
ev~nts and aft.er actual stann ev.ents. . During, extended
storm events. a',min"irrium e;,f one 'inspecti~m for: each 24-he~r period. mU$fj:>e conduCted,' 'Periodic inspections
!>.hQ~ld occur w~,ekjy,,..and a review of the. inspeption be
made part of a weekly .Constru·ctiQn-~rogress meeting.
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