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.01/07/2003 15:50 858-18-6159 GEDCON INC. PAGE 132/a5 GEOCON . GEGl'ECHNlCALCONSULTANrs.· I N 0_ 0 .l:l ;p 0 B A 'J;' E D Project No. 06105-12-06 January 7,2003 Real Estate Collateral Management Company % MOIroW Development Incorporated 19.03 Wright Place, Suite 180 Carlsbadt California 92008 Attention: Mr. T~ O'Grady Subject T.aE OAKS SOUTH-NEIGHBORHOOD 3.10 AND 3.11 VILLAGES OF LA COSTA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UPDATE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Reference: 1. Update Geotechnical Investigation ViI/ages of La Costa --The Oaks, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Gcocon Incorporated., dated August 3, 2001 (Projeot No. 06105-12-04). . Gentlemen: 2. Grading and Erosion Plans, Villages of La CostaJ Oaks South Neighborhoods 3.10 and 3.11, Project No. CT 02-02, Drawing No. 399-6A, City of Carl..,b , California, prepared by Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc., dated January J 2003. In accordance w~th your request, and in response to the city plan chec~ review comments, this le~er has been prepared to state whether or not the conclusions and reooIilrnendations presented in e referenced report are still applicable for the subject project. The Neighborhoods 3.10 and 3.1~ . e located within the northern portion of The Oaks South project and are currently beinggrade<L Based upon our review of the current project conditions. review of the referenced pl~ arid the infonnation contained within the geotechnical report, it is the opinion of Geocon Incoy>arated that the oonolusions and recommendations as p~sented in the referenced report remain applicable to the currently proposed. project development. If you have any questions regarding this oOlTespondenoe, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours. AS: SR: chnc (2) Addressee . . (4/del) Hunsaker & Associates San Diego Inc. ~-~. ~--.--. .. Attention: Mr. David Blalook Fax 1858) !i58-6r~9_ . __ 01/07/2003 15:50 858-1-6159 GEOCON INCORPOBA'l':ElD Project No. 06105-12-06 lanualJf 7. 2003 Real Estate Collateral Management Company % Morrow Development Incorporated 19.03 Wright Place, Suite 180 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Ti~ O'Grady GEOCON INC • . GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Subject: THE OAKS SOUTH-NEIGHBORHOOD 3.10 AND 3.11 VILLAGES OF LA COSTA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UPDATE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PAGE 02/05 Reference: 1. Update Geotechnicalln.vestigation Villages of La Costa -The Oaks. Carlsbad. California, prepared by Geoeon Jncorporat~ dated August 3, 2001 (Project No. 0610S~l2-04). 2. Grading and Erosion Plans, Villages of La Costa, Oaks South Neighborhoods 3.10 and 3.11, Project No. CT 02-02, Drawing No. 399-6A, City of Carlsbad, California, prepared by Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc., dated January 7, 2003. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, and in response to the city plan check review commentst this letter bas been prepared to state whether or not the conclusions and reoonnncmdations presented in the referenced report are still applicable for the subject project. The Neighborhoods 3.10 and 3.12 are located within the northern portion of The Oaks South project and are currently being graded. Based upon our review of the CUITent project conditions, review of the referenced plans and the infonna'tion contained within the geotechnical report. it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the conclusions and recommendations as pre.sented in the referenced report remain applicable to the currently proposed projeot development. If you have any questions regarding this cOlTespondence, or if we may be of further service, please contaot the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours. AS: SR: chno (2) ~ddressee (4/del) Hunsaker & Associates San Diego Inc. ~ttention: Mr. David Blalock 6960 Flander~ Drive _ San Diego, California 92121·2974 • • Fax (858) 558-6159 Project: LA COSTA~AKS SOUTH • Based on 40' scale Grading Plans dated 3/20/02 compared to Mass Grading Plans dated 3/20/02 Topo includes Rancho Santa Fe Road .as existing per Grading Plans by Dokken Engineering as of 5/18/01 RAW CUT/FILL W.O.No: 2352-6 Date: 3/22/2002 By: mm Scale: 40' Tapa: mass grading plans d. 3/2~/02 NBHD 3."10 CY NBHD 3.11 NBHD 3.12 16399 NBHD 3.13 45104 NBHD 3.14 387 NBHD 3.15 351 TOTALS ............ . 277.355 CY 63.03 AC Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. 10179 Huennekens Street San Diego, CA 92121 Ph# (619) 558-4500 bx71 s-1 10301 23859 104 42143 65245 Job Id# bx71s Design Gnd#: 1 St. Undcut: 2' fro TO CY 7000 106 223.901 CY 53.454 CY 68.71 AC . 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