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j- O'2-0' FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING SITE GRADING VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE OAKS SOUTH NEIGHBORHOODS 3.12 AND 3.13 LA COSTA AVENUE STATION 142+84 TO 156+80 AND CAMINO JUNIPERO STATION 31+00 TO 39+50 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY C10 MORROW DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 12, 2003 G I' GEOCON INCORPORATED H j AM& GEOTECI-INICAL CONSULTANTS 111% F Project No. 06105-52-06 November 12, 2003 Real Estate Collateral Management Company C/0 Morrow Development Incorporated 1903 Wright Place, Suite 180 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Tim O'Grady Subject: VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE OAKS SOUTH NEIGHBORHOODS 3.12 AND 3.13 LA COSTA AVENUE STATION 142+84 TO 156+80 AND CAMINO JUN[PERO STATION 31+00 TO 39+50 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING SITE GRADING Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and our proposal dated May 3, 2002, we have provided compaction testing and observation services during the grading of the subject site., Our services were performed during the period of December 4, 2002 through October 30, 2003. The scope of our services included the following: Observing the grading operation, including the removal and/or processing of topsoil, I colluvium, alluvium, landslide debris, undocumented fill, and undercutting of transition lots. Performing in-place dry density and/or moisture tests in fill placed and compacted at the site. I . Performing laboratory tests to aid in evaluating maximum dry density and optimum moisture content and shear strength of the compacted fill soils. Additionally, laboratory tests were performed on samples of soil present at finish-grade to evaluate expansion characteristics 1 and water-soluble sulfate. I . Preparing an "As-Graded" Geologic Map. Preparing this final report of grading. I The purpose of this report is to document that the grading for Neighborhoods 3.12 and 3.13, which includes 91 single-family residential pads, a passive park site (Lot 92), La Costa Avenue I Station 146+84 to 156+80 and Camino Junipero Station 31+00 to 39+50, has been performed in substantial conformance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report and that fill 6960 Flanders Drive U San Diego, California 92121-2974 I Telephone (858) 558-6900 U Fax (858) 558-6159 , I I H I I I I I I materials have been properly placed and compacted. Lots 1 through 27 are located in Neighborhood I 3.12 and Lots 28 through 91 are located in Neighborhood 3.13. Lots 180 and 184 are slope zones within a riparian area along the common boundary of the two neighborhoods. Lots 180 and 184 are I located in Neighborhoods 3.12 and 3.13, respectively. Lot 97 is a slope zone located at the easterly end of Corte Definio in Neighborhood 3.13. It should be noted that a portion of Lot 97 is comprised I of a fill slope that supports Neighborhood 3.14 of The Oaks South development. As such, this fill portion of Lot 97 is not addressed in this report, but is included in the report for Neighborhood 3.14. The grading operations for Neighborhoods 3.12 and 3.13 and the subject sections of roadway were I performed concurrently with other neighborhoods and the new alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road within the Oaks South project. I GENERAL I The grading contractor for the project was Erreca's Incorporated of Lakeside, California. Grading plans for the project were prepared by Hunsaker and Associates and are entitled Grading and I Erosion Control Plans for Villages of La Costa, Sheet Nos. 1 through 20, City of Carlsbad approval dated January 16, 2002 and Grading and Erosion Control Plans for Villages of La Costa, Oaks South Neighborhood 3.12 and 3.13, City of Carlsbad approval dated May 1, 2003. An electronic version of I the grading plans was used as the base map for our "As-Graded" Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 5, map pocket). The project geotechnical report is entitled Update Geotechnical Investigation, Villages of La Costa - The Oaks, Carlsbad, California, dated August 3, 2001 (Project No. 06105-12-04). References to elevations and locations herein were based on surveyor's or grade-checker's stakes in the field and/or interpolation from the referenced Grading Plans. Geocon Incorporated does not provide surveying services and, therefore, has no opinion regarding the accuracy of the as-graded elevations or surface geometry with respect to the approved grading plans or proper surface drainage. GRADING The Villages of La Costa - The Oaks South Neighborhoods 3.12 and 3.13 are located north of the future La Costa Avenue alignment, south of an SDG&E utility line easement, and east of the adjacent M.A.G. property. Prior to grading, the Neighborhood 3.12 and 3.13 site primarily consisted of a north-south trending ridge and tributary canyon that ultimately intersected Encinitas Creek along the southern boundary of The Oaks South development. Also, east-west trending tributary canyons existed along the northern and southern edges of Neighborhood 3.13. Grading for the site consisted of daylight cuts and fills to achieve the finish grade elevations. Grading began with the removal of brush and vegetation from the area to be graded. The brush was then exported. Topsoils, slopewash, landslide debris, undocumented fill, and alluvial soils were Project No. 06105-52-06 -2 - November 12, 2003 I I I I 1 I 1 I I removed to expose formational material. Within these areas, and prior to placing fill, the exposed (overexcavated) ground surface was scarified (where possible), moisture conditioned and compacted. Areas of remedial grading that exposed metavolcanic rock were not scarified. Fill materials derived from on-site excavations were then placed and compacted in layers until the design elevations were attained. In addition, fill was placed as a result of the undercutting of the cut portion of cut-fill transition lots and lots where metavolcanic rock, topsoil or clay was exposed at grade. Roadway and parkway undercuts were also performed where metavolcanic rock was exposed. Roadway undercuts consisted of undercutting to a depth of approximately 1 foot below the deepest utility. Parkway undercuts consisted of undercutting to a depth of approximately 6 feet below finish grade. Lot undercuts consisted of undercutting to a depth of at least 3 feet below finish grade. - It should be noted that an area of alluvium could not be entirely removed due to the presence of groundwater at the time of grading. This area is generally located beneath La Costa Avenue, just east of the intersection with Sitio Lima. The area is identified on the "As-Graded" Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 5). Fill Materials and Placement Procedures The on-site fill materials generally varied between angular gravels and boulders produced by onsite blasting of hard metavolcanic rock to clayey fine sands, sandy to silty clay and sandy to clayey gravels. Structural fill placed and compacted at the site consisted of material that can be classified into three zones: (1) Zone A - Material placed within 3 feet from pad grade, 6 feet from parkway grade, and within roadways to at least 1 foot below the deepest utility consisted of "soil" fill with a maximum particle dimension of 6 inches. (2) Zone B - Material placed within 10 feet from pad grade and below Zone A consisted of "soil-rock" fill with a maximum particle dimension of 12 inches. In addition, material placed on the outer 6 feet of fill slopes and 2 feet below Zone A for fills in roadways and parkways consisted of "soil-rock" fill with a maximum particle dimension of 12 inches. (3) Zone C - Material placed below Zone B consisted of "soil-rock" fill and "rock" fill with a maximum particle dimension of 48 inches. It should also be noted that larger rocks with a maximum dimension of approximately 8 feet were buried individually during "rock" fill grading operations. Placement procedures for "soil-rock" and "rock" fills consisted of spreading and compacting the I material with a D9 or larger Caterpillar bulldozer with a maximum lift size of 3 feet. Materials placed as "soil-rock" and "rock" fills were watered heavily during spreading to help properly fill I voids with finer material. During the placement of each lift, compactive effort was applied to the fill by wheel-rolling with loaded rock trucks such that the entire lift was compacted. 1 I Project No. 06105-52-06 -3 - November 12, 2003 11 I [1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I Soil fills were placed in lifts no thicker than would allow for adequate bonding and compaction. The soil was moisture conditioned as necessary, mixed during placement, and then compacted utilizing conventional heavy-duty compaction equipment. During the grading operations, compaction procedures were observed and in-place density tests were performed to evaluate the dry density and moisture content of the "soil" and "soil-rock" fill material. The in-place density tests were performed in general conformance with ASTM Test Method D 2922-9 1, Standard Test Method for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods. Test excavations in "soil-rock" and "rock" fills containing larger rock particles typically resulted in significant soil disturbance yielding unreliable in-place density test results. When this occurred, test pits were excavated and observed for the condition of the rock and soil matrix with respect to "seating" and void content. In-place density testing was not practical at these disturbed locations. As such, in-place moisture tests were performed on the "soil-rock" and "rock" fill materials. These in-place moisture tests have been summarized with a prefix "M" to designate an in- place moisture content test only. The results of the in-place dry density and moisture content tests are summarized on Table I. Grading for Neighborhoods 3.12 and 3.13 and the subject roadway sections was performed concurrently with Neighborhoods 3.8 through 3.11, 3.14 and 3.15 of the Villages of La Costa - The Oaks South development. The results presented on Table I are for Neighborhoods 3.12 and 3.13, La Costa Avenue, and Camino Junipero only. As such, the test numbers are not in consecutive order. It should also be noted that the test numbers for La Costa Avenue and Camino Junipero are located at the end of Table I. Furthermore, the test numbers for Camino Junipero represented on Table I are for the entire alignment within The Oaks South development. Only those tests within the subject section of the Camino Junipero alignment apply to this report. Any tests taken outside of Camino Junipero Station 31+00 to 39+50 will be addressed in reports for other neighborhoods within The Oaks South. Using methods suggested by AASHTO T224-86, corrections were made to the laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content on fill soils being tested containing rocks larger than 3/4 inch. The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content presented on Table I reflect these corrections. In general, the in-place density test results indicate that the fill soil has a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at the locations tested. In addition, moisture tests performed in "soil-rock" or "rock" fills generally indicate moisture contents at or above optimum. The approximate locations of the in-place density and moisture content tests are shown on the "As-Graded" Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 5). Project No. 06105-52-06 -4 - November 12, 2003 I ri I I I I El I I I I 1 I I I I I H Laboratory tests were performed on samples of material used for fill to evaluate moisture-density relationships, optimum moisture content and maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557-00), expansion potential (ASTM D 4829-95), shear strength (ASTM D 3080-98), and water-soluble sulfate content (California Test No. 417). The results of the laboratory tests are summarized on Tables II through V. Slopes The project slopes consisted of cut and fill slopes constructed with maximum heights of approximately 40 and 35 feet, respectively. Some sections of cut slope on the eastern side of Camino Junipero were cut to an approximate inclination of 1.5:1 (horizontal:vertical) or flatter. The remaining slopes within the site were constructed at inclinations of 2:1 or flatter. It should be noted that vertical cuts up to feet in height exist at the toe of some slopes within Neighborhoods 3.12 and 3.13. It is our understanding that these vertical cuts will accommodate the construction of retaining walls along the rear property line of some lots. All slopes should be planted, drained and maintained to reduce erosion. Slope irrigation should be kept to a minimum to just support the vegetative cover. Surface drainage should not be allowed to flow over the tops of the slopes. Su bdrai ns Subdrains were installed at the general locations shown on the "As-Graded" Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 5). In addition, the subdrains were "as-built" for location and elevation by the project civil engineer. The subdrains generally consisted of a 6- to 8-inch-diameter PVC perforated pipe placed in crushed aggregate surrounded by Mirafi 140N (or equivalent) filter fabric. The drains were typically placed at least 15 feet below grade and constructed at a gradient of at least 1 percent. During construction, the subdrains were generally outlet into storm drain structures. The final subdrain system that services Neighborhoods 3.12 and 3.13 ultimately outlets near La Costa Avenue at an energy dissipater headwall. Two subdrains were installed during the grading operations for the subject section of La Costa Avenue. A subdrain was installed within the toe keyway along the southern edge of the La Costa Avenue embankment. This subdrain was installed so that the northern portion drains northward and outlets at the above-mentioned energy dissipater headwall. The southern portion drains southward and daylights within the riprap placed at a storm drain outlet structure. The second subdrain that services the La Costa Avenue embankment was installed at the extreme southern end of the subject section. This subdrain flows into a storm drain inlet structure near the intersection of La Costa Avenue and Camino De Los Coches. All subdrain outlets should be maintained regularly to prevent sediment and debris from obstructing the free flow of water out of the subdrain system. I Project No. 06105-52-06 -5 - November 12, 2003 I I I [1 I I I I I [1 I I 1 I I I I Finish Grade Soil Conditions Observations and laboratory test results indicate that the prevailing soil conditions within the upper approximately 3 feet of finish grade have an expansion potential of "very low" to "high" (Expansion Index of 130 or less) as defined by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Table 18-I-B. Table VI presents a summary of the indicated Expansion Index of the prevailing subgrade soil conditions for each lot. It should be noted that although rocks larger than 6-inch diameter were not intentionally placed within the upper 3 feet of pad grades, some larger rocks may exist at random locations. Some samples obtained for expansion testing were also subjected to water-soluble sulfate testing to evaluate the amount of water-soluble sulfates within the finish grade soils. These test results are used to determine the potential for sulfate attack on normal Portland Cement concrete. The test results indicate sulfate contents that correspond to "negligible" to "severe" sulfate exposure ratings. Geocon Incorporated does not practice corrosion engineering. Therefore, results of these tests should be reviewed by a corrosion consultant and appropriate recommendations should be implemented during design and construction of proposed improvements. The results of the soluble-sulfate tests are summarized on Table V. SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading were found to be similar to those described in the project geotechnical report. Santiago Peak Volcanics (Jsp) and Santiago Formation (Ts) were exposed at grade on cut slopes and within cleanouts in pad undercuts, cut areas within street right-of-ways, or in canyon cleanouts. Compacted soils were placed in areas of fill and are designated as Qcf on Figures 1 through 5. In addition, compacted fill soil placed in undercut areas is designated as Quc. Table VII presents a summary of As-Graded Building Pad Conditions for each lot. The enclosed "As-Graded" Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 5) depicts the general geologic conditions observed. No soil or geologic conditions were observed during grading that would preclude the continued development of the property as planned. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.0 General 1.1 Based on observations and test results, it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the grading to which this report pertains has been performed in substantial conformance with the recommendations of the previously referenced project soils report and the geotechnical requirements of the grading plans. Soil and geologic conditions encountered during Project No. 06105-52-06 - 6 - November 12, 2003 I I I I I [] I I I I I I ~7~ I I []A I grading that differ from those anticipated in the project soils report are not uncommon. Where such conditions required a significant modification to the recommendations of the project soils report, they have been described herein. 1.2 No soil or geologic conditions were observed during grading that would preclude the continued development of the property as planned. Based on laboratory test results and field observations, it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the fill soils observed and tested as part of the grading for. this neighborhood were generally compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. 2.0 Future Grading 2.1 Any additional grading performed at the site should be accomplished in conjunction with our observation and compaction testing services. Grading plans for any future grading should be reviewed by Geocon Incorporated prior to finalizing. All trench and wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near or above optimum moisture content. This office should be notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing additional grading or backfill operations. 3.0 Update Geotechnical Report 3.1 An update geotechnical report should be prepared by Geocon Incorporated for Neighborhoods 3.12 and 3.13. The report should include foundation recommendations for reducing the detrimental effect of expansive soil and differential fill settlement across individual structures. In addition, retaining wall recommendations and seismic design criteria should be included, as well as other considerations such as swimming pools and concrete flatwork. Additional water-soluble sulfate laboratory testing should also be performed on finish grade soils to verify sulfate exposure. 4.0 Slope Maintenance 4.1 Slopes that are steeper than 3:1 (horizontal:vertical) may, under conditions that are both difficult to prevent and predict, be susceptible to near-surface (surficial) slope instability. The instability is typically limited to the outer 3 feet of a portion of the slope and usually does not directly impact the improvements on the pad areas above or below the slope. The occurrence of surficial instability is more prevalent on fill slopes and is generally preceded by a period of heavy rainfall, excessive irrigation, or the migration of subsurface seepage. The disturbance and/or loosening of the surficial soils, as might result from root growth, soil expansion, or excavation for irrigation lines and slope planting, may also be a signifi- Project No. 06105-52-06 - 7 - November 12, 2003 I I cant contributing factor to surficial instability. It is therefore recommended that, to the maximum extent practical: (a) disturbed/loosened surficial soils be either removed or properly recompacted, (b) irrigation systems be periodically inspected and maintained to I eliminate leaks and excessive irrigation, and (c) surface drains on and adjacent to slopes be periodically maintained to preclude ponding or erosion. It should be noted that although I the incorporation of the above recommendations should reduce the potential for surficial slope instability, it will not eliminate the possibility and, therefore, it may be necessary to I rebuild or repair a portion of the project's slopes in the future. 5.0 Drainage 5.1 Adequate drainage provisions are critical to the future performance of the project. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond. The building pads and sheet-graded I areas should be properly finish graded so that drainage water is directed away from foundations, pavements, concrete slabs, and slope tops to controlled drainage devices. 5.2 All underground utilities should be leak free. Utility and irrigation lines should be checked periodically for leaks for early detection of water infiltration and detected leaks should be I repaired promptly. Detrimental soil movement could occur if water is allowed to infiltrate the soil over a prolonged period of time. 5.3 Landscaping planters adjacent to paved areas are not recommended due to the potential for I surface or irrigation water to infiltrate the pavement's subgrade and base course. We recommend that subdrains to collect excess irrigation water and transmit it to drainage structures or impervious above-grade planter boxes be used. In addition, where 1 landscaping is planned adjacent to the pavement, we recommend construction of a cutoff wall along the edge of the pavement that extends at least 6 inches below the bottom of the 1 base material. I LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply only to our work with respect to I grading and represent conditions on the date of our final observation, October 30, 2003. Any subsequent grading should be done in conjunction with our observation and testing services. As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of the work with which we I agreed to be involved. Our services did not include the evaluation or identification of the potential presence of hazardous or corrosive materials. Our conclusions and opinions as to whether the work I essentially complies with the job specifications are based on our observations, experience and test results. Subsurface conditions, and the accuracy of tests used to measure such conditions, can vary I Project No. 06105-52-06 -8- November 12, 2003 11 AU SADIR ICERTIFIED I *tE$OlNEEffiNOI* p GEOLOGIST JOHN 'S;j; HOOB Ir NO. 1524 \_4 I CERTIFIED * ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST greatly at any time. We make no warranty, expressed or implied, except that our services were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others, by the uncontrolled action of water, or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the uncontrolled action of water. The findings and recommendations of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. Should you have any questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, - GEOCON INCORPORATED d' X0I___1 oobs EG1778 S CEG1524 Shane Rodacker RCE 63291 SR:AS :JH:dmc (6/del) Addressee ESS iS 1 S I Project No. 06105-52-06 -9- November 12, 2003 I m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location 1440 10/30/02 3.12 LOT 180 1516 11/07/02 3.12 LOT 180 1585 12/02/02 3.12 LOT 180 M 1597 12/05/02 3.12 LOT 24 1598 12/05/02 3.12 LOT 180 M 1606 12/09/02 3.12 LOT 180 M 1707 12/28/02 3.12 LOT 180 M 1721 12/30/02 3.12 LOT 180 1726 12/30/02 3.12 LOT 180 M 1845 01/10/03 3.12 LOT 22 1846 01/10/03 3.12 LOT 23 M 1849 01/10/03 3.12 LOT 180 1853 01/09/03 3.12 LOT 180 1854 01/09/03 3.12 LOT 180 M 1855 01/11/03 3.12 LOT 24 1856 01/11/03 3.12 LOT 23 M 1857 01/11/03 3.12 LOT 23 M 1858 01/11/03 3.12 LOT 22 M 1859 01/11/03 3.12 LOT 180 1865 01/13/03 3.12 LOT 23 1866 01/13/03 3.12 LOT 24 1868 01/14/03 3.12 LOT 24 1869 01/14/03 3.12 LOT 25 1879 01/23/03 3.12 LOT 26 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 271 9 44 137.5 6.9 130.9 10.3 95 90 261 9 40 136.5 7.2 122.8 10.9 90 90 272 9 40 136.5 7.6 125.8 7.8 92 90 296 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.0 0 0 290 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.0 6.7 93 90 300 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.7 0 0 314 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.0 0 0 328 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 7.2 0 0 329 8 50 136.8 6.8 124.9 8.1 91 90 305 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.1 0 0 303 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.8 7.1 92 90 305 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 9.9 0 0 298 8 10 125.8 10.8 117.8 14.1 94 90 295 8 10 125.8 10.8 117.0 12.9 93 90 306 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 9.6 0 0 305 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.9 10.9 94 90 308 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 10.0 0 0 309 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 6.9 0 0 308 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 7.3 0 0 309 8 60 139.6 5.9 125.9 8.6 90 90 310 8 60 139.8 5.8 129.5 6.9 93 90 298 9 60 141.3 5.7 128.0 10.9 91 90 303 9 60 141.3 5.7 129.3 7.3 92 90 297 8 20 128.5 9.7 119.4 12.3 93 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) () (%) (%) 1880 01/14/03 3.12 LOT 25 300 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.7 9.0 92 90 M 1881 01/14/03 3.12 LOT 180 299 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 12.7 0 0 M 1895 01/15/03 3.12 LOT 180 300 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.9 0 0 1896 01/15/03 3.12 LOT 26 308 8 60 139.8 5.8 131.1 10.0 94 90 1897 01/23/03 3.12 LOT 180 320 8 50 136.8 6.8 130.0 9.0 95 90 1899 01/15/03 3.12 LOT 180 270 8 60 139.8 5.8 129.0 7.3 92 90 1901 01/16/03 3.12 LOT 180 280 8 60 139.8 5.8 136.8 5.9 98 90 M 1902 01/16/03 3.12 LOT 180 282 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 6.9 0 0 M 1929 01/21/03 3.12 LOT 180 315 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.8 0 0 M 1930 01/21/03 3.12 LOT 180 313 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.2 0 0 1945 01/22/03 3.12 LOT 25 298 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.5 11.6 91 90 1946 01/22/03 3.12 LOT 180 317 8 60 139.8 5.8 129.7 10.3 93 90 1947 01/23/03 3.12 LOT 180 308 8 40 134.1 7.7 124.1 12.7 93 90 1948 01/23/03 3.12 LOT 19 320 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.3 10.0 93 90 M 1949 01/23/03 3.12 LOT 180 318 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.7 0 0 1956 01/24/03 3.12 LOT 180 314 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.9 13.9 91 90 1957 01/24/03 3.12 LOT 180 318 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.8 10.0 92 90 M 1958 01/24/03 3.12 LOT 180 323 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 16.1 0 0 1965 01/27/03 3.12 LOT 180 320 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.9 4.6 91 90 1965A -01/27/03 3.12 LOT 180 320 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.6 8.5 92 90 1967 01/27/03 3.12 LOT 16 324 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.6 7.5 94 90 1968 01/28/03 3.12 LOT 17 325 8 60 139.8 5.8 127.3 5.9 91 90 1969 01/28/03 3.12 LOT 15 327 9 60 141.3 5.7 135.5 6.4 96 90 1970 01/28/03 3.12 LOT 20 317 8 60 139.8 5.8 127.8 8.9 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4? Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1971 01/28/03 3.12 LOT 19 319 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.9 10.9 92 90 1972 01/29/03 3.12 LOT 21 319 8 60 139.8 5.8 133.6 6.9 96 90 1973 01/29/03 3.12 LOT 22 317 8 60 139.8 5.8 129.0 5.7 92 90 1974 01/29/03 3.12 LOT 18 330 8 60 139.6 5.9 129.3 6.3 93 90 M 1975 01/28/03 3.12 LOT 16 331 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.7 0 0 2119 03/14/03 3.12 LOT 92 278 9 40 136.5 7.2 123.6 7.0 91 90 2179 03/25/03 3.12 LOT 1 288 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.4 12.0 90 90 M 2184 03/27/03 3.12 LOT 180 275 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.2 0 0 M 2195 03/27/03 3.12 LIMA 11+15 277 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.8 0 0 2196 03/27/03 3.12 LOT 180 280 9 50 138.9 6.4 127.4 7.7 92 90 M 2197 03/27/03 3.12 LIMA 12+35 282 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.9 0 0 2214 04/01/03 3.12 LOT 27 285 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.0 7.9 91 90 2292 04/10/03 3.12 LIMA 10+95 279 8 40 134.1 7.7 124.8 10.3 93 90 2299 04/11/03 3.12 LOT 180 281 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.4 10.3 90 90 2314 04/18/03 3.12 LOT 180 295 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.0 10.1 91 90 2315 04/11/03 3.12 LIMA 11+90 284 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.6 11.7 92 90 M 2323 04/18/03 3.12 LIMA 12+00 287 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.1 0 0 M 2324 04/18/03 3.12 LOT 180 285 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.4 0 0 2345 04/21/03 3.12 LOT 92 289 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.6 10.0 92 90 2346 04/21/03 3.12 LOT 180 289 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.6 10.0 92 90 2347 04/21/03 3.12 LIMA 10+50 287 8 40 134.1 7.7 126.2 7.5 94 90 2348 04/21/03 3.12 LOT 26 302 9 20 131.7 8.9 120.1 9.7 91 90 2379 04/24/03 .3.12 LOT 1 287 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.9 8.8 90 90 2380 04/24/03 3.12 LOT 92 290 8 60 139.6 5.9 125.4 8.0 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2381 04/25/03 3.12 LOT 1 292 8 50 136.8 6.8 124.6 6.3 91 90 2382 04/25/03 3.12 LOT 92 294 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.2 6.2 90 90 2382A 04/25/03 3.12 LOT 92 294 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.3 8.8 90 90 2383 04/25/03 3.12 LOT 1 297 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.2 11.8 92 90 2384 04/25/03 3.12 LOT 92 299 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.5 10.1 91 90 M 2400 04/30/03 3.12 LOT 15 328 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.6 0 0 M 2401 04/30/03 3.12 LOT 15 332 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.9 0 0 M 2402 04/20/03 3.12 LOT 15 334 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.6 0 0 M 2403 04/20/03 3.12 LOT 180 326 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.1 0 0 2404 05/01/03 3.12 LOT 15 336 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.7 9.3 90 90 SZ 2405 05/01/03 3.12 LOT 15 332 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.6 10.0 93 90 SZ 2406 05/02/03 3.12 LOT 15 334 8 10 125.8 10.8 113.0 12.6 90 90 2430 05/05/03 3.12 LOT 5/6 306 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.8 9.4 90 90 2431 05/05/03 3.12 LOT 8 310 9 50 138.9 6.4 130.2 6.6 94 90 2435 05/08/03 3.12 LOT 5 309 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.1 11.3 92 90 2436 05/08/03 3.12 LOT 6 310 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.7 8.9 90 90 2466 05/10/03 3.12 TAMARINDO 11+00 281 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.2 10.1 92 90 2467 05/10/03 3.12 TAMARINDO 11+00 284 8 0 123.0 11.9 113.0 14.1 92 90 2468 05/10/03 3.12 TAMARINDO 11+00 287 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.6 10.3 90 90 2542 05/29/03 3.12 LOT 12 316 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.7 8.0 90 90 2544 05/30/03 3.12 LOT 12 319 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.1 10.7 90 90 2545 05/30/03 3.12 LOT 1 303 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.4 8.3 92 90 2550 05/30/03 3.12 LOT 12 321 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.9 8.3 92 90 2551 06/02/03 3.12 LOT 12 320 8 50 136.8 6.8 122.7 7.0 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2552 06/02/03 3.12 LOT 1 305 8 30 131.3 8.7 122.9 10.4 94 90 2559 06/03/03 3.12 LOT 12 321 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.0 7.5 91 90 2564 06/04/03 3.12 LOT 12 322 8 50 136.8 6.8 122.8 7.3 90 90 2566 06/05/03 3.12 LOT 12 323 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.2 8.5 90 90 SZ 2610 06/24/03 3.12 LOT 92 311 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.8 8.3 90 90 SZ 2611 06/24/03 3.12 LOT 92 312 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.1 7.2 93 90 SZ 2612 06/24/03 3.12 LOT 92 314 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.3 7.4 90 90 2614 06/25/03 3.12 LOT 11 324 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.5 8.2 90 90 2615 06/25/03 3.12 LOT 12 323 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.5 8.8 90 90 2653 07/03/03 3.12 LOT 5 309 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.5 8.8 90 90 2654 07/03/03 3.12 LOT 7 310 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.3 8.0 90 90 2661 07/07/03 3.12 LOT 4 310 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.5 8.0 90 90 2662 07/07/03 3.12 LOT 9 322 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.6 7.1 91 90 2678 07/10/03 3.12 LIMA 19+40 314 33 0 135.4 7.5 129.1 8.3 92 90 2679 07/10/03 3.12 ESPINO 11+60 312 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.9 5.0 90 90 2680 07/10/03 3.12 LIMA 16+70 302 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.5 8.8 92 90 2706 07/16/03 3.12 LIMA 18+90 316 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.0 9.3 92 90 2707 07/16/03 3.12 ESPINO 11+10 315 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.8 8.9 91 90 2718 07/18/03 3.12 ESPINO 10+60 317 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.7 8.6 90 90 2719 07/18/03 3.12 ESPINO 11+60 320 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.9 8.3 92 90 2730 07/22/03 3.12 LOT 16 331 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.5 9.4 91 90 2732 07/22/03 3.12 LOT 17 328 8 20 128.5 9.7 116.3 11.0 90 90 2733 07/23/03 3.12 LOT 180 294 8 10 129.8 10.8 112.9 13.3 90 90 2734 07/23/03 3.12 LOT. 15 335 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.2 8.1 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) () (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2735 07/23/03 3.12 LOT 17 332 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.3 8.5 90 90 2736 07/23/03 3.12 LOT 20 325 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.1 8.5 91 90 2737 07/23/03 3.12 LOT 21 322 33 0 135.4 7.5 125.5 9.3 93 90 2738 07/23/03 3.12 LOT 23 313 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.0 7.6 91 90 2739 07/24/03 3.12 LIMA 14+65 302 8 10 125.8 10.8 113.7 9.9 90 90 2740 07/24/03 3.12 LIMA 20+15 321 8 10 125.8 10.8 115.2 10.0 92 90 2741 07/24/03 3.12 LIMA 18+00 313 33 0 135.4 7.5 127.6 8.1 94 90 2742 07/24/03 3.12 LIMA 16+40 305 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.0 6.6 91 90 2748 07/28/03 3.12 LOT 15 335 8 10 125.8 10.8 113.3 11.8 90 90 2749 07/28/03 3.12 LOT 17 339 8 10 125.8 10.8 114.8 12.0 91 90 2750 07/28/03 3.12 LIMA 13+20 303 8 10 125.8 10.8 114.8 12.0 91 90 2753 07/28/03 3.12 TAMARINDO 11+00 288 8 10 125.8 10.8 114.4 13.1 91 90 2754 07/28/03 3.12 TANARINDO 11+00 290 8 10 125.8 10.8 113.0 11.7 90 90 2755 07/29/03 3.12 LOT 16 338 8 10 125.8 10.8 114.4 11.6 91 90 2756 07/29/03 3.12 LOT 17 336 8 10 125.8 10.8 116.3 10.2 92 90 2760 07/30/03 3.12 LOT 25 309 8 10 125.8 10.8 113.1 10.5 90 90 2761 07/30/03 3.12 LOT 27 307 8 10 125.8 10.8 110.5 9.3 88 90 2761A 07/30/03 3.12 LOT 27 307 8 10 125.8 10.8 114.1 10.6 91 90 FG 2801 08/06/03 3.12 LOT 2 309 33 0 135.4 7.5 120.9 5.4 89 90 FG 2801A 09/15/03 3.12 LOT 2 309 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.2 4.6 90 90 FG 2802 08/06/03 3.12 LOT 3 310 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.9 6.6 91 90 FG 2803 08/06/03 3.12 LOT4 310 33 0 135.4 7.5 125.7 6.5 93 90 FG 2804 08/06/03 3.12 LOT 5 311 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.5 5.2 90 90 FG 2804A 09/15/03 3.12 LOT 5 310 33 0 135.4 7.5 120.7 5.8 89 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) FG 2804B 10/30/03 3.12 LOT 311 33 0 135.4 7.5 127.3 5.5 94 90 FG 2805 08/06/03 3.12 LOT 6 312 33 0 135.4 7.5 126.3 7.3 93 90 FG 2806 08/06/03 3.12 LOT 7 313 33 0 135.4 7.5 127.5 6.7 94 90 FG 2807 08/06/03 3.12 LOT 8 315 33 0 135.4 7.5 119.9 6.1 89 90 FG 2807A 09/15/03 3.12 LOT 8 315 33 0 135.4 7.5 119.9 5.5 89 90 FG 28073 10/30/03 3.12 LOT 8 315 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.6 5.9 91 90 2810 08/06/03 3.12 LOT 14 347 10 30 133.8 7.4 120.1 8.0 90 90 2825 08/08/03 3.12 LIMA 17+60 314 33 0 135.4 7.5 119.1 4.0 88 90 2825A 08/27/03 3.12 LIMA 17+60 314 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.9 8.2 91 90 2826 08/08/03 3.12 LIMA 13+50 307 33 0 135.4 7.5 120.1' 4.7 89 90 2826A 08/27/03 3.12 LIMA 13+50 307 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.4 6.6 90 90 2827 08/08/03 3.12 LOT 1 307 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.5 6.7 90 90 2828 08/08/03 3.12 LOT 27 309 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.3 6.6 90 90 2833 08/11/03 3.12 LOT 13 349 10 30 133.8 7.4 120.2 8.0 90 90 2834 08/11/03 3.12 LOT 14 350 10 30 133.8 7.4 121.3 7.1 91 90 2846 08/12/03 3.12 LOT 13 354 10 30 133.8 7.4 118.2 5.4 88 90 2846A 08/12/03 3.12 LOT 13 344 10 30 133.8 7.4 120.8 8.5 90 90 2847 08/12/03 3.12 LOT 14 354 10 , 30 133.8 7.4 119.3 6.3 89 90 2847A 08/12/03 3.12 LOT 14 354 10 30 133.8 7.4 121.1 7.4 90 90 2854 08/13/03 3.12 LOT-13 349 10 30 133.8 7.4 124.5 8.0 93 90 2855 08/13/03 3.12 LOT 14 358 10 30 133.8 7.4 122.9 7.2 92 90 2856 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 14 362 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.4 8.4 90 90 2857 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 13 353 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.5 6.7 90 90 FG 2863 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 9 323 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.4 6.6 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location FG 2864 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 10 FG 2865 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 11 FG 2866 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 12 FG 2867 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 19 FG 2868 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 20 FG 2869 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 21 FG 2870 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 22 FG 2871 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 23 FG 2872 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 24 FG 2873 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 25 FG 2874 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 26 FG 2875 08/14/03 3.12 LOT 27 2882 08/18/03 3.12 LOT 14 2891 08/19/03 3.12 LIMA 25+15 2891A 08/19/03 3.12 LIMA 25+15 2892 08/19/03 3.12 LIMA-24+45 SZ. 2924 08/25/03 3.12 LOT 180 2935 08/25/03 3.12 LIMA 22+80 2936 08/25/03 3.12 LIMA 21+75 2937 08/26/03 3.12 LIMA 21+40 2945 08/26/03 3.12 LIMP. 23+35 2946 08/27/03 3.12 LIMP. 22+50 2957 08/28/03 3.12 LIMP. 23+30 2973 09/02/03 3.12 LIMP. 24+20 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Re].. Re].. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 325 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.0 6.8 91 90 325 10 30 133.8 7.4 127.0 6.9 95 90 325 10 30 133.8 7.4 123.9 8.1 93 90 330 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.3 6.9 90 90 327 33 0 135.4 7.5 125.0 7.3 92 90 323 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.9 6.6 90 90 319 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.7 7.0 91 90 315 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.8 6.5 91 90 312 10 10 128.9 9.2 117.7 8.5 91 .90 312 10 10 128.9 9.2 116.5 9.1 90 90 311 10 10 128.9 9.2 120.4 8.2 93 90 310 10 10 128.9 9.2 119.0 8.2 92 90 363 33 0. 135.4 7.5 124.0 8.1 92 90 349 8 10 125.8 10.9 111.7 8.4 89 90 349 8 10 125.8 10.9 113.3 11.7 90 90 341 8 10 125.8 10.9 114.2 10.3 91 90 337 10 10 128.9 9.2 116.5 11.0 90 90 333 10 20 131.3 8.3 118.6 8.7 90 90 329 10 20 131.3 8.3 120.0 9.5 91 90 328 10 20 131.3 8.3 119.9 8.1 91 90 339 10 20 131.3 8.3 120.4 9.6 92 90 336 10 20 131.3 8.3 123.7 9.9 94 90 340 10 20 131.3 8.3 119.8 10.6 91 90 345 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.7 7.4 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2974 09/02/03 3.12 LIMA 24+50 331 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.5 8.3 90 90 2988 09/03/03 3.12 LIMA 23+70 343 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.8 9.0 90 90 3000 09/04/03 3.12 LOT 15 342 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.4 7.5 92 90 3001 09/04/03 3.12 LOT 15 344 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.3 9.1 90 90 3002 09/04/03 3.12 LOT 16 340 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.5 8.8 90 90 3028 09/08/03 3.12 LIMA 20+90 331 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.0 9.9 90 90 FG 3029 09/08/03 3.12 LOT 15 346 10 30 133.8 7.4 125.3 6.5 94 90 FG 3030 09/08/03 3.12 LOT 16 342 10 30 133.8 7.4 123.7 7.4 92 90 FG 3031 09/08/03 3.12 LOT 17 338 10 30 133.8 7.4 122.0 8.0 91 90 FG 3032 09/08/03 3.12 LOT 18 33.3 10 30 133.8 7.4 120.4 7.4 90 90 FG 3033 09/08/03 3.12 LOT 13 364 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.8 7.2 91 90 FG 3034 09/08/03 3.12 LOT 14 355 33 0 135.4 7.5 126.1 6.4 93 90 3035 09/08/03 3.12 LIMA 19+50 324 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.5 10.7 90 90 3061 09/11/03 3.12 LOT 92 297 3 30 128.4 8.9 116.3 11.5 91 90 SZ 3067 09/12/03 3.12 LOT 92 301 3 30 128.4 8.9 118.6 10.7 92 90 3068 09/12/03 3.12 LOT 92 305 3 30 128.4 8.9 115.4 11.5 90 90 FG 3151 09/18/03 3.12 LOT 1 308 33 0 135.4 7.5 125.0 7.7 92 90 3172 09/23/03 3.12 LOT 2 303 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.4 . 10.5 90 90 3175 09/23/03 3.12 LOT 2 306 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.8 9.0 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 965 09/13/02 3.13 LOT 46 356 8 0 123.0 11.9 111.4 15.1 91 90 966 09/13/02 3.13 LOT 47 353 8 0 123.0 11.9 110.7 17.3 90 90 M 976 -09/16/02 3.13 LOT 46 361 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 18.3 0 0 M 977 09/16/02 3.13 LOT 47 371 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 13.6 0 0 M 978 09/16/02 3.13 LOT 48 375 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 15.1 0 0 M 984 09/17/02 3.13 LOT 46 365 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 16.7 0 0 985 09/17/02 3.13 LOT 48 375 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.0 8.5 91 90 M 986 09/17/02 3.13 LOT 49 378 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 20.0 0 0 M 987 09/17/02 3.13 LOT 48 377 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 7.4 0 0 M 987A 09/17/02 3.13 LOT 48 377 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 14.7 0 0 M 988 09/17/02 3.13 LOT 48 375 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 18.3 0 0 M 989 09/17/02 3.13 LOT 47 371 8 80 0.0 5.9 8.0 19.7 0 0 SZ 1002 09/18/02 3.13 N OF LOT 48 376 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.6 12.0 91 90 1003 09/18/02 3.13 LOT 49 382 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.3 11.6 92 90 1005 09/18/02 3.13 LOT 49 382 8 50 136.8 6.8 126.5 10.7 92 90 1006 09/18/02 3.13 LOT 48 380 8 50 136.8 6.8 124.8 11.6 91 90 1010 09/19/02 3.13 LOT 50 394 8 60 139.6 5.9 125.1 10.9 90 90 1054 09/23/02 3.13 LOT 50 396 8 10 125.8 10.8 116.7 15.0 93 90 SZ 1055 09/23/02 3.13 N OF LOT 49 386 11 20 116.3 14.2 105.3 20.8 91 90 M 1221 10/09/02 3.13 LOT 45 349 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 17.1 0 0 1222R 10/09/02 3.13 LOT 45 350 8 20 128.5 9.7 113.6 6.8 88 90 1225 10/09/02 3.13 LOT 49 386 8 40 134.1 7.7 117.9 4.5 88 90 1225A 10/10/02 3.13 LOT 49 386 8 40 134.1 7.7 124.6 9.2 93 90 1226 10/09/02 3.13 LOT 49 388 8 20 128.5 9.7 113.1 3.8 88 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1226A 10/10/02 3.13 LOT 49 388 8 20 128.5 9.7 120.3 11.2 94 90 1227 10/10/02 3.13 LOT 50 392 8 10 125.8 10.8 115.1 13.8 91 90 1228 10/10/02 3.13 LOT 49 395 8 10 125.8 10.8 115.8 13.6 92 90 1229 10/10/02 3.13 LOT 45 345 10 50 138.7 5.7 127.8 10.9 92 90 1245 10/10/02 3.13 LOT 45 348 8 20 128.5 9.7 120.8 14.2 94 90 1249 10/11/02 3.13 LOT 44 343 9 50 138.9 6.4 130.8 9.7 94 90 1250 10/11/02 3.13 LOT 45 353 9 40 136.5 7.2 126.1 8.1 92 90 1256 10/11/02 3.13 LOT 45 352 9 40 136.5 7.2 126.1 10.1 92 90 1257 10/11/02 3.13 LOT 46 356 9 50 138.9 6.4 128.0 9.7 92 90 1263 10/14/02 3.13 LOT 46 360 10 60 141.1 5.0 130.5 9.5 92 90 1264 10/14/02 3.13 LOT 46 364 10 10 128.9 9.2 117.2 14.1 91 90 1265 10/14/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 65+75 354 10 50 138.7 5.7 128.6 7.8 93 90 1266 10/14/02 3.13 LOT 45 353 10 50 138.7 5.7 126.0 8.9 91 90 1267 10/14/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 66+45 355 10 50 138.7 5.7 129.4 10.1 93 90 1282 10/15/02 3.13 LOT 47 368 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.4 12.7 92 90 1283 10/15/02 3.13 LOT 47 366 8 50 136.8 6.8 124.5 10.0 91 90 1284 10/15/02 3.13 LOT 45 356 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.4 11.8 90 90 1285 10/15/02 3.13 LOT 45 358 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.4 14.6 91 90 1306 10/16/02 3.13 LOT 46 369 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.2 7.5 91 90 1307 10/16/02 3.13 LOT 47 375 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.9 6.4 92 90 1308 10/16/02 3.13 LOT 47 378 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.5 12.6 91 90 1309 10/16/02 3.13 LOT 48 381 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.7 13.1 91 90 1327 10/18/02 3.13 LOT 184 267 8 60 139.6 5.9 129.4 10.8 93 90 1328 10/18/02 3.13 LOT 184 269 8 50 136.8 6.8 126.9 10.3 93 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - man - - MM MM - - MM MM - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1329 10/18/02 3.13 LOT 184 271 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.9 11.0 92 90 1330 10/21/02 3.13 LOT 48 384 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.8 10.4 90 90 SZ 1332 10/21/02 3.13 LOT 185 400 10 0 126.4 10.1 115.7 14.5 92 90 1334 10/21/02 3.13 LOT 50 402 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.2 7.7 92 90 1339 10/22/02 3.13 LOT 51 406 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.5 9.1 90 90 1340 10/22/02 3.13 LOT 49 396 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.2 9.0 90 90 1341 10/22/02 3.13 LOT 48 390 8 60 139.6 5.9 131.0 5.8 94 90 1342 11/22/02 3.13 LOT 47 384 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.6 11.5 92 90 1343 10/22/02 3.13 LOT 29 270 9 60 141.3 5.7 137.5 7.4 97 90 1344 10/22/02 3.13 LOT 184 270 9 50 138.9 6.4 128.3 10.8 92 90 1345 10/22/02 3.13 LOT 184 268 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.9 6.6 92 90 1346 10/22/02 3.13 LOT 184 271 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.5 9.4 91 90 1361 10/23/02 3.13 LOT 28 271 8 20 128.5 9.7 113.5 6.3 88 90 1361A 10/24/02 3.13 LOT 28 271 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.6 10.2 92 90 1362 10/23/02 3.13 LOT 184 271 8 50 136.8 6.8 127.5 10.0 93 90 1363 10/23/02 3.13 LOT 184 270 8 40 134.1 7.7 124.7 10.3 93 90 1364 10/23/02 3.13 LOT 29 272 8 50 136.8 6.8 126.4 11.6 92 90 1365 10/23/02 3.13 LOT 184 272 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.3 9.6 92 90 1366 10/24/02 3.13 LOT 44 342 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.2 9.8 91 90 1367 10/24/02 3.13 LOT 184 274 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.7 13.3 92 90 1368 10/24/02 3.13 LOT 184 274 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.9 9.2 92 90 1369 10/24/02 3.13 LOT 184 273 9 60 141.3 5.7 134.9 9.6 95 90 1375 10/24/02 3.13 LOT 184 346 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.6 7.1 91 90 1376 10/25/02 3.13 LOT 184 352 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.7 9.7 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1377 10/25/02 3.13 LOT 44 352 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.5 12.3 90 90 1392 10/25/02 3.13 LOT 184 273 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.4 12.0 91 90 1393 10/25/02 3.13 LOT 30 277 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.2 11.4 91 90 1394 10/25/02 3.13 LOT 184 280 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.1 13.0 90 90 1395 10/25/02 3.13 LOT 184 278 8 60 139.6 5.9 125.8 9.3 90 90 1415 10/28/02 3.13 LOT 184 277 8 50 136.8 6.8 128.7 10.9 94 90 1416 10/28/02 3.13 LOT 29 282 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.8 13.9 93 90 1417 10/28/02 3.13 LOT 184 283 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.7 12.0 94 90 1426 10/29/02 3.13 LOT 184 284 10 40 136.2 6.5 127.9 10.1 94 90 1427 10/29/02 3.13 LOT 184 281 10 30 133.8 7.4 127.1 13.8 95 90 M 1428 10/29/02 3.13 LOT 184 280 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 18.3 0 0 M 1429 10/29/02 3.13 LOT 184 282 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 19.0 0 0 1430 10/30/02 3.13 LOT 42 326 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.9 10.4 92 90 1433 10/30/02 3.13 LOT 43 334 9 60 141.3 5.7 136.8 10.0 97 90 1434 10/30/02 3.13 LOT 43 337 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.9 6.4 92 90 1436 10/30/02 3.13 LOT 43 337 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.6 7.1 91 90 1437 10/30/02 3.13 LOT 43 339 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.2 8.9 93 90 1438 10/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 270 9 40 136.5 7.2 129.1 9.1 95 90 1439 10/30/02 3.13 LOT 180 268 9 60 141.3 5.7 135.5 6.9 96 90 1443 10/31/02 3.13 LOT 41 320 8 60 139.6 5.9 125.7 9.7 90 90 M 1445 10/31/02 3.13 LOT 30 274 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 19.5 0 0 1446 10/31/02 3.13 LOT 31 272 9 40 136.5 7.2 126.7 10.7 93 90 1447 10/31/02 3.13 LOT 31 268 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.8 11.0 93 90 M 1448 10/31/02 3.13 LOT 32 268 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 18.6 0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) M 1449 10/31/02 3.13 LOT 184 267 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.5 0 0 1450 10/31/02 3.13 LOT 39 310 8 60 139.6 5.9 129.6 10.1 93 90 1464 11/01/02 3.13 LOT 40 326 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.6 9.9 92 90 1465 11/01/02 3.13 LOT 34 287 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.0 9.1 90 90 1466 11/01/02 3.13 LOT 33 285 8 60 139.6 5.9 133.6 8.1 96 90 M 1470 11/01/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 55+60 285 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 17.7 0 0 M 1471 11/01/02 3.13 LOT 32 286 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 19.3 0 0 1472 11/01/02 3.13 LOT 36 293 9 60 141.3 5.7 133.5 7.0 94 90 1473 11/04/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 59+80 301 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.2 8.3 90 90 1474 11/04/02 3.13 LOT 35 292 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.0 8.8 90 90 1475 11/04/02 3.13 LOT 38 307 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.8 8.9 92 90 1476 11/04/02 3.13 LOT 34 291 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.8 9.4 91 90 1477 11/04/02 3.13 LOT 36 301 8 60 139.6 5.9 131.2 8.4 94 90' 1486 11/04/02 3.13 LOT 184 273 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.6 9.4 92 90 1492 11/05/02 3.13 LOT 37 307 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.4 9.5 90 90 1493 11/05/02 3.13 LOT 35 300 8 60 139.6 5.9 ' 125.8 8.4 90 90 1494 11/05/02 3.13 LOT 39 317 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.9 9.5 91 90 1498 11/06/02 3.13 LOT 34 291 8 60 139.6 5.9 133.6 6.2 96 90 1499 11/06/02 3.13 LOT 35 300 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.0 7.6 91 90 1500 11/06/02 3.13 LOT 36 309 8 60 139.6 5.9 . 126.4 8.4 91 90 1506 11/06/02 3.13 LOT 35/36 308 8 60 139.6 5.9 137.0 7.0 98 90 1507 11/06/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 59+60 312 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.1 6.8 92 90 1508 -11/06/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 60+80 317 8 60 139.6 5.9 129.9 7.2 93 90 1509 11/0.7/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 61+00 320 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.2 7.0 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1510 11/07/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 59+90 317 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.6 6.9 94 90 1512 11/07/02 3.13 LOT 39 326 8 60 139.6 5.9 125.9 8.4 90 90 1513 J1/07/02 3.13 LOT 37 320 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.6 7.9 91 90 1517 11/12/02 3.13 LOT 35 302 8 60 139.6 5.9 125.5 7.4 90 90 1518 11/12/02 3.13 LOT 77 293 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.7 7.2 91 90 1519 11/12/02 3.13 LOT 78 288 8 60 139.6 5.9 129.8 6.9 93 90 1521 11/12/02 3.13 LOT 28 287 9 40 136.5 7.2 129.1 9.5 95 90 1522 11/12/02 3.13 LOT 28 289 9 20 131.7 8.9 120.6 10.2 92 90 1523 11/12/02 3.13 LOT 30 289 9 40 136.5 7.2 125.4 9.3 92 90 1524 11/12/02 3.13 LOT 31 290 9 20 131.7 8.9 121.5 9.4 92 90 1526 11/13/02 3.13 LOT 33 292 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.4 6.7 92 90 1527 11/13/02 3.13 LOT 34 298 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.5 7.6 91 90 1528 11/13/02 3.13 LOT 35 305 8 60 139.6 5.9 131.1 7.1 94 90 1529 11/13/02 3.13 LOT 28 280 8 10 125.8 10.8 118.4 11.4 94 90 1530 11/13/02 3.13 LOT 29 283 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.4 10.3 92 90 1531 11/13/02 3.13 LOT 30 291 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.4 9.3 90 90 1532 - 11/13/02 3.13 LOT 31 293 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.2 8.9 90 90 1533 11/14/02 3.13 LOT 31 294 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.6 9.9 92 90 M 1534 11/14/02 3.13 LOT 32 291 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.8 0 0 M 1535 11/14/02 3.13 LOT 33 294 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.2 0 0 1536 11/14/02 3.13 LOT 34 302 9 40 136.5 7.2 126.9 9.5 93 90 M 1537 11/14/02 3.13 LOT 31 295 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.0 0 0 1538 11/14/02 3.13 LOT 32 293 10 40 136.2 6.5 127.8 10.0 94 90 1539 11/15/02 3.13 LOT 31 298 8 50 136.8 6.8 128.4 9.4 94 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1541 11/15/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 53+90 285 8 60 139.8 5.8 134.1 6.9 96 90 1542 11/15/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 53+10 286 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.4 8.3 93 90 1543 11/15/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 54+95 291 9 40 136.5 7.2 127.5 9.4 93 90 1544 11/15/02 3.13 LOT 32 300 8 60 139.8 5.8 131.9 5.9 94 90 1545 11/18/02 3.13 LOT 28 291 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.6 10.2 90 90 1546 11/18/02 3.13 LOT 184 293 9 20 131.7 8.9 119.6 12.7 91 90 1547 11/18/02 3.13 LOT 30 291 9 20 131.7 8.9 118.5 9.5 90 90 1548 11/18/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 55+50 303 9 40 136.5 7.2 125.6 8.9 92 90 1549 11/18/02 3.13 LOT 32 304 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.1 8.3 92 90 1550 11/18/02 3.13 LOT 34 310 8 60 139.8 5.8 129.6 8.7 93 90 1551 11/18/02 3.13 LOT 35 313 8 50 136.8 6.8 127.3 10.0 93 90 1553 11/18/02 3.13 LOT 35 318 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.6 10.2 94 90 1554 11/19/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 57+95 320 8 50 136.8 6.8 129.6 7.2 95 90 1555 11/19/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 58+45 325 8 40 134.1 7.7 126.7 9.6 95 90 M 1556 11/20/02 3.13 LOT 30 297 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.8 0 0 M 1557 11/20/02 3.13 LOT 28 294 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.3 0 0 1558 11/20/02 3.13 LOT 28 296 9 40 136.5 7.2 112.4 2.8 82 90 1558A 11/21/02 3.13 LOT 28 296 9 60 141.3 5.7 133.9 10.3 95 90 1559 11/20/02 3.13 LOT 30 298 9 40 136.5 7.2 120.8 5.0 88 90 1559A 11/21/02 3.13 LOT 30 298 9 40 136.5 7.2 128.7 10.9 94 90 1560 11/20/02 3.13 LOT 29 299 8 60 .139.8 5.8 118.7 3.1 85 90 1560A 11/21/02 3.13 LOT 29 299 8 60 139.6 5.9 134.7 9.6 96 90 M 1561 11/21/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 57+50 316 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 4.1 0 0 M 1561A 11/22/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 57+50 316 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.0 0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1562 11/21/02 3.13 LOT 33 305 8 30 131.7 8.7 118.5 10.3 90 90 1563 11/21/02 3.13 LOT 32 303 8 40 134.1 7.7 124.6 9.5 93 90 1564 11/22/02 3.13 LOT 31 305 8 60 139.6 5.9 135.1 8.4 97 90 1565 11/22/02 3.13 LOT 29 301 8 60 139.6 5.9 132.4 7.5 95 90 M 1566 11/22/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 56+40 310 9 80 -0.0 5.7 0.0 8.8 0 0 M 1567 11/22/02 3.13 LOT 30 305 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.0 0 0 M 1568 11/22/02 3.13 LOT 29 298 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.6 0 0 M 1572 11/25/02 3.13 LOT 33 308 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 15.5 0 0 M 1573 11/25/02 3.13 LOT 32 305 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.4 0 0 1574 11/25/02 3.13 LOT 30 301 8 60 139.8 5.8 125.8 10.2 90 90 M 1575 11/25/02 3.13 LOT 29 303 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 16.4 0 0 1576 11/26/02 3.13 LOT 31 308 9 60 141.3 5.7 135.0 7.9 96 90 1577 11/26/02 3.13 LOT 184 270 8 60 139.8 5.8 129.5 6.9 93 90 1578 11/26/02 3.13 LOT 184 272 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.3 7.9 92 90 M 1579 11/26/02 3.13 LOT 29 305 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 16.3 0 0 1580 11/27/02 3.13 LOT 28 301 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.1 6.6 92 90 M 1581 11/27/02 3.13 LOT 28 298 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.1 0 0 1584 12/02/02 3.13 LOT 184 273 9 60 141.3 5.7 134.8 6.8 95 90 1586 12/02/02 3.13 LOT 184 275 9 38 136.0 7.4 126.7 8.6 93 90 1587 12/02/02 3.13 LOT 184 270 9 44 137.5 6.9 127.7 8.7 93 90 M 1588 12/03/02 3.13 LOT 184 310 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.3 0 0 M 1589 12/03/02 3.13 LOT 29 312 9 80 0.0 - 5.7 0.0 4.7 0 0 M 1589A 01/06/03 3.13 LOT 29 312 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.1 0 0 M 1590 12/03/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 53+00 310 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.0 0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation Of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS - Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd - or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) M 1591 12/03/02 3.13 LOT 28 309 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 9.8 0 0 ivi 1594 12/04/02 3.13 LOT 184 293 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.3 0 0 M 1595 12/04/02 3.13 LOT 184 295 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.5 0 0 M 1596 12/05/02 3.13 LOT 184 298 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.8 0 0 1599 12/05/02 3.13 LOT 184 289 8 60 139.6 5.8 132.1 7.8 95 90 M 1600 12/06/02 3.13 LOT 184 303 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.1 0 0 M 1601 12/06/02 3.13 LOT 184 305 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 6.8 0 0 M 1601A 12/06/02 3.13 LOT 184 305 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.9 0 0 1602 12/06/02 3.13 LOT 184 302 8 60 139.8 5.8 126.8 10.4 91 90 1603 12/06/02 3.13 LOT 184 300 9 60 141.3 5.7 136.4 5.9 96 90 M 1604 12/09/02 3.13 LOT 184 304 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 4.3 0 0 M 1604A 12/09/02 3.13 LOT 184 - 304 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.3 0 0 M 1605 12/19/02 3.13 LOT 184 297 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.0 0 0 1609 12/09/02 3.13 N OF LOT 46 370 5 0 116.4 16.1 98.2 11.6 84 90 1609A 12/09/02 3.13 N OF LOT 46 370 5 0 116.4 16.1 102.7 12.3 88 90 1609B 12/09/02 3.13 N OF LOT 46 370 5 0 116.4 16.1 104.8 15.4 90 90 1610 12/09/02 3.13 N OF LOT 50 402 5 0 116.4 16.1 104.6 16.3 90 90 1611 12/09/02 3.13 N OF LOT 47 371 5 0 116.4 16.1 108.9 15.5 94 90 1612 12/09/02 3.13 N OF LOT 45 369 5 0 116.4 16.1 105.4 16.3 91 90 1613 12/10/02 3.13 LOT 49 400 5 0 116.4 16.1 107.2 15.6 92 90 1614 12/10/02 3.13 LOT 45 373 5 0 116.4 16.1 106.9 18.7 92 90 1615 12/10/02 3.13 LOT 184 . 315 8 40 134.1 7.7 123.8 7.6 92 90 1616 12/10/02 3.13 LOT 184 310 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.8 7.4 90 90 1617 12/10/02 3.13 LOT 184 308 8 40 134.1 7.7 114.3 4.1 85 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - w= - ='M MM - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 16l7A 12/10/02 3.13 LOT 184 308 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.3 8.3 91 90 M 1618 12/10/02 3.13 LOT 184 312 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.7 0 0 1619 12/11/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 70+15 400 5 0 116.4 16.1 108.3 17.9 93 90 1620 12/11/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 68+20 384 5 10 119.8 14.6 109.9 18.4 92 90 1621 12/11/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 65+40 361 5 20 123.2 13.2 111.2 15.8 '90 90 1625 12/11/02 3.13 LOT 184 ' 290 8 60 139.8 5.8 135.8 6.3 97 90 1626 12/11/02 3.13 LOT 184 280 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.5 6.9 93 90 1627 12/11/02 3.13 LOT 184 288 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.8 10.9 94 90 1628 12/11/02 3.13 LOT 184 291 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.0 7.0 92 90 M 1631 12/12/02 3.13 LOT 184 280 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.7 0 0 1632 12/12/02 3.13 LOT 34 293 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.7 7.5 92 90 1633 12/12/02 3.13 LOT 184 308 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.0 10.1 93 90 1634 12/12/02 3.13 LOT 184 285 8 60 139.8 5.8 125.8 4.0 90 90 1634A 12/13/02 3.13 LOT 184 285 8 60 139.8 5.8 126.4 10.4 90 90 1635 12/12/02 3.13 LOT 184 280 8 40 134.1 7.7 124.0 9.8 92 90 M 1636 12/13/02 3.13 LOT 184 315 9 , 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.7 0 0 M 1637 12/13/02 3.13 LOT 184 320 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.6 0 0 M ' 1638 12/13/02 3.13 LOT 184 310 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.9 0 0 M 1639 12/13/02 3.13 LOT 184 302 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.9 0 0 1640 12/13/02 3.13 LOT 184 290 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.0 10.0 92 90 M 1641 12/14/02 3.13 LOT 31 309 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.6 0 0 M 1642 12/14/02 3.13 LOT 33 315 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.7 0 0 M 1643 12/14/02 3.13 LOT 184 309 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.0 0 0 M ' 1644 12/14/02 3.13 LOT 184 321 9 80 0.0 5.7 ' 0.0 10.1 0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) SZ 1648 12/16/02 3.13 LOT 184 302 8 0 123.0 11.9 115.0 11.0 93 90 M 1649 12/16/02 3.13 LOT 31 315 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.8 0 0 M 1657 12/16/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 63+15 328 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.3 0 0 1658 12/18/02 3.13 LOT 69 336 9 50 138.9 6.4 127.9 8.1 92 90 M 1659 ---12/18/02 3.13 LOT 43 334 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.6 0 0 1660 12/18/02 3.13 LOT 184 315 1 0 119.6 13.7 109.3 14.5 91 90 1661 12/18/02 3.13 LOT 184 318 1 0 119.6 13.7 106.8 12.9 89 90 1661A 12/18/02 3.13 LOT 184 318 1 0 119.6 13.7 107.3 14.7 90 90 M 1665 12/19/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 59+75 324 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.8 0 0 M 1666 12/19/02 3.13 LOT 36 325 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.8 0 0 M 1670 12/18/02 3.13 LOT 41 333 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.8 0 0 M 1671 12/18/02 3.13 LOT 70 338 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.9 0 0 1675 12/18/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 64+95 342 9 50 138.9 6.4 127.6 7.7 92 90 M 1676 12/19/02 3.13 LOT 70 339 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.8 0 0 M 1677 12/19/02 3.13 LOT 44 344 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.-3 0 0 1678 12/19/02 3.13 LOT 41 338 9 40 136.5 7.2 128.1 8.0 94 90 M 1680 12/23/02 3.13 LOT 32 320 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 7.5 0 0 1681 12/23/02 3.13 LOT 34 324 9 50 138.9 6.4 130.3 9.3 94 90 1684 12/24/02 3.13 DELFINIO 10+60 314 8 60 139.8 5.8 135.1 6.3 97 90 M 1685 12/24/02 3.13 LOT 29 315 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 7.9 0 0 M 1686 12/24/02 3.13 LOT 30 318 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.6 0 0 1687 -12/26/02 3.13 LOT 32 323 9 60 141.3 5.7 129.9 9.7 92 90 1688 12/26/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 56+00 326 8 0 123.0 11.9 110.0 8.3 89 90 1688A 12/27/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 56+00 326 8 0 123.0 11.9 112.1 13.1 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1689 12/26/02 3.13 LOT 29 320 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.8 10.0 93 90 SZ 1700 12/26/02 3.13 LOT 184 325 8 0 123.0 11.9 106.7 11.8 87 9,0 SZ 1700A 12/27/02 3.13 LOT 184 325 8 0 123.0 11.9 115.0 12.3 93 90 1701 12/27/02 3.13 SEQUOIA 55+00 323 8 0 123.0 11.9 113.7 12.0 92 90 M 1703 12/27/02 3.13 LOT 184 300 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.3 0 0 M 1704 12/27/02 3.13 LOT 184 289 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.6 0 0 SZ 1705 12/27/02 3.13 LOT 184 328 8 30 131.7 8.7 115.7 7.9 88 90 SZ 1705A 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 184 328 8 30 131.7 8.7 118.7 8.9 90 90 M 1706 12/28/02 3.13 LOT 184 315 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.3 0 0 1708 12/28/02 3.13 LOT 184 308 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.9 6.3 93 90 M 1709 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 318 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 7.9 0 0 1713 12/26/02 3.13 LOT 53 420 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.0 11.2 90 90 1714 12/26/02 3.13 LOT 53 424 9 50 138.9 6.4 132.6 8.1 95 90 1715 12/26/02 3.13 LOT 54 427 9 40 136.5 7.2 125.4 10.6 92 90 M 1720 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 326 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 6.0 0 0 1722 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 .327 8 50, 136.8 6.8 133.1 7.7 97 90 1723 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 328 8 50 136.8 6.8 129.4 6.0 95 90 M 1724 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 324 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 5.8 0 0 M 1725 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 325 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.3 0 0 1727 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 330 8 50 136.8 6.8 124.9 8.1 91 90 M 1728 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 330 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.5 0 0 M 1729 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 331 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 7.5 0 0 M 1740 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 315 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.9 0 0 M 1741 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 184 320 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 6.9 0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - MM - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test . Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1742 12/30/02 3.13 LOT 78 291 8 60 139.8 5.8 126.9 10.7 91 90 1743 12/30/02 3.13 DELFINIO 11+35 285 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.1 6.9 93 90 1745 12/31/02 3.13 LOT 78 295 8 60 139.8 5.8 125.0 4.1 89 90 1745A 01/13/03 3.13 LOT 78 295 8 60 139.8 5.7 133.3 7.3 95 90 1746 12/31/02 3.13 LOT 78 299 8 60 139.8 5.8 120.9 3.9 86 90 1746A 01/13/03 3.13 LOT 78 299 8 60 139.8 5.7 131.3 6.3 94 90 M 1747 12/31/02 3.13 LOT 184 334 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.7 0 0 1748 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 74 338 8 60 139.8 5.8 123.8 4.0 89 90 1748A 01/03/03 3.13 LOT 74 338 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.1 7.1 93 90 M 1749 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 37 330 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.0 0 0 1751 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 184 328 8 30 131.3 8.7 110.3 11.4 84 90 1751A 01/31/03 3.13 LOT 184 328 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.6 9.9 92 90 1760 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 38 345 9 60 141.3 5.7 134.2 10.1 95 90 1761 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 39 352 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.0 6.0 93 90 1762 01/03/03 3.13 LOT 40 350 8 60 139.8 5.8. 132.8 6.8 95 90 1763 01/03/03 3.13 LOT 38 335 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.4 10.0 92 90 1764 01/03/03 3.13 LOT 39 349 9 60 141.3 5.7 131.8 9.9 93 90 1765 01/03/03 3.13 LOT 39 355 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.9 7.9 92 90 1766 01/03/03 3.13 LOT 72 338 9 60 141.3 5.7 131.7 10.3 93 90 1767 -01/06/03 3.13 LOT 72 - 351 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.6 7.8 94 90 1768 01/06/03 3.13 LOT 71 356 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.8 10.8 92 90 M 1770 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 184 332 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.1 0 0 M 1771 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 184 333 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 6.6 0 0 M 1772 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 184 335 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 7.5 0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - == - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location M 1773 01/02/03 3.13 LOT 184 M 1790 01/06/03 3.13 LOT 184 M 1791 01/06/03 3.13 LOT 184 M 1792 01/07/03 3.13 LOT 184 M 1793 01/07/03 3.13 LOT 184 M 1794 01/07/03 3.13 LOT 184 M 1794A 01/07/03 3.13 LOT 184 M 1805 01/08/03 3.13 LOT 184 1806 01/08/03 3.13 LOT 184 1807 01/08/03 3.13 LOT 41 M 1808 01/08/03 3.13 LOT 42 M 1809 01/08/03 3.13 LOT 40 1820 01/08/03 3.13 LOT 184 1821 01/08/03 3.13 LOT 41 M 1822 01/09/03 3.13 LOT 184 1823 01/09/03 3.13 LOT 42 1824 01/09/03 3.13 LOT 41 1840 01/09/03 3.13 LOT 41 1841 01/09/03 3.13 LOT 42 1875 01/15/03 3.13 LOT 42 1876 01/15/03 3.13 LOT 44 1898 01/15/03. 3.13 LOT 25 M 1900 01/15/03 3.13 LOT 184 1903 01/16/03 3.13 LOT 184 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 336 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 7.0 0 0 346 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 5.7 0 0 331 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 7.1 0 0 334 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 5.2 0 0 335 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 5.2 0 0 337 8 60 0.0 5.9 0.0 3.9 0 0 337 8 60 0.0 5.9 0.0 6.4 0 0 339 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 7.3 0 0 340 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.9 8.1 91 90 343 8 50 136.8 6.8 127.0 6.5 93 90 344 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 5.8 0 0 348 8 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 5.3 0 0 345 8 50 136.8 6.8 126.6 7.0 92 90 346 8 50 136.8 6.8 131.3 5.9 96 90 348 8 80 0.0 5.9 0.0 5.2 0 0 349 8 60 139.6 5.9 136.6 4.9 98 90 352 ' 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.2 7.0 92 90 355 8 60 139.8 5.8 133.8 6.2 96 90 356 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.1 6.8 93 90 361 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.4 10.3 92 90 366 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.8 9.0 90 ' 90 309 8 60 139.8 5.8 126.9 12.3 91 90 274 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 6.8 0 0 276 8 60 139.8 5.8 127.0 10.0 ' 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I -: FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/41 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test - Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) () (%) (%) 1904 01/17/03 3.13 LOT 180 275 9 60 141.3 5.7 131.6 10.0 93 90 1905 01/17/03 3.13 LOT 184 280 9 60 141.3 5.7 129.3 7.9 92 90 1915 01/06/03 3.13 LOT 73 349 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.0 11.1 92 90 1916 01/20/03 3.13 LOT 68 368 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.9 8.9 92 90 1917 01/20/03 3.13 LOT 69 365 8 50 136.8 -6.8 125.0 9.1 91 90 1918 01/20/03 3.13 LOT 73 345 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.7 9.1 90 90 1919 01/20/03 3.13 LOT 74 343 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.7 6.7 94 90 1920 01/20/03 3.13 LOT 75 341 8 60 139.8 5.8 125.4 6.9 90 90 1931 01/21/03 3.13 LOT 76 330 8 60 139.8 5.8 126.2 13.2 90 90 1932 01/21/03 3.13 LOT 77 329 8 60 139.8 5.8 131.1 10.5 94 90 1933 01/21/03 3.13 LOT 78 310 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.7 11.3 92 90 1934 01/22/03 3.13 LOT 184 323 8 60 139.8 5.8 127.3 12.2 91 90 1935 01/22/03 3.13 LOT 184 319 8 60 139.8 5.8 132.7 9.2 95 - 90 M 1950 01/23/03 3.13 LOT 184 320 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.1 0 0 M 1959 01/24/03 3.13 LOT 184 - 322 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.1 0 0 M 1960 01/24/03 3.13 LOT 184 321 - 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.7 0 0 1961 03/03/03 3.13 LOT 83 332 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.9 7.0 92 90 1962 03/03/03 3.13 LOT 82 334 8 60 139.8 5.8 128.0 5.5 92 90 M 1963 03/03/03 S.13 LOT 80 335 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.6 0 0 M 1964 03/04/03 3.13 LOT 81 337 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.3 0 0 1966 01/27/03 3.13 LOT 184 325 8 50 136.8 6.8 127.1 6.1 93 90 1976 01/28/03 3.13 LOT 71 355 9 50 138.9 6.4 128.3 7.0 92 90 1977 01/30/03 3.13 SEQUOIA 59+25 339 8 0 123.0 11.9 113.6 13.1 92 90 1978 01/30/03 3.13 SEQUOIA 61+10 346 8 10 125.8 10.8 116.0 92.0 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1979 01/30/03 3.13 SEQUOIA 60+15 345 8 0 123.0 11.9 110.9 14.6 90 90 M 1980 01/29/03 3.13 LOT 184 320 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.0 0 0 1981 01/30/03 3.13 LOT 184 340 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.5 8.5 93 90 M 1982 01/30/03 3.13 LOT 184 338 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.9 0 0 M 1983 01/30/03 3.13 LOT 184 325 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.6 0 0 1984 01/31/03 3.13 LOT 184 327 8 60 139.8 5.8 131.1 7.9 94 90 1985 01/31/03 3.13 LOT 184 331 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.9 10.9 92 90 M 1986 01/31/03 3.13 LOT 184 353 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.6 0 0 1989 02/01/03 3.13 SEQUOIA 62+15 358 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.5 11.7 90 90 1990 02/03/03 3.13 LOT 38 351 8 0 123.0 11.9 108.0 9.0 88 90 1990A 02/03/03 3.13 LOT 38 351 8 0 123.0 11.9 112.3 11.7 91 90 1991 02/03/03 3.13 LOT 36 346 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.5 10.3 90 90 1992 02/03/03 3.13 LOT 41 355 9 40 136.5 7.2 128.2 7.9 94 90 1993 02/03/03 3.13 LOT 40 357 9 60 141.3 5.7 128.7 6.4 91 90 1994 02/03/03 3.13 LOT 184 335 8 30 131.3 8.7 124.8 11.6 95 90 M 1995 02/04/03 3.13 LOT 81 320 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.9 0 0 1999 02/06/03 3.13 SEQUOIA 66+00 368 9 60 141.3 5.7 128.0 7.7 91 90 SZ 2000 02/01/03 3.13 LOT 184 345 8 60 139.6 5.9 133.8 4.8 96 90 SZ 2001 02/01/03 3.13 LOT 184 350 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.4 7.7 91 90 2002 02/01/03 3.13 LOT 184 346 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.2 8.5 91 90 2003 02/01/03 3.13 LOT 184 347 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.6 7.2 94 90 SZ 2004 02/01/03 3.13 LOT 36 349 8 60 139.8 5.8 127.7 6.0 91 90 2020 02/06/03 3.13 SEQUOIA 67+85 281 9 60 141.3 5.7 129.9 5.5 92 90 2021 02/06/03 3.13 SEQUOIA 59+15 341 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.4 13.1 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2022 02/07/03 3.13 LOT 89 310 9 50 138.9 6.4 130.2 7.0 94 90 M 2023 02/07/03 3.13 LOT 80 323 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.1 0 0 M 2024 02/07/03 3.13 DELFINIO 14+65 312 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.6 0 0 2041 02/24/03 3.13 DELFINIO 14+65 328 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.9 8.3 92 90 2042 02/24/03 3.13 LOT 81 332 8 60 139.8 5.8 131.2 6.2 94 90 M 2043 02/27/03 3.13 DELFINIO 15+45 330 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.7 0 0 M 2044 02/27/03 3.13 LOT 81 326 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.8 0 0 M 2045 02/20/03 3.13 LOT 88 320 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.9 0 0 2046 02/20/03 3.13 LOT 81 325 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.2 5.9 92 90 2047 02/20/03 3.13 LOT 82 323 9 60 141.3 5.7 128.0 6.1 91 90 2048 02/20/03 3.13 LOT 80 327 9 50 138.9 6.4 125.8 7.7 91 90 M 2049 02/21/03 3.13 LOT 83 325 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.8 0 0 M 2050 02/21/03 3.13 LOT 80 330 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.0 0 0 2051 03/04/03 3.13 LOT 184 341 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.3 8.1 92 90 2052 03/04/03 3.13 LOT 184 347 8 50 136.8 6.8 127.0 7.8 93 90 2053 03/04/03 3.13 LOT 43 363 8 50 136.8 6.8 124.4 8.5 91 90 2054 03/04/03 3.13 LOT 42 362 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.0 8.3 90 90 2055 03/04/03 3.13 LOT 67 376 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.2 8.4 90 90 M 2056 03/04/03 3.13 DELFINIO 15+80 335 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.8 0 0 M 2057 03/04/03 3.13 LOT 81 339 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.0 0 0 M 2058 03/05/03 3.13 LOT 83 338 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 15.0 0 0 2059 03/05/03 3.13 LOT 81 342 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.8 6.9 93 90 2060 03/05/03 3.13 LOT 82 344 11 20 116.3 14.2 109.0 15.7 94 90 2061 03/05/03 3.13 LOT 51 399 8 50 136.8 6.8 128.8 6.2 94 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2062 03/05/03 3.13 LOT 52 404 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.7 7.7 90 90 2063 03/05/03 3.13 LOT 50 402 8 50 136.8 6.8 129.5 7.0 95 90 2064 03/05/03 3.13 LOT 51 407 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.1 5.9 91 90 2066 03/06/03 3.13 LOT 87 330 11 30 120.5 12.3 109.7 17.8 91 80 2069 03/07/03 3.13 LOT 77 333 9 40 136.5 7.2 122.7 10.1 90 90 2070 03/07/03 3.13 LOT 76 335 3 0 119.0 12.7 108.4 15.6 91 90 SZ 2082 03/10/03 3.13 LOT 184 366 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.7 9.5 90 90 2086 03/07/03 3.13 LOT 79 335 - 3 20 125.3 10.1 114.6 13.6 91 90 2087 03/07/03 3.13 LOT 77 334 3 0 119.0 12.7 107.5 15.6 90 90 2088 03/07/03 3.13 LOT 91 323 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.7 8.3 94 90 2089 03/07/03 3.13 LOT 91 326 3 10 122.1 11.4 111.8 14.0 92 90 2090 03/10/03 3.13 LOT 79 337 3 60 137.8 5.5 130.1 8.1 94 90 2091 03/10/03 3.13 LOT 82 346 3 40 131.5 7.7 121.1 11.4 92 90 2092 03/10/03 3.13 LOT 80 342 3 0 119.0 12.7 110.7 15.9 93 90 2096 03/11/03 3.13 LOT 184 340 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.5 13.0 90 90 2097 03/11/03 3.13 LOT 184 347 8 50 136.8 6.8 124.0 7.3 91 90 2098 03/11/03 3.13 LOT 184 335 8 10 125.8 10.8 117.2 11.9 93 90 2099 03/12/03 3.13'LOT 184 342 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.3 7.0 90 90 2102 03/11/03 3.13 LOT 39 355 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.5 10.4 90 90 2104 03/12/03 3.13 LOT 36 347 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.7 9.4 92 90 2117 03/13/03 3.13 LOT 74 352 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.3 10.8 90 90 2118 03/13/03 3.13 LOT 73 357 8 30 131.3 8.7 124.4 8.3 95 90 M 2124 03/18/03 3.13 LOT 90 332 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.0 0 0 2130 03/18/03 3.13 LOT 89 335 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.8 6.0 93 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%)' (pcf) (%) (%) (%) M 2131 03/18/03 3.13 LOT 89 338 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.1 0 0 M 2132 03/18/03 3.13 LOT 88 341 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.9 0 0 M 2144 03/21/03 3.13 LOT 89 344 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.8 0 0 M 2145 03/21/03 3.13 LOT 88 347 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.9 0 0 M 2146 03/21/03 3.13 LOT 89 349 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.7 0 0 2147 03/21/03 3.13 LOT 83 350 9 60 141.3 5.7 134.2 7.0 95 90 2148 03/21/03 3.13 DELFINIO 16+05 344 9 50 138.9 6.4 131.2 6.1 94 90 2149 03/21/03 3.13 LOT 87 348 9 60 141.3 5.7 128.0 5.8 91 90 M 2150 03/21/03 3.13 DELFINIO 15+20 353 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.8 0 0 M 2151 03/21/03 3.13 LOT 84 356 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.6 0 0 M 2152 03/24/03 3.13 LOT 84 354 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 10.9 0 0 M 2153 03/24/03 3.13 LOT 86 360 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.8 0 0 M 2154 03/24/03 3.13 LOT 86 363 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.4 0 0 2175 03/24/03 3.13 LOT 82 352 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.4 10.6 92 90 2176 03/25/03 3.13 LOT 87 365 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.9 11.2 90 90 2177 03/25/03 3.13 LOT 83 360 8 ' 20 128.5 9.7 118.8 13.1 92 90 2178, 03/25/03 3.13 LOT 86 370 9 40 136.5 7.2 125.9 8.5 92 90 M 2180 03/26/03 3.13 LOT 91 333 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.2 0 0 2181 03/26/03 3.13 LOT 86 372 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.4 10.5 92 90 2182 03/26/03 3.13 LOT 90 340 8 0 123.0 11.9 115.8 13.3 94 90 2183 03/26/03 3.13 LOT 90 343 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.2 9.7 90 90 M 2198 03/28/03 3.13 LOT 88 340 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.1 0 0 M 2199 03/28/03 3.13 LOT 87 345 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 12.0 0 0 2210 03/31/03 3.13 LOT 87 364 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.9 10.3 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2211 03/31/03 3.13 LOT 89 354 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.4 10.1 92 90 2212 03/31/03 3.13 LOT 91 340 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.9 12.8 90 90 2213 03/31/03 3.13 LOT 88 363 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.6 9.3 94 90 2215 04/01/03 3.13 LOT 87 369 8 20 128.5 9.7 116.7 10.3 91 90 2216 04/01/03 3.13 LOT 90 349 8 0 123.0 11.9 112.8 14.3 92 90 2217 04/01/03 3.13 LOT 89 357 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.0 10.6 90 90 2256 04/02/03 3.13 LOT 48 393 17 20 124.1 10.6 109.5 14.8 88 90 2256A 04/11/03 3.13 LOT 48 393 17 20 124.1 10.6 112.5 13.5 91 90 2257 04/02/03 3.13 LOT 44 369 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.1 10.0 92 90 2258 04/03/03 3.13 LOT 88 365 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.0 7.1 91 90 2260 04/03/03 3.13 LOT 41 361 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.1 10.0 91 90 2261 04/03/03 3.13 LOT 43 367 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.3 9.1 90 90 2262 04/04/03 3.13 LOT 86 367 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.3 7.5 90 90 2263 04/04/03 3.13 LOT 86 370 8 50 136.8 6.8 119.1 4.4 87 90 2263A 04/09/03 3.13 LOT 86 370 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.1 7.7 90 90 2266 04/07/03 3.13 LOT 52 416 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.9 8.7 91 90 2268 04/08/03 3.13 LOT 53 425 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.5 9.3 91 90 2305 04/09/03 3.13 LOT 38 355 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.0 9.9 91 90 2306 04/09/03 3.13 LOT 41 361 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.4 9.7 90 90 2309 04/10/03 3.13 LOT 63 420 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.5 6.8 91 90 2310 04/10/03 3.13 LOT 62 429 8 40 134.1 7.7 126.0 6.9 94 90 2311 04/10/03 3.13 LOT 55 449 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.8 7.5 91 90 2312 04/10/03 3.13 LOT 57 461 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.7 8.1 90 90 FG 2325 04/21/03 3.13 LOT 33 340 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.6 9.8 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) FG 2326 04/21/03 3.13 LOT 32 337 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.5 10.3 90 90 FG 2327 04/21/03 3.13 LOT 31 334 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.9 9.1 91 90 FG 2328 04/21/03 3.13 LOT 30 331 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.7 12.4 92 90 FG 2329 04/21/03 3.13 LOT 29 340 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.6 9.8 92 90 FG 2333 04/22/03 3.13 LOT 36 351 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.6 6.5 90 90 FG 2334 04/22/03 3.13 LOT 37 354 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.3 9.0 90 90 FG 2335 04/22/03 3.13 LOT 38 356 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.3 7.4 90 90 FG 2336 04/22/03 3.13 LOT 39 359 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.6 8.7 94 90 FG 2337 04/22/03 3.13 LOT 40 361 8 50 136.8 6.8 130.0 6.7 95 90 FG 2338 04/22/03 3.13 LOT 41 364 8 40 134.1 7.7 128.4 9.0 96 90 FG 2339 04/22/03 3.13 LOT 42 366 8 30 131.3 8.7 122.9 10.5 94 90 FG 2340 04/22/03 3.13 LOT 43 369 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.3 9.8 90 90 FG 2341 04/22/03 3.13 LOT 44 372 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.1 11.9 90 90 2368 04/24/03 3.13 LOT 62 434 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.7 8.5 91 90 2369 04/24/03 3.13 LOT 63 424 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.3 11.1 91 90 2374 04/25/03 3.13 LOT 49 399 3 40 131.5 7.7 118.5 6.2 90 90 2389 04/28/03 3.13 DELFINIO 10+80 324 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.0 10.6 90 90 2521 05/22/03 3.13 LOT 51 410 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.5 8.2 91 90 2522R 05/22/03 3.13 LOT 52 417 8 50 136.8 6.8 120.3 8.0 88 90 2528 05/23/03 3.13 LOT 66 386 26 0 138.5 6.9 125.9 8.5 91 90 2536 05/28/03 3.13 LOT 77 336 26 0 138.5 6.9 131.3 6.4 95 90 2537 05/28/03 3.13 LOT 78 333 26 0 138.5 6.9 125.0 7.2 90 90 2538 05/29/03 3.13 LOT 79 345 26 0 138.5 6.9 124.4 9.0 90 90 2539 05/29/03 3.13 LOT 81 353 26 0 138.5 6.9 127.2 8.3 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms i m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location 2540 05/29/03 3.13 LOT 83 2541 05/29/03 3.13 LOT 76 2546 05/30/03 3.13 LOT 84 2547 05/30/03 3.13 LOT 80 2548 05/30/03 3.13 LOT 82 2549 05/30/03 3.13 LOT 81 2567 06/05/03 3.13 LOT 80 2568 06/05/03 3.13 LOT 77 2569 06/05/03 3.13 DELFINIO 11+00 2745 07/25/03 3.13 LOT 67 2746 07/25/03 3.13 LOT 65 2747 07/25/03 3.13 TAMARINTJO 11+00 2771 07/31/03 3.13 LOT 88 2772 07/31/03 3.13 LOT 90 FG 2774 08/01/03 3.13 LOT 84 2775 08/01/03 3.13 LOT 87 2776 08/01/03 3.13 LOT 88 2777 08/01/03 3.13 LOT 85 FG 2800 08/06/03 3.13 LOT 28 2811 08/06/03 3.13 DELFINIO 13+40 2812 08/06/03 3.13 DELFINIO 15+70 2813 08/06/03 3.13 DELFINIO 14+30 2839 08/12/03 3.13 DELFINIO 14+50 2840 08/12/03 3.13 DELFINIO 16+70 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 366 26 0 138.5 6.9 125.8 7.1 91 90 341 26 0 138.5 6.9 124.8 8.4 90 90 375 26 0 138.5 6.9 127.7 8.1 92 90 346 26 0 138.5 6.9 130.2 6.5 94 90 359 26 0 138.5 6.9 125.8 6.2 91 90 354 26 0 138.5 6.9 124.4 8.1 90 90 347 26 0 138.5 6.9 131.1 6.5 95 90 337 26 0 138.5 6.9 126.2 7.8 91 90 340 26 0 138.5 6.9 124.9 8.4 90 90 379 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.9 5.9 91 90 392 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.0 5.8 90 90 376 7 0 122.8 11.0 112.9 14.2 92 90 365 33 0 135.4 7.5 125.9 7.5 93 90 349 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.8 8.0 90 90 377 33 0 135.4 7,5 125.0 6.1 92 90 372 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.3 6.6 90 90 367 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.5 7.2 91 90 379 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.8 6.9 90 90 325 8 30 131.3 8.7 122.3 7.7 93 90 343 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.2 8.1 90 90 359 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.4 6.9 92 90 350 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.8 8.3 90 90 353 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.2 8.9 90 90 369 33 0 135.4 7.5 120.0 5.8 89 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4' Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2840A 08/13/03 3.13 DELFINIO 16+70 369 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.5 7.0 91 90 2841 08/12/03 3.13 DELFINIO 15+20 361 33 0 135.4 7.5 118.1 4.5 87 90 2841A 08/13/03 3.13 DELFINIO 15+20 361 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.8 7.2 90 90 2911 08/21/03 3.13 LOT 97 395 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.1 7.4 92 90 2950 08/27/03 3.13 LOT 85 380 8 10 125.8 10.8 113.1 7.6 90 90 2950A 08/27/03 3.13 LOT 85 380 8 10 125.8 10.8 113.8 10.4 90 90 2979 09/02/03 3.13 LOT 54 436 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.2 9.8 91 90 2980 09/02/03 3.13 LOT 55 449 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.2 10.4 90 90 2990 09/03/03 3.13 LOT 52 420 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.5 7.9 90 90 2991 09/03/03 3.13 LOT 53 428 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.2 8.3 91 90 2992 09/03/03 3.13 LOT 97 386 8 40 134.1 7.7 117.3 4.9 87 90 2992A 09/04/03 3.13 LOT 97 386 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.7 9.5 91 90 2998 09/04/03 313 LOT 50 407 8 30 1313 8.7 119.2 8.3 91 90 2999 09/04/03 3.13 LOT 51 413 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.0 8.3 90 90 FG 3003 09/04/03 3.13 LOT 34 343 8 30 131.3 8.7 126.8 6.2 97 90 FG 3004 09/04/03 3.13 LOT 35 347 8 30 131.3 8.7 125.9 5.5 96 90 FG 3005 09/05/03 3.13 LOT 70 366 33 0 135.4 7.5 126.4 7.4 93 90 FG 3006 09/05/03 3.13 LOT 69 370 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.9 6.6 91 90 FG 3007 09/05/03 3.13 LOT 68 376 33 0 135.4 7.5 118.7 5.2 88 90 FG 3007A 09/30/03 3.13 LOT 68 375 33 0 135.4 7.5 131.2 5.7 97 90 FG 3008 09/05/03 3.13 LOT 67 382 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.8 8.1 92 90 FG 3009 09/05/03 3.13 LOT 66 388 33 0 135.4 7.5 117.2 4.6 87 90 FG 3009A 09/30/03 3.13 LOT 66 388 33 0 135.4 7.5 127.8 7.3 94 90 FG 3010 09/05/03 3.13 LOT 65 394 33 0 135.4 7.5 119.9 5.3 89 90 - Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. - Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) FG 3010A 09/30/03 3.13 LOT 65 394 33 0 135.4 7.5 129.6 7.1 96 90 3026 09/05/03 3.13 LOT 97 410 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.5 9.3 90 90 3038 09/08/03 3.13 LOT 91 339 33 0 135.4 7.5 125.0 9.6 92 90 3039 09/08/03 3.13 LOT 91 341 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.7 9.5 91 90 FG 3052 09/10/03 3.13 LOT 71 361 8 20 128.5 9.7 122.1 10.4 95 90 FG 3053 09/10/03 3.13 LOT 72 356 8 20 128.5 9.7 124.7 8.7 97 90 FG 3054 09/10/03 3.13 LOT 73 353 8 20 128.5 9.7 123.4 10.8 96 90 FG 3055 09/10/03 3.13 LOT 74 350 8 20 128.5 9.7 120.7 9.1 94 90 FG 3056 09/10/03 3.13 LOT 76 343 33 0 135.4 7.5 130.8 6.3 97 90 FG 3057 09/10/03 3.13 LOT 77 340 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.6 6.6 90 90 FG 3058 09/10/03 3.13 LOT 78 336 33 0 135.4 7.5 129.3 7.3 95 90 FG 3059 09/10/03 3.13 LOT 79 342 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.0 6.2 92 90 FG 3062 09/11/03 3.13 LOT 80 349 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.1 7.0 92 90 FG 3063 09/11/03 3.13 LOT 81 355 33 0 135.4 7.5 123.3 8.6 91 90 FG 3064 09/11/03 3.13 LOT 82 361 33 0 135.4 7.5 127.7 6.1 94 90 FG 3065 09/11/03 3.13 LOT 83 368 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.8 7.0 90 90 FG 3079 09/12/03 3.13 LOT 91. 347 33 0 135.4 7.5 120.3 4.9 89 90 FG 3079A 10/14/03 3.13 LOT 91 347 33 0 135.4 7.5 122.2 5.9 90 90 FG 3080 09/12/03 3.13 LOT 90 353 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.7 5.8 90 90 FG 3080A 10/14/03 3.13 LOT 90 353 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.1 5.7 92 90 FG 3081 09/12/03 3.13 LOT 89 362 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.0 7.9 92 90 FG 3082 09/12/03 3.13 LOT 88 368 33 0 135.4 7.5 124.5 7.7 92 90 FG 3083 09/12/03 3.13 LOT 86 379 33 0 135.9 7.5 121.4 5.5 90 90 FG 3084 09/12/03 3.13 LOT 87 374 33 0 135.9 7.5 123.7 8.1 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 06105-12-06 I TABLE FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/411 Dry Moist Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. I Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) FG 3085 09/12/03 3.13 LOT 85 381 33 0 135.9 7.5 125.5 10.4 93 90 3086 03/12/03 3.13 LOT 53 434 8 30 131.3 8.7 122.0 8.2 93 90 3087 09/13/03 3.13 LOT 63 423 8 30 131.3 8.7 124.6 8.8 95 90 3089 09/13/03 3.13 LOT 62 434 8 40 134.1 7.7 124.0 9.2 92 90 FG 3090 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 50 407 17 20 124.1 10.6 112.8 13.9 91 90 3091 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 64 400 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.5 9.3 90 90 3092 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 63 425 8 30 131.3 8.7 117.8 8.1 90 90 FG 3093 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 57 463 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.0 7.9 90 90 FG 3094 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 56 461 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.4 8.6 90 90 FG 3095 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 55 451 8 30 131.3 8.7 123.9 8.2 94 90 FG 3096 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 54 438 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.6 10.8 93 90 FG 3097 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 53 429 8 30 131.3 8.7 122.7 9.3 93 90 FG 3098 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 52 420 8 30 131.3 8.7 125.2 7.2 95 90 FG 3099 09/15/03 3.13 LOT 51 414 8 30 131.3 8.7 126.2 7.4 96 90 FG 3100 09/16/03 3.13 LOT 58 463 33 0 135.4 7.5 118.3 6.3 87 90 FG 3100A 09/17/03 3.13 LOT 58 463 33 0 135.4 7.5 130.4 8.9 96 90 FG 3101 09/16/03 3.13 LOT 59 461 33 0 135.4 7.5 121.1 5.2 89 90 FG 3101A 09/17/03 3.13 LOT 59 461 33 0 135.4 7.5 127.0 10.2 94 90 3102 09/16/03 3.13 LOT 61 442 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.4 10.3 90 90 3103 09/16/03 3.13 LOT 64 399 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.1 7.9 91 90 - 3117 09/16/03 3.13 LOT 64 401 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.6 10.0 91 90 FG 3121 09/16/03 3.13 LOT 46 382 17 30 127.4 9.3 120.0 9.1 94 90 FG 3122 09/16/03 3.13 LOT 47 389 17 30 127.4 9.3 119.3 8.5 94 90 FG 3123 09/16/03 3.13 LOT 48 395 8 20 '128.5 9.7 120.1 10.1 93 90 Note: See last page of table for'-explanation of coded terms - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 Test No. Date Test Location FG 3124 09/16/03 3.13 LOT 49 FG 3129 09/17/03 3.13 LOT 60 FG 3130 09/17/03 3.13 LOT 61 FG 3131 09/17/03 3.13 LOT 62 FG 3132 09/17/03 3.13 LOT 63 FG 3133 09/17/03 3.13 LOT 64 FG 3214 09/30/03 3.13 LOT 75 3250 10/03/03 3.13 LOT 63 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field ReqTd or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 402 8 20 128.5 9.7 120.9 9.0 94 90 454 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.6 8.7 93 90 445 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.3 8.4 90 90 436 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.0 8.7 92 90 426 8 30 131.3 8.7 117.8 8.1 90 90 402 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.9 10.0 91 90 345 8 30 131.3 8.7 124.5 6.1 95 90 415 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.4 7.8 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Reqd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) M . (%) 1280 10/15/02 LCA 153+50 259 11 0 108.0 18.3. 100.5 20.1 93 90 1281 10/15/02 LCA 153+50 261 8 0 123.0 11.9 114.0 15.6 93 90 SZ 1325 10/18/02 LCA 153+80 264 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.4 13.6 91 90 1326 10/18/02 LCA 153+10 266 8 10 125.8 10.8 115.8 12.1 92 90 1331 10/21/02 LCA 154+75 264 8 10 125.8 10.8 118.4 11.9 94 90 1414 10/28/02 LCA 154+90 278 8 40 134.1 7.7 123.9 13.1 92 90 1441 10/31/02 LCA 153+85 276 15 20 128.5 8.8 117.6 15.3 92 90 1442 10/31/02 LCA 154+10 275 15 . 40 134.0 6.8 122.2 12.7 91 90 SZ 1444 10/31/02 LCA 153+10 271 9 40 136.5 7.2 126.5 11.8 93 90 1467 11/01/02 LCA 153+55 276 8 20 128.5 9.7 116.7 10.8 91 90 1468 11/01/02 LCA 153+60 276 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.8 11.2 92 90 1485 11/04/02 LCA 153+70 275 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.8 6.2 92 90 1495 11/05/02 LCA 152+80 276 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.9 9.1 92 90 1496 11/05/02 LCA 153+20 278 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.7 6.3 94 90 1497 11/05/02 LCA 153+50 280 9 . 60 141.3 5.7 137.0 5.7 97 90 1514 11/07/02 LCA 152+20 270 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.6 12.5 90 90 1520 11/12/02 LCA 153+60 283 9 30 134.1 8.1 124.6 10.5 93 90 1525 11/13/02 LCA 148+55 275 8 10 125.8 10.8 118.6 14.9 94 90 1540 11/15/02 LCA 155+90 280 8 60 139.8 5.8 125.4 10.0 90 90 M 1582 11/27/02 LCA 156+50 293 10 80 0.0 5.0 0.0 10.6 0 0 1583 11/27/02 LCA 156+55 291 9 40 136.5 7.2 125.1 12.1 92 90 M 1592 12/03/02 LCA 156+60 310 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.2 0 0 £4 1593 12/04/02 LCA 155+00 290 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 4.0 0 0 M 1593A 01/08/03 LCA 155+00 290 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 6.9 0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus 'Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1662 12/18/02 LCA 154+10 300 1 0 119.6 13.7 108.4 16.0 91 90 1663 12/18/02 LCA 153+40 302 1 0 119.6 13.7 108.3 16.2 91 90 M 1799 01/08/03 LCA 156+60 309 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 9.7 0 0 1847 01/10/03 LCA 153+75 309 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.0 8.9 91 90 1848 01/10/03 LCA 154+00 310 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.9 8.1 91 90 1852 01/09/03 LCA 155+80 300 8 60 139.8 5.8 131.9 .6.1 94 90 2120 03/14/03 LCA 150+85 268 9 20 131.7 8.9 119.0 11.1 90 90 2121 03/14/03 LCA 149+00 266 9 50 138.9 6.4 128.8 7.3 93 90 2122 03/18/03 LCA 148+00 268 8 0 123.0 11.9 112.8 15.0 92 90 2123 03/18/03 LCA 149+85 272 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.8 13.6 90 90 2133 03/18/03 LCA 148+30 274 9 30 134.1 8.1 120.9 10.3 90 90 2134 03/18/03 LCA 150±35 276 9 30 134.1 8.1 125.0 8.3 93 90 2135 03/19/03 LCA 148+90 278 9 10 129.3 9.8 118.5 11.9 92 90 2136 03/19/03 LCA 154+50 294 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.1 10.0 90 90 2137 03/19/03 LCA 153+85 292 9 40 136.5 7.2 123.5 9.0 90 90 2138 03/19/03 LCA 159+90 299 8 50 136.8 6.8 130.0 7.1 95 90 2139 03/19/03 LCA 153+45 302 9 20 131.7 8.9 123.2 11.3 94 90 2140 03/19/03 LCA 154+95 305 9 20 131.7 8.9 . 118.9 13.8 90 90 2293 04/10/03 LCA 151+30 273 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.6 8.6 91 90 2294 04/10/03 LCA 152+00 276 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.9 9.4 91 90 2316 04/11/03 LCA 152+40 284 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.6 11.7 92 90 M 2322 04/18/03 LCA 152+90 282 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 12.6 0 0 2353 04/23/03 LCA 151+40 287 26 0 138.5. 6.9 124.9 8.6 90 90 2354 04/23/03 LCA 152+85 290 26 0 138.5 6.9 128.1 7.0 92 90 Note: See last page of table., for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2355 04/23/03 LCA 149+10 278 26 0 138.5 6.9 126.8 7.7 92 90 2357 04/23/03 LCA -153+15 294 26 0 138.5 6.9 129.6 6.8 94 90 2358 04/23/03 LCA 151+10 290 26 0 138.5 6.9 124.9 9.3 90 90 2359 04/23/03 LCA 153+00 298 26 0 138.5 6.9 125.7 9.3 91 90 SZ 2361 04/23/03 LCA 150+65 287 9 30 134.1 8.1 120.0 5.0 89 90 SZ 2361A 04/23/03 LCA 150+65 287 9 40 136.5 7.2 123.4 7.0 90 90 2410 04/29/03 LCA 155+10 311 26 0 138.5 6.9 124.4 4.8 90 90 2410A 04/29/03 LCA 155+10 311 26 0 138.5 6.9 124.7 6.5 90 90 SZ 2411 04/29/03 LCA 151+55 290 8 30 131.3 8.7 116.6 8.1 89 90 SZ 2411A 04/30/03 LCA 151+55 290 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.6 9.5 90 90 2420 05/03/03 LCA 153+30 306 26 0 138.5 6.9 128.2 8.6 93 90 2421 05/03/03 LCA 150+70 293 26 0 138.5 6.9 125.7 7.6 91 90 2426 05/06/03 LCA 146+05 257 1 10 122.7 12.4 110.3 15.8 90 90 2432 05/06/03 LCA 146+60 260 3 0 119.0 12.7 110.7 15.4 93 90 2433 05/06/03 LCA 146+10 262 3 0 119.0 12.7 108.1 16.6 91 90 2434 05/06/03 LCA 147+00 264 3 0 119.0 12.7 108.4 14.9 91 90 ST 2476 05/12/03 LCA 151+00 284 8 20 128.4 9.7 115.3 13.2 90 90 ST 2477 05/12/03 LCA 153+80 295 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.3 9.9 91 90 2570 06/06/03 LCA 145+20 260 5 0 116.4 16.1 105.2 18.0 90 90 2571 06/06/03 LCA 144+75 259 5 0 116.4 16.1 104.8 16.3 90 90 2572 06/06/03 LCA 145+00 261 5 0 116.4 16.1 106.7 18.3 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 Test No. Date Test Location M 114 06/14/02 JUNIPERO 13+00 116 06/17/02 JUNIPERO 31+60 M 212 07/02/02 JUNIPERO 17+30 M 221 07/03/02 JUNIPERO 12+35 M 222 07/03/02 JUNIPERO 12+00 M 230 07/08/02 JUNIPERO 12+80 M 231 07/08/02 JUNIPERO 13+30 M 253 07/10/02 JUNIPERO 13+80 M 256 07/10/02 JUNIPERO 13+80 342 07/22/02 JUNIPERO 42+80 343 07/22/02 JUNIPERO 46+70 M 396 07/29/02 JUNIPERO 16+50 M 788 08/28/02 JUNIPERO 22+30 M 789 08/28/02 JUNIPERO 21+85 790 08/28/02 JUNIPERO 21+45 790A 08/29/02 JUNIPERO 21+45 M 795 08/29/02 JUNIPERO 10+25 M 845 09/04/02 JUNIPERO 22+80 M 846 09/04/02 JUNIPERO 22+00 M 897 09/10/02 JUNIPERO 15+70 M 899 09/10/02 JUNIPERO 16+20 M 928 09/11/02 JUNIPERO 15+20 N 929 09/11/02 JUNIPERO 16+00 M 930 09/11/02 JUNIPERO 14+70 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) I 418 4 80 .0.0 5.8 0.0 13.9 0 0 405 4 60 140.6 5.8 130.9 9.0 93 90 411 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 16.2 0 0 427 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 16.9 0 0 430 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 18.3 0 0 430 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.7 0 0 427 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.9 0 0 433 9 80 0.0 5.7 .0.0 16.9 0 0 430 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.8 0 0 453 3 0 119.0 12.7 107.4 16.2 90 90 430 3 0 119.0 12.7 106.5 14.4 90 90 429 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.6 0 0 413 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 19.7 0 0 423 9 80 0.0 . 5.7 0.0 18.7 0 0 427 10 0 126.4 10.1 107.9 12.1 85 90 427 10 0 126.4 10.1 117.9 13.1 93 90 419 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 18.6 0 0 419 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 15.6 0 0 420 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 16.6 0 0 418 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.9 0 0 425 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 13.6 0 0 427 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 19.0 0 0 433 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 17.6 0 0 430 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 19.4 0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) M 944 09/12/02 JUNIPERO 16+90 431 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 15.6 0 0 M 945 09/12/02 JUNIPERO 16+80 432 9 80 0.0 5.7 0.0 14.4 0 0 979 09/17/02 JUNIPERO 15+25 434 8 10 125.8 10.8 117.5 15.1 93 90 1202 10/08/02 JUNIPERO 12+80 440 8 0 123.0 11.9 115.0 13.5 93 90 1209 10/09/02 JUNIPERO 14+00 441 17 0 117.6 13.4 110.1 17.1 94 90 1210 10/09/02 JUNIPERO 20+20 440 17 0 117.6 13.4 113.7 15.0 97 90 1347 10/23/02 JUNIPERO 19+80 427 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.6 10.2 91 90 1348 10/23/02 JUNIPERO 18+50 429 8 40 134.1 7.7 123.2 13.2 92 90 1360 10/23/02 JUNIPERO 17+90 431 8 50 136.8 6.8 124.6 12.9 91 90 1622 12/11/02 JUNIPERO 19+10 434 5 0 116.4 16.1 106.7 18.3 92 90 1623 12/11/02 JUNIPERO 15+30 443 5 0 116.4 16.1 104.7 17.1 90 90 1624 12/11/02 JUNIPERO 12+95 446 5 0 116.4 16.1 107.2 16.9 92 90 1629 12/11/02 JUNIPERO 17+85 438 5 20 123.2 13.2 110.9 13.3 90 90 1630 12/11/02 JUNIPERO 17+85 447 5 10 119.8 14.6 112.8 17.1 94 90 1650 12/12/02 JUNIPERO 20+15 436 11 0 108.0 18.3 106.4 19.2 99 90 1651 12/12/02 JUNIPERO 15+00 445 11 0 108.0 18.3 103.2 22.5 96 90 1690 12/19/02 JUNIPERO 23+70 423 9 10 129.3 9.8 118.4 12.1 92 90 1691 12/19/02 JUNIPERO 22+10 428 9 10 129.3 9.8 116.5 9.7 90 90 1693 12/19/02 JUNIPERO 23+05 425 7 0 122.8 11.0 110.9 8.0 90 90 1693A 12/23/02 JUNIPERO 23+05 425 7 0 122.8 11.0 113.0 13.6 92 90 1697 12/23/02 JUNIPERO 24+15 420 8 10 125.8 10.8 120.4 11.1 96 90 1732 12/30/02 JUNIPERO 24+20 425 7 0 122.8 11.0 113.1 13.3 92 90 1733 12/30/02 JUNIPERO 23+00 - 430 7 10 125.6 9.9 114.8 10.8 91 90 1738 12/31/02 JUNIPERO 24+10 428 8 0 123.0 11.9 110.9 12.6 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1739 12/31/02 JUNIPERO 22+55 432 8 30 131.3 8.7 124.6 12.2 95 90 1777 01/06/03 JUNIPERO 12+85 433 5 0 116.4 16.1 106.9 15.2 92 90 1778 01/06/03 JUNIPERO 12+00 435 1 0 119.6 13.7 112.4 12.9 94 90 1779 01/06/03 JUNIPERO 12+45 437 1 0 119.6 13.7 11.1 13.4 93 90 1785 01/06/03 JUNIPERO 13+45 439 1 20 125.8 11.1 115.7 12.9 92 90 1786 01/06/03 JUNIPERO 12+40 442 14 0 140.0 6.1 132.6 6.5 95 90 1787 01/06/03 JUNIPERO 11+70 444 14 0 140.0 6.1 129.9 7.3 93 90 1788 01/07/03 JUNIPERO 13+10 446 11 0 108.3 18.3 101.4 21.2 94 90 1789 01/07/03 JUNIPERO 12+40 448 11 0 108.3 18.3 103.6 19.6 96 90 1800 01/07/03 JUNIPERO 25+50 420 11 0 108.3 18.3 100.7 20.8 93 90 1801 01/07/03 JUNIPERO 27+00 419 9 10 129.3 9.8 118.8 9.5 92 90 1802 01/07/03 JUNIPERO 25+05 425 9 0 126.9 10.7 116.9 9.9 92 90 1803 01/09/03 JUNIPERO 12+95 450 9 30 134.1 8.1 124.8 9.3 93 90 1811 01/08/03 JUNIPERO 12+75 452 9 10 129.3 9.8 118.4 12.1 92 90 1831 01/08/03 JUNIPERO 26+50 421 9 30 134.1 8.1 121.4 10.3 91 90 ST 1838 01/09/03 JUNIPERO 13+10 457 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.7 9.5 92 90 1860 01/10/03 JUNIPERO 45+80 446 8 30 131.3 8.7 119.9 6.3 91 90 1860A 01/10/03 JUNIPERO 45+80 446 8 30 131.3 8.7 122.7 9.4 93 90 1861 01/10/03 JUNIPERO 45+40 447 8 30 131.3 8.7 123.7 8.7 94 90 1864 01/13/03 JUNIPERO 41+40 448 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.1 10.2 92 90 1870 01/13/03 JUNIPERO 26+25 421 8 0 123.0 11.9 110.6 12.8 90 90 1871 01/13/03 JUNIPERO 24+75 422 8 30 131.3 8.7 123.8 9.0 94 90 1872 01/13/03 JUNIPERO 25+60 425 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.9 9.0 90 90 1873 01/13/03 JUNIPERO 26+10 427 4 10 127.8 10.3 115.7 13.2 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1874 01/13/03 JUNIPERO 24+70 430 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.4 11.3 91 90 1882 01/13/03 JUNIPERO 43+00 448 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.4 10.6 91 90 SZ 1883 01/13/03 JUNIPERO 44+20 439 8 20 128.5 9.7 119.7 11.8 93 90 SZ 1884 01/14/03 JUNIPERO 46+50 442 8 20 128.5 9.7 116.0 11.4 90 90 SZ 1885 01/14/03 JUNIPERO 45+10 444 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.5 11.8 90 90 1886 01/14/03 JUNIPERO 45+40 449 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.1 1.3 91 90 1887 01/14/03 JUNIPERO 41+10 450 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.4 10.5 90 90 1888 01/14/03 JUNIPERO 44+50 448 8 30 131.3 8.7 117.6 9.3 90 90 1889 01/14/03 JUNIPERO 46+30 446 8 30 131.3 8.7 124.7 11.8 95 90 SZ 1890 01/15/03 JUNIPERO 45+50 447 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.0 9.5 91 90 SZ 1891 01/15/03 JUNIPERO 43+70 449 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.3 10.3 90 90 1909 01/17/03 JUNIPERO 28+90 422 8 30 131.3 8.7 116.2 6.8 88 90 1909A 01/17/03 JUNIPERO 28+90 422 8 30 131.3 8.7 117.7 8.0 90 90 1910 01/17/03 JUNIPERO 27+40 423 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.7 9.5 93 90 1912 01/17/03 JUNIPERO 28+00 418 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.1 11.6 90 90 1913 01/18/03 JUNIPERO 41+00 451 8 60 139.8 5.8 130.9 6.9 94 90 1914 01/18/03 JUNIPERO 42+00 448 8 50 136.8 6.8 130.1 7.8 95 90 1938 01/21/03 JUNIPERO 42+50 450 8 20 128.5 9.7 119.7 8.8 93 90 1939 01/21/03 JUNIPERO 41+30 449 8 20 128.5 9.7 120.3 10.2 94 90 1940 01/21/03 JUNIPERO 40+40 449 8 20 128.5 9.7 116.6 8.9 91 90 2005 02/04/03 JUNIPERO 38+95 446 14 0 140.0 6.1 129.5 5.7 92 90 2006 02/04/03 JUNIPERO 38+95 446 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.2 6.6 90 90 2007 02/03/03 JUNIPERO 35+00 431 14 0 140.0 6.1 125.8 5.8 90 90 2008 02/04/03 JUNIPERO 36+40 441 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.3 7.0 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - I= - - - - - - - - - mm - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2009 02/05/03 JUNIPERO 37+95 447 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.5 4.7 91 90 2009A 02/05/03 JUNIPERO 37+95 447 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.4 6.4 90 90 2010 02/05/03 JUNIPERO 37+95 451 14 0 140.0 6.1 129.7 5.3 93 90 2011 02/06/03 JUNIPERO 41+80 455 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.6 10.4 92 90 2012 02/06/03 JUNIPERO 43+65 455 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.0, 11.3 91 90 2013 02/06/03 JUNIPERO 46+00 452 8 20 128.5 9.7 119.1 9.5 93 90 2307 04/09/03 JUNIPERO 29+50 416 26 0 138.5 6.9 125.5 8.5 91 90 2308 04/09/03 JUNIPERO 28+55 420 26 0 138.5 6.9 128.3 7.7 93 90 2422 05/03/03 JUNIPERO 30+35 419 26 0 138.5 6.9 124.9 8.1 90 90 2585 06/17/03 JUNIPERO 31+80 399 10 30 133.8 7.4 121.7 9.2 91 . 90 2592 06/18/03 JUNIPERO 31+50 401 10 30 133.8 7.4 121.5 7.4 91 90 SZ 2593 06/19/03 JUNIPERO 30+45 411 5 30 126.5 11.8 117.2 13.4 93 90 SZ 2594 06/19/03 JUNIPERO 31+20 416 5 30 126.5 11.8 118.9 12.6 94 90 2595 06/19/03 JUNIPERO 31+50 403 10 30 133.8 7.4 119.9 8.6 90 90 2599 06/20/03 JUNIPERO 30+25 415 10 30 133.8 7.4 120.6 7.2 90 90 2600 06/20/03 JUNIPERO 32+00 410 10 30 133.8 7.4 122.2 8.7 91 90 2626 06/27/03 JUNIPERO 31+30 398 5 30 126.5 11.8 114.1 11.4 90 90 2629 06/27/03 JUNIPERO 31+70 406 5 30 126.5 11.8 113.9 12.7 , 90 90 2630 06/27/03 JUNIPERO 31+40 401 5 20 123.2 13.2 113.3 12.5 92 90 2631 06/27/03 JUNIPERO 31+60 402 5 ' 20 123.2 12.2 112.2 12.9 91 90 2632 06/30/03 JUNIPERO 30+95 417 10 20 131.3 8.3 119.4 10.5 91 90 2633 06/30/03 JUNIPERO 32+00 419 10 20 131.3 8.3 121.2 8.6 92 90 2687 07/14/03 JUNIPERO 32+05 411 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.0 9.4 90 90 2688 07/14/03 JUNIPERO 31+05 407 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.6 9.7 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-06 TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location 2712 07/17/03 JUNIPERO 29+85 2720 07/18/03 JUNIPERO 33+10 2721 07/18/03 JUNIPERO 31+85 2722 07/18/03 JUNIPERO 30+50 2723 07/21/03 JUNIPERO 33+85 2724 07/21/03 JUNIPERO 30+50 2725 07/21/03 JUNIPERO 30+50 2726 07/21/03 JUNIPERO 32+70 2729 07/22/03 JUNIPERO 31+70 2729A 07/22/03 JUNIPERO 31+70 2743 07/25/03 JUNIPERO 31+50 2743A 07/25/03 JUNIPERO 31+50 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 420 33 0 135.4 6.8 128.0 7.4 94 90 423 33 0 135.4 6.8 123.5 7.4 91 90 419 33 0 135.4 6.8 127.2 6.7 94 90 419 33 0 135.4 6.8 126.6 8.0 93 90 428 33 0 135.4 6.8 122.8 8.1 91 90 418 33 0 135.4 6.8 125.7 7.5 93 90 419 33 0 135.4 6.8 123.0 7.5 91 90 422 33 0 135.4 6.8 121.5 8.4 90 90 421 33 0 135.4 6.8 120.4 5.5 89 90 421 33 0 135.4 6.8 122.7 6.8 91 90 421 33 0 135.4 6.8 118.3 4.8 87 90 421 33 0 135.4 6.8 122.1 5.9 90 90 - Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-52-06 EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMS - PREFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS AC - Asphalt Concrete FG - Finish Grade SD - Storm Drain SM - Sewer Main SZ - Slope Zone B - Base JT - Joint Trench SG - Subgrade ST - Slope Test WB - Wall Backfill CG - Curb & Gutter M - Moisture Test SL - Sewer Lateral SW - Sidewalk WM - Water Main - SUFFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS A, B, C,... : Retest of previous density test failure, following moisture conditioning and/or recompaction. R : Fill in area of density test failure was removed and replaced with properly compacted fill soil. - TEST LOCATION ABBREVIATIONSt M - Adjacent to, or in, Median Strip N - North Side of Street V - Joint or Electrical Trench Vault S - South Side of Street X - Joint or Electrical Trench Crossing E - East Side of Street SH - Shade Sand W - West Side of Street B - Bedding CDS - Cul-de-sac For Example: 'M-E" would describe a density test taken on the East Side of the Median Strip at the specified street and station number (i.e., MILLER RD 10+00 M-E) - CURVE NO. Corresponds to curve numbers listed in Table II, representing the laboratory maximum dry density/optimum moisture content data for selected fill soil sam p l e s encountered during testing and observations. - ROCK CORRECTION For density tests with rock percentage greater than zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content were adjusted for rock content. For tests with rock content equal to zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content values are then unadjusted values. - ELEVATION/DEPTH Test elevations/depths have been rounded to the nearest whole foot. - TYPE OF TEST SC: Sand Cone Test NU: Nuclear Density Test DC: - Drive Cylinder Test TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM D 1557-00 Sample Maximum Optimum No. Description Dry Density Moisture Content (PC') (% dry weight) I Orange to olive-brown, mottled, very Clayey 119.6 13.7 SAND 3 Olive-gray, Sandy CLAY 119.0 12.7 4 Reddish brown, Clayey SAND 125.2 11.3 5 Dark brown, Sandy CLAY - 116.4 16.1 8 Reddish-brown, Gravelly, fine to coarse SAND 123.0 11.9 with trace silt 9 Reddish-gray, fine to coarse, Sandy GRAVEL 126.9 10.7 with trace clay 10 Yellowish-brown, Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 126.4 10.1 11 Light Yellowish-brown, Silty CLAY with trace 108.0 18.3 sand 14 Dark Reddish-brown, fine to coarse Sandy 140.0 6.1 GRAVEL with trace clay 15 Brown, fine to medium Sandy CLAY with trace 122.9 11.0 gravel 17 Light Olive-gray, Silty CLAY with Sand and 117.6 13.4 Gravel 26 Olive brown, fine to medium, Sandy GRAVEL 138.5 6.9 with silt 33 Light brownish-gray GRAVEL with-Sand and 135.4 7.5 trace clay Project No. 06105-52-06 November 12, 2003 1 November 12, 2003 I I L] Project No. 06105-52-06 I I TABLE III SUMMARY OF LABORATORY EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ASTM D 4829-95 Sample No. Moisture Content Dry Density (pCf) Expansion Index Before Test (%) After Test (%) El 3.13-58 10.4 24.1 109.0 40 E13.13-59 9.7 22.1 113.4 28 El 3.13-60 10.5 22.2 107.8 6 E13.13-61 9.4 22.8 112.3 27 El 3.13-62 12.2 30.0 107.6 88 E13.13-63 12.6 32.4 102.5 113 E13.13-64 11.3 30.2 109.8 100 EI-3.13-65 10.3 30.3 108.5 73 E13.13-66 10.8 31.3 101.7 55 E13.13-67 11.3 31.2 108.8 81 E13.12-76 9.5 17.4 115.1 0 E13.12-77 9.3 20.6 115.7 14 E13.12-78 9.0 19.4 118.3 0 El 3.12-85 6.8 21.7 125.4 15 El 3.12-86 6.8 20.1 122.3 0 El 3.13-94 7.1 15.5 122.1 0 E13.12-95 8.8 18.4 116.7 15 El 3.12-96 7.1 23.6 120.5 13 E13.13-97 8.3 22.6 119.1 21 El 3.13-98 8.3 22.1 117.2 17 El 3.13-102 7.3 18.8 120.3 22 El 3.13-103 7.9 18.8 119.4 0 El 3.13-104 9.6 19.5 116.0 0 E13.13-105 8.0 22.7 116.4 8 E13.13-108 11.6 20.6 111.3 33 I I I H I 1 I I I I I I 11 TABLE IV SUMMARY OF LABORATORY DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ASTM D 3080-98 Sample No. Dry Density (jc1) Moisture Content (%) Unit Cohesion (jsf) Angle of Shear Resistance (degrees) 8E 111.4 11.5 725 20 8F 110.5 12.1 405 33 8G 110.5 12.4 640 25 8H 109.8 13.0 405 30 Samples were remolded to approximately 90 percent of maximum dry density at near optimum moisture content. TABLE V SUMMARY OF LABORATORY WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATE TEST RESULTS NEIGHBORHOODS 3.12 AND 3.13, LA COSTA OAKS CALIFORNIA TEST NO. 417 Sample No. Water-Soluble Sulfate (%) Sulfate Exposure S-i 0.047 Negligible S-2 0.260 Severe S-3 0.048 Negligible S-4 0.031 Negligible S-5 0.027 Negligible S-6 0.030 Negligible S-7 0.090 Negligible S-8 0.090 Negligible Project No. 06105-52-06 November 12, 2003 TABLE VI SUMMARY OF FINISH GRADE EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS LOT NOS. I THROUGH 91 NEIGHBORHOODS 3.12 AND 3.13, LA COSTA OAKS SOUTH Lot Numbers Sample at Finish Grade Expansion Index UBC Classification 1 through 5 El 3.12-76 0 Very Low 6 through 10 El 3.12-85 15 Very Low 11 and 12 E13.12-95 15 Very Low 13 and 14 El 3.12-86 0 Very Low 15 through 18 E13.12-96 13 Very Low 19 through 23 El 3.12-78 0 Very Low 24 through 27 El 3.12-77 14 Very Low 28 through 32 El 3.13-58 40 Low 33 through 37 El 3.13-59 28 Low 38 through 42 El 3.13-60 6 Very Low 43 and 44 E13.13-61 27 Low 45 El 3.13-62 88 Medium 46 El 3.13-63 113 1 High 47 El 3.13-64 100 High 48 El 3.13-65 73 Medium 49 El 3.13-66 55 Medium 50 El 3.13-67 81 Medium 51 through 55 El 3.13-98 17 Very Low 56 through 59 El 3.13-97 21 Low 60thr0ugh64 El 3.13-108 33 Low 65 through 70 El 3.13-94 0 Very Low 71 through 75 E13.13-102 22 Low 76 through 81 E13.13-105 8 Very Lo 82 through 86 El 3.13-104 0 Very Low 87 through 91 El 3.13-103 0 Very Low I I I Project No. 06105-52-06 November 12, 2003 I ,1 I 1 I P1 H H I I F- L i I I I I I I TABLE VII SUMMARY OF AS-GRADED BUILDING PAD CONDITIONS LOT NOS. I THROUGH 91 NEIGHBORHOODS 3.12 AND 3.13, LA COSTA OAKS SOUTH Lot No. Pad Condition Approximate Maximum Depth of Fill Approximate Depth of Differential Fill 1 Fill 28 17 2 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 14 11 3 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 6 1 4 Undercut due to rock 4 1 5 Undercut due to rock 4 1 6 Undercut due to rock 4 1 7 Undercut due to rock 4 1 8 Undercut due to rock 7 2 9 Undercut due to rock 6 1 10 Undercut due to rock 5 1 11 Undercut due to rock 5 1 12 Fill 14 9 13 Fill 20 15 14 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 14 11 15 Fill 39 8 16 Fill 40 13 17 Fill 38 12 18 Fill 39 16 19 Fill 38 20 20 Fill 40 17 21 Fill 30 5 22 Fill 27 7 23 Fill 29 15 24 Fill 27 21 25 Fill 20 10 26 Fill 20 12 27 Fill 18 15 28 Fill 62 17 29 Fill 61 10 30 Fill 62 6 31 Fill 61 3 Project No. 06105-52-06 November 12, 2003 I TABLE VII (Continued) SUMMARY OF AS-GRADED BUILDING PAD CONDITIONS LOT NOS. I THROUGH 91 NEIGHBORHOODS 3.12 AND 3.13, LA COSTA OAKS SOUTH Lot No. Pad Condition Approximate Maximum Depth of Fill Approximate Depth of Differential Fill 32 Fill 61 5 33 Fill 58 3 34 Fill 53 5 35 Fill 57 5 36 Fill 60 4 37 Fill 60 - 4 38 Fill 52 8 39 Fill 51 10 40 Fill 53 8 41 Fill 53 6 42 Fill 50 10 43 Fill 50 10 44 Fill 33 14 45 Fill 42 18 46 Fill 41 14 47 Fill 45 25 48 Fill 47 21 49 Fill 41 17 50 Fill 27 16 51 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 23 20 52 Undercut due to cut/fill transition - 16 13 53 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 14 11 54 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 18 15 55 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 14 11 56 Undercut due to rock 4 1 57 Undercut due to rock 4 1 58 Undercut due to rock 4 1 59 Undercut due to rock 4 1 60 Undercut due to rock 4 1 61 Undercut due to rock 4 1 62 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 18 15 63 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 13 10 Project No. 06105-52-06 November 12, 2003 1 I