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971009-005 APPENDIXA Blake, Thomas P., 1996, EQFAULT, Version 2.2. , 1998, FRISKSP. Eisenberg, L.I., 1985, Pleistocene Faults and Marine Terraces, Northem San Diego County in Abbott, P.L., Editor, On the Manner of Deposition of the Eocene Strata in Northem San Diego County, San Diego Association of Geologists, Field Trip Guidebook, pp. 86-91. Eisenberg, L.I. and Abbott, P.L., 1985, Eocene Lithofacies and Geologic History, Northem SanDiego County jn Abbott, P.L., ed., On the Manner of Deposition of the Eocene Strata in Nortiiem San Diego County: San Diego Association of Geologists, Field Trip Guidebook, pp. 19-35. Geocon, Inc., 1982a, Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance, Bressi Ranch, San Diego County, Califomia, File No. D-2714-TOl, dated March 23,1982. , 1982b, Report of Phase I Geotechnical Study, Bressi Ranch, Carisbad, Califomia, File No. D- 2714-T02, dated June 4, 1982. , 1992, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Rancho Carrillo, Villages E, J, and K, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 04787-12-04, dated December 30, 1992. , 1993, Geologic Investigation for Rancho Carrillo Project - Major Roads, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 04787-12-01, dated January 15, 1993. , 1996, Geologic Investigation, Rancho Carrillo - El Fuerte Detention Basin Embankment and Existing Bressi Dam, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 04787-12-11, dated November 25, 1996. , 1998, Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading, El Fuerte Detention Embankment, Rancho Carrillo, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 05845-12-07, dated November 20, 1998. , 2000, Supplemental Soil and Geologic Investigation, Villages of La Costa - The Greens, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 06403-12-01, dated March 24, 2000. Hannan, D., 1975, Faulting in the Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista Areas, Northem San Diego County, California in Ross, A. and Dowlens, R.J., eds., Studies on the Geology of Camp Pendleton and Westem San Diego County, Califomia: San Diego Association of Geologists, pp. 56- 59. Hart, E.W., 1997, Fault-Rupmre Hazard Zones in Califomia, Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act of 1972 with Index to Special Studies Zones Maps: Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42. ; 971009-005 APPENDIX A (continued) Intemational Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), 1997, Uniform Building Code, Volume I - Administrative, Fire- and Life-Safety, and Field Inspection Provisions, Volume II - Stmctural Engineering Design Provisions, and Volume III - Material, Testing and Installation Provision, ICBO. Jennings, C.W., 1994, Fauft Activity Map of Califomia and Adjacent Areas; Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Data Map 6, Scale 1:750,000. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1992, City of Carisbad, Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study, 84 Sheets, dated November, 1992. , 1997, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. n 4971009-002, dated July 29,1997. i , 1998,Recommendations for Overexcavation of Potentially Compressible Materials, for Onsite Portion of Land Outfall Sewer Relocation Project, Future Poinsettia Lane, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-002, dated March 26, 1998. , 2000a, Geotechnical Review of Conceptual Grading Plans for the Wetland Restoration Area, Bressi Ranch, Carisbad, Califomia, Project No. 4971009-005, dated January 25, 2000. , 2000a, Geotechnical Review of Land-Use Plans for Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-005,dated March 2,2000. , 2000c, Wetland Restoration Area Grading, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 4971009-005, dated April 17, 2000. , 2000d, Remedial Quantity Estimates, Offsite Portion of Proposed Poinsettia Lane, Bressi Ranch Development,Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 971009-005,dated August25,2000. , 2001, Geotechnical Feasibility Study, Offsite Poinsettia Lane, Alicante Road and Borrow Sites Within The Greens of The Villages of La Costa, Bressi Ranch Development, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 971009-005,dated January 5,2001. — , Undated, Unpublished In-House Geotechnical Data. Lindvall, S.C, and Rockwell, T.K., 1995, Holocene Activity of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone in San Diego, Califomia: Journal of Geophysical Research, V. 100, No. B12, p. 24, 124-24,132. PDC, 2001a, Cut/Fill Exhibit, 200 Scale, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, dated February 14,2001. PDC, 2001b, Tentative Tract Map/Grading Plan, 200 Scale, Bressi Ranch, Carisbad, Califomia, undated, received Febmary 16,2001. A-2 971009-005 APPENDIX A (continued) Reichle, M.S., and Kahle, J.E., 1990, Planning Scenario for a Major Earthquake, San Diego-Tijuana Metropolitan Area: Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 100, 180 p. Rockwell, T.K., and Lindvall, S.C, 1990, Holocene Activity of the Rose Canyon Fault in San Diego, Califomia, Based on Trench Exposures and Tectonic Geomorphology; Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. , 1991, Minimum Holocene Slip Rate for the Rose Canyon Fauh in San Diego, Califomia in Environmental Perils, San Diego Region: San Diego Association of Geologists, p. 37-46. Tan, S.S., and Kennedy, M.P., 1996, Geologic Maps of the Northwestem Part of San Diego County, Califomia: Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, DMG Open-File Report 96-02, 2 Plates. Tan, S.S., and Giffen, D.G., 1995, Landslide Hazards in the Northem Port of the San Diego Metropolitan Area, San Diego County, Califomia, Landslide Hazard Identification Map No. 35, Division of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report No. 95-04. Treiman, J.A., 1993, The Rose Canyon Fauh Zone, Southern Califomia: Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 93-02,45 p. Seed, H.B., and Idriss, I.M., 1982, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, Monogram Series, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Berkeley, Califomia. Seed, H.B., Idriss, I.M., and Arango, I., 1983, Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential Using Field Performance Data, Joumal of Geotechnical Engineering: ASCE, Volume 109, March, pp. 458-482. Treiman, J.A., 1984, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone: A Review and Analysis, Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, Funded by Federal Management Agency Cooperative Agreement EMF-83- K-0148. , 1993, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Southem Califomia: Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 93-2,45p. Weber, F.H., 1982, Recent Slope Failures, Ancient Landslides and Related Geology of the Northem-Central Coastal Area, San Diego County, Califomia: Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 82-12LA, 77 p. Wilson, K.L., 1972, Eocene and Related Geology of a Portion of the San Luis Rey and Encinitas Quadrangles, San Diego County, Califomia: Master Thesis, University of Califomia at Riverside, 123 p. A-3 971009-005 APPENDIX A (continued) Ziony, J.I., and Yerkes, R.F., 1985, Evaluating Earthquake and Surface-FauUingPotential in Ziony, ed., 1985, Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles Region - An Earth - Science Perspective: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1360, pp. 43-91. Aerial Photographs Date Source Flight Photo No(s) 4/11/53 USDA AXN-8M 19-21 A-4 971009-005 Appendix B LB-22 through LB-29 Large-Diameter Borings From: Leighton and Associates, Current Investigation GEOTECHNiCAL BORING LOG LB-22 Date 9-18-00 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Projecl Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 30 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole 435 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. 971009-005 Type of Rig Bucket Auger 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58, 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 10 — 15 — 20- 25- u x: 0) Q.O (0_J L CD B:N35E SSE B:horizontal Itt tu TJ 3 B: horizontal FR:N61E, 46S CS:N20E, 7NW XB:N5W, 27NE QL £ ro I I 2 I 4 Bulk-3 4 I 3 I I Jl CH- OJ u Q a \^ t. a 3... U 111.6 121.4 115.2 118.6 9.5 8.0 15.3 11.6 tfl' —(fi SM SM CL SM CL SM CL SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa^ @ 0': Silty SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense; fossiliferous @ 5': Silty fme SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense Dense layer at 5.5' @ 6': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp, dense @7': Silty SANDSTONE @ 8'-9': Cemented zone-concrerionary layer: fossiliferous @ 9': 3-4" thick blocky claystone bed: very thin sand stringers within bed 11': Silty fme to medium SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, very dense; iron-oxide staining; fossiliferous 11.5': Concretionary layer; fossiliferous ' 13.5': Silty CLAYSTONE; green, damp, very stiff; blocky; abundant iron-oxide staining 18': Fractured and blocky CLAYSTONE I 19.6': Remolded clayseam 1/8" thick, slightly plastic, platey; claystone on eidier side, becomes less blocky wift depdi I 20': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp to moist, very stiff I 23': Concretionary layer @ 25.5': Silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray-brown, damp, very dense. I 27.6': Erosional contact/cross-bedding SSL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECliNlCAL BORING LOG LB-22 Date 9-18-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 435 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5,740#'s. 30-58, 4.300#'s, 58-87 3,mif's Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level u Z 0) Q.O «_i L CD Vt <U XI 3 c: a E (0 (/) L. Q. tft/-^ OJ u a a \^ Jt i. Q 03 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ BO- SS— 40- B:N85E, 6S 45- B:horizontal 50 — 55- I I I 111.2 111.6 17.8 SM 17.7 SM-CL CL SM ML SM-SC SM SANTIAGO FORMATION tContinued^ @ 30': Silty, very fine to fine SANDSTONE: gray-brown to orange-brown, damp; iron-oxide staining common @ 32': Krotovina (remnant animal burrows) @ 36': Abundant iron-staining, scattered Krotovina ? 39.5': Concretion 5 40': Silty, very fine SANDSTONE and clayey SILTSTONE: minor silty claystone beds, orange-brown to green, damp, very dense to hard 5 40.5': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp, dense; irregular contact ) 43': Silty fine SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense I 47'-47.3': Concretionary layer 1 47.3": Clayey to fme sandy SILTSTONE I 49': Concretionary layer, irregular contact 1 50': Silty fine SANDSTONE to silty clayey SANDSTONE: orange-brown to green, damp, very dense 52': Same as at 50' but color changes to orange-brown I 54': Fossiliferous concretionary layer 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORiNG LOG LB-22 9-18-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 435 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5,740#'s. 30-58, 4,300#'s. 58-87 3,m^'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level u .c 0) ao <D_J L. Cfl VI tu x> 3 o z a. B cn CQ Jl 0) u a a. Jl t-o o>6 a u GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ 60- B:N40W, 15S 65- B: horizontal 70— J SM SM/ML CL/ML SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) ©61': SILTSTONE to CLAYSTONE: dark gray, damp, dense; calcium carbonate laminae common @ 62': Silty CLAYSTONE to clayey SILTSTONE: dark gray, damp to moist, very stiff to hard; horizontal and vertical calcium carbonate stringers, unoxidized I 13 112.0 14.0 SM ML ) 68': Silty fine SANDSTONE: dark gray, damp to moist, dense, minor seepage encountered to 70' ) 70': Very fine sandy SILTSTONE: dark gray, damp, hard; traces of clay, well indurated 75 — Total Depth = 77 Feet Geologically Logged to 71 Feet Minor seepage at 68 to 70 feet BackfUled: 9/22/00 80— 85 — 3SL 505A{11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORiNG LOG LB-23 Date 9-18-00 Project Drillmg Co. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 438 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5,740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level 10 — Jsr 15 — CLO n)_i c Cfl (ft tu T3 3 B:horizontal B:horizontal CS:N44W, SNE C:generally horizontal 20- 25 — S3 —• * •. * B:horizontal • « . • •« • • • . • • mm ..v.i FR:N15W, 42W O Z a £ to to a. I I 2 I 3 I 3 I 3 I 4 I 3/8" tn/> CM-(U u o a \-/ Jl L a 107.2 109.2 115.9 117.2 c tu VI 20.1 19.1 13.1 11.7 Cfl _<fl tfl SM SM ML CL PT SM ML SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ TOPSOIL @ 0': Clayey silty SAND: gray-brown, damp to moist, medium dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION tTsa) @ 3': Irregular transitional contact to silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, medium dense; iron-oxide staining along fractures and bedding common > 6.8': Very fme sandy SILTSTONE: gray, damp, dense, orange and yellow staining along laminations common; weakly fissile 10': Becomes very dense 12.3': Paper thin, plastic (less than 1/8") clayseam within 2" thick finely laminated bed 12.5': Paper thin black organic rich peat bed 12.8': Contact to silly medium SANDSTONE: orange-brown, moist to wet; medium dense 13.5': Silty medium SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, very dense; fossiliferous, (gastropod and mulloskshells); iron-oxide stained 15': Silty fme to medium SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense i 18': Fine sandy SILTSTONE bed: light gray, moist, slightly plastic 118.5'-19.3': Cemented zone, fossiliferous I 19.3': SUty fme SANDSTONE: light gray and yellow orange-brown, damp very dense; traces of clay, fossils common I 20'-21.5': Cemented zone, fossiliferous ) 25': Fossiliferous coarse sand bed: orange-brown; approximately 3" thick ) 25.5': Steep fracture offsets fossiliferous bed by approximately 8" > 25.5': Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE: light gray to yellow-gray, damp to moist, dense ! 27': Concretionary nodule I 29.7': Minor seepage, red-brown, iron-oxide stained 2SL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORiNG LOG LB-23 9-18-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 438 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5,740#'s. 30-58. 4,300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level 30- 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- O s: 0) 0. o «_l c. CO tn tu T3 3 B: horizontal FR:N15W, 45SW C:horizontal J:N25W, 74N B:horizontal o z a E (0 tfl §8 CQ I I 10 Bulk-7 Jl Vt^ C1-tU U a 0. Jl £-a 109.3 121.7 9)^ • O o 19.7 12.9 .<fl tfl ML SM SM/ML ML SM-ML ML SM/ML SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 30.5': Fine sandy SILTSTONE: orange and green, damp, very stiff; iron-oxidized stained ©31': Cemented zone © 32'-33': Coarse SANDSTONE: orange-brown, wet, medium dense ©32.5': Seepage encountered © 33': Silty fme to medium SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense @ 35.5': Erosional contact, irregular contacts, iron-oxide stained @ 36.3': Fractore wifli approximately 1' offset @36.5': Modeiate seepage @ 37': Horizontal contact to silty fine to medium SANDSTONE and interbedded fme sandy SILTSTONE: dark gray to blue-gray; very dense, unoxidized © 39': Concretionary layer © 40': Black organic rich layer -1' tfiick wifli underlying concretionary nodule >42': Cemented zone ) 43': Silty very fine SANDSTONE to sandy SILTSTONE: dark gray, damp, very dense, unoxided > 47.5': Clayey SILTSTONE bed I SO'-Sl': Clayey SILTSTONE bed; weakly plastic 1 52': Silty fine SANDSTONE: gray, damp, very dense > 54.6'-58': Fine sandy SILTSTONE bed: dark brown to dark gray, moist, very dense; organic-rich • 58'-60': Interbedded SILTSTONE and silty fine SANDSTONE: dark gray, damp, very dense; interbeded peat stringers common, unoxidized 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNiCAL BORING LOG LB-23 9-18-00 Date . Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 438 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5J40PS, 30-58. 4,300rs, 58-87 3.100^'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level 60- 65- 70- 75- 80 — U Z 0) ao t. CD 85- Ul IU T> 3 SSL 505A(11/77) o z a ni (fl GQ Vt^ c«*-tu o a a Jl L Q ^ O O _tfl tfl SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 60': Silty fine SANDSTONE: dark gray, damp, very dense; interbedded peat stringers common, unoxidized Total Depdi = 80 Feet Geologically Logged to 76 Feet Seepage at 29.7 Feet, 32.5 Feet, and 36.5 Feet Backfilled: 9/20/00 LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-24 Date 9-20-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 356 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5,740iy's, 30-58. 4.300iy's. 58-87 3.100#'s Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. o s: 0) a o aj_J c CD in DJ TJ 3 a E 0) (fl (Q h Jl Vt/-\ CH-tU U a a Jl L Cl 0)-$ jCfl u .tfl (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ B:generally horizontal 10- 15- 20- 25- I I I 3 I 4 I 4 I 5 108.4 115.9 111.7 115.2 15.6 12.2 16.6 14.9 SC SM TOPSOIL @ 0': Clayey SAND: brown, damp to moist, loose; rootlets TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 1.5': (Weathered) silty SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp to moist, dense; slighfly fractored, fracwres infilled wifli brown silty SAND I 4: Iron concretions common, sandstone l)ecomes denser with depth ) 5': Silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense; iron-oxidized staining common > 7': Calcium carbonate layer, wavy irregular contact, 2-3" fliick, moist, iron-oxidize, staining along bedding I 7.3': Discontinuous concretionary layer 10': Silty fine SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense; iron-oxide staining, slighfly micaceous 12': Calcium carbonate layer; -1" thick 15': Silty fine SANDSTONE: light gray wifli orange-brown iron-oxide staining, damp, dense > 19.6': Iron-oxide stained, concretionaiy nodule, sand becomes moist I 20': SANDSTONE: laminated bedding visible; yellow-brown, interbedded with gray sandstone @ 22.3': Minor to moderate seepage encountered I 29': Moderate seepage at 29' 1 29.3'-30.3': Concretionary nodules up to 12" in diameter I 29'-30': Silty fine SANDSTONE: orange-brown to gray, damp to moist, very dense; iron-oxidired stained 2SL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-24 Date 9-20-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 356 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3,100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level D3 30- 35- 40 — 45 — 50- O Z 0) a o <d_j c to B:horizontal Vt tu TJ 3 a E (fl (fl m fc a I 5/9" I Jl Vtr\ CH-IU U (D a Jl L a 113.3 112.1 ^ o o 16.0 15.8 _lfl (fl SM ML SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) ' 34.5'-37': Slighfly clayey SILTSTONE: gray-brown, damp to moist, hard; thinly laminated; yellow and orange-brown staining common I 37': Large concretionary nodule -12" in diameter I 37': Silty fine SANDSTONE: gray-brown, damp to moist, very dense; yellow to orange-brown staining common I 40.5'-41': Concretionary nodules common I 47': Heavy seepage encountered Total Depfli = 50 Feet Geologically Logged to 46 Feet Seepage at 22.3 Feet, 29 Feet, and 47 Feet Backfllled: 9/20/00 55 — mi 505A<11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-25 Date 9-21-00 1 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 282 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740<y's. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level D3 s: 0) a o (tj_j L CD VI tu TJ 3 <i: o z a E Its (fl CO Ifl/-^ CM-CD U o a Jl L CD 3. - O O _<fl (fl GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 10- B:N40E, 4W 15 — iS2 B:generally horizontal 20 — 25 — C:NS4E, 6W CS:N40W, SSW I 1 I 1 I 2 I 3 Bulk-3 4 I 2 I I 5 I 5 30- 108.0 115.9 117.4 121.5 16.1 8.8 8.5 9.3 ML SM CL TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) © 0': Very fine sandy clayey SILTSTONE: green-gray, damp, medium dense: horizontal and vertical calcium stringers, iron-oxidized staining along bedding I 4'-8': Steeply dipping fractores/joints Steeply fractored > 9.3': Cemented zone, irregular contacts I 10': Veiy fme sandy clayey SILTSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense; calcium carbonate stringers common, few shell fossils ) 11.5': Cemented zone > 12': Calcium carbonate-lined fracwre I 13.5': Grades into very fine SANDSTONE I 14.5': Silty very fme SANDSTONE: orange and gray-brown, damp, dense; calcium carbonate stringers common > 15.7': Silty SANDSTONE; gray, damp, dense; slighfly friable ) 18.6': Laminated bedding common, fractores/joints infilled widi calcium caibonate common ) 20': Silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, veiy dense, orange and red iron-oxidized staining, calcium carbonate common i 36': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp, stiff I 27.8": Plastic clayseam (less flian 1/2" ttiick) 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORiNG LOG LB-25 9-21-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 282 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3,mrs Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. T<u &«! H 0) ao rt_J c CD Ul (U T3 3 O z a E (D (fl U. Jl Vl/-^ CH-IU U a a Jl t. a • o o Vl^ (J .(fl (fl' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ BO- SS— 40- 45-C:horizontal 50- FR:N62E, 30NW C:N3W, 15NE 55- 1 I 7 I 6 Bulk-8 SSL 112.3 15.1 107.0 15.8 ML SM ML SM CL SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) © 30': Fine sandy SILTSTONE: light red-brown to dark gray, damp, dense, fissile; yellow-brown stringers common ) 34': Silty SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense ) 39': Cemented zone, dark gray; fossiliferous ) 39.6': Clayey sandy SILTSTONE: brown to orange-brown, damp, very dense; iron-oxide staining; irregular erosional contact below cemented zone ) 41': Dark gray, organic-rich bed (-1" thick) ) 41.5': Silty fine SANDSTONE: dark gray, damp, very dense, unoxidized I 45': Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE: gray-brown, damp to moist, dense; yellow stringers common I 49.5': Seepage encountered I 51': Silty CLAYSTONE: gray-green, damp, hard; moderately blocky silty claystone ' 56': Becomes very hard and less blocky 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-25 9-21-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 282 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s, 30-58, 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.mrs Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level <u 60- 65- 70- 75- 80- 85- asL u JE 01 a o ItS-i L CD in QJ T3 3 a E (d (fl 6^ to fc a ui^ CH-IU u a a. Jl C. O 0)5 ^ o a o (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ Total Depfli = 59 Feet Dowhole Logged to 56 Feet Seepage encountered at 49.5 Feet Backfilled: 9/21/00 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECliNlCAL BORiNG LOG LB-26 Date 9-21-00 1 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 242 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s, 58-87 3,im's Drop 12 in. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 03 m OJ TJ 3 a E to (fl CQ Jl Vli^ CH-IU U o a Jl C C3 fc vi^ _(fl oa to GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ -TTtr FR:N20E, 6N 15— 25 — FR:N28W, 25NE RS:E-W, 39N RS:N85W, 34NE RS:N60W, 1-3SE I 2 I 3 I I 3 I 2 I 4 I 2 121.3 115.5 110.4 114.4 10.7 14.1 15.1 15.8 ML ML/SC SC CL CL OUATERNARY LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Ols) @ 0': Clayey sandy SILTSTONE: green-gray, damp, medium dense; randomly oriented fractores @ 5': Clayey silty SANDSTONE to clayey sandy SILTSTONE: green, damp, stiff @ 6': Clayey silty medium SAND: yellow-brown, damp to moist, medium dense @ 6.5': Sandy CLAYSTONE: green, damp, medium stiff; very fractored; lilocky; irregular upper contact 10': Sandy CLAYSTONE: green, damp, stiff, very fractored, fractores are steeply dipping and randomly oriented 15': Medium sandy CLAYSTONE: green, damp, stiff; fractored; becomes more stiff at 17' and less fractored I 20': Sil^ CLAYSTONE: green, damp, stiff; fractored I 20.9': Minor seepage I 21': Backshear: polished striated and grooved surface wifli 1/16" remolded clay above polished surface @ 23.5': Backshear: polished and striated surface, no remolded clay along surface , @ 25.3': Ruptore surface: moderately plastic remolded clayseam 1/16" fliick, \ blocky and fractored above,_niassive and hard bejow TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 25.4': Silty CLAYSTONE to clayey SILTSTONE: olive-green, moist, very stiff to hard; massive, increasing density wifli depfli, iron-oxide staining common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-26 9-21-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 242 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100iy's Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. a<" U a o ro-l u CO in IU TJ 3 o -•-z tu §8 o^ a E enfc m a (fl CH-IU o Q a Jl C Cl Logged By Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION MDJ/RKW MDJ 30- 35- 40 — B:N-S8-10W B:N45E, HSE •vfP 45-B:horizontal 50 — 55 — 5 I 1/6" 99.9 CL 14.4 SM CL/SM SM CL SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) I 32': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp, hard; iron-oxidized stained; very minor seepage along fractores © 34': Cemented zone © 34.5': Silty, very fine to fine SANDSTONE: gray-green, dense to very dense; unoxidized ©36': Becomes very dense I 40': 2" claystone bed: gray, damp, stiff I 40.5': Grades into very fine SANDSTONE to sandy SILTSTONE: gray, damp, very dense to hard ) 41.5': Silty fine SANDSTONE: light brown, damp, very dense 1 44.5': Silty medium SANDSTONE: light brown to orange-brown, damp, very dense 1 46.4'-47.5': Claystone rip-up clasts common !49': Irregular erosional contact to silty fine SANDSTONE: lightbrown, damp, very dense ©56': Silty CLAYSTONE: dark gray-green, damp, very stiff, heavily fractored, seepage along top of claystone ©57': Becomes hard OL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-26 Date 9-21-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 242 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref or Datum 0-35 Sjm's, 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100iy's Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level u Z 0) a o (D-J L CD in OJ TJ 3 0) a m (fl <Q fc a Jl in^ CH-IU o a a Jl c • 0J5 <" flj ^ o u u .(fl (fl GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ 60- 65- 70- 75- 80- 85- SSL Total Depfli = 60 Feet Geologically Logged to 57.5 Feet Seepage encountered at 20.9 Feet, 32 Feet, and 56 Feet Standing water at 54 Feet on 9/25/00 Backfilled: 9/21/00 Feet 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-27 Date 9-22-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 236 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 2 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5,740iy's. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. JC 0) ao a)_i c. CD in 0) TJ 3 O z OJ a (0 (fl (Q Vt/-^ CH-OJ U o a Jl L Q CJ jCfl o .(fl (fl GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ I push 105.0 16.7 CL 10-I push 15 — RS:N10-15W, 5 SW B:generally horizontal 20 — I 5/10" FR:N73W, UNE 25- 99.1 21.2 CL "ML- SM 122.4 13.0 CL SM OUATERNARY LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Ols) @ 0': Sandy CLAY: brown, damp, loose; calcium carbonate blebs common I 2': Silty CLAY: light brown to gray-brown, damp, soft; mottled clay chunks wifliin silty clay matrix; few sand-infilled fractores I 3': Sandy CLAY: green, damp to moist, soft; fractored irregular upper contact, mottled light gray, damp to moist, calcium carbonate stringers 10': Sandy CLAY: green, damp to moist, soft 12': Becomes medium stiff ' @ 16': Rupwre surface: slighfly irregular, indistinct plastic zone, no defimte ' surface, l/4"-l/16" diick, material below appears to be hard and sli|hUy_block^; material above weathered jind somewhat disturbed TERTIARY SAN'TIAGO'EORMATION (Tsa) @ 16': Sandy SILTSTONE: pale olive-green, moist, stiff to very stiff, massive to sli|hfly blocky, becomes less blocky widi depdi, scattered iron-oxide staining @ 17.5': SUty to clayey SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense @ 20': Silty clayey fme SANDSTONE: green, damp, veiy dense © 20.5': Silty CLAYSTONE: green-gray, damp, hard, moderately fracWred © 20.5': Seepage encountered @ 22': Becomes blocky, widi discontinuos short fractores ©22.5': Becomes massive and hard ©23': Cemented zone I 28': Silty fine SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense to very dense 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-27 9-22-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 236 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. Q3 30- .C 0) a o (O-l c CD in OJ TJ 3 o z a E tts (fl §8 cofc a l/l«-v CH-IU O a a Jl c a 3.._ in • o o o .tfl tfl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ 4/4" 123.6 II.I SM 35 — 40- 45- 50- 55 — SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) © 30': Silty fine SANDSTONE: light brown to yellow-brown, damp to moist, very dense @ 30.5': Cemented zone Total Depdi = 36 Feet Minor seepage at 20.5 Feet Geologically logged to 34 Feet Backfilled: 9/25/00 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECliNlCAL BORING LOG LB-28 Date 9-26-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. 418 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5,740#'s, 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. u a o (O-J c CD Ifl OJ TJ 3 O z a E to tfl «Q fc a Vtr\ CH-OJ U Q a \y Jl L Q 3.4- tn OJ • o (fl .(fl (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ - \i 10 — 15- B:horizontal XB:N45E, 30SE 20- 25- I I 2SL 112.4 111.8 8.0 13.3 SM ML SM ML SM SM TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 0': Silty fine SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, dense; few calcium carbonate stringers ) 7'-8': Well cemented concretionary nodule, orange 10': Silty fine SANDSTONE: light gray-brown, damp, very dense; micaceous 12.8'-13.3': Very fine sandy SILTSTONE: gray, damp, dense; laminated 15.3'-15.6': Very fme sandy SILTSTONE: gray, damp, dense, laminated 16.2': Clay-lined cross bedding wifliin silty fine SANDSTONE: 1/4" fliick ) 20': Silty fine SANDSTONE: orange to gray brown, damp, very dense; fossilferous; iron-oxidized staining ) 20.8'-21.6': Cemented zone, iron-oxidized staining 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORiNG LOG LB-28 Date 9-26-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 418 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 Sjm's, 30-58. 4,300#'s. 58-87 3,100#'s Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. u s: o) a o (O-i (-CD in OJ TJ 3 a E (0 (fl §8 o"^ L OJ a CQ Jl ifl^ CH-OJ u a a \y Jl c a in c OJ It • o o _(fl Cfl GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 30- 35- 40-B:N30W, 20E 45- 50- C:E-W, 4S B:N60E,38S 55- iSL 1 115.0 12.3 I 111.0 7.7 SM SANTIAGO FORMATION (Coniinued) © 30': Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE: light gray-brown, damp, very dense: iron-oxidized stained, yellow-brown stringers common; variable thin remnant bedding and cross-bedding common @ 32'-33': Cemented zone I 40': Silty fme to medium SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense I 48.5': Contact to sil^ very fine SANDSTONE: gray-brown, damp, dense; iron-oxidized staining > 51.7': Silty fine SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, dense 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNiCAL BORING LOG LB-28 Date 9-26-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 418 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3,100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level 60- 65- 70- 75- 80- 85- O Z 0) ao 01 _i c CD :7 I ' _ C:generally horizontal in OJ TJ 3 a E 01 Cfl u. to I 16 Jl Ifl.^ CH- OJ U Q a \y Jl L Q 106,3 .\* i C - o u 7.5 Ifl'" _(fl Cfl SM CL SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 60.5': Silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray-brown, damp, very dense; variable fliin bedding and cross-bedding common ) 68.2: 1/4" ttiick CLAYSTONE bed: brown, damp, stiff, irregular contact; discontinuous Total Depdi = 80 Feet Geologically Logged to 78 Feet No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled: 9/26/00 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORiNG LOG LB-29 Date 9-27-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 275 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740iy's. 30-58. 4,300ff's, 58-87 3.100i»'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level 0-\ 10- 15- 2SL 20— .:. n 25 — _— 1- in OJ TJ 3 a E 01 (fl CQ fc Q- Jl Ifl/^ CH-OJ U o a Jl C Cl /-s 3u. ^ o o .(0 (fl sc CL SM CL CL/SC CL GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC ARTIFICIAL FILL UNDOCUMENTED (Afti) @0'-2': Drill pad TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) © 2'-5': Fine sandy CLAYSTONE: olive-green, damp, hard: carbonate-lined fracwres common blocky; calcium I 5'-5.8': Irregular contact to very fine SANDSTONE: off-white, damp, very dense; orange-brown staining common > 5.8'-6.8': Silty fme to medium SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense; iron-oxide stained I 6.8'-15.S': Silty fme to coarse SANDSTONE: light green wifli yellow and orange-brown staining, damp, dense; friable; few calcium caibonate-lined fracmres 14.5': Becomes slighdy coarser grained 15': Clayey intraclasts common IS.S': Gradational contact (over -1') to sandy CLAYSTONE: gray-green, damp, very hard; coarser sand at upper contact grading to fine to medium sandy CLAYSTONE at approximately 16.5'; blocky; orange-brown staining common 18': Grades to sandy CLAYSTONE/clayey SANDSTONE: olive-green, damp, hard/dense I 21.5': Grades to sandy CLAYSTONE: olive-green, damp, hard; blocky; irregular shiny faces on blocks; minor manganese and orange-brown (iron-oxide) staining; few coarse sandy claystone zones @ 27': Gradational contact to fine to medium sandy CLAYSTONE: light gray-green, damp, hard; few red to orange-brown, manganese and iron-oxide stains 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-29 9-27-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 275 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740/y's. 30-58. 4,300#'s, 58-87 3,100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level flj,S x: 0) a o 01 _j c CD in OJ •D 3 a E 0! Cfl CQ Jl in^ CH-OJ u a a Jl L Q 3.^ in OJ o Jtfl .(fl (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30- 35- 40 — 45- 50 — 55 — tiL CL SC SM SW SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) © 30': Fine to medium sandy CLAYSTONE: light gray-green, damp, hard > 37': Becomes sandier I 39'-42': Becomes weakly blocky with shiny ped faces ) 40'-42': Coarse sand-lined fractore 1 42': Concretionary nodule > 42': Sandy CLAYSTONE, becomes very hard ) 45': Gradational contact to clayey SANDSTONE: gray-green, damp, very dense (47': Grades to slighdy clayey, silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, veiy dense; yellow and orange-brown staining common ! 49': Grades to silty fme to medium SANDSTONE: light brown, damp, dense; friable; yellow and orange-brown staining common ! 52': Concretionary nodule ) 52.5': Becomes very dense ) 55'-57': Large concretionary nodule ! 57'-6r: Grades to silty fine to very coarse SANDSTONE: light greenish brown, damp, dense; sand grains, coarser widi depth; orange and yellow-brown stains common; few fine gravels near base 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORiNG LOG LB-29 9-27-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 275 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level 60- 65- 70 — 75- 80- 85 — asL ao 0)_l c CD C:N30E, 25E lfl QJ TJ 3 O z a E to (fl (Q Ifl/^ CH-IU U a a Jl £. Q 0J$> 3.^ Ifl - O O in^ >. _(fl (fl SW CL CL/SC CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) © 61': Erosional contact to sandy CLAYSTONE: light gray-green, damp, hard to very hard; red-brown manganese? staining common @ 65': Becomes a sandy CLAYSTONE to clayey SANDSTONE: light gray-green, damp, hard/very dense ) 74': Grades to sandy CLAYSTONE: olive-green and rose-brown, damp to moist, hard: blocky and fractored; shiny ped faces Total Depfli = 80 Feet Downhole logged to 77 feet No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled: 9/27/00 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) T-31 through T-87 Exploratory Trenches From: Leighton and Associates, Current Investigation 971009-005 Description OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Qal) @ 0'-6': Sandy clay: dark brown, moist to wet, soft; abundant large pores; becomes sandier with depth @ 2.5'-3.5': Clayey sand bed: light gray-brown, moist, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 6'-6.5' (Weathered): Silty fine to medium sandstone: orange-brown and light gray, moist, medium dense @6.5'-7': Silty fine to medium sandstone: light gray with orange-brown iron-oxide staining, damp, dense OUATERNARY ALLUVRJM (Qal) @ 0'-3': Sandy clay: dark brown, moist to wet, soft; abundant large pores; becomes sandier with depth @ 3'-6': Clayey sand: light gray-brown, moist, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 6'-7': (Weathered): Silty fine to medium sandstone: orange-brown and light gray, moist, medium dense @ 7'-7.5': Silty fine to medium sandstone: light gray with orange-brown iron-oxide staining, damp, dense B-l 971009-005 Description OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) @ 0'-2': Clayey silty, fine to medium sand: brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense; large pores common @ 2'-9.5': Silty fine to medium sand: light brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 9.5'-10': (Weathered) Silty, fme to medium sandstone: orange-brown, moist to wet, medium dense @ 10.5'-11.5': Silty fme to medium sandstone: light gray, damp, dense TOPSOIL @ 0'-2': Silty fine sand: light brown to brown, dry, loose; fine to medium pores common, few large pores, rootlets common @ 2'-3.25': Sandy clay: dark brown, moist, stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 3.25'-4': (Weathered) Silty fine to medium sandstone: light gray with orange-brown iron-oxide staining common, moist, medium dense; medium pores common @4'-5': Silty fine sandstone: light gray, damp, dense B-2 971009-005 1 Test Pit Number : ^ _ , Description TOPSOIL @ 0-1.5': Silty fine sand: light brown to brown, dry, loose; fine to medium pores common, few large pores, rootlets common T-35 @ I.5'-2': Sandy clay: dark brown, moist, stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2'-3': (Weathered) Silty fine to medium sandstone: light gray with orange-brown iron-oxide staining common, moist, medium dense; medium pores common @ 3'-4': Silty fine sandstone: light gray, damp, dense TOPSOIL T-36 @ 0-1.5': Silty fine to medium sand: brown, damp, loose; few medium pores, rootlets common TERTIARY SANTL\GO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 1.5'-3': Silty fme sandstone: light gray, damp, dense ARTIFICIAL FILL-UNDOCUMENTED (Afu) @ 0'-3': Silty fme sand: light brown, damp, loose; very large pores common; rootlets common; few cobbles OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) T-37 @ 3'-4': Silty fine to medium sand: orange and gray-brown, wet, loose to medium dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 4'-5': Siltstone: light-red-brown to gray-brown, dry, dense; weakly fissile; yellow-brown, iron-oxide staining along bedding common B-3 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description 1 T-38 ARTIFICIAL FILL - UNDOCUMENTED (Afii) T-38 @ 0'-3.5': Silty fine sand: light brown, damp, loose; very large pores common; rootlets common; few cobbles TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 3.5': Sihstone: light-red-brown to gray-brown, dry, dense; | weakly fissile; yellow-brown iron oxide staining along bedding common T-39 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Ocol) @ 0'-2': Silty, fine to medium sand: light brown, damp, loose; abundant large to very large pores @2'-7': Sandy clay: dark brown, moist, stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) (@ 7'-7.5': Clayey fine sandstone: light gray-green, damp to moist, dense T-40 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Ocol) @ 0'-6': Fine sandy clay: brovm, wet, soft TERTIARY SANTL\GO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 6'-7': (Weathered) Fine sandy claystone: light gray-green, moist, very stiff to hard @ 7'-8': Fine sandy claystone: light gray-green, damp to moist, very hard B-4 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Ocol) @ 0'-5': Sandy clay: dark brown and orange-brown, wet, soft; roots common; evidence of past seepage at base of unit T-41 TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 5'-7': (Weathered) fine sandy claystone: light greenish gray, moist to wet, very stiff @ 7'-8': Fine sandy claystone: light greenish gray, damp to moist, hard TOPSOIL @ 0'-1.5': Silty fine to medium sand: light reddish brown, damp, loose; abundant fine pores OUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (Ot) T-42 @ 1.5'-4': Silty, fine to medium sand: red-brown, damp to moist, dense; fine to large pores common TERTIARY SANTIAGO SANDSTONE (Tsa) @ 5'-7': Fine sandy claystone: greenish gray with orange- brovra iron oxide staining, moist, stiff to very stiff; cmmbly B-5 971009-005 Description TOPSOIL @ 0'-2': Slightly clayey, silty fine sand: brown, damp, loose; fine to medium pores common TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2'-2.5': (Weathered) Fine sandy siltstone: light-red-brown to light gray, moist, medium dense @ 2.5'-5': Fine sandy siltstone: light-red-brown to light gray, damp, dense @ 5'-5.5': Fossiliferous concretionary layer (cemented sandstone) TOPSOIL (Ocol) @ 0'-3.5': Clayey, fine to medium sand: yellow-brown, damp to moist, loose; rootlets common TERTIARY SANTIAGO SANDSTONE (Tsa) @ 3.5'-4' (Weathered) Silty fine sandstone: light gray with orange iron oxide staining, moist, medium dense to dense @ 4'-7': Silty fine sandstone: light gray with orange-brown iron oxide staining, damp, dense TOPSOIL @ O'-l': Silty fine sand: brown, damp, loose, rootlets common, fine to medium pores common TERTIARY SANTIAGO SANDSTONE (Tsa) @ r-1.5': (Weathered) Silty fine sandstone: light gray-brown, damp, medium dense; blocky @ 1.5'-2': Silty fine sandstone: light gray-brown, damp, dense B-6 971009-005 Test Pit Number T-46 T-47 Description QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM /COLLUVIUM (Qal-Qcol) @ 0'-4': Fine sandy clay to clayey fine sand: brown, moist, soft to loose; rootlets common TERTIARY SANTIAGO SANDSTONE (Tsa) @ 4'-4.5': (Weathered) Fine sandy siltstone: light gray, damp, dense ARTIFICIAL FILL - UNDOCUMENTED (Afii) @ 0'-3': Sandy clay to clayey sand: brown, damp, soft to loose; rootlets common; fine to medium pores common OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) @3'-7': Sandy clay: Brown, moist, stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO SANDSTONE (Tsa) @ 7'-8': (Weathered) Silty fine to medium sandstone: orange- brown, moist, medium dense @8'-9': (Weathered) Sandy claystone: light gray to greenish gray, moist to wet, stiff @ 9'-10': Sandy claystone: light gray to greenish gray, moist, hard @ lO'-l 1': Silty sandstone: light gray, damp, dense B-7 971009-005 Test Pit Number T-48 T-49 T-50 Description TOPSOIL @ 0'-1.5': Silty fine sand: Brown, damp, loose; fine pores common @ 1.5'-4': Sandy clay: dark brown, moist, stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 4'-4.5' (Weathered) Silty fine to medium sandstone: Light gray-brown with orange-brown iron-oxide staining common, moist, medium dense @ 4.5'-5': Silty fine sandstone: light gray, damp to moist, dense OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Ocol) @ 0'-7': Sandy clay: dark brown, damp to moist, soft to stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 7'-9': Silty fine sandstone: light gray with orange-brown iron-oxide staining, moist, dense OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) @ 0'-6.5': Silty clay: brown, damp to moist, soft to firm; rootlets in top 5' TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 6.5'-8.5': Silty clay: gray-green, damp, firm to stiff; weathered, blocky, fractured B-8 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description T-51 TOPSOIL @ O'-l.5': Silty fine sand: brown, moist, loose; porous TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 1.5'-3.5': (Weathered) Silty fine sandstone: gray-brown, damp, medium dense; iron oxide stained; 4" claystone bed at base @ 3.5'-4.5': Silty fine sandstone: light gray-brown, damp, dense; iron-oxidized staining T-52 QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Qal/Ocol) T-52 @ 0'-9.5': Silty clayey sand: brown, moist, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 9.5'-10.5': Silty medium sandstone: gray-green, damp, medium dense to dense; weathered, scattered gravel @ 10.5'-11.5': Silty medium sandstone: gray-green, damp, dense; blocky, scattered gravel T-53 OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol) T-53 @ O'-l5': Clayey silty sand: brown, moist to damp, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 15'-16' (Weathered) sandy claystone: green, damp, stiff @ 16'-16.5': Sandy claystone: green, damp, stiff B-9 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description T-54 TOPSOIL @ 0'-2.5': Sandy clay: brown, damp to moist, loose; rootlet TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2.5'-5': Silty sandstone: light brown, damp, medium dense; weathered @ 5'-6': Silty fine to medium sandstone: light brown, damp, dense; blocky j T-55 TOPSOIL @0'-2': Sandy clay: brown, moist, soft TERTLA.RY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2'-4.5': Silty claystone: green, damp, stiff; upper 2-3' weathered T-56 TOPSOIL @ 0'-2': Sandy clay: brown, moist, soft TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2'-4' (Weathered) silty claystone: green to orange-brown, damp to moist, stiff, fractured, porous @ 4'-5': Silty claystone, green, damp, stiff B-10 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description TOPSOIL @ O'-O.75': Silty sand: brown, damp, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 0.75'-1.5': Silty claystone: green, damp, stiff, weathered T-57 @ 1.5'-3': Clayey silty sandstone: orange-brown, damp, medium dense; weathered @ 3'-3.5': Silty medium sandstone: light brown, damp, dense; @ 3.5': Refusal on fossiliferous concretionary layer TOPSOIL @ 0-2.5': Silty sandy clay: brown, damp, loose; scattered rootlets in top 4" T-58 TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2.5'-4': Silty claystone: green, damp, medium stiff (weathered) @ 4'-4.5': Silty claystone: green, damp, stiff TOPSOIL T-59 @ 0'-1.5': Silty clayey sand: brown, damp to moist, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 1.5'-2.5': Claystone: green, damp, soft to medium stiff; fractured, iron-oxide stained bedding; weathered @ 2.5'-3.5': Claystone: green, damp, stiff; blocky B-11 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description OUATERNARY LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Qls?) T-60 @ 0'-9': Sandy clay: Red-brown to gray-brown, damp, medium stiff; calcium carbonate stringers, yellow-orange iron- oxidize staining TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 9'-10': Silty sandstone: gray, damp, dense ARTIFICIAL FILL-UNDOCUMENTED (Afu) @ 0-13': Silty sand to sandy clay: brown to black, moist to wet, loose; branches, cloth, organic odor T-61 TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 13'-14': (Weathered) silty clayey, very fme sandstone: gray-green, moist, dense @ 12': Ground water seepage encountered ARTIFICIAL FILL-UNDOCUMENTED (Afu) 1 @ 0'-5': Sandy clay to clayey sand: brown, dry to moist, loose; broken pipe, branches and miscellaneous debris OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol) @ 5'-7': Silty clayey sand: brown, moist, medium dense T-62 TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 7'-9': Sandy claystone: gray-green, moist, medium stiff (very weathered), laminated @ 9'-9.5': Silty claystone: gray-green, damp to moist, stiff; iron-oxide staining B-12 971009-005 Test Pit Number T-63 T-64 T-65 Description ARTIFICIAL FILL-UNDOCUMENTED (Afu) @ 0'-4': Silty sand: brown, dry to damp, loose; branches at base of fill QUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) @ 4'-7.5': Sandy clay: dark brown, moist, medium dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 7.5'-9': Silty fine to medium sandstone: orange-brown, moist, medium dense to dense; weathered 7.5'-8.5' TOPSOIL @ O'-l': Silty sand: brown, damp, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 0'-2.5': Silty sandstone: light gray-brown, damp, medium dense; iron-oxide stained @ 2.5'-3.5': Silty sandstone: gray-brown, damp, dense TOPSOIL @ 0'-3.5': Sandy clay: brown, damp, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 3.5'-4.5': Silty very fine sandstone: gray-brown, damp, medium dense @ 4.5'-5': Silty very fine sandstone: gray-brown, damp, dense B-13 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description T-66 TOPSOIL @ O'-l': Clayey sand: brown, damp, loose to medium dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ r-3.5': Silty medium sandstone: orange-brown, damp, dense; iron-oxide staining T-67 OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Qal/Qcol) T-67 @ 0'-6': Silty sandy clay: brown to dark brown, damp to moist, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @6'-7': Silty fine sandstone: light brown, damp, dense; fossiliferous cemented zone at 7' T-68 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) @ 0'-6': Clayey sand: dark brown, moist to wet, medium dense @ 6'-16': Clayey sand: yellow to orange-brown, moist to wet; medium dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 16'-17': (Weathered) slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sandstone: yellow-brown, moist, medium dense to dense B-14 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) @ 0'-8': Clayey sand: dark brown, moist to wet, medium dense @ 8'-16': Clayey sand: yellow to orange-brown, moist to wet, medium dense T-69 TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 16'-17': (Weathered) fine sandy claystone: light gray- green, moist, stiff; crumbly @ 17'-18': Fine sandy claystone: light gray-green, damp to moist, hard TOPSOIL @ 0'-2': Sandy clay: yellow-brown to brown, damp, loose to stiff; few medium pores, calcium carbonate blebs common T-70 @ 2'-4': Sandy clay: yellow-brown and light gray-green, moist, stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 4'-5' (Weathered): Clayey sandstone: yellow-brown, with gray-green clasts, damp to moist, medium dense @ 5'-6': Clayey sandstone: yellow-brown with gray-green clasts, damp, dense B-15 971009-005 1 Test Pit Number Description T-71 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Ocol) @ 0'-3.5': Sandy clay: dark brown, damp to moist, stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @3.5'-6': Silty fine to medium sandstone: yellow to slightly greenish brown, damp, dense T-72 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) @ 0'-7.5': Clayey sand: dark brown, damp to moist, stiff; abundant fine pores; calcium carbonate stains common @ 7.5'-18.5+': Slightly clayey fine sand: yellow-brown, moist, medium dense; medium pores common T-73 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Ocol) @0'-6': Sandy clay: dark brown, moist, stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 6'-7': (Weathered) Silty fine to coarse sandstone: light gray-green, moist, medium dense @ 7'-8.5': Silty fine to coarse sandstone: light gray-green, damp, dense B-16 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description T-74 T-75 TOPSOIL @ 0'-2': Sandy clay: dark brown, damp to moist, stiff; few medium pores TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2'-3': (Weathered) Clayey sandstone: light gray-green, damp to moist, stiff to very stiff; blocky @ 3'-5.5': Clayey sandstone: light gray-green, damp, hard; blocky OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Ocol) @ 0'-7': Sandy clay: greenish brown, moist, stiff; calcium carbonate blebs, common at 2'-3.5' TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 7'-10': (Weathered) Sandy claystone: light gray-green, orange-brown, mottles common, moist, stiff to very stiff @ 10'-11.5': Sandy claystone: light gray-green and orange- brown, damp to moist, hard; blocky OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) @ 0'-5': Silty fine to medium sand: reddish brown, damp, loose to medium dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 5'-14.5': Sandy, silty claystone: light gray-green to olive- green, damp to moist, very stiff to hard; crumbly to blocky; calcium carbonate stains common; orange-brown stringers common B-17 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description T-77 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) T-77 @ 0'-21.5-1-': Slightly clayey sand: brown to light reddish brown, moist, medium dense T-78 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) T-78 @ 0'-3': Silty fine to medium sand: brown, damp, loose; abundant fine to large pores TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 3'-8.5': Silty fine to coarse sandstone: light gray to orange- brown, damp, medium dense to dense; friable; shell fragments common T-79 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) @ 0'-22'-i-: Silty iilayey sand to sandy clay: brown to orange brown; damp to moist, medium stiff T-80 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Ocol) @ 0'-4.5': Silty clayey sand: brown, damp, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 4.5'-6': (Weathered) Silty claystone: orange-brown to green, damp, medium stiff @ 6'-7': Silty claystone: green, damp, stiff B-18 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description T-81 TOPSOIL @0'-3': Sandy clay: brown, damp, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @3'-4': Clayey very fine sandstone: light orange-brown, damp, medium dense @4'-4.5': Clayey very fine sandstone: light brown, damp, dense T-82 TOPSOIL @0'-2.5': Sandy clay: brown, damp, soft TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2.5'-3.5': Silty, very fine to fine sandstone: light brown, damp, dense; weathered @ 3.5'-4': Silty fine sandstone: light brown, damp, very dense T-83 TOPSOIL @ 0'-2': Silty sandy clay: brown, damp, soft TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2'-3': (Weathered) Silty fine sandstone: orange-brown, damp, medium dense @3'-4': Silty fine sandstone: light gray-brown, damp, dense B-19 971009-005 Test Pit Number Description T-84 ARTIFICIAL FILL-UNDOCUMENTED (Afu) T-84 @ 0'-2': Silty sand: brown, damp, loose TOPSOIL @ 2'-3': Silty sandy clay: brown, damp, soft TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) T-84 @ 3'-4': Silty sandstone: light brown, damp, dense T-85 OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Qcol) T-85 @ 0'-6': Clayey sand to sandy clay: brown, damp, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) T-85 @ 6'-7': Silty claystone: gray-green, damp, stiff; weathered from 6'-6.5' T-86 TOPSOIL @ 0'-2.5': Silty clayey sand: brown, damp, loose to medium dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2.5'-4': Silty fine to medium sandstone: orange-brown, damp to moist, dense; weathered from 2.5'-3.5' T-87 TOPSOIL @ O'-l.5': Silty sand: brown, damp to dry, loose TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 1.5'-3.5': (Weathered) Silty fine sand, orange-brown, damp to dry, medium dense @ 3.5'-4.5': Silty fine sandstone: light brown, damp, dense B-20 971009-005 B-21 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) LB-1 through LB-21 Large-Diameter Borings From: Leighton and Associates, 1997, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-002, dated July 29, 1997 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-1 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 5-22-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4,im; 25-47'. 2.981# 4971009-002 E-IOO Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level JZ 0) ao A-J t. (0 in QJ •a 3 a E 01 (fl §8 CQ in^ CH-OI u a a Jl L O OJ ^ o a (fl _(fl (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC CL CL I push 94.7 27.3 10-I 2 I 2 107.8 19.3 C: horizontal 15- 20- C: horizontal C: horizontal 25- SM CL SM 2/4" 111.9 13.1 I 4 • 8 114.5 15.5 TOPSOIL @ 1': Brown, damp to moist, stiff, fme sandy CLAY; sandstone fragments common, roottets and organic material common TORREY SANDSTONE (Tf) @ 4': Very irregular contact to olive-green, moist, hard, silly CLAYSTONE; abundant fracwres, orange-brown, iron-oxide stains coimnon along fractores, few interbedded silty sandstone units, carbonate nodules, common thin yellow-brown, irregular interbeds common approximately every 3 inches 10': Gradational contact to very light green to gray, moist, veiy dense, silty fme SANDSTONE, orange-brown, iron-oxide stains common, few cartionate nodules 12': Approximately horizontal inegular contact to green, moist, dense silty fme SANSTONE; approximately 2" of orange-brown sandstone at upper contact 12.5': Horizontal gradational contact (approxmiately 4 inches) to light green and brown, stiff, moist, CLAYSTONE; fissile, fliin yellow irregular siltstones beds approximately 2 inches apart 14': Gradational contact (approximately 4 inches) to light gray, very dense, silty fme to medium SANDSTONE; micaceous 15'7": Approximately horizontal, irregular contact to brown to red-brown, moist, dense, silty, fme to coarse SANDSTONE; shell fragments common to abundant ) 20'3": Light brown, damp, very dense, silty fine to medium SANDSTONE well-cemented, few shells t 21": Brown, wet to sawrated, very dense, silty fme to coaise SANDSTONE widi abundant shell fragments ! 22': Orange-brown, sawrated, dense, silty fme to medium SANDSTONE (2 inches thick), minor seepage ? 22.1': Horizontal shaip contact to light green, wet to sawrated, veiy dense, silty fine to medium SANDSTONE; diin bedding common ) 25': Light green, moist to wet, very dense, silty, fme to medium SANDSTONE; micaceous 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-1 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 5-22-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981# E-IOO Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level 03 u Z 0) ao 0)_J t. CD Ifl OJ TJ 3 O z a E Its CO CQ CL Vtr\ CH-OJ U a a \^ Jl c flji> in fc o-J: _(n Cfl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30-112.8 14.7 SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Continuedi 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- Total Deptti = 31' Seepage Encountered at 22' Backfttled on May 22, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-2 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 5-23-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 320 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4,113#; 25-47'. 2.981# 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level OJ/" o3 u Z 0) ao 01 _i c CD Ifl OJ •D 3 a E 01 (fl Ju. CQ fc a Jl Vl/^ CH-OJ U o a Jl L OJ5 W fc ^ O o JCfl CJ .cn CO' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 5 -r CL "SM" TOPSOIL @ O-l': Red-brown, moist, stiff, fine to medium sandy CLAY; abundant roottets near surface I 112.4 12.5 10- TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) ©1': Irregular contact to light gray, damp, dense, silty fme SANDSTONE; thin red-brown, iron-oxide stained layers common near upper contact, fracwres common, thin yellow beds common (approximately every 3 to 4 inches) @ 6': Gradational contact to off-white, damp, veiy dense, silty veiy fine SANDSTONE; thin iron-oxide stained layeis common eveiy 3 to 4 inches @ 9': Grades into silty fme to medium SANDSTONE I 114.5 12.5 15- 20- B: N80E, 9S C: N45W, 4SE I 112.5 13.3 25- asL C: NlOW, 5E C; horizontal @ 20": Grades to orange-brown color ©21': Light gray, moist, dense, silty fme to medium SANDSTONE; diin (approximately i/4 inch), yellow and gray-brown inteibeds common @ 22': Gradational contact to red-brown, moist, dense, silty fine to medium SANDSTONE; few ttiin gray silty fme SANDSTONE intertieds ? © 26.5': Irregular contact to brown, sawrated, loose, fine sandy SILT to silty fine SANDSTONE; very diin (approximately 1 millimeter) fliick organic rich layers abundant @ 27': Sharp contact to tfiinly interbedded light gray and orange-brown moist, dense, silty fme SANDSTONE @ 27.5': Sharp contact to light gray to brown, moist, very dense, silty fine to medium SANDSTONE; abundant shell fragments 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-2 5-23-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 320 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113iy; 25-47'. 2,9SU Mean Sea Levei of 2 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. 30- in u 01 TJ .C 0) 3 ao +-01 _l L CD +• <n 35- 40 — 45- 50- 55 — OL B: N20W, 12S C: N20E, SNW Bag-5 J3S'-37 a E to (fl CQ I 4 I 7 Jl in^ CH-IU u a a Jl (. a 111.1 ? 15.7 SZ in^ !8(/5 GO _(fl oB (O SM ML GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC > 28.9': Irregular sharp contact to interbedded light gray, moist to wet, very dense, silty fme SANDSTONE and diin beds of yellow and brown SILTSTONE, seepage at contact > 29': Gradational contact to light gray, moist to satorated, dense, silty fine SANDSTONE widi diin intebeds of yellow and rose-brown, silty fine sandstone to siltstone I 30.5": Gradational contact (approximately 2 inch) to fliinly interbedded rose-brown, yellow and light gray, moist to satorated, very dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; seepage common I 34.7': Sharp contact to gray, damp, very dense, fine sandy SILTSTONE witti interbedded brown, fme sandy SILTSTONE in upper 1-1/2 feet I 37.5': Ground water encountered Total Depdi = 39' Downhole Logged to 37-1/2' Ground Water Encountered at 37-1/2' BackfUled on May 23, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-3 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 5-23-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113iy; 25-47'. 2.981#; 47-72'. 2.168)^ Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level C33 u JZ ut ao 01 _i L CD Vt OJ TJ 3 a B to (fl §8 CQ Jl Vt/~^ CH-OJ U Q a \y Jl c .V m fc O o _(fl (fl' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC/RKW KBC C: N45W, 6N C: N65W, 10-15N I push/1 116.0 5.1 10- C: N45W, 7N I 101.3 22.7 15-C: N20W, 15N C: N65W, 14N 20-I 110.6 18.6 C: N75E, 12E 25- C: NSOW, 8N 3SL CL "CL~ SM CL SM CL SM TOPSOIL @ 0': Dark gray-brown, dry to moist, stiff, clayey SAND to sandy CLAY; blebs of calcium cartionate TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) ©1': Irregular contact to olive-green, moist, stiff, sandy CLAYSTONE, blebs of topsoil and light gray SAND @ 2.1': Sharp slighfly irregular contact (1/2" of iron-oxide staining) to off-white, moist, dense, silty fme SANDSTONE; massive, few infilled near vertical fracWres, infilled wifli gray-brown sandy CLAIf, few calcium carbonate-lined iractores (trend approximately northeast; dipping steeply east) @ 3.5': Approximately 1" thick iron-oxide stained bed @ 4.6': Beds become more cemented @ 5.6': Erosional contact (irregular) to olive-green, slighdy moist, hard, silty CLAYSTONE, veiy blocky, numerous randomly-oriented fractores, infttled with silty SANDSTONE, Iron-oxide stains along fiacwres < 8.5': Scattered sandstone blebs, t)ecomes less blocky, red iron-oxide staining common 10.4': Becomes more clayey, moist, fissile claystone to U.S' 11.5': Becomes blocky again 14.6': Shaip slightty irregular contact to light gray-brown, motfled orange and yellow-brown, moist, dense, silty fme SANDSTONE; few iron-oxide stained zones, slighdy friable, highly weathered concretion (approximately 5" in diameter) 16.6': Gradational contact (over approximately 3") to olive-green CLAYSTONE 17.1': Erosional contact (1/4 to 3/4" thick) to orange-brown silty fine SANDSTONE bed > 19': Claystone grades into,^silly, fine SANDSTONE (over approximately 5") > 19.5': Concretion ) 20.1': Sharp contact to 3/4 inch layer of orange-brown, silty fme SANDSTONE bed > 23': Erosional conlact to approximately 3/4" layer of orange-brown, silty fine SANDSTONE I 25.5'-26.3': Cemented zone; contact to olive-brown SANDSTONE, massive @ 29.5': Contact lo silty fine SANDSTONE 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-3 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 5-23-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 2 of ^ Project No. 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling 30 in. _ Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Ref. or Datum Type of Rig E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981#; 47-72'. 2.168^' Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level U !c 0) a o OJ_I c CD in OJ TJ 3 a B to (fl CQ Ifl.^ CH-OJ U Q a w Jl c. Q VI £ ^ o CJ tn^ IS'" CJ .(fl (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC/RKW KBC 30- 35 — 40- 45- 50- 55- 6SL C: N20W, SN XB: N25W, 8S 1 I 5 I 5 I 27 114.9 14.1 112.0 16.7 9 112.2 18.2 SM SW SM SW SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) @ 31.5': Cemented zone (1.5' diick); contact to fme to coarse SANDSTONE 135.5'-36.r: Cemented zone I 39.1'-39.9': Cemented zone; scattered concretions tielow ) 42.7'-43': Cemented zone; irregular contact ) 44.5': Grades to silty fine to medium SANDSTONE J 45.8': Grades to light gray to light gray-brown, moist, dense, silty fme SANDSTONE; iron-oxide stained, micaceous @ 47.9': Sharp irregular contact to fme to coarse SANDSTONE > 49.T: Sharp irregular contact to silly, very fine SANDSTONE; minor seepage along contact I 52'-54': Concretionary nodule ©56': Sandstone is weakly cemented @ 59.5': Sandstone is less cemented 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-3 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 5-23-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47', 2.981#; 47-72'. 2,16S^ Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level iz-*- a3 u Z O) ao 0)_l L CD •fl OJ •o 3 a B to CO to Ifl^ CH-OJ U a a Jl £. Q OJC ^ o a (fl^ a _(fl oB CO GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC/RKW KBC 60- 65- SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) I 25 114.0 16.3 70 — Total Deptti = 69' Downhole Logged to 65' Minor Seepage at 49.7' Backfttled on May 28, 1997 75- 80- 85- asL 505A<11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-4 Date 5-28-97 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981<y E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level u JC 0) ao 0)_l L CD Ifl OJ TJ 3 O z a B to (0 a VI/-. CH-OJ u a a Jl L a OJ ^ o o _to («' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC B: N85E, 9S F: N20E, 85SW B: N25W, 9NE 10 — CL CL 89.9 31.4 I 2 Ipush/l 107.5 19.1 15-C: horizontal C: horizontal 20- SM I 3 13 112.0 16.7 C: -EW, 2S 25- 3SL B: N35W, lOSW B: N70E, 15S CL TOPSOIL @ 0-1.5': Brown, damp, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; roottets common TORREY SANDSTONE CTi) @ 1.5': Veiy irregular contact to light gray-green, damp, hard, fine sandy CLAYSTONE; thin discontinuous and irregular, orange-brown and yellow-brown, silty fine SANDSTONE intertieds, common approximately every 3", large cartionate-lined fracwre, ttiin carbonate-lined beds common @ 3': Becomes fissile @ 4'-6': Becomes blocky @6': Becomes slightty more sandy; fissile @ 7': Becomes clayey again ir-12': Large concretionaiy nodule; approximately 1/2" of red-brown iron-oxidation around perimeter; upper 3" of nodule is Stage rv calcium carbonate 12-1/2': Gradational contact (approximately 5") to light gray-green, damp, veiy dense, silly fine SANDSTONE; orange-brown, iron-oxide stained silty fine sandstone, interbeds common I 14.5': Sharp irregular contact to orange-brown, sUty, fme to medium SANDSTONE; few thin irregular, discontinuous gray interbeds I 16.7': Irregular gradational contact (approximately 3") to light gray, damp very dense, sUty veiy fme SANDSTONE; irregular, discontinuous ttiin orange-brown inteibeds I 17.3": Irregular contactto orange-brown, silty fine SANDSTONE ' 17.8': Grades (over approximately 4") to light gray, damp, very dense, silty fine SANDSTONE widi few orange-brown, diin discontinuous silty sandstone inteibeds ) 22': Irregular contact to white concretion layers; upper 2 inches are red-brown, iron-oxidized silty fine SANDSTONE ) 22.7': Sharp horizontal contact to light green, damp, dense, sUty, very fine SANDSTX3NE; thin irregular, discontinuous yellow-brown and orange-brown iron-oxidized, inteibeds common ) 24': Grades to light gray ) 25.5": Laige concretionaiy nodule widi abundant shells, orange-brown, iron-oxidation abundant ) 27': Sharp contact to approximately 3" diick, light gray, damp, dense, silty CLAYSTONE bed ) 27.2': Light gray, dark gray, and yellow interbeds common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-4 5-28-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet Project No. of 3 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Type of Rig E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981# .Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 .C (J) ao tO-i c CD in 01 TJ 3 a E OJ cn a ifl/^ CH-OJ u o a Jl • CJ CJ .<fl (fl GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 30-1 115.6 12.6 SM 35- 40 — I 116.6 16.0 45- 50-C: horizontal B: N60W, ION B: N80E, 17N CL SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) @ 31.5'-33': Orange to red-brown concretionary layer, irregular contact at top and bottom I 37': Orange-brown, iron-oxide stained zone ) 46': Orange-brown, iron-oxidized layer approximately 5" diick, irregular contact at top and bottom 148.5':: Gradational contacts.light gray, damp, hard, sil^ CLAYSTONE; .. fissile, thin yellow-brown and orange-brown, iron-oxide stained inteibeds common ) 49.4': Shaip contact to white, well-cemented concretionary layer to 50' depth; shell fiagments common at base I 50.2': Irregular contact to light gray, silly CLAYSTONE as above; diin calcite-lined beds common; discontinuous I 52.7': Grades into light gray-brown, damp, very dense, silty fme SANDSTONE; massive, orange-brown, iron-oxide staining common I 53.5': Orange-brown concretionary nodule I 54': Gradational contact to light gray-brown, moist, very dense, silty fme SANDSTONE; abundant fliin yellow-brown and brown interbeds > 57': Very diin discontinuous calcium carbonate stringers dipping approximately 70 degrees south 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-4 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 5-28-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113jy; 25-47'. 2.981# Mean Sea Level 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. u .C 0) ao 0)_1 L CD tn OJ TJ 3 a E 01 (fl CQ Ul/-. CH-OJ O a a Jl L Q 0J«5 _(n (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 60-B: N70E, 6N 65- SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Continuedi CL I 63.5': Intertieds are slighdy less common and more irregular ! 66": Orange-brown, iron-oxidized concretionaiy layer (approximately 3" thick) above dark gray-brown, damp, hard, silty CLAYSTONE; massive 70-Total Depdi = 69' Downhole Logged to 67.5' No Ground W^ter Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled on May 29, 1997 75- 80- 85 — asL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-5 6-2-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet Project No. of 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Type of Rig E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981#; 47-72'. 2.168iy Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 u Z 0) ao 01 _i L CD Ifl OJ •D 3 a E 01 (0 to lfl/> CH-OI U a a Jl c Q CJ u .(fl Cfl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC C: N60E, 8S CL SC SM I B: N15W, low C: N42W, 6S * 2 " ^ @5'-9' 105.6 20.1 10-I 115.2 11.2 15 — 20 — I 117.4 12.2 25- C: N30W, 5S TOPSOIL @ 0': Brown, moist, very stiff, fme sandy CLAY; roodets common near surface @ 1-1/2': Topsoil gradually becomes sandier TORREY SANDSTONE (TO @ 2': Light brown with orange-brown motfles, moist, dense, clayey fine SANDSTONE @ 2.6': Sharp contact to, off-white, damp, very dense, silty fme SANDSTONE; animal boirows infilled with topsoil common in upper 6", fliin orange-brown, iron oxidized silty SANDSTONE interbeds common @ 4": Sandstone gradually changes to a light gray-green color @ 6.3'-6.8': TTiin (approximately 1") calcium caibonate layers @ 7.4': Material grades over approximately 4"to orange-brown, silty fme to medium SANDSTONE @ 8.2': Few shell fragments @ 8.4': Off-white, well-cemented SANDSTONE layer (calcium caibonate and silica cement) shell fragments common @ 9.2': Irregular sharp contact to red-brown, moist, dense, silty fme to medium SANDSTONE @ 9.5': Grades to light gray-green, damp, very dense, silty fme SANDSTONE; diin orange-brown iron-oxidized wavy discontinuous layers common, few calcium carbonate nodules, iron-oxide staining decreases with depth ' 17.4': Orange-brown iron-oxide staining, gradually decreases, yellow-brown thin wavy, irregular inteibeds common ) 23': White, well-cemented SANDSTONE concretion; dark red-brown iron-oxidation around perimeter ) 26.2': Sharp, irregular contact, to light gray, damp, very dense, silty very fine SANDSTONE; wavy discontinuous, thin orange-brown, iron-oxidized layers common TORREY SANDSTONE (Conrinuedi @ 29.7': Material grades to slighdy coarser silty, fme SANDSTONE 505A{11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-5 6-2-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet Project No. of 2 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Type of Rig E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981#; 47-72'. 2,U8/f Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level 30- 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- U Z tj) ao OJ_l (. CD Ifl OJ T> 3 a £ to (fl §8 a 1 I 7/2" Vtr\ CH-OI U o a Jl c a 109.5 112.6 o u 13.9 14.7 .(fl Cfl' SM ML GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC I 34.1': Material grades into silty very fine SANDSTONE @ 36': Material grades to slighdy coarser again @ 40': Off-white, wellxemented SANDSTONE nodule @ 45.5': Grades into light brown, damp, veiy dense, sUly, fine SANDSTONE @ 46.5': Possible perched ground water encountered @ 49": Dark gray, dry, veiy dense, fine sandy SILTSTONE; fissile I 50': Practical refusal Total Deptti = 50'2" Downhole Logged to 46.5' Ground Water (Perched?) Encountered at 46-1/2' Backfttled on June 2, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-6 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 6-3-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 215 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 2 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981<y Mean Sea Level 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. &«! Q3 5 — IO- IS- 20- 25- 2SL SZ at ao 01 _i c CD in OJ TJ 3 Fr: N38E, 80SE Fn N40E, 72NW B: NSOW, 2NE Fr: N65E, 75-90N a E 01 (fl trt I irt^ CH-OJ u a a Jl L 124.4 flJ^ OJ in 11.7 ? G" _(fl (O' sc SM sc SM GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By RKW/KBC KBC LANDSLIDE DEPOSfTS (Olsl @ 0': Brown, moist, stiff, sandy CLAY/ clayey SAND, homogeneous, roottets common ) 6": Gray-brown, moist, slighdy clayey SAND to dense, fme SAND; contains small blebs of light brown SAND I 9': Grades to motded light olive-green and light brown, moist, medium dense, clayey SAND; jumbled (graben material?) I 9.5': Calcium carbonate stringers common I 10.6'-14.2': Grades into light brown, damp, medium dense, silty fme to medium SAND @ 14': Randomly-oriented fracwres, calcium carbonate lined @ 15': Density increases @ 15.6": Near horizontal fracwre @ 17.5': Cemented concretions @ 17.9':. Very irregular undulatoiy contact to light orange-brown, moist, dense, fine to coarse SAND; massive, slighdy cemented, olive-green, very fme SILTSTONE rip-up clasts abundant, few granitic fragments @ 19.7': Veiy irregular contact to light gray to light brown, moist, dense, silty fine SAND, rip-up clast of fine to coarse sand common @ 2r-21.8': Light brown, silty fme to coarse SAND > 22.5': Grades (over approximately 5") to fme to medium SAND @ 25.5': Cemented zone 6" diick, minor seepage, fissile fme sandy SILT I® 26.1': RupWre surface at base of cemented zone; no defmite surface, , in-fttled Wncated on cemented zone DEL MAR FORMATION (Tdl ©26.1': Material below cemented zone is moderately sheared and has a higher clay content @ 26.4': Sharp, irregular contact to olive-green, moist, veiy dense, silty, veiy fine SANDSTONE; iron-oxide stained zones, manganese staining and h iron-oxide stains along tectonic shears 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-6 Date 6-3-97 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 215 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981# Mean Sea Level E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Q3 u Z tj) ao 01-J c CO in OJ TJ 3 O z a E 01 (fl §5 to h a wi^ CH-OJ u a a Jl c o 3a. in^ !8(« G^ _(fl Cfl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By RKW/KBC KBC 30-I 14 121.9 35- 40 — 14.3 ? SM DEL MAR FORMA'nON (Continuedl I 32.5': Well-cemented concretion, minor seepage I 34.3": Gradational change to gray_to olive-gray, more friable SANDSTONE 45- Total Depth = 42.5' Downhole Logged to 41.5' No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Hole Backfilled on June 3, 1997 SO — 55- 60- 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-7 6-4-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 210 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling 30 in. Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 2 Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981# Mean Sea Level 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Depth (feet) Graph 1c Log Att1tudes Sample No. Blous Per Foot Dry Density (pcf) Moisture Content (JC) Soil Class. (U.S.C.S.) GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC/RKW 0 — CL LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Ols) @ 0': Motfled light olive-green and lighl brown, damp to slighdy moist, stiff, sUty CLAY; massive, iron-oxide stained zones, moderately, sheared, roodets in upper 12 inches — @ 2.8': Contains scattered zones of light brown, slighdy, moist, dense, sUty, - fme to medium SAND, iron-oxide stained, massive 5 — • _ @4': Becomes blocky CLAY SM @ 6': Becomes slighdy cemented @ 6.3': Gradational change to pale olive-green, slighdy moist, dense, sUty fme SAND, massive, scattered iron-oxide blebs, slightty micaceous @ 9': Veiy faint cross-bedding dipping to the north 10 — ~ —- C:N70E, ISNW CL @ 10.3': Shaip, irregular contact to olive-green, moist, stiff, silty CLAY, blocky; iron-oxide stained zones 15 — (}C:N40E, 12SE GC:N25E, HSE ? @ 13.1': Sharp irregular contact to clayey SAND (jumbled clay and sand mix?) @ 13.3': Light olive-green, moist, medium stiff, silty CLAY; highly weadiered and punky; possible mpwre zone, material below is very jumbled and relatively soft @ 14': Discontinuous plastic layer, approximately 1/2" fliick @ 14.2': Vety minor seepage @ 14.5': Clay becomes stiff and blocky @ 16.5': Contains zones of fme-to medium-grained SAND @ 17': Gradational change to olive-green sandy CLAY; blocky shiny randomly-oriented shear surfaces - @ 13.1': Sharp irregular contact to clayey SAND (jumbled clay and sand mix?) @ 13.3': Light olive-green, moist, medium stiff, silty CLAY; highly weadiered and punky; possible mpwre zone, material below is very jumbled and relatively soft @ 14': Discontinuous plastic layer, approximately 1/2" fliick @ 14.2': Vety minor seepage @ 14.5': Clay becomes stiff and blocky @ 16.5': Contains zones of fme-to medium-grained SAND @ 17': Gradational change to olive-green sandy CLAY; blocky shiny randomly-oriented shear surfaces 20 — i @ 19': Discontinuous sand layer (pale olive-green, moist, dense, fme to medium SAND) @ 20' to 22': Up to 1" thick, near vertical sand infilled fracWre (desiccation crack?) —. • @ 23': Gradational change to CLAY; becomes mcreasingly blocky and sheared, iron-oxide staining present along shiny shear surfaces, shears are discontinuous and randomly oriented 25 — - _ - — - - 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-7 6-4-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 210 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113)^; 25-47'. 2MU of 2 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Levei &4! Q3 .c ut ao 01 _J c CD in OJ TJ 3 O z a E 01 (fl CQ V\/-^ CH-OJ U a a \^ Jl c a 3a- ifl o o 1> . Gc^ _(fl (O GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC/RKW 30- RS:N80E, 1-2NW 35- 40-I 10 CL "CL" SM LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Continued) ©31': Seepage on northeast side of boring @ 32': Clay becomes jumbled and highly weathered 'j@ 32.4': RupWre surface - 1/16" or less, sharp, irregular, highly plastic soft 1. _ _ f'?y5P"n DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) @ 32.4': Pale olive-green, moist, veiy stiff, clayey SILTSTONE, massive, iron-oxide stained zones @ 33.3': Gradational change to gray olive-green, moist, hard, sUty, veiy fine SANDSTONE; massive, micaceous @ 36': Increasing iron-oxide stained zones ) 40': Light brovm, moist, dense, silty fme SANDSTONE; massive 45 — 50 — 55 — Total Depfli = 41' (Jeologically Logged to 38' Veiy Minor Ground Water Seepage at 14 and 31 Feet Backfttled on June 4, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-8 Date I»roject Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 6-4-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 2 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 225 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113iy; 25-47'. 2,98U 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level CtZ u Z Ul ao 01 _J L CD Ifl OJ •a 3 a E 01 CO Jl CH-OI U a a \-/ Jl a «j5 '|c ^ o o u J(fl .{fl (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC/RKW KBC 10 — S:N60E, 26SW S:N80W, 3SS C:N65W, 7SE C:N35W, 20NE I C:horizontal 20- 25- ? CL SM CL SM SP SM SM SW LANDSLIDE DEPOSfTS (Ols) @ 1': Brown, damp, stiff, fme sandy CLAY; organic matter common, 1/8" diameter calcium carbonate blebs common, large and medium pores common @ 1.7': Very irregular contact to light green, moist, dense, clayey, sUty fme SAND; abundant random gypsum-lined fracwres, rust colored manganese stains common @ 3.5': (^psum becomes ciystalline along 1/4" fracwres @ 4': Grades into fine sandy CLAY;, blocky, mst colored manganese stains common I 7': Irregular gypsum-line 1/4" fracwres; generally dipping 35 degrees southwest I 9': Irregular, irregular, polished and striated shears ) 10': Irregular, irregular, polished and striated shears I 10.5': Gradational contact to sUty very fine SAND; thin iron-oxide stained stringers common ) 12': Gradational contact (over approximately 2") to light gray-brown, moist, very dense, fine to coarse SAND; fmer and coarser beds common, upper 3" orange-brown iron-oxide stained, 1/4" gypsum lining along contact ) 14.5': Shaip contact to light orange-brown to light brown, moist, dense, medium to very coarse SAND; fine-gravel common ) 14.8': Sharp contact to wet, fme to coarse SAND 17.3': Sharp waxy contact.to light green, damp, veiy dense, silty, veiy fine SAND; blocky, seepage along contact, orange-brown iron-oxide stains common I 23': Grades to light brown, moist, sUty, fme to medium SAND; iron-oxide stains common ! 24': White, well-cemented concretion >24.5': Sand becomes wet ) 25.5': Sand becomes damp to slighfly moist 127': Gradational contact (approximately 2") to light brown, wet, dense, fine to medium SAND; moisWre increases widi deptti I 29': Grades to light brown, wet, dense, fine to coarse SAND 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-8 6-4-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 225 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 0-25'. 4.113iy; 25-47'. 2.9Slff Mean Sea Level 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. ft" a 30- 35 — 40- 45- U Z ut ao OJ_l c CD VI 01 TJ 3 S:N25E, 38SE S:N45E, 38SW RS?:N80W, 32S a B to (fl LL CQ I 10 Vlr\ CH-OJ U a a N. Jl L a flji> 3 +• W OJ |c ^ o CJ G^ _(fl oB (fl CL "CL~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC/RKW KBC LANDSLIDE DEPOSfTS (Continued) @ 29.6': Base of sand is a 2" diick layer of black coarse SAND, followed by a 1-1/2" layer of orange-brown very dense, silty, very fme sand @ 29.8': Sharp contact to light gray-green, tectonically-sheared CLAY approximately 1" diick @ 29.9 : Light green, damp, hard, fme sandy CLAY; blocky, iron-oxide staining common along randomly oriented shears @ 30': Zone of high angle shears to 44.5' @ 35': Color gradually changes to medium gray-green 145' : Possible mpture surface/backscarp continuous around boring thin (approximately 1/16") plastic CLAY, very sheared above, less sheared below DEL MAR FORMATION rrd) @ 45.2': XJray- olive-green, moist, stiff, silty CLAYSTONE; massive, slighdy sheared, slighdy unoxklized 50- Total Depfli = 48' Geologically Logged to 46' Ground Water Seepage at 16.5', 27.4', and 29.8' at Time of Drilling Backfttled on June 5, 1997 55- 60- 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-9 6-5-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 180 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4,n3ff; 25-47'. 2.981# 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 u !c 0) a o 01 _i t. CD in OJ TJ 3 O z a E 01 (fl IQ Jl ifl^ CH-OI U a a Jl c a 3a- ifl OJ - o CJ G^^ _(fl (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC CS:N60E, IOS 10 — CL SM I 2 I 7 B:N70W, US C:N50W, 5N C:N22E, 21NW XB:N80E, 19S S:EW, 30S I SM SW CL CS:N42E, 25NW 2SL ? LANDSLIDE DEPOSfTStOls) @ 1': Dark brown, damp, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; medium pores common, organic material common, few calcium carbonate blebs @ 1-1/2': Very irregular contact to light green, damp, dense, silty very fine SAND; infttled fracwres common along upper contact, few orange-brown iron-oxide stains, few manganese blebs @ 5.2': A thin (1/2") clayseam composed of veiy light green tectonized CLAY; thin layer of orange-brown, iron-oxide staining at top and bottom followed by a thin layer of manganese staining at top and bottom contacts @ 5.25': Below clayseam light gray-green, sttty very fine SAND; few iron-oxide stained blebs @ 6': Grades to light brown, moist, dense, sttty fme to medium SAND; few orange-brown, iron-oxide blelis > 13.5' to 14': Zone of orange-brown, iron-oxide staining I 14.8': A coarse SAND and gravel stringer I 15': Sharp slighfly wavy contact to light brown, moist to wet, dense, fine to coarse SAND; upper 3" are stained orange-brown by iron-oxide, cmdely beddeid I 16': Sharp irregular contact to light gray, moist, dense, silty fine to medium SAND 117': Sharp iron-oxide stained contact to light yellow-brown, moist, dense, fme to coarse SAND; flame stmcwre at contact, fine gravel common I 18.5*: Area of abundant gravel size fine SANDSTONE clasts 119': A 1-foot zone of cross-bedding; wet to samrated wifli minor seepage at base ! 20': Wavy approximately horizontal contact to light green, damp, hard fme sandy CLAY; heavUy randomly sheared, iron-oxide and minor manganese stains on shear surfaces, blocky, few pocket or coarse SAND fracwre inflll? ) 20.5': Continuous wavy, irregular shear; manganese and iron-oxide stains on shear surface, mmor seepage > 24.6': Thin (1/16") continuous clayseam (possible back shear), thin layer of tectonized clay along surface of shear, manganese and iron-oxide stains common, minor seepage along surface ( 25': Light olive-green, damp, hard, CLAY; massive 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-9 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 6-5-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 180 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4,113#; 25-47'. 2.981# Mean Sea Level of 2 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. OJ/" (33 u 'sz Ut ao 01 _i (. CD Ifl OJ TJ 3 O z a E 01 (fl <Q Jl Vlf^ CH-OI U a a v./ Jl L O I c - O o GH _(fl oB (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30-S:N70E, 25NW S:horizontal RS?:horizontal i 11 35- 40- 45 — 50- 55- CL CL @ 31.5' and 32': Approximately horizontal shear planes @_32'|_ Possible rapwre surface_along shear plane DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) @ 32': Olive-green, damp, haixl, CLAYSTONE; blocky \@ 37': Practical refiisal Total Depfli = 37' Downhole Logged to 34' Ground Water Seepage Encountered at 20' and 25' At Time of Drilling Backfttled on June 5, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-10 6-5-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 187 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 2 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4,n3«: 25-47'. 2MU 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 VI 01 •D 3 a £ 01 CO CQ ^ in/-N CH-OI u CJ a \y Jl (. Q OJ^ 5-H GH _(fl (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 0 — C:horizontal — ; • • C:horizontal C:horizontal CL SM SW SM I 1 • 6 I 2 • 7 C:N75E, ION 25- C:N45W, ISNE SP TOPSOIL @ 1': Brown, moist, hard, fme sandy CLAY; organic matter common, . rooflets_coniinon bEL MAR FORMATION fTd) @ 1.8': Sharp, irregular contact to light green, damp, veiy dense, sUty fine SANDS'TONE; orange-brown iron-oxide stains common ) 5.9': Inegular contact to light gray to orange-brown, damp, veiy dense, fine to coarse SAND with abundant fine to medium gravel ) 7.8': Irregular contact to light gray-brown, damp, very dense, sttty fme to coarse SANDSTONE; scattered fine to medium gravel ' 12.5': Sharp very irregular erosion surface; fine to medium gravel above contact to light gray, damp, very dense, silty very fme SANDSTONE • 13.2' to 15': Zone of sheared olive-green CLAYSTONE; blocky shears randomly oriented wifli manganese and iron-oxide stains I 15': Light gray-green, damp, very dense, sttty, fine to medium SANDSTONE; iron-oxide stains common 17.5': Concretionary nodule I 23': Sharp, wavy contact to light gray-brown, damp to moist, very dense, silty fine to coarse SANDSTONE; iron-oxide stained along contact I 24.5': Undulating gradational contact to light gray-brown, moist, dense, silty fme to medium SANDSTONE > 27.8': Sharp contact to light orange-brown, damp, dense, medium to coarse SANDSTONE; fme to medium gravel common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-10 6-5-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 187 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4,n3ff; 25-47'. 2.981# of 2 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ft"" CtZ sz 0) ao 01-J L CD m OJ TJ 3 O z a E OJ (O (Qoi a Jl Vlr\ CH-OI u a a J) (. o CJ Ifl^ SH CJ CJ .(fl (fl' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30-SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- OL Total Deptti = 31' Downhole Logged to 28' No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drttling BackfUled and Tamped on June 5, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-11 6-6-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 290 ft. 1 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113iy; 25-47', 2,981#; 47-72'. 2.168iy Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level .c D) ao Q-I L CD in OJ TJ 3 O z a E 01 (0 to ^ a Jl (fl^ CH-OJ U a a \y Jl £-Cl OS- zl OJ lc ^ O o Ifl^ SH u .(fl (0 GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 5 — 10- CL SC CS:N60E, 12NW STR: N35W, UNW I C:N10E, 4W C:NS, 8W I CL ML SM SP SM SM/ML C:N60W, SSW RS:N40W, 7N, Str:N10-lSW, 4W C:N60W, IOS 2SL SM ML SP SM LANDSLIDE DEPOSfTS (Ols) @ 1': Dark gray-brown, moist, stiff, medium sandy CLAY; massive, organic matter common, charcoal common 12.8': Very irregular contact to motfled orange-brown and gray, moist, medium dense, sandy CLAY; massive, orange-brown, iron-oxide stringers and stains common, few fracwre infills of overlying material, few discontinuous vertical fracwres (approximately 1/4" thick), stained mst-brown witti manganese > 6': Grades to motded light gray and orange-brown, moist, medium dense, sUty, clayey, fine SAND; massive @ 10': @ 11' @ 13': Clayseam: 1/8" thick remolded clay, faint striations on slip surface, sharp conlact to olive-green, moist, hard, CLAY; fisstte, abundant gypsum in upper 1-1/2" common below, horizontal discontinuous orange-brown, uxm-oxidized stringers abundant ': Gradational (approximately 1") undulating contact to, light gray to light rose-brown, damp, medium dense to dense, clayey, fme sandy SILT; moderately fisstte, yellow discontinuous horizontal stringers abundant, scattered gypsum layers ': Grades to light gray, damp to moist, dense, silty, fme to medium SAND; abundant discontinuous approximately horizontal orange-brown, iron-oxide stained stringers, gypsum common @ 13.5': WeU-cemented concretion, 1/2" layer of gypsum around perimeter @ 15.5' to 18.5': Light brown to brown zone of moist, dense to veiy dense, medium to coarse SAND; shell fragments common, irregular well-cemented concretions common @ 18.5': Sharp contact to very light gray, damp, dense, silty, very fine SAND dun (1/16") gypsum layer at upper contact, flun orange-brown iron-oxide interbeds common (approximately eveiy 1 to 3", thin (< 1/4") gypsum layers common (approximately every 5") @ 20.3': Sharp contact to flunly intertiedded rose-brovm and light gray-brown, damp, dense, clayey, fine sandy SILT and clayey, sttty, fmef- SAND; orange-brown iron-oxidized and yellow, thin, horizontal stringers common, moderately fisstte @ 21': Grades to daric rose-brown, damp, veiy dense, sUty, veiy fme SAND to very fine sandy SILT; fissUe, abundant horizontal yellow stringers (approximately every 1/2") @ 22.5' to 23': Layer of brown, damp, medium dense, silty fine to medium SAND @ 24': Black very well-cemented concretion > 25.3': Light gray, damp, dense, sttty, fme to medium SAND; wavy brown and yellow horizontal stringers common ) 26.5': Sharp contact to dark rose-brown, damp, very dense, fme sandy SILT; yellow and orange-brown, horizontal soingers common, fissile > 27.5': Undulatory, mpWre surface: 1/4" ttiick remolded, fat plastic clay on a smooth shinny surface; very faint straitions on surface TORREY SANPSTQNE(Tl) @ 27.7': Below mpWre surface: sharp contact to light orange-brown moist, dense, medium to coarse SANDSTONE; diinly bedded 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-11 6-6-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 290 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47', 2.981#; 47-72'. 2,168# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level u Z ut ao OJ-I c CD Ifl OJ TJ 3 O z a £ 01 CO §8 CQ CH-OI U a a \^ Jl c o It ^ o u GH _(fl (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30-1 SM C:N45W, SSW 35 — C: NSW, 8W 40- SW 45- C:horizontal B:horizontal C:horizontal C:horizontal I 4 I 11 50- ? ? SM ML I 5 •25/10" 55- TORREY SANDSTONE fTt) (Continued) @ 30.5': Cross-beds common @ 31': Sharp contact to light gray and light orange-brown, moist, dense, sttty, fme to medium SANDSTONE; ttiinly bedded @ 34': Grades to fme to coarse SANDSTONE @ 37': Sharp contact to light gray and orange-brown, medium to veiy coarse SANDSTONE Ml': Sharp, wavy contact to interbedded light gray and light orange-brown, iron-oxide stained beds of moist, dense, silty fine to medium SANDSTONE, diinly bedded DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) @ 44.5': Sharp conlact to dark gray, damp, very dense, fme sandy SILTSTONE, ground water encountered @ 45': Sharp contact to light gray-brown, moist, dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE \@ 50.9': Drilling halted due to abundant caving of saWrated sand Total Depdi = 50.9' Downhole Logged to 47' Ground Water Encountered at 44.5' at Time of DrUling Seepage at 40 Feet and 47 Feet at Time of Drilling BackfUled on June 6, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-12 6-9-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4,ll3ff; 25-47'. 2.981#; 47-72'. 2.168# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level OJ/" ctt sz ut ao 01 _i L CD in OJ TJ 3 a £ 01 CO to a Jl ifl^ CH-OI u a a Jl £. a 01 (fl .(fl .93 CO GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC C:horizontal B:N40W, lOSW 10 — CL SM C:N20W, 8SW I SW 15- C:N70W, 20S 20- CL SM I 25- 2SL mi ML LANDSLIDE DEPOSfTS (Ols) @ 1': Red-brown, damp, stiff, fme sandy CLAY; orgaruc material common @ 1.2': Grades to orange-brown, moist, dense, sUty, fine to medium SAND; light gray-brown motdes common, massive, few vertical fracwres @ 2.2': Grades (over approximately 2") to light gray-brown, damp to moist, sttty fme SAND; massive, yellow horizontal stringers common; orange-brown, stains common, moderately fissUe, few gypsum blebs, few vertical fiacWres @ 3': Becomes veiy fissUe @ 10.7': Shaip contact to orange-brown, damp, dense, sttty fine to coarse SAND, cmdely interbedded with light gray-brown sUt, fme SAND atxive and tielow, gypsum layers common below 15.2' to 16': WeU-cemented concretionaiy layer 16.8': Slighdy irregular contact to gray-green, damp, hard, sUty CLAY; blocky, abundant orange-brown approximate horizontal stringers ' 19' to 21': ..Grades to gray-green, dense, sUty fme SAND; few high angle fracwres I 2r-22': Light gray, damp, dense, sUty fme to medium SAND; massive I 22': Light gray-green, damp, very dense, sUty, very fine SAND; orange-brown, horizontal stringers common, irregular discontinuous gypsum layers common I 24.5': Grades to diinly mtertiedded, light gray, dense, brown and orange-brown, damp, very dense, sttty fme SAND; yellow horizontal stringers common, gypsum layers common, veiy fissUe ! 26.5': Grades to predominandy rose-brown, fme sandy SILT witti interbeds as described above; moderately fissUe ) 28.5': Grades to orange-brown, moist, dense, silty, fme to medium SAND; large concretionary nodules common, shell fragments common; few area of coarse SAND 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-12 6-9-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2,98Ui 47-72', 2.168i» Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ft" aZ sz ut ao 01 _i L CD in OJ TJ 3 a E OJ to CQ Jl VI/-\ CH-OJ U C3 a \-/ Jl c a oj«3 3a- - o o .(fl Cfl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30-T SM LANDSLIDE DEPOSfTS (Continued) 35- B:N65E, 4NW 40- C:horizontal 45 — RS:N34E, IINW 50- 55- C:N15E, 6W FR:N80E, 14E ML SP -cir I 35.5': SheU fragments become rare I 37.2': Irregular contact to light gray, dense, moist, sUty fine SAND; diin orange-brown and brown interbeds common I 37.5': Gradational contact to light gray, moist, very dense, sUty fine SAND with rose-brown, orange-brown and yellow wavy horizontal interbeds common I 39': Grades to predominantty rose-brown, fme sandy SILT with thin interbeds as described atwve common, very fissUe I 40 to 41': Brown to white, moderately to well<emented concretionary layer I 41.2': Seepage encountered I 42.5' to 44.7': Area of predominantiy light gray sUty fme SANDSTONE I 42.5' to 44.7': Grades to predominandy rose-brown, damp, very dense, fine sandy SILTSTONE witti interbeds as described above; very fissUe @ 46' to 46.5': Black well-cemented concretionary layer; shell fragments common, coaise SAND aliove and lielow @ 47':-'Iiregular wavy sharp contact to dark gray, damp, hard, sUty, CLAY; slighfly fissUe ,@ 47.2': Sharp planar l/8".diick mpwre surface, tectonized CLAY along I slickened surface, trancates r-1.5" wide gypsum-lined orange-brown I fracwres DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) SM CL ) 51-1/2': Grades to light gray, moist, dense, sUty fine to medium SANDSTONE ' 55.5': Wavy horizontal contact to light gray and orange-brown, wet, dense, medium to coarse SANDSTONE ' 56.5': Becomes light gray I 57.2': Sharp contact to olive-green, damp, hard, sandy CLAYSTONE to claystone; few fracwres 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-12 6-9-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981#; 47-72'. 2.168# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ft" u Z Ul ao 01 _j c CD Ifl OJ TJ 3 O z a E OJ (fl §8 o^ CQ Jl lfl/-\ CH-OI u Q a \y Jl c Q tig It ^ O CJ (fl .(O (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 60- FR:N20E, 36NW 65- CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) @ 67': Ground water encountered 70-Total Depdi = 69' Downhole Logged to 67.5' Seepage Encountered at 41', 47', and 57' at Time of DrUluig Ground Water Encountered at 67' at Time of Drilling Backfttled on June 9, 1997 75- 80- 85 — asL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-13 6-10-97 Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 265 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling 30 in. Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113jy; 25-47'. 2,98ltf Mean Sea Level 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. ft* lo- ts- sz ut ao 01-I c CD 20- 25- 2SL vt OJ TJ 3 B:EW, 13N C:N10E, lONW FR:N4SE, 30NW FR:N15E, 62NW C:N42E, 52NW FR:N15E, 30NW C:horizontal a £ 01 (fl CQ I I 2 I 6 Ifl CH-OI U a a N. Jl c a fljiJ 3a. 2 S(« GH _(fl (0 CL SM SP CL SM ML/SM GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC TOPSOIL ' @ 0': Brown, damp, stiff, fme sandy CLAY; organic material common, sand * blebs, common, roodets conunon TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) @ 0.8': Veiy irregular contact to light brown, moist, medium dense, sttty fme SANDSTONE; few medium pores in upper 1-foot, massive, organic material common @ 2.3[: Thin black layer of peat @ 3.3': Irregular erosion surface to light gray-brown, moist, medium dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; orange-brown, interbeds common, few yellow intertieds, moderately weathered, fissUe @ 5': Veiy inegular contact to yeUow-gray, wet, loose, fme to medium SANDSTONE; orange-brown and sUtier in upper 3", massive @ 7': Shaip contact to light gray, wet to moist, stiff to hard, fme sandy sUty CLAYSTCJNE; seepage above contact, discontinuous randomly oriented thin orange-brown and red-brown stringers common @ 8': Material becomes cmmbly I 11.5': Material becomes blocky and is heavtty fracmred; fracwres are lined with orange-brown staining I 13': Black sandstone concretion ' 13.5': Grades to gray, moist, very dense, sttty fme SANDSTONE; massive few approximate vertical fracwres, few lined with gypsum 19': Steep fracwre, gypsum and iron-oxide stains along surface ) 22': Sharp contact to inclusions of gray-green, damp, veiy dense, sttty fme to medium SANDSTONE I 24.2': Planer fracmre; orange stained on surface I 27.7': Gradations contact (dipping approximately 20 degrees northwest) to orange-brown, moist, dense, medium to coarse SANDSTONE DEL MAR FORMATION?(Td) @ 28.8': Undulating contact to light gray, moist, dense, fine sandy, SIITSTONF,, to silly, fine SANDSTONF 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-13 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 6-10-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 265 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Damm 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981# 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ft* (D5 u JE D) a o 01-J L CD in OJ •D 3 a E 01 (fl §o o^ (O g a in/-v CH-OJ u o a Jl (. a ojij 3a- Ifl SH GH _(fl CO GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30- T 10 SM DEL MAR FORMATION? (Td) (Continued) 35- 40- 45- 50 — 55 — Total Depfli = 31' Downhole Logged to 29.5' Seepage Encountered at 7', 12.5', 19', and 24', at Time of Drilling Ground Water Encountered at 29 Feet at Time of DrUling Backfttled on June 10, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-14 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 6-10-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 235 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.n3tt; 25-47'. 2,98U Mean Sea Level E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. in u OJ .— TJ JZ Ul 3 ao +-01 _J — c CD At OJ a 01 (fl Jl Vl/-^ CH-OI U a a N. Jt L a 01 c- ^ o u in^ SH GH _(fl CO' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By RKW/KBC KBC B:N10E, 4W CS:N80E, 40SE 10- CL SM C:horizontal CS:N35E, 30SE I 1 • 3 15- 20- CL SM ML CL SM ML I SW 25- FR:N3E, 67E 2SL LANDSLIDE DEPOSfTS (Ols) @ 1': Brown, damp, hard, fme sandy CLAY; organic material common, few medium pores, calcium caibonate blebs common near base @ 1.7': Irregular gradational contact to light gray-brown, moist, dense, sUty fine SAND; approximately horizontal orange-brown stringers common, cmdely tiedded @ 3.8' to 4.2': Dark brown discontinuous 1" thick zones of tectonized clay, moderately sheared @ 4.5': Fracmre infill of moist, loose to medium dense, fme to coarse SAND; fme pebbles common, few inclusions of brown tectonized clay, few gravels, massive, few large pores, rare charcoal I 7.2": Very irregular gradational contact to light to dark gray, moist, stiff, fine saiidy, sttty CLAY; orange-brown motfles common, few calcium carbonate blebs, charcoal common, massive I 8.5': Grades to sUiy fme to medium SAND; charcoal common 10': Undulating contact to dark gray-brown, moist, hard, clayey, fine sandy SILT; massive, orange-brown mottles abundant, gypsum blebs common 11.8' to 12.8': Zone of moderately sheared light olive-green CLAY 12.5': Grades to light gray and orange-brown, moist, dense, slightty, clayey, sttty fine to medium SAND; light gray approximately 1" thick wavy sttty CLAY inteibeds common 15': Lense of fracwre infttl of light orange-brown to light gray, moist, dense, sttty fine to coarse SAND; few fine gravels 16': Angular irregular contact to dark gray-brown, moist, hard, clayey, fine sandy SILT; sandy interbeds common 17': Grades to light brown, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SAND; massive, coarser areas common 18': White, moderately cemented concretionary nodule > 20': Grades to fme to coarse SAND; fme gravels common, massive I 26.5': Gypsum-lined fracwres 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-14 6-10-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 235 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981jy of 2 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q5 JZ ut ao OJ-J c CD in OJ TJ 3 O z a £ 01 (fl §8 CQ ^r. in^ CH-OJ u a a \y Jl (. a 3., GH _(0 (fl' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By RKW/KBC KBC 30-i 35- FR:N10W, 65E C:boiizontal FR:N5E, 70E RS:N80E, SSE 40- FR:N80E, 18S FR:N60W, 40SW 45- SW CL SM CL LANDSLIDE DEPOSfTS (Continued) @ 30.5': Fracwre (possible backscarp) @ 33': Wavy sharp contact to olive-green, moist, stiff, CLAY; minor shearing in clay along contact @ 33.5: Grades to olive-green, moist, dense, clayey, medium to coarse SAND @ 34.3': Clayseam mpWre surface offsets fracWre (1/4" thick tectonized clay) _ _ DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) @ 35.5': Olive-green CLAY as described above @ 36': Becomes hard, blocky and fracWred ? ? > 40.2': Thin (1/4") fracWrc, polished surface moist, CLAY atiove fracwres > 41.2': Fracmre, l/4"-l/2" ttiick area of tectonized CLAY above polished surface >43': Moderate seepage 50 — 55 — mi Total Deptti = 47' Downhole Logged to 45' Minor Seepage at 33', 39', 40', and 43' at Time of DriUing BackfUled on June 10, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-15 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 6-11-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 310 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Damm E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2981#; 47-72'. 2.168# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level u 'Z ut ao 01 _i c CD in OJ •D 3 a £ 01 CO 2^ IO g a ifl/-> CH-OI U a a Jl C o 01 c "tn g I^ o o (0 .(fl Cfl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC C:NSOE, 9SE C:horizontal C:horizontal 10- Bag-2 ?7'-10 ML SM C:N70E,4SE I CL ML 15- 20- 25- 2SL C:N75W, 20SW C:EW, 8S B:N4SW, 20S SM SW I 4 I 4 C:horizontal Bag-5 : ?24'-26 C:N5W, 20E CL TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) @ 1': Light gray to light gray-green, damp, dense, fme sandy, SILTSTONE; blocky, orange-brown stringers common, carbonate coating on ped faces @ 1.5': Sharp, wavy contact to light orange-brown, damp, medium dense, sUty fine to coarse SANDSTONE; massive, few shed fragments @ 4': Light gray clay stringers common @ 5'-6': Shell fragments and fine gravels common @ 5.5': Large black well-cemented concretion, shells common @ 6': Contact along black wavy 1" thick bed to orange-brown, damp, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; massive @ 6.5": Sharp contact to light green, moist, stiff, sttty CLAYSTONE; red-brown ttiin SILTSTONE horizontal stringers common, moderately fissUe, randoinly oriented gypsum-lined fracwres common, gypsum blebs common @ 10': Shaip gypsum-lined contact to light gray to light rose-brown, damp, dense, clayey, SILTSTONE; moderately fisstte, massive, approximately horizontal orange-brown stringers common 13.5'-14.5': Black concretionary nodule, abundant gypsum-lined fracwres 15': Sharp contact to light gray with orange-brown motfles, moist, dense, sttty fme to medium SANDSTONE; massive 17': Sharp contact to off-white, moist, dense, fme to coarse SANDSTONE;,diickly bedded, fmer lieds common, cross-bedding above contact )21.8': Sandstone becomes wet I 22.3': Shaip contact to light gray to light gray-green, moist, hard, sttty CLAYSTONE; moderately fissUe, orange-brown and yellow horizontal stringers common, few gypsum-lined stringers > 25.6': Thin sandstone intertieds common > 26': Sharp contact to gray, moist, dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; thiitty bedded, orange-brown and red-brown stains along bedding common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-15 6-11-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 310 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4,im; 25-47'. 298Ui 47-72'. 2.168tf Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level u Z Ul ao OJ_l c u in OJ TJ 3 a £ 01 (fl CO in^ CH-OI U a a Jl (-izt flji> ^t 01 ^ o u in > GH _(fl (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30-1 SW C:horizontal 35- 40- ? CL TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) @ 31': Sandstone is moist to wet •®_^?"?.'L^*'^^''°B'L''??9."l?l.^S.'y.'^*I?l' f?* rip-up clasts "DEL MAR'FORMATION (Td) @ 32.7': Contact to light gray, moist, stiff to hard, slighdy sandy sUty, CLAYSTONE; orange-brown and.red-brown motdes common I 7 • 8 45- 50- I 45': Few randomly oriented fracwres, rose-brown, manganese staining common along fracwres I 8 I 24/8" 55- mi I 55': Claystone grades to sandy CLAYSTONE 505A<11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-15 6-11-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 310 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4Am; 25-47'. 2981#; 47-72'. 2.168# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level in OJ Tl CJ z Blous Per Foot y Density (pcf) Sol 1 Class. (U.S.C.S.) GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Deptl (feel Graph Log Itti tui Samp 1e Blous Per Foot y Density (pcf) MoIstu Content Sol 1 Class. (U.S.C.S.) Logged Bv KBC a: Samp 1e Blous Per Foot c. tzs MoIstu Content Sol 1 Class. (U.S.C.S.) Sampled By KBC 60 — CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) @ 60': Sandy claystone grades to CLAYSTONE _ 1 25/6" _ 65 — ~ • - - 70 10 1 25/6" - _ Total Depdi = 70.5' Downhole Logged to 68' No Ground Water Encountered (minor seepage at 22') Backfttled on June 12, 1997 75 — 80 — 85 — 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-16 6-12-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 280 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4,n3ff; 25-47'. 29SU; 47-72'. 2,168» Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ft« Q3 u !c o> ao 01 _i (. CD in OJ •a 3 a £ 01 (fl CQ Ulz-v CH-OI U o a \y Jl c C3 OJ^ w g ^ o u (fl CJ' .(fl (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC C:horizontal C:horizontal ^1 10 — -SC- - SM MUCL I 15-Bag-2 J15'-17 20- CL I 13 25- C:horizontal 2SL SM SW CL • TOPSOIL i@ 0.5': Red-brown, moist, medium dense, medium sandy CLAY; few I fracwres TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) @ 0.8': Gradational contact to light orange-brown, to light gray, moist, dense, sttty fme to medium SANDSTONE; few dim SILTSTONE interbeds @ 3': Sharp contact to orange-brown, moist, dense, sUty fine to coarse SANDS'TONE; 1" diick rose-brown sUtstone bed at contact, massive DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) @ 5': Wavy contact to light gray, moist, veiy stiff, clayey SILTSTONE to sttty CLAYSTONE, cmmbly, approximately horizontal orange-brown stringers common @ 7': Becomes hard and moderately fissUe @ 7.5': Concretionary nodule; moderately cemented 10': Becomes moderately blocky and fracWred @ 13.5': Grades to olive-green, damp, hard, fine sandy CLAYSTONE; massive, few fracwres ) 21': White well-cemented concretionary nodule ) 22': Becomes sandier > 23.5' to 25.5': Large well-cemented white concretionary nodule ) 24.5': Contact partially obscured by concretion to light gray and orange-brown, moist, dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; cmdely liedded I 28.5': Sharp undulating contact to olive-green, damp, hard, CLAYSTONE; massive, blocky, coarse SANDSTONE infills along fracwres at upper contact 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-16 6-12-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 280 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113iy; 25-47'. 298lff; 47-72'. 2.168# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level C Ul a o 01 _i L CD Ifl OJ TJ 3 a £ 01 (fl (og a Ulz-v CH-OJ U a a Jl L a flj-5 3a- m (fl a' .(fl (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30- 35 — 1 11 CL S: N65E, 25SE 40- C:horizontal FR:N5E, 40E 45- 50 — SW CL ? I 5 I 10 55- mi DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) I 32.5': White, weU-cemented concretionaiy nodule > 33': Claystone is moderately fracWred, orange-brown iron-oxide and rose-brown manganese stains on fracwre and ped surfaces common I 36.5': Shear plane witti approximately 3/4" of sheared CLAYSTONE along wavy polished surfaces ) 40.4': Veiy irregular contact to light gray-brown, damp to wet, vety dense, fme to coarse SANDSTONE ) 41.3': Horizontal sharp contact to olive-green, damp to moist, hard, CLAYSTONE; fracWred and blocky ) 41.3': Continuous fracWre widi week seepage, sand common along fracwre I 46': Grades to light gray-green, less blocky and fracWred < 52': Becomes moderately blocky and fracWred I 58.5': Grades to olive-green CLAYSTONE 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-16 6-12-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 280 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4,n3#; 25-47'. 298U: 47-72'. 2,168# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 .c n a o 01 _i L CD Ifl OJ TJ 3 O z a E OJ (fl ^8 2^ (O g a Iflz-v CH-OI u a a Jl L a L 3- (0 (J^ _(fl oB (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 60- 65- 70- CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) @ 63': Moderately fracwred I 19 75- 80- 85- asL Total Depdi = 71' Downhole Logged to 69' Minor Seepage at 42' Backfttled on June 12, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-17 6-13-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.991#; 30-60'. 3.841#; 60-90'. 2.446;^ Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level tn OJ TJ 3 O z a £ 01 CO 2^ to g a CH-OJ U Q a Jl c o wg ^ o o SH GH _(fl CO' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC C: horizontal F:N15E, 75W SM C:N55E, SNW I 1 • 6 F:N5E, 65E C:EW, 5S I 2 • 7 C: horizontal TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) @ 1': Light gray-brown, damp to moist, dense, sttty fme to medium SANDSTONE; thinly liedded, orange-brown, iron-oxide stained beds common, fracwres common, few calcium carbonate linings, calcium carbonate-lined fault I 3.7': Wavy contact to light gray, damp, dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; vertical calcium carbonate lined fracwres common, massive, fault is stained orange-brown on either side of sharp slip plane > 9': Material grades to orange-brown, fme to coarse SANDSTONE ) 9.5' to 10.5': Orange-brown concretionaiy layer; well-cemented shells common, stains are tmncated by fault (11': Grades from orange-brown stained, sUty fme SANDSTONE back to light gray sUty fme sandstone ! 12.1': Thin 1" diick light gray sUty CLAYSTONE bed along contact to tan-brown, damp, dense, sttty fine SANDSTONE; massive I 14': Grades to orange-brown I 15': Thin fault trace (approximately 1/16" wide) apparent displacement: east side down 1/2" < 18': Wavy inegular contact to off-white, damp, dense, sttty fine SANDSTONE I 18.5': -Orange-brown, moderately cemented concretionaiy nodule I 21': Shaip, slighfly wavy contact to orange-brown, moist, dense, sttty fine to medium SANDSTONE; ttiickly interbedded widi light gray-brown sttty fme SANDSTONE @ 25.5': Orange-brown concretionary nodule @ 26.2': Grades to light gray sttty fine SANDSTONE @ 28": Thin fault trace CL I @ 29.5': Sharp contact to light gray, moist, hard, silty CLAYSTONE; 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-17 Date 6-13-97 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4,99U; 30-60'. 3.841#; 60-90'. 2M6f/ Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level C33 JZ Ul ao OJ_l L. CD in OJ TJ 3 O z a E OJ CO •a *^ 2^ to g a ifl/^ CH- OJ U Q a \y Jl c. a OJC in g GH _(fl (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 30-1 35-C: horizontal 40 — I B:N25W, 8SW 45- 50- F: NSE, 70E CL SM CL SM SC SM concretionary nodule at contact; few thin orange-brown interbeds @ 30': Fault is stained orange-brown in CLAYSTONE ©31': Material gradually becomes sandier @ 31.5': Grades to light gray, moist, dense, sttty fine SANDSTONE @ 32.5': Grades to light gray-brown, moist, hard, sttty CLAYSTONE; weakly fissUe 1 34.5': Sharp contact to light gray-brown, damp, dense, sUty fme to very fine SANDSTONE; diinly bedded, cross-bedding common, orange-brown stain common ) 45': Abundant orange-brown stains > 45.5' to 46.5': While well-cemented concretionary nodule > 46.5': Veiy irregular contact to gray to gray-brown, moist, hard, fme sandy CLAYSTONE; orange-brown inteibeds common ) 48.5': Grades to light gray, moist, dense, sttty fme SANDSTONE; orange-brown stains.common @52': Grades to orange-brown @ 53.5' to 55.5': Dark brown, well-cemented concretionary nodule @ 55': Sharp 1/4" red-brown fault trace I 58.5' to 59.7': Dark brown, moderately to weU-cemented concretionaiy layer; shell fragments common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-17 6-13-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4,99U; 30-60'. 3.841#; 60-90'. 2.446# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level lfl OJ •D 3 O z OP a OJ (fl §o to g a (fl/-> CH-OJ U o a Jl (. a w g Ifl^ SH GH _(fl (O GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 15 SM C: horizontal 65 — — '• C: horizontal C: NSSE, SS ML I 6 • 14 85- •/•\ V, C; horizontal CL ML @ 60': Contact below concretion material to orange-brown, moist, dense, silty fme to medium SANDSTONE @ 61.5" to 63': Red-brown 1" wide near vertical fracwres common; gypsum lined @ 63': Thin (1/2") red-brown SILTSTONE layer; fracwres stop @ 63': Contact to gray-brown, moist, dense, sUty fine to very fine SANDSTONE; diinly bedded, clayey units common @ 68.5': Grades to orange-brown, sUty, fme to medium SANDSTONE @ 69.3': Sharp contact to dark gray-brown, moist, veiy dense, fme sandy clayey SILTSTONE; abundant thin interbeds of rose-brown and yellow-brown sUtstone, horizontal gypsum stringers common, vertical gypsum-lined fracwres common (77': Sharp, wavy conlact to dark gray, damp, very dense, clayey, fme sandy, SILTSTONE; duitty bedded, few gypsum-lined fracwres @ 85.1' to 86': Dark gray, coarse, sandy moderately cemented concretionaiy layer @ 86': Daric gray, moist, hard, sttty CLAYSTONE @ 86.6' to 86.9': Claystone is very fissile @ 86.9': A 2" layer of plastic fat clay @ 87': Sharp contact to dark gray, damp, very dense, clayey fine sandy, SILTSTONE, diinly bedded @ 87.2' to 88.6': Light gray well-cemented concretionary nodule 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-17 6-13-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 4 Project No. of 4 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Damm Type of Rig E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.99K'; 30-60'. 3.841)!'; 60-90'. 2.446# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level toj C (J) a o 01 _l c CD in 01 •o 3 a E 01 (fl CH-OI U a a Jl L O OJ^J wg o u SH GH _(fl oB (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 90- 95- 100-8 I 16/6' C: horizontal 105 — 110- 115- ML TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) ©91': Few clayeyer units CL SM @ 97'-98': White weU-cemented concretionaiy nodule @ 98': Grades to daik brown, moist, hard, sUty CLAYSTONE; light gray sandy SILTSTONE layers common 101': Light gray well-cemented concretionaiy nodule 103': Sharp contact to gray to light gray, damp, dense, sttty fme to medium SANDSTONE Totel Depdi =116' Downhole Logged to 114' No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled on June 16, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-18 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 6-17-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 405 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.991#; 30-60'. 3,84U: 60-90'. 2,446^ Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 u 'Z Ul ao 01-J c. CD m OJ TJ 3 o z a E 01 (fl CQ Jl in^ CH-OJ u a a Jl L (3 OJw "Si g ^ O u S«5 GH _(« oB (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 10 — 15 — C: horizontei C:N50W, SNE F:NS, 57W B:N55W, ION CL SM I SC SM C:N30W, 15NE B:N85W, 9N 20-I 2 I 5 F:N5W, 71W B:N87W, ION TOPSOIL r 12': Brown, moist, stiff, fine to medium sandy CLAY; fme pores common, roodets common, calcium carbonate blebs common, few charcoal fragments Discontinuous layer (0.4' diick) of calcium carbonate TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) @ 3.5': Discontinuous wavy contect to interbedded orange-brown and gray, moist, medium dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; calcium caibonate lined fracwres and concretions common @ S.S': Calcium caibonate layer 0.5' diick @ 6': Sharp contect to orange-brown, moist, medium dense, sttty fine to medium SANDSTONE; massive @ 7': Fine to coarse SANDSTONE; fme gravel and sheU fragments common, 1/2" thick caibonate-fUled fracwres common, abundant calcium carbonate blebs @ 10': Bed (0.5' thick) of olive-green, moist, stiff, medium to coarse sandy CLAYSTONE; shell fragments common, fissUe, calcium carbonate blebs common @ U': Green claystone motttes common @ 12': Very irregular contect to light gray, moist, medium dense, clayey, sttty fme SANDSTONE; abundant random orange-brown steins, fracWres common, fissUe in areas, calcium carbonate blebs common @ 13': Areas of deep red and rose-brown mangnesium steining @ 14': Slighfly wavy, gradational contect to off-white, damp, dense, sttty fme SANDSTONE; thinly bedded, yellow steins common parallel to bedding, orange-brown blebs common i 24': Thin calcium carbonate-lined fracture i 25': Brown, moderately cemented concretionaiy nodule ' 27.5': Black, moderately cemented concretionary nodule 505A<11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-18 6-17-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 405 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4,99l/f; 30-60'. 3.841#; 60-90'. 2.446# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level in OJ TJ 3 O z a E 01 (fl CQ in^ CH-OJ u Q a \y Jl c CD in ¥• SH GH _(fl (fl" GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC F:N15W. 76SW B:NS,10E F:NS, 62E 1 SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) • C:N8SE, SS C: horizontei C: horizontei 7 @31.5' @31.7' Two faults intersect, lower fault is west side up Yellow-brown concretionary nodule > 38': Sharp wavy contect to light gray, moist, veiy dense, sttty veiy fme SANDSTONE; massive I @41 ML SM to 42': Orange to red-brown, moderately cemented concretionary nodule 41.5': Shaip contect to light gray, moist, dense, fine sandy SILTSTONE; fissUe, red-brown and orange-brown stems along contect 43': Sharp contect to light gray, moist, dense to very dense, sUty fine to medium SANDSTONE; ttiinly bedded, yellow steins common J 45': Irregular fracwre I 50': Sharp contect to light gray, moist, very dense, silty veiy fine SANDSTONE; thinly bedded, orange-brown steins common, rose-brown steins along contect 1 53' to 53.5': White well-cemented concretionary layer; abundant shells I 53.5': Becomes massive I 57.5' to 58.5': White, well-cemented concretionary layer, shells common 505A{11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-18 Date 6-17-97 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 405 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30', 4,991#; 30-60'. 3.841^; 60-90% 2.446^ Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 JZ ut ao OJ_J L CD m OJ •o 3 a E 01 (fl to g a Jl in-^ CH-OI u Q a Jl c a oiij VI g ^ o u SH GH _(fl (fl' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 60-B: horizontei 1 SM C: horizontei 65-C: horizontal 70- 75- 80-I 16 TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) @ 60.5': Bed of orange-brown, moist, medium dense, sttty fine to medium SANDSTONE I 62.5': Sharp contect to orange-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, sttty fme to medium SANDSTONE; massive ) 64.5': Sharp contect to light gray to gray, moist, dense, sttty very fme SANDSTONE; tfiinly bedded ! 65' to 65.5': White, well-cemented concretionaiy layer I 72': Sharp contect to orange-brown, moist, medium dense, sttty fine to medium SANDSTONE; massive I 74' to 74.7': White, well-cemented concretionary layer I 74.7': Contect to light gray to gray, moist, very dense, sttty fme to very fmi_ SANDSTONE; fliinly bedded 85- 00- Totel Depfli = 81' Downhole Logged to 78' No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfttled on June 17, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-19 6-17-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 285 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet J>roject No. Type of Rig 1 of 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-30'. 4.991jy; 30-60'. 3,84U 4971009-002 E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level u Z m ao 01 _i c CD Ifl OJ •D 3 a £ 10 (fl §8 o^ CQ Ifl^ CH-OI U a a \y Jl c a flji> ti g ^ o u SH u .(fl (fl GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC ~ -^_-JC: horizontei 10- CL 'SM~ CL SM CL ML/CL I 15- C:N85W. 30N B:N60W, IOS C:N20E, 5W SM I 25- 30- SM SW TOPSOIL @_0': Brown, moist, stiff, fine sand^ ?'tAY;_organic nteterial^common TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) @ 1': Sharp, wavy contect to light yeUow-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, sUty fine to coarse SANDSTONE; fliin well-cemented beds common @ 2.8' to 3.3': Light brown well-cemented concretionaiy layer; shell fragments common @ 3.3': Shaip contect to gray, moist, stiff, fme sandy CLAYSTONE; cmmbly, calcium carboitete blebs common, yeUow-brown and orange-brown stringers common, few fiacWres @ 3.8'-4': Orange-brown, sttty, fine to coarse SANDSTONE bed @ 4.5': Claystone is less cmmbly and more fissUe widi increasing deptti I 9': Grades to light gray to gray, moist, dense, fme sandy SILTSTONE and CLAYSTONE; diin yellow and orange-brown stringers common; weak to moderate fissUity, few fracwres witti orange-brown iron-oxide steining 15'-15.5': Bed of off-white, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDS'TONE 16": Rose-brown SILTSTONE, mterbeds common ! .18;8': .Irregular layer of intennixed orange-brown, fme to medium SANDSTONE and light gray .sandy CLAYS'TONE ( 19.1': Shaip, wavy contect to off-white, moist, dense, sUty, fine to medium SANDSTONE, cmdely bedded ( 20' to 20.4": Orange-brown to brown bed of moist, dense, fine to coaise SANDSTONE; abundant rip-up clasts } 21.5': Sharp contect to light gray, moist, dense, fme to coarse SANDSTONE; ttiinly bedded 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-19 6-17-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 285 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-30'. 4.991#; 30-60'. 3.841<y Mean Sea Level of 2 4971009-002 E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. u 'Z Ul a o OJ-l c CD Ifl OJ TJ 3 a £ OJ (fl u- IQ Jl Vl/^ CH-OJ U a a Jl L a o»i5 "Si g ot u SH GH _(fl CO' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30-1 SW : horizontei CL TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) @ 30': Claystone rip-ups and stringers common @ 32': Minor seepage ^_32.5': Seepage is moderate DEL MAR'FORMATION (Td)" @ 32.5': Wavy contect to light olive-green to olive-green CLAYSTONE; heavUy fracWred, seepage along fracwres, blocky I 37.5': Minor caving I 14 Sl 45- Totel Deptti = 47' Downhole Logged to 40' Seepage at 32' Ground Water at 40' Hole BackfUled on June 18, 1997 50- 55 — 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-20 6-18-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 250 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-30'. 4.991#; 30-60'. 3.841jy 4971009-002 E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level in OJ xs 3 a E 01 (O CQ tn/-N CH-OI u Q a Jl c CJ 3., SH GH _(fl CO' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 10— /l CL F:N70E, SSS I 1 • 1 15 — RS:N30E, 5' SE LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Ols) @ 1': Mixwre of dark brown and dark gray-brown, moist, hard, fme sandy CLAY; organic material common, few medium pores @ 2': Gradational contect to dark gray-brown, moist, stiff, fme sandy CLAY; plastic, cmmbly texWre, calcium caibonate blebs @ 3': Grades to light olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; plastic, cmmbly, calcium carbonate blebs common, gray-brown mottles conunon, gypsum blebs abundant ) 7': Black manganese steins common ) 7.8' to 8.4': Pocket of orange-brown clayey SAND ) 9.5': Fracwre infill: Reddish brown, moist, medium dense, zone of clayey fme to medium SAND; green and brown motdes common, gypsum blebs and pockets common, wide (approximately 3 feet) pocket of infUl material on south side of hole, nordi side of hole and below fracwre is cmmbly to blocky light olive-green CLAY, clay is cmmbly along base of infttl I 2 I 3 FR:N20W, 82SW SC CL ' 16': Clay is hard blocky and moderately fracWred ' @ 18': Thin (approximately 1/8 inch) shear, 1/4 inch of cmmbly clay along ' sbear, yellow-brown molding below shear, red-brown manganese steins ' below PEL MAR FORMATION m) Light olive-green, moist, very dense, clayey SANDSTONE; massive, few red-brown, manganese steins in upper portions ©21': Material grades to light olive-green, moist, hard, sandy CLAYSTONE; blocky, heavUy fractored SM @ 27': Grades to gray-green, moist, veiy dense, silty fine to medium SANDSTONE; massive 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-20 Date 6-18-97 Project Drilling Co. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 2 Project No. of 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling Type of Rig E-120 Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 30 in. Drive Weight 0-30'. 4.991^; 30-60'. 3.841# Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 250 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level ft** CtZ sz OJ ao 01 _i L CD in OJ TJ 3 a £ 01 (fl 2^ to is Jl in^ CH-OI u a a Jl L a flj^j «ig *- o u s<« GH _(fl oB Cfl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 30- 35- 40- 45-C: horizontei 50- 12 SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) @ 30': Off-white, weU-cemented concretions I 32': Grades to sUty fme to coarse SANDSTONE I 34.5': Grades to orange-brown; material is moist to wet I 37': Veiy irregular wavy contect to gray-green, moist, very dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; massive @ 40': White, weU-cemented concretionaiy nodule SW CL I 45': Shaip contect to light orange-brown, wet, dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; massive, weak seepage I 47': Sharp contect to olive-green, moist, hard, fme sandy CLAYSTONE 55- mi Total Depdi = SO' Downhole Logged to 48.5' Minor Seepage at 45' Backfttled on June 18, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-21 6-18-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 230 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum N/A Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4971009-002 Type of Rig E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 u !c Ul ao 01 _i L CD in OJ TJ 3 a £ m (fl §8 o' (og a VI/-. CH-OI o a a \-/ Jl c a wg *- o u (0 _(0 oB (fl GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC CL SM 10- 15- 20- 25- SW SM IQESQIL @ 1': Brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; organic material common, roodets coimnon OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) @ 2': Gradational contect to brown, moist, medium dense, sttty fme to medium SAND; orgaiuc material common, roodets common, clayey sand layers common 13': Brown, sand mixed witti light green, moist, fme to medium sandy CLAY; motded DF.I. MAR FORMATION (Td) @ 15': Light gray-brovra, moist, dense to very dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; massive ' 19': Sharp contect to orange-brown, damp, dense, fme to coarse SANDSTONE; massive I 22': Light gray-brown, moist, dense, fme to coarse SANDSTONE ) 28': Light olive-green, moist, veiy dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; massive 2SL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-21 6-18-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 230 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum N/A of 2 4971009-002 E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ft" u Z ut a o m-j L CD in 01 TJ 3 a E 01 Cfl to g a in-^ CH-OI u Q a Jl L Q /-. 0)«5 3a. wg Oc ^=o u u .CO Cfl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30-SW CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) @ 30': Light green, moist, dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; massive ©31': Olive-green, moist, hard, fine sandy CLAYSTONE; blocky, fracWred 35-Totel Depdi = 34' Downhole Logged to 33' No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfttled on June 18, 1997 40- 45- 50- 55- 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) B-l through B-7 Small-Diameter Borings From: Leighton and Associates, 1997, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-002, dated July 29, 1997 Date Project 5-21-97 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-l Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 of ^ Project No. 4971009-02 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30_ in. Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Elevation Top of Hole +/- 200 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level ?0J I- 111 ftO* Q3 a E 01 (fl CQ Jl in^ CH-OJ u Q a Jl C CJ V' oJ o (J in^ SH GH _(fl (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 200- 195- 190 185 15- 180 175 25- CL OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) ©1': Dark brown, damp, hard, fme to medium sandy CLAY; abundant fme pores, few charcoal fragments 40 29 101.9 100.1 18.9 18.6 SC I 5': Light orange-brown, moist, medium dense, clayey, fme to medium SAND; few fine pores I 63 106.6 18.3 10': Orange-brown, moist, hard, fme to medium sandy CLAY; rare carbonate nodules I 71 110.4 18.2 SM ' 15': Light green, moist, veiy dense, slighdy clayey, sttty fme to medium SAND; orange-brown, iron-oxide steins common 5 I 50/6" 115.3 14.5 SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) © 20': Light green, moist, veiy dense, sttty, fine to medium SAND; micaceous 6 • 50/5" 116.5 12.4 I 25': Light green, moist, very dense, silty, fine to medium SAND Totel Depdi = 25-1/2' No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfttled on May 21, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 5-21-97 Project Drilling Co. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-2 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 175 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level tu 175 O z a E 01 CO 5S 2^ to g a Jl Vl/-^ CH-OI U Q a \^ Jl L. Q ^ o o SH oH _(0 Cfl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 170 165 160- 155 150- I4H I 17 24 35 I 4 I SO I 5 • 55 SM 104.7 104.9 11.8 14.4 SC 111.8 17.8 CL 113.8 15.3 110.7 18.2 OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) © 1': Light brown, moist, medium dense, sttty, fme to medium SAND; few fme pores ) 5': Brown, moist, medium dense, clayey, fme to medium SAND; few charcoal fragments 10': Brown, moist, hard, fme to medium sandy CLAY 15': Brown, moist, hard, fine to medium sandy CLAY > 19.5': Ground water encountered ! 20': Light gray-brown, moist, hard, fine to medium sandy CLAY; few charcoal fragments 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 5-21-97 GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG B-2 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Barge's Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-02 8 in. Elevation Top of Hole +1- 175 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Mean Sea Level Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. fliS; hi in 01 o z a £ 01 (fl §8 2^ oQg a VI/-. CH-OJ U a a Jl c a o>i$ wg or w . SH CJ .(fl ,9B (fl GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 145 T 37 SW I 30': Brown, sawrated, medium dense, coarse SAND 140 35- 135 130- 125 120 45 SC I 40': Light green, sawrated, hard, fme to medium sandy CLAY 50/5" SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) @ 45': Light brown, wet, very dense, sttty fme to medium SAND @ 45;5': Drilling became more difficult (per driller) 50/ 5-12 @ 50': Gray, moist, very dense, fme to medium SANDSTONE Totel Depfli = 50.5' Ground Water Encountered at 19.5' Backfttled on May 27, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-3 Lennar/Bressi Ranch 4971009-02 Date 5-27-97 Project Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop _30_ in. Sheet 1 of _2 Project No. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 220 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level c ^QS ill Ifl OJ o z a E 01 (fl (O in^ CH-OI u a a \-/ Jl (. a flj-5 wg It ^ o CJ GH _(0 (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MRM/KBC MRM/KBC 220 215- 210- 205- 200 195- 25 ig-1 2'-5' 26 3 I 23 4 • 24 I 5 • 38 I 6 m 22 CL 94.8 101.8 20.3 17.8 100.1 17.7 SC 102.2 96.6 24.7 25.2 SM OUATERNARY ALHrvniM (Oal) I 3': Brown, moist, stiff, sandy CLAY ) 5': Dark brown/brown, moist, stiff, sttty, fme sandy CLAY 10': Brown, moist, veiy stiff, clayey SAND 15': Light brown, wet, medium dense, clayey fme to medium SAND 119': Ground water encountered I 20': Light brown, wet, medium dense, sUly fme to medium SAND 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 5-27-97 Project Drilling Co. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-3 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet Project No. of 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 220 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level c OJ5 UJ tts -c (33 Ifl OJ o z a E 01 (O CQ in^ CH-OI U Q a \y Jl c a tl g St" oH _(fl CO' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MRM/KBC MRM/KBC 190 30-) 30': Light gray-brown, wet, medium dense, silty, clayey fine SAND 185 35- 180 40- 175 45 — 170-50- 165 55- imH fin 9 [ 10 28 21 50/4" 50/5" SC SC/SM ) 40': Light gray-brown, wet, medium dense, inteibedded sUty fme to medium sandy CLAY and clayey fme to medium SAND @ 46': DrUling became more difficult (per drUler) SP I 50': Greenish brown, wet, very dense, fme to medium SAND DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) " Ticiiin ML ) 53': Drilling became more difficult (per driller) I 55': Olive-green, damp, veiy dense, fine sandy SILTSTONE Totel Depfli = S5'5" Ground Water Encountered at 19' Backfilled on May 27, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 5-27-97 Project Drilling Co. GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG B-4 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet Project No. of 2 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +1- 240 ft. Ref. or Damm Mean Sea Level UJ ftC CtZ in 01 o z o z a £ 01 CO 2^ to ^ in.^ CH-OI u o a S-/ Jl c o /-. 3a-Ifl c OJ It - o u w . SH GH _(fl CO GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 240 235- 230-10- 225 15- 220-20- 215-25 — ziflH in I 28 I 47 I 3 • 35 25 110.2 16.2 99.5 15.4 104.5 19.8 CL SC CL OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oaft ©1': Brown, moist, stiff, fme sandy CLAY; fine to medium pores common, rootiets common I 5': Brown, moist, vety stiff, fme sandy CLAY; fme to medium pores common, roodets common 10': Brown, moist, medium dense, clayey fme to medium SAND; fine pores common, few roodets © 15': Light brown, moist, hard, fine sandy CLAY; few roodets @ 19': Ground water encountered © 20': No recovery of sample 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-4 5-27-97 Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole +/- 240 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Barge's Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 4971009-02 Sin. Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Mean Sea Level Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. It Ul JZUI ao fli_i L CD Ifl OJ O z o z a £ 01 CO CQ Vl/-^ CH-OJ U Q a Jl L Q OJC 3a. W g I^ *- o u w . SH u .(fl .iB CO GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By_ KBC KBC 210 30- 205 35- 200 40-EI [ 195-45- 190 SO — 185-55- 60 81/9" SP SP SM @ 30': Light brown, moist, veiy dense, clayey, fme to coarse SAND; few fine gravel © 32': DrUling became more difficult (per drUIer) DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) ©37': Drttling liecame veiy difficult I 40': Light olive-green, damp, very dense, sttty fine SANDSTONE; moderately cemented Total Deptti = 40'9" Ground Water Encountered at 19' Backfttled on May 28, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 5-28-97 Project Drilling Co. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-5 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 of _2 Project No. 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 m. Elevation Top of Hole +1- 138 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level c flJ^ UJ in OJ a E 01 Cfl CQ Ifl^ CH-OI u a a \^ Jl C-a wg ^ o o ,H o .(fl .93 CO GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 135- 130- 125 no- us 25- 110- Bag-1 @r-5' 2 SC I I 33 32 109.3 107.1 12.7 9.6 SW I 4 • 26 106.5 19.9 CL I 5 I 43 105.3 17.2 17 OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) ! 2': Brown with light brown motdes, damp, medium dense, clayey fine to medium SAND; few roodets I 5': Light brown, damp, medium dense, sttty fine to coarse SAND; few fine pores 10': Brown, moist, very stiff, fme to medium sandy CLAY 13 '2": Ground water encountered 15': Brown, moist, hard, fine to medium sandy CLAY © 20': Light brown, wet, very stiff, fine to medium sandy CLAY 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-5 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Date 5-28-97 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole -f/- 138 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet Project No. of 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling 140 pounds Mean Sea Level Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. c UJ ft" at in OJ a E 01 (fl to g a CH-OI o a a \-/ Jl c a 01 i> wg ^ o o w . SH o .(fl (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 30- 105 35- 100 40- 95 45- 90 50- 85 55- 80- mi 10 26 25 61/9" SC SM © 30': Light gray and light brown, wet to sawrated, medium dense, clayey, fine to medium SAND I 40': Light green, wet, medium dense, clayey, fme to coarse SAND DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) @ 51': Light blue-green, moist, very dense, sttty, fme SANDSTONE; weakly cemented © 55-1/2": Practical refusal © 55-1/2": Light blue-green, moist, very dense, silty fine SANDSTONE; well ^ cemented Totel Depdi = 56' Ground Water Encountered at 13'2" Backfilled on May 28, 1997 r 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date Project 5-28-97 GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG B-6 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 of Project No. 4971009-02 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop _30_ in. Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Elevation Top of Hole +/- 180 ft. Ref. or DaUim Mean Sea Level c It in 180 at o cut ao OI_l L CD in OJ o z a E 01 (fl §o to g a Jl VI/-. CH-OI u a a Jl C a /-\ w g ^ o CJ SH _(n (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 175 no-lo- 165- 160 155 25- Z nn-i w SM OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) @ 1': Brown, damp, loose, slighfly clayey, sUty fme SAND; roottets and organic material common I 2 I 13 98.9 11.2 17 > 8-1/2': Ground water encountered 10': Light brown, sawrated, medium dense, slighfly clayey, sttty, medium to coarse SAND 24 CL 15': Light gray and light brown, wet, very stiff, fme to medium sandy CLAY 32 SM © 20': Interbedded light gray and orange-brown, sawrated, dense, slightiy clayey, sttty, fme to coarse SAND 7s/ir CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) © 23': Drilling became more difficult (per drUler) 1 25': Light green, damp, hard, CLAYSTONE Totel Deptti = 26-1/2' Ground Water Encountered at 8-1/2' Backfilled on May 28, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date Project 5-28-97 GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG B-7 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet Project No. of 4971009-02 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Elevation Top of Hole +/- 210 ft. Ref. or Daftim Mean Sea Level tu in OJ o z a E 01 (O to Ifl^ CH-OI U Q a 31 c a flj^J ^t u (fl a' .(fl (fl' GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KAB 210 205 200 195 15- 190-20- 185 25- SM I 33 105.7 19.7 CL OUATERNARY, ALLUVIUM (Oal) ! 3': Light brown, damp, medium dense, sUty fme to medium SAND with roots and orgaruc debris common throughout ! 5': Brown, damp, medium dense to veiy stiff, clayey to sUty fine SAND and sttty fine sandy CLAY I 40 105.2 20.8 10': As at 5 feet slight increase in moisWre content 51 95.8 25.3 © 15': Motfled green and puiple, moist, veiy stiff, clayey SILT to sttty CLAY SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) 50/5" I 20': Light greenish ten, moist, veiy dense, sttty, fine SANDSTONE, weakly cemented and slighfly oxidized Totel Deptti = 2r6" Ground Water Encountered at 16' Backfttled on May 28. 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) T-l through T-30 Exploratory Trenches From: Leighton and Associates, 1997, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-002, dated July 29, 1997 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-l Project Name: Lennar/Bressi" Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged by: KBC Elevation: 450' Location: Carlsbad o I > O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES o ZT O > 09 CO O o to (D CO DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL A @ 0-1.5': Light brown to brown, damp to moist, soft to slightly stiff, fine sandy clay; organic rich TORREY SANDSTONE B (3 1.5'-5': Light brown, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone; thinly bedded GEOLOGIC UNIT unmapped Tt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS SC/CL SM Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N15°E llll llll .1 I I .1, I II I JIM llll llll TOTAL DEPTH AT 5 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-2 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged by: KBC Elevati on: 425' Location: Carlsbad Ol o I > CO o GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL unmapped CL @ 0-2': Light brown to gray-brown, damp to moist, soft to slightly stiff, fine sandy clay; rootlets common, organic material common, very porous TORREY SANDSTONE Tt B @ 2'-5' Off-white with orange-brown stains common, moist, dense, siUy fine to medium sandstone; massive SM LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-3 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe KBC Logged by:. Elevation: Location: Carlsbad 275' Ol o I > (D O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES © 3" s DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS A (a 0-3': Brown, damp to moist, soft to slightly stiff,'fine to medium sandy clay; rootlets and organic material common B (a 3'-5': Orange-brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to coarse sand; massive, infilled fractures common C @ 5'-9': Off-white to light gray, moist, loose to medium dense, fine to coarse sand; calcium carbonate layers common, few thin sandy clay beds GEOLOGIC UNIT Qls ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS SC SM SW Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°S TREND: N50°W TOTAL DEPTH AT 9 FEET _| NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-4 Ol o > <D O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 280' Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) (1) BS: N25°E, 75°SE LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS A (a 0-3': Brown, damp to moist, soft to slightly stiff, fine to medium sandy clay; rootlets and organic material common B @ 3'-9': Orange-brown, and light gray, moist, loose to medium dense, fine to medium sand; massive; few infilled fractures Qls TORREY SANDSTONE Tt r- 2. CQ CO o o so CD CO West of landslide backscarp Torrey Sandstone bedrock and overlying topsoil is medium dense to dense; thinly bedded SC SW SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°S TREND: N60°W LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-5 Ol o I > GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES (D O Project NaiTiP- I pnnar/Rressi Ranch Logged bv: KBC Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe F1PV3tinn: 285' Locati on: Carlsbad 2. ID 3" o 3 CO o o a o w DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL A @ 0-2.5' unmapped Light brown to brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, clayey fine to medium sand to sandy clay GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS SC/CL QUATERNARY COI I UVTilM/ALLUVIUM B (9 2 5-13'- Greenish brown, moist, loose to medium dense, clayey, silty fine to medium sand to clayey, fine to medium sand HFI MAR FORMATION (a 13'-15 Light brown and olive-green, moist, stiff to very stiff,.sand claystone; crumbly to blocky Qal Td SM/SC CL Sample No. Moist Density (pcf) LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-6 01 o I > CD O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 3401 Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A @ 0-1.5' unmapped Light brown to brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, clayey fine to medium sand; organic rich, rootlets common SM (D O 3 O 3 > M CO O O SO 0* (D » OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM B (a 1.5-5.5': Brown, moist, medium dense, silty, clayey fine to me(jium sand; organic material and rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE C @ 5.5'-6.5': Pale brown to light brown, damp to moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium sandstone Qal SC Tt SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE:5-10° STREND: NS LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-7 Ol o > (D O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 240' Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) (1) BS: N45°E, 70°SE 2. (Q Ot o o TOPSOIL A @ 0-2': Light brown to brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium sand to clayey fine to medium sand; rootlets and organic material common DEL MAR FORMATION B (a 2'-7': Light olive-green to olive-green, damp, hard, fine, sandy claystone: blocky, fractured POSSIBLE LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS C Possible landslide backscarp on south side of trench unmapped SM/SC Td Qls? CL CL GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 20°SE TREND: N45°W LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-8 Ol o > (D O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 170' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/TERRACE DEPOSIT A @ 0-2'; Dark gray, damp, dense, silty fine to medium sand; gravel common DEL MAR FORMATION B @ 2'-6': Light gray-brown, damp to moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone Qt Td SM SM 2. ta 3 s 3 > 0> o o to to GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: NS LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-9 Ol o I > CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevati on: 215' Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) ARTIFICIAL FILL (undocumented) A (a 0-5.5': Light greenish brown, damp to moist, medium dense, clayey fine to medium sand; crumbly, massive LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS B (a 5.5'-8': Brown, moist, medium dense, silty, clayey, fine to medium sand Afu Qls SC SC r- GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°S TREND: NS > et -«t o -o so - CD llll llll 4-4-4-llll llll llll llll TOTAL DEPTH AT 8 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-10 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 240' Location: Carlsbad Ol o I > CD O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A @ 0-2': Brown, damp to moist, loose to stiff, fine to medium sandy clay: rootlets and organic material common DEL MAR FORMATION B (a 2'-7': Light olive-green, damp to moist, hard, fine sandy claystone; crumbly to blocky, moderately fractured unmapped Td LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS Qls 2. to ot o o a o to il) BS: N70°E. 70°S Steep fractured zone landslide deposit in south side of trench (landslide south side rupture surface) of trench SC CL CL GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1":=5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°S TREND: N20°W LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-11 Ol o > CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 425' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL & 0-1.5': Brown, moist, soft, to slightly stiff, medium sandy clay; rootlets common fine to TORREY SANDSTONE unmapped Tt (a 1.5'-6': Off-white, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone: few orange-brown iron-oxide stains CL SM 2. to 3 3- 3 «t o o fil Ot GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 10°E TREND: N70°W LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-12 Ol o > CD O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged by; KBC Elevation: 415' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A @ 0-2.5': Brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy clay; rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE B @ 2.5'-6': Gray-brown to greenish brown, moist, dense, clayey fine to medium sandstone unmapped Tt CL SC 2. tQ 3' s- 3 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°E TREND: EW TOTAL DEPTH AT 6 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-13 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 3251 Location: Carlsbad cn o > CD O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A @ 0-2.5': Brown, moist, stiff, fine to medium sandy clay; organic material antj rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE B (a2.5'-5' unmapped Tt Light orange-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium sandstone CL SM 2. la 3" 3 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°W TREND: N60°E ot o o » h (D Ot LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-14 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged by; KBC Elevation: 340' Locati on: Carlsbad Ol o > CD O GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A @ 0-4': Dark gray-brown, moist to wet, loose to medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sand TORREY SANDSTONE B (a 4'-6': Light gray-brown, moist to wet, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium sandstone unmapped Tt SM SM 2. CQ 3 3- 3 Ot O o to <D Ot GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION' SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°W TREND: N60°E LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-15 <n o > CD O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv; KBC Elevation: 360' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A (a 0-1': Light brown, damp, loose, silty fine to medium sand TORREY SANDSTONE B (a r-6': Light gray, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone (a 2.5'-3.5': Moderately cemented concretionary nodule unmapped Tt SM SM 2. (Q 3" 2r ot o o a Ot GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION: SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°W TREND: N70°E TOTAL DEPTH AT 6 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-16 01 o I > CD O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 340' Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) COLLUVIUM A (a 0-3' unmapped B (a 3'-9' Dark gray-brown, moist, loose to medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sand Dark brown, wet, medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sand; gravel common near base TORREY SANDSTONE C (a 9'-10': Light gray-brown, moist, dense, silty very fine sandstone Tt SM SM SM 2. o 3 S 3 2r ot o o a ot GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°SW TREND: N40°E LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-17 Oi o > CD O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 385' Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A @ 0-3.5': Dark brown to dark gray-brown, moist to wet, fine to medium sandy clay: organic rich, rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE B @ 3.5'-5': Light gray, moist, dense, silty fine sandstone unmapped Tt CL SM 2. CQ 3" S 3 Ot O o GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION : SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N45°E LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-18 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Loqqed bv: KBC ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Pro.iect Number: 4971009-002 Elevation: 325' Eauioment: Backhoe Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT USCS Sample No. Moist. i%) Density (pcf) ARTIFICIAL FILL (undocumented) Afu A (a 0-3': Light brown, damp, loose, silty fine sandy; concrete fragments and rebar common SM OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM Qal . B (a 3'-9': Dark gray-brown, moist to wet, soft to slightly stiff, fine to medium sandy clay CL TORREY SANDSTONE Tt C (a 9'-10': Light gray and orange-brown, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone SM Ol o > I o CD O 2. (O 3 S" 3 ot o o GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 4'^W TREND: N80°E LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-19 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equipment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 355' Location: Carlsbad Ot o > I CD O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) ARTIFICIAL FILL (undocumented) Afu A B (a 0-6': Light olive-green, moist, soft to stiff, fine to medium sandy clay; massive, crumbly (a 6'-10': Greenish brown, moist to wet, soft to stiff, fine to medium sandy clay (37': Moderate seepage TORREY SANDSTONE C (a 10'-15': Dark gray, moist to wet. slightly stiff to stiff, clayey siltstone to silty claystone, moderately fissile Tt CL CL CL/ML 2. (Q 3^ s- 3 Ot O o fil <D Ot GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION ; SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N40°E LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-20 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 290' Location: Carlsbad Ol o > CD O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) COLLUVIUM @ 0-5.5': Light brown to brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sand DEL MAR FORMATION (a 5.5'-8': Light green, moist, stiff to hard, silty claystone; fissile, crumbly unmapped Td SM CL 2. ID sr 0» o o <D Ot GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION ; SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 2-3°W TREND: N60°W LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-21 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Loqqed by; KBC ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Pro.iect Number: 4971009-002 Elevation: 340' Eauioment: Backhoe Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT USCS Sample No. Moist. {%) Density (pcf) ARTIFICIAL FILL (Undocumented) Afu A (a 0-5': Brown, damp to moist, loose, silty fine to medium sand SM OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM Qal B (a 5'-10': Gray-brown, moist to wet, medium dense, silty, clayey, fine to medium sand SC DEL MAR FORMATION Td 1 C (a 10'-12': Light olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy claystone; crumbly CL 1 Ol o > I o CD O 2. IQ 3 3- 3 sr ot o o fi> to to GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 1-2°W TREND: N70°E LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-22 Ol o > Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 320' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) CD O TOPSOIL A unmapped (a 0-2': Light brown to red-brown, damp, loose to medium dense, slightly clayey, silty, fine to medium sand, rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE B (a 2'-6': Light gray, moist, dense, silty, fine to medium sandstone Tt SM SM 2. IQ 3' 3- 3 sr 09 O o GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°S TREND: N20°W LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-23 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 290' Location: Carlsbad cn o I > CD O GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A (a 0-4": Brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, silty, clayey, fine to medium sand; rootlets and organic matter common DEL MAR FORMATION B @ 4'-8': Light green, moist, stiff, sandy claystone; crumbly unmapped Td SC CL 2. (Q 3r 3 09 O o fil 3 ot GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N50°W llll 4-4-4-llll llll llll llll TOTAL DEPTH AT 8 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO.; T-24 cn o > CD O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevati on: 315' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A (a 0-1.5': Reddish brown, damp, loose to medium dense, silty, clayey, fine to medium sand: rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE B (a 1.5'-6': Light brown, damp, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone unmapped Tt SC SM 2. IQ 3- s 3 > Ot Ot o o a ot GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION ; SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N40°E LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-25 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 230" Location: Carlsbad cn o I > CD O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) 2. to > to to o o 0> 9 to QUARTERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM A @ 0-2 ': Dark gray to black, wet, stiff, silty, fine sandy, clay: abundant organic material B @ 2'-8': Light gray-brown, wet, stiff, silty fine sandy clay; organic material common DEL MAR FORMATION C (a 8'-12': Light brown, moist to saturated, clayey fine to medium sandstone (a 10': Ground water encountered Qal Td CL CL SC GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION' i SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N25°E LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-26 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 210 Location: Carlsbad cn o > CD O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moi st. Density (pcf) OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM A (a 0-2' Qal, B (a2'-4': C (a4'-15' Brown, moist, loose, silty fine to medium sand, rootlets common, organic material common Light brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty fine to medium sancj Dark gray to black, moist to wet, clayey, fine to medium sand SM SC (D S 3" 3 3 sr ot o o GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N25°E LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-27 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 235' Locati on: Carlsbad cn o i > CO o GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist, Density (pcf) (1) BS: N25°W, 75°NE (2) B: N30°W. 15°SW TOPSOIL A (a 0-2': Brown to red-brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense silty to clayey, fine to me(jium sand DEL MAR FORMATION B @ 2'-9': Light brown, orange-brown and gray, damp, dense, medium to coarse sandstone; thickly bedded OUATERNARY LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS C East of rupture surface unmapped Td SP Qls 2 (Q 3- 3 3 > Ot Ot o o GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 10°E TREND: N70°E LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-28 Ol o I > CD O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch KBC Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged by: Elevation: 250' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM A & 0-14': Dark gray-brown, moist to wet, clayey fine to medium sand to sandy clay; organic rich @ 9': Ground water encountered DEL MAR FORMATION Qal Td B @ 14.5'-15': Light green and orange-brown, wet, stiff, claystone; crumbly, few concretionary nodules with shells common SC/CL CL 2 ID 3 3 3 Ot O o a Ot GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1".=5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N20°E LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-29 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC El evati on: Location: Carlsbad cn o I > CD O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TORREY SANDSTONE A @ 0-2.5' Light pink to off-white, damp, dense, silty fine sandstone to sandy siltstone; fissile (1) C: N70°E. 3°NW 2. IQ 3 3" 3 DEL MAR FORMATION B 2.5'-3.5': Light gray-green, damp, hard, silty, claystone to clayey siltstone; fissile C (a3.5'-6': Light olive-green, damp, hard, silty claystone; fissile, thin bed(jing, gypsum layers along bedciing common, orange-brown stains along beds common Tt Td SM/ML CL/ML GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 10°S TREND: N10°E TOTAL DEPTH AT 6 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-30 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged by; KBC Elevation: 385' Locati on: Carlsbad Ol o I > CD O GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM Qal 2. ta 3- o 3 > Ot Ot o o a to to A & 0-1.5' B (a 1.5'-5.5': C @5.5'-8.5': TORREY SANDSTONE D @8.5'-10': Light brown, damp, loose, silty fine to medium sand; rootlets common Brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty fine to medium sand: organic material common Dark gray-brown, moist, dense, clayey fine to medium sand: organic rich Light blue-green, moist, dense to very dense, silty, clayey, fine sandstone SM SM Tt SC GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N40°W 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) GLB-12, GLB-14, GLB-15,and GLB-17 through GLB-19 e Large-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 2000, Supplemental Soil and Geologic Investigation, Villages of La Costa - The Greens, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 06403-12-01, dated March 24, 2000 PROJECT NO. 06403-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING LB 12 ELEV. (MSL.) EQUIP.MENT 215 DATE COMPLETED 11/24/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" g(J a *-o u - 0 - 2 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 18 4 - 6 H 8 10 - - 12 - - 14 - 16 --B12-3 - 20 - - 22 - - 24 --B12-4 -B12-5 26 - 28 - CL :^12-1 SM 1.312-2 3M-ML SM CL-SC CL TOPSOIL Stiff, humid to dry, dark gray-brown, Sandy CLAY SAmiAGO FORMA'nON Dense, damp, light brown to tan, Silty, fme SANDSTONE, witii coarse lenses, massive 122.9 11.7 Dense, damp, light olive, very Silty, very fine SANDSTONE to Sandy SILTSTONE Dense, damp to moist, light brown, Silty, medium SANDSTONE _-Nj^S_, lOE, very_irTCgulju^d_egositiqn_contact_ Hard, moist, olive to brown, Silty, Sandy CLAYSTONE, witii irregular r-2" lenses of sandstone, with scattered gravel Hard, moist, olive, Silty CLAYSTONE; fractured, massive 108.0 20.6 -Joint with 1/4", jarosite-stained clay lining N80E, 305 Figure A-24, Log of Boring LB 12 LCG SAMPLE S'W^BOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE I NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE OATE IHDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. ' DJECTNO. 06403-12-01 r PTH :N FEET [ SAMPLE NO. >-CO o -1 o X SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING LB 12 ELEV. (MSL.) 215 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/24/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" ;tu' Myi- tu go 0^^ 30 -MATEIUAL DESCRIPTION r 32 LB 12-6 - (6 .8 - - 40 -Slight seepage along fracture -12" horizontal deposition contact Very hard, damp, gray-olive, Sandy SILTSTONE, with some clay -Massive, no fractures, difficult drilluig ML 14/7" BORING TERMINATED AT 41 FEET A-25, Log of Boring LB 12 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS ° """ ""SUCCESSFUL @ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C. B.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUNK SAMPLE ? •-• WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NuiE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS HOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 06403-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING LB 14 ELEV. (MSL.) 195 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/29/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" <E(; t— •-•3 (fll UJ cn to gtil go .V o 0 2 - 4 - - 6 - 8 H MATEIUAL DESCRIPTION - 10 - 12 - - 14 - 16 - 18 - 20 -LB 14-2 - 22 - 24 26 - - 28 - -B14-1 SC SM ML SM CL TOPSOIL Lcxise, dry, dark gray-brown. qayey, fine SAND SANTIAGO FORMA'nON Dense, damp, light brown to tan, Silty. fine to medium SANDSTONE Dense, damp, light olive, Sandy SILTSTONE, with trace clay Very dense, damp, light brown-tan, Silty, fine to medium SANDSTONE 8/10" 124.2 14.0 -Becomes moist -Very irregular scoiu--contact mto weathered claystone (to a clay seam), N70E, IOS, wet, plastic, _l/2-r_thick Harcf, moist, light olive, vety Silty (5LAYSTONE, with some sand interbedded throughout -Discontinuous clay seams (slickensided fractures and varying dips in 6" zone) Figure A-28, Log of Boring LB 14 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E @ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE I... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I I T. ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE t NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. P DJECT NO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 14 ELEV. (MSL.) 195 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/29/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" cn Z LJ CO^ a LUC -cs o MATEIUAL DESCRIPTION 15/8" Very dense, moist, gray-olive. Clayey SILTSTONE; with some very fine sand -Horizontal bedding^ Very hard, moist, dark olive-brown, Silty CLAYSTONE, massive 15/8" BORING TERMINATED AT 42 FEET F rare A-29, Log of Boring LB 14 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E @ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B STANDARD PENETRATIOH TEST ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) CHUNK SAMPLE I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE N E: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TREHCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE IHDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIOHS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO 06403-12-01 BORING LB 15 ELEV. (MSL.) 250 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/30/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" UJ cn 03 SL tJJ, a cn Ul •o o MATERL^iL DESCRIPTION LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Loose, humid, dark brown, very Clayey, fine SAND -Becomes medium dense, damp, light olive, very Clayey, fine to coarse SAND -Highly weatiiered and fractured -Cla.y seam, l/8"-l/4" caelum sulfate lining N65E, 25N, joint, witii Stiff, moist, olive, very Sandy CLAYSTONE, witii some silt, very fracmred, weathered -Fracture and clay seam; l/8"-l/4"; N60E, 8-lOSE, wet, plastic and slickensided, throughgoing, with calcium sulfate lining -Remolded clay seam; l/4"-l/2", N50W, 15-20NE; wet, plastic and throughgoing, with orange iron oxide staining-base of slide SANTIAGO FORMATION Hard, moist, olive, Silty CLAYSTONE; fracmred, but massive and intact -Becomes medium olive -Massive, moderate fracmring -Discontinuous clay seams; zone - 12" thick at N40W, 30-40NE -Becomes very hard, massive, with few fractures -Horizoiital transition to siUstone^and sandstone Dense, damp, light brown to tan, Silty, fme SANDSTONE -3-6" thick cemented sandstone 1/6" 106.7 21.0 122-2 Figure A-30, Log of Boring LB 15 13.4 LCG SAMPLE S-^BOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TREHCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. DJECT NO. 06403-12-01 !PTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. >-CD O —I O X SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING LB 15 ELEV. (MSL.) 250 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/30/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" gtx: go a .UJ o 30 32 - J4 36 38 H 40 --BI5-6 I * 4 9 m m m m m m m m m m m: 'I'ky. MATERLAL DESCRIPTION -Becomes medium to very coarse-grained and massive 20/11' 20 128.9 12.4 BORING TERMINATED AT 41 FEET F'gure A-31, Log of Boring LB 15 r LCG SAMPLE S'VTVlBOLS • SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E , DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE E: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. PROJECT NO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 17 ELEV. (MSL.) EQUIPMENT 240 DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" jUJ'^ !coP UJ,; ti: a u UJ MATERL\L DESCRIPTION FBLL Soft, humid, mottled dark brown to light olive, Silty CLAY, witii some sand, porous texnire, rootlets SANTIAGO FORMA'nON Very stiff, damp, medium olive, very fractured, brittie SUty CLAYSTONE; -Near-horizontal contact (transitional over several inches) Dense, damp, light olive to brown, very SUty, fme SANDSTONE, witii some clay -6" X 24" lenticiUar concretion -Becomes light brown to tan, very SUty, fine SANDSTONE -Becomes medium-grained (orange, horizontal 3" bed) -Becomes orange, coarse-grained -Becomes very moist, orange, Silty, very coarse SANDSTONE -Slight seepage (perched above sharp, horizontal, sctjur-contact Hard, moist, light olive, very Clayey SILTSTONE -Cemented, fme sandstone, 6"-8"-l--, gray, horizontal at base 127.4 11.5 8/10" Figure A-34, Log of Boring LB 17 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ - ""SUCCESSFUL S ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E. B. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUHK SAMPLE I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPA(3E NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. .OJECT NO. 06403-12-01 EPTH IN FEET SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING LB 17 ELEV. (MSL.) 240 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" :cJJ cn UJ CK' a (K Pv cn MUJ Is -o o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 30 32 -B17-4 SM 34 - 36 - 38 40 -I [- 42 CL Dense, wet, light olive, SUty. medium SANDSTONE -Slight seepage -Scoured cleposition-contact; NlOE, lOW (with ~ 1" _ iron-jtained basal layer) ~ Hard, moist, medium oTive, SUty CLAYSTONE -Be<:omes very sandy (lenses) 14 123.4 12.3 LB17-5 :-B17-6 -Becomes very hard, dark olive-gray, SUty CLAYSTONE 20/10" BORING TERMINATED AT 42 FEET •^•gure A-35, Log of Boring LB 17 \ LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I B ... CHUHK SAMPLE Z DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE TE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 18 ELEV. (MSL.) 215 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" Suj'^ t-tyi- *-^u. 5-Suj'^ t-tyi- *-^u. ENETR ?ESIS1 BLOUS g(i ENETR ?ESIS1 BLOUS OC a 1 •o o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION COLLUVIUM Soft, damp, dark brown, Sandy CLAY SANTIAGO FORMATION Hard, moist, medium light, olive-brown, very SUty CLAYSTONE Dense, damp, light brown to tan, Silty, fine SANDSTONE -Near-horizontal contact Hard, moist, light medium olive, Sandy CLAYSTONE, some sih -Deposition-contact, N65E, IOS Dense, damp, light olive-brown, very Sandy SILTSTONE -Cemented sandstone layer 12"-t-- thick, — 20" wide Cense) -Horizontal contact Dense, damp, light tan-olive, Silty, fine SANDSTONE, massive BORING TERMINATED AT 25 FEET Figure A-36, Log of Boring LB 18 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS °- UNSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E. B. . STANOARD PENETRATION TEST H... ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUHK SAMPLE ? ••• WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. OJECT NO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 19 ELEV. (MSL.) 275 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" Q.U-v.' §1 UJ, a ai o MATEIUAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Stiff, damp, dark brown, Sandy CLAY SANTIAGO FORMATION Loose to medium dense, damp, reddish-brown, very Clayey, fine SAND, with gypsum, very weathered sandstone Dense, damp, light olive, Sandy SILTSTONE Dense, damp, reddish-brown, Silty, fine SANDSTONE -FossUiferous, with organic odor -Cemented sandstone (concretion) 121.1 9.4 Dense, moist, light olive. Clayey SILTSTONE, with some sand -Horizontal bedding-contact Very stiff, very moist, medium olive, SUty CLAYSTONE, witii mterbedded sandstone (fossiliferous) and gypsum, and jarosite (iron sulfate) coatings on fracmres Dense, moist, reddish-brown, Silty, fme SANDSTONE; very fossUiferous gure A-37, Log of Boring LB 19 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS n... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE •E: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECTNO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 19 ELEV. (MSL.) 275 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" Sg'. ^5(Q HI W tn' UJ Q. — V cn, z"-111 a a o LUi5 CK ill r—1 • MATEIUAL DESCRIPTION Hard, moist, olive, SUty CLAYSTONE -Strong seepage at 34.5 feet -Horizontal contaa 107.2 Hard, wet, medium-dark olive, SUty CLAYSTONE -Fractured (with water seepage) and jarosite/gypsum coatings -Horizontal contact Dense, moist, reddish-brown, Silty. medium to coarse SANDSTONE 16 Very hard, moist, dark gray-olive, SUty CLAYSTONE to Clayey SILTSTONE 21.5 i BORING TERMINATED AT 45 FEET Figure A-38, Log of Boring LB 19 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E... STANOARD PENETRATIOH TEST I B ... CHUNK SAMPLE Z ORIVE SAMPLE (UHDISTURBED) WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) EFB-1 through EFB-4 Small-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 1996, Geologic Investigation, Rancho Carrillo - El Fuerte Detention Basin Embankment and Existing Bressi Dam, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 04787-12-1 f dated November 25, 1996 SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 1 ELEV. (MSL.) 184 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 10/14/96 CME 55 Ct: Q MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Bl-1 2 - 4 - - 6 - Bl-2 10 -Bl-3 - 12 14 - 16 - li 20 - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - 28 - Bl-4 Bl-5 Bl-6 SC CL CL SM SC-CL CL FELL Medium dense, moist, orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND Stiff, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY Becomes stiff, slightiy moist, orange, olive and light brown, Sandy CLAY TERRACE DEPOSITS Very dense, slightly moist, orange-brown, Silty, fme SAND Becomes medium dense, moist, orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND to Sandy CLAY Becomes very stiff, very moist, orange-brown and gray, Sandy CLAY Figure A-l Log of Boring B 1, page c-Ax^ni r- orn^xrir^i o D ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 20 122.1 15 74 111.7 29 30 16.9 1 of 2 Rcn SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B .. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST .. CHUNK SAMPLE • ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. OEPTH IN FEET SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 1 ELEV. (MSL.) 184 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/14/96 :UJ' o M O mUJ - 0 4 - 14 16 Bl-2 10 - 12 -I Bl-3 20 22 - 24 - 26 - 28 - Bl-5 Bl-6 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SC CL CL Bl-4 Fi SM SC-CL CL FILL Medium dense, moist, orange-brown, Clayey, fine to medium SAND Stiff, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY 20 122.1 Becomes stiff, slightly moist, orange, olive and light brown, Sandy CLAY TERRACE DEPOSITS Very dense, slightly moist, orange-brown, Silty, fine SAND 74 Becomes medium dense, moist, orange-brown, Clayey, fine to medium SAND to Sandy CLAY 29 Becomes very stiff, very moist, orange-brown and gray, Sandy CLAY 30 111.7 13.9 116.9 Figure A-l Log of Boring B 1, page 1 of 2 RCll OA.^r,. r- oT,».cr,^, SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C... STANOARO PENETRATION TEST SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE kj ... CHUNK SAMPLE M ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) Y. ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECTNO. 04787-12-11 BORING B 2 ELEV. (MSL.) 183 EQUIPMENT .DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION FILL Medium dense, moist, orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND -Becomes orange-brown and gray sandy clay Very stiff, moist, brown, Sandy CLAY TERRACE DEPOSITS Medium dense, moist, orange-brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND BORING TERMINATED AT 27 FEET REFUSAL Figure A-3 Log of Boring B 2, page 1 of 1 Ou ^cng 16 24 cn z UJ a tK a CO UJ -o a 110.0 13.6 Dense, moist, gray-brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND with clay Medium dense, dry, gray and red, fme to medium GRAVEL Medium dense, very moist, mottled orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND to Sandy CLAY witii little gravel Stiff to very stiff, wet to saturated, orange-brown, Sandy CLAY with littie gravel 36 36 28 114.2 13.8 SAMPLESYMBOLS . SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL B.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • .. KL 1 1 . ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) S .. . DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B .. . CHUNK SAMPLE Y .. . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE -w.^ou,^, r,>,t v,unwiiiuni itiuwN MtKtUN Ah'h'L ts ONLT AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRFurH inrnTinu »un «T TUC OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT S PROJECT NO. 04787-12-11 BORING B 3 ELEV. (MSL.) 141 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 z 1,,^ ;UJ' • <L •.I- Icn UJSioQ >- g^ C3 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Firm, moist, brown, Sandy CLAY Becomes loose, wet, orange-brown, Sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND Becomes stiff to very stiff, saturated, orange-brown and gray, Silty CLAY Becomes soft, saturated, orange-brown, Sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND Becomes firm to stiff, saturated, gray and orange-brown, Sandy CLAY with sUt Becomes firm, saturated, olive-gray, Sandy CLAY < HELBY 27 109.9 5HELBY 106.7 ;HELBY 22 102.8 JHELBY 10 95.5 igure A-4 Log of Boring B 3, page 1 of 2 RCll SAMPLE S'mBOLS • .. . SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • .. . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE S'mBOLS . DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B.. . CHUNK SAMPLE . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-11 - 30 32 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. > CD O -J O X B3-11 34 - 36 - - 38 - 40 - 42 - 44 - - 46 B3-12 B3-13 B3-14 SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 3 ELEV. (MSL.) EQUIPMENT 141 _DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 ML SP MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Becomes soft, saturated, olive-gray, Silty CLAY with little sand :Ll. LU u z wg UJWO o a: !cn' UJ (K CQ -Becomes firm Becomes medium dense, samrated, olive, Sandy SILT DELMAR FORMATION Dense, saturated, olive, fine coarse SAND with little clay -Refusal at 45 feet 1 Very dense, saturated, orange-brown, Clayey \ GRAVEL BORING TERMINATED AT 46 FEET CJ 91.3 82/11" cn 32.7 101.3 25.2 Figure A-5 Log of Boring B 3, page 2 of 2 RCll SAMPLE SYMBOLS . SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • .. . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B.. . CHUNK SAMPLE I .. . UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-1 BORING B 4 ELEV. (MSL.) 143 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Soft, wet, orange-brown, very Sandy CLAY Becomes soft, samrated, gray-brown, Silty CLAY with little sand Becomes soft, saturated, orange-brown and gray Sandy, Silty CLAY Loose, saturated, orange-brown, fine to coarse SAND with little silt Medium dense, saturated, green-blue, Silty, fine to medium SAND -No recovery at 25 feet Interbedded, very loose, saturated, olive-gray, fine to coarse SAND and soft, saturated, gray. Clayey SILT to Silty CLAY -Lenses are about 6 inches thick UJ CQ 11 17 (K a a: tn Ul 105.4 24.4 Figure A-6 Log of Boring B 4, page 1 of 2 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ ' . SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL B.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • . . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) m. . DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B.. . CHUNK SAMPLE . UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE Z^f^°L°,W^cl^'^^^.''^^ un^l.Vo""^ ""^"^ SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECTNO. 04787-12-11 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. > CD O _1 o X (-H SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 4 ELEV. (MSL.) 143 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 n ccV, >-I— _ l-t^ gu: go Lu; a: CO Ul - 30 32 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION B4-6 34 - - 36 - 38 - 40 - B4-7 I B4-8 t/X.-^ / //I ML Becomes medium dense, saturated, olive, Sandy SILT 19 111.5 19.6 SC DELMAR FORMATION Very dense, saturated, orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND with gravel 68/7" \ -Refusal at 41 feet BORING TERMINATED AT 41 FEET Igure A-7 Log of Boring B 4, page 2 of 2 RCll SAMPLE SYMBOLS • .. . SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL B.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • .. . ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS . DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B.. . CHUNK SAMPLE . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) BM-27 through BM-28 € Large-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 1993, Geologic Investigation for Rancho Carrillo Project - Major Roads, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 04787-12-0L dated January 15, 1993 BORING BM 27 ELEV. (MSL) 215 EQUIPMENT _DATE COMPLETED 12/4/91 E-100 BUCKET RIG M ^ h- UJ Q CK Ul ^ ^ o o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Meciium stiff to stiff, moist, brown, Sandy CLAY; minor rootlets, voids 112.8 15.4 DELMAR FORMATION Hard, damp, light to medium green, fine Sandy CLAYSTONE: loose and highly weathered to 5 feet, abundant disseminated caliche, orange to dark red oxide staining, very massive 123.4 12.6 10 -Becomes less sandy and very hard at 13 feet Subhorizontal lense of very dense, very moist to moist, light yellowish green, Silty fine to coarse SANDSTONE -Somewhat gradational contact, 1/4 inch pebbles, minor seepage from 21 to 24 feet Hard, (famp, fight to medium green, fine Sandy CLAYSTONE BORING TERMINATED AT 26 FEET J 10 "20/10' Log of Boring BM 27, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS ° - UNSUCCESSFUL S ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 0 ... CHUHK SAMPLE 1 ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) Z ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE •sr NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. BORING BM 27 ELEV. (MSL) 215 EQUIPMENT _DATE COMPLETED 12/4/91 E-100 BUCKET RIG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION M " H in vt S^ca a. It UJ Q CJ TOPSOIL Medium stiff to stiff, moist, brown, Sandy CLAY: minor rootlets, voids DELMAR FORMATION Hard, damp, light to medium green, fine Sandy CLAYSTONE: loose and highly weathered to 5 feet, abundant disseminated caliche, orange to dark red oxide staining, very massive -Becomes less sandy and very hard at 13 feet Subhorizontal lense of very dense, very moist to moist, light yellowish green, Silty fine to coarse SANDSTONE -Somewhat gradational contact, 1/4 inch pebbles, minor seepage from 21 to 24 feet Hard, (famp. Tight to medium green, fine Sandy CLAYSTONE 112.8 123.4 10 BORING TERMINATED AT 26 FEET J 10 10 •20/10' Log of Boring BM 27, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS ° - UNSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C... STAHDARD PENETRATION TEST 0 ... CHUHK SAMPLE 1... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) Z ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS SHOWN HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORIHG Ofi TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRAHTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. BORING BM 28 ELEV. (MSL) 290 EQUIPMENT _DATE COMPLETED 12/4/91 E-100 BUCKET RIG M " l- *- i a 2 \ a ^ in ujgffl I- UJ, > I • Uib" • o o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Medium stiff to stiff, damp to moist, orange-brown Sandy CLAY DELMAR FORMATION Hard, damp, light to dark green, fine Sandy SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE to Silty/ Clayey fine SANDSTONE -Loose and highly weathered to 5 feet, excavates blocky, orange oxide staining, abundant caliche veinlets -Subhorizontal 4 to 6 inch lense of silty fine SANDSTONE at 9.6 feet -Gradational contact at 14 feet Very dense, damp, lighl yelfow to light green, Silty fine SANDSTONE: grades into fine to very coarse sandstone below 16 feet Hard, damp, green CLAYSTONE: very massive and blocky, black and orange oxide staining along fractures, abundant shining parting surfaces -Very thin highly irregular, subhorizontal, orange-brown clay seam at 18 feet, no apparent remolding 113.4 15.6 116.2 15.3 BORING TERMINATED AT 26 FEET Log of Boring BM 28. page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLESYMBOLS •- SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL M ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E 0 .. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) .. CHUNK SAMPLE T ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE- THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWM HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BORING BM 28 ELEV. (MSL) 290 EQUIPMENT _DATE COMPLETED 12/4/91 E-100 BUCKET RIG § UJ S s? UJ , ujb *^ o o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Medium stiff to stiff, damp to moist, orange-brown Sandy CLAY 113.4 15.6 DELMAR FORMATION Hard, damp, light to dark green, fine Sandy SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE to Silty/ Clayey fine SANDSTONE -Loose and highly weathered to 5 feet, excavates blocky, orange oxide staining, abundant caliche veinlets -Subhorizontal 4 to 6 inch lense of silty fine SANDSTONE at 9.6 feet -Gradational contact at 14 feet Very dense, damp, lighl yelfow to light green, Silty fine SANDSTONE: grades into fine to very coarse sandstone below 16 feet 116.2 15.3 Hard, damp, green CLAYSTONE: very massive and blocky, black and orange oxide staining along fractures, abundant shining parting surfaces -Very thin highly irregular, subhorizontal, orange-brown clay seam at 18 feet, no apparent remolding BORING TERMINATED AT 26 FEET Log of Boring BM 28, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS E - '"^""^""^"^ W ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE G 0 .. STANOARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) .. CHUHK SAMPLE T ... WATER TABLE Ofi SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE IHDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) SBM-6 through SBM-9 Small-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 1993, Geologic Investigation for Rancho Carrillo Project - Major Roads, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 04787-12-01, dated January 15, 1993 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. > a o _i o I H SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING SBM 6 ELEV. (MSL) 175 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY M y H ^23 UJ yb tr ^ O u 0 2 f- 4 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 12 14 - 16 20 :5BM6-1 I '0 ";BM6-; sc sc TOPSOIL Loose to medium dense, damp, dark grayish brown, fine to medium, Clayey SAND ALLUVTUM Loose to medium dense, moist, medium grayish brown, fine to medium slightly clayey to Clayey SAND 13 111.8 ! :5BtvI6-: - 18 - ";BM6- 22 - 24 SP-SC Loose to medium dense, moist to wet, light grayish brown, mottled, fine to medium SAND to slightly clayey SAND TT 111.9 SM Becomes medium dense, moist, very light greenish brown, mottled, fine to medium Silty SAND SM DELMAR FORMATION Dense, moist, very light green to white, fine to medium slightly silty SANDSTONE 66 TT5T 115.4 11.9 TT 13.1 BORING TERMINATED AT 25 FEET -igure A-8 Log of Boring SBM 6, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS ° ••• 'J'-^^^^SSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B.. 0.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST . CHUNK SAMPLE I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) T ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AHO TIMES. OEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. > C3 O J o r SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING SBM 6 ELEV. (MSL) 175 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY H y h- Q. >- H ^ H gu: Ui Q >-°- 0 2 H MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 4 - :;BM6-I 6 -I - 10 12 14 ^;BM6- sc SC TOPSOIL Loose to medium dense, damp, dark grayish brown, fine to medium, Clayey SAND ALLUVTUM Loose to medium dense, moist, medium grayish brown, fine to medium slightly clayey to Clayey SAND 13 I ':;BM6-: - 16 - 18 - 20 22 ':;BM6- - 24 - SP-SC Loose to medium dense, moist to wet, light grayish brown, mottled, fine to medium SAND to slightly clayey SAND TT SM Becomes medium dense, moist, very light greenish brown, mottled, fine to medium Silty SAND T9" SM DELMAR FORMATION Dense, moist, very light green to white, fine to medium slightly silty SANDSTONE 66 111.8 rnir 115.4 11.9 [JT 13.1 BORING TERMINATED AT 25 FEET "igure A-8 Log of Boring SBM 6, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLESYMBOLS °- SAMPLING UHSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C.. 0.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST . CHUNK SAMPLE 1 ... ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) T ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG Of SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. y CD O _1 o I I- H -1 SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING SBM 7 ELEV. (MSL) 170 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY S <q in 5 Ui d a. ° Ui oc Q Uib D Ss ^ O O - 0 - 2 - 4 - :;BM7-I I ';;BM7- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SC TERRACE DEPOSITS Dense to very dense, damp, light brown, fine to coarse. Gravelly SAND with some clay SM Very dense, moist, medium brown, fine to medium, Silty SAND with small chunks of green claystone 52 115.0 47 117.1 BORING TERMINATED AT 11 FEET Figure A-9 Log of Boring SBM 7, page 1 of 1 6.4 12.2 CROR SAMPLESYMBOLS . SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL c.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • .. . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0.. . CHUNK SAMPLE . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BORING SBM 8 ELEV. (MSL) 142 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY in 5iy m Ul o a. • Uib a Ss °^ ^ o u MATERIAL DESCRIPTION lOFSUlL Firm, dry to damp, very dark brown to black Sandy CLAY -Water table after stabUizing at 1 foot ALLUVIUM Very loose, saturated, grayish brown mottled, fine Clayey SAND Becomes medium soft, grayish brown, Sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND -Gravel at 13 feet 91.8 Becomes soft, saturated, bluish gray, slightly sandy CLAY, interbedded with brown, medium to coarse SAND and little gravel Becomes firm, grayish blue, slightly sandy CLAY TT Becomes dark blue to black CLAY to slightly sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND W8 Try 33.7 7^ Figure A-10 Log of Boring SBM 8, page 1 of 2 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL B H ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUH HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BORiNG SBM 8 ELEV. (MSL) 142 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY iui- si" m UJ to 2' CE Q Uib a. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -Layer of sand with pieces of decomposed wood from 31 to 31.5 feet Becomes dark blue to black CLAY to slightly sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND (Continued) 95.8 30.6 -Becomes gravelly from 38 to 40 feet Becomes medium dense, saturated, dark gray, fine to coarse SAND 27 Becomes medium dense, saturated, black, Sandy GRAVEL with some cobbles -Becomes very cobbly at 47 feet -Heavy caving from 47 feet, very difficult drilling DELMAR FORMATION Very dense, wet, very light greenish gray, fine Clayey SAND BORING TERMINATED AT 54 FEET 24 126.3 13.4 -igure A-11 Log of Boring SBM 8, page 2 of 2 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL H ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 0 ... CHUNK SAMPLE ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 BORING SBM 9 ELEV. (MSL) 130 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/27/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY 2§ 553 IU a. 2 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOBL Soft, damp to moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY ALLUVTUM Soft, wet to saturated, dark brown mottled, Sandy CLAY -Water table after stabilizing at 7 feet Becomes fine, saturated, medium grayish brown, Sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND -Medium dense, saturated, light brown, slightly clayey sand lense from 11 to 11.5 feet Becomes loose, saturated, light brown mottled, fine to medium Clayey SAND to slightly clayey sand -Becomes loose to medium dense at 20 feet Becomes soft, saturated, light brown, Sandy CLAY and Clayey SAND I Figure A-12 Log of Boring SBM 9, page 1 of 3 T5 > I;- yb tx. a 106.8 13 TUTT UJ ^ ir «25 19.9 •25T CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL G. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0 ... CHUNK SAMPLE • ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. i i i I i i i i i i i i i PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. Ui SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING SBM 9 ELEV. (MSL) 130 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/27/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY o u': f2§ UlgO > go >b ujb as o U - 30 32 :;BM9-< 34 - - 36 - 38 - 40 -i ">BM9- 42 - :>BM9-{ 44 - 46 - 48 50 52 - 54 - 56 - 58 '>BM9-< SBM9 -10 SBM9 -11 CL-SC CL CL-SC CL SP-SC MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Becomes stiff, saturated, dark brown mottled, slightly sandy CLAY -Becomes light gray and yellowish brown at 35 feet -Becomes gravelly from 59 feet TT II 94.8 30.1 Becomes soft, light green and medium brown, Sandy CLAY with thin layers of fine to medium slightly clayey SAND Becomes dark bluish gray and black. Clayey SAND to Sandy CLAY Becomes stiff, grayish blue mottled, Sandy CLAY Bectfmes bose, saturated," grayish" blue, fine to medium Clayey SAND to slightly clayey SAND T5" 26:6 SAMPLE SYMBOLS UNSUCCESSFUL B... STANOARD PENETRATIOH TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) S ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0... CHUNK SAMPLE I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ..... ..VM ur juDaunr«i,i: v,uNuniUNi btiiWN HtKtOH APPLIES ONLT AT THE SPECIFIC BOfiING OR TRENCH LOCATIOH AHO AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE HO. 60 - 62 - 64 - 'SEm -12 IT >-UJ a t-o <r _i 3 o • X Z 1-ZS H o -1 Q: C3 SOIL CLASS (USCS) GC BORING SBM 9 ELEV. (MSL) 130 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/27/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark blue, Clayey SAND and cobbles 5U/2.i)" BORING TERMINATED AT 65 FEET PRACTICAL REFUSAL 1 5-°- Uib a z 0) UJ Figure A-14 Log of Boring SBM 9, page 3 of 3 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0 ... CHUNK SAMPLE ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE jHOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWH HEREOH APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIOHS AND TIMES. I 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) GB-4, GB-15, and GB-16 Large-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 1988, Preliminary Soil and Geologic Investigation For La Costa - Northwest Area, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. D-4230-H01, dated November 11, 1988 File No. November D-4230-HGL II, 1988 S5u O " BORING 4 ELEVATION .DATE DRILLED. inz-^/aa EQUIPMENT E-100 30" Rotary Bucket zu. is MATERIAL DESCRIPTION CL ALLUVIUM Stiff, moist, dark grayish—broxra, Sandy CLAY B4-I IIl.l 15. becones very aoist . 8 . 10 B4-2 B4-3 12 PUSH 12" strong seepage (in sand) water table (caving) 103 $ULK 20. SAMPLE B4-4 Loose, saturated, light brovm, coarse SA2JD PUSE h 12" 105.3 21, _ 1-4 . 16 _ 18 . - 20 CL Soft, wet, dark brcnvn, Sandy CLAY BORING TESmNATED AT 20.0 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-4, Log of Test Boring 4 SAMPLE SYMBOLS n _ SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S OlSTunBEO OR BAG SAMPLE I] STANOARO PENETRATION TEST B~ CHUNK SAMPL€ • _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNOISTURBEOI 5- WATER TABLE on SEEPAGE NOTc THELOG OFSUBSURFACeCONOITlONS SHOWN HEREONAPPLIESONLYATTHESPECIFICBORINGORTRENCMLOCATIONAN^ AT THI DATE INOlCATEoiT IS NOT ^ile Mo. D-4230-H01 (ovember II, 1988 BORING 15 ELEVATION. 305 .DATE DRILLED lQ/12/88 EQUIPMENT 30" Rotary Bucket a:_' 38 MATERIAL OESCRIPTION . 2 !- 6- h 8- i I h 1-20-1 CL TOPSOIL Hard, slightly moist, brown, Sandy CTLAY with SILT fractures I 1^ B15-1 i2- 14- 16- CL-ML DELMAR FORMATION Hard, moist, light olive, Silty CLAYSTONE to very Clayey SILTSTONE Bedding nearly horizontal Bedding N60U, SSW I- t I I h 22- 24- 26- 28- 30- B15-4 B15-5 ML Hard, moist, light orange/olive-mottled. Clayey SILTSTONE; some very fine SAND — Bedding nearly horizontal CL Hard, moist, olive-mottled, Silty CLAYSTONE; yellow-white gypsum stringers; slight to moderate fracturing — Few steep hematite-filled fractures; N40E, 85SE (joints) — Cemented zone (calciun carbonate cement about 12" fossil shells) Remolded CIAY seam 1/8-1/4" thick; N60E 2''S Dense, moist, light olive-tan Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE; some CLAY 3/12" 107.9 18.3 3/12" [108.4 BULK 19.5 lAMPLE 2/0" (No sample) LIS.2 13.8 Figure A-23, Log of Test Boring 15 (Boring 15 Continued next page) SAMPLE SYMBOLS Q SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL El DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE I]— STANOARO PENETRATION TEST B _ CHUNK SAMPL-E I ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) X WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE. THE LOG OFSUeSUSFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File No. D-4230-H01 November II, 1988 BORi:iG 15 (Continued) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/12/88 EQUIPMENT 30" Rotary Bucket zu. 38 MATERIAL OESCRIPTION Hard, moist, olive-brown mottled Silty, Sandy CLAYSTONE — Remolded CLAY seam 1/8-1/4" thick; S'SW; throughgoing gypsum Hard, moist, medium-olive, silty ClAYSTONE; abundant gypsum seams; "random fracturing _ 5 Remoded CLAY seam 1/8-3/4" thick; NlOW, S'SW, throughgoing, x-rLth large crystals of gypsum within gouge 106.6 [BULK 20. f AMPL: Dense, moist, light orange-tan, medium SANDSTONE , I— Contact nearly horizontal; sharp \i depositional Hard, moist, dark olive-brown mottled with yellow, Silty CLAYSTONE; gypsxim seams, random fracturing; fossiliferous and carbonaceous Becomes very dark olive/black and carbonaceous, seepages of slight to moderate flow \ I Remolded CIAY seams 1/4-1/2"; N20W,5°SW \± at contact 92.0 IBULK Very dense, dark gray, cemented, fine Silty SANDSTONE; fossiliferous Cemented zone; CaCO^-t- BORING TERMINATED .^T 59 FEET (REFUSAL) 29.1 AMPL; I:- Figure A-24, Log of Test Boring 15 SAMPLE SYMBOLS • —SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL' S — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B_ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPL€ 1 _ ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ^ _ WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ^'°J V„"!.i:°*^ OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPEDFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION ANO ATTHEOATEINOICATEO. IT IS NOTWARRANTEDTO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACE CONOITIONSAT0THEHLOCATt(3^N^^^ ^ile No. 'ovember D-4230-H0I Ll, 1988 BORING 16 ELEVATION. 300 .DATE HRII I Fn 10/13/88 EQUIPMENT E-100, 30" Rotary Bucket Sic —«s sag 5go 58 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION CL 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - - 12 - - 14 - 16 - 18 - r.i"-:i-."- r:r.-.i"- 1TOPSOIL hard, humid, brown, Sandy CLAY, highly jl fractured becomes very stiff and slightly moist SM .pELMAR FORMATION 11 Very dense, humid, light gray-blue, very Silty I, fine SANDSTONE; iron-stained, carbonate, ll weathering at top \'— shells 1 bedding N20W10S — strongly iron-stained B16-1 20 - 22 - 24- -26- ML hard, slightly moist, light grey-blue. Clayey SILSTONE, iron-stained, fissile, hematite filled joint N4SE82E — layer of stiff, moist, orange Sandy SILTY, friable, fossiliterous; N20W10S bottom contact — iron-stained, Sandy with fossils •PUSH 7" 1 —ittj J stiff, moist, orange-brown. Clayey SILT, fossiliterous, \ B16-2 28- H-l'-.'-: •'-v-\:\: K-:i.:r- SM cemented lenses iron-stained, fossiliterous, rip-up clast of grey-blue SILSTONE scour contact 10 very dense, humid, light tan, very Silty fine SANDSTONE, iron-stained in places l>— iron-stained \ thinly bedded, dipping approximately lO^S iron-stained, lenses of friable, organic rich SILT with gypsum stringers 93.4 29.5 118.0 14.0 Figure A-25, Log of Test Boring 16 (Boring 16 continued next page) SAMPLE SYMBOLS n _ SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C —STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B _ CHUNK SAMPLE • _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• _ WATER TABLE OR SeEPAGE NOTE THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND ATTHE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACECONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File No. November D-4230-H0I II, 1988 8 o BORI^rG 16 (Continued) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/13/88 EQUIPMENT Sic £ ZU. CM: 2^ f 1 38 - 30 MT, MATERIAL OESCRIPTION 1-32 - •34 - •36 - •38 B16- BI6-CL B16- B16- •40 4f SM scoured contact, generally horizontal jl hard, sii . 9 ght moist to moist, light blue-grey jl Sandy SILSTONE BULK SAMPLi ll very stiff, moist, reddish-broxra, Silty CLAYSTONE many non-continuous remolded planes with gypsum, general orientation N5W7S continuous medium stiff, very moist, grey remolded CLAY N30W5S becomes-Organic rich, gypsum and sulfur-rich 15 117.8 BULK I J 1 • pAMPLEj j 1 very dense, very moist, grey Silty fine to medium SA1©ST0NE, slight seepage very strong cemented BORING TERMINATED AT 40 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-26, Log of Test Boring 16 SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL .E—. STANOARO PENETRATION TEST • _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNOISTUnBEDI | SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B _ CHUNK SAMPLE x — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAOE NOTE. THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO ATTHE OATE INDICATED. ITIS NOTWARRANTEO TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) CPT-9 and CPT-10 0 Cone Penetrometer Tests From: Geocon, 1988, Preliminary Soil and Geologic Investigation For La Costa - Northwest Area, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. D-4230-H01, dated November 11, 1988 OEPTH IN METERS o Of to -1_ O -EL OT OEPTH IN FEET -IX — Zi D_l cno u o o ur m. e o- ou.' MOT u c u. to o in o in rt n tn n OEPTH IN FEET a in -1 r— in DEPTH IN METERS I- in UJ UJ »- UJ 2: D 0= I- UJ 0^ I I- o llJ LU a- °^ oc a. UJ U f ^2 HI CO rj CD 0 o iij 'l' ^ 1 u O U) n) .-I rj u. CD 5(30 •• CDQO (CTZO) UJ =)»-( 03 Z I 2: (D =3 f-O Z 2 I *• ^13 O 0 3^ liJ UJ CC •• —) -) I— UJ O O CO f oc oc z cc (1_ Q_ •-• O On 1 2 3H 4 5- 6- 7- 3S 9S 97 36 10 IS 2Q U5 120 125 rniCTlON RESISTflNCE TSF IKG/CM*) 6 4 2 0 CONE RESISTANCE TSf(KG/CM*) ISO 200 2S0 I I I • I I I—llll 900 950 400 SOIL COLUHN FRICTION RflTIO IX) I I I I —T i t .. • t < • • — •• "1 'I 1 1 10 IS 20 120 2 3 i S 6 - 7 -35 -36 -37 400 PROJECT I LA COSTA RANCH NW PROJECT NUMBER!89-230-1702 INSTRUMENT NUMBERi F15CKE088 •flTE» 10-06-1988 ffSf farM Tschnology Si Corporation CONE PENETROMETER TEST PROBE : CPT-IO 971009-005 Appendix B (continued) GT-1 through GT-47 Exploratory Trenches From: Geocon, 1982b, Report of Phase I Geotechnical Study, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, File no. D-2714-T02, dated June 4, 1982 i. _ .4 ;l o i u : 1 0 CCiTCi DE C.\Z.\ LTI) ® 0 l.l 9 . 0 10 12 •igur* -7^ ^-:'.;; • -A LOa 0" ILL DtseinfTioM TRENCH NO. 1 \ TOPSOIL Loose, damp, lighc brown, Sllcy Sandy CLAY/Clayey SAND TERRACE DEPOSIT Dense, damp, ceddlsh-brown, weakly cemented, Clayey SANDSTONE TORREY SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, lighc gray-olive, weakly cemenced. interbedded very fine SILTSTONE/SANDSTONE V TRENCH TERMINATED AT Ii.O FEET -og oi Tesc Trench otHiiTr A'.' irO/STi^t A-l GE3(SK:X)N (weomroHAtiP COTO DE C.\ZA LTD © I) 11) . 0 * . 2 •tfr . 6-. 8- 10 12 14 16 18 20 LBt » Of atie^trTiQH TRENCH NO. \ TOPSOIL Loose, damp, Light brown, Sllcy Clayey TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weachered, oolsc, reddish-yellow, gray moccled, very fine Sllcy SANDSTONE Oense (sClff). weachered, callchefied, Ughc gray SILTSTONE Very sciff, damp, gray, well bedded, acclcude approximacely horizoncal, well cemeaccd SILTSTONE Very dense, malat, reddiah-brown. hard, well cemenced SANDSTONE, highly fossiliferoua becomes very hard TRENCH REFUSAL AT 19.5 FEET 0<Tr OIM tiff catrtufT Figure Log of Teat Trench 2 A-2 GEOCON Li I i. ^ o . J 0 .llll (.Uil.i DE CAZ.A LTD @] 1111 A5»rv I m . 0 6 S h 10 12 14 16 cot UKiTlQN I 1/ ocsc/^ii'riOM TRENCH NQ. 3 v.. TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, callchefied, lighc gray SILTSTONE ^,— beccnnes very sciff, damp, gray SILTSTONE * dense, hard, damp, reddish*brown, SANDSTONE, highly fossiliferous TOPSOIL Loose, damp, reddish-brown, Sandy • CUY Very dense, damp, lighc gray, medium cemenced. fine SANDSTONE •becomes very well cemented, finely bedded SANDSTONE TRENCH TEWIINATED AT 13.0 FEET B0T BtNSirr A',' figure , Log of Tesc Trench 3 A-3 GEOCON IM«OflrOIIATCB 12-24 96 -Q-n S5fi 2717 COTlj DE C.\Z.\ LTD ©012 m tMi*tJ I LOt t At.' anrmr % "r - 2 . 4. 6 . a • 10 12 14 .16 •I;; lvl- id: vi:i.i- TRENCH NO. U TOPSOIL Lighc brown, damp, Sllcy Sandy CLAY TORREY SAUDSTONE Medium dense, damp, fraccured, caliche- fled, olive gray, very fine SANDSTONE Highly fractured, weachered, callche- fied, daap. llghc gray SILTSTONE Very dense, damp, lighc gray, oassive, very fine Sllty SANDSTONE Denae, damp, reddlsh-brown SANDSTONE, highly £o««iUferoua I L very dens*, damp, light gray, medium to well cemeaced, very fine, massive, Siley SANDSTONT •"becomes moctled light gray, reddish- yellow SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET Figure , Log or Tesc Trench u A-A 12.24.-96 10:15! ©yil 858 27i: COTO DE C.\Z.\ LTD @013 2 . 6 8 . 10 • 12 ' 11 ' 16 l.0t * LOOATIOfl Of TV etfCAifTiau THENCH NO. 5 TOPSOIL Soft Co medium stiff, daap, reddish- brown, Silcy Sandy CLAY v TORREY SAliDSTONE Highly weathered, damp, moccled light gray-reddish, very fine Sandy Clayey SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE. grades into massive Sandy CLAYSTONE V DELMAR FOR>5AT10N very sciff. damp, ollve-green-gray CLAYSTONE wich shiny parting surfaces TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET am Sir f Af./ ttaifrviK Figure , Log of Teat Trench 5 A-5 GEOCON iMca>»oaAT«o 1• ^ 4 • itii 1 U ; 1 9 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE C.\Z.\ LTD (11 4 ffZT sAMixe USI 9 Of 2 . 6 6 - 10 - 12 • 14 . -16 . .18 - ^ 6-1 6-2 •ij..'. TRENCH NO. 6 TOPSOIL Sofc, moisc, llghc brown, Sllcy Sandy ^ CLAY .TORREY SANDSTONE V Highly weachered. noise, reddish-gray. •.\ fine ahaley SANDSTONE \ w^c^eddlsh-brown, medium-grained SANDSTONE \ U_interbedded, «haley, moisc, denae, llghc gray-reddish-browu, very fine SANDSTONE; several callchefied layets approximacely 1/2-1" chick; bedding I actltude horizontal or dipping gently \ (l-l**) coward the west becomes massive, very dense, damp, gray, Cine- to medium-grained SANDSTONE becowes mottled, gray-reddiah-btovn i SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, incerbedded lighc gray, fine, medium cemenced SANDSTONE and reddlsh-brown, medium ceaented, medium-grained SANDSTONE. Very fine, disconclnuous, shaley SILTSTONE layers (approxlmjitely 1/10-1/20" chick) wichin the SANDSTONE mass TRENCH TERMINATE AT 17,5 FEET Itt dec 0*r Qfiixirr IOS. 2 tfOttri/ttt 16,0 Figure . Log of leac Trench 6 A-6 GEOCON iMcakroKAtio 12/24-9G 1U : 19 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE C.^Z.A LTD 11) 1 5 . 0 . 2. 6 . 8 I-10 -1 12 li . Of UMfLt •I i -.l • TRENCH NO. 7 TOPSOIL Sofc, moiat to wee, reddlsh-brown. Silty Sandy CLAY V TORREY SANDSTONE Medium dense, highly weachered, moisc. ^ light gray, interbedded fine SANDSTONE \ and reddish-brown, mediuta-grainad to \^_coarsc SANDSTONE ""becomes very dense, damp, light gray, massive, medium cemenced, floe SUcy \ \ SANDSTONE hard, reddish-btown-black. disconcln- uous concrecions with fossils grades -into very dense, damp, Inter- bedded light gray, fine SANDSTONE and reddish, medium SANDSTONE, bedding attitudes horisontal TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12.5 FEET "t-'LACe eeisirv At.' -C^truAf Figure , Log of Test Trench 7 A-7 GEOCON iMaaarsiiATiB U16 , U 6 8 10 12 «»T7» 2 - ii . 16 18 20 Loatrion JAM*t/ \ TRENCH NO. 8 TOPSOIL Soft, molsc, dark brown, Sllcy Sandy CLAY TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weachered, damp, callchefied, lat«rb«dded gray, very fine SILTSTONE/ SANDSTONE aad reddish-brown SANDSTONE grades Inco very stiff, damp, purple- gray SILTSTONE Very dense, hard, damp, reddiah-brown with black manganese scain, well cemented, foaslliferous SANDSTONE Very stiff, damp, purpliah-gray, finely bedded, well cemented SILTSTONE. bedding attitude horizoncal - thin reddish SANDSTONE interbeds Very hard, damp, dense, well cemented, coarse-grained, olive gray SANDSTONE TRENCH TEIIMINATED AT 18,5 FEET lI'fLAtt anr BIHitrr At.' Figure , Log of Teat Trench 8 A-8 OBOCON 'Ll' I l-l 0 0 0 'Z I 1 i COTO DE C.\Z.\ LTD 017 . 4 - 6 - 8 tvmt 10 SA-*l.t KJUttlt 9-1 9-2 UKATION tAM^kt s oesc/t/itfiot TRENCH NO. 9 Sofc, molsc, dark gray-brown, Slicy CUY TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weachered, moist, mottled, Incerbedded light ?cay-ceddish-brown, fine, Sandy Clayey SILT, bedding attitudes N10°W/ioy — becomes denser Very danaa, damp, light gray, fine Silty SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10.0 FEET in-'LACt At.l BULK 107.8 tdSTuitC antrfif S tfr wt SAMPLE 15.5 0 2 A - 6 . lO-l TRENCH NO. 10 ALLUVIUM Very sofc, loose, wee, dark gray-brown, mottled, Sllty Clayey SAND with randomly oriented, black I"-10" thick Clayey 2onea BULK SAMPLE TORREY SANDSTONE Denae, moist, llghc gray, weakly cemenced, very fine SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8,0 FEET figure , Log of Teat Trenches 9 and 10 A-9 GEOCGM («Cd»»<5»ATfO '0'/14 858 Z717 COTO DE C..VZ.-V LTD @ l.l 18 tCCT ttMtm LOt * UKAtlOn ^ii><i tnwt/fr OCSQItlFTlClt "•-*i.Ace fitiisirr At.' HOisrt/^r COtrriir % "r tt 0 2 . 4 TRENCH NO. 11 7 6 . •.r.i(- u-2 B:vj^ TOPSOIL Soft, wet, dark grayish-brown, Silcy CLAY TORREY SANDSTONE Dense, weachered, damp, interbedded reddlsh'>yellow, nedium to coarse SAND- STONE and llghc gray, fine-grained Sllcy ^ SANDSTONE ^•"becomes very hard, highly cemented, Interbedded reddlsh-yellow/gray SAND- STONE, very slow digging BULX 115-4 SAMPLE 13.4 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7.0 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 11 A-10 n: IMCO«.ro*»ATtD © 7 1 4 8 5 8 2 7 1; COTO DE CAZA LTD 119 SAMHS mjtitC* 1 . V 6 . 8 - •9 10 - • 12 - 14 . 16 . 18 20 \ 22 -'1 12-2 uoe t UXATION Of SAU^LC /'-^tt.tt ^tif-m ti^vn 1^ s oettimirioN TRENCH NO. 12 TOPSOIL Very sofc, damp to moist, llghc reddish- brown, Sllty Sandy CUY V \ TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, fractured, damp, reddish-brown-gray, Sandy CUY Very sclff, damp, purpliah-gray, well bedded, shaley SILTSTONE, bedding attitude approximately N-S/4W, thickness of beds approximately 1-2" p—manganese and iron staining along / bedding planes (Very dense, moist, reddlsh-brown. weakly cemented, medlum-co coarse- grained SANDSTONE Jl becomes interbedded, very dense, damp, reddish-brown and gray SANDSTONE grades into lighc gray, weakly cemented SANDSTONE with stiff, dark gray SILTSTONE Interbeds TRENCH TERMINATED AT 22.0 FEET lM-*LAeC BtHtlTf At ( BULK 105.2 faxfuirt eatrtrtr X tf, 1 SAMPLE 22.0 Figure , Log of TesC Trench 12 A-ll GECXX3N iMCOOPOKATID 1 Z • 4 • il b ©714 858 27i: COTO DE CAZA LTD (2) 9 2 Cl (>€ff>t . 2. • . 8 •10 - 12 14 16 18 20 SAM^tU Lot t UXAfiOi or iA*"AC/ 13-1 13-2 .r 1 T- atte^ifriot TRENCH NO. 13 TOPSOIL Sofc, danp, dark brown, Sllty CUY V TORREY SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, Interbedded (mottled) reddlsh-brown/llghc gray, mediun- to I coarse-grained, weakly cemenced SAND- \ STONE, bedding atticude N85E/4°N \^ Very dense, reddlsh-brown SANDSTONE \ becomes olive gray-reddlsh-brown mottled SANDSTONE — ...heavy manganese concentradon \ Very dense, damp, olive green-gray, medium cemented SILTSTONE with occa- sional thin reddish, fine SANDSTONE incerbeds I—Bedding Plane Fault, approximately 1/2" highly sheared gummy gray CUY, actltude N60E/2**NW \ V Very dease/sClff, damp. Incerbedded moctled fine, olive gray SANDSTONE/ dark gray SILTSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 19.0 FEET m.iH.ACC 0(Mi"V At' BULK 111.6 eotrtnr % *'r w* SAMPLE 17.7 Figure Log of Test Trench 13 A-12 G-FOCON OeSCIIFTIOM TRENCH NO, lA "midVL ' -— Very soft, loose, damp, dark brown. Sllty CUY TmErSABDITONT Highly weathered, callchefied, soft/ grades Into medium dense to denae, damn, olive gray, weakly cemenced. Clayey Sandy SILTSTONE. frequenc reddish-brown iron stain — becomes dense, damp, mottled olive green-gray-reddiah, very fine SANDSTONE] f— Bedding Plane Fault, highly sheared ' moist, dark gray CUY. thickness 2"-5", acclcude approximately horizontal Very denae. damp, interbedded, light gray/reddlsh-brown. fine SANDSTONE wich occasional black manganese stain ^®fy hard, highly cemented concretion ACt 0»T OfNXiTr At.l BULK TRENCH REFUSAL AT IS.Q FEET Figure . Log ot Test Trench 14 fOISTuAt eatrvir % t'r .» SAMPLE A-13 GEOCON I H 3 A O « A, T S. -J ©714 «58 271: COTO DE CAZA LTD I (I l.l 2 WwM LOt • LOGATim er SMft.t OCftAl^^fOM Otmifr At.l uoiirun 0 I k . 6' 8 10 12 14 TRENCH NO. 15 TOPSOIL Sofc, damp, lighc brown, Silcy Sandy CUY 15-1 15-1 TORRTlf SANDSTONE Highly weachered, damp, reddish-can moctled, fine SAND Very dense, damp, whittlsh-Ughc gray, ttAaslvc, weakly cemenccd, fine-grained SANDSTONE grades into mottled, reddlah-gray. •("—graces int \ very dense SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, llghc gray, medium ceaented. fine SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12.5 FEET BULK U7.2 SAxMPLE 9.7 Figure , Log of Tesc Tranch 15 A-14 X ^ o .J .-> (-I.IIU DL (.AZA LID III l.l .3 m SAMtUt mjHttf {.00 t or ^mtitftnm I'f^Vflf oetinfTioH ilt-*I.AQC BItT AC ' eotft»f X tfr wt 0 2 , TRE.NCH NO. 16 - 6 - 8 . 10 - 12 14 I I I TOPSOIL Sofc, damp, dark brown Silty CUY TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, damp, reddiah-llght gray moctled, incerbedded fine SANDSTONE grades into highly callchefied, lighC gray Sllty SANDSTONE, bedding acclcude ^ N10E/4°E \ . Weathered, damp, moccled light reddish- brown-gray SANDSTONE "very dense, damp, interbedded, purplish- gray, v«ry fine SANDSTONE/SILTSTONE, bidding attitude approximately hori- zontal to dips A" toward E-SE TRENCH TERillNATED AT 12.5 FEET Figure , LOJ ot Tesc Trench 16 A-IS GEOCON lHeQl^fQ•AT•o nu Lit. i.-.-i^.A LIL; 1.1 U 4 1, I- 6- 8 • 10 12 . 14 » . 16 UtAiC >tUMIC* Loe A ifiiuriait of lAMfLt 7 I .1. T.; 'X. oescttiATiQM TRENCH NO. 17 TOPSOIL Sofc, damp, grayish-brown, fine. Clayey SAND/Sandy CUY DELMAR FORMATION Stiff, moist, greenish-dark gray- blacklsh. fractured SILTSTONE become$ blacklsh-green-gray, very stiff CUYSTONE with shiny parting surfaces grades inco dark gray, Sandy Clayey SILTSTONE. frequent manganese and Iron scainlng "grades InCO dark gray-brown, well cemented, very fine Sllty SANDSTONE becomes very stiff, reddish-brown, callchefied SILTSTONE grades into greeniah-brown. Clayey, callchefied SILTSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET •tt-ALACt tAV ecmirf At.' emntvr Figure . Log of Test Trench 17 A-16 GEOCON ^ ,j * ^ O 1-UH.i Lit. I. A iiA LID i^l l.l l.l 5 IM mr L«t I WCAflOfI Of XICAIfTIOH m-'LACt Bwr BfnMtrr At.l trOHT^iff % tf, TRENCH MO. 18 6 . 8 . 10 - H2 - 14 - 16 W: : .'A ALLUVIUM Loose, moisc, blackish-brown, Silty Clayey SAND m » \ becotnes dark reddish-brown and very loose fine SAND becomes wec m seepage, caving heavy seepage A TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET Figure. Log of Tesc Trench 13 A-17 GEOCOM . -i .J .J O f 1-l.liU ut. LID l^j l.l l.l (3 XAMm.t mmttit oeiCAiArtoM ilt-tLACt OtiiiTT At.l •r^STuAt canrtur % tf, tf . 0 TRENCH NO. 19 2 . . 4 . . 6- 12 • 20 18 - \ TOPSOIL Loose, damp, dark gray, Silcy Sandy CUY/SAND ALLUVIL'M Loose, moist to wefr, reddlsh-brown, fine Sllcy Clayey SAND - becomes wet Stiff, dark brown, molsc CUY (Paleosol) "grades into dense, moist co wec. reddiah-dark brown, Clayey SAND becomes light brown-tan, molsc, Silcy Clayey SAND/Sandy CUY LANDSLIDE OCSRIS Highly weachered. callchefied, damp co moist, moctled whltlah-can, pale olive green, Sllty Sandy CUY/SILT ramolded olive green CUYSTONE sheared plane attitude approximately horizoncal iDEU-lAA MRMATION I Highly weathered, callchefied, raoisc, pale olive green, Sllty CUYSTONE [l becomes mediuin sdff TRENCH TER,MI.S'ATED AT :0.0 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 19 A-18 LA I l-i 0 ."j .: I I , i.OTl.l DE (,AZA LTD 0£Pni SAirtc mMte» 1.00 « Lseiriot Of tAVAif DCSCf'fflOt m.»{.ACt OAr Ottfirr At.l ueisfuft eenrtur S -r - . 0 2 TRENCH NO. 20 ALLUVIL'M Looae, dry to damp, dark gray-brown, Silty Clayey SAND/Sandy CUY . 6 . 20-1 -10 - 12 - 14 L 16 18 7 rl't'lj Loose, dark brown, moist, Silcy Clayey SAND m. 7. /""Medium dense, wec, reddish-brown, Silcy Clayey fine SAND m becomes saturaced '—heavy seepage, caving 20 • TRENCH TERMINATED AT IQ.S FEET figure , Log of Test Trench 20 A-19 GEOCON iHCOKroBAffS 12 -4. ill) 111: -7 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD ©008 uurtj m.»i*r» LOt A LOCATI tm Of iAMfCI oescAirri^H mmAiAee OAT BiHIirr Aft tOftfvAt eertrptr % tf, it TRENCH NO. 21 2 ' h 6- a- I 10- 12- 14- 16 •/•••• 1. TOPSOIL Sofc. damp, dark brown, Sllcy CUY DELMAR FORMATION Highly weachered, fractured, callchefied damp, dark ollve-gray. Clayey Sandy SILTSTONE Very dense, damp, olive green, weakly cemenced. Clayey, very coarae SANDSTONE V grades Inco Sandy CUYSTONE Very aclff, damp, olive green, massive, Sllcy CUYSTONE ulth shiny parting surfaces V TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15,0 FEET Figure , Log of Tesc Tcunch 21 A-20 © / i 4 bin Z 71: COTO DE CAZA LTD (I (19 Figure , Log of Test Trenches 22 and 23 A-21 GEOCON I X g I r Q « ^ V 5 c 1 u : 1' 9 ©714 858 27i: COTO DE CAZA LTD no . 0 2 - . 4. . 6* 8 • 10 U m 14. SAAimj mjm*tir LOt t iMATIVi Of tAUr-LI I--hi; \ BfteArrnoAi m*n.Aet BAY BtMSirr At.< TRENCH ;<0. 24 TOPSOIL Sofc CO medium sclff, damp, dark brown, Sllty Sandy CUY V TORREY SANDSTONE Dense, weathered, damp, reddish-tan, medium-grained, weakly cemented SANDSTONE DELMAR FORMATION Highly weathered, callchefied, olive green-reddish-tan interbedded SILTSTONE/ \ SANDSTONE; bedding atcitude horizoncal \ or dlpplnp 1-2*^ toward wesC grades Into very stiff, damp, olive green, Sllcy CUYSTONE wlch random Iron and manganese staining TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12,5 FEET tOlSTuAC (Xrtnur % Iff <r figure , Log of Test Trench 24 A-22 GTOCON i-.l.ill.i LIL LiLJ 1^ l.l 1 1 BfTM m mrt 6 . 6 10 i 12 14 . 16 Unrtjc NUilt(A LOd LPatrioM af iAMPLt .V / /. oetCAiifTio/t TRENCH NO. 25 rOPSQIL Loose, dAmp, reddish-brawn, Sandy CUY DEUMAR FOiy-lATION (TORREY SANDSTONE) Translcion zone! Highly weathered, callchefied, damp, moccled olive green CUYSTONE and reddish-brown SANDSTONE grades Inco dense, olive green CUYSTONE interbedded with thin, reddlsh-brown-tan SANDSTONE, thickness of sandstone layers l/4"-l" lt->*LA(C B0r BfHtlTY At.f V Very dense, hard, damp, well cemented, Incerbedded olive green. Clayey, coarse SANDSTO.VE and reddish-purple, light gray, medium-grained SANDSTONE, chick- ness of beds 2"-10"; cannon ball con- crecions within chls assemblage developec along the bedding planes; bedding atticude N15E/4°E TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14.5 FEET yoisrvte ocurofT % f't f Figure , Log of Test Trench 25 A-23 GEOCO^I li ZA' yo 1 l.l: :i I.) ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)012 Oirryt It tAAIALt lurttA Loa » t^Tiot or oct CMI ATIOH "t^ALACr BItT eittjirr At.f oritur % trr wt "ZEE TRENCH NO. 26 2 ' h 4- 6- 6 10^ ^ 12 - 14 • 16- •'•'•li, TOPSOIL Soft, moist, dark brown, Sllty Sandy CUY TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weachered, fraccured. callchefied • damp, lighc gray-tan, very fine Sllcy \SANDST0NE Very stiff, damp, llghc gray-purpllsh, well cemented SILTSTONE with occasional thin (l/2"-l/4" thick) ceddlsh-brown SANDSTONE interbeds; bedding attitude N40°W/6°NE minor fault N8SW/vercical \ ^—Bedding Plane Faulc, highly sheared, remolded, moist, dark gray-purple CUY wich several gypsum seams (approximace- ly l/2"-l/4" chick): shear sone 4"-6" thick: acclcude N2QW/4o-5*'E TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14.5 FEET Figure , Log oc Tesc Trench 26 A-24 ON 12':;4, 96 1 U : :i 0 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD i 01.3 fW m/mfA LOt UXATlQn ar tAM^ nnf9»m tt^yin OCSOAirrioH TRENCH NO. 27 ik~ALAec BAT Oinsirr Aff VBIITLHtt catrtrtr .j-r-i; •|;'l'i \ TOPSOIL Very loose, damp co molsc, reddtsh- dark brown. Sllcy Sandy CUY/SILT DELMAR FORMATION Highly weachered, fraccured, callchefied, damp, llghc olive green, fine Sandy •JILTSTONE wich reddlsh-brown thick. Sandy Interbeds \ Clayey SI] \ l/2"-l/4" \\ grades into very dense, hard, massive, damp, fine-grained Sllcy SANDSTONE - becomes coaese and very well cemented TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7,5 FEET Figure . Log of Test Trench 27 A-25 GEOCON 1U : J1 ©"714 858 27i: COTO DE CAZA LTD 014 Ot/wnt IXCT OfSQAi^TIOn m^ALACt OAr otmiTY At.l tCSTuAt COirTNT % t'r •f TRENCH NQ. 28 ropsoiL Very loose, dry, light reddlsh-brown. - 8* . 14 • 16 L • Sllty Clayey SAND LANDSLIDE DEBRIS (SOIL CREEP) Soft, molsc CO wec. pale olive green, highly dlscurbed. sheared, remolded, sandy CUY with numerous reddlsh-brown- tan, irregularly-shaped Sandy zones grades into highly fractured, Sandv SILTSTONE (Base of Slide) no distinctive slip plane DEL^tAR FORMATION Stiff, fractured, damp, fliasslve. olive \ green, Clayey SILTSTONE Very dense, moist, reddish-can, aedium- co coarse-grained, weakly cemented SANTJSTONEj dips approximately 40-.5O toward SE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 28 A-26 ILU Ut. I. .AZ.A LIU 015 SAtM LOB IXATIOM or S.ut»i,t *t»<l»'J oescAiAriot TRENCH NO. 29 •H-'LACf BAY atu t ITY At* natsri/Af CatTDfT % fr t . 2 - 4 » • 6 - 8 10 12 lA 16 18 20 I ' Lu I.-'.I •I-1; I TOPSOIL Soft CO mediuin stiff, damp, dark gray, Silty CUY DELMAR FORi^UTION Dense, damp, pale Olive green, fine, weakly cemented. Sllcy SANDSTONE wich occasional reddish SANDSTONE interbeds; bedding acclcude N35W/5°NE very hard, highly cemenced, coarse, can SANDSTONE concretion Very dense, damp, pale olive-green, well to very well cemented, medium-r to coarse-grained SANDSTONE; bedding attitude approximately horizoncal very chin reddish-brown SANDSTONE Incerbed TRENCH TERMINATED AT 19.0 FEET Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 29 A-27 GEOCQNf IHCOIlPOKArtO 1 - - 4 y 0 1 l.l: .J ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD !2l 0 1 6 otrfM m SAMAU HUtttfA LOt t Loan-ioH OA ocsetiATioH IMm^lACt OAY BtHSirr mt.' HfHSTUtt anrtnr % Atr-A TRENCH NO, 30 2 4 I 6 8 10 12 n I I TOPSOIL Soft, damp, dark gray-brown, Sllcy CUY \ DELMAR FORMATION Highly weathered, fraccured, damp, oUve green CUYSTONE v.. grades Into very stiff, damp, olive green, massive CUYSTONE bedding attitude horizoncal or dipping 2*^ coward weac TRENCH TEW'tlNATED AT 12.0 FEET Figure . Log of Tesc Trench 30 A-28 G J. - _ S tl u ©(14 tir>6 2 7 1: COTO DE CAZA LTD ® 01 7 OetCAlATIOm TRENCH .VO, 31 m-ALACt BAY otxtifr At I tOiStvAt Jt t'r tf TOPSOIL Loose, dry, light brown-tan, Silty Clayey SAND TORREY SANDSTONE ' ' Medium dense, weathered, callchefied, light gray, Silty. very fine SANDSTONE grades Into dense co very dense, damp, Interbedded llghc gray and Ught reddlsh-brown, fine SANDSTONE^ bedding actltude N15°E/5*w Stiff, damp, gray, medium cemented SILTSTONE grades into llghc gray, damp, weakly cemented, medium-grained SANDSTONE with occasional thin reddlsh-brown SANDSTONE interbeds, thickness of interbeds l"-4" TRENCH TERMINATED AT Ll.O FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 31 A-29 GEOCON 3 e * r? 1 •: • 4 y b 1 u : . j ©"714 858 271^ COTO DE CAZA LTD ©018 Itl nor 'Amttit LOt t ioanot ar SJAtAU tXICAiATiOm TRENCH NO. 32 m-Ai,ACt 6 AY etnirr At.I •fOlSTl/*< eenrtrtf % t'r or , 2 . 4 . 6 8 h 10 ;:i;iH. •XM TOPSOIL Very loose, dry to damp, llghc grayish- I brown, Silty Clayey SAND DEIMAR FORMATION i Weathered, fractured, damp, pale olive- l gray, callchefied, Silty SANDSTONE V grades into very dense, damp, pale olive green, medium- to coarse-grained, highly cemented SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8.5 FEET figure , Log of Test Trench 32 A-30 GEOCON (nCOAPOKATfO i - • -i tl 0 1II : .j .i ©'714 .5) 5 8 2 7 1: COTO DE CAZA LTD © 01 9 S*tr\e LOt LOOAnoM Of SAjunt A»t.tfw*m llWmv^ usetl ATIOM TRENCH NO, 33 m^LAcr BAT BtNSirr Af.' fOiSTUAr cmrtrtr % tf, - 10 12 14 •y y. y'.. STREAM TERPsACE DEPOSITS Medium dense, damp, reddish-brown, Silty Clayey SAND with numerous angular mecavolcanic rock fragmencs becomes dense, moist, reddlsh-brown. coarse. Clayey SAND grades into massive, stiff, damp "to" moist, mottled gray-reddlsh-brown, Sandy SILT/Silty SAND Stiff, moist, mottled dark gray, blackish CUY wlch irregular dark brown. Sandy zones 16 -TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET Figure . Log of Tesc Trench 33 A-31 GEOCON ^-^ • yo 11.1 : .34 ©714 858 27i; COTO DE CAZA LTD ©020 tw . 0 • 2 . 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 iWJtf*€A LOt a ipatrioft or UtAU tlwtn/ir orteinAfi-Ofi TRE.NCH NO. 34 m-ALACr BAY Btn Sfr A*.' KXlTUAt coirrniT % tfr " Si 7 \ TOPSOIL Sofc, damp, brown, Silcy Sandy CUY/ SAND UNDSLIDE DEBRIS Hlgbly dlscurbed. sheared, remolded, danp, moccled reddlsh-brown-dark brown- black. Sllcy CUY, SAND becomes aofc. moisc, moctled reddlsh- brown, light olive green SAND/CUV \ / Sofc, moisc, highly disturbed, sheared oUve CUY random Sandy zones within a moist. lighc olive, sheared Clayey mass I Slip Plane, attitude approximately / horizontal (6-8' below flood plain) TRENCH TER.MINATED AT 19.0 FEET figure , Log ot rest Trench JA A-32 G'^OCON i. .. ..4 tl 0 ©/14 a 5 « 2/17 COTO DE CAZA LTD 11121 SAUfLt uuyICA ee A LBGAflOl or iAAl»Lt OCS CAI At ion iM-ALACt OAr BCH SITY A*.' UOlSTUAt qCA'Tfnr % trr wf 2 - A . 6- 8 • 10. 12 . 14 • 16 TRENCH NO. 35 11 TOPSOIL Soft, damp, reddlsh-brown, Silcy Sandy CUY v , y. ,. y. •.-, '••'•''.•'/ • '.y y.' y. •.' LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Highly fractured, disturbed, weathered, fine-grained, light gray-ollvc SANDSTONE Clayey seams along fraccures; random reddlsh-brown, Sandy zones becomes light gray-olive, highly fractured CUYSTONE wich frequent hematite concentrations; randomly oriented, fre^juent shear planes alnor slip surface TRENCH TERMINATED AT IJ.O FEET Figure , Log of Tesc Irench 35 A-33 GEOCON . -i ,5 .J ,5 « I 1 i-Uli.i Dh (.AZA LTD ©02: IH-ALACt ocm IA Trr SAHAIX MJMACA LOt t MATION Of SAMfU Amww^ tti%tttt Bts 001 ATIOH BAY StHtlfT At.' mOiltuAt wroif . Cs TRENCH NO. 36 . \j . TOPSOIL • 2- \ Very loose, dry. light brown-can. \ Sllty SAND - A- TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, damp, callchefied, light gray-can-graylah, incerbedded '\ very fine SANDSTONE • 6- •* • • • \ ^-bedding attitude approximately \ NA5E/1°-2<'NW \ ^""becomes very dense, massive, damp, light gray, fine SANDSTONE with 1 occasional reddish hematite stain • g. \ ^-bedding attitude approximately \ NA5E/1°-2<'NW \ ^""becomes very dense, massive, damp, light gray, fine SANDSTONE with 1 occasional reddish hematite stain .10, .. *.' -\ ^—-grades into massive, hard, fine to medium gray SANDSTONE \ • • .12. \ ^—-grades into massive, hard, fine to medium gray SANDSTONE \ • \ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12,0 FEET V m • « • 4 • « • • • Figure Log of Tesc Trench 36 A-34 'U' / 1 4 ,5 .3 ,•> Z I 1 I COTO DE CAZA LTD ©023 BOTti tAUALt HLmtt* LOt * Bf fAMALZ OCSCAIATIOM m^LACC OAT OtHSlfY At.l moisruAt Otrp/r % tf, tf . A . . 6 - 10 A 12 14 16 TRENCH NO. 37 V • • it. .r-r- TOPSOIL Loose, dry to damp, llghc brown. Clayey SAND TORRF/ SANDSTONE Highly weathered, callchefied, light gray-tan, very fine, Sllty SANDSTONE •V-hl; "calicbefled, reddish-brown-gray SA.SOSTONE interbed: bedding attitude approximately horizontal grades^ inco ollve-gray, damp, medium cemenced, very fine, Sllty SANDSTONE "A very hard, highly cemented, grayish- brown, fossiliferous SANDSTONE bed \ \ Very denae, damp, reddish-brown, mediun to well cemenced, medlua-gralned, fossiliferous SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, llghc gray, very fine SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 37 A-35 GEOCON 'U' / 1 4 f>0 0 2 717 COTO DE CAZA LTD ©024 IH AItT V I. A . U 6. 8 • 10 •12 . 14 16 18 tMtmj HUUtCA LOt a toctrioH ar SAttAtC Itptirfr TTT \n US'. TT- - /. '. 'y. V. . y. • t'- .*. -" y. .y. • y. . • - .•.'•/I • • • • -y.:.' ./•ll ,l. PCSCAiAriCM TRENCH NO. 38 UNDSLIDE DEBRIS Highly discurbed, fractured, callchefied, dry, whicish-tan, very fine, Silty SAND ^ fractured, damp, dark black SILTSTONE ^' seam V_. Interbedded, damp, purple-gray, sheared SILTSTONE wirh yellowish, very chin. Clayey SILT incerbeds; structure dipping IH^LAOt Btn t Ifr At.l 15° toward south grades Into reddlsh-brown, sheared Clayey SANDSTONE *~~*~ becomes coarser and massive TRENCH TER>tINATED AT 18.0 FEET AMKSTVAt ctnrtrtr % tfr wt Figure . Log of I'esc Trench 38 A-36 GEOCON |.C,31PO«»TI0 - - . 4 • tl O ILI . •) I 'LX I l-i 0 o ,b 2 / 1 ( COTO DE CAZA LTD 10 25 SAMAlC tuUtCA LOt t lOOiriOH Of SAMtLf At*m,v tl^tlfl OfSCAIATIQH m-ALACt BAY BCHSirr At I UOISTUAC ccnrf>rr % tfr •* TRENCH 1^0. 39 - 2 - . 4 ' 6 8 • 10 12 • lA 16 £1^ TOPSOIL Very loose, dry, lighc brown, Clayey Silcy SAND/CUY UNDSLIDE DEBRIS Highly disturbed, remolded, sheared, moist, olive green CUY/SAND with random reddish-brown zones ,7 y - ' : '-y--'• •/. ."• y. \ • • • : • : •/. . • y. ' y-- • '• ^ • • -y. becomes very loose, moist to wet, coarse, cohesionless Clayey SAND _ Slip Plane dipping south approximately 100 becomes medium sciff. highly fractured, moisc, olive green CUYSTONE with Ahiny parting Surfaces TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET Figure , Log of Teat Trench 39 A-37 GEOCONf iKCO«ro»AT*o ifiJ U 2 0 oc/iru iH trr tAMALt •AJH4CA LOt a LOCATIOH or ti»nm HSOAIATIO" •H^LAtt BAT aCHSirr At.l voitruft anmf % tf, M> . 0 - 4 . - 6 . 10 TRENCH SO, 40 TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, loose, wet to sacurated, reddish-can-olive green, Sandy CUY/SAND '—grades into dense, wet, light gray- can, coarse, weakly cemenced SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10.0 FEET TRENCH NQ. 41 4 6 A 8 10 • 12 . \ TOPSOIL Loose, damp, lighc brown, Sllcy CUY ..-.,\ DELMAR FORMATION Highly weachered, damp, olive green, Silcy CUYSTONE Denae, damp, weachered, graylsh-can, cohesionless SANDSTONE, contact attitude N25E/4SE -becomes very dense, damp, graylsh- can moccled. well cemenced, massive SANDSTONE wlch several highly cemenccd, hard incerbeds u.- becomes ceddlah-can, coarse and very weakly cemented TRE.N'CH TERMINATED AT 11,0 FEET igure , Log of Test Trenches AO and 41 A-38 - ^ • tl o 111 ; .v^ ©'(14 8 5 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD (2)02: ror sAtl Ate nnwtes LOS a iOOATIOH or SAMAIC oesertATioM in..AtAee BAY BttSlTY At.' •fO/sruAe etnrtrrr % tf, mt TRENCH NO. A2 • 2 - - 4 - 8 • 10. - 12 LANDSLIDE DEBRIS (SOIL CREEP) Soft, remolded, wet. light reddlsh- brown, Silcy Sandy CUY /~*grades inco weachered. sheared, moisc, y olive green CUY wich randomly oriented ahear planes Slip Plane dips S^-A*^ coward east A. •i^Tir DELMAR FORMATION Weachered, fraccured, moist, olive ; green, Sandy SILTSTONE grades into massive, very dense, damp, olive green, medium co well cemented, very fine, Silty SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT "ILO FEET rigure , Log of Trench 42 A-39 GEOCON I X c 0 » r 3 » A T 5 a ± -i ,J .J ,J ^ I 1-i.iii.i i't CAZ.A LIU i^ U 2 8 eet CAIA TIOM TRENCH NO. 43 ORGANIC DEBRIS (BRUSH FILL) Very loose, wet. dark brown-black SAND, CUY, wooden debris ALLUVIUM Very loose, wet, reddlsh-brown, Silty Clayey SAND /TORREY SANDSTONE ~ Very sciff, damp, purple-plnklsh-gray, well bedded, shaley SILTSTONE, very chin, reddish-yellow, fine Clayey SAND interbeds, thickness of incerbeds 1/10", chickness of SILTSTONE beds l"-l/2" grades Into very dense, molsc co wet, mottled lighc gray-reddlsh-brown, mediufli-grained, weakly cemented SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 13.5 FEET 'A-ALABC BAT BtMS/rr At.' Figure . Log of Trench A3 t^truAc cexnorr % tf, wr A-AO G^ 1 u : .J y ©'714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)029 SAHALt NUUttA iOO A LBCATIOH or SAMALt I't'wI'tl.** Anitt-n OCSCAIATIOM IM-ALABt Btr ocNsirr Aff tfoisruAt Ofriitr X trr wt TRE.NCH NO. 44 . 4. - 6 . 8 • H - - 0 2 4 -I '• ••'•..-/'• TOPSOIL Very loose, light brown, dry. Clayey SA.'^ID TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, fractured, damp. \ incerbedded fine, lighc gray, Sandy [\ STLTSTONE and reddish-brown, fine SANDSTONE \ ""very hard, highly cemented. fossiliferous concretion 4"-6" chick Very dense, damp, mottled reddish-brown- gray SANDSTONE grades inco light gray, very fine, weakly cemented SANDSTONE with reddlsh- brown, thin Sandy interbeds, bedding atcitude N30°E/3W TRENCH TETvMlNATED AT 7.5 FEET TRENCH NO. 45 11 TOFSOIL Very soft, wet. dark brown, Sllcy . Sandy CUY I I / DELMAR FOR^'u^TlON Highly weathered, fractured, callchefied olive green, Sllcy CUYSTONE. bedding attitude N-S/6W Very dense, damp, liRht tan. medium- grained, meditim co well cemenced, massive SANTJSTQNE TRE.NCH TERMINATED AT 0-0 FEET Figure . Log of Trenches 44 and 45 A-41 GEOCXDN I « a s a « \ T < 5 12,24•ao 1 u : .j y ©'714 8 58 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD © 0.30 . 0 far 2 - 4 , - 6 ft • S • 10 . 12 - 14 16 tAMA<.t LOt a uKtrioM or fAUAlt TTTT tltr%* ttitflBTIOM TRENCH NO, 46 V TOPSOIL Very loose, dry, light gray-brown, Sllty SAND \ TORREY SANDSTONE Denae, damp, whicish-gray. medium- grained, weakly cemented SANDSTONE grades into coarse, grayish-can, raedium- to coarse-grained, weakly cemented SANDSTONE becomes moccled lighc tan-reddish- brown SANDSTONE DELMAR FOR>UTION Sclff, damp, moccled pale olive- ceddish-btown. fat CUYSTONE with shiny parting surfaces V TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET llt-ALACt BAY 6<HilTY At.l uaituAt cwrawr K fr 1 Figure , Log of Tranch 46 A-42 GEOCON ^ O * A T C -J ^Uil.l UL L.AZ^.-i LLU 1^031 Pig"" . Log of rest rrench 47 A-43 GEOCON 971009-005 APPENDIXC LaboratoryTesting Procedures and Test Results Atterberg Limits: The Atterberg Limits were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D4318 for engineering classification of the fme-grained materials and presented in the table below: Sample Location Liquid Limit (%) Plastic Limit (%) Plastic Index(%) USCS Soil Classification B-2 #7 @40' 35 16 19 CL B-3 #7 @30' 39 16 22 CL B-5 #6 @20' 42 20 22 CL B-6#4@15' 42 17 25 CL Direct Shear Tests: Direct shear tests were performed on selected remolded and/or undisturbed samples, which were soaked for a minimum of 24 hours under a surcharge equal to the applied normal force during testing. After transfer of the sample to the shear box and reloading of the sample, the pore pressures set up in the sample (due to the transfer) were allowed to dissipate for a period of approximately 1 hour prior to application of shearing force. The samples were tested under various nonnal loads utilizing a motor-driven, strain-controlled, direct-shear testing apparatus at a strain rate of less than 0.001 to 0.5 inches per minute (depending upon the soil type). The test resuUs are presented in the test data. Sample Location Sample Description Test Type Friction Angle (degrees) Apparent Cohesion (psf) LB-25 #3@ 11- 14' Pale brown silty SAND Remolded to 90% 30 460 LB-25 #8 @ 53' Green gray CLAY Remolded to 90% 26 180 LB-26 #4 @ 20' Pale green sandy CLAY Undisturbed 25 750 LB-28 #1 @ 10' Pale yellow silty SAND Undisturbed 25 100 Moisture and Densitv Determination Tests: Moisture content and dry density determinations were performed on relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the test borings and/or trenches. The resuhs of these tests are presented in the boring and/or trench logs. Where applicable, only moisture content was determined from "undisturbed" or disturbed samples. C-1 971009-005 APPENDIXC (Continued) Expansion Index Tests: The expansion potential of selected materials was evaluated by the Expansion Index Test, U.B.C. Standard No. 18-2 and/or ASTM Test Method 4829. Specimens are molded under a given compactive energy to approximately the optimum moisture content and approximately 50 percent saturation or approximately 90 percent relative compaction. The prepared 1-inch thick by 4-inch diameter specimens are loaded to an equivalent 144 psf surcharge and are inundated with tap water until volumetric equilibrium is reached. The results of these tests are presented in the table below: Sample Location Sample Description Compacted Dry Density (pcf) Expansion Index Expansion Potential Light brown clayey silty sand to sandy clay 101.5 28 Low Maximum Drv Densitv Tests: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical materials were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The results of these tests are presented in the table below: Sample Location Sample Description Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Content (%) LB-25 #3 @ 11-14' Pale brown silty SAND 117.5 13.5 LB-25 #8@53' Green gray CLAY 111.0 17.5 Consolidation Tests: Consolidation tests were performed on selected, relatively undisturbed ring samples in accordance with Modified ASTM Test Method D2435. Samples were placed in a consolidometer and loads were applied in geometric progression. The percent consolidation for each load cycle was recorded as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original 1 -inch height. The consolidation pressure curves are presented on the attached figures. Where applicable, time-rates of consolidation were recorded and presented below: Sample Location Coefficient of Consolidation C (cm Vsec) B-2 @20' 2.2 x IQ-' B-3 @20' 2.3 X IQ-" B-5 @ 15' 2.9 x 10-^ C-2 TERA TEST LA BS, INC. DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULT ASTM D 3080 Project Name; Project Number: Boring Number: Sample Number: Soil Description: BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 LB-25 3 PALE BROWN SILTY SAND (SM) Date: 10/31/00 Tested By: BCC Checked By: ^fl^ Depth (ft.): 11.0-14.0 VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RiNG DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) PEAK VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RiNG DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) COHESION (p$l) 550 VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RiNG DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) FRICTION (deg.) 35 PEAK RELAXED 554 51 44 15 765 660 RELAXED 1108 101 83 15 1515 1245 COHESION (psf) 460 2216 127 104 15 1905 1560 FRICTION (deg.) 30 2500 2000 M a z i tn 1500 1000 500 i f f y y / f 1 1 \ \ / A y r * J y ,1 r y y f> y r y r- 500 1000 1500 STRESS (psf) 2000 2500 TERATEST LABS, INC. DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULT ASTM D 3080 Project Name: Project Number; Boring Number: Sample Number; Soil Description: BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 LB-25 8 GREENISH GRAY LEAN CLAY (CL) Date Tested By Checked By Deptii (ft.) 10/31/00 BCC 53.0 VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RING DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) PEAK VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RING DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) COHESION (psO 200 VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RING DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) FRICTION (deg.) 30 PEAK RELAXED 554 35 31 15 525 465 RELAXED 1108 54 45 15 810 675 COHESION (psf) 180 2216 99 86 15 1485 1290 FRICTION (deg.) 26 TERATEST LABS, INC. DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULT ASTM D 3080 Project Name: Project Number; Boring Number; Sample Number: Soii Description: BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 LB-26 4 PALE GREEN SANDY LEAN CLAY s(CL) Date Tested By Checked By Depth (ft.) 10/30/00 BCC 20.0 VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RING DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) PEAK VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RING DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) COHESION (psf) 750 VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RING DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) FRICTION (deg.) 29 PEAK RELAXED 554 77 74 15 1155 1110 RELAXED 1108 84 78 15 1260 1170 COHESION (psf) 750 2216 138 127 15 2070 1905 FRICTION (deg.) 25 1 STRAIN (psf) STRAIN (psf) STRAIN (psf) STRAIN (psf) STRAIN (psf) STRAIN (psf) STRAIN (psf) ( \ STRAIN (psf) A STRAIN (psf) STRAIN (psf) lUUU " cc\r\ lUUU " cc\r\ lUUU " cc\r\ lUUU " cc\r\ lUUU " cc\r\ lUUU " cc\r\ lUUU " cc\r\ lUUU " cc\r\ lUUU " cc\r\ lUUU " cc\r\ OUU • OUU • OUU • OUU • OUU • OUU • OUU • OUU • OUU • OUU • U - D 5 DO 10 00 1 STRESS (psf 500 2C ) 00 2 500 TERATEST LABS, INC. DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULT ASTM D 3080 Project Name; Project Number: Boring Number: Sample Number: Soii Description: Date: 10/30/00 Tested By: BCC Checked By: afii/" 1 Depth (ft.); F 10.0 PALE YELLOW POORLY-GRADED SAND WiTH SILT (SP-SM) BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 LB-28 VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RING DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) PEAK VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RING DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) COHESION (psf) 100 VERTICAL STRESS (psf) PROVING RING DIAL READING CONVERSI ON FACTOR SHEAR STRESS (psf) RELAXED STRESS (psf) FRICTION (deg.) 49 PEAK RELAXED 554 33 30 15 495 450 RELAXED 1108 103 98 15 1545 1470 COHESION (psO 100 2216 160 147 15 2400 2205 FRICTION (deg.) 47 Leightonand Associates,Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIHCATIONS Page 1 of 6 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONSFOR ROUGH GRADING 1.0 General 1.1 Intent: These General Earthwork and Grading Specifications are for the grading and earthwork shown on the approved grading plan(s) and/or indicated in the geotechnical report(s). These Specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report(s). In case of conflict, the specific recommendations in the geotechnical report shall supersede these more general Specifications. Observations ofthe earthwork by the project Geotechnical Consultant during the course of grading may result in new or revised recommendations that could supersede these specifications or the recommendations in the geotechnical report(s). 1.2 The Geotechnical Consultant of Record: Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall employ the Geotechnical Consultant of Record (Geotechnical Consultant). The Geotechnical Consultants shall be responsible for reviewing the approved geotechnical report(s) and accepting the adequacy of the preliminary geotechnical findings, conclusions, and recommendations prior to the commencementof the grading. Prior to commencement of grading, the Geotechnical Consultant shall review the "work plan" prepared by the Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) and schedule sufficient personnel to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing. During the grading and earthwork operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall observe, map, and document the subsurface exposures to verify the geotechnical design assumptions. If the observed conditions are found to be significantly different than the interpreted assumptions during the design phase, the Geotechnical Consultant shall inform the owner, recommend appropriate changes in design to accommodate the observed conditions, and notify the review agency where required. Subsurface areas to be geotechnically observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested include natural ground after it has been cleared for receiving fill but before fill is placed, bottoms of all "remedial removal" areas, all key bottoms, and benches made on sloping ground to receive fill. The GeotechnicalConsultantshall observe the moisture-conditioningand processing ofthe subgrade and fill materials and perform relative compaction testing of fill to determine the attained level of compaction. The Geotechnical Consultant shall provide the test results to the owner and the Contractor on a routine and frequent basis. 3030.1094 Leightonand Associates,Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 of 6 1.3 The Earthwork Contractor: The Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) shall be qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable in earthwork logistics, preparation and processing of ground to receive fill, moisture-conditioningand processing of fill, and compacting fill. The Contractor shall review and accept the plans, geotechnical report(s), and these Specifications prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for performing the grading in accordance with the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant a work plan that indicates the sequence of earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" of work and the estimated quantities of daily earthwork contemplated for the site prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall inform the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant of changes in work schedules and updates to the work plan at least 24 hours in advance of such changes so that appropriate observations and tests can be planned and accomplished. The Contractor shall not assume that the Geotechnical Consultant is aware of all grading operations. The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with the applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, these Specifications, and the recommendations in the approved geotechnical report(s) and grading plan(s). If, in the opinion of the Geotechnical Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil, improper moisture condition, inadequate compaction, insufficient buttress key size, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the Geotechnical Consultant shall reject the work and may recommend to the owner that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified. 2.0 Preparation of Areas to be Filled 2.1 Clearing and Grubbing: Vegetation, such as brush, grass, roots, and other deleterious material shall be sufficiently removed and properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, goveming agencies, and the Geotechnical Consultant. The Geotechnical Consultant shall evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions. Earth fill material shall not contain more than 1 percent of organic materials (by volume). No fill lift shall contain more than 5 percent of organic matter. Nesting of the organic materials shall not be allowed. If potentially hazardous materials are encountered, the Contractor shall stop work in the affected area, and a hazardous material specialist shall be informed immediately for proper evaluation and handling of these materials prior to continuingto work in that area. As presently defined by the State of Califomia, most refined petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, grease, coolant, etc.) have chemical constituents that are considered to be hazardous waste. As such, the indiscriminate dumping or spillage of these fluids onto the ground may constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fines and/or imprisonment, and shall not be allowed. 3030.1094 Leightonand Associates,Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 of 6 2.2 Processing: Existing ground that has been declared satisfactory for support of fill by the Geotechnical Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground that is not satisfactory shall be overexcavated as specified in the following section. Scarification shall continue until soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features that would inhibit uniform compaction. 2.3 Overexcavation: In addition to removals and overexcavations recommended in the approved geotechnical report(s) and the grading plan, soft, loose, dry, saturated, spongy, organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground shall be overexcavated to competent ground as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. 2.4 Benching: Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical units), the ground shall be stepped or benched. Please see the Standard Details for a graphic illustration. The lowest bench or key shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide and at least 2 feet deep, into competent material as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant. Other benches shall be excavated a minimum height of 4 feet into competent material or as otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. Fill placed on ground sloping flatter than 5:1 shall also be benched or otherwise overexcavated to provide a flat subgrade for the fill. 2.5 Evaluation/Acceptance of Fill Areas: All areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested prior to being accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant as suitable to receive fill. The Contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechnical Consultant prior to fill placement. A licensed surveyor shall provide the survey control for determiningelevationsof processed areas, keys, and benches. 3.0 Fill Material 3.1 General: Material to be used as fill shall be essentially free of organic matter and other deleterious substances evaluated and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement. Soils of poor quality, such as those with unacceptable gradation, high expansion potential, or low strength shall be placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultantor mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material. 3.2 Oversize: Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 8 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant. Placement operations shall be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur and such that oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 vertical feet of finish grade or within 2 feet of future utilities or underground construction. 3030.1094 Leightonand Associates,Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 of 6 3.3 Import: If importing of fill material is required for grading, proposed import material shall meet the requirements of Section 3.1. The potential import source shall be given to the Geotechnical Consultant at least 48 hours (2 working days) before importing begins so that its suitability can be determined and appropriate tests performed. 4.0 Fill Placement and Compaction 4.1 Fill Layers: Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill (per Section 3.0) in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. The Geotechnical Consultant may accept thicker layers if testing indicates the grading procedures can adequately compact the thicker layers. Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to attain relative uniformity of material and moisture throughout. 4.2 Fill Moisture Conditioning: Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or slightly over optimum. Maximum density and optimum soil moisture content tests shall be performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM Test Method D1557-91). 4.3 Compaction of Fill: After each layer has been moisture-conditioned, mixed, and evenly spread, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percentof maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method D1557-91). Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified level of compaction with uniformity. 4.4 Compaction of Fill Slopes: In addition to normal compaction procedures specified above, compaction of slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation, or by other methods producing satisfactory results acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant. Upon completion of grading, relative compaction of the fill, out to the slope face, shall be at least 90 percent of maximum density per ASTM Test Method Dl 557-91. 4.5 Compaction Testing: Field tests for moisture content and relative compaction of the fill soils shall be performed by the Geotechnical Consultant. Location and frequency of tests shall be at the Consultant's discretion based on field conditions encountered. Compaction test locations will not necessarily be selected on a random basis. Test locations shall be selected to verify adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be prone to inadequate compaction (such as close to slope faces and at the fill/bedrock benches). 3030.1094 Leightonand Associates,Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 5 of 6 4.6 Frequency of Compaction Testing: Tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils embankment. In addition, as a guideline, at least one test shall be taken on slope faces for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of vertical height of slope. The Contractor shall assure that fill construction is such that the testing schedule can be accomplished by the Geotechnical Consultant. The Contractor shall stop or slow down the earthwork construction if these minimum standards are not met. 4.7 Compaction Test Locations: The Geotechnical Consultant shall document the approximate elevation and horizontal coordinates of each test location. The Contractor shall coordinate with the project surveyor to assure that sufficient grade stakes are established so that the Geotechnical Consultant can determine the test locations with sufficient accuracy. At a minimum, two grade stakes within a horizontal distance of 100 feet and vertically less than 5 feet apart from potential test locations shall be provided. 5.0 Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems shall be installed in accordance with the approved geotechnical report(s), the grading plan, and the Standard Details. The Geotechnical Consultant may recommend additional subdrains and/or changes in subdrain extent, location, grade, or material depending on conditions encountered during grading. All subdrains shall be surveyed by a land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation and prior to burial. Sufficient time should be allowed by the Contractor for these surveys. 6.0 Excavation Excavations, as well as over-excavation for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. Remedial removal depths shown on geotechnical plans are estimates only. The actual extent of removal shall be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the field evaluation of exposed conditions during grading. Where fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, the cut portion of the slope shall be made, evaluated, and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope, unless otherwise recommended by the GeotechnicalConsultant. 3030.1094 Leightonand Associates,Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIHCATIONS Page 6 of 6 7.0 Trench Backfills 7.1 The Contractor shall follow all OHSA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations. 7.2 All bedding and backflll of utility trenches shall be done in accordance with the applicable provisions of Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction. Bedding material shall have a Sand Equivalent greater than 30 (SE>30). The bedding shall be placed to 1 foot over the top of the conduit and densified by jetting. Backflll shall be placed and densified to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum from 1 foot above the top of the conduit to the surface. 7.3 The jetting of the bedding around the conduits shall be observed by the Geotechnical Consultant. 7.4 The Geotechnical Consultant shall test the trench backfill for relative compaction. At least one test should be made for every 300 feet of trench and 2 feet of fill. 7.5 Lift thickness of trench backfill shall not exceed those allowed in the Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Geotechnical Consultant that the fill lift can be compacted to the minimum relative compaction by his altemative equipment and method. 3030.1094 pnOIECTEO PIANE >;£HHnr_—^-^-^ A«A- 1 TOI MAXIMUM FROM TOe y^^JT---.:?^- ' ' OFSLOPCTOAPPngVEDGFICXJND ^*?^hnrin^ri±p2^ REMOVE IrTYHCAL UNSUHABLE NATURAL \ "T^'mll . ^^^^ MATERIAL GROUND \ ^^-^^^3^m5^ T-BENCH -jrJTjrJTJ HEIOHT MIN.—nry rMiN._i h-"' FILL SLOPE FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE NATURAL QROUND •—IP MW,—H LOWESTBENCHI 4'TYPICAL BENCH HEIGHT REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL 2'MIN. KEY DEPTH OUTFACE SHALL BE CON8TRUCTB} PRIOR TO FUL PLACEMBn* TO ASSURE ADEQUATE OEOLOQIC CONOmONS OUTFACE TO BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FIU. PLACBilENrN NATURAL QROUND OVERBUILT ANO TRIM BACK PROJECTED PLANE 1T01 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED QROUNO DESIQN SLOPE REMOVE NSUITABLE MATERIAL CUT-OVER-FILL SLOPE For Subdrains See Standard Detail C BENCH HEIQHT 2'MIN. KEY DEPTH u-i«~MiKrj [LOWEST BENCH] fl<EY> BB4CHINQ SHAa BE DONE WHEN SLOPES ANQLE IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5:1 MINMUM BBCH HEIQHr SHALL BE 4 FEET MINIMUM FOJ. WIDTH SHALL BE 9 FEET KEYING AND BENCHING GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS A REV. 4/11/96 FINISH GRADE SLOPE FACE :10' MIN.~--r.COMPACTED FILL: ri5' MIN. JETTED OR FLOODED GRANULAR MATERIAL • Oversize rock Is larger than 8 Inches In largest dimenskxt • Excavate a trench In the conipacted fill deep enough to bury all the rock. • Backfill with granular soil jetted or fkxxled in place to fill all the vokJs. • Do not bury rock within 10 feet of finish grade. • Windrow of buried rock shaH be parallel to the finished siope fill. ELEVATION A-A' PROFILE ALONG WINDROW A JETTED OR FLOODED GRANULAR MATERIAL OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANOARD DETAILS B LU 4/95 NATURAL GROUND BENCHING REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL 2" MIN. OVERLAP FROM THE TOP HOG RING TIED EVERY 6 FEET CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK' (9FT.'/FT.) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC APPROVED EQUIVALENT) CANYON SUBDRAIN OUTLET DETAIL DESIGN FINISHED GRADE PERFORATED PIPE 6'^ MiN. FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI140OR^ \ t APPROVED ^COLLECTOR PIPE SHALL BE MINIMUM 6- DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE. SEE STANDARD DETAIL D FOR PIPE SPECIFICATION .NON-PERFORATED 6> MIN. FILTER FABRIC (MIRAF1140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) #2 ROCK WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC OR CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE. CANYON SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS C 4/95 OUTLET PIPES 4'<|» NON-PERFORATED PIPE, 100' MAX. 0,0. HORIZONTALLY, 30' MAX. 0,0, VERTICALLY BACKCUT 1:1 OR FLATTER POSITIVE SEAL SHOULO BE PROVIDED AT THE JOI OUTLET PIPE (NON-PERFORATED) CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (3FT.»/FT.) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC 12" MIN. OVERLAP FROM THE TOP HOG RING TIED EVERY 6 FEET \ FILTER FABRIC (MIRAF1140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) / T-CONNECTION FOR COLLECTOR PIPE TO OUTLET PIPE • SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION - Subdrain collector pipe shall be instaiied with perforatkxis down or, unless otheoA^ designated by the geotechnteai consultanL Outlet pipes shaH be non-perforated pipa The subdrain pipe shaH have at least 8 peribratkMis unifonnly spaced per foot Perforatton shall be VA' to V&* If drilied holes are used. Ali subdrain pipes shali have a gradient at least 2% towards the outlet • SUBDRAIN PIPE - Subdrain pipe shall be ASTM D2751, SDR 23,5 or ASTM 01527, Schedule 40, or ASTM 03034, SDR 23,5, Scheduie 40 Polyvinyl ChtorWe PiastkJ (PVC) pipe, • Aii outiet pipe shall be placed in a trench no wWer than twtee the subdrain pipe. Pipe shall be in soii of SE>30 jetted or flooded in place except for the outside 5 feet whteh shaii be native soil backfilL BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK ANO GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANOARD DETAILS 0 4/95