0 •0
Mr. Jim Peterson : January 3, 2017
Shea Properties Management Company, Inc. ; Project No. 1015365
. 130 Vantis, Suite 200 •• • : •:
Aliso Viejo, California 92656
Subject: Final As-graded Geotechnical Report
Proposed Commercial/Industrial Development
0 3
Lots 19 to 22 of Carlsbad Tract CT-02-15
0 6131 and 6133 Innovation Way 0
0 Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California 92009 0,
Grading Permit No. GR150034 :
0• •' References: See Appendix A. 0
Dear Mr. Peterson, 0
This report provides geotechnical observation and the results of in-place density testing performed by
NOVA Services, Inc. (NOVA) during the construction of the above-referenced project. The geotechnical
0 services described herein were performed by NOVA for Shea Properties Management Company, Inc.,
(Shea Properties) during the period of December 8, 2015 to October 3, 2016.
References to project documentatioti used in this report are provided at the end of the report. 0
0 The scope of services provided by NOVA during the construction period is abstracted below.
0 0
0 1 Observation.and Testing. NOVA observed the removals of unsuitable soils and placement of •.
0 structural fills and backfills, performed in-place density and moisture content tests of this work. Field 0
0 0 0
measurements were supported by laboratory testing of materials placed during the earthwork operations..
2 Technical Support NOVA provided technical support in response to geotechnical related issues
during construction
3. Reporting. Preparation of this report completes NOVA's scope of services. • 0
0 • •
0 00 S Location 0 0 • 0 • 0 0
• The project site is located at the addresses 6131 and 6133 Innovation Way in the City of Carlsbad, 0 :
• • California. The property is an approximate 8.29-acre parcel located in Bressi Ranch. The site consists of a • 0
0 0 4373 Viewridge Avenue, Suite B • San Diego, California 92123 . Telephone (858).292-7575- 0
Final As Graded Report Bressi Ranch January 3 2017
Carlsbad, California Project No.1015365
square shaped property bordered on the north by elevated vacant commercial lots, on the west by a slope
descending to an existing commercial property, on the south by Gateway Road, and on the east by
Innovation Way.
Project Description
General =
The project consists of constructing a commercial/industrial building complex, consisting of two
approximately 54,000 ft' building structures. The buildings are to be concrete tilt-up structures with
concrete slab-on-grade floors, supported on conventional shallow foundations Additional improvements
include, landscape areas, underground utilities, concrete flatwork and asphalt paved parking lot
Construction Summary
The grading contractor for the project was Mountain Movers References to elevations and locations
herein were based on surveyors or grade checker stakes in the field and interpolation from the project
grading plans prepared by Excel Engineering (Excel, 2015).
NOVA did not provide surveying services and, therefore, has no opinion regarding the accuracy of the
elevations or surface geometry with respect to the approved plans
This report addresses only the geotechnical considerations associated with the project construction.
Soils and Geology
The soil and geologic conditions exposed during the grading operations were observed by NOVA to be
generally consistent with conditions described in "Geotechnical Update Investigation, Lots 19 to 22 of
Carlsbad Tract CT-02-15, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, CA", prepared by Leighton and Associates, Inc.*.,.
Project 10570.001, dated January 21, 2014 (Leighton, 2014).
Prior to the recent phase of grading observed by NOVA, the site was previously graded as described in
the above referenced report (Leighton, 2014) Based on the referenced report, NOVA understands that the
mass grading operations for the overall area, Planning Area PA-1 to PA-5 and the associated streets was
performed between September 2003 and May 2004 (as indicated in Leighton, 2014) The rough grading
resulted in a generally southwest sloping sheet-graded pad The mass graded pad elevation ranged from
approximately 365 feet mean sea level (msl) in the southwest portion of the site to 375 feet msl in the
northeast portion The grading operations were performed by Nelson and Belding, while Leighton and
Associates performed the geotechnical observation and testing services
The previous episode of grading of the site included 1) the removal of potentially compressible
desiccated older fill soils, undocumented fill soils, topsoil, Colluvium, alluvium, and weathered
formational material; 2) the excavation of fill slope keys; 3) preparation of areas, to receive fill; 4) the
placement of a subdrain in the canyon bottom, 5) excavation of formational material-, and 6) the
placement of compacted fill soils.
Based on the referenced report (Leighton, 2014), the thickness of fill on the site ranged from zero to
approximately 53 feet below surface grades. The field density test results indicated the fill soils were
placed and compacted to at least a 90 percent relative compaction with moisture contents at or near the
optimum moisture content.
Final As-Graded Report, Bressi Ranch January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, California Project No. 1015365
According to our observations, the site is underlain by compacted fill resulting from the previous mass
grading and Tertiary-aged Santiago Formation. The compacted fill materials typically consisted of silty
sands, clayey sands, and to a lesser extent sandy to silty clays. The Santiago formation consisted dense to
very dense sandstone, and stiff to hard siltstones and claystones. Groundwater was not observed at the
site. A professional geologist from NOVA approved the bottom of excavations.
The main scope of the recent episode of earthwork operations at the site included: 1) the removal and
placement of structural fills for at least 2 feet of the existing near-surface soils; 2) the removal of the
existing highly expansive clayey soils within the upper 5 feet of planned finish pad grades and the
placement of non-expansive structural fills that were generated from mined areas within the site; 3)
Undercutting formational materials from portions of the building pad; and 4) the placement of compacted
fill soils.
Site Preparation
Prior to earthwork operations, the existing site improvements, and deleterious materials such as concrete
ditches, topsoil and vegetation in areas of planned improvements were removed. The, topsoil and
vegetation were disposed of offsite.
The concrete materials were broken down to about 8-inch diameter pieces and placed in the southern
portion of the site. The approximate location is shown on the attached figures. The placement operations
of the oversized materials consisted of excavating an area about 18 to 20 feet deep and placing the
concrete materials evenly throughout the excavated area. The concrete materials were then completely
surrounded by compacted fill. The oversize materials were placed 10 feet below finish surface grades.
The grading subcontractor mined silty sandy soils from the northern, southern, and western areas of the
site. The approximate location of the mining areas is shown on the attached figures.
Description of Operations
General '
NOVA provided periodic observation of earthwork operations as requested. Quality assurance in-place
density testing was performed after ASTM D6938 ('In-Place Density and Moisture by Nuclear Methods')
on the materials placed as compacted fills and backfills. The approximate locations of field density tests
are shown on the attached Plates. The laboratory test results are presented in Table I. The field in-place
density test results are summarized in Table II. '
The contractor utilized a variety of heavy equipment to perform the site grading. Equipment included
excavators, a D5 dozer, a D9 loader, water trucks, a double drum vibratory roller and vibratory plates.
Building Pads
The building pad for Building No. 1 was over-excavated approximately 5 below pad grade, extending this
removal a minimum of five feet laterally beyond building footprint. The bottom of the removals was
scarified, moisture conditioned, and densified to at least 90% relative compaction after ASTM Test
Method D1557 (the 'Modified Proctor'). The removed soils were replaced with relatively sandy
Final As-Graded Report, Bressi Ranch January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, California Project No. 1015365
compacted fill derived from the mined soils.
A cut and fill transition existed in the building pad for Building No. 2. At the surface, the eastern portion
of the building exposed Tertiary-aged Santiago Formation while the western portion exposed the
previously placed compacted fills. As such, eastern cut portion of the pad was over-excavated about 8
feet. About 4 feet of the existing fill soils were removed in the western fill portion of the pad. The
removals extended a minimum of five feet laterally beyond building footprint. The bottom of the
removals was scarified, moisture conditioned, and densifled to at least 90% relative compaction after
ASTM Test Method Dl 557 (the 'Modified Proctor'). The removed soils were replaced with relatively
sandy compacted fill derived from the mined soils.
Paved Areas
The preparation of subgrade soils in areas to be paved consisted of scarifying exposed surficial soils,
moisture conditioning, and compacting to at least 95% relative compaction after ASTM D1557.
Utility Trenches
NOVA observed the backfilhng operations for several utility trenches including storm drain, sewer, water
and electric trenches Typically, shading sand was placed over the utility pipes and the trenches were
backfilled with the excavated fill materials. Backfill soils were moisture conditioned to above the
optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction after ASTM Dl 557
Retaining Walls
Retaining wall backfill operations consisted of placing on-site sandy soils that were blended, moisture
conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and placed in relatively thin, uniform lifts. Backfill was
densified to at least 90% relative compaction after ASTM D1557.
NOVA was not contacted to observe the installation of a subdrain system behind the northern retaining
wall prior to backfilling operations.
Non-Compliance Issues
On April 12, 2016, a representative of NOVA inspected the footing excavations for Building No. 2
loading dock. The bottom of the footing excavations appears to have been saturated due to recent rains.
As a result, the bottoms of the footings were probed and found to be yielding (up to about 12 inches). The
contactor was informed and NOVA recommended that the wet soils be removed and replaced with
suitable soils compacted to at least 90% relative compaction.
On April 14, 2016, a representative of NOVA retested the area by performing in-place density tests at the
bottom of the loading dock footings. The test results did not meet the required 90% relative compaction
after ASTM D1557. s representative also probed the bottom of the footings and indicated that the
bottoms of the footings were probed and found to be yielding (up to 6 inches). The probing and failed test
were reported. The approximate locations of failed field density tests are shown on the attached Plates.
The failed field density tests are summarized in Table II. NOVA was not asked to retest the foundations
prior to the placement of concrete. •
Based on the testing and observation services performed by NOVA representatives, it is NOVA's opinion
with the exception of the outstanding low test results on the loading dock foundations, that the soil
engineering and engineering geologic aspects of the site grading are in compliance with the approved
Final As-Graded Report, Bressi Ranch January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, California Project No. 1015365
geotechmcal report and the project grading plans and specifications
This report presents information and data relative to the earthwork at the subject site. Representatives of
NOVA conducted periodic relative compaction tests and reported observations made during the progress
of the construction to evaluate compliance with the project drawings, specifications and applicable codes.
NOVA does not provide surveying services Survey lines and elevations relative to grade modifications,
. final design grades, locations of various elements, etc., were established by others.
: NOVA personnel did not provide any direct supervision of the contractor or his work forces. Professional
and technical advice and suggestions were provided to the owner and/or his designated representative
based upon field observations. Results presented herein are representative only of the samples and areas
tested Variations in material properties are inherent in any earthwork operation
NOVA appreciates the opportunity to be of service to Shea Properties. Should you have any questions:.
S regarding this letter or other matters, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (858) 292-7575.
Respectfully, . . . . .
NOVA Services, Inc
: • :., Jesse Hector .G. •
Senior Engineer fEssh Senior Proje I Geologist
4335 ES
No 9019
• •. • ..
S • S
S •• •• • • • •.. I Expires May. 31, 20 1.
Attachments Table I - Summary ofDensity Curves
Table II - Summary of Field Density Test Results
Plate Nos 1 - 4—As-Graded Geotechnical Map
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Bressi Ranch January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, CA ProjectNo. 1015365
Summary of Density Curves
Laboratory Maximum Density ASTM D1557 (All Soil Types)
Optimum Maximum
Moisture Dry Density
Soil Type & Description (% dry wt.) (lbs./cu.ft.)
A Tan Clayey Sand 12.9 115.7
B Light Tan Silty Sand 13.4 117.9
C Tan Silty Sand . 13.0 117.4
D Light Tan Silty Very Fine Sand 13.0 114.2
E Brown Sandy Silty Clay 17.4 108.0
F Class II Recycled Base 11.5 120.3
G Misc. Aggregate Base 10.0 . 124.5
AC Asphalt/Concrete I N/A 145.6
AC Asphalt/Concrete 2 N/A 143.1
Test Location - Indicated by Area on Site
Elevation - Indicated by approximate elevation (feet) or finish grade (FG) level.
- Indicates test by Nuclear Gauge (per ASTM:D 6938).
Test No.
#MG Mass Grading
#WB Wall Backfill
#SG Subgrade
#W Water Line
#SD Storm Drain
#S Sewer Line
#E Electrical
#FL Fireline
#UT Utility Trench
#B Base
#E/G Electrical/Gas Trench
#AC AphaltlConcrete
NOVA Services, Inc.
Bressi Ranch
Carlsbad, CA
January 3, 2017
Project No.: 1015365
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test Elevation! Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass!
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
12/9/15 1 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 14.1 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pans
2 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 13.6 115.7 104.3 90% 90% Pans
3 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 13.4 115.7 106.5 92% 90% Pans
4 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 14.0 115.7 104.7 90% 90% Pans
5 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 13.7 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pans
6 MG Building #1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 14.1 115.7 104.6 90% 90% Pass
7 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 105.4 91% 90% Pans
8 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 106.1 92% 90% Pans
9 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 14.4 115.7 108.3 94% 90% Pans
10 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 14.6 115.7 110.2 95% 90% Pass
12/10/15 11 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 14.8 115.7 111.2 96% 90% Pans
12 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 14.5 115.7 108.7 94% 90% Pans
13 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 14.3 115.7 107.3 93% 90% Pans
14 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 14.7 115.7 104.6 90% 90% Pans
15 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 106.7 92% 90% Pass
16 MG Building #1 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.5 115.7 108.2 94% 90% Pass
17 MG Building#1 Pad FG N A 12.9 15.0 115.7 106.6 92% 90% Pans
18 MG Building#1 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.8 115.7 107.7 93% 90% Pass
19 MG Building #1 Pad FG N A 12.9 15.3 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pass
20 MG Bujlding#1 Pad FG N A 12.9 15.0 115.7 105.6 91% 90% Pans
12/14/15 21 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 106.4 92% 90% Pans
22 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 14.0 115.7 108.2 94% 90% Pans
23 MG Building#1 Pad 359.0 N A 12.9 13.8 115.7 107.3 93% 90% Pass
24 MG Building#1 Pad 357.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 105.6 91% 90% Pass
25 MG Building#1 Pad 358.0 N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 107.7 93% 90% Pass
26 MG Building#1 Pad 358.0 N A 12.9 13.6 115.7 105.3 91% 90% Pass
27 MG Building #1 Pad 359.0 N A 12.9 13.1 115.7 104.5 90% 90% Pass
28 MG Building#1 Pad 359.0 N A 12.9 13.5 115.7 106.1 92% 90% Pass
29 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 108.2 94% 90% Pass
30 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 14.1 115.7 107.2 93% 90% Pass
12/15/I5 31 MG Building#1 Pad , 360.0 N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 107.2 93% 90% Pass
32 MG Building #I Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 13.8 115.7 105.6 91% 90% Pass
33 MG Building#1 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 13.7 115.7 106.2 92% 90% Pass
34 MG . Building#1 Pad . 360.0 N A 12.9 11.2 115.7 110.3 95% 90% Pass
35 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 10.8 115.7 109.4 95% 90% Pass
36 MG Building#1 Pad 361.0 N A 12.9 10.4 115.7 107.2 93% 90% Pass
37 MG . Building #2 Pad 357.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pass
38 MG Building #2 Pad 356.0 N A 12.9 11.1 .115.7 106.4 92% 90% Pass
39 MG . Building #2 Pad 358.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 108.5 94% 90% Pass
40 MG Building #2 Pad .358.0 N A 12.9 10.7 115.7 109.1 94% 90% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
January 3, 2017
Project No.: 1015365
Bressi Ranch
Carlsbad, CA
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test , Elevation! Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass!
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
12/16/15 41 MG Building #2 Pad 359.0 N C 13.0 14.2 117.4 107.0 91% 90% Pans
42 MG Building #2 Pad 360.0 N C 13.0 12.9 117.4 108.2 92% 90% Pans
43 MG Building #2 Pad 360.0 N C 13.0 13.6 117.4 109.1 93% 90% Pans
44 MG Building #2 Pad 361.0 N C 13.0 12.9 117.4 107.5 92% 90% Pass
45 MG Building #2 Pad 362.0 N C 13.0 11.5 117.4 110.4 94% 90% Pans
46 MG Building #2 Pad 362.0 N C 13.0 11.2 117.4 106.2 90% 90% Pass
47 MG Building #2 Pad 357.0 N B 13.4 12.7 117.9 105.7 90% 90% Pans
48 MG Building #2 Pad 357.0 N B 13.4 12.3 117.9 106.3 90% 90% Pass
49 MG Building #2 Pad 358.0 N D 13.0 11.8 114.2 103.6 91% 90% Pass
50 MG Building #2 Pad 358.0 N 0 13.0 12.0 114.2 104.2 91% 90% Pass
12/17/15 51 MG Building #2Pad 359.0 N 0 13.0 12.2 114.2 103.2 90% 90% Pass
52 MG Building #2 Pad 359.0 N 0 13.0 12.5 114.2 108.7 95% 90% Pass
53 MG Building #2 Pad 360.0 N D 13.0 11.1 114.2 103.6 91% 90% Pass
54 MG Building #2 Pad 362.0 N 0 13.0 11.8 114.2 104.4 91% 90% Pass
55. MG Building #2 Pad 362.0 N D 13.0 12.2 114.2 105.1 92% 90% Pass
56 MG Building #2 Pad 363.0 N 0 13.0 12.4 114.2 108.1 95% 90% Pass
57 MG Building #2 Pad 363.0 N D 13.0 11.8 114.2 107.3 94% 90% Pass
58 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 343.0 N E 17.4 15.2 108.0 103.2 96% 90% Pass
59 MG Northern Roadway ! Parking Area 345.0 N E 17.4 14.4 108.0 104.1 96% 90% Pass
60 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 345.0 N E 17.4 16.0 108.0 106.3 98% 90% Pass
61 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 345.0 N E 17.4 16.1 108.0 105.2 97% 90% Pass
62 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 346.0 N E 17.4 17.2 108.0 103.2 96% 90% Pass
63 MG Northern Roadway/Parking Area 347.0 N E 17.4 17.4 108.0 104.1 96% 90% Pass
64 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 347.0 N E 17.4 14.4 108.0 102.1 95% 90% Pass
12/18/15 65 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 348.0 N E 17.4 14.6 108.0 102.2 95% 90% Pass
66 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 348.0 N E 17.4 14.3 108.0 101.6 94% 90% Pass
67 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 348.0 N E 17.4 15.1 108.0 102.4 95% 90% Pass
68 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 350.0 N E 17.4 16.0 108.0 102.5 95% 90% Pass
69 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 352.0 N E 17.4 15.9 108.0 103.2 96%. 90% Pass
70 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 354.0 N E 17.4 16.1 108.0 102.6 95% 90% Pass
71 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 356.0 N E 17.4 16.8 108.0 103.4 96% 90% Pass
72 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 356.0 N E 17.4 16.1 108.0 101.6 94% 90% Pass
12/21/15 73 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 356.0 N E 17.4 16.3 108.0 103.3 96% 90% Pass
74 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 356.0 N E 17.4 15.8 108.0 101.2 94% 90% Pass
75 MG Northern Roadway / Parking Area 356.0 N E .17.4 16.0 108.0 102.7 95% 90% Pass
76 MG Building #2 Pad 357.0 N A 12.9 15.7 115.7 106.2 92% 90% Pass
77 MG Building #2 Pad 358.0 N A 12.9 15.8 115.7 107.2 93% 90% Pass
78 MG Building #2 Pad 358.0 N A 12.9 16.2 115.7 105.3 91% 90% Pass
79 MG Building #2 Pad 358.0 N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 104.7 90% 90% Pass
80 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 344.0 N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 108.6 94% 90% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
Bressi Ranch January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, CA Project No.: 1015365
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test . Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rd. Proj. Pass/
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
12/22/15 81 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 346.0 N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 109.2 94% 90% Pans
82 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 347.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 106.6 92% 90% Pass
83 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 348.0 N A 12.9 13.1 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pass
84 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 350.0 N A 12.9 13.0 115.7 108.1 93% 90% Pass
85 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 354.0 N B 13.4 13.3 117.9 115.4 98% 90% Pans
86 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 355.0 N B 13.4 12.8 117.9 113.3 96% 90% Pass
87 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 356.0 N B 13.4 14.7 117.9 115.2 98% 90% Pass
88 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 356.0 N B 13.4 15.1 117.9 112.2 95% 90% Pass
89 MG Southern Mined Area and Roadway 356.0 N B 13.4 14.7 117.9 115.1 98% 90% Pass
90 MG Western Roadway 359.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 108.9 94% 90% Pass
1/18/16 91 MG Southern Roadway 358.0 N A 12.9 13.5 115.7 108.0 93% 90% Pass
92 MG Southern Roadway 357.0 N A 12.9 15.9 115.7 109.3 94% 90% Pass
93 MG Building #2 Pad 350.0 N A 12.9 16.8 115.7 110.2 95% 90% Pass
94 MG Building #2 Pad 360.0 N A 12.9 19.0 115.7 106.8 92% 90% Pass
95 MG Building #2 Pad 350.0 N A 12.9 15.4 115.7 108.3 94% 90% Pass
96 MG Building #2 Pad 350.0 N A 12.9 14.4 115.7 108.6 94% 90% Pass
97 MG Building #2 Pad 353.0 N A 12.9 14.8 115.7 112.1 97% 90% Pass
98 MG Building #2 Pad 354.0 N A 12.9 13.0 115.7 109.8 95% 90% Pass
99 MG Building #2 Pad 355.0 N A 12.9 15.1 115.7 108.2 94% 90% Pass
100 MG Building #2 Pad 351.0 N A 12.9 11.2 115.7 111.6 96% 90% Pass
1/19/16 101 MG Building #2 Pad 358.0 N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 106.4 92% 90% Pass
102 MG Southern Roadway 358.0 N A 12.9 15.9 115.7 107.5 93% 90% Pass
103 MG Southern Roadway 356.0 N A 12.9 16.8 115.7 108.8 94% 90% Pass
104 MG Southern Roadway 356.0 N A 12.9 14.6 115.7 107.3 93% 90% Pass
105 MG SouthernRoadway 354.0 N A 12.9 14.7 115.7 110.8 96% 90% Pass
106 MG Southern Roadway 354.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 109.9 95% 90% Pass
107 MG Southern Roadway 357.0 N A 12.9 14.6 115.7 111.4 96% 90% Pass
108 FG Building #1 Pad FG N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 112.2 97% 90% Pass
109 FG Building#1 Pad FG N A 12.9 15.6 115.7 108.5 94% 90% Pass
110 FG Building #1 Pad FG N A 12.9 13.8 115.7 110.4 95% 90% Pass
Ill FG Building#1 Pad FG N A 12.9 12.3 115.7 109.6 95% 90% Pass
112 FG Building #1 Pad FG N A 12.9 12.8 115.7 106.4 92% 90% Pass
113 FG Building#1 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.0 115.7 104.2 90% 90% Pass
114 FG . Building #1 Pad FG N A 12.9 13.3 115.7 106.2 92% 90% Pass
115 FG Bui!ding#1 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 108.9 94% 90% Pass
116 FG Building#1 Pad FO N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 104.9 91% 90% Pass
117 FG Building#1 Pad FG N A 12.9 13.7 115.7 106.2 92% 90% Pass
118 FG Building #1 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.4 115.7 108.3 94% 90% Pass
119 FG Building#1 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.0 115.7 107.0 92% 90% Pass
120 FG Building #1 Pad FG N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 109.0 94% 90% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
January 3, 2017
Project No.: 1015365
Bressi Ranch
Carlsbad, CA
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test Elevation! Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rd. Proj. Pass!
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
1/20/16 121 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 110.9 96% 90% Pass
122 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 11.8 115.7 107.9 93% 90% Pass
123 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 15.2 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pass
124 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 12.3 115.7 111.3 96% 90% Pass
125 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 106.5 92% 90% Pass
126 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.0 115.7 107.8 93% 90% Pass
127 FG Building #2Pad FG N A 12.9 14.1 115.7 106.3 92% 90% Pass
128 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.4 115.7 106.7 92% 90% Pass
129 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 109.6 95% 90% Pass
130 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.6 115.7 112.5 97% 90% Pass
131 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 16.1 115.7 106.3 92% 90% Pass
132 FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 14.7 115.7 109.6 95% 90% Pass
133 . FG Building #2 Pad FG N A 12.9 15.6 115.7 107.2 93% 90% Pass
1/21/16 134 SG Building #2Pad FG N A 12.9 13.3 115.7 108.4 94% 90% Pass
135 MG Mined Area West ofBuilding Pads 345.0 N A 12.9 14.8 115.7 108.7 94% 90% Pass
136 MG Mined Area West of Building Pads 345.0 N A 12.9 13.8 115.7 107.7 93% 90% Pass
137 MG Mined Area West ofBuilding Pads 350.0 N A 12.9 15.8 115.7 105.5 91% 90% Pass
138 MG Mined Area West of Building Pads 350.0 . N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 107.8 93% 90% Pass
139 MG Mined Area West of Building Pads 355.0 N A 12.9 17.4 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pass
140 MG Mined Area West of Building Pads 355.0 N A 12.9 14.4 115.7 108.9 94% 90% Pass
141 MG Mined Area West of Building Pads 357.0 N A 12.9 16.2 115.7 104.1 90% 90% Pass
142 MG Mined Area West of Building Pads 357.0 N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 110.4 95% 90% Pass
1/29/16 143 MG Roadway Between Bldg 1 and Bldg 2 357.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 110.4 95% 90% Pass
144 MG Roadway Between Bldg 1 and Bldg 2 357.0 N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 114.0 98% 90% Pass
145 MG Roadway Between Bldg 1 and Bldg 2 357.0 N A 12.9 9.6 115.7 110.1 95% 90% Pass
146 MG Roadway Between Bldg 1 and Bldg 2 357.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 108.6 94% 90% Pass
147 MG Roadway Between Bldg I and Bldg 2 357.0 N A 12.9 13.5 115.7 113.8 98% 90% Pass
148 W Building#1 Water Line . 357.0 N A 12.9 11.7 115.7 99.1 86% 90% Fail
149 W . Retest 148 357.0 N A 12.9 15.3 115.7 104.4 90% 90% Pass
150 W Building#1 Water Line 357.0 N A 12.9 14.7 115.7 104.5 90% 90% Pass
151 MG Building #1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 13.3 115.7 108.7 94% 90% Pass
152 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 104.6 90% 90% Pass
153 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 105.6 91% 90% Pass
154 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 14.6 115.7 108.4 94% 90% Pass
155 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 103.7 90% 90% Pass
156 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 107.8 93% 90% Pass
157. MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 15.5 115.7 104.9 91% 90% Pass
158 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 13.5 115.7 104.0 90% 90% Pass
159 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 11.6 115.7 112.1 97% 90% Pass
160 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 11.2 115.7 115.1 98% 90% Pass
161 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 11.3 115.7 109.5 95% 90% Pass
162 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 12.7 115.7 113.7 98% 90% Pass
163 MG Building#1 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 109.7 95% 90% Pass
164 MG Building #2 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 108.5 94% 90% Pass
165 MG Building #2 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 12.9 115.7 112.5 97% 90% Pass
166 MG Building #2 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 12.2 115.7 111.7 97% 90% Pass
167 MG Building #2 Loading Dock FG N A 12.9 13.5 115.7 112.1 97% 90% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
January 3, 2017
Project No.: 1015365
Bressi Ranch
Carlsbad, CA
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass!
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
2/3/16 168 SD Storm Drain Box Connection to Existing 356.0 N A 12.9 15.5 115.7 104.9 91% 90% Pass
169 SD Storm Drain Box Connection to Existing 356.0 N A 12.9 11.9 115.7 106.8 92% 90% Pass
170 SD Storm Drain Box Connection to Existing 356.0 N A 12.9 14.4 115.7 104.6 90% 90% Pass
171 MG Building#1 Footings FG N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 104.6 90% 90% Pass
172 MG Building#1 Footings FG N A 12.9 11.5 115.7 107.6 93% 90% Pass
173 MG Building #1 Footings FG N A 12.9 16.2 115.7 103.9 90% 90% Pass
174 MG Building #1 Footings FG N A 12.9 13.1 115.7 105.6 91% 90% Pass
175 MG Building#1 Footings FG N A 12.9 8.9 115.7 104.1 90% 90% Pass
176 MG Building #1 Footings FG N A 12.9 13.7 115.7 103.8 90% 90% Pass
177 MG Building #1 Footings FG N A 12.9 11.8 115.7 103.6 90% 90% Pass
178 MG Building #1 Footings FG N A 12.9 14.5 115.7 103.8 90% 90% Pass
179 S Building #1 Sewer Line 356.0 N A 12.9 . 12.2 115.7 104.3 90% 90% Pass
180 S Building #1 Sewer Line 356.0 N A 12.9 13.8 115.7 104.5 90% 90% Pass
181 S Building#1 Sewer Line 356.0 N A 12.9 11.6 115.7 106.2 92% 90% Pass
182 SD Stormdrain Connection Box 358.0 N A 12.9 15.7 115.7 103.6 90% 90% Pass
183 SD Stormdrain Connection Box 358.0 N A 12.9 19.1 115.7 96.4 83% 90% Fail
184 SD Stormdrain near Entrance 356.0 N A 12.9 11.0 115.7 105.0 91% 90% Pass
2/5/16 185 SD Stormdrain near Entrance FG N A 12.9 14.4 115.7 108.4 94% 90% Pass
186 SD Stormdrain near Entrance FG N A 12.9 16.4 115.7 108.9 94% 90% Pass
187 SD Stormdrain near Entrance FG N A 12.9 14.3 115.7 106.9 92% 90% Pass
188 MG Building #2 Footings FG N A 12.9 15.4 115.7 104.0 90% 90% Pass
189 MG Building #2 Footings FG N A 12.9 13.6 115.7 104.3 90% 90% Pass
190 MG Building #2 Footings FG N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 103.9 90% 90% Pass
191 MG Building #2 Footings FG N A 12.9 9.6 115.7 104.5 90% 90% Pass
192 MG Building #2 Footings FG N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 105.0 91% 90% Pass
193 MG Building #2 Footings FG N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 106.2 92% 90% Pass
194 MG Building #2 Footings FG N A 12.9 12.8 115.7 107.4 93% 90% Pass
195 E Building #2 Electrical Trench 358.0 N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 106.7 92% 90% Pass
196 E Building #2 Electrical Trench 358.0 N A 12.9 12.2 115.7 105.6 91% 90% Pass
197 E Building #2 Electrical Trench 358.0 N A 12.9 15.0 . 115.7 106.6 92% 90% Pass
198 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 359.0 N A 12.9 13.7 115.7 106.3 92% 90% Pass
199 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 359.0 N A 12.9 14.4 115.7 107.0 92% 90% Pass
200 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 359.0 N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 107.9 93% 90% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
Bressi Ranch January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, CA Project No.: 1015365
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rd. Proj. Pass/
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
2/5/16 201 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 356.0 N A 12.9 15.3 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pass
202 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 356.0 N A 12.9 13.3 115.7 111.0 96% 90% Pass
203 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 357.5 N A 12.9 13.8 115.7 110.3 95% 90% Pass
204 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 357.0 N A 12.9 12.8 115.7 109.8 95% 90% Pass
205 5 Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 357.0 N A 12.9 11.6 115.7 111.1 96% 90% Pass
2/8/16 206 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 356.0 N A 12.9 15.7 115.7 103.8 90% 90% Pass
207 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench . 356.0 N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 108.7 94% 90% Pass
208 5 Building 92 Sewer Line Trench 357.0 N A 12.9 10.7 115.7 115.1 98% 90% Pass
209 5 Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 357.0 N A 12.9 14.1 115.7 103.9 90% 90% Pass
210 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 356.5 N A 12.9 10.1 115.7 107.5 93% 90% Pass
211 5 Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 357.5 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 107.5 93% 90% Pass
212 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench . 357.5 N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 110.6 96% 90% Pass
213 5 Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 359.0 N A 12.9 9.2 115.7 104.2 90% 90% Pass
214 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 359.0 N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 107.8 93% 90% Pass
215 5 Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 357.0 N A 12.9 9.0 115.7 107.0 92% 90% Pass
216 5 Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 358.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 108.2 94% 90% Pass
217 S Building #2 Sewer Line Trench 359.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 103.9 90% 90% Pass
218 SD . Retest 183 358.0 N A 12.9 12.8 115.7 112.9 98% 90% Pass
219 E Electrical 358.5 N A 12.9 12.2 115.7 111.3 96% 90% Pass
220 E Electrical 358.5 N A 12.9 10.1 115.7 107.3 93% 90% Pass
2/9/16 221 SD Storm Drain Near Entrance 355.0 N A 12.9 16.5 115.7 103.8 90% 90% Pass
222 SD Storm Drain Near Entrance 356.0 N A 12.9 10.8 115.7 113.7 98% 90% Pass
223 SD Storm Drain Near Entrance 358.0 N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 103.5 90% 90% Pass
224 SD Catch Basin Near Entrance 359.0 N A 12.9 14.3 115.7 107.6 93% 90% Pass
225 SD Catch Basin Near Entrance 359.0 N A 12.9 13.7 115.7 105.3 91% 90% Pass
2/17/16 226 SD Northwestern Storm Drain 6 357.0 N A 12.9 10.8 115.7 106.9 92% 90% Pass
227 SD Northwestern Storm Drain 6 359.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 107.2 93% 90% Pass
228 SD Northwestern Storm Drain 6 360.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 112.0 97% 90% Pass
229 SD Western Storm Drain 2 355.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 111.3 96% 90% Pass
230 SD Western Storm Drain 2 356.0 N A 12.9 11.3 115.7 106.2 92% 90% Pass
231 SD Western Storm Drain 2 358.0 N A 12.9 9.6 115.7 109.8 95% 90% Pass
232 SD Western Storm Drain 2 360.0 N A 12.9 11.9 115.7 113.2 98% 90% Pass
233 SD Storm Drain I Westside 18' RCP 352.0 N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 106.5 92% 90% Pass
234 SD Storm Drain 1 Westside 18" RCP 353.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 105.0 91% 90% Pass
235 SD Storm Drain I Westside 18" RCP 354.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 106.0 92% 90% Pass
2/18/16 236 SD Northwest Storm Drain 1 346.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 108.3 94% 90% Pass
237 SD Northwest Storm Drain 1 349.0 N A 12.9 12.2 115.7 110.2 95% 90% Pass
238 SD Northwest Storm Drain 1 .350.0 N A 12.9 14.1 115.7 107.9 93% 90% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
Bressi Ranch - January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, CA Project No.: 1015365
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test . Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass!
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
2/19/16 239 SD Storm Drain 4 and I Connector Northwest End of Site 359.0 N A 12.9 9.1 115.7 111.4 96% 95% Pans
240 SD Storm Drain 4 and I Connector Northwest End of Site 361.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 110.7 96% 95% Pans
241 SD Storm Drain 4 and I Connector Northwest End of Site 362.0 N A 12.9 11.3 115.7 112.1 97% 95% Pans
2/24/16 242 SD Southside Storm Drain 8 350.0 N A 12.9 11.9 115.7 108.0 93% 90% Pans
243 SD Southside Storm Drain 8 354.0 N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 107.9 93% 90% Pans
244 SD Southside Storm Drain 8 359.0 N A 12.9 9.9 115.7 114.8 98% 90% Pans
245 SD Southside Storm Drain 9 353.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 111.2 96% 90% Pans
246 SD Southside Storm Drain 9 353.0 N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 107.6 93% 90% Pans
247 SD Southside Storm Drain 9 355.0 N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 111.9 97% 90% Pass
248 SD Southside Storm Drain 9 355.0 N A 12.9 13.1 115.7 109.3 94% 90% Pass
249_ SD Southside Storm Drain 9 357.0 N A 12.9 11.2 115.7 109.1 94% 90% Pans
250 SD Southside Storm Drain 9 357.0 N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 108.6 94% 90% Pass
251 SD Southside Storm Drain 9 359.0 N A 12.9 11.9 115.7 113.8 98% 90% Pass
252 SD Southside Storm Drain 10 356.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 111.2 96% 90% Pans
253 SD Southside Storm Drain 10 358.0 N A 12.9 13.0 115.7 106.8 92% 90% Pans
254 SD Southside Storm Drain 10 358.0 N A 12.9 11.5 115.7 111.9 97% 90% Pans
2/26/16 255 SD 56utheastern Storm Drain 15 359.0 N A 12.9 11.6 115.7 111.8 97% 90% Pass
256 SD Southeastern Storm Drain 15 362.0 N A 12.9 11.6 115.7 109.1 94% 90% Pass
257 SD Southeastern Storm Drain 15 362.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 109.5 95% 90% Pass
258 SD Southeastern Storm Drain 15 363.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 110.0 95% 90% Pass
259 SD Southeastern Storm Drain 14 355.0 N A 12.9 11.8 115.7 110.6 96% 90% Pass
260 SD Southeastern Storm Drain 14 356.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 111.0 96% 90% Pass
261 SD Southeastern Storm Drain 14 358.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 107.3 93% 90% Pass
262 SD Southeastern Storm Drain 14 360.0 N A 12.9 11.9 115.7 112.6 97% 90% Pass
3/1/16 263 SD Storm Drain 13 356.0 N A 12.9 10.8 115.7 113.9 98% 90% Pass
264 SD Storm Drain 13 357.0 N A 12.9 11.7 115.7 108.9 94% 90% Pass
265 SD Storm Drain 12 355.0 N A 12.9 11.4 115.7 105.4 91% 90% . Pass
266 SD Storm Drain 13 359.0 N A 12.9 11.9 115.7 107.1 93% 90% Pass
267 SD Storm Drain 11 356.0 N A 12.9 14.5 115.7 108.7 94% 90% Pass
3/2/16 268 SD Southeastern Corner of Site Storm Drain 21 354.0 N A 12.9 11.2 115.7 107.2 93% 90% Pass
269 SD . . Southeastern Comer of Site Storm Drain 21 355.0 N A 12.9 12.2 115.7 108.3 94% 90% Pass
270 SD Southeastern Comer of Site Storm Drain 21 356.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 109.4 95% 90% Pass
271 SD Southeastern Comer of Site Storm Drain 21 357.0 N A 12.9 10.8 115.7 110.0 95% 90% Pass
272 SD Southeastern Comer of Site Storm Drain 22 359.0 N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 108.5 94% 90% Pass
273 SD SoutheasternComer of Site Storm Drain 22 359.0 N A 12.9 12.9 115.7 107.9 93% 90% Pass
274 SD Southeastern Comer of Site Storm Drain 22 360.0 N A 12.9 11.0 115.7 111.3 96% 95% Pass
3/21/16 275 S Sewer Trench Line l 355.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 106.3 92% 90% Pass
276 S Sewer Trench Line 1 357.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 104.8 91% 90% Pass
277 S Sewer Trench Line 1 358.0 N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 113.9 97% 90% Pass
278 S Sewer Trench Line 1 FO N A 12.9 11.9 115.7 110.9 96% 90% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
January 3, 2017
Project No.: 1015365
Bressi Ranch
Carlsbad, CA
Date Number
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture
Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field
Unit Dry Density Ret.
Max. Field Comp.
3/21/16 279 S Sewer Trench Line 2 356.0 N A 12.9 13.9 115.7 109.8 95% 90% Pass
280 S Sewer Trench Line 2 358.0 N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 110.6 96% 90% Pass
281 S Sewer Trench Line 2 FG N A 12.9 13.3 115.7 109.8 95% 90% Pass
282 FL Sta, 10+32 358.0 N A 12.9 15.1 115.7 105.1 91% 90% Pass
283 FL Sta. 10+20 358.0 N A 12.9 14.9 115.7 105.0 91% 90%. Pass
284 FL Sta. 10+27 FG N A 12.9 13.6 115.7 104.2 90% 90% Pass
285 FL Sta. 11+12 356.0 N A 12.9 15.0 115.7 109.1 94% 90% Pass
286 FL Sta 11+24 356.0 N A 12.9 14.0 115.7 109.7 95% 90% Pass
3/22/16 287 FL Fireline Northeast Comer ofSite FG N A 12.9 11.8 115.7 110.5 96% 90% Pass
288 FL Fireline Northeast Comer ofSite FG N A 12.9 10.3 115.7 107.2 93% 90% Pass
289 FL Fireline Northeast Comer ofSite 361.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 108.0 93% 90% Pass
290 FL Fireline Northeast Comer ofSite 361.0 N A 12.9 12.3 115.7 108.3 94% 90% Pass
291 FL Fireline Northeast Comer ofSite FG N A 12.9 11.9 115.7 110.0 95% 90% Pass
292 FL Fireline Northeast Corner of Site FO N A 12.9 11.6 115.7 109.5 95% 90% Pass
293 FL Fireline Northeast Comer ofSite 360.0 N A 12.9 10.5 115.7 111.1 96% 90% Pass
294 FL Fireline Northeast Corner of Site FG N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 109.9 95% 90% Pass
295 FL Fireline Northeast Comer ofSite 360.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 108.7 94% 90% Pass
296 FL Fireline North Side of Site FG N A 12.9 13.6 115.7 110.6 96% 90% Pass
297 FL Fireline North Side of Site FG N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 109.9 95% 90% Pass
298 FL Fireline North Side of Site FG N A 12.9 12.9 115.7 108.7 94% 90% Pass
299 FL Fireline North Side of Site 358.0 N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 107.6 93% 90% Pass
300 FL Fireline North Side of Site 358.0 N A 12.9 10.8 115.7 106.9 92% 90% Pass
301 FL Fireline North Side of Site 358.0 N A 12.9 10.0 115.7 107.3 93% 90% Pass
302 FL Fireline North Side of Site 358.0 N A 12.9 10.6 115.7 108.1 93% 90% Pass
303 FL Fireline West Side of Site 358.0 N A 12.9 10.5 115.7 108.2 94% 90% Pass
304 FL Fireline West Side of Site 358.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 109.3 94% 90% Pass
305 FL Fireline West Side ofSite, 360.0 N A 12.9 11.0 115.7 108.0 93% 90% Pass
306 FL Fireline West Side of Site 360.0 N A 12.9 11.0 115.7 109.2 94% 90% Pass
307 FL Fireline South Side of Site 359.0 N A 12.9 11.3 115.7 112.1 97% 90% Pass
308 FL Fireline South Side of Site 359.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 111.0 96% 90% Pass
309 FL Fireline South Side of Site 361.0 N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 111.3 96% 90% Pass
310 FL Fireline South Side of Site 361.0 N A 12.9 11.6 115.7 107.6 93% 90% Pass
311 FL Fireline South Side ofSite 361.0 N A 12.9 11.5 115.7 109.3 94% 90% Pass
312 FL Fireline Southeast Comer ofSite 356.0 N A 12.9 11.0 115.7 109.6 95% 90% Pass
313 FL Fireline Southeast Corner of Site 356.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 110.2 95% 90% Pass
314 FL Fireline Southeast Comer ofSite 356.0 N A 12.9 11.0 115.7 110.1 95% 90% Pass
315 FL Fireline Southeast Corner of Site 358.0 N A 12.9 12.3 115.7 108.6 94% 90% Pass
316 FL Fireline Southeast Corner of Site 358.0 N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 107.1 93% 90% Pass
317 FL Fireline Southeast Corner of Site 359.0 N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 107.3 93% 90% Pass
318 .FL Fireline Southeast Corner of Site 359.0 N A 12.9 12.3 115.7 107.9 93% 90% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
Bressi Ranch -
Carlsbad, CA
Summary of Compéction Test Results
Test Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass/
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
4/1/16. 319 FL Fireline Southeast Corner of Site 360.0 N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 107.6 93% 90% Pass
320 FL Fireline Southeast Corner of Site 359.0 N A 12.9 12.3 115.7 112.3 97% 90% Pass
321 FL Fireline Southeast Corner ofSite 359.0 N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 110.0 95% 90% Pass
322 FL Fireline Southeast Corner of Site 359.0 N A 12.9 13.1 115.7 114.3 98% 90% Pass
323 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 361.0 N A 12.9 13.5 115.7 113.6 98% 90% Pass
324 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 362.0 N A 12.9 13.6 115.7 112.1 97% 90% Pass
325 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 358.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 114.8 97% 90% Pass
326 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 356.0 N A 12.9 10.6 115.7 114.2 98% 90% Pass
327 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 358.0 N A 12.9 10.0 115.7 110.6 96% 90% Pass
328 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 359.0 N A 12.9 11.3 115.7 112.5 97% 90% Pass
329 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 359.0 N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 112.6 97% 90% Pass
330 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 354.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 111.4 96% 90% Pass
331 FL Fireline East Side of Site 354.0 N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 110.6 96% 90% Pass
332 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 356.0 N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 113.1 98% 90% Pass
333 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 356.0 N A 12.9 12.3 115.7 112.3 97% 90% Pass
334 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 358.0 N A 12.9 10.6 115.7 110.0 95% 90% Pass
335 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 358.0 N A 12.9 10.3 115.7 111.6 96% 90% Pass
336 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 361.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 109.1 94% 90% Pass
337 FL Fireline East Side ofSite 361.0 N A 12.9 11.4 115.7 112.9 98% 90% Pass
4/14/16 338 MG Footings South Along Perimeter ofBuilding 2 356.5 N A 12.9 15.5 115.7 93.6 81% 90% Fail
339 MG Footings South Along Perimeter ofBuilding 2 356.5 N A 12.9 16.9 115.7 89.4 77% 90% Fail
340 MG Footings South Along Perimeter of Building 2 356.5 N A 12.9 17.0 115.7 91.2 79% 90% Fail
341 MG Footings South Along Perimeter ofBuilding 2 356.5 N A 12.9 17.2 115.7 90.6 78% 90% Fail
342 MG Footings South Along Perimeter of Building 2 356.5 N A 12.9 17.6 115.7 93.0 80% 90% Fail
5/4/16 343 MG Along Southside of Building I FG N A 12.9 13.0 115.7 113.5 98% 90% Pass
344 MG Along Southside of Building I FG N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 111.0 96% 90% Pass
345 MG Along Southside ofBuilding I 358.0 N A 12.9 14.0 115.7 109.1 94% 90% Pass
346 MG Along Southside of Building 1 358.0 N A 12.9 13.6 115.7 110.5 96% 90% Pass
347 MG Along Southside ofBuilding I FG N A 12.9 13.6 115.7 107.3 93% 90% Pass
348 MG Along Southside ofBuilding I FG N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 112.2 97% 90% Pass
349 MG - Southwest Corner ofBuilding I FG N A 12.9 12.8 115.7 113.4 98% 90% Pass
350 MG Southwest Corner ofBuilding 1 FG N A 12.9 13.5 115.7 108.7 94% 90% Pass
351 MG Southwest Corner of Building I FG N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 109.3 94% 90% Pass
352 MG Southwest Comer ofBuilding I FG N A 12.9 12.9 115.7 112.8 97% 90% Pass
353 MG Manhole Between Buildings 1 and 357.0 N A 12.9 13.4 115.7 107.3 93% 90% Pass
354 MG Manhole Between Buildings 1 and 357.0 N A 12.9 14.5 115.7 111.9 97% 90% Pass
355 MG Manhole Between Buildings 1 and 357.0 N A 12.9 13.4 115.7 113.8 98% 90% Pass
356 MG Manhole Between Buildings! and 357.0 N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 111.0 96% 90% Pass
January 3, 2017
Project No.: 1015365
NOVA Services, Inc.
January 3, 2017
Project No.: 1015365
Bressi Ranch
Carlsbad, CA
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass!
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
5/6/16 357 FL Fireline Between Buildings I and 2 358.0 N A 12.9 13.8 115.7 107.8 93% 90% Pass
358 FL Fireline Between Buildings I and 2 358.0 N A 12.9 16.1 115.7 110.0 95% 90% Pans
359 FL Fireline Between Buildings I and 2 358.0 N A 12.9 15.2 115.7 105.0 91% 90% Pans
360 FL Fireline Between Buildings I and 2 358.0 N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 111.5 96% 90% Pans
361 FL Fireline Between Buildings! and 358.0 N A 12.9 9.3 115.7 111.9 97% 90% Pans
362 SD . Manhole Between Buildings! and FG N A 12.9 16.2 115.7 109.9 95% 90% Pass
363 SD Manhole Between Buildings I and FG N A 12.9 15.6 115.7 110.9 96% 90% Pass
364 FL Fireline Between Buildings I and 2 FG N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 108.8 94% 90% Pass
365 FL Fireline Between Buildings! and FG N A 12.9 16.2 115.7 107.2 93% 90% Pass
366 SD Manhole Between Buildings I and FG N A 12.9 14.3 115.7 105.1 91% 90% Pass
5/12/16 367 SD Manhole Westside of Buildings 357.0 N A 12.9 6.7 115.7 113.1 98% 90% Pass
368 SD Manhole Westside ofBuildings 357.0 N A 12.9 7.1 115.7 111.6 96% 90% Pass
369 SD Manhole Westside of Buildings FG N A 12.9 8.1 115.7 113.6 98% 90% Pass
370 SD Manhole Westside of Buildings FG N A 12.9 9.4 115.7 112.8 97% 90% Pass
371 W Water Line Trench East of Building 2 FG N A 12.9 8.2 115.7 113.0 98% 90% Pass
372 W Water Line Trench East of Building 2 FG N A 12.9 6.8 115.7 106.4 92% 90% . Pass
373 W Water Line Trench East of Building 2 FG N A 12.9 5.9 115.7 113.5 98% 90% Pass
374 W Water Line Trench East of Building 2 FG N A 12.9 5.7 115.7 108.5 94% 90% Pass
375 W Water Line Trench East ofRuilding! FG N A 12.9 6.1 115.7 107.4 93% 90% Pass
376 W Water Line Trench East ofBuilding I FG N A 12.9 8.2 115.7 110.8 96% 90% Pass
5/18/16 377 S Sewer C!eanout South along Building 2 FG N A 12.9 14.3 115.7 110.2 95% 90% Pass
378 S Sewer Cleanout South along Building 2 FG N A 12.9 13.4 115.7 104.9. 91% 90% Pass
379 S Sewer Cleanout South along Building 2 FG N A 12.9 15.1 115.7 105.7 91% 90% Pass
380 S Sewer Cleanout South along Building 2 FG N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 105.3 91% 90% Pass
381 S Sewer Cleanout South along Building 2 FG N A 12.9 14.2 115.7 108.1 93% 90% Pass
382 S Sewer Cleanout South along Building 2 FG N A 12.9 13.4 115.7 106.6 92% 90% Pass
383 S Sewer Cleanout South along Building 2 FG N A 12.9 14.1 115.7 107.5 93% 90% Pass
384 S Sewer Cleanout South along Building 1 358.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 108.0 93% 90% Pass
385 5 Sewer Cleanout South along Building 1 FG N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 106.9 92% 90% Pass
386 S Sewer Cleanout South along Building I FG N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 108.8 94% 90% Pass
5/23/16 387 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 10+30 361.0 N A 12.9 12.0 115.7 108.8 94% . 90% Pass
388 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 10+80 362.0 N A 12.9 11.0 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pass
5/24/16 389 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 12+50 362.0 N A 12.9 12.4 115.7 107.1 93% 90% Pass
390 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 13+30 363.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 109.3 94% 90% Pass
5/25/16 391 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 11+30 364.0 N A 12.9 8.9 115.7 101.2 87% 90% Fail
392 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 12+80 364.0 N A 12.9 11.6 115.7 107.7 93% 90% Pass
393 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 14+05 364.0 N A 12.9 10.8 115.7 106.6 92% 90% Pass
394 RW Retest 391 364.0 N A 12.9 12.2 115.7 104.7 90% 90% Pass
5/26/16 395 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 10+40 364.0 N A 12.9 11.5 115.7 106.0 92% 90% Pass
396 RW Northside ofSite Wall Sta. 11+90 365.0 N A 12.9 11.2 115.7 108.3 94% 90% Pass
397 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 12+80 365.0 N A 12.9 12.9 115.7 104.6 90% 90% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
6/15/16 404 UT
405 UT
406 UT
407 UT
408 UT
409 UT
410 UT
6/16/16 411 UT
412 UT
413 UT
414 UT
415 UT
416 UT
417 UT
418 UT
419 UT
420 UT
421 UT
422 UT
423 UT
6/22/.16 424 E
425 E
426 E
427 E
6/30/16 428 E
429 E
430 E'
7/1/16 431 E
432 E
433 E
434 E
435 E
7/5/16 436 E
437 E
438 E
439 E
440 E
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Communications Trench East of Building 1&2
Eastside Building I Electrical Trench
Eastside Building I Electrical Trench
Eastside Building I Electrical Trench
Eastside Building I Electrical Trench
Eastside Building I Electrical Trench
Eastside Building I Electrical Trench
Eastside Building I Electrical Trench
Between Buildings I and 2 Near Entrance
Between Buildings 1 and 2 Near Entrance
Between Buildings 1 and 2 Near Entrance
Between Buildings I and 2 Near Entrance
Between Buildings I and 2 Near Entrance
Between Buildings 1 and 2 Near Entrance
Between Buildings I and 2 Near Entrance
Between Buildings I and 2 Near Entrance
Between Buildings 1 and 2 Near Entrance
Between Buildings I and 2 Near Entrance
Bressi Ranch January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, CA Project No.: 1015365
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass/
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
5/27/16 398 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 14+02 366.0 N A 12.9 12.2 115.7 107.4 93% 90% Pans
399 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 13+50 365.0 N A 12.9 13.1 115.7 105.0 91% 90% Pans
400 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 12+45 364.0 N A 12.9 11.5 115.7 108.8 94% 90% Pass
5/31/16 401 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 13+70 368.0 N A 12.9 9.9 115.7 107.0 92% 90% Pass
402 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 13+25 367.0 N A 12.9 9.6 115.7 108.4 94% 90% Pass
403 RW Northside of Site Wall Sta. 12+70 367.0 N A 12.9 11.1 115.7 105.9 92% 90% Pans
357.0 N A 12.9 11.3 115.7 107.9 93% 90% Pass
357.0 N A 12.9 13.0 115.7 109.1 94% 90% Pass
357.0 N A 12.9 14.8 115.7 110.2 95% 90% Pass
359.0 N A 12.9 11.9 115.7 108.9 94% 90% Pass
359.0 N A 12.9 12.1 115.7 106.5 92% 90% Pass
359.0 N A 12.9 11.5 115.7 111.0 96% 90% Pass
359.0 N A 12.9 12.6 115.7 105.9 92% 90% Pass
358.0 N A 12.9 14.3 115.7 108.3 94% 90% Pass
358.0 N A 12.9 15.3 115.7 106.4 92% 90% Pass
FG N A 12.9 13.3 115.7 107.9 93% 90% Pass
357.0 N A 12.9 13.1 115.7 105.6 91% 90% Pass
357.0 N A 12.9 13.0 115.7 106.0 92% 90% Pass
357.0 N A 12.9 13.5 115.7 106.3 92% 90% Pass
357.0 N A 12.9 16.1 115.7 108.1 93% 90% Pass
358.0 N A 12.9 15.6 115.7 106.9 92% 90% Pass
358.0 N A 12.9 17.1 115.7 110.1 95% 90% Pass
358.0 N A 12.9 16.9 115.7 109.3 94% 90% Pass
354.0 N A 12.9 15.8 115.7 107.9 93% 90% Pass
FG N A 12.9 14.5 115.7 106.9 92% 90% Pass
FG N A 12.9 13.8 115.7 110.6 96% 90% Pass
356.0 N A 12.9 11.5 115.7 105.2 91% 90% Pass
356.0 N A 12.9 11.3 115.7 106.1 92% 90% Pass
358.0 N A 12.9 10.2 .115.7 105.9 92% 90% Pass
358.0 N A 12.9 9.8 115.7 105.0 .91% 90% Pass
FG N A 12.9 12.5 115.7 105.0 91% 90% Pass
FG N A 12.9 12.3 115.7 103.8 90% 90% Pass
FG N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 103.9 90% 90% Pass
361.0 N A 12.9 14.3 115.7 105.8 91% 90% Pass
362.0 N A 12.9 14.0 115.7 106.7 92% 90% Pass
363.0 N A 12.9 13.7 115.7 111.3 96% 95% Pass
364.0 N A 12.9 13.2 115.7 112.4 97% 95% Pass
365.0 N A 12.9 13.1 115.7 112.6 97% 95% Pass
365.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 110.8 96% 95% Pass
365.0 N A 12.9 13.8 115.7 111.6 96% 95% Pass
363.0 N A 12.9 10.9 115.7 110.1 95% 95% Pass
364.0 N A 12.9 13.3 115.7 112.1 97% 95% Pass
365.0 N A 12.9 11.0 115.7 110.8 96% 95% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
January 3, 2017
Project No.: 1015365
Bressi Ranch
Carlsbad, CA
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test Elevation! Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass!
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
8/23/16 441 SG Southwest ofBuilding I Parking Lot 359.0 N B 12.9 7.7 117.9 111.2 94% 95% Fail
442 SO Retest #441 359.0 N B 12.9 7.1 117.9 114.3 97% 95% Pans
443 50 Southwest of Building I Parking Lot 359.0 N B 12.9 6.8 117.9 99.0 84% 95% Fail
444 SO Retest #443 359.0 N B 12.9 8.0 117.9 113.2 96% 95% Pass
8/25/16 445 SO Southeast Side Parking Subgrade FG N B 12.9 8.0 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
446 SO South ofBuilding I Roadway FO N B 12.9 8.2 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
447 SO Southside Parking FG N B 12.9 11.5 117.9 113.1 96% 95% Pass
448 SO South ofBuilding I Roadway FG N B 12.9 10.5 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
449 SO Southside Parking FG N B 12.9 10.0 117.9 113.0 96% 95% Pass
450 SO Southside Parking FO N B 12.9 10.0 117.9 113.3 96% 95% Pass
451 SO South ofBuilding I Roadway FO N B 12.9 8.1 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
452 SO Southside Parking FG N B 12.9 12.9 117.9 112.5 95% 95% Pass
453 50 Southside Parking FO N B 12.9 12.6 117.9 113.1 96% 95% Pass
454 SO Westside Parking FO N B 12.9 10.3 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
455 SO Westside Parking FO N B 12.9 7.6 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
456 SO West of Building I Roadway . FO N B 12.9 7.0 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
457 SO Westside Parking FO N B 12.9 7.9 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
458 SO Westside Parking FO N B 12.9 9.0 117.9 112.5 95% 95% Pass
459 SO West of Building I Roadway FO N B 12.9 7.4 117.9 112.6 96% 95% Pass
460 SO Westside Parking FO N B 12.9 9.2 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
461 SO Westside Parking FO N B 12.9 9.2 117.9 116.3 98% 95% Pass
8/26/16 462 B South ofBuilding I Parking Lot Stalls FO N 0 10.0 9.5 124.5 118.2 95% 95% Pass
463 B South ofBuilding I Parking Lot Stalls FO N 0 10.0 9.2 124.5 119.1 96% 95% Pass
464 B South ofBuilding I Parking Lot Stalls FG N 0 10.0 10.1 124.5 118.5 95% 95% Pass
465 B South ofBuilding I Parking Lot Stalls FO N 0 10.0 10.5 124.5 119.8 96% 95% Pass
466 B South ofBuilding I Parking Lot Stalls FO N 0 10.0 10.8 124.5 118.2 95% 95% Pass
467 B Western Parking Lot Stalls FG N 0 10.0 10.2 124.5 118.7 95% 95% Pass
.468 B Western Parking Lot Stalls FO N 0 10.0 11.1 124.5 118.7 95% 95% Pass
469 B Western Parking Lot Stalls FO N 0 10.0 10.2 124.5 119.1 96% 95% Pass
470 B Western Parking Lot Stalls FO N 0 10.0 10.3 124.5 118.0 95% 95% Pass
8/29/16 471 SO NortheasternRoadway 359.0 N B 13.4 10.8 117.9 116.0 98% 95% Pass
472 SO . Northeastern Roadway 359.0 N B 13.4 11.3 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
473 50 Eastside Parking Area 359.0 N B 13.4 7.6 117.9 115.0 98% 95% Pass
474 SO Eastside Parking Area 359.0 N B 13.4 9.8 117.9 113.6 96% 95% Pass
475 . SO Eastside Parking Area 359.0 N B 13.4 7.0 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
476 SO Eastside Parking Area 359.0 N B 13.4 7.1 117.9 115.8 98% 95% Pass
8/30/16 477 SO Southeastern Parking Area 359.0 N B 13.4 8.9 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
478 SO . Southeastern Parking Area 359.0 N B 13.4 8.8 117.9 117.0 98% 95% Pass
479 SO Southeastern Parking Area 359.0 N B 13.4 8.8 117.9 117.0 98% 95% Pass
480 SO Southeastern Parking Area FO N B 13.4 10.2 117.9 115.7 98% 95% Pass
481 E/O Entrance Electircal/OasTrench FO N B 13.4 13.9 117.9 106.0 90% 90% Pass
482 E/O Entrance Electircal/OasTrench FO N B 13.4 14.8 117.9 114.7 97% 95% Pass
483 Ff0 . Entrance Electircal/OasTrench FO N B 13.4 12.2 117.9 112.0 95% 95% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
Bressi Ranch January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, CA V Project No.: 1015365
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass!
Date Number Test Location . Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Pail
8/31/16 484 E/G Entrance Electrical/Gas Trench FG N B 13.4 12.8 117.9 110.5 94% 90% Pans
485 E/G Entrance Electrical/Gas Trench FG N B 13.4 11.9 117.9 113.0 96% 90% Pans
9/1/16 486 B Southeastern Parking Area FG N F 11.5 10.8 120.3 114.0 95% 95% Pans
487 B Southeastern Parking Area FG N F 11.5 11.9 120.3 114.3 95% 95% Pans
488 B South of Building 1 Roadway FG N F 11.5 10.4 120.3 114.3 95% 95% Pass
489 B South of Building! Roadway FG N F 11.5 11.2 120.3 114.3 95% 95% Pass
490 B West of Building I Roadway FG N F 11.5 10.9 120.3 114.5 95% 95% Pass
491 B North ofBuilding 2 Roadway FG N F 11.5 10.9 120.3 115.2 96% 95% Pass
492 B North ofBuilding 2 Roadway FG N F 11.5 8.5 120.3 115.0 96% 95% . Pass
493 B North of Building 2 Roadway FG N F 11.5 10.0 120.3 116.6 97% 95% Pass
494 B Northeastern Parking Area FG N F 11.5 10.4 120.3 114.3 95% 95% Pass
495 B Northeastern Parking Area FG N F 11.5 10.3 120.3 114.3 95% 95% Pass
496 B Northeastern Parking Area FG N F 11.5 9.0 120.3 116.6 97% 95% Pass
497 B ' Southeastern Comer Roadway FG N F 11.5 II.! 120.3 116.2 97% 95% Pass
498 B Southeastern Comer Roadway FG N F 11.5 10.6 120.3 114.6 95% 95% Pass
499 B Southeastern Comer Roadway FG N F 11.5 11.3 120.3 115.5 96% 95% Pass
500 B Southeastern Corner Roadway FG N F 11.5 10.3 120.3 114.7 95% 95% Pass
501 B Northeastern Comer Roadway FG N F 11.5 9.1 120.3 114.6 95% 95% Pass
502 B Northeastern Corner Roadway FG N F 11.5 10.8 120.3 114.6 95% 95% Pass
9/2/16 503 B North ofBuilding 2 Parking Stalls FG N F 11.5 10.4 120.3 115.6 96% 95% Pass
504 B North ofBuilding2 Parking Stalls FG N F 11.5 8.9 120.3 114.0 95% 95% Pass
505 B North ofBuilding 2 Parking Stalls FG N F 11.5 9.6 120.3 114.0 95% 95% Pass
506 B North ofBuilding 2 Parking Stalls FG N F 11.5 10.3 120.3 114.0 95% 95% Pass
507 B North ofBuilding2 Parking Stalls FG N F 11.5 8.9 120.3 114.0 95% 95% Pass
508 8 West of Building 2 Roadway FG N F 11.5 8.8 120.3 116.4 97% 95% Pass
509 B West of Building 2 Roadway FG N F 11.5 9.1 120.3 114.6 95% 95% Pass
510 B Southeastern Parking Area FG N F 11.5 8.8 120.3 114.0 95% 95% Pass
511 B Southeastern Parking Area FG N F 11.5 9.1 120.3 114.0 95% 95% Pass.
512 B Southeastern Parking Area FG N F 11.5 8.6 120.3 115.2 96% 95% Pass
9/6/16 513 AC Southeastern Parking Stalls AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 140.1 96% 95% Pass
514 AC Southeastern Parking Stalls AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 139.6 96% 95% Pass
515 AC South of Building I Parking Stalls AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 141.2 97% 95% Pass
516 AC - South of Building I Parking Stalls ' AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 140.8 97% 95% Pass
517 AC South of Building I Parking Stalls AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 141.7 97% 95% Pass
518 AC Western Roadway/Parking Stalls 'AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 139.9 96% 95% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
Bressi Ranch January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, CA Project No.: 1015365
Summary of Compaction Test Results
Test Elevation/ Test Soil Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Proj. Pass!
Date Number Test Location Depth Type Type Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Spec. Fail
9/6/16 519 AC Western Roadway/Parking Stalls AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 140.6 97% 95% Pans
520 AC Western Roadway/Parking Stalls AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 142.3 98% 95% Pass
521 AC North Roadway/Parking Stalls AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 141.8 97% 95% Pass
522 AC North Roadway/Parking Stalls AC N AC N/A N/A 145.6 139.9 96% 95% Pans
9/15/16 523 B Entrance 40x20 Fool Section 365.0 N F 11.5 5.5 120.3 118.0 98% 95% Pass
524 B Entrance 40x20 Foot Section 365.0 N F 11.5 7.9 120.3 118.5 98% 95% Pass
525 B Entrance 40x20 Fool Section 365.0 N F 11.5 8.7 120.3 118.0 98% 95% Pans
526 B Entrance 40x20 Foot Section 351.0 N F 11.5 7.0 120.3 118.5 98% 95% Pans
9/23/16 527 SG Sidewalk Northend by Entrance FG N A 12.9 17.7 115.7 108.5 94% 90% Pans
528 SO Sidewalk on Innovation Way FG N A 12.9 13.0 115.7 105.7 91% 90% Pass
529 SO Sidewalk Southend by Entrance FG N A 12.9 12.7 115.7 107.1 93% 90% Pans
530 SG Sidewalk Southend by Entrance FG N A 12.9 13.1 115.7 108.1 93% 90% Pass
9/28/16 531 E Electric Trench on Innovation Way 349.0 N B 13.4 14.6 117.9 108.9 92% 90% Pass
10/3/16 532 B Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) 351.0 N F 11.5 10.1 120.3 116.9 97% 95% Pass
533 B Entry ofTruck Driveway (Roadway) 351.0 N F 11.5 9.6 120.3 118.2 98% 95% Pass
534 B Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) 351.0 N F 11.5 10.6 120.3 116.1 97% 95% Pass -
535 B Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) 351.0 N F 11.5 10.0 120.3 117.4 98% 95% Pass
536 B Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) 351.0 N F 11.5 9.8 120.3 116.5 97% 95% Pass
537 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 134.8 95% 95% Pass
538 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 138.1 97% 95% Pass
539 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 138.0 96% 95% Pass
540 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 137.9. 96% 95% Pass
541 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 138.5 97% 95% Pass
542 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 136.1 95% 95% Pass
543 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 140.0 98% 95% Pass
544 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 138.6 97% 95% Pass
545 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 138.2 97% 95% Pass
546 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 140.4 98% 95% Pass
547 . AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 140.7 98% 95% Pass
548 AC Entry of Truck Driveway (Roadway) FG N AC N/A N/A 143.1 137.8 96% 95% Pass
NOVA Services, Inc.
Final As-Graded Report, Bressi Ranch • January 3, 2017
Carlsbad, California : Project No. 1015365
Geotechnical Update Investigation, Lots 19 to 22 of Carlsbad Tract CT-02-15, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad; CA,
Leighton and Associates, Inc., Project 10570.001, January 21, 2014 ("Leighton 2014").
Geotechnical Update Letter, Lots 19 to 22 of Carlsbad Tract CT-02-15, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, CA,
Leighton and Associates, Inc., Project 10570.002, June 1, 2015 ("Leighton 2015a").
Geotechnical Review ofPrecise Grading Plans, Proposed Commercial/Industrial Development, Lots 19 to 22
of Carlsbad Tract CT-02-15, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, CA, Leighton and Associates, Inc., Project 10570.002,
August 27, 2015 ("Leighton 2015b").
Geotechnical Review ofFoundation Plans, Proposed Commercial/Industrial Development, Lots 19 to 22 of
Carlsbad Tract CT-02-15, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, CA, Leighton and Associates, Inc., Project 10570.002,
August 27, 2015 ("Leighton 2015c").
Addendum 1- Geotechnical Update Investigation, Proposed Commercial/Industrial Development, Lots 19 to
22 of Carlsbad Tract CT-02-15, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, CA, Leighton and Associates, Inc., Project
10570.002, November 9, 2015 ("Leighton 2015d").
Architectural Drawings, Shea Industrial, 6131 & 6133 Innovation Way, Carlsbad, California, 92009, Plan
Check Set, Sheets TS-1 through AD-1, Smith Consulting Architects, Project 13072304, July 30, 2015,
("SCA 2015").
Structural Drawings, Shea Industrial, 6131 & 6133 Innovation Way, Carlsbad, California; 92009, Plan
Check Set, Sheets SP through SD3.1, HTK Structural Engineers, LLP, August 24, 2015, ("HTK 2015").
Precise Grading Plan for Parcel A ofADJ 06-10, Shea Industrial, Plan Check Set, Dwg 487-8A (Sheets 1
through 13), Excel Engineering, Project SDP 15-09, Undated, Unsealed ("Excel 2015")
NOVA Services Inc., 2015, Assumption of Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record, Proposed
0 • • •• Commercial/Industrial Development, Lots 19 to 22 of Carlsbad Tract CT-02-15, 6131 and 6133
Innovation Way, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, NOVA Pproject No. 1015365, November 15, 2015
("NOVA 2015").
• NOVA Services Inc., 2016, Pad Certification, Proposed Commercial/Industrial Development, 6131
Innovation Way, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, NOVA Project No. 1015365, January 22, 2016
0 ("NOVA 2016"). 0
• NOVA Services Inc., 2016, Pad Certification, Proposed Commercial/Industrial Development, 6133 •
Innovation Way, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, NOVA Project No. 1015365, January 22, 2016
("NOVA 2016").
NOVA Services Inc., 2016, Pavement Section Recommendations, Proposed Commercial/Industrial
Development, 6133 Innovation Way, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, NOVA Project No. 1015365,
• June 10, 2016 ("NOVA 2016").
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