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FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING SITE GRADING VILLAGES OF LA. COSTA THE GREENS NEIGHBORHOODS 1.10 AND 1.12 AND ALICANTE ROAD STATIONS 31+70 THROUGH 51+00 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY C/0 MORROW DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA JULY 135 2004 • I 9R9T I . GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS I . Project No.06403-52709 July 13,2004 Real Estate Collateral Management Company I ' c,0 Morrow Development Incorporated 1903 Wright Place, Suite 180 Carlsbad,-,California 92008 1 Attention:. Mr. Tim O'Grady ' - ' Subject: VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS I . NEIGHBORHOODS 1.10 AND 1.12 AND ALICANTE ROAD STATIONS 31+70 THROUGH 5 1+00 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ' FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING SITE GRADING I , Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and our proposal dated May 6, 2003 we have provided compaction ' testing 'an d observation services during the grading of the subject site. Our services were performed during the period of July IS, 2003 through June 9, 2004. The scope of our services included the .following: Observing the grading operation, including the removal and/or processing of topsoil, I ' colluvium, alluvium, landslide debris and undercutting of transition and cut lots. Performing in-place dry density and moisture content tests in fill placed and compacted at I ' ' the site. ' Performing laboratory tests to aid in evaluating maximum dry density and optimum moisture 1 ' 'content and shear strength of the compacted fill soils. Additionally, laboratory tests were performed on samples of soil present at finish-grade to evaluate expansion characteristics and water-soluble sulfate. I Preparing an "As-Graded" Geologic Map. Preparing this final report of grading. The purpose of this report is to document that the grading for Neighborhoods 1.10 and 1.12, which I .include .64 and 36, single-family residential pads, respectively, and Alicante Road Stations 31+70 through 51+00 has been performed in substantial conformance with the recommendations of the 6960 Flanders Drive is Son Diego, California 92121-2974 Ei Telephone (858) 558-6900 Fox (858) 558-6159 project jeotechnical report and that. the fill materials have been properly placed and compacted. The I gradingoperations for Neighborhoods .1 .10 and 1.12 and the subject section of Alicante Road were performed concurrently ,with other neighborhoods and the balance of Alicante Road within The I Greens project I GENERAL The grading contractor for the project was Signs and Pinnick Incorporated of El Cajon California Grading.plans for Neighborhoods 1.10 were prepared by Hunsaker and Associates and are entitled Grading and Erosion Control Plans For La Costa Greens Neighborhood 110, with City of Carlsbad approval dated May 6, 2004 Grading plans for Neighborhood 112 were prepared by Hunsaker I and Associates and are entitled Grading and Erosion Control Plans For La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1 12 with City of Carlsbad approval dated May 6, 2004 Electronic versions of the I . grading plans were used as the base map for our "As-Graded" GeOlogic Map (Figures 1 through 6, map pocket) The project geotechrncal report is entitled Update Geotechnical Investigation'.Villages of La Costa - The Greens,. Carlsbad, california, dated June 25, 2001 (Project No. 06403-12-03). References to elevations and locations herein were based on surveyor's or grade-checker's staks in I the field and/or interpolation from the referenced Grading Plans Geocon Incorporated does not provide surveying services and therefore has no opinion regarding the accuracy of the as-graded elevations or surface geometry with respect to the approved grading plans or proper surface drainage. I GRADING . I Neighborhoods 110 and 112 are located within the Villages of La Costa - The Greens Phase 1 development The neighborhoods are situated east of existing La Costa Resort and Spa golf course I - south of Neighborhoods L08 and 1.09, and north of Neighborhood 1.11 and 1.13. An existing residential subdivision borders the site to the east Prior to grading, the site primarily is characterized I 'bymodefately sloping hillside terrain, which has a central confluence draining southward into San Marcos Creek. Grading for the, site consisted of daylight cuts and fills on to achieve finish-grade el&vàtions. I - Grading began with the removal of brush and vegetation from the area to be graded The brush was I , then exported. Tops6il; colluvium, landslide debris, and alluvial soils were removed to expose -' formatinal material Within these areas, and prior to placing fill the exposed (overexcavated) ground surface was scarified (where possible) moisture conditioned and compacted Areas of I remedial grading that exposed metavolcanic rock were not scarified Fill materials derived from on- site blasting and excavations were then placed and compacted in layers until the design elevations I . were attained. In addition, 'fill was placed- as a result of the undercutting of the cut portion of cut-fill transition lots and lots where metavolcanic rock was exposed at grade Roadway and parkway I * Project No. 06403-52-09 , ' ,. . - 2 - . ' July 13, 2004 I i undercuts were also performed where metavolcanic rock was exposed. Roadway undercuts consisted of undercutting to a depth of approximately 1 foot below the deepest utility. Parkway undercuts consisted of undercutting o a depth of approximately 6 feet below finish-grade Lot undercuts I consisted of undercutting to a depth of at least 3 feet below finish-grade where metavolcanics were encountered In addition within the sedimentary Santiago Formation fill was placed as a result of the undercutting of the cut portion of cut-fill transition lots Where potentially expansive claystone or I topsoil were exposed at grade the lot was undercut a minimum of 4 feet sloping the bottom of the undercut at a of 1 towards the adjacent roadway. gradient percent . , * Fill Materials and Placement Procedures I The on-site fill materials generally varied between angular gravels and boulders produced by onsite blasting of hard, metavolcanic rock. ExcavatiOns within the sedimentary Santiago Formation and surficial deposits predominately produced sandy clays and silty sands that were suitable for capping I 4material Structuralfill placed and compacted at the site consisted of material that can be classified into three zones: I Zone A - Material placed within 3 feet from pad grade 6 feet from parkway grade, and Within roadways to at least 1 foot below the deepest utility consisted .of "soil" fill with a I maximum particle dimension of 6-inches I . Zone B - Material placed within'lO feet from pad grade and below Zone A consisted of "soil- rock" fill with a maximum particle dimension of 12 inches. In addition, material placed on the oute 6 feet of fill slopes and 2 feet below Zone A for, fills in roadways and parkways 'consisted of "soil-rock" fill with a maximum particle dimension of 12 inhes. I Zone C - Material placed below Zone B consisted of "soil-rock" fill with a maximum particle dimension of 48 inches..It should also be noted that larger rocks with a maximum dimension I . 'of approximátel 8 feet-were buried individually during grading operations. Placement procedures for soil-rock' fill consisted of spreading and compacting the material with a I D9 or larger Caterpillar bulldozer with a maximum lift size of 3 feet Materials placed as soil-rock - were watered heavily during spreading to help properly fill voids with finer material and "seat" the larger rocks During the placement of each lift,* compactive effort was applied to the fill by wheel- rolling with loaded rock trucks such-that the entire lift was -cmpacted. "Soil-rock" fills were - ' predominately placed within the tributary canyon cleanouts. "Soil" fills were placedin lifts no thicker than would allow for adequate bonding and compaction.' I The soil was moisture conditioned as necessary and mixed during placement and then compacted utilizing conventional heavy-duty compaction equipment. I 1 1 • , Project No. 06403-52-09 - -' * • - 3 - July 13, 2004 During grading operations, compaction procedures were observed and in-place density tests were 1 performed to evaluate the dry density and moisture content of the "soil" and "soil-rock" fill material. The in-place density tests were performed in general conformance with ASTM Test Method I D2922-01, Standard Test Method for Density of Soil and SoillAggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods I The results of the in-place dry density and moisture content tests are summarized on Table I Grading for Neighborhood 1.10, 1.12, and Alicante Road Stations 31+75 through 51+00 was performed I concurrently with other neighborhdods within the Villages of La Cdsta - The Greens development. The results presented On Table I apply to. NeighbOrhoods 1.10; 1.12 and Alicante Road I Stations 31+75 through 51+00 As such the test numbers are not in consecutive order. Any tests taken outside of subject neighborhoods and roadway have been addressed m reports for other neighborhoods within the Greens. I 4 Using methods suggested by AASHTOT224-86, corrections were made to the laboratory maximum I dry density and optimum moisture content on fill soils being tested containing rocks larger than 3/4 inch The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content presented on Table I reflect these corrections. . i ! 1 In the density test that the fill has dry density least 90 general in-place results indicate soil a of percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at the locations tested In addition moisture tests performed in soil-rock or rock" fills generally indicate moisture contents near or slightly above adjusted optimum The approximate locations of the I in-place density and moisture content tests are shown on the 'As Graded Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 6) IL Laboratory, tests wer' performed on samples of material used for fill to evaluate moisture-density relationships optimum moisture content and maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557-02), expansion (ASTM D 4829-03) shear strength (ASTM D 3080-03) and water-soluble sulfate content (California Test No. 417). The results of the laboratory tests are summarized on Tables II through V. I ; Slopes The project cut and fill slopes were constructed at inclinations of 2:1 (horizontal: vertical) or flatter with maximum heights of approximately 40 feet All slopes should be planted, drained and I mamtained to reduce erosion Slope irrigation should be kept to a minimum to just support the vegetative cover. Surface drainage should not be allowed to flow over the top of the slope Project No 06403-52-09 4 July 13 2004 I ' - - : I l Cut slopes were observed and mapped by an engineering geologist for adverse geologic conditions that could affect slope stability. The western facing rock cut slope can be generally characterized by - randomly fractir'ed and jointed patterns. It is our opinion that the, cut slopes should be stable with, I respect to deep-seated failure, surficial sloughage and adverse geologic structures do not present a significant geologic hazard to future development of the site I Based on geologic conditions encountered during our site investigation and the grading operations a stability fill with a maximum height of 15 feet was constructed along the west facing slope within Neighborhood 1.12, at the back portion of Lot 36 to intercept moderate seepage conditions.. The stability fill was excavated to the configuration in the referenced project geotechrncal report Once the I backcut was observed by and engineering geologist panel drains were installed on the backcut and connected to a heel drain at the bottom of the keyway. The keyway heel drain was outlet into a brow ditch within adjacent open space: The limits of the stability fill, including the bottom keyway widths I - and elevations are depicted on Figure 4. Laboratory testing was performed on 'the fill materials to assess suitable shear strength Table IV presents a summary of the laboratory shear results I - Subdrains I Canyon subdrains were installed at the general locations shown on the "As-Graded Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 6) In addition the subdrains were 'as-built' for location and elevation by I the project civil engineer. The subdrains generally consisted of a 6- to 8-inch diameter PVC Schedule 40, perforated pipe placed in crushed aggregate surrounded by Mirafi 140N (or equivalent) filter fabric The drains were typically placed at least 15 feet below finish grade and constructed at a I flow gradient of at least 1 percent. The subdrains werd outlet to headwalls at the slope toe on the western margiii of Neighborhood 1.10. A toe drain was installed behind Lof55 to intercet localized I seepage in this area A 6-inch canyon subdrain and 4-inch toe drain have been temporarily stubbed into the storm drain system by the master developer on Street II' and will be tied into the storm drain system by the guest builder. The subdrains should be maintained regularly to prevent sediment and I debris from obstructing the free flow of water from out of the subdrain system I Finish-grade Soil Conditions Observations and laboratory test results indicate that the prevailing soil conditions within the upper. I .approximately 4 feet of finish-grade within areas underlain .by, the Santiago Formation, and approximately 3. feet of finish grade within the metavolcanics have an expansion potential of "low" to "medium" (Expansion Index of 90 or less) as defined by Uniform Building Code (UBC) I Table 18-I-B Tables VI and VII present a summary of the indicated Expansion Index of the prevailing subgrade soil conditions for each lot I I Project No. 06403-52-09 . - 5 - July 13,2004 I 41 I I- •,. H It should be noted that although rocks larger than 6 inch were not intentionally placed within the I .. upper 4 feet of pad grades, some larger rocks might exist At random locations. , I Some samples obtained for expansion testing were also subjected to water-soluble sulfate testing to evaluate the amount of water-soluble sulfates within the finish-grade soils. These test results are used I to determine the potential for sulfate attack on normal Portland Cement concrete. The test results 4 indicate sulfate contents that correspond to "negligible" and "severe" sulfate exposure ratings. I Geocon Incorporated does not practice corrosion engmeenng Therefore results of these tests should beT reviewed by a corrosion consultant and appropriate recommendations should be implemented I during design and construction of proposed improvements. The results of the water-soluble sulfate. tests are summarized on Table V. I . SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS I .. The soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading were found to be similar to those descriled in the project geotechnical report. Santiago Peak Volcanics (Jsp) were exposed at grade on cut slopes and within cleanouts in pad undercuts and cut areasrwithin street right-of-ways. The I Santiago Formation (Ts) was exposed at grade on cut slopes, within cleanoüts, in pad undercuts; and exposed at finish grade on cut lots. In addition, stream-deposited Terrace Deposits were encountered I . overlying the Santiago Formation, mostly within the' lower, portions of the major drainages. Compacted soils were placed in areas of fill and are designated as jQcf on Figures 1 through 6 In addition, compacted fill soil placed in undercut areas is designated' as Quc. Tables Vifi and IX I presents a summary of As-Graded Building Pad Conditions for each lot within the 'subject .neighborloods. . The enclosed "As-Graded' Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 6) depicts the general geologic conditions observed No soil or geologic conditions were observed during grading that would preclude the continued development of the property as planned I ' CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.0 'General - .. 1.1 Based on observations and test results it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the grading to which-this report pertains has been performed in substantial conformance with I the recommendations of the previously referenced project soils report and the geotechnical requirements of the grading plans. Soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading I that differ from those anticipated in the project soils report are not uncommoii Where such conditions required a significant modification to the recommendations of the project soils report, they have been described herein. I Project No. 06403-52-09 . - 6 - • •. July 13, 2004 ' I I I 1.2 No soil or geologic conditions were observed during 1grading that would preclude the Based laboratory continued development of the property as planned. on test results and field observations it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the fill soils observed and I tested as part of the grading for the subject neighborhoods were generally compacted to a dry density of, at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. 2.0 Future Grading I 2.1 Any additional grading performed at the site should be accomplished in conjunction with our observation and compaction testing services. Grading plans for any future grading I * should be reviewed by Geocon Incorporated prior to finalizing. All trench and wall backfilf should be compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry I density near or above optimum moisture content This office should be notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing additional grading or backfill operations 3.0- Update Geotechnical Report I 3.1 An updaie geotechnical report should be prepared by Geocon Incorporated for Neighborhoods 1.10 1.12. The include foundation for and report should recommendations -- reducing. the detrimental effect of expansive soil and differential fill settlement across I . individual structures. In addition, retaining wall recommendations and seismic design criteria should be included, as well as other considerations such as swimming pools and I concrete flatwork. . * 4.0 Slope Maintenance I 4.1 ., Slopes that are steeper than 3:1 (horizontal: vertical) may, under conditions that are both difficult to prevent and predict be susceptible to near-surface (surficial) slope instability. I . The instability is typically limited to the outer three feet of a portion of the slope and I usually does not directly impact the improvements on the pad areas above or below the I . slope. The occurrence of surficial instability is more prevalent on fill slopes and . is generally preceded by a period of heavy rainfall, excessive irrigation, or the migration of I . subsurface seepage. The disturbance and/or loosening of the surficial soils, as might result from root growth, soil expansion, or excavation for irrigation lines and slope planting, may also be a significant contributingfactor to surficial instability. It is therefore recommended - that, to the maximum extent practical: (a) disturbed/loosened surficial soils be either removed or roperly recompacted, b) irrigation systems b& periodically inspected and .3 - maintained to eliminate leaks and excessive irrigation, and (c) surface drains on and * I ' . adjacent to slopes be periodically maintained to preclude ponding or erosion. It should be noted that although the incorporation of the above recommendations should reduce the -. Project No. 06403-52-09 . - 7 - July, 13, 2004 , I - potential for surficial slope instability, it will not eliminate the possibility and, therefore, it may be necessary to rebuild or the in future. repair a portion of project's slopes the 50 Drainage 5 V Adequte drainage provisions are critical to the future performance of the project Under no I circumstancèsshould water be allowed to pond. The building pads and sheet-graded areas should be properly finish-graded so that drainage water is directed away from foundations, pavements, concrete slabs,-and slope tops to controlled drainage devices. • 5.2 All underground utilities should be leak free. Utility and irrigation lines shbuldbe checked I periodically fdr leaks for early detection Of water infiltration and detected leaks should be repaired promptly Detrimental soil movement could occur if water is allowed to infiltrate I the soil over a prolonged period, I 5.3 Landscaping planters adjacent to paved areas are not recommended due to the potential for irrigation infiltfate surface, or water to the pavement's subgrade and base course. We recommend that subdIains to collect excess irrigation water and transmit it to drainage structures or impervious above-grade planter boxes be used. In addition, where landscaping- ', is planned adjacent to the pavement, we recommend construction of a cutoff wall along the . edge of the pavement that extends at least 6 inches below the bottom of the base material. Is LIMITATIONS .•. The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply only to our work with respect to I grading grading and represent conditions at the date of our final observation on June 9, 2004 Any subsequent -should be done in conjunction with our observatiOn and testing services. As used herein, the term observation' implies only that we observed the progress of the work with which we agreed to I be involved Our services did not include the evaluation or identification of,the potential presence of - hazardous or corrosive materials. Our conclusions and opinions as to whether the work essentially - - I Subsurface complies with the job specifications are based on our observations, experience and test results. conditions, and the accuracy of tests used to measure such conditions, can vary greatly at - any time We make no warranty, expressed or implied except that our services were performed in • I . - -4. .• -. • t accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location-. - -- I We will accept no reponsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others by the uncontrolled action of water, or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the uncontrolled action of water. The findings and recommendations of this report may be invalidated I wholly or partially by changes outside our control Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years II • Project No. 06403-52-09 - - 8 - - - July 13, 2004 I .. . 3 . ,. Should you have any qiiestions regarding this report or if we may be of further service please . 'contact the undersign&d at your convenience. Very truly yours, - - GEOCON -INCORPORATED :, -: .• hane odack Lu ,ê5 r Ioobs RCE 63291 , CEG 1778 ' EG 1524 CALI ssee AU JOHN 0 (3/del) Pulte Homes A/ HOOBS ce Attention: Ms. Melissa Kraus NO. 15 24 -4 W"0*6 CERTIFIED 12-31-04 OP ;3 p p A p. 4 * Project No. 06403-52-09 * - 9 - - * July 13 2004 ' p - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location 't) No. (%) (pet) (%) (pcf) 302 07/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 160 11 0 117.0 14.6, 109.0 20.3 93 90 303 07/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 163 . 11 0 117.0 14.6 107.4 20.0 92 90 304 07/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 167 11 0 117.0 14.6 110.1 17.4 94 90 305 07/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 171 11 0 117.0 14.6 104.8 20.6 90 .90 307 07/16/03 Unit! 10 Lot 29 177 11 0 1170 146 1087 164 93 90 308 07/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 180 11 0 117.0 14.6 104.8 18.0 90 90 310 07/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 ) 167 11 0 117.0 14.6 111.0 16.6 95 90 311 07/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 171 11 0 117.0 14.6 108.5 13.2 93 90 313 07/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 174 12 0 124.5 10.7 112.0 18.0 90 90 315 07/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 189 12 0 124.5 10.7 112.4 18.9 90 90 316 07/16/03 Unit l.10; Lot 30 . 192 12 0 124.5 10.7 115.0 18.2 92 90 323 07/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 14 . 70 12 0 124.5 10.7 112.6 18.6 90 90 324 07/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 14 . 74 12 0 124.5 10.7 111.8 13.5 . 90 9.0 325 07/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 16 77 12 0 124.5 10.7 112.5 18.1 90 90 326 07/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 16 80 11 0 117.0 14.6 108.2 17.2 92 90 ... 336 07/21/03 Unit l.10; Lot !4 91 19 0 111.8 15.8 101.0 20.1 90 90 337 07/21/03 Unit l.10;Lot15 93 19 0 111.8 15.8 101.5 :19.8 91 90 338 07/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 16 . 94 11 0 117.0 14.6 110.7 16.0 95 90 339 07/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 14 95 11 0 117.0 14.6 108.8 19.0 93 90 342 07/18/03 Unit l.10; Lot 16 83 12 0 124.5 10.7 112.4 17.6 90 90 . 343 07/18/03 Unit l.10; Lot ll . 85 12 0 124.5 10.7 . 113.6 15.0. 91 90 344 07/18/03 Unit l.10; Lot 14 88 12 0 124.5 10.7 111.9 18.0 90 90 345 07/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 15 • 84 11 0 117.0 14.6 109.3 16.6 93 90 346 07/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 14 . 77 11 0 117.0 14.6 105.6 13.2 90 90 347 07/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 15 86 11 0 117:0 14.6 105.0 16.0 90 .90 348 07/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 14 90 11 0 117.0 14.6 106.2 16.4 91 7 90 349 07/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 16 92 11 0 117.0 14.6 107.9 16.5 92 90 360 07/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 16 96 22 0 123.1 11.1 112.7 16.1 92 90 361 07/21/03 Unit l.10; Lot 15 97 22 0 123.1 11.1 112.7 15.8 92 90 362 07/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 16 •. 94 11 0 117.0 14.6 110.6 18.9 95 90 363 07/21/03 Unit l.10; Lot 17 • 101 11 0 117.0 14.6 111.4 19.3 95 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST. RESULTS Elev. . Plus . Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4' Adj. Adj.. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (f't) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (Pa) 364 07/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 61, . 88 11 0 117.0 14.6 111.2 18.4 95 90 365 07/21/03 Unit 110 Street JJl3+30 91 11 0 1170 146 1105 190 94 90 366 07/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 61 . 94 19 0 111.8 15.8 101.6 20.4 91 90 367 07/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 61 97 19 '0 111.8 15.8 103.4 20.0 92 90 368 07/22/03 Unitl.lO; Lot 17 . , 99 19 0 . 111.8 15.8 100.9 21.1 - ?.°............... 369 07/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 61 103 19 .0 111.8 15.8 101.3 18.5 91 90 370 07/22/03 Unit l.10; Street jJl3+10 . . 105 19 0 111.8 ' 15.8 100.7 20.0 90 90 371 07/22/03 Unit l.10; Lot 16 107 . 11 0 117.0 .14.6 108.4 15.9 93 90 372 07/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 62 109 11 0 117.0 14.6 106.6 18.3 91 90 373 07/22/03 Unit 1.10; -Street JJ 12+90 110 19 0 111.8 15.8 100.4 19.6 90 90 410 07/28/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 99 11 . 0 117.0 14.6 107.2 17.8 92 90 413 07/28/03 Unit l.10; Lot 60 101 11 0 117.0 14.6 106.2 15.3 91 90 414 07/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 103 11 0 117.0 14.6 105.0 17.5 90 90 417 07/29/03 Unit, l.10; Lot 55 . 106 19 0 111.8 15.8 101.4 20.2 91 90 418 07/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 61 109 11 0 117.0 14.6 . 106.2 17.3 91 90 419 07/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 61 110 19 . 0 111.8 15.8 100.9 18.9 90 90 441 07/30/03 Unit 1.10; Street ii 13+15 112 19 0 111.8 15.8 103.9 17.8 93 90 442 07/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 . 108 19 0 111.8 15.8 103.4 18.2 92 90 445 07/30/03 Unit l.10; Lot 16 112 23 0 114.1 16.4 104.8 18.9 92 90 446 07/30/03 Unit 1.10; , 114 23 0 114.1 16.4 103.8 18.4 91 90 455 08/11/03, Unit 1.12; Lot 15 343 14 20 127.9 9.8 120.2 . 9.9 94 90 456 08/12/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 14 343 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.6 8.9 90 90 457 08/12/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 16 342 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.8 8.0 93 90 458 08/12/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 15 346 14 20 127.9 9.8 116.0 13.6 91 90 459 08/12/03 Unit-1.12;-Lot-17 344 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.7 9.5 91 90 473 08/06/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 18 319 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.5 . 11.9 93 90 474 08/06/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 19 235 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.8 12.8 93 90 475 08/06/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 19 328 14 60 139.2 5.8 128.9 8.5 93 90 476 08/06/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 17 318 14 40 133.6 7.8 125.8 11.5 ' 94 90 477 08/06/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 16 314 14 20 1 27. 9 9.8 1 16. 2 11.9 91 90 478 08/06/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 18 . 331 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.6 14.4 90 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 ' . July 13, 2004 TABLE . . SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSIITESTRESULTS . -.._------ Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or - 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel., Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date . Location (ft) . No. (%) (pci) (%) . (pcD (°°) 479 08/07/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 16 323 14 20 127.9 9.8 122.3 13.2 96 90 480 08/07/03 Unit l.12; Lot 17 . 335. 14 20 127.9 98 117.0 15.4 91 90 481 08/07/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 16 . 327 14 20 127.9 9.8 120.4 12.0 94 90 482 08/07/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 17 337 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.9 5.0 91 90 482A, 08/07/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 17 337 14 30 130.7 8.8 119.9 10.5 92 90 483 08/08/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 18 338 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.3 11.9 92 90 488 08/11/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 15 341 14 0 122.2 12.1 1108 14.0 91 90 489 08/11/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 17 . 333 14 20 127.9 9.8 117.9 10.8 92 90 490 08/13/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 13 . 338 14 0 122.2 12.1 114.2 16.0 93 90 491 08/13/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 11 340 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.9 10.1 91 90 492 08/13/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 13 343 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.3 9.2 92 90 493 08/13/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 12 344 14 20 127.9 9.8 120.4 13.6 94 90 494 08/13/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 14 347 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.8 13.0 91 90 507 08/18/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 10 342 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.8 9.7 92 90 508 08/18/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 11 345 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.5 11.8 90 90 511 08/19/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 11 347 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.2 9.5 92 90 517 08/19/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 13 350 14 0 122.2 12.1 110.6 15.3 91 90 SZ 520 08/19/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 23 , 266 14 20 127.9 9.8 120.4 10.3 94 90 522 08/19/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 11 . 348 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.1 11.8 90 90 SZ 526 08/20/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 8 321 14 50 136.4 6.8 127.1 7.5 93 - - 9 SZ 527 08/20/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 10 334 14 50 136.4 6.8 126.9 8.0 93 90 SZ 530 08/21/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 23 . 270 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.6 9.3 91 90 531 08/21/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 10 353 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.3 9.1 90 90 SZ 532 08/21/03 Unit l.12; Lot 23 372 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.6 8.1 91 90 533 08/21/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 23 377 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.4 7.8 . 91 90 SZ 542 08/22/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 23 280 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.3 9.5 90 90 543 08/22/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 23 284 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.4 7.1 93 90 544 08/22/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 23 288 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.9 9.5 90 90 554 08/26/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 9 320 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.6 16.9 90 90 555 08/26/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 7 322 14 60 139.2 5.8 126.8 12.0 91 90 556 08/26/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 10 328 14 60 139.2 5.8 126.5 11.1 91 90 . Project No. 06403-12-09 . July 13, 2004 TABLE ' SUMMAR1.OEEIELDDENSITESLRESULTS Elev. Plus . Field Field . Field Req'd. V ' . or 3/4" Adj. Adj.. D Moist. Rel. Rd. V . Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC . Dens. Cont. . Comp: Comp. V Test N. Date . Location .. V (ft) No. (%) -- (pet) (%) . . (pet) (%) . (%) (%) 557 08/27/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 8 V . 325 14 60 .. 139.2 5.8 131.7 8.6 95 90 SZ : 558. 08/27/03. Unit 1.12; Lot 30 V 361 ' . 14 30 V 130.7 8.8 .121.8 10.9 93 90 SZ 559 08/27/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 28 , , V 359 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.5 11.5 . 91 ' 90 590 08/28/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 29 ' V ,• 365 14 60 139.2 5.8 .126.8 9.5 91 90 SZ 591. ' .08/28/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 . . , -368 14 60 - 139.2 5.8 132.0 9.0 ' .95 V 592 08/28/03 Unit 112; Lot 28 ' . ' 362 14 . 30 130.7. 8.8 118.0 14.2 ' 90 90. 593 08/28/03 Unit' 11. 12; Lot 27 . V ' . 356 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.4 12.5 . . 91 , 90 . 594 ,08/28/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 . . . ' 370 V 14 40 133.6 ' 78 125.8 ' 15 94' .90 V ' 595 V08/29/03 Unit 112; Lot 28 ' 361 ' 14 40 . ' 133:6 ' 7.8 . 122.9 .9.1, 92 ' 90' V 596 08/29/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 28 ' " . 372 14 40 133.6' 7.8 121.8 .. 11.6 91. 90 ' V SZ 597 08/29/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 ' V V V .' 366 ' 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.1 9.8 91 ' , 90 V 598 . 08/29/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 V ' , 374 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.2, ' 10.4 91 . ' 90 599 08/29/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 29' , ' V V, , 377 14 ' 40 133.6 7.8 126.6 10.7 ' 95 ' 90 V - 614 09/02/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 V , ' V 376 14 60 139.2 - 5.8 125.6 7.3 90 ' 90 V 615' 09/02/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 29 , - '' ' ' . . 380 ' 14 40 133.6 7.8 , 125.1 ' - 79 94 90 V V ' 640 09/04/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 28 .. 3,74 14 40 '133.6 7.8 ' 121.1. 8.1 91 90 641 09/04/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 29 ' ' . ' . 375 , 14 40' 133:6 7.8 122.3 8.4 ' ,92 90 SZ 644 09/05/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 6 , ' V ' 325 14 50 136.4 6.8 ' 125.4 6.9 92 V 90 V ' 660 09/08/03 Unit- 1. Lot - ' ' - V 325 ' 14 ' 40 . 133.6 , 7.8 - 127.3 , 8.0 95 - 90 V . 661. 09/08/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 7 ' , V 340' . 14 40 V 133:6 7.8 120.5 10.2 ' 90 90 662 09/08/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 8 ' ' ' V , , 335 14 40 133.6 ' 7.8 120.4 9.8 V.90 90 663 09/08/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 9 ' ' 332 ' .14 ' 40 133.6 -7.8 124.7 ' 10.1 93 ' 90 V 'V 664 09/09/03, Unit 1.12; Lot 8 V V V ' ' ' 345 , 14 ' 40 , 133.6 . 7.8 120.9 10.6 . 91 90 .665 09/09/03 Unit 1.12; Lots , ' ' ' 302 14 , ' 40 133.6 :78 123.6 V V V 93 ' 90 666 09/09/03 Unit 1.12; Lot . ' 314 V, 14 40 133.6 7.8 ' 123.5 V 99 92 - , 90 V 667 09/09/03 Unit 1.12; Lot ' , 320 14 40 133.6 7.8 126.4 10.0 95 90 - . 668 09/09/03 Unit l.12; Lot 5 V 315 14 40 . 133.6 7.8 122.0 . 13.4 91 ' , 90 669 09/09/03 Unit 1.12; Lot - . ' 311 14 .40' 133.6 7.8 122.6 10.8 , 92 90 . V 670 09/09/03 Unit '1.12; Lot 5 , , V , 318 14 40 '133.6 7.8 128.6 8.9 - 96 , 90 671 1 09/09/03 Unit 1.12; Lot ' ' . V 321 14 ' 40 133.6 , 7.8 122.2 11.4 -91 -- ---------------------------------- 672 09/09/03 Unitl.12;Lot5 ' ' . ' , V 324 14 ' 40 133.6 7.8 ' 119.7 10.4 90 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 " ' , , V July 13, 2004 - - - - - - -. - - - TABLE Elev. 'Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location ' ('t) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 684 .09/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot ' 82 25 0 119.0 '14.0 107.8 18.9 91 90 685 09/15/03 Unit 1.10; Street KK 17+60 95 25 0 119.0 14.0 .108.6 16.2 91 . 90 686 09/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 . 99 25 0 119.0 14.0. 111.8 17.5 94 90 687 09/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 85 25 0 119.0 14.0 109.8 17.6 92 90 688 09/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 48 105 25 0 119.0 14.0 ' 110.9 16.4 93 90 689 09/15/03 Unit .1. 10; Street II 18+50 106 25 0 119.0 14.0 106.8 17.9 90 90 705 09/12/03 Unit 1.10; Street KI( 17+85 . ' . 74 20 0 123.5 11.0' 112.3 13.4 91 90 706 ' 09/12/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 .. 77 24 0 117.0 14.7 ' 106.9 17.2 91 90 707 09/12/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 5 ' 80 20 0 123.5 11.0 110.9 15.1 90 90 708 09/12/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 82 20 0 123.5 11.0 111.1 16.3 90 90 709 . 09/12/03 Unit l.10; Street KK18+10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85 20 0 123.5 11.0 113.1 14.8 92 90', 710 09/12/03 Unit l.10; Lot 49 ' 88 20 0 123.5 11.0 110.7 16.1 90 90 720 09/15/03 Unit 1.10 Lot 48 109 25 0 119.0 14.0 ' 107.0 18.5 90 90 721 09/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 112 25 0 119.0 14.0 109.2 16.5 92 90 722' - 09/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 116 25 . 0 119.0 14.0 109.5 18.0 9---90 723 09/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 106 ' 25 0 119.0 14.0 108.3 17.4 91 90 724 09/16/03 Unit, l.10; Lot 48 118 16 0 120.1 11.9 109.6 19.7 91 90 725 09/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 48 . 122 16 ' 0 120.1 11.9 112.6 15.2 94 ' 90 726 09/16/03 Unit l.10; Lot 49 . . 125 16 0 120.1 11.9 113.4 14.5 94 90 727 09/16/03 Unit-1. 10; Lot 49 128 16 0 120.1 11.9 109.2 17.1 91 90 728 09/16/03 Unit l.10; Street lll5+40 129 16 0 120.1' 11.9. 112.7 13.6 94 90 729 09/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot . 76 16 0 120.1 11.9 108.4 ' 18.3 90 90 730 09/16/03 Unit l.10; Lot 6 '79 ' 16 0 120.1 11.9 109.7 17.7 91 90 731 09/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 7 . . 82 16 0 120.1 11.9 106.0 ' 19.7 88 90 731A 09/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 82 16 0 120.1 11.9 115.0' 15.5 96 90 732 09/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot ' 86 16 0 120.1 11.9 97.0 15.0 81 90 732A 09/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot . 86 16 0 120.1 11.9 111.0 19.8 92 90 733 09/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 46 119 ' 16 0 120.1 11.9 107.9 16.5 90 90 734 09/17/03 Unit l.10; Lot 47 ' 121 16 ' 0 120.1 11.9 107.7 .19.2 90 90 73-09/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 84 16 .0 120.1 11.9 101.1 13.9 84 90 735A 09/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 6 84 16 0 120.1 11.9 . 108.9 18.7 91 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 . July 13, 2004 - - - - - -. - - - - - .- - - - TABLE I SUM MARY.0E EIELDDENSITV_TEStRESULTS Elev. Plus - Field Field Field Reqd. or, 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No Date Location (ft) No (%) (pcf) (%) (pci) (%) (%) (%) 736 09/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 5 88 16 0 120.1 11.9 108.5 17.0 90 90 737 09/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 7 . , 91 16 0 120.1 11.9 '109.9 15.6 '92' 90 738 09/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 6 94 16 0 120.1 11.9 107.8 19.5 90 90 739 09/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 97 16 0 120.1 11.9 108.3 20.0 90 90 745 09/19/03, Unit 1.10; Lot 49 72 ...90------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 20 127.9 9.8 118.4 13.1 . 746 09/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 75 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.0 9.0 92 90 747 09/22/03 Unit 1.10; Street 1114+20 78 14 30 130.7 8.8 124.6 8.7 95 90 SZ 748 09/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 80 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.2 9.2 90 90 749 09/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 82 14 ' 30 130.7 8.8 119.3 10.0 91 90 .750 09/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 98 23 0 114.1 16.4 1026 19.5 90 90 751 09/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot . 93 23 0 114.1 16.4 102.4 20.9 90 90 752 09/18/03 Unit 1. 10; Lot 1 ' . 104 23 '0 , 114.1 16.4 ' 103.6 20.0 91 90 782 09/22/03 Unit l.10; Lot 49 . 84 -14 20 127.9 9.8. 115.0 12.6 90 90 783 09/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 , 86 14 50 136.4 6.8 124.8 7.7 91 90 784 09/22/03 Unit! 10 Street KK 17+50 88 14 50 1364 68 1229 72 90 90 785 09/23/03 'Unit 1.10; Street 11 14+60 88 14 .30 130.7 8.8 120.4 10.1 92 90 SZ 786 09/23/03 Unit 110 Lot 49 90 14 30 1307 88 1200 89 92 90 787 - 09/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 - ' 91 - 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.7 8.6 93 90 788 09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot - , 91 14. 20 127.9 9.8 115.8 12.6 - 91 - 90 789 09/24/03 Unit-1.10;-Lot-7 ' 93 14 20 127.9 9.8 118.6 9.0 93 90 790 09/24/03 Unit 110 Street KK 18+20 93 14 30 130.7 -8.8 117.7 10.3 90 ------------------------------------------- 90 791 09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 ' 95 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.8 13.1 91 90 792 -09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Street 1114+85 - 97 14 40 133.6- 7.8 - 122.6 8.6 92 - 90 -793 09/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 . - 100 '14 40 133.6 - 7.8 120.1 10.0: -, 90 90 794- 09/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 51 , 102 25 0 119.0 14.0 109.3 17.3 92 90 795 09/25/03 - Unit 1.10; Lot 49 104 ' 25 . 0 119.0 14.0 107.6 15.9 , 90 90 - 796 09/25/03 Unit 110 Lot 51 106 14 10 1250 109 1126 131 90 90 SZ 798- 09/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 , 107 25 0 119.0 140 107.3 17.2 90, 90 799 09/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 . . - 108 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.2 8.9 92 90 803 09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 90 24 -0 '- 117.0 14.7 105.1 19.8 90 .90 - 804 09/24/03 Unit 110 Lot3 96 24 0 1170 147 1063 170 91 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 - . - ' . . July 13, 2004 - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -. TABLE UiMRYOfEILftDENSIiYITESLRES.U,LTS1_ ------- ------- - Elev. - Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or, 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Re!. Re!. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp.' Test No. Date Location . (ft) No. (%), (pci) (%) (pci) (%) (%) (%) SZ 805 09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot , 107 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.5 18.3 93 90 806 09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 97 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.5 16.8 90 90 807 09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot - '101 24 0 117.0 14.7 111.5 16.5 95 90 808 09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 100 . 24 0 117.0 14.7 98.7 15.2 84 90 808A 09/24/03 Unit 1.10 Lot 100 4 O. 117.0 14.7 107.9 . 16.9 92'.9- 809 09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 96 24 0 117.0 14.7 98.7 11.6 84 90 809A 09/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 5. , 96 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.0 18.0 91 90 810 09/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot ' . 80 , 24 0 117.0 14.7 104.9 16.3 90 90 SZ 811 09/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 10 . 78 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.9 16.8 .91 90 SZ 812 09/25/03 Unit-1.10;-Lot-8 84 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.7 17.4 91 90 813 09/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot9 88 24 0 117.0 14.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105.5 18.9 90 90 814 09/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 7 . 94 24 0 117.0 14.7 110.3 18.1 94 90 815 09/25/03 Unit l.10; Lot lO 83 24 0 117.0 14.7 104.9 16.7 90 90 SZ 816 09/26/03 Unit l.10; Lot 4 100 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.9 17.5 91 90 SZ 81_7_,____'_09/26/03 Unit -1; 10; -Lot -9 91' 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.2 17.1 92 90 823 09/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 51 . - 104 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.5 11.2 92 90 824 09/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 ' 108 14 40 133.6 .7.8 126.2 9.5 94 90 825 09/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 . 111 14 40 133.6 7.8 119.7 11.0 90 90 826 09/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 115 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.9 11.2 92 90 - 827 09/30/03 Unit-1.10;-Lot -51 114 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.9 9.8 91 90 828 09/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 . 118 14 40 133.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.8 123.8 10.0 93 90 - 829 09/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 121 , 14 40 ' 133.6 7.8 121.3 10.8 91 90 830 09/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 52 , 108 14 40 133.6' .7.8 121:6 . 8.9 91 90 ' 832 09/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 51 , . 110 14 30 130.7 8.8 '. '118.0 , 12.6 .'• 90 . 90 SZ 860 09/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 51 . 117 14 40 133.6 ' 7.8 125.8 9.5 ' . 94 90 SZ 861 09/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 ' ' ' .120 14 . 40 - 133.6 7.8 122.8 12.1 92 90 862' 10/01/03 Unit 1.10; Street JJ 23+25 ' ' . 104 ' 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.2 10.6 92 90 863 10/01/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 ' . . ' ' .108 14 40 ' 133.6 . 7.8 126.1 ' 10.1 94 90 - 864 10/01/03 Unit 1.10; Street 11 13+60 ' . 111 14 40. 133.6 7.8 120.2 14.2 90 90 ': .....86--i0/O1/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 ' ' . ' .113 14. 40 133.6.' 7.8 ' 121.8 11.4 91 90 SZ 887 10/03/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 52 . . . -- 103 .25 - -. 119.0 14.0 ' 107.7. 20.1 91 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 . . . July 13, 2004 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Test No Date Location TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus or 3/4 Adj. Depth Curve Rock MDD (1't) No. (%) (pcf) Adj. 0MG (%) Field Dry Dens. (pet) Field Moist. Cont. (%) Field Rd. Comp. Reqd. Rel. Comp. 888 10/03/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 51 105 25 0 119.0 14.0 107.2 19.3 90 90 895 10/06/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 109 23 0 114.1 16.4 107.3 20.7 94 90 896 10/06/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 51 111 23 0 114.1 16.4 109.0 18.5 96 90 897 10/06/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 53 114 23 0 114.1 16.4 105.9 19.5 93 90 898 10/06/03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit 1.10; Lot 52 118 23 0 114.1 ..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16.4 106.4 19.1 899 10/06/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 8 90 23 0 114.1 16.4 98.0 283 86 90 899A 10/06/03 Unit 1.10;Lot 8 90 23 0 114.1 16.4 104.5 21.1 92 90 916 10/07/03 Unit 1.10; Street 1114+00 . 109 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.0 13.1 90 90 SZ 917 10/07/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 107 14 20 127.9, 9.8 117.2 9.9 92 90 918 10/07/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 112 14 50 136.4 6.8 123.8 8.5 91 90 919 10/07/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 115 14 10 125.0 10.9 114.7 11.3 92 90 SZ 923 10/08/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 11 93 24 0 117.0 14.7 109.7 16.7 94 90 924 10/08/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 96 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.9 18.8 91 90 925 10/08/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 98 24 0 117.0 14.7 112.3 16.0 96 90 926 10/08/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 10 100 24 0 117:0 14.7 104.9 19.5 90 90 927 10/08/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 117 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.4 17.9 93 90 928 10/08/03 Unit 1.10; Street 11 14+00 110 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.1 18.0 92 90 SZ 929 10/08/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 115 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.2 16.1 92 90 930 10/06/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 115 14 30 130.7 8.8 123.2 9.9 94 90 SZ 931 10/06/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 - 115 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.8 10.8 90 90 932 10/06/03 Unit 1.10; Street JJ 23+00 113 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.6 9.3 91 90 933 10/09/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 117 14 60 139.2 5.8 127.7 6.0 92 90 934 10/09/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 117 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.0 9.3 90 90 935 10/09/03 Unit l.10; Lot 20 119 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.6 8.1 93 90 - 936 10/09/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 121 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.4 8.5 92 90 937 10/10/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 122 14 30 130.7 8.8 124.6 10.1 95 90 938 10/10/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 123 14 50 136.4 6.8 122.8 8.4 90 90 939 10/10/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 125 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.5 9.3 91 90 940 10/09/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 48 121 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.9 19.3 91 90 94110/09/03 Unit-1. 10; Lot 51 114 24 0 117.0 14.7 109.3 17.5 93 90 942 10/09/03 Unit 1.10; Lot52 117 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17.8 91 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field. Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. - Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp Test No. Date Location (ft) No. (%) (pci) (%) (pcf) 970 10/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 125 14. 40 133.6 7.8 125.1 10.2 94 90 971 : 10/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 127 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.7 13.0 90 . 90 972 10/13/03 Unit 1.l0 Lot 22 128 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.7 10.5 93 . 90 973 10/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 130 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.5 10.9 90 90 974 10/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 . . . 132 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.1 12.190--90 975 10/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 - 110 14 . 30 130.7 8.8 122.0 . 9.8 93 90 976 10/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 75 99 11 0 117.0 14.6 106.4 17.6 91 90 977 10/13/03 Unit l.10; Lot 72 104 11 0 117.0 14.6 105.6 19.0 90 90 SZ 978 10/15/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 14 340 14 30 130.7 8.8 125.2 10.5 96 90 SZ 979 10/15/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 11 327 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.1 12.9 90 90 SZ 1010 10/15/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 330 14 30 130.7 8.8 119.1 9.9 91 90 SZ 1011 10/15/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 12 335 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.9 10.6 91 90 SZ 1012 10/15/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 10 333 14 30 130.7 8.8 121.0 10.2 93. 90 SZ 1015 10/16/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 13 338 14 30 130.7 8.8 119.0 14.7 . 91 90 SZ 1016 10/16/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 11 341 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.4 14.9 90 90 SZ 1017 10/16/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 344 14 30 130.7 8.8 124.1 10.5 95 90 1018 10/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 79 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.4 10.0 92 90 1019 10/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 . 82 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.3 9.6 92 90 1034 10/20/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 10 . 344 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.1 8.9 92 90 1035 10/20/03 Unit 1:12; Lot 12 - 351 14 60 139.2 5.8 127.0 6.0 91 9 1036 10/20/03 Unit l.12; Lot ll 347 14 60 139.2 5.8 131.1 6.4 94 90 1037 10/20/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 11 354 14 60 139.2 . 5.8 130.2 5.7 94 90 1038 10/20/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 10 350 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.4 8.9 90 90 1039 10/20/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 17 344 14 40 133.6 7.8 126.3 10:4 95 90 SZ 1043 10/17/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 12 346 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.3 9.8 92 90 SZ 1044 10/17/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 10 338 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.0 10.6 90 90 1052 10/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot . 104 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.7 17.0 90 90 SZ 1053 10/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 7 . 100 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.1 17.3 92 . 90 1054 10/20/03 Unit l.10; Lot lO 102 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.2 18.6 91 90 1055 10/20/03 Unit 1:10; Lot - 105 24 0 117.0 14.7 - 107.9 17.2 - -- 92 90 1056 10/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 . 128 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.1 19.4 . 90 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd.: or 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp Test No. Date Location (ft) No. (q) (pet) (%) (pci) 1057 10/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 51 120 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.5 18.1 90 90 1058 10/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 . 122 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.0 17.9 91 90 1060 10/21/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 19 338 14 50 136.4 6.8 124.8 7.3 91 90 1061 101/21/03 Unit 1:12; Lot 19 341 14 60 139.2 5.8 124.8 . 7.3 90 90 1062 10/21/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 8 348 14 60 139.2 5.8 125.8 6.1 90 -90 1063 10/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 . 112 14 60 139.2 5.8 129.4 5.9 93 90 1064 10/21/03 Unit 1.10; Street JJ16+80 114 14 60 139.2 5.8 127.8 7.0 92 90 1065 10/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 129 14 40 133.6 7.8. 124.6 7.7 93 90 1066 10/22/03 Unit l.10; Lot 2l 131 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.3 10.0 90 90 1067 .10/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20. 120 14 60 139.2 5.8 126.6 6.3 91 90 1068 10/22/03 Unit 1.10; Street HH 12+90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 124 14 50 136.4 6.8 122.5 7.3 90 90 SZ 1069 10/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot29 115 14 50 136.4 6.8 124.8, 8.1 91 90 1071 10/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 109 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.5 16.9 90 90 1072 10/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 3 113 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.4 18.5 93 90 1073 10/21/03 Unit! 10 Lot 114 24 0 1170 147 1049 195 90 90 1074 10/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 120 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.3 18.4 90 90 1075 10/22/03 . Unit 1.10; Lot 3 108 24 0 117.0 14.7 99.2 167 85 . 90 1075A 10/24/03 Unit l.10; Lot 3 108 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.6 16.4 92 90 .1076 10/22/03 Unitl.10; Lot 2 -. . 111 24 0 117.0 14.7 104.9 17.5 90 90 1077 10/22/03 Unit l.10; Lot l 114 24 0 117.0 14.7 101.1 19.8 86 90 1077A. 10/24/03 Unit 1.iO; Lot l 114 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.0 18.4 91 90 -'1078 10/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 1 117 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.2 14.9 91 90 1079 10/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 1 120 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.4 16.9 93 90 1080 . 10/22/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 29+25 350 16 - 0 120.1 11.9 108.9 14.5 91 90 108110/22/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 31+26 345 16 0 120.1 11.9 108.1 15.2 90 90 1082 10/22/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 30+00 348 16 0 120.1 11.9 107.6 14.3 90 90 1083 10/23/03 Unit l.12; Lot 17 347 23 0 114.-i 16.4 104.8 18:6 92 90 1084 10/23/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 15 349 23 0 114.1 16.4 106.2 18.6 93 90 1085 -10/23/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 12 . 356 23 0 114.1 16.4 103.1 19.6 90 90 1086 10/23/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 30+70 - . 352 23 0 114.1 16.4 103.7 19.7 91 90 1087 10/23/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 28+50 355 23 -0 114.1 16.4 104.3 20.2. 91 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. - or, , 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry ' Moist. Re!. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD 0MG Dens. Cont . Comp. Comp. Test No. Date . Location . ' (ft) '. No. (%) (pet) (%) (pet) 1088 10/23/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 10 . ' 355 ' 23 0 114.1 16.4 106.0 19.2 93 90 1089 10/23/03 Unit 1.12; Lot8 ' 351 23 0 114.1 16.4 104.0 18.1 91 90 1090 10/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 120 14 50 136.4 6.8 125.7 77 92 .' 90 SZ 1091 - 10/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 117. 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.2 8.9 92 90 1092 10/23/03 Unit 1.10; Street HH 13+95 126 14 60 139.2 5.8 127.7 6.1 92' 90 1093 10/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 ' . 132 14 60 . 139.2 5.8 125.7 " 8.4 90 ' 90 1094 10/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 ' 134 14 ' 40 133.6 7.8' 119.7 10.0 90 90 1095 10/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 . .130 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.7 9.4 90 ' 90 1096 10/23/03 Unit 1.10; Street HH " 129 14 60 139.2 5.8 , 131.3 5.9 94 90 1097 10/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 126 14 60 139.2 5.8 126.7 6.8 91-90 1098 10/23/03 Unit 1.10; Street JJ 17+20 ' 118 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.0 9.3 90 90 1099 10/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 120 14 40 133.6 7.8 , 122.6 10.6 92 90 1100 10/24/03 Unit l.10; Lot 60 118 14 50 136.4 6.8 125.1 7.0 92 90 1101 10/24/03 Unit 1.10; Street JJ 16+50 120 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.0 10.3 90 90 1102 10/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 124 14 50 136.4 6.8 123.0 6.8 90 90 1103 10/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 , 123 14 50 136.4 6.8 ' 126.7 8.1 93 . 90 1110 10/24/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 28+00 . 349 23 0 114.1 16.4 102.8' 20.3 90 90 1111 10/24/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 26+50 ' 346 23 0 114.1 16.4 105.5 19.0 92 90 1112 10/24/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 24+20 331 23 0 114.1 16.4 102.6 19.7 90 90 1113 10/24/03 Unit l.12; Amber 25+00 337 23 0 114.1 16.4 104.0 19.2 91 90 1114 10/24/03 Unit l.12; Amber 27+00 350 23 0 114.1 16.4 108.9 18.5 95 90 1115 10/24/03 Unit 1.12;Amber25+75 - ' 345 23 . 0 114.1 16.4 104.0 19.5 91 90 1116 10/24/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 24+60 240 23 0 114.1 16.4 103.7 19.9 91 90, 1117 10/24/03 Unit 1.12; Lot ' 343 23 0 114.1 16.4 103.0 18.0 90 90 1118 10/24/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 331 23 0 114.1 16.4 105.4 18.4 , 92 90 1119 10/24/03 Unit 1.12; Lot ' 335 23 0 114.1 16.4 - 102.3 20.7 90 90 1120 10/27/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 ' -, 136 14 20 127.9 9.8 114.9 12.8 90 90 1121 10/27/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 ' ' ' 138 14 ' 20 127.9 9.8 115.1 11.6 90 90 1122 10/27/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 , 140 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.6 12.1 90 90 1123 10/28/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 - , - 96 14 40 133.6 7.8 126.5 10.0 9590 1124 10/28/03 Unit l.10; Lot 60 ' - - 100 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.9 13.8 91 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 ' - - July 13, 2004 TABLE] . Elev. Plus Field Field Field. Reqd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Re!. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft) No. (°°) (pcO (%) (pcf) 1125 10/28/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 103, 14 . 40 133.6 7.8 122:1 9.8 91 90 1,126 10/28/03 Unith10; Lot 60 . . . 107 14 .40 133.6 7.8 123.3 1.1.2 92 90. 1127 10/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 . 120 14 20 127.9 9.8 114.5 15.9 90 90 1128 10/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 . . 122 14 20 127.9 9.8 114.8 12.4 90 90 1129 10/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29' . 126 14 20 127.9 9.8 117.6 12.0 92 90 1159 . 10/29/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 337 24 0 117.0 14.7. . 110.9 14.9 95 90 - 1160 10/29/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 332 24 ' 0 117.0 14.7 107.0 14.2 91 96 1178 10/31/03 Unit 1.10; Lot Ii , . . ' 102 . 24 0 117.0 14.7 109.2 14.9 93 ' 90 1180 10/31/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 14 . 98 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.6 16.3 90 90 1181 10/31/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 14 , 100 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.0 15.5 91 90 .1182 11/03/03 Unit 1.10; Street HH 23+25 126 14 10 125.0 10.9 112.8 13.9 90 90 1183 11/03/03 Unit 1.10; StreetJJ 15+35 122 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.6 10.1 92 90 1184 11/03/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 61 118 14 0 122.2 12.1 109.6 15.6 90 90 1185 11/03/03 Unit l.10; Lot 29 128 14' 0 122.2 12.1 111.3 13.5 91 90 SZ 1186 11/03/03 Unit l.1O; Lot 29 . 127 14 10 125.0 10.9 114.7 ' 11.8 92 90 ST 1223 11/04/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 104 24 0 117.0 14.7 . 105.9 18.2 91 90 ST .1224 11/04/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 98 24 0 117.0 14.7 104.9 11.5 90 90 ST 1225 11/04/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 10 . 93 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.3 , 14.9 90 90 1226 11/04/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 143 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.1 9.0 93 90 1227 11/04/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 ' , , 147 14 60 139.2 5.8 125.0 6.1 ' 90 90 1228 11/04/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 . ' 130 ' 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.6 8.3 91 90 1229 11/04/03 Unit 1.10; Street HH 23+55 ' 136 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.5 10.4 90 90 1230 11/04/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 , . 134 16 0 120.1 11.9 ' 112.4 13.0 ' 94 90 FG 1235 , 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 1 ' 137 24 0 117.0 14.7 . 105.5 , 14.6 90 90 FG 1236 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 132 24 0 117.0 14.7 111.4 18:0 95 90 FG 1237 11/05/03. Unit 1.10; Lot ' 124 24 0 117.0 14.7 ' 106.4 18.9 91 90 FG 1238 11/05/03 - ' Unit 1.10; Lot 4 117 24 ' 0 .117.0 14.7 105.7 . 19.2 90 90 FG 1239 11/05/03 Unit- 1.10; Lot 5 , 110 24 0 117.0 '14.7 106.4 16.3 . 91 90. ST 1250 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot .21 . 128 24 '0 117.0 14.7 106.5 17.2 91 90 ST 1251 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot ' ,. 120, 24 0 . 117.0 14.7 105.0 ' 18.4 . 90 90 FG 1252 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 6 . 109 . 24 0 ' 117.0 14.7 112.3 16.6 ' 96 ' 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 Test No. Date. Location TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus or 3/4 Adj. Depth Curve Rock MDD (ft) No; (%) (pci) Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens. (pet) Field Field ' Req'd. - Moist. Rel. Rel. Cont. Comp. Comp. FG 1253 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 7 , 108' 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.3 19.1 92 90 FG 1254 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 8 ' . 107 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.5 20.4 92 90 - 1255 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 105 24 0 117.0 14.7 110.5, 20.5. 94 90 FG 1256 11/05/03 Unitl.10; Lot lO 105 24 0 117.0 14.7 111.6 14.5 95 90 FG 1257 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 11 104 24 0 117.0 14.7 115.9 17.2 -9990 1258 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Street HE 22+85 , 141 14 50 136.4 6.8 125.1 8.3 92 90 SZ 1259 11/05/03 Unit l.10; Lot 29 . 131 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.2 ' 795 91 90 1260 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 136 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.6 8.6 93 90 1261 11/06/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 59 133 14 50 136.4 6.8 ' 124.9 ' 7.0 ' 92 90 ' 1262 11/06/03 Unit 1.10; StreêtJi 16+70 135 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.0 11.3 90 90 1263 11/06/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 ' 150 14 20 127.9 9.8 117.8 10.4 92 90 1264 11/06/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 ' 152 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.7 8.5 93 90 1265 11/07/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 154 14 50 136.4 6.8 122.8 8.2 90 90 - 1266 11/07/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 140 14 50 136.4 6.8 124.0 .6.7 91 90 SZ 1267 11/07/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 59 132 14 60 139.2 5.8 127.8 6.1 92 90 ' 1268, 11/07/03 Unit l.10; Street JJ16+00 134 ' 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.7 9.3 91 90 1274 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Street!! 14+10 118 24 0 117.0 '14.7 104.9 18.0 90 90 .1275 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Street JJ23+80 . 122 24 0 117.0 14.7 99.8 20.4 85 90 1275 A 11/06/03 Unit 1.10; Street JJ 23+80 - 122 24 0 117.0 14.7 '104.8 17.2 , 90 90 1276 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Street 1115+75 126 24 . - 0 117.0 14.7 106.3 17.7 91 9 1277 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 5 ' 125 24 0 117.0 14.7 110.0 15.4 94 90 1278 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 , , , 128 24 0 - 117.0 14.7 104.8 19.9 ' 90 90 1279 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Street!! 17+00 - ' 133 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.0' 16.6 92 90 1280 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Street HE 13+00 136 24 ' 0 117.0 14.7 106.4 17.0 ' 91 ' 90 128111/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 140 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.7 16.9 92 ' 90 - 1282 11/05/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 144 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.2 19.5 90 90 1298 11/10/03 Unit l.10; Lot 6O 136 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.0 11.5 90 90 1299 11/10/03 •Unit 1.10; Lot 29 . 138 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.4 12.0 91 90 1300 11/10/03 Unit 'l.lO; Lot 59 ' . 142 14 30 130.7 8.8 ' 117.5 15.0 90 90 1301 ' 11/12/03 Unit l.10; Lot 29 '' ' 145 14 20 127.9 9.8 119.3 13.7 93 90 1302 11/12/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 143 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.0 11.5 93 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 5 July 13, 2004 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS .Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry •Moist. Rd. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp.- Test No. Date Location . . (ft) No. (%) (pcI) (%) (pcf) (%) 1303 11/12/03 Unit 1.10; Street ii 17+00 140 14 20 127.9 . 9.8 117.8 11.4 92 90 1304 11/12/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 61. . 119 17 0 .116.5 13.3 - 104.7 14.9 90 . 90 1305 11/12/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 61 . . . 121 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.3 -18.1 90 90 1306 11/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 . 149 14 . 40 133.6 7.8 123.9 12.5 93 90 1307 11/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 153 14 40 133.6 7.8 119.7 13.4 90 90 1308 11/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 156 14 40 133.6 7.8 127.3 10.0 95 90 1,309 11/13/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 . 160 14 40 133.6 7.8 . 121.8 11.9 91 90 ST 1333 11/11/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 59. . 190 24 .0 117.0 14.7 105.1 14.8 90 90 1355 11/16/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 5 - . 333 24 0. 117.0 14.7 107.9 16.5 92 90 SZ 1356 11/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 27 151 14 40 133.6 7.8 125.8 8.4 94 90 SZ 1357 11/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 153 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.3 . 9.9 91 90 1358 11/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 159 14 60 139.2 5.8 128.0 7.3 92 90 1359 11/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 . 156 14 50 136.4 6.8 124.8 10.3 91 90 .1360 11/14/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 147 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.3 10.6 92 90 1361 11/14/03 Unit 1.10; StreetJJ 17+80 .149 14 20 127.9 9.8 118.0 11.7 9290 1362 11/14/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 146 14 20 127.9 9.8 114.6 11.0 90 90 ST 1363 11/14/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 16 333 14 20 127.9 9.8 116.1 14.8 91 90 ST 1364 11/14/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 12 352 14 20 127.9 9.8 118.9 12.3 93 90 ST 1365 11/14/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 322 14 10 125.0 10.9 114.2 12.5 91 90 ST 1366 11/14/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 5 318 14 10 125.0 10.9 117.1 12.9 9490 1367 11/17/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 39+00 - . 304 23 0 114.1 16.4 104.5 19.1 92 90 1368 11/17/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 38+25 309 23 0 114.1 16.4 102.2 19.8 90 90 1369 11/17/03 Unit l.12; Amber 37+70 319 23 0 114.1 16.4 106.1 18.5 93 90 1370 11/17/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 36+50 328 23 0 114.1 16.4 102.8 20.8 90 90 1371 11/17/03 Und 1.12; Amber 35+90 334 23 0 114.1 16.4 103.0 18.8 90 90 1372 11/17/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 35+50 . 338 23 0 114.1 16.4 104.9 18.5 92 90 1373 11/17/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 36+50 336 23 0 114.1 16.4 103.6 21.0 91 90 1374 11/17/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 35+25 - 341 23 0 114.1 16.4 102.5 20.0 90 90 . - 1375 11/17/03 Unit 1.12; Amber 37+00 330 23 0 114.1 16.4 105.8 18.4 93 90 1376 11/17/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 20 . 329 11 0 117.0 14.6 105.1 18.3 90 90 1377 11/17/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 20 - 331 11 0 117.0 14.6 109.2 16.8 93 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 . . - - - Test No. - Date - - - - - - - - - TABLE! SUMMARYOF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus or 3/4 Adj. Depth Curve Rock: MDD Location 0 (ft) No. (%) (pci). -. Adj. OMC (%) - Field Dry Dens. (pci) - - - - Field Field Reqd. Moist. Rel. Rd.' Cont. Comp : Comp. 1378 11/18/03, Unit 1.10; Lot 20 138 11 0 117.0 14.6 107.0 15.9 91 90 1379 11/18/03 Unit l.10; Lot 2l . 147 11 0 117.0 14.6 '105 .0 -18.3 90 90 1380 11/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 . 150 - 11 0 117.0 14.6 1053 18.5 90 90 1381 S 11/18/03 ,Unit l.10; Lot 20 . . 143 11 0 117.0 146 106.9 16.8 91 90. 1382 11118/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 -. . -' 148 .11 O 117.0 14.6 108.2 . 16.1 . 92 90 1383 11/18/03 Unit 1.10;-Lot21 .. . 153 11 0 -1170 14.6 107.0 17.5 91 90 1384 11/18/03 Unit l.10; Street HH 14+00 146 23 0 114.1 16.4 105.4 19.9 92 90 1390 11/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 161 14 60 139.2 -5.8 126.8 8.0 91 90 - 1391 11/18/03 Unit l.10; Street JJI6+90 145 14 . 20 . 127.9 9.8 115.0 11.9 . 90 90 1392 11/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 59 - . . 145 14 - 40 133.6 7.8 120.4 . 7.8 90 90 1393 11/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 58 147 14 50 136.4 6.8 128.1 7.3 . 94 90 1394 11/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 . 150- 14 50 . 136.4 - 6.8 123.0 6.5 90 90 1395: 11/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 59 . 147 14 50 136.4 6.8 124.8 8.2 91 90 1396 11/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 31 . - 152 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.3 8.1 93 90 1397 11/19/03 Unit l.10; Lot 30 154 14 40 133.6 7.8 -121.9 9.3 91 90 - 1398 11/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 59 150 14 60 139.2 5.8 128.6 5.9 92 90 1399 11/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 58 0 153 14 - 10 125.0 10.9 112.7 13.1 90 90 1410 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 - . 128 17 0 116.5 13.3 1050 18.0 90 90 1411 11/20/03 Unit l.10; Lot 60 . 131 17 0 116.5 13.3 108.1 16.9 93 90 1412 11/20/03 Unit l.10; Lot 60 - 134 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.0 15.6 92 - 90 1413 11/20/03 Unit l.10; Lot 60 0 139 17 0 116.5 13.3 - 104.4 18.2 90 90 1414 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 59 . 150 17 0 116.5 13.3 104.7 17.5 90 90 1415 11/20/03 Unit l.10; Lot 60 -- 138 - 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.2 18.8 91 90 1416 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 145 17 0 116.5 13.3 110.4 - 15.2 95 90 1417 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 59 156 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.6 15.9 92 - 90 1418 11/20/03 - Unit 1.10; Lot 59 141 17 0 - 116.5 13.3 105.5 16.4 91 - -90 1419 11/20/03 Unitl.10; Lot 60 146 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.4 16.3 90 90 SZ - 1420 11/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 - - 142 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.7 7.9 - 93 90 - 1421 - 11/20/03 Unit 1.10;Lot30 - . - 156 - 14 - 50 136.4 6.8 i23.8 8.0 91 - 90 1422 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; Street HH23+40 - 163, - 14 50 - 136.4 6.8 122.9 9.1 90 - 90- S 1423 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 27 - - 158 14 20 127.9 9.8 118.4 - 10.6 03 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 . - July 13, 2004 - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date - . Location Elev. or Depth . t) Cie No. Plus 3/4" Rock (%) Adj. . MDD (pcf) Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens. (pcf) Field Moist. Cont. (%) Field Rd. Comp. Reqd. Rel. Comp: 1424 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 .157 14 20 127.9 9.8 120.6 10.3 94 90 1425 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 160 14 40 133.6, 7.8 120.0 9.3 90 90 1426, 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 39 150 14 - 20 127.9 9.8 117.2 9.5 92 90 1427 11/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 - -. 153 14 20 127.9 - 9.8 116.3 10.8 91 90 1428 11/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 . . 155 14 50 136.4 ' 6.8 124.9 7.7 - 92 90 1429 11/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 . 159 14 30 130.7 -8.8 118.6 10.6 91 90 1430 11/20/03 Unit l.10; Street HHl3+25 - 147 24 0 11710 14.7 105.7 17.8 90 90 1431 11/20/03 Unit 1.10; StreetHH 14+45 - - 150- 24 0 117.0 - .14.7 107.9 16.2 92 90 1432 11/21/03 Unit! 10 Street HH 15+00 153 24 0 1170 147 1048 186 90 90 1433 11/21/03 Unit 110 Street HR 16+00 155 24 0 1170 147 1078 167 92 90 1434 - 11/21/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 32+25 - - 199 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.4 16.5 - 92 90 - 1435 11/21/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 33+75 -196 - 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.7 -. 17.8 - 91, 90 -. 1437 11/21/03 Unit-1.10; Alicante 33+00 - - - 203 24 0 -117.0 14.7 107.0 20.7 91 90 - 1438 . 11/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 33 - -- 194 24 0 117.0 14.7 112.4 18.4 96 - 90 1439 11/21/03 Unit 10 Lot 35 197 24 0 1170 147 1113 166 95 90 - 1440. 11/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 35/36 201 24 0 117.0 14.7 110.0 19.4 94 - 90 - 1441 11/21/03 Unit 1.10 - - 204 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.6 18.1 92 90 1442 11/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 36 - - 207 24 - 0 117.0 14.7. - .109.7 16:4 - 94 90 1443 11/21/03 Unit! 10 Ahcante36+00 204 24 0 1170 147 1063 203 91 90 1444 11/24/03 - Unit 1.10; Lot 29 143 14 20 127.9 9.8 118.1 - 13.9 92 90 14-45 11/24/03 Unit l.10; Lot 29 149 14 20 127.9 9.8 114.7 '10.2 90 90 1446 - 11/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 152 14 20 - 127.9 9.8 - 119.5 13.6 93 90 1447 11/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 ., - 160 14 - 40 133.6 - 7.8 121.6 10.0'' 91 90. 1450 11/21/03 Unit 1.lO; Lot 39. 162 14 60 139.2 '5.8 129.4 5.8 93 90 1451 11/21/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 165 14 60 139.2 5.8 - 125.1 7.3 -'90 90 1461 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 48 , . - 136 3 ' - 0 119.0 13.2 109.2 13.5 92 90 - 1462 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 47 - 138 3 0 119.0 13.2 110.6 14.7 93 90 1463 - 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 48 138 3 0 119.0 13.2 108.9 13.1 92 - ' 90 - - 1464 11/25/03 Unit 1.!O; Lot 46 - 139 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.0 16.1 - 90 90 SZ 146..11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 - 116 24 0 117.0. 14.7 105.1 18.3 90 -- 90 1466 11/25/03 - Unit 1.10; Street JJ 22+85 -- 121 -16 - 0 120.1 11.9 110.3 13.1 92 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS. 0 Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rd. Rel. Depth, Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date ucation (ft) No. . (%) (pcf) (% (pcf) (%) •. (%) (%) SZ 1467 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 119 3 .0 119.0 13.2 112.6 15.7 95 90 SZ 1468 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 - 125 3 0 119.0 13.2 109.7 15.9 92 90 SZ 1469 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 150 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.2 16.3 92 90 ST 1472 11/25/03 Unit l.10; Lot 39 153 14 40 133.6 7.8 125.0 11.6 94 90 1473 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 39 157 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.9 12.69190 1474 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 39 160 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.9 11.1 . 92 90 1475 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 39 163 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.3 11.7 92 90 .1476 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 168 14 40 133.6 7.8 119.9 12.2 90 90 1477 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 170 14 40 133.6 7.8 125.9 9.8 94 90 1478 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 42+40 174 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.0 10.3 ---90 - 1479 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 41+50 171 14 40 133.6 7.8 119.7 10.9 90 90 SZ 1480 11/25/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 159 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.9 18.0 91 90 SZ 1481 11/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 128 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.6 17.9 91 90 1482 11/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 131 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.0 15.7 92 90 1488 12/01/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 41+90 183 14 50 136.4 6.8 123.6 7.7 91 90 1490 11/26/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 40+75 176 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.7 11.6 93 90 1491 11/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 179 14 40 133.6 7.8 119.8 9.9 90 90 1492 11/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 181 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.1 9.8 92 90 1493 11/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 . 184 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.4 10.4 92 90 1508 12/03/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 35+00 200 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.5 17.3 93 90 1516 12/02/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 163 25 0 119.0 14.0 107.0 16.3 90 90 1517 12/02/03 Unit l.10; Lot 32 165 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.4 10.5 90 90 1518 12/02/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 35+00 205 25 0 119.0 14.0 107.7 15.6 91 90 1578 12/09/03 Unit l.1O; Lot 18 110 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.2 16.1 92 90 1579 12/09/03 Unit-1. 10; Lot 18 113 24 - 0 117.0 14.7 103.6 10.8 89 90 1579A 12/09/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 18 113 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.0 15.4 91 --------------- 90 1598 12/10/03 Unit l.10; Lot 30 . 163 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.5 11.6 91 90 1599 12/10/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 167 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.9 10.9 93 90 1600 12/09/03 Unit l.10; Lot 17 115 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.7 14.8 91 90 . - 1601 12/09/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 18 117 3 0 119.0 13.2 109.6 13.1 92 90 1602 12/09/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 18 119 ,3 0 119.0 13.2 102.4 11.5 86 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 0 - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No Date Location Elev. or Depth (ft) . - Curve No Plus 3/4' Rock (%) Adj. MDD (pcf) .Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens. (pcf) Field Moist. Cont. (%) Field Rel. Comp. (%) Req'd. Rel. Comp. (%) 1602A 12/08/03 Unit l.10; Lot 18 .119 3 0 119.0 13.2 108.6 13.8 91 90 1603 12/08/03 Unit l.10; Lot 17 121 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.8 16.3 92 90 1604 12/08/03 Unit l.10; Lot 19 123 3 0 119.0 13.2 110.4 14.6 93 90 1605 12/08/03 Unit l.10; Lot 15 99 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.5 15.9 91 90 1612 12/09/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 15 101 3 0 119.0 13.2 108.6 13.1 91 90 1613 12/09/03 Unit l.10; Lot 17 - 123 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.2 15.8 90 90 1614 12/09/03 Unit l.10; Lot l8 125 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.2 16.4 90 90 1615 12/09/03 Unit l.10; Lot 19 128 24 0 117.0 14.7 110.4 18.1 94 90 1618 12/10/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 41+15 172 25 0 119.0 14.0 107.7 16.2 91 90 1619 12/10/03 Unit1.10;Lot38 - 170 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.0 18.1 91 90 1620 12/10/03 Unit 1.10; Street FIR 22+80 . 171 14 40 133.6 7.8 120.7 13.4 90 90 1621 12/10/03 Unit l.10; Lot 30 174 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.3 11.2 92 90 1622 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 27 176 14 40 133.6 7.8 119.7 9.0 90 90 1623 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 32 178 14 40 133.6 7.8 119.6 12.7 90. 90 1624 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 181 14 40 133.6 7.8 126.5 10.2 95 90 1625 12/11/03 Unit l.I0; Street FIH23+60 - 183 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.4 13.4 91 90 1626 12/12/03 Unit l.10; Lot 30 185 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.6 10.8 92 90 1627 12/12/03 Unit l.10; Lot 29 187 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.9 11.2 92 90 1628 12/12/03 Unit l.10; Lot 28 183 14 40 133.6 7.8 122.1 11.0 91 90 1629 12/12/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 185 14 40 133.6 7.8 121.0 10.3 91 90 1630 12/10/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 42+00 175 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.4 17.7 90 90 1631 12/10/03 Unit l.10; Alicante 4O+05 180 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.9 19.3 91 90 1632 12/10/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 41+50 182 24 0 117.0 14.7 110.6 16.3 95 90 1633 12/10/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 40+60 185 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.2 17.6 92 90 1634 12/10/03 Unit l.10; Lot 18 130 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.0 17.7 90 90 1635 12/10/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante41+75 188 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.3 14.9 91 90 1636 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 40+15 190 3 - 0 119.0 13.2, 107.7 13.9 91 90 1637 12/11/03 Unit 1. 10; Alicante 42+35 190 3 0 119.0 13.2 108.4 14.5 91 90 1638 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 39+45 194 16 0 120.1 11.9 109.3 12.8 91 90 1639 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 40+25 196 3 0 119.0 13.2 106.8 13.1 90 90 1640 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 39-i-lO 200 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.3 14.2 90 90 Project No. 0640342-09 - July 13, 2004 TABLE . . . . . S.UMMARYOEIELDDENSfliYTESTRESULTS__:._, - - Elev. Plus . Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rd. Depth. Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (It) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcI) (%) (%) (%) 1641 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 43+90 168 16 .' 0 120:1 11.9 108.7 16.3 91 90 1642 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 43+85 . . . ' 171 24 ' 0 1l70 14.7 105.8, 16.1 90 . 90 1644 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 43+50 . . 178 16 0 120.1 11.9 108.9 14.3 91 90 SZ 1645 12/11/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 - 170 3 . 0 119:0 13.2 108.4 16.0 '91 . 90 SZ 1646 12/11703 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 . . 179 24., 0 117.0 14.7 '105.5 18.4 90 90 1670 12/15/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 32 183 14 50 136.4 6.8 124.0 6.8 ' 91 90 1674.. . 12/16/03 Unit 1-10; Lot 31 . 186 14 50 136.4 6.8 124.7 . 7.9 91 90 1675 12/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 32 185 . 14 50 136.4 6.8 .122.9 8.6 90 90 1680 12/16/03 'Unit 1.10; Lot 44 . 145 24 -. 0 117.0 14.7 105.6 16.5 90 90 1681 12/16/03 Unitl.10;Lot43 149 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.1 16.1 91 . 90 1682 12/16/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 42 . 152 24 0 117.0 14.7 109.2 17.8 93 -. 90 1689 12/17/03 Unit l.10; Lot 40 166 17 0 116.5 13.3 108.8 15.5 93 90 1690 12/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 39 . 170 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.2 18.9 91 90 1691 12117/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 174 17 0 . 116.5 13.3 107.8 157 91 90 1692 ' 12/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 39 . '. 178 17 " 0 116.5 13.3 104.7 17.3 90 ' 90 1693 12/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 39 181 17 ' 0 116.5 13.3 109.1 .16.0 94 90 1694 12/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 37 185 17 . 0 116.5 13.3 105.7 16.8 91 90 1695 12/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 39 188 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.2 14.9 91 90 1696 12/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 . 192 .17 0 116.5 13.3 104.3 '18.3 . 90 90 -1698 12/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 38 195 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.5 15.7 ' 91 90 1699 12/17/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 41+40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 197 17 0 116.5 13.3 104.6 17.1 90, 90 1710 12/17/03 Unit l.1O; Lot 37 200 . 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.1 15.9 90 90 1711, 12/17/03 Unit l.10; Lot 43 - 142 17 ' 0 116.5 13.3 106.4 18.1 ' . 91 90 1712 '12/17/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 44 - 140 17 0 116.5 '13.3 107.2 16.5 92 90 1720 12/18/03- Unit 1.10; Street HE 23+95 .188 14 - 20 127.9 9.8 116:7 10.3 91 . 90 1721 12/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 27 - 188 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.2 9.0 93 - 90 1722 - 12/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 - - 189 . 14 40- - 133.6 7.8 120.0 - 8.8 . 90 - 90 ' 1728 12/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 27 . - . - ' 185 14 50 136.4 6.8 124.7 8.3 91 90 1729 .12/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 . - 190 -. 14 40' 133.6 7.8 1,20.1 10.6 90 90 12/18/03 --------------------------------------------------------------- - 1730 - Unit 1.10; Lot 51 - - 116 ' 30 0 118.4 12.5 106.2 17.5 ' 90 90 1731 12/18/03 'Unit 1.10; Lot 52 - 117 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.6 16.0 92 - - 90 July 13, 2004 Project No. 06403-12-09 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST.RESULTS Elev. . Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4' Adj. Adj. Dry Moist..-.,: Re!. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD 'OMC 'Dens. Cont. .Comp. Comp. Test No. Date . Location (ft) No. (%) (pci) (%) . - (pci) (%) (%) (%) 1732 12/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot'53 118, 17 0 116.5 13.3 .98.5 10.9 85 90 1732A 12/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 53 . 118 ' 17.. 0 116.5 13.3 104.6 17.3 90 90 1733 12/18/03 Unit l.10;' Lot Sl .. 119 17 0 116.5 133 107.9 15.0 93 90 1734, 12/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 52 . 120 32 0 1231 11.6 113.2 13.8 92 90 1735 ' 12/18/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 53 . . 121 32 0 123.2 11.6 113.7 13.692 .... 1736 . 12/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 54 . . '" 120 17 '0 116.5 13.3' 106.7. 15.8 92 ' 90 1737 12/19/03 Unit 1.10; Alicante 43+00 . . 180 30 0 118.4 12.5 1075 15.2 91 90 1747 12/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 42 . 148 23 0 114.1 16.4 102.5 17.9' 90 90 1748 12/19/03 Unit, l.10; Lot 4-1 ' 153 23 0 1141 16.4 103.1 20.4 ' 90 ' 90 1749 12/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 40 161 23 0 114.1 16.4 105.9 18.9 93 .90 1750 12/19/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 190 14 40 133.6 7.8 124.9 8.2 94 90 1760 12/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 191 14 , 40 133.6 7.8 121.9 11.8 , 91 90 1761 12/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 '188 14 40 133.6 7.8 125.2 9.0 94 90 1762 12/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 '163 14 20 127.9 9.8 115.6 12.6.. 90 90 1763 12/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 23 . 166 14 30 130.7 8.8 121.9 11.1 9390 1764 '12/22/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 . 165 14 40 133.6. 7.8 122.1 11:4 91 '90 1765 . 12/22/03 Unit l.10; Lot 23 . 169 14 40 133.6 7.8 115.2 9:8 86 90 1765A 12/22/03 Unit 1.!0; Lot 23 . 169 14 40 133.6 7.8 123.3 10.1 92 90 1,766 12/23/03. Unit 1.10; Lot 23 - ' . 171 14 20 127.9 9.8 120.4 11.8 - 94 90 1767, 12/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 24 174 14 20 127.9 9.8, 116.1 13.2 91 90 1768 12/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 23 ' 176 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.0 11.2 90 90 1769 12/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 24 . 178 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.3 13.5 90 90, 1777 12/24/03, Unit 1.12; Lot 36, , - 230 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.5 15.0 91 90 1782 12/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 . 201 24 0 117.0 14.7 ' 105.3 16.9 90 ' 90 ------------.1783 .12/26/9..: Unit 1.10; Lot 27 -, 195 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.7 16.8 91 - 90 SZ 1784 ' 12/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 27 ' 168 3' 0 119.0 13.2 1078 - 14.2 91 -- 90 SZ 1785 12/26/03 Unit. 1.10; Lot 28 , - 173 - 3 0 119:0 13.2 - 107.2 -, 13.8 . 90 ' 90 SZ' 1786 12/26/03 Unit 1.10 Lot 27.- - - . - - 177 - 17 0 116.5, 13.3 108.0 14.6 93 90 - - SZ '1787 12/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 . - 181 17 0 116.5 13.3 - 105.9 16.3 91 90 1788 12/26/03 Umt.1.10; Lot 26 - . . 185 17 0' 116.5 13.3 106.7 14.9 92 90 1789 - 12/29/03 Unit1.10; Lot 32 - - - 193 14: .60 .139.2 5.8 125.7 6.0 90 - 90 - - Project No. 06403-12-09 . - - - July 13, 2004 TABLE I MMARYOEEIELDDENSITY..TESLRESULTS Elev. Plus .. Field . Field' Field Reqd.. or, 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry. Moist. ' Re!. Re!. ..• Depth Curve Rock. MDD OMC Dens. ConE. Comp. Comp. Test No Date Location (ft) No (%) (pci) (%) (pci) (%) 1790 .12/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 24' 177 14 .40 133.6 7.8 . 123,4: 10.4 . 92 90 1791 12/23/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 25 " . . 180 14' 2O: 127.9 .9.8 115.4 11.7 . .90 90' 1792 12/23/03 Unit 110 Lot 26 184 14 20 1279 98 1180 115 92 90 1793 .' 12/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 25- . . . . . 186 14 40 33.6 7:8 . 122.1 11.4 91 1794 12/24/03 Unit 110 Lot 27 193 14 40 1336 78 1225 109 92 90 1795 12/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot29 ' 195 . 14 40 133.6. 7.8. 120.5 13.7 90 90 ' 1796 12/24/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 . . 94 14 30 130.7 8.8 . 118.1 15.2 90 90 1797 12/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 45 . . 175 14 30 130.7 8.8 119.4 13.0 91 90 1798 . 12/26/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 46 . . . 178 14 . 30 130.7 8.8 117.6 13.3 . 90 90 1799 12/26/03 Unit '1.10;Lot46 180 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.8 10.7 --9290 SZ 1800 12/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 158 14 ' 60 -439.2 5.8 128.2 5.8 92 90 SZ 1801 12/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 . . . . 162 14 40 133.6 7.8 125.6 8.1 94 90 SZ 1802 12/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 166 14 50 136.4 '6.8 126.9 7.0 93 90 SZ 1803' 12/29/03 Unit 1.10 Lot 29 . . 171 14 40 13316 7.8 120.7 9.3 90 90 1813 01/02/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 20 . . 325 ' 24 0 117.0 14.7 104.8 16.9 90 90' 1814 01/02/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 21 318 24 0 117.0 14.7 104.9 15.9 90 . 90 1815 12/29/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 20 . 329 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.5 17.0 . 92' 90 1816 12/29/03 Unit l.12; Lot 2l . 328 24 0 117.0 . 14.7 106.1 17.3 91 90 1817 12/29/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 20 . . 330 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.0 17.4 90 90 1818 12/29/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 22 ' ' 305 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.6 .16.1 90 90 1819 12/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 188 17 0 116.5 13.3 109.0 15.4 94 - 90 -------- 1820 12/29/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 191 . 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.2 18.0 , ' 91 90 SZ 1821 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 27. ' ' . 195 ' 17 , 0 116.5 ' 13.3 107.6 15.4 92 90 1822 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 . 198 . 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.7 16.5 92 . 90 1823 '12/30/03 Unit l.10;Lot26 . 192 17 0. .1165 13.3 ' 109.9 15.7 94 90 1824 12/30/03 Unit !.10; Lot 24 , 184 . 17 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116.5 . 13.3 105.1 .19.0 90 . 90 1825 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 . ' , 148 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.7 15.5 . 92 90 1826 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 , 150 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.0 ' 17.5 ' 91 - 90 ' 1827 12/30/03 'Unit 1.10; Lot 20 ' . . . , 153 . 17 . 0 116.5 13.3 105.7 15.8 91 . 90 1828 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 , ' ,' . 155 . 17 .0 116.5 13.3 107.4' 15.9 - - 92 90 1829 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 , . ' . 158 ' 17 - 0 116.5 13.3 105.8 17.0 91 ' 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 . . , ' . July 13, 2004 I m - .- - - - - - - - - - - - =MEN= - TABLE - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Re!. Re!. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp.. Test No Date Location (t) No (%) (pcf) (%) (pci) (%) (%) (%) 1830 12/30/03 Unit 1 10 Lot 21 158 17 0 1165 133 1058 170 91 90 1831 12/30/03 Unit! 10 Street H}120+00 179 17 0 1165 133 1076 166 92 90 1832 12/30/03 Unit 110 Street, HH18+50 174 17 0 1165 133 1088 170 93 90 1833 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 163 17 0 116.5 13.3 99.3 15.5 85 90 1833A 12/30/03 Unit 110 Lot 21 163 17 0 1165 133 1069 172 92 90 1834 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 . 166 17 "0 116.5 13.3 104.6 19.7 90 90 1835 12/30/03 Unit 110 Lot 22 170 17 0 1165 133 1050 183 90 90 1836 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 23 173 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.6 17.6 92 90 1837 12/30/03 Unit 110 Lot 22 177 17 0 1165 133 1053 186 90 90 1838 12/30/03 Unit 1 10 Lot 23 180 17 0 1165 133 1064 171 91 90 1839 12/30/03 Unit 1.!0; Lot 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 183 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.9 15.9 93, 90 1840 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 37 173 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.5 18.9 91 90 1841 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 35 176 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.0 18.1 91 .90 1842 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 36 . 180 17 0 116.5 13.3 104.5 16.7 90 90 1843 12/30/03 Unit l.10; Lot 35 183 17 0 116.5 13.3 104.5 18.4 90 90 1844 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 34 185 17 0 116.5 13.3 104.3 18.2 90 90 1845. 12/30/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 34 189 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.0 16.5 92 90 1846 12/30/03 Unit 1.12; Lot l '. . . 220 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.4 15.2 90 90 1847 12/30/03 Unit 1.12; Lot I 224 17 0 116.5 13.3 97.1 13.0 83 90 1847A 12/30/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 . 224 17 0 116.5 13.3 104.8 16.0 90 90 • 1848 12/31/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 230 17 0 116.5 13.3 104.7 . 15.0 90 90 1849 12/31/03 Unit! 12 Lot 232 17 0 1165 133 1075 160 92 90 1850 12/31/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 . 234- 17 0 116.5 13.3 102.0 12.6 88 90 1850 A 12/31/03 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 234 17 0 116.5 13.3 104.3 15.0 90 90 1851 01/02/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 237 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.5 18.7 91 90 1852 01/02/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 36 182 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.1 18.3 90 90 1853 01/02/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 34 190 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.8 15.9 93 90 SZ 1861 12/31/03 Unit 110 Lot 29 174 14 20 1279 98 1186 113 93 90 SZ 1862 12/31/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 . 178 14 50 • 136.4 6.8 124.0 7.2 91 90 . 1863 - 12/31/03 Unit 1.10; Lot 52 • 157 14 30 130.7 8.8 -. 121.3 10.1 93 90 SZ 1864 01/02/04 Unitl.12;Lotl ., 237' 14 . 30. 130.7 8.8 122.6 11.2 94 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 . ' • July 13, 2004 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS - Test No. Date Location Elev. or Depth t) Cue No. Plus 3/4 Rock (%) Adj. MDD (pcf) Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens, (pci) Field Moist. Cont. Field Rel. Comp. Reqd. Rel. Comp. 1865 01/02/04 Unit 1.12; Lot I . 240 14 50 136.4 6.8 123.0 6.8 90 90 1866 01/02/04 Unit l.12; Lot l 242 14 50 136.4 6.8 128.3 7.7 94 90 1867 01/02/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 1 245 14 30 130.7 8.8 121.4 8.7 93 90 1880 01/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 247 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.0 12.1 90 90 1881 01/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 250 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.1 12.8 9090 1882 01/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 253 .14 30 130.7 8.8 117.8 11.4 90 90 SZ 1883 1 01/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 240 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.8 16.5 92 90 SZ 1884 01/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 253 17 0 116.5 13.3 108.9 14.9 93 90 • 1885 01/05/04 Unit L12; Lot 2 257 14 30 130.7 8.8 119.7 11.2 92 90 1886 01/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 2 260 14 3 123.1 11.7 118.5 14.9 96 90 1887 01/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 3 264 14 30 130.7 8.8 123.9 10.0 95 90 SZ 1888 01/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot . 258 17 0 116.5 13.3 104.5 18.0 90 90 1889 01/05/04 Unit l.12; Lot 3 266 14 . 3 123.1 11.7 120.7 10.6 . 98 90 1890 01/06/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 270 14 30 130.7 8.8 118.3 12.0 90 90 1891 01/06/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 3 . 274 14 30 130.7 8.8 120.6 10.9 92 90 FG 1896 01/07/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 20 154 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.9 15.9 91. 90 FG 1897 01/07/04 Unit l.lO; Lot 21 . 161 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.3 17.9 92 90 FO 1898 01/07/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 22 170 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.8 16.0 93 90 FG 1899 01/07/04 Unit l.10; Lot 23 180 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.2 15.6 90 90 1907 01/06/04 Unit 1.10; Street ii 14+95 131 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.0 17.3 91 90 1908 01/06/04 Unit 1.10; StreetJJ 13+85 121 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.5 14.9 90 90 1909 01/06/04 Unit 1.10; StreetJJ 17+80 154 3 0 119.0 13.2 110.9 14.6 93 90 1910 01/06/04 Unit 1.10; StreetJJ 16+75 148 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.2 15.1 92 90 1911 01/06/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 17 124 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.5 14.8 90 90 ST 1912 01/07/04 Unitl.10;Lot39 184 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.0 15.8 90 90 ST 1913 01/07/04 Unit l.10; Lot 37 200 17 0 • 116.5 13.3 105.0 16.0 90 90 SZ 1914 01/07/04 Unit l.10; Lot 57 155 23 0 114.1 16.4 102.4 20.6 90 90 1915 01/07/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 59 157 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.0 • 18.3 91 90 1916 01/07/04 Unit 11O;Lot59. 160 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.6 20.5 . 90 90 ---91-01/07/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 62 113 24 0 • 117.0. 14.7 104.0 11.6 89 90 1917A 01/07/04 Uniil.10;Lot62 113 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.2 15.5 92 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 - July 13, 2004 - - '---I.-- - - -._-- N. - TABLE ,- SUM MARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. - Plus Field Field Field . Req'd.. ' or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel., Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp: Test No Date Location 't) No (%) (pci) (%) (pci) (%) 1918 01/07/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 58-. ' - 162 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.6. 17.2 91 90 1919 01/07/04 Unit 1 10 Lot 56 134 24 0 1170 147 1063 165 91 90 1920 01/07/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 - ' .137 - 3 0 119.0 13.2 ; 109.6- 0.7 92 90 ' SZ 1927 01/08/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 ' 139 3 0 119.0 13.2 ' 106.6 13.4 90 90 1929 01/08/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 ' 142 3 - 0 119.0 .93.-90------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.2 110.4 15.1 . . - FG 1930 - 01/07/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 24 ' . 186 . 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.1 .15.0 92 90 'FG 1931 01/07/04 Unit l.10; Lot 25 '190 ' 17 - 0 1165- 13.3 106.5 16.7 91 90 PIG 1932 01/07/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 26 . ' 193 17 0 116.5. 13.3 110.4 16.0 95 90. FG 1933 01/07/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 27 . 197 - 17 0 116.5 ' 13.3 109.8 16.4 - 94 90 - l_93_8__,__ -_0l/08/0_4 Unit-1.10;-Lot-29 178 14 ' 30 130.7 8.8 123.7 10.0 95 . 90 ---------------- 1939' 01/08/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 - 182 14' 30 130.7 8.8 118.6 10.1 91 - 90 - 1950 01/08/04. Unit 1.10; Lot 56 ' 145 24 -0 117.0 14.7 ' 108.3 18.1 93 90 1951 01/08/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 - 147 24 0 117.0 '14.7 107.4 16.3 92 90 1952 01/08/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 . 150 - 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.6 148 90 90 'SZ 1953 01/08/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 . ' - 182 '3 0 119.0 13.2 107.3 - 15.7 90 90 SZ 1954 - 01/08/04 - Unit 1.10; Lot29 ' 186 3 0 119.0 13.2 109.0 14.6 92,' - 90 SZ 1955 01/08/04 Unit1.10; Lot 29 189 - 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.5 17.3 90 90 SZ 1956 01/08/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 193 24 '0 117.0 14.7. 105.8 18.2 ' 90 .90 SZ '1957 01/09/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 . . .. . 196 3 0 119.0 13.2 .109.2 13.9 92 90 1958 01/09/04 Unit 1.10; Lot29 199 - . 3 0 -119.0 13.2 107.9 ' 15.1 91 ' 90 1959 01/09/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 ' - 201 24 ' 0 117.0 14.7 106.2 18.1 91 90 - - 1960 01/09/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 ' . 153 24 0 117.0 .14.7 105.9 15.7 . 91 " 90 1988 01/14/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 ' 247 - 24 0 - 117.0. 14.7 107.9 ' 16.0 92 90 1989 01/14/04 Unit 1.1-2; 'Lot 2 . 260 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.0 - 18.2 91 90 2000 - 01/14/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 ' .254 24 0 -117.0 14.7 109.3 16.4 - 93 ' '90 2001 01/14/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 3 , . 276 24 0 117.0 .. 14.7 105.4. 17.1 90 90 2002 01/14/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 ' - 256 ' 24 ' 0 ' .117.0 14.7 106.9 18.3 91 .90 - 2003. 01/14/04 .Unit 1.12; Amber 41+25 . 284 24 0 -- 117.0 14.7 .109.2 ' 16.7 . 93 90 - - - 2004 01(14/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 40+60 - . - - - .289, ' 24 0'. '117.0 14.7 107.1 17.0 .92 ------ , 2005 01/14/04 Unit-1. 12; Amber 40+40 . 291. ' 24 '0 117.0 14.7 108.0 15.8 92 90- 2006, 01/15/04 Unit 1.12; Amber26+0O 345 24 0 117.0 '., 14.7 109.5. 15.9 94 90' Project No. 06403-12-09 July 1-3, 2004 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elcv. Plus Field Field Field, Reqd. . or, 3/4' Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. • Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. ' Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft) • No. (°"°) (pet) (%) (pci) (%) (%) (%) 2007 01/15/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 24+00 335 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.2 18.6 91 90 2019 01/16/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 2 267 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.6 . 19.1 90 90 2020 01/16/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 275 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.4 16.2 93 90 2021 01/16/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 280 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.3 18.5 91 90 2022 01/16/04 Unit 1. 12; Lot 23 . 295 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.9 17.7 91 90 2023 01/16/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 22 302 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.4 17.5 90 90 2024 01/16/04 Unit 1.1238+50 309 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.7 17.8 90 90 2028 01/19/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 44 141 24 0 117.0 14.7 1058 16.8 90 90 2029 01/19/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 45 139 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.1 18.3 90 90 2034 01/19/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 3 281 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.7 15.9 - 92 90 -- 2040 01/20/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 14 354 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.8 17.3 90 90 2041 01/20/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 12 358 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.3 14.0 90 90 2061 01/21/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 37+40 • 321 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.3 14.7 91 90 2062 01/21/04 Unit l.12; Amber 41+00 287 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.8 16.1 90 90 2063 01/21/04 Unit 1.12;Zodiac 14+00 373 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.4 15.5 90 90 2069 01/22/04 Unit l.12; Lot 25 307 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.4 17.1 90 90 SZ 2080 01/22/04 Unit l.12; Lot 24 290 3 0 119.0 13.2 110.4 13.9 93 90 SZ 2081 01/22/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 25 302 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.0 18.1 90 90 SZ 2082 01/22/04 Unit l.12; Lot 25 305 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.6 17.0 90 90 2083 01/22/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 24 296 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.6 17.3 91 90 2084 01/22/04 Unit l.12; Lot 24 - 298 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.3 14.9 92 90 2085 101/22/04 Unit l.12; Zodiac l7+50 349 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.1 16.5 92 90 2086 01/23/04 Unit 1.12; Zodiac 13+00 384 33 0 116.5 13.5. 107.8 15.6 93 90 2087 01/23/04 Unit l.12; Zodiac 15+00 371 33 0 116.5 13.5 108.4 14.7 93 90 SZ 2088 01/23/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 27 . 345 3 0 - 119.0 13.2 108.8 13.9 91 90 SZ 2089 01/23/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 27 350 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.6 14.0 90 90 2096 01/26/04 Unit l.12; Lot 27 . 364 23 0 114.1 16.4' 104.6 19.0 92 90 2097 01/26/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 28 • , , 377, 23 0 114.1 16.4 102.3 19.7 90 90 2098 01/26/04 Unit 1i2; Lot 29 385 23- 0 • 114.1 16.4 105.3 17.3 92 90 FG 2145 01/29/04 Unit, l.12; Lot l4- , 356 23 0 114.1 16.4 104.2 15.9 91 90 FG 2146 01/29/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 15 352 23 0 114.1 16.4 105.8 16.7 93 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 • July 13, 2004 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4",Adj. Adj Dry Moist Rel.. Rel. Depth Ci.irve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No Date Location 1t) No (%) (pcf) (%) (pcI) (%) FO 2147 01/29/04 Unit 1. 12 Lot 16 350 23 0 1141 164 1052 191 92 90 FO 2148 01/29/04 Unit! 12 Lot 17 349 23 0 1141 164 1087 185 95 90 SZ 2180 01/23/04 Unit 112 Lot 27 355 33 0 1165 135 1052 161 90 90 2181 01/23/04 Unit !.12; Zodiac 16+50 361 ' 33 0 1165 13.5 106.7 14.5 92 90 FG 2196 02/04/04 Unit 110 Lot 51 121 33 0 1165 13.5 108.1 17.4 93 90 FO 2197 02/04/04 Unit l.10; Lot 52 121 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.4 17.0 91 90 FG, 2198 02/04/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 53 ; 123 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.8 18.0 91 90 FG 2199 02/04/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 54 123 33 0 116.5 13.5 109.9 15.6 94 90 FO 2220 02/04/04 Unit l.10; Lot 55 124 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.5 15.6 92 90 FG 2221 - 02/04/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 . 154 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.8 15.0 92 - 90 FG 2222 02/04/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 57 161 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.0 16.3 92 -------------------------- 90 FG 2250 02/06/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 14 102 33 0 116.5 13.5 108.3 15.5 93 90 FG 2251 02/06/04 Unit l.10; Lot 15 . 102 33 0 116.5 13.5 109.4 15.1 94 90 2282 02/11/04 Unit 1.10; Street 1112+50 114 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.5 16.8 90 90 2283 02/11/04 Unit 110 Street 11 13+50 118 33 0 1165 135 1057 169 91 90 2284 02/11/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 200 33 0 116.5 13.5. 100.4 9.3 86 90 2284A 02/11/04 Unit l.10; Lot 30 200 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.3 16.0 90 90 2285 02/11/04 Unit l.10; Lot 31 204 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.6 - 8.6 92 90 2285A 02/11/04 1 Unit! 10 Lot 31 204 33 0 1165 135 1047 159 90 90 FG 2320 02/17/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 30 205 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.8 16.3 90 90 FG' 2321 02/17/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 29 203 3 0 119.0 13.2 112.3 13.6 94 - 90 FG 2322 02/17/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 ' 201 3 0 119.0 13.2 112.3 13.7 94 90 FG 2325 02/17/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 62 115 3 0 119.0 13.2 110.2 14.0 93 90 FG 2326 02/17/04 Unit 1.10; Lot-58 164 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.3 16.2 92 90 FG 2327 02/17/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 59 163 24 '0 117.0 14.7 106.4 15.7 91 90 SZ 2336 02/17/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 30' 356 14 20 127.9 9.8 117.3 12.4 92 ' 90 SZ 2337 02/17/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 ' 364 14 20 127.9 9.8 1,15.6 10.9 90 90 ST 2338 02/19/04 Unit 110 Lot 49 124 14 10 1250 109 1156 108 92 90 ST 2339 02/19/04 Unit 110 Lot 51 114 3 0 1190 132 1077 138 91 90 ST 2340 02/19/04 Unit 1:10; Lot 14 , ' 95 3 0 . 119.0 13.2 107.3 14.6 90 ' ' 90 ST. 2341 02/19/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 16 . ' 110 24' , 0 117.0 14.7 105.2 16.1 90 90 - Project No. 06403-12-09 , July 13, 2004 .- TABLEI SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS S Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4. Adj. Mj. Dry Moist; Rel.. Rel. Depth Curve lock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. ' Test No. Date . Location No. (%) (pci) (%) (pci) 2356 03/04/04 Unit 1.12; Zodiac 14+00 373 33 0 116.5, 13.5 107.7 14.6 92 90 2357 03/04/04 Unit 1.12; Zodiac 13+00 . 380 33 0 116.5 13.5 108.5 .16.9 93 90 ST 2362 02/20/04 Unit l.10; Lot 20 146 24 0 117.0 14.7 109:0 14.9 93 90 ST 2363 02/20/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 21 144 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.6 15.5 90 90 ST 2364 02/20/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 56 143 3 0 119.0 13.2 1 08. 0 13.8 91 90 ST 2365 02/20/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 28 . 181 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.8 18.7 90 '9.0 ST 2366 02/20/04 Unit 1.10; Lot29 . 190 24 0 1.17.0 14.7 105.0 . 16.2 . 90 90 . FG 2367 02/20/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 150 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.9 15.8 91 90 ST 2368 02/20/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 60 . 140 24 '0 117.0 14.7 105.2 14.7 90 90 SZ 2371 03/02/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 20+75 288 14 30 130.7 8.8 119.4 8.9 91 90 SZ 2372 03/02/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 21+40 315 14 30 130.7 8.8 117.9 10.1 90 90 SZ 2373 03/02/04 Unit l.12; Amber 21+OO 306 14 40 133.6 7.8 126.4 8.0 95 90 SZ 2374 03/03/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 22+05 322 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.9 . 16.7 91 90 SZ 2375 03/03/04 Unit l.12; Amber 19+80 . . 295 14 .20 127.9 9.8 115.8, 9.9 91 90 2376 , 03104/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 19+70 ' 295 33 0 116.5 13.5 ' 105.0 18.1 '90 90 2377 03/04/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 23+20 . 323 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.2 15.3 92 . 90 2378 03/04/04 Unit l.12; Amber 21+10 306 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.2 16.7 91 90 2379 03/04/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 25+15 342 , 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.3 16.6 90 90 2390 03/08/04 Unit 1:10; Street 11 12+00 115 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.5 13.1' 90 90 2391 03/08/04 Unit 1.10; Street II 10+00 121 3 0 119.0 13.2 ' 108.9 14.7 92 90 - 2398 03/10/04 Unit, l.12;SDEasement , . 265 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.6 18.9 91 90 2402 03/10/04 Unit 1.12; SD Easement 270 24 0 .117.0 - 14.7 107.6 15.6 92 90 , 2404 03/10/04 Unit 1.12; SD Easement 260 24 0 117.0 .14.7 107.0 18.6 91 90. 2407 03/11/04 Unit 1.12; SD Easement - 282 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.3 16.9 90 90 SZ 2411 03/15/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 370 33 0 ' 116.5 13.5 . 105.6 17.3 91 90 SZ 2412 03/15/04 Unit l.12; Lot 30 5 - 375 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.3 15.5 90 ' '• 90 SZ 2413 . '03/15/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 , . 379 33 0 116.5 13.5 , 108.7' . 15.8- 93 90 0 SZ 2414 . 03/15/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 - , . 384 33' ' '0 116.5 13.5 109.6 14.1' - 94 - 90 SZ 2415 03/15/04' Unit 1.12; Lot 26 '' . 314 - 33 . 0 116.5 13.5 104.9 16.1 90 90 SZ 2416 03/15/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 26 . . 317 33 0 116.5. 13.5 - 105.7 18.3 - 91 -. 90 2417 03/15/04 Unit1.12; Lot 26 ' , . . 321 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.2 16.0 90 .90 Project No. 06403-12-09 'July 13, 2004 . . - - -' - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. - Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry . Moist.. Rd. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens: Cont. Comp. . Comp. Test No. Date Location t) No. (%) (pcf) (%). (pcf) 2418 .03/15/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 37+00 330 33 0 1165 13.5 109.8 15.1 94 .90 2420 03/16/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 , . .388 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.6 15.7 91 90 2421 03/16/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 , 391 33 Ô 116.5 13.5 106.6 17.0 . 92 , 90 2422 03/16/04 Unit 1.12;'Zodiac 13+00 ' ' 392 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.7 16.9 90 90 2423 03/16/04 Unit 1.12; Zodiac 12+25 395 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.6 17.8 91 9---- 2424 03/16/04 Unit l.12; Zodiac 12+00 . . 397. 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.4 17.1 90 90 • 2425 03/17/04 Unit 1-.12; Zodiac 2+75 . - , 400 33 ' 0 116.5 13.5 . 104.6 14.7 90 90 2426 03/17/04 ' Unit 1.12; Lot 35 . 337 33. 0 116.5 13.5 106.6 16.0 92 90' 2427 03/17/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 35 ' . 339 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.0 15.8 92 ' 90 2428 03/18/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 34 - 334 17 0 116.5 13.3 105.7 16.1 91 -90 - 2429 03/18/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 33 351. 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.9 14.9 91 " 90 2430 03/18/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 32 355 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.4 .15.8 90 90 2431 - 03/19/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 31 - , 358 17 0 116.5 13.3 106.6 15.8 92 90 SZ 2432 03/19/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 34 , - .' ' ' 342 33 0 116.5. 13.5 108.8 14.7 , 93 . 90 SZ 2433 03/19/04 'Unit 1.12; Lot6 , ' , '335 33 0 116.5 . 13.5 106.1 - 16.1' '91 90 SZ 2434 03/19/04 Unit 1.12; Lot6 338 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.9 ' 16.9 , 92 90 2450 03/23/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 31 ' , . 206 24 0 117.0 , 14.7 109.4 17.3 94 90 2451 . 03/23/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 32 198 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.0 16.5 92 90 FG 2452 03/24/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 18 348 3 0' 119.0 13.2 ' 108.4 14.1 91 . 90 FG 2453 03/24/04 Unit 1.12;Lot'19 ' ' . 346 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.2 13.9 92 90 FG 2454 03/24/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 20 , 332 3 -0 119.0 13.2 106.7 17.6 90 .90 FO 2455 03/24/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 21 ' 320 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.5 15.5 90 . '90' FG 2456 03/24/04 Unit l.12; Lot 22 - 307 3 0 119.0 13.2 106.9 15.8 90 90 FG 2457 03/24/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 23 ' , ' 298 3 0 119.0: 13.2 110.0 13.6 92 90 FG 2458 03/24/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 24 ' - ' 300 33 , 0 116.5 '13.5 106.1 15.1 91 90 FG 2459 03/24/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 25 ' 309 33 - 0 116.5 13.5 104.5 18.2 90 90 ---------------- FG '2460 03/24/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 26 • 324 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.8 - 17.0. 90 90 SZ 2464 03/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 32 , ' , . , 202 .24 0 117.0 14.7 108.9 . 16.9 93 90 FG 2465 03/26/04, Unit 1.12; Lot ' ' 357 ' 33 ; 0 116.5 13.5 106.2 15.1' 91 90 FG 2466. 03/26/04 Unit l.,12;Lot10 ' ' 358 .33' ' 0 116.5 13.5 104.9 18.0 90 90 FG 2467 03/26/04 Unit 1.12; Lot'!! - ' 359 .33 0 116.5, 13.5 104.8 16.2 90 90 Project No: 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 ' ' ' - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4' Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Re!. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens., Cont. "-Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft) No. (%) (pcI) (%) (pcI) FG 2468 03/26/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 12 359 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.7, 15.8 92 90 FG 2469 03/26/04 Unit l.12; Lot 13 358 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.1 17.3 92 90 FG 2477 03/29/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 46 141 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.7 17.6 93 90 FG 2478 03/29/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 47 146 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.9 16.0 91 . 90 FG 2479 - 03/29/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 48 ' 140 ' 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.9 15.893 90 FG 2480 03/29/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 49 134 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.3 16.1 92 ' 90 FG 2481 03/29/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 50 0 ' ' 126 ' 24 0. 117.0 14.7 106.5 17.3 91 , 90 , FG 2482 03/30/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 30 392 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.8 16.6 91 , 90 FG 2483 03/30/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 29 ' 392 33 0 116.5 13.5 109.3 14.7 94 90 FG 2484 03/30/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 28 279 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.5 14.9 91 90 FG 2485 03/30/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 27 266 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.7 17.2 92 ' 90 ST 2486 03/30/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 28 386 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.9 15.5 90 90 ST 2488 03/31/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 20 338 3 ' 0 119.0 13.2 110.4 15.0 93 90 ST 2489 03/31/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 22 . 314 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.1 18.3 90 ' 90 ST 2491 03/31/04 Unit .1. 12; Lot 30 379 14 20 ' 127.9 9.8 115.0 10.2 90 90 ST 2492 03/31/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 28 . 370 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.8 13.6 90 90 FG 2496 04/01/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 19 . 142 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.0 19.6 90 90 FG 2497 04/01/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 18 133 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.7 15.4 91 90 FG 2498 04/01/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 17 , : ' 126 24 0 117.0 14.7 - 108.9 16.8 93 ' . 90 FO 2499 04/01/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 61 125 3 0 . 119.0 13.2 '107.4 15.1 90 -- 90 FG 2500 04/01/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 31 207 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.0 18.0 92 '90 FG 2512 04/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 35 340 33 0 116.5 13.5 108.1 15.4 93 90 FG 2513 04/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 34 346 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.1 18.6 90 90 FG 2514 04/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 33 353 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.6 15.1 92 90 FO 2515 04/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 32 356 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.9 17.4 92 90 FG 2516 04/05/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 31 0 360 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.8 13.6 91 90 FG 1521 04/06/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 333 33 0 116.5 13.5 108.1 17.1 ' 93 90 FG 2522 04/06/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 6 , , ' 0 339 .33 0 116.5 13.5 , 105.9 15.8 91 90 FG' 2523 .04/06/04 Unit 1.12; Lot ' 0 346 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.6 15.5 92 ' 90 FG 2524 04/06/04 Unit 1.12; Lot . ' 353 33 0 116.5 ' 13.5 106.9 17.3 ' 92 90' 2533 04/06/04 Unit l.12; Amber 20+85 ' ' 310 33 0 116.5 13.5 . 107.2 , 16.3 92 . 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE! SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd: or 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Re!. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location t) No. (°'°) (pa) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 2534 04/06/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 36+40 r 338 33. 0 116.5 13.5 105.4 15.4 90 90 2543 04/08/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 20+10 308 17 0 116.5 13.3 107.4 15.1 92 90 2549 04/09/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 19+95 302 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.6 15.8 92 90 2550 04/09/04 Unit 1. 12; Amber 19+45 . S 298 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.4 16.9 90 90 2551 04/09/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 20+20 . 305 24 0 117.0 14.7 108.1 17.39290' SZ 2552 04/09/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 285 24 0 117.0 14.7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105.5 19.1 90 90 SZ 2553 , 04/09/04 Unit 1.12; Lot '288 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.8 17.3 90 90 SZ 2554 04/09/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 4. , 291 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.7 15.1 91 90 2555 04/12/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 294 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.0 17.2 90 90 2556 04/12/04 Unit 1.12; Lot . 295 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.3 15.7 9190 FG 2594 04/22/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 258 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.2 15.4 92 90 FG 2595 04/22/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 269 33 0 116.5 13.5 . 109.6 13.8 94 90 FG 2596 04/22/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 282 33 0 116.5 13.5 109.2 13.9 94 90 FG 2597 04/22/04 Unit 1.12; Lot . 297 33 0 116.5 135 108.9 14.0 93 90 ST 2598 04/22/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 275 ' 33 0 116.5 13.5 104.9 16.1 90 90 ST 2599 04/22/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 1 244 33 0 116.5 13.5 105.8 15.3 91, 90 2612 04/23/04 Unit l.12; Lot 36 246 33 0 116.5 13.5 107.0 15.8 92 90 2613 04/23/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 36 . 249 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.4 17.3 91 90 2614 04/23/04 Unit l.12; Lot 36; Stability Fill 257 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.1 18.9 91 90 2615 94/23104 Unit 1.12; Lot 36 252 33 0 116.5 13.5 108.8 15.7 9390 2616 04/23/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 36; Stability Fill 260 33 0 116.5 13.5 106.9 15.6 92 ' 90 FG 2753 05/24/04 Unit 1.12; Lot 36 254 33 0 116.5 13.5 108.4 15.8 93 90 FG 2767 05/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 45 : - 141 24 0 117.0 14.7 110.8 18.2 95 90 FG 2768 05/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 44 142 24 0 117.0 14.7 110.4 15.1 94 90 FG 2769 05/25/04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit 1.10; Lot 43 146 24 0 117.0 14.7 107.4 16.3 92 90 FG 2770 05/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 42 S 151 , 24 0 117:0. 14.7 108.8 16.9 93 90 FG 2771 05/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 41 156 . 24 0 117.0 14.7 112.3 14.7 96 90 , FG 2772 05/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 40 163 3 0 119.0 13.2 110.1 13.8 93 90 FG 2773 05/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 39 169 24 0 117.0 14.7 105.5 16.8 90 90 FG277--05/25/04 Unit 1.1O; Lot 38 5 175 24 0 117.0 14.7 109.3 18.1 93 90 FG 2775 .05/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 37 5 181 3 ' 0 119.0 13.2 108.0 15.2 91 90 5 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd or 3/4 Adj Adj Dry Moist 'Rel.Rel. Depth Curve Rock MD I) OMC Dens. Cont:, Comp Comp. Test No Date Location (tt) No (%) (pci) (%) (pci) FG 2776 05/25/04 .Unit 1.10; Lot 36 185 3 0 119.0 13.2 107.6 13.8 90 90 FG 2777 05/25/04 Unit 110 Lot 35 187 3 0 1190 132 1123 138 94 90 FG 2778 05/25/04 Unit 1 10 Lot34 193 24 0 1170 147 1088 159 93 90 FG 2779 05/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 33 197 24. 0 117.0 14.7 101.7 16.4 92. 90 FG 2780 05/25/04 Unit 1.10; Lot 32 . 200 24 .0 117.0 14.7 . 107.2 16:9 92 90 .. 2836 06/01/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 1+60 238 33 0 116.5 13.5. 105.4 17.7 90 90 2847 06/07/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 13+95 . . . 242 33 0 116.5 . 13.5 107.8 18.3 93 90 FG 2848 06/08/04 Unit llO Lot 16 . . 118 24 0 117.0 14.7 106.1 . 14.9 91 90- 2858 06/17/04 Unit 1. 12 Amber 11+50 237 24 0 1170 147 1108 179 95 90 2859 06/17/04 Unit 1.12; Amber 12+90 240 24 0 117.0 14.7 111.1 14.9 95 90 Project No. 06403-12-09 July 13, 2004 . .. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I r - EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMS - -TEST SUFFIX - A B, C Retest of previous density test failure following moisture conditioning and/or recompaction STRIKEOUT . Fill in area of density test failure was removed and replaced with properly compacted fill soil - PREFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS FG FINISH GRADE ST SLOPE TEST SZ -SLOPE ZONE - -. S • - - • CURVE NO Corresponds to curve numbers listed in the summary of laboratory maxi mum dry density and optimum moisture content test results table for selected fill soil samples encountered during testing and observation. - ROCK CORRECTION . For density tests with rock percentage greater than zero, laboratory maximum dry densiy and optimum moisture content were adjusted for rock content. For tests with rock content equal to zero, laboratory maxithum dry density and optimum moisture content values are unadjusted. -TYPE OFTEST - - - SC: Sand Cone Test (ASTM D1556) • - .• - -.. . • - - NU: Nuclear Density Test (ASTM D2922) OT:, Other . • - - ELEVATION/DEPTH • - - -- Test elevations/depths have been rounded to the nearest whole foot. -S - - • - - - * - . - - ..-,.- -.: -• -: - - S - •" - - • • * * _- * Project No. 06403-12-09 . - . - • - - July. 13, 2004 U , I I i I I I . I , I I . I I I . I I : I I TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM D 1557-02 Maximum Optimum Sample Description Dry Density Moisture Content No. (pet) (% dry weight) 3 Yellowish brown, Silty, fine to medium 119.0 13.2 SAND 11 Light olive gray, Clayey, fine SAND 117.0 14.6 12 Dark brown, Clayey, fine SAND 124.5 10.7 14 Grayish brown, Silty, fine to coarse SAND 122.2 12.1 16 Dark brown, Clayey, fine to medium SAND, 120.1 11.9 with trace gravel 17 Light yellowish brown, Silty, fine to medium 116.5 13.3 SAND, with trace clay 19 Olive gray, Silty, fine SAND 111.8 15.8 20 Gray, Silty, fine to medium SAND 123.5 11.0 22 Olive gray, fine to coarse Sandy CLAY 123.1 11.1 23 Olive green to brown, Clayey, fine SAND 114.1 16.4 24 Grayish green, Clayey, fine to medium 117.0 14.7 SAND 25 Olive brown, fine Sandy CLAY 119.0 14.0 30 Light brown, Silty, fine SAND 118.4 12.5 32 Light yellowish brown, Silty, fine SAND 123.2 11.6 33 Light olive brown, fine SAND - 116.5 13.5 TABLE III SUMMARY OF LABORATORY EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ASTM D 4829-03 Sample No. Moisture Content Dry Density (pet) Expansion Index Before Test (%) After Test (%) EI-J 11.9 20.0 108.5 26 El-K 13.3 22.1 103.5 28 El-L 11.5 22.4 107.1 48 EI-W 11.1 23.5 107.5 54 EI-X 10.8 1 22.4 104.2 29 Project No. 06403-52-09 July 13, 2004 TABLE III (Continued) SUMMARY OF LABORATORY EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ASTM D 4829-03 Sample No. Moisture Content Dry Density (pci') Expansion Index Before Test (%) After Test (%) El-Y 10.7 20.2 . 107.1 22 EI-Z . 121 22.9 103.6 34 EI-AA . 12.0 22.3 105.5 50 EI-AE 11.8 26.5 102.3 54 El-AF 12.4 27.2 101.0 48 El-AG 13.0 25.8 100.5 46 EI-13H - 12.8 25.8- 102.3 58 El-BI .11.3 21.7 108.0 47 EI-BJ 12.3 27.0 102.9 39 EI-BL 11.2 21.4 108.2 30 EI-BM 10.3 24.2 109.0 47 EI-BN 10.2 21.6, 109.5 31 El-BO 12.5 26.8 102.8 73 EI-BP 12.2 23.3 102.4 33 EI-BQ 11.6 25.1 104.7 62 El-BR 11.1 28.3 105.3 73 El-BS 12.5 22.1 103.4 23 -El-BT 10.4 21.5 110.0 41 TABLE IV SUMMARY OF LABORATORY SHEAR TEST RESULTS ASTM D 3080-03 Sample No. Dry Density '(pci) Moisture Content (%) Unit Cohesion (psi) Angle of Shear Resistance (degrees) 3 107.0 13.3 450 33 24 105.2 14.8 480 35 30 106.2 12.8 390 36 33 104.8 13.6 500 35 Samples were remolded to a dry density of approximately 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density at near optimum moisture content. - Project No. 06403-52-09 . . July 13, 2004 TABLE SUMMARY OF WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATE LABORATORY TEST RESULTS CALIFORNIA TEST 417 Sample No. Water-Soluble Sulfate (%) Sulfate Exposure UBC Table 19-A-4 EI-J, 0.024 Negligible El-L 0.057 Negligible El-AA 0.021 Negligible El-AF - 0.298 Severe El-AG . 0.031 Negligible EI-BH 0.120 Moderate El-BI . 0.060 Negligible El-BK 0.082 Negligible EI-BL 0.041 Negligible El-BN 0.044 . Negligible El-BO 0.540 Severe El-BR 0.360 Severe EI-BS 0.300 Severe TABLE VI SUMMARY OF FINISH GRADE EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS NEIGHBORHOOD 1.10, LOTS 1 THROUGH 64 Lot Numbers Sample at Finish Grade Expansion Index UBC Classification 1 through 4 EI-L 48 Low 5 through 8 El-K 28 Low 9 through 13 EI-J 26 Low l4 through l6 El-BN 31 Low 17 through 19 EI-BM 47 Low 20 through 23 EI-W 54 Medium 24 through 27 . EI-X 29 Low 28 through 31 El-B 0 73 Medium 32 through 35 El-Y 22 Low 36 through 39 . El-Z 34 Low 40 through 45 EI-AA 50 Low 46 through 51 . EI-BL 30 Low 52 through 55 EI-BJ 39 Low 56 through 60 EI-BH 58 Medium 61 through 64 El-BI 47 Low Project No. 06403-52-09 July 13, 2004 TABLE VII SUMMARY OF FINISH GRADE EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS NEIGHBORHOOD 1.12, LOTS 1 THROUGH 36 Lot Numbers Sample at Finish Grade Expansion Index UBC Classification 1 through 4 EI-BP . 33 Low 5 through 9 EI-BQ 62 Medium 10 through 13 El-BR 73 Medium 14 through'18 EI-AE 54 Medium 19 through 23 El-AF 48 Low 24 through 26 El-BS 23 Low 27 through 30 El-AG r 46 Low 31 through 35 EI-BT 41 Low 36 .' El-13P 33 Low TABLE VIII -SUMMARY OF AS-GRADED BUILDING PAD CONDITIONS VILLAGES OF LA COSTA; THE GREENS, NEIGHBORHOOD 1.10, LOTS 1 THROUGH 64 Lot No. Pad Condition Approximate Maximum Depth of Fill Approximate Depth of Differential Fill 1 Undercut due cut-fill transition 27 23 2 Undercut due cut-fill transition 32 28 3 Undercut due cut-fill transition 24 20 4 Fill 31 27 5 Fill 42 22 6 Fill 41 4 7 Fill 39 9 8 Fill 25 7 9 Fill - 27 14 10 Fill 28 18 11 Undercut due cut-fill transition 25 20 12 Cut N/A N/A 13 Cut N/A N/A 14 Fill 36 27 15 Undercut due to cut-fill transition 22 18 Project No. 06403-52-09 July 13, 2004 - TABLE VIII (Continued) - SUMMARY OF AS-GRADED BUILDING PAD CONDITIONS VILLAGES OF LA COSTA; THE GREENS, NEIGHBORHOOD 1.10, LOTS 1 THROUGH 64 Lot No. Pad Condition Approximate Maximum Depth of Fill Approximate Depth of Differential Fill 16 Fill 50 22 17 Undercut due cut-fill transition 47 43 18 Undercut düecut-fill transition 36 31 19 Undercut due cut-fill transition 25 21 20 Fill . 54 28 21 Fill 57 24 22 Fill 50 27 23 Fill 37 24 24 Undercut due cut-fill transition 14 10 '25 Undercut due cut-fill transition 15 11 26 . Undercut due cut-fill transition 32 28 .27 . * Fill 53 '36 28 Fill 73 26 29 Fill 84 46 30 Fill 44 27 31 Fill 19 10 32 . Undefcut due cut-fill transition .26 23 33 Undercut due cut-fill transition 15 11 34 Undercut due to rock 5 1 35 Undercut due to rock 7 2 36 Undercut due to rock 7 . 4 37 Undercut due to cut-fill transition 13 10 38 Fill, 35 25 39 Fill 32 . 24 - 40 Undercut due cut-fill transition 22 18 41 Undercut due cut-fill transition 11 8 42 Undercut due cut-fill transition 29 24 43 Undercut due cut-fill transition 24 20. 44 Undercut due to claystone 4 1 45 Undercut due to claystone . 5 . 1 46 Undercut due cut-fill transition 20 16 47 Fill . . 35 20 48 Fill . . 43 25 Project No. 06403-52-09 . July 13, 2004 -.. '., ,- I TABLE VIII (Conlinued) .. (SUMMARY4 OF AS-GRADED BUILDING PAD CONDITIONS * I VILLAGES OF LA COSTA, THE GREENS, NEIGHBORHOOD 110, LOTS 1 THROUGH 64 ot L No. :.. •:. . Pad Condition Approximate Maxinium . Approximate Depth.. Depth of Fill of Differential Fill 49 . Fill. .I 73• 36 50 -'Fill _ 65 .-36 - 51 Fill 29 15 52 -, Uiiderôut due cut-fill frañsitfon 29 .26 .51. Undercut due' ,cut-filFtransitioh 25 .. 21 .54: . - _Undrcu due to. topsoil ..-..4 1 Undercut_due_cut-fill transition 19 .16. 56: .Undercut due cut-fill transition 33 .-29 - 57 fl Undercutduetotbpsoi1: ..4 . . _. __1 ...58 . Undercut due cu-filltranition '45 ,' .40 .. 594 ' Fill 68 24 -'60, Fill_ ..57 _t __. 10 61 Fill _... 42 . - 34 62 Ujdecut due cut-filltransition 24 20 63 :_..t _Cut __... N/A .N/A 64 Cut N/A N/A . Lot No. .. . .- - . Pad Condition Approximate Maximum .Depth of Fill Approximate Depth of Differential Fill i \ Fill 25 12 Fill . 22. 15 - Fill ' 18 4 Underudüe tbciit/fill transition . 15. 12 Fill -, . 30 .6. ;:.'Fili -.'. ' 24 - - ,•61 7 Undercut due to cutifill transition ., 26 . . .. 23 TABLE IX (Continued) SUMMARY OF AS-GRADED BUILDING PAD CONDITIONS VILLAGES OF LA COSTA; THE GREENS, NEIGHBORHOOD 1.12, LOTS 1 THROUGH 36 Lot No. Pad'Condition Approximate Maximum Depth of Fill Approximate Depth of Differential Fill 8 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 17 14 9 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 27 16 24 10 Fill 29 17 11 Fill . . . 31 '.20 12 . - Fill 32 21 13 Fill 28 15 14 Fill 22 13 15 Fill 25 13 .16 Fill 30 20 17 Fill 22 10 18 Underc'ut due to cut/fill transition 29 . . 26 19 Fill . . 23 14 20 Undercut due to cut/fill transition 21 18 - 21 Undercut due to cut/fill transition - 20 17 22 ' Undercut due to cut/fill transition - 27 22 23 Fill 33 ' 28 24 Undercut due to rock 4 1 25 Undercut due to rock 4 '1 26 Undercut due to' rock .. - 5 1 27 Fill . . . 20 17 28 Fill . . 24 20 29 Fill ' 26 . 23 30 Fill • . 26 20. 31 Undercut due to rock 4 1 32 Undercut due to rock 4 1 33 Undercut due to rock 5 1 34 Undercutduetorock 5 1 35 Undercut due to rock 4 1 36 Undercut due to cut-fill transition 29 • 26 Project No. 06403-52-09 . • July 13, 2004 -- / 26 1984 LL - 58 FG '38 9 - - \\ 2 - O[)ffiLTO9 Al / // / / / / / / /\\\\ 569 \ \ 6 - - - - - - - - ---- / N - - - - - - - - - - 222 - - - - - - - /7 /\ I 'I "1 1 1 / 7 / 164\ \ • \ 1983• V. 4\4 \ / / / / / / / / / / \ - • 7 /1 26 164 34 \ \ / 7/ \ 7/ •: \ '\ \N - - - - - - - - 1 4 • G 2133 ' - - - \ 22 21 0 67 / / - 1905 ) ) ) / 1 1/ '593 ,52 FG T235 / \ \ \\ - /" ' 7, /11/ 7/ / / ,/ 7 078 6' 160 I 1Z Ni 172 FG 36 LU QuCiV . ..... GRAPHIC SCALE 17251 _FG 138 j 12 mmmmwmmwmw -- ' - I \ \ / —F,24 i W LU - I C Z. .s• I I •1 ;i -- - - - : -/ \ /\/ t,'0'N7 1705 LEGEND x577 / I / '00000000 , - - Qcf LAW QUC ........ COMPACTED FILL IN UNDERCUT AREA AA Qt ........ TERRACE DEPOSITS (Dotted Where Buried) C 1 '7" ," - / / '• N Ts SANTIAGO FORMATION (Dotted ere Buried) 17 88 124. 4.5, JSP ........ SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS (Dotted Where B T-1 3 ........ APPROX. LOCATION OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT (Dotted Where Buried) 74 FO 2848. APPROX.LOCATION OF IN PLACIE DENSITYTEST FG Finish Grade ST Slope Test 97 51 1461 S tF, 07 Lq 6 - --- ----1 05,- i - _/ NNNJNN - ' APPROX.56 LOCATION OF FAULT (Dotted Where Buried) ) N N N 37 / - N N N 1 6 - -__I- - / • eF 896 / // I - X / \, ' APPROX.AUITUDEOF JOINTING - 72 - 2L .72 .970,i 128N 432 / 472\ N - APPROX.AUITUDEOFBEDDING 97 \\'I 71 ........ APPROX. LOCATION OF STABILIZATION FILL - I 26 .726 .686 s829 82 i/I - SI 1093 065 SUB DRAIN , - 8" 739- I - .72 - • 8 710 INT \ \ - • I I09 OUTLETP I 1829 / • 47 - -- - - \\\i \c\\\\ \' 786 AS -GRADED GEOLOGIC MAP 94 707 0 tj 974 VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS NEIGHBORHOOD 1. 10, 1. 1 2 793 9 705 I= 795 1828 18 57 AND ALICANTE ROAD STATIONS 31+75 TROUGH 51 +00 721 Ll~~j 185 -8 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1052 13 939,, v SCALE DATE 809 EOCON 4 INCORPORATED PROJECT NO. 06403 - 52 - 09 FIGURE SEE FIGURE 2 - /-- - / / / — — SEE FIGURE 3. PHONE / 6960 FLANDERS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA8585586989 GEOTECHNICALCONSULTANTS 2i- 2974 SHEET I OF 6 — E:'2004\THE GREEENS\GREENS-1.10-1.12.DWG/aml I I1I .1 .L)vv1amI '\\\/ ' -7-Z \\ \\\ c -\ __'7 J 7-V \\ \ \\ c I A I GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20' 40' 60' 80' 120' 160 SCALE 1"— 40' AS -GRADED GEOLOGIC MAP VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS NEIGHBORHOOD 110, 112, AND AUCANTE ROAD STATIONS 31+75 TROUGH 51+00 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SCALE 1" = 40 1DATE 07-13-2004' GEOCON INCORPORATED PROJECT NO. FIGURE GEO1E0INlCALCONSATANTS . 08403-52 - 6960 FLANDERS 04W! SAN DIEGO, CALIORN 92121 2974 PH0NE858558 6900 FAX 858558 6159 SHEET 4 OF 6 SEE FIGURE 5 SEE FIGURE 3 v / - -- -------. .-- - - V -------- --- -- -- - - - ----- - >< ;::4 "'. I __ ~ — V ._11 -•' --._ —-- - ,-----,, 11 - : ~ __'1~11 . .. 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I . 1 /711. . ;.,." /. ,_ _1~ I '. __ , ; I ,~t, i 1: I W1.11 .. ~ ~, '- ".'i - ~ 1, . %.. ! : . - " / I % ~ '-<-..- __~"., ,I ~ ! 1, . - .., __ ,~ I I , I i l " i " ." ~ .. ---' - _____ "~'/ , I x \~, .. , . __._., " , " ., .. .,..,.. ~ - I 1 m , ~ 3- < =_1 __ <= <=TI j < ~?_L_TTTT — ---------7rJ/ 1 VZ-- -4 1 _i __ - 1_1 —— — - — -- - — — - - - - -- - - / - — --- -- ---- — -- -- - - — -- -- - — - ? --------------------- - - / - - -- --ii------— - -- S ___T : :: -- -- — N- r- -- - -- / / 11 ,I I .1 1 I ,~-~! ( 1 iii I !/I !i \ ... , ... -/ -- f I ,1 il c--... .. u/i if'' ~ x ; I / I/ i / n('a) S i Cr, FR -n tbl 111~_ pv~~~~ GRAPHIC SCALE 0' 20 40' 60' 80 120' 160 SCALE 1'= 40' 11 AS -GRADED GEOLOGIC MAP VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS NEIGHBORHOOD 110, 112, AND ALICANTE ROAD STATIONS 31+75 TROUGH 51+00 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SCALE 1 of = 40' I DATE 07-.13-2004 INCORPORATED I I - PROJECT NO. n&r — g FIGURE GEOTECHNICALCONSULTANTS """ ' 6960 FLANDERS DRIVE 'SAN DECO, CALIFORNIA 92121• 2974 PHONE 858 558-6900•FAX 858 558-6159 SHEET 5 OF 6 t:VUU4U t1 S I- FS____.S.__ - - SEE FIGURE 2 -------------- _ — -- - / / / •;•i./ \ 7 _ oi ------- -- J / i -< i-1i - - ---- / /' , - • / K7-- • -- • - 7 ul 07 '---- • -'00 - / ' — - ,- r1-....;.:-:__ . ' - 1 . . ZZ 411 CA) co fe" co OL 00 goo 00 op 00 23 00 00 5 00 , , c, • 2J10 - ----------- -- ra t-4 // / -- / •:3j. ' -- -:-__--__ x , - C'. . ............... ...... 01 0 00 0. M, 00 ////2//! // i/ /. S - 'I ... .\. —;..-.- ...... .IT:E . .; ..::::•— . - : • ........... ---------__(____ - - 7 /IN, T74 CDDTTE TT __ZL __ - ••, . I . I . r . — N3 00 .1V/// /,I/ / //._. •..-. \. H\. H 'I! /1I 1A . (A E:\2004\THEGREEENS\GRENS-1.10-1.12.DWG/amI —