TELEPHONE: (858) 560-1713, FAX: (858) 560-0380
613 West Valley Parkway - Suite 200
Escondido, CA 92025
Attention: Mr. Scott Jones,
Project Superintendent
October 4, 2004
Work Order 400942
n Subject: Compaction Tests for Underground Utility Trench Backfill,
Street and Surface Improvements, Villas de La Costa, Project
No. C.T. 02-29, in the City of Carlsbad, California
Reference: Project Grading Report, Building Pads 1 through 10,
Villas de La Costa, in the City of Carlsbad, California, by
Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., dated July 19, 2004
(Work Order 400942)
This interim report presents the summary of observations and compaction tests for underground
utility trench backfill, street and surface improvements, Villas de La Costa, Project No. C.T. 02-
29, in the City of Carlsbad, California.
Compaction and laboratory test results are presented in Tables I and II, with the approximate lo-
cations of these tests described in Tables I and II.
Work on utility trench backfill, street and surface improvements covered by this report was per-
formed under PSE's testing and observation. Accordingly, the work is considered to be in gen-
eral compliance with the City of Carlsbad criteria, the Olivenhain Municipal Water District
specifications and the approved construction plans.
TEL: (714) 220-0770 TEL: (310) 325-7272 or(323) 775-6771
FAX: (714) 220-9589 FAX: (714) 220-9589
TEL: 909) 582-0170
FAX: (909) 582-0176
TEL: (714) 730-2122
FAX: (714) 730-5191
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
Page 2
This interim report presents information and data relative to the compaction testing for the
utility trench backfill, street and surface improvement work that was performed at the sub-
ject site. A representative(s) of this firm conducted periodic tests and observations during
the progress of the construction in an effort to determine whether compliance with the pro-
ject drawings, specifications and Building Code were being obtained. The presence of our
personnel during the work process did not involve any direction or supervision of the con-
tractor. Technical advice and suggestions were provided to the owner and/or his represen-
tative based upon the results of the tests and observations. Completed work under the
purview of this report is considered suitable for the intended use.
Respectfully submitted,CO 7)
x 6/30/07
By: ILIk CiLh 0
Civil Engineering Associate . Manager of Geotechnic1Se ices
Reviewed by:
S JO}{1'(1 CEG 990
Dist: (4). Addressee • .
(2) Trimark Pacific Homes, Attn: Mr. Paul Faye
RAT/JAC/JAH:bm:400942, October 4, 2004
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
Soil Type
Laboratory Maximum' Density ASTM:D 1.557-91 (All Soil Types)
Except for Soil Type Bi, per California 216 (modified)
Soil Type 0 supplied by plant manufacturer.
Soil Type & Description
A - Brown Silty Sand
B - Green Silty Clay
BI - Recycled Class II Base
C - Olive Green Silty Clay
D - Light Brown Silty Clayey Sand
E - Dark Brown Silty Clayey Sand
F - Gray Silty Sand
G - Tan- Silty Sand
I - Light Tan-Brown Clayey Sand
J - Reddish Tan Clayey' Sand
K - Brown Sand (Bedding Material Imported for Water Pipe)
0 - Class 11 Base
Optimum Maximum
Moisture Dry Density
(% dry wt.) (lbs./cu.ft.)
12.6 ' . 118.2
16.5 . 112.4
9.8. ' , 131.1
18.5 109.9
13.9 '
, 118.0
12.2 117.4
13.3 111.7
12.5 . ', 117.0
13.1 119.0
12.8 .' 118.3.
8.5 ' 130.7
7.3 ' 138.7
I. bm:400942, October 4, 2004
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I cont.
Non-Designated Test - Indicates test taken in compacted backfill.
Test Location - Indicated by street and approximate street stationing,
by specified utility line and stationing and/or by adjacent building pad number.
- Indicates side of center line in direction of ascending stationing.
Elevation - Indicated by approximate field elevation (feet) above mean sea level, or by
Depth (feet) below finished grade.
F.G. - Indicates finished grade (base grade).
B - Indicates test dtakeno n base area of street.
CG - Indicates test taken on curb and gutter subgrade or base.
G - Indicates test taken in natural gas line trench backfill.
JT - Indicates test taken in joint trench backfill.
•: R, R2, etc. - Indicates retest of previously failing test in compacted backfill.
S - Indicates test taken in sewer main trench backfill.
SD - Indicates test taken in storm drain trench backfill.
SL - Indicates test taken in sewer lateral trench backfill.
SW - Indicates test taken on sidewalk subgrade or base.
• W ' 7 Indicates test taken in water main trench backfill.
WS - Indicates test taken in water service trench backfill.
XG Indicates test taken on cross gutter subgrade or base.
- Indicates test taken on bedding sand bottom of water trench.
-. Indicates test taken on bedding sand over top of water pipe.
N - Indicates test by Campbell Pacific Nuclear Test Gauge (per ASTM:D 2922-91
and D 3017-88).
bm:400942, October 4, 2004
.' '.
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
.o . •,To: S
TABLE I (cont'd)
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type Type Spec.
6/22/04 Calle Andar (South)
Street Station
218S , 11+00 270.0 16.5 18.6 112.4 104.7 93 B N 90
2195L 11+06 271.0 18.5 20.5 , 109.9 99.6 90 C N 90
220SL 10+76 270.0 18.5 20.9 109.9 100.9 91 C N 90
2215L 11+26 272.0 16.5 19.9 112.4 102.6 91 B N 90
222S 12+05 '274.0 12.2 16.3 117.4 106.0 90 E' N 90
2235 12+15 273.0 13.9 15.6 118.0 108.7 92 D N 90
224SL 11+94 273.0 16.5 17.2 112.4 102.0 90 B N 90
6/23/04 Calle Andar (South)
Street Station
225S 12+50 ' 273.0 13.9 15.0 .118.0 '106.5 90 D N 90
226S 13+50 279.0 13.9 15.7 118.0 108.3 91 D N 90
227S ' 14+50 280.0 13.9 14.6 118.0 107.1 90 D N 90
228SL 12+38 274.0 13.9 14.9 118.0 109.5 92 D N 90
2295L 12+68 274.0 13.1 15.2 119.0 108.8 '91 I N 90
230SL 14+02 282.0 13.1 15.9 119.0 108.1 90 I N 90
231SL 14+33 280.0 12.5 14.7 117.0 105.7 90 , G 'N 90'
232SL ' 14+54 ' 283.0 12.5 15.7 117.0 106.6 91 G .N 90
2338L 14+77 281.0 12.5 15.3 117.0 ' 105.6 90 : G N 90
237S ' 10+55 269.0 13.3 14.7 111.7 102.0 91 'F .N 90
238S 11+60 273.0 13.3 14.9 ' 111.7 100.9 90 F N 90
239S .13+00 " 278.0 .12.5. 14.2 117.0 107.2 91 G ' N 90
240S 14+00 ' 283.0 '12.5 13.2 117.0 106.0 90 G N 90
6/24/04 ' ' 'Calle Andar (South)
Street Station .
241S ' 15+00 , 282.0 13.3 15.9 111.7 103.8 , 92 F N 90
242S ' ' 16+00 286.0 13.3 16.3 '111.7 102.0 91 F N 90'
243S 15+40 287.0 13.3 15.4 111.7 102.4 91 F N 90
244S 16+35 290.0 ' 13.3 15.5 111.7 101.6 90 F N 90
'bm:400942, October 4, 2004
. .. 0 . ...•', . . . . :.
Work Order 400.942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (cont'd)
Depth .
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density 1el. Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type Type Spec.
6/24/04 cont. Calle Andar (South) . . .
Street Station
245SL 15+63 284.0 13:3 15.6 111.7 100.8 90 F N 90
246SL 15+94 288.0 13.3 . 15.9 111.7 100.9 90 F N 90
247SL 16+14 289.0 13.3 16.7 111.7 101.9 91 F N 90
248SL 16+37 290.0 13.3 16.2 . 111.7 100.8 90 F N 90
Calle Andar (North)
249S 22+50 289.0 12.5 14.7 117.0 108.5 92 G N 90
250S 21+70 291.0 12.5 13.9 117.0 105.7 90 G N 90
2 251S 22±25 293.0 12.5 14.9 117.0 107.5 91 G N 90
252S . 21+50 294.0 12.5 15.0. 117.0 106.6 91 G N 90
M 253SL 21+88 291.0 12.5 14.6 117.0 107.2 91 G N 90
254SL 21+57 295.0 12.5 14.9 117.0 105.4 90 • G N 90
255SL 21+37 293.0 12.5 14.2 117.0 106.5 91 G N 90
M M Via Rico . . . .
30 2568 • 10+60 285.0 13.3. 14.7 111.7 103.0 92 F • N 90
257S • 10+90 287.0 13.3 15.2 111.7 101.4 90 F N 90
2585L 10+42 287.0 13.3 15.6 111.7 100.9 90 F N 90
259SL 10+73 287.0 13.3 16.0 111.7 103.8 92 • F N 90
260SL 10+66 287.0 13.3 14.7 111.7 103.1 92 F N 90
6/28/04 Via Ins
Street Station
261S 10+95 272.0 12.2 15.6 117.4 109.1 92 E N 90
262S 10+75 275.0 16.5 20.8 112.4 104.2 92 B N 90
263SL 10+80 275.0 13.3 16.2 111.7 102.6 91 F N 90
264SL 10+66 274.0 16.5 21.6 112.4 101.4 90 B N 90
265SL .11+25 273.0 12.2 15.2 117.4 108.1 92 E N 90
266SL 11+20 275.0 12.2 16.3 117.4 106.3 90 E N 90
267SL 10+97 275.0 16.5 • 17.6 112.4 102.0 90 B N 90
268S 11+60 276.0 12.2 13.1 117.4 109.6 93 E .N 90
2 . bm400942, October 4, 2004
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004 . ..•.
TABLE I (contd).
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type Type Spec.
6/29/04 Via Iris
Street Station S
269S 12+25 277.0 12.2 14.0 117.4 109.2 93 E N 90
270SL 12+31 279.0 12.2 15.6 117.4 106.9 91 E N 90
271S 12+95 279.0 12.2 14.4 117.4 106.4 90 B N 90
272S 13+50 281.0 12.8 13.9 118.3 110.0 92 J N 90
7/6/04 Adj. Bldg. 4 - Sheet 5
Storm Dram Station -
2735D . 13±70 284.0 13.3 16.5 111.7 103.2 92 F . N 90
274SD 13+50 .287.0 12.2 15.0 117.4 106.9 91 E N 90
275SD 13+40 281.0 13.3 14.6 111.7 104.6 93 F N. 90
Adj. Bldg. 9 - Sheet 12
276SD 11+50 276.0 13.3 14.4 111.7 99.5 89 F N 90
2765DR 11+50 276.0 13.3 17.0 111.7 102.0 91 F N 90
Adj. Bldg. 8 - Sheet 12
2775D 11+25 275.0 13.3 18.1 111.7 104.7 .93 F N 90
7/7/04 Adj. Bldg. 5 - Sheet 8 . .
Storm Dram Station
278SD 40+35 280.0 12.2 15.4 117.4 . 108.7 92 : E N 90
2795D 40+70 284.0 12.2 15.9 117.4 109.6 93 .E N 90
Adj. Bldgs. 9/10 - Sheet 12 . S
280SD .• 12+35 .. . 279.0 12.2 15.0 117.4 106.6 90 E . N 90
7/8/04 Adj. Bldg. 9 - Sheet 12
Storm Dram Station
2815D . 11+85 277.0 12.2 16.2 117.4 107.6 91 E N 90
Calle Añdar (South) S .
Street Station . S
282S 9+95 266.0 13.3 18.8 111.7 100.9 90 F N 90
283S 10+05 269.0 13.3 14.6 111.7 101.3 90 F N 90
3 . . . bm:400942, October 4, 2004
• • • • • • S
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (cont'd)
Depth .
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Re!. Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type Type Spec.
7/8/04 cont. Calle Andar (South).
Street Station
284S 13+42 278.0 121 16.0 , 117.4 107.9 91 E N 90
285S . 13+30 280.0 13.3 , 15.9 111.7 102.9 , 92 F N 90'
7/9/04 Calle Andar (South)
Street Station
286S 16+95 290.0 12.8 17.5 118.3 106.9 90 J 'N 90
U) 287S 16+60 289.0 . 12.8 15.1 118.3 107.7 91 J N 90
Calle Andar (North)'
U) 288S 21+25 . 293.0 '12.8 ' 18.2. 118.3 1.03.4 87 J N 90
2885R 21+25 293.0 12.8 16.9 118.3 106.7 90 J N 90
o Calle Andar (South)
2 ' 289S 16+80 292.0 12.8 17.0 118.3 104.9 '88 J N 90
2895R 16+80 . 292.0 :12.8 15.5 . 118.3 108.2 91 , J N 90
Via Iris .
290S 14+55 ' 287.0 18.5 20.9 109.9 ' 99.2 90 C N 90
291SL 14+52 288.0 18.5 21.4 109.9 100.2 91 C N 90
Calle Andar (North)
292S 21+35 294.0 12.8 15.2 118.3 111.0 93 J N 90
Via Iris
293S 14+05 283.0 18.5 .19.9 109.9 99.2 90 C N 90
2945L 14+10 284.0 18.5 19.0 109.9 99.9 90 C N 90
2955L 14+32 285.0 1,6.5 18.6 112.4 102.4 91 B N 90'
7/12/04 ' Via Iris
Street Station
296S .14+15 286.0 12.8 17.1 118.3 '106.9 90 .1 'N 90
Via Rico
297S ' 11+15 286.0 13.3 16.0 111.7 104.1 93 'F N 90
2985L , . ' 11+16 287.0 13.3 ' 16.8 111.7 103.4 92 F N 90
299S . 10+15 286.0 12.8 13.6 118.3 107.5 90 J N 90
4 ' . . ' . bm:400942, October 4, 2004
. 0 0 0 0 0 0 S S S
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (cont'd)
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type. Type Spec.
7/12/04 cont. Via Iris
Street Station
300S 13+25 279.0 13.3 17.2 111.7 103.2 92 F N 90
301SL 12+79 280.0 18.5 19.9 109.9 100.9 91 C N 90
302S 12+68 278.0 18.5 18.9 109.9 99.9 90 C N 90
303SL 12+60 279.0 13.3 17.1 111.7 101.8 91 F N 90
Via Rico
304S 11+22 289.0 13.3 15.9 111.7 105.0 94 F N 90
• Via Iris
305S 13+15 283.0 13.3 17.2 111.7 102.6 91 F . N 90
306S 12+75 281.0 13.3 18.0 111.7 103.1 .92 F N 90
7/16/04 Via Iris
Street Station
307S 10+00 272.0 12.2 15.8 117.4 108.6 92 E N 90
308S 10+10 275.0 13.3 15.9 111.7 97.6 87 F N 90
308SR 10+10 275.0 13.3 16.2 111.7 101.2 90 F N 90
309S , 11+85 275.0 13.3 15.5 111.7 103.5 92 F N 90
310S 11+35 274.0 13.3 16.9 111.7 101.7 91 F 'N 90'
311S '11+79 278.0 13.3 16.0 111.7 102.7 91 F N 90
312S 11+45 278.0 13.3 15.5 111.7' ' 104.2 93 : F N 90
• 313S ' 12+05 , 279.0 12.2 15.1 -117.4 107.1 91 E N 90
7/19/04 , - Adj. Bldg. 4 - Sheet
Storm Dram Station •
314SD 14+10. 284.0 13.3 16.2 111.7 ' 103.8 92 F ,N 90 • , '
315SD , ' 13+85 285.0 12.2 15.0, ' 117.4 108.4 92 E ' N" 90
316SD. ' 14+00 ' 286.0 12.2 14.6 117.4 109.5 ' 93' E , N 90
5 ' ' 'bm:400942, October 4, 2004
.. .•. •0. s... .5.. 5.,..... 3
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (cont'd)
Depth• :
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Re!. Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type Type Spec.
8/2/04 Adj. Bldg. 5.- Sheet 12
Storm Drain Station
3325D 12+92 279.5 131 13.3 119.0 107.8 90 I N 90
333SD 12+85 280.0 13.1 13.2 119.0 108.3 91 I N 90
334SD 12+80 282.0 13.1 12.9 119.0 105.9 88 I N 90
334SDR 12+80 282.5 13.1 13.2 119.0 107.9 90 I N 90
Adj. Bldg. 9 - Sheet 12
335SD 12+00 275.5 12.8 13.1 118.3 106.9 90 J N .90
8/3/04 Adj. Bldg. 9 - Sheet 12
Storm Dram Station
3365D 12+07 278.0 12.8 12.9 118.3 109.0 92 J N 90
337SD 12+20 280.0 12.8 13.0 118.3 107.3 90 J N 90
Adj. Bldg. 8 - Sheet 12
338SD 10+14 273.0 . 13.1 13.1 119.0 110.0 92 . I .N 90
339SD 10+45 272.5 13.1. .13.5 119.0 107.2 90 I N 90
3405D 10+68 273.0 13.1 13.4 119.0 108.6 91 I N 90
Via Iris - Sheet 4 .
341SD 20+50 276.5 12.8 12.9 118.3 106.7 90 J N 90
342SD 20+63 278.5 12.8 12:8 118.3 108.8 91 J N 90
3435D 20+10 274.5 12.8 12.9 118.3 107.4 90 J N 90
Calle Andar (South) - Sheet 8
3445D 41+20 284.0 12.8 9.9 118.3 106.8 90 J N 90
3445DR 41+20 284.0 12.8 13.0 118.3 107.0 90 J N 90'
8/9/04 Calle Andar (South)
Street Station
345W 11+00 269.0* 8.5 9.6 130.7 118.0 90 K 'N 90
346W 12+05 274.0* 8.5 9.5 130.7 118.1 90 K N 90
bm:400942, October 4, 2004
H. •• • •• s .
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (cont'd)
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Re!. Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type. Type Spec.
8/9/04 cont. Calle Andar (South)
Street Station
347W 12+90 276.0* 8.5 8.9 130.7 117.8 90 K N 90
348W 13+95 281.0* 8.5 8.5 130.7 118.3 90 K N 90
349W 15+50 286.5* 8.5 9.0 130.7 117.9 90 K N 90
8/10/04 • • Calle Andar (South)
Street Station
350W 10+60 268.5** 8.5 10.1 130.7 117.9 90 K N 90
351W 10+90 269.5** 8.5 10.3 130.7 117.8 90 K N 90
352W 11+20 271.0** 8.5 10.3 130.7 120.2 .91 K N 90
• 353W 11+63 273.0** 8.5 10.4 130.7 123.0 94 K N 90
354W 12+00 275.0 8.5 10.2 130.7 119.7 91 K N 90
355W 13+00 277.5** 8.5 10.1 130.7 119.6 91 K N 90
8/11/04 Via Iris
Street Station
• 356XG 15+63 R F.S.G. 13.1 13.3 119.0 113.4 95 I N 95
357CG 15+55R . F.S.G. 13.1 13.4 119.0 113.1 95 I N 95
358CG • 15+25 R F.S.G. 13.1 13.2 119.0 113.6 95 I N 95
Calle Andar (South)
359W . • 15+80 287.0* 8.5 10.0 130.7 118.2 90 K .N : 90
• 360W 16+28 288.5* 8.5. 9.8 130.7 118.8 90 K N 90
Calle Andar (North) ... . • • . .
361W 20+60 • 288.5*.. 8.5 9.5 130.7 119.9 91. K N 90
Via his . .
362XG • 15+63 ft F.G. 9.8 11.0. 131.1 124.9 95 BI N 95
363CG .15+40 R F.G. 9.8 10.7 131.1 126.0 96 BI N 95
• 364CG . 15+20R • F.G. 9.8 10.8 131.1 118.9 90 81 .N 95
364CGR . 15+20 R • F.G. 9.8 10.3 . 131.1 . 124.8 95 BI N 95
7. . • . • bm:400942, October 4, 2004
. Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (cont' d)
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel., Soil, Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type Type Spec.
8/11/04 cont. Calle Andar (South) V V
Street Station V
365W ' 10+85 271.5 12:8 13.0 118.3 107.3 90 J N 90
366W V 11+40 274.0' 12.8 12.9 118.3 108.0 ' 91 J N 90'
367W V 11+85 V 276.5 12.8 13.3 118.3 106.9 90 ' J N 90
368W 12+28 ' 277.0 12.8 '13.2 118.3 107.2 90 J N 90
8/12/04 Calle Andar (South)
V Street Station V
369W ' 14+24 282.5** 8.5 9.8 130.7 119.6 91 K N 90'
370W ' , 44+65 283.5** ' 8.5 ' 8.7. 130:7 ' 120.0 91 K N 90
371W 15+29 V 286.5 8.5 10.1 130.7 V 117.8 90 , K N , 90
372W , 15+68 287.5** 8.5 10.2 130.7 , 118.3 90 ' K N 90
373W 16+29 289.5 8.5 8.9 130.7 121.0 92 K N 90
Via Rico
374W 10+37 284.5* 8.5. 9.1 .130.7 '121.4 92 K N 90
375W ' 10+83 ' 285.5* 8.5 , 9.6' 130.7 119.9 91 K N 90
8/13/04 Calle Andar (South)
Street Station .
376W 22+40 293.5** ' 8.5 8.6 130.7 123.0 94 K N 90
377W 21+35 292.5** 8.5 9.4 130.7 121.9 93 K N 90
378W 14+42 283.0** 8.5 8.9 130.7 122.7 93 K . N 90
379W 14+86 284.5** 8.5 9.0 130.7 119.0 91 K N 90'
380W5 15+54 288.0** 8.5 9.4 130.7 120.8 92 K N 90
381W5 16+05 288.0** 8.5 9.0 130.7 121.6 93 K N 90
382W5 , 16+47 289.5** 8.5 9.7 130.7 120.3 92 K N 90
Calle Andar (North)
383WS 21+79 293.5** 8.5 8.9 130.7 119.0 91 K N 90
8 bm:400942, October 4, 2004
S S. •..S
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (conttd)
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel. Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type Type Spec.
8/16/04 Via his
Street Station
384SW 15+38 R F.G. 9.8 10.2 131.1 124.6 95 B! N 90
385SW 15+20R F.G. 9.8 11.0 131.1 120.9 92 B! N 90
385SWR 15+20R F.G. 9.8 10.9 131.1 125.0 95 B! N 90
Calle Andar (South)
• 386W 14+15 285.0 13.1 13.9 119.0 109.3 91 I N 90
387W 14+60 286.0 13.1 13.5 119.0 110.0 92 I N 90
388W 14+93 286.5 13.1 13.6 119.0 107.6 90 I N 90
389W 15+23 288.0 13.1 13.8 119.0 108.7 91 I N 90
390W 15+75 290.0 13.1 13.6 119.0 109.4 .91 I N 90
391W 16+25 291.5 13.1 13.9 119.0 108.3 91 I N 90
Calle Andar (North)
392W 22+50 296.0 13.1 13.4 119.0 110.1 92 I N 90
393W . 21+60 295.0 13.1 13.2 119.0 110.8 93 I N 90
8/18/04 Calle Andar (North)
Street Station
394W 21+00 290.5* 8.5 10.3 130.7 120.6 92 K N 90
Via Iris
395W 15+00 • 286.5* 8.5 10.0 130.7. 118.1 90 K N 90
396W 13+75 283.5* 8.5 12.4 130.7 119.4 91 K . N 90
397W 12+25 277.5* 8.5 11.6 130.7 • 123.7 94 K N 90
Via Rico • . . • • . .
398W . 10+50 285.0*. 8.5 10.9 130.7 120.5. .92 K N 90
8/19/04 . . • Via his . . • .
Street Station
399W . 14+15 284.5* 8.5 9.8 130.7 119.2 91 K .N 90
400W • 14+50 • 285.5* 8.5 8.9 . 130.7 122.3. 93 K N 90
9 . . • bm:400942, October 4, 2004
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (cont'd)
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Rel.'.,Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type Type Spec.
8/20/04 Via Rico
Street Station
401W 10+20 286.0** 8.5 10.2 130.7 120.9 92 K N 90
402W 11+00 286.5** 8.5 10.9 130.7 118.7 90 K N 90
8/21/04 Via Rico
Street Station
403W 11+10 289.0 13.1 14.7 119.0 113.5 95 I N 90
404W 10+25 287.0 13.1 14.7 119.0 112.0 94 I N 90
8/24/04 Via Iris
Street Station
405W 11+50 275.5* 8.5 9.3 130.7 121.7 93 K N 90
406W 12+75 278.5* 8.5 8.9 130.7 119.9 91 K N 90
407W 13+00 280.0** 8.5 9.1 130.7 119.8 91 K N 90
408W 13+50 283.0** 8.5 . 9.3 130.7 119.1 91 K N 90
409W 12+75 282.0 13.9. 14.8 118.0 108.0 91 D N 90
410W 13+00 283.0 13.9 15.0 118.0 107.7 - 91 D N 90
411W 13+85 287.0 13.9 14.9 118.0 107.0 90 D N 90
8/25/04 Via Iris - Abandoned Water Trench, Excavated in Wrong Location
Street Station
412 10+53 277.0 16.5 16.5 112.4 101.9 90 B N 90
413 11+32 279.0 16.5 12.3 112.4 96.7 86 B N 90
413R 11+32 279.0 16.5 16.6 112.4 103.4 91 B N 90
8/26/04 Via Iris .
Street Station
414W - 11+17 275.0* 8.5 9.6 130.7 120.8 92 K N 90
415W - 10+65 273.0* 8.5 . 9.3 130.7 119.0 91 K N 90
1.0 . - . . . . . - bm:400942, October 4, 2004
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (cont'd)
Number Test Location
Opt. Field
Unit Dry Density
Max. Field
gel. Soil
Comp. Type
8/27/04 Via Ins
Street Station
416W 13+50 285.0 13.1 14.5 119.0 111.7 93 I N 90
417W 14+60 288.0 13.1 13.8 119.0 112.9 94 I N 90
8/31/04 Via Iris
Street Station
420WS 10+76 276.0 12.5 13.8 117.0 109.7 93 G N 90
421W 11+70 278.0 12.5 13.2 117.0 108.9 93 G N 90
9/10/04 Calle Andar (North)
Street Station
432J1 20+40 296.0 13.1 14.7 119.0 111.7 93 I N 90
Calle Andar (South)
433J1 17+00 295.0 13.1 13.8 119.0 112.8 94 I N 90
434JT 16+00 292.0. 13.1 13.4 119.0 110.9 93 I N 90
435J1 14+00 285.0 13.1 15.0 119.0 113.1 95 I N 90
436J1 11+70 276.0 13.1 14.2 119.0 110.5 92 I N 90
9/13/04 : Via Iris
Street Station
437JT 11+00 .278.0 13.1 13.5 119.0 110.3 92 I N 90
438JT 12+50 282.0 13.1 14.7 . 119.0 112.5 94 I N 90
439ff 13+80 . 287.0 13.1 14.2 119.0 105.8 88 I N 90
439JTR 13+80 287.0 13.1 13.3 119.0 113.7. 95 I N 90
440G Gas Line Crossing Centella Street -1.0 12.6 13.9 118.2 114.8 97 A N 95
11 bm:400942, October 4, 2004
Work Order 400942
October 4, 2004
TABLE I (cont d)
Test or Moisture Unit Dry Density Re!. Soil Test Proj.
Date Number Test Location Elev. Opt. Field Max. Field Comp. Type Type Spec.
9/20/04 Rancho Santa Fe Road
Street Station
445WS 162+08 L 290.0 85 12.5 130.7 126.7 96 K N 95
446B 162+08 L F.G. 7.3 7.1 138.7 133.2 96 0 N 95
9/21/04 Rancho Santa Fe Road
Street Station
449WS 162+08 L 288.0* 8.5 9.2 130.7 124.2 95 K N 95
450WS 162+08 R 290.0 8.5 12.1 130.7 125.3 95 K N 95
2 451B 162+08R F.G. 7.3 7.9 138.7 134.0 96 0 N 95 r UI
M 2 0
2 M M D
2 0
2 I,
12 bm:400942, October 4, 2004