HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 03-01; LA COSTA RESORT & SPA- PHASE II; COMPACTION REPORTS 2003- 2005; 2005-03-07Sladden Engineering
6782 Stanton Avenue, Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369
114 South California Avenue, Beaumont, CA 92223 (951)845-7743 Fax (951) 951-845-8803
39-725 Garand Lane., Suite G, Palm Desert; CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895
March 7, 2005 Project No. 422-5019
KSL Development
2100 Costa Del Mar Road
Carlsbad, California 92009
Subject: Compaction Report
Project: La Costa Resort and Spa
Resort Villas-Phase I, Lot 9
2100 Costa Del Mar Road
Carlsbad, California
This report summarizes the degree of compaction and recommended bearing values for the
reworked on-site soils and compacted fills placed on the site and tested by Sladden,Engineering.
The project consisted of removing and recompacting artificial fill and native soils and placing
primary structural fill soils to support the proposed villas. Sub-surface soil conditions were
SIR mmarized in our Geotechnical Investigation Report dated November 11, 2004, Project No. 444-
3161, Report No. 03-10-183.
The proposed construction area was first stripped of surface vegetation and debris and. this
material was hauled from the site. .. Within the proposed building area and at least 5.0 foot wide perimeter strip beyond the building walls, all artificial fill and some native soils were removed.
Removals extended to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footings. The exposed soils Were
then scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to near optimum moisture content arid compacted to.
at least 90% of maximum dry density as determined by test method ASTM D 1557-90. The excavated soils, generally silty sands, were cleaned of deleterious material and then replaced in 6
inch layers,, brought to near optimum moisture content and compacted. Removals and
recompaction resulted in a maximum fill depth of approximately 4.5 feet. Compaction was obtained using a Caterpillar 953 track loader.
Field tests and inspections were performed during the work. The test results indicated
compliance with the project specifications at the tested locations but are no guarantee or warranty
of the contractor's work.
Field Tests: In-place density tests were performed at the approximate locations indicated on the
attached site plan using a calibrated sand cone in' accordance with test method ASTM D 1556-90.
Field moisture tests determinations were made at the time of each test. Testing indicates that the
required compaction of 90% has been attained in the areas tested.
, '
March 22, 2005 ., '(2) , Project No. 422-5019
Laboratory Tests: The moisture-density relationships for the tested soils were determined in
accordance with test method ASTMD 1557-91.
Recommendations: Footings should extend at least 18 inches beneath lowest adjacent grade.
Isolated square or rectangiilar footings at least 2 feet square may be designed using an allowable
bearing pressure of 2500 pounds per square foot. Continuous footings at least 12 inches wide
may be designed using an allowable baring value of 2000 pounds per square foot. The
allowable bearing pressures may be increased by 200 psf for each additional one foot of width
and 250 psf for each additional 6 inches of depth, if desired. The maximum allowable bearing
S pressure should be 3000 psf. • S
The allowable bearing pressure are for dead' and . frequently applied live loads and may be
increased by 1/3 to resist wind, seismic or other transient loading. Drainage form the building '
area should be rapid and complete'.
S ' • S
All, footing and utility trench' backfill should be compacted to 90% of maximum dry. density.
Respectfully submitted, ' S • '
Z' No.C4 389
2010 Brett L. Anders n xp 9-3 010
Principal Engineer
tp ;A CIVI
Copies: 6 —K SL Developme
Sladden Engineering
Project No. 422-5019
Test Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent
No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max
1 2-9-05 Building Area -5.0 13.5 108 118 91
2 2-9-05 ' Building Area -3.0 . 19.5 112 . '. 121 92
3 2-9-05 Building Area -2.0 15.1 : 113 . 121 93
4 2-9-05 . BuildmgArea -1.0 '15.5 . 111. '121 . 92
5 . -1-05 Building Area ..-7.0 16.0 ' ' 110 121 90
6 , 3-1-05 Building Area -5.0' 19.5 107 118 ' 90
7 3-2-05 Building Area -3.0 13.4 108 ' ' 118 . 91
8 3-2-05 Building Area -2.0 120
108 ,
118 92
9 3-3-05 Building Area 1.0 ' 19.5' , 105 121 ,
10 3-7-05 Retest #9 ' -1.0 15.8 110 ' 121 ' 91**
'11 .3-7-05. ' Building Area -5.0 15.9 . 111 . . 121 . 92
12 3-8-05 Building Area -3.0 19.0, 103 . ' 118 .87*
13 3-11-05 Retest #13 -3.0 , 15.0
' 111 ' 121 ' 91
14 3-11-05 Building Area ' -2.0 ' 19.3 '' 112 121 92
15 ' 3-11-05 BuildingArea '4.0.. . 13.5 112 , ,
' 121
, ,
16 3-12-05 Building Area . S.G. 14.0 , '. 111.. ' ' 121 , 92,
17 . 3-12-05 'Building Area S.G. 12.5. 113
121 ' 93
18 , 3-17-05 Keyway -11.0 '14.1 111 ' 118 . '94
19 3-17-05 Keyway. -9.0' 11.9 107 . ' ' ' 118 , 92
20 3-17-05 Keyway . ' -7.0 .13.0 . , 108
. ' 118 ' 92
21 ' 3-17-05 Keyway ' , -6.0 12.9 .' 112 ' ' 121 93
22. 348-05 Keyway " -5.0. ' 13.5 112 121 ' 93 '
23 3-18-05' Keyway .. -5.0 14.0 111'
121 ' , 91
24 318-05 Keyway -3.0 " 115 ......114 '
' . 118 97
Sladden Engineering
March 22, 2005 . (4) Project No. 422-501
Test Tested Moist Coñt Fld DryDen Max Dry Den Percent
No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft • Lbs/Cu Ft Max
25 3-18-05 Keyway . -3.0 146 113 121 93
26 3-18-05 Keyway -10 139 113 121 93
27 3-18-05 Keyway -1.0 12.4 113 . .121 93
*Fàiled Test . . .
"Retested . . . .
Maximum Dry Densities- 118 Lbs/Cu Ft; Optimum Moistures- 11.7%
121 . 12.4%
Silty Sand trace of Clay (SM) . . .
. Silty Sand (SM) . . . . .
Sladden Engineering
c.çO.OI *Sladde'n Engineering
6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369
39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895
April 9, 2003
KSL Development
507905 Avenida Bermuda
La Quinta, California 92253
Subject: Compaction Report
PrOject: New Ballroom Building
La Costa Resort and Spa
2100 Costa Del Mar Road
Carlsbad, California -
PrOject No. 422-2178
Reference:• Compaction Report prepared by Sladden Engineering dated June 28, 2002;
Project No.544-2063, Report No. 02-06-361
This report summarizes the degree of compaction and recommended bearing values for the
.reworked- on-§ite soils and compacted fills placed on the site and tested by Sladden Engineering.
The project consisted of removing and recompacting artificial fill and native soil and placing
primary structural fill soils to support the proposed ballroom building. Sub-surface soil
conditions were summarized in our Geotechnical Investigation; Project No. 544-2063 dated June
28, 2002, Report No. 02-06-361. .
The proposed construction area was first stripped of surface vegetation and debris and this
material was removed from the site. Within the proposed building area and at least 10 foot wide
perimeter strip beyond the building walls, all artificial fill and at least the upper 2 feet of on-site
soil was removed. The exposed native soils comprised of silty sand and clayey sands were
inspected and approved prior to placing fill by a representative of Sladden Engineering then
scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to near optimum moisture content and compacted to 90%
Of maximum dry density as determined by test method ASTM D 1557-91. The excavated soils,
generally silty and clayey sands, were cleaned of deleterious material and then replaced in 6 inch
layers, brought to near optimum moisture content and compacted. Removals and recompaction
resulted in a maximum fill depth' of approximately 15 feet. Compaction was obtained using a 824
dozer, 623 F & 513 C Caterpillar scraper, D-6 Dozer, 345 B excavator and a skip loader, 12 G
motor grader. There is an isolated area approximately 25' foot in diameter around an. existing
water line valve to be backfilled and compacted at a later day. The existing 6" and 12" A.C.P.
water lines were left in place in the southern portion of the new building pad and will be
abandoned at later date.
Field tests and' inspections were performed during the work. The test results indicated
compliance with the project specifications at the tested locations but are no guarantee or warranty
of the contractor's work.
April 9, 2003 (2) Project No. 422-'2178
Field Tests: 1nplace density tests were performed at the approximate locations indicated on the
attached site plan using a calibrated sand cone in accordance with test method ASTM D 1556-90.
Laboratory Tests: The moisturedensity relationships for the tested soils were determined in
accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-91.
Recommendations: Footing shOuld extend at least 18 inches beneath lowest adjacent grade.
Isolated square or rectangular footing at least 2 feet square may be designed using an allowable
bearing value of 2500 pounds per square foot. Continuous footing at least 12 inches wide may be
designed using an allowable bearing value of 2000 pounds per square foot. The allowable
bearing pressures may be increased by 200 psf for each additional one foot of width and 250 psf
for each additional 6 inches of depth. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3500
The allowable bearing' pressures are for dead and frequently applied live loads and may by
increased by 1/3 to resist wind, seismic or other transient loading. Care should be taken to see
that bearing or subgrade soils are not allowed to become saturated form thepounding of rainwater
or irrigation. Drainage from the building area should be rapid and complete.
All wall, footing and utility trench backfill should be compacted to 90% of maximum dry density.
Respectfully submitted,
Ecp 9-30-2010'
Brett L. Anderson
IV Principal Engineer
Copies 6- KSL Development
Sladden Engineering
Project No. 422-2178
Test . Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent
No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max
. 1 4-2-03 Building Pad
, 43.00 12.4 117 130 . .90
2.' 4-2-03 Building Pad. 44.00 , 12.4 117 130 90
3 4-3-03 Building Pad 46.00 13.6 123 130 95
4 4-3-03 Building.Pad 48.00 13.6' 122 130 94
5 4-3-03 Building Pad 47.00 12.4.. 123
130 , 95
6 4-3-03 Building Pad 49.00 17.6 111 124 90
7 4-3-03 Building Pad 50.00 ' 19.0 112 , 124 . 90
8 4-3-03 Building Pad 45.00 8.7 • 104 • 112 ' 93
9 4-4-03 Building Pad ' .49.50 • 14.9 115, 124 • 93
10 4-4-03 Building Pad 51.00 '13.6 : 119 . 130 92
11 4-4-03 Building Pad
, 52.00 12.4 117 130 90
12 4-403. Building Pad '51.00 ' 13.6 119 . 124 • ' 96-
13 4-4-03 Building Pad 52.00 ' 13.6 ' 116 124 ' 94
14 4-5-03 Building Pad 49.00 • 14.9 122 • ' 130 94
15. 4-5-03 Building Pad 52.00 • 11.1 112 124. ' , 90
16 4-5-03 Building Pad 53.00 • 14.9 117 124 • • 94
17 4-5-03 Building Pad 53.50 14.9 117 • 124 94
18 4-5-03 Building Pad 53.00 17.6 , 117 . 124 94
19 4-5-03 Building Pad 46.00 12.4 125 130 • 96
20 4-5-03 'Building Pad • 52.00 12.4 117 • 127 '92
21' 4-5-03 Building Pad 53.00 12.4: 119 127 94
• • 22 4-5-03 Building Pad 48.00 12.4 124 , ' 130 95
23 4-5-03 Building Pad '47.00. 12.4 ,. 118 ' 127 93
Sladden Engineering
(4) ' Project No. 422-2178
Test Tested Moist Cont FId Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent
No. Date '• Location , Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max
24 4-7-03 ' 'Building Pad 45.00 11.1 . 109 ' 112
25 4-7-03 Building Pad 49.00 9.9 115 ' 128
26 4-7-03 Building Pad . 54.00 ' 12.4 110 121
27 4-7-03 Building Pad 54.00 14,9 120 . 127
.28 4-7-03 Building Pad 51.00 . 12.4 110. . 121
29 4-7-03 '. Building Pad 52.00 11.1 112' 121
30 4-8-03 Building Pad ' 55.00 9.9 120 129
31 4-8-03 Building Pad 55.00 11.1. , 122 ' 130
32 4-8-03 Building Pad 55.00 11.1 116 127
33 4-8703 Building Pad . 55.0,0 11.1 114 . 127
34,4-8-03 Building Pad '55.00 ' 12.4 114 ' 127
35' 4-8-03 'Building Pad ' 52.00 ' ' 99 , . 107 . , 112'
Maximum Dry Densities- 112 Lbs/Cu Ft; Optimum Moistures- . 11.1%
128 ' " ' ' " ' . 95%
129 ' ".. . : 80%
130 " 11.7%
Silty Sand
Silty Sand Trace of Clay.
'.Silty Sand Trace ofClay
Clay Sand .
Silty Sand Trace of Gravel ,
Gravely Sandy Clay
Sladden Engineering
29 028
oT- - - - • _
Approximate Location Density Test
---L/Mm QF&Rt
File Number: t 22 -2J78 C' L?N • ••
NOR '-3
Slodden Engineering
Sladden Engineering
6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369
39-725 Garand Ln. Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895
January 8, 2003 Project No. 422-2178
KSL Development
50-905 Avenida Bermuda
La Quinta, California 92253
Subject: Compaction Report
Project: La Costa Resort Spa Building
S 2100 Costa Del Mar Road
Carlsbad, California
This report summarizes the degree of compaction and recommended bearing values for the
reworked on-site soils and compacted fills placed oil the site and tested by Sladden Engineering.
The project consisted of removing and recompacting artificial fill and native soil fill soils to
support the proposed industrial building. Sub-surface soil conditions were summarized in our
Geotechn ical Investigation; dated June 28, 2002, Project N6.. 544-2063, Report No. 02-06-361.
The proposed construction area was first stripped of surface vegetation,ánd pavement and this
material was removed from the site. Within the proposed building area and at least 5 foot beyond
the building walls, all artificial fill and at least the upper 2 feet of native soil was removed. The
exposed native soils comprised of silty sands were inspected and approved by a representative of
Sadden Engineering theii scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to near optimum moisture
content and compacted to a minimum of 90% of maximum dry density as determined by test
method ASTM D 1557-91. The excavated soils, generally silty sands, were cleaned of
deleterious material and then replaced in 6 inch layers, brought to near optimum moisture content
and compacted. Removals and recompaction resulted in a maximum fill depth of approximately
8-9 feet. Compaction was obtained using a track dozer, grader, wheel loader, scraper and roller.
Field tests and inspectibns were performed during the work. The test results indicated
compliance with the project specifications at the tested locations but are no guarantee or warranty
of the contractor's work. .
Field Tests: In-place density tests were performed at the approximate locations indicated on the
attached site plan using a calibrated sand cone in accordance with test method ASTM D 1556-90.
January 8,2003 . (2) . Project No. 422-2178
Laboratory Tests: The moisture-density relationships for the tested soils were determined in
accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-91. An expansion index test was performed on a
sample of the imported soil in accordance with •UBC Standard No. 18-2. The test showed an E.I.
of 29 and tested material has.a very low expansion potential. . .
Recommendations: Footing should extend at least 18 inches beneath lowest adjacent grade.
Isolated square or rectangular footing at least 2 feet square may be designed using an allowable
bearing value of 2500 pounds per square foot. Continuous footing at least 12 inches wide may be
designed using an allowable bearing value of 2000. pounds per square foot. The allowable
bearing pressures may be increased by 200 psf for each additionalone foot of width and 250 psf
for each additional 6 inches of depth. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3500
psf. . .
The allowable bearing pressures are for dead and frequently applied live loads and may by
increased by 1/3 to resist wind, seismic or other transient loading. Care should be taken to see
that bearing or subgrade soils are not allowed to become saturated form the pounding of rainwater
or irrigation. Drainage from the building area should be rapid and complete.
All wall, footing and utility trench backfill should be compacted to 90% of maximum dry density.
Respectfully submitted, .
Brett'L.AndebnL' £(
Principal Engineer No.c 4.4 389
Exp. 9-30-201
Copies: 6- KSL Development
Sladden Engineering
January 8, 2.003 (3)' Project No. 422-2178.
Test Tested Moist Cont FId Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent
No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max
I 12-19-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 49.0 .• 13.4 112 121 93
2 12-19-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 49.5 11.0 117' 121 97
3 12-19-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 51.0 . 8.1 118 121 98
4 12-19-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 51.0 8.3 115 121 95
5 12-26-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 52.5 16.3 119 128 . 93
6 .12-26-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 51.0 14.9 113 121 93
7 12-27-02 Spa Bldg. Pad ' 53.5 ' . 12.4 111 121 92.
8 12-27-02 'Spa Bldg. Pad 50.5 9.9 106 ,• 115 92
9 12-27-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 52.0 '11.1 112 , . 118 ' 95
10 12-30-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 50.0 12.4 112' 118 95
II 12-30-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 53.0 12.4 ' 112 118 , . .95
12 .12-30-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 52.0 13.6. " 110, '' 118 93
.13 12-
30-0j Spa Bldg. Pad 53.5 12.4 109 . 118 92
14 1-2-03' Spa Bldg. Pad 54.0 12.4 , 117 118 . 99
15 1-2-03 ' Spa Bldg. Pad 54.1 , 11.1" 114 . . ' 118 96
16 1-2-03 Spa Bldg. Pad 54.1 , . 11.1 117 118 99
17 1-2-03, . Spa Bldg. Pad 51.5 9.9 113 118 96
18 1-2-03 Spa Bldg. Pad 50:5 11.1 ' 113 ' . 118 ' , 96
19 1-2-02 Spa Bldg. Pad
53.0 9.9 ,111 118 ' 94
20 1-2-02 Spa Bldg. Pad 50.5 9.9 . . 106 115 90
21 1-3-03 Spa,Bldg. Pad 52.0 ' 12.4 , 117 121 . 97
22 1-3-03 Spa Bldg. Pad 52.0 8.7
123 129 95
23 1-6-03 Spa Bldg Pad PG. ' 8.7 ' 1,12 118' 95
Sladden Engineering
(4) Project No. 422-2178
Test TestedT Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max
24 1-6-03 Spa Bldg. Pad P.G. 7.5 120 129
Maximum Dry Densities- • 115 Lbs/Cu Ft; Optimum Moisture- 11.0% (1)
1 18 " 11 .5% (2)
121 " 101% (3)
128 " 9.5% (4)
129 . 8.0%. (5) . ••
(1) Silty Sand • . . (2) Silty Sand (Import)
(3) Silty Sand Trace ofClay
(4) Clay Sand • • •. • • •
(5) Silty Sand Trace of.Gravel • • •
Skidden Engineering