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CT 03-01; LA COSTA RESORT & SPA- PHASE II; IN PLACE DENSITY TESTS 2003- 2004; 2004-07-16
:. . . SI,adden Engineering '. 6782 StantonAve., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 July16, 2004 . . . Project No.422-2178 04-07-160 La Costa Resort and Spa. 2100 Costa Del Mar Road . . . Carlsbad, California 92009 . . Subject: . Results of-In-Place Density Tests . 0 Project: Employee Parking Lot . . La Costa Resort and Spa . 2100 Costa Del Mar Road . Carlsbad, California . Summarized on the attached sheets are the-results of in-place density tests performed as requested at the subject site. The tests were performed on the parking lot, swale, street, curb and gutter. Paving operation inspections were also performed On January 15 and 16, 2003: The asphaltic concrete was tested for: compaction, temperature and uncompacted thickness measurements were . also recorded. The results are summarized on the attached data sheet. The test results indicate, compliance with the project specifications at the tested depths and locations but are no guarantee or warranty of the contractor's work. Field Tests: In-place density tests were performed at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site plan using a calibrated sand cone in accordance with test method ASTM D 1556-90 and a nuclear density'gauge in accordance with test method ASTMD 2922 and ASTM D.3017. Laboratory Tests: The moisture-density relationships for the tested materials were determined in accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-91. . . Respectfully submitted, OfESSIO* . . SLADDEN ENGWE 4•. . 0. Brett L. An on Exp 9.30-2010 J.37- Principal Engineer CIVI Copies: 6- La Costa Resort July 14,2004 (2) Project No. 422-2178 04-07-160 Test . Tested Moist Cont Fid. Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft . Max 1 11-19-02 Curb &Gutter S.G.. 12.4 . 110 115 96 .2 11-20-02 Curb & Gutter S.G. 12.4 112 . 115 . 97 3 1120-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1 124 128 97 4 11-20-02 Cub&Gutter S.G. 11.1. 116 121 . 96 5. 11-20-02 Curb& Gutter S.G. 11.1 .117 121 97 6 11-20-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1 . 118 121 98: 7 11-21-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. 9.9 116 121, 96 8 . 11-21-02. Curb &'Gutter S.G. 11.1 124 .. 128 97 9 :112102 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1 . 123 . 128 . 96 10 11..2102 Curb &Gutter S.G. . 9.9 109 115 ' 95 11, 11-21-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. 12.4 . 118 121 . 98 12 11-21-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1 124 . 128 • . 97 13 11-22-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1 . 104 115 90 14 11-22-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. 111 . 113 115 . 98 15 112202 Curb &, Gutter S.G. '11.1 106 . 115 92 16 1125-02 . Curb& Gutter S.G. 11.1 117 121 97 17 11-25-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1. . 117 ' 121 97 18 11725-02 Curb& Gutter S.G. 21.9 107 ' 115 93 19 11-26-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. .11.1 . . 132 121 . 96 20 11-26-02 Curb & Gutter S.G. 12.5 112 118 95 21 11-26-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. • 11.1 . 132. 12,1 . 96 22 11-26-02 Curb &Gutter 'S.G.. 12.4 112 118 95 23 .12-2-02 " Curb&'Gutter S.G. . 9.9 112 118 95 Sladden Engineering July 14, 2004 = (3) . . Project No. 422-2178 04-07-160 Test Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max 24 12-2-02 Curb &.Gitter S.G. 11.1 115 . 118 97. 25 12-2-02'Curb &Gutter S:G. 12.4 116 . 118 98 26 .12-2-02 Swale S.G: 14.9 110 . 112 98 27 12-3-02 Swale B.G. 6.4. 128 132 97 29 12-3-02 Swale S.G. 9.9. 116 121 96 29 12-3-02 Swale B.G. 7.5 130 132 98 30 12-3-02 Curb & Gutter S.G. 11.1 .112. 118. 95 31 1276-02 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1 123 128 .. 96 32 129-02 Sidewalk S.G. 124 110 115 . 96 33 12-9-02 Sidewalk. S.G. 11.1 117 . 121 . .. 97 34 12-11-02 Parking Lot . S.G. . 11.1 . 124 . 128 97 .35 12-12-02 Parking Lot S.G. 12.4 . 112 •. 118 . . 95 36 12-1202 Parking Lot S.G. . 12.4 114 118 97 .37 12-1202 Parking Lot S.G. 11.1 117 . .121 . 97 38 12-12-02 Parking Lot SG. . 111 .. 124 128 97 39 12-13-02 Parking Lot' S.G. 11.1 . 109 . 115 . 95 40 12-13-02 Parking Lot S.G. 11.1 123 128 96 41 12-13-02 Parking Lot S.G. Ill 111 115 . 97 42 1213-02 Parking Lot S.G. 16.3 107 . 112 . 96 43 12-1302 ParkingLot S.G. 11.1 126 128 98 4412-13-02 Parking Lot S.G. 11.1 117 121 97 45 12-13-02 Parking Lot S.G. . 11.1 . 112 . 115 97 Sladden Engineering July 14, 2004 Project No. 422'2178 04-07-160 Test ' . ' Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Location.' Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft . Lbs/Cu Ft Max. 46 12-13-02 Parking Lot ' . S.G. ' 11.1 126 . ' 128 . 98 47 12-27-02 Parking Lot B.G. 5.3 ' . 125 .1,32 95 48 12-30-02 Parking Lot B.G. 9.9' ' ' 116 1.24 94 49 '12-30-02 Parking Lot ' B.G. 11.1 . 122 . 124 98. 50 12-30-02 'Parking Lot . B.G. 11.1 . '.. 119 . 124' . 96 51 12-30-02 Parking Lot . B.G. ' 9.9 121 . 124 • 98 52 12-3002 Parking Lot B.G. iLl 120. 124 ' ' 97 53 '12-31-02 Parking Lot B.G. 8.7 . 118 . 124 95 54 12-31-02 Parking Lot ' B.G. 8.7 ' 118 124 95 55 12-31-02 Parking Lot . B.G. 9.9' ' 120 . 124 ' 97 56 .1-15-03' Parking Lot A.C.. , ' 137 143 96 .57 1-15-03 Parking Lot A.C. . 139 ' ', 143 ' , 97 58 1-15703 Parking Lot :AC. ' ' 136 .143 • 95 59 1-15-03 Parking Lot ' .A..C: ' . 136 . 143 ' . 95 60 1-15-03 Parking Lot ' A.C. ' ' ' 136' ., 143 ' ' 95 611-15-03 Parking Lot A.C. ' 137 143 •, . 96 62, 1-15-03 Parking Lot A.C. ' ' '139 ' 143 ' ' ' 97 63 1-15-03 Parking Lot A.C. 140 143 98 64 1-15-03 'Parking Lot A.C. 137 , 143 . 96 65 1-15-03 Parking Lot' A.C. , 136 ' 143 ,. 95 66 1-16-03 . Parking Lot A.C.. . . . 139 . '143 ' . 97 67.1-16-03 : Parking Lot A.C. ' 136 . ' 143 95 Sladden Engineering, 'July 14, 204 ' .. S (5) ' . . Project No. 422-2178 04-07-160 Test . Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/CU Ft Max ' 68 1-16-03 Parking Lot A.C. 139 143 97 69 1-16-03 Parking Lot A.0 140 ' 143 98 70 1-16-03 Parking Lot A.0 • ', 136 . 143. 95 71 1-16-03 Parking Lot A.0 '. . 138 143 97 72 1-16-03 Parking Lot • A.0 . 136 . 143 . 95 73 1-16-03 . Street A.C. '. 137 .. 143 ' .96 Maximum Dry Densities - 115 Lbs/Cu Ft;Optimum Moistures - . 11.0 % (1) .121 . 10.0 % '(2) 128 " '• .9 .5 % 5 (3) .132 ". : 5.5 % (4) • Silty Sand . . . , . S , , • Silty. Sand Trace of Clay . . . . • Clay Sand (4). Class 2 Base 5, 5 Sladden Engineering PENSITY TEST . ASPHALT' LOCA~TION '. U •Lo -. V J8 957 . PI M 4 *61 IT - , 36'.59 E" 050 :7 D , %( ''° 040 V, •• .q3V , V *44 40 qq 55 0 IT ,. f 1.8 V V' V V - V •71_V. ' V V . •,.. V •/\VROX. LOCT1O O I4StT'? V V V ø1?&L'x LOcPTtQfJ .QF iHPLT rc T%IC%cZNESS V Sloddert Engineering Sladden'Engine'ering . 6782 Stanton Ave.,-Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523:0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln. Suite G Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 June 16, 2004 ' , ' Project No.422-2178 S 04-04-087 La Costa 'Resort and Sa ' 2100 Costa Del, Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92009' ' '• Subject: Results of In-Place Density Tests, Project: Ballroom Building , La Costa Resort 2100,Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California Summarized on the attached sheets are thç results of in-place density tests performed as requested at the subject site. The tests were performed on the building pad, slope buildup, truck dock, crane ,pad, canopy, truck well, parking lot, c,urb and gutter and on the electric, sewer, gas, storm drain and water line trench backfill ' ' ,• ' ' Paving operation inspections were also performed on January 15 and 16, 2003. The asphaltic concrete-was tested for compaction, temperature and uncompacted thickness measurements were ,also recorded. The results are summarized on the attached data sheet. The test results indicate compliance 'with the project specifications at the tested depths and locations but are no guarantee or warranty of the contractor's work. Field Tests: In-place density tests were performed at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site plan using a calibrated sand cone in acCordance'with test method ASTM D 1556-90 and a nuclear density gauge in accordance with test method ASTMD 2922 and ASTM D 3017. Laboratory Tests: The moisture-density relationships 'for the tested materials were determined in accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-91. Footing excavations were inspected on 'the ballroom' building July 9 and 10, 2003 by a representative of Sladden Engineering. The foundation bearing' soils and embedment depths were as recommended in our previous report. Respectfully submitted, AN Brett L. Anderson • p 30.2010 Principal Engineer IVI Copies: 6- La Costa Resort ' ' ' • ' ' S , June 16, 2004 Project No. 422-2178 04-04-0R7 Test . Tested. Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No.. Date. •. Location.•... Depth Percent, Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/CuFt . . Max 36 4-11-03 Building Pad ' 4'7.0 13.6 . .117 ' 127 (Valve Backfill Area) . 37 4-11-03 . Building Pad 49.0 . 12.4 117 '127 (Valve Backfill Area) . . 38.4-11-03 Building Pad 51.0 12.4 '120. . 127 • (Valve Backfill Area) 39 4-11-03 Building Pad 53.0 .13.6 . 120 . 127 (Valve Backfill Area) .. 40 .4-11-03 Building Pad 55.0 . 12.4 118 127 (Valve Backfill Area) . . . 41' 4-11-03 Parking Lot. 51.0 . 1,3.6 114' 124 42, 4-21-03 Building Pad 55.0 17.6 111 •' 127 43 4-23-03. Retest 42 ' ' 55.0 9.9. . . 106 . . 112 44 4-23-03 Curb & Gutter S:G.'. . 9.9 : 118 . 124 45 4-25-03 ' Curb'& Gutter S.G. . 11.1 ' 108 . ' 112 465-1-03 Electric Trench -1.0' ' 12.4 114 ' 127 47 5-7-03 Sewer Trench -.1.0 9.9. '109 . 121 48 5-12-03 Gas& Electric 44.0 12.1 . 114 . 127 Trench 49 5-12-03 Gas & Electric 46.0 11.1 . 114 ' ' 127 Trench . . , . . . 50 5-12-03 Gas& Electric 48.0 : 11.2 ' 112 121 Trench . . . 51 5-12-03 Gas & Electric • 50.0 12.0 ' 1.10 '121 Trench . 52 5-12-03 Gas &Electri'c 52.0. 11.7 113 121 • Trench 53 5-12-04 Gas & Electric 54.0 11.13 ' 109 121 Trench • 54 5-12-04 Truck Dock '''50.0 8.4 100 105 55 5-12-04 Truck Dock ' 52.0 13.6 115 , 127 56,5-13-03 Truck Dock ' 10.8 109 121 57 5-13-03 Truck Dock 52:0 ' 10.1 ' ' 109 121 58.5713-03 Truck Dock 54.0 12.1 • 112 " ''121 92' 92 94 94 93 92 87* 95** 95 96 90 90 90 90 93 91 93 90 95. 91 •' 90 90 93 Sladden Engineering JUne 16, 2004 " (3) Project No. 422-2178 04-04-087 Test .. Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. pate Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max -J . ,'. 59 5-23-03 Crane Pad '' S.G. 11.1 122 129 95 60 5-23-03 Crane Pad S.G. 11.1 ' 114 , ' 127 90 61 .7-8-03 Canopy Footing -5.0 9.9 . 112 121 , ' ', 93 62 7-803 Canopy Footing -3.0 11.1' 117 ' 127 92 63 7-9-03 Truck Well . S.G. ' 11.1 115 ' 127 91 ,' ' '' 64 10-10-03 Curb & Gutter SG. 8.7 . 111 . 121 . 92 65. 10-10-03 Curb &Gutter S.G. 9.9 . 113 121 •. 93 66 10-1003 Curb &Gutter. S.G. 11.1° 116 ' 127 '91 67 10-10-03 Curb &Gutter S.G. 12.4 '.114 127 90 . . 68 10-10-03 Storm Drain 54.0 11.1 111 .121 92 69 10-10-03 Water Line 56.0 13.6 109 121 90 70 .10-10-03 Storm Drain 55.0 13.6. 107. . ' 1,21 90 71 10-10-03 Storm Drain 58.0 12.4 . '114 • '121' • . 94 72 10-10-03 Storm Drain 53.0 . 9.9 '112 ' • 121 93 73 10-13-03 . Storm Drain 56.0 . 8.7 .116 121 " 96 74 10-13-03' Storm Drain • 57.0 .11.1 , • .115 • 121 95 75 1013-03 Storm Drain at 56.5 12.4 115 , 121 95 The Catch Basin . . • 76 10-16-03 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1 112 • • 121 ' 93 77 10-16-03 Curb &Gutter S.G: ' 9.9 • ' 110 121. • 91 78 10-16-03 Curb &Gutter S.G. 12.4 109 . ' ' 121 90. ' 79 10-16-03 Curb &Gutter ' S.G. .11.1 115 121 95.1 • 80, 10-17-03 Water-Line ' 57.0 ' 9.9 ' 112 121 93 81 10-17-03 Water Line 54.0 11.1 • ''110'' " 121 9.1 Sladden Engineering 04-04-087 Test Tested Moist Cont Eld Dry Den Max Dry Deii Percent No.. Date. Location. Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft . Lbs/Cu Ft Max 82 .10-17-03 Water Line 56.0 8.7 112 121.. 93 83 10-31-03 Water' Line 56.0 8.7 : 112.121 93 84 10-31-03 Parking Lot S.G. 9.9 117 . . 127 92 85 10-31-03 Parking Lot S.C. 11.5 1-14 127 . 90 86 10-31-03 Parking Lot S.G. 9.7 . 118 . . 127 .. .93 87 10-31-03 Parking Lot. S.G. . 12.1 11.6 127 91 88 11-1-03 . Parking Lot S.C. . 12.6 114. 1.27 90 89 11-1-03 Parking Lot S.G. 10.9. 118. 1.27 93 90 1.1-1-03 Parking Lot . S.G: 12.4 .. 118 127 93. 91 11-3-03 Parking Lot B.G. 5.6 134 138 97 92 11-3-03 Parking Lot B.C. 4.9 .13.5 138 . 98 93 11-3-03 'Parking Lot B.C. 4.3 133 138 . 96 94 11-3-03 Parking Lot B.G. 4.5 133 . . 138 . 96 95 11-3-03 Parking Lot B.G. 5.4 137 . 138 99 96 11-3-03 Parking Lot BG. 4.9 131 . 138 95 97 11-3-03 Parking Lot B.G. .4.0. .. 131 138 95 98 .1.1-3-03 Parking Lot . B.G.4.3 131 . 138 95 99 11-3-03 Parking Lot B.G. 5.1 132 , . 138 96 10011-4-03 ParkingLot A.C. 140 143, . 98 101 11-4-03 Parking Lot A.C. . 142 ' 143 99 10211-4-03 Parking Lot A.C. . . 142 ' 143 99 10311-4-03 Parking Lot A.C. . 141 . .143 99 104 11-4-03 : Parking Lot A.C. ... 138 143 . 97, Sladden Engineering June 16, 2004 (5)' Project No. 422-2178 04-04-087 Test Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Location Depth Percent .Lbs/Cu'Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max 105 11-4-03 Parking Lot , ' A.C. . 140 . ' •143 9.8 . . 10611-4-03 Parking Lot , A.C. , 142 143 99' Building Pad 1071-22-04 Slope Buildup 41.5 8.7. • 104 112 ' 93 1081-22-04 ' Slope Buildup 41.0 12.4 . 106 . 112 , 95' 1091-22-04 Slope Buildup 44.5 12.4 05 •' • •. .112. 94 1101-22-04 Slope Buildup .44.0 ' 12.4" : 'os' ' 112. ' 94- 1111-23-04 Slope Buildup 46.5 11.1 105 , ' 112 94 .11121-23-04 Slope Buildup 40.0 12.4 - 109 .121 90 1131-23-04 Slope Buildup .46.0 ' 9.9 110 121 ' . 91 114 1-23-04 Slope Buildup 48.5 " 12.4 109 , 121 ' 90 '115 1-26-04 Slope Buildup 50.5 ' 9.9 114. 124 92 1161-26-04 Slope Buildup 480 9.9 1.12 • . 124 90. 117.1-26-04 Slope Buildup 52.0. 11.1 , 115. ' 124 93 118 1-26-04' , Slope Buildup 54.0 9.9 112 . ' 124 • 90 * Failed Test ** Retested Test • • , • Sladden Engineering June 16, 2004 (6) Project No. 422-2178 04-04-087 Maximum Dry Densitis - 105 Lbs/Cu Ft;Optimum Moistures - 8.1 112 " 9.5%. (2) 121 S " ill %(3) 124 " 5.5% 1 17 111 % • 129 • 9.5% (6) S 133 " S 5 9.5% (7) S • 138 5 80% (8) • 143 " " • N/A • (9) (1) Silty Sand • S S (2) Silty Sand (3) Fill Silty Sand.Clay • S • (4) Silty Sand Trace of Garvel S • • S • • (5) Silty Sand Trace of Clay S • S • (6). Clay Sand S • S • (7) Class II Base 55 5 5 5 • (8) Crushed Rock -Base S (9) Asphaltic Concrete •. S Sladden Engineering Paving Inspection Temoeratures and Uncomnacted Thickness Mesurements of A.0 •. Test Temperatures Thickness A 285 40" B 305 35" •• C 280 • • 425" D 285 4.0" E 280 • 3.5" F 285 • 35" • • • •• • 285 3.5" H 280 • . 3.75" 'I 275 •• .375" 290 • 375" K 290 • .375". L 280 • 375" M . 275. • 3.75" Sladden Engineering H! . L.oa.rto tj 1S Sladden ErgIreriro Sladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714)523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 June 16, 2004 Project No.422-2178 04-04-086 La Costa Resort and Spa 2100 Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92009 Subject: IResults 'of In-Place Density Tests Project: Spa Building La Costa Resort 2100 Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California SUmmarized on the attached sheets are the results of in-place density tests performed as requested at the subject site. The tests were performed on the street, access road, valet loop, valet booth, fountain area, drive area, cross gutter, sidewalk, parking lot, curb, retaining wall, and telephone trench backfill. Paving operation inspections were also performed 'on January 15 'and 16, 200,3. The asphaltic concrete was tested for compaction, temperature and uncompacted thickness' measurements were also recorded. The results are summarized on the attached data sheet. The test results indicate compliance with the project specifications at the tested depths and locations but are no guarantee, or warranty of the contractor's work. ' Field Tests: in-place density tests were performed at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site plan using a calibrated sand cone in accordance with test method ASTM D 1556-90 and a nuclear density gauge in accordance with test method ASTMD 2922 and ASTM D 3017. Laboratory Tests: The moisture-density, relationships for the tested materials were determined in accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-91. Footing excavations were inspected on the spa building February 18 and 19, May 1 and 21, June 17, 19, and 20, July 9 and' 10, and August 21, 2003 by a rèpresntative of Sladden Engineering. The foundation bearing soils and 'embedment depths were as recommended in our previous report. Respectfully submitted, G Brett L:Andei'1.J . . Principal Engineer , LU No.C45389 L Exp 9-30-2010 ' Copies: 6- La Costa Resort \\ I' • " ' clvt'_ , CM. (2) Project No.422-2178 04-04-086 Test Tested Moist Cont FId Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft. . . Max 80 5-1-03 Estrella De Mar S.G. 9.9 125 129 . . 97- 81 5-1-03 Estrella DeMar S.G. 11.1. 120 125 96 82 5-1-03 Cross Gutter S.G. 9.9 110 121 91 •83 5-2-03 Vallet Loop S.G. 9.9 118 127 93 84 5-2-03 Parking Lot -6.0 13.6 117 124 . 94 85 5-2-03 ParkingLot S.G. 12.4 . 117 . 124 .94 86 5-6-03 Sidewalk S.G. 9.3 123 129 95. 8.7 . 5-6-03 Sidewalk S.G. 9.3 . 123 129. 95 88 5-6-03 Sidewalk S.G. 7.8 . . . 119 129 . 95 . 89 5-6-03 Sidewalk • S.G. 9.1 : . 119 . . 129. 92 . 90. 5-6-03 Valet Loop S.G. 93 . 118 129 91 91 5-6-03 Valet Loop .S.G. 9.7 • • 119 127 94 92 . .5-6-03 Pirking Lot S.G. . 14.2 • 112 121 93 93. 5-6-03 Parking Lot S.G. 11.7 123 127 • 97 94. 5-6-03 Parking Lot S.G. 12.3 • . 118 . 127 . 93 . • . 95 5-6-03. Parking Lot S.G. 12.1 116 127 91 .96 5-6-03 Parking Lot S.G. 12.1 116 . 127 • 91 97 5-6-03 Sidewalk • S.G. 89 120 • 127 94 98 5-6-03 . Estrella De Mar -0.5 13.7 . 117 127 • . 92 99 5-7-03 Parking Lot B.G. . 9.9. . 120 124 97 100 5-8-03 Parking Lot . B.G. 10.3 119 124 96 fbi 5-8-03 Parking Lot B.G. 10.8 .118 . 124 . 95 102. 58-03 Parking Lot B.G. 9.9 . • 118 • . 124 . 95 Sladden Engineering June 16, 2004 S (3) Project No. 422-2178 04-04-086 TTest' Tested Moist Cont FId Dry Den Max Dry-Den Percent No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max 103 54-03 Parking Lot B.G. . 10.4 118 124 95 10.4 5-8-03 Parking Lot B.G. ' 9.8 - 118 124 '95 106 5-8-03 Parking Lotl B.G. 9.8 118 124 95 107 5-8-03 Parking Lot B.G. 9.7 119 . 124 96 108 5-8-03 Parking Lot B.G. . 9.7 118 . 124 ' 95 '109 5-8-03 Parking Lot B.G. 10.1 118 ' 124 , 95 110 5-12-03 Telephone Trench S.G. 9.7 118 124 95 lii 5-12-03 Telephone Trench B.G. 10.0' , 120', 124 97 112 5-12-03 Parking Lot A.C. 137 . 143 , , 96. 113 5-12-03 Parking Lot ' A.C. , ' , '. 138 . 143' ' , 97 114 5-12-03 Parking Lot A.C. . ' 139 143 97. 11.5 5-12-03 Parking Lot A.C. ' ' 140 ' 143 98 116 5-1,2-03 , Parking Lot A.C., ' ''' ' 138 ,. ' 143 . 97 117. 5-12-03 Parking- Lot A.C. ' ' 137 . 143 96 118 5-12-03 Parking LOt.. A.C. ' , ' 138. ' '143 96 119 5-12-03 Parking Lot A.C. ' 137 ' 143, 96 120 5-12-03 Parking Lot A.C.. ' 136 . 143 95. 121 5-12-03 Estrella Dc Mar A.C. . ' ' 137 , .143 96 '122 5-12-03 EstrellaDe Mar A.C. , . .. 139 143 . 97 123. 5-12-03 Estrella De Mar A.C. ' ' 136 . 143 ' 95 .124 5-16-03 Access Road S.G. 8.9 ' 124 127 ' ' 98 125 5-1.6-03 Access Road -6.0 11.7 ' 121 ' ' 125 ' 97 Sladden Engineering June 16,2004 S (4) .. Project No. 422-2178 04-04-086 Test Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max 126 5-16-03 Curb S.G. 14.6 . 116 125 93 127 5-16-03 Curb S.G. 10.6.. 118:. 127 93 128 5-31-03 Access Road .B.G.. 11.1 122 124 98 1.29 5-23-03 Access Road A.C. 140 143 98 130 5-23-03 Access Road A.C. . . 141 143 .• 99 131 5-23-03 Access Road . A.C. 140 143 98 132 5-23-03 Access Road A.C. .142 . 143 .5 99 133 5-23-03 Access Road A.C. 141 . 143 . 99 134 '523-03. Access Road A.C. .141 143 • 99 15 5-23-03 Access Road AC. 142 • 143 99 136 5-23-03 Estella Del Mar A.C. • 140 143 98 137 5-23-03 Estella Del Mar A.C. . . 142 • . 143 • 99 138 5-23-03 Estella Del Mar A.C. . • 140 • • 143 • 98 139 5-23-03 Estella Del Mar A.C. :' 140 •• 143 98 140 5-23-03 Estella Del Mar A.C. • 141 • 143 • 99 141 5-23-03 Estella Del Mar A.C. • . 140 143. • • 98 142 5-23-03 Estella Del Mar A.C. • 140' ' 143 • 98 143 5-23-03 Estella Del Mar A.C. , . 141. . 143 99 144 .6-19-03 Retaining Wall 53.5 19.0 . 113 124 ' 91 145 6-20-03 Retaining Wall 54.5 7.5 130 135 . 96 146 6-20-03 St air Footing 52.5 19.0 114 •. .124 . 92 . • 147 -20-03 Retaining Wall 53.0 7.5' 133 • 135 99 148 6-20-03 Retaining Wall 53.0 7.5. • 130 135 • 96 Sladden Engineering June 16, 2004 , . (5)' , , Project No.. 422-2178 04-04-086 Test ' ' . . Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft ' Max• 149. 6-26-03 Fountain Area 47.0 ' 12.4 lii' . 121 92 150 6-26-03 'Fountain Area 48.5 ' 11.1 120 125 96 151 7-9-03 Fountain Area S.G. 9.9 ' ' 11 125 94 152 7l0-03 Valet Booth ' S.G. 11.1 : 119 125' 95 Maximum Dry Densities - ' . • 121 Lbs/Cu Ft;Optimum Moistures - 10.0 % (1) 124 " ' " ' ' • 5.5 % (2) 125 ' • • 11.0% (3) 127 ' 11.1 % (4) 129 ' ' ' • 80% (5) 135 ' '' ' 8.0-% (6) 140 ' ' N/A' (7) 141 " • ' N/A (8) '143 • " ' N/A (9) (1) Fill Silty Sand Clay ' .. , • (2) Class 2 Base • • Silty,SandTrace',of Clay ' • ' " Silty Sand Trace ofClay ' 0 • • , ' Silty Sand Trace of Gravel • Crushèd.Rock Base • ' ' • Asphaltic Concrete ' '• Asphaltic Concrete ' • : • , Asphaltic Concrete ' " ' June 16, 2004.. . (6) . Project No. 422-2178 . . . . . . .. .. 04-04-086 Paving Inspection Temperatures and Uncompacted Thickness Mesurements of A.0 Test Temperatures . Thickness A 285 40" B .. 305 . 3.5" 280 4.25" D 285 . 40" E 280 . . 35" F '. 285 35" G . 285 35" H 280 375" 275 .375; J . 290 375" K 290 . . 375" L 280 . 375 M 275 . . 3.75" Sladden Engineering LOCATION PLAN NoU - MIS 78 70 gr 72. •Lj1 till lYz ' •' Jl'G '17 'In I _oç •'I°•1 .96 149 79 '. *43 OL = i : 7-1 . • t'34 S • oØ ESTt.Lp, c'c MhK Roc (Pvr). 58 • • • • Approximate Location Density Test • • • 422- 2-176 • • 0 •-'1?. • Slodden EngLneedng :.. Sladden Engineering S 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln. Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 April. 29, 2003 Project No.422-2178 03-04-065 KSL Development 50-905 Avenida Bermuda La Quinta, California 92253 S. Subject: Results of In-Place Density Tests Project: La Costa Resort and Spa Spa Building and Valet Loop Retaining Wall 2100 Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad; California Summarized on the attached sheets are the results of in-place density tests performed as requested at the subject site. Testing was performed during retaining wall construction and during the installation of the various site improvements adjacent to the new spa building and within the new valet loop. The tests were performed within the existing fountain area. within the sewer, water. Storm drain, irrigation, retaining wall and drain line backfill and within the curb and gutter areas. The test results indicate compliance with the project specifications at the tested depths and locations but are no guarantee or warranty of the contractor's work. Field Tests: In-place densitytests were performed a.calibrated sand cone in accordance with test method ASTM D 1556-90. Laboratory Tests: The moisture-density relationships for the tested materialswere determined in accordance with test method ASTM D. 1557-91. • Respectfully submitted, S • S SLADDEN ENGINEERI /o. • Brett L.nderso,. cc Principal Engineer Exp -30-2010 S '> CIVt. S • 4OFCP\ Copies: 6/ KSL Development .( * April 30, 2003 (3) . '• Project No. 422-2178 03-04-065 Test . . Tested Moist Cont FId Dry. Den Max Dry Den Percent No: •Date Location Depth ' Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max 48 2-4-03 Sewer Trench 3.0. 12.4 115 , 125 92 49 2-4-03 Sewer Trench -0.5 11.1 . 116 ' 125 93 50 2-5-03 Sewer Trench. ,-1.0 11.1 ' 114 '.125 ' 92 51 2-5-03 Sewer Trench -1.0 ' 12.4 ' 116 ' ' '125 ' . 93 52 2-5-03 Storm Drain 58.5 ' 12.4 114 . 125 92 55 2-20-03 Retaining Wall 57.8 19.0 112 . 124 90 56 .2-21-03 Retaining Wall 51.0 12.4 117 92 57 2-21-03 Retaining Wall' 55.0 13.6 . 118 127 93 58 3-12-03 Storm Drain '10 12.4, 120 124 .97 59 4-1-03 Retaining Wall 54.0 13.6 . 120 127 95 60 4-1-03 Retaining Wall 53.0 14.9 ' '120 127 ' 95 61 4-2703 Retaining Wall 53.0 13.6 114 . , 127 90 62 4-2-03 Retaining Wall 55.0 14.9 122 127 . 96'. 63 4-2-03 Retaining Wall 56.0 13.6 . . , 122 ' 127 , 96 64 4-3-03 Retaining Wall 57.0 13.6 122 . ' 127 96, 654-3-03 Retaining Wall 56.5 ' 12.4 . ' 115 . ' 127. ' 91 66 4-3-03 Retaining Wall 59.0 .13.6 ' 122 , 127 ' 96 67 4-8-03 Irrigation Trench -1.0. 12.4' ' 117 , 127 ' ' 92 68'4-8-03 Land Scape Drain -1.5 ' '. 11.1 122 . , 127 96. . . ' 69 '4-8-03 Land Scape Drain -0.5 11.1 , . 121 . 127' , 95 70 4-10-03' Curb & Gutter S.G. ' 8.7 115 128 , 90 71 4-10-03 Curb &Gutter S.G. 13.6 116 128 ' 91 72' 4-10-03 Curb Gutter S.G. 12.4 . 117 . ' 128 : 91 Sladden Engineering • April 30, 2003 (4) Project No; 422-217 .03-04-06 Test S Tested Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date• Location Depth Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Max 73 4-10-03 Curb &Gutter ' S.G. 11.1 ' 118 128 74 4-10-03 'Curb &Gutter S.G. 13.6 119 •. 128 75 4-23-03 Curb &Gutter S.G.. 11.1 . 116 121 76 4-23-03 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1 112 121 77 4-23703 Curb &Gutter S.G. 12.4 ' 113 121- 78 4-25-03 Curb &Gutter S.G. 11.1 . 115 121 79 4-25-03 Curb &.Gutter S.G. ' 9.9 .123 . 128 Maximum Dry Densities- 104 Lbs/Cu Ft;Optimum Moistures-' 11.0% (1) 109 " " 10.1% (2) 115 . 95% (3) 116 S 80% (4) 124 " " 130% (5) 125 11.1 % (6) . 128 . " S 1 0.0 % (7) Silty Sand S S • Silty Sand Trace 'of Clay ' S • Clay Sand ' • . (4)' Silty Sand Trace of Gravel ' • (5) Silty ClayN/G S 5 Silty Sand Trace of Clay. ' Sand Silt Clay Trace of Gravel and A.C. • . . S • Clay Sand Trace of Gravel (Import) 92 93 96 93 93 95 96 .' • •. • S ' • Sladden Engineering LOCATION PLAN 6 57 L422 zI.7S • Approximate Location Density Test Sladden Engneer1ng