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_ B LT/NUT F dAKET versatile, economiI and l4jig. nificantly faster to install tl welded rsa systems( while providing dign vetility other systems cannotrovide. T1e systern is designedfor roll[grooved or cut grooved . standard friipe or rollfgrooveght wall pipe. A complete . P" lif grooving toolslis available to quickly and efficiently •, ______ groove pTithhop oLatthe job site. --C :T j :I v Rigidity.is achieved with standard douplings: The' unique angled Igo The basic design 'of indepen- Coupling disassembly provides' p pad design of Zeo-Flex and dently groovd' pipe sections easy access for thái'nténai-ice other couplings provides positive reduces noise and vibration or system exçiansion. Victaulic clampingof the pip to resist . transmission; thus delivering butterfly valves provide "dead- 'torionat and flexural loads. superior, vibration attenuation end' shut-off service to'isolate throughout the system equipment Contra End End ction e-c Deflection Low Load nri End The Victaulic grooved end •. ..,- The 'groove'd system allows solution accommodates expan The full engagement of the full rotation of the pipe and sion/contraction/deflection housing keys into grooves around system coriponents btore - and enables dsigning that: , the pipe circumferérce provides tightening sot it proper takes advantage of tlese significant pressure'restraint nd alignment can be achieved built-in system features: " end.load capabilityto'ithstand - -' pipe movementtdm'internat - and external sources - -• - 777 .. JA !Ir Victaulic grooved end, plain end, Pressfit® and other piping system components are tested and accepted for a variety of services throughout the world by the primary code and approval bodies. A partial listing of the many agencies, associations, code group laboratories and organizations which have accepted, listed and tested Victaulic products are shown on the facing page. Copies of specific standards can be obtained by contacting your local Victaulic representative, or by requesting publication 02.02. Accepted Worldwide A GENERAL CODE GROUPS, ASSOCIATIONS, LABORATORIES AND APPROVAL BODIES ABS ABS American Bureau of Shipping (L ANSI American National Standards Institute ANSI/AWWA American Water Works Association - C-606 API American Petroleum Institute - API Std. 5L, Sect. 7.5 AS AS4041-1992 Australian Standard (3.24.10) ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers Power Piping, B-31.1 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping, B-31.3 Refrigeration Piping, 8-31.5 Building Services Piping, 8-31.9 Slurry Pipelines, 8-31.11 ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials F-1476 Couplings F-1548 Fittings F-1155 Shipbuilding BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators (i BV Bureau Veritas CE 0026 CE Certification to the European Directive for Pressure Equipment @0 - CSA Canadian Standards Association 8-242, registered to CAN 3-Z299.3 = DNV Det Norske Veritas DAN DVGW DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas-und Wasserfaches e.V. APPROVED FM Factory Mutual Research Corp. - Approved for fire protection services HDB Singapore Housing Development Board Hong Kong Fire Services Board IAPMO International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials Korean Registry of Shipping LLOYD'S Lloyd's Register of Shipping [c] LPC Loss Prevention Council (formerly F.O.C.) New Zealand Insurance Council New Zealand Building Act (1991) NFPA National Fire Protection Association NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NSF/ANSI 61 NSF/ANSI 61 Standard 61 for potable water service NY-MEA New York Materials and Equipment Acceptance PED CE 97/23 LISTED SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress International - Standard Plumbing and Mechanical Code 551 Scientific Services Laboratory Standards Australia UL Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. - Listed for fire protection services (q~ ULC Underwriter's Laboratories of Canada - Listed for fire protection services E~ VdS Verband der Schadenverhutung GmBH Standards Australia Watermark Certification WRC Water Research Council - U.K. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Bureau of Marine Inspection - Salt and fresh water, oil transfer Bureau of Public Roads - Div. of Bridges - Drain lines and bridge crossings Canadian Coast Guard U.S. Coast Guard - Approves each vessel individually COE Corps of Engineers - CEGS 15000 FAA Federal Aviation Administration - HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection FHA Federal Housing Administration GSA General Services Administration - 15000 Series MIL Military Specifications MILP-10388 Fittings MIL-C-10387 Couplings MIL-P-11087A(CE) Steel Pipe, Grooved MIL-1-45208 Inspection Procedure NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration - 15000 Series NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command - NFGS 15000 Series NIH National Institute of Health (Dept. of Health) - 15000 Series TVA Tennessee Valley Authority - Fire protection, storm drains VA Veterans Affairs - 15000 Series JtauIic 7 Design Data Introduction This Victaulic General Catalog has been written for the piping system installer, designer, specification writer and owner as a basic reference guide for data about Victaulic mechanical piping methods. This catalog is organized to provide information in the context and form most readily usable. For easy identification of major sections of interest, see the condensed table of contents on pg. 1, for a fully detailed index, see pg. 196. For more detailed information, consult Design Data, Section 26.01. Important Victaulic has developed, in over 80 years in mechanical piping, variations of piping Information practice for use on a wide variety of piping materials. Victaulic standard grooved pipe couplings are designed for use with pipe grooved to meet Victaulic groove specifications and Victaulic grooved end fittings, valves, and related grooved end components only. They are not intended for use with plain end pipe and/or fittings. Victaulic plain end couplings are designed for use only with plain end or beveled end steel pipe (unless otherwise indicated) and Victaulic plain end fittings. Victaulic plain end couplings must not be used with grooved end threaded pipe and/or fittings. Nor are they intended for use with Advanced Groove System (AGS) components used on 14 - 247350 - 600 mm pipe sizes. Pipe must be prepared to meet Victaulic specifications outlined for each specific product style. Performance data listed herein is based on proper pipe preparation. The proper gasket must be selected for the service intended. It should be noted that there are various services for which Victaulic gaskets are not recommended. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide (request publication 05.01) for specific gasket service recommendatións and for a listing of services which are not recommended. Gaskets for Victaulic products always must be lubricated for proper assembly. Gasket lubricant must meet manufacturer's specificatiOns. Thorough lubrication of the gasket exterior, including the lips and/or pipe ends and housing interiors, is essential to prevent gasket pinching. Lubrication assists proper gasket seating and alignment during installation. Victaulic has a complete line of tools for preparing pipe to Victaulic specifications. Use of these tools is recommended in preparing pipe to receive Victaulic products. Always read and understand the Tool Operating Instructions supplied with every Victaulic tool prior to using any tools. All data contained herein, is subject to change without notice. 8 \,/ctauIic WWW.VICTAULIC.COM '. Design Data AI Notice The tech nicaraid edo'mance data, weights, dimensions and specifications published in this catalog supersede all previously published data. Victaulic company maintains a policy of continual product improvement and, therefore, reserves the right to change product specifications, designs, and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligation. For the most up-to-date Victaulic product information, please visit www.victaulic.com. The material presented in this catalog is intended for pipirig design reference in utilization of Victaulic products for their intended application. It is not intended as a substitute for competent, professional assistance which is an obvious risite to any specific application. Design Reference should always be made to design information available at no charge on request from Victaulic. Good piping practices should alwa p&iail. Specific pressures, temperatures, external or internal loads, performance standàrdand tblerances must never be exceeded. Many applications require recognition of.pecial conditions, code requirements and use of safety factors. Qualified engineers, must make these decisions. While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, Vic' táüiic Company, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, make no express or implied warranty of any kind respecting the information contained in this catalog or the material' referred to herein. Anyone making use of the information or material contained herein does so at their own risk and assumes any and all liability resulting'from siièh 'use. Installation Reference should always be made to the specific Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for the product you are installing. The following is a list of handbooks that can be requested for free from Victaulic: -100 General Handbook 7300 AWWA Products Handbook 1-500 Pressfit System Handbook 1-600 Copper Products Handbook 1-800 . CPVC Products Handbook 1-900 HDPE Products Handbook Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in.PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com. All rights reserved. No part of this Victaulic catalog may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy,' recOrding or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Victaulic Company. ' © Copyright 2005, Victaulic Company. ® Registered trademark of Victaulic Company. 'tiUIiC WWW.VICTAULIC.COM 9 : :. 47 .i... . ... Design Data Global Pipe Size Designations * / - utilized worldwide- and all technical data is shown in both imperial (U.S.) and metric terms. The following chart shows a comparison between typical metric and IPS pipe sizes. : ctáUlicr Victaulic product data is It MM 15 I 15A/217 mn j 15/21 3mm PIN- V 267mm 20/269mm 20A/272mm V 20/269mm L)ii I1 (Ii 4,Y 111 334mm 25/33 7mm 25A/34mm 1 25/337mm 422mm 32/42 4mm 32A/42 7mm 1 '/4 32/424mm lIii V2J1 483mm 40 40A/48 6mm 1 h 40/483mm (2. i 603mm ON& ISO 50 50A/605mm 2 50/603mm i 12 i 73.1 mm - - 2i5 - 4.11 1 /3t 11. I li 76.1 mm DIN/ISO (300) ON & ISO 65 65A/76.3 mm - 65776.1 mm I 889mm ON & 15080 AS 80A 3 80/889mm ONO— t 108 mm China and old DIN DIN 108mm - - -up 114 3mm ON & ISO 100 JIS bOA 4 100 /114 3mm M., 1 5gimapffi. 133 mm China and old DIN DIN 133 mm - - iI ijI( 1397mm DIN/ISO (5500) ON & ISO 125 125A/1398mm - 125 /1397mm jP iIiit 4l iJ bI11 I 141.3 mm - s - - - M-6-4 HIM 159mm China and old DIN DIN 159mm - - 4lIlt 165.1 mm AS (6.50D) - 150A/165.2 rnm - - 168.3 mm ON & 150 ISO 6 150 /168 3mm - 2163J15 - JIS200A - - 4i(il1.1il 219.1 mm i .1 Iijieil ON 200 - 8 219.1 mm IIiiiOjJ1l. 2674J1S - AS 250A - - 1 4 P1II4iJI 273mm ON 250 - 10 273mm (12j(l n 318 SJIS - uS 300A - - 323.9mm ON 300 12 323.9mm -, 4 i(la11 3S5 6mm ON 350 AS 350A 14 355 6mm i 377 mm Chn,a qM ij 4064mm ON 400 JIS400A 16 4064mm piçit11 (I 426 mm China - - - 5 i$i( 1uii18'i 7'IIL 1)ll1 4572mm ON 450 AS 450A 18 4572mm 111 - 480mm China - - . - 480mm I 112p1 508mm ON 500 AS SOOA 20 508mm 530mmChina - - - 5588mm - AS 550 22 559mm 610mm ON 600 J15 600A 24 610mm Il1)(1jii11 630mm China li((( 226 a1ilj(l 660mm - J15650A 26 660mm 711 mm. ON 700 - 28 711 mm 762mm 30 762mm - - I)I 32 813mm ON 800 - 32 813 mm 'Mlip 864mm - - 34 864 mm 914mm ON 900 - 36 914mm J( 1016mm ON 1000 - 40 1016mm 1067 mm ON 1050 - 42 1067 mm 1118mm ON 1100 - 44 1118mm il1l61l 1168mm ON 1150 - 46 1168mm 1219mm ON 1200 - 48 1219mm IMPORTANT NOTE: Nominal designations are used where the actual 00 of the pipe matches the ANSI size.. Otherwise both thenominal and actual 00 are listed. China sizes are listed as actual OD in mm. China sizes in orarge are tubing sizes. . Nominal sizes WWW.VICTAULIC.COM Design Data Imperial (U.S .)/Metric Conversion Chart . :. This chart is provided as guide for conveitiñg imperia(; and metric measurements. I provided within this catalog. Convert Imperial (U.S.) to Metric 25.4 X Iter 003937 i4t 0308j Ei NIM X l A 195 11 l 3l .j 04536 - Pounds Kilograms- x 2.205 283, X.2' I 0 o37 T 6.894 x Pressure __ Kilöpascals x 0.145 fnito69I. Pressure Mal 'R if pi45 .p -t 4.45 x End Load W1OflS. x 0.2248 j1i l I 0 738,rfrtMTH I r F -32 + 1.8 Temp. = C&sius C + 17.78 x 1.8 '43)i' ...i'F7i0 iir 0r'it. 'i5ell l7as , P orsepower (w) n 11 s V341ix 1O 3.785 Gal, per Mm. = Liters pe (,/,)min. 0.2642 jir AictauIi f www.vlcTAuuc.coM 11