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6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369
114 S. California Street, Beaumont, Ca 92223 (909) 845-7743 Fax (909) 845-8863
39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760)772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895
September 26, 2005 . S Project Nô 422-5019-2
KSL Development '.
2100 Costa Del Mar Road
Carlsbad, California 92009 .
Subject: Geotechnical Observation and Testing Services Report
La Costa Resort and Spa
Resort Villas-Phase II, Lot 30 . .
2100 Costa Del Mar Road
Carlsbad, California
This report presents the results of the initial phase of 'geotechnical testing services provided by
Sladden Engineering (Sladden) for the Resort Villas Phase II project.located at 2100 Costa Del
Mar in the City of Carlsbad, California. . .
Site grading operation involved removing and recompacting artificial fill and loose native soils
and placing primary structural fill to support the proposed buildings. Grading operations for the
construction of the building pads included removal of up to approximately 9 feet of existing soils.
The bottoms of excavations were scarified, moisturè conditioned, and compacted. Sladden
observed and tested the subgrade preparation and the overlying fill soils.
The z proposed construction area . was, first stripped of surface vegetation and debris and this
niaterial was hauled from the site. Within the proposed building area and at least 5.0 foot wide
perimeter strip beyond the building walls, all artificial fill and some, native soils were removed.
Removals extended to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footings .or to competent native .
soil. The exposed soils were then scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to near optimum
moisture content and compacted to at least 90% of maximum dry density as determined by test
method. ASTM D 1557-90. The excavated soils, generally silty sands, were cleaned of
deleterious material and then replaced in 6 inch layers, brought to near optimum moisture content
and compacted. Compaction was obtained using a Caterpillar 953 track loader.
Field density test were periodically performed to check the' compacted fill met project
specifications. The field tests were conducted in general accordance with calibrated sand cone in
test method ASTM D 1556-90.
Our Geotechnical Investigation Report dated November 11, 2004 presented recommendations for
S. relative compaction of 90 percent for the overlying fi11 As shown in Table 1, tests met or
- exceeded the requirements for relative compaction. When a test failed to meet minimum relative
compaction requirements, the failing areas were reworked, and then recompacted as necessary
,•until a passing retest was achieved. r
• .• S
Results of the field density test, are presented in Table 1. Approximately test locations are
presented on Figure 1.
KSL Development
September 26, 2005
Page 2
The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for representative samples of various
soils material were determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM D1557. The results
were used to calculate the relative compaction of fill materials. The laboratory test results for
maximum dry density and optimum moisture content are summarized in Table 1.
Based on the results of the field density test and other laboratory tests,' the grading work
associated with the construction of the Resort Villas Phase II, Building' 2 was performed in
general accordance with the project specifications and our geotechnical recommendations. The
work completed under.the purview of this report is considered adequate for the intended use.
Footings should extend at least 18 inches beneath lowest adjacent grade. Isolated square or
rectangular footings at least 2 feet square may be designed using an allowable bearing pressure of
2500 pounds per, square foot. Continuous footings at least 12 inches wide may be designed using
an allowable bearing value of 2000 pounds per square foot. The allowable bearing pressures may.
be increased by 200 psf for each additional one foot of width and 250 psf for' each additional 6
inches of depth, if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf.
The allowable, bearing pressure are for dead and frequently applied live loads and may be
increased by 1/3 to resist wind, seismic or other transient loading. Drainage form the building
area should be rapid and complete.
Professional judgment presented in. this report are based, on evaluation of the technical
information gathered, on our understanding of the proposed construction, and in accordance with
general accepted soil engineering and geologic principles and practices. No warranty is express
or implied.
The presence of the geotechnical consultant at the site was to provide the client with a. source lof
professional advice and opinions, based upon testing and observation of the client's work, and did
not, include superintending nor supervision. The data and conclusion contained herein should be
considered to relate only to the specific location discussed herein.. Sladden is not responsible for
any conclusion or recommendations that may be made by others, unless we have been given an
opportunity to review such conclusions or recommendations and concur in writing.
We hope that this report fulfills the current needs of the project. If you have any questions, or
require additional information, please call the undersigned.
Respectfully submitted,
Brett L. Anders9,1.r(
Principle Engineer
Enclosures: Table 1 - FiéiT$nsity Test Results ,
Figure 1 - Soil Density Test Location Plan
Test Date TTestl Type 0
Approximate Location 2 Approximate Elevation
Dry Unit
Soil No
1 9/16/2005 SC Building 375 1225 124 1090 1 91 2 9/19/2005 SC Building 2 41.0 1272 13.6 1120 1 93 3 9/19/2005 SC Building 2 300 129.3 • 12.4 115.0 2 91 4 9/19/2005 SC Building 360 1344 111 1210 2 95 5 9/20/2005 SC Building 390 130.4.. 124 1160 2 91 6 9/20/2005 SC Building 2 43 .0, 127 5 149 111.0 1 93 7 .9/20/2005 SC Building 2 . 39.5 135.5 11.1 122.0 2 96 8 9/20t2005I SC Building 2 40.5 132 .9,, 13.6 1170 2 92
9 9/21/2005 SC Building 41.5 120.0 11.1 108.0 1. 90 10 9/21/2005 SC Building 38.0 123.3 11.1 111.0 1 93 11 9/21/2005 SC Building 425 1295 136 1140 1 95 12 9/21/2005 SC Building 390 1198 99 1090 1 91 13 9/21/2005 SC Building 40.0 . 133.8 12.4 119.0 2 94 14 9/21/2005 SC Building 420 1289 111 1160 2 91 15 9/22/2005 SC Building 2 43.5 123.1 9.9 . .112.0 1 93 16 9/22/2005 SC Building 2 44.0 131.5 12.4 117.0 2 92. 17 9/23/2005 SC Building Subgrade 1390 149 1210 2 95 18 9/23/2005 SC Building Subgrade 1402 149 1220 2 96 19 9/23/2005 SC Building 2 Subgrade 133.3 11.1 120.0 2 . 94
1. SC=Sand-Cone Method per ASTM-D1556
. . 2 Refer to Figure I
3. pcf = pounds per cubic foot. . . .
Optimum Moisture Soil No Soil Classification Maximum Dry Densitiy (Pc!) Content (%)
Gravelly Silty Sand (SM) with Traces of Clay 1200 105
2 Silty Sand (SM) 1270 105
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* Figure By Project No.
La-Costa Resort and Spa
- Map No. 22-5019-2
Resort Villas- Phase II, Builidng 2 )X Figure No -
Date Sladden Engineering - Carlsbad, California - - - 09-26-05 '1