Sladden Engineering
6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 5234952 Fax (714) 523-1369
77-725 Enfield Lane, Suite 100, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (769) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895
114 S. California Avenue, Beaumont, CA 92223 (951) 845-7743 Fax (951) 845-8863
15438 Cholarne Road, Suite A Victorville, CA 92392 (760)962-1868 Fax (760) %2-1878
January 9 2007 Project 42.2-5019-2
La Costa Resort and Spa
2100 Costa Del Mar Road
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Subject Geotechnical Observation and Testing Services Report
La Costa Resort and Spa
Resort Villas - Lot 31
2100 Costa Del Mar Road
Carlsbad, California -
This report presents the results of geotechnical observation and testing services provided -by
Sladden Engineering (Sladden) for the project located at 2100 Costa Del Mar Road in the City of
Carlsbad, California The field services described herein were performed between December 12
2006 and January 7, 2007 Geotechnical field testing services provided in, Sladden for this
- - - project included observation and compaction testing for construction of the building pad. This
letter summarizes our observations and presents the results of our field density testing.
Sladden provided observation and testing of site grading operations that were performed for
construction of the building pad Grading operations included removal of the 18 inches of
existing stirficial fill. Following the removal of the surficial fill, the bottom of excavation was.,
scarified, moisture-conditioned, and compacted. The excavation bottoms were scarified to a
depth of 6 inches brought to optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum 90% of
maximum dry density as determined by test method ASThI D 1557-90 The on site excavated
soil was then placed in 12" thick lifts and compacted to a minimum of 90% of maximum dry
density, as required Compaction was obtained using conventional 'heavy grading equipment
Field density test were periodically performed to check that compacied fill met project
specifications. The field tests were conducted with a nuclear density gauge in accordance with
Our Geotechnical Inestigation Report dated November 11 2004 presented recommendations for
relative compaction of 90 percent for the overlying fill As sho n in Table 1 tests met or
- exceeded the requirements for relative compaction. •
Results of the field density test are presented in Table 1. Approximate test locations are
presented on Figure 1. - ••• •
La. Costa Resort and Spa
January 9, 2007 •,
Page .
The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for representative samples. of various
soil materials were determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM D1557. The results
were used to calculate the relative compactiOn of fill materials. The laboratOry test results for
maximum dry density and optimum moisture content are summarized in Table 1.
Based on the 'results of the field density test and other laboratory tests, the grading work
associated with the construction of the proposed building was performed in general accordance
with the project specifications and our geotechnical recommendations. The work completed
under the purview of this report is considered adequate for the intended use.
Footings should extend at least 18 inches beneath lowest adjacent grade. Isolated square or
rectangular footings at least 2 feet square may be designed using an allowable bearing pressure of.,
. 2500 pounds per square foot. Continuous footings at least 12 inches wide may be designed using
an allowable bearing value of 2000 pounds per square foot. The allowable bearing pressures may
be increased by 200 psf for each additional' one foot of'width and 250 psf for each additional 6
inches of depth, if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf.
The allowable bearing pressure are for dead and frequently applied live loads, and' may be
increased by 1/3 to, resist wind, seismic or other transient loading. Drainage form the building
area should be rapid and complete.
Professional judgment presehted in this report are based' on evaluation of the technical
information gathered, on our understanding of the proposed construction, and in accordance with
general accepted soil engineering-and geologic principles and practices., No warranty is express
or implied. ' " ' ' ' • '
' , ' The presence of the geotechnidal consultant at the site was to provide the client with a source of,,
professional advice and opinions, based upon testing and observation of the client's work, and did
not include superintending nor supervision. The data and conclusion contained 'herein shbuild be
considered to relate only to the specific location discussed herein. Sladden is' not responsible for
any conclusion or recommendations that may be made by others; unless we 'have been -given an
opportunity to review such conclusions or recommendations and concur in writing
We hope that this report fulfills the current 'needs of the project. If you have' any questions, or
require additional information, please call the undersigned.
Respectfully submitted, , ' ' ' , ' ' ' . ' • -
Principal Engineer
Copies. 6/ La Costa Resort and Spa.
Test Date Test
T~pe i Approximate Location2
Approximate Elevation Moisture
iContent (%)
Dry Unit
Soil No.
Compaction Remarks
I 12/29/2006 N Building Area 41 8 105 1120 1 93 2 12/29/2006 N Building Area 43.O. 11 '.7 1100 I 92 3 1/2/2007 N Building Area 41.8 ' lOS 1901 1 91 4 1/2/2007 N Building Area 430 11 .7 1120 I 93 5 1/3/2007 N Building Area .41-.0 124 1080 I 90 6 1/3/2007 N Building Area 425 JII 1180 2 92 7 1/4/2007 N Building Area 42 5 124 1170 2 91 8 1/4/2007 N Building Area 410 117 1110 1 93
9 1/4/2007 N Building Area 420 10.5', 1090 1 91 10 1/7/2007 N Building Area Subgrade II 1 1120 1 93 I 1/7/2007 N Building Area Subgrade lOS 1150 2 90 12 1/7/2007 N Building Area Subgrade 124 1170 2 91 13 1/7/2007 N Building Area Subgiade 107 1140 1 95