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I 1cAah6044Q iJ * . S EnviroMatrix (! Analytical, Inc. D I 02 May 2006 Leighton and Associates, Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Attn: Hunter Butler 3934 Murphy Canyon Road Suite B205 San Diego, California 92123-4426 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts Enclosed are the results of analyses for samples received by the laboratory on 04t26/06 16:50. Samples were analyzed pursuant to client request utilizing EPA or other ELAP approved methodologies. I certify that this data is in compliance both technically and for completeness. Dan Verdon Laboratory Director CA ELAP Certification #: 2564 4340 Viewridge Avenues Suite A - San Diego, California 92123 -(858) 560-7717 -Fax (858) 560-7763 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Client Name: Leighti and Associates ,Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts ANALYI1CA LRFYORT FOR SAMPLES Sample W Laboratory ID Mat,z DateSampled Date Received OW-I 0604420.01 Grnd-Water 04126i06 15:30 04/2606 16:50 * Note: EPA 504.1, EPA 5242, and bromide analyses were performed by a subcontract laboratory, results to follow in a separate report. The result, in this rq.'ori apply to the sumpiss analyzed hi azevrdance with the diain of - aistody doaimeni This wuz6t1a21 report must be reproduced in its o:tfreiy EnvlroMatslx AnalytIcaI,Inc. Page 20f 18 Page 0604420 - - Client Name: Leighton and Associates . Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Reams Total Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods Rqorting Anyte Result Units Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzal Method Notes GW-1 (0604420-01) Grad-Water Sampled: 0426106 15:30 Received: 04/26106 16:50 Pc*assmm ND 1.00 mg/I I 6042812 04/28,06 05101/06 EPA 6010 Magnesium 98.8 10.0 tO Calcium 80.8 20.0 IrOn 0.25 0.10 I 05/01/06 Manganese 0.05 0.03 05,01/06 Sodium 265 SAl) 10 Zinc ND 0.05 I 05/01106 Copper ND 0.05 The iandtn in this rqlon apply to the samples wa4ra1 in accordance with the thai, of aistody doam,enL This w,a(itocozl report must be reproduced in its entirely EnviroMatlix L Analytical.lnc Page 3 of 18 Joe cMahon-O60442O.pdf lilT _TThlTTTpaJ Client Name: Leighten and Associates Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts Total Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods 1 mioring Analyte Result R Limit Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes GW-1(0604420-01) Grad-Water Sampled: 0t2M)6 1530 Received: 0/126106 16:50 Silver ND 0.10 mg/I I 6042812 04128i06 05/01/06 EPA 200.7 Cadmium ND 0.010 Chranlum ND 0.050 Nickel ND 0.050 Lead ND 0.050 The results an this report ay,v to the samples anahaea1 an acerardance with the cbem of custody document This waaltkul repoetmust be reproduced an its mtirel)a EnvimMatrtx & I Analytical,Inc. Page 4 o 18 LeMhon'-O60442Odf Pa. Client Name: Leightis and Associates Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific.Rets Conventional Chemistry Parameters by Standard/EPA Methods 1Anslyle Result R5g Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method GW71(0604420-0I) Grnd-Water Sampled: 082606 15:30 Received: 04/26/06 16:50 T0talAlllilinity Chloride Residual . Chlorine Specific Conductance (E - fluoride 1arfTöt Meth4ene Bloc Active Substances -Nitte as N• N1atN pH Orthophosphate as P TotaIDioKed Solids Total Suspended Solids Sulfate as SO4 Notes 92 5 mg CO3/L I 6042708 04/27/06 04127106 5M2320B 200 0.05 mgil 6050115 05/01/06 05/01/06 50445000C ND 0.05 6042711 04127106 04/27/06 SM4500 0 0 199) 1 umhoalan • 6042832 04/28106 04128/06 SM2510 B 0.8 0.1 mg)1 6050105 05/01106 05101106 SM4500FC 600 100 mgCO3/L 10 6042812 04/2846 05/01/06 EPA 200.7 ND 0.5 m84 1 6050226 04128106 04/28/06 SM5540C 49.7 5.00 • 100 6042608 04127106 04,27/06 SM4500NO3 E ND 0.05 I 6042703 04127106 04/27/06 SM4500 NO2 B 7.10 0.10 pH Units 6042613 04/26/06 04/26106 EPA 150.1 0.45 0.05 mg/I 6042816 04/28)06 04/28/06 5f450OPE 1340 20 • 6050227 05101106 05/02/06 554540 C 244 20 6050120 05/01/06 05/01/06 SM2540D 202 50.0 • 10 6050116 05/01/06 05/01/06 5M4500SO4E The reulb In thLs rçort apply to the sonipksanal.weei in aianniwae with the diahi of aastody doa,maaL This wi4l*ul rp071mu31 be rçrothscaI as ILi osllres)i EnvlmMatilx Analytical,lnc. Page 5 of 18 cO6442O Client Name: Leighton and Associates inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts Total Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyse Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch 6042812 Blank (6042812-BLK1) Prepared: 04,28/06 Analyzed 0501106 Potassium ND 100 mg/I Zinc ND 0.05 Sodium ND 0.50 Manganese ND 0.03 Magnesium ND 1.00 Iron ND 0.10 Copper ND 0.05 Calcium ND 200 LCS (604M2-BSI) . Prepared: 04/28/06 Analyzed 05/01106 Zinc 1.00 0.05 mg/I 1.00 100 75-125 Calcium 1.22 2.00 1.00 122 75-125 Sodium ND 0.50 1.00 75-125 Manganese 1.05 0.03 1.00 105 75-125 Iron 1.07 0.10 1.00 107 75-125 Copper 1.06 0.05 1.00 106 75-125 Potassium 10.9 1.00 10.0 109 75-125 Magnesium 1.06 1.00 1.00 106 75-125 LCS (6042812-BS2) . Prepared 04,28/06 Analyzed 05101106 Magnesium ND 1.00 mg/I 5.00 75-125 Sodium 5.20 0.50 - 5.00 104 75-125 Potassium ND 1.00 5.00 75-125 Manganese ND 0.03 75-125 Iron ND - 0.10 75-125 Copper ND 0.05 . 75-125 Calcium ND 2.00 5.00 75-125 Zinc ND 0.05 75-125 The rum/Is In this repeal apply to the swnpks analysed an aaoniance with the thab, of ousasaly doaanenL This asua6aiasl rq,orlmust be reproduced an its aritrea)a EnvlroMatilx AnaIytical,Inc. Page 6 o 18 Joe McMahon -ã6O442Odf Page J Client Name: Leighton and Associates .Inc. ;t Log #: 04420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts Total Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Leval Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notts Batch 6042812 LCS Dup (6042812-BSDI) Prepared: 04i2906 Analyzed: 0501)06 Manganese 1.06 0.03 mgil 1.00 106 75-125 0.9 20 Zinc 1.01 0.05 1.00 lOt 75-125 I 20 Potassium 10.9 1.00 - 10.0 109 75-125 0 20 Magnesium 1.07 1.00 1.00 107 75-125 0.9 20 calcium 1.24 2.00 1.00 124 75-125 2 20 Sodium ND 0.50 1.00 75-125 20 Iron 1.07 0.10 1.00 107 75-125 0 20 Copper 1.08 0.05 1.00 tos 75-125 2 20 LCS DuD (6042812-1131SD21 Prepared: 04/23M Analyzed: 05,01)06 Zinc ND 0.05 mgl 75-125 20 Copper ND 0.05 75-125 20 Calcium ND 2.00 5.00 75-125 io Sodium 5.49 0.50 5.00 110 75-125 5 20 Manganese ND 0.03 . 75-125 20 Magnesium ND 1.00 5.00 75-125 20 Iron ND 0.10 . 75-125 20 Potassium ND 1.00 5.00 75-125 20 Duplicate (6042812-DUP1) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared: 04,28/06 Analyzed: 05,01/06 Iron 0.37 0.10 mgI1 0.25 39 20 QR-02 Calcium 76.9 2.00 10.8 5 20 Copper ND 0.05 • MD 20 Zinc 0.008 0.05 • 0.009 12 20 Magnesium 96.6 1.00 98.8 2 20 Sodium 230 0.50 265 14 20 Potassium ND 1.00 * ND • 20 Manganese 0.06 0.03 0.05 II 20 The renilis an this report apply to the samples anaiyzai in azwrdwua with the chain of (ssstody doannaeL This wtaljtical report must be reproduced he itt entirety EnvlroMatilx W Analylical,lnc. Page 7 o 18 JQeMcMahôh-0604420 ----- .. Client Name: Leighicat and Associates Jnc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts Total Metals by EPA 6000/7000 Series Methods - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Leval Result %RZC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch 6042812 Matrix Spike (6042812-MSfl Source: 0604420-01 Prepared: 04R&06 Analyzed 05101106 Manganese 1.19 0.03 mgfl 1.00 0.05 114 75-125 Iron 1.55 0.10 1.00 0.25 130 75-125 QM-06 Magnesium 114 10.0 1.00 98.8 NR 75-125 QM-4X Zinc 1.01 0.05 1.00 0.009 100 75-125 Sodium 280 500 . 1.00 265 NR 75-125 QM-4X * Calcium 90.9 20.0 1.00 80.8. NR 75-125 - QM-4X Potassium 12.7 1.00 10.0 ND 127 75-125 QM-06 Copper . 107 005 1.00 ND 107 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (6042812-MSDfl Source: 0604420-01 ' Prepared: 04128106 Analyzed: 05)01/06 Zinc 0.99 0.05 mgfl 1.00 0.009 98 75-125, 2 20 Sodium 272 5.00 1.00 265 700 75125 3 20 QM-4X Manganese 1.14 0.03 1.00 0.05 109 75-125 4 20 Magnesium 110 10.0 1.00 98.8 NR 75-125 4 20 QM-4X Copper 1.06 . 0.05 1.00 ND 106 75-125 0.9 20 Calaum 884 20.0 1.00 80.8 760 75-125 3 20 QM-4X Potassium 12.2 1.00 10.0 ND 122 75-125 4 20 Iron - 1.80 0.10 1.00 - 0.25 155 75-125 15 20 , QM-06 The results in than report apply to the swnpks analyzal in aovrdwan with the chain of - assiody doaanenL This anaavjml rqaorlmust berqroducei in fig cufre0- EnvlroMatflx MaiytIcai,lnc. Page 8 of 18 LJOe.McMahon-0604420.pdf TI1.1 11111 . gj2J aient Name: Leighton and Associates . Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Prect Name: GTand Pacific Resorts Total Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD AnaJyte Result Limit Units Levd Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notm Batch 6042812 Blank (6042812-BLKI) Prepared: 0412&06 Analyzed 05iO1R Lead ND 0.050 mgfl Mckel ND 0.050 Silva ND 0.10 Chromium ND 0.050 Cadmium NI) 0.010 LCS (6042812-BS1) Prepared: 0412&06 Analyzed: 05AThO6 L,md 1.01 0.050 m9/I 1.00 101 75-125 l'4dcd 1.02 0.050 1.00 102 75-125 Silver 0.55 0.10 0.500 110 75-125 Cadmium 1.01 0.010 1.00 101 75-125 Chromium 1.04 0.050 1.00 104 75-125 LCS (&)42512-R52) Prepared: 04,2&06 Analyzed: 05101,06 Lead ND 0.050 mg/I 75-125 t'ldcd ND 0.050 S 75-125 Silva ND 0.10 75-125 Chromium ND 0.050 75-125 Cadmium ND 0.010 75-125 LCS Dup (6042812-BSD1) Prepared: 04i211106 Analyzed. 05O1i06 Silver 0.56 0.10 mg/I 0.500 112 75-125 2 20 Chromium . 1.05 0.050 1.00 lOS 75-125 I 20 ?dcd 1.03 0.050 1.00 103 75-125 I 20 Cadmium 1.02 0.010 1.00 102 75-125 I 20 Lad 1.02 0.050 1.00 102 75125 I 20 LCS I)up (6042812-BSD2) Prepared: 04/211106 Analyzed 0501,06 Silver ND 0.10 mg/I 75-125 20 Cadmium ND 0.010 • 75-125 20 Chromium ND 0.050 75-125 20 5.tkd ND 0.050 75-125 20 Lead ND 0.050 75-125 20 The resvlb In this report apply to the samples wml.tnai in accorAvior with the o¼ithi of assiody doaanaa Thin anat*kril report muss bereprothsral in 1St mrnT1y EnvlroMatilx .MaIyUcal,lnc. Page 9 o 18 Joe McMahon-0604420 pdf Page l0i aiat Name: Leightro and Associates Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts Total Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods - Quality Control RPD Reporting Spike Source %REC Anslyte Result Limit Units Lord Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch 6042812 Duplicate (6042812-DUPI) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared 04/28106 Analyzed 05101,06 Chromium ND 0.500 mgA ND 20 Silver ND 1.00 0.01 20 Cadmium ND 0.100 ND 20 Nldcd ND 0.050 ND 20 Lead • ND 0.050 ND 20 Matrix Spike (6042812-MS1) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared 04128106 Analyzed 05101106 Lead 0.996 0.050 mg/I 1.00 ND tOO 75-125 Silva 0.56 0.10 0.500 0.01 110 75-125 Cadmium 1.02 0.010 1.00 ND 102 75125 Chromium 1.03 0.050 1.00 ND 103 75-125 ?dcd 0.962 0.050 • 1.00 ND 96 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup(6042812-MSDI) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared 04128106 Analyzed 0510106 Chromium 1.01 0.050 mg/I 1.00 ND 101 75-125 2 .20 Cadmium 0.994 0.010 • 1.00 ND 99 75-125 3 20 Silver 0.55 0.10 • 0.500 0.01 lOS 75-125 2 20 Lead 0.986 0.050 1.00 ND 99 75-125 I 20 l4ckd 0.949 0.050 1.00 ND 95 75-125 1 20 The rcswlb fri thin rqsorl apply to the samples ana4sa1 fri azznsrdanes with thethoin of oustooy doaanesL This wt4t1az1 reporimusi be reproduced in its asixtely. EnvlroMathx Analytical,lnc. [AcMahon:O6O442I:pdf - Page 11 Client Name: Leig EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Res" Conventional Chemistry Parameters by Standard/EPA Methods - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %1(EC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Lend Result %REC Limits P.PD Limit Notm Batch 6042608 Blank (6042608-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 04/2606 Niate as ND 0.05 mg/i L(S (6042608-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 04/2606 Nitrate, as 0.53 0.05 mg/I 0.500 106 80-120 LCS Dup (6042608-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 04i2606 Nitrate. as 0.51 0.05 mg/I 0.500 102 80-120 4 20 Duplicate (6042608-DUPS) Source: 0604393-02 Prepared & Analyzed: 0412606 Narateat N 1.72 0.25 mg/I 1.67 3 20 Matrix Spike(6042608-MSi) Source: 0604.393-02 Prepared & Analyzed: 0412606 Nitrate ss N 4.30 0.25- mg/i 2.50 1.67 105 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (6042608-MSD1) Source: 060093-02 Prepared & Analyzed: 04/2606 ?'8tralea N 4.24 0.25 mg/i 2.50 1.67 103 80-120 I 20 Reference (6042608-SRMI) Prepared & Analyzed: 0412606 Mirate ai N 5.95 0.50 mg/i 6.28 95 89-109 Batch 6042613 DIplicate (6042613-DUP1) Source: 0604407-07 Prepared & Analyzed: 04/2606 pH 9.18 0.10 pH Units 9.16 0.2 20 Reference (6042613-SRMI) Prepared & Analyzed: 0412606 PH 8.85 0.10 pH Units 9.10 97 97-103 The rcaulb In (hit rqcn qp6p to thethmpieso,iaijeJ hi aczvrdwex with the oiarb,of aas*,dyththmotL 7hk ww4dad-rqaoJt must be rçrni*sted in lb mrilrety EnvlroMatilx Analytical Inc Page Ilof 18 joe McMahon -O6O442O2df .- Pag13I Client Name: Leiohtm and Associates Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts Conventional Chemistry Parameters by Standard/EPA Methods -Quality Control Reporting Spike Source VEC RPD Analvte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPI) Limit Notes Batch 6042711 Duplicate (6042711-DUPfl Source: 0604420-01 Prepared & Analyzed 04/27106 Residual Chlorine ND 0.05 mgil ND 20 Reference (6042711-SRMI) Prepared & Analyzed 04/27i06 Residual Chlorine 0.20 0.05 mgll 0.210 95 57.1-142.9 Batch 6042812 Blank (6042812-BLK1) Prepared 04,284)6 Analyzed 05101/06 Hdnesa(Total) ND 10 mg CO3/L Duplicate (6042812-DUP1) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared 04/28106 Analyzed 05101106 Hardness (Total) 643 100 mg CO3/L 609 5 20 Batch 6042816 Blank (6042816-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed 04,284)6 Orthophosphate as P ND 0.05 mgfl LCS (6042816-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 01/28106 orthophosphate as 0.47 0.05 mg/I 0.500 94 80.120 LCS Dup (6042816-BSDO) Prepared & Analyzed 04,28106 OrdiophosphaleasP 0.51 0.05 mgll 0.500 102 80-120 8 20 Duplicate: (6042816.DUP1) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared & Anayzed 04/2840 Orthojltosphute as 0.38 0.05 mg/I 0.45 17 20 The resu1L in this zsport spi to the swnpIesana1eed in aavrdance with the darn, of aisks4i doan,rnsL Thin w,alwi rq,ort must be rrproducmi in itt ouire0- EnvlmMamx . AnalyUcal,lnc. Page 13 of 18 Client Name: Leighton and Associates Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grud-Pacific Resorts Conventional Chemistry Parameters by Standard/EPA Methods -Quality Control Reporting Spike Sewm RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch 6042816 Matrix Spike (6042816-MSfl Source: 0604420-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 0ti2&06 Orthoitosphste as 0.91 - 0.05 mg/I 0.500 0.45 92 80-120 - Matrix Spike Dup (6042816-MSDI) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 04t2&06 Orthoiitosphae is Batch 6042832 0.75 0.05 mg/I 0.500 0.45 60 80-120 19 20 QR-03 Duplicate (6042832-DUPO Source: 0604441-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 0412906 SpficCondu0mace (EC) Reference (6042832-SEMi) 51700 1 umhos/an 51800 Prepared & Analyzed. 0.2 20 0412806 Specific Condunsnee (EC) Batch 6050105 465 5 1 umbos/an 465 100 .484-104.5 Blank (6050105-BLKfl Prepared & Analyzed 05i01106 Fluoride LCS (6050105-BSI) ND 0.1 mg/I Prepared & Analyzed: 051O1/06 Fluoride 0.9 0.1 mg/I 1.00 90 80-120 LCS Dup (6050105-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 0501i06 Fluoride 0.9 0.1 mg/I 1.00 90 80-120 0 20 - . - Duplicate (6050105-DUP1) Source: 0604441-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 0510106 - Fluoride 0.7 0.1 mg/I 0.7 0 20 The result, hi thin rq,ori appty to the samples aoulyzai e, accordance with the chair; of aes*,dj, doaimenL This wiatylasl rq.'orlmuss berqjroducrd in it, esnretji Env1iMati1x Analytical,Inc. .. Page 14of 18 on- 0604420 Page, 151 Client Name: Leighton and Associates Jnc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Giasel Pacific Resorts Conventional Chemistry Parameters by Standard/EPA Methods -Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Limit Units Level RousIt %REC Limits RPD Limit - No. Batch 6050105 Matrix Spike (6050105-MS1) Source: 0604441-01 Prepared At Analyzed: 05101,06 Fluoride 1.7 0.2 mg/I 1.00 0.7 100 80-120 - Matrix Spike Dup (6050105-MSDI) Source: 0604441-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 05101,06 Fluoride 1.7 0.2 mg/I 1.00 0.7 tOO 80-120 0 20 Reference (605)105-SRMI) Prepared & Analyzed: 0510b06 Fluoride 2.5 0.1 mg/I 2.53 99 85-113 Batch 6050115 Blank (6050115-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 05101,06 Chloride ND 0.05 mg/I lAS (6050115-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 05101106 Chloride 196 0.05 mg/I 200 98 80-120 lAS Dup (609)115-BSDL) Prepared & Analyzed: 05101106 Chloride 198 0.05 mg/I 200 99 80-120 I 20 Duplicate (6050115-DOW!) Source: 0604364-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 05101106 Chloride 72.0 0.05 mg/I 74.0 3 20 Matrix Spike (6050115.MSI) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 05101)06 Chloride- 402 0.05 mg/I 200 200 101 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (6050115-MSD1) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 05101106 Chloride 394 0.05 mg/I 200 200 97 80-120 2 20 q The results In this report apply to the samples aiwilyzai in amwthzñce with the c*o.bs of coisksdy doaaneni This wuzØknI report must be reproduced in itS oiifreOt EnviroMabix AnalydcaI,Inc. S - - - Page 15of18 eMcMahon. -O6O442Odf I±iI--iIIIIi.tPNtiJ Client Name: Leighiots and Associates Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts. Conventional Chemistry Parameters by Standard/EPA Methods -Quality Control Repârting - Spike Source %REC RPD Anulute Result Limit Units Leval Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch 6050116 Blank (6050116-BLKfl Prepared & Ana6zed 05)01106 Sulfate at 504 LCS (6060116-BS1) ND 5.0 mg/I Prepared & Analyze& 05)0106 Sulfate as SO4 LCS Dup (6050116-BSD1) 11.8 5.0 mg/I Prepared 10.0 & 118 80-120 Anaed 05101i06 Sulfate as SO4 Duplicate (6050116-DUP1) 11.4 .5.0 mg/I Source: 0604420-01 Prepared 10.0 & 114 80-120 3 20 AnaIyzed ON] )6 Sulfate as SO4 Matrix Spike (60)116-MS1) 200 50.0 mg/I Source: 0604420-01 Prepared & 202 I 20 Analyze 05101,06 Sulfate as SO4 Matrix Spike Dup (6050116-MSD1) 300 50.0 mg/I Source: 0604420-01 Prepared 100 & 202 98 80-120 Analyzett 0501i06 Sulfate as SO4 304 50.0 mg/I 100 202 102 80-120 I 20 Batch 6050120 Duplicate (6050120-DUPE) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared & Malyze*i 05)01,06 Total Suspended Solids 246 20 mg/I 244 0.8 20 Reference (6050120.SRM1) . Prepared & Analyzed. 05)01106 Total Suspended Solids 53 20 mg/I 55.7 95 87.3-113 Batch 6050226 Blank (6050226-BLKfl . Prepared & Analyreat 04i2&06 Methylene Blue Active Substances ND 0.5 mg/i The ,osulzc at this rq,oit appty to the samples analjzcd In aworolcmce with the dash, of assiody doasmaiL This an4eio.sl rq,orlmusi bereproducal at Its ainresy EnviroMaftix AnalyticaI,lnc. Page 16of 18 - Page 171 Client Name: Leighttm and Associates Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Prcect Name: Grand Pacific Renato Conventional Chemistry Parameters by Standard/EPA Methods -Quality Control Anslyte Result Reporting Limit Units Spike Source Leval Result %BEC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Batch 6050226 LCS (6050226-BS13 Prepared & Analyzed: 01i21106 Methylene Blue Active Substances LCS Dup (6050226-BSD1) 0.9 0.5 mg/I 1.00 Prepared & Analyzed: 90 04/2&06 80-120 Methylene Blue Active Substances Duplicate (6050226-DUP1) 0.9 0.5 mg/I Source: 0604420-01 1.00 Prepared & Analyzed: 90 0412&06 80-120 0 20 Methylene Blue Active Substances Matrix Spike (6050226-MSI) ND 0.5 mg/I Source: 0604420-01 ND Prepared & Analyzed: 04006 20 Methylene Blue Active Substances Matrix Spike Dup (6050226-MSDI) 0.3 0.5 mg/I Source: 0604420-01 1.00 ND Prepared & Analyzed: 30 80-120 04,2&06 QM-05 Methylene Blue Active Substances Batch 6050227 0.2 0.5 mg/I 1.00 ND 20 80-120 40 20 QM-05 Duplicate (6050227-DUPI) Source: 0604420-01 Prepared: 05101,06 Analyzed: 05,02,06 Total Dissolved Solids Reference (6050227.SRMI) 1330 20 mg/I 1340 Prepared: 05101106 Analyzed: 0.7 • 05102106 20 Total Dissolved Solids 306 20 mg/i 345 89 .696-111.3 The results in thiS rqsou ay to the sanspkswwb1 fri aixstrdance with the dials of asakidy sd,amsaiL 7hijawnOwl repcwlmusi be reproduced in 1st astzreitt Env1lMati1x / Analytical,lnc. Page 17of 18 Page 18 J. Client Name: Lejghtms and Associates Inc. EMA Log #: 0604420 Project Name: Grand Pacific Resorts Notes and Definitions QR-03 The RPD value for the sample duplicate or MS/MSD was outside of QC acceptance limits due to matrix interference. QR- 02 The RPD result exceeded the QC limits due to nm-lEinotmi ry of sample. QM4X The spike recovery was outside of the QC acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSI) due to analyte cci5cesifl55m at 4 times or greater the spike coucentrancis. The QC batch was accepted based cisLCS and/sr LCSD recoveries within the acceptance lhsii QM-06 Due to noted non-hrinogeneity of the QC sample matrix, the MSIMSD did not provide reliable results for accuracy and jreclsl cii. Sample results for the QC batch were accepted based an LCS/LCSD percent recoveries and RPD values. QM-05 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/sr MSD due to matrix interference. The LCS and/sr LCSD were within acceptance limits showing that the labaat cry ism control and the data is acceptable. NO AnalySe NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis RPD Relative Pffcmmt Difference The ressdL in this ,ci1 apply to the samples an*ai in aavrmca with the diem of custody doajnseiL This wa4eks21 rq,orimlssl be reproduced in its em-sty EnvlroMatilx '. Analytical,Inc. Page 18 of 18 106 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD -EnviraMatrix — APR26 .(s) 4340 Viewridge Ave., Ste. A • San Diego, CA 92123 • Phone (858) 560-7717 • Fax (858) 560-7763 EMA LOG #: 00j9 ao I EMA DATEITJME STAMP Client: JL%,eV '3ç 21,5 REQUESTED ANALYSIS Address: cc — I 5 _l I 'tt - — r Attn: 4M4 J1cZ Phone: 2A (7- Sampled by: Fax: 2AR 'si BillmgAddress:L11( Project: PO M. kp EMA IDO Client Sample lD Sample pate Sample Time Sample Matrix Container(s) II Type TGvJ—. 4 9 10 *Container Types: B-Brass Tube; V=VOA; G=Glass; P--Plastic; 00ther (list) RELINQUISHED BY DATE!FIME A REC'ED BY Tamper-Proof Seals Intact: Yes No N/A Correct Containers: Yes No Signature I Si Sample(s): Cold Ambient Warm VOAsw/ZHS: Yes No N/A Print t e.vq All SamroperlyPreserved: Yes No NIA Company: Company Disposa1ç.uenas) (@55.00/sajeje) Return Hold Signature . . Signature Turnaround Time: 24 hr 48 hr (á') 4 day 5 day. Normal Print print Comments: : Company; 3Ai :: Signature hint Print Company: . Company: . 'EMA reserves the ngat to return samples mat no not matcn our waste proTite. nhilic- CLYU% k dhhjiry . IsI.hJuhuh hhIa i-lit. - ihhchhi 5w,lwpulh) - c IhenI ineiinquisn aumpies,