No.5721? -
Exp. 1v31/I))
Geotechnica! Engineering
Construction Inspection
Materials Testing
May 20,2010
Grand Pacific Carlsbad, LP. . . Project No. 1916-A07
5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Log No. 10-455
Carlsbad, CA 92008 .
Attention: Mr. Bruce Zelenka .
Subject: ' Soils Compaction Report
Project: Villa 51 - Building Pad
- Carlsbad Grand Pacific Resort .
Carlsbad, CA . .
CT 03-02, Drawing No. 428-9A
Dear Mr. Zelenka:
In accordance with your request and authorizatior, we have completed our observation and
testing during the grading of the building pad for Villa 51. The results of our findings,
with our test results and recommendations are to be found in the accompanying
Based oi the results of our observation and testing between May 13 and 19, 2010, we certify
that the described earthwork has been completed in general accordance with the intentions
and recommendations 1of the -geotechnical reports by Leighton & Associates, Inc. (see
references) and the approved grading plans.
Should you have any 4uestions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact our
Respectfully submitted, . .
MTGL Inc. ,
Edyuard,o Dizon, RCE
Senior Engineer
Office Locations
Orange County
Corporate Branch:
2992 E. La Palma Avenue
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Anaheim, CA 92806
Tel: 714.632.2999.
Fax: 714.632.2974
San Diego
Imperial County
6295 Ferris Square
Suite C
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel: 858.537.3999
Fax: 858.537.3990
Inland Empire
14467 Meridian Parkway
Building 2A
Riverside, CA 92518
Tel: 951.653.4999
Fax: 951.653.4666
44917 Golf Center Parkway
Suite 1
India, CA 92201
Tel: 760.342.4677
Fax: 760.342.4525
OClLAllnland Empire
San Diego Dispatch
INTRODUCTION ........... ......... ........................................................................................................ .1
GEOTECHNICAL REPORT .........................................................................................................1
SITEDESCRIPTION ........................................................................... ............................................. 1
GRADING AND EARTHWORK ......................... ........................... .1
GEOTECHNICAL TESTING ................................. . .......................................................................... 2
CONCLUSIONS .............................. ........................ ........................................................................ 2
RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................. 2
References • • . •
Figures 1 - Field Density Test Loëation Plan • • • . •
Table 1 - Laboratory Compaction Test Results
. • • -
Table 2 - Field Density Test Results •
Carlsbad Grand Pacific Resort Villa 51 Project No 1916-A07
Carlsbad CA Log No 10-455
This report presents the results of our observation and testing during the grading of the building pad for
Villa 51 at Carlsbad Grand Pacific Resort in Carlsbad, California.This report covers testing services
performed between May 13 and 19, 2010
Geotechnical information pertaining to the site was presented in the geotechnical and grading reports by
Leighton and Associates, Inc. dated April 11, 2005, August 2, 2006 and September 11, 2007. Our
function during grading was limited to observation and testing of earthwork for the building pad of
Villa 51 between May 13 and 19,2010.*
Prior to this grading work, the project site consists of a sheet graded lot, which is relatively level The
site is bounded by ascending graded slope to the north, by existing villa to the east and by descending
slope to the south and west Generally, the project site was essentially in the same condition as reported
in the reference as-graded geotechnical report, dated August 2,2006 and September 11, 2007.
Grading of the building pad consisted of the removal and recompaction of the existing soil The
existing soil over the entire building pad was removed and recompacted such that there is at least 5 feet
of compacted fill below finish pad elevation Exposed subgrade to receive fill was scarified, moisture
conditioned and compacted The horizontal hunts of the earthwork grading for the building pad
extended laterally to at least 5 feet beyond the building footprint
Engineered fill soils used consisted of the existing on-site soils suitable for recompaction per the
recommendations of the reference geotechnical reports Fill soils were moisture conditioned to within
optimum moisture content Fill soils were placed in lifts and compacted with heavy compaction
4 - - -
. . - .
- Carlsbad Grand Pacific Resort Villa 51 Project No. 1916-AO7
Carlsbad, CA .
. Log No. 10-455
-• . : - - .
* Field Tests . .
Test procedures based upon ASTM D6938 was used 'for fiela density testing of the soil density and
moisture content.- Field density testing was at rañdom loctións and elevations. The approximate
extent of the, compacted fill and locatiobklevatibn of the performed density tests described in this
report are indicated on Figure 1. Fill soils were compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90
'perceni based on Test Method ASTM D1557, withcthe upper 12 inches finish subgrade compacted to at
least 95 pedent relative compaction.
• • •.
Laboratory Tests
The maximum density and optimum ,moisture 'content of representative samples Of the' fill soils were
determined in the laboratory inccordance with ASTM D1557 test procedures. The results of the
-' laboratory maximum density tests are presented in Table 1. . .
..-• ''••. .
Based upon the information presented in the referenôe geotechnical reports and on the observation and
testing conducted by MTGL, Inc. as described herein, we certify that the grading of the building pad for
Villa 51 has been completed in gederal accordance with the intentions and recommendations of the
reference geotechnical reports and approved grading plahs:
It is our opinion that the site is suitable for the intended use provided the recommendations presented in
this report ànd'the reference geotechnical reports are considered for final planning and structural design,
and implemented dunng construction
-- 4. .• . . - . *
The recommendations presented in the reference geotechnical reports are considered to remain in
., effect; except where superseded by addendum 'recommendations or as specifically recommended
- • herein. The reference geotechnical reports should be considered a part of the project plans and'
,. :. ' - •
I • - • -'
Carlsbad Grand Pacific Resort Villa 51 Project No. 1916-A07
Carlsbad, CA Log No. 10-455
Continuous and spread footings are suitable for support of the proposed. structure. It is our opinion that
the recommendations and,.soil criteria for soil .bearing values for foundations and slab-on-grade
contained in the reference geotechnical reports are applicable 'arid shall be implemented in the design
of the proposed structure
This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical practices. Our
work is considered to be in accordance with the usual standards of the profession and with local
practice. No other warranty is expressed or implied as to the professional advice or data included in
this report.
It should be recognized that that our work does not constitute a guarantee that the grading contractor
has performed his work in accordance with the project specifications. In addition, no representations
are made as td the quality or extentofmaterials not observed, for any subsequent change to the site,
or failure of others to properly repair damages by the uncontrolled actions 4of water.
'S • • . . 5
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.1. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 2005, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed 53-Acre Resort.
Development - Phase 1, Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area No 5, iCarlsbad, CA, Project No
040575-003, dated April 11, 2005
2 Leighton and Associates, Inc,', 2006, As-Graded Geotechrncal Report of Rough and Fine
Grading, Hotel One, Resort and Conference Facilities, Sales Building, and Villas 53 Through
56 Lots 10, 11 and A Portion of Lot 1, Grand Pacific Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California Project
No 040575-005, dated August 2, 2006
3 Leighton and Associates, Inc , 2007, Grading Plan Review and Supplemental Letter, Carlsbad
Planning Area 5, Villas 50 through 52, Carlsbad, California, Project No 040575-005, dated
September 11, 2007
3 Excel Engineering, Grading and Erosion Control Plans for Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area
No 5, Resort Site - Villas 50 - 52, Project No CT 03-02, Drawing No 428-9D, Sheets 1 tO
.4;. MTGL, Inc, 2010, Change of Geotechnical Consultant, Carlsbad Ranch, Villas 50 thru 52,
Project No 1916-A07, Log No 10-441, dated April 23, 2010
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.33 Approximate Location of Field Density Test
-'—'A pproximate Limits of Grading
Project No. . 1916-A07 Date: - MAY 2010 FIGURE 1 *
Table 2
Field Density Test Results
No. Date Location
. Test
Type Remarks
1 5/13/10 Villa 51 191 15.4 100.5 146 91 NU
2 5/13/10 Villa 51 191 16.6 100.4 146 91 NU
3 5/13/10 Villa 51 191 15.1 100.9 146 92 NU
'4 5/13/10 Villa 51 192 14.6 108.9 147 92 MU
5/13/10 Villa 51. 192 16.7 1020 .146 93 NU
6 5/13/10 Villa 51 193 17.3 102.4 146 93 NU
7 5/13/10 Villa 51 193 13.4 99.3 146 90 NU
8 5/13/10 Villa 51 193 16.6 103.3 146 94 NU
9 5/13/10 Villa 51 194 14.2 100.7 146 92 NU
10 5/13/10 Villa51 194 13.9 104.5 146 95 NU
11 5/13/10 Villa 51 191 16.5 103.8 146 94 MU
12 5/13/10 Villa 51 . 191 16.7 . 99.2 146 90 MU
13 5/13/10 Villa 51 192 1 13.0 102.8 146 93 NU
14 5/14/10 1 Villa 51 195 1 174 1034 146 94 NT!
15 5/14/10 Villa 51 195 14.6 105.4 146 96 MU
.16 5/14/10 Villa 51 193 16.7 99.6 146 91 MU
11 /14/1(J Vi1a.51 193 13.3 113.2 147 95. NU
18 5/14/10 Villa 51 194 15.9 99.2 146 90 MU
19 5/14/10 Villa 51 191 14.6 99.2 146 90 MU
20 5/14/10 Villa 51 192 14.0 106.5 146 97 NU
21 5/14/10 Villa 51 195 1 10.9 108.8 147 91 NU
22 5/14/10 Villa 51 195 13.5 99.8 146 91 NU
23 5/14/10 Villa 51 191 17.3 101.3 146 92 NU
24 5/14/10 Villa 51 192 12.4 109.1 147 92 MU
25 5/14/10 Villa 51 • 193 12.9 113.7 147 96 MU.
26 5/17/10 Villa 51 194 14.8 111.4 147 94 MU
27 5/17/10 Villa 51 195 10.8. 109.5 147 92 MU
28 5/17/10 Villa 51 195 14.8 105.8 146 96 MU
29 5/18/10 Villa 51 FSG 13.3 113.6 147 . 96 NU
30 5/18/10 Villa 51 FSG 14.4 115.6 . 147 97 NU
31 5/18/10 Villa 51 FSG 11.6 114.5 147 96 NU •
32 5/18/10 Villa 51 FSG 11.6 116.8 147 98 • MU
33 5/18/10 Villa 51 FSG - 10.4 113.9 1 147 • 96 • MU