HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 04-01; YAMAMOTO SUBDIVSION POINSETTIA RIDGE; SUMMARY OF OBSERVATION AND TESTING; 2010-10-19Orange County I EnvironmentaD I Corporate
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Cona Mesa, California 92626
T. 714 549 8921 F: 714 549 1438
past + present + hsture
it's in our science
Engineers. Geologists
October 19,20110irnonlental Scientists
J.N. 155-10
Grading Permit
No.: GR1O-13
Mr. Tom Tupman
3090 Pullman Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Subject: Summary of Observation and Testing, Reconditioning of Lots 1, 2,7 and 8 of Tract 04-01,
The Points ettia Ridge Project, Southeast Corner of Black Rail Road and Songbird Avenue,
City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
References: See Attached List.
Mr. Tupman:
Presented herein are the results of our field observation and testing performed during reconditioning of the pad
surfaces on Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 of Tract 04-01. The purpose of this most recent grading was to restore the
subject pads back to their original condition as they existed at the completion of rough grading (Reference No.
F). A single-family residence is proposed on each lot.
A representative of this finn provided observation and testing during re-conditioning of the pad surfaces on the
subject parcels and lots. In general, the work was performed in the following manner:
1. All construction debris and weeds were removed from each parcel and lot.
The existing pad surfaces on each lot were scarified to depths of 4 to 6 inches, watered as necessary to
achieve near optimum moisture conditions, and then recompacted in, place to a minimum relative
compaction of 90 percent by wheel-rolling with a skip loader and a water truck filled to capacity.
Field density tests were performed using Nuclear Test Method ASTM D 6938-08a. Test results are
presented in Table I and approximate locations of the field density tests are shown on Plate 1.
Field density tests were taken at regular intervals to verify adequate compaction.
Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of representative samples of the on-site soils were
determined in our laboratory in accordance with Test Method ASIM D 1557-07. The results of these
laboratory tests are summarized in Table H.
Visual classification of earth materials in the field was the basis for determining which of the
maximum density values was applicable for a given density test. One-point checks were performed to
supplement visual classifications.
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Lots], 2, 7 and 8 of Tract 04-01 J.N. 155-10
Page 2
Based on the results of our observations, on our field and laboratory tests, and on our experience and judgment,
it is our opinion that the completed earthwork discussed herein has been performed in general accordance with
our recommendations for processing of existing grades within the subject lots.
Recompaction of the pad surfaces under the purview of this report has been completed under theobservation of
and with selective testing by Petra Geotechnical, Inc., and is found to be in' compliance with the Grading Code
of the City of Carlsbad, California. The completed work has been reviewed-arid is considered adequate for the
construction now planned. Foundation design recommendation's provided in Reference Nos. 3 and 4 remain
applicable and no further recommendations are needed at this time.
A representative of Petra Geotechnical, Inc. (Petra) was present on-site on an on-call basis during post-grading
operations for the purpose of providing the owner's representative with professional opinions and
recommendations. These opinions and recommendatiohs were developed based on field observation and
selective testing of the contractor's work. Our scope of services during this project did not include supervision
or direction of the contractor, his personnel or his subcontractors. As documented in this report, our
observations and testing did not reveal any obvious deviations from the recommendations provided in the
referenced geotechnical reports by our firm; however, Petra does not in any way guarantee the contractor's
work, nor do our services relieve the contractor (or any subcontractors) of their liability should any defects
subsequently be discovered in their work product.
Based on our findings, this report was prepared in conformance with generally accepted professional
engineering practices, and no further warranty is implied nor made.
This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for the project. Should you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to call.
Respectfully submitted,
6Oi2 rM
Siamak Jafroudi, P 2W3W'
Principal. Senior Principal
SM/S Jfkg OF c 0
W:\2010\100\155-10 Warmingion Rcsidcrniaj Coliforni 3OO\Rcccrflcaiioo Lrttcr(Lots 1,27,8 ofTrO4-OI)doc
Lots 1, 2; 7 and 8 of Tract 04-01 J.N. 155-10
Page 3
Christian Wheeler Engineering, Report of Field Observation and Relative Compaction Testing,
Grading and Site Improvements, Black Rail 16-Lot Development, Black Rail Road and Songbird
Ave., Carlsbad, California: prepared for Watkins Landmark Construction, dated January 4, 2007
(CWE 2050489.05).
Geotechnical Commentary on Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Slabs On-grade for Lots 1
through 16 Carlsbad Tract No. 04-01, The Poinsettia Ridge Project, Southeast Corner of Black Rail
Road and Songbird Avenue, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, letter by Petra
Geotechnical, Inc., dated April 1, 2010.
Geotechnical Review of Precise Grading Plans and Updated Foundation Design Recommendations,
Lots I through 16 Carlsbad Tract No. 04-01, The Poinsettia Ridge Project, Southeast Corner of Black
Rail Road and Songbird Avenue, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, letter by Petra
Geotechnical, Inc., dated April 13, 2010.
Response to City of Carlsbad Review Sheet and Review of Precise Grading and Foundation Plans,
Lots 1 through 16, Carsbad Tract No. 04-01, The Pointsettia RidgeProject, Southeast Corner of Black
Rail Road and Songbird Avenue, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, letter by Petra
Geotechnical, Inc., dated July 14, 2010.
Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 of Tract 04-01 J.N. 155-10
Page 4
Date of
No. Parcel Number Depth *
Unit Wt.
% Re).
10/4/2010 1 Lot#1 FG 11.9 116.3 92 A
10/14/2010 2 Lot#2 FG 12.4 117.3 93 A
10/14/2010 3 Lot #7 FG 12.6 117.2 93 A
10/14/2010 4. Lot #8 FO 12.1 116.2 92 A
FO - Finish Grade
* - Depth Below Finish Grade
Soil Type Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pct)
A - Silty Sand (SM) 10.0 126.0
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GRAPHIC °—' fit Approximate Limits of This Report -j J.N. 155-10 OCT 2010 -
Section X —4 Approximate Location of Density Test -L