klu 4
Leighton and Associates, Inc. 0
January 9, 2006
(Revised January 17, 2006)
Project No. 0418 10-001
To: Pulte Homes
0 .. 5993 Avenida Encinas, Suite 101
0 Carlsbad, California 92008
Attention: Mr. Kevin Bryan
.--.. Subject: Pavement. Section Design. Recommendations . for . Corte Aliso, Sitio Oceano, Corte
................Tamarindo, and a Portion of Corintia Street, La Costa Ridge Neighborhoods .2.1
0 and 2.2, Carlsbad Tract No. 04-02, Carlsbad, California
References:. i. Carlsbad,. City. of, -19.96, .Standards for Design. and Construction of Public Works
.............. .r . ...-Impr California, Project No.. 05332"1-2-01 - dated
April 20,1993, revised December 10, 1996
.-Hunsaker & Associates, 2005a,. Private Improvement Plans. For La Costa Ridge,
........ ... '.. ,. ....'.. . . ...Corintia Street, La .Costa Ridge,, Neighborhoods 2.1 and 2.2,. Carlsbad Tract No.
0 04-02, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 4204B, 8 Sheets, dated October 18,
& Associates, 2005b, Improvement Plans For La Costa Ridge
................................ ,Neighborhoo.ds"2.1. &. 2.2, La. .CostaRidge, Carlsbad .Tract No. .04-02, Carlsbad,
........... 'California, Drawing No 4204 18.:Sheets,. dated. October. 18, 2005
Jn accordance:.-with the: requirements of. the -City .'ofCarIsbad 'this letter presents ur paVement:
............... -. design- recommendations for a portion- of-Corintia Street. (between -Station-No. 30+3 and 64+46), ......' --::-.: Corte- Aliso, Sitio OceanQ, and Corte Jamarindo located within ..Carlsbad .Tract No. 04-02 in
................ Carlsbad,. California. Twelve representatie subade soil samples were obtained along' the-roadway. ...... . .' -- -. alignments. The samples were transported to our. laboratory-and R-value testing (in accordance with"
Test. Method.30.1.). was performed.. The- test results indicated the .subade soils have R-
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com
values ranging from 10 to 51. The approximate sample locations and results of the laboratory
testing are presented in Appendix A.
Based on our conversations with the civil engineer, and review of the project improvement plans
(HUñsaker and Associates, 2005a and 2005b), we understand that the subject streets within
. Carlsbad Tract No. 04-02 have a Traffic Index (TI) of 5.0. According to the city requirements
(Carlsbad, 1996), the. minimum pavement section for streets having a TI of 5.0 is 4 inches of
Asphalt Concrete (AC) over 4 inches of Aggregate Base (AB) regardless of the R-Value.
Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base Material
Based on the above information, one recommended Class 2 Aggregate Base pavement section for
the entire project (assuming the lowest R-Value obtained) was calculated using the Caltrans
Highway Design Manual Method and. compared. with the .City of Carlsbad's minimum section
thickness requirements. The recommended pavement section is presented on Table 1.
Table 1
Recommended Pavement Section Utilizing Class 2 Aggregate Base
Asphalt Class 2
Location Traffic Design Concrete Aggregate Base Index R-Value Thickness Thickness
(in inches) (in inches)
Corintia Street (Station No. 5.0 10 4.5 6.0
30+75 to 64+44), Corte Aliso,
Sitio Oceano, and Corte
Prior to placement of the street aggregate base material, the upper 12 inches of the subgrade soils in
the streets (including beneath the curb and gutter) shall be scarified, moisture-conditioned (or.dned
back) as necessary to at least optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum 95 percent
relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method Dl 557.
Class 2 Aggregate Base shall then be placed and compacted at a minimum 95 percent relative
.compaction in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate basematerial- shall be
6 inches thick below the curb and gutter and extend a minimum of 6 inches behind the. back of the
curb. The Class 2 Aggregate Base shall conform to and be placed in accordance with the latest
revision of the California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (Section 26), the
Greenbook specifications, and/or the City. of Carlsbad requirements. Asphalt Concrete shall
conform to and be placed in accordance with the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public.
Works Construction and the City of Carlsbad requirements.
-2- Leighton
Recommended Pavement Section
Based on our experience with similar soils within the City of Carlsbad, 'we recommend that the
pavement section for Corintia Street (between Station No. 49+25 and 54+00) utilize the Class 2
Aggregate Base material with no lime treatment of the subgrade. In summary, it has been our
professional. experience that relatively thin lime-treated subgrade soil sections are very sensitive to
moisture variations during the curing process and ultimately may be susceptible' to minor cracking.
In addition, it has been our experience that, relatively thin lime-treated 'lean silty clays and- sandy clays (which are present on the La Costa Ridge project) are also susceptible to heaving conditions
that can result in asphalt concrete cracking and distress. Therefore, it is our opinion 'that utilizing
the Class 2 Aggregate Base material pavement design, as presented on Table 1, will result in a
better performing pavement section..
If pavement is planned adjacent to landscaped areas, we recommend that appropriate measures be
taken (such as keeping the amount of landscape irrigation to a minimum, installing, area drains or
other devices, etc.) to reduce the possible adverse effects of water on the pavement subgrade.
If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of service.
Respectfully submitted,
William D. Olson, RCE 45283
Senior Project Engineer
A- '' Randall K. Wagner, LIZG612
Senior Associate Geologist
Attachments': Appendix A'- Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
Ditributioñ: (4) 'Addressee '
' (2)' Pulte Homes, Attention: Mr. Travis Arnold • - -
(2) City of Carlsbad, Public Works Department, Attention Mr Tim Fennessy
Mike Jensen
Project Geologist
2( NoA4283 z12 ' EXP/3l&)
Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results
"R"-Value: The resistance "R"-value was determined by the California Materials Method No. 301
for subgrade soils. The samples were prepared and exudation pressure and ."R"-value determined on
each one. The graphically determined "R"-value exudation pressure of 300 psi is summarized in the
table below:
Sample Number Sample Location Sample Description R-Value
R-1 Corintia Street, Brown Silty SAND 27 Station No. 61+50
R-2 Corintia Street,
Station No. 56+65 Gray-Brown Silty Clayey SAND 19
R-3 Corintia Street, Brown Silty CLAY 10 Station No. 52+10
R-4 Corte Tamarindo, Brown Silty SAND 51 Station No. 14+65
R-5 Sitio Oceana,
Station No. 20+60 Brown Silty SAND 32
R-6 Sitio Oceana,
Station No. 16+60 Pale brown Silty SAND 29
R-7 Sitio Oceana,
Station No. 12+75 Brown Silty CLAY • 15
Corintia Street,' R-8 Brown Silty SAND 28 Station No. 47+60
Corintia Street,
R-9 Brown Silty SAND 37 Station No. 40+75
Corintia Street,
R-10 Brown Silty Clayey SAND . 38 Station No. 36+50
Corintia Street,
R-11 Brown Silty Clayey SAND 24 Station No. 32+50
Corintia Street,
R-12 Brown Silty Clayey SAND 26 Station No. 43+15
A-i '