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III in' I GEOT CHNICA EIMTAL 5\ 5- FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED , DURING CONSTRUCTION OF'SITE IMPROVEMENTS , '5 VILLAGES OF LA COSTA THE RIDGE - NEIGHBORHOOD 25, LOTS 33 THROUGH 66, CARLSBAD., CALIFORNIA (. 4- PREPARED FOR - CITY VENTURES SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA F -'5 I - 5'- 'S - WAY 17 2011 PROJECT NO. 07290-52-13 S S - S - ( • -5 - \- S. S S ., 'GEOCON INCORPORATED <Ogwgr~ GE °OTECHNICAI. ENVI.R'ONMENTAL. MATERIALS Project No. 07290-52-13' May; 17,2011 • S City Ventures - - 2850 Red Hill Avenue, Suite 200 Santa Ana, California 92750 . -, Attention: Mr. Matthew Jansen Subject: FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES : PERFORMED DURING CONSTRUCTION OF SITE IMPROVEMENTS . VILLAGES OF LA.COSTA —THE RIDGE . .I NEIGHBORHOOD 2.5; LOTS 33 THROUGH 66 S CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA -. - • DearMr.°Jansen: - .. ,. In accordance with your request. and our Proposal No. LG-09226 dated September 24, 2009, we have 5 provided compaction testing and observation services during construction of the site improvements at the subject project. We performed our ser'ices during the period of December 1, 2009 through April 21, 2011. The scope of our services included the following: Performing testing and observation services during minor pad-regrading. Performing in-place density tests on an "on-call" basis during utility trench backfill operations including storm drain, sewer 'main, sewer laterals, water main, water laterals, and joint trench; 5. . • Performing in-place density tests during the preparation of curb and gutter, sidewalk subgrade, and the placement of aggregate base .and asphalt concrete pavement; • Providing geotechnical consultation services during improvement operations; Performing laboratory tests to aid in evaluating the compaction characteristics of various soil . conditions encountered and/or usedfor fill, including asphalt concrete and base materials; and S • Preparing this final report of improvements. 5 To aid in preparing this report, we have reviewed the following reports, letters and plans associated with the project improvements: . ;' . 1. Final Report of Testing and Observation ServiCes Performed During Site Grading, Villages of I La Costa, The Ridge, Neighborhood 2.5, Carlsbad; California, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated December 29, 2005 (Project No. 07290752-01).. . . ; . 6960 Flanders Drive • San Diego, California 92121-2974 • Telephone 858.558.6900 U Fax 858.558.6159 0 .0 5 - Update Geotechnical Report, Villages of La Costa-The Ridge, Neighborhood 2.5, Carlsbad, California prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated February 1 2006 (Project No 07290-52- 07). Private Street & Utility Improvement Plans for: La Costa Ridge 2.5, Neighborhood 2.5, Phase II - Lots 33-66, Drawing No. 420-6, prepared by Hunsaker and Associates, City of Carlsbad approval dated, August 22, 2005, Delta 2, April 23, 2007. Pavement Recommendations, Villages of La Costa-The Ridge, Neighborhood 2.5, LOTS 33 through 66, Sitio Avellaña- Stations 10+00 Through 15+66, Sitio Tortuga- Stations 10+00 Through 15+77, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated April 2, 2010 (Project No. 07290-52-13). 1 - Building Pad Verification Letter, Villages of La Costa-The Ridge, Neighborhood 2.5, Lots 33 through 50, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated February 17, 2010 (Project No. 07290-52-13). Building Pad Verification Letter, Villages of La Costa-The Ridge, Neighborhood 2.5, Lots 51 through 66, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geoon Incorporated, dated April 2, 2010 (Project No. 07290-52-13). During the construction of gite improvements, we observed compaction procedures and performed in- place density tests to evaluate the dry density and moisture content of the fill materials We performed in-place density tests using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with ASTM Test Procedures D 2922 and .D 2950 for soil -and asphalt concrete, respectively. We performed laboratory tests on soil and base samples in accordance with ASTM D 1557, Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Conient; D 422, Particle Size/Sieve Analysis; and D 2419, Sand Equivalent Value. In addition, we performed laboratory tests on asphalt concrete samples in accordance with ASTM D 2726, Hveem Density; D 2041, Theoretical Maximum Density; J) 1560, Stability; C 136, Sieve Analysis; and D 6307, Asphalt Content. The results of the in-place density tests are summarized in Table I and laboratory test results - are summarized in Tables .11 through VI. We tested samples of crushed aggregate base and asphalt concrete to check conformance with Caltrans or Greenbook standard specifications. The results of the laboratory tests indicate the samples are in general conformance with Caltrans or Greenbook specifications. These results have been reported to the City Ventures on-site superintendent and to the City of Carlsbad representative. In general, the results of the, in-place density tests indicate utility trench backfill, and sidewalk subgrade materials possess a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at, the locations tested. In-place density test results indicate that the curb and gutter, roadway subgrade and aggregate base materials possess a dry density of at feast 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at the locations tested. In-place density test results indicate the asphalt concrete is compacted to a density of at least 95 percent of the Hveem density at the locations tested. The results of the in-place Project No. 07290-52-13 - 2 - . May 17, 2011 \ .':: .' ':.'. :.... • density tests are summarized in Table I and laboratory test results are summarized in Tables II through VI S In-place density tests were performed using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with ASTM Test Procedure D 2922-05 For soils containing particles larger than ~ inch rock corrections were made in the field using test, methods suggested by. AASHTO and ASTM. Rockicorrectiois, were, made o the. laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content to enable direct comparison with in- place measurements These corrections with adjusted maximum density and adjusted optimum moisture content and results of the field tests are summarized in Table I Based on observations and test results it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the construction of site improvements, which is the subject of this report, has been performed in substantial conformance S..........with the recommendationS Of the project geOteph'nical reports. .'. : , •', .' . '..: : :,' • ' .:::.: S Any additional grading and/or improvement installation performed at the site should be accomplished 5 in conjunction with our observation and testing services Grading plans for any future grading should 5 be reviewed by Geocon Incorporated prior to finalizing Trench and wall backfill and sidewalk subgrade should be compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content This office should be notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing additional grading or backfill operations Adequate drainage provisions are imperative Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond adjacent to improvements Finish grades should be established so that drainage water is Airected away' ....from pavements, curb andgutters,, and sidewalks to controlled. drainage devices. Irrigation of landscape areas adjacent to pavements should be monitored to provide Just enough water to support plant life Should you have any questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact 5 the undersigned at your convenience S . ....... • ,,, . :''.. :': . Very truly yours, GEOC ORATED FESP E. Trevor E. Myers: (email) Addressee '(2) ' City Ventures ' ' ' . . . '. . ' ': ' ' • ' ' . - . . Attention: Mr. CarlosPaixao .• . , • • .•. • . .. . .. • 5 , .. •.. . .. , .:: : , ,..: :. Project No. 0,7290-52-13 , • '. : - 3 - • •. . My t7,2011 •.. ....,.•• ...• . . . TABLE •''• " "' 'I SUMMARY OF. FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS ' Field Req d Max. Field Rel.. Rd. Sample Dens. Dens Comp. Comp. Test No Date Location No (pcf) (pcI) (%) (%) AC 1 04/09/10 Sitio Avellana 15+00 Ad 153 7 148.4:- 97 95 AC 2 04/09/10 Sitio Avellana'14+00 ' . Ad '153.7 147.2 - 96 95 AC 3 04/09/10 Sitio Aveltana 12+50 AC!, 153.7 146.5 95 95 AC 4 04/09/10 Sitto Avellana 11+50 AC! 1533: :445.5 95 95 AC 5 04/09/10 SitioAvellana 10+00 , . . ,' ACI '; " 153.7, .145.9 ' 95, 95 AC .6 ' 05/25/10 Sitio 10+00 . . ' ' ' : :' ..A2 148.1 142.9 96. , 95 AC 7 05/25/10 Sitio Tortuga 12+35 AC2 '148.1 142 4 96 95 AC 8 05/25/10 Sitio Tortuga 10+00 AC2 '148.1 141.9:.96 95 AC 9 '05/25/10' Siti'o Tortuga '12+50 " AC2' '148.1 ' 141.6' ''.96 95 AC 10 '05/25/10 'SitiOTortuga'13 +75.. . " . : '. " ' AC2' , 148.1 " 142.6 . 96 95 AC 11 05/25/10 Sitio Tortuga 14+50 AC2 148 1 141.7 96 95 AC .12 05/25/10 Sitio Tortuga 15+!0 , A2 '' 148.1. .142.2 " 96. 95 AC :13 05/25f10 Sitio, Tortuga CDS10+00 . .. . . ' .AC2 . . 148.1 . .143.3 ' . 97 .95 Ac:. 14 :05/25/10: .SitioTortuga'lO-i-OO AC2'* 148.1 . 1453.'.. , .98 '.5 -..-,.,-------- '" ' : .,., AI'1.. ..1'AQI L I .DM)/LU 1UO 1orwga,1i,s-u tfl.L lto.z . . AC 16 05/25/10 Sitto Tortuga 12+75 AC2 148.1 144':1'.. 97 95 AC 17 05/25/10 Sitio Tortuga 13+85 AC2 148 1 140 1 95 95 AC 18 05/25/10 Sitio Tort uga154-10 AC2 1481 1412 95 95 AC 19" 11/29/10 SitioAelIana&R)'118 , :, '' AC3 144.4 ' .138.9 . 96: AC :20 11/29119 Sitio 4yeHana(R) 11+50' . ' I . . ' : ..AC3 .' 144A :. .140.2 . 97. 95 AC 21 11/29/10 Sitio Avellana (R&R) 12+00 AC3 1444 139 6 97 95 AC'. 22 , . : :11/29/10 'Sitio Avellana'(R&R) 12+50 . AC3' , .:. 139.2.:. ........, 96 95 AC 23 ' '11/29/10' Sitib Avellan'a(R&R) 13+10: . . ' ' AC3' ' - , '144.4 . 138:6'. :96 95 AC 24 11/29/10'Sitio Avellana(R&R)13+90 Ac3 1444 1388 96 95 AC 25 11/29/10 Sitio Avellana (R&R) 14+20 AC3 1444 139 1 96 95 AC 26 12/14/10 Sitio Avellana 10+10 AC4 1467 1387 95 95 AC :27.. 12/14/10 Sitio Avellana 11+00 ' ' .' ' . :- ' ..AC4 . 1467 . ' :138.9 . . 95 95 At 28 12/14/10 Sitio Aveltana 12+20 AC4 446.7 139'.6: 95 95 AC 29 12/14/10 Sitio Avellana 13+75 AC4 A46.7 140 1 96 95 AC'. 30 '12/14/10' SitioAvellana15+20 . " -' . ' 'AC4" . , '146.7 ' 139:2' . AC 31 04/12111 Sitio Tortuga l0+00 AC5 1472 .13.9.4 ~951. 95 Project No. 072905213 May17 2011 •'• •f 0.•:S• •• . •S'S 0 0 If •!I•S I•• 0 f 0 • • • ••• TABLE "'' " ": SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Field: Req'd: , ' ' .. 0 •' : Max. ' Field , Re!.;, 'Re!. Sample Dens Dens Comp Comp Test No Date Location No (pcf) (pci) AC 32 04/12/1! SitioTortugall+25 ACS 1472 1397 95 95 : 'AC" 33 '04/12/11 SitioTortüga'12+O0 .....' ' .:' .' AC5: '147.2......' , 139.9 . ':95 95 . AC 34 04/12/11'Si tioTortuga13+30 AC5 1472 1398 95 95 AC 35 04/12/11 Sitto Tortuga 14+50 ACS 147 2 139 5 95 95 - 0 :0: ':0 " 000 :: ". :0 000 •,: 0:. /0 , 0 / 0'O Project No 072905213 May17 2011 ........................................... TABLE'I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS • : ,Elev. Plus, Field Field Field Reqd.. • : or 3/4' Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Re!.. Rel.' Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No Date Location No (°"°) (pcf) (%) (pci) (%) (%) (%) B 1 03/23/10 Sitto Avellana 15+42 0 6 0 :128.7 .71: 1209 9.1. 94 95 B' IA '03/23/10 SitioAvel!ana'1'5+42 ' '0. 6 0 128.7 '7;3 123.2' 8.4 '96 :95 B 2 03/23/10 Sitio Avellana 14+70 0 6 0 128.3 7.3 .121.4 8 7 94 95 B 2 A 03/23/10 Sitio Avellana 14+70 0 6 0 128.7: 7.3 -:122.9 :8.7 95 95 B 3 03/23/10 Sitio Avellana 13+91 0 6 0 128.7.: 7.3 122.7 .8.0. 95 95 B 4 03/23/10 Sitio Avellana 13+22 0 6 0 129.7- 7.3 123.5 .8 .6 96 95 B 5 03/23/10 Sitio Avellana 12+40 0 6 0 .128.7 '73'': 122.6:' 91 95 95 B 6 03/23/10 Sitio Avellana 11+75 0 6 0 :128.7 .71 123.3:- 8.2. 96 95 B 7 03/23/10 Sitio Avellana 11+00 0 6 0 '128.7 '73 124.2' 7.6 97 95 B 8 03/23/10 Sitio Avellana 10+63 0 6 0 128 7 7 3 1208 86 94 95 B 8 A 03/23/10 Sitto Avellana 10+63' 0 6 0 129.7: 7.3 122.8 7.5 95 95 B 9 03/23/10 Sitio Avellana 10+60 1 6 0 128.7 7.3 .123.8 .8 .91 96 95 B 10 03/24/10 Sitio Avellana 10+45 0 6 0 128.7 7.3 122.4 101, 95 95 B 11 05/24/10 SitioTortugaCDS 10+00 0 7 0 .441.1 67 1384 69 98 95 B 12 05/24/10 Sitio Tortuga CDS 10+00 0 7 0 141 I 67 1402 -7.1. 99 95 B 13 05/24/10 SittoTortuga12+35 0 7 0 1411 67 1393 73 99 95 B 14 05/24/10 SittoTortuga13+25 0 7 0 1411 67 1382 74 98 95 B 15 05/24/10 SitioTortuga14+90 0 7 0 1 141 67 1357 8! 96 95 B 16 05/24/10 Sitio, Tortuga 14+85 0 7 0 1411 67 1353 72 96 95 B 17 05/24/10 Sitio Tortuga 15+35 ' " ' ' 0 • : :0 141.1 '.6.7 :1388 98 95 B 18 11/29/10 Sitto Avellana (R&R) 11+48 0 6 0 :128.7'73's,122.9: 9.0+ 95 95 B 19 11/29/10 Sitio Avellana (R&R) 11+50 0 6 0 128 7 7.3- 122.5 8 1 95 95 B' 20 '11/29/10 SitioAvellana'(R&R) 12400' "' ' ' • ' 0: , ' 6" 0 ' '128.7 '7.3' 123.1' 9.3 '''96 95 B 21 11/29/10 Sitio Avellana (R&R) 12+50 0 6 0 1281.7 - 7.3'' -.1.23.5 .8 .17 96 95 B 22 11/29/10 SitioAvellana(R&R) 13+10 0 6 0 1287 73 1229 81 95 95 B 23 11/29/10 Sitio Avellana (R&R) 13+90 0 6 0 128.7.: '7.3 .123.7 .7.7, 96 95 B 24 11/29/10 Sitio Avellana (R&R) 14+20 0 6 0 1287 7.3 1222 91 95 95 Project No 07290-52-13: May 17 2011 ......o........S.I..i..•..........ó..'.......I. TABLE I 'SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS • : : ': : ' .' ' 'Elev. , Plus . , Field Field Field.: Reqd.: . S or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel.: Rd. S Depth C.-'e Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No Date Location No (%) (pct) (%) (Pcf) 1 ..:.'03/10/10..Siio Avel1 a:12+20 . ...... S S :. , .0. ,3, , ' io :1.348 121.5: : 13.8 : 90 ' 95 'CO.' IA 03/17/10 SitioAvellana12+20 : ' 0: 3.. 10 ' '134.8 '7:9. 128.1' 10.1 ' '95 .95 CO 2 03/10/10 Sitio Avellana 11+48 0 3 10 134 8 7.9' 1209 19.5 90 95 CO 2A 03/17/10 Sitio Avellana 11+48 0 3 10 134.8: 7.9 1273 9 4 95 95 CO -:3 0311O/10 Sitio Avellana 13+73' . . ' ' ,: 0 - 3 .10 -- 134.8 : " 7.9 121.2 13.7 '90: ' " 95 CO 3A , 03/17/10 Sitio Avellana 13+73 ' . 5 0 , 3 .10' , 134.8 , 7.9 127.5 8.8 .95 5 '95 :c . 4 '03117110 SitioAvellana'1,0+08 "• ' ' ...' : ' " ' "Q, 2" 20 ' :123.8 11;4': 118.6: ' 12.1 ' 96 , '95 5 CO 5 03/17/10 Sitio Avellana: 12+04 0 2 20 1238 I.I.A.1178 116 95 95 ' 'CO 6 03/17/10 Sitio Avellana. 14+65 S • ' 5' ' '.0 2. .. 20 '123.8 11:4.' 119.2' 11.5' . '96 95' CG 7 03/17/10 Sitto Avellana 15+05 :0.1 0 131.3 90 125.1 9.6 95 95 CO 8 03/18/10 Sitio Avellana 15+40 0 6 0 128 7 7 3 122 1 9 1 95 95 CO ' :9: 03/18/10 SitioAvellana13+35" S ', 5 5 ' . ' 0 ': 6, :0' 128.7. 7.3 124.1 8.8' '96: ' 95 CO .10 - 03/18/10 Sitio Avellana 10+85 ' . ' , . 0 - 6 0' 128.7 7.3. 123.5 9.4' .9.6 95 'CG 11 '03/18/10, ,SitioAvellana'1,0+05 , S ' , ' • "0.: 6' 0 :128.7 7.3: 122.5:' . 8.9' - 95 '95 CC 12 ..03/18/10..Sitio Avelthfla:1:1+30 ' ,' '. : , " . '0' '6" 0 '128.7 73 124.6...97 :95 CC ' 13 '03/18/10 SitioAvellana'13+69 . , 0. 6:., 0 ' '128.7 '7:3. 123.3'.'. ' 9.9 '96 . 95 CG 14 03/18/10 Sitio Avellana 15+33 0 6 0 128.7 7.3' 1.23 .9 10.3 96 95 CC 15 05/18/10 Sitio Tortuga 14+90 0 3 10 1348 79 1299 91 96 95 CO , .16: 05/18/10 Sitio Tortuga 12+90 ' : ' ' 0 • :0' 132.1 : ' 8.7 128.4 , 8.7 ' '97: 95 S , , CO ' 17 05/18/10 Sitio Tortuga ll+10. ' ' .. S " ,. 0 ' 3 .0' 132.1 ' 8.7 126.6 10.1' 96.. 95 ' - CG:.'18 ' . '05/18/10 .Sitio Tortuga CDS 10+0O": , " . .: , " '0: $": 0 :132.1 '8:7:, 125.9:''- 9.4 .....95 "95 r CO 19 05/18/10 SittoTortuga12+50 0 3 10 1348 79 1302 81 97 95 CO 20 "05/18/10 SitioTortuga'14+50 " 1 ". '0' 3" . 10 '134.8, '79 129.0'.. 9.0' '96 '95 CO 21 05/19/10 SitioTortuga+00 :0.7 • l5 0 141 1 67 1370 67 97 95 CO 22 05/19/10 Sitio Tortuga 13+50 0 7 0 141 1 67 :435.0 :7.5, 96 95 CO 23 05/19/10 Sitio Tortuga CDS 10+00 0 7 0 14f.1 6.7 135.9 .6 .3 96 95 CO 24 05/19/10 Sitio Tortuga CDS 10+00 0 7 0 141.1 6.7 - 137.6 7.0 98 95 CC 25 05/19/10 SitioTortuga13+75 0 7 0 1411 67 1388 61 98 95 CO 26 05/19/10 SitioTortuga15+20 0 7 0 1411 6.7.:.1379 75 98 95 Project No 07290-5213 Mai f7, 2011 ......................................o........ TABLE - . . .. . .. SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd or 3/4 Adj Adj Dry Moist Rd Rel. - Depth . curve -lçk MDD OMC Dens. Cont; Comp Comp. Test No Date Location. (ft) No (%) (Pc (%) (pd) (%) (%) (%) 1T: 1 :03/03/10SitioAvellwia': . :-i:: •i:: 20 136.9 73 125.6 10.4.-.......92 90 Project No 07290-52-13: May 17 2011 f•f i:f 1 1I11 1 TABLE I' SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Plus . . Field Field Field: Req'd. .Elev. or 3/4" Adj.,. Adj. :Dy Moist. Rel. Rd. Depth curve .Roák MDD OMC Dens. .Cot Comp. Comp. Test No. Date : . ' Location '')' .• No.. (%) . .(%) (pet) iT 1 02/18/10 Sitio Avellana Xing 15+ 20 1 1 0 1:31.3 9'.0'' 117.8'': 13.7. 90 90 iT' 2 02118/10 Sitio Avellana Xing 14+60 " . -2: 1': 10 '134.1 ' 8:2 ' 123.3 10.7 " 92 90 iT 3 02/18/10'Sitio Avellana Xing 13+00 1 1 10 134 1 8.2 1246 .8 .8 93 90 iT 4 02/18/10 SitioAvelIanaXtngl3+80 2 2 30 1278 100 1186 132 93 90 if 5 02/18/10 Sitio Avellana Xing 12+10 1 2 40 132.1. 8.7 .121.3 133 92 90 iT 6. 02/18/10 Sitio Avellana Xing •10+90' . . . . . 2 1 2 .40 132.1 ' 8.7 : 122.7 12.11 93.. 90. iT 7 02/18/10 Sitio Avellana Xing 12+50 2 2 30 .:127.8 100 119.1: 12.9' 93 90 iT 8 02/20/10 Sitio Avellana 10+20 1 1 30 1399 6:5 125.7:- 90 90 90 iT iT 9 02/20/10 'Sitio Avellana: l2+10 " i' .2 2" 40 '132.1 8:7 120.4" 1190 10.1 165 '91 93 90 90 10 02120/10 3,ti,,AvlLiip13+00 1 2 30 1278 100 iT iT . 100 H9.9 177 94 90 90 II .12: 02/20/10 02/25/10 St1A JL14-05O Sitio Avellana 13+00 : ' ' . -1 2 . 2. 30 20: 1270 123.8:11.4 .114.7 13.2 . 93 iT 13. 02/25110 Sitio Avellana 10+90 '' . 1 2 :20 123.8 . 11.4 1.14.4 13.5 92 90. JT: 14 03/02/10 .'SitioAvellana'CDS9+80" : " -i: .1 10 : ::i.i .8:2. 125.0: 10.3 ' 93 90 IT: 15 :03/02/10 'Sitio Avellàna'CDS 19-M-. ' . '-1' '1" 10 134.1 .8:2 121.6' 12.3. '91 90 iT" 16 , '03/02/10 Sitio Avellana: CDS 15:1.10" 1 ' ' . " -i: ' 1" 10 134.1 8:2' 123.2' 11.0' : 92 "90 iT 17 03/02/10 SitioTortugaXing15+70 0 1 30 1399 65 1290 77 92 90 iT 18 03/02/10 Sitio. Tortuga Xing: 14+90 0 1 30 1399 65 1283 85 92 90 iT 19 03/02/10 Sitio TortugaXing14+10 0 1 30 1399 65 1276 84 91 90 iT :20. 03/02/10 Sitio Tortuga Xing 13+30 . . ' ' . , 0 1 , .30 139.9 6.5 : 129.7 8.2i '93. ' 90. iT 21 03/02/10 Sitio Tortuga Xing 12+60 0 1 20 1369 73 1241 107 91 90 IT 22 03/02/10" Sitio TortugaXing 11+80: ' '. ,., . ' :0: 'I:: 20 . 136.9 7:3', 125.3 . ' 11.1. ' ' ' 92 "90 JT 23 03/02/10 SitioTortugaXtngl0+75 0 1 10 1341 82 1222 102 91 90 'iT .24 03/30110 ' 'Sitio, Tortuga'WSide.ofRd 10+10 ', ,, ' , '0' . 1 .0 , '132.1. 8.7 1.19.2 1,2,2 .90.1 90 iT 25 03/30/10 SitioTortugaWSideofRdlO+75 0 2 20 1238 114 1129 145 91 90 iT 26 03/30/10 Sitio TortugaW Sid eofRd 12+40 0 3 0 132. L. 87 1195 117 90 90 iT .27. 03/30/10 .Sitio Tortuga W Side ofRd 14+15 ' . . ' , , 0 , . ' 1 .30, 139.9 6.5 128.1 8.4 '92. 90. iT 28 03/30/10 Siuo Tortuga W Side of Rd 15+00 0 1 30 1399 65 1290 7.6 92 90 'yr: 29 ".04/14/10" Sitio TortugaXing 11+90: ' ' ' ' : ' 71: 3:'. 0 .132.1 .8:7', 122.7: 11.4. ' ' 93 " '90 iT' 30 '04/14/10 Sitio Tortuga'Xingll+SO' . . '. -1. 3' 0 132.1 87 120.7" ' 109 91 ''90 Ptoject No.,07290.5213: . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' . ., May'17, 2011 TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd OT 3/4"' Adj... Adj. : Dry Moist. Rel.' Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No Date Location No (°7) (pci) - (%) (Pci) (%) (%) (%) RG 1 01/13/10 Lot 50 431 4 0 26 19 107 1168 115 92 90 'RG" 2 01/13/10 Lot 33 430: 2' 20 ' '123.8 11.4'. 113.8' 13.9 ' '92 90 RG 3 01/13/10 Lot 34 434 2 0 1165 141 1068 144 92 90 RG 4 01/13/10 Lot 45 436 2 30 1278 100 1144 141 90 90 RG -:5---01/14/10 Lot 4T ' '. 444 ' 2 ' :0: 116.5, ':14.1 , 106.9 ' 15.2' ' .92: ' 90 RG 6 01/14/10 Lot36 451 2 0 1165 141 1058 155 " 91 90 'RO:. 7, '01/14/10 Lot 37 ' H :. •":. . ' . H':. ' :460:, 1': 20 ' 136.9 '73':. 125.7 ' 7.5. " :92 : 90 RG 8 01/14/10 Lot46 458 2 0 1165 141 1061 168 91 90 'RG' 9 01/15/10 Lot 45 ' "' " ' ' '. 466. '2.": 20, '123.8 11:4, 109.9" 13.4 .89 "90 RG 9A 02/04/10 Lot 45. 466 2 20 1238 114 1124 152 91 90 RG 10 01/15/10 Lot -39, 469 3 40 1437 54 1329 71 92 90 RG 11. 02/02/10 Lot44 ' " , 473 .': 2 :0' 116.5.: 14.1 .104.1 18.8. 89:' , 90 RG ' I 1 02/04/10 Lot 44 ' ' ' " ' ' ' . 1 473 2 0' 116.5 14.1 107.7 17.2 '92: 90 RG':. 12 :02/02/10 Lot 4.3 . 477: 2'H 0 ' :116.5 141" 103'.2 " 19.9 ' '89 ' ' 90 12A "02/04/10"Lot43 " ' ' ''' "" " ' '477 '2:' 0 "116.5 14:1" 105.9" 16.9 ' " '91 '90 'RG' 13 ' '02/02/10 Lot 42 , " ' ' ' ' . ' H ' ' 480 ' 1' 0 ' 116.5 141" 102.1 ' 20.1 88 ' '90 RG .13 A' '02/04/10 'Lot 42 ... ' ' ' " ' ' " ' , 480 2' .0, 116.5, 14.1 .106.6' 17.4 92. ' 90 , RG 14 02/02/10 Lot 4l 481 1 30 1399 65 1258 87 90 90 RG .15: 02/02/10 Lot 40.: ' ., ' ' ' ' .:. ' 1 30: 139.9. , 6.5 .125.4 7.9: 90 . 90 RG 16 02/02/10 Lot 39 475 1 30 1399 65 1266 91 90 90 RG: 17 '02/02/10 Lot 65 :". :1 ": H' ' . ' :417. 4 H 0 126.9 10Th. 114'.3"H 10.9 ' ':90 "90 RG 18 02/02/10 Lot 64 422 1 30 1399 65 1273 86 91 90 RG. 19 '02/02/10' Loi52 421'. ' I'. 20 '136.9 17:3 '1233' 11.9 " 90 "90 ' RG 20 02/02/10 Loc53 429' 'F 30 1399 65 1269 123 91 90 RG 20 A 02/04/10 Lot 53 429 1 30 1399 65 127 1 82 91 90 RG 21'. 02/04/10 Lot 35.: ' : ': .' ' ' ' , :: 441 ,': 2 . 20H 123.8:11.4 , 114.4 13.2: .92: 90 RG ' 22, 02/04/10 Lot 48' ' ' • "' : 'i ' ' ' ' ' 444 " , 4 ':1,0 129.9 9.7 118.8. '13.1 91 90 RG'H 23 .:02/04/10'..L6t58 456: :2":: 20 :123.8 11.4" 111.2:'::: 13.7" :90 '90 : RG 24 02/04/10 Lot57 453 2 20 1238 114 1122 128 91 90 RG 25 02/04/10 Lot56 450 2 20 1238 114 1109 132 90 90 RG , 26 ' '02/04/10 'Lot 55..,, ' ... -' . '. ' ' ' 445' . 4' 10. '129.9,,, 9.7 .118.4 ' 11.2 '"'91.., 90 Project N.0.97290-52713.: May 17,2011 ' •' :' :," ' ' ' '." ' •••••••••S•f•••••••••••f••••••••f•••'••••••• TABLE :• : . . ' SUMMARY OF. FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS .. . . .' .., Elev. . . Plus. . : HField 'Field Field:. Req'd.:.,' or 3/4'-' Adj. Adj Dry Moist Rel.: Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No Date Location No (°"°) (pcf) m:(pci) (%) RG 27 02/04/10 Lot61 445 2 20 1238 114 1126 126 91 90 'RG'. 2' 02/04/10 Lot 54 .". ' 438: 2" 0116,5 141" 107.8'"16.8 . 93 90' RG 29 02/04/10 Lot 62.. 437 2 A. 1165 141 1056 164 91 90 RG 30 02/05/10 Lot 60" 450 1 30 1399 65 4 125 91 90 90 RG 31 02/05/10 Lot 59. 457 2 0 1165 141 1056 164 91 90 RG ':32, 02/05/16 '' ' " ' : ' Lot 62 ; . ' ' ' ' 437 ' 2 : : ' :0 116.5 ' ' 14.1 108.9 '' ' 14.4 93 . 90 RG 33 02/05/10 Lot 51 415 3 20 1376 71 1249 88 91 90 RG 34 02105/10 Lot 66 412 3 20 1376 71 1257 88 91 90 ,RG 35 , '03/19/10, Lot 63 ' ' ' , : ' 3' 20 ' 137.6 '7i' 126!2'." 8.5 . "192 . ' .90 " RG 36 04/21/11 Lot 50 431 3 20 1376 71 1246 76 91 90 Project No 07290-52 13 May 17 2011 ••.••i•••••••••••.••s••..f•f••.•sfsl•••.••f• ; '.. ' TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd or Adj. Adj. :Dry Moist. Rel; Re!. Depth. Curve . Roëk MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. :Date •' . Location (pci) .(%). (pcf). . (%) . (%)• SD 1 02/24/10 Sitio Avellana 15+66 5 1 10 1:34.1 .8:1:- 120.1:.:9.9 90 90 SD 2 02/24/10 Sitio Avellana 15+66 ' ' •' -3 .1 10 :1.34......2 122.3. 10.2' . 91 90 SD 3 02/25/10 Sitio Avellana 15+66 5 1 10 134.1 82 1218 97 91 90 SD 4 02/25/10 Sitio' Avellana 15+66 3 1 10 134.1: 8.2 122.3 9.4 91 90 SD :5'02/25/10 Sitio Avellana 15+66" : . -1 . '• 1 10 134.1 :'-',8.2 .124.1 10.2 93: 90 SD :6 03/01110 SitioAvellanaWSox15+82' .. . . . -5 . 1 .10 1341. 8.2 .122.2 11.1 9.1. 90 SD 7 03/01/10 Sitio Avellana 82 W Box 15+ 3 1 20 1369 '73: 125..1: 11.2 91 90 SD 8 03/01/10 Sitio Ave11ana E Box 15+81 5 1 20 136 9 71: 125.5:,, 10 .5, 92 90 SD 9 03/01/10 Sitio Avellana E Box 1541: . - 'O 3: 1 2 131.8 8.8 124.4 . 10.7 . 94 90 SD 10 03/04/10 Sitio Avellana B 115+82 2 2 30 1278 100 1166 140 91 90 SD 11 03/04/10 SitioAvel1anaB 115+82 1 2 30 1278 100 1160 119 91 90 SD .12: 03/04/10 Sitio Avellana B-1.15+82 ' -2 : 2 30: 127.8. '10.0 117.4 12.5 92: •• 90 SD 13' 03/04110 S itio Avellana B1 15+82 ' . . ' -1 . : 2 .10 120.0 12.7 ' . 1.11.2 14.6 93. 90 5D 14 : 03/05110 SitioTortugal5+30 .. . . .•2. .1 40 143.1 :5.6 130.4: . 6.6 . 91 '90 SD 15 03/05/10 Sitio Tortuga 14+50 1 1 40 ::143.1 .5;6'- 134.7:- 6.0. 94 90 SD. 16 03/05/10 SitioTortuga13+75 . -2: 2' 40 132.1 87 121.8 10.4 ' .92 90 SD 17 03/05/10 Sitio Tortuga, 13+15 3 2 40 1321 87 1209 113 92 90 SD 18 03/05/10 Sitio Tortuga 12+60 3 1 40 143.1:: 5.6 :133.1 7 0 93 90 SD .19: 03/05/10 Sitio Tortuga 12+05 : : . : -2 2 40' 132.1. : 8.7 .119.5 10.8. 90: 90 SD 20 03/10/10 Sitio Tortuga 11+80 . : . . 2 : 2 :401 132.1 . 8.7 . 120.4 11.1 '91. 90. SD 21 03/10/10 SitioTortuga10+70 3 3 10 1348 79 1254 97 93 90 SD 22 03/10/10 Sitiolortugal0+63 2 3 10 1348 79 1247 121 93 90 SD'. 23 '03/11/10' SitioTortuga12+90 . ' . . .. -.2: 1• 20 '137.6 '71" 126.6 10.9' . 92 90 SD 24 03/11/10 Sitio Tortuga 11+45 1 3 20 1376 1.1' 125.1 76 91 90 SD 25 03/11/10 Sitio Tortuga 9+85 1 3 20 137.6: 7.1 1283 1:1.4 93 90 SD 26 03/12/10 Sitio Tortuga 15+77 2 3 20 137.6 7.1 .124.9 9.8 91 90 SD 27 03/12/10 Sitio Tortuga 15+87 . . . . . . .. -2 . 3 .20 137. . 7.1 .126.6 .8.8 92.. 90. : SD 28 03/15/10 Sitio Tortuga 100+05 2 3 20 137 6 7 1 125 9 102 91 90 SD 29 03/15/10 Sitio Tortuga 10+08 I 3 20 137 6 7 I 1264 9.5.. 92 90 SD 30 03/18/10 Sitio Tortuga l5+88 5 3 10 1348 79 122. L 93 91 90 SD 31 03/18/10 SitioTortuga15+90 -4 3 10 134..8. 79 1229 104 911. 90 . .• ProjectNo 07290-5213 May 17 2011 ••. S••••••••S•:• • •• •S•S •• • •• ••.• •• ••••.• .5 . . . . TABLE - S. SS,, S SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS - Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd or 3(4. Adj.. • Adj. . Dry Moist. Rel.: Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No Date Location No (°"°) (pci) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) SD 32 03/23/10 Sitio Tortuga 15+93 2 3 10 04.8 7 9 123.1 12 1 91 90 SD 33 03/23/10 SitioTort6ga15+87 .5 5 - . S 5.5 :S,'• - 2 3 10 -- 1348 . 79 1243 121 .. 92 . 90 . -S -.--- - S -. - .- - .. - - . . ..•; 5 ,-- . - S S S - 55 - 55 S55 - 5 5 5 555 55. -. 55. 5.___.S . 5 5- 5 S 5S_ 5 - '_5 -- - -. ,5 p Jk I Project No.. 07290-5213 May .17 2011 - 55•, - •'555 5555 5 5 5 :' . - :. - 'S. S -- :1O• • •• ••••• I:••• •.• ...S S.. ••••••S • : . ,:. TABLE • SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req d or 3/4 Adj Adj Dry Moist Rd Re].* Depth curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No Date Location t) No (%) (pcf) (%) - (pcf) SO 1 03/17/10 Sitio Avellana 10+50 - 1 2 20 413.8 -it -4:, 1152 12.1. 93 95 SG IA 03/17/10 SitioAvellana 10+50 1 2 20 1238 114 1181 121 95 95 SO 2 03/17/10 Sitio Avellana 12+35 0 2 30 '127.8 100 122.8+ 109 96 95 SG 3 03/17/10 Sitio Avellana 13+73 0 2 20 123.8 11.4 :118.4 :113 96 95 SO 4 03/17/10 SitioAvellana 14+86 0 2 20 1238 114 1175 124 95 95 SO 5 03/17/10 Sitio Avellana 15+05 0 2 30 127.8. 100 .12.1.7 .1-1.5 95 95 SO: 6' 05/18/1O.iSitioTortugaCDS 10+00:: ••• .' S .• : •' lOS .134.8 7.95: 126.1: . • 8.1: ' 94 . "95 - SG 6 A 05/18/10 Sitio Tortuga CDS 10+00 0 3 10 134 8 7.9:+ 127.0- 84 95 95 SG* 7 05/18/10 Sitio Tortuga CDS 11+50 0 3 10 '-134.8 7.9 .127.7- 84 95 95 SG .8 :05/18/105 1 Sitio Tortuga CDS, 13+00 - .. 5 0.,'3 i0 134.8.. 7.9 129.2 8.9 • 9 95 . ,. SO 9 05/18/10 Sitio Tortuga CDS 14+50 0 3 10 134 8 7 9 1300 9 2 96 95 SG AO 05/18/10 Sitio Tortuga CDS 15+50 0 3 10 134.8: 7.9 A29.1 86 96 95 _.5• -' 5..t •.'• .:. 5-,. 5 'S .' St. St 5'.,. S • S 5•. 5- - 'S • . - 5- 4.-- -- . S S '5. S 5 5, . ., _ -_. 5- .. - S - '-S • S . S S•S, •SS, •S, SS, , S t , '_•-S' -' '''•S Project No. 07290-5213 May17 2011 ........................................... TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd or 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist Re! Re! Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No Date Location t) No (%) (pci) (%) (PCI) (%) (%) (%) SL I 12/01/09 Sitio Avellana 15+50 3 1: 30 1399 65 125.9-: 8.1 90 90 SL 2 12/01/09 Sitio Avellana 15+15 -2 1 10 134.1 8.2: 120.8 9.7 . 90 90 3 12/01/09 Sitio Avellana 14~20 SL ,10 3 I 10 134 1 8 2 121.4- 2 91 90 SL 4 12/01/09 SitioAvellana 13+55 2 2 20 1238 114 1132 133 91 90 SL 5 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 12+70 4 1 10 1 134 8.2 123.1 :83 92 90 SL 6 12/02/09 Sitio Avel1ana 12+05 4 1 10 .134.1., 8.2 .122.5 .9 .1 91 90 SL 7 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 11+30 2 2 10 1200 12.7 1100 13.6 92 90 SL 8 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 10+90 -4 1 20 1:36.9 7 3 122 9 7.3 90 90 SL 9 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 10+30 2 1 10 .134.1 82 121 0 94 90 90 SL 10 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 15+65 3 I 10 134-1.. :8:2ABA:'9 3 92 90 SL 1 7 11 12/02/09 Sitto Avellana 15+65 2 1 0 131 3 90 120 1 103 91 90 SL 12 12/21/09 Sitio Tortuga l0+30 6 3 0 1321 87 1198 107 91 90 SL :13 . 12/21/09 SitioTortugalO+63 : . . 4 3 .0 132.1. 8.7 :122.1 .9.2 92. 90 SL 14 12/21/09 SitioTortugalO+58 2 3 20 1376 I3fl 71 87 1233 1167 99 19 90 08 90 98 SL 15 1J11I89 -4 SL 16 12/21/09 Sitto Tortuga- ll+15 3 3 3 8 30 1406 62 1271 85 90 ------------------ 90 SL 17 12/23/09 Sitio Tortuga 14+85 -4 3 10 134.8 T9*, 122 8 7.7 91 90 SL 18 12/23/09 Sitio Tortuga 13+9 1 3 3 10 134 8 7 9 124 3 83 92 90 SL 19 12/23/09 Sitio Tortuga 14+82'.5 3 30 1406 62 1287 72 92 90 SL :20 12/24/09 Sitiolortuga 15+72 . • •. . . . 4 . 3 30 140.6.. . 6.2 .126.3 :8.0 .90. . 9 . . SL 21 12/24/09 SitioTortuga15+54 3 3 20 1376 71 1250 72 91 90 SL 22 12/24/09 Sitio Tortuga 15+22 -4 :3-1 20 i.37.6 7 f. -127.9... 6 8 93 90 SL 23 12/28/09 Sitio, Tortuga 12+31 4 1. 30 1406 61' 126.7-- 6.9 90 90 SL 24 12/28/09 Sitio Tortuga 12+33.2 1 10 134 1 8 2 120 8 9 7 90 90 SL 25 12/28/09 Sitio Tortuga 11+15 -4 1 30 1399 65 1.27 .1 70 91 90 SL 26 12/28/09 Sitio Tortuga 14+82 2 3 20 137.6 7.1 :125.8 .:8.1 91 90 Project No 07290-52-13 'May 7, 2011 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No Date . Location : Elev. or Depth (ft): Cu rve No :PI 3/4" Rock (°"°) . Adj. MD D (pcO " Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens (peD Field Moist. Cont (%) Field Rel. Comp (%) Req'd Rel. Comp (%) SM' 1. 12/01/09"SitioAvel1ana15+55 . ... .. . ...4 ..::: 0." 431.3 90' 117.9..:: 9.3 ' 90 :90 SM: 2' 12/01/09 'SitioAvellana•15+00 . ' , . ' .3 O 131.3 90 120.1 9.1' 91 90 SM 3 12/01/09 Sitio Avellana MH 14+00 5 1 0 131 3 90 118.3- 104 90 90 SM 4 12/01/09 Sitio Avellana 13+50 3 1 0 131.3. 90 1199 9 6 91 90 SM . 5 .12/02/09 'Sitio Avellana MH:12+63 '. . . ••4 1 - .20. 136.9: 73 :122.9 76 90' 90 SM 6 12102/09 Sitio Avellana 12+63 2 1 40 143.1:. .5 .6 .130.5 7.5 91 90 SM: 7' : ':12/02/09 'SitioAvellana:12+00 ':. . , : '. 4 '1 , 0 .131.3 9:0.: 121.8' : 10.4.. 93 :90 ..Sm.8 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 11+60 2 1 20 1369 73 1245 7.6 - 91 90 SM: 9' 12/02/09 'Sitio Avellana MH 114.49 ' ' ' -6 '1 20 136.9 7.3 123.4' 8.0 90 .90 SM 10 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 11+20 6 2 0 '116.5 14A ..106.7, 14.3 92 90 SM 11 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 10+90 4 2 10 120.0 12.7 140.3 :13.7 92 90 SM 12 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 10+55 2 2 10 1200 12.7 1109 119 92 90 SM .13 12/02/09 Sitio .AvëllanaMH.10+20 ' ' . .. -6 1 30 139.9. 6.5 .127.7 8.0 '91 90 SM 14 12/02/09 Sitio Avellana 10+20 3 1 20 136.9 7.3: 122.8' 9A 90 90 SM 15 12/21/09 SitioTortugalO+70 6 3 30 1406 62 1266 90 90 90 SM 16 -SitioTortugall+50 -4 12/23/09 ------------------- 3 10 1348 79 1226 92 91 90 SM 17 12/23/09 Sitio Tortuga ll+75 2 3 10 1348 79 1231 87 91 90 SM 18 12/23/09 SitioTortuga12+10 -4 3 30 1406 62 1299 67 92 90 SM 19 12/23/09 Sitio Tortuga 13.i-00 5 3 10 1348 79 1229 82 91 90 SM - 20 12/23/09 Sitio Tortuga 12+80 7 3 10 134.8. 7.9 .122.3 .10 .1 91 90 SM 21 12/23/09 Sitio Tortuga 12+65 3 3 10 134 8 7.9]. 124.2' 9.0: 92 90 SM 22 12/23/09 Sitio Tortuga 13+95 6 3 20 1376 T1- 1247 72 91 90 SM: 23 '12/23/09 ' 'Sitio Tortuga '14+50 • . , ' '-3 . 3 20' "137.6 7.1 126.3" 7.9' ' 92 90 SM 24 12/23/09 Sitio Tortuga 14+90 8 3 30 1406 62 131.0 :' 6 1 93 90 SM 25 12/24/09 SitioTortuga15+00 5 3 10 1348 79 1229 80 91 90 SM 26 12/24/09 Sitio Tortuga15+10 3 3 10 1348 79 1212 96 90 90 SM ' 27 12/24/09 SitioAvéllanaMH.15+35 • ., -8' 3 30 140.6. 6.2 :1268 , 7.0 • '90 90: SM 28 12/24109 :'Sitio Avellana MI-I 15+35 -4 3 30 1406 6.2: 128.21 6.3' 91 90 SM 29 12/24/09 Sitio Avellana 15+55 - 6 3 30 140 6 62 130 1 6.7. 93 90 SM 30 12/24/09 Sitio Avellana MH 15+75 5 3 20 .137.6 7A.. 124.8. 8.3 91 90 SM 31 12/24/09 Sitio AvellanaMH 13+66 7 3 20 1376 7.4 .1.21.2+ 70 88 90 Project No. 07290-52-13 ' . ' . : • ' . . ' :' May 17, 2011 • : ': "'. . : TABLE ,•••: • . . .: . ..• SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd or • 3/4" Adj.: Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rd. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp Test No. Date •• Location . • (ft) No.. . (%) (t)• (%) (pa)... (%). SM 31.A:.::12,24/09.Sitio Ave1láMH 13+66 - .::::: . .. •. .. . :3:: . 20. :1376 ,..7y1:.. - 124;5 9.0......90 ......90 SM 32 12/28/09 SitioAvdllanaMl-113i-66: . . . . .9 . i 10 :134.8 . 79. 122.1-. 8.4 91 .90 SM 33 12/28/09 Sitto Avellana 13+35 5 1 20 A36.9 IS 128.4 7.2 94 90 SM 34 12/28/09 Sitto Avellana MH 13+66 3 2 0 116 .-*5 14.1 104.8 17 2 90 90 SM :35 12/28/09 SitioAvellanaMH12+43 . .. . 7 1 :30 139.9 6.5 :127.6 :74 91 90 SM 36 12/28/09 SttioAvellanaM.H 12+43 4 2 0 1165 141 1077 144 92 90 SM 37 12/28/09 SiuoAvelianaMHll+ll 6 2 0 1165 141 1050 162 90 90 SM 38 12/28/09 SitioAvellanaM.H 11+11 2 1:: 10 1341 82 1224 80 91 90 SM 39 12/29/09 SitioTortugaMH10-s38. - --- . . .. .3 3• 10 134.8 79: 123.1 •. 9.1 - . 91 90 SM 40 12/29/09 Sitio Tortuga MHlO+38 2 3 10 1348 79 1242 98 92 90 SM 41 12/29/09 SitioTortugal0+35 10 3 10 1348 79 1229 87 91 90 SM :42 12/29/09 S.itio Tortuga lO+35 : •• I . -9.. : 3 :10 134.8: 7.9 :122.7 . :&9 . •9 . 90 -- SM - 12/29/09 .Sitio Tortuga MH9+97 - . : . -6: 3 .10 134.8.. : 7.9 - .124.9 .8.1 93. 90 SM 44 12/29/09 SitioTortugaMH9+97 3 3 10 1348 79 1225 79 91 90 Project No 07290-52-13 , 'May-17,2011 ••f••••f•Sf••••i••f••IIfIf•Sf••••••I••••SI• TABLE I. . . SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS • . : - ..:. . : . :. . . :. Elev. :..:: Plus .. . . . Field . Field Field Re'd.:. or 3/4 Adj. Adj.. Dry Moist. Rd., Rd.. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont Comp Comp :Test No. 'Date : Location ('O: No": (%) (0 (%) '(°k) .(%) SW 1 06/21/10 Lot 52; SDGE Pad 0 2 0 1165 141 1085 138 93 90 SW 2' 06/21/10 Lot 54; SDGE Pad . 4 0 1269 10.7. 114.7 10.6 .:' 90 90 SW 3 06/21110'.Lot 58 SDGE Pad.. 0 4 0 1269 107 115.4''99 91 90 SW 4 06/21/10 Lot35 SDGEPad 0 I 0 1313 90 1274 116 97 90 SW . '5 06/2:1/10 Lot 37;'SDGE Pad •. . . '• 0. '1 1 0 131.3: 9.0 .128.0 :99 97 90 SW ._6 06/21/10 Lot 38;SDGE Pad: .... . .,- 0: 2 0 1165 14.1 106.1 14.7 91. 90 SW 7 06/21/10 Lot 42; SDGE Pad 0 1 0 1313 90 1237 89 94 90 SW 8- 07/28/10,:Lot 50 0 2 0 1165 141 106.2::136 91 90 .SWI 9' '07/28/10 "Lot48 . . . I '0 '2' 0' 116.5 14:1. 107.4 . 12.9 92 90 SW 10 07/28/10 Lot 47 0 2 0 1165 141 1050 147 90 90 SW Ii 07/28/10 Lot 36 0 2 0 1165 141 1053 142 90 90 SW 12 07/28/10 Lot 35 0 2 0 1165 141 1086 151 93 90 SW 13 07/28/10 Lot 34 . '' : . :' 01 .. : 2 . •O 116:5 14.f :106.3 :14.0 91 90 SW' 141 07128/lO, Lot 33 . " . : 0 1. 0.1116.5 :14:1: 106.4: 13.4 91 :.90 15 ''08/18/10"Lot42 ", ' .' •• . •o ' 10-':120.0 12:7: 109.511' 14.1........ 91 90 SW. 16 08/18/10 Lot44 " -- " 1'" . -- 0 '2' 101 -120.0 12:7 108.4 0.0 90 :90 •; SW 17 08/18/10 Lot 45 0 4 0 1269 107 1146 128 90 90 SW A8 08/18/10 Lot 38 0 4 10 1299 97 1182 124 91 90 SW 19 08/18/10 Lot 39 0 1 A0 1341 82 1208 112 90 90 SW :20 08/18/10 Lot 41 . • : . . . . 1 :10 134:1: 8.2 122.3 10.9 .91 90 SW 21 10/29/10 Lot 66 0 3 40 1437 54 1315 63 92 90 'SW 22. '110/29/10"L6t64 ,: - - .... .::, ...3 '3" 20 :137.6 7'. 1:, 129.2:- 7.8 :94 sWI 23 10/29/10 Lot 62 " " 1 . 30. 140.6 6:2. 128.1 7.9 : 91 :90 SW .24 10/29110 Lot 60.. . , 0......3 .40 143.7.. '5:4 .131.7 .7.5 ' 92.. ..... SW 25 02/14/11 Lot .58::.* 0 3 10 1348 79 1235 74 92 90 SW :26 . 02114111 Lot 58 1" ' . ;. . 0 3 :10 134.8: 7.9 123.5' 74 ' 92 . 90. SW :27 02/14/11 Lot 56. .. : : 0: 3 .10 134.8: 7.9 :113.2 : 8.1 '91 90 $W 28 02/14/11 Lot 54 0 3 20 1376 71 1266 80 92 90 "SW' 29' '02/14/11- W-53 :'.. ".'. '", . ...... • ,:: 20:137.6 '7:1: 124.8: 7.2" 91 "90 SW 30 02/14/11 Lot 51 0 3 20 1376 71 1280 75 93 90 Project No.:072905213' .. 'May 17,2011 I I I . , . . • . .. . . .. . . . . . 1 . , ' . TABLE V V SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd or - 3/4' Adj. Adj. Diy Moist. Rel. Rel.. Depth Curve Rock MDD OM Dens Cont Comp Comp V :. .:TëstNo. Date V •. Location No (q0) (pcf) (%). (PC!): WL VV 02/05/10Sitio Avellàna 12+85 V: V VVVV: •VVVV V 4 Il. 10:134.1 82 124.0: 10.5 92 -:90 WL 2 02/05/10 Sitio Avellana 15+21 1 1 10 134.1 8 2 12-1.1 9.5 90 90 WL 3 02/16/10 Sitto Avellana 15+40 2 5 0 134.4..7 9 .122.5' ..8.7 91 90 WL 4 02/16/10 Sitto Avellana 14+84 1 1 10 134 1 8 2 123 7 97 92 90 WL 5 02/16/10 Sitio Avellana 15+05 1 1 10 134 1 82 122.8 10 1 92 90 WL .6 02/16/10 Sitio,Avellana i431 V I : 1 V 10 J34.l : 8.2 :123.5 V :9.9 92 • 90 • • V WL 7 02/17/10 SittoAvellana 13+37 2 5 0 1344 79 1246 107 93 90 wL 8 V V02/17/10VSitio Avellana 10+25 V: •V• :.V •VV:V V 5• w 0 :134.4 7:9 121.1 . 8.7.......90 • V:VV90 WL 9 02/17/10 Sitio Avellana 10+20 2 51, 0 1344 7:9. 121.7- 91. 91 90 WL 10 02/17/10 Sitto Avellana 10+30 0 1 30 1399 65 --------------------- 127.7' 82 91 90 WL 11 02/17/10 SittoAvellanall+80 1 1 30 1399 65 1266 72 90 90 WL 12 02/17/10 Sitto Avellana 11+22 1 1 30 1399 6.5 .:125.5 T8 90 90 V V WL V :13 02/17/10 Sitio.Avellana : . : . •. 0: . . J . 30 139.9: . 6.5 126.6 .8.1 90 90 : V WL 14 02/25/10 Sitto Avellana 10+19 1 1 30 159.9 6.'5. 126.2' 7.7 90 90 WL 15 03/19/10 SitioTortuga10+45 1 3 10 1348 79 1235 89 92 90 WL 16 03/19/10 SitioTortuga13+81 - 1 3 10 1348 79 1232 93 91 90 WL 17 03/19/10 SitioTortuga12+94 1 3 10 1348 79 1251 78 93 90 WL 18 03/19/10 SitioTortuga12+21 1 3 10 1348 79 1248 77 93 90 WL 19 03/22/10 Sitto Tortuga 14+70 1 3 AO 134.8: 7.9 A25.1 .:81 93 90 WL 20 03/22/10 Sitio Tortuga 12+50 1 3 10 134.,8:. 7.9 1240 .9 .3 92 90 Project No 072905213 May-17 2011 .....................:......o................. TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS - Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd or 3/4 Adj. -Adj.Dry MoisL Re! Re! Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens Cont comp.,Comp Test No. Date : Location ::' ' (ft) No:'''. '(%) .:.(pd) - ç%). '(Pd): . (%) (°') Wrvl 1 02/05/10 Sitio Avellana 13+30 1 2 10 1200 127 1094 13.1 91 90 WM 2 02/05/10 Sitio Avellana 12+50 2 5 0 1344 T9 125.1- 8 2 93 90 WM 3 02/05/10 Sitio Avellana 10+80 2 5 0 1344 7.9 1244 8.9 93 90 WM 4 02/05/10 Sitio Avellana 15+20 1 1 0 131 3 90 1184 94 90 90 WM 5 02105/10 Sitio Avellana 14+40 2 5 0 1344 79 1243 10 1 92 90 WM 6 02116/10 Sitio Avellana 14+80 1 1 10 134j: 82 1226 97 91 90 WM 7 02/16/10 SitioAvelIana15+10 1 1 10 1341 82 1232 106 92 90 WM 8 02/16/10 Sitio Avellana 13+90 2 5 0 1344 7 9 121'.!:'*8.9 91 90 WM: 9, '02/l7/1O 'SitioAvellana'10+30 ",' ". . "-i '5". 0' '134.4 7.9: 121.3' ' 10.1 90 : '90 WM 10 02/17/10 Sitio Avel1ana15+80 2 5 0 134.4..79 1222 90 91 90 WM 11 02/17/10 Sitio. Avellanall+80 1 1 10 1341 82 1219 88 91 90 WM A2 02/17/10 Sitio Avellana 13+00 1 1 AO 134.1: 82 "123.1 90 92 90 WM T :13 02/25/10 Sitio:Avellana 13+60 ': ' . : . . : 2 . 30 127.8: :10.0 :118.4 ' ' 12.1 :93. 90 WM 14 02/25/10 Sitio Avellana 14+70 1 2 30 '127.8 100 1147 13 3 90 90 wM: 15' '03/11/10'''SitioAvellãnaI5+68 '':': ', '''' ' '' ' -2 '5''' 0 '134.4 7.9: 121.1: 94......90 ' :90 WM 16 03/19/10 Sitio Tortuga 15+44 2 5 0 1344 79 1217 86 91 90 WM 17 03/19/10 Sitio Tortuga12+20 2 5 0 1344 79 1220 81 91 90 WM ' ' 03/19/10 Sitio:Tortuga 14+03,: ''.:,. .:... -2' :.. 5 :1:0 , 134.4 7.9 :121.5 :9.3 '9Q: ' L. WM 19 03/19/10 Sitio Tortuga lO+57 2 5 0 1344 79 1230 79 92 90 WM 20 03/19/10 Sitio:Tortuga 10+82 ' , : . ' . , - 1 ' :,o 1.31.3 : 9.0 :120.5 :10.6 ''.92. 90, - WM 21 03/19/10 Sitio Tortuga 15+35 1 3 10 1348 79 1219 85 90 90 'WM' 22' "03/l9/10"SiiioTougà'13+34 " . " " ' ' ;i: "3'. 10.:134.8 '7.9: ' 122.61. 9.6 " ' 91 '".90 WM 23 03/19/10 SitioTortugall+78 1 3 10 1348 79 1234 102 92 90 WM 24 03/19/10 Sitio Tortuga 10+40 - 1 3 10 1348 79 1220 .9.5- 91 90 WM 25 04/14/10 SiuoTortugaTiem16+00 2 3 10 1348 79 1258 89 93 90 ProjectNo 07290-5213 May- 17, 2011 -'•' . . - - - .. S •5 5 -•. S S ' - TABLE II SUMMARYOFLABORATORY.MAXIMUMDRYDENSITY- ' , • - - AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESIJLTSY V ASTMD1557 4 / Sample - t - Maximum Optimum No. , Description Dry Density Moisture Content (pcf) (% dry weight) 1 Light reddish brown, Silty to Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 131.3 9.0 2 Yellowish brown, Clayey, fine to mediumSAND 116.5 14.1 3 Reddish brown, Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 132.1 8.7 4 - Reddish brown, Clayey, fine to medium SAND 126.9 10.7 5 Dark reddish brown, Silty, fine to coars SAND (Shading) - 134.4 7;9 6 Olive brown, Sandy GRAVEL (Class 2 Recycled Base) 128.7 5 7.3 7 Dark olive brown, Sandy GRAVEL (Class 2 Base) 141.7 6.7 ,- -. S , S - -. ., .-... f - -•• . , .. 5 - - '1 •";: - TABLE III S SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Test 2006 Greenbook Maximum Theoretical Hveem . Sample Specifications No. Aggregate Maximum Maximum Stability Table 400-4.3 (B) Size (inch) - Density (pcf) Density (pcf) AC-1 3/4 158.3 -153.7 40 >35 - AC-2 3/4 153.9 -- 148.1 - - 45 ., ~!35. AC-3 ½ - 151.8 144.1 42 ~35 ' AC-4 ½ 151.0 - 146.7 - 35 >35 ; AC-5 ½ - 151.2 147.2 r 35 >35 / 5- *Green Book refers to as Asphalt % - -- - • Project No 072905213 May 17, 2011 f5 1' 3/4-Inch Aggregate / - _____________________________ 2006 preenbook Specifications: Test Type ecIion - S S Sample No: AC-i m Saple No. AC-2 - Type II Class Analysis Sieve- Analysis ASTM C 136 % passing % passing %passing, (sieve size) ______________________________ ______________________________ S 1 inch i00' : 100 100 , 11 100 3/4 inch - 98 87-100 ½inch 72 78 7087 j %inch 62 67 55-76 1 No4 49 45 3552 No.8 38 - - 33. 22-40 - No 30- - - 19 18 - 8-24 No. 50 11 , 11 5-18 No. 200 4 4 07 Oil Content (%)* - ASTMD63O7 5.6 4.5-5.8 • • TABLE IV . -.' SUMMARY OF LABORATORY AGGREGATE BASE GRADATION a AND SAND EQUIVALENT TEST RESULTS Caltrans Specification Test Type Sample No. 6 Sample No. 7 Class 2 Aggregate Base - Section 26 I Sieve Analysis I (sieve size) % passing % passing % passing ASTM D 422 • 1 inch 100 100 -- 100 - 1/4 inch 96 96 90-100 j No. 4 55 52 35-60 No. 30 26 27 10-30 - No. 200 6 9 - 29 Sand Equivalent ASTM D 2419 60 37 225 I TABLE SUMMARY OF LABORATORYASPHALTCONCRETE GRADATION AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS 1 -r .' . I O TABLE VI . SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE GRADATION 0 S AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS 1/2-Inch Aggregate 2006 Greenbook / TestType Specifications - t . . Sample No. AC-3 Sample No. Aç.4 Sample No. AC-5 Section 400-4. Class C3 Sieve Analysis 2 ASTMC 136 '' . . %passing (sieve size) passing passing passing ~ inch 100 100 100 100 ½ inch 96 198 95 89-100 3/sinch 82 86 84 74-100 No. 4 . - 65. 64 . 57 . 50-78 No.8 48. 41, 40 ,32601 No. 30 22 . .21 23 14-38 No. 200 4 5 5 210 ontent (%)*.. F S S . 6.0 . 5.9 4Ib63o7 6.5 .6-7.0 • *Geen Book refers to as Asphalt % S t .1 • 0 - • t. I p 1- ( I, • . / . 5 S • 0 • II • 4 a' - '-S ,'1 0,•• ' S Project No 072905213 May17 2011 I 1