HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 04-06; Palomar Pointe; Geotechnical Engineering Investigation; 2001-11-05Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Office Development 1815 Aston Avenue Carlsbacl, California DECEIVED AUG 0 9 Mk' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT o / o 111 '~^jl^lllll o SOILS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Office Development 1815 Aston Avenue Carlsbad, California Prepared For: Lanikai IVIanagement Corporation 1815 Aston, Suite 106 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn.: Mr. Larry Jett Project Number 9623-01 November 5, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Project Description 2 2.0 Site Description 2 3.0 Site Exploration 2 4.0 Laboratory Tests 4.1 Field Moisture Content 3 4.2 Maximum Density Tests 3 4.3 Expansion Index Tests 4 4.4 Atterberg Limits 4 4.5 Sulfate Tests 4 4.6 Direct Shear Tests 4 4.7 Consolidation Tests 4 5.0 Seismicity Evaluation 4 6.0 Liquefaction Evaluation 5 7.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 7.1 Site Grading Recommendations 6 7.1.1 Removal and Recompaction Recommendations 6 7.1.2 Fill Blanket Recommendations 7 7.2 Shrinkage and Subsidence 8 7.3 Temporary Excavations 8 7.4 Foundation Design 8 7.5 Settlement Analysis 9 7.6 Lateral Resistance 9 7.7 Retaining Wall Design Parameters 10 7.8 Slab Design 10 7.9 Pavement Section Design 11 7.10 Utility Trench and Excavation Backfill 12 7.11 Corrosion Design Criteria 12 8.0 Closure 12 NorCal Engineering Soils and Geotechnical Consultants 10641 Humbolt Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 799-9469 Fax (562) 799-9459 November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Lanikai Management Corporation 1815 Aston, Suite 106 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn.: Mr. Larry Jett RE: Geotechnical Engineering Investigation - Proposed Office Development (+14 Acre Parcel) - Located East of 1815 Aston Avenue, in the City of Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Jett: Pursuant to your request, this firm has performed a Geotechnical Engineering Investigation for the proposed commercial development at the above referenced project. The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the subsurface conditions of the subject site and to provide recommendations for the proposed self storage development. The scope of work included the following: 1) site reconnaissance; 2) subsurface geotechnical exploration and sampling; 3) laboratory testing; 4) engineering analysis of field and laboratory data; and 5) preparation of a geotechnical engineering report. It is the opinion of this firm that the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided that the recommendations presented in this report are followed in the design and construction of the project. November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 2 1.0 Project Description It is proposed to construct an office development as shown on the site plan. Other improvements will consist of property line screen walls, concrete and asphaltic pavement and landscaping. The buildings will be supported by a conventional slab-on- grade foundation system with perimeter-spread footings and isolated interior footings. It is assumed that the proposed grading for the development will include minor cut and fill procedures. Final building plans shall be reviewed by this firm prior to submittal for city approval to determine the need for any additional study and revised recommendations pertinent to the proposed development, if necessary. 2.0 Site Description The approximately 14 acre subject site consists of an irregular shaped parcel located easterly of College Avenue and southerly of Aston Avenue, in the city of Carlsbad. The parcel is elongated in a east to west direction with topography of the property descending from west to east. The property is currently undeveloped land which contains minor scattered debris and small stockpiles of fill, concrete and debris in the southeasterly portion. Outcroppings of bedrock are located throughout the site. Moderate to heavy vegetation was noted throughout the parcel. 3.0 Site Exploration The investigation consisted of the placement of seven (7) subsurface exploratory trenches by a backhoe to a maximum depth of 9 feet below current ground elevations. The explorations were visually classified and logged by a field engineer and geologist with locations of the subsurface explorations shown on the attached Site Plan. The depth of the excavation was limited due to the hardness of the bedrock. The exploratory trenches revealed the existing earth materials to consist of a disturbed top soil/fill and natural soil/bedrock. A detailed description of the subsurface conditions are listed on the excavation logs in Appendix A. t NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 3 Disturbed Top/Fill Soils: A disturbed/fill soil classifying as a brown, silty CLAY to clayey SAND was encountered across the site to a depth of 6 inches. These soils were noted to be firm to medium dense and dry due to past weathering. Natural: An undisturbed native soil classifying as a brown, silty CLAY bedrock material was encountered beneath the upper surface soils. These native soils were observed to be stiff to very hard and dry to moist. The high density of these soils limited the depths of our excavations. The overall engineering characteristics of the earth material were relatively uniform with each excavation. No groundwater was encountered to the depth of our trenches and no caving occurred; however, the soils in portions of the site have contained water in the upper +2 feet during the rainy season. 4.0 Laboratory Tests Relatively undisturbed samples of the subsurface soils were obtained to perform laboratory testing and analysis for direct shear, consolidation tests, and to determine in- place moisture/densities. These relatively undisturbed ring samples were obtained by driving a thin-walled steel sampler lined with one inch long brass rings with an inside diameter of 2.42 inches into the undisturbed soils. Bulk bag samples were obtained in the upper soils for expansion index tests and maximum density tests. Wall loadings on the order of 4,000 Ibs./lin.ft. and maximum compression loads on the order of 100 kips were utilized for testing and design purposes. All test results are included in Appendix B, unless otherwise noted. 4.1 Field moisture content (ASTM:D 2216) and the dry density of the ring samples were determined in the laboratory. This data is listed on the logs of explorations. 4.2 Maximum density tests (ASTM: D-1557-00) were performed on typical samples of the upper soils. Results of these tests are shown on Table I. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 4 4.3 Expansion index tests in accordance with the Uniform Building Code Standard No. 29- 2 were performed on remolded samples of the upper soils. Results of these tests are provided on Table II. 4.4 Atterberg Limits (ASTM: D 4318-84) consisting of liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index were performed on representative soil samples. Results are shown on Table III. 4.5 Sulfate tests to determine the potential corrosive effects of soils on concrete were performed in the laboratory. Test results are provided on Table IV. 4.6 Direct shear tests (ASTM: D-3080) were performed on undisturbed and disturbed samples of the subsurface soils. The test is performed under saturated conditions at loads of 500 Ibs./sq.ft., 1,000 Ibs./sq.ft., and 2,000 Ibs./sq.ft. with results shown on Plate A. 4.7 Consolidation tests (ASTM: D-2435) were performed on undisturbed samples to determine the differential and total settlement which may be anticipated based upon the proposed loads. Water was added to the samples at a surcharge of one KSF and the settlement curves are plotted on Plate B. 5.0 Seismicity Evaluation There are no known active or potentially active faults trending toward or through the site. The proposed development lies outside of any Alquist Priolo Special Studies Zone and the potential for damage due to direct fault rupture is considered very remote. The site is located in an area of high regional seismicity and a maximum credible horizontal ground acceleration of 0.43g may occur from a Magnitude 6.9 earthquake along the Rose Canyon fault zone, which is located approximately 6 miles away. Ground shaking originating from earthquakes along other active faults in the region is expected to induce lower horizontal accelerations due to smaller anticipated earthquakes and/or greater distances to other faults. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 5 The following earthquake design parameters are based upon the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) for a Seismic Zone 4 with a Z factor of 0.40 and a Soil Profile Type of So, a stiff soii profile. Earthquake Fault Rose Canvon 1. Distance to Fault 10 km 2. Seismic Source Type B 3. Seismic Coefficient = Ca (0.44) Na 4. Seismic Coefficient = Cv (0.64) Nv 5. Near-Source Factor Na 1.0 6. Near-Source Factor Nv 1.0 6.0 Liquefaction Evaluation The site is expected to experience ground shaking and earthquake activity that is typical of Southern California area. It is during severe ground shaking that loose, granular soils below the groundwater table can liquefy. Our analysis indicates the potential for liquefaction at this site is considered to be very low due to the near surface bedrock conditions at the subject site. Thus, the design of the proposed construction in conformance with the latest Building Code provisions for earthquake design is expected to provide mitigation of ground shaking hazards that are typical to Southern California. 7.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Based upon our evaluations, the proposed development is acceptable from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. By following the recommendations and guidelines set forth in our report, the structures will be safe from excessive settlements under the anticipated design loadings and conditions. The proposed development shall meet all requirements of the City Building Ordinance and will not impose any adverse effect on existing adjacent structures. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 6 The following recommendations are based upon geotechnical conditions encountered in our field investigation and laboratory data. Therefore, these surface and subsurface conditions could vary across the site. Variations in these conditions may not become evident until the commencement of grading operations and any unusual conditions which may be encountered in the course of the project development may require the need for additional study and revised recommendations. It is recommended that site inspections be performed by a representative of this firm during all grading and construction of the deveiopment to verify the findings and recommendations documented in this report. The following sections present a discussion of geotechnical related requirements for specific design recommendations of different aspects of the project. 7.1 Site Gradinq Recommendations Any vegetation shall be removed and hauled from proposed grading areas prior to the start of grading operations. Existing vegetation shall not be mixed or disced into the soils. Any removed soils may be reutilized as compacted fill once any deleterious material or oversized materials (in excess of eight inches) is removed. Grading operations shall be performed in accordance with the attached "Specifications for Placement of Compacted Fill". 7.1.1 Removal and Recompaction Recommendations All disturbed/low density soils (6 inches) shall be removed to competent native material, the exposed surface scarified to a depth of 12 inches, brought to within 2% of optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90% of the laboratory standard (ASTM: D-1557-00) prior to placement of any additional compacted fill soils, foundations, slabs-on-grade and pavement. Grading shall extend a minimum of five horizontal feet outside the edges of foundations or equidistant to the depth of fill placed, whichever is greater. Wet soil conditions may be encountered of the grading operations commerce during or immediately after the rainy season. Stabilization of wet areas may be necessary which may include the use of gravel, filter fabrics and track mounted equipment. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 7 It is possible that isolated areas of undiscovered fill not described in this report are present on site. If found, these areas should be treated as discussed eariier. A diligent search shall also be conducted during grading operations in an effort to uncover any underground structures, irrigation or utility lines. If encountered, these structures and lines shall be either removed or properiy abandoned prior to the proposed construction. Any imported fill material should be preferably soil similar to the upper soils encountered at the subject site. All soils shall be approved by this firm prior to importing at the site and will be subjected to additional laboratory testing to assure concurrence with the recommendations stated in this report. Care should be taken to provide or maintain adequate lateral support for all adjacent improvements and structures at all times during the grading operations and construction phase. Adequate drainage away from the structures, pavement and slopes should be provided at all times. If placement of slabs-on-grade and pavement is not completed immediately upon completion of grading operations, additional testing and grading of the areas may be necessary prior to continuation of construction operations. Likewise, if adverse weather conditions occur which may damage the subgrade soils, additional assessment by the geotechnical engineer as to the suitability of the supporting soils may be needed. 7.1.2 Fill Blanket Recommendations Due to the potential for differential settlement of foundations placed on compacted fill and the underiying bedrock, it is recommended that all foundations be underiain by a uniform compacted fill blanket at least three feet in thickness. This fill blanket shall extend a minimum of five horizontal feet outside the edges of foundations or equidistant to the depth of fill placed, whichever Is greater. Some difficulty in the excavations of the bedrock may occur and ripping maybe required prior to the use of scrapers for transporting these soils. A seismic refraction study may be necessary to be performed by others to determine these conditions. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 8 7.2 Shrinkage and Subsidence Results of our in-place density tests reveal that the soil shrinkage will be on the order of 5 to 10% due to excavation and recompaction, based upon the assumption that the fill is compacted to 92% of the maximum dry density per ASTM standards. Subsidence should be less than 0.1 feet due to earthwork operations. The volume change does not include any allowance for vegetation or organic stripping, removal of subsurface improvements or topographic approximations. Although these values are only approximate, they represent our best estimate of lost yardage which will likely occur during grading. If more accurate shrinkage and subsidence factors are needed, it is recommended that field testing using the actual equipment and grading techniques should be conducted. 7.3 Temporary Excavations Temporary unsurcharged excavations in the existing site materials less than 4 feet high may be made at a vertical gradient unless cohesionless soils are encountered. Temporary unsurcharged excavations from 4 to 6 feet high may be trimmed at a 1 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) gradient In areas where soils with little or no binder are encountered, where adverse geological conditions are exposed, or where excavations are adjacent to existing structures, shoring, slot-cutting, or flatter excavations may be required. The temporary cut slope gradients given do not preclude local raveling and sloughing. All excavations shall be made in accordance with the requirements of CAL- OSHA and other public agencies having jurisdiction. Care should be taken to provide or maintain adequate lateral support for all adjacent improvements and structures at all times during the grading operations and construction phase. 7.4 Foundation Desian All foundations may be designed utilizing the following safe bearing capacities for an embedded depth of 24 inches, into approved fill materials with the corresponding widths: NorCal Engineering November 5. 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 9 Allowable Safe Bearinq Capacity (psf^ Continuous Isolated Width (ft) Foundation Foundation 1.5 2000 2500 2.0 2075 2575 4.0 2375 2875 The bearing value may be increased by 500 psf for each additional foot of depth in excess of the 24 inch minimum depth, up to a maximum of 4,000 psf. A one third increase may be used when considering short term loading and seismic forces. Any foundations located along the property lines or where lateral overexcavation is not possible may utilize a safe bearing capacity of 1,500 psf. A representative of this firm shall inspect all foundation excavations prior to pouring concrete. All foundations shall be reinforced with a minimum of one No. 5 bar, top and bottom. These recommendations may change after the grading operations due to the amount of grading to be performed. Additional laboratory testing will be performed at that time. 7.5 Settlement Analysis Resultant pressure curves for the consolidation tests are shown on Plate B. Computations utilizing these curves and the recommended safe bearing capacities reveal that the foundations will experience settlements on the order of 3/4 inch and differential settlements of less than 1/4 inch. 7.6 Lateral Resistance The following values may be utilized in resisting lateral loads imposed on the structure. Requirements of the Uniform Building Code should be adhered to when the coefficient of friction and passive pressures are combined. Coefficient of Friction - 0.35 Equivalent Passive Fluid Pressure = 200 Ibs./cu.ft. Maximum Passive Pressure = 2,000 Ibs./cu.ft. The passive pressure recommendations are valid only for approved compacted fill soils. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 10 7 7 Retaininq Wall Desiqn Parameters Active earth pressures against retaining wall will be equal to the pressures developed by the following fluid densities. These values are for granular backfill material placed behind the walls at various ground slopes above the walls. Surface Slope of Retained Materials Equivalent Fluid (Horizontal to Vertican Densitv fib./cu.ft.l Level 30 5 to 1 35 4 to 1 38 3 to 1 40 2 to 1 45 Any applicable short-term construction surcharges and seismic forces should be added to the above lateral pressure values. A backfill zone of non-expansive material shall consist of a wedge beginning a minimum of one horizontal foot from the base of the wall extending upward at an inclination no less than 1/4 to 1 (horizontal to vertical). All walls shall be waterproofed as needed and protected from hydrostatic pressure by a reliable permanent subdrain system. 7.8 Slab Desiqn All concrete slabs-on-grade shall be at least five inches In thickness and placed on approved subgrade soils compacted to a minimum of 95% relative compaction in the upper one foot. Reinforcement requirements and an increase in thickness of the slabs- on-grade may be necessary based upon proposed loading conditions in the structures. A vapor barrier overiain by a two inch thick sand layer should be utilized in areas which would be sensitive to the infiltration of moisture. All concrete slab areas to receive floor coverings should be moisture tested to meet all manufacturer requirements prior to placement. All slabs-on-grade shall be reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 bars at 18 inches on-center in both directions positioned in the center of the slab. The upper 18 inches of the subgrade soils shall be molstured to 130% of the optimum moisture content prior to pouring concrete. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 11 7.9 Pavement Section Desiqn The table below provides a preliminary pavement design based upon an R-Value of 17 for the proposed pavement areas. Final pavement design may need to be based on R- Value testing of the subgrade soils near the conclusion of rough grading to assure that these soils are consistent with those assumed in this preliminary design. Traffic Asphaltic Base Type of Traffic Index Concrete (in) Material (in) Automobile Parking Stalls 4.0 3.0 5.0 Automobile 5.0 3.0 8.0 Circulation Areas Medium Truck Access Areas 6.0 3.5 10.5 (GVW <42,000 Ibs; 3 axle) All concrete slabs to be utilized for pavement shall be a minimum of six inches in thickness and placed on approved subgrade soils. Final pavement section designs for pavement areas may need to be determined by additional testing of the subgrade near the conclusion of grading operations. In addition, the above recommendations are based upon estimated traffic loads. Client should submit anticipated traffic loadings, when available, so that pavement sections may be reviewed to determine adequacy to support these loads. Any approved base material shall consist of a Class II aggregate or equivalent and should be compacted to a minimum of 95% relative compaction. All pavement materials shall conform to the requirements set forth by the City of Carisbad. The base material and asphaltic concrete should be tested prior to delivery to the site and during placement to determine conformance with the project specifications. A pavement engineer shall designate the specific asphalt mix design to meet the required project specifications. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 12 7 10 Utility Trench and Excavation Backfill Trenches from installation of utility lines and other excavations may be backfilled with on-site soils or approved imported soils compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. All utility lines shall be properly bedded with clean sand having a sand equivalency rating of 30 (SE > 30) or more. This bedding material shall be thoroughly water jetted around the pipe structure priorto placement of compacted backfill soils. 7.11 Corrosion Desiqn Criteria Representative samples of the surficial soils, typical of the subgrade soils expected to be encountered within foundation excavations and underground utilities were tested for corrosion potential. The minimum resistivity value obtained for the samples tested is representative of an environment that may be corrosive to metals. The soil pH value was considered mildly alkaline and shall not have a significant effect on soil corrosivity. Consideration should be given to corrosion protection systems for buried metal such as protective coatings, wrappings or the use of PVC where permitted by local building codes. According to the latest 'Uniform Building Code (UBC) Table 19-A-3 - Requirements for Concrete Exposed to Sulfate-Containing Solutions', these contents revealed negligible levels of sulfate exposure. Therefore, a Type II cement according to latest UBC specifications may be utilized for building foundations at this time. Additional sulfate tests shall be performed at the completion of site grading to assure that these soils are consistent with the recommendations stated in this design. Sulfate test results may be found on the attached Table IV. 8.0 Closure The recommendations and conclusions contained in this report are based upon the soil conditions uncovered in our test excavations. No warranty of the soil condition between our excavations is Implied. NorCal Engineering should be notified for possible further recommendations if unexpected to unfavorable conditions are encountered during construction phase. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Page 13 Project Number 9623-01 It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that all information within this report is submitted to the Architect and appropriate Engineers for the project. This firm should have the opportunity to review the final plans to verify that all our recommendations are incorporated. This report and all conclusions are subject to the review of the controlling authorities for the project. A preconstruction conference should be held between the developer, general contractor, grading contractor, city inspector, architect, and soil engineer to clarify any questions relating to the grading operations and subsequent construction. Our representative should be present during the grading operations and construction phase to certify that such recommendations are complied within the field. This geotechnical investigation has been conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill exercised by members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the Southern California area. No other warranty, expressed or implied is made. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, NORCAL ENGINEERING Keith D. Tucker Project Engineer R.G.E. 841 Troy D. Norrell President Gail S. Hunt Project Geologist C.E.G. 384 NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 14 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILL Excavation Any existing low density soils and/or saturated soils shall be removed to competent natural soil under the inspection of the Soils Engineering Firm. After the exposed surface has been cleansed of debris and/or vegetation, it shall be scarified until it is uniform in consistency, brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction (in accordance with ASTM: D-1557-00). In any area where a transition between fill and native soil or between bedrock and soil are encountered, additional excavation beneath foundations and slabs will be necessary in order to provide uniform support and avoid differential settlement of the structure. Material For Fill The on-site soils or approved import soils may be utilized for the compacted fill provided they are free of any deleterious materials and shall not contain any rocks, brick, asphaltic concrete, concrete or other hard materials greater than eight inches in maximum dimensions. Any import soil must be approved by the Soils Engineering firm a minimum of 24 hours prior to importation of site. Placement of Compacted Fill Soils The approved fill soils shall be placed in layers not excess of six inches in thickness. Each lift shall be uniform in thickness and thoroughly blended. The fill soils shall be brought to within 15% of the optimum moisture content, unless otherwise specified by the Soils Engineering firm. Each lift shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction (in accordance with ASTM: D-1557-00) and approved prior to the placement of the next layer of soil. Compaction tests shall be obtained at the discretion of the Soils Engineering firm but to a minimum of one test for every 500 cubic yards placed and/or for every 2 feet of compacted fill placed. NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 15 The minimum relative compaction shall be obtained in accordance with accepted methods in the construction industry. The final grade of the structural areas shall be in a dense and smooth condition prior to placement of slabs-on-grade or pavement areas. No fill soils shall be placed, spread or compacted during unfavorable weather conditions. When the grading is Interrupted by heavy rains, compaction operations shall not be resumed until approved by the Soils Engineering firm. Grading Observations The controlling governmental agencies should be notified prior to commencement of any grading operations. This firm recommends that the grading operations be conducted under the observation of a Soils Engineering firm as deemed necessary. A 24 hour notice must be provided to this firm prior to the time of our initial inspection. Observation shall Include the clearing and gmbbing operations to assure that all unsuitable materials have been properiy removed; approve the exposed subgrade In areas to receive fill and in areas where excavation has resulted In the desired finished grade and designate areas of overexcavation; and perform field compaction tests to determine relative compaction achieved during fill placement. In addition, all foundation excavations shall be observed by the Soils Engineering firm to confirm that appropriate bearing materials are present at the design grades and recommend any modifications to construct footings. NorCal Engineering NorCal Engineering SOILS AND GliOTUCHNICAL CONSULTANTS LAMKAI PROJECT 9623-01 I MTE NOVEKCm 2001 LOCATION OF FIELD EXPLORATIONS November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 16 List of Appendices (in order of appearance) Appendix A - Log of Excavations Log of Test Excavations TE-1 to TE-7 • Appendix B - Laboratory Tests • Table I - Maximum Dry Density » Table II - Expansion Index Tests • Table III -Sulfate Tests • Table IV - pH Tests • Table V - Resistivity Tests • Table VI - Chloride Tests • Plate A - Direct Shear • Plate B - Consolidation Appendix C - Report by Gall S. Hunt NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 17 Appendix A NorCal Engineering MAJOR OIVISION GRAPHIC .<«YIURni LETTER .<«YMRni TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERtAL l.S I ARGER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE SAND AND SANDY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING ON NO. 4 SIEVE CLEAN GRAVELS (LITTLE OR NG FINES) o o o Oo GW WELL-GRADED GFIAVELS, GRAVEL. SAND MIXTURES. LITTLE OR NO FINES GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES GRAVELS WITH FINES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINESt GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- SILT MIXTURES GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- CLAY MIXTURES CLEAN SAND (LITTLE OR NO FINES) WAV SW WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES SP POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVEL- LY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES SANDS WITH FINE (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) SM SILTY SANDS, SAND-SILT MIXTURES SC CLAYEY SANDS. SAND-CLAY MIXTURES FINE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL ISSMALLEB THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE ML INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT 50 CL INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT. HUMUS. SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM NorCal Engineering KEY: m B 3 ZI Indicates 2.5-inch Inside Diameter. Ring Sample. Indicates 2-Inch OD Split Spoon Sample (SPT). Indicates Shelby Tube Sample. Indicates No Recovery. Indicates SPT with 140# Hammer 30 in. Drop. Indicates Bulk Sample. Indicates Small Bag Sample. Indicates Non-Standard Indicates Core Run. COMPONENT PROPORTIONS COMPONENT DEFINITIONS COMPONENT SIZE RANGE Boulders Cobbles Gravel Coarse gravel Fine gravel Sand Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand Silt and Clav Larger than 12 in 3 in to 12 in 3 in to No 4 (4.5mm ) 3 in to 3/4 in 3/4 in to No 4 (4.5mm ) No. 4 ( 4.5mm ) to No. 200 ( 0.074mm ) No. 4 ( 4.5 mm ) to No. 10 ( 2.0 mm ) No. 10 ( 2.0 mm ) to No. 40 ( 0.42 mm ) No. 40 ( 0.42 mm ) to No. 200 ( 0.074 mm ) Smaller than No. 200 ( 0.074 mm ) DESCRIPTIVE TERMS RANGE OF PROPORTION Trace 1 - 5% Few 5-10% Little 10-20% Some 20 - 35% And 35 - 50% MOISTURE CONTENT DRY Absence of moisture, dusty. DRY dry to the touch. DAMP Some perceptible DAMP moisture; below optimum MOIST No visible water; near optimum MOIST moisture content WET Visible free water, usually WET soil is below water table. RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY VERSUS SPT N -VALUE COHESIONLESS SOILS COHESIVE SOILS Density N ( blows/ft) Consistency N (blows/ft) Approximate Density N ( blows/ft) Undrained Shear Strength (psf) Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense Oto 4 4 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 over 50 Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard Oto 2 2 to 4 4 to 8 Sto 15 15 to 30 over 30 <250 250 - 500 500-1000 1000-2000 2000 - 4000 >4000 NorCal Engineering Log of Test Excavation TE-1 Project: Lanikai/Carlsbad Date of Drilling: 10/9/01 Groundwater Oepth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Extension Backhoe Hammer Weight: Drop: Laboratory iDepth 1 (feet) 10 15 -20 25 30 35 Geotechnical Description Surface Elevation: Not Measured 6" DISTURBED TOP SOILS Silty CLAY Firm, dry NATURAL SOILS Silty CLAY \ Brow/n, stiff to very stiff, moist Weathered Shale Bedrock \Light brown, dry Boring completed at depth of 4' NorCal Engineering Lith-ology Samples" « a Project No. 9623-01 (A O 3 m o 3.6 21.6 21.7 Q 104.7 105.9 Log of Test Excavation TE-2 Project: Lanikai/Carlsbad Date of Drilling: 10/9/01 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Extension Backhoe Hammer Weight: Drop: Oepth (feet) Geotechnical Description Surface Elevation: Not Measured Lith-ology tf) O 3 ca Tl 3 — o JZ Q is tf) - 10 I 15 20 25 30 35 6" DISTURBED TOP SOILS Silty CLAY - Firm, div 18.1 104.6 NATURAL SOILS Silty CLAY \ Brown, stiff with occasional shale fragments, moist Weathered Shale Bedrock ,^Light brown, hard, damp Shale Bedrock with large cobbles Light brown, very hard 14.1 16.8 101.6 108.1 Boring completed at depth of 9" NorCal Engineering Project No. 9623-01 Log of Test Excavation TE-3 Project: Lanikai/Carlsbad Date of Drilling: 10/9/01 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Extension Backhoe Hammer Weight: Drop: Laboratory }epth |(feet) 10 15 20 25 -30 35 Geotechnical Description Surface Elevation: Not Measured 6" DISTURBED TOP SOILS Silty CLAY \Firm, dry NATURAL SOILS Silty CLAY Brown, stiff, damp Claystone Bedrock Grey, very hard, damp to moist Boring completed at depth of 7' Lith-ology Samples" « a tf) J c O 3 "5" 3^ O JS 14.6 Q gs 108.7 tf) il. NorCal Engineering Project No. 9623-01 Log of Test Excavation TE-4 Project: Lanikai/Carlsbad Date of Drilling: 10/9/01 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Extension Backhoe Hammer Weight: Drop: Samples" Laboratory )epth |<feet) 10 15 20 25 30 35 Geotechnical Description Surface Elevation: Not Measured 6" DISTURBED TOP SOILS Clayey SAND with large amounts of gravel, rock and cobbles Dense, damp Conglomerate Extremely dense Could not penetrate Boring completed at depth of 1' Lith-ology » a. $ c O 3 CO ,9 3^ o'^ JE_ Q gs a tf) NorCal Engineering Project No. 9623-01 Log of Test Excavation TE-5 Project: Lanikai/Carlsbad Date of Drilling: 10/9/01 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Extension Backhoe Hammer Weight: Drop: • Depth I (feet) - 5 10 15 20 •25 30 35 Geotechnical Description Surface Elevation: Not Measured 6" DISTURBED TOP SOILS Clayey SAND with gravel, rock and cobbles Conglomerate Could not penetrate Boring completed at depth of 2" NorCal Engineering Lith-ology Samples « Q. Project No. 9623-01 O 3 ffi 3 tf)5-> ^ Laboratory £••2 o" Q gs Log of Test Excavation TE-6 Project: Lanikai/Carlsbad Samoles Laboratorv Oate of Drilling: 10/9/01 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Samoles Laboratorv Drilling Method: Extension Backhoe Samoles Laboratorv Hammer Weight: Drop: Samoles Laboratorv (feet) I I -10 I I I I I I 15 25 30 35 Geotechnical Description Surface Elevation: Not Measured 6" DISTURBED TOP SOILS -^ Clayey SAND with large amounts of gravel, rock and cobbles Conglomerate Very dense \Could not penetrate Boring completed at depth of 2' Lith-ology a. >« tf) O 3 ffi Mc Q gs Q « NorCal Engineering Project No. 9623-01 Log of Test Excavation TE-7 Project: Lanikai/Carlsbad Date of Drilling: 10/9/01 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered | Drilling Method: Extension Backhoe Hammer Weight: Drop: • Depth (feet) ! - 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 Geotechnical Description Surface Elevation: Not Measured 6" DISTURBED TOP SOILS Silty CLAY with occasional gravel, firm, dry Silty CLAY Brown, stiff, damp Claystone Bedrock Very stiff Could not penetrate Boring completed at depth of 4' NorCal Engineering Lith-ology Samples" a Project No. 9623-01 tf) * c O 3 ffi O Laboratory 3^ IS 3? 2. 7.4 Q gs 105.9 tf) November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 18 Appendix B NorCal Engineering Novembers, 2001 Page 20 Project Number 9623-01 Sample TBI @ 1-3' TABLE I MAXIMUM DENSITY TESTS (ASTM: D-1557-00) Optimum Classification Moisture Silty CLAY 14.0 Maximum Dry nansitvnbs./cu.ft.) 116.0 Soil Tvoe TEI @ 1-3' TABLE II EXPANSION INDEX TESTS (U.B.C. STD. 29-2) Classification Silty CLAY Expansion Index 83 Sample TEI @ 1-3' TABLE III SULFATE TESTS Sulfate (%) 0.040 ND denotes not detected % by weight TABLE IV DH TESTS Sample TEI @ 1-3' 7.2 NorCal Engineering November 5, 2001 Page 21 Project Number 9623-01 TABLE Y RESISTIVITY TESTS (CA 643) Sample TEI @ 1-3' Resistivitv (ohm-cm) 600 TABLE VI CHLORIDE TESTS (CA 420.1)) Sample TEI m 1-3' Concentration (ppm) 40 NorCal Engineering 2S00 500 1000 1500 2000 NOmU. STRESS (PSF) 2500 3000 srma BORING NUBER DEPTH (FEET) 0 (DEGREES) C (PSF) DRY DENSITY (PCF) NOISTURE covTEjrr (X) X 2 2.5 19 500 104.6 18.1 o 3 4.0 24 625 108.7 14.6 A 7 2.0 14 575 105.9 7.4 • NOTE: TESTS PERFORMED ON SATURATED SAMPLES UNLESS SHOWN BELOW. (FM) FIELD MOISTURE TESTS PERFORMED ON UNDISTURBED SAMPLES UNLESS SHOWN BELOW. (R) SAMPLES REMOLDED AT 90X OF NKXIMUM DRY DENSITY NorCal Engineering | SOILS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS! PROJECT 9623-01 DATE DIMECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Plate A SYIML MUK DEPTH (FEET) DRY DEISITY (PCF) MOISTURE canon (X) LIQUID LimT (X) PLASTICITY ISO (X) X 2 5 101.6 14.1 O 2 9 108.1 16.8 A 3 4 108.7 14.6 • - Kt UK ialuii NorCal Engineering SOmS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS PROJECT 9623-01 I DATE coisiiLiSinai TEST RESULTS Plate B November 5, 2001 Project Number 9623-01 Page 19 Appendix C NorCal Engineering Gail Hunt Consultant Geologist P. 0. Box 684 Santa Margarita, CA 93453 Tel: 805 438 4889 October 22, 2001 Subject: Carlsbad Airport. Summit Project PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION The site is being developed as an industrial complex off College Drive and adjacent to Palomar Airport. The plans call for three buildings; two, two story buildings and one single story building. The buildings range between 26 thousand and 31 thousand square feet. Development will require grading of the higher elevations and some filled areas on the east side of the property. Grading will also require cutting a new access road to College Blvd. GEOLOGIC SETTING The site is located on a Pleistocene age, marine cut terrace surface with a thin veneer of older colluvium in the lower areas on the east side of the property. The underiying bedrock was massive white to gray claystone in Test Pits 3 and 7. The bedding was indistinct but there were some red veins that had a slight dip to the east. The apparent bedding is shown on Figure 1. Bedding in the five other test pits was a very hard sandstone and conglomerate with a softer, weathered zone that varied in depth to several feet or more. The hardest materials were in the center of the site at Test Pits 4 and 5 and along the access road at TP 7. The claystone bedrock is believed to be part of the Point Loma fomiation of Cretaceous age. Clay pit excavations are shown in the area. The harder sandstone and conglomerate are believed to be part of the Santiago formation of Eocene age. The Tertiary rocks appear to overiay the claystone at elevations of about 315 to 320 feet. The contact between the clay and sandstone/conglomerate was not mapped and Figure 1 shows the entire site as being underiain by the hard, Tertiary sandstone and conglomerate sediments. Further mapping may be required. The elevation of the property varies between about 250 feet in the Northwest corner to slightly over 330 feet near the center of the property. The pad will vary between elevation 336 to 322. This grading will remove the upper most ten-ace surface and fill the lower areas that are covered with a veneer of colluvium. The sandstone and conglomerate bedrock was difficult to excavate with a backhoe and could be difficult to excavate even by ripping with heavy equipment. Published references indicate no significant faults projecting towards the site. The site is not within a Fault Rupture Hazard Zone as defined by the Califomia Division of Mines and Geology. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS Seven backhoe pits were excavated on the property as shown on the geology map Figure 1. The pits were logged by me and sampled by you. The pits ranged in depth to about 9 feet below the ground surface. The location of the pits are shown on Figure 1. Test pits 4 and 5 were terminated at 1 foot depth because the cemented sandstone and conglomerate was difficult to excavate with the backhoe. The bedrock, underiying the disturbed surface materials, is mostly massive sandstone, however claystone was found in Test pits 3 and 7. As discussed above, two geologic formations are exposed on the site. GROUNDWATER There was no evidence of groundwater on the site and future naturally occurring groundwater is not expected. EARTHQUAKES AND SEISMICITY No mapped active faults cross or project towards the site and the potential for active faulting across the site, within the lifetime ofthe stmcture, is considered remote. Following are nearby faults with estimated magnitude and peak accelerations which could be expected to cause strong shaking at the site within the lifetime of the structure. These accelerations are computed from EQFAULT using attenuation relationships from Boore et al. (1997). Fault Distance (miles) Richter Magnitude Peak Acceleration Rose Canyon 6 6.9 0.32 Newport-Inglewood 9 6.9 0.24 (Ofshore) Coronado Bank 22 7.4 0.16 Elsinore-Julian 24 7.1 0.13 Other faults at greater distances my cause strong shaking but shouid not exceed the accelerations values listed above. The seismic risk here is similar to many sites in Southem Califomia. The location of the site on competent bedrock is considered to be a favorable condition for building response to earthquake shaking at the site. Severe damage is possible but collapse and stmctural failure of the wood frame stmcture is unlikely. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The site is considered feasible from a geologic standpoint and the dip of the bedding does not appear to be an adverse geologic condition. The sandstone is massive and major slope failures are unlikely. The claystone may be expansive and may have unfavorable strength characteristics. Separate footing types may be necessary based upon the results of the soils tests. Ripping or even blasting may be required on the hard surface of the Santiago formation sandstone and conglomerate. If the two bedrock types require different treatment, additional exploration may be required. For preliminary, design assume everything above elevation 315 is in the hard sandstone/conglomerate. The footings for the buildings and walls should be in competent bedrock or as directed by the soils engineer. Footings in bedrock should be inspected and approved by an engineering geologist. /^AttL liAjp 5"^/y/// T- Logged By <S // tnui(;rneiu ^ Location vlllILUtS TEST PIT NO. _l_ UATE lOlq/o/ DESCRIPTION pip'e SAi.t> ^'^^ ce:M^u UNITS ENGINEERING PROPERTIES to Z A> o 3 . tj tn n tn ^ a c • 3 >< n u> • r*. 2 O c -I I* SLAl.t; WALL SHOWN GRAPHICS SURFACE SLOPE TRENU llll llll llll llll 1 1 t 1 llll llll llll llll 111! - • 1 1 1 t 1 t t lilt 1 • 1 1 IMI —r—1—1—r-' II 1 1 llll llli - o Prujeti Name Sifr^Af/y- Logged By /-/ Jul) No. Elevation ^ t.iuipmcnc Location Mil HUES TEST PIT NO. DATE I 0 Iq / 0 / DESCRIPTION UNITS ENGINEERING PROPERTIES to O 3 C tn n to r> i« . r*. • •< 2 O ^ I— Ut w n C 1 A SCALt (>3 do L L.l->\JIOth^ 72 120 1^0 p<L^A.tJ ^AA;C WALL SHOWN Tsc-~ CRAPIUCS SURFACE SLOPE TRENU MM IIM MM MM MM MM Mil IMI MII -.2 O I' I M Jl l. L Name IMI, ',,1. t u I I line ni \i 11 HUES /3AUL,i B AU SuM/1/r Logged By ^ ^ ^ Elevation "3^ Location TEST PIT NO. DATE 10 DESCRIPTION UNITS ENGINEERING PROPERTIES to o 3 C to . n to « n. 2 O r— i4 Ul C ID" vJ SCALt WALL SHOWN GRAPHICS SURFACE SLOPE TRENU MM llli MM IIM i I II MM iill IMI MM m to o PM. ject Natnt! dAf^LS/SAO S^M H'T t i( IJ 1 ^inc IK Logged By Elevac ion Locatlon C3 S-/^ 3^^ TEST PIT NO. 1 ILUtS UATE I 0 I I =1 DESCRIPTION UNITS ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Z A> O 3 c to n tn O C O <» 1 3 •< n Ul n» n 2 o ^ r- Ul w. n C T O-l 77- SCALt WALL SHOWN GRAPHICS SURFACE SLOPE TRENU m tn Mil MM MM MM illi i I M iili i I M IMI o Pr-jrct Name (pAiLUt f$ ^ P Sy^H/ifT- Logged By ^ )wt, N... Elevation "S- ^ H Location I <( 11 I ^xiiir IU Mil i LUtb TEST PIT NO. ^ DATE lohjoi OESCRIPTION UNITS ENGINEERING PROPERTIES to Z Iki O 3 c irt n tn o c n m • 3 •< O Ul in r> 2 O C 1 o -/ SCALt WALL SHOWN GRAPHICS SURFACE SLOPE TRENU m tn Ilii Mil llll MM IMI IMI Iill i I M IIM •z. o Project NatTtfe C^K-i-^ B^O S^}MH/'r Logged By ^ hA, N.i. Elevation Z. ti(uif;inent /3AC<.^ H"Oifc- Location TEST PIT NO. ^ I 11 cuts DATE \0) DESCRIPTION UNITS ENGINEERING PROPERTIES to z ft> O 3 . to n tn o c 2 o Ul r» C 1 It ^0 - "2- I to S^KJP X TO P U7 f SCALt WALL SHOWN <^RAPHICS SURFACE SLOPE TRENU llll MM MII MM IIM ItM iill MM IIM m tn O •6 Prujtrtt Njltie <2>^t-i^^SAO SOH/frr- Jtjtj Nu. tifO I )jmelU MilllUtS Logged By Elevation 3 OS Location /Co TEST PIT NO. DATE jO/'i/oj OESCRIPTION UNITS ENGINEERING PROPERTIES to Z Bl O 3 • u c to n to o c o »• 1 3 >< n I* • «< 2 O r— Ul w rt C 1 It ;2' -V' 6/ sr/'. SCALt WALL SHOWN SURFACE SLOPE TRENU IMI IMi MII MM Mil MM iili MM Mil m tn o