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Cr oop GeoTek, Inc. - 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista CA 92081-8505 (760) 599-0509 Office (760),599-0593 Fax www.geotekusa.com October 31, 2013 PN 3389-SD3 Shea Homes Limited Partnership, San Diego 9990 Mesa Rim Road San Diego, California 92121 Attention: Ms. Sarah Morrel Subject: Report of Geotechnical Testing and Observation Rough Grading for Building-Pads- I, 2-and 1- CT 04-10 Carlsbad, California 92009 Dear Ms. Morrel, In accordance with your request, GeoTek, Inc. is pleased to provide herewith the results of our geotechnical testing and observation services during rough grading associated with construction of Building Pads (BP) I, 2 and 3 on Tract CT 04- 10, Carlsbad, California. Construction Summary This report is limited to grading of the subject building pads. Recent grading was performed in late 2011 and early 2012 by TNT Grading. Grading consisted of removing approximately three (3) to four (4) feet of the pre-existing fill on BP 3 and up to approximately eight (8) feet of alluvial/colluvial soil on BP I and BP 2, scarifying the resultant ground surface followed by additional fill placement. Fill placed was derived from on site materials and materials derived from the extension. of Poinsettia Lane south and east of the tract. Field density and laboratory test results indicate that the fill materials were compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction at the locations tested. The field density test results are included in Table 2. The approximate locations of the field density tests related to the grading for the subject building pad are shown on Figure I. It should be noted that the area of removals and engineered fill is limited to the area indicated on Figure I. GEOTECHNICAL I ENVIRONMENTAL I MATERIALS All material herein © 2013 GeoTek, Inc. All Rights Reserved Shea Homes Limited Partnership, San Diego October 31, 2013 Report of Geotechnical Testing and Observation Project No. 3389-SD3 Building Pads I,2 and 3,CTO4-I0 Page 2 Field Testing Our field density testing was performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D6983. Our field density testing program was conducted as follows: Field density tests were taken at periodic intervals and random locations to check the compaction efforts by the contractor. Visual classification of the soil in the field, compared to the soil descriptions from the Jaboratory testing, was the basis for determining the maximum density and optimum moisture content applied to each field density test. Laboratory Testing The laboratory testing pertinent to field density tests is the Moisture-Density Relationships for the various soils encountered: The laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for soil types tested were determined in general accordance with test method ASTM Dl 557. Laboratory test results are presented in Table I. Conclusions It is our professional opinion that the site is suitable for the intended use provided that site construction and future maintenance is performed in accordance with the recommendations presented herein and in the reference reports. Based on the results of the above testing and observations, we conclude that the recommendations included in the approved soils engineering report remain applicable. Foundation recommendations previously offered in Reference 5 and 6 remain applicable. Recommendations Any additional grading or construction on the site should be done in accordance with the currently applicable codes and standards. Recommendations should be sought from the Geotechnical Engineer prior to additional grading. LIMITATIONS Cuts, fills, and processing of original ground under the purview of this report, have been completed under the observation of, and with selective testing by GeoTek, Inc. and are found to be in compliance with the approved soils engineering report and applicable provisions of the Shea Homes Limited Partnership, San Diego :• October 31, 2013 Report of Geotechnical Testing and Observation Project No. 3389-SD3 Building Pads 1.2 and 3. CT 04-10 : : Page 3 current California::Building Code (CBC). Our field density testing and observation services during building pad grading followed generally accepted professional engineering..practices and no further warranty is implied nor made. This report is subject to review by the controlling: authorities for this project GeoTek, Inc. accepts neither responsibility nor liability for work,. testing, or recommendations perforrned:or provided by others. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions. • • : • • : Respectfully submitted, • :: EER/N ESS/o, GeoTek, Inc LA et fe G I 142 ° Ronald A Re: Expires 04/30/ • :' Expires 06/30/2015 :: Principal Geologist: • • Senior Project Engineer Enclosures: •• • •• • •• • • References •• : Table I • Laboratory Test Results:: • • •. :: Table 2 • : Summary of Field Density Test Results • •: Figure I • Density Test Location Plan Shea Homes Limited Partnership, San Diego October 31, 2013 Report of Geotechnical Testing and Observation Project No. 3389-SD3 Building Pads 1.2 and 3. CT 04-10 References Cited References: - -' - ..•_.- - - Geotechnical Ec'aluation, Proposed Residential Buildings, SRWB Property, South Side of Cassia Road, East of Poinsettia Lane, Carlsbad, California by GeoTek, Inc. dated April 13, 2004. Grading and Private Storm Drain Plan" for CT 04-10, Poinsettia Place, Carlsbad California prepared by Pangaea Land Consultants, Inc. Stock Pile Grading Plan: CT 04- 10, Poinsettia Place", prepared-by Pangaea Land Consultants Inc. undated. Geotechnical Update and Grading Plan Review, CT 04-10, Poinsettia Place, Poinsettia Lane and Cassia Road, Carlsbad, California 92009 by GeoTek, -Inc. dated December 2, 2010. "Updated Seismic and Post-Tension Design Parameters, Vitalia, Tract CT 04-10, Carlsbad, California 92009" by GeoTek dated August 29, 2011 revised January 9, 2012. Review of Post tensioned Plans, Vitallia, Tract CT 04-10, Carlsbad, California 92009 by GeoTek, Inc. dated March 19, 2012. Shea Homes Limited Partnership, San Diego October 31, 2013 Report of Geotechnical Testing and Observation Project No. 3389-SD3 Building Pads I. 2 and 3. CT 04-10 Laboratory Testing -: LABORATORY TEST RESULTS - ASTM D 1557 Soil Description Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture (% H2O) A Light Brown, fine to medium, Silty Sand 1121.5 9.5 B Medium Brown fine Silty Sand 117.5 • 12.0 C Tan/light Brown fine Silty Sand 114.0 12.5 D Dark Brown fine to medium Silty Sand 118.5 13.0 E Green Br,own Silty Clay 104.0 • 17.5 Inc., Voscana - Shea Homes GeoTek October 31, 2013 BPI, 2, 3 Project No.: 3389-SD3 Carlsbad, California Page 1 of 1 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS GRADING DATE Test No. Location Elev/ Depth ep Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Soil T Type Maximum Density (pcf) Test T Type Relative Compaction (%) 48 BP3 244.5 13.7 105.6 C 114.0 N 93 49 BP3 246.0 15.0 106.3 C 114.0 N 93 12/22/11 50 BP2 236.0 12.7 106.2 C 114.0 N 93 51 BP2 238.0 14.3 105.2 C 114.0 N 92 52 BP2 238.0 13.8 104.7 C 114.0 N 92 53 South ofBP3 232.0 13.2 102.7 C 114.0 N 92 12/23/11 55 BP2 238.0 12.8 104.7 C 114.0 N 92 56 BP2 238.0 12.7 105.2 C 114.0 N 92 57 BP2 239.0 12.1 106.9 C 114.0 N 94 58 BP2 241.0 13.7 105.5 C 114.0 N 93 60 BP 1 fill slope 230.0 12.8 109.4 B 117.5 N 93 61 BP 1 fill slope 233.0 13.2 109.8 B 117.5 N 94 62 BP I fill slope 235.0 14.1 108.6 B 117.5 N 93 63 BP 1 fill slope 236.5 13.9 107.9 B 117.5 N 92 12/27/11 64 BP2 244.5 15.9 107.5 C 114.0 N 94 65 BP 1 244.5 16.8 106.6 C 114.0 N 94 66 BPI BP 1 242.0 12.1 106.9 C 114.0 N 94 68 239.0 16.4 106.2 C 114.0 N 93 12/28/11 73 BP3 249.0 15.5 114.9 B 117.5 N 98 .82 BP 264.5 15.4 102.4 C 114.0 N 90 86 BP3 248.0 27.4 94.6 E 104.0 N 91 87 BP 3 247.5 20.3 99.2 E 104.0 N 95 88 BP3 250.0 20.0 102.5 C 114.0 N 90 89 BP2 244.0 14.2 106.7 B 117.5 N 91 90 BP2 245.0 16.6 106.3 B 117.5 N 90 91 BP 2 245.5 14.9 103.6 C 114.0 N 91 92 BP2 246.0 18.3 105.5 C 114.0 N 93 93 BP2 248.0 16.4 106.2 C 114.0 N.. 93 94 BP 244.0 17.1 107.9 C 114.0 N 95 95 BP 1 245.0 14.9 104.7 C 114.0 N 92 96 BP 246.0 16.8 104.6 C 114.0 N 92 97 BP 246.0 15.7 105.5 C 114.0 N 93 98 1313 247.0 16.0 106.3 C 114.0 N 93 1/6/12 115 BP 3 250.0 14.5 106.0 C 114.0 N 93 116 BP 3 250.0 15.1 108.0 C 114.0 N 95 117 BP2 248.1 14.1 107.6 C 114.0 N 94 118 BP2 248.1 15.8 108.5 C 114.0 N 95 119 BP 1 247.7 14.4 106.3 C 114.0 N 95 120 BP 1 247.7 14.3 107.9 C 114.0 N 95 Note: N = Nuclear Gauge Test FG = Finished Grade Test All elevations are approximate Legen Density d test location # Limits of areas fin All locations are approximate / 6-3 - ,, / / /\ ....-. . / . \\•. L O1 (4O -\ / ') \- (/Q/ ' \' I: r lo 52 k (5 76 to fits BY110ING 53 GRAPHIC SCALE 2435H/1 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Shea Homes E Vista, California 92081-8505 Rough Grading for Building Pads 1, 2 & 3 CT 04-10 Carlsbad, California 1PN: 3389-SD3 11 October 2013 Figure 1