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-- -.. -... -• -.. -• -.. - -.. -.. -.. .. .. -.. -... -.. • ---.. PREPARED FOR PANGAEA LAND CONSULTANTS SUBMITTED BY SIMON WONG ENGINEERING ., 0 ;z ~ (.) w SWE JOB NO. 548-001 :C ----------------------------------------------- December 2, 2010 u ·("•\ \ t\ l,._ .\ r ··· I 1... ' · i (.) z ~ r..: ~ ----.. Ill -.. .. .. .. - - - -... -.. -------... --.. - Project: Designed: Checked: Po,~e-U·d Ket, walls c~ fa '.o=Q; I /c.o~crek :::- <, /J-.so; I /fo ; { Page: lV/\V~ SIMON WONG ENGINEERING Proj.#: Date: 9968 Hibert Street, 2nd Floor (858) 566-3113 San Diego, CA 92131 FAX(858)566-6844 Revised: 01 6§ ee_1n,1,1r&,y 'Ot-M lls vrl-1 h re SD R 5 D -7l) fe L{_ Cvs, i\ { fr\a)l t-l ~ 5 Ir '-11) ( 5'{8-oo I NJ ~f'< CA H-~ris s+J. Cs~le, ~ li'vi(j : (hQI\ f~~:M fllvp->Ses) Loaol -::: ;;;l,O f If ~ ~,§f-t-&bove Tow -------.. -.. ---------.. - ---.. -.. ------ RETAINING WALL STABILITY SIMON WONG ENGINEERING 9968 Hibert Street #202 San Diego, CA 92131 Phone# : (858) 566-3113 Fax # : (858) 566-6844 PROJECT NO: PROJECT: 548-001 POINSETTIA RETAINING WALL PAGE No. DATE: BY: OF 11/30/10 cs RETAINING WALL H:7'-4" ••• Wall Description : 7.33' MASONRY WALL DESIGN PARAMETERS AND LOADING CONDITIONS: Active Press. (pct) 45 v Soil Slope= _,,.--Passive Press. (pct) = 75 (Input O lor Level Backfill) / Allow Soil Bear. (psi) = Coeff. Friction (cone/soil) = Unit Wght of Soil (pct) Untt Wt of Masonry (pct) Unit Wght of Cone (pct) Height of Soil (ft) Railing Load: 2500 0.35 V Added loads: Surcharge Load (ft) = 120 Axial Load Top (kips)= 132 Moment at Top of Wall = 150 Shear at Top (kips) = 7.333 Lateral Uniform (ksf) = Vert Uniform Heel (ksf) • = Lateral Line Load (lb) = Surcharge Loads: • (not req'd with surcharge p. 3) Distance Above Top of Wall (ft) = Resultant Load @ Back of Wall (k) • = Distance Above Top of Ftg (ft) • = Wall Dimensions STABILITY Setback From Toe to Face of Wall (ft) Footing Width (ft) Footing Thickness (ft) Height of 6" Block (ft) Height of 8" Block (ft) Height of 12" Block (ft) Height of 16' Block (ft) Height of Concrete Stem (ft) Top of Concrete Wall Width (in) Backface Batter (Vertical:1) Resisting Moment : Section Height Width Area Force (ft.) (ft.) (ftA2) (k) Soil Slope 2.83 5.67 8.03 0.96 Soil (6') 0.00 5.83 0.00 0.00 Soil (8") 2.00 5.67 11.33 1.36 Soil(12") 2.67 5.33 14.22 1.71 Soil(16") 2.67 5.00 13.33 1.60 Soil (Cone) 0.00 6.33 0.00 0.00 Toe Soil 1.00 0.1667 0.17 0.02 Cone Wall 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6" Blk 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 8" Blk 2.00 0.67 1.34 0.18 12" Blk 2.67 1.00 2.67 0.35 16' Blk 2.67 1.33 3.56 0.47 Footing 1.00 6.50 6.50 0.98 Key 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.15 Heel Press 5.00 0.00 Add. DL 0.00 F = 7.77 Overturning Moment Height Min. Lat Max. Lat Added Press. Press. Mom. MOT (ft.) (kilt.) (kilt.) (k-11) 11.166 0.000 0.502 0.237 10.679 RETNEW2007.XLS LU:7-2-07 Anm (ft.) 4.61 3.58 3.67 3.83 4.00 3.33 0.08 0.17 0.42 0.50 0.67 0.83 3.25 5.00 4.00 0.50 MR= [:] 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 ~ 3.5 0 0 0.17 6.5 1 0 2 2.666 2.667 0 0 10000 Moment (k-ft) 4.44 0.00 4.99 6.54 6.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.23 0.39 3.17 0.75 0.00 0.00 27.00 71,50 I oK/ . -- SOIL PRESSURE e' = (MR-MOT) I F (ft.) = 2.100 B/6 (ft)= 1.083 e = B/2 -e' (ft.)= 1.150 L' (ft.) = 6.30 RESULTANT OUTSIDE MIDDLE THIRD 3.1% UPLIFT OV<.... /" Min. Soil Bearing Press. (ksf) = Max. Soil Bearing Press. (ksf) = Lateral Forces : Tot. Lateral Force (kip) = Friction based on Inert block method Coeff of soil to soil friction, tan((j))= Friction in Front of Key Friction From Key Back Total Friction Force (kip) = Passive Resistance : Key Depth Below Footing (ft) = Key Width (ft) = Soil depth above toe of footing (ft) = Analysis Neglects Top 1 Ft of Soil Key Face Distance From Toe (ft) = Length (ft.) 2.00 p-min (kilt) 0.00 Friction + Passive (kip) = p-max (kilt) 0.150 0.000 I 2.4671 2.83 0.55 4.24 0.22 4.47 1.00 v v Force (kip) 0.150 4.617 v 4.5 ISF 1.63171,~0 """-. c_· =------'~-• '. ok v' -FOOTING MOMENTS AND SHEARS . Max Allow. Shear Stress , 47.50 €J t'\o tc£ .{ee\ •• HEEL MOMENT IS LIMITED TO MAX STEM MOMENT"" ~ •J Toe Shear 0.00 kips Iv 0.00 Toe Moment= 0.03 kip-ft As reqd (in2/II), 0.009 Ftg bottom to Centroid Steel (in) = 3.5 (Minimum steel shown) •• Toe Rein! NOT Req'd (length<= depth) •• 1.75 kips Iv = 15.36 Heel Moment = 3.17 kip-ft As reqd (in2111)• (o.283') Ftg top to Centroid Steel (in) = 2.5 (Minimum stee~ ~Lj~~ Heel Shear Key Shear 2.83 Iv 27.70 Key Moment 1.41 kip-ft As reqd (in2/II)• 0.138 Key front to Centroid Steel (in) = 3.5 (Minimum steel shown •• Key Rein! NOT Req'd (depth<= width) •• Footi rature and Shrinka e Steel in2 1.123 - ---• -• - - • - - - 111111 ----- 111111 ---------.. RETAINING WALL -STEM MOMENTS AND SHEARS SIMON WONG ENGINEERING 9968 Hibert Street #202 San Diego, CA 92131 Phone# : (858) 566-3113 Fax # : (858) 566-6844 Wall Description : 7.33' MASONRY WALL PROJECT NO: 548-001 PROJECT: POINSETTIA RETAINING WALL ••• RETAINING WALL H:7'-4" ••• MATERIAL STRENGTHS Concrete: PAGE No. DATE: BY: ALLOWABLE STRESSES Fe (psi) = 1000 OF 11/30/10 cs n = 10 Masonry: f'c (psi) = 2500 I'm (psi) = 1500 ty (ksi) = 40 Fm (psi) = 250 n = 26 Wall Moments and Shears Wall Height Increment= Analysis width, b (ft) = 1 0.667 feet Steel: Allow Special Inspection for Masonry? D Allow 1/3 increase for EQ or Wind Load Case? D Fs (ksi) = 20 NJ Sfw·al I vt spe~ o~ As Req'd (in2) for Masonry Cone stem cover (in) 2 12' Blk 8' Blk 6' Blk EQUIV H FEET SHEAR KIPS 7.33 1.23 6.67 102 6.00 0.83 5.33 0.66 4.67 0.51 4.00 0.38 3.33 0.27 2.66 0.18 2.00 0.11 1.33 0.06 0.66 0.03 MOMENT KIP.FT 3.17 2.42 1.81 1.31 0.92 0.63 0.41 0.27 0.17 0.11 0.09 if')<;D/C, A-s. 0 0,'f-"?? /fl?.- 8.75 0.470 0.121 0.220 0.089 0.134 0.065 0.096 0.045ft . 44 RETAINING WALL -REINFORCEMENT DEVELOPMENT Rebar Size of Largest Stem Bar hooked into footing: Bar Spacing Provided, on-center (in.) = Bar Diameter (in.) = Area of Stem and Toe Steel Provided (in2/ft) = Check vertical development of stem bars into footing: Footing Thickness Required (in.) = 9.2 Footing Thickness Provided (in.) = 12.0 Check horizontal clearance for stem hook into footing toe: Footing Toe Length Required (in.) = 0.0 Footing Toe Length Provided (in.) = 2.0 Check horizontal development of toe bars (back from stem face): Stem Thickness Required (in.) = 8.3 Stem Thickness Provided (in.)= 16.0 D ~nryBlock RETNEW2007.XLS LU:7-2-07 Hook Length from bar center = Development Length of hook, Ld = (Adjusted for cover and yield strength) Stem Ld adj. for Area req'd/prov'd = Toe Ld adj. for Area req'd/prov'd = 5 3 0.597 0.192 0.082 0.053 9.69 in. 7.00 in. 6.00 in. 5.00 in. 'd" -Project: Po,kc::eW-i· d-Page: t{ I iV/\V~ SIMON WONG ENGINEERING rtoA, MIi Proj.#: 5'1'8 ~ oo I I .. -Designed: rs Date: -9968 Hibert Street, 2nd Floor (858) 566-3113 Checked: San Diego, CA 92131 FAX (858) 566-6844 Revised: ---• -• -• .L\@lb, '--. ____ .., __ --• -• -• -.. -.. -... --- ---I I I ,, X r ";:: l -4 MPr .. ------ --------- • ---• -.. ---- .. ---.. ---• -.. - -.. -.. GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING SRWB PROPERTY SOUTH SIDE OF CASSIA ROAD, EAST OF POINSETTIA LANE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT No.: 2555-SDJ PREPARED FOR BARRA TT AMERICAN, INC. 5950 PRIESTLY DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 PREPARED BY i. GEOTEK, INC • 1384 POINSETTIA AVENUE VISTA, CALIFORNIA 92081 APRIL 13, 2004 -------.. .. • .. .. - - -.. ---• -• -.. -... ---.. -- BARRA1T .AMERICAN, INC. Geotechnical Evaluation PrQPOsed Residential Building 6.5 RETAINING WALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 6.5.1 General Design Criteria Project No.: 2555-SD3 April 13, 2004 Page 11 An allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square foot, including both dead and live loads, may be used if footings are founded at a minimum of 18 inches into compacted fill and/or dense fonnational materials. The allowable bearing may be increased by one·third when considering short-term live loads (e.g. seismic and wind loads). The passive resistance may be computed as an equivalent fluid pressure having a density of 150 psf per foot of depth, to a maximum earth pressure of 2,000 psf. A coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.35 may be used with dead load forces. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third . An equivalent fluid pressure approach may be used to compute the horizontal active pressure against the proposed walls. The appropriate fluid unit weights are given in Table 6.3.3 below for specific slope gradients of retained materials. TABLE 6.3.4-ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURES Surface Slope of Retained Materials Equivalent Fluid Pressure (H:V) (PCF) Level 33 2:1 45 The above equivalent fluid weights do not include other superimposed loading conditions such as expansive soil, vehicular traffic, structures, seismic conditions or adverse geologic conditions . 6.5.2 Wall Backfill and Drainage Selected onsite or import soil (SM/SW materials with EI<21 & PI<4) should be used for backfill provided they are screened of greater than 3-inch size gravels. Presence of other materials might necessitate revision to the parameters provided and modification of wall designs. The backfill materials should be placed in lifts no greater than 8-inches in thickness and compacted at 90°/c, relative compaction in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557· 00. Proper surface drainage needs to be provided and maintained . ' . . - ---• -• - ---• --.. - - - ---.. ---... --• BARRATI AMERICAN, INC. Geotechnical Evaluation Proposed Residential Building Project No.: 2555-SD3 April 13, 2004 Page 12 Retaining walls should be provided with an adequate pipe and gravel back drain system to prevent build up of hydrostatic pressures. Backdrains should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated collector pipe embedded in a minimum of one cubic foot per lineal foot of 3/8 to one inch clean crushed rock or equivalent, wrapped in filter fabric. The drain system should be connected to a suitable outlet. A minimum of two outlets should be provided for each drain section. Walls from 2 to 4 feet in height may be drained using localized gravel packs behind weep holes at 10 feet maximum spacing ( e.g. approximately 1.5 cubic feet of gravel in a woven plastic bag). Wall drainage should comply with the minimum requirements by the wall designer or manufacturer. 6.6 PLAN REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS We recommend that site grading, specifications, and foundation plans be reviewed by this office prior to construction to check for conformance with the recommendations of this report. We also recommend that GeoTek representatives be present during site grading and foundation construction to check for proper implementation of the geotechnical recommendations. These representatives should perform at least the following duties: • Observe site clearing and grubbing operations for proper removal of all unsuitable materials. • Observe and test bottom of removals prior to fill placement. • Evaluate the suitability of on-site and import materials for fill placement, and collect soil samples for laboratory testing where necessary. • Observe the fill for uniformity during placement including utility trenches. Also, test the fill for field density and relative compaction. • Observe and probe foundation materials to confirm suitability of bearing materials and proper footing dimensions. If requested, GeoTek will provide a construction observation and compaction report to comply with the requirements of the governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the project. We recommend that these agen?ies be notified prior to commencement of construction so that necessary grading permits .can be obtained. -Craig Shannon ... -From: Sent: Dale Mitchell [dale.mitchell@pangaealandconsultants.com] Wednesday, December 01, 2010 11 :50 AM To: Craig Shannon -Cc: Subject: 'Chuck Glass'; 'Dave Jacinto'; 'Tim Metcalfe' FW: Meeting Opportunities -Craig, -Does this help? If you have more questions please feel free to contact Tim directly to help expedite the process . • • Thanks • Dale Mitchell Senior Project Manager -• Pangaea Land Consultants Inc. 2834 La Mirada Drive, Suite 'H' • Vista, CA 92081 • Ph: (760) 726-4232 Cell: (760) 807-9924 -Email: dale.mitchell@pangaealandconsultants.com .. "' From: Tim Metcalfe [mailto:TMetcalfe@geotekusa.com] 1111111 Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 10:55 AM To: Dale Mitchell 1111111 Cc: 'Dave Jacinto'; 'Chuck Glass' • Subject: RE: Meeting Opportunities _ Dale, ... The following or something like it will be in the plan review: ~ For retaining wall foundations an allowable bearing capacity of 2500 psf minimum may be utilized at a depth and illlll embedment into bearing material of 18 inches and 24 inch width. Allowable bearing capacity may be increased by 200 -• psf for each additional foot of width to a maximum of 3100 psf. Passive resistance may be computed as an efp having a density of 250 psf/ft to a maximum of 2500 psf. Coefficient of friction 0.35. These values assume that the import is reasonable consistent with on site materials, if expansive or otherwise fine grained, lower phi angle soils are brought in and placed in the foundation zone these may not be valid . -We do not see the 2000 psf as quite low and the recommendations are based on engineering calculations. We could provide ... higher values IF Craig wants to start considering settlements in his design and or the footings get pushed deeper. Deeper may be an option if import varies from existing. -Tim Metcalfe • 760-802-7121 -E-MAIL NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: .. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, each e-mail transmission to or from this address will be treated like a normal phone conversation and considered as a CONFIDENTIAL exchange of PRELIMINARY INFORMATION that does not create a binding commitment, directive, recommendation or authorization. This communication is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, (I) please do not read or disclose -to others. (2) please notify the sender by reply mail, and (3) please delete this communication from your system. Failure to follow this process may be .. unlawful. Thank you for your cooperation. --1 .. - --- .. -.. - -.. - -.. -.. -.. -• -• ---.. ---- io E E :c; )( C w Layout Line 51mm (2")1_ T l====~======t:=:~:::::::::====i-- Edge of Footing PLAN 1-1 /2: 1 sloping backfill or 1-1 /2: 1 sloping backfill or 12Kpa (250 psf) live load surcharge Mortar Cap #13 (#4) total 2 H=1.62m" (5'-4") 12Kpa (250 psf) surcharge H=1.1m (3'-8") @ Bars --nrr~ft=:'.::~~=:!X'.::!t1 ® Bars 457mm (1"-6") 13 ff @305mm (#4)_jj (12") w X C E E~ N I ;::b, II :I: :.:: 6mm (3"clr.) #13 (#4) total 5 30b;l (12") lYPICAL SECTION 1.12m (3' -8") max ELEVATION Horizontal reinf. not shown .Y. u 0 :a .. ~ E E ,,, 0 N lYPICAL SECTION over 1.12m (3' -8") DIMENSIONS AND REINFORCING STEEL H (max) 1.63m (5' -4") 1.12m (3' -8") T (min) 254mm (0'-10") 203mm (o' -8") W (min) 1.22m ( 4'-0") 914mm (3'-0") ® Bars #13(#4)@406mm(16") #13 (#4)@406mm (16") @ Bars #19(#6)@406mm(16") -- Surcharge sloping live load sloping live load © Bars # 19(#6)@203mm(8") #19(#6)@406mm(16") #19(#6)@406mm(16") #19(#6)@403mm(16") K (min) 305mm (1'-0") 203mm (O' -8") 305mm ( 1 '-0") 203mm (O' -8") Toe Press . 129.3 Kpa (2700 psf) 91 Kpa (1900 psf) 81.4 Kpa ( 1700 psf) 68.5 Kpa ( 1430 psf) NOTES: 1. See Standard Drawings C-7 and C-8 for additional notes and details. 2. Fill all block cells with grout. ORIGINAL Add Metric Reformatted T. Stanton T. Stanton 04/06 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING MASONRY RETAINING WALL TYPE 4 (LIVE LOAD SURCHARGE OR SLOPING BACKFILL) RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE DRAYt1NG NUMBER S/01/2003 C-4 - -.. ---.. -• -• -• -• -• ---... -• ---• -• -.. -.. -- - DESIGN CONDmONS: Walls are to be used for the loading conditions shown for each type wall. Design H shall not be exceeded. Footing key is required except as shown otherwise or when found unnecessary by the Engineer. Special footing design is required where foundation material is incapable of supporting toe pressure listed in table. DESIGN DATA: Reinforced Concrete: Fc=8.3 Mpa (1200 psi) F'c=20.7 Mpa (3000 psi) Fs=138 Mpa (20,000 psi) n=10 Reinforced Masonry: F'm=41.4 Mpa (600 psi) Fm=1.4 Mpa (200 psi) Fs=138 Mpa (20,000 psi) n=50 Earth= 1922 kg/ cu m ( 120 pcf) and Equivalent Fluid Pressure=1.76 kg/sq m (36 psf) per 305mm (foot) of height. Walls shown for 1 1 /2: 1 unlimited slopin~ surcharge are designed in accordance with Ronkline s formula FENCING: Safety fencing shall be installed at the top of the wall as required by the agency. INSPECTIONS: Call for inspections as follows: A. When the footing has been formed, with the steel tied securely in final position, and is ready for the concrete to be placed. B. Where cleanout holes are not provided: (1) After the blocks have been laid up to a height of 1.22m ( 4') or full height for walls up to 1.52m (5'), with steel in place but before the grout is poured, and ..... . (2) After the first lift is properly grouted, the blocks have been laid up to the top of the wall with the steel tied securely in place but before the upper lift is grouted. Where cleanout holes are provided: for unlimited sloping surcharge with a !O = 33' 13m( 42'). After the blocks have been laid up to the top of the wall, with the steel tied securely in place, but before grouting. REINFORCEMENT: Intermediate grade, hard grade, or rail steel deformation shall conform ASTM A615, A616, A617. Bars shall lap 40 diameters, where spliced, unless otherwise shown on the plans. Bends shall conform to the Manual of Standard Practice, A.C.1. Backing for hooks is four diameters. All bar embedments are clear distances to outside of bar. Spacing for parallel bars is center to center bars. MASONRY: All reinforced masonry retaining walls be constructed of regular or light weight standard units conforming to the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction." JOINTS: Vertical control joints shall be placed at 9. 75m (32') intervals maximum. Joints shall be designed to resist shear and other lateral forces while permitting longitudinal movement. Vertical expansion joints shall be placed at 29.3m (96') intervals maximum. CONCRETE: Footing concrete shall be 332 kg/M~C-22Mpa {560-C-3250), using Type B aggregate when placing conditions permit. BACKFILL: No backfill material shall be placed against masonry retaining walls until grout has reached design strength or until grout has cured for a minimum of 28 days. Compaction of backfill material by jetting or ponding with water will not be permitted. Each layer of backfill shall be moistened as directed by the Engineer and thoroughly tamped, rolled or otherwise compacted until the relative compacting is not less than 90% . C. After grouting is complete and after rock or rubble wall drains are in place but before earth backfill is placed. D. Final inspection when all work has been completed. CONCRETE GROUT AND MORTAR MIXES: Concrete grout shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 13.8 Mpa (2,000 psi) in 28 days and mortar shall attain 12.4 Mpa (1,800) psi in 28 days. All cells shall be filled with grout. Rod or vibrate consolidation. Bring grout within 10 minutes of pouring to insure grout to a point 51 mm (2") from the top of masonry units when grouting of second lift is to be continued at another time. MORTAR KEY: To insure proper bonding between the footing and the first course of block, a mortar key shall be formed by embedding a flat 2 x 4 flush with and at the top of the freshly poured footing. The 2 x 4 should be removed after the concrete has started to harden (approximately 1 hour). A mortar key may be omitted if the first course of block is set into the fresh concrete when the footing is poured, and a good bond is obtained. WALL DRAINS: Wall drains shall be provided in accordance with Standard Drawing C-8. SOIL: All footings shall extend at least 305mm (12") into undisturbed natural soil or approved compacted fill. Soil should be dampened prior to placing concrete in footings. A. Kercheval 12/75 Revision By Approved Date SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMt.lENDED BY lHE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COt.1t.11TTEE ~ ORIGINAL Add t.letric T. Stanton 03/03 GENERAL NOTES FOR MASONRY RETAINING WALLS ..._ JPQ,fUM.{vv,J 3/01/2003 Ch'Oirperson R.C.E. 19246 Dote DRAWING NUMBER C-7 lo -- -- -.. -• -.. -.. ---• -.. -.. -• -• ---• -.. -.. -• -• • ..... T ::c CAP DETAIL NOTES: .,...... • tO '-" -H .,...... E 'k ... E '-" ~ N 0 I!) E 0 E C: N .E I!) / /H No surcharge loads within this ore for level backfill design. I Filter Material, 25.4mm (1 ") max. crushed aggregate, 0.113 cu m { 4 cu. ft.) per 102mm ( 4 ") dia. drain or .028 cu m (1 cu. ft.) per 305mm (ft.) of open head joints. lYPICAL SECTION 102mm (4") dia. drain with 6.35mm (1/4") galv. wire mesh screen, 2.44m (8') on center, or one horizontal raw of open head joints . 133mm (5 1 / 4 8" Block Wall Mortar or cast-in-place concrete 229mm 12" Block Wall (9") Finished Ground Line Horizontal reinf. thru bond beam block Top of Footing :c 51mm (21 X 102mm (41 -~ (nominal) Key KEY DETAIL 1. All masonry retaining walls shall be constructed with cap, key and drainage details as shown hereon . 2. 102mm {4") diameter drain may be formed by placing a block on it's side. Revision Date SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING ORIGINAL Kercheval 12 75 Add Metric T. Stanton 03/03 RECOMMENDED BY lHE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMlTIEE DRAWING NUMBER 3/01/2003 C-8 II ----APPENDIX -.. -• -.. .. -• ---Excel Spreadsheet: Hand Calculation Verification -.. -.. -• -• - -.. -... ---• -... ---.. ---.. ---.. - -.. ---- ----• -----------.. RETAINING WALL STABILITY rJ tr/ SIMON WONG ENGINEERING 9968 Hibert Street #202 San Diego, CA 92131 Phone#: (858) 566-3113 Fax # : (858) 566-6844 PAGE No. __ OF PROJECT NO: 599 DATE: BY: PROJECT: HAND VERIFICATION EXAMPLE -RETAINING WALL· EXAMPLE NO. 2 ••• Wall Description : 11.33' MASONRY WALL WITH BLDG SURCHARGE SOIL PRESSURE DESIGN PARAMETERS AND LOADING CONDITIONS: Active Press. (pcf) Passive Press. (pcf) = Allow Soil Bear. (psi) = Coeff. Friction (cone/soft)= 35 300 2000 0.35 Sol Slope = 0 H : 1 V e' = (MR-MOT) IF (ft.) = 2.224 (Input o for Level Backfill) e = B/2 -e' (ft.) = 1.026 Unit Wght of Soil (pcf) Unit Wt of Masonry (pcf) = Unit Wghl of Cone (pcf) Height of Sol (ft) Raling Load: Added loads: S!Kcharge Load (fl) = 120 Axial Load Top (kips)= 132 MomentatTopofWall = 150 Shear at Top (kips) = 11.333 Lateral Uniform (ksf) = Vert Uniform Heel (ksf) • = Lateral Line Load (lb) = Distance Above Top of Wal (ft) = Surcharge Loads: Resultant Load @ Back of wan (kl • = • (not req'd with surcharge p. 3) Distance Above Top of Fig (ft) • = 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 3.5 0 0 I Min. Sol Bearing Press. (ksf) = I Max. Sol Bearing Press. (ks!) = Lateral Forces : Tot. lateral Force (kip)= .. BOUSSINESQ SURCHARGE IS ACTIVE" Friction based on Inert block method Wall Dimensions Setback From Toe to Face of Wal (ft) Footing Width (ft) Footing Thickness (ft) Height of 6" Block (fl) Height of 8" Block (ft) Height of 12" Block (ft) Height of 16" Block (ft) Height of Concrete Stem (ft) Top ot Concrete waa Width (In) Backface Slope (Vertlcal:1) STABILITY Resisting Moment : Section Height Width Area Force (ft.) (ft.) (ft'-2) (k) Sol Slope 0.00 2.58 0.00 0.00 Sol (6") 0.00 2.75 0.00 0.00 So1(8j 6.00 2.58 15.50 1.86 Soll (12") 2.67 2.25 6.00 0.72 Sol (18j 2.67 1.92 5.11 0.61 Sol(Conc) 0.00 3.25 0.00 0.00 Toe Sol 1.00 3.25 3.25 0.39 ConcWafl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6" 81k 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 8" Blk 6.00 0.67 4.02 0.53 12* Blk 2.67 1.00 2.67 0.35 16" 81k 2.67 1.33 3.56 0.47 Fooling 1.00 6.50 6.50 0.98 Key 1.75 1.00 1.75 0.26 HeelPress 1.92 0.37 Add.CL 0.00 F., 6.54 Overtuml!!II Moment Height Min. Lat Max. Lat Added Press. Press. Mom. MOT (ft.I (kllll (kill! (!!-ft! 12.333 0.000 0.432 3.495 14.438 3.25 6.5 0 6 2.666 2.667 0 0 10000 Arm Moment (ft.) (k-ft) 5.64 0.00 5.13 0.00 5.21 9.69 5.38 3.87 5.54 3.40 4.88 0.00 1.63 0.63 3.25 0.00 3.50 0.00 3.58 1.90 3.75 1.32 3.92 1.84 3.25 3.17 4.25 1.12 5.54 2.06 3.58 0.00 MR" 28.89 w 1 Coeff of sol to sol friction, lan(cp)= Friction In Front of Key Friction From Key Back = Total Friction Force (kip) = Passive Resistance : Key Oeplh Below Footing (ft) = Key Width (ft) = Sol depth above toe of footing (ft) = Analysis Neglects Top 1 Ft of Soil Key Face Distance From Toe (ft) = length p • min p • max (ft.) (k/ft) (klft) 2.75 0.00 0.825 Friction+ Passive (kip)= ls.F. = FOOTING MOMENTS ANO SHEARS Max Ntow. Shear Stress 47.50 OK ToeShear = 3.35 kips ToeMoment= 7.25 kip-ft Fig bottom to Centroid Steel ('111) = 3.5 Heel Shear = 2.62 kips Heel Moment = 2.69 kip.ft Ag top to Centroid Steel ('111) = 2.5 KeyShear 3.20 kips Key Moment " 2.80 kip-ft Key fnn to Centroid Steel (In) " 3.5 07/12/04 KJG B/6(ft) = L' (ft.) = 0.0531 1.960 I 3.20 0.55 3.34 0.44 3.78 1.75 3.75 Force (kip) 1.134 4.915 1.083 0.00 fv 32.83 As reqd (lrl'lft 0.564 ff, e-i·~ 0,6b' ,,.. ... / fv 23.02 N, reqd (lrl'lft 0.239 (Minin1um steel shown) #.re./6~~ O.i..-3 ,/ fv 31.36 N, reqd (lrl'lft 0.279 (Minimum steel shown) :If'( e. t "~ o. z.1r ./ f.wlnn later.II Tern""""'-and --Steel tin?\ • 1.123 RETNEW2004A.XLS W:7-11--04 ------- -------- - --------.. -- ----- RETAINING WALL -STEM MOMENTS AND SHEARS SIMON WONG ENGINEERING 9968 Hibert Street #202 San Diego, CA 92131 Phone#: (858) 566·3113 Fax # : (858) 566-6844 PAGE No. __ OF PROJECT NO: 599 DATE: BY: 07/12/04 KJG PROJECT : HAND VERIFICATION EXAMPLE -RETAINING WALL· EXAMPLE NO. 2 Wall Description : 11.33' MASONRY WALL WITH BLDG SURCHARGE MATERIAL STRENGTHS Concrete: re (psi) = 2500 SPECIAL INSP FOR MASONRY IS REQUIRED Masonry: rm (psi)= 1500 Steel: fy (ksi} = 40 Wall Moments and Shears Allow Special Inspection for Masonry? 0 Allow 1/3 Increase for EQ or Wind Load case? D wan Height Increment = 0.667 feet Analysis width, b (ft) = 1 Cone stem ALLOWABLE STRESSES Fe (psi) = 1000 Fm(psi)= 500 Fs (ksi) = 20 As Reg'd lin'l for Masonry n= 10 n= 26 COYerfKI) 16" Blk 12" Blk 8" Blk 6" Blk EQUIVH FE SHEAR KIPS MOMENT KIP* 2 ~~~~~--~~~~~-~~~~~~~------,.--~~~--1=2-~75~-~8-~75~--~5 ____ 3~ -~ 11.33 2.76 11.46 10.67 2.49 9.71 10.00 2.23 8.13 9.33 1.99 6.73 8.67 1.75 5.48 8.00 1.53 4.39 7.33 1.32 3.44 6.66 1.11 2.63 6.00 0.92 1.95 5.33 0.74 1.40 4.66 0.57 0.96 4.00 0.42 0.63 3.33 0.28 0.40 2.66 0.17 0.25 2.00 0.10 0.16 1.33 0.05 0.11 0.66 0.03 0.08 0.613 0.515 0.428 0.349 0.282 0.224 0.174 0.132 0.097 0.068 0.047 f-------11-,,.,c:. o." 1.088 0.563 0.428 0.339 0.262 0.198 0.145 0.102 0;070 0.045 0.601 ~-ltt.{e-f ~tJ.2-,.r 0.189 0.127 0.082 0.051 0.031 RETAINING WALL -REINFORCEMENT DEVELOPMENT Rebar Size of lalgest Stem Bar hooked Into footing: 6 Bar Spacing Provided, on-cetmr (ln.) = 8 Bar Diameter (ln.) = 0.75 Area of Stem and Toe Steel Provided (in2/ft) = 0.663 Check vertical deYelopment of stem bars Into footing: Footing Thickness Required (ln.) = 10.9 OK Footing Thickness Provided (ln.) = 12.0 Check horizonlal c:learance for stem hook Into footing toe: Footing Toe Length Required (ln.) = 1.9 OK Footing Toe Length Provided (ln.) c 39.0 Check horizontal development of toe bars (back from stem face): Stem Thickness Required (ln.) = 10.4 OK Siem~ Provided (ln.) c 16.0 Masonry Block RETNEW2004A.XLS LU:7-11-04 Hook Length from bar center = Development Length of hook, Ld = (Adjusted for cover and yield strength) 11.63 In. 8.40 In. Stem Ld adj. for Area req'dlprov'd = 7.77 In. Toe Ld adj. for Area req'dlprov'd = 7.15 In. ··--------'----------·-------------------------.. -.. ---.. -.. .. -... - - - --.. -------------- Project: Page: !r'-1 '-~IMON WONG ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL & BRIDGE ENGINEERS Proj. #: Designed: Date: Checked: 9968 Hibert Street, Suite 202 (858) 566-3113 Revised: San Diego, CA 92131 FAX (858) 566-6844 * ~XAMpve No. l.. -l'11t.10Ntll WA-vL-l,J/ Bv,,,,01"'c~ Svr?.c.r-tPiflc·e Ht I I'-'1 I/ fR..OM G~ore-t:-11 : /le,.rrve. £FP = 3S-f"f ( L-E--vEL BA-tt.F, c...._. ) PA-.J.rrv£ fi:Ff>: 300 pe.--+ A(,,-1,.ovP.ovE 6rri~JJ~.S : JA.,,,, I : O.j.S-/v -,.,v/1,.-C-<ll'«C. S($d((...-= /2-0 , ... + Yc.-•Nc..-:: /,:JO f"+ ~ Mi'<J""<"7 ~ /'?) 2 (' "-f- f ', :: zs-oo /1'; f' =-/SOO fJ; "1 f7 :: '10 ft., ; Fe.b = 0.'10.f 'e-:. /Ooo f"; F..,, = o. 3:> f:., :: Soo fJ; Fs = 1--0 /<.J~ £?: 2.1,0% h::; : S7-vL.s-oo e.,,., 1=,:_ e% Z-?,ooo n : =-:;;;;:;5"(ts-oo J ~41.,..,., E"' :, to ~ ~b ( V{S(;... 2,(06. t...11-. I) I To Ay,,rr, Sfe"'i,.,._,., INT!t$c-rro,.., Fw<. MliJONlf-J 1 :1'2_ Ac-i--w-AeL-~ .sTt(.eJ,H;-J VJC'O I i,e... 1'':l.-(s-ao f";) • 2..\J"t) p;i (ue,c.-,-_,o.S-.3,'f i,, 1101, "(. 7} -Project: .. -Designed: -Checked: --(&x. #,z_ cdNr,} --- • -.. -----------.. ---... ---.. ------ r I 'I > -1? .. ,•,0 ,,_,,. lV~IMON WONG ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL & BRIDGE ENGINEERS 9968 Hibert Street, Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92131 t 12-. I 1, 3 -'1 -r)ly10£ ''7 2. ( .JA-ME. AJ ft &OV'E) ''-o" (858) 566-3113 FAX (858) 566-6844 fQVIV. 1--~-r~rt,tL,.. J 11/U.H,ttlff : 517 #1,,,.. Page: Proj. #: Date: Revised: ' ' ' --~ ( '7,tS AS ---.. ------• -• -.. -- - -.. -• -.. .. - -.. - Project: Page: A-6 f VI\A.SIMON WONG ENGINEERING ~ ~ STRUCTURAL & BRIDGE ENGINEERS Proj. #: Designed: Date: Checked: 9968 Hibert Street, Suite 202 (858) 566-3113 Revised: San Diego, CA 92131 FAX (858) 566-6844 CE;,<_ # L C.CN•.) .Sou ... (1J"'6t-fl); (z. . .rt::/(t,_0")(1i-o fJ) -: .5011, (11.,'·r>,d<,J= (2.-.i-a '}(1.-.,7'/(1io pJ)-=- sa,'-l1b~,,,,,1L}: (1.1n'}(-i._1:,,')(1u 1J-)-=- .501'-C,oi,} = ('J.1-T')( 1,.0')(1'2,() 11J/-=- t. i"1;t.-0'1(: ('/i"J.}(1;.0')[131..,,,1)-:. f2,!0i,.oCA(.! ('l-/, ... )(~.,7')fot.1,.f}:; (IG," ) (6 11 81.f}c,/(~ fr,z.. ('l...,7}(tJ'L/cl} Foo,11-<4-: (,.~o·J(1.00")(1n.1(.I) : t<..~7 ; (t.oo')(t,7J')(,ror.f} HE~(... jvtU-H11t-,t<s-C; (/,'I Ii ')( ( 'f If f ,.f} -:. Foa,c..-i:: (1$60# 11--o~ 6,13#. 3 ,o * sz. t* 3S"1-#- 'i 61 #- ?7Y#- 2h';J-tl- 371.-tt- lfR.M S.Z-1' 0, 37J'' S. S-'1 I ,. ,1.-~' 3,J"f' 3.7.r I 3. '11-I '3.1-s' "t.z.r' ~-~'-{I /'1.0ME:N1 'J e, 8 t pr,ff 3 f70 ,.., .. ,,,, '3:; "J 7 F-r•lf G3 '1 FMf ( 1J' "f ,z__ FT,.<f- 1 :;~o FT~ Ac.-nvE .5011 .... f'tt.r;:JfV~I: ; M ~ !,-6 (-:!>S-('c+)C ("J.. 3') ·/' = 'o, ., '( I FT-#- LA,tiil'-i"t I.., SvtU-1-fA/t.,;,-t,: M:(sn'')(1,.,s'} : 31-;oFT-il P-Pt(LIM~ /.,,oAO: M= (1-0 1f-J{1<>-t)'} : 317 F'T·ff ~M~ Oy~/LT(ltlNtl'{f..::: 21'1.,r :: Z. o ( ~ t.~o ------- -- -- - - ----• ""' ... ... ---------.. Project: Designed: Checked: ( E)(. fl.2. c.°"',.) lV~IMON WONG ENGINEERING ~TRUCTURAL & BRIDGE ENGINEERS 9968 Hibert Street, Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92131 2-'8,U~-/•ft'Of 6S'1Z. (858) 566-3113 FAX (858) 566-6844 L'::3e.'=C:,_(,, ::,, L.-=,.ro' ~ , ( i'.z_ -e "' I. o,z. G Page: A7 Proj. #: Date: Revised: = I o o G :t. 'J S-.J _I _,_,_o__,ff'-'-.f.-_< __ t..,,(}_o_o__._l_'_I-A-v~ avl'fO" e 5.3 ,,,f ;,..,A-~ -;,..,.,.,, =- I F-,4-c,e "" WIit-~- I F-.tt-f; CJF ~'7 = / eA,r< oF """'""= PP..EJJVII..~ k S1,1t1t('(.Gt DI f'l-6/2. 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J l ~ 'J Page: AB Proj. #: Date: Revised: ... -.. -------• ------ --... ----- -------• - Project: Page: A'1 '-~/MON WONG ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL & BRIDGE ENGINEERS Proj. #: Designed: Date: Checked: 9968 Hibert Street, Suite 202 (858) 566-3113 Revised: San Diego, CA 92131 FAX (858) 566-6844 C Ex. 112. co,-,r. ) ToE MoM£Nr : ( A-l?)ovr F,tc..-E <JF l,11:1,.1,1.,,} Uf'1,v14,{LO (f'o,,r,vt£) 011£ TO Sc:>tt,, l'rtcs~v(t/;: M"" 1<z.._(1001,~1-J(3,z.r}'l..+ 7i.('r,_}(191.o-/ou7)(l.2-rf"" ::: D0wNw1tt(l..0 (flE.Ollc.;r(oN} Qve-TO TD~ Jc $ore,.. wt;; (G-l'fT: -M::: -'4._(( ISO 1.J~ I. 0'}+(11,,,0 f':f}(t.o))(J,'t.r1) t. " -/ l.f'2,, 'i/673-l'-(Z6 1000 To£ '5HEF\ti.. : C ~T "c{" Ftl<0M FAc..€ oF W-~1.,1.,,} ' EFFEc.-,tvr£ ToE L€f-f~TH c. 3_2-.r-- UpwA(?..() .$ft~ = (t,z.l'{ ,,,+)(2._:r'f') t-(17,0-/'2-t'-( }(f-'r'f ') : 'f 03 I #- 2- Dow"'""'"'tt-.0 ~Hn+a..,, ;' [,'2,o p r--f-}( I') + (t J""O f .f/( /' )] ( 2.. 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( SJ frf-}((.'I '7') 1... t-vJ ( ~}( btJ...J?J p1f )(t.117') 'L.-: -"( "f / FT-rl- cl: 11.-"-z." c.1..,,2..-o.r'' =-1.s" C.ttt;ct(. 1\-.(N(M.Vr-'\ ~~ t1.ea.vr4.e-,..._Ef'<T'J F-<>1-l. C-f(..l't(IC4--0: A;1'A.{-= o.cJo'1-0 CA,}: o.ooi--o (r1..")(11... ") = 0.2.-~'l ,Nt. VNt.£JJ A/uv'D::,. '-f/:J A:u·o =-~ {o,(71 ,H,,..}: 0, z.:>"j IN,._ :, V:.f! # S-e. ({, " ( A.:J: O,Z) / 01<. ) HEt=L-j(-1-{;AR. : ( ,4, (;f'tt:,/(.. OF WA-v(.... I NO r "d ., Ffl.dM F"\c:.E) 1,,,z,y f V = /fti, •[1.r'') :. _z._3_,f'-'-i _~_F-_"_=-_lf_?_._.r-'f'-'-;_ Ft·P'f -::: 3 I :,o Proj~t: lV/\...\ASIMON WONG ENGINEERING Page: Alf \ STRUCTURAL & BRIDGE ENGINEERS Proj. #: -Designed: Date: .. Checked: 9968 Hibert Street, Suite 202 (858) 566-3113 Revised: San Diego, CA 92131 FAX (858) 566-6844 -.. -.. -• -I I - = 3 111 II----~-1'-'t •c • -... -.. -cl If I( I '• If :: (Z -) -".2.-"' T,S' -A tu<.J.'"'-;. o.z.o'j 'N t... ( SE£ W.TO ov-rpv-r) ~ -• GHevl< MtMIM.Vlv'\: M.tN [o.da2-<>{t2-}(('l...j j "s(0.'1..-fJ'j)] -.,.. 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CONt.) .. .. .. --Footing Toe .. -.. -... -... -Footing Heel ... -----.. -Footing Key ----.. --• - • lV~IMONWONG ENGINEERING If ~ STRUCTURAL & BRIDGE ENGINEERS Page: f'r(2...- Proj. #: Date: 9968 Hibert Street, Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92131 (858) 566-3113 FAX (858) 566-6844 Revised: WORKING STRESS DESIGN Input Fs (ksi) Fe (psi) b (feet) d (inch) n M (k') 20 1000 1 8.5 10 7.247 Output Ast (inA2) Ratio Fs (ksl) Fe (psi) 0.564 0.00553 20.0 785.4 Under Input Fs (ksi) Fc(psl) b (feet) d (inch) n M (k') 20 1000 1 9.5 10 2.689 Output Ast (inA2) Ratio Fs (ksl) Fcfosi) 0.179 0.00157 20.0 388.0 Under Input Fs (ksl) Fe (psi) b (feet) d (Inch) n M (k') 20 1000 1 8.5 10 2.799 Output Ast (lnA2) Ratio Fs (ksi) Fe fosl) 0.209 0.00205 20.1 450.5 Under -------• -.. -• -.. - --- -.. -.. - ---.. -.. ---- - Page: Project: /tl3 f_V~IMON WONG ENGINEERING ~TRUC1VRAL & BRIDGE ENGINEERS Proj. #: Designed: Date: Checked: 9968 Hibert Street, Suite 202 (858) 566-3113 Revised: San Diego, CA 92131 FAX (858) 566-6844 l E'J(. 112... CON.,... ) Bovs.s IN. €.S Gl. S vtt<-t111ttt. r,€ /{tF J II v"T l?t , •. q-M c M ,;; µ, r P ~ P-... 0 E /J rH --I 2 • ' • • 1 • • .. " 12 " .. ,. .. ,, .. .. Iii Z1 22 .. .. ZS Bousslnesq Pressure Distribution Uniform Strip Load M:NAW.tCOM7.1-«i6 (Ag.2: Unlartns.ipu.dl ~ 2000 4.667 ' 10"33 ·~· P•Unibfflloed~ ··--.. -............... ] l •leflgfhd.UnibfflStic) h h -~crfMefth -0.1 ... u ... u u .. u .., ,., ... ... ... u ... ... ... " ... ... ... ... I.I .... ... --••• zs.rs 44 • .CS ..... ..... n.m .. ... ..... n.11 .. ... ..... ..... ..... ..... "'·" .. ... .... ~ .. ... .... .... .... .. ... -,,.,. I.IJ 15.10 .. ... .. .., ..... .. ... ..... 15.07 ..... .... .. ... .. ... 24.n ... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... 1U7 11.81 ...... 2ZJ.e1 .... , ...... ...... 21'9.11 258.7$ m.1'4 ....,. ,n.13 151.28 1Z1.1f ...... . .... . ... 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