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RECORD COA. PY Water and Sewer Study Trails End Development 14 Unit Duplex Project CTO4-1 4A Donna Drive at Carlsbad Village Drive In the City of Carlsbad, California Prepared For Donna Drive, LLC 5505 Cancha De Golf, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091 AA . MASSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING A ENGINEERING A SURVEYING 200 E. Washington Ave., Suite 200 Escondido, CA 92025 P. 760.741.3570 F. 760.741.1786 www.masson-assoc.com cv) RECEIVED 0 OCT 3o2u LALJ L!LLr- ENGIo: October, 2014 I. 41 Solved. TABLE OF CONTENTS Site Description and Purpose of Study Offsite Water and Sewer Analysis Sewer Analysis Onsite Water Analysis Water Meter Sizing Hydraulic Analysis Exhibit A - Sewer System (onsite and offsite) Exhibit B - Water System Exhibit C - Copy of Offsite Water and Sewer Analysis Letter Exhibit D - Kramer Engineering Services - Fixture Unit Calculations I Site Description and Purpose of Study I Study Format: The format and general content of this study are based on project specific I conversations with David Rick during October of 2014. I Site Description: The project consists of 2.79 acres of residential development. The project site is I located at the northwest corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Donna Drive. The site, is on a relatively steep hillside, all of which is below the entrance on Donna I Drive. Fourteen twin homes are proposed. Water is supplied to the site with a single feed from an existing 8" pipe on the 446 pressure zone. I * .. . Sewer service is via an existing public 8" VCP sewer line in the subdivision to the west. This sewer line drains to an existing line in Monroe Street. Purpose of Study: This study will determine the adequacy of the proposed onsite and existing offsite sewer system that services the site. It will also determine the adequacy of the proposed onsite water system. Offsite sewer and water services were analyzed in a letter to the City of Carlsbad I (David Rick) dated December 27, 2013. Landscape areas will be serviced by connections to the domestic (potable) water I system in Donna Drive. Should the City's recycled water system be extended to this area, the site irrigation will be connected to that system. I I I LII TRAILS END DEVELOPMENT THE ciry OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA srm, CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY 78 ( N07 70 \\ SCALE \\ CITY OF VISTA PALQ \\ : \\ \\ CITY OF \\ f SAN MARCOS P A \\ PACIFIC Cä AVE - OCEANI[ U CITY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY MAP Scale: N.T.S. I Offsite Sewer and Water Analysis I Offsite sewer and water services were analyzed in a letter to the City of Carlsbad (David Rick) dated December 27, 2013 (offsite Water and Sewer System Adequacy Analysis - I attached as Exhibit C). It should be pointed out that the main purpose of the letter was to address the potential impacts of the change in zoning for the site. The site was rezoned from R-A-1 0,000 to RD-M. This would change the potential number of lots (up I to 12 units) to a new project total of 14 units. The letter refers to the Growth Management Monitoring Report and the City's Master Water and Sewer Plans which were all updated after the rezone took place. Therefore, the letter concludes, "the I potable water, recycled water and sewer systems in the vicinity of the project are adequate for the proposed development." I I I I I I I I I I I Sewer Analysis The sewer analysis was conducted based on the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards Volume 1, Chapter 6, 2004 Edition: DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR SEWER MAIN SLOPE, FLOW AND DEMAND Gravity sewer pipelines shall be designed for a minimum velocity of 2 feet/second. Velocity unless otherwise stated shall be calculated from peak dry weather flow. Pipeline slopes shall satisfy the minimum velocity requirement aforementioned. Maximum velocities greater than 10 ft/second should be avoided. Slopes for Specific Pipe Sizes 8 through 12-inch diameter: 1) 8" minimum 0.40% desirable 0.50% 2)10" minimum 0.28% desirable 0.40% 3)12" minimum 0.21% desirable 0.30% Slopes for larger than 12-inch diameter pipe shall be designed to meet flow and velocity criteria and require specific approval of the City Engineer. Pipelines with horizontal curvature will require increase slope to achieve minimum required velocities. I C. 10" and smaller depth of peak flow % diameter 12" and above depth of peak flow % diameter I D. Gravity pipelines with diameters of 12" and less shall be designed to flow at depths of 0.5D during peak flow. Gravity pipelines with diameters greater than 12" shall be designed to flow at depths of 0.75D during peak flow. E. Flowrate Generation 1) An Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) = 220 gal/day, Average Daily Flow (ADF) I 2) A peaking factor (PF) of 2.5 multiplied times the ADF shall be used to determine Peak Daily Flows (PDF). PDF = ADF x 2.5 a) Residential: Single Family Residence = 1 EDU I b) Commercial Property: 1 EDU/1 ,800 ft2 (building space) i) To convert raw land to square feet of building space, assume 30% coverage. This could vary significantly dependent development constraints. I ii) To convert improved pads to square feet of building space, assume 40% of coverage 3) Industrial Property: 1 EDU/5,000 ft2 (warehouse space) I I EDU/1,800 ft2(office space) To convert raw land to square feet of building space, assume 30% coverage. This could vary significantly dependent issues such as I environmental restrictions. To convert improved pads to square feet of building space, assume 40% of coverage. Assume 60% of building space is warehouse, and 40% is office space. I I I I I I I I - I - - - - - - - - - mm - - - - - - - Sewer Design Study - Iccation Description Units (Single Family) ADF I PF Peak Flow Number of Peak Flow Slope of Pipe r ft d Q V n Notes gal/ day gall I day CFS I ft/ft in GPD fps 1 MH#4 to MH#5 2 440,/ 2.5 11001 0.0017 0.0200 0.333 0.19 1100 (6I 0.013 calc'd for mm. velocity - 1 MH#4 to MH#5 4 880 1 2.5 22001 0.0034 0.0200 0.333 0.27. . 2200 0.013 calc'd for mm. velocity - 2 MH#5 to MH#3 6 1320 ,- 2.5 3300V' 0.0051 0.0160 0.333 0.34 3300 0.013 calc'd for mm. velocity - 3 MH#1toMH#2 4 880 " 2.5 2200/ 0.0034 1 0.1590 0.333 0.16 2200 2.0 0.013 calc'd for min. velocity - 3 MH#1 to MH#2 8 1760 1/ 2.5 4400,1 0.0068 0.1590 0.333 0.23 4400 2.4 0.013 calc'd for capacity - - 4 MH#3toMH#10 (offsite) 14 30801 25 77001 0.0119 0.0864 0.333 0.34 7700 2.3 0.013 Offsite - calc'd for capacity - 5 MH#10 to MH#9 18 3960 2.5 9900 0.0153 1 0.0040 0.333 0.78 9900 0 0.013 Offsite - 6 MH#9 to MH#8 19 41801 2.5 10450 0.0162 0.0040 0.333 0.81 10450 0.9 0.013 Offsite - 7 MH#8 to MH#7 25 55001 2.5 13750 0.0213 0.0040 0.333 0.92 13750 1.0 0.013 Offsite - 8 MH#7t0 MH#6 33 7260/ 2.5 18150 0.0281 0.0066 0.333 0.93 18150 1.2 0.013 Offsite - 9 MH#6 to MH#5 50 ii000I 2.5 27500 1 0.0426 0.0595 0.333 1 0.67 27500 3.0 0.013 Offsite - 10 MH#5 to MH#4 50 11000V' 2.5 27500 1 0.0426 0.2298 0.333 0.49 27500 4.9 0.013 Offsite - 11 MH#4 to MH in Monroe 50 ii000l 2.5 27500 0.0426 0.0703 0.333 0.65 27500 3.2 0.013 Offsite - 12 Section in Monroe 1587 872,850 F 2.5 9E+05 1.3506 0.0500 0.333 4.00 872,986 7.7 0.013 Offsite Solved. I ' From the table on the preceding page, it can be seen that: The pipes for the site and the affected downstream existing lines are of sufficient I size for the sewage flows from the site and the existing homes connected to the lines. The study includes a study area extending downstream to a point where the proposed 14 new homes will not have a significant effect on the system. The last line in the study shows the sewer line in Monroe Street will convey the sewage I . from at least 1587 homes. Since the proposed project of 14 homes is an increase of less than 1%, the extent of the study is sufficient. All sewer lines in the study will be flowing much less than half full during peak flows. I01 There are some sections of the system that will be flowing less than 2 fps: The sections at the extreme upstream ends of the system. The proposed I . grades for these sections are set at the steepest practical grade to maximize velocities. The sections of existing sewer immediately downstream of the project. The I additional sewage from the project will actually help to increase the flow rates through this section and improve the existing situation. 4. There are no sections in the study where the velocity exceeds 10 fps. I I I I I I I I I I I I I Onsite Water Analysis The sewer analysis was conducted based on the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards Volume 2, Chapter 3, 2004 Edition: 3.2 PLANNING AND DESIGN CRITERIA 3.2.1 Water Flow Generation The following domestic water supply demands are used in the development of the water system. Residential Average daily flow 550 GPD/Single Family per dwelling unit 250 GPD/Multi-Family per dwelling unit Fire Flow As a general guide, the following design criteria shall be used for determining fire flow requirements. The Fire Marshal will normally determine the specific fire flow criteria for a project. 1. Residential dwelling units shall use a minimum of 1,500 gpm from any two hydrants at a minimum of 20 psi of residual pressure at the main for 2 hours duration. 3.2.2 District Pipeline Sizing Criteria (Maximum Friction, Slopes, Velocities, Etc.) I A. Water System Design Criteria 1. Approximately one pressure zone is required for each 100 feet change in elevation. I 2. Minimum static pressure of 60 psi. Maximum static pressure of 125 psi. Pressures up to 150 psi may be allowed with specific approval of the City Engineer. I 4. Use existing pressure zones if they are compatible. Static pressures are figured from the tank floor of existing or proposed tanks. A small amount of pressure zone overlap (where one can be served water with I sufficient pressure from either zone) should be included at boundaries of each pressure zone. I B. Hydraulic analysis of the System (Dynamic Pressures) shall address the following requirements: Under peak hour demand and no fire flow, minimum pressure should be no less I than 40 psi and not exceed 3.5 feet/i 1000 ft. head loss in the pipe. Maximum desirable head loss shall be 5.0 feet/i 000 f. of pipe and maximum allowable head loss shall be no greater than 10 feet/1 ,000 feet of pipe at peak flow. Under maximum day demand plus fire flow, pressure in the system should not be I less than 20 psi for the period of the fire incilent (assume tank to be half full). During fire, pumps should be assumed to be off and the fire flow requirement is to be delivered 100% from storage tanks. I 3. The maximum desired pressure drop between static pressures and dynamic pressures is 25 psi. At least two sources of water from two different streets should be available for I Solved each development (i.e., looped). Two sources from the same transmission line are acceptable if source from a different street is unavailable. No dead-end systems are permitted, unless district's staff agree to it. Looped systems are required as described above. Dead-end water lines are to serve no more than 18 residences. A looped water line is required for 19 or more residences. No more than one fire hydrant on a dead-end line. Minimum line size shall be 8-inches. Approved double check detector assemblies (DCDAs) are required for all fire sprinkler systems. This is particularly important for schools and commercial developments. Dynamic pressures shall be analyzed with reservoir levels half full. 3.2.3 Water Master Plan Peaking Factors Average Day Demand (ADD) 1.0 Maximum Month Demand (MMD) 1.5 x ADD Maximum Day Demand (MDD) 1.65 x ADD Peak Hour Demand (PHD) 2.90 x ADD Meter Sizing The meters have been set at 1" in size, since they will be providing both domestic water and fire flow for the individual home fire sprinkler systems. The calculations provided by Kramer Engineering Services include fixture unit calculations and show demand for each unit and residual pressures or each flow. These are attached as Exhibit D. These calculations show that: The total fixture unit demand is 42 or 44 per unit, fcr Type 1 and 2 Units, respectively. The residual pressures in the basement levels range from 44.2 psi to 49.2 psi. The residual pressures in the first floor levels range -from 35.9 psi to 44.5 psi. The residual pressures in the second floor levels range from 30.9 psi to 40.9 psi. The residual pressures in the third floor levels range from 38.2 psi to 38.7 psi. Feedback from the Building Department leads us to believe this system meets the City's building code design criteria. Hydraulic Analysis Residential 14 -7 0.1 Fire Flow 2 -/ ADD Factor 1 v MMD Factor 1.5 v MOD 1.65 V PHO 2.9 PHD with no fire flow 15.5 -./I 0.667" I 359 0.35 0.1 0.00 MOD plus fire flow 3009¥' I 0.667 "'I 359 0.35 19.2 0.18 ft psi I I ft I psi I psi Pressure Zone 446 V 0 Elevation at Beginning of >60 J I I At Donna Drive Station: System 251 84.5 OK 58 25 12+05 Elevation at Highest Fire " Hydrant 238 90.1 58 25 64.9 >20 I OK <125 Elevation at End of System 215 100.1 OK ~ I 58 I 25 I 74.9 I >60 I OK Solved. I On the previous table, we have shown: We have: . a minimum static pressure of 60 psi. a maximum static pressure of 125 psi. We have also shown that: I . Under peak hour demand and no fire flow, minimum pressure is no less than 40 psi. Head loss in this condition is less than 3.5 feet/I ,000 ft. I . Head loss is less than 5 feet /1,000 ft of pipe during peak flow. . Under maximum day demand plus fire flow, pressure in the system is greater than 20 psi. . The maximum pressure drop between static pressures and dynamic pressures is 25 psi. I . A dead-end water line system was approved by the Engineering Department and serves no more than 18 residences. 1 P. L I I I I I I I I I I Solved. I I I Li I I Exhibit A I I I I I I I I I I I RESIDUAL PRESSURE = 50 P5 - (HEAD LOSS) PSI - (WRY FRICTION LOSS) PSI - (7.0 PSI/lOG FT S DEVELOPED LENGTH) P1 : INSTALL, 8'0 P.V.C. (PER ASTJ4 03024, GASKET A SHOOT END JOINTS. DDR 35, STIFFNESS ~46) SEWER MAIN INSTALL 5.1454 LATERAL & O.EANOYJT PER 1onning Enginee6ng nSurveying Solved. CARlSBAD SID. D196. S7 - INSTALL 5.054 MANHOLE PER GTE GE CAJYLENAD STY. DART. Si E. Washington 200 E Wc,I, r,gYOIY Ave.. 5.410 200 A%k W MARKER , POST CRY GE C#D OE. CA 92025 O 740741.3570 M A S S 0 N P. 760.741.1786 & ASSOCIATES. INC. w.nYoeon-cssoc.com I I "AS BUILT" P.E. DIP. ________ DATE REVIEWED BY.- INSPECTOR DAlE I DGIYERUNETAUL5. I I,:wC I morn. pcimnc I pnnpvc I 28 4.15' SDITIJ'34'W] 8' PlC .5.9 41.04 5o1Er341H 8' PVC DOD 15.56 so;Er34TAj 8' PlC 5.17 97.39 DGIEJ'34141 8 Poo 5.12 14.23, S454l23"D 8' PlC 5.13 26,25 S4S47'2fl1 8' Pic 5.74 77.5.5 S45'41'2r51 8'PIC SHEET CITY OF CARLSBt1[ 4 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I IMPROVEMENT StAlls POPE TRAILS END DEVELOPMENT 09,48,3880 TRACT 04-I4/ZC O4-10/lP 04-07/ RE 04-72 SCE 04-14(A)/a) 08-Cl APPROVED: GLEN K. VAN P0541 ENGINEERING MANAGER PE 41204 EXPIRES 3/31/15 DATE 0964 By._1.1L_.. PROJECT NO. DRAINING NO. CHKD BY:,......BUL.. FR - AA 11 481 BY. REViSION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL I OTT APPROVAL -- - 1- z Slk Lqt 17 4y CE 0 NT NJN ------------ /riT SCALE. 1-20' PLAN PUBLIC SEWER ACCESS DRIVEWAY III j//J( 1 ,• ) I / / i / /4- I SB1$SI? ORAIERLINE I9t4f.IYL S STA:1I+IiS5 fr h" /1 T• . / \\ J\ L PERFORAIEDIPIPE -.. E S Ii / '1 WATER PRESSURE CALCULATIONS TYPE I UNITS PER OTT OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DAILY SERVER PRESSURE (Psi): 60.0 TOTAL PTICIURE UNITS: 42,0 DEMAND PER CHART A-3 (GEM): 25.0 WATER METER SIZE (INCHES): 10 WATER METER FRICTION LOSS (PSI): 5.0 BUILDING SUPPLY SIZE (INCHES): 7 1/4'0 PRESSURE LOSS (PSI/100 Fl): 7.0 TYPE 2 UNITS PER GTE OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DAILY SERVICE PRESSURE (PSI): - 60.0 TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS: 44.0 DEMAND PER CHART A-3 (094): 26.0 WATER METER SIZE (INCHES): 19 WATER METER FRICTION LOSS (PSI): 5.0 BUILDING SUPPLY SIZE (INCHES): I PRESSURE LOSS (PSI/100 Fl): 7.0 RESIDUAL PRESSURE CALCULATION (FROMWATER METER TO FURTHEST FIXTURE ON EACH FLOOR) BASEMENT LEVEL FIRST FLOOR UNIT/TYPE OLEVATTON HEAD LOSS, CW PIPE RESIDUAL ELEVATiON HEAD LOSS. CW PIPE RESIDUAL CHANGE, FT PSI LENGTH. FT CHANPSI GE. FT PSI LENGTH, PRESSURE, PSI LOT I/TYPE I -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 144 49.2 0 0 ISO 44.5 LOT 2/TYPE 1 -10 -4.3 (OWN) 144 40.2 0 0 150 44.5 LOT 3/TYPE 2 ID 4.3 90 44.4 20 8.6 ISO 35.9 LOT 4/TYPE 2 10 4.3 RD 44.4 20 8.6 150 35.8 LOT 5/TYPE 2 ID 4.3 ED 45.T 20 8,8 140 36.8 LOT 6/TYPE 2 ID 4.3 ED 45.1 20 8.6 140 36.6 LOT 7/TYPE I -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 142 49.3 0 0 148 44.6 LOT 8/TYPE I -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 142 49.3 0 0 148 44.6 LOT 9/TYPE 1 -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 147 46.8 5 0 155 44.1 LOT 10/TYPE 1 -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 147 48.8 0 0 155 44.1 LOT it /TYPE 1 -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 147 48.8 0 0 155 44.1 LOT 12/TYPE T -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 147 48.8 0 0 155 44.1 LOT 13/TYPE I -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 144 49.2 U 0 150 44.5 LOT 14/TYPE I -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 144 40.2 U U ISO 44.5 SECOND FLOOR THIRD FLOOR UNIT/TYPE ELEVATION HEAD LOSS OW PIPE RESIDUAL , ELEVATION HEAD LOSS , CW PIPE RESIDUAL CHANGE. FT PSI LENGTh, FT E E CHANGE. FT PSI LENGTH. FT EJRE, i/TYPE I 10 PSI LOT 4.3 142 40.7 20 8.8 112 38.5 LOT 2/TYPE 1 10 4.3 142 40.7 20 8.6 112 38.5 LOT 3/TYPE 2 30 12,9 TED 30.9 - - - - - LOT 4/TYPE 2 30 - 12.9 160 30.9 - - - - LOT 5/TYPE 2 30 129 150 31.0 - - - - LOT 6/TYPE 2 31) 129 150 31.8 - - - - LOT 7/TYPE I 10 4.3 140 40.9 20 8.6 110 38.7 LOT 8/TYPE 1 10 4.3 140 40.9 20 8.6 110 38,7 LOT 9/TYPE 1 TO 4.3 147 40.4 20 8,8 117 38.2 LOT 10/TYPE 1 10 4.3 147 40.4 20 8,6 117 38.2 LOT 11/TYPE 1 TO 4.3 147 40.4 20 8.8 117 38.2 LOT 12/TYPE. I 16 4.3 147 40.4 20 8.6 117 38.2 LOT 13/TYPE 1 10 4.3 142 40.7 20 -8.6 112 38.5 LOT 14/rIPE 1 10 4.3 142 40.7 20 8.6 112 38.5 - - - --- - - - \ 38\ 37\ \ 45 - 48 53 5, F-----~4 CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72 =11. I. Ii W. ._34 3' MN. AG. PAVING WI G SEAl. CANT. SEE ,1 MOTE Nt 9 AEREON. D.G. BASE ON APPROVED SUB' _EXIST Rlt.L.SJOE EASE (PRIMED). SEE NOTE NO S HEREON. TYPICAL SECTION MONROE STREET NO SCALE N. • ! 'k.,. 20' . 20 5 CAEP (TNP BOTH SIDES) I o MIN. EXG. BASE ON APPROVED SUB -TYPE "W CURB 4 GUTTER -'--" 8A5 (PRIMED) 5EE NOTE NO 9 NERN (1'Ye BDTlR 51055) 5 MIN. h..C. PAVING WIFOX - gp SEE MOTE TYPICAL SECTION NIB NEREON ELM AVENUE NO SCALE GENERAL NOTES ALL T.ONGT4IJCTION SHALL CONLOAjO TO THE OPECIFIC.RTIOWS AND STANDARDS OF THE CITY DI CARLSBAD. DUS T CONTROL MEASURES TO BE IN FORCE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND UNTIL IMPAOVEP1CNT5 ARE ACCEPTED NY THE CITY. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND ADEQUATE BARRICADING TO SF IN FORCE AT ALL TIMES. DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS TO BE APPROVED WITH CARLSAAO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BEFORE CONCRETE JO POURED. S. STREET LIGHLX. FOR THIS PROJECT WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPER, AND (TUNED BY ThE CIT'V OF CARLSBAD (STANDARDS TO BE LOCATED OCRING OODHWALK).4S SUILrL05A-TN5 OF SVICf LATERALS TO BE 5M0N ON THESE PLANS. H. THE EXACT LOCATION OF FXOXTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE THE RrSpTNCINILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 7. EACH LOT AND ALL FOCILJTIT5 SHALL HE PROVIDED WITH ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. N. THE CONTROCTQ.I SHALL HAVE A PREEONSTRUETOON CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK (TN THIS PROJECT. 9. THE PAVEIIENT AND BASE THICKNESSES SHOWN 'IN TREAT PLANX IS THC MINIMUM THAT MAY BE REQUIRED. ACTUAL PAVEMENT AND NOSE THICKNESS WILL HE NOSED UPON R-VALUE TEATS OF THE SIIRGAADE AFTER ROUGH GRADING HAS HOER COPIPLETED. 20. ALL DISTANCES FOR IMPROVEMENTS ORE IN H HORIZONTAL PLANE. ANY GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED IA TO BE INTERCEPTED ARIA CONVEYED TO A. POINT OF DLSPUSAL, ALL AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CUTLOORD. A PRESSURE REIAULATIR SHALL BE ,INSTALLED FOR EACH WATER OERAIC ON THE CUSTOMER SIDE OF RETCH WHERE RCSXURE EXCEEDS NO P.2.1. 36" MINIMUM Coors TO TOP OF WATER MAINS. 14.. ALL SLOPES SHALL RE PLANTED FOR EAOSIflr( CONTROL 016 ACCORDANCE WITH CITY REOUOHEMENTX. IS. CONSTR. 2" 0.0. PER WATER DEPT. STANDARD DUG. NO. ,,W-8 AT ALL LOU PTS. UI WATER MAIN, AS DIRECTED BY CITY ENGINEER. IA. ERNST. 1" AIR VENT PER WATER DERAIlMENT STANDARD DUG. NO. U-N AT ALL HIGH P15. or WATER MAIN AS D R. AT CITY ENGINEER. 17. SEWER BEDDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 306 OF THE "STD. SPEC. FOR PUISLIC WORKS C055IR." MAY NE USED TN LIEU OF THE "Cr1.0." NOTED ON PROFILES HEREIN. 16. WATER AND SEWER SERVICES TO BE FIELD LOCATED. LOCATION TO BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGLNCFR.A58JIL.TLOCA1TONS SHALL BE SHOWN Oki ThMANS, WHERE WATER MAIN GOES URI)R XEWEN MAIN THCJJE WILL BE A" CONE. ENCASE- MENT OF SEWER MAIN REQUII1FI) 6' 06 LENGTH. . -. WATER GATE VALVE STEM EXTENSIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED FOJ DEEP-CUT VALUED IS REQUIRED BY CITY ENGINEER. - ACTUAL LOCATION OF STREET AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS TO RE RI DETER- MINED IN THE FIELD NV THE CITY ENGINEER. TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN PARKWAYS ANDES THE DIRECTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC LJIIJKS. APPROVAL OF IRENE PLANS IS SUBJECT TO RECORDING OF THE FINAL FlAP, 28 I4 . (4 r P.M. WI TN SEN. GOAT. . Z .36 CROWN E-1 CURB PER _______ 4r MIN. A.ON. BASE ON TYPICAL SECTION APPROVED SUBBASE PRIVATE STREETS NO SCALE ROY L KLEMA ENGINEERS,. INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING- SURVEYORS 431 N. HALE AVE., ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (114)745-32z2 _______ (.51.51 y$ REST FD14 JO REV/I ICR. (35 JC2, /j./3.7% 5, w5, i.5w REG. CIVIL ENGR. S382. DATE DATE BY WORK TO BE DONE THE CONSTRUCTION OF TYPE "C" EARN AND F.STTCI1 SJIJIJN THUS ....... THE CONSTRUCTION 01 3" A-SPHALTIC CONCRETE AUTH 6" 0.0. BASE WITH PRIME COAT&G SEAL COOT ( SEE NOTE NO. 9) SHOWN THUS... • THE CONSTRUCTION OF 6" P.M. BERM ............................. THE CONSTRUCTION OF 4" P.C.C. SIDEWALK SHOWN THUS ............ T14E CONSTRUCTION OF 1J21H REFLECTOR AND POST ...................0 THE CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTS MAPBLELITE POLE 351510. HT -20,000 LUMBNS................ THE CLEARING AND GRUBBING FROM PROPERTY LONE TO PROPERTY LINE AS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS ...................... .THE CONSTRUCTIXN OF EXTRA STRENGTH AITRIFTED CLAY PIPE SEWER, STD. PRECAST ECCENTRIC CONE. MAFJHOLES, VITRIFIED CLAY SEWER DEAD TNDS, AND OPANULAR PIPE HEADING PER STD. DUG. S-I THE CONSTRICTION OF 4" A.E.P. SEWER LATERAL (STATIONING RE- FERS TO SEWER MOON ST WYE. ELEV. SHOWN IS LATERAL INVERT ST P.L. PER STD • . OWl, S-B. TO 65 FIELD LOCATED................ THE CONSTRUCTION OF 1" COPPER WATER SERVICE WITH CONCRETE METES BOX SHOWN THUS (TO RE FIELD LOCATED) .1A5 RRP7 S'Y"c57P.PIl XIZE - ThESE THE CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARD FIRE HYDRANT 2" x 4" OUTLETS (JAMES JONES J-3700) STO. W-1 ............ THE CONSTRUCTION OF CLEANOUT (STD. DUO. 0-3) ................. THE CONSTRUCTION OF INLET (ATD. DUO. 0-1) .................... THE CONSTRUCTION OFR.C.P. OR A.C.P. ( 13500 & 2O0) ........ THE CONSTRUCTION 01 STD. 4" P.E.C, DRIVEWAY APPROACH AND A APRON SHOWN THUS .............................................510j' DRIACWHY LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD PER DETAIL THIS SHEET. (STD. 0(10. R-o) THE CONSTRUCTION OFSEOSJR\L'S MONUMENTS PER CITY OF CARLSBAD U...... STANDARD DRAWING 1-4, SHOWN THAN ............................. THE CONSTRUCTION or 6' P.C.C. CROSS CUTTER AND SPANDREL SHOWN THUS. ...............................•, • THE CONSTRUCTION OF 4 WAS STREET SIGN POST (2 7/8" 0.0.) SHOWN THUS ...............................• THE CONSTRUCTION OF NOT-H-THRI STREET SIGN OR STOP SIGN SHOWN THUS ........................... THE CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARD GUARDRAIL PER 5,10. D,VG.Nt M'S. THE CONSTRUCTION OF ASBESTOS CEMENT (CLASS 120) WATER RHINO • 11TH GATE VALUES SHOWN THUS ............. BENCH MARK SPINE IN POWER POLE NB 12106, EE. CORNER MONROE $'flNEI'I' AND 6AWOOO AVENUE. E1.EV Z05.105 SHEET rC$TY OF CARLSBAD I 9 I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT._.4 SJEETS PPLANS & PROFILES FOR STREET, SEWER, WATER & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS IN CARLSBAD TRACT N212-11 1ERVOR5P51E,5TQADE5. IOaY:5 -W PROJECT NO. DESCRIPTION . • ¶APP0. [g- 73-18 PFVISIflNS 56 / - jr, 17 la Akki KEY MAP 5.5 84 •---.4 /7 H - r z:tt I - ft I T L1 MONROE __T sr k 17 k :• t I H -1t WL ihi:1 L 5Wp I L F T AL -.--:-i- TZtfl r II LJ 4 -- I ' - L r 1 rii I r 71 .01 30 31 4 4_LIA 17 F : -'J-4-h----•r-•4----i --. t- Z T tHL, \\\\\\ LL L ,.i4H-I-1-f4J. j14 ! Ay 09 73 t 1442 Lo - HFf4~ nir J- -f-- -- I r 1' tn - i -th14tF 1p L4th F 44. 4tLfrjTIf[ o Or -- Qm Tu I 41 ~4-14 L t. P. //19 14 44. I EEJ — E1 I it3 JTtLI I . — t 'r1 i iJ :±' < 'O' / r I 4Cu — \ ------ - t \ "—. .1' - _ -_ L . i . t XI \ a \ 4:.4 m - H - . ! _~ ~ -- ... ijf:rf. /, 46 H 1; I I \ I -'I / \\ g: I 1 ; I \ \: 1QI II .,. \ LI i,l II D 7 \ T2Jf 9 tJ 7 EC --•-----, ST M EC lb i I - / 12334 1242 12334 1 - PC I cir I 19+4920 4 CUl I r EX. CO it pEPRESc GL)TTRE D4 / : -I .1 — L / SE P \ 11 I \1 - ri+sso 7 VC 7 SO2 Evt 17+ 2- rn /tIu . \ .. t.ilr t'i .-.lSOSS.._.:i II/Q w -,-- '- i - -- H /// j/ u I7+288 - I -o1 - 17+ 62 17+28 — 4 9 III i7 g \ \ 110L j , I is s jo -i ____ '7 j7f4 + - , I 1O SI r7+2J ]T I t_ /11 s 1/ - t33 -_ I I Ic \: \- I \ L : -' :t : .- I- -. I 135 3 5 - — .\~i 1. - . . . C '•o, :1: \ - - H . a. . , N : J, - r- . 9 -1 ... . ~'it~ - 1 - - 11 0 v -' -]-\ - ,r — 14lSO -_ rI1 1ST T427Oj I I I t44X3 I I (/!> ?. \ :i -1. I4 . . ~ . . . , ~ . ; l. ; \ . I \ . * Ar IX - 1~~-'V: , ( I \ \ — \- — 14872 Ii . . a; ~, . * . . ' , . 1 '.; .:: I T 3ii - .I 1 00 1 I ILPk - - I. -! : I \ 1~t' ~; t ~ . ~.. : It'l 13 2 r ---t -l--- ' t + ..... I ~ ) : : I " + ~ - - . ___ . 0\.. ... C.i414.34 1.- .... c.. jT. +. .. ~ t "~j. ~ . I - ....' I—., .. ' 116. 7 1. ~ ; . '~' ~A+. . _+ . - Io /\ \ 572~ L4 . \\j]' . . :..I\\ . ffi .. - / 1 - I LL - — -] — i3+ I £61 4' - 6\ \ _____ _________ GOES a... . -ER. . . .% \ . . 60070 . I I I - - _-j, \ - - - S 14 1 IN — — ' \ 4 I I - - \ \- 2 2+oro -L I . 9o.-f ......................... 4- ....... . 4%....I2..JGi14 -- I I I I pC lI 1t \\ I + -- r \ e~tse -±- - ii \ t — ______ _/f — — 4 i - - - 11 : — _______ \\ ' I I __ 'Ir n m - . . . -1 . f .- - L ! __C W(I4 S I9SI+ 61 -% I I - I - / I — — L] I 5-Li I - * — I f - I - - — T. . I 116 \_S~~"& IF! . I i ., .. 1..J.fHI Hi II~ OP I I 1.— I I — 'I I — — I - IM I /1 I - -L. T —2. t I — //f/fl// ___ — e P H4E 4LEH II r II T 13 T t•1:.: : . LL ---4 I IF 0 up - ug =1 ~ . . + + . .. I .- -- -- _.4 . . - . . : r Fr :t ItT .2T :.H .::1:::hh±t I I Li I LI I Exhibit B I I I I I I F LI I I 80' 0 1 20' 11 I 40' 60' I / Planning a Engineering a Surveying TRAF9 NOTE: TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP DETECTORS SHALL RE PROTECTED M PlACE ON REPLACED AS NECESSARY 10 RESTORE 10 DOSING CONDITION, x. j( Solved. co a wohingIon Ave.. Suite 200 Escondido, CA 92025 0.760.741.3570 vt A S S C) N F. 760.741.1786 & ASSOCIATES, INC. www.rvOSOfl-asSOC.Corfl CURB LINE DATA TABLE CURVE 04G114 RADIUS DaTA REMARKS Cl 10.44 41.47 1425'24 00/68 & GTR, 0-2 .' 1W C2 26.44 6.100 2c02'4r 0088 & DIR. 0-2 i%'7 03 91.68 320.00 I624'sr CURB & GTR, 0-2 ..i.i o/ 04 .169 320.00 oo'3E37 CURB & 01/6. 0-2 BW-' . - - ---- -.--.i LINE LENGTH BEARING - LI 7043 02344'36'Y LI/RB & 01/6. 0-2 - / •).. L2 2.96 540119'JJTE 'CURB & DIR. 0-2 60. 23 22 MATCH \IRACE EE 06600 VANES FROM 0.8% 10 33% DUO 7i '. ) VARIES FROM 0.9% 10 2.2% DONNA DRIVE - SECTION 0 11+25.00 NOTE: TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOW DETECTORS 59614. RE RI \ PROTECTED IN PLACE OR REPLACED AS NECESSARY Uil v -.r,-.; TO E 10 00511N0 CONDITIONS. L 23 / Al \\ Rf o B NN\.4 11 U..... ..... .uu i•-i ii ....•.' U.....' i.....i U.....' i•i u•au i'i iuu•u U.....' iUUI U.....' I...... U.....' I.....' u...i U...... I...... Ui ••aiu U...... I...... U...... .....0 SOMME IA I I U U U U THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ALL SIGNING AND STRIPING. ALL SIGNING. STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SMALL CONFORM TO THE CALIFORNIA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (FHWA'S MUICO 2003 REVISOR 1, AS AMENDED FOR USE IN CAUFORNIALIHE CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (LATEST VERSION). THESE PLANS AND SPECIAL PROIAOONS. 2. ALL 00460 AND STRIPING IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE OTT ENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 4. ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE SIGNING AND STRIPING PLANS SMALl, RE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY GRANGE IN THE FIELD. S. ALL STRIPING SHALL BE REFLECTIVE PER CALTRANS SPECIFICATIONS. STRIPING SHALL RE REPAINTED 1110 WEEKS AFTER INITIAL. PAIN1IN0. ALL SIGNAGE SMAIJ. RE REFLECTIVE PER AIIM DESIGNATION 04956 AND SMALL USE TYPE IV PRDOIA11C REFLECTIVE SHEETING (111CM N101151Y PRISMATIC OR EQUAL) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. RI-1 'STOP'. R1-2 1103. 112-1 •5904) LINEr AND STREET NAME SIGN SMALL USE lIVE IS PRISMATIC CUBE-CORNER REFLECTIVE SHEETING (DIAMOND GRADE MP OR EQUAL). LETTERING ON GROUND-MOUNTED STREET NAME SONS ON LOCAL RESIDENTIAL STREETS (SPEED DArt OF 25 MPH OR LESS) SMALL BE 4' 1401 CAPITAL LETTERS. LETTERING ON ALL GROUND-MOUNTED GiRDEr NAME 00145 ON PRIME ARTERIALS, MAJOR ARTERIALS AND SECORDARY. ARTERIALS (SPEED UNIT GREATER 11108 40 MPH) SMALL NE 8' 1801 CAPITAL LETTERS. LETTEWNG ON ALL 01900 GROUND-MOUNTED STREET NAME SONS SMALL RE 8' RIOt CAPITAL LETTERS. PRIOR To ANAL ACCEPTANCE OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS, ALL STREET STRIPING AND MARKINGS IRIRIN A 500' PERIMETER OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT WILL RE RESTORED TO A'LIKE NEWCONDITION, IN A MANNER MEETING THE APPROVAL OF THE OTT INSPECTOR. - N. EXACT LOCATION OF STRIPING AND STOP UNIT UNDO SMALL. HE APPROVED BY THE CITY ERG/ROSA OR HIS N9YRE004TA11V0 PRIOR 10 INSTALLATION. TO. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL CDNFIJCTTNG PAINTED UNES, MARKINGS AND PAVEMENT LEGENDS BY GRINDING. DEBRIS SMALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVES BY 1110 CONTRACTOR. ALL PAVEMENT LEGENDS SHALL BE THE LATEST VERSION OF THE CALIRANS STENCILS. UNLESS UNIT LINES AND CROSSWALKS SMALL RE FIELD LOCATED. CROSSWALKS SMALL HAVE TO' INSIDE DIMENSION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ALL CROSSWALKS. UNIT UNES, STOP 86115. PAVEMENT ARROWS AND PAVEMENT LEGENDS SMALL RE THERMOPLASTIC UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. - ARE HYDRANT PAVEMENT MARKERS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CALIFORNIA MUTCD AND SAN 01000 REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING N-TN. ALL SONS SMALL RE STANDARD SIZE AS SMONRA IN THE CALIFORNIA MUTED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. T& SON POSTS SMALL RE SQUARE PERFORATED SlED!, WRING 01111 BREAKAWAY BASE PER SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING H-AS. Ii. WHEN A SON IS ATTACHED 10 A POLE, 1 SHALL RE MOUNTED USING A STANDARD CITY OF - CARLORAD APPROVED MOUNTING BRAD/ST 69114 STRAPS. - Ta E)OSIINO 50515 REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR SMALL RE DELIVERED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE CITY OP.CANLSRAD .PURUC. WORKS. YARD AT 405 061< AVE. IN. ALL SONS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS SMALL RE NEW SIGNS PROViDE) AND INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR EXCEPT 10000 SONS SPECIFICALLY SMORRI AS 0051190 10 RE RELOCATED OR 10 REMAIN. - (D INSTALL 16' DRIVEWAY APRON PER 0-148 <,!± INSTALL END CAP AND THRUST BLOCKS ( NOT USED THIS SlEET) INSTALL 5' NON-CONTIGUOUS CONCRETE SIDEWALK PER Q&S,Q,JNLE r INSTALL 1' WATER LATERAL & 1' METER 99/BAD/FLOW PER C3LR.D STD. DWGL 1634 INSTALL 6' CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER TYPE '0' \_J PER 0-2 /j INSTALL 2' SLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY PER 15480 510. 0!BL V_I .' (NOT USED THIS SMEET) REQUIREMENTS NO. OF F.H.(S)_F.ftOW........._....G.P.M. OUT OF- BLDG. SPRINKLED YOS,Wa - - F.F!,OW__0.P.M. P.E. EX?. ________ DATE REVIEWED BY-.ARE MARSHAL DATE INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ISMEETSI 2 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ImEPRovEoEEoor PLANS ThIN I TRSJLS END DEVELOPMENT I CPJBL.DRAD TRACT 04-1420 04-10,IIDP 04-07/ P061 04-12 [SM 04-14(A)/ES 08-07 APPROVED: - GLEN K. VAN PESKI ENGINEERING MANAGER P0 41204 EXPIRES 3/31/15 DATE DWN BY. .__JJA_... PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY. .......HAT ..- CTOA_- IA DRIVE 110812. INSTALL 28' DRIVEWAY PER S.ORJEO. G-140 INSTALL 80 P.V.C. SEWER MAIN (NOT USED THIS SHEET) INSTALL 2' COLD MILL & ASPHALT OVERLAY INSTALL SEWER LATERAL & CI.EAIIOIJT PER SIJLQE CARI3%AD 010. 060. 07 (NOT USED THIS SHEET) INSTALL MINIMUM 4' AC. PAVEMENT OVER 8' OP CLASS 2 ADO. BABE STRUCTURAL SECTIONS TO BE (ACTUAL /\ INSTALL SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY OF CAIR3%AD \' 510. 080. S1 USED THIS SHED (NOT DETERMINED PER SOLD ENGINEER'S REQUIREMENTS). , 10 EXISTING SEWER MAIN. S-TA WHERE INSTALL INSTALL RI-i 'STOP' SCSI AND DOUBLE STREET \ZJ NAME SON. PAINT 12' 611111 UNIT LINE 'SI)• PVC UNDO 9005/BEE (NOT SOOT) THIS SHIFT) ® INSTALL (4GW HIGH EFFiCIENCY INDUCTION LAMPS) PAVEMENT LEGEND. INSTALL 814-2 'NO I]iTI.ET SIGN'. STREET USMT PER S.D.R.S.D. 0011. 0-1 a E-2 INSTALL RETAINING WALL PER 0-3 INSTALL THRUST BLOCK PER C.M.W.D 511. G 1615 ® INSTALL 5' CONTIGUOUS CONCRETE SIDEWALK PER 0.DALG,D. 0-7 - INSTALL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY PER C.M.W.D 010. 085. /812 (NOT USED THIS SHEET) /\ INSTALL 18' DRIVEWAY APRON COMBINATION PER \' INSTALL R',8'AS')FL69L4L) TEE SORED 0-140 SAW CAT AND 1180901 PER CITY OF CAIN,SRAD SM. /\ INSTALL 3- 8' PO1. GATE VALVES PER V_I CALVED SIT). DIRE. 816 DINE GS-25. 0699 CUT AND REMOVE 0011190 S.C. BERM. INSTALL TO P.V.C. WATER MAIN DR-1R, AW,RA INSTALL 2' WATER LATERAL PER CARLOAD 511). 580. CLASS C-ROD. 8-4 & 1' IRRIGATION METER WITH 1' RACKFLOW PREVEN1OR PER CANLONAD SM. 5*0, 8-20 - FUll/BE LOCATION FOR RECYCLED WATER METER CITY OFCARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT "AS BUILT" RE'AlSION DESCRIPTION I OTY APPROVAL I I I Exhibit C I A t4t. ztm December27, 2013 Mr. David Rick City of Carid 1635 Faraday Ave Carisbad, 92006 RE: Trails End, CarisbadTract CT 04-14, Water and Sewer SystemAdequ.aqAnalysis Since the ogini discretionary approval forthis project includeda rezone frc mR-A 10,000 (Residential Agricultural) to RD-M (Residential Density-Multiple), there would be the probability of an increase in fje iwh of dwelling units an the site Therefore PtanningComniissicn ResoIuon No. 6035 (forCT 04-14), Conditions 65 and 67, require that the applicant verithatthere is adequate capacity, pressure and flow forthe potable water, redainiadwaterand sewer systems. In- our meeting with you and Jason Gaff on December 10, 2013, we discussedthe type of information the Cityili needlo see in ourverification of system adequacy. In the meetingiit was condudedthat the City's Growth Management Monitoring Report indicates thatthe Master Plans nowir•lude the increased density in. their calculations andthatthe local infrastructure is adequate. However, we were instructed to further review the (3MMR and the City Master Plans1, so that we can incorporate the adequacy confirmation into a letter report Therefore, this letter summarizes the statements in the GMMR and City Master Plans with regerdto adequacy of potable and reclaimed water pressure and flow rates The City of 1Cari:sb d"Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report forJuly 1, 2011 through June 30, 201T states: A. Carishad'swater distribution is provided by three agencies 'inciudlrigthe Carlsbad Municipal Water Di strict (CMWD) Q,.Liy_tnt,= Municipal Water Distnct(OMWD) and JJj Water District(VW. 1. These districts indicate that they have adequate capacityto meet the Growth Management performance standard. a Water service demand requirements are estimated usinga computer model to simulate two water distribution scenarios: 1) maximum day demand plus a lire event; 2) peak hour demand. Based on the water model analysis prepared forthe 2012 CMWD WatarMaster'Pian, future pipelines and water system facilities were identifiedto ensure .a complete water system iscorstrudedto accommodate future customers. in addition, funds forthe construction of future facilities were includedin the FY2012f13,CaOita1 Improvement Program. Therefore, the future water infrastructure is prcgrammedto be in place at the time of need in orderto ensure compliance with the perfomnce standard To meet the 10 day storage requirement, CMWDneeds 182 MG of storage capacity based on the 'historic peak demand CMWD has a storage capacity of 244 M In 2004, the OMWD completed construction of a watertraatment facility at the San DiegoCounty WaterAuthority Emergency Storage Reservoir, which provides the storage necessaryto meet the 10 day storage requirement forOMkD. VkM)saverag,a cfaydemandwas 146 MCD with an existing storage capacity of 121.6 MG. Through finteragency sharing Solved. I Solved. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. David Rick, ' City 1Carlsbad 13136 Trafis Eril— CT 04-14 December 27 2013 - Page 2of2 arrangements VWD can obtain additional water supplies to meet a 10 day restriction on the importedwater supply. I This project fails within the boundaries of the Carlsbad Municipal, Water District and is within Local Facilities Management Zone (LFMZ) 1. The 'Carlsbad Municipal Water District 2012 Water Master Plan" confirms that the pipe pressures and flow, rates for LFMZ are adequate. I RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, EXHIBIT B shows a recommenthtion for new exteriodinte.rior coating or miscellaneous appurtenance repairs/replacements at various tanks, one of which is the Elm tank at the intersection of I Donna Drive and Carlsbad Village Drive This work is to be funded autof the water connection fees collected by the District B_ With regard to wastewater treatment capacity, the recently omietedcJWaterPolkjtion I Cool Facility (EWPCF) Phase V expansion will accommodate the ultimate demand for the Carlsbad Sewer Service Area; andtharefore, currently provides adequate capacity in excess of the performance stan thrd I C With, regard to sewercdlledion: services, currentiy the City of Carlsbads Sewer service area pipelines are in compliance with the Growth Management performance standard Representatives from the sewer age n:des that provide sewer cdllectiori systems within the I City include Carl s bad, ttça , Wastewate r Di stn ci and Wate rOt stn ci. Each agency indicates that they currently have adequ ate conveyance cspadtyin place to. meet Car1lsbads sewer cdli edion demands. I The 'City lof Cadsbad2Oi2 Sewer MasterPlarr lists requiredimprovemerits tothe VistalCarts bad interceptor sewer and related pump station iimpruvements These improvements are in various stages of design and f ::nding. The Master Plan also states that I the City's outfall capacity from the EgnaTreatmentFacility is adeqiate Exhibit 2 of AppenthA (FLITURE WASTEWATER FLOW GENERATION AREAS), showsth is project site as a future flow generation area (based on the City's 2009 Growth. Database), confirming that the devetopmert of this area was indu.ded in the master lanrii:n;g process under its I current zoning. EXHIBIT 3: RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM does flat recomni&rdany sewer system improvements bei,een the project site and the VistsiCarls bad lnterceptar I ft With regard to the recycledwater systen the CityofCarIsbad20it2 Recycled Water Master Plan does not show any existing recycled water pipelines or facilities in the vicinity of the project Nor does it propose any improvements to the system in the vicinity of the project. Conclusion.: The potable water, recydedwater and sewer systems in the vidnity of the project are adequate for the proposed development. The master plans bthese systems account for the increased density ,of development th.atwas approvedirii the rezone forthe project Sincerely, /, cz Bruce A. Tait Director of Engineering I L I I No. C032247 Ep 12/31/14 [1 I I I I Exhibit D From Kramer Engineering Services FIXTURE & EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE - MARK - MANUFACTURER & MODEl. (OR APPROVED EQUAL) - TOTAL OTY TRAP w v -- cw 11W GAS WATER CLOSEI - 1.28 OFF GRAViTY TANK AMERICAN STANI3ARD CADET #2832.128, 1.28 GPF TANK, ELONGATED. W 3 3' 3' 1/2' - - i. LAVATORY - COUNTERTOP 84 1 1/2' 1 1/7 1 1/2' 1/? 1/2' - AMERICAN STANDARD CADET EVERGREEN SINK-KITCHEN DOMESTIC, BY DESIGNER OR OWNER. WITH GARBAGE DISPOSAL. 11 5V. 14 1 1/? 2' 1 1/2' 1/7 1/2' - s SHOWER Y DESIGNER OR OWNER, W/ PRESSURE BALANCE VALVE 28 11/2' 7 1117 1/2' 1/2' - SHOWER & BATHTUB COMBINATION BY DESIGNER OROWNER,W/PRESSURE BALANCE VALVE 14 11/2 2' ill? 1/7 1)7 2 BATHTUB BY DESIGNER OR OWNER. W/ PRESSURE BALANCE VALVE 18 11/7 2' 11/2' 1/2' 1/2' - MJG RANGE 14 - - - - - 3/4' BY DESIGNER OR OWNER, W/ OVEN ow DISHWASHER - DOMESTIC 14 - 1/2' - - 3/8' - DRAINS TOI<ITCHEN SINK THROUGH APPROVED AIRGAP. 11EV CLOTHES WASHER 14 2' 7 1 1/2' 1/7 1)2' 3.2 CU FT TOP LOAD OR EQUIVALENT, I 16 15 AMP CIRCUIT. o CLOTHES DRYER 14 - - - - - 3/8' 1 BY DESIGNER OR OWNER, 23fl/ REFRIGERATOR 14 - - - 1/4' - - BY DESIGNER OR OWNER, Wi FREEZER, FOUNTAIN, AND ICE MAKER, 1 15 15 AMP CIRCUIT Li\ HOSE BIEB 62 - - - 314' - - BY CONTRACTOR, WI VACUUM BREAKER FJ FURNACE 14 - 3/41 3/4' - - lIT SEE MECHANICAL SCHEDULE M1.O I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I WATER SUPPLY DEMAND PIPE SIZING CHART CALCULATIONS © 7 P81/1 00 FT DESCRIPTION TYPE 1 TYPE 2 UNITS CITY Or? EACH PIPE FIXTURE UNITS WATER CLOSET, GRAVITY TANK 4 4 2.5 FLUSHOMETER FLUSH TANK LAVATORY 6 6 1.0 112" 2 BATHTUB 1 2 4.0 3/4" - 9 BATHTUB W/ SHOWER 1 1 4.0 - 21 SHOWER 2 2 2.0 1114" - 45 SINK, KITCHEN 1 1 1.5 11/2" 30 90 REFRIGERATOR 1 1 0.5 112 230 CLOTHES WASHER 1 1 4.0 DISHWASHER 1 1 1.5 HOSE BIBB 5 3 2.5'" TOTAL 42.0 44.0 "NO 1/2" UNE WILL SERVE MORE THAN ONE FIXTURE ADDITIONAL HOSE GIBBS PER CONDO = 1.0 FU WATER PRESSURE CALCULATIONS TYPE 1 UNITS PER CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DAILY SERVICE PRESSURE (PSI): 6110 TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS: 42.0 DEMAND PER CHART A-S (GPM): 25.0 WATER METER SIZE (INCHES): 1"ø WATER METER FRICTION LOSS (PSI): 5.0 BUILDING SUPPLY SIZE (INCHES): I 114"0 PRESSURE LOSS (P511100 FT): 7.0 TYPE 2UNITS PER CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DAILY SERVICE PRESSURE (PSI): 60.0 TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS: 44.0 DEMAND PER CHART A-S (GPM): 26.0 WATER METER SIZE (INCHES): 110 WATER METER FRICTION LOSS (PSI): 5.0 BUILDING SUPPLY SIZE (INCHES): I 114"ø PRESSURE LOSS (PSU100 Fl): 7.0 I I I I I I I I I I I F-J, I I I I I I I BASELINE WATER USE (CALGREEN TABLE 4.303.1) FIXTURE TYPE FLOW DURATION DAILY 0CC, PER GALLONS RATE USES DWELLING PER DAY SHOWERHEADS 2.5 8 1 4 80.0 LAVATORY FAUCETS 2.2 0.25 3 4 8.6 KITCHEN FAUCETS 2.2 4 4 35.2 WATER CLOSETS 1.60 1 3 4 192 TOTAL DAILY BASELINE 141.0 WATER USE (BWU) ALLOWABLE WATER USE 112.8 PROPOSED WATER USE FiXTURE TYPE FLOW DURATION DAILY GALLONS RATE 0CC. PER USES DWELLING PER DAY SHOWERHEAOS 2.0 8 1 4 64.0 LAVATORY FAUCETS 1.5 0.17 3 4 3.1 KITCHEN FAUCETS 1.8 4 1 4 28.8 WATER CLOSETS, FEMALE 128 1 3 4 15.4 TOTAL DAILY PROPOSED 111.2 WATER USE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RESIDUAL PRESSURE CALCULATION (FROM WATER METER TO FURTHEST FIXII.JRE ON EACH FLOOR) BASEMENT LEVEL FIRST FLOOR UNIT/TYPE ELEVATION HEAD LOSS, CW PIPE RESIDUAL PRESSURE , ELEVATION HEAD LOSS, CW PIPE RESIDUAL CHANGE, FT PSI LENGTH. F1' CHANGE. FT PSI PSI PSI LENGTH, FT LOT 1/TYPE 1 -10 4.3 (GAIN) 144 492 0 0 150 44.5 LOT 2!TYPEI -10 4.3 (GAIN) 144 492 0 0 150 44.5 LOT 3/TYPE 2 ID 4.3 90 44.4 20 8.6 150 35.9 LOT 4/TYPE 2 10 4.3 90 44.4 20 8.6 150 35.9 LOT 5/TYPE 2 10 4.3 80 45.1 20 8.6 140 36.6 LOT 6/TYPE 2 10 4.3 80 45.1 20 8.6 140 36.6 LOT 7/TYPE 1 -10 4.3 (GAIN) 142 49.3 0 0 148 44.6 LOT BIThPE 1 -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 142 49.3 0 0 148 44.6 LOT 9/TYPE 1 -10 4.3 (GAIN) 147 40.8 0 0 155 44.1 LOT 10/TYPE 1 -10 4.3 (GAIN) 147 40.8 0 0 155 44.1 LOT lI/TYPE 1 -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 147 48.8 0 0 155 44.1 LOT 12/TYPE 1 -10 4.3 (GAIN) 147 48,8 0 0 155 441 LOT 13/TYPE 1 -10 -4.3 (GAIN) 144 49.2 0 0 150 44.5 LOT 14/TYPE 1 -10 43 (GAIN) 144 49.2 0 0 150 44.5 SECOND FLOOR THIRD FLOOR UNIT/TYPE ELEVATION HEAD LOSS, OW PIPE RESIDUAL PRESSURE ELEVATION HEAD LOSS, CW PIPE RESIDUAL CHANGE, FT PSI LENGTH, FT PSI CHANGE, FT PSI LENGTH, FT PSI LOT 1/TYPE 1 10 4.3 142 403 20 8.6 112 38.5 LOT 2/TYPE 1 10 4.3 142 4117 20 8.6 112 38.5 LOT 3/TYPE 2 30 12.9 160 30.9 - - - - LOT 4JTYPE2 30 12.9 160 30.9 - - - - LOT 5/TYPE 2 30 12.9 150 31.6 - - - - LOT 611YPE2 - 30 12.9 150 316 - - - - LOT 7ITYPEI 10 43 140 4119 20 8.6 110 38.7 LOT 8!TYPEI 10 4.3 140 40.9 20 8.6 110 38.7 LOT 9/TYPE 1 10 4.3 147 40.4 20 8.6 117 382 LOT 10/TYPE 1 10 43 147 40.4 20 8.6 117 30.2 LOT IIITYPEI 10 4.3 147 40.4 20 8.6 117 38:2 LOT 12/TYPE 1 10 4.3 147 4414 20 8.6 117 38.2 LOT 13/TYPE 1 10 43 142 40.7 20 8.6 112 38,5 LOT 14/TYPE 1 10 4.3 142 40.7 20 8.6 112 38.5 RESIDUAL PRESSURE= 60 PSI - (HEAD LOSS) PSI - (WM FRICTION LOSS) PSI -(7.0 P51/100 F1' X DEVELOPED LENGTH) PSI I I I I Li I I I I I I I I I I I I