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1"1 1 11 1 c-r 0~ - ll~ _ . ii FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION, SERVICES PERFORMED DURING MASTER DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENTS VILLAGES OF LA COSTA THE GREENS NEIGHBORHOOD 1.07 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - PREPARED FOR ¼ REALESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY % MORROW DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED CAR LSBAD,ALI FOR NIA !1 APRIL 289 2008 • PROJECTNO.06403-52-21 • GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 0 Project No. 06403-52-21 April 28, 2008 Real Estate Collateral Management Company % Morrow Development Incorporated 1903 Wright Place, Suite 180 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Tim O'Grady Subject VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS NEIGHBORHOOD 1.07 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING MASTER DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENTS Dear Mr. O'Grady: In accordance with your request and our Proposal No. LG-05297 dated September 9, 2005, we have provided compaction testing and observation services during the construction of site improvements at the subject project. We performed our services during the period of July 28, 2005 through April 8, 2008. The scope of our services included the following: Performing testing and observation services during utility trench backfill operations including storm drain, sewer main, sewer lateral, water main, water lateral, reclaimed water main, irrigation, and joint trench. We also performed in-place density tests during the preparation of sidewalk, curb and gutter and roadway subgrade and the placement of aggregate base and asphalt concrete pavement. Preparing concrete cylinders "as requested" for compression testing. Providing geotechnicál consultation during improvement operations. Performing laboratory tests to aid in evaluating the compaction characteristics of various soil conditions encountered and/or used for fill, including asphalt concrete and base materials. Preparing this final report of improvements. To aid in preparing this repdrt, we have reviewed the following report and plans associated with the project improvements: 1. Final Report of Testing and Observation Services Performed During Site Grading, Villages of La Costa - The Greens, Neighborhood 1.06 and 1.07, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated December 29, 2005 (Project No. 06403-52-19B)., 6960 Flanders Drive 0 San Diego, California 92121-2974 0 Telephone (858) 558-6900 • Fax (858) 558-6159 2. Improvement Plans and Utility Plans for: La Costa Greens - Neighborhood 1.07 Backbone, Drawing No. 427-6B, prepared by Hunsaker and Associates, City of Carlsbad approval dated June 7, 2005. Duringthe construction of site improvements, we observed compaction procedures and performed in- place density tests to evaluate the dry density and moisture content of the fill materials. We performed in-place density tests using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with ASTM Test Procedures D 2922-05 and D 2950-05 for soil and asphalt concrete, respectively. We performed laboratory tests on soil and base samples in accordance with ASTM D 1557-02, Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content; D 422-03, Particle Size/Sieve Analysis; D 2419-02, Sand Equivalent Value. In addition, we performed laboratory tests on asphalt concrete samples in accordance with ASTM D 2726-05A, Hveem Density; D 2041-03a, Theoretical Maximum Density; D 1560-05, Stability; C 136-05, Sieve Analysis; D 6307-05, Asphalt Content; and Concrete Compression Testing C 39/C 9M-05. The results of the in-place density tests are summarized in Table I and laboratory test results are summarized in Tables II through VI. The comprssion test results for concrete cylinders are summarized in Appendix A. We performed laboratory tests on base materials and asphalt concrete to check conformance with Standard Specifications for Public, Works Construction (Greenbook). The results of the laboratory tests indicate the samples are in general conformance. These results have been reported to the Morrow Development on-site superintendent and to the City of Carlsbad representative. In general, the results of the in-place density tests indicate that utility trench backfill and driveway subgrade materials possess a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at the locations tested. In-place density test results indicate that the curb and gutter, roadway subgrade and aggregate base materials possess a dry density of at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above. optimum' moisture content at the locations tested. In-place density test results Jndicate that the asphalt concrete is compacted to at least 95 percent of the'Hveem density at the locations tested. Prior to the' placement of the ½-inch asphalt concrete cap, localized areas of distressed pavement were removed and replaced on Geode Way, Quartz Way, and Mica Road. The contractor placed stabilization fabric at the base of the removal and the resulting excavation was replaced with base material compacted to 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. Addiiionally 3/4-inch asphalt concrete was placed to design grade and was capped with V2-inch asphalt concrete. Based on observations and test results, it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that-the construction of -. • site improvements, which is the subject of this report, has been performed in substantial conformance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report. Project No. 06403-52-21 - 2 - April 28, 2008 Any additional grading and/or. mprovement. installation performed at the site should be accomplihed in conjunction with our observation and testing ser'ices. Grading plans for any future grading should be reviewed by Geocon Incorporated prior to finalizing. Trench and wall backfill and sidewalk subgrade should be compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry, density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. This office should be- notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing additional grading or backfill operations. S - Adequate drainage provisions are imperative. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond adjacent to improvements. Finish grades should be established so that drainage water is directed away from pavements, curb and gutters, and sidewalks to controlled drainage devices. Irrigatibn' of landscape areas adjacent to pavements shouldbe monitored to provide just enough water to support plant life. Should you have an questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GEOCON INCORPORATED S / Michael C., Ertwine Senior Staff Geologist MCE:AS:SW:dmc (6/del) Addressee /~Sadr Shawn Weedon .78 . GE 2714 KAL AU (( N SADR o. 1778 I CERTIFIED ENGINEERING * \'! GEOLOGIST PC . 14 W Cn No.2714 Exp. 06/30109 ZO OP A Project No. 06403-52-21 April 28, 2008 TABLE I SUMMARY OF.FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test:No. Date Location = I Sample No. Field Dens; - (pci) Field Rel. Comp. Reqd. Rel. Comp. AC 1 12/15/05 Mica Road 40+10. ACI 139.4 96 95 AC 2 12/15/05 Mica Road 39+75 '' ACI . 139.9. 96 95 AC '3 12/15/05 Mica Road 37+50 ACI .138.9 96 95 AC 4 12/15/05 Mica Road'38+40 ACI 140.8 97 95 AC 5. 12/15/05 Mica Road36+50 ACI 141.7 98 95 AC 6. 12/15/05 Mica Road 35+00 ACI 138.4 95 95 AC 7 12/15/05 Mica Road 33+00 . ACI 140.1 96 95 AC 8 12/15/05 Mica Road 32+00 , . ' ACI 139.7 . 96 95 AC 9 12/15/05 Mica Road 30+00 AC2 137.1 95 95 AC 10' 12/15/05 Mica Road 31+00 . AC2 138.2 96 95 AC 11 12/15/05 Mica Road 28+20 AC2 137.5 95 95 AC 12 12/15/05 Mica Road 25+50 AC2 138.0 96 95 AC 13 12/15/05 Mica Road 27+70 AC2 137.3 - 95 95 - AC 14 .02/02/06 Quartz Way 11+00 AC3 145.1 - 96 95 AC 15 02/02/06 Quartz Way 11+15 r . AC3 . 146.4 97 95 AC 16 02/02/06 Geode Lane 18+00 - . AC3 147.5 98 95 AC 17 04/08/08 Quartz Way (Patch) 10+70. AC4 143.1 . 97 95 AC 18 04/08/08 Quartz,Way (Patch) 10+75 AC4 142.9 97 95 AC 19 04/08/08 Quartz Way (Patch), 11+15 . AC4 142.5 96 95 AC 20 04/08/08 Geode Lane (Patch) 18+00 ' AC4 143.8 . 97 - 95 AC , 21' 04/08/08 Mica Road (Patch) 35+75 - AC4 141.9 , 96 95 AC 22 04/08/08 Mica Road ('Patch) 36+40 AC4 - ' - 145.4 98 95 AC 23 04/08/08 Quartz Way 11+00 AC5 144.6 100 95 AC 24' 04/08/08 Quartz Way 12+00 . ACS 141:9 98 95 AC . 25 04/08/08 Geode Lane 18+00 . ' ACS 143.0 , 99 95 AC 26 04/08/08 Mica Road 25+00 . ACS . - 140.1 97 95 AC . 27, 04/08/08 Mica Road 26+50 . ' ACS - 141.2 98 95 - AC 28 04/08/08 Mica Road 28+00 AC5 139.8 97 95 AC 29 04/08/08 Mica Road 29+00 ACS 138.5 96 95 AC 30 04/08/08 Mica Róad31+00 , ACS 138.5 . 96 95 AC 31 04/08/08 Mica Road 32+50 . ' AC5 140.0 97 95 AC 32 04/08/08 Mica Road 34+00 ' . - - ACS 139.0 . 96 , 95 AC ' 33 04/08/08 Mica Road 35+50 AC5 139.9 97 95 AC 34 04/08/08 Mica Road 37+00 , AC5 141.0 97 95 AC' 35 04/08/08 Mica Road 38+50 - . . ACS 140.4 97 95 AC 36 04/08/08 Mica Road 40+00 ACS 139.7 96 95 Project No. 06403-52-21 " . '' ' April 28, 2008 I, 0 • . TABLE • . SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS' 0 . .. 0 . S.. Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4 'Dry . Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Cdnip. Test No. . Date Location ('t) No. (%) (pcf) W ' B 1 12/14/05 Mica Road 40+00 0 97 0 . 140.1 6.3 97 95 B 2 12/14/05 Mica Road 38i46 ,. " 0 97 0 . 139.9 5.7 97 95 B 3 12/.14/05 Mica Road36+65 0 97 0 141.2 6.7 98 95 ,• B, 4 12/14/05 Mica Road 35+30 0 97 0. 140.6 55. 98 95 B 5 12/I4/05 Mica Road 33+lO 0 97 0 138.7 5.8 96 95 I B 6 12/14/05 Mica Road 31+60 0 97 0 140.3 5.9 97 95 B 7 12/14/05 Mica Road 304-50 0 . 97 0 142.0 . 6.2 99 ' 95 . ' B 8 12/14/05 Mica Road 29+60 ,' 0 97 '0 137.9 6.0 96 95 N' B 9 12/14/05 Mica Road 27+85 . 0 97 0 138.2 5.3 96 . 95 B 10 12/14/05 Mica Road 27+80 . ' 0 , 97 0 140.1 5.9 97 95 B 11 12/14/05 MicaRoad25+85 0 0 ' 97 0 139.0 6.4 97 - 95 . B ' 12 12/14/05 Mica Road 24+90 0 97 0 140.4 6.6 98 95 B 13 02/01/06 Quartz Way 11+15 0 99 .0 140.6 . 6.5 96 95 5 B 14 02/01/06 Quartz Way 10+90 0 , 99 . 0 138.9 6.6 95 95 I B 15 02/01/06 Geode Lane 17+65 0 99 0 139.5 6.3 95 95 B 16 04/08/08 Geode Lane 18+00 0 115 0 119.6 10.3 97 95. • 0,, . .- . 0, • ,0 0 ' S • . S . 0' . . , 1 , ' - 0 - . 0 " . . • . 0 .:' 0 'S 0• . , 0 , ' 0 'O S.., . . . • 0 ' 0, S . S.. . ', 0 S 0•. , 0 - S S • Project No. 06403-522-21 0 . 0' April 28, 2008 TABLE I . - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4. Dry Moist. Ret. Rel. Depth Curve - Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location ('t) . No. (%) (pcf). CO 1 11/24/05 Mica Road 25+60 0 90 0 108.1 14.7 95 95 CO 2 11/24/05 Mica Road 27+40 0 90 0 109.4 15.2 96 95 CG 3 11/24/05 Mica Road 28+65 . 0 90 0 108.8 14.1 96 95 CO 4 11/24/05 Mica Road 30-i-00 0 90 0 110.5 14.4 . 97 95 CO 5 11/24/05 MicaRoad31+30 0 90 0 107.6 16.9 95 95 CO 6 11/24/05 Mica Road 33+00'. 9 . . 88 0 108.3 17.1 96 95 CO 7 11/30/05 Mica Road 34+50 0 88 0 109.5 17.8 97 95 CO 8 1.1/30/05 Mica Road 36+00 0 88. 0 109.1 16:4 96 95 CO 9 11/30/05 Mica Road 37+70 0 90 0 107.7 17.9 95 95 CO 10 11/30/05 Mica Road 39+30 . 0 90 0 108.8 16.5 96 95 CG .11 12/01/05 Mica Road 25+40 0 97 0 1420 5.8 99 95 CO 12 12/01/05 Mica Road 25+68 0 97 . 0 139.2 6.4 97 . 95 CO 13 12/01/05 Mica Road 27+70 0 9.7 0 138.9 5.5 . CO 14 12/01/05 Mica Road 29±56 . 0 97 0 1.39.5 4.8 97 95 CO 15 12/01/05Mica Road 29+51 0 97 0 141.4 5.6 98 95. CO 16 12/01/05 Mica Road 30+75 . 0 97 0 140.7 6.2 98 95 CO 17 :12/01/05 Mica Road 31+00 0 97 0 . 140.2 5.3 97 95 CO ' 18 12/01/05 Mica Road 32+39 0 97 0 139.5 6.1 97 95 CO 19 12/01/05 Mica Road 32+27 0 97 0 141.2 .5.5 98 95 CO 20 12/01/05 Mica Road 33+72 - 0 97 0 142.0 6.2 99 95 CO 21 12/01/05 Mica Road 35+70 0 97 0 141.3 6.6 98 95 CO 22 12/01/05 Miôa Road 37+50 0 97 0 141.4 7.2 98 95 CO 23 . 12/01/05 Mica Road 37+52 0 97 0 . 140.2 59 97 95 CO 24 12/01/05 Mica Road 39±25 - 0 97 0 139.6 6.2 97 95 CO 25 12/01/05 Mica Road 39+60 . 0 '97 0 140.5 6.3 98 95 CO 26 12/01/05 Mica Road 39+51 . 0 97 0 141.7 5.7 98 95 CO . 27 01/23/06 Quartz Way 11+15 0 . 99 0 141.2 6.3 96 95 CO 28 01/23/06 Quartz Way 11+20 - . 0 99 0 138.9 . 7.0 95 95 CO 29 01/23/06 Quartz Way, 11-i-00 0 99 0 139.6 5.9 95 ? ço 30 01/23/06 Geode Lane 17+75 '0 99 0 139.4. 6.7 . 95 95 Project No. 06403-52-21 . . ' . April 28, 2008 ., : TABLE! SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS . . Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4 Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. 5 Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location . . (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) • IT 1 11/29105 Mica' Road 25+14 -2 - 88 0 100.2 16.1 89 90 IT 1A 11/29/05 Mica Road 25+14 -2 88 0 103.9 16.5 92 90 5 IT 2 11/29/05 Brookite Court 14+65 -2 88 0 - 99.8 15.5 88 90 5 IT 2A 11/29/05 Brookite Court 14+65 . -2 88 0 102.8 15.9, 91 90 S IT 3 11/29/05 Mica Road 28+85 - -2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .88 0 100.6 16.4 89 90 IT 3 A :11/29/05 Mica Road 28+85 -2 88 0 103.2 16.3 91 90 IT 4. 11/29/05 Mica Road 34+74 -2 88 0 98.3 15.9 - 87 90 IT 4A 11/29/05 MicaRoad34+74 . -2 88 0 102.6 16.5 91 90. .. - .,. S. . . 1 • . .. • .. . . • -, . S . . . 5 . . S .. . . .... / . . . .1 • .. .. • .- . . . • .. . I . . . . . • .. . 5 Project No. 06403-52-21 April 28,2008 • . . TABLE I. SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS :. . - . Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Dry Moist. Rel. Re!. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (1't) No. (%) (pcf) . JT 1 11/18/05 Mica Road 35+60 2 88 0 1025 173 91 90 JT 2 .11/18/05 Mica Road 37+20 -2 88 0' 102.8 16.6 91 00, JT 3 11/18/05 Mica Road 37+95 -2 88. 0 101.9 16.4 90. 90 JT 4 11/19/05 Mica Road 34+00 -2 88 0 101.7 16.4 90 90 JT .5 11/19/05 Mica Road -2 90 0 103.7 14.9 91' 90 iT 6 11/19/05 MicaRoad3l+55 -2 90 '- 0 104.1 153 92 90 JT 7 11t19/05'Mica Road 30+15 -2 90 . 0 101.9 15.5 ' 90 90 • JT 8 11/19/05 Mica Road 28±90 -2 88 0 103.6 17.1 92 90 JT 9 11/19/05 Mica Road 2'7+00 -2 88 0 102.8 17.7 91 90 I . JT 10 11/19/05 Mica Road 2+33 -2 88 0 101.2 16.8 89 90 JT ' 10A 11/19/05 MicaRoad29+33 -2 88 0 ----------- l02.5 16.4 91 90 JT 11 11721/05 Mica-Road 25+O0 -2 90 0' 103.6 15.1 91 90 W . JT 12 11/21/05 Mica Road 25+50 .-2 90 0 104.2 16.4 92 90 JT 13 01/17/06 Geode.LaneXing 18+05 -i 90 0 104.6 17.6 92 90 JT 14 01/18/06 Geode Lane 17+60 -1 90 0 104.1 15.9' 92 90 . , S , ' • . , S • '' S. . . . V • V.. • • . ' , , • V.' I. V • .',,- V Project No. 06403-52-21 . V . April 28, 2008 - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp Comp. Test No. Date - Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) RWM 1 ' 10/28/05. Mica Road 35+54 -3 96 0 123.7 93 90 RWM 2 10/28/05 Mica Road 34+00 . -3 96 0 125.1 5.4 94 90 RWM 3 10/28/05 Mica Road 33+20 -3 96 0 124.2 6.7 93 90 RWM 4 10/28/05 Mica Road 31+90 -3 96 ,0 125.9 6.3 95 90 RWM 5 10/28/05 Mica Road 30+00 -3 . 96 0 123.7 6.3 93 90 RWM 6 10/28/05 Mica Road 29+38 -3 96 0 124.4 5.9 94 90 RWM 7 ' 10/31/05 Mica Road 35+40 -2 90 0 104.4 15.8 92 90 RWM 8 10/31/05 Mica Road 33+40 . -2 90 0 102.8 16.1 90 90 RWM 9 10/31/05 Mica Road'31+60' • -2 90 0 105.2 16.7 93 90 RWM • 10 10/31/05 Mica Road 30-i-20 • -2, 90 0 103.1 16.4 91 90 RWM 11 10/31/05 Mica Road 29+00 -2 90 0 104.9 15.2 92 90 RWM 12 10/31/05 Micã Road 37+00 ' • -2 90 0 105.1 157 92 90 RWM 13 11/01/05 Mica,Road27+50 -3 96 0 119.1 7.5 90 . 90 RWM 14 11/01/05 Mica Road 26+50 -3 96 0.. 119.6 7.2 90 90 RWM 1.5 11/01/05 Mica Road 27+00 -2 90 0 103.8 15.1 . 91 '90 RWM 16 11/01/05 Mica Road 26+38 -2 90 . 0 104.5 '14.7 92 90 RWM 17 11/03/05 Mica Road 25+80 -3 96 0 122.4 • 6.5 92 90 RWM 18 11/03/05. Mica Road 25+00 - ' , . -3 96 0 124.6 5.2 94 90 .RWM ' 19 11/04/05 Mica Road 26+,00 -2 90 0 104.4 17.2 92 90 RWM 20 11/04/05 Mica Road 37+90 -3 96 0 125.1 7.7 94 90 RWM. • '21 11/04/05 Mica Road -3 . 96 '' 0 123.8 6.2 93 '90 RWM 22 11/04/05 Mica Road 38+00 . -2 17 0 107.5 13.9 92 90 RWM 23 11/04/05 Mica Road 39+00 . -2 17 0 106.2 15.3 91 90 RWM 24 11/04/05 Mica Road 25+15 • • -2 90 0 104.3 17.1 92 90 RWM 25 11/04/05 Mica Road 26+18 -2 90 0 105.8 16.9 93 90 RWM 26 11/04/05 Mica Road'27+80 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' -2 90 0 , 103.5 17.7 91 90 'RWM 27 . 12/14/05 Mica Road 40+08 -3 96 0 124.1 8.3 93 90' Project No. 06403-52-21. ' • . April 28, 2008 if;11 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Elev. or Depth (ft) Curve No. Plus 3/4" Rock (%) Field Dry Dens. (pci) Field Moist. Cont. (%) Field Rel. Comp. (%) Reqd. Rel. Comp. (%) SD 1 07/28/05 Mica Road 33+60 -6 24 0 107.5 15.3 92 90 SD 2 07/28/05 Mica Road 32+96 -4 20 0 112.8 13.9 91 90 SD 3 07/28/05 Mica Road 32+52 -4 20 0 111.7 11.2 90 90 SD 4 07/29/05 Mica Road 32+00 -4 24 .0 105.3 15.3 90 90 SD 5 07/29/05 Mica Road 31+20 -4 24 0 106.1 14.1 91 90 SD 6 07/29/05 Mica Road 30+50 -4 24 0 105.8 13.9 90 90 SD 7 08/02/05 Mica Road 28+85 -4 24 0 105.6 17.4 90 90 SD ,8 08/02/05 Mica Road 28+50 '.. -2 24 0 111.7 15.2 95 90 SD 9 08/03/05 Mica Road 27+25 -4 90 0 102.9 17.4 91 90. SD 10 08/05/05 Mica Road 26+00 -590 0 )9.9 14.6 93 - 90 SD 11 08/05/05 Mica Road 24+85 -6 19 0 101.9 16.3 91 90 SD 12 - 08/05/05 Mica Road 25+25 . -4 19 0 102.5 17.1 92 90 SD 13 08/05/05 Mica Road 34+55 -6 19 0 102.7 16.4 92 90 SD 14 08/12/05 Mica Road 35+00 -6 19 0 102.9 163 92 90 SD 15 08/12/05 Mica Road 34+80 -3 19 0 101.8 16.2 91 90 SD 16 08/12/05 Mica Road 35+30 -4 19 0 102.1 17.5 91 90 SD 17 08/19/05 Mica Road 36+80 : -6 . 24 0 107.8 15.3 92 90 SD 18 08/19/05 Mica Road 36+80 -4 24 0 105.9 15.3 91. 90 SD 19 08/22/05 Mica Road 37+80 -4 90 0 102.0 17.4 90 90 SD 20 08/22/05 Mica Road 38+40 -4 24 0. 106.5 15.6 91 90 SD 21 08/22/05 Mica Road 39+93 -5 19 0 101.9 18.4 91 90 SD 22 08/22/05 Mica Road 40+00 -3 19 0 102.5 17.2 92 90 SD 23 08/25/05 Mica Road 34+34 -5 19 - 0 101.7 16.4 91 90 SD 24 08/25/05 Mica Road 34+28 -6 - 19 0 102.5, 15.9 92 90 SD 25 08/25/05 Mica Road 39+07 -3 19 0 104.6 18.8 94 90 SD 26 08/26/05 Mica Road 34+35 -4 . 24 0 107.0 17.9 91 90 SD 27 08/26/05 MicáRoad34+40 . -3 24 0 106.8 18.9 91 90 SD 28 08/29/05 Mica Road 32+32 -3. 24 0 1055 16.7 90 90 SD 29 08/29/05 Mica Road 32+32 -2 24. 0 108.3 15.1 93 90 SD 30 08/29/05 Mica Road 39+75 -4 24 0 107.2 16.4 92 90 SD 31 08/30/05 Mica, Road 39+82 . -5 77 0 110.5 15.1 91 90 SD 32 08/30/05 Mica Road 39+82 -4 77 0 111.2 16.3 92 90 SD 33 08/30/05 Mica Road 39+82 -3 77 0 109.9 13.7 91 90 SD 34 08/30/05 Mica Road 39+07 - - 90 0 103.7 16.3 91 90 SD 35 08/30/05 Mica Road 36+40 -4 90 0 105.4 15.9 93 90 SD 36 08/31/05 Mica Road 34+22 - . -3 19 0 101.3 17.2 91 90 SD 37 08/31/05 Mica Road 32+41 -3 90 0 102.5 15.6 90 90 SD 38 08/31/05 Mica Road 32+25 -2 90 0 103.5 16.3 91 90 SD 39 08/31/05 Mica 'Road 3O+70 -3 19 0 101.1 16.7 90 90 SD 40 . 09/07/05 Mica Road 32+31 . 19 0 102.6 17.8 92 90 SD 41 09/07/05 Mica Road 30+64 -5 19 0 102.1 17.3 91 90 SD 42 09/07/05 Mica Road 32+31 -3 19 0 103.7 18.8 93 90 SD 43 09/07/05 Mica Road 29+06 . -4 90 0 105:2 15.6 93 90 SD 44 09/07/05 Mica Road 26+70 -3 90 0 104.5 14.9 92 90. SD 45 09/08/05 Mica Road.39+74 -3 90 0 106.2 16.8 93 90 Project No. 06403-52-21 . April 28, 2008 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location 't) No. (%) (pcf) SD 46 09/14/05 -Mica Road 26-i-75 -4 90 0 103.5 15.6 91 90 SD 47 09/14/05 Mica Road 34+28 -3 90 0 104.9 16.1 92 90 SD 48 09/14/05 Mica Road 34+28 -2 90 0 105.2 14.6 93 90 SD 49 10/03/05 Quartz Way 11+50 -3 90 0 104.7 17.1 92 90 SD 50 10/03/05 Quartz Way 1l+75 -4 90 0 103.7 15.8 91 90 SD 51 10/03/05 Quartz Way 12+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -3 90 0 105.1 16.2 92 90 SD 52 10/12/05 Quartz Way 24+62 - -6 90 0 103.9 15.1 91 90 SD 53 10/12/05 Quartz Way 24+60 ' -4 ' 90 0 104.6 14.7 92 90 SD 54 10/21/05 Geode Lane 17+50 -4 90 0 100.9 13.9 89 90' SD 54A 10/21/05 Geode,Lane 17+50 4 90 0 102.8 16.8 90 90 SD 55 10/21/05 Geode.Lane17+22 -3 90 0 104.3 16.2 92 90 SD 56 10/21/05 Geode Lane 16+74 -5 90 0 103.5 17.6 , 91 90 SD 57 10/21/05.-Geode Lane 16+72 -3 90 0 104.8 15.9 ' 92 90 SD' 58 10/26/05 Quartz Way 10+85 . -4 90 0 106.8 16.3 94 90 SD 59 10/26/05 Quartz Way 10+88 -3 90 0 103.6 17.1 91 90 SD 60 10/26/05 Geode Lane 14+45 -4 90 0 103.5 17.9 91 90 SD 61 10/26/05 Geode Lane 14+10 -3 ' 90' , 0 104.8 16.2 92 90 SD 62 10/26/05 Geode Lane 13+90 -4 90 0 105.1 15.9 92 90 SD 63 10/26/05 Geode Lane 13+40 -5 , 90 0 106.7 16.8 94 90 SD 64 , 10/26/05 Geode Lane 13412 ' , -3 90 0 104.2 15.6 92 90 SD 65 11/04/05 Geode Lane 12+50 -4 90 0 102.5 16.8 90 90 SD. 66 11/04/05 Geode Lane 12+00 . 3 90 0 101.9 17.2 90 90 SD 67 11/04/05 Geode Lane 11+50 - ' -2 90 0 103.2 16.5 91 90 SD 68 , 11/04/05, Geode Lane ll.i-10 . -4 ' 90 0 104.1 17.6 . 92 90 SD 69 11/04/05 Geode Lane 10+65 -3 90 0 102.8 15.7 90 90 - SD 70 11/07/05 Geode Lane lO+25 -3 ' 90 0 104.2 17.3 92 90 SD 71 11/09/05 Quartz Way 10+55 - -4 19 0 101.8 18.6 91 90' SD ,72 11/09/05 Geode Lane 16+50 ' , -3 19 0 102.9 17.3 92 90 SD 73 11/09/05 Geode Lane 16+00 -3 90 0 104.7 15.1 92 90 SD 74- 11/09/05 Geode Lane 15+65 -4 90 0 105.1 16.4 92 90 SD 75 11/09/05 Titanite Place 11+35 ' -4 90 0 103.6 15.8 91 ' 90 SD 76 11/09/05 Titanite Place 10+83 - -3 90 , 0 104.9 17.2 ' 92 . 90 SD 77 ' 11/09/05 Titanité Place 11+58 ' -3 90 - '0 106.2 16.7 93 90 SD 78 11/09/05 Easement Wof Titanite 2O+90 -4 90 0 105.5 17.1 93 90 SD 79 11/09/05 Easement W of Titanite 20+35 -4 90 0 '104.2 15.9 92 90 SD. 80 . 11/14/05 Geode Lane 15+40 . -3 90 0 103.8 15.6 91 90 SD 81 11/14/05 Geode Lane 15+95 -3 90 0 - 104.1 16.3 92 . 90 SD 82 12/05/05 Geode Lane 12+81 -4 90 0 105.6 14.5' 93 90 SD 83 12/16/05 Geode Lane 15+40 -3 88 0 102.3 17.1 90 90 SD 84 12/16/05 Geode Lane 15+55 -3 88 0 103.7 16.4 92 90 SD 85 12/27/05 Geode Lane' 10+02 - . -4 88 0 103.9 16.2 92 90 SD . 86 12/27/05 Geode Lane 10+00 -3 88 0 104.7 17.3 92 90 SD 87 01/04/06 Geode Lane 30+20 -5 88 0 104.1 17.1 92 90 Project No. 06403-52-21 . . . April 28, 2008 .. - .... .,.-. . TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS I ' • Elev. Plus 'Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4" Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens.' Cont. Comp. Comp. TetNo. Date - , , Location, (ft)' No.. (°'°) (pcO SO 1 11/30/05 Mica Road 25+00 0 90 0 108.3 14.5 95 95 SO 2 11/30/05 MicaRoad26+65 " "0 90 0 111.2 15.3 98 95 SO 3 11/30/05- Mica Road 28+20 0 90 0 110.1 14.7 97 95 50 4 11/30/05 Mica Road 29+80 ' 0 90 M 109:6 14.2 96 95 I SO 5 -11/30/05 Mica Road 31+10 . 0 - 90 0 112.2 14.9 99 ' 95 . SO 6 11/30/05 MièaRoad33+55 ' 0 ' 90 0 1 10. 7 17.2 .97 - 95 SO' 7 11/30/05 Mica Road 35+60' . 0 88 0 108.9 15.7 96 95 I SO 8 11/30/05 Mica Road 37+00 0 ' 88 .- 0 110.4 / 16.1 98 95 SO 9 11/30/05Mica Road 38+75 0 19 0 106.9 17.8 96 95 SO 10 11/30/05 Mica Road 39+35 . ' 0 19 0 . 107.1 18.3 96 95 I' SO 11 01/20/06 Quartz Way 11+60 - 0 - 90 0 - 108.6 ' 15.8 96 95' SO 12 01/20/06 Geode Lane 17+55 . . 0 , 90 0 107.7 14.6 '95 95 • ' . ' • - • .. . , ,. ' • ' '' ' • O ' -- • • ' ' ' • - ' ' _ . ' '' - . - - ' • ' ' ' . ' -' '.,,. • ' . 'I .' .•' ,. '• ' - • ,0, ' • '- .' ..' . . ''' '' Project No. 06403-52-21 , - ' ' , . April 28, 2008 TABLE I S ' SUMMARY OF,FIELD 'DENSITY TEST RESULTS • 5' • '. Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. . or. 3/4" Dry Moist. Rel. Re!. Depth Cve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. I • Test No. Date '. , Location (ft) No: (pct) SL 1 09/15/05 Mica Road 38+49 -2 90 0 . 102.9 15.1 91 90 SL . 2 09/15/05 Mica Road 37+35 -3 90 0 103.6 .14.8 91 90 SL 3 09/15/05 Mica Road 36-i-84 ' -3 90 0 104.4 15.3 92 90 • 'SL 4 09/19/05 Mica Road 35+88 -3 90 0 102.8 14.3 90 90 SL 5 09/19/05 MicãRoad31+80 . -3 17 0. 108.3 16.2 93 90 SL S 6 09/19/05 MicaRoad31+28 -3 17 0 106.1 15.5 . 91 90 SL 7 09/19/05'Micä Road 30~35 -4 17 0 108.2 14:4 ' SL 8 09/19/05 Mica Road 29+51 . -2 17 0 1077 13.9 92 90 , . . .5- ._ . S .5 .' . ., . S '5, ' 55• 5• S ' S '• . 5. 5. . 5, 5555, • S ' S S 'S , 55 :. S S • 555 55 • 55 5 . 55 Project No. 06403-52-21 ' 5 5 . S ' April 28, 2008. .-•. 5' -5. 5 5 5 .5 TABLE! SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date " Location 1't) No. (%) (pci) (%) SM 1 09/08/05 Mica Road 38+27 . -5 .82 0 110.9 15.3 92 90 SM 2 09/08/05 Mica Road 39+28 .' . -4 82 0 111.2 16.9 93 90 SM 3 09/08/05 Mica Road 39+60 . -3 82 0 112.5 13.5 94 90 SM 4 .09/15/05 Mica Road 39+00 -3 82 0 111.9 15.2 93 90 SM 5 09/15/95 Mica Road 38+60 -3 82 0 109.3 13.9 91. 90 SM 6 09/15/05 MicaRoad38+05 -2 82 0 110.8 14.2 92 90 SM 7 09/16/05 Mica Road 37+80 . -4 90 0 104.5 16.3 92 90 SM 8 09/16/05 Mica Road 37+45 -2 90 0 102.7 15.9 '90 90 SM 9 09/16/05 Mica Road 37+20 -3 90 0 103.9 15.2 91 90 SM 10 09/16/05 Mica Road 37+00 -3 , ' 90 0 102.8 15.7 90 90 SM 11 09/19/05 Mica Road 35+72 -4 90 0 104.3 14.8 92 90 - SM 12 09/19/05 Mica Road 35+20 3 ' 90 0 100.2 15.1 88 90 SM 12A 09/19/05 Mica Road 35+20 -3 . 90 0 .103.6, 15.2 91 90 SM 13 09/19/05 Mica Road 34+68 -6 90 0 99.5 14.5 88 90 SM 13 A 09/19/05 Mica Road 34+68 ' -6 90 , 0 102.9 14.8 91 90 SM 14 09/20/05 Mica Road 34+ 10 ' -4 90 0 105.9 15.3 93 ' 90 SM 15 09/20/05 Mica .Road 33+90 -6 17 ' 0 106.3 15.7 91 , 90 SM 16 . 09/20/05 Mica Road 33+75 ' -3 17 0 107.5 13:8 92 '90 SM 17 .09/20/05 Mica Road 33+50 ' -8 17 0 109.2 14.6 94 90 SM 18 09/20/05 Mica Road 33+40 -4 17 0 106.1 15.9 91 90 'SM 19 09/23/05 Mica Road 33+00 ' -3 17 '0. 105.7 16.4 91 ' 90 SM 20 09/23/05 Mica Road 32+55 -7 ' 17 0 106.3 15.8 91 90 SM 21 09/23/05 Mica Road 32+74 -4 17 0 105.5 15.5 91 90 SM 22 10/04/05 Mica Road 31+70 -4 .17 0 107.9 16.2 93 90 SM 23 10/04/05 Mica Road 31+40. . - -3 17 0" 106.5 13.7 91 90 SM 24 10/04/05 Mica Road 3 1+00 ' ' -4 ' 17 0 107.2 15.9 92 .90 SM 25 10/05/05 Mica Road 30+30 17 0 106.1 16.2 91 90 SM 26 10/05/05 Mica Road 30+00 , -4 17 0 107.7 13.5 92 90 SM 27 10/05/05 Mica Road 29+30 -3 17 0 107.6 13.8 92 90 SM 28 10/05/05 Mica Road 28+55 -4 17 0 108.8 14.3 93 90 SM 29 10/06/05 Mica Road 28+00 ' -3. 17 ' 0 107.2 14.5 92 90 SM 30 10/06/05 Mica Road 27+60 -4 , 17 0 ' 105.8 16.2 91 90 SM 31 10/06/05 Mica Road 27+00 . -4 17 ' 0 107.1 15.3 92 90 SM 32 10/06/05 Mica Road 26+45 -6 17 .0 106.6 ' 13.9 92 90 SM 33 10/07/05 Mica Road 29+08 -4 17 0 108.9 13.6 ' 93 90 SM 34 10/07/05 Mica Road 26+31 . -4 17 0 107.9 14.8 93 90 SM 35 10/07/05 Mica Road 25+34 -3 90 0 102.7 16.5 90 90 SM 36 10/67/05 Mica Road 25+80 ' -5 90 0 105.2. 15.6 93 90 SM 37 10/07/05 Brookite Place 14+92 -4 90 0 104.8 14.9 92 90 SM 38 10/07/05 Brookite Place 14+82 . -3 90 .. 0 103.1 15.7 91 90 SM 39 10/12/05 Mica Road 25+37 ' ' -4 ' 90 0 103.5 16.2 91' 90 SM 40 11/09/05 Quartz Way 10+65 -5 19 0 103.3 ' 17.9 92 90 SM' 41 11/09/05 Quartz Way 11+00 -5 , 19 0 102.1 -18.6 91 90 SM , 42 11/09/05 Quartz Way 11+35 -3 19 0 101.3 17.5 91 90 SM 43 11/09/05 Quartz Way 11+70 -4 19 0 102.7 '18.2 ' 92 90 Project No 06403-52-21 ' April 28, 2069 .. • ., : . TABLE-1: SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS . o Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. - . or 3/4. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. 5 Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. • Test No. Date . Location (ft) No. (%) (PCI) (%) (%) (%) - SM 44 11/16/65, Geode Lane 18+22 -4 . 75 0 .101.5 19.9 89 90 SM 44A 7 11/10/05 Geode Lane 18+22 -4 75 0 102.8 ,18.8 90 90 5 SM 45 11/10/05 Geode Lane 18+09 . -5 75 0 103.1 17.2 91 90 5 SM 46 11/10/05 Geode Lane 17+20 -3 75 0 104.3 18.9 92 90 • .,.. . .,,, .-. H . . • . S. ._ (. . ... .. . . . ., . , . -. . • .. . • . . .. -S . . . S ., S • . . • : • ,- • - .5 • 1 5 .5 . . • ,- • • S . S • 5' _5 '• 5 5 55 5 . Project No. 06403-52-21 , S - S - , April'28, 2008 S - .. • . .. I. . 'I TABLE I SUM MARY'OFFIELD DENSITYTEST RESULTS . Elev. Plus' Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4' Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Cue Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp: Test No. Date Location ('t) No. (%) (pcf) • SW 1 f2/19/05 Mica Road 30+25 0 88 0 102.6 16.4 91 90 SW 2 12/19/05 Mica Road 31+15 0 88 0 103.7 17.1 92 90 SW 3 12/19/05 Mica Road 29+05 0 88 0 '102.8 17.9 91 90 SW 4 12/19/05 Mica Road, 26+55 0 90 0 103.3 16.3 91 90 $W 5 12/19/05 Mica Road 25+45 0 90 0 102.9 14.4 91 90 • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - SW .6 12/19/05 MicaRoad25+15 0 90 0. 103.6 14.8 91 90 SWI 7 12/19/05 Mica Road 27+08 0 90 0 103.4 15.1 .91 90 • SW 8 12/20/05 Mica Road-39+50 0 90 0 '104.2 13.4 92 90 SW . 9 . 12/20/05 Mica Road 38+OO 0 90 . 0 103.4 13.2 91 90 S SW 10 12/20/05 Mica Road 36+25 . 0 90 0 105.9 13.9 93 90 5 SW 11 12/20/05 Mica Road 34+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 90 0 102.3 13.5 90 90 • SW 12 12/20/05 Mica Road 32+00 0 90 0 104.1 13.3 92 90 SW 13 12/20/05 Mica Road 29+75 0 90 0 105. 15.4 92 90. S SW 14 12/20/05 MicaRoad28+30 0 90 0 103.8 13.6 91 90 5 'SW 15 01/05/06 Mica Road 39+45 0 90 0 102.9 16.2 91 90 SW 16 01/27/06 Quartz Way 11+75 0 90 0 106.6 14.9 94 90 W SW 17 01/27/06 Quartz Way 11+10 0 90 0 103.9 17.2 91 90 5 . SW 18 01/27/06 Geode Lane 17+85 0 90 0 102.8 17.0 90 90 I. .• . • . • • ,. I. • • • - . • / •• p.., • . 5 • . • • i,. I. . I.. ,. . • 5 Project No. 06403-52-21 . • • , • • April28, 2008 • J 7 ., TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS . .. ' . Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4' Dry Moist. Rel. Re!. - ' Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date -Location . No. (%) (pcf) W WL 1 10/31/05 Mica Road 32+20 -2 90 0 103.3 15.5 91 90 WL 2 10/31/05 Mica Road 31+18 -2 90 0 105.1 14.9 92 90 WL 3 10/31/05 Mica Road 34+69 -2 90 0 103.2 16.5 91 90 - WL 4 10/31/05 Mica Road 35+16 -2 90 0 104.3 15.6 92 90' WL 5 10/31/05 1icaRoad35+74 :2 90 0 1-03:7.,—.14..8 91 90 WL 6 12/06/05 Mica Road 33+74 . -1 90 0 .-' 102.9 14.4 . 91 90 WL 7 12/06/05 Mica Road 28+10 ' -1 . .90 0 103.7 14.3 91 90 H . . • -. • . •• . • : 1 . . .•'• I . • • ' . . . • .. • . 4 .. . . S. . -. • . .•-•• '1 •' 0• • ,• • . .•• - . . Project No. 06403-52-21 . . . April 28, 2008 ., .. TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS . Elev. : Plus Field Field Field Reqd: or 3/4 Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location. (ft) No. (%) (pct) WM 1 10/12/05 MicaRoad38+00 -3 96 0 108.5 - 10.5 82 90 I S WM . IA 10/12165 MicaRoad38+00 '-3 96 0 125.4 6.7 94 90 WM 2, 10/12/05 Mica Road 37+50 -3 96 0 124.8 7.3 94 90 WM 3 10/12/05 MicaRoad37+10 -3 96 0 125.2 9.1 94 90 WM 4 10/12/05 MicaRoad36+09 . -3 96 0 126.7 6.3 95 90. • ..WM .5 0------------104.7 --5.2 92 90 5 WM 6 10/14/05 MicaRoad36+90 -2 90 . 0 105.9 .16.5 . 93 90 • WM . 7 10/14/05 MicaRoad38+15 . •. -3 96 0 .127.7 9.3 96 90 WM 8 10/14/05 MicaRoad38+75 . -3 -96 0 126.2 8.1 95 90 S WM 9 10/15/05 MicaRoad35+60 . . . -3 96 . 0 125:9 7.9 95 90 WM. 10 10/15/05 Mica Road 34+80 . -3 96 0 128.0 6.4 96 90 o WM 11 10/15/05 Mica Road 33+85 . -3 96 0 126.5 6.2 95 90 WM 12 . 10/20/05 Mica Road 32+00 -3 96 0 122.6 6.7 92 90 5 . WM 13 10/20/05 Mica Road 31+50 . . . -3 96 0 124.1 8.3 93 90 • WM 14 -?-----------------96 ------121.9 -6.4.9--9 • WM . 15 10/24/05 Mica Road 27+61 -3 96 0 122.8 5.2 92 90 WM 16 10/24/05 Mica Road 25+91 -3 96. 0 123.1 6.9 93 90 S . WM 17 10/24/05 Mica Road 27+50 -2 90 0 104.4 16.2 92 90 5 WM 18 10/24/05 Mica Road 28+41 . -2 90 0 106.3 15.8 93 90 WM 19 10/24/05 Mica Road 31i-00 . -2 . 90 0 103.5 17.2 91 90 5 ----------------------------------- - WM 20 10/24/05 Mica Road 33+10 2 - 90 0 104.6 16.2 92 90 5 WM 21 10/24/05 Mica Road 34+50 -2 90 0 102.8 15.9 90 90 . WM 22 10/24/05 Mica Road 35+48 -2 90 0 103.7 17.3 91 90 WM 23 11/04/05 Mica Road 26+35 -2 90 0 102.9 14.8 91 90 .5 WM 24 11/04/05 Mica Road 25+25 -2 90 0 103.5 16.0 91 90 S . . S.. . .-. ., • . -.. . 5 ... ,. . . I. - . . .. S. • . . • -. .- ., - Project No. 06403-52-21 . . . April 28, 2008 TABLE I EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMS - TEST SUFFIX A, B, C,. : Retest of previous density test failure, following moisture conditioning and/or recompaction.. - STRIKE-OUT Fill in area of density test failure was removed and replaced with properly compacted fill soil - PREFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS AC - ASPHALT CONCRETE B - BASE CG - CURB AND GUTTER IT - IRRIGATION JT - JOINT TRENCH °RWM - RECLAIMED WATER MAII'. SD - STORM DRAIN SG - SUBGRADE SL - SEWER LATERAL S SM - SEWER MAIN SW. - SIDEWALK WL -'WATER LATERAL WM - WATER MAIN ,. -CURVE NO. Corresponds to curve numbers listed in the summary of laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content test results table for selected fill soil samples encountered during testing and observation. - ROCK CORRECTION For density tests with rock percentage greater than zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content were adjusted for rock content. For tests with rock content equal to zero, laboratory maximum.dry density and optimum moisture content values are unadjusted. - TYPE OF TEST SC: Sand Cone Test (ASTM D1556) NU: Nuclear Density Test (ASTM D2922) OT: Other', - ELEVATION/DEPTH Test elevations/depths have been rounded to the nearest whole foot. - LOCATION DESCRIPTION (IF): Indicates in-place-tests. Where (TIP) appears inthe location description, the compaction pro'cedures were not observed by a representative of,Geocon. Tests were taken at the surface or in test pits after placement of the fill. The results of these tests are indicative of the relative compaction at the location of the test only-and may not be extrapolated to adjacent areas. Geocon has no opinión regarding the relative compaction of fill in adjacent areas. Project No. 06403-52-21 . 5 April 28, 2008 TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM D 1557-02 Sample N °. Description - Maximum Dry Density (pci) Optimum Moisture Content . (% dry ,weight) 17 Light yellowish brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND with trace clay 116.5 13.3 19 . Olive gray, Silty, fine SAND 111.8 . 15.8 20 Gray, Silty, fine tomediumSAND 123.5 11.0 24 Grayish green, Clayey, fine to medium SAND 117.0 14.7 75 , Olive brown, Silty to Clayey, fine to medium SAND 113.9 15.8 77 Olive gray, Sandy CLAY 120.8 13.1 82 Light olive-brown, Sandy SILT 120.0 13.2 88. Light reddish brown,-Silty to Clayey, fine SAND 113.2 15.9 90 Light yellow brown, fine, Sandy SILT 113.7 14.2 96. Olive brown, Silty, fire to coarse SAND 132.9 7.9 97 Olive brown, Sandy GRAVEL (Class 2 Base) 143.9 5.9 99 Olive browr, Sandy GRAVEL (Class 2 Base) 146.5 6.4 115 Dark brown, Sandy GRAVEL (Class 2 Recycled Base) 122.8 10.3 TABLE III .SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT.CONCRETE TEST RESULTS ASTM D 2041-03A, D 2726-05A, AND D 1560-05 Test 2006 Greenbook Maximum Theoretical Hveem Sample Specifications No. Aggregate Maximum Maximum Stability . Stability • Size (inch) . Density (pci) Density (pci) AC-i /s 151.6 145.3 37 . >35 AC-2 3/4 153.5 144.2 49 >35 AC--3- 3/4 1603 150.5 .. 43 >35 AC-4 3/4 152.6 . 147.8 35 >35 AC-5 '/2 152.2 - 144.8 4'5 >35 Project No. 06403-52-21 April 28, 2008 TABLE IV SUMMARY OF LABORATORY GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS AND SAND EQUIVALENT TEST RESULTS ASTM D 422-63 AND ASTM D 2419-02 - Test Type B-97 B-99 Caltrans Specifications Class 2 Aggregate Base Sieve Analysis (sieve size) (% passing) (% passing) (% passing). 1 inch 100 109 - 100, 3/4 inch 94 . 99 . 90-100 No. 4 52 ' . 60 35-60 No. 30 . 29 30 10-30 No. 200 . ., •. . 9 . 2-9 Sand Equivalent 41 . ' .41. 25 I., TABLE SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE GRADATION AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM C 136-05 AND D 6307-05 3/4-Inch Aggregate 2006 Greenbook Test Type Section 203-6.4.3. . , , AC-1 AC-2 AC-3 AC-4 Specifications Type II Class B Sieve Analysis (sieve size) (% passing) (% passing) (% passing) (% passing) - (% passing) 1 inch 100 - 100 ' 00 . 100 100 3/4 inch , 97 . . 99 - 98 99 87-100 '/2 inch ' 80 80 .84 ' , 70-87 % inch . 67 63 66 .70 , , 55-76 No. 4 . 44 40 47 ' 44 , 35-52 No. 8 . 33 . 32 32 32 - 22-40 No. 30 ' 18 ' 19 ' 14 20 8-24 No. 50 , . . 12 , 13 10 . 13 .. 5-18 No. 200 5 . 5 4 6 0-7 OilContent(%)* 4.8 5.1 ' 4.6 . 4.9 .4.6-6.0 *Green Book refers to as "Asphalt %." Project No. 66403-52,-21 April 28, 2008 ,0 • .'. S TABLE VI SUMMARY OFLABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE GRADATION AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM C 136-05 AND D 6307-05 .. S 1/2-Inch Aggregate 2006 Greenbook Test Type ' Section 4004.3- . AC-5 Specifications Class C3 Sieve Analysis (sieve size) (% passing) (% passing) ~ inch .' 100 100 ½ inch . 95 . . 89-100 %inch 86. . 74-100 / No.4 52 50-78 No. 8 36 . 32-60 No. 30 . 19 14-38 No. 200 .4 2-10 OilContent(%)* 5.1 ' 4.6-7.0 . / • • • S .5 S .. S . ... .•.•• .. • 5., . S . • S S.. • 5 •••• 5 .5 • APPENDIX A' : REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TESTS FOR . S • . S. • VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS • -NEIGH ' BORHOOD 1.01 • CARLSAD, CALIFORNIA ' 'S •• S. • S /S •• PROJECT NO. 06403-52-21 5 5 . .5 5. '• S .S • .5 • .'• .•. .. 55 • - :. ., •• . - • REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT NO:06403-52-21 DATE: _8-26-2005 NAME: The Greens - Neighborhood 1.07 ADDRESS: Carlsbad CA CONTRACTOR: Civil Constructors FIELD DATA CONCRETE (AS1M C39) OMORTAR (UBC 24-22) OGROUT (ASTM C1019) I DPRISMS (AS11%I £447) []OTHER] SUPPLIER: Mar-Con Products Inc. TICKET NUMBER: 56923 MIX DESCRIPTION: 560C3250 'TRUCK NO./LOAD NO.:43 MIX NUMBER: TIME IN MIXER:_____________________ SLUMP: 2.5 inches ADMIXTURE:_______________________________ TYPE CEMENT: CC TEMP.: 95* UNIT WEIGHT: 3250 psi PLAN FILE NO.: -. PERMIT NO.: __- LOCATION OF PLACEMENT:Type B-S CO Mica Road Station 39+ 11 REMARKS: REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c):3250 At 28 Days DATE MADE:-8/26/05 SAMPLES MADE BY: CK DATE RECEIVED: 8) - LABORATORY DATA LABORATORY NUMBER SAMPLE AGE, DAYS DATE TESTED DIMENSIONS (in.) AREA (sq.in.) MAXIMUM LOAD. COMPRESSIVE 667-1 7-day 9/2/05 6•x 12 28.27 95,425 3,375 667-2 28-day 9/23/05 6x 12 28.27 133,995 4,740 667-3 28-day 9/23/05 6x 12 28.27 133,145' 4,710 667-4. Hold Hold 6 x 12 28.27 Hold Hold REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT NO:06403-52-21 DATE:8-26-2005 NAME: The Greens - Neighborhood 1.07 ADDRESS: Cailsbad CA . CONTRACTOR: Civil Constructors FIELD DATA CONCRETE (ASTM C39) DMORTAR (UBC 24-22) OGROUT (ASIM C1019) I []PRISMS (ASTM E447) DOTEER SUPPLIER: Mar-Con Products Inc. TICKET NUMBER: 57073 MIX DESCRIPTION: 560C3250 TRUCK NO./LOAD NO.: 43 MIX NUMBER: TIME IN MIXER:_____________________ SLUMP:, 3.5 inches ADMIXTURE: - TYPE CEMENT: CC TEMP.:_ 89° UNIT WEIGHT: 3250 psi PLAN FILE NO.:_____________________ PERMIT NO.:______________________ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT: Type B-S CO Mica Road Station 39+82 11 REMARKS: REQUIRED STRENGTH (rc):3250. At 28 Days DATE MADE: 9/2/( SAMPLES MADE BY: CK.. . DATE RECEIVED:- LABORATORY DATA rLABORATORY NUMBER SAMPLE AGE, DAYS DATE TESTED DIMENSIONS (in.) AREA (sq.in.) MA)MJM LOAD (lbs.) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 669-1 7-day 9/9/05 6 x 12 28.27 77,535 2,743 669-2 - 28-thy 9/23/05 6 x 12 28.27 115,385 . 4,081 669-3 28-day 9/23/05 6 x 12 28.27 116,855 . 4,134 669-4 Hold Hold 6 x 12 28.27 Hold Hold REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT NO:06403-52-21 . DATE:12/7/2005 NAME:. The Greens - Neighborhood 1.07 ADDRESS: Carlsbad CA . CONTRACTOR: Burtech Construction FIELD DATA CONCRETE (ASThI c DMoRTAR (USC 24-22) OGROUT (ASTM C1019) I DPRISMS (ASTM E447) DOTHER SUPPLIER: Palomar Transit Mix TICKET NUMBER:_____________________ MIX DESCRIPTION: TRUCK NO./LOAD NO.:_______________ MIX NUMBER: TIME IN MIXER:_____________________ SLUMP: 3.5 ADMIXTURE: - TYPE CEMENT: CC TEMP.: 78° UMT WEIGHT: 3250 psi PLAN FILE NO.:______________________ PERMIT NO.:______________________ LOCATION.OF PLACEMENT:Type B Inlet- Station 17+ 88 Geode Lane REMARKS: REQUIRED STRENGTH (fc):3250 At 28 Days . DATE MADE:_9/2105 SAMPLES MADE BY: CK . DATE RECEIVED: 9/3/05 LABORATORY. DATA COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY SAMPLE DATE DIMENSIONS AREA LOAD STRENGTH. NUMBER AGE, DAYS TESTED (in.) . (sq.in.) (lbs.) (psi) 669-1 7-day 12/14/05 6x12 ,28,27 108,890 3,851 669-2 28-day 9/23/05 6 xi2 28.27 143,555 5,078 669-3 28-day 9/23/05 6 x 12 28.27 146,445 5,180 669-4 Hold Hold 6x 12 28.27 Hold Hold 1