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rA . LA COSTA GREENS NEIGHBORHOOD 1.01 PROJECT NO. CT 0445 &-oj(__ 1 C2 SUBMIUAL C c) STORM WATER TREATMENT UNITS 1 OIlS MODELS: .- PMSU4O_30_10 .- PMS940_40_10 Prepared for City of Carlsbad S June 15, 2005 SUBMITTAL: STORM WATER TREATMENT UNIT LA COSTA GREENS PA 1.07 CARLSBAD, CA PRODUCTS: CDS MODEL PMSU40_30_10 (SE BASIN) CDS MODEL PMSU40_40_10 (NE BASIN) INDEX: Section 1 - Catalog Cut Sheet Section 2 - PMSU4O_30_10 Drawings Section 3 - PMSU40_40_10 Drawings Section 4 - Material / Product Specifications Section 5 - Construction Notes Submitted by: (JWtLA?9,JJ Timothy P. Joyc , .E. CDS Technologies, Inc. 3950 Long Beach Boulevard, Suite 100 Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 424-6334 CDS Technologies, Inc. - http://www.cdstech.com/ • cds@cdstech.com 3950 Long Beach Blvd. • Suite 100 . Long Beach, CA 90807-5411 • Phone (562) 424-6334 S Fax.(562) 424-8336 SECTION 1 CATALOG CUT SHEET 0 PRECAST MANHOLE MODELS PROCESSES FLOWS 0.7 TO 6.0 CFS S 000 '000 (0oDOoo00d\ 000000000II - /00000000Dll a 0000000 FLOW VARIES - 00000 00 000 -j _ 0 00000 JibS 00000 I O\ 00 \ 0000000do 0000000 000000010 13000 D 11 A" A = FOOT PRINT DIAMETER I I D = DEPTH BELOW PIPE INVERT, VARIES PRECAST "TREATMENT DESIGN ***DESIGN HEAD LOSS © DESIGN SCREEN DEPTH BELOW PIPE FOOT PRINT MODEL FLOW RATE TREATMENT DIA./HT. INVERT DIAMETER NUMBER ____ _____ _______ FLOW RATE ________ "D" "A" cfs MGD m 3/sec ft. m ft. ft. ft. rL1Iu2o_1' "' ". 0.02 0. 0.11 2,'1.3 t2 1 1.0 CU20_1 0.7 -C 0.02 0. 2/1. .i C.0 -P12U20_23 ____ 0.C2 0.0 fl7i3U30_20 2.3 1.3 0 ___.0__6_______ 7.2 8U30_30 3.0 1.3 0.00 0.70 0.21 3/2.0 PMSU40_30_10 4.5 3.0 0.13 0.85 0.26 4/3.0 8.6 11.9 RMSU40_40_10 6.0 3.9 0.17 0.88 1 0.27 4/4.0 9.6 11.9 *Standard screen opening is 4700 microns (.185 in.). Screens also available in 2400 microns (.095 **This is the minimum flow that will receive treatment before bypass is allowed. These precast manhole units are capable of by passing the total storm drain flow. CDS Engineers are readily available to provide hydraulic consultations on all applications. ***The headloss during a bypass event is a function of the velocity head. The typical coefficient of headloss "K CDS 1.3 to 2.5 HCDs=KCDS 2 / v/1J?[1235]v/2 (2 =9 ranges from ~ 0 SECTION 2 PMSU40,-30_10 DRAWINGS 1 0 1 0 CDS JOB # CA/SD - 05 - 007 ELEV. VIEW (SEE SHEET 2) CONCRETE TOP CAP FIBERGLASS INLET WEIR 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 0000000 7/ V q00 00. 000000000000 000000000 / 24"0 MH FRAME AND COVER ELEV. VIEW (SEE SHEET 2) STORM DRAIN - - t 42" RCP INLET PIPE (SIZE & MATL) IO'-O" ID CONC. MH, (11'-10" OD) 30"O MH FRAME AND COVER 42" RCP OUTLET PIPE (SIZE & MAIL) TOP PLAN VIEW CDS MODEL PMSU40_30_10 - 4.5 CFS TREAMENT CAPACITY STORM WATER TREATMENT UNIT TM SE BASIN DATE 4/14/05 DS LA COSTA GREENS PA 1.07 TPJ DRAWN PATENTED TECHNOLOGIES CARLSBAD, CA APPROV. SCALE NTS SHEET 1 SECTION 3 PMSU40_40_10 DRAWINGS S S S CDS JOB # CA/SD - 05 - 007 CONCRETE TOP CAP FIBERGLASS INLET WEIR 0000000 0000000 0000000 24'0 MH FRAME AND COVER ELEV. VIEW (SEE SHEET 2) E FLOW 48" RCP INLET PIPE (SIZE & MATL) IO'-O" ID CONC. MH, (11-10" OD) , Moo 000000000000 0000000000000000000 ,) - 00000000000I 000000 QJ N - / — 30"ø MH FRAME AND COVER ELEV. VIEW (SEE SHEET 2) STORM DRAIN 48" RCP OUTLET PIPE (SIZE & MATL) TOP PLAN VIEW CDS MODEL PMSU40.40_10 - 6.0 CFS TREAMENT CAPACITY STORM WATER TREATMENT UNIT DATE SCALE NE BASIN 4/14/05 NIS DRAWN SHEET (CDST4 LA COSTA GREENS PA 1.07 TPJ PATENTED '#TECHNOLOGIES CARLSBAD, CA APPROV. 1 F- SECTION 4 MATERIAL I PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 0 PRECAST MANHOLE "IN LINE" Continuous Deflective Separation Unit Product Specifications (Note: The following specifications are applicable for the CDS Model PMI1 20_15, PMS112O_15, PMS1 2O_15_4, PMSU2O_20, PMS11210_25, PMSL'20_20, PMSU3O_30, PMSU40 30_10, & PMSU40_40_10 units) The Contractor shall install a precast stormwater filtration treatment unit in accordance with the notes and details shown on the Drawings and in conformance with these Specifications. The precast stormwater filtration treatment unit shall be a continuous deflective separator (CDS®) unit, model PMIU or PMSU as manufactured by CDS Technologies, Inc., 16360 Monterey Road, Suite 250, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. CDS Technologies® may be reached by telephone at (888) 535-7559. Storm Water Filtration Treatment Unit Design Hydraulic Treatment Capacity and Separation Screen Design: The CDS storm water filtration treatment unit shall have a minimum treatment flow capacity as indicated below. This treatment capacity shall be achieved without any flow bypassing the overflow weir of the treatment unit. MINIMUM TREATMENT FLOW CAPACITIES PM!U PMSU CDS UNITS: 20_15 20_20 20_25 30_20 3030 40_30_10 40_40_10 TREATMENT FLOW,CFS 3i1) 3144 103 718 2=2 987 1,316 4.5 (2,020) 6.0 (2,693) Storm Water Filtration Treatment Unit Structure and Design: If required, the structure shall be designed to withstand H20 traffic and earth loadings to be experienced during the life of the installation. The storm water filtration treatment units shall be furnished with the following minimum sump capacities for the storage of sediments, organic solids, and other settleable trash and debris. 0 ............. D-5 DS TECHNOLOGIES PMSU Product Specifications 0 MINIMUM SUMP STORAGE CAPACITIES (CU YARDS) MM CDS UN.1T:10=MMMMM== ' The CDS® PMSU water filtration treatment units shall also be capable of receiving and retaining the addition of Oil Sorbents within their separation chambers. The addition of the oil sorbents can ensure the permanent removal of 80% to 90% of the free oil and grease from the storm water runoff. The addition of sorbents enables increased oil and grease capture efficiencies beyond that obtainable by conventional oil baffle systems. Sorbent material shall be added in accordance with the "USE OF OIL SORBENTS" specifications provided by CDS Technologies. D6 DS TECHNOLOGIES PMSU Product Specifications Materials Design for CDS® Unit Manufacture Concrete: Storm water filtration treatment units shall be structurally designed and manufactured from materials per ASTM C478 - 88a "Standard Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections". Concrete shall adhere to ASTM specifications C33, .C39, andCl5O. Reinforcement shall consist of wire and/or deformed and plain billet-steel Bars conforming to ASTM Designation A82, Al 85, A496 A497 or A615. Fiberglass: (For these components only: riser, inlet, outlet & oil baffle) CDS® components manufactured from fiberglass shall be per national Bureau of Standards PS-15. The unit shall be coated with isophalic polyester gelcoat and hand laid up of 4 layers 2 oz. mat and 24 oz. bi-directional woven fabric using polyester I to I isophalic resin for excellent chemical resistance and toughness. 3/8 inch laminated lay up schedule for fiberglass unit shall be achieved by these minimum manufacturing procedures. Clean and wax the molds. Apply polyester isophalic gelcoat to the mold, this provides blister resistance. Allow to dry. Then using isophalic polyester resin to wet the-individual layers of mat and the 24 oz. bi-directional woven fabric, hand lay up the 4 layers of 2 oz. mat and fabric on the mold. Cure 8 to 16 hrs. until completely dry before demolding. The parts are then cleaned and smoothed, if needed, of any rough edges and to provide a clean product. Hardware: The separation screen shall be fabricated from stainless steel conforming to AISI Designation A316L. Support structure shall be fabricated from stainless steel conforming to AISI Designation A316L. Fasteners used to install the screen shall be A316 stainless steel. The access cover is to be fabricated of cast iron and designed to support H20 traffic loading, all materials shall conform to ASTM Designation 48-30. DJ ,,DS TECHNOLOGIES SECTION 5 CONSTRUCTION NOTES S 0 Y RAM-NEI( MASTIC OR EQUIVALENT TO ALL RISER JOINTS SEPARATION SECTION CONSTRUCTION NOTES. APPLY BUTYL MASTIC AND/OR GROUT TO SEAL JOINTS OF MANHOLE STRUCTURE. APPLY LOAD TO MASTIC SEAL IN JOINTS OF MH SECTIONS TO COMPRESS SEALANT IF NECESSARY. UNIT MUST BE WATER TIGHT, HOLDING WATER UP TO FLOWLINE INVERT (MINIMUM) USING GROUT TO SEAL JOINTS IF NECESSARY.. IF SEPARATION SLAB IS NON—INTEGRAL TO THE SEPARATION SECTION OF THE UNIT, SET AND VERIFY TOP ELEVATION BEFORE PLACING MORE PRECAST COMPONENTS OR BACKFILLING. ENSURE 42.5" FROM TOP OF SEPARATION SLAB TO PIPE INVERT. - GROUT PIPE CONNECTIONS TO SEAL JOINT. Not used. FASTEN FIBERGLASS CYLINDER/INLET TO SCREEN ASSEMBLY USING FOUR (4) SETS OF x 1 3" SS HEX HEAD BOLTS W/ NUTS AND WASHERS—(HARDWARE SUPPLIED BY CDS TECHNOLOGIES). IN THE LEFT—HANDED CONFIGURATION THE "RED" COLORED FLANGE ON THE SCREEN CYLINDER SHALL FACE UP. IN THE RIGHT—HANDED CONFIGURATION, THE "GREEN" COLORED FLANGE SHALL FACE UP. DRILL AND INSERT A MINIMUM OF SIX (6) g" x 3 ' SS EXPANSION BOLTS EQUALLY SPACED TO SECURE FIBERGLASS INLET FLANGE TO RISER WALL—(HARDWARE SUPPLIED BY CDS TECHNOLOGIES). 7: VERIFY THAT SCREEN ASSEMBLY IS CENTERED OVER SUMP ACCESS HOLE AND ADJUST IF NECESSARY; FASTEN SCREEN TO SEPARATION SLAB USING FOUR (4) " x 3 " SS EXPANSION BOLTS—(HARDWARE SUPPLIED BY CDS TECHNOLOGIES). 8. BLOCK AND GROUT SEAL TO MATCH GRADE AS REQUIRED. CDSM TECHNOLOGIES PMSU4O_30 CONSTRUCTION NOTES JOB# N.T.S. DATE: 9/11/01 SHEET 1 DRAWN: J.S.F./W.S. APPROV. 16360 S. MONTEREY RD. SUITE 250 MORGAN HILL, CA. 95037 TEL: (888) 535-7559 -- - SEPARATION SECTION RISER CTIONS PLY RAM-NEK MASTIC 1O-O ROPE OR EQUIVALENT TO VARIES f' SEAL ALL RISER JOINTS ______________ 1•• 77, - I SEE NOTE 2 r 36 DEPTH BELOW LD a PIPE INVERT I I (NOMINAL) J 5 7 * S 11- 10 CONSTRUCTION NOTES: APPLY BUTYL MASTIC AND/OR GROUT TO SEAL JOINTS OF MANHOLE STRUCTURE. APPLY LOAD TO MASTIC SEAL IN JOINTS OF MH SECTIONS TO COMPRESS SEALANT IF NECESSARY. UNIT MUST BE WATER TIGHT, HOLDING WATER UP TO FLOWLINE INVERT (MINIMUM). IF SEPARATION SLAB IS NON—INTEGRAL TO THE SEPARATION SECTION OF THE UNIT, SET AND VERIFY TOP ELEVATION BEFORE PLACING MORE PRECAST COMPONENTS OR BACKFILLING. ENSURE 55" FROM TOP OF SEPARATION SLAB TO PIPE INVERT. GROUT PIPE CONNECTIONS TO SEAL JOINT. Not used. FASTEN FIBERGLASS CYLINDER/INLET TO SCREEN ASSEMBLY USING FOUR (4) SETS OF x 1 " SS HEX HEAD BOLTS W/ NUTS AND WASHERS—(HARDWARE SUPPLIED BY CDS TECHNOLOGIES). IN THE LEFT—HANDED CONFIGURATION THE "RED" COLORED FLANGE ON THE SCREEN CYLINDER SHALL FACE UP. IN THE RIGHT—HANDED CONFIGURATION, THE "GREEN" COLORED FLANGE SHALL FACE UP. DRILL AND INSERT A MINIMUM OF SIX (6) " x 3 " SS EXPANSION BOLTS EQUALLY SPACED TO SECURE FIBERGLASS INLET FLANGE TO RISER WALL—(HARDWARE SUPPLIED BY CDS TECHNOLOGIES). VERIFY THAT SCREEN ASSEMBLY IS CENTERED OVER SUMP ACCESS HOLE AND ADJUST IF NECESSARY; FASTEN SCREEN TO SEPARATION SLAB USING FOUR (4) " x 3 ' SS EXPANSION BOLTS—(HARDWARE SUPPLIED BY CDS TECHNOLOGIES). BLOCK AND GROUT SEAL TO MATCH GRADE AS REQUIRED. DATE SCALE 12/3/01 N.T.S. CCDSTM CONS DRAWN J.S.F. SHEET TECHNOLOGIES APPROV. PATENTED