HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 04-16; LA COSTA GREENS NEIGHBORHOOD 1.06 & 1.07; TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN CALCULATIONS; 2005-09-271• - I I HUNSAKER 7&ASSOCIATES 1 - - - : SAN DIEGO, INC. PLANNING - - ENGINEERING : SURVEYING TEMPORARY SEDIMENT I IRVINE BASIN .CALCULATIONS, LOS ANGELES - RIVERSIDE for SAN DIEGO LA COSTA GREENS I- NEIGHBORHOODS 1.6 &1.7 L City- ofCárlsbad, California ? I -- Prepared for. Real Estate Collateral Management Company- do Morrow Development' 1903 Wright Place I Suite 180 -. 1 Carlsbad, CA 92008 r : W.0. 2352-115 I September 27, 2005 I -1 - - Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. DAVE HAMMAR Exp. 000106 I DAN SMITH VIALPAND CIVI Ra6dond L. Martin, R.C.E. FCA Vice President. I RAY MARTIN - - - :10179Huenn6k6 St. San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 558-4500 PH (858) 558-1414 F AN kG H:EPORTSO3211 15 Gens 1.06 .0A03-Basin.d .&2352-1l5 9/27I20053:14 I'nfo@HunsakerSD.com. I www.HunsakerSD.com . '•1 I: I I I t l I - I I V Ii I I I 1* I : I La Costa Greens - Neighborhoods 1.6 & 1.7' Temporary Sediment Basin Calculations Temporary Sediment Basin Design Criteria Per Part 8 of Section A of the State Water Resources Control Board Order No 99- 08-DWQ, "sediment basins shall, at a minimum, be designed as follows" Option I - Pursuant to local ordinance for sediment basin design and maintenance, provided that the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3 OR Option 2 — Sediment basins, as measured from the bottom of the basin to the principle outlet, shall have at least capacity equivalent to 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre draining into the sediment basin. The length of the basin shall be more than twice the width, of the basin. The length is determined by measuring the: distance between the inlet and the outlet; and the depth must not be less than three feet nor greater than five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency. OR Option 3 -,Sediment basins shall be designed using the equation As = I .2QNs where As is the minimum surface area for trapping soil particles of a certain size; Vs is the settling velocity of the design particle size chosen, and Q=CIA where I is the precipitation intensity for a 10-year, 6-hour rain event and A is the area draining to the sediment basin in acres. The design particle size shall be the smallest grain size determined by wet sieve analysis, or the fine silt sized (0.01 mm) particle, and the Vs used shall be 100 percent of the calculated settling velocity. The length is determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet; the length shall be more than twice the dimension as the width; the depth shall not be less than three feet nor greater than five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency. The basins shall be located on the site where it can be maintained on a year-round basis and shall be maintained on a schedule to retain the two feet of capacity. In addition, the text states that a sediment basin shall have a means for dewatering within 7-calender days following a storm event. The outflow from a sediment basin that discharged intoa natural drainage shall be provided with outlet protection to prevent erosion and scour of the embankment channel. AH ah H:\REP0R1S123521115 Greens 1.08 & l.07A03.0asjndoc WOO 2352.115 9/27/2005 2:32 PM I La Costa Greens — Neighborhoods 1.6 A. 1.7 Temporary Sediment Basin Calculations Sample Calculation For Basin 1: . . I Step I - Determine the drainage area into the temporary basin (in ft): I A=.21.44— acre x43560 =933,926—ft 2 1—acre I Step 2 - Determine the required volume of the basin to hold 1-inch. of rainfall (0.083- ft), or as stated in Part 8 of Section A of the State Water Resources Control Board I . Order No. 99-08-DWQ, 3600 cubic feet of storage per acre draining into the sediment basin, (in ft): . 1 .V)ziQ = 933,926 -ft.2 x0.083 -ft = 77,516—ft3 Step 3 - By trial-and-error determine basin's bottom and top dimensions along with the volume contained by those dimensions, use 2:1 slope and a basin depth of 5-ft (all dimensions in feet): Basin bottom dimensions 191-ft (L) x 74-ft (W) ' Basin top dimensions = 201-ft (L) x 84-ft (W) . . T=B+2h, where: T=Top BBottom height 5-ft TL =74+(2x5)=84—ft T=191+(2x5)=201—ft 1 Volume =6,516ft3 ABOfl.OM' =74x191=14,134—ft2 ATOP =84x201= 16,884—ft2 I AA VG = (14,134±16,884) = 15,509 —ft 2 V=AAVG xh'=1.5,509x5=77,545—ft 3 . :.V=77,545—ft 3 ~VREQUfD =77,516_ft . I. . ., . I . AH aS H:/.REPORTS/2352\I 15 Greens 1.05 & I .O7rA038asln.doc WOO 2352-115 9/27/2005 2:32 PM HI TEMP BASIN ID AREA A (ac) AREA A (ft) REQUIRED VOLUME VR (ft) REQUIRED VOLUME VR (yd 3)(ft) BASIN BOTTOM BASIN TOP BASIN DEPTH (ft) BASIN VOLUME V (ft) BASIN VOLUME V (yd 3) LENGTH WIDTH (ft) LENGTH ft) WIDTH (ft) 1 21.4 933,926 77,516 2,871, 191 74 201 84 5 77 545 2,872 2 77 335,848 27,875 1,032 100 48 110 58 5 27,950 1,035 3 143 620,730 51521 1,908 136 68 146 78 5 51,590 1,911 4 72 313196 25,995 963 96 47 106 57 5 26,385 977 Iv 04-11S -- r - - 7 ' , rkc\\ / r.r' S' I \ - - .--- - \ - BASTh AREA BASIN . . BASIN BASIN BASIN HUNSAKER . .. & ASSOCIATES .. SAN DIEGO, INC .. PLANNING 10179 Huennekens Street .. ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 .. ...- . SURVEYING PH(858)558-4500. FX(838)558-1414 I - 7Z~N - ___-~ . ~ I . I - (, _ ,--------" _3 C I (7 FD /; - =7 -7-71 'i ~ .1 ~__ -ST/ --A ) ~ i— I [ I [_ I I I , I L NS _ F 7 fl C[ E5)[L X-1 i ~, rO O I F-7 _7 I I D S & .. / ,. " ". 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A'AØØA'A'A'7 // \ A ' / 32 - \I 1\ - -:- 7- A / / 2 1. / [IM 0]s "' ,A' - - ' 5 ' •'-' A'__'—' , -' - '_I'_ y "747 - - 1 1 1 /I *1 '-7 ,- - '/ ,.,/ / I r 33 "I 1~ 11 i N (f))/ '\--_' ->-- AREA = 72 ACRES ",/, / / 1. I-, I -0 I ~1' X .,.,., ..~ I ~,~-____,_. I "..,.1", " ) _-~ " -- uw- --I- ,\ "--_ --. - ~ ., ,, , BASIN CAPACITY = 977 CY _- ~', - . 46 \' \ - '• v--- \ \/'S\ \ \\ - - - '.- ..' - - - , ,, 7". -- -- 3 -7 '7- \ \ A .1 I'll / 7 / ,11 ;' / ,/// -- ,-•• A' 1. / ,/" 7' "•" 7- 1 ...... "', "',_ I "'I", -11", -111- . -1 I.-' / 79_ 11~ 1' - 7- 9 -7 A- - - / A A / / _/ 1 - ', -, - 'A- - -- - ,,'' A' 7-" / / / // / - - 7-' " / . - '-7. " 2-,'..-.----'.' 2 '".'.,,/.1 -, " 7/ 'A' - -. - - ,,, - - ,,//" - A" ."F' - '•" / ,,, - ,,,.,..,, - - AA" 7- 7" 9_'_" - - 7" - ,A' -, - - / el~/ / / / 7" ,/' - / 7/ .-' - / 7' ,,,7 ''A'-- / 7' - / A 7/ / - _A A 7- . 11 / / - ' -, ." - - - , - -. 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