• •
• FOR •
W.O. 4369-13-SC JANUARY 3, 2006 •
Geotechnical 'Geologic Environmental
5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad California 92008 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915
January3; 2006
W 0... 4369-B-SC
Ocean Mist, LLC -
PMB 260300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite 108A.,.
Carlsbad, California 92018
Attention Mr. Michael Boveni
Subject:. Geotechnical Observation and Testing Services During Grading, Proposed
Ocean Mist Condcininiums, 325-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego
County, California
Dear Mr. Bovenzi
This report presents a summar. of the geotechnical testing and observation services
provided by GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) curing the rough earthwork phase of development for the
proposed residence. Earthwork commenced in November, 2005, and was generally
completed fdr the subject site in December, 2005. Survey of line and grade was performed
by others and not performed by GSI. GSI was onsite part-time during rough grading,
operations, as solely determined y the client/contractor. Based on the observations and
testing performed by GSI, it is our opinion that building pad footprint and adjoining
contiguous'areas are generally suitable for their newly intended use, provided our
recommendations are properly implemented. Unless specifically superceded herein, the
• conclusions and recommendations contained in the referenced. GSI reports in the" .
Appendix remain pertinent and applicable
The purpose of grading was to prepare the site for the construction of a condominium
structure with basement/garage sub-floor and two additional stories above the garage, as
*ell as landscape and undergrojnd utility improvements. Typical cut and fill grading
operations were performed to achieve the design pad grades
C? ••. - -. -• •. ., • • •.• .1
The geologic conditions exposed during the process of grading were regularly observed
by a representative from our firm The geologic conditions encountered during grading
generally were as anticipatedand presented our previous reports (GSl, 2005 and 2004;
see the Appendix).
Regional groundwater was not encountered during remedial earthwork within the site and,
therefore, not expected to significantly influence the performance of the development.
However, based on the permeability contrasts between fill and terrace deposits, perched
groundwater conditions may develop in the future due to excess irrigation, poor drainage,
or damaged utilities, and should be anticipated. Should manifestations of this perched
condition (i.e., seepage) develop in the future, this office could assess the condition and
provide mitigative recommendations, as necessary. This potential increases in shallow fill
areas, and in fill-over-cut slopes. Any below-grade walls should be water-proofed and
provided with subdrainage.
Preparation of Existing Ground
Prior to grading, the major surficial vegetation was stripped and hauled offsite.
Within the building footprint, earth materials were removed to design grade,
exposing suitable terrace deposits.
In areas to receive fill materials, existing unsuitable soils (i.e., colluvium and
weathered terrace deposits) were removed to suitable terrace deposits. Removal
depths were on the order of about 1 foot below preconstruction grades. The
resultant removal bottoms were then scarified to a depth of about 6 to 12 inches,
brought to at least optimum moisture content, and compacted to a minimum relative
compaction of 90 percent of the laboratory standard.
Deleterious trash and other unsuitable debris encountered during grading were
exported from the site.
Fill Placement
Fill, consisting of onsite soils, was placed in 6-to 8-inch lifts, moisture conditioned, mixed
to achieve near optimum moisture conditions, and compacted using earth moving
equipment to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of the laboratory standard (see
the attached Table 1). The approximate range in fill thickness was from 3 to 4 feet.
Oversize material, greater than 12 inches long in dimension, was generally not
encountered, nor placed onsite.
Ocean Mist, LLC W.O. 4369-B-SC
325-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad 0 January 3, 2006
FiIe:e:\wp9\4300\4369b.goa Page 2 GeoSosis, Inc.
Field density tests were performed using nuclear (densometer) ASTM test
methods D-2922 and D-3017, and the sand-cone method ASTM D-1 556. The test
results taken during grading operations are presented in the attached Table 1. The
approximate locations of the tests taken during grading are presented on Plate 1,
which uses the grading plan by Resource Development Corporation (2004) as the
base map.
Field density tests were taken at periodic intervals and random locations to check
the compactive effort provided by the contractor. Based upon the grading
operations observed, the test results presented herein are considered
representative of the compacted fill in the building pad footprint.
Visual classification of the soils in the field was the basis for selecting which
maximum density valueto use for a given density test.
Testing was provided on a part-time basis during grading, as solely determined by
the contractor/client.
Maximum Density Testing
The laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for the major soil type
within this construction phase was determined according to test method ASTM D-1 557.
The following table presents the results:
Expansion Index (E.I.)
Expansive soil conditions have been evaluated for the site. Expansion Index (E.l.) testing
was performed in general accordance with Standard 18-2 of the Uniform Building
Code/California Building Code ([UBC/CBC], International Conference of Building Officials
[lCBO], 1997 and 2001). The test results are presented below:
Ocean Mist, LLC W.O. 4369-B-SC
325-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad January 3, 2006
FiIe:e:\wp9\4300\4369b.goa - Page 3 GeoSotls,. Inc.
I Pad I <10 I Very Low
Saturated Resistivity, pH. and Soluble Sulfates
Laboratory testing, regarding the site soil's saturated resistivity, pH, and soluble sulfates,
is not complete at this time. An addendum report, presenting these laboratory test results,
will be provided when the data becomes available. Based upon our experience with
similar sites, site soils are anticipated to be negligible with respect to sulfate exposure to
concrete and are expected to be corrosive to ferrous metals when saturated. Alternative
testing methods and additional comments should be obtained from a qualified corrosion
engineer with regard to foundations, piping, etc.
Unless specifically superceded by recommendations presented herein, the conclusions
and recommendations contained in GSI (2005 and 2004) remain pertinent and applicable.
Our review and recent laboratory testing indicates that onsite soils have a very low
expansion potential (E.l. 0 to 20). Therefore, the recommendations previously provided
by GSI (2005 and 2004) generally remain valid. Please note that the recommendations
presented are in general accordance with the industry standard of practice, but are not
intended to preclude the transmission of water or vapor through the slab or foundation.
Typical mitigation of water vapor transmission may include, but not necessarily limited to:
lower water/cement ratio; higher concrete compressive strength; thicker slab
underlayment; waterproof coatings; etc. This should be disclosed to any homeowner.
Additional recommendations regarding water or vapor transmission should be provided
by the structural engineer/slab or foundation designer.
All footings for the proposed structure should he founded in competent terrace deposits,
which should be observed by a GSl representative. In order to provide uniform foundation
support, the cut portion of a cut/fill transition area of any proposed excavation (retaining
wall footings, walls, steps, etc.), should be deepened to encounter suitable bearing terrace
deposits and allow for the minimum footing embedment recommended herein or
previously. For a transition scenario, the structural engineer should design the footings
and slabs to accommodate at least ½ inch differential-settlement between these elements,
otherwise some distress should be anticipated.
Ocean Mist, LLC W.O. 4369-B-SC
325-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad January 3, 2006
Fi1e:e:\wp9\4300\4369b.goa Page 4 GeoSoxis,. Inc.
We recommend that observation and/or testing be performed by GSI at each of the
following construction stages:
During grading/recertification.
During excavation.
to During placement of subdrains, toe drains, or other subdrainage devices, prior to
placing fill and/or backfill.
After excavation of building footings, retaining wall footings, and free standing walls
footings, prior to the placement of reinforcing steel or concrete.
Prior to pouring any slabs or.flatwork, after presoaking/presaturation of building
pads and other flatwork subgrade, before the placement of concrete, reinforcing
steel, capillary break (i.e., sand, pea-gravel, etc.), or vapor barriers (i.e., visqueen,
During retaining wall subdrain installation, prior tobackfill placement.
During placement of backfill for area drain, interior plumbing, utility line trenches,
and retaining wall backfill.
During slope construction/repair.
When any unusual soil conditions are encountered during any construction
operations, subsequent to the issuance of this report.
When any developer or homeowner improvements, such as flatwork, spas, pools,
walls, etc., are constructed, prior to construction. GSI should review and approve
such plans, prior to construction.
A report of geotechnical observation and testing should be provided at the
conclusion of each of the above stages, in order to provide concise and clear
documentation of site work, and/or to comply with code requirements.
GSI should review project sales documents to homeowners/homeowners
associations for geotechnical aspects, including irrigation practices, the conditions
outlined above, etc., prior to any sales. At that stage, GSI will provide homeowners
maintenance guidelines which should be incorporated into such documents.
Ocean Mist, LLC W.O. 4369-B-SC
325-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad January 3, 2006
FiIe:e:\wp94306\4369b.goa GeoSoils, Inc. Page 5
Any additional project plans (grading, precise grading, foundation, .retaining wall,
'landscaping, etc.), should be reviewed by this office prior to construction, so that
construction is in accordance with the conclusions and recommendations of this report:
Based on our review, supplemental recommendations and/or further geotechnical studies
may be warranted.
The materials encountered on the project site and utilized for our analysis are believed
representative of the area; however, soil and bedrock materials vary in character between
excavations and natural outcrops or conditions exposed during mass grading. Site
conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors.
Inasmuch as our study is based upon our review and engineering analyses and laboratory
data, the conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions. These opinions
have been derived in accordance with current standards. of practice, and no warranty,
either express or implied, is given. Standards of practice are subject to change with time.
GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their
inaction; or work performed when GSl is not requested to be onsite, to evaluate if our
recommendations have beeh properly implemented. Use of this report constitutes an
agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above, notwithstanding
any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may be subject to
review by the controlling authorities. Thus, this report brings to completion our scope of
services for this portion of the project. All samples will be disposed of after 30 days, unless
specifically requested by the client, in writing.
Ocean Mist, LLC ' ' W.O. 4369-13-SC
325-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad January 3, 2006
Fi1e:e:\wp9\4300\4369b.goa GeoSoils,. inc. Page 6
The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. if you should have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Respectfully submøALN\ V4. .110
0.1340 No. RCE 47857
Certified * Exp. ) I
GeoSoils, Inc.
Engineering Geologist L CIVIL
ohn P. nklin OF
David W. Skelly CM.
ineering eologist, 340 Civil Engineer, RCE 47857
Attachments: Table 1- Field Density Test Results
Appendix - References
Plate 1 - Density Test Location Map
Distribution: (4) Addressee
Ocean Mist, LLC W.O. 4369-B-SC
325-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad January 3, 2006
FiIe:e:\wp9\43004369b.goa GeoSoils, Inc Page 7
Table 1
DEPTH (ft) (%) (pcf) (%)
1 11/9/05 Unit 5 Ocean Mist -2.0 10.5 118.2 92.7 ND A
2 11/9/05 Unit 4 Ocean Mist -2.0 12.1 116.8 91.6 ND A
11/10/05 Lot Ocean Mist -1.0 11.8 116.3 91.2 SC A
4 11/10/05 Lot 1 Ocean Mist '-1.0 10.8 119.2 93.4 ND A
5 11/10/05 Lot 4 Ocean Mist FG 11.4 117.6 92.2 ND A
6 11/10/05 Lot 5 Ocean Mist -1.0 12.6 115.9 90.9 ND A
7 11/10/05 Lot Ocean Mist -1.0 11.2 118.4 1 92.8 ND I A
FG = Finish Grade
ND = Nuclear Densometer
SC = Sand Cone
Ocean Mist, LLC W.O. 4369-B-SC
325-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad January 2006
File: c:\excel\tables\4300\4369b.goa Page 1
GeoSoils, Inc.
California, State of, 2001, Senate Bill 800, Burton. Liability: construction defects,
February 23; approved by GovernOr September 20, 2002; filed with Secretary
September 20, 2002; effective January 1, 2003.
Donald, Brian, 2005, Grading plans for Ocean Mist Condominiums, 335 Oak Avenue,
Project No. CT 04-18, September 13.
Dunn Savoie, Inc., 2005, Foundation plan, Ocean Mist Condominiums, Sheets S-3, S-7,
and S-1 0, Job No. 04322, March.
GeoSoils, Inc., 2005, Update of preliminary geotechnical evaluation and plan review,
proposed Ocean Mist Condominiums, 325-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego
County, California, W.O. 4369-Al -SC, dated October 31.
2004, Preliminary geotechniáal evaluation, proposed Ocean Mist Condominiums,
325-247 Oak Avenue, city of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California,
W.O. 4369-A-SC,, dated June 21. .
International Conference of Building Officials, 2001, California building code, California
code of regulations title 24, part 2, volume 1 and 2.
1997, Uniform building code: Whittier, California, vol. 1, 2, and 3. '
Resource Development Corporation, 2004, Conceptual grading and drainage plan, Job
Number JN01 -021 K, October 13.
GeoSoils,. Inc.