HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 04-22; OCEAN VISTA ESTATES; DRAINAGE STUDY & STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN; 2005-07-22I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I DRAINAGE STUDY & STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN for OCEAN VISTA ESTATES SOP 04-06/COP 04-21/PUO 04-09 APN: 203-144-01 Prepared (or: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone: (760) 602-4600 Prepared by: Alta Cons~l~nts 4901 Morena Blvd., Suite 409 San Diego, CA 92117 (858) 581-6101, Fax (858) 581-6138 Bartolome J. Pastor, RCE 38606 Project Site Address: Ocean Street Carlsbac;l, CA 92008 Revised: July 22, 2005 Submitted by: GO'FAT, LLC 160 Tamrack Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~~z-tJ5 Date ALTA CONSULTANTS PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING 4901 Morena Blvd., Suite 409, San Diego, CA 92117, Tel. (858) 581-6101, FAX (858) 581-6138 ("' 1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates APN: ~Q3-144~01 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1. Topogrophy and Land Use ......................................................................................................... . 1.2. Hydrologic Unit Contribution ...................................... , ....................................... \ ..................... . 2. WATER QUALITY ENVIRONMENT 2.1. Beneficial Uses .......................................... : .................................................................................. ~ 2.1.1. Inland Surface Waters ............................................. ; ..................................................... . 2.1.2. Coastal Waters ............................................................................................................. .. 2.1.3. Groundwater ...................................... , .......................................................................... . 2.2. 303( d) Status ............................................................................................... :.: ............................. . 3. CHARACTERIZATION OF PROJECT RUNOFF 3.1. Existing and Post-Construction Drainage ................................................................................. .. 3.2. Post-Construction.Expected Disch,arges ........................................................................... : ......... . 4. WATER QUALITY ENVIRONMENT 4.1. Construction BMPs ....................................................................................... , ......................... ~ .. . 4.2. Post-Construction BMPs ......................................................................................................... ; .. 4.2.1. Site Design BMPs ............................................................................. t ........................... . 4.2.2. Source Control BMPs .................................................................................................... .. 4.2.3. Treatment Control BMPs .................... , ......................................................................... . 5. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 6. FISCAL RESOURCES 7. SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS ATTACHMENTS Attachment A ......................................................................................................... Vicinity Map Attachment B ................................................................................. Site Plan. and BMP Drawlilg Attachment C ............................................................ \ ................. Hydrology Calculation Tables Attachment D .......................................................................... 8Sth Percentile :Precipitation, Map Attachment E ....................................................................................................... Formula Sh~et I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates . APN: 203-144-01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) . Ocean Vista Estates APN: 203-144-01 INTRODUCTION: The Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is required per the City of Carlsbad. The purpose oftPis SWMP is to address the water quality impacts frOIn the proposed improvments on the Ocean Vista Estates project on Ocean Street. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will b¢ utilized to provide a long-term solution to water quality. This SWMP is also intended to ensure the effectiveness of the BMPs through proper maintenance. The SWMP is ~ubject to revisions as needed by the Engineer. 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The 0.64 acre Ocean Vista Estates Project is located on the east side of Ocean Street in the City of Carlsbad (see Attachment A). The project is located at the southeast comer of the mtersectionof Ocean Street and Beech Avenue. This project will consist of 4 detached single-family homes with und~rground parking. 1.1 Topography and Land Use The existing project area is characterized by rolling grassy hills, and is designated urban. Currently, the lot is undeveloped with the Pacific Ocean approximately 200 ft due west. 1.2 Hydrologic Unit Contribution The Ocean Vista Estates Project is located in the Carlsbad watershed and in the El Saito hydrolic unit (4.21). The project drains southerly along Ocean Street. The storm drain system for this project will consist of multiple catch basins and cleanouts on site to mitigate runoff to the existing system in Oceah Street. Runoffwill be conveyed through existing curb & gutter, or asphalt berm, to existing storm drain inlet at Ocean Street and Christiansen Way. A negHgable quantity ofruno:(fWill run down the proposed driveways to a slotted drainpipe and. will be sump-pumped to outlet to Ocean Street. The runoff quantity and velocities leaving the site are shoWn in the hydrology calculation tables in Attachment C. Overall, the project area represents less than 0.1 percent of the watershed. 2.0 WATER QUALITY ENVIRONMENT 2.1 Beneficial Uses The benefidal use for the hydroloic unit are inclqded in this section. These definitions have been extracted from the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin. MUN -Munieiple and Domestic S~pply: Includes uses of water for community, military, or individual water supply systems including, but not limited to, drinking water supplyu. AGR -Agriculteral Supply: Includes uses of water for individru,tl activites that do not depend primarily on water wuality including, but not limited to, mining, cooling water supply, hydraulic conveyance, gravel washing, fire protection~ or oil well re-pressurization. IND -Industrial Service Supply: Includes uses of water for industrial activities that do not depend primarily on water quality including, but not limited to, mining, cooling water supply, hydraulic conveyance, gravel washing, fire protection, or oil well re-pressurization. RECI -Contact Recreation: Includes uses of water for recreational activities involving body contact with water, where ingestion of water is reasonably possible. These uses include, but are not I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I Storm Water Management Plan'(SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates APN: 203-144-01 limited to, ~wimming, wading, water-skiing, skin and SCUBA diving, surfing, white water activities, fishing, or ~se of natural hot springs. REC2 -Non.,Contact Recreation: Includes the uses of water for reyreational involving proximity to water, but not normally involving body contact with water, where ingestion of water is reasonably possible. These uses include, but ar enot limited to, picnicking, sunbathing, hiking, camping, boating, tide pool and marine life study, hunting~ sightseeing, or easthetic enjoyment in conjunction with the above activities. wARM -Warm Freshwater Habitat: Includes uses of water that support warrtl water ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation or enhancement of aquatic habitats, vegitation, fish or wildlife, including invertebrates. MAR -Marine Habitat: Includes uses of water that support marine ecosystems including, hut not limited to, preservation or enhancement of marine habitats, vegetation such as kelp, fish, shellfish, or wildlife (e.g., marine mammals, shorebirds). WILD -Wildlife Habitat: Inculdes uses of water that support terrestrial ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation and enhancement of terrestrial habitats, vegetation, wildlide, (e.g., mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates), or wildlife water and food sources1 " BIOL -Preservation of Biological Habitats of Special Significance: Includes uses of water that support designated areas or habitats, such as established refuges, parks, s~ctuaries, ecologic;:tl reserves, or Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS), wher€( the preservation or enhancement of natural resources requires special protection. RARE -Rare, 'J;'hreatened, or Endangered Species: Includes uses of water that support habitats necessary, at least in part, for the survival and successful maintance of pla:pt or animal species established under state or federal law as rare, threatened or endangered. ' 2.1.1 Inland Surface Waters Inland surface waters for the EI Salto hydrolic unit (4.21) have the following benefici;:tl uses: AGR IND RECI REC2 WARM WILD RARE 2.1.2 Coastal Waters Coastal waters for the EI Salto hydrolic unit (4.21) have the following beneficial uses: RECI REC2 BIOL EST (potential) WILD RARE MAR WARM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1.3 Groundwater Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates APN: 20~·144·01 GrO.undwaters fDr the EI SaltD hydrO.lic unit (4.21) have the fO.llO.wing beneficial uses: MUN AGR IND (potential) 2.2 303( d) Status AcoDrding to' the CalifDrnia 303(d) list published by the San Diego. RegiDnal Water Quality CDntrDI BDard, there are no impaired waterbodies that are assDciated with this prO.ject. The prO.Ject locatiO.n and watersheds have been cO.mpar~d to' the current published 303( d) list Df impaired waterbDdies and the nearest impaired waterbDdy is Buena Vista LagDDn, impaired by sedimentatiDn/siltation. Buena Vista LagDDn is approximately 112 miles nDrtherly frO.m this prDject. 3.0 CHARACTERIZATION OF PROJECT RUNOFF 3.1 Existing and Post-Constmction Drainage The prO.pDsed prDject will slightly alter drainage patterns Dn the site. There will be an increase in the amDunt O.f imperviO.us area O.n the site. CleanO.uts, catch basins and drains are prO.pDsed to' cDntrDI the runO.ff created by this develDpment. Approximately 0.40 acres O.f O.pen grO.und will be cO.nverted to' single-family residential buildings and paving, thus representing a change O.f 65% to' the imperviO.us area. This change in land use will increase the cO.mpDsite runoff cO.efficent O.fthe prO.ject frO.m C=0.42 to' C=0.8S. AlSo., the peak flO.w rate leaving the site will increase from 1.12 cfs under the existing cDnditiO.n (sheet flO.w) to' 3.91 cfs under the prO.pDsed conditiO.n. As discussed in sectiO.n 2, the existing CO.nditiDn is undevelDped. The existing natural' eIiviroinnent serves as a biD-filter fDr the runO.ff generated from the existing site. PO.st-CO.nstructiO.n runDff will be directed into' the existing storm drain system in Ocean. Street. This system will nDt divert water frO.m its natural flO.w directiO.n. The preliminary design O.f this system, is included in the BMP map (see Attachment B). Summaries O.fthe pO.st-cO.nstructiDn calculatiO.ns are included in Attachment C. The flDWS were develO.ped using the 85th Percentile PrecipitatiO.n map develO.ped by the CDunty O.f San Diego. (see Attachment D), as well as the CDunty O.f San Diego. . HydrO.lO.gy Manual (see attachment E). 3.2 Post-Constmction Expected Discharges There are no. sampling data available fDr the existing site cQnditiDn. In additiDn, the prO.ject is not expected to' generate significant amO.unts Df nO.n-visible PO.I1utants. HO.wever, the fO.llO.wing cO.nstituants are cO.mmO.nly fO.und O.n similar prO.perties and CO.uld affect water quality: • Sediment discharge due to cO.nstructiDn activities • Nutrients frDm fertilizers ~ Trash and debris • HydrDcarbDns frDm paved areas I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Pesticides from landscaping and home use Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates APN: 20~.144·01 4.0 MITIGATION MEASURES TO PROTECT WATER QUALITY To address water quality for the project, BMPs will be implemented during construction and post- construction. 4.1 Construction BMPs Grading and Improvement plans for this project are not yet 'available, however, potential BMPs may include: • Stabalized Construction Entrance • Detention-Pond • Grassy Swale • Rip-rap Swale • Silt Fence • Gravel Bag Barriers • Bonded Fiber Matrix for slope stablization • Storm Drain Inlet Protection • Permanent Revetation of all disturbed uncovere4 areas Selected construction BMPs for this project will be constructed and maintanted so as to comply with all applicable ordinances and guidance documents. 4.2 Post-Construction BMPs Pullutants of concern as noted in section 3 will be addressed through three types ofBMPs. These types of BMPs are site design, source control, and treatment control. 4.2.1 Site Design BMPs The project is designed to minimize the use of impervious areas. Only 65% of the project area will be impervious. Landscaping of the slopes and common areas are incorporated into tbe plans. The landscaping will consist of both native and non-native plants. The goal is to achive plant establishment expeditiosly to reduce erosion. The irrigation system for these landscaped areas will be monitored to reduce over irrigation. 4.2.2 Source Control BMPs Source cOQ,trol BMPs will consist of measures to prevent polluted runoff. This program will include an educational component directed at the homeowner. The homeowner will receive a set of brochures developed by the County's Environmental Health Department. These will include the following: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Stonnwater Runoff Pullution Fact Sheet Storm Water Manag~ment Plan (SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates APN: 20$-144-01 • Stormwater Runoff Pullution Prevention Tips for Homeowners • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Yard Work (Landscaping, G~dening, Pest Control) • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Pet Waste 4.2.3 Treatment Control BMPs The following treatment control BMPs will be implemented to address water quality:, • Catch Basins & Cleanouts • Driveway drain w/sump pump Placements of the BMPs are noted on the project plans and in AttaChment B. 5.0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM The operation and maintenace requirements for each type of BMP is as follows: 5.1 Catch Basins & Storm Drains The operational and maintenance needs of the Catch Basins are: • Pteventative maintenance on monitoring. Inspection Frequency The facility will be inspected: • Once a month at a minimum • After every large storm (after every storm monitored or those storms with more than 0.50 inches of precipitation) • On a weekly basis during extended periods of wet weather Debris and Sediment Disposal Waste generated at catch basins and drains is ultimately the responsibility of the homeowner. Disposal of sediment, debris, and trash will comply with applicable local, county, state, and federal waste control programs. Hazardous Waste Suspected hazardous wastes wjll be analyzed to determine disposal options. Hazardous wastes generated onsite will be handled and disposed of according to applicable local, state, and federal regulations. A solid or liquid waste is considered a hazardous waste if it exceeds the criteria listed in the CCR, Title 22, Article 11. 6.0 FISCAL RESOURCES I I I I I I I' I I I I I' I I I I I I I Storm Watet:Management Plan (SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates APN: 203-144-01 The responsible party for the Ocean Vista Estates project will ultimately be the homeowners of the individual units. Listed below is the current Land Owners information: GOFAT, LLC 160 TamarackAvenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 7.0 SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS This SWMP has been prepared in accordance with the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego Stormwater Standards Manual. This SWMP has evaluated and addressed the potential pollutants associated with this project and their effects on water quality. A summary of the facts and findings associated with this project and the measures addressed by this SWMP are as follows: • The beneficial uses for the receiving waters have been identified. None of these beneficial u&es will be impaired or diminish due to the construction and operation of this project. • The Ocean Vista Estates project will not significantly alter drainage patterns on the site. The discharge points will not be changed. • Only 65% of the total project area will be impervious. Op~n areas and slopes will be landscaped to reduce or eliminate sediment discharge. • The proposed construction and post-construc;tion BMPs address mitigatiqn measures to protect water quality and protection of water quality objectives and beneficial uses to the maximum extent practicable. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Water ManageinentPlan (SWMP). Ocean Vista Estates APN: 203·144·01 THIS STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. THE REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER ATTESTS TO THE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN ANP THE ENGINEERING DATA UPON WHICH RECOMMENDATIONS, CONCLUSIONS, AND DECISIONS ARE BASED. . Bartolome J. Pastor REGISTERED CIVIL ENGJNEEJ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT A Vicinity Map Storm Water Management,Plan (SWMP) Ocean Visfa·Estates APN: 203·144~01 I I I I I OCEAN VISTA ESTATES I SITE I I I I I I I I I I I I I ALTA CONSULTANTS PLANNING ENGINEE~ING SURVEYING 4,901 Korena Blvd. Ste. 4,09 San Dleco. CA 92117 (858) 581-6101 Fax (858) 581-6138 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT B Storm Water Management. Plan (SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates APN: 203-144-01 Site Plan and BMP Drawing I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates APN: 203-144-01 ATTACHMENT C Hydrology Calculation Tables I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXISTING CONDITIONS HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS Project: Ocean Vistas Location: Ocean Street, Carlsbad Storm Frequency: 100 Years Area A= Precipitation P6= Length of Travel L= Effective Slope S = Time of Concentration Tc= Runoff Coefficient C= Intensity I = Existing Site RUDoff Q= 0.64 Acres 2.5 Inches 237 Feet 3.8% 10.03 Minutes 0.42 Vacant lot 4.20 Incheslhour 1.12 cfs I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS Project: Ocean Vista Estates Location: Ocean Street, Carlsbad Date: July 22, 2004 Watershed Ar~a 1 Area (A) = Travel Distance (L) = Slope (S) = Time of Concentration (Tc) = Intensity (I) = Runoff Coefficient (C) = Designed Runoff (Q) = Watershed Area 2 Area (A) = Travel Distance (L) = Slope (S) = Time of Concentration (Tc) = Intensity (1) = Runoff Coefficient (C) = Designed Runoff (Q) = Watershed Area 3 Area (A) = Travel Distance (L) = Slope (S) = Time of Concentration (Tc) = Intensity (I) = Runoff Coefficient (C) = Designed Runoff (Q) = Watershed Area 4 Area (A) = Travel Distance (L) = Slope (S)= Time of Concentration (Tc) = Intensity (1) = Runoff Coefficient (C) = Designed Runoff (Q) = Watershed Area 5 Area (A) = Travel Distance (L) = Slope (S) = Time of Concentration (Tc) = Intensity (I) = Runoff Coefficient (C) = Designed Runoff (Q) = 0.22 210 2.0% 5.18 6.44 0.85 1.20 0.11 150 2.0% 5.00 6.59 0.85 0.62 0.11 150 2.0% 5.00 6.59 0.85 0.62 0.11 150 2.0% 5.00 6.59 0.85 0.62 0,08 35 1.0% 6.39 5.62 0.50 0.22 Precipitation (p6), = 2.5 Soil Classification: "D" Storm Frequency: 100 years Remarks Acres R-3 Lot Feet . Minutes IncheslHour Urban Area Watershed C.F.S. Runoff to Ocean St. Acres PD Lot 1 Feet Minutes (Calculated at 4.38 minutes) IncheslHour Urban Area Watershed C.1;".S. Runoff to Ocean St. Acres PDLot2 Feet Minutes (Calculated at 4.38 n$utes). IncheslHour Urban Area Watershed C.F.S. Runoff to Ocean St. Acres PD Lot 3 Feet Minutes (Calculated at 4.38 minutes) IncheslHour Urb~ Area Watershed C.F.S. Runoff to Ocean St. Acres PDLot3 Feet .. Minutes IncheslHour Grass/Landscaping . C.F.S. Runoff to Garfield St (sheet) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT D Storm Water Management Plan (SwMP) Ocean Vista Estates APN: 203~144·(J1 85th Percentile Precipitation Map "RECEIVED Jut 22 2.005 ENG\NEERING DEPARiME.NT I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---- San Diego County 85th Percentile Isopluvials Draft 81712003 Legend ......... ,,0180_. ~~3~·l ~. NO"<. Thoontlperc ... IIIotIl_1oH'IoUf1llIntdlglal. tlIOjlf .. HtlI ......... IIIdI~tBS%oIh obIVored:lHou,,.IrI,,IIoLakoMlbelou IharlhlY~u. DPW ~GIS ~.::==... • s:"J!i :r-=~:.:;-~-"'",: .:--:::.~-= """:''::'::::=-'':::=-'::- ~ ...... ~....---- -- W*E s· I I I I I 024Miles -- -- ." - ----- -- - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT E Formula Sheet .Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Ocean Vista Estates . APN: 203-144"()1 I I HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULIC REFERENCE FORMULA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TIME OF CONCENTRATION: 11 9'L 3 .385 JC= ( 'H ) Tc = 1.8(1.1-C) II S1l3 INTENSITY (Ins./hr.): I = 7.44 P 6 D -0.645 Natural 'vVatershed -County Dwg.: Appendex X-A Where: Tc = Minutes + Initial 10 Minutes L = Miles of Watershed Along Natural Channel H = Difference.in Elevation along . effective slope Line . Urban Area Overland Flow Fig. 3-5 'vVhere: Tc = Minutes . C = Runoff Coefficient L = Overland Travel Distance S = Effective Slope (%) Intensity-Duraton-Frequency -' County Design and . Procedure Manual (Appendix XI-A) . Where: 1= Int.ensity (ins./hr.) , P6 = 6 h.ours Precipitaton in (Ins.) D = Duration in minutes MANNING'S FOR PIPE: (Designed Runoff) .Q = 0.4632 dB/3SI12 n n e = 2arccos (1-2D) d Q =9. 739DrHe 1.5 Basic Formula,: For Capacity Calculation, S should'be Sf -for Pipe Flowing Full So -for Pipe Partially Full . Handbooks for Hydraulics by Baxter & Kings Pipe on channel flo\\' EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. IN CASE EMERGENCY WORK IS REQUlRED,CONTACT _____________ AT _______ (PHONE NUMBER) 2. EQUIPMENT AND WORKERS FOR EMERGENCY WORK SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE RAINY SEASON. ALL NECESSARY MA TERIALS SHALL BE STOCKPILED ON SITE AT CONVENIENT LOCA TlONS TO FACILITATE RAPID CONSmUCTION OF TEMPORARY DEVICES WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. 3. DEVICES SHOWN ON PLANS SHALL NOT BE MOVED OR MODIFIED WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEERING INSPECTOR. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CON mOL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL 5. THE CONmACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CON mOL MEASURES AS MA Y BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERA TlONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MA Y ARISE. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND SHALL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT PUBLIC mESPASS ONTO AREAS WHERE IMPOUNDED WATERS CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDITION. 7. ALL EROSION CONmOL MEASURES PROVIDED PER THE APPROVED GRADING PLAN SHALL BE INCORPORA TED HEREON. 8. GRADED AREAS AROUND THE PROJECT PERIMETER MUST DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FACE OF SLOPE A T THE CONCLUSION OF EACH WORKING DAY. 9. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHOWN SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PERCENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL 10. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGRATE. 11. SHOULD GERMINATION OF HYDROSEEDED SLOPES FAIL TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE COVERAGE OF GRADED SLOPES (90% COVERAGE) PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 15, THE SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED BY PUNCH smAW INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 35.023 OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONmOL HANDBOOK OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION, STA TE OF CALIFORNIA TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ALL PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EROSION CON mOL PLANTING AND IRRIGA TlON SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 212 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICA TlONS AND THE FOLLOWING: A. HYDROSEEDING SHALL BE APPLIED TO: 1. ALL SLOPES THA T ARE GRADED 6: 1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) OR STEEPER WHEN THEY ARE: Q. THREE FEET OR MORE IN HEIGHT AND ADJACENT TO A PUBLIC WALL OR SmEET. b. ALL SLOPES 4 FEET OR MORE IN HEIGHT. 2. AREAS GRADED FLA TTER THAN 6: 1 WHEN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS EXIST: Q. NOT SCHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS(CONSmUCTION OR GENERAL LANDSCAPING) WITHIN 60 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING. b. IDENTIFIED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR AS HIGHLY VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC. c. HA VE ANY SPECIAL CONDITION IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY ENGINEER THA T WARRANTS IMMEDIA TE mEA TMENT. B. HYDROSEEDED AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: C. D. E. 1. ALL SLOPES THAT ARE GRADED 6:1 OR STEEPER AND THAT ARE: Q. THREE TO EIGHT FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE IRRIGA TED BY HAND WATERING FROM QUICK COUPLERS/HOSE BIBS OR A CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM OF LOW PRECIPITATION SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 100% COVERAGE. b. GREA TER THAN 8 FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE WA TERED BY A CONVENTION- AL SYSTEM OF LOW PRECIPITA TlON SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 100% COVERAGE. 2. AREAS SLOPED LESS THAN 6: 1 SHALL BE IRRIGA TED AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, PRIOR TO HYDROSEEDING. THE DEVELOPER SHALL SUBMIT A PROPOSED SCHEME TO PROVIDE IRRIGATION TO THE CITY ENGINEER. THE PROPOSAL SHALL BE SPECIFIC REGARDING THE NUMBERS, TYPES AND COSTS OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM. 3. IRRIGA TlON SHALL MAINTAIN THE MOISTURE LEVEL OF THE SOIL A T THE OPTIMUM LEVEL FOR THE GROWTH OF THE HYDROSEEDED GROWTH. HYDROSEEDING MIX SHALL CONSIST OF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. SEED MIX SHALL CONSIST OF NO LESS THAN: Q. 20 Ibs. PER ACRE OF ROSE CLOVER b. 20 Ibs. PER ACRE OF ZORRO FESCUE c. 3 Ibs. PER ACRE .OF E SCHOOL CIA CALIFORNICA d. 4 Ibs. PER ACRE OF ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIA e. 3 Ibs. PER ACRE OF ALYSSUM (CARPET OF SNOW) f. 1/2 lb. PER ACRE OF DIMORPHOLECA g. ITEMS c,d,e, AND f OF THIS SUBSECTION MAYBE OMITTED ON LOCA TlONS WHERE THE AREA BEING HYDROSEEDED IS NOT VISIBLE FROM EITHER A PUBLIC smEET OR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES. h. ITEM Q OF THIS SUBSECTION MUST BE INOCULA TED WITH A NITROGEN FIXING BACTERIA AND APPLIED DRY EITHER BY DRILLING OR BROADCASTING BEFORE HYDROSEEDING. I. ALL SEED MA TERIALS SHALL BE mANSPORTED TO THE JOBSITE IN UNOPENED CONTAINERS WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE CERTIFICATION TAG ATTACHED TO, OR PRINTED ON SAID CONTAINERS. j. NON-PHYTO-TOXIC WETTING AGENTS MA Y BE ADDED TO THE HYDROSEED SLURRY AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CONmACTOR. 2. TYPE 1 MULCH APPLIED AT THE RATE OF NO LESS THAN 2000 Ibs PER ACRE. TYPE 6 MULCH (smAW) MA Y BE SUBSTITUTED, ALL OR PART, FOR HYDRAULICALL Y APPLIED FIBER MA TERIAL WHEN S1R4 W IS USED IT MUST BE ANCHORED TO THE SLOPE BY MECHANICALL Y PUNCHNG NO LESS THAN 50% OF THE STRAW INTO THE SOIL 3. FERTILIZER CONSISTING OF AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULFATE, 16-20-0, WITH 15% SULPHUR APPLIED A T THE RA TE OF 500 Ibs. PER ACRE. AREAS TO BE HYDROSEEDED SHALL BE PREPARED PRIOR TO HYDROSEEDING BY: 1. ROUGHENING THE SURFACE TO BE PLANTED BY ANY OR A COMBINATION OF: Q. mACK WALKING SLOPES STEEPER THAN 6: 1 b. HARROWING AREAS 6: 1 OR FLA TTER THA TARE SUFFICIENTLY FRIABLE. c. RIPPING AREAS THA T WILL NOT BREAK UP USING ITEMS Q OR b ABOVE. 2. CONDITIONING THE SOILS SO THAT IT IS SUITABLE FOR PLANTING BY: Q. ADJUSTING THE SURFACE SOIL MOISTURE TO PROVIDE A DAMP BUT NOT SA TURA TED SEED BED. b. THE ADDITION OF SOIL AMENDMENTS, PH ADJUSTMENT, LEACHING OR COVERING SALINE SOILS TO PROVIDED VIABLE CONDI110NS FOR GROWTH. HYDROSEEDED AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PROVIDE A VIGOROUS GROWTH UNTIL THE PROJECT IS PERMANENTLY LANDSCAPED OR, FOR AREAS WHERE HYDROSEEDING IS THE PERMANENT LANDSCAPING, UNTIL THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED AND ALL BONDS RELEASED. • j • • I I I i __ L~ __ i • I • • I I • I • I • I • • I I • • r.q I I ~ • I • I t:I • I • I r.q r.q • I • I • I • I • I '1 ---------------------4---------.. ------------------------------------------- GARF ELD ST. ·b '. LOT 9~SF • stOnED ~ ""","-,y ·b .. 50-----'---~ PDWTl I'D LOT 2 4,9Il4 SF 4,9Il4 SF '" ~ L j: OJRB &; GUTTER ""-"'ACE .."..TED TO EXlS1ING so INlET IN OCEAN ST. 0 """"""'" . L ! -w=~.~~~~~~:jl:::::t==~~=:.t:~==:: r=-.w-.wf--w--w.l-a.-w-0-w-"-,,,-wl@-y,,,,-w-w-w1w o_o_o_w_o_w_o_o_o1-o_\l_o_o_w_w_o_o..1. 1-o_o_o_o_.1..._o_o_o_o_o_w_o_o_o_w_o_o_w_ (II UJ EX.. WATER ijAlN u> ~~y~~---7~-----~---------4--~-----------~------------+--------~.~------------------ DESCRIPTION / ~ UJ (II U> "-"' ... _s_s _s_s_s_s_s~T~~~~~_s_s_s_s_s_s_sJs_sL.s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s_sls_s_s_s_s_s_s_s_s~s_s_s_s_s_s_s_s_s_s () s_s_s_s_s_s_s_s. Pm DYIG.. 188--9 £XIST. SEWER lotH ~"-' _ _ . 20 0 10 Ki-. I ! LEGEND QUANTITY GRAPHIC SCALE 20 40 ! I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. Firm: Nome: 80 I ALTA CONSULTANTS BARTOLOME J. PASTOR STABIIJZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1. SET POSTS AND EXCAVATE A 4 BY 4 IN (10 BY 10 CM) TRENCH UPSLOPE FROM AND ALONG IHE LINE OF POSTS. 2. STAPLE WIRE FENCING TO IHE POSTS . 1t!:::::~~4 IN (10 CM) 3. ATTACH IHE RLTER FABRIC TO IHE WIRE FENCE AND EXTEND IT INTO IHE TRENCH. 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOIL Sn.T FENCE GRAVEL BAGS OVERLAP ONTO CURB 3 FT (0.9 M) MIN. RUNOFF GAP BETWEEN BAGS ACTS AS SPILLWAY IHREE LA YERS OF GRA VEL BAGS WlIH ENDS OVERLAPPED GRAVEL BAGS CONSTRUCTION SITE ENTRANCES: CONSTRUCTION SITE ENTRANCES SHALL BE PER CALIFORNIA STORMWATER BMP HANDBOOK, STANDARD TC~I, MODIRED AS FOLLOWS: METAL SHAKER PLATES WILL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOCATIONS UNLESS SPECIRCALL Y WAIVED BY IHE ENGINEERING INSPECTOR DUE TO SITE CONSTRAINTS. ROCK SIZE SHALL BE 2" MINUS. A FENCE, BARRICADE OR OIHER DEVICE APPROVED BY IHE ENGINEERING INSPECTOR SHALL BE USED TO RESTRICT CONSTRUCTION TRAmc AT IHE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. STABU,TZED CONS'fRUCTION ENTRANCE TC-l. " AS BUILT" RCE ____ _ EXP. _____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE Phone #: FAX #: 4901 MORENA BLVD. # 409 'SAN DIEGO, CA., 92117 (858) 581-6101 (858) 581-6138 1-_-1-_-1-__________ -1-_-+-_+-_+----11 SH3EET 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 SHE3ETS I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~E=RO=S=I=O~N=C=O=N=T=R=OL==P=LA=N=S==F=O=R:============~====~ Sll.T FENCE GRAVEL BAGS BARTOLOME J. PASTOR DATE: RCE 38606, EXP. 3/31/2007 ALTA CONSULTANTS PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING 4901 Morena Blvd. ste. 409 San Diego, CA 92117 (858) 581-6101 Fax (858) 581-6138 .JOB NO. 257-05, DATED .JUNE 2, 2005 DATE INITIAl DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ornER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL OCEAN ESTATES PROJECT OCEAN STREET APPROVED EXP 12/31/05 LLOYD B. HUBBS, CITY ENGINEER DATE OWN BY: ALTA PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: CT 04-22 432-3A